f , " ' 1 ' 1 1 1 ' ' - . ' 'I 1 - - ol. :;ti--ito..30o. wilmegtok;; it. c simDAYiJoi DAILY JOUKNAIi r : - r 7 P-irx-T nra state. - . . t ru AATniiAit,Y. '." ' - z ,--; .-. - a p 5; - P 'i , j r t3 3 2 a s -i h 2 3 B I- a 3 r m c 1 8 8 ;8 ia i s S 2 S s v, 8 S o 8 8 8 S 5 8 OB 9 8 to o 8 S -J 8 8j8 - i - & 8 8! 8 gf g 81 8 -5 8 L8 3. UJ CO 8J 8 8 8 L8I8I P 8 8 1 eution Lad the close, and threw lee opi the uro x junuieo.; r Jiai tbey did not quite pti The Jae charged accordiDjr to law and evidence, bnt evidently leaned on the side oi mercy. The ;nry found verdict of gnilty, bat nnanimoaaly recommended the prisoner to tne mercy of the conrt - My client wu sentenced to the shortest impris- vuwvut uie couri wse empowered to give, and both jury and court eigned a petition io iuo vwvernor lor an unconditional par don, which has since been kindly eranted. wu uos ueiore me louowmg lnterestin3in cident ocenrred : - - . Soma three months after this, I received an account for collection from a wholesale House In .New York. The parties to col lect from were hard ones : but thev had property, and before they had an1 idea of me irapiaiu, x UM tne property, which tney - were about to . Assign, before the broke, under attachment Findincr thai ' was a neck ahead and bound to win,; they "caved in" and forked over $3,594 18 (per momorananm book) in good money. They lived in Bhawneetown, about thirty five or forty miles southeast of Moora'a prairie. I received the funds just after the bank opened, but other business detained me until after dinner. I then started for , intending to go as far as the village j I had -cone aloncr ten op tvIvn miloa when I noticed a splendid team h nnna aiiacnea to a light wagon, in which were seated four men, evidently of the high strung order. : They swept past me as if to Buow.me now easuy they could do it They shortened in, and allowed me to come up wun tnem, and asked me to " wet," or, in other words, diminish the jug of old rve they had aboard ; but I eicoaed myself nrim hjo pica mas x uaa plenty on board, j.ney astea me how far I was going. I told them as far as Mount .Vernon. ; if my " "'"a we oui. aney mentioned a W rrrrT v t vrrnTr fu wvern ten or twelve miles ahead ?""V " ' ? nor the,r ctionJ- But I was bound to ro anTTCT,NSocr,,wercwl had a brace of revolvers and a hi j wuuey was in a Deit around my body. I drove slow, in hopes that they would go on. and I should see them no more. v It was nearly dark when I tavern sign ahead. At the same time I saw their wagon before the door. I would have passed on. but I hauled up. and a woman nttna ti Va door. She turned as bale as a hAt, xehan she saw me. She did not speak, but with a meaning look she cut her fin i: - i i . : o-- w wpp, nan Decionea me to come in. She was we wiie oi my client -" When i entered, the tartv rvfmi,i me, and hailed me as an old traveling friend, and asked me to take a drink. I respect- iiuij uut uriuiy uecuneu. , - . ,,. . Bat you'll drink or fight 1 " said the noisiest oi the party. , j ast as you please ; dnnk I shall not I " One SCBSCIUPTIOIf. Tour . Hi inonilm , ...." " 1 Uree iiiuiilIin. ""'" .to ool 6 00 3 00 Ons ypnr. t'nsciuPTioar Jlxi. iaC7 ...... $3 00 i 2 00 THE DAILY" JOURKAt. I WILMINGTON. N. C. 1 WHOLE NUMBER ! , n f - T - 2 ii' Br cnosir nonius. DWElxnCJ oa North sldw Karket, betireea Soe ond and TUrd streets, now ooenpied by 11 r. Alexander Einilh 15 rooms and all necestarv out houaee. ,, . , ii . .... ELicvn: Ml DWELUNQ on Nortli aida Miri ond and Third street. lately oornpied Gardner and Nun 6 room, KLtcLen ad all he- necessary onmoasfa. , o'j?i Ai::;r.L tital OF ' 1' , . . . . ..." -MBS.' RANSOM'S ftifiyas: FEMALE G EUlfjARY DWELLINGr Lnmsden 9 ont-bemses. between Front OccnDied bv Mr. J. rs: rooms, Kitcben and all necesaary v FOB THK . ' YEAR, DWELLIXO on corner "of Tmnt : 'a'nj etreeta, at present occupied by Mr. P. W. Kerch ner 10 rooms and all necessary ont-housea. ; ; WHiT.IIK GTON. IT. C. M. -iwrv .... .i--f r .s rr muss wt Session of tbla InaUtattoa vrlU JL begin on the 7th of October. 17. . Tbe ablest teachers in every branch alone will The moot ocomriatirl iy..u4 t icnauni ui diUUU ana OI Ancinnt mil ITruWn T enages have been Bcnrtul. Trench will be habitaallv tnoken fai tht RmS. Jjor particularg, apply to R0SERT BAKSOM, IVincipaL. ENSUING ON THtttWDAY, ICPTC3IBKR 19t 1807, COMMENCING AT TEN O'CLOCK, A. M. nnt and Bed Cross streeta, lately occupied by Mr. i imnu y iwiiu juq s,u necessary cut nouses EDMtJNDSON HOTEL" corner Front and ged j wvBo aireew w rooms, all in perfect or Jer. . -T -"r.,vwu vuaitvaiAu vutu ,New Brn Journl of Commerce, Raleigh Pen- It li Z . "j ubi xioncuan, wuson North Carohman ; Tn-weeklj Salisbury Old Not th "iS. Weekly tfadeaboro "Argns, ifarion BUr and Washington Index, cortv two mnntho vma w hub mnco ior payment. MISS THREE Front (3) TENEMENTS upon East Bids of KATE BURR ....- AJTD . , - HE T TIE On THVRSDA F, SEPTEMBER 19, 1807, at 10 O'clock, A- M., at EXCHANGE " . CORNER, we will Rent, at Public :l Auction, for One Year from OCTOBER FIRST, 1867, "r unless previously die posed of upon pri vate terms, THE . FOLLQ WINO DESCRIBED DWELIJNO rner of Second and Walnut street. n I k K II p t TT ri -r mno chael Barry and other, f - v , .T, f LJ5!6? J?.", in rcar.of 8t. James' AChnrcb. TSAT LARQE AND COMMODIOUS DOUBLE TENEMENT upon South side of Bed Cross, be tween Front and Second streets known as the : FRAKKLIN HOTEL. 14 rooms and all necessary outhouses ' ; FOUB DWELLINGS upon south side of Walnut, between Front and Second streets 4 rooms each. STOEES; - ,ir If WHARVES DWELLING AND MABBLE IABD corner Front m ii uiu aixeeis. . . DWELLING nnon Kant a!la nf fijuwtn1 hotnA.. .. lr r"30" aweeia, xnown as the " Ma uu noaae a rooms and aU necessary out-1 muses. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1867.' A LUFIEIl'S ADVESTlfltE. . About four years ego, wbile I was prac ticing law in Illinois, on a nrettr larr A ' A. ml f w A - cuic, x was called on one day in my office by a very pretty woman, who, not without tcura, ioia me mat tier husband hA h.an arrested lor horse-stoalinr. t Rh h nii T ,-f- n. TTrv retain me for the defend, t t,Jnnit v.it ifj-i,- . . . . whavu iici i wv wus)s) AiLaa nix t.i in kx in sirtAirtr wnv ana d hi Trt rrt -r i v.vio It . 7 . " uu xir , an i eiuri. . , ine otiicrs lnteroosed and verv AfLn nnifif.RI ' m v nnnAiiMf i , rir . .1 1-Va Arr-r . ttI'. ttU- o-io.mourniujjy cigar, wnicn A-should not have reeeired. af aaa uc?9 retaining fee be- but glance at the woman induced m A KuK-f!S,; "dea, he did not want accept it,. She advanced and proffered me 1 Z f totAhn husband was sua- a liLt. and in doing so slipped a note into .,1 Cj ," sa.lcuo.to uana jwy uauu, wmcu sne must nave written the i P"0 anA 00lulterfeiter8 whose momenV before ; it was written with a pen- ..v.u,v..1uliiil y,VV uiea as moores pra irie. '. JV',, '.. , , . ., if . I asked her to tell 11 1.. . .. " w.w UkU M ino matter, nna it was true that her bus- DWELLING HOUSES, &C. DWELLING upon Fourth, between Hanover and Brunswick streets, occupied by Mr. Thomas Good-ing-8 rooms. . - .. , , ; liWJOdjING upon Mnlberry, between 4th and 5th streets, occupied by Mr. J. &. Clark--5 rooms and u uoceaaarj oninouses. on THUBSDAY, THE THDD OF next. v . . . s The eourss of instruction adopted is that which a kDe personal experience in teachihg has dem onstrated as most efficient. 'Great care and at tention is bestowed to InsUIL thoroughly, the ru- uuuua ui mo several orancnes; ana the pupil is -v.r r.Vg,c i.jjiuij as ism capacity will admit. Care ia taken that the pupil ia thoroughly luavractea in au siuaies undertaken.' j.uinoapermonui..d.....k...... . . ' k t . .esaion of fonr and a half months,.t20 . "kuo io icwimu naer dj me month : or iuit me Beauon oi iour ana a half months. In every instance one-half of the tuition will be re quired m adyance, the remainder payable at the end of the ti me specified, i , No deduction made for time lost, except in case of protracted sickness, . j . ..... . ... No boys orer ten years of age admitted. : 8ePtia , 297-t3d Oc - SCHOOL NOTICE. rpHK MISSICS PaiGK wlU open School J-i?5WPDA2lrt October.-at the residence A Pi-?1"108' oniFoorta street, between TEBK8 PBB (JCABIEb: . .. The higher branches of English, French in- i .eluded. , $12 09 Drawing (in Crayon and Pencil)...".."'.' 600 Music at Professor's Charges. ' ' Further parUculars made known on application, sept 14 . 299 -' RAILROADS. . RAILnc A. , "ijilzinstoa and JIws; Railroad Co, XJejtfjiae SrPEaiKTuxDKNT'a Omcs, imwBiui, m. kj., jury , ie7. , KOTICI TO Lr irrrr.3 cr i Mt fter JnlrOth Faiwiictr Trains w w . una iwaa wiu run on Uie following Sched- the nsAEiini al: EXTEESS TRAIN. leave Wilmington... Arrive at Kine8Tilla,i lvWv A-n&4. . ... w uu unu. - . . . . - Leave AuCTiata.. ..;.. Arrive at Kinpsville.;.v..i.: -t-. Arrive at Wilmington... . 4 . ,. 2:15 A. ...114 A. M. M. , 7:W P. M. 8:55 A. M. 11:15 A. It 8:30 P. U. 1 ACCOMMODATION- TRAIN. Leave Wflniington.;.V.;....;. W pjw. Arrive at Kinganlle....... .....8 25 A. M. Leave Einea?ille.......' Ju. ..r-...3i 45 p r Arrive at Wilmington... .,.... .8 15 A. 1L Expreaa Train connects closely at Florencowith the North Eastern Railroad, for Chsrleaton. and Cheraw and Darlington Railroad, for Chcraw. and runs throuirh to Annata. Oertrla' withrm change... k'',,; . it f-i -?i s .-.-.-i-; . , Accommodation Train with South Carolina Railroad, for Augusta, daily, and for Colombia on Mondava. WAHnouiin ; - r i: r.. . WM. MicBAE, Oenl.Snp't. Inly 23l-tf WILSIKGTON & WLD0X RAILROAD COHPANT ; i.f, . Orrxc Cinxr EsonreiB Itro Gnf. 8trrt, I ; ; WnJCKOTOK, N. C, Sept. 1, 1867. J ; r t EEGUliAE SCHEDULE. a . aaa , mfter ' Sena. 1 ' th rniuvi.. O-L-J-l all i 1 T. . . .... ye run dj tns passenger trains O over this Railroad DAY TRAINS. Will leave Wilmington ev(rmnrnn faviufl. I days) at 6 o'clock. A. M.. and Weldnn VAAMA O J v 'a. a j. . 7'. v. I yellow ouuub; iu:iu a. m,; arrtTtOff atl Wilmingrton at 8 o'clock, P. M.. and at WeldoS tit AAlA.k Tl 1 ' " " " I J f NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS ' I- .... wui leave wiiminctnn to an t. w .n. i i r L " r uy arriving at w liming- PORTSMOUTH, VA.. rate ohly direct l,ixe csTxycnjf" liOSTON, : , , .. . , miLADELrm a . ' '" ' It is expreaa in point of apeed ati i-l "e-tv of Fii?ut"Trills ftm 4U 8 70 DOU1a a advance of all Other LiJioe, and at as low rate. It oflers daily communication with r Iirnoro." Dafly communication with l li'Jadelr,! iA. . 9 toancys each week to New York. Two steamera each week to liosinn.. ' niyllne having thee ajyar.lsips. and by which there ia but one handling 0f fn-'4t. Cars are loaded at the wharves inl 'JiUuou.u and are run through to destination. B careful to direct your conBipiora to ship cnlv From BaUJmor. by ttoa Aorfolfc r IJne Steamera, foot of Union I?nc!t. .FroiJPlllld,P111 y the AnuameattB lane, Philadelphia Wilmington aj..l ui- lonlh Dtlawr Avtnat. . From Haw Torlc by the CU Eomlnlom Stcamihlp Uat, Pier 3T, Nortn r Irer. Ff 3m Iloaton by the Korfjtu tteauabJo I4a. end of Central Wharf. . " jf1 damagea or over chafes rromptly adjusted, on appUcation to u 1 umywj. ' rr JA1IE3 JIcCAr.-Icr, . ? Transportation Agent, Portsmouth, Vs. i T6 f0",?" marked eia I'ortouth, and in ahipplng to PhUadelphia, marked xia Code's Line, or xa AnnameBsio, : J . ' ! "-.v:': - i - e. o. cnio, i ouperintonaent Trascrortation, 1 aug. SO ALBEET DAI afirWWSr M 6:00 "r "wrcn, - Trains pass Goldsboro' at 1:57 A. M., and 10:35 ! " : . ! -A. M. eoinff North, and t a-os P ar ..m.i i ! I .t . 1 . ..... j'.; NORTH CARCLm, Any of which may be examined, or information in OFFICE, - Bpn PPUcation onr 2VO. 3 NORTH , TF.4 TifiJ S2REET. oithouees, WWJULL1NO upon North side of Chesnut. be- I " " ,6 iuLu etroeia, lately occupied iuorns rooms and au neceasanr ant . j. " y i ""w uage xt j an ex-benator of the United States, whoso of-, lico was in town. I told her that I was a STOKES. I DWELLING upon South side of Cheanut, be tween Eighth and Ninth streets, occupied by Mr. A.Beach-ft rooms.'. . ; . ... WItMISGTON 31ALE PE1IAIE SEMINARY TTflM HE-OPEN OCTOBER 3d.' For particulars, see CiacuLaa, to be found at the JOURNAL OFFICE on Monday next. O. W. Post copy. sept 14 JEWETT. 299-tf Mrs, Laura Rothwell, Proll Sternberg I. That BRICK RTrmtt Market, between Front and Mjun v... of and adjoining the Drug Store of Mr. E. Willis. DTOIfflrO Eass of and adjoining above, occu pied by Mr. E. Allen 5 rooms. - DWELLINa UDonNorth side of Princess be- AND THE MISSES ROTHWELL. 1: W t wpe? EB"h and Claaaical ? f ocnooi ror iwtv a.nri airi rnj. tha l.tAf ntJ " "co"t Land UiJ bolonff to such a band. t au, air, saia sne, "a better man at iiran man my ueorga never lived, but he im cams ana arm, and I am afraid they nads him do what ho never would have dona if he had not drank; I feftr it can be provodtbat ha had the horse; he didn't j.cai n; anotner stolo .it and, passed it to him." . - - ' l u.a t lika the case. ; I knew thera was ft preat dislike to the gang located where tao named, and feared to risk the caso be fore a j ury. She seemed, to observe my in- a v ciujj me caso, ana oursted into tears. ... ... , I never could boo a woman weep without feeling like a . xrctile fnr.1 mBf t : hada t been eyes brightened with " pearly tears, I d never been caught in the lasso of matrimony. My would-be client was rrcuj. vine Handkerchief that hid her streaming eyes didn't hide her red lips : and her paowy, bosom rose and fell like 'o K"! in a gale of wind at eea.M took u.e i ensn, ana sne gave ma the particulars. Kiwis, i-i wmenne was not a mem ber, had persuaded him tn tab t He knew it was stolen, and, like a fool, ao- f""1;11 wnen arrested. Worse still, i-j uua irimmea tne horse's man ami tail cUNever shall I forcet th wnM. thZ, ,,f trV BBICK 8T0BE upon North: side of STT"?."? eets, occupied by Mr. TEKHS PEE SESST0W CIV fl WnWTTTa -...i . o , v. i AjL&rKML. neiwMn Hminnii tv,; : , ri ouuuroruua. a rooma. I v awAAAw were;,; - : nmi7 " V Beware-they are ' members of ; the 7 wnKfit- gang. : iney mean to rob and murder you. J X !11 . - i Leave soon,, and tnem." I will manage to detain I A fCTAT -nntov oimor,-. .. .. lZTJTlC. "rT uo woc, De- vr.rVot . T.TTT i C , "ui eiuwoii vccopiea ny air. T nnt Tnl J l 11 . , I t . ymvoi auu crontl- , .wiua. I11CU VU tUU& BUa -. ... I English Branches (including continflrent fee). 148 Auueuc ana xtioaern .Languages, each.. ..... . . 20 xiiiumeuii na vocal ilnsic, each.; ....... i. 60 Drawing (Pencil, Crayon or Pastel),......,.. 25 . aai lmStaw " Have you any room to nnt mv hnraa v T 1- - S i I x aeaeu, turning io ine woman. DWELLING east of and adjoining above, rooms. ! wnat I you are not going to stay here 1 d Wilkinson's alley, tornight ? " asked one of the men : "we are Mewra, A. Johnson 5?j?CK 8T0BE. corner South Water atrt l Wll Irinonnii, a . . T." I present ooenpied dt Co.; ado. WABEHOUSE in t -sr. wv, vnnmu punui water ana iront streets. ' . u , rrove ltl :t -. . . unceremoniously left. I pnt tho whin to f r i trial came on." I worked hard to get my horse. .The7l mt iKSSfJr jury OI ignorant men, who had more I threw my light away, and left mvhof v'r , n p ,u ""Puneat orfol- heard a crash a" horrid shriek. Tl o La Lilrjnthine mazes of law; could wheels . wera oft rh Twi1 ieeiior a young fellow in a bad fix and a horses tei we-m- pretty wife, nearly heart-broken the wagon, f.i. l quuaUracted. up in tha .juowingr tha use of effect, I told her heard as I t-.rc -i m deep mournincr anl Krin u;a going on. " I think I shaU stay," I replied. .... we ll au stay. then. I cmesa. and mat a a night of it," said one of the cut-throats. " You will have to cut rm vonr ovn lmu- here'fl a lantern," said the woman. "lam used to that." I said.. ''Gentle-1 WOODEN TiniLDmn mn.. vn. .- mon T -11 . ' , . , k.., ,- - - . . ami aim-! iug a Ytui juui you in a OTinK I lonneriy occupiea by Dr. ElwelL wueu x come in. . , i i - Good on vonr head 1 mnrfl xpliiotov . t i l 1 i v j . i. x veui qui auu criancea at t.hPir vrnmn It was old-fashioned, and linch pins secured me wneeis. xo lane out my knife and pry one from the fore and hind wheels was but the work of a moment, and T throw rhm ia tne aarnnesa as iar as I could. Td untie my, horse and dash off . was but the " luobuuip. xue roau lay aown a steep mil, but my lantern lighted me some what. I had hardly got under good headway be- ' CtMirloUc Fenale Institute, , l ICnABLOTTE, N. 0. " Bev. B. BTJRWELL, i ' . :, JOHN B. BURWELL, A. M., f PrinPl. BRICK AND WOODEN DWELLING8,' corner of T2 SESSION 06mMENCES ON THE w n s aireeia, lately occupied by Mrs I 1 - J. J. MeCallum, 9 rooms. i. . I 0ei.ber, and continues until 80th June, 1368. or wrcuiar ana uit&iogue eontaining ull nar- DWELLING upon West side of Fifth, between i Nnn and Church streeta. latelv oMnmui k. nr. ! r.,or.. e - ,. ' - "i v.iyi.uKir ivviiu uiu ait neaaceary put-houses. julyl3 BEV; B. BUBWELL & SON, t " - Charlotte, N. C. -'i. - J 243-eodtlst Oct 4 - UNIVERSITY WHARVES. inmv w Ttn m '.' r ' ' 7,.:' u , xmru oetween Princess and; ucouu owtwut snown as tne iiaU" property. Will Bent or sell. r Y . 3 X JSnvInn 9E??, COMMODIOUS WHARF wj'JSkPL8?? Bide,)front- - - r - k" -wo i iTer. ronnmsr Jaat with w-fVlf66??00'601' now ocenpied byMesara! worm a uaniel : an arrmlA kv. f-- .tow WW f iClliJ- i iroperty undergoing exienaiye a ftT7i 1110 lat8 John Barnes, upon following. wu... uwui xurou. uoiwecn cevenin ana Jughtb i streets, 5 rooms and all necessary ost-houaea. TMTfDT W W J rth & Daniel' an anroia I X upon -t side of i, and tff'&?B P"" mulberry streets, 5 repairs. of Ninth, rooma. ft' IT 4 FT TMinrn a - xoax UiuSlIiAlSLK WHARlf Vln TP t Tn )U8ES. OFFICE. A N n T T x rr tt V,, I rnw hnrar Th.nri ' i71f' j ..tr. ween peanut and MqJ- men. who V. ty, I t T I nvi;.- V " ' " .T"Ki"7air- a. a. n-1 wva tatvtvia aiuQW 1UT JiaCLLIi ItWBv. H.ni 1 PTE fnT hAfDll MvaUbaaUUlU U LOB HI " Whai - . ?rELLJSaA K West side of Front, between Chuanut and Mulberry streets, known as tha Ca sou House, 5 rooma. , ; , . ; . -f , . . r . I Tho j - . ,. : . . . i "uwa , cio on. xxi en. came tua ruan of icci iur a youag lellow in a bad fix and a honiAii.1 (AnHnv Irvnrr with Ka finally they seemed to fetch woods. One . op two shrieks I aWPnt ftn lonuinf. 4fiAM f U con Tnrmrnin,T0 v-j i..lt..-ji -, - '-- .""."""' . , ' L "-"Ti oniy tnree years old, i.j court, and sit as near to her husband aato c Ulcers would let her. I tried the name onco in a murjer case, and a weep "Jj wifa and sister made a; jury, redder a verdict against, law, evidence, and Uhe at Uu UB i;illl.rtT. WTitt MBWAsl aTll 11 I i . . J 0 wi v cu n mi id w T.nar. i VATa r nono i ah a-. a, t j : a j. cu ;.Lt to have been hnn i, r ::tr! MUI"2 B !: 7. v r : - "6" uuhuw goi me monej, out i didn t travel ioj.au xuiu ttuy mure. ALSO, OFFICES. i g0USE LOTsltuated upob McBae street House eontama S ronma in -V7 hpuaea. - Size of Lot 47 feet on MoRae street, run ning back 100 feet. ' - 'OF'"5 ' south Carolina! milE aiaxt Seaalon ofthla Initl(utli. m A open on the FIRST MONDAY of Otnhnr ni continue without interruption until the lat of July ADDliCeintfi iTllliit hA At lA-a fmAn vAaM i a i - -w v, w Ma.rWM 1 DM Q Ul flKO Each atndent may select hia schoola, but, in the acaueuiia jeparunent, mnat, unless specially ex cused by the Chairman of the Faculty, attend at least three. . . . . . between I - The Law and Medical Schoola bavin tr rMentlv been fully organized, there are now three depart- mania m tha ITnUaaai'l- .. - . . ... L-ACADEMIC'' i-- ,. '. i j . - ii. law. ; . - ' IU. MEDICINE. ::-::': ' The acereeate exoena-tn. innimiino 4v,n: board, wood, lights and washing, for the seasioa of mne months, will be : , , For Academic Student, attending three i pro- -- fessora about. .Vv.v; . j .u..-..v.u,i..t35 For Law Student, about..iv...v.......i. 280 For Medical Student attending a fall opuraeJ - - about.' 870 These fees are payable, half in October, half in February. . ariroT catalogues, givuig additional informs MUODIOUS DOUBLE ' TENEMENT ALSO, THAT .uu. - x vi svu9 uuia i unrnia n nna uiu iiuui. raiween i n tum- .nj m.. . i nnnmi . -. .. . . RW af iXe-i. " tIV A'A8 - ' " - ,n8n f? i0 v HonUini vV.ir- . T 6 " f . '"N""- , i; I o; "T?'. " necessary out-houaea. The next day I heard that Moore's prairie OFICE, BECOND FLOOR BUILDINO. corner 61 feet oa McEm -treetrunlung Tack team naa run awav. and twa mpn rt four had been so badly hurt that their lives of South Water street and WilkinsonValfeyinow oer.nniAA-1 ISw Ifaam unnKA a. v " l --. 7. r ' "www npi uui Ob X1LU9011. ALSO, r f t B rfo :c;.;on opened very bitterly, and inveis-cj. against thieves and counter f...:r. who Lad mada tha land a terror to ..rarers and travelors, and Wlid-had rob- L 1 a -aaw if 1 . 1 fVP rw T .1 Trv- a 4w.il . ja . I . a i w a aua axafua sis i.nu ram nw hi., a; ..a hn n a - r a ri ! ; introduced witnesses, and it of the lower House, , . w , v ua uuu iuore man 1 feared it wnnll ical Kpnata TV. TLe Radicals are taking pains to cover their 'game fcaco. being to talk of aoou twenty about fifteen members and a unanimous Bad- tall .f U- 19 cane lor ma tn H n. iv. a Ani,i .v,- a.nv. jLjk t -7s " " I wmw w vvuviWU aali.AA 9 I w a v 1 1 I ia . a. ii w I T7"iT?OT rrt t ?a a uwvtxu JUVA. BlUTiaiea TlTVtn tha AnmAa UiXlCK. Iroct and rear on NoxthaidaJUrkfiL h- h". . Blr18. nd adjoining the twam Kn Kj-T"JaaJttre5 he-1 above. Hons contains 3 rooma: Kiij,i. .it - ' T. . briiei.B. iBannn nnn, u... ..i i . ' on Owinn. . ; , Building now occupied llllSffi BtatbQ. the actual result of tha Vermont election. I " ! t l i t . TT.Itf rr DWELLING HOUSES. Witnesses, I had none. 7 ; s !.ALS0, Tint T M amrnof 1 XT t . I TCT11T niM.i.nnVn . . t ' I J r..3 U OnlT homns e -. I t,f V , i . ' u IRI.R HWt rTTv,i .. "'" JAHA- l- trc-J. 1 - a nnrv as " - .1 . w "uu a wo i'-i tn i,,ntA',i i r-" hww, ... two ifmunre mo iu.iuue eieo- ,4 , ., .... ?J ujjuii i wn , iuo Antuicais nave . carriea . ver .t'- i i v " , mont. again this year by a large ma- j 1 r -intea his picture. A younir man ioritv. but that maioritT ha ,Mnmi t;.. t into lilo. wedded U ini.ni . ta..f tr j u t. , " i , . ( ff6OT , .v.v.Mkuuuonuu, uie Asewucrauo vote DO- i Vi T . veiumaud I AwuAcai smaiier. xo tna xiouse oi liepre- aawwf mm MltCl 11. . I PTH I atr:iA LJX 1.1 VMM tar. li'QBr. r-vl A At am 11. rr t . Jfc a 7 I 7. v W F VCAAU. IXlUiO 00X11- j bu.a, a. was hoe ior mm to I ocraiio mprnhpra, hara rv,rt ; i , " H?-110 J they dressed weU, year than last, with prospect that the ..i i , - t i f I T u uuumwi wuea ine remoter .aunour, when ha was insane towns are heard from: and fa, m, t.icy urf od upon him : he da- time for mora than bn vpa tw, 1 1 ottt-houses. ?' 1 - - ... ,' I . . . . . i w recuiuae. xne crais nave elected one memhAr nf th aed in his brain, and it Senate. All these things are studiously kept out of sight in telegrams sent to the Associated-Tress, the .telerranh heina a c'lscecrirj rcat, f.3rsuaU ', '"V ;B3toa Post' '.. BLB pwNa.itnatedFeSSh ad Ann etreeta. with an nntirTi n t - " -r-- wy.uc. ui auu tret, vreaent reai denceofMr.Wm.N. Peden-7 BoouMrKhea Smoke and WnM n a,- ,U1B Aiicuea, awaaw SVUi - ' HOUSE. AND- LOT, situated upon Gwinn street. East of and adioinin? the ih. ZZiTrJl j 6 rooms and is suiUble for two families. Two t of Lot feet on Gwinu street, running- back 132 Hi it I ' i - tion, address Bev. O. Bruce Walker, Secretary, or Tl i ;r - i: - ; tt B, W. BAKNWELL, , i nairmaa ot tne f aculty, .w '" : " - Columbia, sf C. ..JIIILLS XD FEVER. . SOIANDIAK iu Great' Virginia Vegetable AU iterative and Henmator of the Human ifyftera. -VTOl.ABilJi3a j, a cerUin preventive and dos XVt liiTe curs for CHILLS A-ND FEVEB. - The anoceas which ha attended NOLANDINE JS'T1?1?111' v?mla), and other BUtes, has induced the proprietors (at -thisr the season for chills and feyer.) to call the attention of the citizens of North Carolina to our "Nolan dine" as a vegetable preparation, which haaia every inatanee accomplished what is claimed tor it, as the following certifleates and many othera too numerous for publication, will attest. JOHNSTON A LAKQIiOitNE, -."i ll . Pusrmaceutiflts and sole Proprietors, mm , , l " Richmond, Virginia., - ii 4. oiitr xi j , Arnggttt, ' V 4 WiloiiDgton, N. C. " tr v , , BiomfOHD, Ang. Wh, 1866. ; Juettrt, Johnslon'Js Lflnommp. r. c..., t contracted chiUa and fevera in the lower country ftLwtuivi. auuj. SLiiti iKiLWirnuroniifi - ' . " - avaaajaa aw tcoj' P. II.. froine South. Pmswnglra to and from the N. 0t Bailroad co-1 " uuiu uw uru maae ciose connections at Goldsboro' with Day Trains. . I Paseencera Pcino-KsiBt nr WAf frAm nii0f.. i "-t?!11 thB 2a IVain from places Sout of Goldsboro'. Both trains connect at Wilmin torn withi trains onWilmington & Manchester iuruau, ana at n eiaon with trains via liichmond ni 5mo5?, V The Pay Trains connect wttu yiu say tone, -rue wightTrains with Ana-' measix Line.'; . Five to ten car loads of Time " freight will be 1 carried on Day Trains in fourteen hours between Portsmouth and Wilmington, and ia forty hours between Portsmouth and Charlottee, via Golds boro'. '. : . - , , r All papers publishing. . Schedules, please Wi.UO iVX mil IB t I ' S. L. FREMONT. Chief Engr and Bnpt. boro' Patriot. Saliabnrr Old Nnrtt. st.t ni... Jotte Democrat, copy one month and send bills to Superintendent of W. 4 W. B. B. : T -Jnlyo'- - 200 tf aozkt roa dibble; WORTH & CO., general;: commission mero hants, - j j : -: - : r-p:-" ?'vv -a' ' ; -v : : . 188 PKAttX.: ITILEKT, KKW YOUK. ' ' l--'. ' . ;.i.-.-v i;i . ;r;:. . . f ' . ' ' ' Will make liberal Cash Advances on Cotton and other produce to be consigned to above houae. and gWe personal attention. ti VArwim. BaleighStandard,.Sontmeina1ned oro' Patriot. Saliyhnnr nM KnrH? Hf-I m... 9 . rw.ro'g. , a. win aiso aeep a good supply of . BAQ0IN0, HOPE, " ' i , , "PATENT TIES, M ; -' ' i " . P0BK, Ac, Ac. In rear of D. C. Car- FREIGHT BT RAILWAY LINES, VIA W. & W. RAILROAD TO MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS. VTKW, Cheap and Ualck Unea between Xl this city, BI0HM0ND, ' BALTIM0EE, PHILADELPHIA, - NEW Y0BK and ' BOSTON, via WELD0N, PETEESBUEQ or PORTSMOUTlI, Bates are so low, and time so quick; that there n j competition with any other routes. Try it. ror classification and mfpa mnti n M.t.. r ... 1 mm MAWOraA VI Transportation. - S. L. FEEM0NT, ! Engr and Superintendent. ....... -. 208-tf Office at old Standi rtngtoa'a Store. ang 10 TRUSTEE'S 8ALI or VALUABLE LAND, SALE OH mZJXT tT llilZ'J Superior Court. 1st rTav nf , ir -1 T VIItTUK Of a Deed afT-.t .L ' la AJ . cutedto me by Chas. II. Etevena. of t? f I I County or liladtm. fn nnnn... v r "TT ionn. i will offer at public sale at the Conrt UcmTa door n Elizabeth. fn.IUaden oountyTffi Mr ! . may 30 ; Dispatch copy. Wil.i Charlotte - & Rntherford E. R. I Gehebal Bctebiktedekt's Office, t -.-WmuKOTOH, N. C., Aug; 9, 18C7, ; f - ON AND AFTEB TUESDAY NEXTi AUGUST 13th. the Paaaencev train nn LMm TmA ,;n leave Wilmington on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday at 7 o'clock, A. M. ' ? - s ArriTS at Band HUl same days, at 8 P. M. - Arrive at Wadesboro' f Btaeel at 13 mHnUt Leavo Wadeabora'tfStirn on Tn.ui.. aM.?.-. day and Saturday, at 2 P. M. . , f Aare rpcKingnam (Htage) 6u- Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 4:30 A. M. , JXt. Leave Sand HiU rCaral MotkIbv Friday, at 7 o'clock, A. JL , " - .axny a wiunmgton same days at 8 P. M.' .1 .' r,. ' W. 1. EVERETT, . . ' . ' ' Genvral Superintendont 'sag 9 - j - ja.;;.j 20-tf S!? A.t! to land, and 1. siU BmrBridgeVoS be met wiSD? d 0ffiBr" toduccBients rarely to There are good buildiugs'on the place. i conafat 5 an!?1 eXOellent PTel"D nnrnPKf cabin, and all necessary out buildings. There is noon ioundr4 , vbiKs i wUhln8 to purchaae the land rrivatolv. 8tV?.ai T w Clinton, N. C. l:r. Ch arles 11 Stevens will Uke pleasure in showiD t .a Und to any one desirous Tof purchasing! . n nd ri;:li.. ; i JAME3. 11. BTCVI"73, Avir Trustee, ang. jo, I i73 1 - ' CO-PARTKEKSIIIP NOTICE. : f SPEE1, s COMFORT t AXD SAFETY. iVKNaalteSSlb THK atcamers of tte a bora Line leave ' Portsmouth datlv fflnnl ociocl.'A. ll..1 OS irriTil n tl.. Train of the Seaboard and Uoanoke Uailroad. " o.rt- "uiuiukhju, r. v., cy me .0i, P. M., train, arrive at WY.Irtnn in :mn - ..:ti, .v- . It : . iraiu oi nm &nnameaeic Una. ar- vr v;av, a, jn.. ne 1 1 hit. tha Be aara and July u Le fully bu iui iicBCM aaa nav I BrgC Cheeked rla ASBTAJUCBSIO USK. . ' h. t. Tompkins', ' : V Y ' , General Agent. . '! O. L TBOWBlilDQE, General Passenger Agent j iis-tf THAT NUAT A V1TPPVTPinT ir i m'mL aajii . a a arcKB wi4irii - . a - tvMaauiuiUK sa rrnii COTTAGE, near the Eaatern ilmij :nr7 Z.7Z I ae?ce la the mountains of Yiririnia. atili DWELLING; upon Fifth street, In rear of above a rooms and all neceaa&rv rmi , ' ' " At "-aavuQQi - i 7 n iifjr LQaj a r far a , . uea DbUI vUUtlil late residence ol Mr. Jamea s JT I ued to suffer from them ud to tha follow ;no- ronma .nl !l i. u !"w""'u " I cember. and from th u.; TL Buth and Seventh streets, now occupied by Mr. iLflilrdner 6 rooms, Kitchen and all necessa i v.j we wura-snop. .3 -cl rr! f A. 3 to EaVQ him frnm 'min rnra tint Lis young vrif a ( .rrorfr- to the grave, :-?Er.l ttcf a f.lou a DWELLING Eaat of and a5 occupied by Ur. M. 1L Laepe,re-6 rooms aid aU necessary out-houses. i EBICX STABLES upon Tanee I Front and Second street. WATE3 LOT in front of the Wallace and Soutiierland. . cember, and from the first warm weather in the beginnmg of epring was subject to attacks of them at intervals of from two to three weeks. The pby. siciaa in Lexington gave me quinine and calomel, the only effect of which was to step the chill for a time. The calomel, although Itook a Jarre S"70? Jt did BOt W1en I arrived ia ..... " uoui, ' nrna leoimmnuutn ta m I 1 Tlia"f5-IIi2'x of ,'Na i l ftUclie by cbclcra at Albino, . i wto tad been is. recovcr- DTTI'LI as r c.c roc. j.t.itai c "3 corner of ITsrVetandr. -n-.- t '' I Tonr Uttflaie. In ten days after the fimt aBey, , between doee I fcH ike new man. All the "prinI h oeen weaK, dcbiiiUted and subject to a swunmiDr in the bead; but now, though feeble from the ef fects of the fever, I feel in perfect healthand can 5!?? fLdai.!y VroYoment in my condition. Ani now thanks to your medicine, wbich I bout wi prove a Lleesing to both you and your fellow- of Uessrs. Tied r lent, 1 r. b. -a, a 2hthstreci3, , Utrre --tr"- by Coh U D. I.J. creatorsg, a am entuezy recovered, and chills and fevers seem a t last to have li.l im me a tinal .dion s t: JC ' it .a .on w r a; .i-liir.'y a ; i a r- ' - ;w ii recommending j L V"!"-, airs, very C ll, IUC0N. v..,JU1HI iUC GREG02 L CO., i'. r-rrA ifiyn ISO Pearl lui - '--' Jl; ' M 5fw !Tork - ' ''' IMPORTERS, M. aafactarera and Dealers r in INDIA. SCOTCH and KENTUCKY BAG '.C,?AGS Burlap smtable for WHEAT and COKN SACKING ; also a large and complete stock of BALK BOKE,'embracing W j: "mw dijj, iuanu, ntx and Jute. Baling Twmea, etc., all of which they offor at fak July tV"! -' 2JS-?n TlTEllCHANT TA1IJ0&, ' ft --TJ- Market Street, Eoys"uothL ,ltl0Vt V14 the nt"tttrs of .July J0., . V. - rfiw Pwtnerahip under the name cf 1 H. tWAN i Co., for the purpose of crrT;-xon a General Commiaaion. KhlppWg and tliygni ChZl.fU0!' Qj"" b. on the Corner of ii vnd 7 Bteeta, in ataj,, whore they will be happy to bear from and a-rrfl r , r,tJ: ii 1 " vvwwvt next, ujny v 1 prepared to furnish supplies of all kln.u. i . . ; ; . ltOUT. 11. CO 'A ,. .J'- n ; JNO. W. C.'" i"r?";8wn, .u.,JU)y 2Uth, lbG7. 2:3-tf Kaleigh SentineL TarCoro' boutLcrnor Char, lotto Democrat Wade.l-oro' Argua, con U I fo bid and send bill to IL II, Cowan A Co. if PAIXTS. CIL3;AD CL'.Z part as follow: . . . " Englfah and American. ?hite Lead ac t Z i irssta 4c- r' i - low. TIIE.nbriW haTins rtlltted hia La horatory, ia now prepared t4tia' ' eaalvBla of soils and fruazr9,6r anyauttU-e t VZ,U desired, which will be done on do - J t i.-! Special attention devoted to A.. a tileuH i Oucs Journal Buildings, " " ' y Wtoington mach r " P "'-r-:5 COAL! COAL tl " XJTE NOW BEG TO OFFZIt TO THE TKADE . 700 Tons very best Bed A -h Y- Cc. 250 Tons LkniGH, LUCK L..jC- i 'im ,i CBOSS CHEEK 8TEA?,f VOiit 7?n" BROOD TOP Dlack'amilli's Coal. " Coal delivered at shortest not v. Ott. i-3-lia 242-tf EAGLE C0TT0X-CKS,. MADE OSIT BT BATES. HYDE & CO, , . ' ' kfUDG R WATEK, MASS. AKso iuNo A ftflaux UnUdtnff. NE A OULEANaCi fct. Chari nY2ixs A3D d::::;::::; ; KETITODiaT mnccrAT. r r I n W.aa ae wa .. w tfA.iii. aaaoru ;r.-st, . Ju..t r-" " 1uly7 ariea Street. 2C4-3m irinK hi ""RAGS-RAGS. 'heat ra.h rath irietm will tA i ... M:a vjr( ,,r r:. i ipI T. . . i"v..fi.mv.lv.t.' A V I . HjQ toss cr.:.r; L-ouiently eypectpi ; :; gcako, . rvat.TO, for '.1J. & r...1 3 c:.. 1 , i" t f 1 'c KAI.T ".' r;.- . ir l j , In ..at ,..