I- I '- 1 ' I I . J' ' - .7 J., t v ,-. i I'i't utt--M r " , lit ;('- tr-7 . S Fl t a4 ! . . . 1 .j .i : - ha j 5 "JL!T -v. xvn-Naii7. WELMINGrTOK N. C. FBIDAY MOIINING, FEBRUARY W, 1868. WHOLE N1JMER 4,842. r;i. mva 81 i,. li ft (.-,r i a .V md JK.. JK. n r - N v ; Jt i. . : r r T ' .It " ! - - - JD A I JY JODRN AL i , , OLPUST DiJXt IM THB BTATB. . f y " ' " -t KMOKEjlAHP A PRICK. ' PVBMTIIMCrtATK-lm,Tj f J' g IMII(j?lfc l W M 1- Pllflil 's g s f I f f IIIBi BIS Bl 21 3 $ iSo!ipi is' sisULs 8 8 4 eCiSc S SU. .U .U ' 'lir.5M5 WWAJUla - pflsi i :s e s . nr. ; -Iff ? 4? - - 5 Mf5sS "i 5 s? mH l Mi 8 I8J8 ff I'll II 3 !i -- A8U.8.8 I f'i iS s 2 s s . I SoSS$ PS p -"a o o o 0 0 ? fSSa?'ll !8 8 8 8 8 8 8f! ."tittup rs j II w ;:. )l I sTl Si S m " .J noi pi 01 0101 Plot Pj I wsww -"linMoiuinrioji. I "no W.nw.f., Bix nicmtii ....?.... Dirae nauUui..... v....... WEEKLY JOUBNAL TBLIBHD KPTMCBKB. 1H4 One square, of ten Uneo or leu, tor ock iad Trr in v ertioit ii. . . . , lalNottcM wfll b cllrpxi M(iqun, fbr fladi UUDICIJUIKIUUU' atmtcRi-no-. 1 v Ono jo'! J...... .......... Six ont, . .., w .$3 00 . 00 ;the daily jouknal. WJLMTNO TON, 'jr. G FKtDAY, pmRUABX lk 1868. From the Baleigh BmlineL, . 1 .Th " '(a-Callad.'l The OoBTenkion waa called to order at io Pmyer by th Ber, Mr. Lennon, of the Convention, ,,- .... e ;w ..--.rX. Mr. Durham wanted to know why armed oMiers -ere herev, ' The President laid they were here by no Mr. D. replied that they ahould teave their arms behind them. They oaght not to be allowed to eome in with anna u their nanaa. . .... . .. ., ...... s Mr. Bryan said that he waa not afraid of the United btatee aoldiere, and 11 Ooneer ra tire gentlemen would behare themaelTea, tney wouia not nun tnem. Mr, Durham aaid he would tell the cen tleman he waa not afraid of either him or the soldiers, The CknuerratiTe gentlemen on this floor were not of a "seanr kind." Mr. Jones, of Washington, mored that a committee of three be appointed, by the -Gfaatft-tfrwaifroB Gen, OanbT. Agreed tor wnea" '1 .' -The Chair annOnnoed the following gen- uemen as uie committee, t : uea Jones, of Washington. Bead and Grant The committee, in aooordaooe with Mr. Durham's resolution of yesterday, in rela tion to ciAoK-mau, was announced, as fol lows, lis ; Messrs. Durham, Ashley and J, II. Uanis, (negro.) r. Harris (negro) asked to be excused, bnt tne jrreside&t refused to make any altera tion.;'; ' .' . ... -, . 1 ..j; . , Mr, Bay presented a memorial, to be re ferred to the Select Committee of three, in regara to autsuattoa 01 grain. t, ' Mr.' Franklin, a memorial from Mrs. Todd, of Ealeich, praying for diyoroe. Helen -ed to tbe (Special uommittee, raised some days ago in regard to these matters. Bjr consent. Harris, of Wake, (negro,) in troduced the foJ'owing resolution : Whirai, U la a matter of eommoa nuuor that PUteDwhMr, Merate, "TO-oaUed," from CtoaTe laedMaiMa Bis election b) the d hoBonbie mm- of a eutaia affioUl oommnnieatioa of th Frsomeo'o Bareao, aor raptitieoaly obtained; ana wbermt.tt these rnmors are true, it is the datyof tbj body to tapel and pare iUelf ef this eormption ; therefore, B it JinoiodL That a fielest OommlltM of three membero be appointed by the President, whooe doty it shall be to asoertaia and report whether such a oorraptlng procedure was adopted to seonro the election of the said Flato Onrham b a a delegate to this Convention, and, if so. ail the faots oonaeoted therewith, to the end that the delegate, oe oaUsd.w may be deaH with. Harris, (negro,) moved to suspend the rules and consider the resolution. Some objections were made, when i Mr. Durham said he hoped that ths rules wouk be suspended. , The rules were then suspended.'"" " rF - Mr. King, of Lenoir, moved to lay it on the table. " Mr. Durham said he wished the resolu tion to go on record, and, if it oame from a Bouroaftliat he opuld neeiee, lie would gladly do it He repeated that he could not no bee anything, panonally, ooming from such eooro, but he wished the resolution to be dealt with by the BepnbUcan party, and to go on reoord. - : . . Ma King renewed his 'motion to 1st on the table. ' e potion waa pottaToUd lost -a question then ssenrred wpon tbe adoption of theresolation. " - lir. Xing, of Lenoir, moved its Indefi nite postponement, and called the yeee and nm...' " . Mr. Heaton favored, of course,' the pas -. aa of the resolation. - Mr. Durham aaid that it had been insin uated that he introduced his resolation, yesterday, merely to east reflections upon certain members of .the Iiapnbliean party. But inch insinuations were basely fslsei It was a duty he owed to his eons tituenU, i as he had been a friend to the bill referred to. Mr. Batten eksd ii Mr. Durham meant to say spoke falsely. Mr. D; replied! " do. If foo toean to lnsiaaato acythine; ot the kind against my intoatsoa u isirodacing my reeelntion yes terday." ' - - ' 1 Mr. 11 said, "I do not i Then," said Dorium, "I de not, in Uiat esse, mean to apply offensive languegs toThoyea. aniiajs Aranol sustaiifed."- ' ..I .. J,. The House refused to postpone, and the resolution was adopted. - Mr. Abbott, from tbe Committee of Con femca wi& Qeaenl Cubyitpgrted tack ............ too I 00 four reoolationo, and aaked to be dLioharged irom ueir inrtuar oonudenuon, arxtaxi. ordkb judioic defabtuxnt. A report was presented containing three resolutions testing the sense of this Con vention in regard to the election of Judges of tbe UUDreme and Hunan or Uourta : lot ily the people : 2d, By tbe Oeneral Assem by ; 8d, Appointment by the Oovernor, with the consent of the Senate or of the General Assembly. ' . S I 1 1 s ; Mr. Xtodman; the Chairman of tbe Com mittee, favored the appointment by the Oovernor, to be confirmed by the Senate. He thought that the popular system would not tend to place men ofjprudenoe and wis dom upon the bench. ' He wished to give the people a good, wise and just govern ment, and he relied upon their good sense to ratify our labors.- He did not wish to sserifioe good sense and common prudenoe lor tne saae 01 popularity.; Mr. Tottrgee was M too Rood a Benubli cen r' ' not to favor trie election of every thing by the people. Mr. Jones, of Washington, Chairman of in uommiuee appointed to wait on uen. uanby and invite him to visit the House, reported that the General s engagements would prevent his visiting them to-day, but ne wouia accept tne invitation lor to-mor row, and wished it to be distinctly under stood that no speech must be expected of mm. 1 . ' . Air. Jones then proceeded to irive his opinions on the subject nnder considera tion. I He favored the present system. t)ur present Judiciary stood among the highest and purest in this oountry. Mr. Heaton favoiri the appointment by the Governor, to be confirmed by the Ben ate. ' He thousht that was as far as thav could or should go nou. The election system had worked admirably t'n Ohio, but he did not know that it would do so well here. " . ' Mr. Abbott also favored the appoin tment by the Governor, and confirmation by the Senate. i Mr, Pool would protest against the elec tion system. He ventured the prediction that if the election art tern waa adopted. and the cry for relief from private con tracts should continue, that Mr, McDon ald, of Chatham, could beat, to-day, the best legal mind in the State for a seat upon the bench. While he preferred the S resent system lie would not oppose the d resolution, providing for the appoint ment by the Governor, to bo confirmed by saw penes---"" . - . ;' .;. ,.t . air. wstta held that neither of the plans were gooa. t it seemed to nun that a judi cious 00m promise might be effected. For instance, the appointment by the Gov ernor of the Supreme Court Judges, eon- firmed by the Senate ; the Circuit Judges and the Magistrates to be elected by the peopie. - : Air. Welker said the people of North Carolina were quite well Qualified to.ot intelligently faa'offieel of great importance. Were the gentle men, natives of this State, upon this floor prepared to declare that their constituency were not as intelligent and capable as the people of Ohio and other Northern States?. Mr. King, of Lincoln, was opposed to any change in the pieaent system. He hsd seen that all opposition to the present sys tem caffle from men not natives of At State, and that in his opinion, was a strong argu ment that the present system waa good enough. He thought that their strong op position to it came from the fact that they were aspirants for tne honors, lie was I opposed to any change. Air. nonnev said ne was a native born citizen of the State, and he was very much in favor of electing all Stats offioers by the people. Mr. Ing endorsed every word that Mr. Kinney had uttered ; he waa in favor of electing every officer in the State by the people. , nir. uongieton auto. - - Mr. May said he represented" a laree white constituency and they were, to a man almost, in favor of electing all offioers. Mr. Bryan wished to place himself la the seme category. - 7 Mr. Heaton aaid that Mr. Welker had drawn a wrong inferenoe aa to the spirit of his remarks ; he did not intend to xe fleet upon the intelligence and capability of the people of North Carolina, Ac Hood (negro), had something to say, and Said it , , ' ' j Mr. Troeden oame here pledged to vote for the election system, and thought its adoption would do more towards the ratifi cation than anything else. Mr. Graham, of Uranga, hoped the vote upon tbe subject would not be pressed to day, and moved to postpone until Friday next, and that it be made the special order for that day. : vt , - .:; Air. Kioh opposed the postponement ; also Mr. May, who thought it a waste of time. ,. t .,..-(, .,4 The question on postponement was put ana votea a own. Galloway (negro), favored election by tne people, lie said that he would make an aseertion. and was personally resDond bio for it that the Jadioiary in Mew Han em was a bastard, bora in sin and seces sion. . In their eyes it was a crime to be a black or loyal man. He said that the Judge of the Criminal Court had already sent men to the work house merely to prevent their voting upon the ratification of the Consti tution. - . - Mr. Graham said t As there seems to be determination on the part of the Conven tion to force a vote upon this question, to-1 day, 1 must enter my protest against snob. Kadioal change in our government It is not required by the Beoonstrnction Acts, and I do not believe is). demanded by our people. M there is anyuung is tne past history of our State, of which we are justly proud, it is the high character, learning and independence of tooae wno nave adorned the bench of the Supreme and Superior Courts. It is needless for me to mention their names. They are known, sot mly throughout the States of the Union, but in other oountries, and 1 believe oar people would see, with many feelings of regret, a system, from which they have derived so many benefits, supplanted by one Which, to say ths toast, does not eome well reeom ta ended. Bnt it does seem to me, that it is only necessary that a part of our Const! tstion should be especially dear to our peo ple, to secure its deatruotuction by this Oon Lon. ' ; I. - I will also venture to assert that our bree ent Jadgee give very general satisfaction and that there is no just cause for com plaint even from colored persons or those Who are called loyal men. I fear we shall ever again see ansa men in ofEoe, if the appointment of those who are to ad minister jastice is controlled by all the passions and prejudices which have hereto fore and will move especially hereafter swsy or elections. But aa the matter is pressed at thin late hour, without allowing aa ep- pgrtesy tag tal tail aad free diacniaiqii which its Importance demands, I enter my protest asainst it Mr. Bay would favor the eleotion by the people. Men had been murdered in his county by being condemned without proper evidence. - ,Mr. Ashley thought the matter ought not to be pressed to-day; time enough uai not been given to consider the matter, it should bo. " ,' Here sn effort to adjourn was made, but waa lost . y Mr. A. continued, and, in advocacy of the elective system, he cited the example of Chief Justioe Tanoy, who outraged the t . , , j ? . - wnote country iy uie iuiiuiuma ueuuioDn. Even death itself would not tnke him for a long time, and if it had not been for tlio great love of the Northern people for the Union, they would on bis account have burst eatunder the bonds that held tlio Union together. ' If he was forced. to vote, to-day, be would support the elective system. . , Air. Ilea Ion moved as a substitute for the first resolution the adoption of the last res olntion. Mr. Jones, of Washinaton, moved to take oat the second resolution and make it a substitute for Mr. Heaton's substi tute. Mr,. Graham, of Orange, ealled for the yeas and nays. The call was sustained and the vote stood, yeas 29, nays T. ' , xne question on Air, ueatou a amend ment was put The yeas and nays being called, resulted, yeas 86, nays 64 The question recurring on tbe first reso lution, Mr. Pool desired a division. Tbe question then stood : Shall we elect the Supreme Court Judges by the people T v Xhe yeas and nays being called, stood yeas 65, nays Vt - - JS consent Mr. Abbott moved to lay the tax bill before Gen. Canby. Carried. The question recurred upon tbe second division of the resolution, whether the peo- le should eleot superior Court Judges. 'he yess and nays being called, resulted, yeas 62, nan .15, a! it r t? . vu motion, tne uouse tnen aajoarnea. Noti. Mr. Beaton, in exnlanation of hia vote. tea mat ae prererrea nominating vj tne uov ornor and eooflrminfr by the Senate, bat, ae thia was defe ated, he supported tbe eleotive syotem. HAAS & CO., 0: A T HAAS & CO. Jan 18 04- TOPP el W00LTI5, PRINCESS BTBEKT, OPPOSITS C0VR1 WILMINGTON. N. C. fOWntlB mt mil klBMta auUle wad trlmmnl J ia a neat and workmanUke manner, and Hearss furnished for funerals. FUBNTTUBE repaired and varniahed. ST Can be mend at any hour of the oigbt at residence on fifth, aseond door South of Cheatnut etreet. . JanH 80tf TOE TIME HAS COMB wssx tSOCIlIT. IBilCB Cilll ' AKB GLASSWARE CAVW at BOUGHT IB WItJf IHOTO.V, ST. C, at retail, as cheap as in any eity or town in ths United States. The aabeeriber has opened at Ho. 35 North Front Street, Bank of Wilmington Building, a stock of CHINA. GLASS AUD EARTHENWARE unsurpassed ia lh Southern Btatee, in quality or pnoa. rereons wiaoing anriniDg in uia use may rely on saving from 85 to 80 per cent, by giving him a call before puronsaing eiaewnerr, , ALSO, A fins lot of silver plated castobs, . forks, spooks, 4 -: -cups, . A, A. HARTS nKUJ. jaa. is - . . iea-im OUR SEW, SISTETI WORKS WELL! . NO HUMBUG IN ITI!'" . - - B 0 T 8 SHOES AND DATS AT BET AIL .. .. , A WHOI.-SAI.H pttirKr, THE FEOPLI ABJI FISDINCt XX OUT 111 CALL AND BEX THE " J. n. WALK" " f f. U J't 1 : .' . S 'f tjr'-'m a'Mie-J V IU se tt Mmt. laaa t.gai Notioet STATE OF K0BT1I ( AK0L1NA. JIKW HANOTKIt fOtTm'. TbotnMO. llsllhen'nv, Admin iatratur of Kd'wd B. Dndlvy. I'elilkm fur aale of ltl oalate Au-.uuui B. llurr aud ilu lor aat t. and otlur. TT ArPKAMiNU THAT JAMES It. DUDLEY, A one of tli.dnft ud.nU in Uiia easae, rweiilva tH-voml the linuta of ttita HUte : It w thvrtiute ordered Umt rnbliealion be nodu for.lt week, in ths Daily Jonrnal, nolifjinj the aaid di-frmUnl ut the Hum; of thi. iiotilioii. aud that Million be ai ut ar.at tlio neat turm of Ike Court of l'Uiaa and Vnartsr Hraaions to I lifld ior the Ctiunly aloru. aid, at the (Hun t Hon.o in 1VllinliiRtt)i, on the Hi-oiiul Monday of Mart-b, A. 1. imis, and an.wrr the prtition, the aauio will bo taken j nnfis ana iii ara ex parte a. to mm. To.W HOIST.- B WOttp, t;; Clerk Ntw lUnovor Uonoty Court. , Jan. lOi-Uwti" -8T&TE OF.HORTH (R0im. fEW HANOVta COl'KIK. Ouurj, of I'lexi and Quarter SrshM, lkKembtr IWii, lUlii. Eiiftelliaid .1 Price, ) . d. . uimioai attavltmont, . Jonas P. Levy, f 1 T ArTGAB'JiiO tO TUK OOUUT THAT TH X defnndant, Jonaa P. Levy, hath nbmwu him- elf bom the County of New Hanover, aud to ab- aents hlirmrlf ft-nm ths Sams that tlio Of dim rjt prooeaa of lite law eannot be aerved on him i it la therefore orderml, that publication be made, for aix weoka. iu the Daily Journal, notifying bin that, nuleaa he replevies the property levird on by giTitig a bail bond, and plead or demon at th next terra of the flonrt or Pleas and Quarter Bee aioue. to be held for the Oonnt. of New Hanorer. on the eocoad Monday of ltaroh next, (udKmunt by default will be entered agaiusl him, and the Sroperty levied on will be ooudemned to aatiafy is aanie. - Teate, - HOB T. B. WOOD, Jr., ... . Clerk New llauover County Court. -; JaoSS luu-lUw-et STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, KW HAHOVEB COCKTT. (hurt of Pleas awi Quarter 8etium, Pmmhtr nrvs. 1867. - James F. Tost, ) . tn, Drlelnal AtUohmeut. Jonas P. Levy, 1 T ArPKAiUNO TO THE OOCltT THAT THE . defendant, Jonas P. Levy, la an inhabitant of another Government, and cannot be peraonally aervad with prooeaa ; it ia therefore ordered, that publloaiion be nude, for aix weeks, in the Daily .fotw-iui, notifying him that, unle.a he repleviea the property levied a poo by givtnt a ball bond, and pleads or demurs, at the next termot Uie Court of Pleas and Quarter Beaaions of the Oouuty afnreaaid, to be held on the second alouday of March next. Judgment will be entered aeainat him, and ths property levied on will be eendemned to satiafy ths tame, Teste, BOB'T. B. WOOD, Jr., Clerk New Hanover County Court. jaaSS "v 'uj - lOu-ltaw-W STATE OF K0RTI1 CAROLINA. -"' ' ' nnw hakove s oouKxr. J'- Court of Pleat and Quarter Svuiuns, December Term, 1867. - Mitchell A Hnggino, . . - . v. ... Original Attaohmeni,- www , yu.. '"ft At'PEAhMNa TO THE COUKT THAT THE X defendant, Iaaao A. Peck, is an inhabitant of another Btate, ao that ths ordinary prooeaa of the law eannot be served est him I it la therefore or dered, by ths Court, that publioation be mads in the Wilmfctrton Journul. for aix weeks, notifyins the defendant that, unleaa he appears at the next term of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Mew Hanover County, to be held on the aseond Monday of March next, and replevy and plead, er demur, judgment ty ae auit win be rendered ageinat nim, and the money confronted by tbe garmehee e ndemned for the satiaration or the me, i..te, KUU T. u, nuJL, jr.. Clerk New Hanover County Court. Jan 38 100-ltaw-flt GUANO, SR T0N8 No. 1 PEBUVIAK, fK BODCNDA, Vne of the beet l ertillzors ever ouerea in this Market, for aale by ATKINSON 4 SHEFFEBSON, 1 ' 11 and 11 . Water Street Jaa 19 I" - BS-lm J A 81 E 8 VICE. - lElTCETEHAJIIlEllDWEBOr ROCIIESTKR, B. Y. VICK'8 ILLUSTRATES CATA10QUE ........ OS SEEDS, AKD FLORAL CHIDE FOR 186H, la now published and ready to send out. It makes a work of about one hundred large pages, con taining full desoriptioua ef the Choicest Floweri and Vegetable! Grown, with plain direction for Sowing Seed, Culture, Ao. It la beautifully illua'raled with more than ONE HUSDHEU FINE WOOD ENQRAV IA US of i" lower, and Vegetables, and a BEAUTIFUL COLOLED PLATE Ot FLOWEBS, well printed, on the fineat paper, and one ef the moat beautiful aa well aa ths most in. tractive works of the kind published. , es Bent to all who apply, by mall, post paid, for Ten Ceuta, which i. not half the eoet. Addrese, JAMBS VICK, Mm-mMcp, M, T, Jan 25 , , luu-et-eod . COtPfTRT PICKLES A.D APPLE AKD I'EACIl BRANDT, 1 BARREL, rowwtry Plrhlea 1 do, Apple and Peach Brandy., tor .ale by fek-t 10S-6t URGE BttUESS ClltDS. Z MAHiriCUBsD I-"- J1-'-- ' ' as mm it ax as P. HINSBERGER. BT INDUSTRY WE THRIVE ! ! jaaSl ; ' ' 105- KORTfl AMERICA! STEAMSCIP CO. " THKOl'GU L18K TO CALIPOBJIIA. ' Vlat fataiaaaai er leaivaarsiaw saiuxa rsoH saw voss Deeeaaker 8Ua svb isua I Jeaauavr lata mm aeta, mmt rw.ir ..--; "' I . lStSistaal . -' : With New Steamships e . ". . ' ? 9 rAaaaoB bovn r Tat tarn ,M For further iatr- a by aji orwa una. aiattoa addreas ths andaraigs- eeatm eilwMt,lw Yea. . j , , JX VL CABBIKGIOH. Agent. jaalA, H00P.FKIRT8. - --,.) a n. annW STTWPLY. IsSt r". of the ' A , HOST FWHlOMABUt SXXLEft "Tfsw doseo EXTEA Ubi. ' . -s-i u for saUebsap. HX-EICE KIAN. das 14 - Miscellaneous, rUILADELPUIA VKIVERK1TF MEDICINE.' AKD SURGERY. nWK l'lillailelplnw I IVernKs- at Wrll. JL eme and Hun ( hartuiud by the J Kame ehaimed bv aa oruanlaed in 1C1H. - .euialatum, t .liruary 30. imn. a kunalativK pnaotniont to the Eokiotio Miliuai(illei;e f Phiiatialuliia in lmin. In lm .1 it iHiivliaed the f'ennvlviiia al.llruj OolieiM. erUhhahiKl in ll, HDd the PhtlaiK lhiH Modnal CulleKti, Uu-h had prrvieuely Ihm ii lourmxl into the IVnuaylvauia lwilcal i:uikirw. In iHiil ii pull lirnwil thul'euu Meilii-ai llniveraity. The Trmttora of the .cjiarato anhonla inuud, p't titlouod, and obtained a aiieeial act of the I ei-l'-lii- ture, eouaoUitauiiR lliwe tiNiulnMonH aim ohau ins llieii- name, to that of tlio Piiiladninliia L!i ver.Hyof Mfdit-iiir and Hurirery, Marvli 13, 1H6S. an inoan vniioua aeia arepubllanvil tu lhoaUtul-a of Puniiaylvaiiia. i'lia ooet of the bmldlnR and inin-uni w.a over tine hnixlred tliaBaaud dollar. It will be obnurved that the Vuiveraily, aa nuw ur Knird, ia Uia lrual rrnroaeutalivo of the tnnr medical i-olli.no. that it hat abaorliod. It ia a liueral eeluKil of medicine, cooflued to no dogma our attaunea to any nioiiival clique ; hut embranvt in ita teaching evci j thlng of value to Uiu profas alon. ., kr)on. .-It baa two fiill aoloin each veer. oomnjum inn on lit Ut of Uotober. and eouhiiu. Uie until tlio litt or January aa ita Hrt aeaninn, and from the let of January to the 1st of April a ilaaeoondi thetwoomiatitiillna' one full onurae ot 1 volume. It has alao a siuunier ooeaiou, ooni- meiHUUg the lal of April aud oouunsius uuUl An. ul r uie preparaury orauonea, auoh aa Latin, ireek. Matlieniatic Bo tan T. iSooloirr. Cbuiniatrv. Anatomy, Phyaioloay, eto. IWtaiU, 'i'loketa to the full eonr.e of leoturea tlUU, or $00 for aaeh eaaeion. Kor the a u turner or ireparatory oourae Ua. UraduatliiK fee ttk). -.'o aid young mm of moderate mraiui. Uie Da- varaity has lasead HH humind ichoianhmt Whioh srs sold te fi rat-oourae atudenla. for Svfi and to seoondmurae students aad sleravmee for ..to. eaou vonaiiiuuiis tne noiuer a uie member, with the perpetual privileges of the looturee, and aU the teaching, ot ths school. 'Jbe only adtli. tuiuat raea are a yearly anwoctiug and malrluulat iogtiaket, each of which ia AS. - Th Advantage of Nfhutarttitpi.Th student holdiss a aohoiarahin aarl enter the Oollece at anv uwe uunng we year, ammo aa long a ne eoooeoe, aud re-eutur the inatitution aa frequoutly ss de sired. It reqntres ne previous reading or study to ea ter the University on soholarahiDS. honoe. all nri- btudeula, by hukliug auholarahipo, san proie- etito other buaiueaa a part of the time. other buaiueaa a part of ths tiin . The candidate for Rradnatiou can ureaeut hiiu- self at any time, sad receive his degree as soon sa qualified. In eaaa a atudent should hold a aoholarahlp and not tie a uie to attonu ivoturea, u oau so traoaler- rod to another, Urns preventing any lo.a. - Parenta, guardians, or (rieudir of tndonta wlah- a to anotner, mn. Parenta, guardians, ing to purenass aonoiaratupa ror them veer tu mors before their attendance at the Univaralt. ean secure thorn by advanotng one-half ths price, aud paying tbe balaaoe when the atudent enters. Phyaioiaaa, and benevolent mas can tieauiw grva beoerlt upon poor yoang man, by presenting them a schularahlp, and thus suabUuai umms to obtain an honorable profeaaion. - The Faculty embraces aerenteea eminent pky aleiauo and eurgeons. Ths University haa aaao ciatad with It a large boepitel oiiiiio, where every form of meutoal and snrgioal disease ia op aud on aud treated hi ths preaeuoe of ths olaae. OoixsoKIiciuiKa. The College building, lo cated ia Ninth Btreeth, eouth ef Walnut, ia the tlduat te Out tty. - Its rsS ts eoUeaWte gothio, and ia adorned with embattlements and subraa ursw, prrssnting a aoveL bold, sad beautiful ap pearance. The facade is of browu atone, orna mented by two towers, rising to ths elevation at eighty feet, and crowned with an embattled para. pet, Ths building eoetaioa between aft and sixty rooms, au suppiiea witn water, gas, aas very other oonveiuenos that modern iuipruv. uant ean eoetributs to facilitate medioal inatruo- tton. only nvs aandred aabolarahips will be ia. suaa, ana aa awe auuarea ana nny met now sola, those who wish to seeure on shoald do so si once. Honey can be remitted by sxpresa. or draft or check aent on any National bank in the United states, wueo the sohoiarslilp will be re t Breed by mail, aigned by aba Preaident of the Board of Traeteoa, Jos. a. FUher, Xaq., sod the Dean of tbe Faculty, W. Paine, M. D. All orders fbr scbolarahlps or other business of ths Universi ty, snouia Be aasresssa to 1 roreesor w. Pains, U. tyr ninoeipnia, i-a. - " 1 HE W BOOKS. . PAINE'8 PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. A new work luat iaaned by W. Paine. M. D Professor ef the Prtnoiploe and Praotios of Modi, nine and Pathoiogy In ths Philadelphia Univer sity of Medicine aud Surgery ; author of Pains'! Practice of Surgery : a work on Obstetrics and Materia Modlca t author of New School Remedies; Epitome of Jtber tie's Praotios of Medicine i a Beviewof Homoeopathy j a work on tbe History of Medicine : Editor of University Medioal and Snrgioal Journal, Ao., Ao, It lo a royal ootavo of rw i pages, ana eonuuns a ntu oeaoripuoo er au oiaeanea snowa ia meoioms and aargery. inolud ing those of women and children, together with their pathology and treatment by all the uew and unproved method.. Pnoe ST ; postage 50 centa. Addreas ths sstbor m Arch Street. PhiiadoL poia, ra. - - , - ajubv, a saw WU1UL, EoUUed Hew School Madhmies. which is the only work ever publuhed spoa Materia Medioa, embracing all ths Eclectic, Ilomtrpathio, aud Bo tanic rrmediee, witn a ruu rsguiar matona Med. lea. moa ss : postage me, . Address aa above. ' VNITERSITT JOURKAL MatDICIHK AMD SUHGEUY. Fhynokigy, lfyyime, and Utneral Literature, tmuut lo MS i-rojetim ana Utt J'topu. The eheaouet medioal aaoer In the world, nnb- lialied every two week., at ths Cnivsrsity Buiid- mg, atmtn Dtreet, douib oi rtamut. Biogle copies II 00 Five sopies to ens address....... . 4 SS Tea " f 80 Fifteen . 9 80 Twenty " 10 00 Tbe gttter-up of ths clnb shall have one sorry graua, aarees - . w. raara, a. ju., editor, . , - - - v Philadelphia, Pa. auy 11 . 900-tf tOlLD'8 FERTILIZER. MURIATfi OF LIM ANALYSIS AS FOLLOWS: 100 if AT8 C0MHUT0 0F OBQANIC Cyanogen aad MoUtre:'.".VV:.".".T..7."r.7.7.S0 Lima oombined with the above e.lu Lima as Carbonate of Lime 82.00 Lime as rtulpbata and Sulphite . . . -. lH.lu Lime a. Phospbat, 4 (t) Peroxide of Iron from Sand 8. lti Carbolis Add and Tar. S. lo Common Salt.. a.si Band n .....IS. .' " " 99.70 In ail-iition to the riluabla fertilizina- onahtiea the above, it poaeeease, in an eminent degree, thoee of unfailing deecruetion to werms and oth er insects. - Offend for aale by the undSTsiaTUed. for Caah. orintxehangtfor CoUon ei. aa 17 - '. a-lawtl- DIE CRAILE8T0KES iTT-C. JOB8 A. W AB-Jf - 11r u nttmiaaak- irnmA thm wa-etslsTSk8 pueUsaa tmJLN milLl 3ATXI!. te be tbe ergaa of lbs Oen naa kopuiatloe, aad AmtsS te the letss-ests of this BUta, ia 8 eoer agiDg UauaUgrstaaa sad Iiidtliial ParsoiU. itaratunu a-noautare. I iibssi. n aas Trada, will bs repreaentad in its soinmnsi mmi tha news of the say will be rt -n. ueaijuun a. siuanas naa xinuiy oonaesn sd to anasrtahe the Sditocial saaoageauenl for the 6UwCI2IPTIQ--83 M fbr Twmfve Months. tVm. ... - iu a Three inv gSTTRriflVTlt tnwa-ted oa libaral a O. AUCEMANN A CO. & t'J mm. 8 stewed Street, Chartat, jl- : Sept. 17 ; -. . - " ' ALL KftDS OF BLLVwS I T?01 BAUI AT SMM I- 80CSXALO1TI0S. RAILROIDH. INLAND AIR LINE. (WIKS ESO. ASI Ht'rT. W. AW. H. R I WaMiautxiw, Jar,nary .14, 1W8. ( Frrlglit for Ealtiraorr,!VwYork, Phil a!fiihia, and tloston. DAILY KXPlimi iHr.tOUT vntAIH, (HUN daya exceplrd), will U ave V ilmlinjton, ear rvinx fn ltlit tor tbe plawa tiauied aUovu. Kor fn-lpht etiffagrmonls, aptdv to ths Mitaler of Trati.poi'tatins at Depot, tr to R, A, Keith, for iMlliiuiim ; M ears. Uarnea A JIuwoll, mrrhtia. delol.ia. New York, or Uoatou : Wallaoe .V Hoiilli- erland, for. N'cwYoik, or l!oton, wlieru ratraot nluht rhaiRra ran bo aeen. HMOial eonlraeta will lw made by tlie nnd r aiKued. : - N, L. FHP.MONT, EiiRU-p - aud Huperuitendwit. Jan 15 Ut-tf Mar and Poat copy ?l Wilmington and Man. Railroad fo, OKNKaAr, nrrRntirnejrostrr'a OrmiK,) WiLwiHOTOH, N. C., Deo. 19, 1H67. f M and airier lire, SOth, Paaavager Trial b. of tlii. Itoad will run on the following Bciioil ule: ExrriEsa tiiatn. , ; a Leave WilminRtiin..,...., BSfl A. M. Arrive si Florence rt:l() A. H. Arrive at Kingavilie, ...11:48 A. II. Leave RliiH.ville.,.,.,... ,...,11:110 A. M. Arrive at Florence 11.53 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington...... . , H:o P. M. Kxprnas Train connect, cliwely at Florence with the North Eastern luilroa.1, for ilhtrlreton, aad Cliaraw and Darliogtuu llailroad, far Churaw, asd at Klngaville with tlio HoulU Carolina liailruad, fbr Columbia and Augnata. A(H3OMM0DATI0N TlLAJN. Lravs Wilmington.............. , (1:00 T. M. Arire at Sing.vllle............ ....... :10 A. M. Leave Kingsville , 8:00 t, M. Arrive at WUmiiiln, ..T:V.n;. ...10:1(1 A M Aeenmmndalion Train will run Tri-Weekly, ar riving and leaving on Tuesdays, Thnnidaya and rjatoruaya. L WM. MAottAK, OouX Snn't. oet, B . j , 7-tf WU Charlotte & Rntutrford R. R. (iswiESAt, ftrr ratmrorrr's Ornrs, l j Wnauxerutf, N. 0., Aug. 1, 1N07, f .i OH AND AFTEn TTJEHDAY NEXT. AUGUST 18th. ths Puaena-er train on tlii. fined will stave W liming ton on Tuesday, Thai .day and Sat U'day at 7 o'clock, A. M. Arrive st hand Hill same days, at t P. M. Arrive at Wadeaboro' ( Stage) at 13 luidiiiKbi Imk Wadealioni' (tHao-el on Turadav. Tbura. day and Saturday, at I P. M. i Leave Boeklngham (Stags) on Monday, , Wsdj- ae.aay ana r noav at s:av a, jn. Leave Sand 1 uui ( ( Cars ) Moudar. Weunesdav and Friday, at T o'olock, A. M. - Udey, Arrlvi Ira at WUmlhglou same days at S P, H. , Oeneral Hnpsruitendent. ! ang ' .. , , atftt-tf ; -... i, :,-: -,.-. T ,- . SPEED, C09IF0RT AKD SAFETY. JUtll SIC i.ne Creat IT. S. Mail Eonte for tttf NorUi. rpHSB BSsaaawrs mt Sate aker a Mm 1va X Portamottth daily (Sundays excepted) at 11 o ciooa, A. BL, oa arrival of tha great Jfxursss Traia of the He aboard and lloauoks ItailroaJ. I'aeeongora leaving Wilmington, N. 0., by thS 8.-06, P. M.. train, arrive at Weldon In time to oon twos with the tram ef the Annameaaie Una, ar riving in New York at 6:30. A. M., next day, th Vuiuaai iijus, kvu.ii smuh,. -Be sare aot stak fttr Tlrk.t. and haws Bavggega Checked ylat ANMAMSSHMIO 1.1 UK, H. Y. TOMPEINS. termrst AgelilT O. t. TBOWBBIDdE, i rent Inly 14 848-tf BLEACHED COTTON, nrtrv PiBCBa blbachko ounos 5UV at ths lowest market prios. HEDRICK A RYAN. 8PIBI COTTON rUBNIBQED TO C0N8UMEBS AT FACTOBI rmcEs. . HEDRICK A RYAN. BROWN 8UEETIKC8. 80 BALES BB0W5 SHEETING, at lowiwt price JlliUlUCK KIAN. CORSETS, ; Ladles Hosiery, , . Ciloves,' laderfarnenU, la groat variety, very cheap. . IfEDRICK A RYAN. JtlEK AKD KOrS' WEAR. CLOTHE 'SATINETS, KEBSETS, Iu quaulitioa to soil. HEDRICK k RYAN. FANCY GOODS, TBIMMIN09, Etc., ins-Oiess variety, S3 per oent. cheaper than Broadway prioes. '' HEDRICK A RYAK. niDSOK BAT FITR C0MPAKF. AU AGENTS OF THE MOST EXTENSIVE FUB WSii'ASi on thia Continent, we offer FDlitt to suit the Soi i there trade at prioes which defy competition. . I1EDRIIK A RTAK. dee. 8 1 00-3m A CARD. H I abtelai.iigraT.dPortralU nfWIl- uam Hooru, Joavvs Hswm and Jons Paw, aignora of the Daotaratinn of Imk-pradenee iu 1770, or an; eg tit them t Or saa t-ortraits ia oil be .'utained J Sold, hired, or hiaoeti, to' be Copied T Or ean autographa, mere eitfualurea of tbe Bam, or larger documents, be had f If so, on what terms f Tbeyare doalred fbr as unique ana important rusaoneai ooueeuon. AOdreea ma, with tpecdia uatemeni of tmrmt, 11 Weak 8-Uh St- New York, or, nutil 37th of November, cars liev. Mr. ihmey, vt ummgRin, w. CHARLES F. DEEM, Pastor of Bbe " Oharesi mi tbe btraagare,- N.T. a-, 8 , , i . . p EATER CIEEX MiTC C0XPA5TS . aTnAiaa liai n. . ' ee asnjai viriv, V;- ,'Jt,' (xmoJirAMK. - .; ; - - -. - - AND 8al4, sB er veW awpertar qaality eeaba ahrS notice. J. H- H t . ' p-t P-.rer Oaak Manf g Co. ' A.JDHN5COiAIa ST. JOSEPH S ACADEHY, KUMTEIt K a. TTMDEB THK CHAUOE f'F THE PIBTEB3 I .i Idv ef Marc will reowve aedii .1 mftmr lI.m 0 1 nf J.nn.rT. The Bfl TZt .nrt an enaciona and elerantlv riiii.bed, and furnreh aeeemnrad.tinwa tor oue hand d bbard saa. Tha ax tensive growada aad ptaaxaa am am. ale tur opeat atr exeKiae, and yoaog Udiaa are thoroughly inatructed m Eagiwh, ire w, 1il.ii, Latin, Mu.io, Lraitig, Ac. nrLori Bni-M .J fcr kwahh and I-ihi' ...w.Kie. For rr.- - rn, arv to V on; LB TkiAbA,' Ctar-ai. . or to hisIEU MJUaX iObud, at the Aaadetuy, ia mHntei . seals tt-tf Printing. THE J0TJRI7AL ESTABLISHMENT. H SUPERIOR WOHlfflH LOW PRICES! - i COOn WORK; GUARANTEED I . The Journal OHico" U how lieltor lliau ertr)riparsdto do aU Uadeot JOB PRIIMTirJC ! (. i . - ' ' ":-----:i ;'':--;ift' .. In the be.t stylet of ths art. RAILROAD & STEAMBOAT a COLOR PRIAITirja akb avsgt ssesutr " er - jibrmtilb pramG; . .- . ; ---. the, f i i Will receive special attention. '. . ;-, '":"" ? ...... 1.1 '-- " -7. f - Wedding, Business and Visiting Curtisi PrlnUd In thi fatt&omMt ttlw, on short noti BILL-nFJLOS, . . ; cmcuLABd, . ' l'OSTEBS, . 1 ,t 'd r; :.-! i f4 ii PROGRAMMES, . BOOKS, r-'-.i : .-:! r.'Vtt PAMPiTLETS, BILLS OF LADING, , - ' s . . I . 'Sl I DHA-JLND OTHER TICKETS, And everj other description of jot) work PEOMPTLt BOITE , AT THE 7 Lowest Hates I 1' EXGEUIARD 4 PRICE, ' i ""sT"." ry'- Proprietors. .; BOOKBINDER, AND Maaaat-BHM " BLiiMBflOpilMTJCTfEEIl JOURNAL BTJILDLVGS; " i ; 'f . ' ' WIL3fLVaT0!T, W. 0 ACCOUIITjEQO:: f.fi f.. Made ef tAebeet Liaei Psper, T.al. i 8al . Rosuid to anj paUent ieairsd. Legere, Journals, Exeeuiioa SD1 kr Trial Dockets, etui all kin Iscf TV 'Law Bocls, I! : 'a, , 5fari;a.-st Ao S.3., I ia the best mannor. "of EYEsr rrsciurnoN llll! mm t' c H . tsLa ' V--.!" anUr Iavexraitixa. 105