J. f ,. .'V. . i .t VOL. XVIII-NO. 209. WILMINGTON, "N. C., WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 2, 18(). WHOLE NtTMBER 5,244. DA I l'Y'-iournai; . OJjDBST DAILY IN TUB 8TATK. KNOKLHAHli A IMtlCH, Proprlstnrs. A I) VKitlTsl I TlAT KItZlJAU. V. l 7 s?r -a Us sisilsr if si? la uttkzi --; t $ a.2 B : f"Sa& ca i sg is ilpil Is - Slf gS S IS ?jsg aa ! It I i a a . I i8 j - . a. CO to ! r O 05 03 IT I E e S ' I g S C S B i J q n co w - Q S S S 8 8 m Cl O 0 CO I" y 8 2 5 5" o f 1 O O o o o r.-5 lid IP O) U U Q S 8 . 8 S S J - " ' H O (0 1 B U p 8 g S S S 8 - - " O) O D 0 CO )m g g g g g g -J ti w h o -a ee .8 S .8 8 8 g.r5 C3 CD M CH j 2 g gg g g g iy E r lj fcO 0 8 8 S 8.88 S 2 S a g 8 8 8 S 8 8 ? C SI & Si Ifl t 8 8. 8 8 .8 ?l S oi U S S j 8(8 8 8 8 2 i els s s s ft ,g 8! 8 .8 8 8. 2 I I j I 8 S J 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 UBSCIUPTIOR. 110 00 ft 00 3 00 lIIH J Vt, MX DtUUUlU, mnw nionUm....) W K 12 K 1, Y JO U It N A L. JMTAliUBDED BEITEMBEB. 1811 tine sqimro, 01 ten lines or Ions, lor each anil every In fartlou, l. Spwlul Nntlrra wli. De ohanreil $2per sqnure, for f arh jiw ovtjrj iiucruon- On year...... s o BK nioutlia. 'i 00 TEE DAILY JOURNAL WILMINGTON. N. 0. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 2, 1809. Colored Episcopalians. TUo following aro tho proceoJinga in n;gard to the petition of a colored church " for admission, into tho General Council of the Episcopal Church of Virginia : Kev. Dr. Norton, chairman of the com Biitteo to which was referred the petition of St Stoplieft'8 (colored) church for ad aii.Hsioii, presented a report which hp eaid was almost unuuimoua. U tho conclusion was not satisfactory to the Council it was not because the committee had not care .. fnllv and prayerfully considered the sub ieot with an earnest desiro to do what is richt. He theroforo, on behalf of the committee, begtted leave to oll'er the fol lowing resolution : Ileiolved. Hint (lie coDKiocalion of St. Hte phn'B chnrcii, PetorsburK, lie admitteil into union with thn Diocene of Virginia, and Le repro gented in Council, ar.il their iutereata cared for by the manning committee on colored congroga- ... l..ra..ti.-A tr.viiid." I IV.' II HQ .11 . v 1 ...... v. J . . --- Bishon Whittle thu took the iloor, ex pressing his extreme reluctance to speak on anr subjent, but felt it his duty to do so in this mstancp. Tho committee had nroDosed. bv a simple resolution, to set aside the canon. Huch a resolution was not worth the paper it was written on There was in ths canon no distinction of color. Hbv. Mr. Alwell having been or dained by tho Bi6hop, and being already a member of the Council, there was no right " to exclude him; nor was there any right to exclude any church from the usual mode of representation. It might then no asked how ho proposed to went the dilficulty Blaring us in the face. He acknowledged the equality of all men as Christians, but to attempt to put the colored race on un wiualitv with ourselvetf was not in aecor- danco with the teachings of the Word of God. God had put an indelliblo mark np on them, and made thom inferior; and so they would continue to be until the day when we shall all be equally tho redeemed souls iu heaven. He could not lelievo it his duty as a Christian to consent to put the colored man upon his own social lovel. He suggested that all difficulty would bo for the present obviated by referring the petition of Mr. Atwell and St. Stephen's church back to the committee on New Par ishes, and let that committee decline to re ceive the new churchbecause such cases are not provided for by the canon. Ivev. Dr. Norton regretted to find that his right reverend father seemed to misun derstand entirely the report of tho com mittee. . A cordial welcome had been ex tended to the ehnreh of St. Stephen's, while it was not proposed to take any stop towards the social equality of the two races. It was proposed to carry out the policy of the Council two years ago, which the committee naa neen assured woniu oe acceptable to the colored brethren in Te- tersbnrg. , ReT. lr. Andrews called for the resolu tion passed two years ngo at Alexandria. It was read, providing, " that whenever the colored members of a church in any pariah desire to form a new and separate congregation, such action shall bare the sanction of this Diocese. They may elect their own vestry, wardens, and minister. Thev shall be considered as under the care of this Conncil, and their interests as rep resented in it by tho " standing (Jommit teo on Colored Congregations." Dr. Andrews then inquired whether Mr. . Atwell was u&t already a member of the Conncil. The Bishop : He is, by virtuo of his or dination, - ! Dr. Andrews : Then he is entitled to a seat here, and to all the rights that we en joy as members? The Bishop : Yes, sir. i Dr. Andresws then moved as a substi tute to tho resolution before the Council that this subject be referred to a special committee of three clergy and three lay men, with instructions to report next year. He wiahed brother Atwell to corao so far and no fartheP, bat be subjected to no hu miliation whatever. This committee conld oomider the matter at leisure, and he hop ed they would see the way clear to estab lish an African Episcopal Church in this country." There would be no difficulty about this, and nothing would oonduoe more to the welfare of the colored people, ' who had no wanner friend than himself. . Even the Radical Methodist Church at the North did not admit tho colored man into their conferences, but organized separate churches and conferences, lor that race, with bishops of the same color. liov. Dr. Peterkin thought tho Council had a perfect right to legislate so as to pre vent the white people from being over slaughed. Tho idoa of Dr. Andrews was d good ono, bat at tho same time he thought that the resolution as reported by the com mittoe had better bo adoptod. The policy of the Church hitherto declared should be adhered to. , lvev. Mr, Dashiell offered a substitute expressing pleasure at tho establishment of this congregation, and that it be assured that all mombors, clerical and lay, haartily desire its prosperity, and that St. .Stephen's chnrou therefore be taken under tho care of tho Council, and its interests be in trusted to the Sanding Committee on Col ored Congregations ; and, finally, that the Executive Committee of the Diocesan Mis sions be instructed to give to the new church and other such organizations its particular attention, extending to them such aid as they may need. ' Her. Dr. Pendleton seconded the sub stitute of Mr. .Dashiell as the best thing to bo done to provida for thopreaenti omer? gency, but at the same time acknowledged the prudence and wisdom of Dr. Andrews' proposition, as it looked to tho ultimate settlement of this gravo question. Several members here arose to say that they would vote for both, llev. Mr. Uyland, of Wheeling, conld seo no difference Rotween the proposition of the committee and that of Mr. Dashiell, except that the latter wont a little more into detail. Tho committee recommends the admission of tho church into the Dio cese ; tho usual form is that a church be aduiittod into the Conncil. . Bishop Johns then submitted a few re marks, lie said that solioitmla for the wel fare of tho colored race Was no" new thing in Virginia. It had been manifested ju his State, Lo said, as be found it nowhere else, and existed there ever since ho had been conuocted with the Diocese. Fifteen years ago resolutions looking to the estab lishment of a separate church, under the care of the Convention, wero adopted. Resolutions to the saino end were adopted at Richmond immediatoly.after tbeouange in our political circumstances. Then at Alexandria the matter was brought to the attention of the Council by the Bishop, and the policy indicated hore to-day was inaugurated. A great deal more than peo plo generally had any idea of had been done by the standing committee then first appointed. Now, in regard to tho church Of St. Stephen s.there was a canouical irre gnlarity about tho application which makes it our duty to decline to admit the church just now. We cannot violate our canons, and it cannot be expected of us. la conclusion, he did not hestitate to say that no thought the substitute of Mr. Das hiell met the case exactly, and " sufficient for the day is the evil thereof." iter. Dr. Norton said that to far as he was concerned it gave him pleasure to ac cept the substitute, and he thought every member of tho committee would agree with him. The vote was then taken, and the reso In tion of Dr. Dashiell was unanimously adopted. Dr. Andrews s resolution touching the animate settlement or the question was tnon adopted. flY TELEGRAPH. General satisfaction is expresssed about the unanimity with whieh the colored ohurch question was settled. Not an tin kind word was spoken of tho colored peo ple in the debate. General Lee was not present when the subject was before the Council, but it is understood that he hearti ly concurs in its action. He had niaiiy waya of avoiding what lie j did not like to do, or have doue. It must I be remembered, in estimating him here, 1 that ho was not a bookish man. He was j eminently in all his beliefs aud moden.of action a man of the world. What power he had, aud he had a great deal, waa of ' his owu acquisition auioug men more than j among books. 1 thiuk it very likely that he did undervalue the discipline of mere hard study aud patient thought. He liked I sympathy with scholarship fce; as a I source tj "swootnewt and light." He- set1 no great value upon accumulation of! bonks. He did not amasa much of sueh " dead capital " for himself ; he did not encourage tho University to do no. The Mill AIiVKiniSOlAts. KIHh I KIHK It KIHK ttt GLOBE llltli KXriNtUHSllEU CO., No. 4 Dcy Street, flew York llrcat rodiioiitin in nv. No, I f i.'i; ,V. 3 140; No 3 M i. Firtt-aUtMt rjh-u wammt. A'Micm km 1mv. . UKSiV WA vfwo'i'OH Tel Secret History OF THE CONFEDERACY. The onloumliivi tvivtoiertji and s'orlt i; ilia eln.wre, umrlo 111 thin wurk, r on-atii III nuiKt liiti'UHP il(,Kiio to oliUill it. 'J ho wvrrl .oil. University and Library remains now as to I ; "':;'. Ac, of l'avi n,i oiIht Oeuicdir. ..... i.., nun me i iff t.tirt 1 1 mil no himl tho tSc.iitMt in liii'liimiht,,"' m'h i(ntioii?hly cttUiUihtL bom) tVr CirtmU- a mul wh- our loriim. M-:W AlllKimsKMOTS. KM 1,110 VI)S. and a full dfn.Miiilhmof ,MrH N.V nuaAU 1-i'uixiiiMi ()., riiiiaii, h.iiin, iv Auiuiia, via,, or M. iaiiik no. 5.000 H(MiK"AtiKTS WANTED tor UalllXNU't) N..w Illuiniimted am lltnatratrd Kditl.iiii. of tlio 1.IPK ' t'llltl'! and UUNYAN'M IMI.HHIM'a PIUIUHKIIX - Tho worhs ar now ready for ilHjve i-y.Aildrra rnr t;ataieuuu rir iu l)ci Ho i i.i. Hnl.,Tinu,in n ; i ir. i... i " . ...... lHlil.1lllmilll(l. w. w. iiaiiiiiwn, IMillailrlpliln Pilli'r of Haidinx' 1'Milioii of tlio Itoly lliblo, 1 A i'tCIM'l'K. . Minn .. " "i:ditor X' to-Hlflc I tiwrlMn, aj l'ark Ham, Now York. Twon- iv-iim e yeara' j iiorn'oco in ohtunnni' AMItKHAN niid Kt'ltOPKAft I'ATKNTS. tipiiiioiia no clnirgo A paniplilot, His of law aim iiiioniiaiion linn, aiIiIikmi aa alio a UKKTH WAIMI KU for " W.un. n of Nrw I'nrk." (lompli'tn oxpOHit of Vinnp l.ii in the (treat V.-.Voiod". HinnatioiiHt. Iloauil. fully illiiatratc .1. Hamiiin ,)pV poBt imid lor Address Nkw ViiHK Hook (Jo., Ill Nan-saa St., N. . i;uy aend for catalomiu of all ni v .1;-. rat lUmUs ami ,'oie ti,i(... Addi-cim .V Vi. Piibrn, Tror. N. Y.vof HpnilKlielil, 111. 10 H Vkil'uAll laiAKAM KKI) r Agonta to sell tlio lion ui iti.b Buwisn M.t- hink.. u inakca tho l.oea anrett, aukk on turrit smut, lias tlio nudi r-liwl anil ianoual in Bvorv 1) rlittrcturt A J, liieKNi t I. 1'rom the Raleigh Sontinel. Pen and Ink Sketches of (he University or north I arolina, as it lias Been. DEDICATED TO THB PEOPLE OF THE STATE AND TO THE ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY. NO. 10. nOV." SWAIN'S APJirNIHTIUTlON. Gov. Swain mav have been tod parental in cases requiring discipline, but I do not think that in reviewing his administration, even when most inclined to criticise him self severely, he ever regretted that he had leaned too much to mercy's side. He thought that for the. vomg there was always bono, and he shrank from branding the opening of a yonngMife with the sentence ot expulsion or dismission in disgrace from college. He would condescend to an erring boy rather than give mm np. Those, how ever, who presumed on this well known dis position of his found that when he did pro nounce sentence no men conld do it with more dignity or jast severity. Yet ho always kept his temper. One of the many instances of his long suffering towards offenders, which some called temporizing, lowering the dignity of his office, and the like, came under my immediate notice fifteen or twenty years THE MIS.SIS8irilAN. A student from the Southwest, who had for several sessions maintained a high rank as student and gontlemau, began in the Jamor year to fall oil, and bo wrono-. Re monstrance and advice, and the milder measures of discipline having one after another failed, the Faculty sent home a re port which spoke faithfully of tbo decline. This tho youth as college boys will do resented highly, and all the more that he felt the justice of it. - He acoused tho Pro fessors of partiality, unfair dealing, injus tice, la, and left college in nigh dudgeon. The Professors generally felt his departure a relief. His talents were so considerable, and his influence so great that he had be come an injury to others, as well as a thorn in their sides. But Gov. Swain grieved over the lost boy like a lather over nis son He thought only of his former promise, and what he might yet be if he ooald be reaohed. He wrote to him, bnt the reply received would have discouraged any other man from further attempts. The Governor then interested a lady in the case who only knew the young man by reputation, hay iug never seen him then or, at any time since. She wrete him, at Gov. Swam s in stance, snch a letter of friendly remon strance and of kindly appeal to his am bition and all his better feelings, as only a woman can write ; a letter that brought at once a letter of thanks to her, and a penitent and apologetic reply to Gov. Swain, and brought the student himself next session, resolved to begin anew. . And he did, graduating in a year or two or distinction, and the re spect of all his teachers,, and returning home to begin life fairly and well the pride of bis family. Gov. Swain thought such an effort as this worth making. He would congratulate himself all his life up on inch an issue. , AS TO SCHOLARSHIPS. Gov. Swain. I know, resisted some of the members of his Faculty in certain pro posed changes and modifications in the plaa 4 itooy and the amount required, . ai lliese moeilllgs IllO i r"iH-i to any ncwinif aiai'iuna fiver invented, - always ruiui twice, oneu ! " r.ui,.Mi ior u years, nen.t mr cir ,. ,, ,,1.h, ,,..,, .eolur. Addiea Johxhon, t i.ahk A Co., Iloaton once for general or spo- I ,,.,. rat HlrKli, Pa., or Kt. Louis, Mo. lhey were hold every . ,.,.., .,,. ,,,.. .:., ,, , ., , i-- ......... nmiieno I lAilll I'll.. 11, 1 1(1 . -- OI.tiM(.V l AT fct NT RED JACKfc'T AXE numbers aud value pretty much ' ai Dr, Caldwoll left it. with tho exception of tho addition mado when .the ('uiversity pur chased Dr. Mitchell's Library after his death. It U a valuable oalleotiou of some seven thouancd volumes, but their value is mainly of forty years, ago. There was certainly harder atndy required in Dr. Caldwell's day and closer teaching of text-books-bnt under Gov. Swain the teach ing was more oec7i-had more breadth. When he used books ho used them with great power. II n would see at a glanee and take up and handle with ouso principles and deductions that other men would mas ter only after much labor. IMPKOVKMKKTS. Many invaluable improvements and reg ulations were introduced under Governor Swain's iufluouee. lie instituted a con nected record of Faculty proceedings -an uninterrupted series of reports to the Trus tees twice a year regular quarterly reports on scholarship and deportment recorded at the University, and also sent homo to par ents and guardiuus -written examinations which gradually increased m length and intensilied iu strictness. He also introdu ced thn regular Kceklv l'licnllv nieetinirs - - Tl - v - . o and alter a tinio ouusud that they be open ed with prayer. College roll was for absences and oilio remarks. Friday night, and at first from hoiiso house of the President and Profensors. Cake and wiuo aud fruits were always pro - vidod as a wind up to "faculty meeting for many yeurs, till tho Temperance move-, ment throughout the country ted to tlio discontinuance of this pint of the exer cises. At this day we can hardly reali.o how universal the practice of using stimu lants was in the last generation. I luive heard old inhabitants say lli.it when Dr. Cuklwell went out to oversee a clearing ho would carry a jug of whiskey along for the ; hands. VJSfTl.Nl THE STIDKN'M. One of Gov. Swaiu's most Valuable regu lations was his inducing tho Fueult.y tn take weekly turns in visiting the stiiilents' at night at their rooms, in semi-oilicial. semi-social way. In tho performance of this duty there were, of course, many op portunities of close observation closer ae quaintance with the young men. Tho social intercourse was of advantage to both , the riinnt nVtler uffirlnrit. a.nA lrnfoutKir hriiininn lli.tm ititr, ' I.II'I!! - - - - - ----p--o -J -" ; Plliai.i-ah ii more forcible relations with, and a tietter ; ui Wo,... f n.,iv,,. .'...i u. i..i.., n....... nndorstundinir of each other. 1 have heard : - .J,in,..iq I ....!,......; ... lir..,7 I lirTlU AO KMX. t7S to f(H. ,.r V""l'"' VV. " ! U -non Hi, evorvWlKTO, P-Mo and fouiah, to in speaK witn aengiu ami gratitude ot these torinrth OKNUINE I!., I'iioVKD t'oaisioN eveuinKS with their Professors. , t aaBK FAStH.Y HEWINd MAOIilNH Thn uiaunine win anion, mm, n il, i tick, ipint, corn, a - " bluil, braid aud i iubroi.lm- in a moat ntipvrior Wa llinc in theoo cueoamDiis with stone manner. I'nco only uiiy arrautmi for live and beantifviiiff tha trrnnii.in with slirnb- y"r"- will pay tldlKj lor any maclimo thai tin seam than oui . It luakiw the " Klantii' i,o k Ktitch." Every aecoiii alitoh can iro cut, and still thu cloth cannot be imiUih aprt wilhout tearing it. Wn pay Aiienls from ' t7fi to t'JlW tier month and expeiiHoa, or a eonnuiion from vihieli ttvice that amount can ho made. AddruHH Hlii'i'MH A IIO., PiUuhtirKh, I'.i., IJon'on, Mane., or Ht. 1 ouia, Mo. I'nalloii.-Do not hn imported upon ty olbei furtloa tialniiuR off KorthleMB rust-iron miu'liinns, nndir the same nanin or otlicrwian. Our is tho only penuiuB and roally piaulical cheap mauliine matniiaciuroil. flam Hyilnae, inpow Wakuer and Oakdkn KiioiKa tor Bond f tanip I'cjr cirnnlars to - . i,. 1'. 1'Uill" UU., I anveis, Jlutia. $:iouo a Tear. Addreaa Fo A Co., Hioo, Maine. Fer aionih iaitralili'Cd til-iS'Si . J. IS: t T?CTtainU ?A i. - i ZXMikaASwSa'GPr SKPfflHSC--'"1' - , ... 1 A i7jH. Id hellet" than mil regular nh i d Ax.a for tleo reai-o-iB: V'l It cula doeu r. Hvnml It don't stick Iu Iho wood. iViinf It ilnoa not jar the hand. Fourth- No tiuio in ua.1edin taking the Axo out of tho cm. I'll i It Willi Iho aaiim labor yon will do ono-third hiurowork tlia.ii with n-iu lar Axea.. lied paint lias iiHthiug to douilh tin gooil I in h I ! n r this Aie, for all our Axes are pHiuleil red. If your tiiiriLvaKi atore doea not keep our gooda, wb will uladly aimwer imiuirma or till your orders ilhvct, er ciy 3'ii tlin namo of who R, pa nnr Aiuh. mi l' .V llAUKUK.I.I bery ond flowers, vtas another improve ment due to Gov. Hwaiu. For this jmr pose he had regular bred gardeners em ployed at n small salary. Tlio hint who held this office was an Englishman named Paxton, a relative of the Duke of Devon shire's famous gardener. Sir' Joseph Pax ton, who was knighted by Prince Albert, at the flret Crystal Palace Exhibition in IHOl. 1 believe the idea of a glass build ing originated with him. Our 1'axtou un derstood his business well. Everything fSui'K ' KXTiNuiJisi'ikiT that he put in the ground grew and llotir- X1 Vi ishod forthwith. 5. THE NEW BCn.Dn.'QS. Tho University fnnds being managed with economy and prudence, in the course of time its resources enabled it to add to the old buildings, and to build new. The first improvement was tlio converting of Person Hall, or "the old Chapel" as ft was long" called, into Recita tion Halls, and having tho "new. Chapel, (GirarrTHall) which had long remained half liuishod, completed and fitted up fur College exercises. Dr. Caldwell's idea had been, that the main street of tho vill age being a continuation of the Raleigh road, ought to run South of the College build ings, and accordingly when Girard Hall was put np, the front of it was turned toward what, after all, ' evidently became the back-ground of the building. Aud so it has remained, "hind-side-before," ever since. It has always been a dreary institu tion, the homeliest of all College Chapels, and even on Commencement days, when lit np and graced with all that the State could show of Beauty, Brains and Blood, 1 it was still incapable of a single good effect. ' The next change was the lengthening of ' the old East and West buildings by exten sive additions, removing the Library rooms i of the Di and Phi Societies, which were in the third story of the South to more com-1 modious and handsome quarters iu the new extensions, (though still in the third stories.) THE FIRST DI. PRESIDENT. This was done in 1848. and on occasion of inaugurating the new Halls, the venerable and Hon, James Mcbane, of Grange, who had been first President of the Dialectic Society at its organization in IT'.l.'i, came, in bis old age, to preside once moro over the Di's. and give dignity and fresh inter est to the occasion. His portrait was paint ed soon after by request of the Society, and now adorns a third Di, Hall far hand somer than either of its predecessors. BMTTU HALL. In 1852 Smith Hall was completed. This elegant building waa intended for the Uni versity Labrary room, but as it has turned out, waa never used for any other purposo than a ball room. And, in fact, it Las always gone by the name of V the ball room," greatly to the disgust of those who deemed it very little to the credit of it. Carolinians that in these latter days they. who nave always been charged of,spendiDg money, should spend 2U,(XXI on a ball room, l nave never seen a book on its am ple shelves, though I believe the Uni. Li brary was placed there for a short time. Bat it being so often thrown open to tlio public for quite other than literary pur poses, made it an insecure asylum for books, and these venerable inmate were accordingly remanded to their accustomed hiding place. It used to be said faoetiously that Gov. Swain's idea of a library was to pat it in the garret, since all the Libraries, belonging to tne.Uollege in bis dir. have. invariably been stowsd in some third or fourth story. In ease of a fire, it would be impowibi to faye them, $1.00 TO $250 Hurt J'ay. fialurus jmid tmk'y to Amenta every where selling our VVireii Eerltitiwj Whir Wirt Vhthv Lines. Call at or writo ior particulars to OiuAim VVihr Mii.lh, Sitil No. Third kit., Philadel phia, Pa. " IWYioo rat VTo will insert an aivnrtiaomeut in on. thou- mil Ncivapiix't'ra n. montli. Tho l.int iu . clnilos alngl. l'ap.ia uf over loo.uou t lien latlon weekly, more than I'M Dally l'sper, l!i which the. advertiser obtains 21 inaertiona to tho month, and tbo l-udlng I'apen In more than !M1U illfTeienl tnwna and cltlr.i., torn. Ilet Kllea van b xaoilnl at our olllce. Hend Hlauiu for our Circular. Address GEO. P. llOWf XL i CO., Adrertlaing Agcnta, New York )M.V ONK 1XILLAK The neily invented pocket ini-pieci' wuwm mmi imoK, niiNTMMMI IMI'tiltTAN I' PH YHItlUhll V I V.KL IM IMIMATION to voiiiij u,o eoiilein. plallng Mnrtinije, nent free on reempi of eenta. Addri'-a I'llkMJOAb INhl'lTU IK. 43 Clinton l'Uoe.N. Y.- . . nrksr poikkt 'onx-viiKUjai. lKOKIT tl Hill NlM rKIt '. Botitliem, MtaVn and t'oiinty llighla for aide. Great novi ity. Mend for circular. Addrova VKAYKfJ X JtiNr'N, Mminfra, PitialnirKh, Pa. rpllK I. mil. . Mantle Muml In a, id, ('. 1 btil'aona,) for uiouthly ust. Hluiplo, convn. rneiit and neat. ' For aaln at millinery ami fancy gooda alorea. Hauiplea by mail on ranalpt of one dollar. I'll. J. 11. ihiiiKKa, Marietta, (la., niiln auont for Mouth Carolina, On , Ha., Ala , Mm., liOiliaiana. - eroaoilP, a Ul- a tailettlwr for Bqn or ootnnion cltiiiniey. Agnnta wantod ia (ivery town in Iho oountrv.. . Hauililv aut bx Mail prepaid on raoeipt of :Uio, -Kvcry vaiiol) or Kiiniaetie l.ainpa, Hi aokata Cbau delit rs, olc , for private home, hull and dim di es, ooni't'iiilly on band, Crdera for ample caaoa of our late nt atvlea of lamp, tilled promptly at lowest price. . CtiUbTKlt, JONJKH A H;, 70ArcibHtT(ietnilladelpliia. m..B-H.IBiS HOT S1MUNG8, liAlll UUUISli, A. r. TAIlllV to ill., I'roprlrloi-a. l'rof. ). I,. CAHK.1.1.. M. l . of llin Mmveiaitv of va., in ".a i rmaician, win ihi open ior the reeeii tion ot viailora, June uiulnr the managi'iiicnt of J, A. MetH.PNil. Alllhe buildings having oneu lepaiien, painieit anil lltteii out With tie1 I'liinituru, Linen, lleda aud Tableware, these NprliigH oiler iiuum uaMicd attractions to both tb InvaliJ and tileimure seeker. No iupcllae or effort baa been spared by the proprietor to mak It a comrorlanio ami pleasant an pim.iblo to all viBi tori. ... . . - - -Thc HOT WATKKM linra have been Well kanwll for iiiota tbau half a century to poaauaa. in a wonderful degree, Vbriic, Alterative, Vcfryetif and HimulaliHii i'tiuiiriea, ami hava beoiinie Jiielly eoliihtatod for the euro of lilimmntifm. (tout, of the l.tmr, Skin, llUlitdrr niid IVoiiio ; Piiro'iiiiii, the rcioilt ot injury or aerl- eiiB i iiuaion , i onrrinvion oi ywumw atn .lointt, Kiiv 'io'ii, nrf IhHi-pnia, accompanied with ,syi Mottlli outl iontiue. lleHcrioiivn painplileln ftiriiiHhed by tbo Mana ger at. I he Springs or by H, V. Tary it Co., llicli moiid, Va. . A tolcKrapli ullii'o will be establialiml at Iho Hpiings, thua afi'irding vinitora an opportunity of prompt eoniniiiuicniiou with every part of tho Oiitimry. may VII lUV-tm" rPAKW UKlT CATAWBA KmiXtS, CATAWBA COUNTY, N. C. MMH 1KI.KPHATK,I) WATEItlNO rf.AGK, form-illy called the North Carolina . Wluto Hiilplmr Hpringa, will be open fur viaitoiaonTuea- Irv, the llrnt ilay or Juno. Itelng altuateil In the Noilhwealern larl of the Htale, in a country rotnarkablo lor lis beauty and heallhfuliieaa Iheao together Willi Kin virUm of ll.u waters - in H ho it one of tin iiioal ileairuhlK wntming tilaoes to he found, The Bliuer.il w atera or theaii ritinnga aro tho While and llluo Hnlpliur and Clialvheate or lion. and tlitir poea all Hie llnuul iualities of tliee Wittvr, una are aovereign rvini-diea for all dia eHra or Iho liver, howeta, Htouiauh aud kidueya, ernptiona of the nktil, aerofjlla, wtiaklll'na.UiiliilU ff, (Ivspepaia, I TieiiiuittiHih, Ac, o. Tha proprietor having spent a large amount in additional liniidinga aud improvements generally, Iheae Spring are now Iu a Una condition, rooma large and pleaHant, and good collage. voiitaitiinH irooi two to six roonm each, well airuiiged lor cither large nrinall fatnllle. (lood leu pill alteya, billiard table anil other Rinuneiuetits. Finn HATH HOI HUH Tor Pool, Plunge or nhower Batli, and riulphnr llr.tli, hot or nold. A gooil Hand of Mnaio will bo at tlio Hprings the ( lit ire acaaou, anil a gooil I'liyvieiau peinia ueiilly bxtatud for the benefit of invalids, who may rent ansurod il have every allention, liavjig aeeiiied lh services of Jlr. J. N. Car tor. of Yiruima. who baa bad much experienei1 and aland high as a Hotel keeper, vieitors may rest assured that our laO'e will lie supplied with the best the market can illord. ami evcrvlhiim done that will add to their plonrn and eouiloit. The ears on the Western North Carolina ltatl road will leave Halinbury for Hickory Hlation, the npringa oepoi, every morning tlinuaya except oil i in connection with the North Carolina Hail- road, avoiding doiav orttoping at riahabury, and an ivo at Hickory hihIioii iu tiiiui for breakfaet, nhero good I.Kiki will tin iu rcadiuesa to take ptasencicr oci a beautiful, well shaded road to the hpriugsa diaUuce of six niilna. - Aa an inducement for Inniiliea anil pariiea to spend two months or moro, i have oouoludud to put board down at the folio ting low rate -- Hoard for one aiugie month 160, Hoard tor two or more mouths HO per montli or at that rate, Hoard per week lift. Hoard per day tl Ml. I'hililien under ten years i.T ago and colored servanta, half price. No charge for infuiitu or ctilldreii under two years of age. J, tlUl.Dc. ct W1AIT, I'roprielor. Hprk!ing Catawba Hpringd, I Catuwba Connlj-. North Carolina, ! May Kith, lHli!). -, Itl6.tl5-3ni I WU.M1M1TCN A WKl.HO.S 1IAII.110AD 00.,) Oikick Ctnn Kno. Oag. HPI-IKlSTiewiiKliT, , Wiiimiixiton, N. a, April as, wr,., tiuxKi: or snn.DiLE. ON AND A FT Kit MONDAY, the 20th In.t., onr paaaeuger tiaina on thla road will leave Wilmington ai. fl:o A. M and lll till 1'. M., and arrive at VvcHlon, :rfl A. M and V:IW P. M. Leav Ueldon 10:1.1 A. M. and 7 41 p, M. Airlve at Wil mington 4 -lil A. U. ami Lift P, 61. The day tram , will not, run on Hiiielav. A daily through 1 freight train will leave Wilmington (Sunday ex- ci'pte.ll at litHI P. M., Mr thu aedotiiiiiodaUini of '1 ruok Pat mora. PaaartiKcre oau aUo get accon). modationa on said freight train aa far "Ooldn born'. H. 1 FHKMONT, Kng. ft Hnpt. april ID 101 tf tUINKllAr, Bli PKltl NTKNPENT'H' OFK10E, ) WlLMINOTOM Jt MANUtlKnTIB It. 11. Utl. ) Wii.msoroN, N, J April 10, 1HC0. ) T (K AND AKTKH A PHIL 11th Paeeengor r irain oi tnia iioan win run. on Ilia Inllu Ing Hcheilulu i - KXl'ltKHH TltAINS. Leave Wilmington daily at RM A. M. Arrive at Moreno Khlli A. M. Arrive at Kmgavillo pftl p. M, l.eavo Mngeville i.lJ:JI0 P. M, Arrive at noronoo a:ft4 V. M Arrive at Wilmiuirlou.. UiJtl P. M. Kxpreaa Train eonncot cloely at Plorene with the Northeastern Itailroad for Cbarleaton ; and Clieraw and Darlington Hallroad lor Cheraw, and at Klugsvillewitb the Houth Carolina Itailroad for Augusta, to which point cat run tmniqk witliuut cmiBi;. ACCOMMODATION THA1NH. f,eave Wtlnilugtou daily, Butiday ex., at H:0B r, M. Arrive at Florence a;4(l A. M. Arrive at King.ville :(! A. M lave Kingaville iM) P. At Arrive at Floroiicn . , il;l(l P. M. Arrive atWilminrtuui S:10 A, II, Aeeonimodatioii Train connect closely at Florence with the NortheaaUtrn Hallixiad for Charleston, ami at Klugavllle with the Houth Carolina Itailroad tor Augusta. Paaaeuger for uoiuiuoi snouiii take tne Acoomnioiiatlon Train. VYM. MaoUAE, (laueral Hupenntondent. april 11 , . 6S-tf crkat soiTiu:it rAssi:(;i:it ami HfTICII T IVLAM) AMI LI.K. Rftufeii New York and Now Orleans! AD AM, INTr.aKriUAT rtTTRS AH!) rt.AOM. flMMK KUKKIHT FOltWAKDKI) 11Y PAHHKN- A Uk.ll lll.MNM, ami at VOW HAIKU. An naurnnee iiu'emen y. To pureliKHH Tiekeli,. or for rates of Trinsnor- I at ion and other tnfoi uiulioo, apply at the Oenor al OllUie, !W1 Itroadway, corner of Iteada alront, new i on.. l'KH,lt MAIXtSTT, Oennral Agent.. Ii, ,1 mie .1,1. IHilN . t.5 t ,Nef Vo 'I' lA a wiMvy m Hnitahli. for either adv or eeiitlooien. in band' -oilio metal oaeo, white dial, iilt teltt-rod. brass move nienls, sound and servici able Willi key complete. A true. l ernianent indicaUir of tunc warranted for two years; post paid to any part of tho U. K on reoeipt of One I ullar. or three for II 50. If satialaction is not given money refnnded. Address W. HOO'fT PAUL, 4S Chatham street, New ork. "ho Oroide Watch (IA. I. O. orders and registered luitiTH only red ivi d rANTK.il AOK.1TK . To sell lha AMKtt- I0AN SNHT1NQ SlACaiNK. Price 15 The siraoleat. obeaiK'et. anil best Kiiittmg Ma chine ever invented. Vtill knit .iu.utiu sticho per minute. l,ilierl ii.ibicenjontM to Agents. Address AMKltlOAN K.MTlTNii MACIUNK CO.. lloe- totVrUas., orHU Louis, Mo. w AK isar lm loror Ilrngnlst lor S W KK.T Hi lIlVKjt ennals (bitter) Oninine. 1 uiaile only by F. STEAKNS, Chemist. Dotri lU D1?T. m valaabls lhaa tiuld f i X For partieolar scud two S cent stamp to AUO U.ST E 1t'l'IN, box 10117, Ciucin- nati, ii. TKYTIIK BKST IIM, U0LL1R " SALE' IV Tlllt tOI'NTRV. mr If required, Agenia NEED NOT PAY FOB TBK GOODH UN P.'L DELIVKBY. Agent wanted everywhero. Hend for Circular. S. C. THUMPSUN eilO., 13 Federal Street, Utaa, Mass fi VII HT 1' V K A H9' Kapertcaeela the Trrat- nrslol I hroalr sad Hexnal Diseases. .4 Phvfi'ilojiciil 'l'io AfrtrrKioe. The cheap est book iter pnliliahed eontaiuing nearly SoO patree. ami 1:1-1 Ann plate and engravings of the ihioiiiv ot tne bnman organ iuatatf liealtk nil diaeae. with treatise on early errors, its deplorable consequences upon the mind and body, with the author' plan of treatment the only ra tional and successful modoof cure, a shown by a report of ease treated. A truthfnl adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage who entertain doubt of their physical condition. Hent free of postage to any adore on reoeipt ot 25 eeuta. in stamps or postal enrroney.by ad dressing Dr. LA CBOIX, No, 31 Haidea Lane, A I baa y, N. V. Tb aathor aiay ODalted gpon any of the disease upon wtuck hi books treat, silbar Deraooally or by mail. an4 medicine sent to any part of tb world. i illi, I'lii'iLii; ii.liliii l. f1flE VERDICT OF TflE PEOPLE HAS beu jl annonucud, and it proclaims trumpet, tougued that for Cheapness, IJuality of Oooda, and polito attention lo ail Customers, the DRY GOODS 1101 SI OF A. T. JiOEINSON Stands without a Rival in the City. Thn Superiority of his SPiilNG STOCK is tho llieme of undivided praise. The Ladle (and who will question their taste ?Mironounei his LACE HHaWLH, PlilNTH, MOhL NH. OH OANDIl.H, JACONKTM, Hpring ALrACAH, Ac:, the very embodiment of beauty and cxoellenco. There are four point to consoler in buying Dry Goods, viz : Hoanty, Cheapness, Durability anil Taste. Ail these are combined in the Goods sold at UOJiINSON'8. All Gooda guaranteed as represented, and every lauiuiy ouereti in wieir seiecuou. UOHIN.SON and his experienced Aawertantscou sidor it uo trouble to show Goods, and those who call may rely on the politest attention whether tiiey my or not. Itemcmber that KOHINSON SKt.l.H FOR CASH ; bnt, with him, Oaah means LOW PBICE1J and THE lir.bi GOODb. CM MAKKKT kTHICKT 1 i the place to buy your Goods. rlemember, tola Is tne fopnlar f lace A. T. RGUINSGN. Sti Market Btreet. aprUi 15'J-lf HI!., riiarlottr ii KiillitTlrl It. It, O rn KHAb ..filim ointbiiknt' Orrum, f- Vii,mtsoton, N. C. May 1(1, iMtiU. ( VN AND All Kit MAY l.'il'll, thn PMseugor f train on this Koad will leave Wilmington on Tuesday, Thursday aud Kitn'day at 7 o'clock, A. Arrive at Hiiekliigbaiu same day, at OJ P. M. Arrive at Wadeaboro' ( Htage) at UF, M. la-avo tVadesboro' (Htagm on Tnesday, Thurs day and Haturday, at 1 P. M . liCave ltookiiigbam on Monday, Wednesday ami rriioiy ai u;i a, iu, Arrive at Wilmington saino days at S P. M. ; W. 1. KVKltKl'T. General Huperiiiteiideiit. liny 15 1H4-U CUAXII SALE OP REAL ESTATE GJiAxXJ) SALE HEAL ESTATE PERSONAL PROPERTY, " BY TUB , NORTH CAROLINA REAL AND FEB-, 80NAL E8TATK AGENCY, RALEIGH, N. C $100,000 CAPITAL IST0CK. caaiTEBKD Hi Tni LaauuTOia or obt oaao- um, ran. aiiru, ltO0. . i JOSRPU O. HEHTBB. PrttUttHt. JOHEPII D1X0N. YiM-1 -rnttUnt. . JOHN 0. nf.,4TEn, Suo'y dad Trta$. ItOll'T 0. LKWia, UgM CtrunUor. 3,00(1 Valuable Pieces of Property to be Di. posed of Worth 140,u!4 . $i A CHANCE I . . ' REAL ITsTATE. SEVEN FINE BKHIDKNOErt KODli IN THE CITY Or UALEIOU I t One realdeuee iu lialelgb, N, U., detoribad below. Ouo " " " tine " " On ' . . On " AVarrentnn Ouo " Chapel Hill Ouo Hotel In Tavlor.ville, N. 0 110,000 B.IHJU 6,600 6,000 6,000 1.000 9.00Q I.lt'l' or I'UltaONAI. PHOPKHTT I Hamnloa on exhibition at HtUTEIt BHOS. 00.. No. W Fajettevllla atraet, Ualolgh, M. O., ai me reguikr eas price. 10 Finn Plm'tona KkH) each made by H. 11. Hehmidt, Ualtlmnre, ltd.. 0,000 10 Finn Top Huggie. I.'IOO each, road by Ii. D. Hohmidt, Baltlmor. Md 800 $0 1st Premium 7 octavo Pianoa lead by Tremaiue Hroa., N. Y, IlkWeaoh 83,600 6 Parlor or Church Org ana, 8 atop, 1260 made by Trouiaine ilroa., N. Y 1,250 6(10 Hewing machines, Wilcox A Oibbs. or (trover A Maker'. ItiO each. SO MA 6D0 Hilk Dressea, beat artlcl, 111 yards to eaen ureas, io 1IU,0XI ft Voloclpwlos, I7S 460 21 Hull Hrussols Carpet, 45 yd each 1 !W 8,340 6 Halamander Hares, Wilder' patent, beat in the world, UtMI 1.SC0 1 Cash Priao, I, OUO gold. 1,834 1 0 Dash Primes, f W0 sach . . 1,00(1 'Jim do do 10 do i.OOO 117 J do do 0 do 8,860 mill do do 'i do. .,.,, i. a.000 ( orAKTM itsuip rwniEs. KOTIfE 0E 1 0-1'AliTM KHIII'. VH.iMlNiiTiiK, N. 0., April lit, J869, rK. 1UK IIN7)EI1H1(INKD, 1IAVF. THIS Vl day entered into en-tiartnorahin under the unu, name and stlo or UANMlH'IT'llt, COWAN A CO., for Iho nurposo of cciiduotinu Ihe business of a ItKAL KHTA'ITi and FINANCIAL AUKNOY, with principal oftluc at Wilmington, N. C, aud New York City. we lospectroiiy oiler our servmea to the public). LLMUKb lSANNISi'lCK, 1. H. COWAN, J. 0. KEN YON. For further information, address - - BANMbTEIJ, COWANt i. CO., Wilmington, N. C. ltaleiirh Koiithiol and Htandard (dailvl. Halia- bnry Old North Htatii, Charlotte Democrat, titates- villo American. Ashvilio Now. Marion. H. C, Cresccut, Humlur Watehman, copy one month, inn sunn urns to mis onice. april 18 171-tf PICKLES. tUCUMBBItH-in barrel and lata ; CHOW CHOW-Knglish ; 3TLFFH) MANG JEH ; ' HTbFFED PF.rPEP.H ; UOH3E BADIHH ; ' FHERH CANNED TOll A TOES; Just received at 1 MAKKKT IIKIKT, I)ISSOLl'T10.. 'MV. COrAHTNEliHniP horetofora existing a ootwoen the umlernlciied. undor tho alvle of AI'KINHON A HHKPI'KltHON. is dimolvotl bv niulual ooiiaeut, by the wltbdrawal of John Wll der Atkinson. Alfred II. Hhcppersoi: Isstinies all (lie liuhililles or tne late umi. and it la reinvested mat llioao in debted to us will make prompt payment to bill. JUtlN W11,D1MI ATKINSON. ALFHKD U. HHEPPElUiON. Wilmington, N. O., March 17th, lHO'J. A. B. SUEPPERSON L CO., (SDOCKSaOH TO ATIIHSON SBIPTCBSOH,) General fommission Blorchauts, AMD Agent Mainmort and Wilmington team Hhlp Mne, 11 AND 12 NORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON. N. C, rilENDEB THKI.'t HElt VICES TO TDSIIl J. friends and thu public for the nurehaso and sale, on oommission, of NAVAL 8TOI(Er, COT TON and OKNKItAL MEUUHANDI8E. LIUtlUL ADVANCEH will be made upon oon aignmbuts for sale in Wilmington, or by their corros)ondeiita iu tiio Northern and European markets. All business entrusted to them shall have prompt personal atteuliou. . Tho undersigned take pleasure in enuimend- ing to th patioim of Atkinson Ic Hheppenon mur successor, niessr. a. ii. nnepiwrson a Co. JUUN -11L.IIKH ATKINSON. Wilmington, N. C March 18th, lSti'J. 114-tf DISSOLUTION OF f 0PART1VERSIIIP. rilHE FIBM OF B. Ii. COWAN A CO. 1H THIS I dav dissolved bv mntnal consent. Messrs. Cameron and Bill will close the business of the r lrin. n. n. i u a , JNO. W. OAMKKON, JAUEU U. HILL. THE TJNDEItBlGNED HAVE FOBUED A Copartnership under the name of CAMERON & HILL, and will continue the General Commission and Whipping Business at the Old Stand, No. S'i N. Water Mtreet. -psiiiiiu.i, J.tAIf.n it. rJluu. Wilmington, N. C, March 4, 1SU. nib 4 ' 132-3m may 23 COWAN & METIS. 205 AIORCKKTERSIIIRK SAPfE. AKOaOVY BACCE, Btaffed Olive and I 6 Co, at GEOBGE MYERS" 11 ana u rrontoi. nay is . . H- T0 TFRPEXTEVE DISTILLERS. (CIBC8LAB.) . f11HE BPB3CBIBEB9 IN OOBDIALLT BE I turuiuK tbanka to their friends in thaeown- try who were la-t year eogaged in the Tarpentiu pusiuess, ror uieir ooniiuuea oonnaence aa np port, deire at ilia eommeneeax-at of anoiber aeasno, to renew their assurances of jliring ef forts in tb'eir endeavors by economy iu expense auu charge and prompt attention to their i rders, aa well a the ntmoat ear in lb eale nt Ihair eonaigomenta, to promote their intern. Ao ooont eaiea and (mittanee gnaraateel-to b PBOBTT, ! - t 8PBTJKT A HTN5tON. aprfll neuo Prizes. Value of the total amount 1148.694 Total nn n i her Ticket, 73,8-17. All of the above is put in the drawinir at the regular cash selling nrlcss and will be dlapoeed of by a regular mode of drawing, and in order to aoconipnsii mi in company win sen 73,347 t loa ds at H each ; for further information read see- ion 10 1 1 1 , if the Hy-Laws of Lb company i --" ny-Lawa. Heo. 10. Thn plan of drawing shall beas follows: lu re shall bo two wheel, one a prute wheel and mm a number wheel, arranged In some public, iaoe in the city, whore any one holdioir a ticket lay be proaeiit on thn day of drawuis. In the number wheel them shall be a many tickot eor- rospoudiugun m number a tuoae wluon nave been sold. In tho piir.o wheel there shall be aa . marry ticket aa them are times, these tickets ball be deposited in thn wheel by a board of su pervisor, who shall be appointed by the directors, after which the wheel shall be sealed up and placed iu any bauk iu the city, lb director may direct, until the time of di nning, when the super visors shall bring the wheels to the drawing, break the seals and tho drawing shall b disposed of by taking a tickot from each wheel, at the same time aud the prize tickot taken from the price wheel shall designate the pruco drawn by the tick et corresponding in number to the one taken from thu number wheel at the same lime. Tb wheel shall be well shaken after each ticket 1 drawn. Hoc. II, The director shall designate th time aud place of drawing, at which time and place the supervisors shall he reiiuircd to be present and toe that the drawing la conducted entirely eaui- table. A board of supervisors will be appointed woo will have exclusive control and management of the drawing. They will conduct tho distribution and sno that each person la legally invested with the property he may draw. A duplicate registry of tho ticket sold will be kept, so that lit th event of loss of ttoket, the aooidont may be reme died and no nnstak cau occur, The drawing will take place in TUCKER HALL. in the eity of ilaleigh, immediately after sale of tii'Kou oi wtiioh uue nouae win be given, Tho company is working under the movietone of a spool ai oharter granted by th General Aa- aeuioiy oi norm Carolina. iWhioh compel the company to comply faithfully with all contract. uopius can no naa on application to tne com pany. . . . Ail tho above monlioned property will certainly be disposed of as above staled, aud those drawing -it will be invested with the title la fee simple. - No member of the company i allowed to purchase any ticket. All monies cent by mail at the owner's risk; thai sent by Express, Bogiatered Letter, Chock or Draft at the risk of th company. ... No property will be listed unless the title is in disputable. - - 'i be treasurer ha been required to give a bond of la.oou for tho faithful performance of hie dti ties, tie ia required to deposit daily in the bank all monies received, where it will remain until all the tickets are sold and all the property will be Sositively drawn and delivered to the parties rawing, or tho money returned. Send 13 by ex press, post office order, registered letter or draft, at our risk, or by mail at your own, and take a chance at the 3,000 valuable priae offered. Tickot will be sent anywhere in the United Htate at tho company's riak. One fine re.ideno built of brick, in ths best improved style, in the city of Ral eigh, with eight aorea of ground, and . all ueceasary out buildings, with many tine ornament iu the yard. Value. . . . I 10.000 One large and convenient hone In th city of Ilaleigh, ou Now hern street, 13 large comfortable room, double par- . lor, with all necessary oat buildings, If acre ground, aud a beautiful oak (rove. Value.. t a.InO One large house on Newborn and Blood- - worth etreets, containing uu rooms, uitable tor a boarding house, all ne cessary out building, with a beautiful oak grove in the yard and i acre of around. Value............. .......... 8 5.000 One beautiful residence ou Newbern Ht, , 8 room and basement, i out building 1 and stable 7 acres of ground.elmgrov, very desirable aud attractive. Value. . 8,000 One iu Warruulou, N. O, known ae the Alston properly, in perfeot order, one of Ike best built house in the Htate, . containing tl large room, double piac- -Ka aud porticoes, ouo of the moat ooniinaudiug aud beautiful residences in the place', with 8 acne of gronnd, line arena rd, beautiful oak -grove ia the yard, and all necessary oat baud- ins. Value a a.Oflo The property at Tayloraville ie very at- tractive, vaiaeDta ana oneap. it I a Hotel at the oounty seat of a floqriae- ing and growing village of a thousand or more inhabitant, and situated one qeare from a good and flourishing sol lege, do ecboul of better grade, right ou be line of the Atlantic A Ohio rail road, and being situated in th mono- -tain region, the scenery is truly de lightful and fascinating. Contains SO room, and the building ara Bw. Vain 81.000 One in chapel Hill, eon taming 4 room. wi! h fire plaoe. and on u loo auuag; room. Also, kitcbeo. oat :honee and . on and ibree-fonrtli acres of laod. Value. ........ 8,008 Those ordering tickets aa sale at any Busbar from 1 to 73,317. If the aarnber ordered aaebee" taken, the nomber Bearcat will be east, .; , One three seat a tamp nut accompany every order. .. . Person desiring any farther Infaftlee wfli pleeee address 'r:i : . . - ' ' V JOHN a HE3TEB, - Px'-aary