V" i , .-.-...-I 1 ' ;.-uuu '"":',trf?rf tT i it '-r-;.r WILMINGTON, NTJ5aiUiRSPAY. 3IORNING, JMAIICH 10,1808. WHOLE NUMBER 4,87L . , ' .-..,; , .... ;. , -:, i . ' . , . ' .,. , ,.B.L -, s -!' - -. .v. 1 : n mil.. , ,, i i .' i .J 1 A I Ij Y JO U Ii N AT - OMBBT -PItMr n-THW STATB. One year. ... Hi i niomliA,. Three niontlis. W EE K Ij Y JOURNAL ; ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER, 1811. On Bqaare, or ten lines or leas, for each and ever; in eruuu, l. HjHiunl Xotlrci will be charged $2 per equare, (or each nU every Uiaertlon- sruscuiiTioiy. One year, HlX IUOOUU, . . . Jnw. 1807, THE DAILY JOURNAL. WILMINGTON. N. C. THUESDAT, MARCH 10. 18C8. . ' ' . From the UalejRh Suntinel, . t . Th t'oritJCullonI tpnTcndon," , '. NIGHT SESSION. ' . Satvbdav, March 11, 1'. M. The Convention was called to order at the nsnal faonr. Hood (negro), .callinl up hin ordinance icgalizintr luurriaRes celebrated under li cense iasiied by the military. The ordinance was read, when Hood (no rto), explained hia reasons for ofleriDg it and moved to suspend tho rules. Curried, Mr. Ellis moved to amend by saying " EXCEPT BETWEEN BLACKS AND "WHITES, which shall not be valid." Mr. Merritt called for tho yeas and nays, They ffjffiffi AMEjm The ordinanco was put to a vole und adopted. Mr. Dowd introduced a resolution in stracting the Legislature to provide for a new assessment of the lands of the Htate. Koferred to the committee of seventeen Harris, of "Wake, (negro), moved to take up the ordinance reported by the commit tee on Divorce, granting a divorce to Pal mer Babcook from his wife Lncina Bab cock. The ordinance was read and adop ted. Cherry (negro), offered a petition for the divorce of Sarah Mitchell from her husband John Mitchell. Referred. Tbe following telegram from Mr. Sweet, at Charleston, who was appointed to wait . on Gen. Canny, and consult him on the manner, ie., of holding the elections, was read : " Chablehok, March H, 18G8, Hon. C. J. Cowlet " One ballot box and one ballot for Constitution, ordinance; and officer. All return to be made to Oen. Canby direct. If tlie Convention deeire votei for local ofllotre to be eaavaaeed by Comniigsionere of their appoint ment, with office at Italeigh, there will be no ob jection, Thi involves more than one ballot box, which Oen. Canby think will be an unnecessary complication of the matter. Liquor order will be pnoi niiea as prior to tue moveniDer eiectiens The election in South Carolina has been ordered for th Uth, 15th and llith of April, and the don oral thinks it desirable, in order to nave sufficient time for preparation, that the election in North Carolina should be held a week or fortuiirht later, This dispatch embodies the result of my inter view with uen. cauov, ana is approvoa by mm W. H. 8. Bweet.' A great many othtfr ordinances, repotted ; by the eommittee on .Divorce were read. The majority of - them were unfavorably reported upon, some row ol tnem, now ever, were granted. , :. Mr. Abbott called np the ordinance aa thorizing the Western North Carolina rail road Company to increase its capital stock iifililli J I I 8 '5 5 5 : R3R5 2S b sfaialaig ;S s m ss'liiltll'ia c Hf - SlBf-S s g a -SiJ g 34jSl - V .2 tS r-tt .. Ijli. itof . ; J 6. a o ; ti ic w c -J U ,si si si si s i si si r i8sis? "i ri'j Mr " 'cf3 c; lie ti i ri- m a 3rf&3 E lo o o e ol o a 5 i. o " s i j e i e c i i e i I g s s U .S. s k iHl H -8 s 'b a s? s b K He 7-;.ja..-8 . 8 .81 sis - S s :g efp .g S K S S g K "i . ' !8 8 Sli -8 8 S S KS- S ;SI 81 51 51 131 ,1 l 1 3 - ff" 1 o o 1 o o I o I s I 110 ou .r. o " i 8 00 too ftna lor otner purposes. - He offered as a substitute for the above an ordinance entitled an ordinance for the ' completion f the Western North CajoUm Railroad. The substituto was read, when Mr. Ab- txU moved its adoption and called for the yeas and nays. The roll being called, re sulted in its passage by a vote of yeas CO, nays 6. Mr. neaton, from the committee of 10, to whom was referred an ordinance amen ding the charter of tho city of Wilming ton, submitted a report recommending the passage of the ordinance. ' , . . The ordinance was read, and on motion, the rules were suspended, and the ordi nance passed yeas 56, nays 9. '. The House soon thereafter adjourned Until Monday morning, 10 o'clock. " V : MORNTXQ SESSION. I . i. - Mokdat, March 16, UniS. . The Convention calledj. to order at the - Usual Lour. . ..:.. , i . ; . Pyer by the Rer. Mr. .Hudson of the ""'The petition from 1,200 citizens, asking ike formation of a new- county ont ol the counties of Rowan, Iredell, Cabarrus and ' WM sported upon adversely. . The arbcia upon amendments to the Ceostitatton Wa taken up and put on its final passage. ' The yeas and nays being called, 'thi ar ticle was adopted by a rote of yeas 85, naye 10. (Party vote). An ordinanco in relation to the Caps 'Tear and Deep River Navigation Compa ny was read and adopted. Aa ox&inanoe' raising a eommittee to . wnsiii cl & W. Jones, C C Pool, and 0. Chrry, (uegro). to iBiiup iuto tlie oiTuira of tlie CLesoiioako nnd 'Albemarle Cual the ajd oopiniittjgo to boinu JO perln ml tlw;ir traveliugudC ftir, inyitWt cV fiouaei whllS epgagea in the work, and , to ropdrt totheextrLogislftturQ or Colivon-'l tion, waj bobsidered. ' Aitprnorne'debato'it wits dutcrtniucfl to' drop tlift mattorrrntil this evening. Mr. Nicholson, from the committoo ou Revision, reported the following substi tiTtoWrj section 22d of Uio Articlo on Suf frage: It shall bo tho duty of tho General As sembly to provide from time to time for the registration. of lUfccleotorH, and no per son shttlljbfl, allowed to vote without regis traiWrpr to rogistor Without first taking ai) oath or ailirmation to mppot and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina, not inoonsutent therewith.' " . Also, this Htibstitute for seotion b of tho same i.rth'lo: "Tho following elasnes shall bo disqual ified from offioe: Eirst, All persons who nbnll deny the being of Amighty God; ad, All persons who shall have boon convicted of treason, perjury or of anv infamous crime since becoming citizens of the Uni ted Statos, or of oorruption or malpraotico in office, unless such persons nhall have been legally restored to tho rights of citi- zenHhiPk . Mr. Duiham said vorttons of color had become citizens since the passago of the Civil Rights bill, and of oourso every ne gro who had been convicted of an infa mous crimo beforo the war, during tho war and oven sinoo the war, would not bo dis franchised; but a white man, here at homo. vould bo deprived of his rights to vote if lie had beon convicted of a crime. A ne gro, no matter what may Lave been the nature of his crime, committed within tho last throe, four or six years, would Hot bo interfered with, but a white mm would be. Mr. Durham then moved to strike tho words "sinco becoming a citizen of tho Unitod States," giving tho above reasons for wishing to so ameud. The question recurred upon Mr. Dur ham's amendment. Mr. D. ankod for the yeas and nays, but they icere refused, and uie amendment was voted down. Tho article as amended was put on its passage and adopted by a strict party voto of yeas 7'J, nays 12. Mr. French, of Chowan, introduced an ordinanco ohartoring tho Albemarle Rail road Co. Mr. Fronch moved to sunpoud tho rulos and put the ordinance pn its passago, and explained the provisions of tho ordinance at some length. - 1 Sir. Moore opposed tho passago of the ordinance. - Ho said that the State hud al ready been run ihtd debt beyond her abil ity to pay for forty years to como, . Mr. Pool said that he-had opposed all .Railroad schemes presented here and would vote against this ono, though ho thought it nau greater claims upon the , considera. tion of the Convention than any yet pre. sented. . - The question recurred upon the motion to suspend the rules, and tho motion was lost, a sutlicient number not voting. Hayes (negro), of Halifax, offered the following resolution ; " That it is the souse of this Convention that intermarriages and illegal intercourse between the races should be discontinued, and tho interest and Happiness of tho two rftfas wonhfrbe bust promcUiiTbyTuo estalv lishmout of separate schools." The rules were suspended and tho reso lution was adopted, of to- a refusal to have the yeas and nays. Mr. Cuudler now moved to reconsider tho voto taken last night upon Mr. Ellis' amendment to Hood's ordinance, LEGAL IZING all marriages celebrated under license issued by the military, Hood (negro) moved to lay the motion to reconsider on the table'. The yeas and navs were called for and had, and resulted in the following ballot : Yeio. Moeura. Andrews. Iieubow. Blnme. Brvau, Carey, (negro,) Carter, Chorry, (negro,) Oolgrove, Congleton, Cox, "Dickey, Eppes, (negro,) r inner, ornner, franklin, Jrrencn, or itookmg hain, Oahagan, Galloway, (negr,) Ounter. Bar ns, or vf ane, (negro,; naves, ol uaniax, (negro,) Highemith, (negro.) Hood, (negro,) Byman, (ne gro,j jvinuey, l.auin, jnarsball, Mcuonaia, or More. Morton. Mnrphy. Nanoo. ciernou. (netro.l ro,) Kinney, I.aflin, Marshall, McDonald, of I'D 1, Bay, Benfrow, Buiitb, SliUy, BtUwell, Uwcet and Tucker. Nays. Messrs. Aydlott, linker, Bradley, Cand ler, Daniel, Duckworth, Durham, Kthcridge, George, (Dover. Graham, of Orange, Hare, Huf fier. UoUowolK Holt, Jones of Caldwell, Innon, McCubbins, M.erritt, ll'atrick, Parks, Bead, Rose, Sanderlin, Tamer and Williams, of Wake. Harris, of Wake, (negro,) from tho com mittee appointed to investigate the alleged frauds in the election of Plato Durham, Esq., reported thai tliey had failed to collect sufficient evidence to inculpate Mr. Durham, and asked to be discharged from further consideration of tho matter. Mr, Durham then arose and said : I have to say, sir, in reference to this re port, that, from the betnnnincr, the whole matter has been a most fraudulent and cowardly attempt to cast reproach upon lu v uiiurauwr nuu iu prevent ail investiga tion of the alleged fraud in passing certain ordinances which have passed this Conven tion. rearing an investigation of tbe charges contained in the resolutions intro duced by myself to investigate these cor ruptions, theso charges of fraua in mv eleo tion were trumped np by parties inside and outside of this Convention, to intimidate and drive me from" that investigation. And, sir, I must be allowed here to say that, in the appointment of the delegates to serve with me on that (Jommitteo of investiga tion, it was the intention of the President to prevent a full aud fair investigation, or it was intended aa an insult to myself. If the latter, I can only say that I cannot bo insulted in ' any such manner. The rela tions botween one of the members of the Committee (Ashley) and myself were known by tho President to be very unpleasant, and ho also knew that I had refused, from the commencement of the session, to recognize the delegate from Wake, the other member of the Committee. And yot thete are the delegates that the President appointed to serve with me upon that Committee. The appointment was intended to rro- vont investigation and to insult me. Rut. as stated before, I was not insulted, nor oan I bofromany inch source. It was ray intention, at first, to refuse to meet these delegates. Soon afterwards, threats of vio lence wero indicated, if the . investigation ball be proceeded with. I then convened tho Committee, merely because theso cow ardly threats were made. . ' The resolutions in reference to my elec tion, introduced by the black scoundrel from Wake, were conceived in iniquity and, fraud-r&0t by him alone, bat by certain parties, ttitide of ikis Convnium, who, when they could not combat the anruments of honorable men, resorted to this dastard ly and lying manner to east reproach upon my private character. And when the dele rate from Pasouotank (Q. C. Pool) aicned the report, witaont acy evidenco or even meeting of .the Committee, ho aoted must J unbecomingly, k tiy the least of it. " Briefly, in conolusion, I say, as I am not allowed to proceed without interruption, that tlie remarks I have made are only in tended to exposo tho infamous fraud and fmmrrlJr rasoality, which prompted those wlw originated this base attempt to heap odium ou my character. Not that I regard your action, whatever It may bo ; for, sir, if the (Dointuittea had reported that the al legations wcro true, t should have consid ered it a distingnisRod honor coming, 1 eay,ro cA a touree. Mr. Graham, of On) go, said thai lie Was surprised at such a elisjresfHHitftil report, rejecting upou the haretur of hu -honor-ble gontloman (Mr. Durbain). Ho hoped that tho majority ot Uie Republican party on this floor would bo careful enough of their character, as yeiitkmei not .tJejitr tuin this rcpojft for a moment, but eud it back: to tho coihrjiitlla from which it ojmuc, and if they should report, at all, compel them tu present a decent and respectable one. ilo (Mr. Urauam) had always yielded duo 'courtesy to tho opposite side and he would domain! and insist ou proper cour tesy being puid to tho Conservative gentle men. After a long discussion, tho report was re-oommittod to the committee, with in structions to collect all the evidence in tho matter and presont it with thoir report. Mr. Cowlos vacated tho Chair, took the iloor and entered iuto a long vindication of himself from charges of partiality brought by Mr. Durham. sit' Durham aroso and repeated, m sum and substance, those charges and said that whilo ho doprecated tho necessity of his having been driven to use strong language, yet he had nothing now to apologise for gross iujnstk'b and clownish discourtesi had characterized almost tho whole of the pro- proceedings of this tjonvoution. Tho divorce oaso of Edward Sliroyer was taken up. Ou motiou, tho rules were suspended to put tho ordinamrs grautiug tho divorco ou its passage. Tho yeas and nays wcro or dered aud the voto stood yeas 31, nays 20, not a quorum voting. 1 ending further action iu tho matter, Mr. Heaton offered nu ordinance, provi ding for an election on the ratification or rejoction of the Constitution. Stato officers. Congressmen, &o., fixing tho days of said olectaon on the Zlst, TZd and 23d of April next. Tho rulos were susiended to put the ordinance on its passage, tho yeas and nays were called and resulted iu tho passage of tho ordinanco, by a party voto of yeas CO, nays 0. On motion, the liouso adjourned until 7f o'clock, this evening. i . 4IARRfS0Xr FLAIVt FERTILIZER, Hocik.ty Hn.i,, H, C, January, lHth, 1807, Bib : 1 write to oommnnicate tho following ac tion of tho Darlington (District)' Agricultural bo ciety, and to ask if yon are disposed to contribute to fciie experiment, iajuuii auu corn will oe mo crop tested, and the soils will -be river lands and uplands: . A. " Messrs, Jno. WithcTep'oon, Edward Mcintosh and J, J. Lucas will constitute a Committee uf the Darlingtou Agricultural Hooicty, to test the value, by experiment, according to thoir discretion, of manipulated guano, as compared with" other ma nure's, to report tho result as soon as practicable. Hhould the agents or manufacturers of such fer tilizers oner any facilities to the Societies for test ing their merits, this Committee is fully empow ered to use them." (Higned) T. V. LIDK, l'residont Darlington Agricultural Hociety, t). C. lour attention win oe approeiatoa by iltjT J. JONATHAN LUUAU. Mu. Alix. fl.uiniso.t riiLLADm.rm.v, Jauuary 251 h, 1867. J. Jonathan, Lucas, Ksg., dociely lldl, Darlington District, K 0.: Deab Bib : Your of the lsth mat. is reoivod. 1 will be pleased to meet the wishes of your Society in relation to a-lrial of my Plant Fertiliser. I will furnish gratis half a ton, (five bags)( delivered on board a vessel here, on receipt of yonr order to that effect; subject to use i at me discretion of v discretion of your Committee. I'leaae notice the ondosod circulars. Most respectfnllv. ALEXANDER UAlUIIBON. BooiKTY Hill, B. C, January 17th, 18KH. Dkab Bib : Daring the past year I oonduoted an experiment to determine the relative merits of the following fertilisers, nnder cotton, for the benefit of the Darlington District Agricultural Society. The result is aa follows: Harrison's riant fertilizer produced tbe greatest number pounds per acre. Bangh'a Raw-Bone Tbosphale. produced 2d great est number pounds per acre. Pacitio Onano produced 3d greatest number pounds per acre. - Allnn & Needles' produced 4th greatest number ponnds ier acre. Ooo's produced 5th groaleat number pounds per acre. Without manure of any kind the least number pounds per acre. The wheat is nromisinir. manured with vonr Fortililizer, and I hope for a large yield. xoura respeciiiuiv, J, JONATHAN LCCA3. Mil. Aij:x. ltBauoM, fhiiadelphia, t. For sale by E. MURRAY A Co. march S 131.8mo LRD, LARD. Yjj TIEllOEa AND 45 TUBS PURE LEAF LARD, 20 TDB3 NATURAL LARD. For sale by ADRIAN A TOLLERS. mareTi 5 131 APPLE AND PEACII BRANDT. FEW BARRELS AI'I'LE AND PEACH Brandy, superior article. . For sale by WORTH A DANIEL, lW-6t fob 20 THREE HUNDRED CASES A BSOBTED WINKd AND LIQUORS, LARGEST STOCK, GREATEST VARIETY, Lowest prices, at OEO. MYERS', 11 and 13 Front street 13t march S SALE OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. BV V1KTCK of m. traiwer of Male coBtavlsral in a mortgage deed axecated by Fergus Mo Bee, to me, I will sell at Exchange Corner, in tho city of Wilmington, on the lid day of April aext to the highest bidder, all the interest of Fergus McRoe in the lot of land with the improvements thereon, situated in tlie city of Wilmington, on tbe corner of Dock and Booth Water Streets, begin ning on South Water Street and running East on Dock Street one hundred and thirty-four feet Fergus McRe interest is one half, Terms Cash. Sato positive. J. H. NF.FF, . Mortgage", march 11 13-lawjt ALL USDS OF JOD WORK TXT ' EXECUTED 1 (1 y. AT TH1 HAViOlI AHSOBT jrj' MVNT. of . BOOTS, M()ES, snoi; FJM)IGS, Tim largest in the City, ami tlie moid complcU Htwk tu be found in tlx Btaaa. 1 We art waeirty ms4ng aflilatlu ot tlio ltet BlTiefl Ul . -- - -. BOOTS SHOES, and wo give the bencilt of all decline. In priocs to nnr pnirons. If yon would save money call at 29 KORTU FRONT STREET. If you wish to rind any particular kind of Mhoo go at once to ' 2 KORTU FROST STREET, and save tiiio and trouble. Our goods are prime, and onr prices for the same stylo aud class of goods the lowest ni (he City. TO WKItOHAMlU wo offer indueomenU equal hi tiny douuers in ute country. Cvrae rt Sve t.'s. OEO. It. P1TENCH HON., S'J North Front Ht, march H . .. 1HI-- TilY IT!! . MS 111 BQSI FEOSFfiATS AND SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LINE, Nu. m SOUTH STUKJST, . UALTIMOIUG, 1U, 'Jo ltti i'lufUimj ('oMiiiMHiy ; Oeu Hupkh 1'hosviiatk oy Limb and Raw l)nti I'uosi'uaTi havinir been tested for the last tun years on all kinds of crops, by the aide of all known Fertilinom, have proved themselves equal ftSXmZ Smii to our close attention to its preparation keeping it up tu the standard at all times, and knowln, wuai reaiiv is roipuroa to give a good crop, suan horoafter further endeavor to improve it in every way Onr rapidly inereasing sales showing Jiow well its good ellects are appreciates by -the Plan t ing community, and are hattstled that B who (We it a fair trial will be well repaid' and pleased with its- ouiuk . action, lasting' effects, and increased yield of crop, ZELL'S RAW BONE PHOSPHATE, COTTON, TOBACCO, CORN, OATS, YVheat, Rye, Potatoes. Turnips, fab' bage, Grass, &c. This articlo is made of Tare Raw Bones and riiosphate Guano, rendered to a soluble form, aud oontaius tho requisite miautity of Ammonia to 'lP'UlS41l0 jonng plants to lint beyond tin teach of insects : and also a laren amnnnt nf I'ljonpliorlo Acid, to give strength aud stability to ui" oiiM mu wuiguk hi we gram. It excclu I'eruvian Guano in aettinir Clover. makes a heavier yield and superior quality of Cot' ton, Tobacco, Grain, Ac; and atauds the drought better, all of which 'are very important to the x'lamcr. For this valuable Fertiliser we only ask a fair trial side by side with any Fertilizer in the mar ket, to attest its anperjorlty. It is as active as i'eruvian Guauo for tho Hist crop, and for uc cecdiuir crops far suoei ior. Every Planter should give it a trial, as tbe cost is more man rcpaiu tne uret year, and -its benen oial effects lasting. Fine and dry for drilling. ANALYSIS. Bone Phosphate of Lime. . '. 60 per cent. Ammonia a 32 " Soluble Bone Phos. ot Lime U " ZELL'S hi! PER PU0SPHATE of Ll.tJE Adapted to all Kinds of Cropi- - With tho advice aud aid of tbe best Cliemista, eoiinled with our long experience in the Fertilizer trade, we sro enabled to offer to the Agricultural community a BUI'F.R PHOBI'lIATIC OF L1MK which we rati recommend to give general satis faction, being manufactured from a rich Phos- fhatic Guano, containing 70 per cent, of Bone bosphate of Liino, treated with Sulphnrie Acid, and IU to 15 per cent. Bone Phosphate of Lime rendered soluble ; at the same time rendered quick in its aotioo by the addition of Ammonia. It oontains all the elements of the soil that en ters into tho com)Msilion of the root, fibre, grain and leaves of a plant. Its condition is such that it readily assimilates and restores to the soil tbe elements of which it has been deprived by tho re moval of the crop, and permanently enriches it. A trisl will convince any one of tbe beneficial effects aud advantages of its use ever other Fer tilizers. On the Cotton crop it prevents the dropping of bolls, improves the quality of lint, and force the plant out the reach of tbe frost. Fine and dry for drilling. Ccrtihcates" from moiiu practical Farmers, in various sections of the hiulh will testify to the superior excellence oi 'ai as peculiarly adapted to the cultivation of Corn, Cotton, Oati, Wheat, Rye, Grass, Potatoes and Tobacco- ZELL'S HAW BONE PHOSPHATE AKI SI PER PU0SPR1TE can be furnisbwl on trry satisfactory terms and prices, by apclieation to HARlilSS & HOWELL. Manufacturers' AgeuU, . II aud 16 North Water VI., Wilmington, N. C. march 11 ' - . Ili-d3w-wlm DRCCS, MKDICIALS, AAI) FASCI AR TlfLES AT COST. rpO CLOSE CUT STOCK, I will sell at cost for ten days, the slock of " v - DRUGS," MEDICINES, FANCY ARTI CLES, 4c, Ac, in More No. 71 Market street, lately occupied by Dav A Wright, and by J. L. Rhode. This is a tine opportunity lor Ooaatry Physi cians to anpply themselves, aa tha geoda will In old at cost aithout reacrve. . CHAS. H. FRENCH. lebT iU-tf Pot and Star copy I week. ' . COrXTRT PICKLES ASD APPLE 15 D - ''i PEACII ERAADTt , i 1BAK&MM. CasiBlrw riehlea t Ao, Arpla and Teach Brandy. For sale by . WOfilH A CAKIAI Ttosadalis. THE G HEAT TUB CKST ILO01 VriUriF.lt IN TUB W0RU I DR. LAWRENCE'S CKLKBUAIBU HOSilDALIS, for tho cure of M KOULA, IN ALL ITS FORMS Consumption in it early stages. Enlargement and Ulceration of the Glands, Joints, Bones, Liver, Kidneys, Ac; Rheumatism, White SwelK injf, Mercurial Affeotious, Bur Ews, . OldBorcs, Disoaics Peculiar lo Fe males, Eruptions of the Bkin, QvneraJ Bad Healtli, and all . (hor Diseases caused J BY AN IMFURB BTATE-OF TUE BLOOD, -The fullowiug, iiiiioti; muMM aundrouV of our. best oitiisens, testify tu Us woniMvl luUhncy- CERTIFICATES FROM PUY8I0IAN8. We kuow Dr. Lawrence's Rosadalis to bo a safe and reliable AlUrative, Ao.and take pleasure in reoouimeiidiuir it to Uie urofi ssiou aud the PM ... ... i. A. U. A1UU11K.M. u., L. A. BTITH.M. D.. J. II. WIN8TKAD. il. D., It. Q. BAUHAM, M. !., W. A. DUUQAN. M. D., . K, BARNKB. M. D.. It. W. KING, M. D, B. WOOD A HD, M. D., W. T. jlUEWEH, M. I., ' W. J. BULLOCK, M. D. Jauuary 7th, 1BC3. I hentbv eortifv tliat I am neraonallv aoiinahitud with the above named i'bysioians, and they are all gentlemen of respeotauility and atanding la this community. T. C. DA VI 8, Mavortf Wilson. N. C. U January 11th, im. ROsrtbALia wilii cure the worst CASES OE SCROFULA. READ THE STATEMENT RELOW 1 AND DESPAIR NOT. WnjioN County. SenL 10th. 1SU7. Da. J. J. Lawbkmck : Dear Bir My youngest dnnghtor, aged ave years, has been dreadfully alnuited with Bcrohila nearly all her life. I tried a great many I'hvsi oiaus, but without relieving her much : iu fact. moHt of them said there was no hop of cure. uuring tuo last cipring ana was worse man ever, her body and limts being oovored with sore and uiow nos witn isoe ana eyes baaiy aioeraioa and swollen. Whilst in this condition. I was advised by Dr. L. A. Btilh to try your Rosadalis. I at once p".,ijt . L".'tllnii g"nmtnrH ffiVfjIjnrnrTiurTTe ej) teas tnayieal. In less than a month, to my gryat aatenishmont, sin was I am, sir, Yours, with much respect and gratittido. W. W. BURNETT, ROSADALIS CURES ALL SKIN DISEASES. . Whjkim. N. 0., Sept. IS, 1807. Dk. Lawukkcb Dear Sir : lu my son, now aged five year, was vaociuated with what Droved to be immure, mattor. which oomulctulv de stroyed his hoalth. Be ha beeu alllicted wiu an Inveterate and extremely troublesome AVuolwn Qt mo akin, sometimes breaking out In sore. A a itosaaaua was praicribea by my family physician Air. a. u. Aioore. Alter laaing it a lew week, my son became and remain mutreiy uxu. Your truly, J. B. DANIEL. CHRONI0 LIVER COMfLAINT CURED. This ia to certify that I was murttl vf VhrotUe Lterr Vimlatnt by Dr. Lawrence Rosadalia, after having been confined to my bed and house for a long timo, and trying various medicines Without benefit. I know of several others in this County eursvf uirougn me nse of ttosatiaila, and It can be round in nearly every house in my neighborhood, aud tuey u praise it as a greai meuioioe. THOMAS TUORa, Greene County, August 11, 1K67. ROSADALIS IS A POTENT REMEDY IN ALL CHRONIC DISEASES. From O. W. Blount, Esq., Attorney at Law, WU on, R, 0. I have been cored of Chronle Inflammation of the fear and Partial Deafness, of tsn years' stand- uig, oj uueaiMua. .. . OHIO. W. BLOUNT. ROSADALIS WILL CURE THE VERY WORST CASES OF CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. I borebv certify that I waa cured of Ions- atand ing Chronle Rheumatism, by taking four bottle of m. jjawrence uosaiiajus. - JAMES WILLS. - Wilson, N. 0., May 8, 1867. " Ii" Tlie RosAUAi.ni thoroughly eradicates every kind of humor and bail taint, and restore the en tire system to a healthy condition. It ta PBaraoTLT aUBaajtas, never producing the slightest injury. f it is not a Secret Quack Rumody. The ar ticle of which it is mado are published around each bottle, and it ia osed and endorsed by the leading Physician everywhere it ia known. rttKPABKD OKLT Br J. J. LAWRENCE, M. D., Ciuuust, BALTIMORE. HD. (Labi of Wilson, North Caruliua.) I'KICK 8X GO lliU liOTTLltU " 8old wholesale bv all the nrinMn&l WhnU. Bute and British A m erica, and retail od by Dmg- All letter of inquiry, Ac., pmrnptty answered. auunaa uu. J.J. UUHKIIK. t Sou Pbopbietob axd MAm-rACTcaea, . ' 89 Hanover street, Baltimore, ML fcb 10 - ll-ly KErf CROP UOLASSES IN TIERCES. Oft TIERCES T1BI EXTBA CUBA MCBCO- Tads Molsiae. For satotewtsetoaa ' A WORTH A DAXtKl i ..- UACt fciso'' f ' WOOLEN MESS COODS. ? i OUB ENTTfi STOCK OF ' " ' DiLua eooDa will b eold at IprioM lower than they eaa be had ia the e-ty, EI, TKS Ai ET . RAILROADS. WILMINGTON A W F.I, DON RAILROAD OO..j Oiuck t'liii-i'liMi. Jt (libN. HcrxaiNTKitnKMT, Wu utNim.!, N. C, Feb. iW, 1HG8, ) HCIIF.HULE - . EX1'11FH MAIL AND PASSENGER TBAINB Leave's Wilmii'ttoii at P. M. dally. Arrives at Wilmington al 3.30 A. M. daily. FXPKKHH FREIGnT MAIL AND FAHSENGEIt TRAINS. T.eava Wllmliurimi daily eaeent Hunilavs at 9 A. M, Arrive in Wilmington daily except Sundays, at ... nun r. m. -- - - t'juiHects with N. ft Railroad, and A. and N. i, Railroad; also Willi Bay Line and via Rich mond, -- ' v B. I. FUKMONT, . , Eng. A Hiipt. feh'JH V laV-tf WfluiiiiKton and JIaur Railroad Co, GkwAHb fHiraawvKimaiit'a OmoK, I : : ... WiMimMreSi N. f., Dec. 10. 1Nu7. f fH a ltd after !, KOia, PaMsenger Trains of this Road fill run on the following Scluxb uie: , EXPliKBH TRAIN. Leavo Wilmington. a ....... Arrive at Klorenn ........ Arrive at Ktngsvilln ,......, Leave Binifevillo... .......... . . s. Arrive at F loronci) . 9:() A. M. . 8:10 A. M. .11:43 A. M. .11 SO A. M. . 8:55 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington.. 8:68 1 M. Express Train ootinncta closely at Florence with the North Eastern Railroad, for Charleston, and Cheraw and Darlington Railroad, for Chnraw, and at Kingsville with Uie Sotitu uanmna itaiiroau, for Columbia and Augusta. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Wilniiligtnn...w..T8;()0 P, M, Arrive at Kiuiraville r 0:10 A. M. Leave Kingsvifle 3.00 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington ...10:10 A M Accommodation Train will run Tri-Weekly, ar riving and leaving ou Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays. , VM. mAeiiais, uon i. onpa, oct.0 , . 4 , 7-tf HU., Charlotte 1 Rutherford R. U. OiNKBAr, Hni'itniKTitPKirr's Orncrni, I WmaiMnTOM, N. U, Aug. , 1807. f ON AND AFTER TUKBDAY NEXT. AUGUBT 13tli. the Pusengor train on tills Boad will leave Wilmington on Tuesday, Thursday and Bat- tt'day at 7 o'oiock, a. at. Arrive at sand 11 ui same nays, at s r. ai. Arrive at Wadesboro' ( Btaue) at 13 midnight. Leave Wadaabtiro' (Utago) on Tuosday. Thurs day and Saturday, at i i: at, Leave Rockingham (Htage) on Monday, 'Wed nesday and Friday at :S0 A. M. Leave Band Hill (Cars) Monday. Wednesday and Friday, at 7 o'clock, A. M. Arrive at Wilmington same days ai i: m. . W. I. EVERETT, Gonarat Superintendent, aug 0 , . ..; aw-tf v NEW CROP MOLASSES! fQ UHDS NEW OUOr MOLASSES; HHDB SUGAR HOCBE BYHUF; jQ BHDS BUGAR; J5 mui BUQAli: 100 SACKS t01 100 B0XS CHEflE; '-JQQ DB" BUPKR FLOUR; 100 " hUlWi gL0UIti l1 0() " fEA P0TAT0E8; j gQQ BACKS SALT; - : 800 BALE8 HAYi i 1 C BHDS BACON BIDES ! It) AND SHOULDERS: 1 1 If II 1 atUDiuuA A'iujatt wmia wttfli Awyy ' 60 IEBUV1AN guano; 200 " rATAPaco " Bagjrlnff, Rope, Ties, Tobacco ' &C.t &C. &C, ' &C. ' ! . , . F. W. KERCHNEB, South Water tret. Jan 31 10o-3m NORTU AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CO. THROUGH LIMB TO CALIFORNIA. Via Pavmav or lUaiavia SAmtHa raoM kiw toui ' UiiiHiili.r tlh sail 10tk Jaaaarw Otb. 15th ad M3th, anil Fedrwarjr lSth and iistli. i mm now ptvauiHuips oi me rirsi ciasa. i rAHSAQE LOWEU THAN ST ANT OTlUSlt IdH&. For furtlier Information addreaa the undersign ' ,u l. r at i i . . ... m . . ,. ed at ITT West Street, New Verb. . D. N. CAI1RINGTON, Agent. Ian 24 GUANO! 1500 BAGS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO i 700 do; 1 Ka. 1 I'ERUVIAN GUANQ. Iu store and for sale by W. H. fcb 26 MuRARY A CO. 127-lm - A CARD. . CAM I abtala eBrrava I'artrsiU of Wll uam Hoovin. Josera Hkwb and Joan Pknn, signers of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, or any one of them ? Or can portraits in oil be obtained? Bold, hired, or loaned, to be copied 1 Or can autographa, meie signature of uie name, or larger documents, be bad run, on what terms f They are desired for an unique and important historical eollootion. Address me, with svmnfie ttatentent of terms, Uil West 34 th St., New xerk, or, until 27th of November, care Rev Mr. Dalley, Wilmington, N. U. CHARLES F. DEEMS. Pastor of th " Churoh of the Btramrra.H N.T. BOV. a 31-- BEATER CREEK MAAF'C COMPAJfTS STnAlSKH CAiUTH. so imcb rrrro,' , COTTON SARS, ' ' AND lata. all of very auperior uuahty can be rurciihed a abort notioa. . J. II. HALL, , Preet. Bi-aver Cteok Manrg oo. ' A. JOHNSON A CO., Agouts, Wiiimngton. N. O. aprflll 7-tf ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY, SUMTER. H.U. UNDER TH CHAROE OF THE. SISTERS of our fcady of Alt rev will receive additional pupils on and after tbe il-i of January. The aew buildings are npaoions atxl elegantly finish od, and furaish aeeomawUtions r nn Wundn d board era. Xhaeaasmive grennda and Fiaxicas ar an pleforopeif air txercuHis. aud young lad lea are thoroughly instruct in KDgliah, French, Italian, Latin, Muaio, Drawing, Ac Location unsurpaaaed Ibr health and terms reasonable. For part ic alar. apply to MOTHER TBEUESA, Charieeton, or ie BISTER MARS JOSFTH. at the Academy, in aaSutet. 11 Slf 25 000 tXt Ala)i:MIxa BBrs- f.I.Ijt An nn,lnin.i,L " " ' I' " ' 1 Tot tala aheap by Printing.1 THE JOTJBIJilL LlPMCi GOOD WORK GUARANTEED I The Jbnmal'"0l!:D mi) nnr1 fj n H in ,jJZ . aPISBODDO. 4 Hit 4ii)Maimr . , " . 4' . I now Utter than vr prepared to U aQ kind a PLAIN AND ORIfAKEXriL ; job pmrjTir:s! i ... -i ; Hi In tbe beststyle of tha art, RAILROAD & STEA$ZT i I I "' 1 r-"" r"- COLOR PRIfJT. : Attn avxBi Pawxiairnoa? or MBRWNTILB PHiiL"1, : Will laeain iptotal attMUom, Wedding, Business and VIsJ; PricUd In th haodnaiMt (tUa, 0 tksrt tt BDJHEADS, ' " CffiOTJLAIlS,. POSTERS, i ..--j i "ifet 'Una: , t f PROGRAMMES, J " B0QKS, if pAMpmto, BILLS OFLADINQ, " - I - DRAY AND OTHER TICKETS, And ever other desoriptioa of Jott Fork PE0MPTLY BQltJt AT THE Xotrest Hates! ' 1l v ti f Sir"; , E3CELHA&D Proprlvtrrsi 2 P. Heiiisbeiifjcr, 'I ' BOOKBINDER, AND BLMKBOOIIUSM:. V JOURNAL BUILDINGS, ' WILIIII, aC.i, I.. Cf Accouirr rcozo ' - - . m i - - Made of the best Linen Paper, 1 3 1 a , Bound to anj pattern dcsLi ' Lea'gers Jonrnals, Execo.'' Docketa-, and all kinds of I a " 1 nil "Law Books, IIjlm, H MaAiiaea, A a-, U., tv : '- lnthbestnA:--r. 3vL urj-1!

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