V-A "tf IT 3j W1XMINGTON. N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 13. 1867. WHOLE NUMBER 4,763. VOL. XVII NO. 39. DAI LY JOURNAL OLDEST DAILY VX THE STATE. KSOaXUA-Kl 4 PtUtK, Hrortor. ADVaCUTISlNO M4TIC-llIiV. U I - W " !P 'p pj e e) (3 B B 3 3 3 ? ' y" i ""ft. W '"' " ,S 5 c . M M iS .3 jS 8 S. 3 8 t! a h ;8JL(S.-g .8.JB t8 ' I - L . to I CK to e - K i . M u r i '8 gg J.JL jsl ? i . W l- I w w o I e o c if. 8iS 8'8 .8 8 ' tTT 1 , o Ct fc o -J !8 8 ,8 8 8 8 S I ' T" 1 i. a w . i it O O JD I. o n ;8 8 8 S S 8 oo . !a m --. w c -a u o 'i?.JS . i?.8 8jS 8 . ! p r 'to 3 i 5 o k a cj k I oe ? S88..8.). 8. S" 06 o to a I M Ci fcn o ti O' 18 S 8 8 8 ?l 8 ;S S ' !-i o t o o Oi i tx bi o cu u. : '8 S JBr818SLJ ; 8lfBf's e e 18 SlS Si S 8 . 8 ilsIS 2 US SI 81 8 8 8 glials! c c Ei cr a v i . K f 71 r- t - a. - Bi It ? i. -1 h- 5 to. 3 5?-? S5f Si o tr-" 5l si PUT 8 H 5: SL'BSCUIPTIOX. One year. ..,.4. Mx month. TUrc unili.... ...... t tf- -J ..Jio 00 . ft o . y oc ' W H E K I j Y .TOURN AL , EHTABLIHIIED SETT EM IS EK, lSl t. On inuare, ot ten lines or less, fur cacti ami every In Hpec lai NoUcet will be clmrcwt $2 per tqunre, flr caclj ua every ujjtcruoB- j . , ivDscuirnon. One rear, ..$3 00 61 x munthit, .. 2 00 . Jpw, 1807. THE DAILY- JOURNAL. WILMINGTON. N. Hi: r. , ; a WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1SC7. ; xrra mo Yirronion indicator. ' d A corroppondent of tha Raleigh Sentinel has recently stood by the grave of a French man in the county of llowun, who, ho says. always claimed to he the veritable Michael Ney, one ot Itapuleons greatest Marshal " II is own account was, that he was sen tenced to, death, but that through the in trrfcronceof friends at Court, tho execu tiou was a sham He was put into a coffin; instead of being buried, ho was taken to . the coast, thence to America, and that he toaght the interior for; privacy. , ' Ctrtuin it is, they say, he was a martial figure, a fine French If clolar. lie taught tohool in Uowan, and always mmntaiuoU that he was the genuine Marshal Isew." We clip this paragraph from tho Wilson North Carolinian. The editors refer tu the statement of "Itinerant" of tho Senti nel snd say : . ' 1 j ' "We have often heard this singular indi vidual spoken of, aud it is nut altogether improbable that he was what he represented himself.-, Many people in that section 61 country earnestly beliwvo it." k havo wo heard often about this very remarkable character, and purpose to lay before our readers what a friend twenty years ago told us about him. When at thf University of N. C, a gentleman veil . known for abilility and varied accomplish ments, was our intimato friend. Ou several occusions no entertained us with some - pleasing reminiscences concerning- the strange school-master to whom ho went in his younger days, a no ircnchman was then teaching, (if we 'remember aright,) in tho county of Cabarrus, some fcix miles from Concord. 1 He boarded in the family of Air. 11 , a brother-in-law of our friend. His name, as ho always wrote it, was Peter Ney. He came to North Caroli na about the year 1811. He was an ac comphshed and ablo man with some btrik log peculiarities, jia was lor long years a regular contributor to tho National Intel li geneer, the only paper he read. His arti Hes bore the impress of a gif tod and culti A tod mind. He was a noble looking man, Uis figure and features being alike icapos leg. He would never rcceivo but a certain sum for teaching. If his 6chool brought in more man me regular amount lie was willing to receive, ;you could not induce him to avail himself of it. He was a good teacher, tlrst-rate disciplinarian, but ex oected his dots to " turn mm out onco a year. If they accomplished this feat with kill and , courage, Jie seemed won courutre. Jie seemed won sat isfied : if. however, fiev bctraved timiditvl and awkwardness in their attempt, he took ouenco. Anotner leaiuro in nis govern-! ment, was his promptness to flog a boy if he was known to tamely accept an insult. Ho admired boldness and intrepidity of spirit. ' plow and tnen, onco or twice a year, he indulged himself in drink. He , lived to a green old age, and just before his death, burned every paper that was of any interest or could throw light upon his cmtenous antecedents, lie was a wor shipper ot the great Napoleon,, and when , ttu news came that his son was dead, the , clJ, achool-mastor went to bed and grieved for week, lie was in constant corres- pondonce with distinguished personages in 1: ranee, me letters no received always being sealed with wax and stamped with a court-of-arms indicating rank. Uo had 'a magnificent gold pencil caso, sur mounted witn a unco noaa. tuo en cravinm and seal oi wmcn Proved it to m M 9 w seal of which proved it to r. " - i ,1..' uavo uuco wcou u j.xuy ooiuo royal or otner person eminent xor rant. He acknowledged that he had been a aoldier of Napoleon, and was in tuo latai retreat from Moscow. Ho was thoroughly 1 familiar with all of Napoleon's campaigns. On one occasion, he drew a plan of tho battle of Waterloo tiron tho emOoth eand bank of a stream recently at freshet, and , . hAinc nnflor thn inflmncnof H.mni wiintcdl ' - - - out where his command was, saying that he. was Uarshal Ney. He minutely doecribod the actiotfUna pointed out tho mistakes of tne lingusn nistonans in their accounts OI onenu 01 uie wuuijr vuipuwerea ana ai that decisive battle. He afterwards told rected to make such assignments of his de- the two gentlemen, to whom he mado the confession, to forget what he had said, This, - aocordinar to oar recollection, our informant said, was the only time he ever der ; and he is farther required to report B.t np any claim-of being tho brilliant these arrangements in advance to the Com Marhal of the Emnire. ' Wa will mention mander of the Military Post ia which his one other circumstance connected with this uncoaaoot character. When bent with fv 1 1 r M?xi an Irishman abusinj? Kepoleon. He fired up at once, and Btraighteninp himself to his fall height, vitli quireriDg lip and flashing eye, he nsked the Irbhman i hs knew anything about the quarter stall. An .affirmative reply being given, be and the offender were noon hard at it, and after a few passes or licks, the Irishman fell sprawling under a heavy blow from the fiery Frenchman's staff. Our friend did not know how to regard his old schoolmaster. Whether he was the genuine Marshall Ney or not, he could not say, but that he was a very remarkable character thcro could not bo any doubt ' ; One word more as to Marshal Ney's death. Our friend once relating the par ticulars of Peter Ney's life in North Caro lina, to Colonel Lauranouski, a Pole, who had foncrht under Nanoleon with distinc tion, bnt afterwards a Lutheran preacher in the United States, found in ham an ex ceedinclr attentive listener. The Colonel was clearly of the opinion that Marshal JNey was never shot, but escaped alter a mock death, to this country, lie was anx ious to sco l'eter ISey, and felt satisfied that ho could easily identify him, if really he were the great Marshal. But they never met. The schoolmaster died and the mys tery connected I with his life lies buried with him. There is now none to make it plain. " j -''I 1 Wo havo written after twenty years have passed since wn tint heard the particulars given above. We have tried to be accurate in our recollection, but may in tome par ticulars, have varied from the story as we heard it.spjiny Miles, a traveler from tho North, vifrtcd Western North Carolina once, for tho purposo of investigating ull the cir enmhtnnecs and particulars connected with lVterNey. We niethira afterwards, and ho told us that thcro was a great deal of evidence to establish the identity of Peter Ney with Marshal Ney, tho Marshal of France. If our friend, who wo are glad to know id fond of letters, and occasionally contributes excellent articles to tho Land We Love, will take rts his nest theme, "Peter and Michael Ney Identical," or " Marshal Ney identified in the strange French Bchooluiaster of Cabarrus," he will be able no doubt to throw more light upon the subject than any other living wi iter can throw.. Wo hopo to Bee yet from his facile and graceful pen, some reminiscences of the remarkable old man who taught him in uis Doyuoou. ; : ORDER FOR TIIK ELECTION. Hd'qks 2d Military District, ) ClIAKXESTON, . C, Oct. 18th, lbG7. j" GENERAL- ORDERS No. 10L By tho terms of tho act of Congress en titled "An act to provide for the more ef ficient government of the rebel States," passed March 2d, 1867, and of the acts of March 23d and .July 19th, 18G7, supple mentary thereto it is made tho duty of r' j: i-i I nr::I i uio ouimuBuumg ueucfw w h.ib ijuiinury District to cause a registration to be made of the male inhabitants of the State of North Carolina, of tho age of twenty-one years and upwards and qualified by the terms of said acts to vote, and ! after such registration is complete, to order an election to no held at which the registered voters of Maid Ctate shull voto for or against a Con vention, for the purposo ot establishing a constitution and civil government for the miid State, loyal to the Union, and for dele gates to said Convention, and to give at least thirty day a notice of the time and place at which said election shall be held ; , i .1.. 3 r ... i : i 1 and the said registration having been completed in the State of North Carolina, it is ordered : First: That an election beheld in the State of North Carolina, commencinc on TnoBilair tha 1 0rVi Aa nf Ki-vc-crr.V.oi. 1RP.7 and ending on Wednesday the Othday of i.iovemi'cr, ioui, uu wuiuu au regibereu ; voters of 6aid State may vote "Eor a Con-', vention," or "Against a Convention," and i for delegates to constitute the Convention i in case a majority of the votes given on ; that question snail bo for a Convention, 1 and in case a majority of the registered voters shall havo votod on tho question of holding such Convention. j! iSecond. It shall be the duty of tho Boar is of Registration in North Carolina, commencing fourteen day 3 prior to the election herein ordered, and giving reason able public notico of the time and place theroof, to revise for a period of five days tho legislation lists, and Upon being satis fied that any person not entitled thereto has been registered, to strike the name of such ncrson from tho list : and Buch nerson shall not bo entitled to vote. The Boards of Registration shall also during the samo period, add to such registers the names of all persons who at that time possesses the qualifications required by said acts who havo not already been registered. Hard. In deciding who are to be stneken from or added to the registration lists, the Boards will be guided by the law of March 2d, .1867, and, the laws supplementary inercio, ana moir atienuon is specially ai- reteu w mo ouppiementary act oi juiv void, loot. fourth. The said election will be held in I each district at such places as may here- aiter ue uesignateu, unuer uiesuperintenu once 01 toe uoarua 01 xiegistrauon as pro vided by law, and in accordance with in structions hereafter to be given to faid Boards in conformity with the acts of Con gress, and as far as may bo witn the laws of iorth Carolina. Fifth. All indues and clerks emDlovod in conducting said election, shall, before com mencing to hold the same, be sworn to the faithful performance of their duties, and i shall also take and subscribe the oath of ! United btatcs. Sixth. The polls shall bo opened at such voting places at eight o'clock, in the fore- Jf: IC1UUUU VI I..H.U UUjr, CkUU DUIU1 UQACb UTC11 . during these hours without intermission or ; adjournment. . j l " .1 t T 11 3 W I oeverun. no mcmoer oi uie Aoora oi ike- beveruh. 1NO member of the Jioard of lie- I m'.fmtinn iVi- ia n anA;Aat candidate for election . b - - i ueiogaw io uie outcuuwu, auau jwrvw I oa a judge of the election in any county or uusirict wnicn lie seets 10 represent, j EightJu Tho Sheriff and other peace offi- 1 cors oi eacn county are required to be pre eent during tho wholo time that tho ihjIIs are cPfc open, and until tho election is completed ; and will be made xponsiblo that thcro toiau bono interference with - I .... i juugea oiwucuuun, ot otner interruption oi goou oruer. Ai wicro suouia uo more one pomu i-uo u aiy county, ine puties, and other peace omcers, to the other polling places, as may, in his jadgment, best subserve the purposes of quiet and or- county is aitnated. ; . ; . ' Ninth. Violence, or threats of violence, cr cf dischnra frnmnmnlo-vmpTit- or nther oppressive means to prevent any person from registering, or exercising lis ngat 01 voting, is positively prohibited, and any such attempts will be reported by the ng istrars or judges of elections to the Post Commander, and will cause the arrest and trial of the offenders by military authority. Tenth. All bar-rooms, Kaloons and other places for the sale of liquors by retail, will bo closed from 0 o'clock of the evening of the 18th of November, until 6 o'clock of the morning of the 21ft of November, 1SC7, tnd during this tiino the sale of all intoxi cating liquors at or near any polling place is prohibited. The polico ofiicers of cities and towns, and the fchcriffa and other peace officers of counties, will bo held responsi ble for tho fetrict enforcement of this pro hibition, and will promptly arrest and hold for trial all persons who may traengress it. Elet&dlu Military interference with elec tions, "unless it shall be necessary to repel the armed enemies of the United states, or to keep the peace at the polls," is pro hibited by the act of Congress approved February 25th, 18C5, and no soldiers will bo allowed to appear at any polling place unless as citizens of the btute they are qualified and are registered as voters, and then only for the purpose of voting : but the Commanders of Posts will keep their troops well in hand on the days of election, and will be prepared to act promptly if the civil authorities are unable . to preserve the peace. Twelfth. The returns required by law to be made to the Comuiandt-r of th District of the results of this election, will be ren dered by the Board of Registration of tho several registration precincts through the Commanders of the Military PobU in which their precincts are situated, and in accor dance with the detailed instructions here after to be given. ThirteenUi. The number of delegates to the Convention is determined by law, und is the number of . members of the most nu merous branch of the Legislature for tiie year eighteen huudred and sixty, and this number, ouo hundred and twenty, is appor tioned to the representative Districts of the State in the ratio of registered voters as follows : Connliea of Bnrke and Sic- x Dowell (together) -..Two (2) Delegates. Counties uf liutheiford acd . Polk (together).... ....... Two (2) Delegates Counties of Yancey and Mitchell (together) Ono (1) Delegato Conutie of Madiaou. Ilun- I combe. Heudersun aud Trausylvauia (together).. .Threo (3) Delegates. Coaoties of Haywucil and JckBon (together) Ono (1) Delegate Counties f Macon, C.ay and Cherokee (together). . Two (2) D.-lrgates. Couutien of AUughau,'Ashe, Burry. Watauga and kaU kin (together) ..Four (4) Delegates. Coautits of Caldwell, Wilki.e, Iredell and Alexander (to gether) .Five (5J Delegates Counties of Lavio and lUw au (together). .Three (3) Dc kgatea Connty of Cleveland.. County of Cata b. . . . I oauty of LiuCulu. .iue .Cue .Cue One .' o .OiiC .Ona .Ouo .Two .One .Cue .Two (1) DeUgate. (I) VeU gate lli Dett-Kto W)OUl County of Oaston. (1) Delti:ate. noanty of Mecktcnburg (2) Dele(t(e Cjauty of Union (l) JUdfgate. (1) Oo.C4W. (1 De tga'. (2) Delegate. (1) Dalcgate. (1) Detcgato. 2) Delegaw-s. ill Delegates County of Cabarrus. County of etanley. . . Conuty cf Aubcu. . . . County of Stokes County of Forsy the. . County of Davidson. Connty of Kindolph Two Connty of Gntlfaid.. ..Two ..Two (i) Delecates. Count; of Iiocin$hMn. Co auty of Casweil : Connty of Alamauce. . . . County of Peruou. ...... County of Orange County cf Chthwn... (2) Dtlegatea. . .Two . .Cue . .One , .Two .Four () Uelegatee (l) Dc Ion ate. (1) Delecato. (3) Delegates. (a) Delecato. County of V7ako. (4) te!eKatf s. County of Granville. r vr.P..r. Turoo (3) Delagateti. County of Warren Two (2) UclOL'aten. County of Franklin Connty of Cwnbotland. . County of Harnett. . . . . . Two 2) lA.tegat. (2) Delegates (I) Doiegate. (1) Delegate. (1) Dalegate. (1) lie egato. (3) Deletrates, Two . . . .Ouo Ono . . . One . . ..One Two . . . .Two : . . .One '....One , County of Moora Connty or fllontgomery. County . f Richmond igunly of JonnHton.; i2) le!egate. County or Oreene. .. . County of Wilson. . . ,. (l) Delegate. (1) Delegate. (I) Deleuato. "niy oi nn ....Ono 55522 3 Three ft Delepratea. county of Edgecombo.. . .Tfvo Uelegates. . Ihree aj Delegates County of Denon-. .One rn ril Dolecate, County of Brnswick On 1 Delegate, County of Columbus. Ono f ll Delegate County of Kobeon. ....... .Two 121 Deletrates County of Bladen... .; .Two 2 J Delegates. County or jsew uanover.. . . .Three 31 Delegates County of Duplin Two 2 Delegates. County or eampson. .Two 1 21 Delegates Counties Of Tyrrell and W ash- mgton togetnerj Ono 1 Delegates, ll Delegate. j County cf Martin ...ono . . .Two ! county oi -isertie, 2J Delegates. County of Hertford... .One County of Gates .One County of Chowau.. Ooc County of Porquimrnons One Counties of Pasquotank and l 1 Delegate. 1J Delegate. I Delegate. 1 Delegate. f Camden together. .Two .One .Three Delegates. couy of Craven.. Delegate Delegates County of Onslow... One Delegate. County of Oarteret. One .One .Two .Two Delegate, wuniy oi oue.... Delegate. i SmntTof Kit . : Delegate. Delcgalea. rvmntv of Hvde ..One Delegate. I Dy command of Brevet Major General ' ,, Jud. B. a. Cakby. . mn x Ln. i omciAL : Loui3 V. Cazubc, Aide-de-Camn ana a. a. a. ucnerai. FInST NATIONAL BttK : ' : OF WILMINGTON N. C. I) SIT ED STATES DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT. UlAbClOHl t WM. H. McRARY, WAS. H. CHADB0U5NE, 8. D. WALLACE, ) ELI MURRAY. EDWIN . UUKKLba, President, A. K. WALKER, Cashier, WM. LARiilNS, Teller, H. M. hOWUEM, Book-keeper. H. D. WALLACE. Ja.. Cieik. HIS BASK is sow vuen iwr tlx traniiac- II uom or business. i GOLD AND SILVER COIN, Government Bonds i "noteTS SOLVENT and otber state Banks Durchased and sold. EXCHANGE ON NORTHERN AND SOUTH ERN CITIES always ou hand and for sale. If I I L'l'I'MIU Kid A .w m ' I a , iau.h I . I nMnH . wuaw.w. in the Umted states, witn pnmpi roiurcs , DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and carefui attention Hyen to the accounts of business men. aug 14 iTJtt-iy - FITS WILL TELL ! ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE ELEGANT STYLES Sl'PEUB C1AJTIII.G OF 1 We are daily turning ont. in our extensive MEIi- j &2r For a reliable, well cut, baudsomey fitting suit, go to MUNSON & CO.'S - nov 10 37 tf COAL! CALI! mK BEST RED AS 3 EGG COAL tiwajs ou 1 hand, and for sale low, by PETTEWAY & MOORE. sept. 27 ' ' : ' " 310-tf RAGS-RAGS. milK blgbest eaMb prices will be psvld fu' X CLEAN COTTON or LINEN RAGS, at .i "03 W0RX KXATLI EXECUTED AT THS P.'lscellancoui. PUILIDELPHIA C51VERS1TT MEDICINE AKD SURGERY. TIIK Phlldelp Pnlverly- of Medt cino and Bnrgery waa organized in 1848. ChartoreiJ by tho Legislature, February 2C, 1853. Name changed by a legislative enactment to the Ecleetio Medical College of Philadelphia in 13Su In 1863 it purchased the Pennpylvania Medical College, eUabbebed in 1812, aud the Philadelphia Medical College, which Lad previously been merged into the Pennsylvania Medical College In 1W4 it purchased thePenn Medical University. Tho Trustees of the separate echooht united, pe titioned, and obtained a special act of the Legisla ture, consolidating tbeee institutions and chang ing their names to that cf the Philadelphia Uni versity of Medicine and Surgery, March 15, 1KG5. All thtwe various acts ve published in the statutes of Pennsylvania. Tho coat of the building and mas nn was over one hundred thousand dollars. It will be observed that the University, as now or ganized, is the legal representative of tho four medical colleges that it has absorbed. It is a liberal school of medic we, confined to no dogmas nor attached to any medical clique ; but embrace in its teachings everything of value to the profes sion. Setsumf. It has two full seeuiens each year, oommencirg on the 1st of October, and continu ing until the 1st of January as its nrst session, and from the 1st of January to tne 1st of Ap il s its second ; the two constituting one tail course ct lectures. It has also a summer Besion, com mencing tne 1st of -April anu coutinuiug until Au gust, tor the preparatory branches, such as Latin, Uret k, Mathematics, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Anatomy, rnjsioiogy, etc. i tickets 'lionets to the full course OI lectures f 120, or tGO for each seesion. For ihe summer or preparatory course $25. Graduating fe $30. lo -1U young men vj mofiercue means, me ua- versity Uta issued fim huruireti wholarmip inch are sola to nrst-courso student. lor ?, and to strooud-eoursto stu nts ai.d clergymen for $50, each conetituuug the holder a hie meiuber. with the pri(UHl p ivxegcs of the lectures, ana all the teachings ot the school. The only addi tional foe ar a yearly dissecting aud matricuUt iug uckn, each of .Lich is Tne AticaiUams of CMitwlarafup. 1 no stndent holding a scholarship can enter the College atauy time during the year, attend as long as he cUooses, aud ro-euior the institution as trcqnently as do- sired. It requires no previous reading or study to en ter the Cniversily ou nchol&r&hipp, hence, all pri vate tuition fees are saved. " btudcuta, by holdiug scholar hips, oaa prose cute other business a part of the time. ihe candidate for graduation can tireaent him self at auy tune, and roceive his degree as soon te in case a etuaeni suouia noia a ecuoiarsnip ana uot be able to attend U c ores, it cn be transfer red to another, thus preventing any loss. i'arenui. cuardiaue, or mends o. tudeuts wish- ing to purchase scholarships Icr them a ! year oi moie before their attendance at the Ciaversitv, ca soeurt them by advancing ono-hilf the price, aud paying the balance v. lieu tne stadoni. enters. PnysiuUtis, and ienevoleut wen ca i.iv.iw groa b utlii upon poor yoioig men, by presenting them a scholarship, ami thus euahiiug tneui to obtain an uouorabte prolossiou. Tne Facul y embraces seventeen eminent pay eicinus and surgeons. The buiversity has anso- ciaied with it a large hospital clinic, where every form of medical and surgical disease in operated on and treated in the presence of the class. CoiXKoa Buiidieo. Ahe College bulletins, lo cated in Math oiieuih, south tif Walnut is th nnest In the city. Its front is collegiate gothic, and is adorned with embattlements and embras ures, presenting a novel, bold, and beautiful ap pearauce. The facade is of orowi. scone, oruA meuiod by two towers, rising to the elevation of eighty ieet. and crowned witn an embattled para pet. 'The building ooutaina between Eliy aud sixty rooms, all supplied with water, gas, aud every other convenience that modern improve ment can contriDute to racuitaie medical instruc tion. Only five hundred scholarships will be is sued, and as two hundred aud Uf ty are now sold, those who wian to secure one Btiouid do so at once. Money can be remitted by express, or a draft or check sent on any national ban in- the United etateu, when tne scnoiarship wdi be re turned by mail, signed by the President of the Board of Trustees, Jos. b. Fisher, Esq., and the Dean of the Faculty, W.' Paine, M. D. AU orders for scholarships or other business of tho UnivT; tv, should be addressed to 1'roiObsor W. Palue. M. D., Philadelphia. Pa. - i - K IV li 0 0 K S. i PALVE'S PaACTICE OF MEDICINE. A now work Just issued by W. Paine. M. D. Profess'-r of the Principles and Practioie of Modi cine and l athology in the Philadelphia Univer sity of Medicine and Margery ; author of Paino's lTacuce or burgerj' ; a woric on oostetrics anu Materia Medics : author ot .New School Itemedies. au Fpiiome of J-.beriie'a Practice of Medicine ; a Koview of uomceopatny; a wora on tne matorv of Medicine ; Editor of University Medical and surgical Journal, 4c, &c It is a royal octavo ot 'jiM pagos, and contains a iua description ot all diaoaaes known in medicine and surgery, includ ing those of women and children, uigether with their pathology and treatment by all the new and improved memoes, jrrice vi i postage so centa Address the author i- Arcn btreet, A'Uuadel- phia Pa. AAJ3U, A J!.VV YVUltA, only work ever published upon Materia Medica, embracing au tne tciecuo, Jtiomoepatmo, and Bo tanic remedies, witn a full regular alatena Med ina. lT-ice lo : postage tree. Address as above. FMVERSITY JOURNAL - - or UKU1CINK AID SUKGKKY. A fiem.i-monildy Journal of Medicine, Murgery, riivswlogy. Hygiene, and General Literature, devoted tu tiie l'rofesttion and the People. . The cheapest medical paper in tho world, pub lished every two weens, at the university Juild ing. Ninth Street, South of Walnut. bingio copioa. s l uo Five copies to one address 4 35 Ten " " 7 50 Fifteen " 9 30 Twenty " " .. ..... ....... 10 00 The gettor-up of the club shall havo one cojy gratia. Address w. l vine, i. u., realtor, PhiladelphiA, Pa. may 21 xv CHILLS AAID Ff.lfcn. SOLA '.Dl.NK Uie Great Virginia Vegetable AL t-ralioe and Iienovator of the Human ystt-Ht. NoLi AMMMo is a cnrUiu preveucive and pos itive cu e for CHILLS AfcD FEVfcU. 1 he auccosa wnuh has attended NOLANDIXE in our own city and Mate, (Virginia), aud other tata, has lu.JUCvd tne proprietors (at this, the season lor chills-auu t vtr,) to call the attention of the cnizeus ot North Carolina to our " No.au diue " as a vt-giaauio preparation, which hast t every in -t ante accomplished what ia claimed toi it, as the fohcwing certincstes and many others too numerous ior puuucauon, win attest. joUAblU.1 4 LUUOtti:, Pharmaceutists and sole fr-'priew.rs, tuchmoud Virginia. For sale by W. H. LirPIT t , Druggist, Wilmington, N. O. - RicHiiyD, Aug. Pth, IW3. Messrs. Johnston & Launhome: Dkak Sins: I conirutod chuio aud fcveis ui the lowir couutrv iu feptember, 1365, and, not withstanding a resi dence i; Uie mountains; oi viiguna, situ conuu- ue-l to sucer irota tLetii up tu tne iUowiug lh- cemhei, and win tuenist warm Wf ather in the U-guining of tpnng w as subject to attacks of them at intervals 01 iruin 10 to mrei wc-xt Iho uav siciau in i.eimg ou gave cu quloioe and cai-niel. the only t nect or w biun was to su.p the chilis f'-r a time. Tne calomel, although 1 took a large quantity oi u,cid not act. v a:u l arrived iu u chrnoud, in tiie eny p rt of July, 1 was axmu -Bccted witn mem. it was recommended to me to take your Noinndine. In teudays afur the first dose 1 Hi Lke a new man. All tne spring I had been weak, debilitated and uiject tu a swiuimuig ia the head; bat now, ttough Ictble from thy ef fect-, of t:- lever, 1 fuel in pei foct hea:th, and can perceive a daily improt-a-ut iu my condition. ind now tnnks to your medicine, wiach 1 hoo will pr tve a blessing to both you and your fellow- creatures, i am entuelj recovered, aud cui is and fevers seem ai last to nave oiaaen me a nnai adieo. I have uo hesitation irtitever in recommending it to others similarly affected. Yours, airs, very truly, G. K. MACON. Mr. Maon is a recent graduate of the Vircinia Military Institute, of rdgbsundiug and character. I should reJv with unniicit counuence nnon hu statement in regard to anything. aug. !W 'ASl-Sia VkALiU. JtiitJUAjaDSON. ALL hXM) OF CLAAKS F OB AT TBI Mercantile. lll.lllllill . JOHN jr. n ed hick. -JASIES U. ETAS. FALL TRADE 1867.; :o:- WK HAVE OPEVED TIIE LAHUKST STOCK OF EVER OFFEEED IN NORT II CAROLINA, To which we respectfully In?ite thf Attention of the Pnblic. We have adopted the Small Profit arid Large Sale System, which has worked admirably for Ourselves and onr Customers We offer: 2,000 pieces PBINTS, at 9 to 18 cents, j 1,000 pieces WOOLEN DRESS GOODS, at ; - -. i prices varying from 25 cents to $2 50 per yard, 60 bales BROWN SHEETINGS and SHIRT INGS, which will be sold by tho yard, piece or j bale at manufacturers prices. 1,000 pieces KENTUCKY JEANS, 8ATINETT8, CASSIMEP.ES, eto., at prices which defy compe tition. - Wc respectfulliy invite particular attention to our stock of FREDERICKSBURG CA88I- MEKES and other Southern productions, which we sell at Manufacturers' prices. Our House has always been proverbial for the superior stock of HOSIERY kept. We offer now 2.000 dozen Mens' Womens' and Childrens' Hose, at very low prices ; also, Mens Womens' and Childrens Undorgarments in every variety. SHAWLS, BLANKETS, CLOAKS, BROAD CLOTHS. Our stock of HOUSEKEEPING GOODS wD compare favorably with any retail stock in the country. We offer 300 dozen Towels, Table Cloths, Napkins, Dojles, Sheetings, Fillon Cotton, L'lan- kots, Bed Quilts, etc Onr stock of YANKEE NOTIONS, DRE8R TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, rrc, is the largest in I the South. The Ladies are especially invited to an examination of this Department of our Stock. GASH WHOLESALE BUYERS Are respectfully requested to give us a call, as our LARGE RETAIL TRADE enables us to offoi Goods by wholesale at prices so low as to defy competition. Our Corps of Assistants, 'Ladies and Gentle men,) are attentive and courteous. Buyers of ali classes will receive from them respectful attention. : . : . : .1 : . ar Our old frienua aud the public generally are invited to give as a call. HEDRICK & RYAN. oct 19 18-tf FLITS FOR SALE. rNE LARGE OPEN FLAT, nearly new, 150 VV narreis capacitv, . ONE SMALLtB OPEN FtAT-200 barrels capacity. ONE DECKED F' AT. suitable for lightering AKD ONE SMALL OPEN FLA These Flats ire all in coed order and will soiu tow ior casa. . Appiy to ROBERT HENNING- oct23- .. V 21-tf , . , . . 1 . 1 . WASTED mo HE ST A ROOD1 eonTsmlent to tbe rO.QDS HOSIERY JL - Postoface. Apply at the LmmTt POSTOmCE. oct. 17 , Ifi-tf HAILR0U HML- RO.IU fOSIPAMTs :tsV Crncs Tvo. ai.n httr. 7. Si W. J. W'lLMrNOTos, October 11, 1807. ON AND AFTEK TIIK 19tj OCTOLFU THE following (Schedule w i.l be tun over tLis Uoad: DAY PA8SEKGEU M M.ML TIIAIK. leave Wilmington daily (Sur.dsys excepted t at 6:00 A. M. : arrives nt WfUon 3:i.'U P. M. Leaves W'eldon daily (uiiUays excepted) at 10:30 A. M. ; arrives at winuiupton 7p0 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS MA.1L AND PASSLNGIili TBA1N. Iave Wilmington at H:S0 V. M., da'uy. Arrive at Weldon at... . ... :00A.M., " Lave Weldon at i G:'25 P. M., " Arrive at wlimirgton at , .2:20 A. 21. , FXPBE83 FREIGHT TRAIV. TPtve Wiimlntrton dailv (Sundays excepted) at -.00 A. M.. and arrives at Weldon at b:0t) V. Id. Kave vteidon daily tBundays txcepten) at t;uu A. 11.. and arrive at ttilmirctu at 6:tK) P M. Trains pass GoldsiK.ro' at 2:10, 10:30 and 10:50 A. M., going North ; at 3:50, 10:15 P. M. nd 10:M A. Bt.. gointr Bonth. connecting with Trains to BMeigh and Nwhern at 10::i0 A. M. and furthei nointu at 2:50 P. M. ? mr Papers on this line of tho Iload copy this and omit all other bchedule notices. R. I FREMONT, Engineer and Bupcrintendent. octl2 12-tf WiImiD2toa'. &- Wcldcn Railroad Co OrncE of the RchErHY An TttKAsunra, ) W ilmington, N. C, Ji.iV. 1, 1-C7- 1MIE Thlrly-swond Innonl Bite' Ing of the Stockholders of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Company will be held in Wil mington on Wednesday the 13th inst; Th tranefer books will be ciosaa iroru mis date until aftef tho niueting. J. V.'. TUOr.l'SIKi, Secretary. . nov 1 29 tin News and Star. Goldsboro', and Sentinel, Raleigh, copy 4 times. H iIain?ton and Ulan. Railroad Co, GK3VEBAI. PePEBISTTKDEHT's OFFICE, - Vulminoton, N. C, Oct. 5, 1307. J and after Oct. Gtl. ftage tiger Trln this Road will run on the following Kchcd alo : EXPRESS TRAIN. Ieave Wi'mtngtou. , 2:30 A. M Arrive at Florence. rrive at Kingsviilo. Leave Bingsviilc .... irrive at Florence Arrive at Wiuaington.. 8:10 A. M. 11:45 A. M ,. 11:!0 A. M. ...... 2:55 P. M b:05 P. M. TRAIN. 7:50 P. M ....... Vf.-iC, A. M. ., 2?-0 P. M. ....... 0.13 A. M. ACCOMMODATION Leave Wilmington Arrive at King-villo Leave Kinijvilie.... . irrive at Ji ilmington. Express Train connects ( louly.Rt Florence with the North Eistern Railroad, for Chrlestou, and Cheraw and Darlingtou P.aiiroad, fr Cht-raw, nd at Eingsviiie with the South Carolina l'.iil'rowl, for Columbia and Angnstn. Acoommodation Train will rnn ilaily.'Kun-Jay? excepted and connect at Kiagnviila with Hout.li Carolina Radroftd f-r Columbia and Angunt. WiL MacKAJS, GeuT. Snp't pct.6 7 tf Ull., Charlotte & Rniheriord K. It. General Scpeuisctehest's Office Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 9, 1S67. ( AND AFTER TUESDAY NEXT. AUGUST 13th. the Passenger train oa this Road vt ill U-ave Wilmington on Tuesday, Thursday and 6at u-day at 7 o ciock, A. M. Arrive at Sand Hill stmo day, et. 3 1 . M. Arrive at Wadesboro ( Stage t 12 midnight. Leave Wadeftcro (ytnge ou iuosday, Thurs day and batnrday, at 2 P. M. i.eave uocain g nam 'stage ) ou ionaay, Wed nesday and Friday at i-JiO A. M.- JLave Hand HUl (Uars) Monday, v.euiiedaav and Friday, at 7 o'clock, A. M. Arrive at Wilmington sam dye at r, 1: ui. w. 1. A.VtItt,iT, General Superintendent. v aug 9 , " 2Utf-U SPEED, C031F0RT AM) SAFETY. AKNAMESSIC LHIE. Great U. S. Mail Route for the North. TIIE Steamsrs ot the above Line leuv Portsmouth daily (Sundays excepted) at 11 o'clock, A. M., on arrival of the great Exprees Train of the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad. PaAaenffers leaving HiJrmiirrtoa. JH. (J.. bv the 9:03, P. M., train, arrive at Weldon in time U con nect with tne tram or tne Ann&Tr.oagia ialo, ar riving in ise'v xork at p.m. A. m., next day, tne UCIC&ESr TIME J-.VSK ZLZVIC. Be are ana ats lor ileum anu nnve Baggage Checked via A.AMKSMO LI.Tli 1!. V, TUJlflU:.tS, General Agent. C. I. TUOY.'RItlUGK, General Ptissengr-r Agut. July 14 '-iC-tf ElEil llffli 1IS3 III .: AND - EXPRESS ROUTE. 1 AJ i - J )Sd. Two Dally Trains, (Hnnday A. SI. excepted.) WILMINGTON TO NEW YORK, ' VIA '" :- WELDON, PETEl:SBUhG, RIC8M0ND, VA8B. INGTON, BALTIMORE & PHILADELPniA. fhxough to New York in 32 Hours jso chaaNBE or oaes! fROM WELDON TO U Q IA CltEtK.OR FROM WASHINGTON TO NEW YOFK. Passengers leaving Vu.ini-. gton at 6.00 A. I.. ori:b0P. V... make ck.e cou-.ecti m it V.'oldoii w t tne trains oi this !d l avviito Kute. EU-gaut tirw curs snbpuc i w.tu the neif Patent ttodiniog ecats on aU tri. AS QUICK AND FARE AS LOW as by any otbtr route. Ask lor I lt-kftts and have your t'&gg&gccbcciteo via Petersburg, Richmond, A c. Pasot-tigt rs upon arriving at We'd"n i-huld 4k for and take tne cars . inaiked TllitOUuu UUCAK. E. U. GILT, hUi't. it. A P. II. R. ll h. i-roittii, Enpt Pet. & vt eiaou R. It. oct. IS . i3-lin LOST, . A BUXCII OF KKYS, on A imill STEEL RING, bttweeu Wdmingtcn and Middle Sound. Abe finder will I Kanitabhr rewarded by leaving them at the ? J0URN'Al40F 1' bet' an? 17 - ,i 275 tf I " PATENT TIES. UST ARRIVED BY TIIE " TEItESIXA. ' TONS PATENT LOCii TIES, 20 TONS BUCKLE TIES. ' Will be sold on the most reasonable terms. ; - E. MOBllAX & CO. oct. 2 t 8-tI F.DtCATlOXAL. SCHOOL KOTIfK. T iv: misskn prick will open lelMwl on TUESDAY. 1st October, at the restdene ot Mr. a. L. Price, on Fourth street, between Choanal and Priucens. tehm8 run qtjartkr: j Tho hiKbr brnnebes of English, French in cluded ..,.. .S14 uo Drawing (in Crayon aud Pencil) ........... 8 00 Mitbic at IYclrsor' Charges. Further particulars raado known on application. seitU "'-. 299 BEYOND COMPETITION: mirrc pnnpniETons of the clarendon 1 CLOTU1NU HOUtJE respoctfnlly annonnc to ttic citizeus of Wilmington and snrjrovindiii country that they have GREATLY REDUCED their prlcs ou their entire stock of - CLOTHING, HATS - AND lURNISHINQ 6H3IS. consisting; of U10 very bout quality ot Oooda and largest assortment fur Gents wear ever offered in thi market. 1 : - u Having a la-ge etock ou bind, and in cocse- nonco of the scarcity of money, they will sellout their NEW AND SPLENDID STOCK AT . UREA 1LY REDUCED PRICES. VttenMon is directed to the following list of ptWs "ino suits for... j. .......,.....$11 00 French Cassimero Pants. .... ,-- fid Krncli CaBbimore Yosts...., 3 60 French Casrimcre Coats.... 8 (0 a'tinot Coats ....-..;, 50 : Fine White Shirts. ....J CO tnd everything else in proportion. ; All thRttsaikedis an examination of their Stock tnd the Proprietors will convince all that it i IlJs. XOND COMPETITION. , HAAS A O , lroprietors Clarendon Clothing Bout, oct 23 ; . ;. ... - al BEAVER CREEK MAXF'O COMPACTS itrahkh cLorn. eilKKTlSUB. 80 INCH DITTO, COTTON YARN, .. A ..: (' ::AHD6al, tU of vory superior quality can be ftirnlshed a ihort notice. , J. H. HALL, Prest. Beaver Creek ManTg Co. A. JOHNSON & CO., Agents. Wilmington. N. 0. april 12 j tfl7-tf DIE CIURLESTOXER ZE1TCKG. JOIIS A. Wi GfCNKfl, Editor. , ; UJUVRIt above head ths nnderslf nsd propose to publish a i . t )' GERMAN WEEKlY PAPER f o ha the organ of the German population, and devote I to the intercsis of this State, in Euoour aging immigration r nd Industrial Pursuits. Literature, Agriculture, Commerce, Arts and Trade, itt be represented in its columns, and the news of the nay will bo given. Gen'l JOHN A. WAG EN bit has kindly eoQsent td to undertake tho Editorial management for the present. : j SUBSCT.1TT10K - f .1 00 for Twelve Months. 1 M Six 1 00 Three " , ADVERTISEMENTS ImwtM on liberal tnas. C. G. EKOKMiNN A CO. No. 3 Broad Street, Charleston, A. Or sept. 27 -! - 810 REDUCTION. f jpCOif THIS DAY, WE! WILL SELL' CUB KLLOAST aiAHTELUE" ZIATa AT TiiEES DOLLARS, i MUNSON k 00. "City Clothing Store." lov 10 ' " ' 87 tf DANIEL A. SMITH. DKUEIl io alt klads f FAHLOa DINING ROOM and CHAMBER FORNI 1'URE. IXK)2ING GLASSES. MATTBESaES. FEATHER B1U33, Ao. , - ' a ran i - i t- 8ASn, BLINDS and DOORS, furnished t man- utaf'turer s prices. ' - ' ! Wilmington. N. O. oct, 20 ! 19.1y ' A CARD. - -'jvi- C" AN I obtain cam red Portraits ot W U liah Hooren. Joskpb II ewes and Jom I'ksx, signers of the Declaration of Indoneadenoe in 177C, or any one of them ? ' Or can portrait ia oil boobtaiucd? Sold, hi rod. or loaned, to be copied? Or run autographs, mere signatures of the name, or larger documents, be had? If so. on what terms '( They sro desired for an unique an-1 important historical collection. Address tne, with specijlo statement ofUrms, 2l West 84th St., New York, or, until l:7fh of November, Care Bev. Mr. Dalley, WJlminsvni, N. C. ; pastor of tho " Church of the Strangers," H.X. nov. 3 - i - -- - -- 31 GRAIN AND FLOUR BAGS. Wit. ATKl Ot CO., MS Pearl Street, New York, aro prepared to famish - for Grain, Flour, and all other purposes far which nags are used, of any desired material cr size, up on tho shortest notice, rlonr and Buckwheat Bags, either of Cotton or Paper, printed to order, with neat designs, PAPER B ' OH for Grocers. Conft ctioners. Ae., from i lb. upwards. P. O. Box 4,9f9 New York City. sept, i ' j iK)0-8ra BALE ROPLY 1UGGIXG FOK AL1 Ia A.u.1 Tu r tT rCRCQAS ERS, by the Manufacturer. i II. CLUCKS, No. 67 Tine street, hew York, opt 10 W.'-t'n Hi . NUIIM.. . TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN.' EVUHB MET l TkbKril iueerted on Gold Plate, bnboer. r.aiiiiutn. CI uhsfic. I havo hd ixu en years experience, aud icol confldeoi mat I :ati give ratUlsction. All ot miions wrian'd. Jreit reduc.ion iu prices. I Gee corctr of itar ict and Second si nets, oipoeit Citv best. oct 19 . is-lm ' 01.11 i0.niMJ ,AILS. auMHirtiMcat t tbess siener Baas i ways on hand. . ! '. , ' . ATKINSON & SHEPPERSON, l and 13 Sorth Water Street, mar 22 ' ' ' 'jni-tf 4Dd-rx, cue Kairraee jfiiau. RuMlEOriiLX.X lM'TJtiiia - f-l-Hit citnseua of WUromgtnn. 1 YliX any orders uR on his bLATFUM, d the Store of Kaner. liednok A Krao. wlUmattl vith prwipt attention. - ;.n. 1 ' - v . . 81-tf 1500 BACKS SALT, c ull aua in pr'me order. Jest received and for ale iOw, in qoantiiies to suit t mch.wr, by oct 17 36-tf SHIPPING AttTltLS AKD FOKKJG. OlIWAOO MAS : : for sale at ths . Vct, w-a - ! ' .... ,ft . . j, f , s. - -

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