4 nwVfr -- nml V"L fr-ftf "us CTriiwaii'i''liiiiiiii' fear II II - I : 1 ' ' M 1 V) i" Uutiftv Dili afttaMae' 1 ' t lil J ltli.Hl.li t m v Toirxvni-No;a: ;WILraN OCTOBEKiI80: 5,039. 1 , H-V - . V II ' . II,'.... .. . V .J. . . . - , JL.. 1 ? . i . wi.'t'i'ihriT.mw mvm . . ' iiIh'i.hIi.'.i w "" i i" 1 u .i , . d a i ilv j o u B N'Aii j .OjUPBal DAIUt H;T TAta. i KilOaiTuABD tt PltlCST,' Proprletar,' ,. ABVKHTISI" KATKS UAlkV." ' i i mi 5 8. 6 8 A 8 JfLJ s s ft ts i e 8 sis. 8 S 8 8 S 8 8 o 8 1 sr 8 18 ICBBCKIFTIOIlI f 00 inreo moDtm...., ill cv UlUUVIHtittl ' ...''- - B VV WEE KE Y JOURN A Ij li-.-t.i DO ESTABLISHED BEPTEMBEB, 1H44. on tqtnura,or ten line or leu, Au eticli and eVbnr eitton,)!, I . 'f . Special Notice will be charged taper aanaW.lW Mali W1U W7 UUKTWOr v- .1 ji t acascsUFTion, Sis monliia si oo THE DAILY JOURN A FRIDAY. OCTOppi & 166SVA "Kr . THE BIBLE' AUD SCIENCE. Commodore M. F. Maury, in the (drae of bis address on the occasion ot bia re cent installation as Professor of rhvsios in the Virginia Institute, in addreasing the young gentlemen of the institute, alluded us follows to the Bible and Science :f"4"it;, , Strive in all things and at al) times to be ngntminded; and as yon era eoadnoted along those beautiful walks in the fields of . 1 .aaU kl.l. tionhas made so lovely and ; instructive. " guard against the seductive, afguments of those authors who delight to point out ' what they oall contradictions to the Bible. . , :iv My dear young friends, always remem ber the . author f that boob; ia nature's Ood that the .' revelations o science and tne statements of tuatiiibie are txitn (me, and that troth cannot contradict itself. . Kow, when yoa : fancy yon discover, as inany say they do," deserepanoies between eeienee ana tne JBlble, be not last, as Ck- lenao and others have Men, to (pronounce . the Bibje wrong. - Keep from presumptu ous sins, and believe that the Bible is true . ' that soienoe is true, end that if there be discrepancies between these two records it is not the fault of either, but of yourself, their interpreter. The records are right, but the interpretation has on many oooa i'am tiAAn wmrnep - : it : Boienoe is progressive, and tor its health ful advancement speculation is cf ten neces sary. The boldness of such speculation, uttered in the shape of hypotheses,, has sometimes startled the world,! and-needr lesaly disttiibed the minds of OhriBtian people. Sometimes the. readinir' Of the , . Bible has been wrong, and. sometimes uf the volume of nature, but in. the end the dark sayings Of each have been', found to throw light upon the. ether. Gallileo. in , advance of his time, maintained that the earth turns est ita aais; and Mother Churon " in those days was offended. She pronounced the doctrine a dampablo bere "v sy, and required him to renounce It, As he . ... , - signed the recantation and tamed, away, t be mattered) ?' Yea,' remember, buit - Hume for all that So; too. wittr the Nb- , is i bo! hypQthesis,bout which you are yot i.: ii s M learn, ; but wnica-some good men. nave been disposed to regard an ia modern , heresy, because of ita author, ieoent dis covery and soientifio Investigation are now presenting it in a new light, without in tha least , aiaturmng any religious belief what . - ever.; '.'V n . ... TirsL hypothesis,1 then theory, then de- "' ; monstration thfit are the stops by wbiob . .. lliA lAieiiAe el urtmeiimy. Umm iA,nl)All ta ' present advanced state. At, Hrst, tne hy pothesis was that the earth was the centre ' of the universe ; that it stood stilh -and , , that the heavens rolled round it from East . to West But discovery and research soon convinced astronomers that this theory "7' was not consistent with the results of ob servation. Then, the theorye was that the heavens stood still, and "that j the. earth '. turned around daily fen its axis from West - to JSaat, and annoaiiy,1 in ortutaal feYqni . - tion, round the son. - Qbservation and re- .ri. weajTOB aontaujea uhi wy "wuioit uie truiii . - t jrol thid theory, as far as it goes, was de- i?.'niiw .'i a -lhat the sun'fs moving through epaee with the vetocity ef eannon balls, carrying in its train the earth and, the whole retinae-of n nlaneta. aaterotds and aatallitoa. and so hypothesis wa brooght to the dignity of a theory, wmcn reoonciies eu ane Known ' facts of the eaati.4 ':, .-i ',jt ! Thouch we may not claim that the Re bate hypothosis has, . as yet, attained to the dignity oi a tueory, nevertheless its ' plausibility appears ta.be such as to bring i it within the range of probability, and. therefore, it may or may not have truth for . its eorner-stope. ij T l . , .,.a The Neb olio hypothesis is , the concep tion of a great French geometer named Ijaplace. This hypothesis ia more. pro- . found ia iu reach, than Newton's laws, for F the Knci'wroRn with bis beaatuul theory of gravitation only dealt with the heavenly ' bodies as he: found- them. The French man, soaring beyond that, attempted to eai with theaa from f4het !tfain&-t9 oomprehend ehaoa and to. show how, when the earth was without form and void, tha various physioal processea took place by which the inorganic matter of the nai verse ' was condensed into suns, aggregated into planets,-thrown off end connected into satellites, sent wheeling on - their orbits ; about the sun, and then turning -on their' axis. Aa comparing-- these two chiioeo phers, I speak of their intellects, not of tic their characters.' i - : ,lin leef, their intectvot "w06": . . r! "J- ia the dtapce. 't j :'ff-- L110W ail the pUneU revolve In fh8 L- Jhm in ln Eeo, r.r ! r'telatxeore' ' , f? r i K'r;:'':ij-iii - i 'tt - ' TA'Ill J.ii,ta a r- .War- - , .- - - r xoaknow aame dueolion, tow Ibey go round the in in direotioA oppoaiu to the hands of, wtoh( and hav their orbiUi bearl; ia the planX the ean's eqaatorj thai; .the eiao retain ou mau axna in tu how wreouoRt and that with . tha single exoeption, per htvpa. o the two oataide, and moat disUnt planetvall their, taoona do tb aadM. Thet oonld not more aa they de l n Auancfk iQr taer iao ouaaoe ia eaaaara. neiwer in ma nearon nor id ua.aaru; moreofer, a according ;to 'thai 4ootria.ol ohonoea, the oddi axe millloni and millioaa to one egainat inch an arrangment aa that wbiuh we, aotualljehohi among th plan ets aa they move in tbir orbita. wi-i It ii aasumed, ai our point bf departure, that thia arrangement :lal.tha planetary world must baaoocrding to dsaign, and in obedience to law."' Upon othafvaaaump tions eanallr pUusible, ita authoriounded his hypotheais, and then proceeded bf analogy and illustration to derelop ity an that with a degree of probability, which, -if it do not carry conviction to oar miuda, must at least challenge bar respect and ad- m 9 miration'. It assumes that in the begin ning " the earth, sun and moon, with all the planets, were in gaawoi state ; that when this was the caae the planetary spa ces were fiQdjjr Jhia rarjt antf ttMWi- What are tU reasohs' for these msvbp tiona? Chemistry telUna that all the mat- ter of which this earth bonaiaU the rocks, the metals and the anonataina is made irom sixtT-one or BixiT-twosimDiesuDSian. oesitbitllla'gteater part ot all the .olid mutter in the world is gaseous ; that one - hWf td thaeartU'a orusi eonaiiU of oxygen ?!.MW"P?r " nriui,) tan, r am adi alone, and that all tha wt4n th. a la . wWiahad. by If saara. Burr Co., ia tha opmposed of but wo gaaes,! and nothing fh, OoDgraUonaiiaahs Uadia raiw elaej . and that ail 4hsi other eubeteuoeal foumal of MawXngiand) sa;s.'wheavarwiahas known udob the earth may. by heaL be I Kt, 'n tha eheapeat fbrm, th beat Uiotionarj eitherWatiliEed or oonrerked into fames or vapors, as rwre, iigM ana atwnoatea, at the gaaea themself ea. With each materials, you ita due weight, it i naoesaary to atete that we have recently disootered, and can new fimva klmftel that tha nahntnt era ftf iust such materials as that hmothests calls - - i ,AAsthieeU,ffi rone the ikjfpptfaesieo radiate off Us heakf wnion the r'repcbman'oailea nbuleut pa, i r1T?,lT Y a"Ds airootrywiin ue auiw aasaioDUOB max locoiye ironi' I r hitur a rw. (for tne aasumpuocu. and it Is snprKjrtedJr.f"ri BftniWi.?.1'' ayousaajs. bv manranalotries) that the oentnTof oar planet m nbltn an incandoaoent , slato-es, r ' . r -; - therefore, this chsotio andfJiigliiy Heated mass fegan to Wdiat Off IW beat and to cool it begaa tooontract, andthtu mcon was eenerated from that motioau: ihe pwntejjM. th r. r"V p. 'V . , e"J9-W MHPf aw flueb, in. brief,; are the aaimpitcmaf iiumunTtnirHii noinnrinn awuin'ti . isaava took do notice of the great first cause that 111 J 1 A . , , "-r-r 'i i r Vl aont uii pianaw avaeeuns; nn.ua iw ai,m tneir peouiiar orDitei and sent them ail re - eivieg ana rotating in me same direction on their axes ; nor did hja Jaws attempt to account for the aatemteeaad rihtrs which rnB Wmon atten 0m 6f the JOanets. in oinfrAtarono! ttravitr and irranrdine with first, nausea and prtnttav. waoUat, .the i renenman stalked lortn into aarA regions and traveled proudly upon grounds which ereii viudcitqv vi miiminr ..laiamj-aa auk u lnatratioo. Yon have ortsarved. whila driving fast along a muddy road, that the oarria? hl. thra. tha nrl kU atvlrrhe . o : -- d. Off from , the carnage to tae Side' Of tne toad, but forward and,nneftrly in the plaoe in which the. wheels turn. If Von -will watoh the larger pieces of mud closely you will discover .mat tneyw nave a rotary mo tion, like "the wheat and in tha earner di- reotion. JJeariag in mind thia homely il iuatratjon, let.ns return to tne original : "-""--- -""o-v,, . ." - - " - - easier oi aiuracuonv. oy oeing. giooniar in form. . Ooniidef it to be at rest and, the process oi oooudk io nave eommeuoea. ana an waa iiis luwiiwh jau uue tvuwuvu eV 1 I I II II juaaw 'Tn ,ml.i tnn1ieta ti'tUUU , -r'rrL ri"r"" i x aui upon xae dssis oi tnese aasnmpiiona. ms us i v..h ii see when it, taKes place. . Xne cooling ia iJaSfJW Sore pay. Balarie paid waekly. from the outside, tha oondensiOg ia oonse- Agents wanted Immediately everywhere through quently on the outside----wherefot-eAmove- out the Booth ero states to eil or Patent K var ment oommecoes froni the circumference ifting wute Wirei piothss Ltoaa. . Oaii at or ad towards the centre and beeanae it is from Q-'aaaa Wm. Mima, Philadelphia, P.. the oiroumieranoe towards the eentrs, it is a rotary motion. the right to the left Thus the nebulous mass wsa set in motion, As it continued to'eool And contract, the outer particles continued to flow inward, and, as in" all revolving bodied, the rt tides t the cironmfefenoe travel faster than the partioles near tne oentre -these tn-rnsntng parucuea parneii ueir momen tum from tne ciroumferenoe to the centre, impressed f there, and gradaally Booefer ated the revolving motion to such an ex tent that the eentrifngai force at the tn eumferenoe became greater than tne ceo- inpeoai, ana ao a lump or a, ring waa uuune uii.uiBi, vuo auu uiwi eeuwii j for, as the hebnlons mass continued to cool and contract, its velocity of rotation con tinued to increase, and so, first the matter for Neptune' and his satellites J then, for Uranus, then for Satnrn and bis rings, was thrown ofl, all in and near the plane in hih tha mak nantnt maaa itanll aa rev , . . ,-- r-irrrsKT t yoivuig.x.mv i .ari t I These tTaenienU Were not thrown off in ii. i: 3 , ii - , ua.w , v Mara and the earth are all spheroids, and Of saeh shape as a mass of matter only in the ilaid oondition reyolvinsr about iU own axiieonld .assume, and we know Oat the I lnierior oi roe ear in is suu in a naia state, which ia nniba nonaistAnt with tha iilaa thaAthevwhola waantioaflnl - 1 .-il.'ivJ. I -.1- - , J , oawiru in iut in tuo aav wiuj blb nnoa I to attest this mode of aiongning of matter ; 1 nor Is the sun altogether without them. These . ringsso holds tne theory were afterwards Drakes p. into one or more planets with or without moons with or without rings ; all of whioh continued to move nearly in the aame plane, and to ro tate on their axis i thaw ravolya, every end wjth, the .emeptioq already mentioned, in the same . airecuon around . toeir prune nee.-. r"r.. r. . I Tha strpam of the asteroids between Mars and Jupiter new stand oat mder thia grand end ewbHnte hypothesis, not aa frag- J mehts ot abroken' jlanet, bu(as pieces of Jai a severed. gaaVe jaf,- AH November sad August meteors ooustitate ring. - Tne xodutcaJ lurbt is aato nnsc, and some of the most remarkable nebnlst I ,nii Mutt ij.nrJ Tt ( inxfi a mntinii uuueln thevk vL au paruoaian iree. anra inanoemeoui o ex- eaaca oi Woman aad Utnldrwa . t, 1 iKl?XriitTl Intna ? ?", Call on or addreaa W. ft VAME8 11, BUTIXB, mTj)., Demonatfator, Wlt 0 land and in. the whirlpool in the WJLBON ACO,, Olsvalsod, Q.; Boeton, Mass., or And AdlaittotheworefkhaeDmy, 4i,,J water, f. This begets a devolving motion 8t, IVoule, Mo., . , Vt tny i ffheiaosfohw8awear eitherto tWWght ortO the Wt, andin rgf if t ii bZ-LuiJ "aa ' uewai ai Irtoaiation t FrlWto Anat6mtlo.,;srl' sua uuuuiiu v bmav JVn y wwaast a W W savaa s mm an a.avnu uia, wuiuaui auu aswraa ass " Bvutv.vt. euoue u mv. - l neTer tieea reported. A ear ia garaote4 is Laplace S hrpo thesis, AS the nebnhe in I every cue or u moaej will ba refunded. Teeti Cane YehAtia with its centraJ SPglomexa-1 moruaia of ph eiaan and eUtaa tared, matlad re reals nebnleo that make still more plausi ble the treat Frenchman's hypothesis. . Jn.othef.jpartaof tha sky, and at If to show 'thai nebuto do grow into 1 rant and sons, uatmonatar talesoope nu ploxea np ilanRury nebnles that are apparently stars in the process of formation. - But Saturn present the most crand aa4 ebiin example of all, tnonga ,w 0no tn uw neavan nenutA or more lantasiip forms and- corioal ehapse than Baturn , with.hjs nngneimoonB",w"""" .,,.,is Hm ADVERTISEMENT. & GSJKT& fFANTED. swAusa van rnaaiaaB. rim ins aar as vi nnri woa aua a.aonij or jra. uaaat auaaair. moat iutaoaaljr iaterMUDg Biography Tur publiahad lu Amerltfa. - 633 OoUto Paget, cam plat iaaaa Xok Prieatl 7fl.-An eitra oupy will bacUanlraaof ahargaito any iporann who will iu wr vopica ana renui lur id aarua. Aventa ara MtMrtinff ulAnlihlna mtimm at tliia Wouu jOd agent taports TS aubaoribara In two dara , another U anbaerlbera la anadt i nl many otkars froaa 10 to 81 per day. Xhoao do airoaa of a pleaaant and luoraUrs baalneaa will apply lromadittehr and avoaraa ehoios of tarrt- lorj. xaa largest eommiaslons Riven. For par Uuulars apply to or addraaa fi. H. B0BANTON CO.. Hartford, Ot. T0."H AeBRTO WAMttta, T. aollelt I Jordara for Br. Willitm Smith DiniluBr nf - 1 5?"?P!'S-' urgaOetaTo iim, iU wtratad wiUi &S staat and wood engraving. A book that ia aajded ta rrary family. Ot U,0uaoriW i z-"-r--.--,.. ,i LS.XlVTu.T, B " 1 Th Bpringfleld KapabUoan, ithaUadlugseo "LLrAli.., ... y, Uiptey era( wartaAd offer extra i I dooamenta to' Cantaaeer. AgenU will ee tha tus fabiianara. particulars and RawtfratMl fVttnra ' I f AWfcZatT.r' ra'iit. V. I W spleodid Imperial Steal lingravisc of Son. I Horallo BoTmoor : Prioe tl. Meull aiaeaofBov. .od .B' ? Jft ' , i nunai aia jiaew or recieaoa figure, rorererj iiila Akootal r ".r.. ... . w ai w v a t.w wnimiv sn tt r nnmn amnv V. mnmslviZZZiZii is nu n.e .inm i vnw.., i- samnl volume aent to any addrea1roy,tnai,:ouj i I p Prf ' v'-'r h L tl rl'" ramitting te fcrth s.Sn'advajeo,T,4 tornfuTbi: forsvr' 7rj?x i - v., rriiirafl at uu ruuaai I k waavus vtw dr. jkssk xJ 71 sens well in the Botitu. Add ... . . - - T r . t Addreaa at oaow' BBOTJQHTON WXMAI,..-: . iswDia nonae, tw iork , 1 a usaTa wahtkii for aaa unxeiat- war- it osnses. cbaraotsr, 2203al and Baanlta. - JBy .Hon. AtixAHuwt If. awinrs.' Its ready sal, eombloed with an in- oraassd eommlaaion make ft Che beat etlbseription booksvar pubuahed. Una agent in Mobile ra P? 7 "".asoribers ia two daya. Another to: raj ft X I daaorintion of th work. Addreaa NATIONAL I ruiaaniru twH fanadeiphia, Pa.; AU.nta, Auasare wantuu iMiuriat of tha tt. IjOOO different Book. Bible and Photo. I f 1P"0i.c?T"!in iP0.kt,,BJ0-w P1- ahasa. irr-r rrntm ntaninrama anm tnra tint nrnimee I sent free to any on on reoeiDt of 60 ets. Any I body oaa salt lOttol.ooOof those booka almoat anywhere, for terms to agenta sad other 1n formation, addreaa J. K. POTTEB A OO.. Pub'a. oi ana bit panacrm nt., rniiaoeipma, fa. Kf)fi "BtIonTH amra aad BMt'naawjav ttUv.rqairdin4yaao. Agents wanted ywrywhera, male or female, to sell eat Patent i aooaenoia anonia navs tniaaruoia." ar. i.arut. i Addreas amebioah wibb oo., to William Bt An-vn mm aniTn aniaivrirEn. I (ft 1 OAA agent to eii VA4av aJf . IM th gUrBhnttl awwiog Machluea. Good wage are gneracteed. Addreaa, with I froaa Ja Ma, atamp,P. D. BAMU.TOS AjlWNo. 413 Chsalrl lJaItJAliHCjHOOIjp topis oonqtrja ,sl BBtbS.PhUadalBbPa. , ";"WIfoifasaerty fih flsVuSMofl dieease ai- fTr eOOO TRUST T AOKSTS-W villi or X guarantee t&U per week and cxpenan' partiolare, ddreei (i. W. JACKSON A CO., Bet-1 QAAAOKll M atBJRlKv.rah 0JJ aad small Proit Plants. Bend stamp for daaoriptiva and in tractive catalogue. naatu, etui rono, aent oonnty. CAT Wit ALU Ste samples free. ..AdoVraa 1 T ,'f T U 1 .1 MP. au e. luiinBin. epnexaeio, v. CATARRH. OKOSTLA.l. jl.s i lady who had saifered for ars from iMafueaa, Oatarrh and Bsrofnla. waa oured by a aiatpia remedy. . Hey sympathy and gratitude prampta has to sand the receipt frs of charge to aoy aa atmuariy amiowa.' A.rara urs. . u, U., ear alaj. Martia liana, Hoboken, H. J. TAR AGRlCTrVPtJRAU WOB K M . Tke Cj Albany Cotton Oid Maanfaetaring Oompany, Uaaafaotorara of tba Celebrated MTAJt " Cotton ! Oondenaara, "BTAB " Three og enuiaa, wBl.AJ liBvar ana Knaiee Chain liora Powers, sod other Aarionltnral Maosinary. I Oar-'-STAB" Oorroa 6i aan Ooanaaaau hv ttaaea rtras rremium in evorv inataaaa wnsr i otet vtiua orBa stiuiiry maus sy outer parae. - r " At th two Great fair of th Maobanic' sad lAaltarai AaeoeiaUom, held at nw Orioaoa .'T,"r' Tv,.r. fT'J mt t both Pain net aU tha Pramiama afierad loa Ulna aad Uoooaoaers, agaiaat a eompetltiog I embraeint all othar thaa of any Dromineoee in tha.ooonlM, : Jiae at tha hut two. State. Pairs no un, iwie, a,nr uwhi wnanw, tooc tat nrat miam scainst a Dswerrul pei"ioa. lo Ooadaaaar atiaohmeal bemr new to moat I ; piaateeai we wiaat to ay task iSaaUraly oartateel ta aaoaaaity of a 'Mutt room, a wiut it a ate may b need ta th opaa air and the aheet er bat it! is aiaeaanrea from Ma. Uondeoear 1 ready for tba nree. It efleetuaily eleana th eottoa of I and and dirt, aad make th work of ginning ha from th danger of inhaling tha aa particle of I una wntoa otnarwta nu ta au. - , r si Bu B We alao auka the moat aDOTDTad Horse rovwt (not a Mveraaa atauway) soarrve oar MeiAat" Giea, aad ie -Bianufaotor the eata. braaad STAR " Threahing Maohhua. W far auk Ciia with ar witaoat Coadeaeera. Por aal by awr Agwate and Dealers twaerailav OatOo plate Iiluetralad Deeonptiva Cttsalea heeV tm oretiaroa awptieatwe ALoAM OUXIvH iK Gin MACAflTCmilQ0a,7& ' ,V fw rnB - .Ot .DrawtfV- r- -'W j " - i U it Ter'ialsl7.f2if urwa i Albany, M. X. f, I A VJK AAD DtTBtRaUITAST FRVRRS, IX. H. Bv Barra, M. D., bow offers bin rtmedia f abova ! to tea geaeraj pobUo. ; tt ---AAOrete u eTeilaa a yj.v, I,, x n-i, f fctfajiin fct.t Hi T. Ci'y . - S" 1 ; ---- - - --.. -T -1 a-r.x t" ToaftctwaiiTiDOTK-WAkiii mutnra. ait 'lltr kas Tobtdro, ,.T: TttOTil v. . i , . . a Eiawjf m aufuttivi eiPAauif if puriu me ood, tuviKorkUfM lint .ytcm, poafceeav gnt uonriiliiuii and ttriAiitheulnir power, auaUea tha utroeeU' ratVeahiu Vor and lifts eaela diataaoa by HWUiMtail. A tre4ie on th lujsrioua rlTool ol XUoo wilh liata ot refcreneea." 1eUmmil, 4c. enut free. Agent Wanted, AddrtM Br. M, ABUOprscJ itj(, Mrfllt t.t wf tt tff wJ i'.jw J 1. u:;t.i a rieet eunf'HBiiw-er )iteueii , 1 ,and atarurs with aire, height, onlorof aSine) hair, jou will rvceir by return mail a Sorrect i k tut of yonr future hnaband or wlrv Willi hainS and data el Diamevaix AddrSee i fOXi t. O. DrawrjrieSUWTiU , hi A, miai'U rHJKavtMvam tnatai"?wrjir llv man who willeot a Ageatlrt a iieW, 1,'lit and honorable baalneea, pajiiig 1:10 da, jNi gift enterpria. Mo humbug. Address , tj.atalfMlWl KKNNKDY. Pittebwra, ft. , WaUaA'S'lOiaTItlBUTIua MYi'ilaVjiKe U oBmrtt ,9MBaMoau ttu eh Vrtaw. ,x". i fnt t- 6 Oaah Oinseierl tld.OOIt f tael. OkfU eaoh 1600 w " 1 i.ooo sou ? e- 50 Elcgautltoaewopd Piano. . . .eabu (800 te SKO W X Helodeons ' 7J to 160 esetiag Uaehime ' ,rt0 s-si7 sooi'ind Gold Watobes,,. ... M 75n K) 0eli lrlPS, tJilrer Ware, 4e , all reload att,- ceo, 00 AM SS ota A ohaoee to draw ear of tha abor rriaas fr t eraeriblnoPrii I'rlae ara anelad ta Knvelnpe aealedtiek and well mixed. Oo rveelck o( aOoaa at bi drawn without ohoie and (out' by mail leaaTaddrwaai'.tl'hw prla mated apoa it win ue ueuTWnif M'W waf-"wunr pit p jmeni oi una uour, rriKoa art intmauiatair win en addMe brm-eee or ratnrn math 1 mm Yon will know what your orlea ia hefora sen par for it, , Aaf pria aaobaagad tot anoihst of aame raiu. no. uiau. uur ,ji)iiruu oea w BsraaBMcas' :-We salset rth following 'frein many who have lately drawst raasablf priaeasnd kindly permitted ns to puhheh them t 3 kin, Buffalor, M.OOO; Ulas AnoiO Monroe, Chloago, Piano, tm Joba 1). Moora,' LouiarUta, i,00; Mia Rmma Walworth. Milwaukee Piano; eooO: Bey. a., A. Day, New Orleana, 1000 AV publtah no name Without permleeioa . 1 t ' hi Omrawaevswa Paaas "The ftrm is relhtule, and. dsrr ! suooas,"-.Wkl TrlSone, Aug. 8. 'W know, tlim ,to b faT dasilDK arm." H. x. ueraia, Attwas. "Arnaaaor in.ii. . Hect,' j- mi i , jt of aaaiedatmio! odoi.ib wb eSaa tin. Six i neaeta tat It; 13 for u; so for to: no mr si ah lkttsnalwsdd ba4dr..d to i uiiv ti ni Broa4way, N,.?. aapW-to e'ft BHI tniNU3aiiX iaeiisj, Ji v IV . avaicy nvimv.-u.'t mui ; mil Uf tun t.i laimMiri t ' ew BHL8 UOAB,(rfin ' it ',. ' U IvMhFMd ni. u aaa leeow) ft -ww ,1 a... - - f;.U i i Oraata. raetor. saBm Dairy sf ; tit re 9l ' (Mt ; iyi Pin .-", tt.t . im ii.t awji tx'raf-icrvsxv al leeBOXiS SOA'Pn, i! twt amlJyt PUaadoili "' 88 BOXE8 STABCB; Ui4ll a aaa effer to OToher-ftilttok at lowsst ia. USiO. M S Bltl-l, - 1 ... ., . r 4 la xs-.rra-. ti at ana sstodi street," i t.,.u wi.i ,!iuuaai iii at i tutu. it" t s-'.tttof iJ!o yTa!.talTO ' the 80HOOL Or" MKDKJl HH m : tho Unlvcr, sity of Maryland will eommeno on fhe- JUth of OOTOBKR, 1H08, and wtU and oo the let of of teotoros, beginng on MONDAY j Ooi. 8th, wV? i" elid Mcmsyt-. 0 PHXSICU j nuuii siaroo, ooa ii nere wut oe a preliminary uoonas "VkV&iXt B, lTnrM.' WrofBasorJef Bblti WM, EvA AlKIK, M. H, IT Ja, frofeaaor ,of 1UCIHAAD MoSHIBBY, M.- D., jTrOfsasae f Prinoiple and Praotioaof Medloine.i , r. cuBiUTUi'tiAU ioiiUHTUX, at. v., pronseor av taeeerai aMsanptiv aaanrgioai anatomy: -8AMCI 0.-UKWr AC D., Profeaaor of MSJ teria Medica and There oen tie. I viIhm r rjtAaia, iJynAUUHU.-'i, ji. u., rrireeaor oi Ph7ioloj;y tfygien and Oeaaril Palbology. J , ;tV4b ,4'. MUWAJtuayfSS. aACJOiaasor or via at.) attached to the College, ranks aaaoaur tb ways nndsr organs sat. . uuigmw seaarstiQiia, ana Oliaieal Laotarosoa Snrgcry, Prsotioal Madlohw,' and the Di waae of- Women, and Children,-an oonatituent parts of tha daily' inatroewon givon by the raepaetivaprolVeaoTaofiblalnitituUou.,,, v 8tddntadSkteir til perfect thenuelrrt in tp- tialiht aaa take ooamo of privet inetruotion ixn )ean. -2aw6t Omo or (Cauar fiaemasai Wititaate-roir 'tf:' I Tabdobo' N. 0., Aug. 81at, lbmriit -J !! W "-- - ' LlJlVfUi t r.a.a'a a. lar m m ''l't'.Viw4r aw vyaaavtiM! TJUOl-OSAtS RSCLO Iff A 8CALKD ZN- W , I 1 ., . I .. M l L. . L. X vviieaieimtviuiiaTMH yiiyi, uit. and tha nam of tb bidder written thereon, will be received at tbi eflina ontil Wednesday, Bep tetnber toth. 1868, at t o'aloeh noon, u t i Pot gradoalioB af WiniSBastaa A xarpot' ustr Pot Aimbea work. Including only troalhv eattla guards and road oroeeloga, Por-eroes-tie Aelfvered on UnwefthSroid I i Taa.Bd wjU t ivkiad ito thro eaotioaa ef aaariyaqoa aangth, ot abaot tea aailaa eaoU..r. , Ootitro;or aaa biior on, wo oj all the seo- Blaak f ortow or frtwpAa - Vgethar Wta the Bieetiona aad arraeSMSLa Saab obUlaadaa ". ovT"BavB.i-pr it . a. LIWT9." ' 1 tohiaf Knalnrett aog t ' taoiar-4oil rtfBilX3 8TANDAlp AID, r; ?i ..: i , i. nittTj rnr,f ftjsal sepin ..-.--t 6CCULS lXJifOe-FCBaTtoijie .- -. . . . i icdtt'Jrn WIIXIAMg aV afUBCaVOV. eatptaZut.t i ; ) a: Sift- i ii-.., . l.-nUi i ,tt.i-i.ji I Tt"i wni g'j.: rv n it v rt .. thvn'itnf iW j-vrrv Ttnenr Vbtr III- ...i.l i. ....e , . uJ U a ,-.Kl Ultl- fcnkt awta aarf rWt.lrtiv -,CJVm .-jJ lt'i-M-l.ur'l aitr - y W'Ui .4 Ml" Hi",; u uigeat n naruet ni, msa ii op i. en, I eaieblieliaa rubnat buallh ., Hnio. cliuwere fur eixlr tears oured. Pilo par-bo, uoat Ire. Can be eent anv N. BEB-I from Adnnota attaonea to tne yarieaa'Lwatn . Ma. .1 in,v. . atxxiiaua.us.iik .u v.j . . tI! ill l . iAttlU L'tl i T aen ioi.i i-a-i. ii uii . r j. a I I'lnaejeu iu II) w . ji t. J . u1 Alifihtt by Ihe Kattonnl Jnnrn'in6iu Umumtivti, at Aew larto, July, IWN , , 1Im l-4nMrtitjrtrriu NetltHai 'MVfatU aaaeiubled. rMHmJna il Snistla Ih iutalliifur( l airiutUm, diMUuuinatftaa sad Juatim vf ' (he people, atanduiu upon Mia Conititutloa a th fnuadalioa and limitation ar th uowar Uooeuinteut. and tha uarautwaintf th hbertlr rtlis eitiaaa, and iwouaaiatinr t)e qurationl of lyory and aaoaaaiuo aa MUttff been asttlod for ail time to coma by tba warv er, IDS voiiiiitar.T aotiouof tha Sontliara Btataa hi Octetkntloi)l Vouvautiona aaaamltlsdtaait air t.r be rtmeWtxl or reagitakd do, with lit tatarij of poaue, de mand!.: . . . .wirt', ! ' ' ' 1'irat. TUo immcdiatS roetorht ntf M "all lit Hteloe to tlitlr rluUta In toe Untoti nuder the Don atilution. and of tivil guywrnmont to tli iniorl- MM tutnnlA. j I " " ttuooud. Aiunealy for all paat heUtloal olftnooU ana in regulation or uitotiv francumoin mo Btaloa by thir oitiaana. "" ' ' ' luiru. tue pejuiviie ui nwpuuiin uvvf ox wiq Unitod Btataa aasona aa praelicablei and that all tuonej drawu front' th raot)la by taxation, xoeui ao moon aa l peqmeeue lor ms nvoeaei' tiaa uf Hi (lorernnient aoonoaaieellv admlma' tsrod, lie honritly applied to aweh payment and where th obligation of tha Ooyacnuietit do not aspretely atatu upon thokt fa, or the law untlor whloh they war iaaucd doaav o proylde that ahayahaUb paid la ooiu. hy 'ought, in Heht and iq luatlae, to bo paid in the lawful muhsy of sbeVitAedjBtates. , ., .t.Tii: nouriu. ztquet taxatioa or .ayory srfoice; nr proiioriy seopruuig to u at Yaiue, inciuillng Ooyemuient bond and othos publio soenrltiva., inn. un onrrtnoy roryt uoyaitimeni and ins people, lb laborer aud the Uioaholde- th pen- f etoarr and tli soJUivr, Ih produoef Sad jhsi V to atcurt) negro aupremaoy simpliiloation of th WBtem, enauMoonunaaneeoi mqataieorfai mooo of aaeeaalug aud culleotiog Intaraal lUrenne, so that th burdon of taiauuu ma be aonalisad and leeeeued tho oradil of th Uoranmaal end aha oqirouey made good ; tne repeal ol SU enaotment for enrolling tne tnei nuiiua tuto national rbroe in time of tiaoe i and a tarlsK io reranaa nnan foreign importa, and anoh straar-taiatioa nmler th Internal Revenue law aa will afford inoidan tal protection to domoaile aianuJDaoturea, atld as will, without iiDoelrluii tba revenue. I nuoaaihe loaas uurden apoa ana seat, proinata and tn- eaaraga the groat iadualrMt interasta ,q( th. oerrniu. itoionn oi aooiaa ua ana aamnnaira Uon. tha exDulelon of oumiDt men from oBloex th abrogation uf natleaa, .uiUova. the re to ration of rigntrui antnonty to, ana sue iniiepadns or, the executive and Judicial .dapartmenta of the government, the aubordinaUoa it the nillltart to te civil power, to tha ed that the aaarpatioaa oi iwugreea ana tus ueapoHBUavr aa swore may waa. ... fiit t-.tm ) Kightb. Kqnal rights sod proasotloa foraatti- rabsed and native-born 4itlaal at beta and abroad, the aartion of , American aatloaallty wbieh shall eommand tha feapaotef foraiga ew Srf and turnlahan exam pi a4 eoooaragaannt to people eiruggung ror neuoaat inaaajniy, aao sUtutional liberly aud individual righta knd th maiatananes of tha righta of eatoraUaed eitiaeiw uJaadatt nuatabl St" ktnatlue abcolute doctrine ol linaatable all- uoe. and the olalma of foraiga pewaavtp punielt .em for alleged orims opmmiMsd bayoad iriwlldtlon. i;.,i,uMf i uio wtU tk ... Iu damandlhg theae moaanxMaad rafaSma w Arraign the Badloal t)rty for its - diareaard of right and the unparalleled opprsaakia and tyraasy nuivu u.'. wwkiii4 wiHft. . aiwi in solomn and nnanlmou pledge of both Bo' Congress to proteout th aiehiaiyely wuioa nava mareeu tia oaraaxy . alter in moat Boosseof ily for th maintensno of tha Ooverutneiit end tbapraser ration of th Union under th Uonstitutioat it aaa repeatedly violated that moat aaotad pledge under whloh alon waa ralllod (hat nobis rolanteer Army whioh earrlad oar flag to viotory. Instead, ettetb itoringth Onion it has. to far sa in ita oowar. I maaoivaa it, ana anujectaa tan atat) IB anna Of . .... a .. n. . . .. ... u, uiuuuu ueauv, iu aiiuiarj unuuuin aaaaearw snpramaay. lt Jia nullified Uiar' In 'Tight or tnai ny inrj : it naa auoiiauaq tn aooas eer Witt ihst moat Sacred Writ of llbokv i It hu over thrown the freedom afapatohr aaa th praaa ; it Beasapautniiea Broitrary lenur, oa-arJMt, and military triala, and eaoret atar-ohamber luqni, aitions fur (lie oouatltntionai tribunate; it hto Ois- regaMM in time of peso th right of, aha peopl lu a f raa frem aaarohea sad tetanrsst it has so. band the-pflft and telegraph oilloe, end even th private rooms of lodividuala. and eaisad their pre. blb .didhi ana ittrB aitii.ine en .iwinn raoargw or notioa oi aruaani, aa requtrwor ay tn rgaatolaw i it baa axinvsrtad Uia AutrioaaUaa- maora oaauip; if naa wiaauanaa a avetam of pie and olliriai eenionaaa to whieh boosiutlti.. lags vne tfonal Bionajfohy of Jturoiie would nuwilaralor aert !- bat eboilehed til Wfhf ot knraal on Im. r-4t bat aboitahed the tlglif Of appeal on Im- portaat mstitilaoaal qoeationa to tba' snpMtaef juuiuia, nuuiuu ana uireaen to oarutu or u. troy its original Juriafllotlon whioh ia irrevocably vcetmt by the aiawaitastev' while tha utoaraej ClliieJpatir )tM,bMahiot4taihomoHt atru ioua alaumia, , merely . booaoae hs would not erbatitnta hla hltrh office tn the' ennrWat ar aha an aaa perneaa on argea prererTCa agalnat all Preetdent, ita aorrnptioaand extravagance have exoeeoao, anywiow anownia history, and by its franda end monopolies it ha aoarly, doubled tha burdon of the debt created br ta War. It has stripped th President' of 1 ale .fwaasti-j taatcmaa eaarap ai" aortoinnnear ovin or Ji a awn naomev; uaoer ita repuasta aaait tot pillar of the Government are rooking on their beea. ana ahonld it aucoeed in. Loveinber next aad Inaorarete lie PreHidantr we will aiaet a : itabcee and oonqueead euopl emit) the rnina oi uneny anfl ta soattared trasmants of the (Jon. stitaUen'. i t-4 rnTir -"taieme. ' And wo ii declare and toaolv (hat evtrainoe the peophv-of the United Btaiet threw off alt aub jaatfam to h British -ttrowa the priaiiasa and truetof sbffirago have eeionswd) 10 th several otatea, and hay baeo granted, ,-regblated, and controlled eiuloelvely. bv the ndlitioal Dover of aecq bum rsapecBvoiT. ana tnai any aiiamnt by fOomk re, on any prate it -whatever, I to. deprive AntHtataoi tola nana, or tniarterat Mm ita.eaor oiaa, ia a ilagraat usurpation of power whloh jpau Had HO warrant ia the Llonotuution. nit if aeno. atoned by the peoplo will aub vert our form of gov-. ernmuni, no b omy ena in a aingiaoeniraliaea and oanaotvleled govarnawnt ia watch tha opv rat axiaten of tha Htataa will be- entirely al aoroeo. ana aa nnqutnuau Hi-enoiiaai bf esutn - liesedin piece of Podarsl .Union pi hloa p . eosqaal And that we sganl,tArf Itooonafrboticq sot (o-called)t)f Congrae, as Web, aeorpationi And anoonstitutional, revolutionary and void,. , That our aoldtcr and nallort who carried the nsg orearaoontry u-vieiory sgalnet a tuoat gal laat and dMnrmland fooannatoyot ts aratefuilv remembered, and a 1 the goariutoea givea In thejr iavr.r man o rauniaiiy earned Into execatioa. Xbat tee nubim iaairti ahonld b diatrihatod aa widely aa poaaihl among the people, aud ebouid be diepoted of oitbor. under tha urwaiaDtiaa of noraveioaa lanae.oraoia in roaeonaDl auanuuea. aad to ama but actual awapaBta, at too minimum arise etabliahad irtrt toveroaieuU.. Vihan grants bf tha publio landa may bs allowed, neoesJ mmij iu. we euuuiuaffcuieuft oi unporiaaa VOOUO Ub proven n ta. th nrooeeds of tha aula of each Usd.Aad Dot ihe laud tfeeanetlvf , tkonld ba e iaat ma 1-reeMiefit or tbe United ti tat e. Andrew Johnaon. in eierciiag the power of hit high office ta reeieting th aggreeslont of Oongraws open th oaauaiMoeai ngnta or trie mate and tha Peon a. is Dttletd to th gratitade af the sraete Amorioad peopla, an in behalf of tot Democratic party w tender hinxohr thanka for hia natriotia affnrta in that regard. -TSt," ' 1;' r7l, --p " -J- Upoa thia Platibrlg "lh tnvx-ratle party act eai to every patriot- fasalading sllthe oonetrva uva, element aad all who dru to topper t the Conatitution and roe tore the Union, forgetting BU peat differaooe of opinion, to nnite with a in th prasewt great tfeargl tor rh hbertie of the pen pea, and Ua a ail seek, to whatever- party tbej mar hay heratulor beicngad, ar fextend tht right hand of faJlow.hia. and bail all rating with s as friends and ursthrta,,. a jrirwTEt iFLOtH WAMIXji "tlBtAW 0W-t$K a CS' OUT TenoeeaM Phtur. eoaatsetll ML-J haod, and for aala by -. . I ' losmg: jrrr is aia vi t-vvJV- i.Mfh-4' i.'i 1 i" " In ' HI I I : , ti KEaa KST&TK A0TIUU. ' rt ai riirrr.j c!w ! u w o;J 1 u t's i At.iui EEQcrar of . wh bav iieaa, anabl I tione of tbrir lau la. I ahtli p Of .MAXTJ PASTTJCS to prapar deaorip- l. I eDtU Doe'Doca lernina mv CATATryCg,OF LAM'S tQk fcALK.lili. ltut t . J ', ' - i I n i : BevM b taatflptfaat-aaA prite.et ilAhda, So ' -"' U aoalA Praiil . rct.' - yniyi - tHatu- ivuu'uy ae eaaaa swwsssi saaaivs stfiwii VI VIIV l IIHVtyTW ! AVIWMtWa . OoTorumout ; the rednoUoaof the standing army I t ' ; 1 JL'j , andnayy; the abolHioael tba J-nMHlmen's Un-1"'1 ASa Staasi ... edlwtle V.uown.ia Ita II. awa.1 I .. .Ael tll.e ta. ai Sk af dMet.Sl reu. and all noUtioal iueivamautalltiea do hrnod I""' Z'r t.t. w.jtajLC. f.t.J it virt I. cm liU Ji Tr . Ti t: .. i; (MJ3KKX1F1CU itJKAXIOlsALw. fttivea :Ji at IwEs iU ,tta mm NCE'S ,) xitv-QOMTOUKD KXTRACT OF vta t aey-emeW-wst TMiip Hi'- i . , ., v.5'lr:waH', i Mi e 1 tl-ift irwtai aiAa wian.Ta wo i I afW u tnt" .aaMfo aid tawa .. t , if !tiliwrtl -0tV" Disc-jtMllN Woofl,' tlvr, Kidneys tneufvto l A ioot'r ,il , . ,,, "'V it nn.iVt ,T)lf t(f VMW ! Hi a em ! y' M fcvl.. m4 f. M.f title . fcft ,Wxas ,Uaa aaVir i wn ; i. the Bee reliant, --'Vlva'cltfa 'til Xhl. lyitem, t -l ri;ili1Si'l a M -H I Be that psrsona nalug it ( tel lha ahui 0 r i I Entire:. SswUhvi j V M ) j."t r '. ' ,''! 4tJ ,t til, I (it theynjoran tx- fi.i 'W avail W t! M.,'l ji !! uu mi j i' i til f lio i-fl w i 1 - - hi i i it, i i ,i Jiat .el x;i(!f.,ia a. vs 1 nMAit "rwar wiiaowtwo vnnu if ....... .. tn. t. puit bAxttsu.tr now if UiiiWty, aore erly Putaeurof Phyitologf end PathnlOgtoal t AAatonViP lb iUUJlS Usorjlt MSdlcal OoUeffS, y Chftf fWrtsof it. Boifth 'flliii. daring ;,,lb'wenfke-4eidW "ii.A' t'ii ' -i''j mw " I ed t J m V,P" Stud .t Ifr'H-'illial ' vpSmim it 4tev tatwroilv examined iioWfnAaJsl'iw' tha WRACAiaflj W reeant' matldM tosaTsralafm patten te. ThcombT Satiania a hippy ousv and matt pr ve e noleni rtmSdyaa'AH diaaaektwrratriflt thij vtrtno of a graat aUsrafavw aamtMa f '.iWOItK iJmfl Avi raak ka awajUbA eHl9 1 o4 al kfia hewhwh wi'I jf ou pAXawtv. -:)Ldw t. iiaoi W4 seii.ta otJ k t-iis.j iaJ) c tWiaioas,., MraBJart8oA I believe Dr. Lewranoe'a JtOKA&AJLta td a tbe SssI Altarwliv in DM, aad ibnrefofe-obaor- ruuyraeointoond It A' tnch:"' i U us wiaoii-iv nma jaAaauevxjejataiaH ifcafi hoi tafrdl (af vtevs mli jt)t . .( i. ,.- .Bainiteaav f brnary loth. 1868. W,TW-eMW . Jlrvk ukeplinur. art inyaoeinmanain irparKQaAOAXra eoe;arfaaitarsAfvs.w iltii'w ha. wo ,4 wi utomMKfti t m'J tth Him i tAaafj t 1 , lfWGft.0T a rn,ta f r tttlM iNm e'U ' ; Biiew; jpr rwrejaaea Bosadall tavbsatafa pteaWe'la reeommspdlnU to tbprofsloandthsptUo, iie suli n.t JUlaV'STIXBV st. m . -8 tm J. Bi .rTOfBTaU tt, . at.. ft Dt tri!onD rtdKau aUHAXM-gPat,iLia ii ii at t r9! CW SWOatNt'lL BwoU-il d wi.i!Bnj Bfev; xnatMtix 1 1 ' "fi.ip! riitivvirf; Ai d- lUtt.rl. tAi ei-tt mWX.V. . fcrJV ...TtUwuniela pt Bsjuaji.a Crass w at a'iT-WnJKitiU-'-t -kT TLi .rfi.l: w i' Mi lM tiM'vi a vc4 es-rra I . a. t.i m. evraHatils a. DRt Wi l!l CE. 4V CON i ii Stot A.l-i S'aVAWJrJfiWa'" La. Atrrdt - A ,oaj eta -t t-.'iivm rti-iV i a .:BAITIMORsV:- Mil i.ii M u Ji V ''- aNrtta v' ) T-i r T iMf et esU iliiw t dii ea,iMtr)a a eva't vh"! -i..TT3 aMitW U,'l toe tTtiti L.t rA itue v.on ha -t aaomsl Vi fWvf-- s OT, hh4 6--wy PnAA ...m, .nnnvMl i'lu .x rrnrritvWAa-rtTrri Iw : wms jttrr.'.rTrraaT ,' -! -Jn-i'e.-r.H'-i ' w I . . AarrOU SALtl r AJUtaAVebaVs;Vt 1 inn. a :' Wia t ,?attf!J ' ei 91ALi t C03IE TMfBKn-- UEBC' JER MTLE. Skvilto' KawaXd llie'f IBatk aad I.CM3BB ISHPitCTlNtJi tJUW NE83, 1 and d to ee every effort, lo aiva peraot satiafao. Uoato all partiea whu"niy Ttvof ma With their boaiaese; 'hopids by atraei alaaatdin tobuainaat to have a fair ahara of pnblio. patronage,. L will eotiea to cell free of ommiion, lapwing J Caii otAeytalaalaat 'WQnilng toai NO-.Ing t Soam ' t-H t- LLirdar6 U Uardware Uaitaro THE FAIRBaKKS UEIXOS of Oatrfage Hardware. teeeae; Axles, 'Bprlhga, Rnba, Bima, Bpukea, HliVMu Foloe Ik'lta, Xaeee. Sring XaaaaaiaaV And- fsient leather, ' Cloth, oleakin.A, ,. AUoa on4 lot vi pitDi aaoh aa rinlt'a. Kmith A VnwiuV Itamintoa'a. and va- rioa oihaw makaa; Por aale rh. .p ef f 3 r ..A 1 fj-WBO l3polafroutMreV jC r.-4tA .r.if tao'.J i ilmutoai4.h, X " r i -a 41 1 ITJ.'a I i. ,rt.oJ i.iw IN BTOBI, AND POB BAl RAt TITK LCWtSl 4 market price, tXT ton ifird celolirated pa teaf Look aad boskla Tf 1 .m Twe bar been old bv a fur th laet f ro aeannna. and bava pa- eel red a eaperiorrc i ti. merit by lofr, to uy rn f t..l .1 tl - cmnvst2ii J elites." iFr.(. 4 i i I be i . ti- .tklcl li 1 w I TO Ri-... "" yfS n Ol. fvllr AND ; i i ? VARIED ASSORTMENT, BO0TS,SHOES, 1 f tr " vt v. t t -i . j 1 . i- , . , t V Uia Taruet. alnrl. in " ' a tht Htata, and the low-"" . ; '" . at lto- at tv NurtA lOroat Street. Country morobanta will find it to their interest to exanuu our etook before making their aelee tiooa. t Q0. B. FUEN0H A HON., . . S9 North Pront Btreet, . aeplta .. .'; sob 1 EmY'SSTAH COTTO EES ' tV" , am , sr3arMniwraTai xsn, HAVING KOLB KANT OF THE ABOVE CEL- i ebratad Uottea Dins laat saaaoa, which gave perfeet satiefaoUoa ia very tnetanoe, wa offer there h) plantnrs and the trade, thia aeaaon, with pnrfeot- ioafldenM irt their aupariortty over any Qina heratofur used, .- Theea Gin are nnemiellod for admnlleitv and dnrabilitv. and elaan the cotton bttr than any Out in .ui r , W oan furuiah anv size frem 10 to 100 saws. with or without Condensers aa mar be c referred. at faotory priwt, " ; " v vu attention to tn louowug teiumo aJalr.j. Ai M . . : ; JUoatiosit Co., H. 0., Jaly 8, 1808. lTeiir.v!(Wo A Sheppornon, Wllmuwbm,lf. (It Qhitlfm Having bonghtof yoa ltat Pall, fhr my father, one Of the "Kmory Btar OoUoa Ulna," it allurd ms pleaanre to bear teatlmony to Its exoelleno. II mora than realised oar szpee tatioae as to speed, and olaaohig th aeed. The ootton was better giuusd. moother and mora free from dirt than soy in our neighborhood, where Qina of other patent war aaed, , t - xours very roepecMuiiy, i t - . w. J. Kvsstrr. ' .1 t.C Bop't W.,asB. Ballroad, L.J .it'll WrtAmioToV; H.tt, Sept. 8, 1868. jaVaarA Atkuwm A Mapparaoe , . . ; axBTUtHKM i Having purchaaed front yon, by dlraotloa of planters for whom I am Agent in this oily, the finery Btar Ootton Oia and Conden ser," iltom ii but Jnat to yoa and the public, to oartify as to Ihs saperiority of theee Qins over say others in ute, ao far aa my obearvetion has XI tended, in thoroughly eleaniug the and and preaetviug Ute atsol. ,i Wa art also Aeant for "Iateraoll's Patent Portable Bay and Ootton PreH,M and for the etaa uauway aaa ijvr uorae Powera." Cironlara airing full deaorintlon and orioes for- ttlshsd npoa appfioattoa to- " " , . AaieiBun m Ditairt-rataufi, ,. ' It ni 11 jNortn Water HL, ',' ii- is et)sral Agent for North Carolina. septs,, t-. , '.-j :r:.,- 890 odtf f""r'"T ,iaOB. BACON BIDE8 ; T .1' $ BACON BIIOrjIiPBBS, landing ax-steanifr Jaa. A. Jary, fhr aala by Vil .ji. II ..J1QU1I.U.1U. 11 and 13 North Water at. ' - 80o septiaTrf ''f.tESS;POaK. ,Vr DDLS. BALTIMoi&E MES3 P0BX, landing ex-stesmer Jaa. A. Jary, for sals by v" ATKINSON A BUEPPKUHON, isl iv 1 1 11 and U North Water st. . spi 'i ti iliac WHITE. CCnil. br, V JSliri JUJBBEtS PBfMB WHITE 0OBN tJ aVlUil- for Sal by tt ? AWNHON BEPPBRBON, k L II inJ l tln.lk W.l.l sstptnif .H A 80S ivi inii?c sfrcicmc A SD CHlIit)niNR PLAIN AND PAN0X j-.h SHOES. A fcvrge elock, and Aaa assortment, at FIiKNCn'8, i.u t ,.t'r.-i.-. - 89 North Front Btreet. sept88 , 808 nu; (iiu;Aii.sr vihiktv T TT w ' Or OXNTLEMENB'. BOTS AND YOUTHS' 2 v - : BOOTU, aVUOk and OAITKBS in the o!ty,And ttio lowoat prices, at - ' ' - PliENOH'B, 1 ,0 : .!'. i -i . 89 North Pront Street. ' MOLASSKS,. KLOl'Ii. TKOVISIOXS, V)W tANDINO, EX-HTUAMEH8 K. BAR il ford, Jaa. A. Gary, and bchr. 1. 8. Davis : s btida. rorto mco nyrup cooiot ; 100 bbla. choice Sugar llouso Hyrnp ; 100 bbla, vjlelndcur - paniuy r lour 200 bbla, .jamily j6l6ur--rclioice brand ; Hupur Fltmr f 400 bbla, " f io tierce and 120 tuba Jjsrd, extra, natural and kaADtiavst e i . U aowutitaftuaru A. snu U cugtr ; 100 boxea Btarch : , f.. , 1 Ibe w Br1 Wo CoflTii ; ' , nrama ouoioe taoie uuther , , 23 c ten Condensed Milk. Eaglt brands, tha ft ji.-j-'vwy neat eraou aauui t .i . iu own. win tie, tiuif, ijrsnoie ana nam, or qttlitrerent grade; '' r,jBli bexa Jjayet Itaiaina 1 ScTKt ' 60 bcuoe ehoioe Cream C hooeo ) "toil baxeu asserted Candy ; ' 6i)aaeairayidy Peaoba ;n . jasft - So caaot David a Ink ; , . . , . ff li ao Swaet Oil, ptol t f -, aw groaa P,rlof, Mthea,,io, pf ay sad wooden ALt)V AUUJa VXD raft StAIlAOAD THIS fiynh.tesnd! Koaaka Western Sides and Hame; , aeas a. u. a aaauy luor f , 50 bbla. and SO boxes Cracker, aaaortad. 'W keep the t&nreat and beat aaaorted atook of Qforis In the eity, and bayars will find it to their iutereat to eall on aa to examine and nrioa ear toada. aa everything it old by a at tha vary UtBws-isasikeJrsie "j.i Ll2:t9W Atiui l-sa If Comer Front "Bd Dock Btreeta. l.jreegtokaM, 0 !: a.ii h ; I.-iWIhBlna7ton AHatrlca. Htenolis circuit Bryaua ...Sopt 13-13 19-ial 6-n 3-4 ClintoB ' . ' a)Oees... ...-.t genanaville T 'Chanty . , . " Wilmioctun. Piflh Btrt. Oct Onalew Qoaan's Oyoki..iv.-:.1'..-i1f, " Whiteaville Bwindla'a ..... .- " 10-U 17-18 t. H-23 -81 Nov A Ookatbory Halla. ?..'....,.:. Bladea i u t ..,.....'.... BoatB. Vieavi .;. . i iui!H..h..i-...?...T:::...i.:5ow Braiwiivjil lU'.; ,,,i.....,.-." " T-8 la-18 91-n i-2i frnnawtck f ; . : f . x -umU .'. fr.. ... " rr? . ?: . . .-. : r. " W 4nucgtpA Praat Street, ' Mil. . riKD OB. KMTB. cTagnohsCC.; tti liiiJ 8 00 JCIintoa 80 00 . .li f ' 8 00 WU FifU Street, .if se 45 00 i 43 ( 4'ito ; i i-i 10 00 13 01 13 GO 8 00 1J 00 13 00 8 t S () 11 t 15 t-J aiumii e no Onslow r Vtuiteerill.. .. CokeabnxyHi ! tdn-.f .Avc t .,?.ttHrh.. . . mithvma. ' bruoawuk..... . Tt'iii H 75 'IS ?5 ' IJ w -H 5 . H TI ! 5 i . I 1-j W 00 T i root Htret-a. . ... b'- n rt w ii f Me K:ve r-w i.mi. i t t to eM.a ul t .f w. c li 'im-r. f ' 1 bu i ' i. ,tM i t I b t-J IJa'' is t...t;'1 x'M -tS Li f to b .'! t uf?J i!-tr-iva U'A V;4l "''" uj- ! t v f rs r ; -i f.'ii3?inl e.fT ACIttt i i.Vi A Jt!vr -irt TJl il ru;i iat .inat.ra rill re V.vt ev.-irl tea .-r-t'! . -t fit r J - .ie. .-. .-' . .-. - ii t- ' .. .tn t K' t '..a. 1 .1. - . i. I. l tk-wie-a'p a pj4f ttre t'.;iS e-s- . s .'H.l ,.J 1.4

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