n it VOL. XVII NO. 75. WILMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 27. 1867. WHOLE NUMBER 4,800. i DAILY JOURN AL ' OLDEST DAILY IN TUB STATE. KNOELILtRD 6i PRICE. Proprietors. ADYKUTimiU MATES UAlLY. mbm 2 -S" 8-1 2 8 S -7 5 215 1! -3 2 B 5 o 8 1 . S ? 2 rf 3 8 8 - o 8 8 Illpl P 7 I? o a is ?S S 8 8 c K C rfl G w c 7S p 23 3 D I g Si8 i - 8 ? 2 " 3 c 2 8! S 8 5 SUDSCRIPTION. Ono year, $10 00 Six month 6 00 Throe montlin, 3 oo WEEKLY JOURNAL. ESTABLISHED BETTEMBER, 1811. One square, oT ten lines or Ions, fur each and every ln onion, $1. SixM lal Notice will be charged $2 per square, for each anil every lnsertton- SUBSCRIPTION. ',)no year. $3 oo Six months, a oo Jdlt. 1007. THE DAILY JOURNAL. WILMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 27, 18G7. UIRISTJIAS STREET PICTURES HIGHLY COLOHED. BY MOXOKIA. Christmas morning wo awoke wfth the determination to spend in peace, in the solitude of our room, tbo glorious heraldic day of Christ. But the continuous din of Chineso crackers, the desultory firing of small arms, the wild screams, and wilder shouts, tho cracked sound blown througb cracked tin horns, and the running bitber and tbitber of motly crowds, told us in language plainer than written, that we would have to forego so wise a conclusion and adopt something more corresponding to tbo general eclat of tbe celebration. We jumped up and took a survey of tbe street. Bat tbe very first thing tbat met our gaze on the pavements Abelow was a sight tbat immediately banished tbe sober thought, and brought up from tho depths tbe in voluntary laugb in fact, wo laughed im moderately. A comical, rather quizical . looking eablo individual, wearing a bigb, . white battered beaver tbat bad been, possibly, "deposited for weeks in some asb- bole jauntily on one hide, a suit of clothes, perhaps picked from a rag-man's bag, and a pair of boots, black, but wbiter than the toes and shins that peered from tbeirtworn out ends. A stick crossed bis shoulder, to wbicb was appended a bundle of -the - deuce knows what. In his left-hand ho carried a turkey, or some . kind of the gobbler breed, wbicb now and again made convulsive struggles f or,' freedom. : It seemed, poor thing ! to have a fore shadow of tho block. "Hello, Jonathan," cried a color of bis persuasion, and as be approached, friendly: "How's you," at tbo ame time slapping the poor fellow on tbe ' , bead and burying tbat "cabbage " com pletely out of sight. A few smothered sounds found their way out and no doubt bclpcd to intimidate tbe quasi friend from attempting the release of tbe turkey. Three swarthy gents, newly enfranchised citizens of Wilmington, and seeming to understand tbe dignity to wbicb fortune bas raised; them, staggered along tbo side walk, and helped tbe Jonathan to get out of bis bat. Tbe otber took to bis beels. Tbe poor fellow no sooner than " out of that bat " grinned bis thanks and wabbled up Frinccss. Tbe worthies just mentioned crossed to tbe opposite side of tbo street, pulling volumes fromjthrce rotten stumps and swaggering in a manner after tbe dance of ' de jubo dis." They are met by an ac quaintance a little further gone than them selves, and who bas eaptured a policeman, for be tugged crabbishly at bis sleeves. " Hold on," bo lustily sbouted, " bold on." Come, on,' said tbe watchman. "I say bold on. I's want to speak to my friends bere." Tbe friends look daggers at tbe of ficer, and grumble something about inter fering with "de coler gemmen." Tbe chap witn tne " Dries in nis nat, possessed a the " brick in bis . great deal of strength and held the officer in durance nnui at last no niccougned: " l goes," and off be did go, taking a more firm grip of bis prisoner. The morning was now far advanced, as the bells from the neighboring churches indicated, but which could hardly be beard from the bustle and confusion tbat was hourly increasing. Savage whoops were tcaling upon our ears. Tbey draw nearer and nearer. A burly coon. " tbat wears no bair on the top ob bis bead where de wool oughter grow, but who, for this improvi dence of nature, woro locks protruding from behind as luxuriant as any that crows , on the posteriDff aspect of anr black ram. . . , came immediately under onr optics. He j was a Jonny Cooner, a description of whom would puzzle the facetious in the republic of clowns. A troupe of imps, they were not angels, but they were : 1 "Black spirits and white, White spirits nd grey," - - followed lum with many grunts, and yells of approbation, accompanied with the monotone of Aleph," or some other un intelligible expression. It reminded us very forcibly of a scene once witnessed in the West, It was oa Good Friday, An awembly of all Rexes bad formed in front of a certain' public edifice. Tbo doors were thrown open, and tbe concourse jostled and carried itself in, drawing us along on its shoulderA. At tbe upper end of tbe ball was a stage. Tbe curtain was dowd. It moved, and forthwith burst a most piteous wail. We tried to find out tb cause. Wo looked close ly at Home of the - mourners. They were Mexicans, with their beads enveloped in rebosos. ' I looked towards tbe stage. Tbe curtain moted again; an arm wan dis played. The cries bad no boundary.. Tbe whole mass of breathing souls surged, and wept. A silence succeeded. One or two let a solitary vein, but we noticed that tbose next to them punched them pretty roughly in the sides, and said : " Not time yet, not time yet." At the same moment we saw many a ' stupid old woman " carry ber fingers from her lips to her eyelids. She wa bound to febed tears. Tbe time arrived, and thei outburst grew horrible. - An unseemly figure of an old man was ex posed to them on the stage, and tbey took him up, and transported bim on their beads around town. Our musings ivere soon again to be dis turbed. Two Vould friends" met. One accosted the other : " How do ?" " Tola bly." "Howcbme on?" " Rigbt well." "IIow'b you enjoien de day?" "O, I's enjoien it, be managed to say, and reeled by bowing to the right, and to the left, backward and forward. All eyes are now turned on great clatter ing of horses' hoofs coming down tbe streets. The sons of knight-errantry have their lling. I hey are white men polished, figuring in every kind of barbarous costume. They are bound! that tbe institution of tbe old Teutonic Christian tribetr-will live. It will never die out. We woulu not i ad ere from their exploits on horseback, and their disorderly, very much broken line, tbat they would work together united, repre sentatives of that most boly and adorable knigbtsbip. It was to protect purity, to deify chastity, arid to succor destitute wid ows and orphans 15ut they now represent Don Quixotism j in grand and grotesque I yie. lliey will never nave their praises sung by troubadours or minstrels. Ooe noble old knight rodo a jackass. We rode the 'donkey that wouldn't go, and be did n t go. in the afternoon all the black spir its of the city put on white facep. Tbey wero bound to be white for one day. We noticed that they did bo to ape tbe pseudo blacks of the forenoon. We bope that no other results will be ever chronicled. But still, to tbo casual observer, a deptb of meaning was below all this, and we are only too glad that , tbe day passed away full of smoke and; lire, noise and jolly fun. Uttlca. You are. small, and according to your modo of reasoning, therefore, insignificant. You will not do what you can for tbe com monwealth, for the church and tbe world, because you cannot act tbe most conspicu ous part or do thej most good. Y'ou do not consider this, that it were a very dull world if each thing were! equal to every other ; if all animals and all vegetables were of tbe same size, buppo.se all the stones were ol a size r bow would you build an elegant and convenient bouse ? Where would you obtain sand ?. Now, just as in physical nature largo things cannot exist without small, and as this is true in bouso-building, so true is it that in every community and association there must be many small, who, like particles; of sand in mortar, bid away, but silently maintaining intir piuccs auu doing their duty greatly assist in preser and beauty of tbe build- ving the btabihty 1DR- Do not refuso to bo anything, because you cannot be everything. Do not neg lect the minor murals of life, the unobserv ed traits of character wbicb go to make up perfection. Despise not tbe day of small things. "Whosoever sball break one of these least commandments, and sball teach men so, be sball be called tbo least in tbe kingdom of heaven." Do not suppose that any man is o small tbat be may be con temned. Every friend is valuable; every enemy is by all means to bo appeased and won over. Every rigbt of every man is to be religiously observed. " He that is faith, ful in that which! is, least is faithfulfalso in much; and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much." By spending a little here and a little there, great fortunes are reduced; by saving many littles Rothschilds, Girards and Astojrs win their immense es tates. Does God count the stars and count tbe hairs of your jbead ? Then what is too small for your nojtice ? Dr. Deems. A ' Read-Beat " Professor. j A Berkshire professor, who is famous for bis love of a jokei even if against himself, bought a railroad ticket at tbo Pittsfield depot on Monuaiy morning, on bis return home after his Sunday labors, and as be re tired from the window, inadvertently put bis wallet into an unaccustomed I pocket. Discovering shortly after, as be thought, that it was gone he returned to the win dow, where be found an inoffensive young man in the act of paving for a ticket from a wallet which was the counterpart of bis own. Instantly be seized upon it, to tbe utter amazement of bis victim. The latter, however, regaining bis wits, grappled with the professor, and soon bad regained bis property. About this time the professor discovered bis own pocket-book, and quickly retired with tbe best grace be could, while tbe victorious youth exclaimed : "You dead-beats can't play your grab games on me ; i ve traveled l ! Springfield Republican, j I saw agreat composer discoursing sweet , est music on an admirable instrument in the presence of a deaf mute, and I thought of a noly saint describing spiritual raptures to an obtuso worldling. In 1 Cor.,! iii. 14, you will see bow this struck Paul, i Dr. Deems. A mind of well arranged faculties is like an arch, the greater the weight placed up on it the more compact do its parts become, ana tne wnole arch seems to grow stronger. Faith is tbe key-stone, Without that it tumbles to pieces. Dr. Deems. TheMonticello (Fla.) Gazette bas the fol lowing: . "A number of negroes came to town on Wednesday last and tried to find Captain Knight, who they said was to meet them 'here to-day for the purpose of distributing . . 1 1 1 1 A 1 . to tne ireeumen, wuo nau voiea rignt, their eharo of mules, land, etc. The Cap tain, however, was not on nana. Commodore William B. Hunter, for many years of our navy, and subsequently of the C S. N., is a larmer in Ok juanory, Louisiana. The body of a woman in Georgia, buried seventeen years ago, wasjlately dag up pei- rinea use marine. Portraits of Albert Sidney Johnson have just been engraved in Philadelphia. MISCELLANEOUS. CLAKENDON CLOTHING HOUSE. SELLING OCT AT COST ! SELLING OUT AT COST! SELLING OCT AT COST FOR CHANGE OF BUSINESS! FOR CHANGE OF BUSINESS ! FOR CHANGE OF BUSINESS ! We intend doing strictly a Merchant Tailoring and Gents Famishing Busi- ness. HAAS & CO., opposite HEDRICK & RYAN'S. 65 dec 11 . ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY, SUMTER, S. C UNDER THE CHARGE OF THE SISTERS of onr Lady of Mercy will receive additional pupils on and after the 2d of January. The new bcildings are spacious and elegantly finished, and famish accommodations for one hundred board ers. Tbe extensive grounds and piazzas are am ple for open air exercises, and yonng ladies are thoroughly instructed in English, French, Italian, Latin, Music. Drawing, Ac. Location unsurpassed for health and terms reasonable. - For particulars, apply to MOTHER THERESA, Charleston, or to SISTER MARY JOSEPH, at tbe Academy, in mSntei. dec 12 63-tf DURHAM SlIOKIE TOBACCO! MANTJFACTUBED BY It. F. MORRIS & SON, Dnrbam, N. C. Tho subscriber is the oWy agent in Wilming ton, for the sale of that celebrated " Spanish fla vored Dnrbam Smoking Tobacco," manufactured by R. F. Morris & Sou, the oldest tobacco house in North Carolina. Dealers supplied at factory prices by tbe under signed, including expense of transportation. H. BURKHIMER, Agent in Wilmington, N. O. doc. 10 61-2m CHEESE. 1KA BOXES. XtlKJ For sale bv WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. 69-tf dec. 19 SCHOOL NOTICE. 1 III R JIISSKS PRICK vrlU open School . on TUESDAY, 1st October, at tbe residence of Mr. A. L. Price, on Fourth street, between Chesnut and rnnceas. TERMS FEB QUARTEE: Tbe higher branches of English, French in cluded .$12 00 Drawing (in Crayon and Pencil) 6 00 Music at Professor's Charges. Further particulars made known on application. sept 11 299 HOOP SKIRTS, A LARGE SUPFLY, just received, of the MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES A few dozen EXTRA LONG. Also, a lot of very superior FRENCH CORSETS, for sa'e cheap. HEDRICK & RYAN, dec 14 05 WOOLEN DRESS GOODS. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF DRESS GOODS will be sold at prices lower than tbey can be bad in the city. HEDRICK A RYAN, dec 14 65 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT J. D. LOVE'S BOOK STORE. USEFUL, RICH AND ELEGANT, inOICE AMERICAN AND ENGLISH BOOKS, YJ Writing Desks, Portfolios, Gold Pens and Pencils, Photograph Albums, Toy Books for Children, ic, &c. dec 22 ' 72-tf $10 A DAY MADE BY ANY ONE WITH my Patent Sleneil Tools. I prepay sam- pies free. Beware of infringers. My circulars will explain. Address A. J. FULLAM, Spring field, Vermont, dec 24 73 eod6t FURS, FURS. AN ADD I TJIONAL stock of FURS, j ust rccei?ed. inv which Bargains will be offered, HEDRIOK & RYAN, dec 14 65 " $gNOT-ICE.-- TO MY OLD CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY : I am again prepared to do all kinds of Work entrusted to me. I could not rent a shop in October last to suit me, so I have built new Shop on Cbesnut street, between Fourth and Filth, near my residence. I think I am fixed to suit the times ; I am under very little expense, and will favor my patrons accordingly. The old fault, thank God, has played out I "Clark is ft good workman, but he will drink." He is now done, and bas associated himself with the Friends of Temperance, to drop the one and plead for tbe other the balance of his life. Give me a call and see for yourself. Bring your Buggies, Carriages, Carts and Wagons, and get tbem fixed, cheap for Cash. Blacksmith Work, Painting and Trimming neatly executed. Also, farm work, pea diggers, &c, promptly attended to. If you have old Buggies, Carta and Wagons, bring them to my shop, and we will endeavor to make something out of tbem. Children' Carriages put in tbe best kind of order. WILLIAM CLARK, dec 1 54-lmo REMOVAL. CUOSLY tb MORRIS, Auctioneers and General Agents, have removed their Office to the Store No. 22 North Water Street, where tbey will bold Auction Sales twice a week, of Groceries, Dry Goods, Furniture, &c., Ac, and for which sales unlimited Goods will be received daily. Ar ticles will be received on Storage Wilmington, it. c, Dec. U, loo7 70-lw WILSON SCHOOL, HE LL VI LLB. ALAMANCE COUNTY. N. C. ESTABLISHED IN 185L The next session will begin January 80, 1868. Circulars sent on application. DR. JNO. WILBON, Prin. dec 7 - 69-lftw6wd ; PEA NUT BAGS. 2,000 PEANCTBFftlebv 7 WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. doe 19 69-tf COFFEE. 50 BAGS. For Sftleby WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. dec. 19 ALL KINDS OF BLANKS 1703 BAL3 AT TEZJ Ta Fortieth CoaTtse, The following is a fall list of the members of I both Houses of the Fortieth Congress, the Repub- lican members being marked " R,' and the ojipo- eition "D. :" , SENATE. Benjamin F Wade, r,of Obio, President John W Forney, r, of Pennsylvania, Secretary MAINE Term erpires Lot MMorriil, r-.lf9 Wm P Feaenden, r..l871 NEW HAAIPf UIBE Aaron II Craein. T..1871 OHIO Term expire. Benjamin F Wade, r 19 ! John Sherman, r. . . .1873 INDIANA T A Heudricks, d. . .1S19 j Oliver P Morton, r. .1873 ; Ja W Patterson, r. .3878 YZBMONT ILLINOIS Richard Yetee, T....1871 Lyman Trnmbull, r.1873 MICHIGAN Oeo F Edmnnds, r..!8GU JQgtjn s MornU, r..i87o iSASSACHLCHCSETTS Cliarles Sumner, r. .18G9 Heury Wilson, r 1S71 UlIODE ISLAND William Sprapae, r.1869 Henry 13 Anthony, r. 1871 COKKECTICCT James Dixon, d. .. .1809 Orris 8 Perry, r. . .1873, Zach Chaudler, r..-18C9 Jacob JI Howard, r. 1871 WISCONSIN - Jas R Doolittle, d. .1869 Timothy O Howe, r.1873 MINNESOTA Alex Ramsey, r. . .', . 1869 Daniel S Norton, d . . 1871 NEW tOBK Edwin D Morgan, r.l8C9 ltoscoe Cockling, r.1873 IOWA Jawes W Grimes, r.1871 James Harlan, r 1873 FEW JEB8ET MISSOURI FTFrelingbnysen.r 1869 John BBenderson.r 1869 AloxGGattell,r....l871 Charles D Drake, r.1873 KANSAS Edmund G Ross, r . . 1871 Samuel C Pomeroy,r 1873 NEBRASKA ThosW Tipton, T..1869 John M Thayer, r..l871 NEVADA PFNNSYLVANIA j Cbas R Luck ale w, d. JS69 Simon Cameron, r. .1873 DELAWARE GeoRIiidule, d....!8C9 Wm Sanlsbury, d. ,.1871 MARYLAND Reverdv Johnson. d!869 WmM 8tewart, r..l869 Philip F Thomas, d. 1873! James W Nye, r .1871 WEST VIBOINIA 1 CALIFOBNIA P G Van Winkle, r. .1869 Job n Conness, r. . . 1869 .1871 Waitman X Willey,r.l871 Cornelius Cole, r. . . KENTUCKY James Guthrie, d .1871 Garrett Davis, a. . . .1873 TENNESSEE OREGON Geo H Williams, r. .1871 Henry W Corbett, r.1873 COLOKADO John Evans, r David T Patterson.d 1869 Joseph BJbowler, r.1871 'Not admitted. Jerome B Chaffo, r. , - EECA PITCLAl ION republicans .44Democrats and Conser- I vatives 12 HOU8! OF REPRESENTATIVES. Schuyler Colfax, r, of Indiana, Speaker Edward McPherson, r, of Pennsylvania, Clerk MAINE 1 John Lynch, r 2 Sidney Per ham, r 3 James G Blaine, r 4 John A Peters, r 5 Frederick A Pike, r NEW HAMPSHIRE 1 Jacob H Ela, r 2 Aaron F Stevens, r 3 Jacob Benton, r VERMONT 1 F E Woodbridge, r 2 Luke P Poland, r 3 vY C Smith, r MASSACHUSETTS 1 Thomas D Eliot, r 2 Oakes Ames, r 3 Ginery TwitcheR, r 4 Samuel Hooper, r TENNESSEE 1 Roderick K Butler, r 2 Horace Maynard, r 3 William B Stokes, r 4 James Mullins, r 5 Jobn Trimble, r 6 Samuel M Arnell, r 7 Isaac R Hawkins, r 8 David A Nunn, r OHIO 1 Bcnj Eggleston, r 2 8amuel F Cary, r 3 Rob't C Scbenck, r 4 Wm Lawrence, r 5 Wm Mungen, d 6 Reader W Clarke, r 7 Sam'l Sbellabarger, r 8 0S Hamilton, r 9 Ralph P Buckland. r 5 Benjamin F Butler, r 6 Nathaniel P Banks, r 7 George 8 Bouiweli, r 10 James M Ashley, r 11 John T Wilson, r 12 Pailad Van Trump, d 8 John V Baldwin, r 9 Wm B Washburn, r 10 Henry L Dawes, r RHODE ISLAND 14 ueorge W Morgan, d 14 Martin Walker, r 15 Tobias A Plants, r lb John A iiingham, r 1 Thomas S Jenckes, r 17 Ephraim R Eckley, r 18 Rufas P Bpaulding, r l fiatnan JJixon, r CONNECTICUT l'j James a uarneid, r INDIANA 1 Wm E Niblack, d 2 Michael O Kerr, d ' 3 Morton G Hunter, r 4Wm8Holman, d 5 George W Julian, r 6 John t'obnrn, r 7 H D Washburn, r 8 Goodlove 8 Orth, r 9 Sohuvler Colfax, r 10 Wm Williams, r 11 John PC Shanks, r 1 Richard D Hubbard, d 2 Julius UotchkJss, d 3 H H Starkweather, r 4 William H Barnum, d NEW YORK j 1 Stephen Taber, d 2 Demas Barnes, d 3 Wm E Robinson, d 4 John Fox, D 5 John Morrissey. d 6 Thomas E Stewart, d 7 John W Chandler,-. 8 Jas Brooks, d 9 Fernando Wood, d 10 Wm H Robertson, r 11 Thos H Van Wyck, r 12 Jno H Ketchuni, r 13 Thos Cornell, r 14 John V L Pruyn, d 15 Jobn A Gnswoli, r 16 Orange Ferris, r 17 Calvin T Hulburd, r 18 Jas M Mervin, r 19 Wm O Fields, r- 20 Addison H Lafiln, r 21 Mex H Bailey, r 22 Jno C Churchdl, r 23 Denis McCarthy, r 24 Theo M Pomeroy, r 25 Wm H Kelsey, r 26 Wm 8 Lincoln, r 27 Hamilton Ward, r 28 Lewis Selye, r 28 Burt Van Horn, r 30 Jas M Murphy, D 31 Henry Van Aernam. HEW JERSEY 1 Wm Moore, r ILLINOIS At large J A Logan, r I Norman B Judd, r X Jno F Farnsworth, r 3 Elibu B Washburne, r 4 Abner C Harding, r 5 Ebon C IngersoQ, r 6 Burton C Cook, r 7 H P Bromwell, r 8 fchelby M Cullom, r 9 Lewis W Roes, d 10 Albert G Bnrr, d II Sam'l S Marshall, d 12 Jehu Baker, r 13 Green li itaum, r MICHIGAN 1 Fer C Beaman, r 2 Chas Upson, r 3 Austin Blair, r 4 Thos W Ferrv, r 5 R E Trowbridge, r 6 Jno F Driggs, r WISCONSIN 1 Halbert E Paine, r 2 Ben F Hopkins, r 3AmasaCobb, r 4 Chas A Eldridge, d 5 Philetos Sawyer, r 6 U O Washburns, r. MINNESOTA 1 Wm Windom, r 2 Iguatius Donnelly, r 2 Chas Haigbt, d 3 Cbas Htatgreaves, d 4 Jno Hill, r 5 Geo A Halsey, r PENNSYLVANIA 1 Sam'l J Randall, d 2 Chas O'Neill, r , 3 Leonard Myera, r 4WmDKelley, r 5 Caleb N Taylor, r 6 Ben M Boyer, d 7 Jno M Bromall. r IOWA 1 Jas F Wilson, r 2 Hiram Price, r 3 Wm B Allison, r 4 Wm Lougbbridge, r 5 Geo M Dodge, r 6 Asabel W Hubbard, r MISSOURI 1 Wm A Pile, r 2 Cbas A Newcomb, r 3 Jaa B McCormick, d 4 Job J Gravelly, r 5 Jos W McClurg,-r 6 Robt T Van Horn, r 7 Ben F Loan, r 8 John F Benjamin, r 9 Geo W Anderson, r NEBRASKA 1 John Tade, r NEVADA I Delos R Ashley, r -CALIFORNIA 1 Samuel B Axfell, d 2 William Higby, r 3 James A JobDson, d OREGON 1 Rufus Mallory. r COLORADO 1 George M Chilicott, r 8 Jno L Getz, d 9 Thaddeus Stevens, r 10 Henry L Cake, r 11 David M Van Anken,d 12 Geo W Woodward, d 13 Ulysses Mercur, is 14 George F Miller, r 15 A J GrossbrcnntT, d 16 Wm II Koontz, r 17 Daniel J Morrell, r 18 Samuel F Wilson, r 19 GlenDi W Scofield, r 20 Darwin A Finney, r 21 John Covode, r 22 Jas K Moorebead, r 23 Thomas vVilb&ms, r- 24 Geo V Lawrence, r DELAWARE 1 John A Nicholson, d MARYLAND 1 Hiram McCuUock, d 2 Stevenson Arcber, d 3 Chas E Phelps, d 4 Francis Thomas, r 5 Frederick Stone, d WEST VIBOINIA DELEGATES ARIZONA 1 Chester D Hubbard, r 2 Bethuel M Kitchen, r Coles Basliford, r DAKOTA Walter A Burleigh, r IDAHO E D Holbrook, d 3 Daniel v ols'ey, r KENTUCKY 1 L 8 Trimble, d 2 John Y Brown, d S John S Golladay, d 4 J Proctor KDOtt, d MONTANA i Jas M C&vftnaugh, d NEW MEXICO 5 Asa P Grover, d 6 Thomas L Jones, d 7 James B Beck, d 8 George M Adams, d 9 John D Young, d KANSAS 1 8idney Clarke, r Not admitted. C P Clever.d (contested) UTAH v William H Hooper, d WASHINGTON; Alvin Flanders, r 'WYOMING James S Casement, r recapitulation (without Delegate: from Terri tories.) Republicans 145IDem & Conservatives 49 CEAVER CREEK MANF'G COMPANY'S STRAINER CLOTH. -4-4 SHEETINGS, 80 INCH DITTO, OOTTONTASN, AND 6ftli, all of very superior quality short notice. can be furnished a J. EL HALL. Prest. Beaver Creek Manfg Co. ' JOUNBUa uu.. Agents, Wilmington, N. O. 167 tf ftprill2 WANTED,'- A SITUATION as Teacher In a private family, or of ft echooL bv ft Virgini lady, who has bad seven years experience in leaching the English Branches, Frencn and Music. The I lady has no objection to going farther South. For farther particulars, ftaarese - . : HEY. D. F. TOWLES, Eocky Mount, N. C. - deo7 . . " ; tt-lm Miscellaneous. TTITRS I TTTTTN t -- LJLV L t -L UltU TOADIES' K Ull, In every Btyle and variety, j "just received. NEW BONNETS, V . RIBBONS, ! : FANCY ARTICLES. LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, ' " . .-. i- ' and eveiy article in tho 5 - MILLINERY LINE, AT A. D. BROWN'S . , New Millinery Establishment, South Front Street. dco7 - - - 5 FRCIT TREES AND VINES. I AM PREPARED TO FURNISH all inds ot FRUIT TREES, GRAPE and STRAWBER RY VINES at the following rates : Cts. Ter 100 Each.'- Trees. . .$ tO $ 40 .. 60 60 . . 90 75 . . 1 25 110 .. 60 50 .. fiO 75 .. 1 25 110 .. 35 30 Cta. Per 100 Each. Vines. . 25 .. 25 . 15 $ 12 50 .. 95 18 .. 25 15 .. 50 40 .. 50 30 .. 75 50 .. 75 50 .-25 15 .. 15 10 .50 25 Per 1,000. $ 6 6 11 11 - 10 10 . . K 6 .. 14 . 16 . 25 20 ' 25 18 .. 16 15 .. 8 12 Standard' A,, pie.. " extra....... Dwarf " ....... " extra Standard Pears , " " extra! GRAPES. Scuppernong (white and black) Flowers... Catawba.......... Diana. f. Concord Hamburg (black and golden).. . Delaware Iona. Isarella. .. Isabella (brown) " (black) Clinton ...... .'. STRAWBERRIES. Belle De Fontenary. Genesee Seedling Trollopes Victoria. Hovey Seedling. General Lee , Bicton Pine Wilson's Albany. .............. General Whiting (Prize)., General Jackson Kussell's Prolific.. Jucunda. Dr. Niease..... Golden Queen.. General Washington TriomDbe De Grand. Brooklyn Scarlet...... Hooker's These trees and vines are tbe best adapted for this climate. All of the above will be kept at my residence in Kenansville, and also at my place of business in this city. Parties wishing to see finely colored illustrations of the se fruits can do so by calling upon the undersigned on Front street, next to tbe Seamen's Home. Orders from a distance, accompanied with the cash, will be promptly attended to. The trees and vines will be carefully Dacked. Parties ordering I vines will be carefully packed. Parties ordering will state how they desire articles sent, by Ex press or otherwise. GARDEN SEEDS of all kinds, wholesale and retail, on hand. L. FROELICH. . .-a Front St , dec 14 65-lm La MIRANDES' FRENCH REMEDIES HAVE 8AVED THOUSANDS all over Europe. Having been for many years the First As sistant at Professor La Mirandes' Private Hospital in Paris, and having been induced to establish ft branch in this country, I am now prepared to fur nish his celebrated remedies for I - CONSUMPTION, RHEUMATISM, SCROFULA, eta; Also, tne uenmne imported VCTELLA HEALTH'S GRAND RESTORER. Tbe only certain cure for a constitution shattered by tbe excess and abuse of youth. Do not be tampered with by inexperienced physi cians. Address your communications to j Dr. G. W. FERNIER, 235 West 47th St.. New York. Advice Gratis But if you give us the full his tory of your case, tbe Consultation Fee of Three Dollars should be enclosed. Ladies may address us in full confidence, nov. 12 38 ly DIE CHARLESTON ER ZEITUNG. JOHN A. WAGKJJER, Kdltor. TTSDER the above head the undersigned J propose to publish ft SERBIAN WEEKLY PAPER to be the organ of the German population, and devoted to tbe interests cf this State, in Encour aging immigration and industrial Pursuits. Literature, Agriculture, Commerce, Arts and Trade, will be represented in its columns, and the news of the day will be given. Gen'l JOHN A. WAGENER has kindly consent ed to undertake the Editorial management fdr tbe present. SUBSCRIPTION 13 00 for Twolve Months. 1 60 " Six 1 00 " Three " ADVERTISEMENTS inserted on liberal terms. C. G. ERCKMANN & CO. No. 3 Broad Streot, Charleston, 8. O. sept, 27 310 A CARD. cr IAN I obtain engraved Portraits of Wil- liam Hooper. Joseph Hewes and John ! Penn, signers of the Declaration of Independence in 1 a,, or any one or tneni i ur can portraits in oil be obtained Sold, bireu. or loaned, to be copied ? Or can autographs, mere signatures of the name, or larger documents, be bad ? If so, on what terms ? Tbey are desired for an unique ana important historical collection. Address me. with specific statement of terms, 221 West S4th St, New xorK, or, until V7tn or November, care Rev. CHARLES F. DEEMS. Pastor of the " Church of the Strangers," N. Y. nov. a si WANTED rpo RENT A ROOM convenient to the Postoffice, Apply at the jruxu.rf ice oct. 17 " 16-tf hay hat; 325 BALKS selected New York and Philadelphia Timothy Hay. For sale in lots to suit by WORTH A DANIEL. dec 18 68 5t ROPE. For sale by 50 001 LS, -WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. dee 19 69-tf SPIRIT CASK8. Ai( NEW YORK 8PIBITvCaBK8 (new.) i-rvvy jioreaieD: v WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. dec 19 ' ".. : 69-tf In tbe District Court of tbe United State for tbe District of Cape Fear in tbe District of North Carolina. In tbe matter of ' Daniel Kahnweiler and David Kahnweiler, trading under the style and firm of In Bankruptcy. Kftfinv eiler & 13ro. Bankrupts. mO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN j X Tbe undersigned hereby gives notice of bis Appointment as Assignee of Daniel Kahnweiler and David Kahnweiler. trading under the style ana nrm or juumwouer x uro., ol Wilmington, tne county of New Hanover ftnd State oi florin Carolina, within said District -ho have been ad' judged bankrupt upon their on petition, by insinct uourt oi said District, v ' i . Dated Wilmington, the 6th day oIDecemBer. a. V., UStiV. , -B.2. A nee. deoia RAILROADS WiIminSton & WeMon 11. R. Co. Office Chief EioiNF.n wn nv'r. Sirt.'-r i Office Chief Engineer and Gen'l Scp't, niLMWBTOlc, . U., Dec. 10, 1867. i NOTICE TO FARMERS AND FRUIT GROWERS. THIS RAILWAY COMPANY 18 PREPARED to transport promptly to Baltimore, Philadel phia, and New York, any desired quantity of Vegetables. Peaches. Graves, Jppfes awl other frrtiL Cars loaded with such articles will be run upon the passenger trains through to the Steam ers for the cities mentioned. Rates of freight will be very low, not to exceed ono dollar a barrel on vegetables or fruit to Bald more, and similar rates to Philadelphia and New lork. Boxes of fruitless. Peaches. Apples and Grapes properlv put up in boxes, wiH be placed in cars well ventilated to se cure their preservation and freshness, to tbe end of tbo rout-. Every encouragement will bo given to develop this new business. - J he line or the Wilmington Weldon, as well as the. Manchester Railroad and the Capo Fear River,' are especially adapted to the growth of these articles for early market, and the verv great advantages of clu.te aro entirely secured by the quick transportation that can.be gi von by Rail and Steamer to a market. Any further information will be cheerfully bud- t puea py appncation to tne undersigned. B. li. JfK.EM.ONT, Chief Engineer and General Snn'L dee 11 62 tm Star and Post copy 6t : Goldsboro News. North Carolinian, Tarboro' Southerner, and Roanoke News copy 1 month. WILMINGTON AND WELDON RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Office Eng. and Suit. W. & W. R. R., WILMINGTON, UCtODer 11, 181)7. j O' lN AND AFTER THE 12th OCTOBER THE following Schedule will be run over this Road: DAY PASSENGER AND MAIL TRAIN. Leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 6:00 A. M. : arrives at Weldon 3:00 P. M. Leaves Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) at 10:30 A. M. ; arrives at Wilmington 7;S0 P. M. : NIGHT EXPRESS MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN. - Leave Wilmington at 9:30 P. M., daily. Arrive at Weldon at. 6:00 A. M., " Leave Weldon at. ,.6:25 P. M., " Arrive at Wlimington at .2:20 A. M., " EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN. Leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 4:00 A. M., and arrives at Weldon at 6:00 P. M. Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) at 4:00 A. M., and arrive at Wilmington at 6:00 P. M. Trains Bass Goldaboro' at 2:00. 10:30 and 10:50 A. M., going North ; at 2:50, 10:15 P. M. and 10:50 A. M., going South, connecting with Trains to Raleigh and Newbern at 10:30 A. M. and further points at 2:50 P. M. - r a per s on this line or the itoad copy this and omit all other Schedule notices. 8. L. FREMONT, Engineer and Superintendeftt. oct 12 12-tf Wilmington and Man Railroad Co, General Superintendent's Office, I Wilmington, N. 0., Dec. 19, 1867. J GS giPSt WZTR ETlSi fcWVrf-WW aac iac5jfc rVB and after Dee. 20th, Passenger Trains V oft ! this Boad will run on the following Sched- ulo: EXPRESS TRAIN. Leavo Wilmington... 2:30 A. M. Arrive at Florence. 8:10 A. M. Arrive at Kingsville. .11:45 A.' M. Leave Kingsville............. 11:30 A. M. Arrive at Florence 2:55 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 8:55 P. M. Jxpress Train connects closely at Florence with the North Eastern Railroad, for Charleston, and Cberaw and Darlington Railroad, for Cheraw, and at Jiingsvuie witn tne south Carolina itaiiroftd, ror uoiumDi?, ana Augusta. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Left ve Wilmington 3:00 P, M. Arrive at Kingsville.... 9:10 A. M. Leave Kingsville 3:00 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington.. ....:....... .10:10 A M Accommodation Train will run Tn-weekly, ar riving and leaving on Tuesdays, Thursdays and ; Saturdays. -, ... WM. MACRAE, Gen'l. Sup't. oct. 6 7-tf Wil., Charlotte & Rutherford R. R, General Superintedent's Office, Wilmington, N. 0., Aug. 9.J867. f ON AND AFTER TUESDAY NEXT. AUGUST 13th, the Passenger train on this Road will leave Wilmington on Tuesday, Thursday and 8at- uniay at i o ciock, a. m. Arrive at Sand Hill same days, at 3 P M. Arrive at Wadesboro ( Stage) at 12 midnight Leave Wadesboro' (Stage) on Tuesday. Thurs day and HAturaay, at r. so.. lavo ltocKingham (tage) on Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 4:30 A. M. Leavo band Uul (Cars) Monday, Wednesday and miay,-ftt 7 o ciock, a. bo.. "Arrive at Wilmington same uays at 3 r. M. W. 1. KVKllETT, General Superintendent, aug 9 ' 2J8-tf SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY. ANNAKLESSIC LINE. Great U. S. Mail Route for the North rilllB Steamsrs of the above Line leave J Portsmouth daily (Sundays excepted) at. 11 o'clock, A. M., on arrival of tbe great Express Train of the Seaboard and Roanoko Railroad. Passengers leaving Wilmington, N. C, by the 9.-05, P. M., train, arrive at Weldon in time to con nect with tke train of tbe Annamessic Line, ar riving in New York at 5:20, A. M., next day, tbe QUICKEST TIME EVER MADE. Be mmrm and aalc for Ticket and have Baggage Checked via A If (VAMK8SIC LINK. II. V. TOMPKINS, General Agent O. L TROWBRIDGE, General Passenger Agent. Inly 14 246-tf EXTRAS. SKKDLKSs AND LAYER RAISlff S, SHELLED AND SOFT SHELLED ALMONDS, ENGLISH WALNUTS, PECAN AND BUTTER NUTS, CURRANTS, CITRON, MALAGA GRAPES, COOPERS ISINGLASS, VERMIELLE, GELATINE, MACCABONI, FARINA, JAPIOCA, BARLEY, CANNED FRUITS, i VEGETABLES AD MEATS OF EVERY KIND, ORANGES, LEMONS end APPLES, FINE and "COMMON CANDIES. The beet of everything and the lowest cash price, at 11 and 13 Front Street, - CHAS. D. MIERS, Agent, dec 17 . 67- IMMIGKATION. rwvHie etBderalaaed npnpartd to procarc X tbo services of Germltn or Irish laborers for Plantations. Saw Mills, Distilleries, &c, which are situated in healthy localities. For circulars containing particulars, apply to Messrs. WORTH A DANIEL, KIDDER MARTIN, or H. B. EILERS, Esq., la . Wilmington, N. C, T. BOMFOBT. the I and to ? v 39 Park Bow, . . f New York. , P.O.Box 1708. dco7 eo-eodSa Printing THE JOURNAL ESTABLISHMENT. SUPERIOR WORKMEN LOW PRICES! GOOD WORK GUARANTEED I The j Journal Office Is now better than over prepared to do all kinds Of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL i -.. . - JOB PRINTING! In the best styles of the art. RAILROAD & STEAMBOAT COLOR PRINTING AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF MERCANTILE PRINTING, Will receive special attention. Wedding, Business and Visiting Cards Printed in tbe handsomest stylos, on short notice, BILL-HEADS, CIRCULARM, POSTERS M- ; PROGRAMMES, ROOKS, ' : PAMPHLETS, BILLS OF LADINO, S DRAY AND OTHER TICKETS, And every other description of job work PROMPTLY DONE, - - AT THE Lowest rHatesi ENGELHARD & PRICE, Proprietors. P. Heinsberger, BOOK BINDEE, AND BLANEBOOK MAMFACTIHIBR JOURNAL BUILDINGS, WILSIINGTON, N. 0 ACCOUNT BOOKS II V. - Made of the best Linen Paper, Rnled an! Bound to any pattern desired. Ledgers, Journals, Execution and Trial Dockets, and all kinds of Blank Books Law Books, Music, Periodicals, Magazines, &e.t &i. , bound in the best manner. t , OF EVERY DESCRIPTION;

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