VOL. XVIII NO. 132. WILMINGTON. N. O., . THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, 18G,). WHOLE NUMBER 5.1G7. THE DAILY JOURNAL. "T WILMINGTON, N. C. THUESDAT. MARCH 4. 1860. From til. Raleigh Bentloel. LBUTVRB Or NORTH CAROLINA. SENATE. Monday, March 1, 1800. Mr. Walker introduced resolution to SDDoint ft committee) to ez.rjain. thn Cal . uqu and report bill of an imperative nature, a were required to be acted on before the adjournment of the General As sembly. . . Oa motion of Mr. Joues, of Columbus, the resolution was indefinitely postponed. Mr. Forkner moved a reconsideration of the vote of Saturday last, by wbioh the motion of Mr. Sweet, relative to the amendment to the Oxford Branch of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Charter, Was lost : " Mr. Sweet gave the reasons that actus ted him in making the motion on Sutur ', .', day. He thonght the matter too indefinite ana premature, and tied the hands of the State, fie would not, at a proper time and with a proper understanding of what we were doing, object to a sale of the State stocks at a fair rate. Be was opposed, how ' ever, to placing her interest in the power of speculators to depreciate the bonds of .the State. v , ' " Mr. Davit .opposed the proposition. f He thonght the gentleman from Craven ' (Mr. Sweet) had taken a wrong view of tion. ' Mr. Bobbins thought that there was am . biquity in the phraseology of the Htb boo tion of the Charter, under consideration, and favored the reconsideration in view of offering an-amendment. ' " Mr. Lindsay favored a reooneidoration, - and gave his reaaons for it. Mr. Moore moved the previous question. " The call was sustained, and the Senate voted to reoonsider. -The question was then stated to be upon the bill to amend the act chartering the Oxford Branch of the Baleigh and Gastou Railroad. ( " V Mr. Winstead raised a point of order that was overruled by the President, jii Mr. Osborne offered an amendment, - the effect of which was to strike out so ' ' maoh of the 14th section of the act as al lowed the exohaoge of stock in other com panies. ' . ..... Mr. Osborne stated, at some length, his view of the whole subject. . He thought ituat gentlemen were wrong in the appre rbessions they entertained relative to the .power granted in this bill He considered - t would be a good trade to exonange tne State's interest iu her works of internal im murement for her bonds at oar. Galloway, colored, moved to postpone , : the further consideration of the subject until Monday next. Lost. Mr. Bobbins then argued to show the , .objectionable clauses in the bill now pro . v posed to be amended. He, like the Sena . tor from Mecklenburg, would be willing to " sell, to-day, the State's interest in these Railroads for her bonds at par ; but this " bill did not conolude the transaction now, but left it open, and the time might arrive When it would not be good policy to be tied up in this way ; and it was certain that, as long as the bonds of the State were held higher than the stocks, we could not make the trade. But if time and changed cir , , cams tan oe should advance the stock above " the ruling price for bonds, then, by this bill, we would be obliged to sell to these companies. He was opposed to any suoh arrangement Mr. Osborne replied, maintaining that the exchange of bonds for stock at par . Ina ores hnnt aa irrtnrl as rtnnlil be ex- pee ted. Mr. Welker understood that the State's " object in taking stock in railroads was not so much to make money by the operation as to aid in establishing them. After they are completed, he thought it wise policy : to tell tot par and aid other works. Mr. Bobbins again addressed the Senate in reply to some of the positions assumed by Mr. Osborne. The discussion was continued, Messrs. ."' Welker, Sweet and others participating. The previous question was called and carried the amendment lost by yeas 19, oavs20. . Mr. Sweet offered an amendment repeal ing all acts authorizing the sale of State stocks heretofore passed. The vote being taken the amendment prevailed en the seoond reading. Messrs. Lassiter, Moore, Osborne, Bob bins, Scott, Welker and Blythe each gave reasons, explaining their votes upon the - above proposition. The bill was then read the third time. Mr. Sweet offered an amendment ex emoting from the operations of the bill , such sots as authorize the sale of State in- terest in Wilmington & Weldon and Wil mington and Manchester Railroads. Car ried. ; Mr. Bobbins explained that be had voted - against the sale of the stocks before, and only voted now to disentangle the present bill : Mr. Forkner moved to postpone further consideration until to-morrow. Messrs. Lassiter and Jones, of Colum bus, favored the metion. ; Mr. Sweet opposed postponement. Mr. Graham called the previous ques tion upon the main question, that of the passage of the bill as amended, which was sustained. After an ineffectual effort to adjourn, the vote was taken and the bill passed its third reading as amended. Mr. Barrow, by leave,introduced a reso lution amending the rules of order, which, after some discussion was lost. Mr. Osborne, by leave, introduced a Concurrent resolution, appointing -a com- mittee of three on the part of each House, to take into consideration and recommend some action for the relief of the people. After which the Senate adjourned until 10 o'clock to morrow morning. " . - : fe HOUSE OF REPBESENTATTVE3. Monday, March 1, 1869. " A message was received from the Gover nor, transmitting the report of M. Taylor and K. B. Cobb, Directors on the part of ' the State in the Albemarle & Chesapeake 4 Canal Co. He recommends that a com mission be raised by the General Assem bly to investigate the affairs of said Com pany. Mr. Gatliag said he was glad that his Excellency had made such recommenda tion, a. There was no reason under the nn why this Company should not pay the : 8tate a dividend. Mr. G. then proceeded to give a abort account of the mismanage ment of in aftars of that corporation, .wdeonoloded by saying that he would shortly introduce a resolution looking to wards the raising of suoh a commission as recommended by the Governor, to exam ine the affairs of the said company. The communication with the accompany ing report was ordered te.be printed. On motion of Mr. Bowman, the rules were suspended, and the resolution ad journing tine tit's on the 22d instant, was taken up. Mr. Downingmoved to amend by saying the 29th instant , G. W. Price, colored, offered a substi tute raising a Joint committee of two on the part of the House and one on the part of the Senate to ascertain the business necessary to be acted uuon, and to report when, in their judgment, the General As sembly should adjourn. .The question reourring upon Mr. Down ing's amendment, the yeas and cays were called and resulted in a vgtKjuf . yeas 15, nays 58. The substitute was then put to a vote and adopted. - Mr. Bowman moved to amend the reso lution by saying " that the committee re port at a early a day as pomible." Curried. The resolution as amended was adopted. On motion of Mr. Gunter, tho rules were suspended, and the resolution regu lating the per diem of members absent with out leave was takeu up. This resolution provides that any member absenting him self without leave or overstaying his time, shall forfeit his per dieni every duy of suoh absenoe." ; " "" Mr. Farrow moved to lay the resolution upon the table. - .. .. - Upon that motion, the yeas and nays being called resulted in its rejection, by a vote of yeas 19, nsys 61. Mr. Prootor moved to indefinitely post pone the whole matter. Carried. On motion of Mr. Jrvis, the rules were suspended, and the bill in relation to the sale of swamp lands belonging to the Board of Education was taken up. Mr. Jarvis said the State owned about 90,000 acres in Hyde and tho adjoining oounties. The lauds were now couipai a tively worthless, yet they were susceptible of great improvement, and if properly managed would, in time to come, bear tho greater part of the burden of the fexptiufta necessary to support a liberal system of education, &o. This bill simply said no sale of these lands should be had unless it was reported to, and confirmed by, this General Assembly. He thought it nettling but common prudence that such a safe guard should be thrown around tho inter- J est of tne but.. Mr. Foster said that this bill was brought forward with a view to future appropria tionn tor draining said lands, in order that some parties might grow enormously rioh bv speculating iu them. lie moved to indefinitely postpone the bill. ::: - Mr. Jarvis said the bill was to prevent speculation, &o. He was informed by a Senator and a member of the Republican party that a proposition was to be brought forward to appropriate 10,000 to drain these lands, and npon the faith of the pas sage of ducti appropriation, the Boardof Edu cation would oontract to sell the lands to a party for $30,000in oash, and that party, upon the faith of the passage of the afore said "measure, has a propoti.iou tj roll at $90,000 in cash, thereby making a profit of $90,000 without handling a cent. Be thought that this General Assembly could not exercise too much prudence in guard ing this property of the State, which was set apart for the education of the youth of the State. Mr. Foster withdrew his motion to post pone indefinitely. Mr. Laflin said it did not become any Republican to support this bill, as it show ed a want of ooufidenoe in the Board of Education, and he was sorry that the mat ter had been started by the opposite party. He had every confidence in the Board of Education. Mr. Argo said that he was sorry to see from the drift of the remarks of those go ing before him, that they were endeavor ing to make this a party question, &e. He had just oome in and knew nothing about the merits of the bill, but thought it a safe principle to conform to the idea expressed in it He thought it, in fact, obligatory npon the Legislature to exercise a vigilaut supervision over the property owned by the State, in order to prevent, at ar.y time, a sacrifioe of it Not only was it a vory safe prinoiple to act upon, but he thought that the Constitution required them to ex ercise a guardianship over all the property owned by the State, and all propositions looking towards a sale of any of the prop erty should be first submitted to the con sideration of the Legislature. Mr. Ellington moved to refer to the Com mittee on Education, print and make spe cial order for Monday next, 11 o'clock. - Mr. Malone took the floor in support of the bill, and argued against the motion to refer. .,...,,... ,,.,,., " Mr. Moore, of Chowan, favored the mo tion to refer. After a long discussion tiro Houso re fused to adopt Mr. Ellington's motion so far as the referring to the Committee on Eduoation is conoerned, by a vote of yeas 37, nays 62. That portion of the motion as regards the printing and making the special order for Monday next, was also rejected by a vote of yeas 30, nays 50. Mr. Jarvis called the previous question upon the passage of the bill . The oall being sustained the bill passed its second reading. Mr, Ellington moved to adjourn. On that motion Mr. Allison called the yeas and nays. The oall being sustained the House refused to adjourn by a vote of yeas 3, nays 70. After a long and confused debate upon vari6us and innumerable points of order and efforts at adjournment the bill passed its final reading by a vote of yeas 59, nays 8. Mr. Argo moved to reconsider the vote just taken. Mr. Jarvis moved to lay that motion on the table. The yeas and nays being called resulted in a vote Of yeas 61, nays 26. By consent, Mr. Gatling introduced a joint resolution raising a Committee of seven to examine into the afiairs of the Al bemarle and Cheasapeake Canal. Lies over. On motion the House adjourned until this evening half past 7 o'clock. NEW ftUYKRTISEMEMS. Lorn IIavbw, 1'. Miuhki. In'MSiOTT 4 lUKBwnj., Pittsburg, !'. tent i Wehsv. boon naing jruurmako if Oaug Bits iu our Kill, amttlnil Ibeiu, iu poiut. ol UI itv. Hnperior to ur w Uv uxrt imml. Ymirn, Ac HtlAW, HL.ANUIIAUD A CO. Okuim Buaw, i'uroiuau. FKUTIUZKBS. II FEKTlLlZKItS. AVIttt litru iMiln(..l gnl nil llir , r Jamshtown, N. Y. I.ii'rmoi Tr A Uakewku. : V linve un trouble ith our f awnflbey ibm't nei'1 ti bn llncil up with paper; we pat ttim ud tbe Mandrel auil tbvy go rinln aloiiK- Temper pcrlccilly uulform anil quality iinmir pasned. ll.'fippolfiillT, Oil AH. J FOX. UHF1XOIT Si BAKKWKLb, Manufaoturer of Oironlar, Mula.v, Mill Oan and Croe9 ( nt bawa CboppitiR Axea, all sbapna. t.'ol buro's I'atcnt Aic. bbuTela, Hpadcs ami Miles' Palent Covered Nooop. NKUM "FKKTII.IXI.Vti Al MM- lFmniN IfiMPAW, . otter for aalu thu f II iwitiK aluallii tlauiirc prepared and mamilitottiiud bv tin in : no. i. sor ii (UitoLiNi noK-ruo PHATK. Ilimly urtiHM ( anil roml? bir nr, contain lug 00 per Cfiit. i f tl.iii'!,Iiip'liBti1 of l.iine. NO 'X tin' abovo riiiwplialK prepaiej Willi Hulpliaii' mi l Shinate ' Soil. NO. :l Tii nJiiu! ii No. 'J, wllli Urn H.l litiou of 3 pur i- ii'. of Amiin'jif fiym iiiinial Matter. NO. l b" fiu'i a No. ii, Willi I pr cunt, ol Animmiia f inn 1 eruviau duauo anil II iier ecin. ot Pot li, bi in prepircd apotially fur (.niton. Tlio abnvo am proparisd nidi Kroat cue and of ataudaid ijualuy, ami n omilhli ntly luoouiinend III, in to l'latitt'ia. HultOHSliT A. CO. feb7 M-Un, WAHTKU AUaCNTH. 7! lo S40U rr month,' every where, male and female, to in troduce the OENCINK IMPKOVKD COMMON HENHE FAMILY HEWING MACHINE. 'J'bia machine will stiteb, hem; full, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a most superior manner. Price only 1H, Fnlly warranted fur Bye years. Wo will pay 1 1000 for any machluo that will sew a atrongi.r, more beautiful, or more vlaa tio aoani than ourc. It makos the " Klaatio Lock Htitch." Kvery second stitch ean be cut, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay Amenta from 175 to $200 porniontu and expenses, or a commission from which twioe that ainonut oan b made. Address SKOOM11 CO., Pittsburgh, Pa., Uoaton, Miisa.jOrSt. Louis, Mo. I ullun.Do not be iuipojod upon by other parties palming off worthtesa oaNt-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Onra ih the only genuine and really practical cheap miichuie manufactured. riVllBl" PATENT RIAUIO COMB will color X - gray hair a permanent black or brown. Hold everywhere. Heut by mail for ft 25. Address WM. PA'ITON, Treaaurer. Magic Comb Company, Springlleld, Ma, AU'lCISTH, V SUM: HS, UAUIMKIM AMD FRUIT HOW K lis Bend for particulars of " -flfsf'ii Improved Fruit Tree and Vine lnnig orator imii Imect Destroyer." Hamples to teat will be forwarded to any part of tlio United Htatea and perfect talinfaction guaranteed, tlciod agenlt are waniea in treru county m iw c. nirn ,'iihm, Address J. AHEiltN, till Becond St., Ilaltimore, Md. rVai'KU AUK UTS.. To aell lite AMKll- W ICAN KNt'TINQ MACniNK. Price fiS. Thoeimplest, cheapest and best Knitiing Ma chine ever invented. Will knit 20,000 sliches per riiiiiiite. Liberal inducements to Agents. Address AMEHICAN KNITTIMtt MACHINE CO., lios ton, Maes., or 8t. Louis, Mo. EiTKijiu ui)T nouLk anr-Ttip for Young Men, who having erred, deaiie a let tur manhood. Heut iu sealod lo'tor envelopes, fro. of oharKO. If benefited rotnru th. pontage, Address FI1ILANTHUO-V Ilox 1', I'bUaddphia, I'a PIANOS ! PIAHOS ! PIANOS ! '1 li Parlor Kavoilm ' THE immense demand for this popnlar instru ment has induced us to make its manr fac lur a epeeiality.aiid we areconaeijueutly en,; jled to offer them at much lower rates than are charged for similar inetrumeuts by other makers. luquirn of resident dealers or send for our illustrated cat alogue and price list. Address Ofc.O. jti. Ul'ILD h CO., Punopobtk MANDt'as, Boaton. nia. a-na THE 1.01)1 IflAM FATl'KI (0., (ISTAIIUaVKO IK 1X0).) I NV11E 1LANTEHH AND FA11ME11S to send I for a iianiuliiet descriptive of their Fertilisers, We dfl'oi' our Double Rellned Poudistte, equal to the beat Kuptr-pbosphato. at tbe low price of tib pi r ton. 'I'ue Company also make a anperior ar ticle or Miro-puoepnaie ami pure none 11111. See testtmouials: 11KNUV I'. hTULTS A HIIO.. llockv Mount. Edgebombe oounty, N. ('., Nov. LI, lMUi, say :. Iu ronlr to vonr iuuuiry of the results of our exve. rieiico in the nae of your improved Poudrotte, purchased of you for this year's COTT-'N CHOP, we would beu h ave to sty that the present aeaaon has been one quite unfavorable to I he action of all leruii.ers, . . . Bkvehai. sinus i r MANniKH wkrr i smi ri t , with the tii'trniiN or vobb Poiiukvtte, with lit tle or no effect to t ho crop. Where the I'oudrutte was applied it gavs us near half a bale more to tho acre, and caused the cotton to opon much earlier, and wo would there fore recommend the same as a concentrated ma nure tor the growth of ootlon aa well as improvu uient to tho soil. MINHON ft MOWN, IConansviPn, N. C., Oct. 'idlh, 180. say: Your "Nitro I'liosphnln ol Lime" and rouble ltnlned Poudrottu sold lv us last seuon. were uaed on COHN, 10 I A l'Olid, 8WEET POTATOES, and Uardvii Vegetables with eatiafackiry results, and onr Farmers tl- presB a pesiiik to try tlicnr at'ain. i-- ;E. M. UtJIJI), BuulbUuld, Va., aay wher. he used tlio Double llctlncd Poudietlo on Corn it doubled the yield. P. W. UUTOHIHON, Hr., near Cherokee, On , ssts it nearly doubled his yield of Cotton. lion. ELI S. HIlOUTElt, Eufaiila, Ala., say's his cotton waa fully equal to adjoining Holds ma nured with the best nuperplioplialc. H, MONTOOMKKY, kllaville.Oa., says it in creased bis crop of Cotton l.'iO pounds per aero. O. . OOLKHDY. Marietta, Oa., used it on Corn and Cotton, and says it mors than DOUB LED the yield, lie regards it the cheapest and most desirable Fertilizer within bis knowledge. Ex-Oov. HMITU, Warrenton, Va tried It with tbres soveral crops the last and present years, and says: " I rnoMouHCK it with uohkipkni;i a MOST VALKABUi jSlAMI'llK." The Hnpariutendcnt of Gnu W. It. COX, Polk Island Plantation, N. C, says: " I think tho Pou dretto used for Corn cannot be surpassed lined it also on Cotton which prnduood a large yiuld. I loot. K. il. PKNULETON.Hparta.Ua., Buys : "The Nitro-l'bosphats of Lime, used on Cotton, mads 214 per cent, the first year." Address LODI MANUFAOTU1UNO CO.. Ilox Sta'J, New York. OOice OG Oourllaudt stro'et. SPRBIST & HOSON, WILMINOTON, N. C. Aulbfirized Agents for the sale of the above named Fertilize, at NEW YOttK 1'ltIOKH, Freight and Charges added. febl'J 118-tf III R E0T0 "Yi - Miss Judith Bosael, of New Bedford, wTites ; I have been afflicted with severe prostrating cramps iu my limbs, sold feet and bauds, and a general disordered system. WhU. visiting soma friends in New York, who war. using Plaithtioh Bit tebs, they prevailed npon m to try ihem. I com menced itk a amaU win. glau fuU .fter eaeb mei. Faciing better by degree.. In a i. day. I was ..ii.hiuiliui the ooldneea and oramtMbad nttr.ly left ma, and I could sleep tb. nlgkt throng a, which I had not does for yMrs. I feel lik. aaouiar muc. ; bavtalM greaUy improved by the use of Vh. FLAJRaxioa Bmass. Homey, Ullcerlne, Flder Flower, Boqeietaiid Palm. In Qoality, 8tyle and Perfume warranted equal to the English and sold fully 60 per cent, eueaper. which acoonnta for the great falling off in the do mand for tbe foreign soaps, andthenuprecedent ed success of tbe Americana Company T.llet Hoaps now so d evervalo ro iu the United Htatea. BIcKRONB, VAV HAAtiKS diCO Sol. Man-racim-ers. PluUdf Ipljia and New York. HliVTlNO AI TKAPPI.vuluairuotioi.8 by a huntor and trapper of long practical experience, with diagram nd directions for mak ing trap. Also instructions How to Tram Ani mate, inoluding many amusing and wondorfnl tricks. Both lor only fen oenU JF.SbE UANEY ft CO., 119 Nassau St., New York. """"aoests wantkd for' HOW TO MAKE TUE FAUU l'AY-Bowto " double the value of land and the profits on eiuck, and bow to raise three times tbe quanti y of all farm crops to the aore. 760 pages anu i iu beautirui ana userui limsiraiiouo. r.iuici., young men and expeiionwd agents find it pays to canvass for this book. SHOO to oo per month accordion to abilitv and energy. For full pirticu lara. address ZEIGLEIl, McUUKDY AOO, Phila delphia, Pa. - - EAHL.V KOsK POTATOKAmerican and Foreign Spring Wheats, Oats, Barley, Corn, Clover Heeds, Orass Need, nogs, rowia, nesi r od der Cutter. Peod for the ExrsuiMSSf al' Fabm Jocbkal, only 20 cents. Address OEO. A. DEITZ, Cb ambersburg. Ts. TfTANTED, Halesman, everywhere, farmers VV and others, for a A'ew Article in great do mand. 40 ) made by oue agont bis first month, .address immediately, Drawer 124, Louisville, Ky. NkTuHALuiA-A'erroiuneiis and female H'eiii' ness Cured A Clergyman's Widow snffered for years vitb t he above diseases, and for tbe ben efit or like sufforers will send the means of bor own cure free. Mrs. DIXl FRANKLIN, Jersey City, N. J. A- uL.Kssi.iu 'l'O LAUiks ur. Wm. nay has discovered a simple plant that never fails io bring relitf. when checked by cold or other wise. Thees Vegetable Monthly Powers can be depended on by ladies in "time and boar of need." Price tS per package, by mail, secure from obser vation, in confidence, WM. BAY, M. D., P. O. Box 4.737, New York. - EVEKT SPORTSMAN. FAIIMEK and HOUSEMAN, should send for oar pamph let of 20 pages, containing a full description of a new invention by which the most inveterate fete le ers, runaway and vicious horses can be driven with-perfect lafety. For breaking and training horses, it is better than Barey's or any other sys tem. Sent free. Address N. P. BUYER ft CO., Parkereburg, Chester oounty. Pa. : ALTA VELA PHOSPHATE! It is Composed of the Celebrated Guano from Alta Vela, COHMNED WITH OTIIMr VALCABLE FERTILIZING. MATERIAL, - MAKIHG A I'lDII'LliTi; MANURE. TT CONTAINS TUB ST1MI LATIIva (with ont the inlnriousl Qualities of Peruvian Ouano, and permanently enriches tbe soil. Tbe Company importing the Ouano direot from tbe rich'buposits of Birdr, at Alt. Vela, is enabled to furnish a Fh'KTILIZElt not excelled. Prio. 160 per ton. For sale by ALEX. JOHNHON ft CO.. Wilmington, N. C, or the ALTA VELA OUANO COMPANY, 67 Broadway, Now York, feb 2 - - v 7 106-lmo IMPORTANT TO niiVil.l! ID PLANTERS. Grimes Patent Raw Bone Phosphate. alHE PAST TWO YEAllH itAVK FOLLY realized this HAW llONH I HOSPIIATK to be th. Cheapest and Best in the market, and nhaurpaased by the bigbest priced Quauos. Ita adantalion to Wheat. Corn. Oau, Back- 1 wheat, Tobacco, Oartlen Troch.OraaMS.Sc, I has hesn fully and most satisfactorily tested. j Finely ground and suitable for drilling, put np in ' Bags of 1(57 lbs. each. i 0, P. MKURTMW & CO., j BtlLB MANUFAOTDRKItS, Wabeuovss 64 8. Oay Ht., bet. Lombard ft Pratt, I BALTIMORE, Md. For sale by ATKINSON A SHKPPKHSOft, Wilmington, N. C. : Jan 21 vMm' j (jCAXO GClSdJ I jjO. 1 PURE PERUVIAN i j BOLUBLE PHOHPHO rEBDVlAN ; : ! BOLUBLE TACIFI0 Do. ; j' TLAST FERTILIZES. E. MURRAY ft CO. 93 Mil Jan 17 OEO. P. HOWELL & CO'S OIBOCLAE Q ADVEBTI8EBH, SXXT FSCX TO AST ADDBESS, : cojrTArsmo A 1.1st oi Sevea IloadreU and Fifty choice , Advertising medlnma, anbdlTed Into more than SO .mall Xista, wltn Price Card, showing th. coat of aay adver tisement front nn. Un. to ona damn. A I.lst of th. Iandlag Dally papers In all th. larg. lawn, and cUUs of th. I nlled htatw and Canada. A List fat Two Hnadred leading Weekly and Monthlr Pabticatlon., with cstl. mate, .hawing th. coat of an advertise, meat of frana ta MS lines, from on. week to two month.. A Itst of prominent Advertisers who have patronlaed this Advertising Agency, and letter, showing tho opinion, of snch men concerning th. advantage. It of fers. . Address OEO. F. BO WELL ft CO., Agents, 10 Park Bow, S. Y. IHATB HADE ADVERTISING A STCDT. For tea cuts I will sand to any on. a list of the best Newspaper, in the United Htatea. I woold ooo. bay. paid a law an dollar, for this vary isionaataoo. Liddrnts Boi 07J, N. X. dir. , mini riHins. TIIE GEORGE A. CLARK'S O. N. T. " SIX CORD, SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. This favorite Thn ad being Six Cord to No. 80, purely Soft Finish, is recommended for its gnat superiority for Hand and Machine Sewing. ' For sal. in Wilmington, If. C, by AlEOS ft BHEIN8TEIN, - .Onn OAWBON, A. T. BOBINHON, ; J I. 8. WILiilMS, M. tf. KATZ ft 00. fsbSS 12SWJ- MTATK WOVKHIsMKRT. WlIMAM W llOUlFvTof Wske. Oovuuor InaiiRiiiatr I 4'h"uf Jut) , tMtN. Klected for 4 yeais Irom 1st January, ItV.I. Kui'Liiv M Iiut ul.Ass, of Kotkiughnm, Private Mecretary. .. t j...n..MI, Mr n... v.. ti.i.i.....i n... ernor, elected for years from Jat January, lMiil). Hueakur of Hulial. J ullloio. riKxnr J. Mr.NNiMitu, of Craven, Hocrotarv of Htatti, .looted bir I years from let January, ltitilt. Damu A Junk ins, of Oaston, Treasurer, elected ' for 4 jean fVoin 1st Jauuary, IW'i. IIimikiiiiin II Adahm, of lavideoD, Auditor, elected for 4 years from 1st January, iw.i. 8 H Asiilkv, ol New Uannver, Maiwriutsiideut of I'ublio scliixiis, eleuleil for years iroin lat Jatiiml-v. lKl.ll 0 Ii flAiiitiM, of Kntlierford, Hnporiiibudent of - t'niiie work., eioctra ror year, nont 1st jau uary. IMti'.i, v Anna. V riBin.K, of Illadeii, Adjutant Qoneral, appniiuoa ny me uovi-mur. W 0 Kkks. of Mei'klenbnrg. Htate Ooologiat. 11 I) Coi.ey, WUte Librarian, apKiuted by the Hupri'inn Court and Oovernor. Ciiah M Faiihin, ot Wake, Keeper of the Capitol, appointed uy lb. uurei nor and ootmcii. HON EllNOliH iWliitt'lJj. Hourv J M.nniuirer. Secretary of Htal. : Hun di'isDU II Adsras. Auditor! David A Jenkins. Treasuaor: tl H Ashley. Ocbnrn L Harris. i'n- qfiim STATE BOARIl OP KnUOATION. The Qovernur. Lieutenant-Governor. Secretary of Htate. Treasurer, Auditor, Hursrlntendent of l nuno woms, Buperintondent or 1'niillo lustruo tlon and Attorney General, constitute the Htate uoaru oi miuoauuu. The Oovernor Is President, and the Buncos- teudent of fublio lustrnotloa Heorotary of the uoem The Iloaril of Endcation elect the Truatees of Mm University. One Trustee for uaoh County in ne mara i term oi uiiio. oi aruitess o years. (1KNE11AL ASSEMBLY. Tb. Uenrral Assembly ooruniences Its annual soaaion ou tbu third Monday in November in each year, and is coniwised of fifty HuuaLors and ono bundled ami IwuntyKepreaenratlves bien nially chosen, by ballot, on the first Thursday in August. Hl'HtEMK tlOUltT. 'l'lio Kuproine Court consists of a Chief Justice and four Associates Justices, There are two terms of the Court held at Raleigh, iu each year, ooni. meucing on tho lirst Monday In January, and the tlrst Monday in June and continuing as long as the public interests may, require. oFFKiaw : 11 M l'oi'Miu, of Yadkin, Chief Justice, Edwin O lloade, of 1'cYson, Associat. Justice,' salary, IJ.OOO Win 11 Ilodmau, of Uuaui'oit, Associate Justice, salary. M.SOO II V Dick, or (luilford, Associate Jna- ticiw salary. IJ.800 Thomas Huttie, of ItookiiiRham, Asso ciate justice, salary. ri,ow William M Coleman, ot Wake, Attorney Oeneral. Samuel V Phillips, of Wake, Itoportur, exclusive of fees, (100 0 ft Itoot, nf Wake, Clerk, 500 J nines Lituhfoid, of Wake, Marshal. flTT DIRECTORY (Conllniicd.) I Itttl WAV URIIKIg uoarAKv. IV.i.Unt. HnridRers. Diieotoi a K II Cowan, John A Taylor, Honry Null, H J I t isoii, W A Wright. Contractor--W Dnllman. Nnpsrlnleudent-- W U MoDowoil. Hrcrelary tud Trsasnrer t). D, Wallace. COUNTY "orriCERH. Doard of Commissioners" h Hhoeraaker, Chairman James Wilson, Elijah Hewlett, Htu phen Keys, llufus Oarrlss. Clerk B H Waldron. Ulu riff-J W Hobenck, Jr. ' Deputy Hheritf A It Thomas. Corom r Oliver Bnrney oolor.d). ItrRlstrr of Deeds- It B Waldron. , Clerk Bnoerior Court J O Mann. County Treasurer F. U Brink. . Hnrveyor J L Hhoades. Chairmau and Olork Trustee of lVor-H E Hcolt. Hupsrlnteudent of Workhouse D 1' Foster. J ilor-Bol W N aah ( colored ). R08ADALIS. SGI.ENTIPIO. KATIONAL. SAFE. Printing. THE JOTJEUAL il PlllliOi establisi::.:hjt. , s a suriatton coukt. There are twelve Judioial District aud twelve Judea. Every Jude of a Superior Court must roanie in me , Distrioi. juiik' S may exenanue Dietrlnta with the consent of th. Oovernor. At loaat two tlourla shall be belli Iu eaoh ooantv as nually at the time herein stated, and will continue for two woi'ke, nuloss the businos 1 sooner disposed of. -Ji rxias Elected by the people, Term of oflloe eixlit years. Baiary a,sou 1st Dlstriot Charles C Pool 3d " Kdmund W Jones .'Id " Cba B Tnomaa 4th Daniel L linsael, Jr Dth " Balph P Buxton 6th Hamucl W Watta 7th " Albion W Tonrgee 8th " John M Olond -0th " Oeorge W Lofian 10th " Anderson Mitcbel 11th " Names L Henry J2th " Kiley H Cannon HoLiorrois. -Elooted by the people. Term of oflloe four years. 1st Distriot-J'W Alberton !ld,"-., Joseph J Martio,.,-, 3d " John V Bherard 4th " John A Itichardson fith " Niol MoKay flth ' William It Oo 7th ' J B BiUla Nth " A II Joy.. th " W P Bynnm 10th " W P Caldwell 11th " Virgil H Lusk l'Jth " U M Henry FuUIITU JCDIOIAIi D1STMOT. Bobeson Oounty, on the fourth Monday in August and February Bladen County, seoond Monday alter th fourth Monday in August and February Columbus County, fourth Monday after th fourth Monday in August and Febraary .Brunswick County, sixth Monday after th. fonrth Monday In August aud 1'ebraary New Hanover County, eighth Monday after tb. fonrth Monday In August and Febraary Bampaon County, tenth Monday after the fourth Monday in August and February Duplin County, twelfth Monday after tb fourth Monday in August and February. . CITY DIKECTOIIY. Mayor Joseph II NerT. Aldermen 1st Ward : Wm Kellogg (oolored), and Oeorge M Arnold (oolored, 'id Ward :D Burnley and James Wilson, ad Ward :' Anthony Howe (colored) and H 8 Bervoas. 4th Ward; Henry Jones (colored) and Oeorge Z French. Marsbal-W PCanady. Clerk and Treasurer Benjamin Durfoe. Hpecial Court Judge Kdward CantwelL Clerk of tbe Market-William MoLanrin (ool ored.) ; Chief Engineer Fire Department Ferry M. Rice. Assistant James H Uiobardaon (colored.) Fire Wardens P M Bice, chief. 1st Ward, Owen Dove (oolored) ; Sd Ward, Wm L Hmith ; 3d Ward, K P Oeorge ; 4th Ward, P M Bioe. Captain of Police John Fitzgerald, Hergeante John 8 W Eagle (oolored), Rich ard Fitzgerald and John A Wileoo. City Messenger John Byan. Janitor Wm I'hinney (oolored). BANKS. First National Preeident, B E Boiruas. Directors-Kli Murray, W 11 Moltary, 0 D Wal lace and James H Chadbourn. PUIVAR BASK ISO) BOUSES. James Dawson. James O Burr A, Co. 11AILUOAD3. . Wiuii.iarox and Wklko.x Rail. ItoAH. President B B Bridgcrs. Directors-W A Wright, F Ii Murray. Oeorge Harriss, H D Wallace, Alfred Martin, John Ever- It A U V.ll Lh..!n Director for the Btate-J H Caunon, O H Brog- aert, u u r.sto. Chief Engineer and Bupcrintendout 3 L Fre mont. Pocrotary and Treasurer J W Thompson. Master of Transportation Wm Hmith. Oeneral Ticket Agent and Superintendent's uiera nm u roisson. Oeneral Freight Agent and Auditor Q L Dudley jnaeierui nacuineiy Jonn jr All vine. Wu-suiotom amd Maxcbbstka Ball Boad. Receiver Oeorge O Hull. I'reeidout John A llaylor. Directors John Dawson, James 0 Burr, Rich ard Bradley, O O Fareley,, Ueory Nutt, J Eli Oregg, D 8 Cowan, J L Bartlelt, 0 Oraham, Or A JDeRosset. Secretary and Treasurer- W A Walker. Oeneral Freight Ageat- Thorns. U Lippitt. Master of Machinery tleorg. Hall. WiuuaoTos, Chablottc and Ri THiaroBD Bail Eoad. Preudent B H Cowan. ' ' Directors John D Taylor, A B Hpmesly, B H Wslknp. B 8 French, J A MoDow.lL W L Mieele. J M Hutchineon, 8 I Peiwon, H VT Guion, 8 W uoie, u u Henderson, a u xgao. Oeneral Superintendent W I Everett. Baoretary and Treasurer I T Alderstaa. Vaster of lYaosportaUoa and Fxe'gUt AgeaW WfiAUSD. ' ' DI(. LAWEENCE'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OP "BOSADALIS." HKOOMMKNIl VA Y . BUIKHTiriO MBit KVatRYWHSlttal, ... u TAB BEST RKMEDf TRT DISCOVERED Diseases of the Blood LlTfr, Kidneys ADO A8 A GENERAL HEALTH RESTORER. rnrlfles th. Utood, Improves the Appetite, Aids Digestion, Correct, th. Secretion., And impart T.ne, Strength ard Vivacity to th Wh.l. System, Bo that persons using It feel that they enjoy an Entire Mow Ufa. M5BSSC0.' R O S A D A LIS It RecommentM by the liett Phyiiciam Kreryuher. I BXAD TBI FOIilVOWIXa VBOM Dr. F. Ouit Dakiiuj.t, sow of this City, Form erly Professor of Physiology and rathologloal Anatomy In tho Mlddlo Georgia Modloal College, Chief Burgeon Btate of Boutb Carolina, during the war, Vieo-Presidest Georgia Medioal Asso ciation i Dr. Laterenet il have carefully examined your formula for th BOBiPAtIB, and rsoom- mended it to sarsral of my patlsnts. Tb oombl- nation Is s happy on, and must prov s potent remedy in all disease reqnirisg lbs virtues of s great siUratiTt.'madlalo. . ,,.; .,..,, J, I wish yoo sneoess. T. OUH DAHWaXM. BalUmore, AprU U 1808 BAbTDtosa, Mn., Maroh t, 188, 1 believe Dr. Lxwrenoe's BOBADALIB - to be the Best AlterttlT m tjs. and therefor cheer fully rsoommsBd It as snob. Taosus J. Bona, If. D, , BALTinoas, Febraary 10th, )MH. Dr. J, J. Lawrence t Dear Bir -I take pleas ure in recommending your BOBADALIB a a very powerful alterative. Yonrs truly, B. W. Cars, M. D. W. know Dr. Lawr.no' Bocadall to b a safs and reliable Alterative, Aa., and taks pleasure in reoommendlDg it to the profession and tbe public A. D. MOOBE, M. D., la A. BTITH, M. D., ' J. H. WINB1EAD, M. D., B. G. BAB HAM, U. D., W. G. DOOGAN, M. Dn E. BARNEB, M. D., B. W. KING, M. D., 8. WOODWABD, M. D., W. T. BBEWEB, M. D., W.J. BULLOCK, M. D, Wilson, N. January 7th, 1868. AVFor Testimonial of Rxxaiiablb Ovbss Bee " BosadaU Almanao " for this ysar.-S ntaTABKD AT TBS LABOBATOBI OF DR. J. J. LU ELATE & CO., S SALTiaOKB STRKSrT. BALTIMORE. WESTEKN DEPOT, J30 VISE STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO. M-rOR SALK BY ALL. ORl OGISTg ion I 111 PORTABLE WBITIXG DESKS, JJAKDSOME LOT. received to-day, at Jaa2 . LOVE'B Book Btora, 100 ILL miii OF JOB WORJ. I i f TtJXlTLX ASO tTrTTTTIOTM.T " ' " ' i i.1 lifcoorvo ai rrs smoRironiH MFBIci GOOD WORK GUARANTEED! TIIE JOURNAL OFFICE :.,.i.ij.i..---r.r $,T"?"". w '"'y Is now better than ever prepaied to do all kind of rim AND ORlVAMEiVriL " JOB PRirJTiriG! In th UaAalylaeof lhrt. , . RAILROAD & STEAMBOAT color PRirjTr:o ASD BTKSI DSSUBtmOg Off , 1 ' 11ERMTILG PRINTING, Will reosiv speeisi attantaos.. Wedding, JBasiness and Visits Cards Printed in ths handsomest sty!, a short Mtio. BILL-DEADS. . - ; ( 0IH0ULAR8, POSTEBS, PKOGEAMMES, T . BOOKS, . PAMPIOITS, BILLS OF LADING, . ' DRAT AND OTHER TICKETS And oTcry other description of job work PROMPTLY DONE AT THE I" Loirest Hates I EKGELIIARD k PRICE, Prerietrs C0RS 1SD DAT. 2 i300 BC8HEIifl rBIUX VfllTX CORN 00 Calee Hortbeni sad Kastsra Hay. For sal from stor and wharf, by ' feb 3) F. W. KEBCHNEB. wanted; Na 1 PASTBT COOK CWHUB), best of Teferene required. Apply at the-" JaoM FTJLTON EOC8S. . 10-tf TO PRINTERS, i A HALF INTEREST IN TEE DALLY . AND TBI-WEEELT TIMES AND WEEKLY NEWS OFFICE FOB BALE, IWIU. IELL, TO A PR-ACnCAI. FI ter and xpirieoeed Kssrsperw sua, a half interest in tb "Time." sad "kew" affieaw Th. IHilT and Tri-weekly are liboreily swstaiaed tim m VyLk. ;,. " im mTnme mad riuo inc. A rood JOB OFFiCS simm-". ii wall managed in so prosperous and ' a c y a. Cbartotsa, too oOtoawiil wary ? Mail envftnnA of mmk wi I set .rS a i . . - - n. r. . r ' - MSIr 4 A ' feel ' 1 kjr gtnsc awsnn

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