"V i, v lb .-3 'ViSP"'- 9 ' I f TLlIIirGTON. H: C;, TEroATPI.I03IaITG. OCTOBER 4:1867. WHOLE NUMBER 4,729. I TS DAILY JOURNAL, CLir.'T PAIXT DITirSSTATK. i AI LUTlAiAU MAX KM UAlIiT tt 3 R 3 q o I -3 ' 5 -3 3 O -i 7. n 3 . . 4 siau U5J 1 13 1 8 w 3 13 .8 6 s 8 8 8. 8 3 "8 3. 8 S til : Si -1 8 3 s ivuicumioi, On yHW. ..J. $10 00 f ix n.ou'hu...,., 00 llirte iunifi,..........,.....J..J....t , J 00 W E ElCLY JOU JIN AL . F-S't AI1LIKI1 ED SEPTEMBER. 1844 i On vmre, or tea Une or lea ftr Mcb and every la- Hic'mi Nottcei wiu ba charjed $2 per ignore, tor escU and tiatj InaerUoD' - ; - ? UBSCIUPTIO. Oni your.. ...t... ..$3 00 2 00 JfLI, 1807. Tr flff I'M TIIE DAIJ.Y JOURNAL. WILMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY, OCTOBET. 4, 18G7. Glarala CaU ia EntcrUtlamcnt titer to V' ' the iavaaia. . . ! A very clever correspondent of the New York Tribune, 'in the course of one of his letters relating to the recent convention of the British .sarana at Dundee, gives the following very interesting sketch of an ex cursion by neveral of" them to Glamis Cas- ' tie, and their hospitable entertainment there. , It was in this cattle, according to rJhakppeare, that the, " virtuous,. Duncan " was foully ' " taken off " by i Macbeth, "Thane 0 aiamis,"; The host that now loes hoBpitality there is one , of far gentler dispositions. ; , ' ' ' s" 1 The writer, alluding to the time toward the close of the deliberations of--the wise men when the people of the locality be gin to do them with dinners and junket ings a vi ry happy conclusion to scientific discussions -sajs that the "excutim sea eon having fallen dtf?"- - 7 ,.f ! . 44 Oa baturday there were several! The most nttmerooa was; to the University of tit Andrews, with its famous rains and ad jacent fteological wonders. 0 There, too, is tbo cr..:tlo where Cardinal Beaton was mnr 0 and WiBhart was martyred.7 I chose . CUiniJ Castlo because of its Bhakepearean faociations. The region of Glamis is t v cird-like, through which the railway en rinei (which smoke here as in no, other r&rt of the world.) tear like fire , fiends. U'wo Btone men stand grimly on either side the castle gala. TbeBe were sculptured be fore fit leaves were known to art,, A wild walk brings', ydu npon', ftn open! glade. whero, in perfect preaorvation, the stately Cat Lie cf Glamis stands. Glamis is a pret ty ntirr.tv There are names' that smell of '.; fjj oi ia this district'. Take "Barntark.T for in&Unce. Some unhappy Moslem tast ed Puritanic fire down here one day.! But Glarais is, in a document T saw ftr the cas tle, spelled ? GlammisJ. the '. noble owner which has a touch of tetanus in the sounds. The interior of the castle is ancient,! going ,l ack t j the-.Nornaan and later styles of ar cLitest ire. Th . exterior, of the date tot , 1621, il mostly of the French castellated style: raassive rouncl towers, clusters of cir cukr pinnacles and .turrets, which gave it an nir cf gaiety and strength.". Shakspeare ciac'Jy describes it, even to its very fetmoB-1 pnero, wnen ne says ' Tl-.n Castle hath a tlehsant seat: the air ir.wi and sweetly reoommends lUtlf Unto our gentle senses." t u t-r j ., ; There stands at a distance in front two plain, ' austere-looking towers, which were formerly part of an exterior fortification, encircL- r the caetle. . and must have been in the eye of the dramatist when he wrote the i, auction , - ..i .ut- Hanjr out the banners upon the outward wall. TL:ra; was a thanedom of Glamis and TacnaJice granted by King Eobert IL in 171,' nrtl (ilamis was a royal manor a cen- t-iy tu-illor. Duncan was not murdered here, as the play says, bat he might have been. Malcolm 1L, an earlier kins, was. The low, long and arched rooms on the Hist Hoor, at which the visitor arrives on entering the castle, is. exactly the banquet ir ;j chamber set upon the stage, and close ..by 13 tl3 chamber where the murder of Llalcolm is said to have occurred in 1034, . ana in whicn there is every convenience for tliroftinz the body -out of the window ' a f r.r:- F-c'-h" mpthod of tlisposing of fri 'fto Lad as tted their purpoue in Adjacent are two large, rude L-"..:, c f ancient date, the ceiling being de- ccr-ted ia 1C21 after the manner then in. trclnccJ. 1 Otherwise the chambers have V i iic-CVole' charm of rude. antiquity. .,c;r vtry btireness' is "a' blessing. '; The i actaauty ot py-gone times is over tne nor. So powerful are the influences -'-y v.z.1 inclination that one could Ltl j f; flicg that the .actual Bcene in ctli. wi: s -.there, present , There was I y' duk, half glarihg lamp-lit cham v,Lcrj the banquet was held when -;- - f '. 1 3 neroaa. You : could ' hear i iln:.-.,luij ia tLe chamber near, tr: r ' i : 1 v. : v 1 level you stood on the very steps l .hi' -i -ttt-riu g murderer stumbled. i.r opened again, as it did rve I la.ly caaie out to re- i ! r 1. 1 coLLi;u3-stri"ken hus- 1, tl r. : ..Tli" h tl t Uira win- t it w . y . 2 o S ; J h 5 - cr - i S to j - a . , - 1 " H 3 : , 6 1 O j Oa 1 VM burned to death on Castle Hill, Edin burgh, is 1537, for witchcraft. It was af terward, foabj out that the cnhappy ladj was innocent' ftnperatitkn is always d&- epotio and deetJbts high and low who suf fer it to. preYaiL There is an old royal bccUteatl in the casile, and also an ancient one of the Eicghora family uaitd to the Strathmore. A descendant of the 'Burnt Conn tens became iEarl of Strathmore in 1672. The present chapel is the castle is entixelr covered with paintings of a Scrip tural character by De Witt 'They are so overlaid with varnish now that no opinion can be formed of their merits. ' The Earl and Countess of Strathmore, the present , occupants and owners of the casUe, are young and handsome persons, of natural and unaffected courtesy of man ners, welcoming every one of their hundred guests in the frankest spirit There are an indefinite series of intelligent children, who appear to have been graduated annually. The third son was the best guide in the castle. He ran everywhere, said "every thing, .' aad said.' it well."; ; lie led' stray, ktoud visitors into out-of-the-way cham bers, and screamed as he ihrew open the doors ; and when a fat philosopher started back, ; thinking Duncan's body had been discovered,' young . Strathmore shouted : " There, . I have frightened a. member, of the, British - Association. - It's only a dark room where we kept the china.": f This lively guide has ft chamber, filled with a collection of stones gathered on the beach, and he took everybody to see them, and tell him their geological names, and got Sir Charles Lyeli to .pore over each speci men. The banquet prepared, was laid out in one of the old halls, and was princely in its delicacv and profusion. - If the old Thanes and Glamis had given lnnchebng like the one given by the - present Earl to the philosophers Binqno bad come back every night wearing a radiant face. fThe wines would have done credit to the Star aou Garter . Tavern, when bank, directors d ne on Richmond Hill, but there was one local mixture handed round, probably of Glamis reputation, which bad the taste of absinthe vinegar. I supposed it to be the drink Lady Macbeth took In her tart and fierce moods. . During the repast the elder son stood behind his father, and the second at the back 01 nia. mother, oir Chariest; LyeU made a very. difficult thing, agood Sir Charles is the only philosopher at the 1 i.o.dti'n. ; f.m.i ,-v. I , , , " .j"Y o I lnll ; Ha Mirl thai MtMtkmnNU nmu Mill nl UUM. 1 BUI.. IIIW TT V. U VMt? ai a . . J . x M ill j r e1 a 1 A me nioBs.aacieiii. ituauiei 01 ocouana, dui hi early experience of Glamis was nected with itomuthing more ancient than the btrathmores. He discovered at the foot of Hidian Hills, where they were then seated, the oldest fossil known, and anoth er in the line of rooks On which the Cattle ot Glamis was built was thought to be noth ing less than a lossii seraphim. I Great laughter. I -ae went to see it and there, on a pieoe oi rock, was a large surface of lami nated scales, more line a hen than anything else, and yet not like anything he had ever seen, lie was very much puzzled, and as the seraphim, it was thought, had their wings somehow composed of scales, it was concluded that the new discovery would be portions oi these' wines. ILurhter. I And turn seemed reasonable; for if a seraphim should .'avo anything in the rock of Gjamis it would no doubt be tn wings. For some len or nueen years no, iresa, light , was thrown npon the subject until Agazzia came from AuierUa, and he examined the fossil. and he said, 44 Well, I can answer for it that could never have been a fish " and ao we continued to call it a seranhim. rLanch ter.l When, however, the science of False- ontology was carried on, it was found that this discovery of a seraphim was nothing else than a portion of a gigantio crustacean m snort, a larg&tobster. Great laugh ter. 'But to compensate for the great fall in the character of the fossil laughter he had the satisfaction of saying that this specimen .was. now m the lintish Mnaenm. and that it was the largest of any that had yet been found. - The Darl of Strathmore drank the health of the British Association in the old Lion of Glamis. . This proved to be a golden beast 'or feminine proportions delicately chased .land with" a moveable head, which being taken off; the interior proved to be a drinking cup, holding something Jess than naif a pint of champatrne. The noble host filled it with this beverage and drank it off. leaning it back "until the legs of the old lion were in the air, and he had the means 0. napping his tail round his Iosdahip snose. Holding - the Hon inverted, that the guests might see that the royal beast nad been emptied in tho old fashion, his lordship bade us all the hospitable wishes! which have long been uninterrupted in the! Castle of Ulamifl. 7 Such, is ' an example of the re creations of science in the hosnitable and dramatic regions of .North Scotland' AHD 1EARS. JT ( HAS BEEN, doubt, that the ASCERTAINED BEYOND GREATEST- BARGAINS i i 1 iv-- '5NvweMe.tT.-'i. mm&mm ' 'NP ''as X 6 are solddailyat vt ; . y AUGUST KEHE'S, ' ' .; ' :s ' 3? Market Street,1 Tr : - Who has just returned from the North with as fine and wen assorted a stock ot .,- - t DRESS CCODS, t tri5i::ixgs, 1 CLOAKS WMTL CC0DSt-' . . 7 , .) kotioxs; SfflVi. Kf.A As has ever been introduoed in this market. aery competition. All we ask is a call 1 1 , 89 Market Street, -4.- t At the old stand of Marcus & Kehr. sept. 23 COTTON YAT.N3 .A!rn''i - : , SIIEETINGS, On consignment and for sale at factory prices, by- WILLIA113 & MUECniSON. 1-lw EIEnfAISTILC. EMI or. :o: TB XlESPSrCTFTULT IXFORU OXTB VY City and oouatrj friend that we hare l&tcly reoeivod VERT . LARGE ! , ANtf WILL SHEEIB-SKavH- Gtt AT Astcnishingly Low Prices, :' :rnj .r ' consisting op " 600 pieces of assorted Prints. ' 600 pieces Bleached and Unbleached Shirting and Sheeting. : E y , iS. ,, . u? .. 250 pieces Dblaines. . - . , r ,,, i 125 piecee black and Fancy Alapacaa, . , 153 p aces of Red and White flannels. 60 pieces of Beragea, Silks. GKENADINES 1 ' '"'V' , T- re iv. ?. -1. JACONETS and f LINENS1 m &reat quantities and varieties 250 pieces KatineU. Cloths and CaBSimeres. 800 pairs Blanketa, and a large line of too nomerou to mention. , t 150 dozen Hen'a WQOI and FCB HATS. ' KEADY MADE CLOTHING AND .w , .? ', , . . . 4. UentlemeilS' D UmiSDIDg' OOQS : 1 tne largest in this market,- and. we offer them at manufactorers prices. , In addition, we have received 5 " V " QAA fl 4 CT?Q "DAATC t TrJTI CTTAT7Q con-hv tADJDODUUlO AilU OilUil.O direct from the manufacturers ; comprising 75 oases Ladies Leather and Morocco Shoes. 90 cases Mens' Kip Brogan and Calf Shoos. 40 cases Mens' Balmorals. ; 60 cases Misses, Children and Boys Shoes. 60 cases Mens Sewed and Pegged BOOTS. Parties visiting the city to purchase their FALL I and wiMlit BTOCJi would do weU to call and examine oar Stock before purchasing elsewhere. I There is no House in the city or State that can undersell ns, and we offer to city and country merchants Goods on very accommodating terms. SOL, BEAR & BROS. 13 Market street. 308-lm. sept. 35 8PECLIL K0TIE. ; rnO OUB MERCHANT TAILORING DEPABT- A ment we hare added a choice assortment FBENCH BBOADCLOTH. DOESKIN CASSIMEBES.? y'.v',:;;. v . testings and a full line oT 'r , ;' ' ,f -3 -TAILORS. TRIMMI NGS We guarantee to give satisfaction to all who want : a nne, nanosome ntung garment. - - . JSOL.. BEAR & BROS. 13 Market stret. 'SQ8-lm STAR iCOTfflJf GINS I- ADOVK JTSTI-T CELEBRATED " - :.i ' " e-r- i zi- COTTON GIN SU With or without . CO NDENSHI13, as mayne pre-! ferred, at Factory prioes. 1 -v They are made from 10 to 100 Saws, and adapted to hand or horse power. )-- At the Louisiana State Fair, In Kovember, 1868, the 44 BTAR GIN " took all the premiums offered. v Bampie on and tjoBdeaser may pe inspected at our office, " ... ATKINSON A SHEPPER3DN, 11 4 12 North, Water Street. wsi TESTTMONTAXS.r . . lizabsxb Cixx.!.. C. Nov. 12 .1866. ; Dear 8ir-I nave been using for the last four weeks, the "Star" Cotton Gin and Condenser, which I have purchased from- you, and am very much pleased with both. I hesitated at first ..bout purcnasing tne wnoenser, dux arcer using u to my entire satisfaction for a month, I must say that it cannot be too highly recommended. ''' -Yours respectfully, - - ,',,-." Gxo. D. Pool- BzaLiir, kxaS Ivofc, "Va., Noefolk k Petiksbcb j bjhmioad, marcn o, io.i., . Dear Sir: Having promised to give you my opinion of the ''Star11 Cotton Gin, I will new write to say, that in my JuArnent, it is wtthout doubt. the best Z have ever seen. It has been fairly tested in my section during tne season just past, in con-1 nection with other celebrated Gins, and , is ack no wleJged by all to be far the best. I have Ginned one hnitdred and eight bales cotton, and the saws are in as good order as when I puri-hased it. The seeds are so clean of, lint, as to render them as easy to plant as peas. It can piok cleaner and faster by far, than any Gin I ever saw! I had some diincultv in managing the Condenser at first. but soon understood it, and now I would not be I without U for anv reasonable amount. .- - Messrs. K. Biggs A Co., of Norfolk, sold my cot-1 ton, and they can bear testimony that no cotton i was in better condition or sold for more money. Ia conclusion. I would rather pav the price for the "-Star " Cetton Gin, than to use any other without I SccmsKOna. N. O.. Dec. 8L 1866. Dear. Sir : I have been usinz for several weeks I " Btu " Cotton Gin purchased of you, and a I kt-m h er lr r- tn? rv-it ri n rr rT it I ti vsa f J VU R18UUU srv AUVW uij wuiiuwi -a "if a-. aan v w i i sav mat it is an mat l couia wisn it to do. my neurn- bors are delighted with its operations.; It gin very rapidly and dean. Adding these qualities to ita simDiioitv. and the ease with, which an v parti tne ease wun wmcn mj& replaced, I consider U the best Gin . Very truly ' - r'ti"ii f ; Davm AxatxiJtDaa. 7 ! " GastoiT. N. a; MaTch 2ist, 1887. ''' Dear Sir .The 40 Baw Gin which I purchased of yon last fall, I have no hesitation in sayiug, has more than fulfilled my expectations and afte a fair trial it has proved to be the best Gin I ever used, although I have used other Gins for the past 40 years. Think X eat, safely say, that with pro per speed my Gin will pick 200 pounds of Lint Cotton per hour.y.-s j. . . .s ,. .. Yery rcc; cdfullji . .- .. .--. if.s-a;c7j ,Jt ..r 'BXUzstzx. ..-.2 m r-.-'-i- i i J i. ! . , - !--t- BtrcxwooB, Southaorton Co., Va.- - Dear Sir : I have beea xnjig tia season . the fctarM Cotton Cin, which 1 bought of you. and I nave no hesitation ia sarin ,t 1 wh r it io any li!" Iti?e e"r leea in v.e. - it works eaay, pick ciean and f.tt. Ia ray estimation tLa mtchtniiaia cf t' fe C. s i3 tn far pcrffHTtion a- ir is po-m-1 " 1 f ' - - .. every part per- . , - 1 . l 7 "' fttlscdllznccus. ALBKliT BAY, ; ' !i . i Aanrr tot 1 ' Hf ; dibblg;:ugiitd :t CO., OENEEAL- COMMISSION ';'r"1 MERC jot ANTg X - I . . r . .. ... . " 1S3 ' PEAJU. STREET, KKW TOEK, , Will make liberal Caaa Advances on Cotton and other produce to ba consigned to above house, and give personal attention to Forwarding and pay ment of Taxes oa same, and no charge for receiv ing and forwarding. .. 1 , ?, f. I will also keep a good supply of; , I , BAGGING, EOrE, PATENT TIES," Hi JPOBK, Ac, Ac - OXOe A ld fltaaid, to rear ef D C. Car- ang 10 v ' . . .' 2C9-Sm l-GEOEGIA , STATE LOTTERY :&. VOS THS 01 TBI MASOMC ORPHANS' HOIJE. BOYD, WILSON & CO., i Man&sers. GREA.T EXTRA SCHEME, class ;b;, ON .THE, H A VAN A P LAN! CAPITAL PRIZE $20,C30. $60.000. . IN PRIZES TO BE DISTBIBUTED. VSM1 OP'CFtM! TO BE DBAWN AT ATLANTA, GA., WEDKESDAYr e CCTC3E2 9. " 18 371 f AH tie Prizes will be Drawa ! A PACKAGE OF TEN TICKETS FOB TEN DOLLARS LIABLE TQ DRAW 1 30,000 1 This GREAT and ATTRACTTIVE SCHEM3,with the .Tickets at only ONE DOLLAR, and such large Prizes as the Scheme sets forth, cannot fail to be appreciated by tne public, and we solicit or ders as early as possible, - ..(- .. i . All prizes paid without discount. , r . - - Official Drawings sent each purchaser. . Ail Prizes eaabed at una Omce. . . . . arCorreiondent a may rely on prompt atten tion to orders by simply enclosing saoney with full address. t ' -All orders for Tickets, Schemes, and infor mation to be addressed to . . ,.. , JAMES KERB, "Managers' Agent,' ' ' Lock Box No. 584, Charleston, S, 0. Office: XSo. i-UJiroaatttreet. sept. 26 809-t8Oct mffi TTLE FOE SALE rnHE adenicaad will exntblt fr I at WARSAW, on the Wilmington and Weldon Bailroad, on Tuesday the. 15th of October next, a superior lot of fall-blood' - -- rT?A DEVON AND Dt REACT CATTLE. V coneietin? of fall rrown and vearhns BULLS, MILCH COWS, COWS and CALVES, and one and V nv J vai viva in .a awe , jt- - - -i These Cattle have been reared on my plantation in Sampson county, from stock carefully selected from' the famous herds of Wawwright. of New York. Patterson, f Maryland and Gbwan, of Pennaylvanhv-wcllknown throughout the coon try a the best ctockin America. - w t j5 1 . I warrant the oedieree of all of the above stock and will give purchasers written guarantees of . Persons desMnsr- to keen but few Cattle and those of the most remunerative breeds, have rare opportunity here presented them.- - . , . E. L. FAISON. sepL18 ' ' .. . 802-ts JOHN Rs BBOWN; o Nol.CiBoiiHA, v.. WITH ATJFOOW, RKKETT8 & C3..! - TUTrrACtTJftEBS aXD 70BBEBS 09- l J (jTsaw .Gooes, Uubbxixas akd VAaasou, .t,T ; J Walker Street, Sew York. sept. 17 -;iJJ"" "I -r- oi lm ; BALE R0P E, BAGGIN G 3 1 . a OK SALE IN LOTS TO SCIf FTJB.CIIAS- y.Ra. hv the Ma,tmfavctnrer. ... . ' - fc. - '- ' tl. VJUU UAo, tn : . No. 67 Pine street, New York, sept 10 j ., ;,-. --.v . ,. 295-4m T .... . frr . rm - nOLASSES---KCU:LS.' nitZti Crjvolca t'weei C7. CH 75 CARDENAS MOLASSES. . if For sale by , . sept. 22 jJRTOBTH PANTEL. 8Jii-6t KLwT CITY HESS PCnU. I 1 1 II 1" "..'nit;. szvr cm mess pork, -r't r iu.1. B r guaranteed full weieht. For sale by J, - it. WORTH & DANIEL. ' Sept. 21' 1 v - 80-6t' a4UUU just arrived rer rchr. M. B. YancleaX and landiz this C'V.- I'3rL-?s vho have been waiting wi,l find it to iLtj inter tt to receive it from m haif as landed. " I -..., . ,.-r.a-a aVaa. sept. IS i. - . -.- , j . ALL frT' 17i!n!r.xt8a zz$ Urn, EzZrczi Co, ' GivesaXi fScx'KBi'!Trjn)ENTis Offices, ) - Wnjirj.oTOK,N.O., JalyS, lfc7. i rr "3P o 3f and arftwr Jwly etl Paiwaw Tralma of this Boad will run on the following Bched- tile: KCPEECa TCAIN. Leave vTCithigton . .". . .. i:15 A. M. arrive at Jungsvuie ,,..-........, ,.11.54 A. il. Arrive at Augusta. : . '. . 7:25 P. M. Leave Augruta. 8:65 A. M. Arrive at KiDg9viie........... ...... 11:1 5 A. H. ArrivesiViiaingtou............ 80 P. IL -- ' ACCOSHIODATION TRAIN. . Leave VDrningtOT.rrr.;.".Trn oo P. 5L Arrive at joKtville,n. iif, .liifS . . . . 25 A. M. Leave Kinernville............ .......... 45 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington. ... .5 15 A. M. Express Train connects closely at Florence with the north Eastern Bailroad, for Charleston, and Cheraw and Darlington Railread, for Cheraw, and mm through .to Aufrasta.. Georgia, without lebdnce. , , f.:, : With South Carolina Bailroad, for Augusta, daily, and for Columbia on Jlondajs, Wednesdays and Saturdays- . ' . YHLEXCTOIf & WLm RAIUIOAD p"r Omc Cnar Enghteeb jod Gejt. 8tTFT, I WmaaeToir, N. O., Sept 1, 1367. J KEGTJLAB SCHEDULE. ; O H and after Sept. 1, the following Bchedole wiUbernnby the Passenger trains over uus fiauroaa : - - - - i , . , UAITBAINS,'; Will leave Wilmington every morning (exoept Bun days) at 6 o'clock, A. M., and Weldon every mor ning (except Sundays) at 10:40 A. M.; arriving at Wilmington at 8 o'clock, P, M., and at Weldon at 8 o'clock, P. IL , . ; . : ; NIGHT EXPRESS TBAIN3 Will leave Wilmington at 9:30 P. H., daily, and Weldon at 3:25 P. M., daily, arriving at Wilming t b at 2:20 A. M., and at Weldon at 6:00 A. VU Thirty-three hours to New York. - i 1 Trains pass Golds boro' at 1:57 A. VLi and 10:35 A. M. going North, and at :Q5 P M- and 10:11 P. M., going South. Passengers to and from the N. 0. Bailroad go ing to or from the North make close connections at Goldsborowith Day Trains. - Passengers going East or West from GoldBboro, should take the Bay Trains from places South of Goldsboro. Both trains connect at Wilming ton with trains on Wilmington tt Uancheeter Bailroad, and at Weldon with trains via Blchmond and Portsmouth, Ya. The Day Trains connect with Old Bay lone,. The KightTraina with Ana messix Line, ' tit .--. -iu - Five to ten car loads of " Time " freight will be carried on Day Trams in fourteen hoars between Portsmouth and Wilmington, and in forty hours between Portsmouth and Charlottee, via Golds boro. jT All papers publishing Schedules, please chancre for this one. " . ' . . - Chief Ens'r and RudL Baleiffh Standard. Sentinel and Proffrfsa. Greena- boro' Patriot, falisbory Old North State, Char lotte Democrat, copy one month and send bills toBuperintendentofW. )V B-JS. lS jniya . - , , . , aau u - 1 nr73r3. 1 GxvEnai. filrFESiirrxnzaT's Offics, 1 ' t , WiL-aaoTOK, N. 0., Aug. 9, 1867.; I OH AND AFTER TUESDAY NEXT, AUGUST 13th. the Passeneer train on this Boad will leave Wilmington on Tuesday. Thursday and Bat- unlay at f o'clock, A. M.-5 J. .-. Arrive at Band Hill same days, at S P. U. Arrive at Wadesboro' ( Stage) at 12 midnight. Leave Wadesboro' (SUlrci:n TueSdav. Thus- day wad Saturday, at S P. Ac i s , Leave Rockingham (Stage) on. Monday,! Wed nesdav and Fridav at 4:30 A. M. . ; jjeave Sana uui (.uars) monday, weanesaay and Friday, at T o'clock, A. M.-- - i amv ft nugiingHm ama asys ri o i . m. - U 5 a& S I ,- . ft W.r a. JSVJ-JiJCTl ( . . , General Superintendent! ang ' ' ' ' ' - "-298-tf , SPEEDa .C02IFC2T AXDt SAFETY. k PVajaiMMM mm apVr t y. t Great U. S. Sliil Route for tl.fr Kort!.. THK Steauncrs of tne abo-ve Line laavc - Portsmouth daily (Sundays excepted) at II 1 o'clock, A. M.. -on arrival cf the great Express Train of the Seaboard and Boanoke Bailrqad. , Passengers leaving wumington, a, v., by tne 9:05, P. M., train, arrive at Weldon in time to eon nect with the train of the Annamessic Line ar. quTcKEST TIME EYEBM ADK? riving la New York at 650, A. M,, next 4y the Be a are and ask for Tickets and tavi , Bavggaffe Cliecked win AJrHAXKSSItf Ll5K. General Agent. V-sr mi m - 01 L TROWBRIDGE, General Passenger Agent. JnlyU - A- - ft6-tf ilEIlI'M'M,Wfi!; 1 - - .' ' STBtV :. 1 i " NEW. YORK, June, 1867. ; WE, the undersfgned Shipping Merchants of the city of N.Y., from the oft repeated testi mony of many different Pea Captains, in whom we have implicit confidence, and feeling it a dntywhicb we owe our teuow men, nereby near witness or tne great eonfldence we feel in the- tnvIyTnarvellons enratm powers of Major T LANE'S INDIAN REMEDY for theca taad prevention of SMALL POX, YELLOW FEYR, Ae.; and we cheerfully sd1 -:vr sirnatures. Hoping its wonderrai: merits r T osinir may oe made Known a tne world.1 ..'.BRETT, SONS k CO., 43 South Bt.a nR- D. R. DbWOLF k CO. 103 Broad HiT HENRY k SON, 25 Coenties Slipv " o-c r - . . SIMPSON A SHAW, 27 Coenties Slip j JAS. T. TAPSCOrr, 86 South st.,r .f GEO. U TAP8COTT, of Tapecott Bro., . . 86 South Bt. ? -1 ... ROBERT HAWSE. 88 South St. ; ..v , . : And many nthers This remedy has sever been known to fail Price per package, $5,00. Forwarded free to ant point in the United States.; Address : 4. a. iaAJMJ& s vaa, t)j xsroauway, a. sept 7 ... --..,. 233- w- scrD pecpeuti for sale Oa exehstnged for City Property, one of the most valuable places on the Sound, seven miles from town. For further information, apply to w . Da. Du AL BU1E, -.j, -t i under the Journal Office, sept. 22 808-aw Laa a.. ...J 40 BAXS3 Standard Giuiny Clotb, v 100 oils Rope,' ' . w . : io tone jjiiion s Ties, , 9 100 sacks N.O. Flour., ,4 ?f ,,- -, v ' . Forsale by " - 4 WORTH & DANIEL. sept. 22 8084t r r EAGLE " CCTTCn- -CLT3,'; i - rt - nvnr rt - i iDGrwATzn, iiatx ; ; , " 1 ." TC -S I LaLix L, .l v - " LI. . fr,;T.r..'?:.-i f.i u. C ies Eirett. - f'5 Iif.r1i.et f'riees ttl b pm,li-r -. -..if.-c'.-.-t 4.---:" .... .LC. C.i 11AILI10ADS. koti: e to shippers cr rEicnT. THE IAI3APJ) CiLAim AO LINE 'I. PORTSMOUTH JA. IS THE OSLY DIRECT LINE OXTWEZ9 BOSTON, - - EW YORK, -t:. . ritliiADELPIlIA, . - .... BALTIMOBE and the h- ... , CABOLLNAS. "It is express in point of ppced and safety of Frsightabeing from 40 to 70 hours in advance of all other Lines, and at as low rates. It offers daily communication with Baltimore,: , ' : Daily communication with Philadelphia.,- i ,: Five steamers each week to New York. , t flPwo aieamers each week to Beaton. , : It is the only line having these advantages, and by wnich there is bat one handling of freight Cars are loaded at the wharves in Portsmouth and are run through to destination. Be careful to direct your consignors to ship only From Baltimore by the A'erfollc or Bar Una Stcaman, foot of Union Dock. From PfeUadelpnia by tne Aanaanesste lane, PnUavdelpUtat, Wilmington and Bnl timer Depot.: -or by Clyde's Steamers, 14 Somtbi Delaware Avenae.. r . Vrom Hew Yrk ty the Old Dominion Steamablp Line, Pier 37, Nortn River, ; - From Boston by tho Morfollc Iteamsnlp Lin end of Central Wharf. U j.jW ' All losses, damages or over charges promptly adjuBted, on application to t - 5 . .. rT.l w'JAlDES MoCABBIClt, -? Transportation Ajnt, Portsmouth, fa, .... Bavo your freight marked via Portsmouth, and in shipping to Philadelphia, marked via Clyde's Line, or via Annamessic. ; : E.G.GIIIO, i ' ; Superintendent Transportation. ang. SO' 286-2m Office Eho. ax3 Butt. W. 4 W. B. B, : WnjasoTox, September 20, 18C7. . TANTED IMMEDIATELY, - .',',' ' SIX COMPETENT SECTION MASTEES. None but the faithful, rienced need apply. , trustworthy and expe- v .ir.T?T.,yT.T,ii1 v- o,. ' Engineer and Superintendent . 8UHf sept 28 V f RILLS AJED PETER. I ; K01AHDVm,jUis Great Virginia Vegetable At : teraHve end Renovator cf tie Human By stem. . NULAHDinifi is a certain preventive and pos itive cure for CHILLS AND FEVEB. ' Tne snooess wnich nas attended KOLAKDInl. in our own city and State, Virginia r and other States, has induced the proprietors (at this, the season tor chills and fever,) to call the attention of the citizens of North Carolina to oar ' Nolan dine" as a vegetable preparation, which nasi a every instance accomplished what is claimed for it, as the following certificates and many others too numerous for publication, will attest ? JOHNSTON A LANGHOBNE. ; Pharmaceutists and sole Proprietors, 5 r- Riohmond, Tirginla. - - . . - , . W . ..flTlTlMT, T . . V jtursauepy n. tx. liixrn i , vraggMn, IsVsV 4 44 ska UK K Aaata I . , Wumington, N. 0. ' .1 lilOHMOND, AUg. Vth, 18G6. " Messrs. Johnston fc Langhorne: Dxaa Sras: I contracted chills and fevers in the lower country in September, 1865, and, notwithstanding a resi dence la the mountains of Virginia, still contin ued to suffer from them up to the . following De cember,! and from the first warm weather in the beginning or spring was subject to attacks of tnem at intervals of from two to threa weeks. The phy sician in Lexington gave me quinine and calomel. tne only enect or wtnen was to stop the chills lor a time. The calomel, although I took a large quantity of it, did not act. When I arrived in Richmond, in the early part of July, I was again affected with thorn. It was recommended to me to take your Nolandine. In ten days after the first aose iait UJt a new mas. au tne spring a nan I been weak, debilitated and subject to a swimming 1 tn tn neaof but sow, in ougn feeble from the ef foots of the fever, X feel in perfect health, and can perceive a daily improvement in my condition. And now thanks to your medicine, which I hope will prove a blessing to both you and your fellow creatures, I am en tn el y recovered, and chills aad fevers seem at last to have bidden me a final adieu. I have no hesitation whatever iu recommending it to others similarly affected. . Yours,- sirs, -very truly, j - " ;G. K. MACON. -: , Mr. Maoon is a recent graduate of tho Yirginia inmtarv insutute. oi men standing ana cnaracter. I shouhl rely with implicit eonfldence upon his statement in regard to anyunng. " " aug. St4 281-3m i Wit ii. BICUABDSON. V;vf notice. ;;.tlv - WrKXRCQSga kavlaa parcbaarf 'the interest ot S. A. Keith,' the firm of KEITH k KERCHNER is this dav dissolved.' The business will be oqntinued at the old stand by F, w. &ercnner..witn wnom.au, debts due tne late firm must be settled, i E..A. KEITH, . 3,'-:C. 'T:i ' w" KERCHNER,) f Sept. xaii r The undersigned hiving purchased Mr. Keith's interest, would respectfully ask a continuance of the liberal patronage i extended to the late firm of iveun s nercnner, and is now prepared, to make liberal advanoesos Cetton, Naval tores, Ac, con signed to him or to his friends u lialUinore and New-XorluU-!..-----;- " -ri; . Corn Bacon. Pork. Flour. Salt. Guano. Cotton . BaggingBope Cotton Ties, Ac, il ways on band. Also, agents ior tne ceienrat-a ratsp-co ino(i, .Sept.,17 SK'o? ' - .W J6ljit .-Wil K0TICE. rf-IOJITEMPLATltf O a eTaange in nr BasL. J ness. it becomes necessary that au ontstand- ing Accounts and Notes beoouected, by or before ueesmosr 8ist. msa-.rssr'.m y n ?a on. i -:- " in Accounts and Notes, which we shall be pleased toeettle upon liberal terms. - ; j " '-- t 'i Those who owe us debts contracted sines WtZ, remaimna unpaid, we notify that we shall sue. at the December terra of the County Court. Longer in Julgence cannot be given. . . ' -. Lumber will not be delivered from our Mills unless the Cash acoomoanfee the order. ' .v x .KIDDR &. MARTIN. : H-niBW.Vut,-lhli. 1RA7 . . .! Jpt13 ;-, . 29I-8td-Uw8w'i STATE OP K02TO CAI10LWA, , OOtJn'TX' OFSIW HANOVER,' v I " Cburf of JEniiiv to FoU Term. 18C7. , Josephs. Wilhams,! , Jas. McCormick, VJaS. Wilde, Jr.,' '- John Wildo, - t Joseph Wilde. . XT APPEARING TO THE SATISFACTION OF IX' the said Court, that the def;ndans, James Wude. Jr.. John "tvilde and Joseph Wiide reside beyond me limits of the State of North Carolina, it is therefore ordered that publication be made inlthe Wilmington Journal, a newspaper ptibllnbed n trie ciryoi wiiminiton,nouryiog the sau jamcs Wilde,. Jr., John Wilde and Joseph Wilde, to te i and appear before the Court of Equity of new Li anover eounty, to be aeld en tne lourtn Monday I after the fourth Monday in Btptember, I8ti7, tbfsi I .nil thftra tn .hn mna It anv tbev have mil the prayer of the said BiU sh'u!d not be gransed, otherwise the said Bill wiil be taken rro wjnfe.'o, and such decree will be therein- made as to tua t Honor may seem meet and Juet. -.-, . . -Witness, Frederick. D. Ptisson, Cerk and Mas ter in Equity of Neir Hanover confctv, the fourth Monday al.r tie tourth tionday in March 1S67. ' Clerk and Master. ' aug. ,23 , ; ' ', Sai-ltawGw ETATH r? r-".Tti r.".cmi. ' Sonerior Court cf lA'Xt taring lerrr 18C7. , O bDE::nD -byt1 9 Court that pnbhcat,.-.a le mse in t': ..'t :.n Journal, a. r. r pul 1. ru t ii t 1 9 : f t f y of Wi' r kx next 1. 't..C: xi v.- KDtC,lll...tL. F E M A LEG E r.l I E A R Y, WILMIIIGTOIT, IT. O. mug next Session of this Xnstltntlon Will JL bffgln on the 7th of October. 18C7. Tb ablest teachers in every branch alone will be employed. "- The most aooomfiirfiTifid and VipeHeflced Ito fessors of Muic and of Ancient and llodern Lan gnnges havn been tj-wircd. French will bo habltmUr'krckcn ia'thS Semi nary. V- . .--.f 1 For particulars, erpy t 5' - " - '- ' , Hit BOBHrtT BAKPOSf, 1 . K " , ' . lTinripaL sug. 7 , ' ' 2J.i-2m Daily Aupnpla CTrov,tcro & Sentinel, Bavannah News ft HejH'siid Pf i?.oan, Charlenton Cour ier, Kew.i'-Tn Jtmrn il of Comuierce, Raleigh Sen tinel j- Hemf trrck.r fak'tianBe Flondiao, Wilson' North CnlfTt!tnj Tri--ei kly Palitsbury Old North State: fl.oily Vt "dewl-' ATgns, Marion Star and Washington JFttKA,' epy two months and send bills tq this oJIce for payment.' : MISS KTC " - Aim .., rrT i JkOA ' ' is, .miss the t Tin 'ILL JUf-OPEN TIIEIB SCHOOL AT BO- eiefcv flail, la rear of Rt. James' Church. on THO BSD AY," THE TIIIBD Cil OOXOBElt The coarse of instrnction adopted ia tliat which a long personal experiencs in teaching has dem onstrated as most emoient Great care- and at tention is bestowed to instill, Uioroc?hly, tho ru diments of the several branches; and the pupil is made to progress as rapidly as its capaoity will admit care is taken that the pupil is UwrougMy instructed in all studies undertaken. ' v Tuition per month 5 .' .... f 5 44 - session of four and a half months,.$20 Pupils will bo received either by the month or for the session of four and a half months. In every instance one-half of the tuition will be re quired in advance, the remainder payable at the ' end of the time specified. No deduction made for time lost exerct in case of protracted sickness. 1 - . . No boys over ton years 6f age admitted. -TW MtTSICAt. DEPAnT.HEVT OF TDI3 INSTITUTION will be rnder the super, intendence of Mrs. M. S. CUriUlNG, vho will give inatrnouons upon toe ruusu i1 um I instruc tion upon this instrument will not be confined, however, to the pupils of the Institution. A few scholars outside of the above- schvl viil be re ceived on amplication to Mrs. CUriilLS .1. at her residence on Market street (up stairs), next East oi wiuis' irug ciore. . , , -. , I sept 13 ;. r & r. v,.f t ' 2S7-t33 Oo SCHOOL NOTICE, v.. rrVUK MlSSiCa PRICIS wUl open School J. on TUESDAY, 1st October, at the residence of Mr. A. L. Price, on Fonrtn. street, between Ohesnui snd Princess. TSBJIB IBB QT7 ARTEB i ' The higher branches of English, French u ; u ciuueu, . . 4. ,,12 oo Drawing (in Crayon and Pencil) .... 6 00 Music at Professor's Chargos. 4 Farther particulars mado known on application. . sept 14 : ' ; . . 299 : BHSS SnEttOOD'S EC"33L t)C7tlLl4 MEJ.CE TXTESDAT. Ht QU TT toner, iror panicuisrs arriy t r.r rest- denoe, Princess street, oppoblto Journal Office. sept. 21,- r.-V. -.' . .,205-10t 5 Bliss "Kennedy; acd Miss ; Hart TTT1LL ttIMPKS tUelr Sehool for yonnff TT ladies and children on Tuesday, October 1st. Instruction in French will be riven at a mod erate extra charee. and arraceemeuts have been made with Mrs. Meares for giving leitsons on the I napo or in yocai musio. I'ayment wui, in all oa ses, be required montuly in advance. , "Sept. 17' i "50I--2W fiev. DANIEL ; MORUELLE'S . . , ...., M. -vooa t.ii, I - 4 FOURTH STREET AND COTTAGE LANE, : Will open Monday, October 7 th. 207-2w wummou ogii c:zool. J 2T..HIITTOH, Prlacirol, IaOdAt;:t3IInD", BTbEEX BE- "TTOSN. DOCK ANp'OEANGE. I. A . J ... , Tins secoso AjfsrAL frsjic WILL commence October Third and clone the last Thursday m June,- fc ? The ftincipal tenders his grateful, aenowldg ments for the liberal patrons re heretofore re ceived f no laboj will bo spared to inent its oon-fdnuance,-! f t ' '' ' . Thirty (30) BoVa will be reccivivl uddor the sole supervisiou of tke Principal, ThorouRU practi cal instructiou will be given in the nhii branch es. Mathematics and the Classics. i tnograuile Alphabet taught grattntcusiy. Nd extra charges tor instructions in Book-Kt r ping and DrAwing. Ratt reasonable.' ' ' ' sept. 13 tfti xriCr" i , : -, 8C2-ff Trr?Ty fiTrttrTtr t ASD U f 1 "run A li: 'afiinirAfty VTTILL Bt-OPE.t OCTOBJCIt 3J, 1 r for particu:ars, see Citvcvts, to be found at tUprnCS on Monday ext.; : ' ' hiiitnM if5i O ; c W . J E W E T T . septH; IPostcopy.J t , ' , ,200-tf WHEAT. CULTLT.Hl a .tt "5 fT' :ot- PACIFIC 0UAN0 CO E1PANPS OO .TOl LANDING Fitori scna. iMoOAilAN. and for sale inlot to suit, bv ' w. n; 5TcP.A Y'A' CCiA Asrents. "septlO i ' '.-.29fc5 CEAVEIl CHEEK MAS 4-4 UKETtteaY . corioN yah::, of very superior ouality e-it e f "- 'Bhed at short notice. J. L. 3 VLL, - - - - ' Preet. reaver i :.f g Co. -- ' A. JOIC.-'jO AO., nt i. , i i.-i-.ok-.a, N. 0. aprillS" - Sw - ' ' . : ' 1C7 tf MERCHANT TAlTXIt, ' . . ; ' L's" t Ktrttt, ; Part ioufar attention i&'.X to t:.'-- i-Lu:acture of Boys' t-jvliing.; .- . -...:.;:....: Geuts'thirtsniadstocTJIer. , . , . l . a.. , .a . i-LAIGS 1st Ji(t -:- 1 . f ir f fork's : u. 4,.. i . ... k ri.io ... - tlBgtn . r:not r ' ibs. V.: 3 lbs. boxes. :rs Iy ti t U l,L. "i.e. .1

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