- , mmmMKHitmamKi VOL. XVni-NO. 208. WILMINGTON, N . C, TUESDAY MORNING, .) UN K I, ; 18(50 WHOLE NITMBER 5,243. r; y .tou kn ai; OI4DK8T DAILY IN THI RATI. kHCIBLTiaHU A IMtlCK, Pruprl.hir a e 8 2 o 3 a "3 -c 5 s 2 ISP. I 15 B Cm 5 (5 H ' 2i C? ft mi oK isas- S,'3 P-t 3 5 5 ft" p HS rs- 8 a t IT 583 H'SiT r f 'a ti rj C CI C9 IO - 8 8 S S. 8 .8.8 .8 8 8 U 0 Ck ki 8 8 8 8 . 8 C J O IO 8 8 .8 8 8 - o o o CO 8 8.. 8 .8 8 a- H " U O -1 Q 8 8 .8 8 8. S OD O O 8 .8 8 .J .8 3 S3 l- M x -l O) 8 . 8 8 .8. 8 2 !? oo 0 81 S5 S S Ci .8 8 .8 8.8. cn Si S 81 8 8 ! 8 8 8 8 E g 8 e 8.8 8 8 .8 1 g g 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 cwveu any religious training, and tho wish npon any Conservatives whoru they call expressed 1T tlietu was tho result of only waylay. Tho city lias swelled into largo 4 2-4 i " j.i . 1 1, i: - I . . i t 41 iru luierviuwa wuu vniuuuo, i rijmi uiiun, nnu uiiiiiihtb ui ii-oi nitiii DuriDK. the oouraa of the tuorniuR n from ouo luinilrtul and Ui'iy tltousand to telegram came from the Governor's obiuf one hundred and eighty thoumicd HopIit. plork respiting the prisoners for a work. And the municipal contest h not only ox This the Sheriff, a very faithful and up right olllcer, determined to disregard, aa In) did not deem it oflimal. Heetug the turu matters were taking, the gentleman citing gjvat interest hero, hut nttriieting attention from abroad, l'urlioulnrly m it of interest here jnA now. Thn present rulers of the city are gen MMIM.tWrOIS. SELLING OUT! referred to and another, with two Catholio orally mm tux payrrx, and have no interest ladies of the place, visited tho uriscnori in the welfare of Washington except to in their colls. The crncillx was placed in make money out of it. They have piled j tuo nanus 01 eacu, ana au eiiort mauo to up an immense uuot upon uiecorporiiiion, bring vividly to their minds the ptusiou and aro driving the city credit into Imijk aud death of our Lord and Kaviour, who ruptcy ; meanwhile they are getting rich, i r t'ONHKyl'KNl K A 1'IIANdl' IN OlUt linrtinjii, wo will ki'II eir wlmln tiel., I'lihtiiul nx of s eniniilfle KHvoMnif m of HTAl'I.K AND FANCY DRY (KX)1)H, ai'BscniPTiO!. ; One car, ........,. ,, ,..........,,,. f 19 69 fix luolllllH 6 09 TTiree mouths a 00 WE E K 1 Y .7 OUKNA I ItBTAliLdHlIKU SKFTKMDKK. 1044. one sqiiarB, 01 ten noes or less, for cacn and evory In ri'i nun. - . .special Notices wlu be charyed $Uper square lor eacn snu evory iiiHtruou- Sl'llSt'HlPTIO.l. One yesr, 13 oo Six ruoiiUis. a oo THE DAILY JOURNAL WILMIXUTVN, X. TUESDAY. JUNE 1, 18C9. OUR HU.IFAX CORRKSro.YlEM.,K. Ti VVal Uilt-licr Mnrlrcr t'onfraalon ol uue of the Prisoner. - Tlie Kv lilrm- nl Ills Deed Aillia.tliin for a Kcspliij.. An I'noOlcial Hr.plte licet - Suit Hollglou. Services Id Jail Preparations lor the KiccutlonOs Ilie Br aflolilTlie Kircutlun Objected to Tile Lat Prepar ations auil si Timely Itenplte iteflectlous : pon Ihe si'ene usv; itiildenrAc died for the aina of all mankind, to inspire The bmta.tiile citizens, the tax payers, are then with a penitent spirit, to imprws snrl'ering terribly under this accumulation ! them with a true sense of 'their condition, of miseries, and are ranking great erl'jrts I n realization of their approaching end, to rescue Wosiuugtoii from tuo gn:sp I and to fill them with a hopo of for- of the loechra. Thoy hiivo put up I giveucss through the blood of the Lamb, a .strong ticket, composed of onr oldest, Then all - knolt, the Litany of Jesus, most popular and wealthy eitr.eun, uuj and the sublime prayers of the Catholio will elect it, if the Democrulio masses will unnrcn lor tue dying ainnor were re- ne ailoweu to legmter a ming involved tu cited, the priuoncra blessing themselves doubt, as there are over seven thousand I and giving the responses "iluve meroy qualiUed voters who thus far have! ' on tis;" "Lord Jesus deliver ns;""WoJ)e- been kept out of the privilege of registrar WHITE AND KANOTTlOOl ik seech thoe to hear us O Lord," clearly, and lion by the piirti.auship of the Kadical j ''. appnrontly, devoutly. Durinc this solemn Commissioners. To day, Monday uud scone, the guard la tho jail knelt, and all Tuesday of next week are the throe days of I eyes Bcemcd to be bathod in tears, l'rayer graoo allowed for men to put their uumcs i being over, thoy were asked if they had on tho list 6f, voters, but as the negroes any requests to make. Baker replied he genorally have registered but twice, aud would like a few davs respite, to see a thoy usually insist upon the privilege three prietst, but if th s could net bo had ho times, I am afraid the Democracy will not ! wanted those present to aid his mother in be better off for the chance thus uiiordcd. having his body buried among his kin. Tho Indian CommiHsion closed it.s first Thomas requobtod that a loiter should be session yesterday in this city. Its mem written to his brothor then pulled out a berg are generally keeu, shrewd business J dollar bill and a pair of small soissors men, who unite piety with trade and have which ho wished sent to him, and a gold so far made a "good thing out" of the con- sbirt buttou, which he requested to be junction. There are seven of them, uinl banded to his wife. Now a farther tele- receive no salary. . but twenty thousand gram came that the Governor was absent dollars were allottod to pay their expenses, I in Baltimore; that the respite was retract- and I consider ft compensation of about ' cd, but advising to delay the execution as three thousand dollars for throe days work loug as possible. The lust moment was fast a thousand dollars u day is a very fair j approaching, when the Litany of Jesus and and reasonable one. Besides a shrewd and other prayers were again recited. The pious business man could "feather his ' jailor came in to pinion their arms tho nost" very nicely, if lit chooses, by making! luides took thoir leave, and as the prisoners commissions upon the goods be buys for; were about to be led to execution lay bap- tho Indians, or for example, purchasing' n- tism was administered. They walked out those goods out of his own establishment. j BELO'tV' fOT without tho slightest tremor, entirely com- Ofeonrsol do not thiuk for a moment, ' a-fXJAJVf wOXi . posed, yet without any sign of bravado. and certainly would not say thut any one j Air. Coniglaud went on the scaffold with of the Commission is actuated by personal ; them, the rope was placed around their motives; but I am aware that tho mass of j necks, while caps were pulled over their mankind are beooming auspicious uow-a-J a HAHK t'UANOE TO yVilor.EHAl.li IH'VKHh. faces tho last kiss " of the crucifix was days of disinterested personal services for I taken, wheu, as tho sheriff descended the any object, even bo laadublu a one as im- NOTIONS, M1LLINKKY, (SLOTHING, HOOTS and .SHOES,. A TO 0 8 T AND steps, Cupt. Wm. II. Day, a young lawyer proving the condition of tho Indinus. high standing, of noblo aud geuer- The Knights Templar of this cily b . V.c. ILu.ir-Ax, N. C, May 'M, 1801), Mksi-ks. Editors:- This usually quiet town wus the scone of considerable excite ment to day, arising out of the incidents ' connected with tho proposed execution of the colored prisoners. Baker and Thomas, who were, respited until this day week by Gov. Iloldeu. The condemned men, with another oolored man named Johnson, were tried and con victod of the murder of one Wade Ditcher a negro, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer, held here in July, 18tK An appeal was taken to tho Supreme Court, where their Counsel, Conigland and Solomon, iusistol that they had beon illegally convicted, up on three grouudo, First: Because the new Constitution does not authorize Courts of Oyer and Termi uer. - Hocomlly r Ueeauao or --'variances - in the connts of the indictment. , : Thiidly: Because of error in the charge of the Judge. But all the points were overniled, nl though eminent lawyers, w htm attention was called thoreto, were with tho prisoners uii the hr.st point. lieforea resentence could behnd, the three , prisoners escaped froni the Halifax jail were recaptured not lontr ago, and were wnteuccd by Judge Watts, at the last term of our l onrt uere, to be tiling tins ilay between 12 aud 1 o'clock. Johnson, wh was shot on his recapture, had been respit ed until the 25th of Juno. The recent law with respect to tho place pf executing criminals was construed by tho county authorities as requiring tho erection of au iuelosnre. Tho Halifax jail, like most jails in the State, was without one, but during tho past week one of plank was put up, sixteen feet high, the width of tho jail front, and about thirty feet in depth. Within this the gallows was built, whilst every blow that was struck on the work soundM in tho cars of the prisoners and warned them of their ap proaching fate. Johnson, the respited prisoner, very re cently made a confession, which appears in the Koanoke News of lilllh inst., implica ting Baker and Thomas, but assigning to himself no further part than that of a by stander, save by aiding in concealing the body after the murder. Tho statement differs, in some important particulars, - frOm that of the witness on whose testimony the men were condemned. But neither the confession of Johnson, nor the evidence of the witness on tho trial, makes it the atro cious murder which many persons are fond of representing it. Baker could not be convicted of murder upon the statements made in the confession, unless npon the bypothesia of o" common design," and all the evidence tends to the conclusion that the whole affair arose oat of a sudden quarrel, without any premeditation what ever. At an early hour thi, morning, Mr. Conigland, who bad been one of their as signed counsel, sent a telegram to Governor Holden requesting a respite of one week for the prisoners, on the ground that he 'Lad been informed they desired the minis trations of a Catholio priest, and it was impossible to procure - one before the time appointed for the execution, large numbers of colored persons soon began to assemble, with quite a number of whites, but by no means so large aa in case of a public execution. A oolored minister waa admitted and exhorted and prayed with the prisoners. On hisdeparture a Oatbolio gentleman bad an interview with them, the result of which was that they then desired, as they had previously," fee erricesof a Catholic priest, but in case one) eotild sot be had they desired to Lave .l Catholics pray ith them and to receive lay baptism. Xbej poor men had ueyer ro of very ons impulses, who Lad been counsellor the prisoners, announced that the hour had ex pired. Some excitement and confusion fol .lowed the prisoners standing composed ave ; ueaily completed their arrangements for; participating in the forthooming celebra tion of the semi-centennial anniversary of , St. John's Commaudery No. 4, of l'hilu- Torms Hi-mi poailivcly april 14 and untrcmbling. The sheriff then turned delphia.which will oocnr on Tuesday, .hue to let io tliA ilrnn. vt. Mfniinnil a mnmniil I lfith. Thn two CVinimftiitleries here. Ilia - to ask if he should read the sentence. One Washington and the Columbia, will send a or MT'oved pspbi. of their oouusel replied that it was not as- delegation each of about one hundred Bcmtrnt butitimd tjottcrtirdouB; JusT at KHlgbtBTTniitlriaTaiTTTh this instant Mr. Solomon announced a lur of Bichmond, Virginia, will also ao telog ram from Gov, Holden, dated at lialti- oompany them. " A very grand aud imjxis more respiting the prisoners nntil tho 4th lag programme is prepared for the occh of June. The sheriff asked Mr. Conigland sion, and it will long be ouo worthy of re if he could respect, it the roply was, "You membrauce by the Order, not only can but ought." And tho prison- The Secretary of the Treasury has issued ers were remanded. a set of regulations to govern the employ Thus ended a scene of which, taken all eca in his department, which breathe all in all, I never before saw the like. The over the harsh and imperious spirit of the hope raised by the first telegram the Lowell ami Lawrence cotton factories. Sheriff's purpose to disregard it the Clerks and government employees are not solemn prayers in tho jail the revocation to be treated aa gentlemen, but as vicious of the respite the farewell of the ladies and unmanageable school Doys, who can the tears of strong bravo men tho lay bap- only be kept in order by Hogging. The tism in the cell tho marching out of tho nature of the "nigger driver" charaeter prisoncrs the lost kiss of the Crucifix izes Mr. Boutwell and all of his fellow the excitement amoug the by-stauders ltadioals. No leaviug of his desk by a the respite from Governor Holden at the olerk from M a. m. to .! p. in.; uo eating of very last moment all formed an incidont lunch; no interchange of courtesies with in my lifo .which cannot forget till my his fellow clerks; uo speaking at all allow dying day. ed, upon pain of dismissal. There is one 1 ought, perhaps, to apologize for the good rale, however, which ne has minle, if space occupied in this detail ; but the lit can be enforced so as to " head off" the death of the most humble affords lessons usurers who prey upon the poorly paid for us all, and although the prisoners were I olerks like wild beasts. This iule is Iho not executed, the scenes and incidents that forbiddiug of the practice of transpired were of a solemn and impres- borrowing money by clerks. Anil si ve character, and sank deeply into the yet it is a despicable and ungeutle- uearts oi mose present, proving mat even nianiy attempt w oouiroi tue private ac- nude to the most lowly wake, in the hour of atHic- tions of clerks. Boutwell is devoid of true 8 F I T lion, tne sympatny ana charity or tueir uignuy, anu oi course iucks tue ursc tssen kind. tials of the gentleman. He delights in be lt would be unjust to close this sketch ing a tyrant over those iu his Department, withont bearing testimony that the respite some of whom are infinitely his superiors of Governor Holden met with the approval in force of brains and character, not to of every intelligent person present. The mention cultivation aud refinement, writer felt that ho was actuated by the most Tho ceremonies of decoratiug the graves humano and christian motivea : he shall of the soldiers who are buried on Arliug always respect bim more highly, and shall ton Heights was a beautiful and imposing not cerise to be grateful to him for his dis- ceremony. Many thousands of people CAS H Nlsn.ll.!lHS. r M"' n o BI-CS HOT nVK I N GS, HA I'll I'OU NT V, VA. SI'. TAKOY IO, Proprietor.. Prof. . J. I CAHKl-U M. O ... nf Urn Uniformly nl a., IU mil t Hi menu), mil ha uwn fur Hi" rncon lion ol viaitora, Juno I at, iimliii IIih miiiiitk'ciiitnit of J. A. NeCU'Nlt. All tli lanMiiiKs Ihiviiir hinii ri'i'iH"l, Kiintnl and llti-,l out with ncn Kurniturn. J.oiuii. llni. ai)t Tlileri'. Ilinao tSprinti. olltir ituur)Hr-tl Hirnntioua to holli III In valul mill pli Miu u siiukcr. No espcn.a or trim UK. Iii't-n npan'il I'V Iho proiet ira to ttinkn it oouifiirtHlilu Mint pl.aasant K pna.ili'e to al! vial tora. -Tlii' HOT WATlitiS hrroliavo luwuwill known lor mom than half a conlurv to popiHt aa. i a wpiijurfiil ili'Rii,"', ''oiiie, .I.Vi cndrc, WfiT.iii mi tumwannq l'nnln'. ami liars licc'ins Jiially celolirsto.1 for tlin eura f Uhewnatittn, H "ohi'i 1'arnJuim, thn rcoult nl iuiiiry or on una i fniaion : t iniciiflioa of Mutctn mi l .om.'s. )orrnri, flirt tyaprjixi'ii, at'entiipaiileil with ,Soi- mown ami nmriur, ).criptlB lamphli t fiiruishmt tiy tho Man Iter at uio HpriUKs or tiy ts w. 'lary . i:o.,- in nioml, Va; . A -tlitHflltrttrirrTiRIl)Trrioil at tli rlprinRR, tlnia aflonliPK Visilora an niiporlunity of prompt ooniimiiiii'aiuui wuu ryeryi rrt nf I in oounry. mav 21 plD-liu SIMRIJ!V CATAHBl sntlNCiS, CATAWBA COUNTY, N. C. miMH CFXKIIRATED WATKltlNlt ll.ACi: I fornnrly oalleil thn North Carolina Whllo Nnlplinr Mprinua, will ho open for viaitora ou "'ilea 'Ikv. the Hint iUv n June. ' lloliiK BitunUul in tho NorlhwcaWm part of Uio Ktalo, tu a ooiiiitry rciuarkahlo for Us fooautv ami hoalllifnlncaathoao togolliT with tho virtuo of tlio watera-iuaan It out) of Hit moat tloairahlo watmmi planoa tn bo fuiuxl. Thn Minor d Waters of lltcao Npriiij aro tho Whito anil llluo hulphtir nt Chalvbcals or Iron, ami thoy Haaraa all tho It lion t qnalltiea of Ihoae water., ana aro snvoroirn ratnomos for all ili.- niM a or I Ho uvor, Uowola, stoiuaoh anil' kiilnoya, eriipiinn or inn milt, aiirnliua, vieaknoaa, (loluU lr, dvapopsia, rhcuniHllinii. Ao..,Vo. Tlio proprietor liarliiij aoont a larija aiiioimt In aihlilioiial hulhlitiKa nixl itnproviiiuoiila conorully, tli co hpriiiKS aro now in a lino oomlitlon, room. larKO ami plvaxaul, ami good outtaiioa ountaliiliiK ironi two io six rooms eaon, won an dko1 for cither lnrK or aiiinll tatuilio.. (looil leu plu alloya, hillianl lahh a ami other aniuaemoiilH. fino HATH HOI HliM f,,r Pool, 1'Iuiik" or bhower ilidh, anil Sulphur lifttli, hot or oohl. A Rood Hand of Muaio will l al tho Hi m tho entire aoaaoii, and a Rood fhyatolan pi'i nia imutly located for tho heiiollt of luvalida, who may roat aaaurml wll tiavo every attention. liav iik aoonroil tlio acrvloea of Mr. J. N. Car ter, of ViiRinla. who haa hail 'in noli expeiioiioo ami alamla IiikIi aa a Hotel keeper, viaitora may n st aaanretl that our table will ho aupplini) with Iho boat thn market oan allord, and nverythiiiR dons that will add to thoir tiloaauro aud cnnitorl. Tba oars ou the Weaiorn North Carnliiia Hail road will loavo Haliabmy for llh'kory Htation, thii Hpriiifra depot, every morunii; (Munlaya exropt ed) lu oonneolion Willi Ilia Nnrlh Carolina Kail, road, avoiilintr dolav or otophiK at rlalialnuy, and arrive at Hickory Htatjou in tnliu for lircaliUnt uhiire i;ood backs will bo tn roadincaa to lake paaaviiirura omr a bcauiifiil, ell ahailitd load lo thorlptiiiKS a dintauci) ol ai milca. Aa an iiiiliji'ciujnLJoxljLnutiea aml-pannia lo 1 liavo eoiniiiidud lo ILR0AIS1 L Wll.MINtlTnN WKIjDON ItAIt.ROAW CIO.,) ornoa CiurrKNo. t (Ir.M. rlpriatsTSMiKMT, Wit.uiNoros, N, 0., April iU, lstlj. ) (h(.i:of s(in:i)m ON AND AKTr It MONDAY, the With Inat., onr paaacnKir Irama on this mail will leave WilnihiKtoii n 6H) A. M and 10IMI P. At., ami arrive it WchUiu, li ft! A. M. ami 'J:00 I'. M. lrfave Vtcrdnn 10:ta A, M. and 1M i'. M. Airlro at Wil mitiKlou 4:Stl A. 11. ami 7:10 V, 01. The tiny train will not run on Mimlaja, A dally IhrmiKh fri(ht train will Icavo WilmliiKlnn tSimdaya ex cepted) at 1:00 P. M , fur tho acoolniiiodatlou of 1 ruck Karmcra. Panai-nKcra can al.io gti accom modation, on aiuil Iri-iKlit train aa far aa UoliU bi)M'. H." L FHKMON'f, KiiK. A Htrpl. april 10 im.tf (IICNICHAI, HPPKJIINTKNOKNT'B OrFlOE,) VVlLMlNIITON A MaNoiiKaTRa IU n. Co. J Wit Mlsnroi. N. V., April 10, 1H09. ON AND AFTUU APMII. Ilth l'aaaonRcr Traina J3( lliia UuaJ, wdl-ritH-n-4htr fnllom ink M'heilule : . KXIMIFHH TIIAINH, Loavn WIlliiliiKUiii ifaily at. Arrive at Klonnioe Arrive at KniKavillo I.cavo KitiKsville. Arrive at Klorouoo Arrive at Wllmiiiclon Kxpreaa Tram oonnccta cloaelv at Florenoa with mo norineaatorn naureail ror I'liar eatan : ami Cheraw anil Parlinglon Kailroail for Chcraw, ami at KiuL'avillo with the Hmith Carolina ltailroad for AiiKUola, to which point oar run liiumjft icifAouf eruimju. ACCOMMODATION THAINH. Leavo WilnilnKton dally, Bnmtay ex., at H:5 r. M Arrive at r lorenca 3:41) A. M Arrivoat KinoBvlllo XL1,.,.. U:tK) A. M Leave KIiibvUIo..... : im 1. M Arrive at - hWanon. . . .- :40 p, M Arrive at WUmlnuloi . 6:10 A. it Aooouinioilatioii Train oonneota cloaoly at Florenoa with the Norllioaatcrn Railroad for CliarlcRton, and at KliiKaville with the Houtli Carolina ltailroail for AuKiiala. Paeaoniter for Coimuina ahoulil take thn Accommodation Train WM. MaiiltAK, Ucnnral rjuportntomlont. april 11 JUft-tf ri:at sou j hi;r passkkckr am FRKIfailT ILM AIR LIKE. Optwtflii New York and IVew Orleans. ANU Al t, IMTCUMKllUTK UlTltHl) PtJIOKa. 1MMR FltKIOHT FOItWAltDKI) Hi I'AHHKN OKIt THAINH. ami at LOW IIAIEH. Mi, Jinmriinco aMvwiry, To lini'cha.o 'I icIioIh. or forraliia of Tranatior. latlon ami othor inrnruiaUon, apply at the (leucr al Olllce, Wl Hroailway, coruor of Kuado atrnet, New York. I'F.TKH MALl.KTT, (li ucial Aitcnt, New Yoik, Jmin l.'i, IHCH ajfi-lf -M. irl. KATZ & CO.r r.iicuil tvio motitha or moriv 1 nit board down atrhn-ttitloirinjf-lrnT rates hoard fur una amula-mmith rAer- lluard tor two or Ino: GRAND SVI.K OK REAL KMATE. GR A i J) SALE OF ' . , HEAL ESTATE ... AND '.. " FER801VAL .... 5:15 A ....10:3a A, .... 1:M P, ....H:.'lo V. M .... 3M V, M 20 P, 23 Market Slrrrt, 171- Life Is Real. Life is Earnest." ceomb r. mm & m AKIC i'AnNhT IN HIXMNO FOOTS, , SHOES, I I A l lll li anil SHOE FIMM(,S. nd ahvo to Iho importance of gelling a good and BOOT AND SHOE for a very small prior. Onr assortment is laree ami atnek i.ion.it.. " Onr Goods prime and durable, aud our prioee are reiuonlha f 10 per month or at that rale. Hoard per week tin. Hoard per day t'i 00. IJhihlreii under ten year of brii ami colored servants, half prion. No c!iarin for Infanta or children under two ycera of an. j. gulden wyatt, I'roprieloi nparaitntr uaiawua nprina, i thrtawba Counly, North Carolina, May Kith, lSUi). ) PiMlS-flm Tin; piiw i u i i iiiiii ii I IUV I IM I fi I II lIvHIFM I flIlK VI'IIDIOT OF TIIK PKU'Lli! II AH been 1 kiiiioiiuiumI, ami it proolaima trumpet t"li;md that for Clioai'iicaa, (Juahly of Moods and polite attention lo all Customers, the DRY (.ooos iioisi: UII., hariIUt V Itullmrfonl It. II, THE TIME S. inerested aclion. Vn 0I U H AM1INGT0N LETTER. The Municipal Election -KtHirl. to llearne (lie ntjr Government rram Dad Men I'arlUan Hcglatrntlon The Indlian Com nilulon Piety anil Trad' Knight Tcmplare linperlodaneae of Heiretnry Ltoutwell Memorial Service -The Pa. fine Railroad, .Vi .. A.c. To Merchants we offor Rroal indueemonts iu a Lariro ami wcll- pclcctcd iUock, cmbraoinft evory atyle anil variety of Hhoos l.uowu lo I lie tmlo. We ollVr Goods & Low an auy Johbrrs in No York or Baltimore. - ViTCOlWE AND SEE US."to t. It FREM II & SOW 2 Rorlli Front St. 1!3- inav II Washinoton City, D. C, May 2!)lh, 18C.1. In the absenco of generat political news, newspaper correspondents are beginning to I curity. take great interest in the coming municipal election. .In the years gone by, when Washington was a quiet, pleasant city. whose resident society was intelligent, cnl tivatod and refined whose politics were conservative whose morals were pure, its fair fame tarnished only by the crowd of political adventurers that flocked .. here every session of congress, and who scarcely over saw any portion of the city exoept Fensylvania Avenue from tho Navy I)e partment to the Capitol, in those good old days the municipal elections were neither warmly contested nor exciting. The vote polled was very small, never reaching six thousand in the most enthusiastic canvass, generally from two thousand to twenty-five hundred. The candidates were all good men, property holders who deemed it a duty to keep down taxes as low as possible, and to curb any rising partisan feeling from obtrading itself. The associated press very often neglected to telegraph the result of our erection here to the coun try. It is different now, in morals, in so ciety, and in politic. There are over thirty thousand voters in Washington, not counting several thousand who went South i . i r t- . m ...... . participated in the exercises. The day was bright and beautiful, and the Hower- entwined tombs of the dead wondrously lovely in their uew garb. But many who were there asked if the money thus ex pended would not have been better be stowed if sent to the widows and orphans of the dead men, many of whom are suf fering for the necessai ies of life. President Urant having decided that a curm-r Krout and Dock atrocts. Wilminnlon. N. deposit of 4,Uw,lHJU uentral r'acitto Hail- 0., ollor to the trade at lowest flxnrca, Uio follow road first-class mortgage bonds would fully inn goods recently received : secure the completion and equipment of the Central to a nrst class rsiltoad, the AURI l, & FULLERS, VirHOLESAliU DEALERS IN PftOYIHIONH, V T Groceries. Lirinora, Tobacco, Hecars. Ac. at the breaking ont of hostilities, and who, coming back to the homes of their youth, make no effort to interfere with the elec tive franchise. Many thousands of negroes have been imported here that may vote the Radical candidates in power. Elec tion day baa come to be a sanguinary and a lawless one, during whose boon thous ands of half drunken, Telling, whooping negroes, armed with a miniature arsenal of deadly weapons, seeking to inflict violence deposit was mado yesterday in duo from. The Union l'acitlo will soon give like se- ATKI.S01V'S LVSfRAXfE ROOMS, Prleceaa St , between W aler .V From die. OBJECTIONS TO LIFE IWIUME ANSWERED. BJKCT10N 1BT.-I cannot afford to insure my Life. AxawKB. This may he truo ; ami you cannot allord to die. It requires but litllo to insure your Life in the PIEDMONT HSIHANCK COMPANY, and if yon are unable to pay tho small premium Deoeeaary, what ia to become of your delicate wife and little children when you are removed ? Con sider this. Brad the following totter from General M. W. Gary, of tjonth Carolina : Dkab bia: Allow me to express to you my ap preciative thank foryonr courtesy and kindnces, and thronch yon to the PIEDMONT LIFE IN BUHANCE COMPANY, for their prompt payment to my Sinter, Mr. N. O. Evans, of Five Thou sand Dollar, the amount of Life Policy of Gen. N. G. Evana, for the benefit of hi wife and child ren. Onrecnoj 2d. I shall lose all I have paid if unable to continue my payment. ' - Aniwib. Inanre In the Piedmont Life Insnr. ance Company, and we will isane you I olicie auolaUly non-forfeiUng afcer two annual pay ment. Ho that yon cannot tail to set full return pro rata to your payment. Apply to JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, - General Inaorance Agency.- my 2C au3-tf M CAPT. JE1VK8." j0BB 07 I HEM EXPECTED TO-DAY at may W ANDERSON'S. 306- 20 Hilda, sweet Cnb Molaaaea: U5Bbls. " So Mat fins Java CofTn; '25 Hacks Laguayra Coflne; 200 Backs ltiu Ooil'ee common to choice; 150 Bbl. onKars common brown to atamlard ernahed; 40Caac Cove Cyators, t and 3 lh. cans, the met iu ninraei; . 60 Moxea choice Cream Oheeao; 30 Tuba No. X Table lintter; 60 Poxes Pabbitt' Hoan; IHO Doiea Oawego and Pearl Htarcli; 15 Tierce 8o. Ca. Ilice prime; 185 Bbla. hioe: 6 BK Pepper, 3 do. Pimento, 8 do. dinner, . iu num. anu zu mil out, nauroad rinnrr; 5h Bills. BiOarb Hoda, 200 keg Nails; 2') Bdl. Hifters, 10 crates Fngl Crockery, aas't IWNI Caae D. Wolf pure Winea and Liquors; 40 Mills Havana Heuars extra fine: 20 Caeca and 10 Mils. Tumblers -asa't, 10 boxva iemon; 5 Boxes Breakfast Ilaoon; 300 PI. la. new heavy City Mess Pork: 25 Hhds. and 25 bbl. Western Bacon Sides and Hbouldera; 1,600 Bbl. Flour, sound, fresh, and all grade. my7 17 MorniDg Star and Bonder Watchman copy. QCARAliTIlVE NOTICE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 1st. ALL VESSELS from ports eonth of Cape Fear, will oome to at the viaiting etation near emithville for inspec tion. All vessels having had aickneason board during the pasiaire will also come to the station for ex- aminat on. Teveel other than the classe above named will proceed without detention. Pilot and Master of vecl will take due notice of tb above regulation, under penalties by law provided. W. O. CUHTIS, Quarantine Phyaician, Port of Wilmington, N. C. rlmithvilln, N. ('., May 24th, 189. may 202 lawtf Post copy lawtf OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP LINE. mup u 4 T n i iiviuvvj u. ... I I uu ua.v .... u ioibui- 7 ' : t ' , 1 .h lo.va I'nH.md-illi nn.m. . '.' 'A . A val of Seaboard Cart, 7 p. m., Mondays. Tneaday. Wedneadav. Saturday and Sunday. Ticket for Cabin paaaae from WUmiogton to New York for $20. - kftaLS KiTaa. , ! N. L. MoCBEADT, I Pmideot. mj26 kmuo4 A. T. KOEINSON Stands v.illiout a Rival in Ike (ity. - - - Tho Hiipotlority of bia SPUING STOCK ia the Iheruo of undivided praiac, Tho Ladie (and who will quoatiou tlicir taste ?) proiHiiiiiio III I, All', MtlAWIM. I'ltlHTH. MlldlilWM. 1lt. OAN 1I KM, JACONETS, ripring AI.1'A"AS, .So, the very eiubodiniont of beauty and exonlleiicu. J here are four noiiits to ounsider in buviiie Drv Ooods, vi : Beauty, Chi-apnwas, Durability aud Taste. AW I lice, are combiuud in tho Goods sold at HOBINHON'ri. All Goods gtiarautonii as renronontei, and evoiy faodlty offered in thoir eeloction. KOHINHON ami liisnxpcricncoil Assistants con sider it no troublo to show Ooods, and tliouo who call may mly on tho politest attention whether they buy or not. Itoruembor that HOBINSON NELLS' Ft) H CASH; but, with him, Caah means LOW l'UIOKM and THE IlEiiT GOODd. M MAltlKT BTItKKT Is tho place to boy your Goods. Itemorober, thi is the Popular Plane. A. T. BOBIN80N. :Mi Market Ntrnet. april 4 - lOii-tf TICKLES. QUCUM BEIIS- io barrels and ( ars ; CHOW OHOiV Knglish; BTUFFRD MANGOES; STIFFED PEPPERS ; HOUSE ItADISlf ; FBE8H CANNED TOMATOES ; Just received at - . 7 MAHKKT SJ I UKh. r. COWAN A -Ga:ame'KHitTirni:rr's tWiot.T Wu.atiNi.TON, N. C. May 15, IMW). f N AND A FIT. If MAY 15TH, the I'Msenifor x train on this Itoad will ioava WiliuiuglJin on Tuesday, Thursday ami HMnnlay at 7 o'clock, A, M. : An-lvo at Ruckinitiiain aamo day, at tt, P. M. Arrivn at Wadusboro' t rltagu) at u I'. If. Umve Wadeaboro' (HIk) on TucHilay, Thur day and Haturday, at I P. M. LuitVH ltntikiiiithaiu on Motnlay, Wndnssda aud r riday at 0:Ul A. M. Arrive at HilmiiiKUiL aamo days at B P. M. W. I. fcVKKK'IT, ib noral rliipsnntemlout. in.y 1.1 in4-tf PttftPERTF. BY TUB :., . NOUTII CAROLINA HEAL AND PER SONAL ESTATE AOENCT, RALEIGH, S. C. $100,000 CAPITAL STOCK. chihtkuki) by tag txoi.iaTnni or kosts oabo- LIS4, FIB. 2flTH, 1809. , ......... JOHEPQ O. UEaTKlt, i'ryttdeni. JOSEPH DIXONrrJVfjidsafc J0US 0. HlCiTER, Btify and Stoat. JlOB'TajJLEWIIii;al OwnwOer, 3,000 Valuable Pieces of Property to be Di. f posed of Worth eHO.CW I 2 A CnTNCE I REAL KStATE. SEVEN FINK KKSIDENCKhV-FOUB IN TH CITY OF JiALElOUl Ouo residence In ltalolgh, N, 0., described ....10,000 a,ooo 8,500 8,000 6,000 J.OOO. 9,000 bolow One " " . " Ono " Ouo " " Ono " Warrenton Cno " ChaimlHill i irn.Mi in rr-ol.. iii hi if VIIV lliti'i, , 4TimnTlllil 41. W.l i.i t ur rmiiauNAt, phopihtt i Samplva on exhibition at 11E8TEH BHOS. A CO., no. tv ByoMeTUlBtrea itaieign, n. U, at the regnlar oaak prlco. 10 Finn l'liictons iKI each mads by H. 1). Sohinldt, Baltimore, Mil. ........ , 8 000 10 Flue Top Buggies, 1:100 each, mad by ui Duiiiuiu, uMtiwiin, nil. i B.Ovv 50 tat Premium 7 octavo Piano mad by Tremaine Broa., N. Y, tO.V) each. . . 82,600 4 IBIUW1I, HIUB.I 4. 4., atWU j S Parlor or Clinrch Orit ana. 0 atona. fOAIl Miade by Troiuaine llroa., N. y 1,150 600 Hewing niaobiuoa, Wiloox A Olbb. or drover A Baker'. 1(10 each 90 fkTO 500 Silk Dresses, beat article, 12 yard to rami uroaa, ."...... i....... HU.OtlU 8 Volooipado, 175 ...y 430 21 Holla hnn.els Carpot, ii yds each l 85 8,240 8 Salamander Hafea, Wilder' patent, boat in the world, 12110 1.5C0 1 Caah Prise, I,(KM) gold 1,834 10 Oaakl'riKOa, 1100 each 1.000 SIKI do ih) 10 1I0.....,...,..,,,. B.000 17'i do do 6 do 8.860 110 do do 2 do...,.,,....,,,,, ... 8,000 UdOO Pri.ca. Value of the total amount 8148.684 Total uumher TickoU, 73,847. , ..... All of the above ia put in the drawlnsr at tha rexular cash soiling prlco and will be disposed ol by a roKiilar moilo of drawing, and in order to auooiuplisl) lliia tho oompany will sell 78,347 tlok- a at f 4 each ; for further Information raad aan. lion 10 14 1 . . if the By-Law of the company 1 BiTiiafBi. fOPAKTIVERSIIIP.. K0TII ES. NOTICE OF t O-l'ARTNERSllir. Wit.MiKnnin, N. O., April 15. ISfiO. rV., TIIR UNDKKHltlNKU, HAVK THIS V t day entered in In co-iiartnershii) nmur the nnu, iiaiun anu atyio or JiAINMMil ll, COWAN A CO., for tlio nuriioHH of cciidiiellnir Iho biinincsa or a uriAii ksi a ik and r MANIIIAI, AtlKNCY wuu prmeipal ollloia at WilniliiKtnii, N. C, aud new xora uu. We res enlnilly offer onr services lo II10 pulilio. r-l.l'.SIUhl, IIA.NNIN'I Kll, : .... l, H. COWAN, J. c. ki:nyon. For further Information, address llANNIiTKH, COWAN A CO., WiliiiiiiKlon, N. C. Iiali'iiih Hentiuol ami Hlanilard (daily). Salia- l-niy Old North Mtatn, Charlotte Domecrat, Htatus- villi- Aiuoncan, Anbvil.'o News. Marion. S. C. t.resoeni, rnimlcr Watchman, copy one month, ami s'lmi mils to tins omce. . april It) . 171-tf T may 2i RIETTH. 203 CORN. FOR SALE. ONE THOUSAND BUSHELS OF CLEAN, drv Shelled COHN. Call on WALI.ACK A HOUTUtHLAMJ, or may 2(3 NOIiFLEKT. Tarboro'. N. C. 2. 3-lw HANDS WANTED. THE 8UB3CI!IBEa WISHES TO EMPLOY Stone Cutters, Wheelriahts. Blscksmiths aud laborers, white or colored, to work ou the Wilmington. Charlotte A Kntberford lUi! ro&il in Anson county. Wage of laborers II 25 per day. tree passage rrom Wilmington to Ro kintibaru HOBEBT nAKVEY, ' ' ' i. . Contractor. may M . " - 2o2-2W DISSOLUTION. MIR COPABTN'EHSHIP bereli -fore exiatiu, iii'tween the ntnlersiuiied. under tho stvio o A.IK1NHON A HIIEITLltMO.M, is ilis.olvod by mutual consent, by tho withdrawal of John Wil der Atkinson. ' - Alfred I). Nhoppersoh asshmi s all the liabilities if tho Is to rtrni. and it is rcuuenteil that those in debted to us will make prompt payment to him. JKMIM VVII.Ur.ll A'J hlJNNUN. ALFHI'.lJ II. HHEPPEUSON. Wilmington, N. C, March 17th, lHffJ. A. B. S1IEPPERS0N & CO., ' (RDCCTSaOB TO ATKINSON SaiPTEaSOlt,) General Commission Merchants, Aitn - Agent Baltimore and Wilmington Steam Ship I.tne, 11 AND 12 NORTH WATEIl SThKET, WILMINGTON, N. O., 1UNUEH THKIS PEKVICES TO '1HEIR . friend and the public tor the purchase and sale, on commission, of NAVAL HTOllKd, COT TON ami GENKHAL MEItCHANUlSE. LIBEltAL ADVANUKH will be made npon eon tignnionta for sale Id Wilmington, or by their correspondent in the Northern and European market. All business entrusted to prompt personal attention. them hall have Tho undersigned take pteaanro in commend ing to the patron of Atkinson A Shcppersnn thoir successors, Messrs. A. 11. Khoppernon A Co. JOHN KILDEH A'lRIKSON. Wilmington, N. I'., March 18th, lfni'J 144-lf DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. r I AHE FlltSf OF B. H. OOWAN A CO. IX THIS X day dissolved by mutual oousont. Messrs. Cameron and Bill will cloae the bunnies of the Firm. It H. COWAN, JNO. W. CA1r:RON, JAMES H. H1LU THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED A Copartnership under the name of CAMERON & HILL, . and will continue the General Corumioslou and Shipping Buainee at the old Ninu.l, No. SI N. Water Sireet, JVO W CAHEHON, JlMFN H. EItU Wilmington, N. C, March 4, lst:. mh 4 - 132 3m BRIUS. YHUEItS full rjALMON. HARD. - PAVlNO. oiraicner ana free KlllCKri h! i.l. 1.011- I -l . ., I ... . . . .1 . 4- l . . ...via .u, 4mv iu.u, v. i.Tiinni. lnrni. CKONI.Y A UOMII'. may 23 ' " '-" WOKCEVrERSIIIKK KAI ri:. ANCHOVY 8ACCE, Stuffed Olives and oCo, at GEOKOK MYtRS', 11 and 13 Front fit, may 28 ant- LAN D DEEDS. TTtBEAFTEH LAND DEEDS WILL BK SOLD lur 25 oeoU par sheet alto sept I jorouuL omcx, TO TI RPE.NTINE DISTILLERS. (CIRCVLAQ.) t . jflIHE 8UBS0RIBEB3 IN CORDIALLY 111" I X tnrniug thank to Ibsu- frwuda in tuo coun I try who were last year engaged in ihe Tarpenit- e l ouaioeae, lur uieir aonuauaa coolMence and arip- pori. aeaira at u, comDMncatWBt of another season, to renew their asanrauces of notirtng ef fort in their endeavor by ecoiwiuiy in expeuae anu charge and prompt attention to their crders, a well aa the utmost ear. In tbe aaiaof their consignments, to promote their laUrast. le cOBOt mlaa and remit (an era g aaranteed to ho rttomm':- -. J; BPBCNX A HEfSOlt prttl' ' : 1 ' 156-3ra rTiTSno.The plan of drawing shall be a follow! l'tore shall bu two wtwela, ouo a Prtee wheel and ne a tin in tier wlisid. arranged in lonia nnhlln place iu the city, whore any ouo holding a tioket may be present on the day of drawing. In tbe number wheel there shall bo as many tickets oor. respondiugtin tho nmul.or as those widen have suu aoid. . in tho prise wheel there ahall be aa any tickets as thiiru aro linzoa. thssa tickata half be doHialtoil in the wheola by a board of an Mirvlsur. who ahall be annolutnd by thedirantnrs artor which the wimnl ahall be ssaled np and placed iu auy bank iu Ihe city, the director may uncut, iiiiin mo nine in iitawiug, wuB ,ne icper riaors ahall tiring tho wheels to tho ilrawing.break ths aeala and the drawing shall be disposed of by taking a ticket from eaoh wheel, at the aame time and tho prize ticket taken from the prim whoel shall designate the prow drawn by tha tiok et corresponding in iiuuihor lo tho one taken from tho nninber wheel at the asm time. The wheel ahall bo well shaken after each ticket ia drawn. Moo. 11. The Uireotoi a shall doaiimaU tha lima ami piano of drawing, at. which time and nlaoa tha siipcmsoiaalia.il Imrenuirod to be present ami see that the drawing ia coiuliiotnd entirely equi table. - - . " - A board of auoerviaora will ba annoJntat ahn will liavo exolnsive oontrol aud management of tho drawing, Thoy will conduot the distribution and see that each person 1 legally invested with ' the property he may draw. A duplicate resietrv of tho ticket sold will be kept, so that in the evnut nf loss of ticket, tha aooidout may be reme died and no mistake can occur. The drawing will take place in TUCKER HALT. in tho oily of Raleigh, immediately after sale o' tickets of w hich due notice will be given. Tha company is working under the nrovlaiona of a special charter granted by the General Aa- ecmixy or North Carolina, twuioh oomnela tha company to comply faithfully with alt oontraots. uopioa can ne iiaa ou appuoatioa to the eom- pany. -. .... au tne above moiitiouod nronertv will certain) be dispoaod of a above stated, and those draannir it will be Invested with the title in fee simple. - No member of the company i allowed to purchase any tickets. All motion. a,iit hv nia.il at tlianHma.'. -:.L.. .1... cut by Eipress, Registered Letter, Chock or Drafts at the rink of the company. No property will be listed uuloaa the title ia In. disputable, ; iho treasurer has been required to tire a fannil f to.lKJO for the faithful performance of hia da. tie. Ho is required to deposit daily in tbe bank II monies received, whers it will remain nntll ail the ticket are aoid aud all tb property will be lositiroly drawn and delivered to the parties rawing, or the money returned. Send 12 bv ax. pre, post office order, registered letter or draft, at our risk, or by mail at your own. and taka . chance at tho 3,000 valuable prise offered. Ticket will be ent anywhere in the tTnitsd State at th company' risk. One fine re.idenoe built of brick, in the beat improved atyle, In tbe city of Hal- A.L eigh, with tight acres of ground, and all necessary out buildings, with many tine ornament in the yard. Value t lft fW) One large and convenient hoas in the city of haleigh, ou Newuarn street. 13 , ... largo comfortable room, double par. . lor, with ail necessary eat buildings, 14 - " - acre ground, and a beautiful oak grove. Value sunn One large house on Newborn and 1110011. - . worth street, containing 20 rooms, , t . uitabl for a boarding house, all ne- oessary oat ouiiuing, witn a beautiful oak grove in the yard and acre of -?"- ground. Vain I 6,000 One beautiful residenoe on Newbern St., 8 room and basement, 4 out building and stable 7 acres of ffrourjd.elm grove, very desirable and attractive. Value. . ' 8 8,000 One in Warrenton, N. U, knows as tb Alston property, in erfoot order, one of the best built house in the Slate, ' , containing 8 large room, double piaa- cas and porticoes, one of the moat ' commanding and beautiful reaidenoe) .'. in the place, with 8 acres of ground, ,T fine orchard, beautiful oak grove ha tbe yard, and all neceaaary oat b&Ud- iae. Value .. a nnn The property at TaylorayUle te very at- irav.ivo, vaiuauiv aua noeap, xt la a Hotel at the county aeat of a floariaa ing and growtog village of a thousand or more lnbabttante, and eitnated one sqnar from a good and fioariahing col. lege, no aehool of batter grade, right , ou he line or the Atlantic A Ohio rail- ' road, and being attoated ia the asoam- ' " ' tain region, the aoeoery isUulydr- Ughlful and fascinating. Contain :0 rf rooms, and the buildujg ar new. Valne , . 6 LOGO Odc in Chanel Hill, containing 4 rooai, ' - - witn ure piaoe. and on) looaaiunir room. Also, kitaben, not Jionaen and on and thras-fourth acre of larsi. Valoe. ........... $fim Those ordering ticket cas aalaot any BBjnbar from 1 to 73,347. If the aomber erdarad ha bee taken, tbe number aeareat will be sent. ' Oaethreo oeatstaaup Boat aoeoaapany ever onier. ; , I'sraona deanriog any farther mforautiaa wl pteaa addraos ; - . . " ' - " J; JOBS d HESTER,, aprK 1172 taa

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