vot. xvnjfo. 40. WILMINGTON, N. C. THUBSDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 21, 186 rt WHOLE, NUMBER 4,711. I DAILY JOlTBN AJ, OLDEST DAILY XX THS STATE. RNOKl.lt AHD A PUICJC. Proprietor!. ' ADVKUTtllilO MATKH-UAILY. 4 s2 o j "r 3 1C ' :m w h u 3 i- ?S3 !2 g g II I S'gg ,o c g B S g g :3b a is b H h i 3 4 ,3 o a m m - . Ego : T e gl '. U k ci 8S.3 8 S .8 J 2 fa h fi i8 g .8 8 g 8 8 kj , o s j at . to o 8 .8 8 g .8 .8 8 8? .O O 0 -4 VI 0 S .8. .8 S3 . 8 g 8 g 3 iK tO l l- fljj W C ( o o o to "ff ;8 8 '8 8 S 8 8 ' D' V 0 p y & n ks o -J ,3 S .8 .8 8 . 8 . g ?I 5 6 8 5 S 5 J j,8 8 .8 8 8 .8 8 9 'ao . 3 10 1 t- 6j U fc l M- 4 fci Ot Ig .8 8 8 8 8 8 .8 SS 'O I' H 5 13 " g t o c a 00 8 8 8 .8.8 8 S If 8 8 813 8 ? 8 J il 5 3 s gl S2I n IS 8 g 818 88I8 s! IS S 8 8 S S 8 ;S 8 8!8 8 8 8 I '8 8 8 8 S 8 g ' 1 18 8 81 81 g 8 8 o , no year Six month.. . Tliree month.. Mi'UstcitiPTioa. Address Ufor th - of TtantiMt. ft fruisbcd in this country by a gradual and natural process, and we might Lavo been spared our civil war, bad not other causes come into play. It -was found that the soil and ciimate 01 the Southern Btatea were ad mirably adapted to the growth of cotton. Tbo power of ateara was discovered and ap plied to machinery of all kinds, especially I -ki 1 .1 -v ti 1 j j r'l: TT7i.:i 1U U1U UUU it:W ljllgiMllU, HDUUI liILUtJJ', of Massachusetts, invented his cotton gin. Thexo created an immenKe demand for the iaple, and recmed to have changed the whole current of pubac opinion. Ihe in vention of the cotton gin did more to fix shivery npon tw than any amount of pro- m lnbilory lecrislation, or any amount of anti- bliivery agitation, bo that I have always felt - that both Old England and New EDgland 5 1 had much to do (h fastening slavery upon i ns as a people, aDd should have a just share ' in the responsibility ror lis Daneiui result. m t Under these Innnences cotton became a I .- power in the land. It was proved arrogant, : and claimed to be king. It dictated its 1 terms, and threatened war unless its impe t 1 ions demands were granted. i It claimed . the right to go where it pleased, and to ex w : tetul itself over lands, suc4 as Kansas nd A : California, not adapted to it or to slave la i , bor at all ; and at last it rebelled, and set up c government 01 its" own, whoso very corner-stones wero cotton and fclavery. isothiug on earth could justify such a re bellion, and I only mention those facts in , the past to show that others than the pco- w plo of the boutli were partially responsible, K and should share the natural consequences ri of their own acts. i f And I, born of Connecticut parents, bear ing in affectionato remembrance the vir tues of my honored ancestors, and yielding to no mau in admiration of the intelligence, retinement, industry, and thrift of the peo- plo of New England, do honestly believe that they, in common with all the great North who shared in the original causes and enjoyed a large part of the profits re sulting from cotton and slave libor, 6hould be charitablo and liberal in the final distri bution of the natural penalties, i ' ! If slavery then was the xeal cause of our ; civil war, or even the pretext for it, and if ' the children must inherit the sins of their fathers, even in the third and fourth gen eration, men none 01 ns who trace our origin back to the earlier days of this Re ' public can escape this mathematical and ; philosophical conclusion : or, in the lan- I guago of Dr. Draper : "Guilty, then, both of ns, in the sight of uod : Ictus not vex eacli other with mutual I crimination, but bear our punishment with ; humility." 1 ' How has this punishment been parti- ! tioned by the result of the war ? We of ; the North have to mourn the loss of fathers, m-i.. r 41 . brothers, sons, and friends, and are bur- " idened with a vast national debt, binding on us in fact, in law and in honor, never, I - ! hope, to bo questioned by any honorable I man in America till every cent is paid. Ajook to the bouth, and you who went with me through that land can beet say if they, too, have not been fearfully punished. Mourning in every household, desolation written in broad characters across the whole Mercantile. JOHN J. HEDBICK.. . JAKES' Tt. BYAX. nan -:o: FALL TRADE 1867. K o .$10 00 , 6 00 3 00 W 12 E KL, Y JOU It NAL, r-STAKLlWDED BKITEMIIEII, 1811. On nqnare, of ten lines or less, for each ami every In ertlon. . KniH iiU Notices will be charged $2 per square, for each i fcua STery tnoerUon- SVOCRIPTlOn. One year, $1 oo Six month, 'i uo Jclt, 1HC7. TJ1E DAILY JOURNAL. WILMINGTON. N.C. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 18C7. GENERAL SHERMAN. That questions of great interest should have resulted from our war was to bo ex pected, such as concern the rights of States, and the rights of citizens therein. On these questions you, who were formerly T 7C t"lUlw- f1. 7 nffl.n..nl soldJ. bnk M nw Lp ' fe. lelr country ; cities m ashes, and now citizens. should form and express your opinions as freemen, unbiased by the clamor of the hour, and should leave to others an equal right, bearing in mind that there is room their labor annihilated and do- fields laid waste their system of Btroycd. Ruin, poverty, and distress every where, and now pestilence adding tho very ... 1 i r.:. -i-.i. -T .lf n,l i,f m;r. p-u w meir stacis. oi misery: ner A U A .VJU Li HUH lilU H w 11 r. I. Mi III m -11- v.. u . 1... L.i. ' proud a conclusion is onco arrived at by duo course of law, the subject is no longer an open question for discussion, but should bo submitted to, simply because it is tho law of the land. Each and every ono of you can recall periods in your own history, WK IIAVK OPEVKD THE LARGEST . X . , -I I STOCK OF I ! i BEY 0S EVEB OFFEBED IN j NORTH CIROLINJ, To which we respectfully invite the Attention of the Public, i We have adopted the Small Profit and Large Sale System, which i lias worked admirably for Ourselves and our Customers. We oner : ... . ... , ij , 2,000 pieces FEINTS, at 9 to 18 cents, , . ,;i . " - . .1 1,000 pieces WOOLEN DBES3 GOODS, at prices varying from 25 cents to $2 CO per yard, j 60 bales BROWN SHEETINGS and SHIRT : -i j IKGS, which will be sold by the yard, piece or bale" at manufacturers priccB, 1,000 pieces KENTUCKY JEANS, SA.TINETTS, CASSIMERES. etc, at prices which defy compe tition. ' : 4 43" We reepectfollly invite particular attention to our stock of FREDERICKSBURG CASSI4 MERES and other Southern productions, which we Bell at Manufacturers' prices. ' f . oft UenagerieSanl Hoflel Circus: A NEW ASSORTMENT OF ' . BABE BHASTS AND BIRDS, ' 'With a Thoroughly BeOrganizcd . ' - ' CORPS OF PROFESSIONAL ARTISTES, ' " " CONSTITUTING TUK ? . BEST EQUESTRIAN AND G-YMNASTIC TEOUPE ETcr in America or Europe. M -V men uegging lor pardon, and ap pealing for permission to raise food for their children ; her five millions of slaves 'free, and their value lost to their former masters forever. ; How any Southern gen- tleman, with these facts, plain and palpa- I Die, everywhero staring nim in thelace, you saw these doubts and confusions cloar away like a mist cloud, and reveal to you tho truth triumphant. Bo it will be in your civil experience, when a similar ac quiescence in events will produco tho samo rcsa t. liut for o moro compreheusivo nnder btanding of theso important questions, wo must turn from our limited experkneo to that of others recorded in history. Dr. Draper, an eminent American author, has likened the growth of a coplo or of a nation to that of the human body, and has bhown that its intelligence and political de velopment are governed by natural laws as clear of demonstration an thoso of any physical science. He also likens our system of government instead of being revived, I know that their , loKt causo will sink deeper and deeper into I infamy as time more keenly probes its I hidden mysteries, and reveals them to the light of day. i Now that slavery is gone, and cone for ever, with its unhappy wrecks left behind. and all danger is passed, if any set of men again appeal to war when they have courts to secure their rights and redress their wrongs, I would trust our national destiny again to those grand old national laws HOSIERY. 1 Our House has always been proverbial for tho superior stock of HOSIERY kept. We offer now 2,000 dozen Mens Womens' and Childrens' Hose, at very low prices ; also, Mens Womena' and Childrens' Undergarments in every variety. SHAWLS, BLANKETS, ituivu ituovu uui tuuuirjr ixiruugu me long, I -N-r -v XT" CI tedious vassalage of colonization ; which iJLi O AJLvfe. k.'j umav.j VUAVUU Uig V1UDU Ul UUI Revolutionary war, made our flag famous on mo high seas in Itilz ; led our conquer- n o,f . .i.ri, ;Jr .u u mg armies to the gates of Mexico in 1817. ning was o mere confused mass of nebulous i and hns. bne us glonously through four matter and force. Tiv ndtnral nn,winn. years oi as hard war as ever tested the man- a condensation ensued, and ono after j L9d.of anJ people. nMi.of Totv,,ii lx;t ns renew, as far as lies in our indi after orb was cast off from the revolving T,daal person, that systom which Bancroft mass, and a family of worlds, the solar sys-1 l1?.ua our, fatne. Vef,oro he tern, aroso ' olution ; the Bystem which has been re- Round tho central sun these obedient worlds, with all their servitor satellites, parsuo their courses. Thero was no hang ing back In tho movement no vagrant, wanton wandering no revolt. Through unutterable ages this union was, as now, an exhibition of inconceivable energy, mathematical precision, paramount and predominating law. He farther pursues the comparison, that BROADCLOTHS. vcaieu in Anuia ; tuo system which com bines and perfects the symbolic wisdom of the Orient and the refloctive genius of Greece : tho system conforming to reason. yot kindling with enthusiasm, always has tening reiorm, yet always conservative proclaiming absolute equality among men, yet not suddenly abolishing tho unequal institutions of society ; guarantee absolute freedom, yet involving inexorable restne- Our stock of HOUSEKEEPING GOODS will compare favorably with any retail stock in the country. We offer 300 dozen Towels, Table Cloths, Napkins, Doyles, Sheetings, Pillow Cotton, Blan kets, Bed Qailta, etc. inasmuch as every atom of matter has its 1 tl?8 ,of Uut7 I m highest degree thea just intlacnco in the system, so every State, every country, every man, woman, and child, and every conceivablo human inter est has its influence under our system. But, unfortunately, man, in tho individ ual or in the aggregate, is not a mere pas sing subject. Though endowed with a vi tality capable of t infinite good, he is liable to wide aberrations which often lead him astray, and he is brought back to his true retical, yet in tho highest degree practical ; awakening the inner man to a conscious- nc&j of his destiny, and yet adapted with exact harmony to the outward world : at ! once divine and human. This sjstem was professed in every part of our widely ex tended country, and cradled our freedom." I VTT 1 ... . . . mm sucu a spine pervading all our country once moro ; with our population increasing thirty-three per cent, every ten Our stock of YANKEE NOTIONS, DRESS i TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, etc., Is the largest in the South. The Ladies are especially invited to an examination of this Department of our Stock. orbit only by a alow process, or by a sudden yoars ; tb national wealth developing shock, such as war. j xn ev.en B greater ratio ; with our frontiers t i i .x. , . nnsuinir iiar.ic in ptit7 inrwnnn witn x uvuu iiu Bi.cmps io oppiy ineso princi- t " . .,, , r, . . " ' pics to tho history of our country, with ?rms and villages and cities rapidly cover which you ore as familiar as I am, but will vast ?ati?nal domain ; with mines .imnU riwnll to vonr mmnHi.. ti,.i. ;n h. : oi gold, and silver, and iron, i and coal beginning of colonization, slavery on this POS ;out wealth faster than ever did the onntment -wna nnirflrnal Fprtila lan.a COttOn-tieldS Of the South ; With forty tbou- rich mines abounded everywhere, and com- ??nd mil.es .of finished railroads, and other pulsory slave labor resulted, as a matter of self-interest, not confined to the colonies of England alone, nor to those of France, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, or Holland. As a general rule the colonists, resisted as far as they were able to do, but they were always overruled by the piopnetors abroad, who demanded quick and largo returns for their money invested. As early as 1761, a hundred years before our civil war, Virginia, under the influenco of llichard Henry Leo, attempted to stop the importation of slaves by a prohibitoiy duty, but her action was vetoed in England. In South Carolina a similar attempt was made, with a like result In Georgia Gen. Oglethorpe began his colony for the express purpose of limiting the extension of slavery in that direction. Still later, at the time of our Revolutionary war, the sentiment op posed to the institution of slavery was nearly universal, so much so that the slave trada was prohibited after 1S0S, and tho word slave was not written at all in our Constitution. . . - :.KUtcij wosld Burely We beea cxtia- thousands in progress, can any one doubt our present strength, or calculate our. fu ture destiny ? " , If our friends at the South will heartily and cheerfully join with ns in this future course, I, for one. would welcmrtA them merchant and ! JV". nuu jwiiv. ..udu o ueipiug nana. ' nuv, u like spoiled children, they will cling to the aeaa post, ana snut their eves to the com ing future, I would only call their attention to the wave of emigration that has swept over our land from tho Atlantic to the Pa cific, and must soon turn back and flow South. They may oppose, but their oddo- sition will be as vain as it was for them to try and stop" tho Army of the Tennessee; which swept the length and breadth of their land. The next war of Northern in vasion will not desolate their land, but will fructify and regenerate lL GASH WHOLESALE BUYERS j Are respectfully requested to give us a call, as our LARGE RETAIL TRADE enables us to offer Goods by wholesale at prices so low as to defy competition. Oar Corps of Assistants, Ladies and Gentle men,) are attentive and courteous. Buyers of all classes will receive from them respectful attention. S3-Our old friends and the public generally are invited to give us a call. HEDRICK & RYAN. ocU 19 lS-tf S A TlSlf ACT0EY INVEST1IEHTS MADE AT THE " CITY CLOTHING STORE, in the way of Gents' Clathlnj Md Fu-Blsblng Goods. Peonle will bnv where thev can cet ihe beat at ti . . . .... -. lowest rates, xnat place is .. . ilUNSON & CO.'S , - .r 83 Market Street, nov IT i ' --"' ' is tf . Bus&ia is renortftd tn Viava ApotmirA its army by about 100,000 men dnrinsthe past TiS year. It eti has an effective force of about 1..T . '. A UESTA R003X eeBTcaicnt to acv:-Apply at the. vciTJTrr-rm oct. 17 ift-tf 3 TO OUR PATRONS. Jlr. Forepaugh4 remcmberinp; with prido and pleasure the satisfaction his Show rendered, and the unprecedented patronage it received in Vir ginia last Spring, has determined to . STOW -THE SOHTH And develojic to the citizens the grandeur of 1 he s j XEW OUTFIT lor the Breat Soiitta Tour Feeling assured that the verdict for excellence, which he shall receive will establish a precedent for success, and give him a solid 'endorsement, which will be recognized in all the various cities and towns which he will professionally visit du ring tho , , , SEASON OF 18Q7-Q8. THE MEHA&ERIE The extent and superiority of which is freely ad mitted and acknowledged, eontains the MAR VELOUS TWIN CALF ELEPHANTS, TUB i PEOPLE'S PETS. . 'BABIE ANNIE AND KATIE RICE." fDouple Humped Bactrian Camel. , - The Mountain Ibex, ' The Cabiai Bara, ' -The Senegal Antelope, " r The Russian White Bear, The Chetah, or Hunting Leopards, The Sacred Bull of Bramah; The Abassynian Nyl Ghau, T , A Man Gibbon, or Giant Monkey, A Real Barbary Zebra, A Sun Bear, ... A South American Tapir, and Lion and Lionesses, Arabian Dromedary, Axis liver. Rocky Mountain Wolf, African Tigers, Numidiau Lions, Lion Cob, Hlndoostan Bear, linrmese t'ov, Asiatic Lions,-Striped Hyenas, Mexican Peccary, Bengal Tlger.s, Spotted Hyenas, Kangaroos, Llama, Grey Ostrich, White; Peacock, Griazly Bear, Pan thers, Polar White Bear, Bison cf Oolorndo, Black Ostriches, Palatine Sheep, llsctrlan tlamel, Arneri can Concur, JN w Holland Lrau, Canadian and over Una Hundred Imported Birds and Animals. f RAILROADS. RAIL- WILMINGTON ASD H'ELDON ROAD C0MPAKT. Cti ick Eno. ad Hurr. W. Ik. w. Tt. Wilmihuton, October 11 , 18C7 ON AND AFTER THE 12th OCTOBER THE following Schcdulo will be run over ibis Boad: DAY PASSENGER AND MAIL TRAIN. Leave Wilmmfftoa a!lr (Snndsys excepted) at 6:00 A. M. (arrives at Weidon 3:00 1 M. Leaves wehbiu dailv (biitidtys oxefpted) at 10:30 A. L 5 arriws at ISllmiiigton 7;80 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS WAIL AND PASSENGER TBAIN. ' Leave Wilmington at. . . . . .. . . .9:30 P. M., daily. Arrive at Wehlon at. . n ...., . .6:00 A. BL, " Leave Weldon at. 6:25 P. M., Arrive at Wlimirgton at..;. v..1.. 2:20 A. 11., " . .,; EXPRESS FREIGHT THAIS'. Lcavo WilmluRton daily (Sundays exceptol) at 4:00 A. SI., and arrives at Weldon at 6:00 P. SI. Leave Weldon daily iHundays excepted) at 4:00 A. M., and arrive at vViluniDKtf-u at 6:(0 P. M. Trains pass Goldsboro' at 2:00, 10:30 and 10:50 A. 41., goiuj; North ; at 2:50, 10:15 P. M; and 10:50 A. M., RoiHj? South, connecting with Trains to UaleiRh and Newborn at 10:30 A. UL and further points atJJ:50 P. M. -"JW Tapors on this lino of the Road copy this and omit all ether Schedule notices. 8. L. FREMONT, 4 Engineer and Superintcndont. and Ulan. Railroad Co, Genkbal Bitpebintendxht's Owicb,!--WuacnroTOH, N. C, Get. 5, 18C7. f EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL KOTIfE. - TUB MISSER PRICK wUl p gekMl on TUESDAY. 1st October, at the residence of Sir. A. L. Price, on Fourth street, between Chesnut and Princess. ; ;a . iibub rm qtjabtsb: The higher branches of English, French in cluded ...$12 00 Drawing (in Crayon and Pencil. . Ui..... 6 00 Bfusie at Professor's Charges. , Further particulars ma4e known on application. opt 14 , 299 BEYOND tOSIPETITIC.; THE PROPRIETORS 0? THE CLAHZNDON CLOTHING BOUSE resrtfulivaoBOunfle) to the citizens of WUmiagton end snrroqudine; country that they have GREATLY LTDUCED their prices on their entire stock or Wilmington WW1 avntl after Oct. 6th, Passenger Trains J of this Road will run on the following Sched ule: ;"" : : - 14 " ; - EXPRESS TRAIN. . r Leave Wilmington.,.....,. V.....;V. 2:30 A. M. Arrive at Florence.. . 1....... .,,..; 8:10 A. M. Arrive at Kmgsvillo...... 11:45 A. M. Leave KiDgsville.. ............ .......11:30 A. M. Arrive at Florence 2:55 P. KL Arrive at WilmlDg ton....... 8:55 P. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. I Leave Wilmington.................... 7:50 P. M. Arrive at lungsviiie...,. ....... ......iu:3 A. in. Leave EJngsville....,,. 2K)0 P. M. Arrive at Wilmimzton..... 6:15 A M. Exnress Train connects clesolv at Florence with the North Eastern Railroad, for Charleston, and Cheraw and Darlington RaUroad,for Cheraw, and i at Eingsville with the South Carolina Railroad, j i for Columbia and Augusta. ' - - - ' i Acoommodauon iTam wui run daily, Sundays excepted, and connect at Eingsville with South Carolina Railroad for Columbia and Augusta. y,- t WM, MacRAE, Gen'L Sup't. . OCt. 6 . ; ,.-v..- - 7tf CLOTHING, HATS : V AND fuiuiiszit:3 c:s. consieting of tho very best quality "of Goods and largest assortment for Gents wear, ever offered tn this market. Having a large stock on hand, and la tense auenoo of the soaroity of money? the; trill sell oat NEW AND SPLENDID STCCir , v j ' 1 .... . i ' -' 1 1 l . . i.'.if if , ; AT QREA1LY RED UCED PRICES. Attention is directed to the following list of prices Fine suits for...... .................... ....$11 CO French Cassimere rants... ,n 6 58 French Cassimere Vests. .................. 2 60 French Cassimere Coats.................... 8 00 Sattinet Coats....... ,..,....A.. ..,.. i 8 60 Fine White Shirts. .... . .. . .... .-. 1 00 and everything else in proportion. v - Ci All that is asked is an examination of their Stook and the Proprietors will convince all that it is EX YOND COMPETITION. HAAS Js CO., Proprietors Clarendon Clothing Lonse. :'OCt23 . .'-.ii ' !;-- i. - P A-: -,J. ,21 BEAVER CREEK MANF'O CCiNTS THAIIIKB CLOTIU - SIIKKTIJI G S, - - - - ' Secbxtabv and Tbeascukk's OmcK, WOJOlfOTOlf MANCHESTER WlLMraoTON, N. C, 12th Otttcb, " 1 B. B. Co., r h Nov., 1867. ) - THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and the Governor of North Carolina having set apart Thursday, the 28th instant, as a day oi National thank8givinj& and prayer, tho Stock holders of the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad-Company will hold their annual meeting, in Wilmington, on , t .,. . WEDNESDAY, THE 27TH INSTANT, $ERIIAIJ 7EK1Y ; PATH so men ditto, s , 0OTT03 IAES, all of very superior quality can be furnished a short notice. , ...... J. H. HALL. . r Prest. Beaver Creek Manf g Co. ' " A. JOHNSON & CO.. Agents" ' :t : . - ; Wilmington, K. O. aprU12 v ,167 tf DIE CHARLEST0XER ZEITOG. JOIIS K. WAOBBTEJX, KtUtor. , UKDKR (he above head the undsrstzmsd propose to publish a n instead of Thursday, the 2Sth instant, as hereto- i lore punsnea. wi .v ...;, . win. a.; WAi.ar.it. . Secretary. Raleigh Sentinel, Columbia (8. C.) Phoenix, Marion Star, Darlington Southerner and Sumter News, copy tins for former notice, and please can editorial attention to the change. ' - i ? nov is : - , -j.-. . - atf-tm ! Wil., Cnarlotte & Rntherftrd B E - ' . I "; GEKEiun ScTzaiHTBDiarr's Oma, l r WrLsaHOTOK, N. Cm Aug. 9, 1867. fH AND AFTER TUESDAY NEXT. AUGUST J 13th, the Passenger train ou this Road will ! leave Wilmington on Tuesday, Thursdayund S&t- I uuay at 7 o'clock, A. Xd. Arnve at Sand Hill same days, at 3 P. M. Arrive at Wadesboro' ( Stage) at 12 midnight ! Leave Wadesboro' (Staire) on Tuesday. Thurs- aay ana Saturday, at a r. n. Leave RockinKham (Stage) on Monday. "Wed- i nosdav and Friday at 4:30 A. M. Leave Hand hui (Cars) Monday, weuuesdav ana i jrnaay, at 7 o'cioca, a. to. . Arnve at nuuiogMm same uays at a i an. W. I. JSViSllETr, organ of tho German population, and to be the ors devoted to the interests of this State, in Laoour- aging unmigrauon ana industrial i'uruuus. Literature, Agriculture, commeroe, Arts and Trade will be represented in its columns, and the news or the nay will be given. . . - , Gon'l JOHN A. WAGENEft has kindlv conaenU ed to undertake the EditoriaJ management for the present.. ....,: ; . SUBSCR1TTTON-43 00 forTwelve Months. -' - - 1 60 Six -: . v... 1 00 -".Three' v. ?,. ADVERTISEMENTS inserted on liberal terms. O. O. ERCKMANN A CO. No. 8 Broad Street, Charleston, B. 0. sept. 27 , 1 . 810 SPIEIT . BAKKELS. 500 NEW YOBE AND SOUTUXSK BULB, aug 9 General Superintendent. . 2!)8-tf THE CIRCUS COMPANY Hag' been engaged expressly for tli Fall and Winter Campaign, and contains the following lrfonuera of eminent reputation. Lv : in M'LLE CODONA, A young and l autiful Frt-m fi irl,ofexf(uiKiteinpinand fascinating feature, who will make her first essay in America on the COKDE TENDUE, a irformance which in all the prin cipal TUatrrR, Hippodromes and Circuses in Eutoih?, was the acknowledged Sensation. M AD TV ME AMELIA, A splendid Fqueptrienne, is another recent importation, being engaged while In the FULL TIDE OF PROFESSIONAL SHCCESS, at the Capital of the World of Art. Paris. As a HISTRIONIC IMPERSONATOR, her equal does not exist. , ' M'LLE; AMELI A, Champion Reinswoman of the World, will also give her ROAD SIDE EXERCISES, on her a t . thorongk-bred Virginia Charger, POWTIATT AN. , M R r H . C O D O 3ST.A. . Fron. ..iley's, Iondon, will ride his TERRIFIC SOMERSAULT ACT, rivalling all com petitor, and far exceeding any rider of the day in points of rapidity, ease and execution. M -R . & S. TOM . ,Tlie favorites with everybody. - - Mil. JOH 1ST DB ATOHE LOR, A Leapoi ot surprising powers. v - . - Messrs. & 8ANDFORD The wonderful Athletes and Gymnasts. , "WIL LI AM MORG A TST, A Kentucky yonth, who is an aspirant with brilliant prospects, for the BARE BACKED CHAMPIONSHIP OF AMERICA. SM L .A. T JEE H OP, The KENTUCKY CLOWN and FAMOUS STUMP ORATOR, the Great Standard Favorite. M Pt . J O H 1ST X, A WT O Ni ' An Original and Conversational Clown. ' : Ml H. TO HNE I V EBS, , And his Kennel of Performing Dogs. - ? THBODOEE TOITKNIAIKE, The impulsive Hurdle Rider, compose the main features of tlie great Artistic ConsteUatlrm. The Horses, Ponies, Dogs and Mules connected with FOREPAUGH'S CIRCUS, aresu- Grior to any ever shown in anv concern in the World. Among the specimens steeds will the noble cream Stallion, JRUFUS "WEI.CH, trained by ttat expert Horseman, BPENCER STOKES, Esq. , The GRAND PROCESSION of all the Cages, Wagons and Cars, preceded by the GOL , DEN CHARIOT, containing Forepaugh's Silver Cornet Band, will take place oneachday at 10 o'clock, A..M. v ' - ' ." "' ' ' nly Show tliat does not cliarge Exhorbitant Pricea i!;:r!:?-Empliaticiiily;the.Be.'1 By all means the Cheapest V . iflniUsion to lioth Jlcnagcric and Circus ..,r. ..30 Cents Children 10 years and under......... viiG5 Cents Look out for the Grand Triumphal Procession. " 5? 1 4 PAWS Menagerie and Circus Is Coming. 4 TWO PERFORM ANCES AFTERNOONAND NIGHT. Sole ruoriUETOB. .: . . MAKAiF.1i .1 SPEED, C0SIF0RT AM) - 8AFETY. ANNMLESSIC " LINEr ! I Great U. 8. 3Iail Route for the North. Steamers of the above Liu leave Portsmouth daily (Sundays excepted) at 11 o'clock, A. M., on arrival of the great Express Train of tho ftoaboard and Koanoko Railroad. rasecniyers lea vine WilminRton, N. C. by the 9:05, P. train, arrive at Weldon in time to con nect with the train of the Annaroessio Lino, ar ming in Ner York at 6:20; A M., next day, the QUICKEST TTME EVER MADE.' ;c ; , Be sore and aak fur Tickets and have Baggage Checked via ANNAMKSHIO L.IRTK. v - , ,. lit V. TOMPKINS, i . . ; General Agent. C. I. TBOWBRIDuE, - General Passenger Agent, j July 11 , , , . 216-tf For sale low, by I ' V" v 'h'- WTLLIAMS A MUECEISON. nov. IS- . . . S3 tf DANIEL A. S2aTH. DKALER lis all kinds of PAKLO& DINING BOOM and CHAMDEB IfUBNI TURE LOOKING GLASSES, MAXTB23SES, FEATHER BEDS. Ac. s " " -; Also, - ;' SASH, BLINDS and DOORS, famished at man- waciurer a prices. ! , BUUTH FJtOHT blliiT, . i Wilmington. H. 0. oct.20 j U-ly A CARD. -s - IAN I obtain enerraved Portraits WU X.IAX 'Bootkb. Josefb Ezwes ' and Jomt Puir, signers of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, or any one of them ? Or ean portraits in oil be obtained? Sold, hired, or loaned, to be copied if Or can autographs, mere signatures of tne name, or larger documents, be had ? If so. on what terms 1 They are desired tor an unique and important historical collection. Address me, wilh icc(fio uatement of term. 221 West 81th St. Vtrar V.li .m ..til Vk MnV, a. a T. Mr. Dalley, Wilmington, N. 0. I Uli AUtiKU If, Ui.liI8, I Pastor of the " Chttrcb of the Strangers," N. T. nov. - , ; , ,yi SUNDRIES SUNDRIES. GRAIN AND FLOUR BAGS. B. ASTElf V CO y Pearl 8 Hew York, are prepared to furnish BBLS. POBK-City Mess; ! do ; MACKEREL Nos. ltoS; j HALE BBLS. do. ; ' do. do.; SACKS COEEEE-iair and choice CASKS CAROLINA BICE-prime; BOXES CHEESE Factory 4 Cream; FAMILY FLOUR Choice and BBLS. Fresh r BOXES ASSORTED CANDY; 100 50 25 100 20 100 150 50 125 100 50 100 15 FIRKINS AND 10 TUBS CHOICE BUT aZJ TEB. ' . - r r- And a full supply of fine Groceries. Lienors and Cigars in general; all of which is offered to deal- ers at reasonable prices, by - - - AD&IAN & VOLLEBS, . Corner Front and Dock streets, Wilmington, N. C. nov 14 ' ! ' 40 for Grain, Flour, and ail other purposes for which bags are used, of any desired material or size, up on tbe shortest notice, riour ana uuctwneat Bags, either of Cotton or Paper, printed to order, with neat dosiiros. PAPER BAGS for . Grocers. i uoQiecuoners, c, irom l io. upwaras. ; v. ix ,ytpj new Xor City. sept. 4 BALE ROPE, BAGGING BBLS. SUGAR Powdered, rollvojr em1 Vimmvh BOXES ADAMA&TINE & PAEAITNE CANDLES; BOXES TALLOW CANDLES; BOXES HARD ..' do i ' CRATES OF CROCKEEY; ) , A K D poB Ax.u m iajt to svir pchchai j EES, by the Manufacturer. . H. CLUCAS, s , No. 61 Via street. New York. .crushed,! aeptlO i i,. 2S5-4m GUANO AND BAGGING f daily expected per ftiir, Charles Dennis. 500 1A BALES HEAVY GUNNY BAOG1NG XVl in Hiore and for sale by 51 ; - nov 17 W. H. JIcBABY A CO. . 43-lw OLD D02UNI3N KlILS always on rtmemt of tbsse atkisson se Bnzrrx;c5, WEEAVi;. !I:B may 23 It and 12 Korta Water Etreet. aoi-tf CLANSS. : ' AND KKK.P CONSTAS FLY OS HAND, almost every description cf Blanks usually required in this place. . . ; t Merchants in want of Bailroad Becelpl j. Bills of Lading, or other Blanks, bound or loo , can ob- tamthematshortnotioe.-- 1 - f f l THE rltizens of Vilmf"on. rfsiW5H 7 order, left Kffi.' or have their Blanks printed to order, at abort notice.'-- . : ' i , "" - - l,aiSJaUAI PBU'Jfi, I 7 i . t: : " ' Old Stand, Journal BuildlcR. Anderses, lis C2a r2, UJUM'Wl-fULLX; KOEHJ 1 r a the tors of Messn. Hcdiick it Cyan, 2mMl with prwjpt attention.. . t , . ... A. Fop.EPAtrQH I Qexebai. AGESt.i.-.i.-..C- H. Castle .F. M, K els ii AvxitTirxo AosaiT.";: ,Kichao P Johm ; 171.1 " at JTILI-'ZGTCCl FZirAlLzJ L'st. ZZZ & Z rc LC CATION .CSV LOT EIGHTH AND MAIUXET; PATENT TIi:S. JUST ARRIVED BY' TUE TZUZSINA; ' yi 1 'io-:. j pati::4t lock axt . , ; 1 is. : ' i T, i t t :r TIU be soil on tse most ra oct. 2 11 mi,' .i4C0. 84f suu ad ia piiiiie order. Jastreeelve4 and for sale wt, ta quant::: " v Foa r"" "T'l -j M JAMLd J&bhwQA CO. ocU7 BOT29

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