'J- I j I ! vivt;::;;-:;;:.;,,,; ; 1 , : .. . ' , . 1 ' i WW '31 : I NO. 17. WIMIINGrTON ; FRIDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 18, 1867. WHOLE NUMBEK 4.74L ' ...... ' . 1 , ' r T , J . . v j . i i AyAyiViv u vvv - ' - - - . . - - '- ,, - s - ' , ; - - - r , .7 . :J. r . i . I . ' ; - D AIL Y .T O U R N AL . pu ;; ;x paxlt w tub stats. . I m m W W j 9 ? 9 I 3 B B 5 3 3 ? o p b 8 s '. w "' m S S W t CO f I G ca J A W i88 S 8 8 8.8 .' ci oo en . m s 8 .8 .iig : S t S W j-JI MM 8 5 S 8. g 8 8 . U e c ill 8 8 8 8 8 3 s&)c e s 8. JL 8 J 8. J8 . ass si's: s 8 JtsLS 8 8 S & S S S C n 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ;sj sje g e s i888 88I8 8 iS es e c: 8 s s '888 8 8 8 8 ; 5 l C 2 g B 8 o 8. 8 8 8 8 jg 8 B 8 8 8 8 88 8 8 8 8 J gg i s s Il8 8 818 8 8 8 S E - , i 5 S 12 (? p r : 4 2 i CBClUPTJOM. une ycnr, ..... .$10 00 00 oc Tbret nioniht,. ....... WJE E KLY JOUKN AL', .. - ESTABLISHED BEPTEHBEB, 1844. ' One tqnkre, ot tea lines or 1cm, tor etck and every In. aerUon, $1. , . 8peclal Notice will be charged $2 per quare, for each and every Insertion- , - ' unsciuPTios. " ' 5 One year,..,. ,.., .r.. : $1 oo Six Dionlhn,. a 00 Juit. lain. " " - ; ITIi: DAILY JOURNAL. U WILMINGTON. N. C. i ti FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 18G7. From ths Baltimore Bun, rUOM . WASIIIKOTOir. i Cort Ma-rtlsJ , lenUne of av Federal Offi- ecr The 5 Virginia hailroad Difficulty Settled Geaeral ' Dcaarcgard Detective t Baker, dee. . ; :f l ' r ;. ' ; ; ';' WASSIKOTOV, October 15. At the Cabi , net session to-day General Grant presented . Uie record ox tne court martial which re cently tried Colonel Gilbert, in the Fourth Military District, for destroying or closing a newspaper establishment and writing a letter to the editor in which he (Gilbert) asserted that Federal officers were masters Milt? PSli'. If ' ' "'' 3 5 ; ' B : of the people of the Southern States, etc. The court finds Colonel Gilbert guilty, and .' . sentences him . to pay a fine of one thou sand dollars and be reduced to the rank and pay of a Captain, and be placed at the end of the list of Captains in the District There are over fifty Captains on the list who thus outrank Gilbert SThe govern ment approves the" sentence. ' . ' ir The order of General Wilcox forbidding ( , the consolidation of , the Virginia and Ten nessee and Norfolk and 1'etersburg and Sonthside Railroads, under the Fresidency ' of Gen. Mahone, has been cancelled by the adjustment of the difficulty to the satisfac tion of the government The order of General Wilcox forbado the consolidation , until the amount due the government from thoso railroads had been paid. . Generals Mahone and Beauregard nave been here two or three days for the purpose of bring ing about the settlement ... , '.vJt is understood that the purpose of the visit of General Beauregard to the Presi dent and General Grant to-day was to hare restored to him-certain lands which be owns near Memphis, End .'which: we now occupicu oy me irecumen s Dureau ouicers. c-.h: ; The attachment against 'Detect! te Baker to brirjsr him .before the Judiciary commit- '' tee, was long since issued, in pursuance of (l a resolution of . the House of Representa tives, but the writ - was only recently -served. - . ' nestorlng aa Historic Edifice. . . The venerable colonial Episcopal Church v In New Kent county: Virginia,- known as St Peter a, has been rendered wholly nn- r; fitted for Divine vrorehip from the dilapi dating cHectt of time and the ruin and de , vastation from which even churches did ""not escape in the late war. . It is a church ' in whica many of the leading revolutionary characters worshipped, and which was the scene of the marriage of George Washinc .4 ton and I 'artha Custis. This sacred epot, linked with, so many in teres tine associa tions, and still valuable, if put in proper repair, 10 me reugious wants oi , Vie sar : roundics community, has claims on the liberality of the patriotic and pious in all - parts ol the land.- The congregation is too much impoverished to put it In order; and efforts are being made to procure assistance to that end from Episcopal Churches in other parts of the country, and from ill . who may be disposed to contribute to the restoration of .die venerable and historic -m church edifice. The "surviving members of the vestry have authorized Dr. John Mayo to Uke steps in behalf of the object, wwl he is now in Aaiumore witn tne view ol inter eating parties in the nndertakinsr. Dr. Mayo is universally known In Vircinia. and , has the recommendation of the Episcopal ' clergy of Richmond. Sirs. Lin coln's Wardrobe. The New York correFpondent of the Phil - adL '.iilif "T Mva .: i . ,r i V.J - " 'iLa newest report about Mrs. Lincoln . Ii, tL"t 1 rr a.Tont here, .Mr.', Brady, has -Ltca i: lr c te 1 to open a subscription for I , inBtoad of selling her ward role, jewelry, eta, at auction. -Ana letter to that c!T"t d?-prccatcs so much ty, but rt j bll whom - it may publici - concetn that, Lr.l Lcr husband" lived, heretipport W'outd not Lave been taken away from Jier. Mrs. It abo etr rcrcs the conviction that she Las fzic-Ij enough in the community to contribrta p-JUcicnt to enable her to live in a stria l,c - -? her previous position. . e t -3 ". Cat t-e wants is an '.income ' ' " c "Us her. to travc 1 from i s t ij r carry a mail with her. i L-t is&Oir c pen at COO port -3 ar e t.. na 1. r r t' : T ll : i ei they .1 From the Springfield Eepubllcan, (Bep.) A SobarlDf; Effect. Senatof Howard, of Michigan, wrote a fetter recently, in favor of impeachment, wLich he was peranaded to withhold from publication tili after the election of Tues day. It is likely now to be oppressed al together. The truth is, that the result of the elections has bad a suddenly sobering influence, like a backet of coldjwateton the he4 of a drunken man, and the incli nation now will be to moderate and reason' able councils. -i The scheme of Butler and Wade to depose the President first and im peach him afterwards will no more be heard of, and impeachment itself will only be named by the more impuLiive politicians. The 'schemes for confiscation; for recon structing the governments of Mary land and Kentucky, and for. establishing equal suf frage by law of Congress in all the States, nave all gone try tne Doara. it," ladtstt -AflMva, & i 4'f ; -'t Lotus, Oct 15. A dispatch, from Fort Larncd, dated the 12th, announces the arrival there of the Indian commissioners. All well.! They were pushing directly to Medicine Lodge creek, where the grand council will be lield. j! Late advices from Montana say that two companies of mounted militia, under Capt. Hughes, "have deserted. ' It is supposed that they intend depredating on the road between Montana and Colorado. " Ten thousand dollars have been offered for the capture of Capt. Hughes.'-- : A: DAVID S CO .1! : - ; ('27:"IAIoketSt.f'-: WILMI NGT ON, N. C. rjpiIK OLDEST AXD ( LARGEST . IIOVBK IN THE CITY, which mannfactures- its 'OWK CLOTHINO, has just received a large stock ol 1 1 . MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, such as - --.'-' it; : - - H- V- '- h. .... BEATER BUSINESS SUITS, ' CASSIMEBE BUSIE8S 3UITS, , BEAVER OTEBCOAT8. . f .. BLACK FBOCK COATS i BLACK BACK COATS, - BLACK DOESKIN COATS,! BLACK DOESKIN PANTS, FANCY CA8SIMEBB PANTS, .;. v f-, , - GRENADINE, VELVET, SILK AND SATIN VESTS, . -i, - A. BLACK CLOTH PANTS AND VESTS, BLACK DOESKIN VESTS, XOUTHS' AND . BOYS' CLOTHINCr. . OUR DEPARTMENT FOR f MERCHANT TAILORING stands unrivaled, as we have made it oar study to secure the latest and choicest patterns of PLAIN ana uahmljujsks ana vjasiiauo ex pressly for CUSTOM WOBK. GEST8 FCRMSULVG GOODS of all descriptions, SHIRTS, COLLARS, ; O LOVES, HOSIERY, Ac, Ac. HATS! HATS! I Gentlemen are invited to call and examine our fine assortment of HATS of various qualities and , ... K rirrixr 'a xtt sin rrxrrrr tr " r rr-vt a t..; JXJL Ar VlilJ VlyiliH JJ V J. J2iU3 will find it to their advantage to call and examine onr stock, as they will save from MS to .30 per cent, in their porcuasea. ;.i ' - TO WHOLESALE BETEIiS M we offer unnsnal inducements. We can sell to them at equally as low prices as the same goods can bo purchased by them in New York or Phila delphia. We bay of tho importers, by the whole sale, ana can therefore compete with Northern jobbers. oct. ii - . li-tr CHEESE ! CHEESE 1 1 1 nA BOIKS KMGUSH DAIRY AXJKJ ; AND STATE CHEESE. . ........ .... .. ... v.." K-. . v . niixiAMS A MURCHIS0N. Oct 15 : : .: ,14 lW,. A GOOD KURSE WASTED. A " YOTJXO woman competent, and eVerjr xa, way reliable, can get a good' situation by application at tne omce or - - WORTH A DANIEL. Oct 11 , t 11-fit , SPECLIL K0TICE.' , . ;. TO OUR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPART ment we have added a choice assortment of fine FRENCH BROADCLOTH, ' " -; VESTINGS and a full line of TAILOItS THIMBU N OS-. A We guarantee to give satisfaction to all who want a fine, handsome fitting garment. i ! ; ; buu. v&AAi s uiiua. , ... ... 18 Market stret. sept 25 rr- S T f . - f 808-lm PURE' SCOTCH 1 A RD IRISH WHISKEY. tX. The GENUINE IMPORTED article, at ' GEO. MYERS, 11 and IS Front street. L . , CHAS. D. MYERS. Afr'tl Tost copy. I i ; SIT ft U Pfl G 1 1 HT (IX v l : . - vn n wn nvkun-rm.. tn w 1 1 A at GEO. myers it i "a wt .tV I . - ! s CHAS. D. MYER3. A't- oct 17 Post copy. - - " fit J7 ANTED -rv. z i V-? '' ! T lO RESTT-Uk-IlOOai convenient tho Poetoffice. ApdIv at the , , .i. , V3TOJrFICE. oct. n ' ' .. . - : - lar t ArrLEs, ArrLs. GEO. MYEES t 11 and 13 Fror.t street, ... Tr ? c'ihels H a" i j i I . t re. Miscellaneous. ALBERT DAY, COLDSEOItOCGII, KOIITH f AE0LIA, agxxt roa .DIBBLE, WORTH &' CO.,; GENERAL "COMMISSION " ' MEROHANlTS; , ':, ' 1 188 PEARS STREET, HEW YORK, Will make liberal Cash Advances on Cotton and other produce to be consigned to above house, and give personal attention to Forwarding and pay ment of Taxes on same, and no charge for receiv- ing,and jorwarding. , . , - - . I will also keep a good supply or ,.' BAQQIKO, BOTE, PATENT TIES, . " ' -T , , P0EK,l&a, Ac. Office at old Stand. In rear of D. C. Gar 269-3m rlarton Store. ,,4.jx aug in .. , : , IRON TIES vs. BALE ROPE. .,H REFERRING TO AN ARTICLE IN THE ST. Louis Republican ol the 31st of August it is Asserted that iron-bound cotton suffers a loss of two pounds tare per bale- This question of tare, so extensively paraded before the public by those interested in the sale of rope, is now settled by the following statement from the well-known and responsible house of B, A. Mathews & Co , 36 New street, Xiew Xork city, under date or 21 lb Aug.. 1867: : , J--:.-.. ---.'. . : . On the subject of the allowance of tare on iron-bound cotton, we have to say, that at a re cent meeting of shippers and commission mer chants, it was decided when only six ties were on the Dale, no deduction ior tare should be allowed, when more than six are used, the extra number shall be. removed before weiRhiog. Insurance companies favor the use of iron ties. ' . Thus, it will be Been, that the question or tare is now settled. , No difference being made between rope and iron-bound cotton. 2d. It is claimed rust from the iron damages the cotton, and that old ties are worthless.. - It is well known that iron ties can be used a second time, bnt who ever heard of the reuse of rope ? It the ties have not been coated to prevent rust, the cotton, after being exposed to the weather until the bagging is rotted off, would be a little stained, otherwise it wonld not. ITie writer, when in New Orleans in the winter of '65 and '66, saw large quantities of iron-banded cotton that had been exposed to the weather all through the war, for four years, with bagging all rotted off, which was held as snugly and compact with the iron bands as when first baled. Ho much for damage by rust Would not all of thin -cotton have been a total loss ir bound with rope t All would like to know who ever lost a bale of cotton by striking off the bands ? It may be that some one interested in the sale of rope will give us the name of the party. , . f -. ' .' a -s I had thought iron did not break bo easy when hot, but the reverse is claimed ; and is it a fact that rope will stand more fire than iron ? The fol lowing certificate from the well-known house of Messrs. Fowlkes fc Stcffe. of Memnhia. Term. ."un der date of March 9, 1867, shows the advantage of iron-bound cotton in the fire, as follows : ' In March, 1866, a fire occurred in our store on Jeffer son street, in the cellar of which he had stored 93 bales of cotton..- In tiering the same some 11 or 12 balos of the lot, Just received from one of our patrons, was piled on top, which, we believe, saved the house from destruction, it being put up in iron, ties :, was ' taken out as compact as when storod ; bagging burnt off, of course, and the cot tan scorched to the deoth of several inche. while ft also prevented the bursting to a great extent of the bales on which it was tiered, thereby ena bling us not only to save the house, but a ereat deal more cotton thsn could otherwise have been saved. We are confident had all been bound or been put up with iron ties, it would have resisted the fire for several days, and we have since coun seled the use of iron ties altogether among our customers, and each ethers as we have had occa sion to talk with on the subject.' u this does not settle the question of Iron bound cotton being saier rrom nre the following does . in a car load or ootton burned near Memphis in the' Fall ot 1865, was one bale of ootton bound with iron, i This was the only bale saved." The great loss in weieht on rope bound cot ton from being less compact and more exposed to cotton thieves, and otherwise, the account sales of the planter will show, and those having used iron nave bad a chance . to see the great differ once in favor of iron ties, and will not be induced to again use rope for bailing cotton. 1 ' - It is an indisnntable fact that iron bonnd cot. ton goes to market in better shsDe and condition. and with more safety than when bound with rope, and the bales do not increase in size if held for years. , insurance companies, steam boatmen, warehouse men, railroads, and all interested in the transpor tation of cotton, favor the use of iron ties for cot ton bailing, and for tho best of reasons, the balos are more compact, safer from fire, and less liable to damage. v . - -- At a meeting of this Board hold this day. the following was the action taken in New Orleans? Office of thb Boabd of Under wbitees, i New OaLEiNS, August 20. 1867. ' i ' - " Itemized, That being fully satisfied of tke su periority or iron ties over rope, the officers com posing the Board will make a redaction of ten per cent, on present rates of fire premiums on all cot ton bound with iron tics and stored in separate compartments of presses; aDd will charge ten per cent, additional to present river and marine rates of premiums on all cotton not bound with iron ties, on and after the 1st of September, 1867. JAMES H. WHEELER, ' : Secretary The time has since been extended to 1st of Jan uary. - . ..." : STEJlMBOAT Captajks Urioh Bikkvo-) ' : . XjExt association, - ; ; - NkwOblkajts, July 22, 1887, ) The following was passed in the Steamboat Cap tains union uenevoient Association or new or leans this day : . . jiesoivea. mat on ana aner tne nret aay oi September, 1867,. all the steamboats running on the Mississippi river and its tributaries will charge twenty-five per cent, extra freight on all cotton not iron-tied and roily covered witn bagging, leaving no nnt exposed. " '' - -. . ' . Secretary, The time has since been extended to the 1st of January. ) Ceard'i Patent Lock &" Buckle Ties. For sale by ' -j -' j - E. MURRAY A CO. ,. 1 " ." North Water Street. . I ' ' Wilmington. N. V. foots SUNDRIES. 25 BALES Standard asay Cloth, 1 50 Coils Rope, , . - 10 Tons Dillon's Ties. " " ' '350 Bales Hay, "- 50- Barrels Heavy Moss Pork, -,.;2,250 Sacks Liverpool Salt, -, t 50 Hhds. Sweet Classed Molasses. fat aria bv j... . .. .. . -wUfilU S. IJAAA&l et.lt Tt.l-r;:;4 .. . ,U-6 FRED CrHLLL-: :r rFFEttS his aerviees to edit, teach, post M s-.... y ky A.t; books, or in any honest occupation, which pay a bum s.sit QALIN3 CIL BY TI f v i i 1 s MERCANTILE (illEtf 'MM. TTTE. RE1PXCT9TJLX.Y HFORJI OTJR . V v , City and country friends that we have lately received a -; ...., . . VERT LARGE AND M SELECTED STOCK Cf ' 6C3DS- . ; AT- . Astonishingly :Low Prices, : : CONSISTING OF , ; 500 pieces of assorted Prints. 600 pieces Bleached and Unbleached Shirting and Sheeting. . .... . . 250 pieces Delaines. ' . - 125 pieces Black and Fancy Alapacae,' " ' . 150 pieces of Red and White Flannels, . 60 pieces of Berages, Silks. , - -.. ? j - GRENADINES, ' k , JACONETS and . . ' LTNENS in great quantities and varieties. i 250 pieces Hatinets, Cloths and Cassimeres. i 800 pairs Blankets, and a large Use of too numerous to mention. ' 150 dozen Men's WOOL and FUR HATS." ' i "" ' OTJR STOCK OP H HEADY MADE CLOTIUNG . Gentlemens' FurnishiB ' oods is the largest in this market, and;we offer them at manufacturers prices. ; ;,- i In addition, we have received : i , , 300 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES direct from the manufacturers ; comprising ' . i! 75 cases Ladies Leather and Morocco Shoes. 90 cases Mens' Kip Brogan and Calf Shoes. ' 40 cases Mens Balmorals. . ; , 50 cases Misses, Children and Boys' Shoes. 60 cases Mens' Sewed and Pegged BOOTS. Parties visiting the city to purchase their FALL and WINTER STOCK wonld do well to call and examine onr Stock before purchasing elsewhere. '1 here is no House ia the aty or State that can undersoil as, and w offer to city and country merchants Goods on very accommodating terms. , SOL. BEAR & BROS.. - - ' " 18 Market street. . sept. 25 . .. 808-lm ZEE2 ITCTST 9 STIR COTTON GLS, OFFER THE ABOVE JTJSTliY CELEBRATED ' - - - COTTON GINS, With or without CONDENSERS, as may be pre ferred, at Factory prices. They are made from 10 to loo saws, and adapted to hand or horse power. - - - At tne liouisiana state i air. in JSovember. 1866. the "uTAR GIN " took all the premiums offered. Sample Gin and Condenser may be inspected at our office. ..... , - ' 1 1 ' ATKINSON & SHEPPERSON,' ? : 11 A 12 North Water Street , TESTIMONIALS- LuABgia City. N. U.. hot. 12 .1866. ' Dear Sir: I have been using for the last four weeks, the "Star" Cotton Giu and; Condenser, which I have purchased from you, and am very much pleased with both. I hesitated at first about purchasing the Condenser, but alter using it to my enure sausi&cuon ior a mouu, x must say mat it cannot be too highly recommended. xours respectfully, Geo. D. PooiT , ;'. I Beiujj, kxab Ivos, Va., Nobfolk A Petebsbtjb 3 1 Railboad. March 5. 1867. Dear Sir: Having promised to give you my opinion of the "Star" Cotton Gin. I will now write to say, that in my judgment, it is without doubt, the best I have ever seen. It has been fairly tested in my section during the season just past, in con nection with other celebrated Gins, and is ack nowledged br all to be far the best. I have Ginned one hundred and eight bales cotton, and the saws are in as good order as when l purchased it. The seeds are so clean of lint, as to render them as easy to plant as peas. It can pick cleaner and raster by far. than any uin 1 ever saw. 1 bad some diniculty in managing the Condenser at first. but soon understood it, and now I would not be without it for any reasonable amount. Messrs. H. liiKS a Do., or NorroiK, sold my cot ton, and they can bear testimony that no cotton wan 1U uebMir cuuiuuuu ur nuiu iur uuiia uiuuej. In conclusion. 1 would rather pay the price for the Star'' Cwttou Gin, than to use any other without charge. -; . ..' i . . . ., , .... lruiy, r ; Sccffkesoho. N. C, Doc. 3d. 18ti6. Dear. Sir 1 I have been usins for several weeks the " Star " Ootton Gin purchased of you, and aa you wished to know my opinion ol it, 1 nave to say that it is an tnat i coma wisn it to do, my ncign- bors are delighted with its operations It gins very rapidly and dean. Adding these qualities to its simplicity, and the ease wita wniou any pan i may: be replaced, I consider it the best Gin I I have ever aeon- ' - - - ; Veiy truly :-- - " , i. ,..!. CAVm AXZXASOEIU 4- i i . Gastos. N. C. March 21st, 1867.' - Dear Sir r The 40 Saw Gin which I purchased I of you last fall, I have no hesitation m saying, has more than rumiiea my expectations and alter a fair trial it has proved to be the best Gin I ever used, although I have used other Gins for the past 40 years. Think 1 cat, safely say, that with pro per speed my Gin will pick 200 pounds of Lint , Ootton per hour. - very respectruuy, j ' B. RAxtm. Bcckwood, Southampton Co.. Ya. Dear Sir : I have been using this season the 1 Star " Cotton Gin. which I bought of you. and I have no hesitation in saying I prefer it to any Gin A navo ever seen ui use. At woras easy, picas clean and fast. In my estimation the mechanism of these Gins is as near perfection as it is possi ble ior human skill to accomplish, every part per- jorming its allotted work perfectly. 4 M yeryrespecHuuy, . July 26 y ; f . 85(-2aw-tf : NOTICE. :-lV:t v. 1 T71 W. KERCHHER having . pare hated J? the interest ot E. A. Keith,' the firm of hlUTii jumtutm JSJt is uus oay dissolved, ine business will be continued at the old stand by I1. W. Kerchner, with whom all debts due the late firm must be settled. ' ' , E. A. KEITH, - - F. W. KERCHNER. Sept. 12. 1867. " - - " The undersigned having purchased Mr. Keith's interest, would respectfully ask a continuance of the liberal patronage ? extenoea to tne tate una or Keith A Kerchner. and. is now prepared to make liberal advances on Cotton, Naval Stores, Ac, con signed to him or to nu menus in .Baltimore and New York;' "' - . ? Corn. Bacon; Fork, Flour, Bait, Guano, Cotton Bagging, Rope, Ootton Ties, Ae., always on hand. Also, agents for the celebrated Patapseo Guano. JT. ff . iU&KUiiJMJUt - sept. 17 f t- i 1 -8Ql lm LIME! rtArt A BAliiiEIjS FRESH STONE IIME. rfSUUU fast arrived per schis M. E. VancleaX and landing this day. Parties who have been waiting will find it io-their interest to receive it fronvwharl aa landed.Mj - - ' - . -l - ; WORTH A DANIEL. ; eepL18 302.64 703 EJLL2 AT T. RAILROADS. WLLcinston and Man. Railroad Co. . - GeXEKAL 8rjpKalNTEKlEHTS Offtcz, ) V IUKIXOTOX, N U,, Oct, 5t 1SC7. I A SI and after Oct. 6th. Passenger Trains J of this Road will run on tho following Sched ule:. .. i ;; ... . f, , L , EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Wilmington.. 2:30 A. K. Amve at Florence. 8:10 A. M. Arrive at KingsviUe. 11:45 A. M. Leave Kingsville............. 11:30 A. M. Arrive at Florence. 2:55 P. M, Arrive at Wilmington.. ... ; 8:55 P. M. ACCOMMODATION Leave Wilmington . . . . . . . . Arrive at Kingsville.......... Leave Kingsville. . . ... . . . .. t- TRAIN, i ....... 7:50 P. M. louw a. M. 20 P, M. Arrive at Wilmington.. 6:15 A. M. Express Train connects closely at Florence with the North Eastern Railroad, for Charleston, and Cheraw and Darlington Railroad, for Cheraw, and at a-ingsviue witn the Houth uaroima lUilroad, for Columbia and Augusta. Accommodation Train will run daily Sundays excepted, ana connect at Kingsvuie with South Carolina Railroad f.-r Columbia and Augusta. WM. MaoRAE, Genl.Sup't. oct. 6 . 1 - . 7-tf " Wil., Charlotte L R&therford R. R. Gehxkax, SuFEBiirTEDKirr's Office, 1 WnjOHOToy, N. C, Aug. 9, 1867. ON AND AFTER TUESDAY NEXT, AUGUST 4AiL it. v . x , . .1.1 iota, me x'assenger tram on uiisitoaa iu Arrive at Sand Hill same days, at 3 P. M. Arrive at Wadesboro' ( Stage) at 12 midnight Leave Wadesboro' (Stage) on Tuesday, Thurs day ana oainraay, at z tr. ax. . Leave Rockingham (Stage) on Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 4:30 A. M. Leave Sand Hill (Cars) Monday, Wednesday and c naay, at i o cioca, a. ju. , Arrive at Wilmington same days at 3 P. M. .... .., , w L. EVERETT, 'iy ' i r General Superintendent. - aug ..- - s - : - 298-tf , Offick Wil., Ch. & Bern. R. R. Co, WIUtlSQTON, . mHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE 8TOCK- X HOLDERRS of the above Company will be held at Lincolnton, on WEDNESDAY, the 23d instant. I. T. ALDERMAN, ' .. Secretary. - Wardesboro' Argus, Lincolnton Courier and Charlotte Democrat copy once a week till daj of meeting, ana sena bin. ; " - oct. 6 ' . ' ' - 6-tm SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY. ANNAHESSIC LINE. Great V. S. Mail Route for the North. rililE Steamers of the above Line leave JL Portsmouth daily (Sundays excepted) at 11 o'clock, A. M., on arrival of the great Express Train of the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad. Passengers leaving Wilmington. N. C. by the :uo, tr. ai., train, arrive at weiaon in time to con- nect with the tram of the Annamessio Line, ar riving in New York at 5:20, A. M., next day, the UUiUJU&T.TaMJS EVER MADE. ; i . Be sure nnd ask for Tickets and- have Baggage Cheeked via AH2f AJHKSSIC LI.VK. H. V. TOMPKINS, : , i.. . - General Agent. O. I. TROWBRIDGE, General Passenger Agent. julyU . .. .. 246-tf Li fllfll ASMlILiM. m ; KEW YORK. June. 1867. 'i the undersigned Shipping Merchants of a tneeitvoi . i nrom tha nit rfira.ri uoay of many different Sea Captains, in whom we hiive implicit confidence, and feeling it a dntywhich wd owe onr 'allow men, hereby bear witness of the grias connaence we ieei in tne truiv marveuous curative powers of Major J. T. LANE'S INDIAN REMEDY for the coi t and prevention of SMALL POX., XELLOW FEVER, Ac, and we cheerfully p-ittrr pTenotures, hoping its wonderful merits 'waings may be mado known to the world, . BRETT, SONS A CO., 43 South St. ; vUlil la WAKO, 43 South St. ; " ' r D. K.- DbWOLF & CO. 103 Broad St. ' HENRY A SON, 25 Ooenties SUp. i . SIMPSON A SHAW, 27 Coenties Slip. ' WM. A. MOORE, 205 South St. . . JAH. T. TAPSOOrr. 86 South St. GEO. L. TAPSCOTT, of Tapscott Bro., ! 80 Boutft Ht. : ' t- ROBERT HAWKE. 86 South St. s .;r-.r.Y4'i x '.: And many others. This remedy has never been known to faiL Price per package, $5,00. Forwarded free to any point in tne unitea ntates. Aaaress j. T. AiAMiii & uo., iuj isroadway, x. sept?.. -.-'s m h-v-v fr-M -yit 25.6w TT HAS BEEN - ASCERTAINED doubt, that tho . GREATEST BARGAINS . IN . AND - -FANCY ARTICLES, are sold daily at '- - ' -4 - ' " h AUGUST KEHE'S; ' 39 Market Street, Who has just returned from the North with as fine and well assorted a stoca oi ? DRESS GOODS, : TRIMMING. CLOAKS WHITE GOODS, - . r . . , NOTIONS, SHOES, ic, Ac, As has ever been introduced in this market. We defy competition. All we ask is a call. . AUGUST KEUR. 80 Market Street, At the old stand of Marcus A Kehr. sept. 23 NEW CITY MESS PORK. 1 rf BARBELS , . ., , NEW CITY MESS PORK, guaranteed full weight. For sale by j WORTH & DANIEL. sept. 22 . . , .? ... 806-5t BALE-ROPEi BAGGING AKD' V T7OR KAJLS 19 Ayt TO SUIT PURCHAJSj JL, . ai3. by tne juauuiacturer. . , .-. :K : - H. CLUCAS. : 1 - ' ' So. 67 Pine street. New York, j ' sept 10 '. . t 1 . , . 205-4m. CACSr-RACS. rrUX W-hst cash prices will bo paid for C, Oct. 4, 1867. f 5 aMW1 va "1 I I LIVE (ID wk. - BEYOND RAILROADS. WILMIXGT0N m WEI.DOX' RAIL ROAD C03IPASY. Cefics Exo. akd Fcpt. W. a w. n. b . j . WiunxoTOX, October It, le6l. ? ON AND AFTER THE 12th OCTOBER THE Jollowing Schedule will be run over this Road; DAY PASSENGER AND MAIL TRAIN. Leave Wilmington dally (Sundays excepted) at 60 A. M. ; arrives at Weldon 3:00 P. M. Leaves Weldon daily (Sundays exceptwl) at 10:30 A. M. ; arrives at Wilmington 7;80 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN.. Leave Wilmington st .0:00 P. M., daily. Arrive at Weldon at. ......'5:00 A. M., " Leave Weldon at.....;...;. .....(5:25P. M., Arrive at WUmirgton at. . . .... ,.2:20 A. M., " EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN. Leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 4:00 A. M., and arrives at Weldon at 6:00 P. M. Leave Weldon daily tsundays excepted) at 4:00 A. M.. and arrive at Wilmington at 6:00 P. M. Trains ass Goldsboro' at 2:00, 10:30 and 10:50 A. M., going North ; at 2:50, 10:15 P. M. and 10:50 A. M., going South, cortnecting with Trains to Raioigh and Newbern at 10:80 A. M. and furthtr points at 20 P. M. " ' MOT Papers on this line of the Road copy this and omit all other Schedule notices. - - 8. L. FREMONT, Engineer and Superintendent. oct 12 . 12-tf GREAT mii llllAI.MIL AND ." ,. " "nTrTtTITm fl -r- ATTmTl Two Dally Trains, (Sunday A. 91. excepted.) WILMINGTON TO NEW YORK, ' VIA WELDON, PETERSBURG, RICHMOND, WASH INGTON, BALTIMORE & PHILADELPHIA. Through to New York ' in 32 Hours. NO CHANGE DF CARS! h FROM WELDON TO ACQUIA CREEK, Otf FROM WASHINGTON TO NEW YORK. Passengers leaving Wilmington at 6:00 A. M.. or 9:80 P. M., make clone connection at Woldon wit the trains Ot this old Favorite Route. Elegant new oars supplied with the new Patent Reclining seats on all trains. TIME AS QUICK : and :" - ' FARE AS LOW as by any other route. Ask for Tickets and have your baggage checked via Petersburg, Richmond, Ac. ; Passengers upon arriving at Weldon ahould ask for and take the cars marked THROUGH ROUTE. ,:" i " E. H. GILL, Kupt. R. A P. R.E. ? R. B. 1 'EG BAM, Sunt. Pet. A Weldon R. B. oct. 13 .. . 13-lm NOTICE TO SHIPPERS OF FREIGHT. TEE SEABOARD INLAID AIR LINE VIA POETSMOUTn, YA 'S THE ONLY DIRECT LINK BETWEEN BOSTON, HEW X01i.lt, PHILADELPHIA, . ....... .., BALTIMORE and the CAROLINAS, It is ex Dress in point of speed and safety of Freights being from 40 to 70 hours in advance of all other Junes, and at as low rates. It offers daily communication with Baltimore, Daily communication with Philadelphia, Five steamers each week to New York. Two steamers each week to Boston. It ia the only line having these advantages, and bv which there is but one handling of freicht. Cars are loaded at the wharves in Portsmouth and are run throusrh to destination. lis careful to direct your consignors to snip oniy Front Baltimore by the Norfollt or Bay Line Steamers, loot of Union JDoch. . From Philadelphia by the Annameaslc Line, Philadelphia, Wilmington and Bal timore Depot, or by Clyde's Steamers, 14 South Delaware Avenne. From New York by the Old Dominion Steamship Line. Pier 37, North River. ' Front Boston by. the Norfolk Steamship Line, end of Central Wharf. - All losses, damaees or over charees promptly adjusted, on application to JuciAitiiica, Transportation Accnt. Portsmouth. Va. Havo your freight marked via Portsmouth, and in shipping to Philadelphia! marked via Clyde's june, or ttta Annamesfeio. ! Superintendent Transportation. aug. 30 ..:,.- -..--i': ; 2-2m CHILLS AND FEVEE. SOLAS DINE, the Great Virginia Vegetable Al terative ana Menovator or uut uurnan euuern. "TOLAStDlNK is a certain preventive and DOS' I 1 iiive Cure for CHILLS AiD FEVER. The success which bas attended ftOLiAMUKE ! in our own city and State. (Vireinla), and other States, has induced the proprietors (at uus, tne season tor chills and fever.) to call the attention ! of the citizens of North Carolina to our " Nolan- dine" as a vegetable preparation, which hast a every instance accomplished what is claimed for it, as the following certificates and many others too numerous lor publication, win attest. . wuJtuNaiun AjaAuuuitJNJc, Pharmaceutists and sole Proprietors, Richmond, Virginia. For sale by W. H. LIPPITP, Druggist, Wilmington, N. C. - t ! - i Richmond. Auc. 9th 16C. Metsrt. Johnston & Latujtiome: b&ut Sua: I contracted chills and fevers in the lower country in Kentemhftr. 1K&. and. notwithstanding a resi dence in the mountains of Virginia, stilf contin ued to Buffer from them up to the following De cember, and irom the nrst warm weather in tne beginning of spring was subject to attacks of them at intervale oi irom two to ture? weuits. a lie pnv sician in Lexineton (rave me quinine and calomel. the only effect of which was to stop the chills for a time. The eaiomei, aiuiougn a too a large quantity of it, did not act. When I arrived in Richmond, in the early part of July. I was again affected with them. It was recommended to me to take yonr Nolandine. In ten day after the tint does i folt like a new man. All. the spring I liad been weuc aeointatea ana suntect to a swimming in the head; but now, though feeble from th tf- recta or tne rever, l reel in penect health, and can perceive a daily improvement in my condition. And now thanks to your medicine, which i nope will prove a blessing to both you and yoar fellow- creatures, I am entuely recovered, and chills aud levers seem at last to nave bidden me a fin ai adieu. I bays no hesitation whatever in recommending it to others similarly affected. . : xours, sirs, very truly, V;;..y..i; y. ... ..? U. J& JMLAWfl, Mr. Mason is a recent graduate of the Virginia 1 . f - . - i Military Institute, of high standing and character. 1 1 should rely with implicit confidence upon his statement in recard to anvthiutr. aug. 24 281-3m WM. U. lUUiiAHXbJ. r JUST PUBLISHED, ' TURXER'S NORTH CAROLINA ALJUANAC, . FOB 1& 68. now prepared to farnlsh the above Almanacs to Booksellers, Merchants tod IWlnra. in any ouatrtity. Orders will be promptly filled at id per hun dred, or f 75 per thousand. - -, . WILLUMS & LAMBETH. " -: - Booksellers and Stationers. Raleigh, N. C. sept. 27 ' i - -SlO-lawSV - .,i A iU ARTICE I A FOUICH OUTWARD JRANirESTv EDUCATIONAL. s , SCU00L NOTICE. , f i t THR ItltSKa PUIClC will pr School on TUESDAY, 1st October, at the residence of Mr. A. L. Price, on Fourth street, between Chesnut and Princess. . TERMS PER QTJABTBB: The higher branches of English, French In-' - ' Drawing (in Crayon and Pencil) ........... 6 00 Mnmo at Professor's Charges. Further particulars made known on application, sept 14 299 WILMINGTON JIIALE. ' -" AHD iH-'i a.'J.Ul t . FEMALE SEUIHAnY W1L1. RK-OPEJI OCTOBER ji 1 . " '- t..-t - jbjt For particulars, see Cibculax, to be found at the JOURNAL OFFICE on Monday next. I - Iiirl fe'"4i6.'.'W!; JEWETT. sept 14 - Post copy. . ' i 200-tf w THE' " ' '-'2 3 GREAT Sa em ensi m mmm sa bmb sm m " Can I better provide for my Fml!y, th.an s by spending a amall portion of my In- I .. come br a Policy on my Llfsl" T 38,000 Perso&s have Insured la lis Em A LIFE INSURANCE CO. : OF HARTFOED, CONN..' f . . . And others nre Dally Applytn. THE principle of LIFE IN8TJRANCI3 has become so well demonstrated, that It Ubirdly ' necessary at this day to go into an argument ia its support. Every individual who has a family or dear ones dependent upon his existence, la in fact, , overlooking, if not violating, one of the most im portant duties of life, in not guarding them strains ' want, and protecting them from poverty, should ' : death deprive them of his support and assistance. On an INSURANCE POLICY, procured at a small ' premium, a requisite sum ia secured in case of death, to provide them with subsistence through life. Securing such a policy not only makes life pass more pleasantly, but will bring to the death bed the happy consolation that your wife nnd child-' ron will not bo" left destitute, or to THE COLD. CHEERLESS SYMPATHY OF AN UNC1XARITA BLE WORLD. To those whose good impulses are moved to this accomplishment for their family'B future protection, i itst ?Jt'i J ; THE JETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. is most cordially recommended for the carrying out of these desires. The Company has been in existence for FORTY EIGHT yeara.aud now. with a Capital of over $6,000,CC0 CO stands as one of the solid monetary institutions of the nation and offorspoeitively tiio best induce ments for LIFE INSURANCE in the world. Over five hundred risks have been takon in the last twelve months upon the most influential clti sens of North Carolina. Out of this number four have died, making $23,000 in cash paid over promptly to survivors : and but for this fore .. thought and ACTION not one dollar would have been left of their estates for the benefit ot their bereaved loved ones. After the 2nd year - . 50 per cent. Dividends is paid to Pollcw ' holders every year dnrlnn Life. and at death the Policy is paid to survivors. lusks ou ages from 14 to 65 years are taken for a term of years or the WHOLE TERM OF LIFE on amounts from 11,000 to $10,000, and the rates are regulated according to ago. THIS PROVI SION CANNOT BE TAKEN FOR DEBT, BUT GOES TO THE FAMILY OU OTHER DL.ri.ND. ENTS FOR THEIR SPECIAL-USE AND fcUP- PORT. Nothing caU possibly be gained by delay in this duty and much maybe lost. . Of two cour ses, one of which may leave your family or depend ent friends destitute, and the other ASSURES thorn a comfortable support at your decease : can ' tucro be a doubt which is to be chosen ? Every one knows that if the pressure of the times bears hard upon a man in the fulness of his strength, it . will oe lar more severe upon a woman ana cnua- , ren left at such a conjuncture as this wiUiout re sources or protector, and it ia easier for a man to pay his premium than for his family to live with- -out his aid and without moans. ' v - For further information call on the Aureot who now extends the Invitation to every one, rich and poor, to avail himself of. the advanatses c"bred by one of the LARGEST, SAFEST, BEST, Clt ' ' A.P-' trT 1T) MftST POTTTT.AIl ifcn I!?T.T11 rffl ' OOMPANLEH IN THB WORLD, vmj Wt,. .y-:- JOHN 15. bfEAllIXAN. A?f-t, ? Market Street, between 2d and Si., ,. - Wilmington, N. 0. Jan. 27 ,- ,i 5 X03 2taW wtf .. BEAYER CREEK MANFG CQIXXSW STRAINER CLOTH. ' 4mA SHEETINGS, .. ...... t - vr ., 4 , ' COTTON YARN, : ' ASD Call, all of very superior quality can be furnished at i abort notice. . . J. 11. HALL, Prest. Leaver Creek Manf g Co. A. JOHNSON A CO., Agents, , . Wilmington. N. C. april 12 ; , . 1C7 tf 1 PAINTS. OILS AND CLASS. A LARGS lot Jast received, oxuLttizj La tart aa follows : EDgUth and American White Lead and Z'so. 13X1") II a. , Assorted colore Dry and to Oil 1 Window Glass, -s,. 7.415 lbs. LvJ boxes. junseea ana aiaciunery vum. : - n i -.; ., Varzdshee. Brushes Ae.. Ae. For sale at the low- -: est prices, tor cash, at . UAJWJUC'J. S, JUAUUA'TtS, June 11, 1867-118 . -9 Mjarkst street DIE CHARLESTONER ZEITUNG. - JOHN A. Wj OE1KU, Editor. - ., , UNDER tho above head the nnderslgned propose to publish a - , 9ERUAH UEESLY PAP to be the orgau of tlio- uuiuiaa uopulaiioD, and uevowu vj me uikuruMie 01 mis ciaie, in jencour- aging immigration ana maustnai jvorsuits. Literature, AgricnlturH, Commerce, Arts and ', Trade, will be represented in its columns, and the news or the aay wm b yiv m. ' Gen'i JOHN A. WTAtLN 311 has lundly consent ed to undertake the Editoriil rsasagement for the present. "f - - - - . ., SUBSCRIPTION-tS 00 for Twelve Months. 1M "Wt . , 1 W , " Three ,,'- - i ADVERTISEMENTS inscrt4d on liberal terms. .. C. G. ERCKMANN A CO.' ' No. 3 Broad Street, Charleston, S. O. sept. 27 ' ' : ' 810 j SUNDRIES. 40 BALES Standard Gnany Cloth, 106 coils Rope, t 10 tons Dillon's Ties. . . 1 100 sacks N. C. Flour. . - ' i For sale bv J'j' ..-r woain t rir: sept. 22 , t . ' - JOHN B. BROWN, of Kci3.Ca:is: : AT WOOD, llICIiETTi fcCO.i itAtJFACTcaEas aso jobsebs or , Eteaw Goons, Uxbsxuas ahd Paaasois, . '.aa Walks Street, Kew Tewlu ' J sept. 17. COfla fJICLASSSSSIOLlS IIIIDsi, Choice Sweet" st. r.- 1 " . 7fi 3 . Forsl4by j.. t fc.iotta. JL CIJCCTTCorLrNPttiijL rcrr-Isittia oct 13 - IMI i c.,.m " . ... t't. zi i I - Ccrr:rl.

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