.!' ...., :v i VT It. -a .'.,, .'"i r - A -jaw' "'. ,'-, Ill a ' i a. i A'ii'i I ttt f.fl ! ' ; iN r,.,t..7 i i a :A- ,.v ;':. .TQKXVniNO. 217. WILMINGTON, N. CJ, FRIDAY MORNING, J UNE 11. 1809. wHoiasjsnraiBE t 5,252. 0LPK8T DAILT IH THO STAT. '' " HTQ XXldU&U PIUCK. Proprietor AITVKHT1BIBM MAtES i)Al(.Y. tmfflt! tit nit . 11 s :g e in n r jffsilS? i 5 : : : : : ; -.-si 51 Pi w is 1 8 1 5 1 SSaf?7. I 'SI. SI Si 8 1.81. 8 1 Sis nRWSP I SIS 8 8 8 !? "-ifSi!'iB is r a b .13 iSleJ'r 8 8 ; 8 8 .8 8 8 J 1 1 s s e r ilililllilililf If t 8 8 8 8 8 i 8 K 5 ' 1.. One Thrae month. UBSCIUPTIOS. ,4- - - 10 00 ft 00 3 00 WEEKLY JOURNAL, , - 8TABIJ9HED 8EFTXUBXB, 1844. um uakre, 01 ten unei or less, tor eacb and ever la ertlon, 1 1. Boteui Notice wUi M obarged ts par iqnare, for eacb anq ererj maeruon- SCBBC1UPTION, i?? On year...... ............. ......IS oo Six montlii. S oo duDlioitT of tho lUilioals will show itoolf in the last dodge to hold together tha fast diBintegratiDR party to wmoa tnojr claim tlit espooiol honor Uf bii6tig.v"While Mr. Sumner wit blathering la th Senate on tho Alabama olaima, there wcro those who mw the Yankee dodge through his nioely worded effort, end it will, be our task to how np his hollow pretensions and place him and hi New England Puritans where they properly beloug. Auon, we'll do it. ' OUR ROBESON LETTER. : '" " Aliuotral VleIUaBrbw Th Crops, ... .V. . 4a,, As, Lcmbkbton, N. 6., June 7, 1869. Mssssa. Epitoes: The newa about here just uow is very scaroe. A little incident occurred, howerer, the other night, which will bear recording. One of onr distin gnished County OommiHsioners, William KioetM beea the first to violate the law made by the Legislature tn regard to being disguised, painted, Ac. A few nights since he was roaming about the streets of onr oily, at the hour of 9 o'clock with, bis face painted so black that lie was taken for oo al black darkey. Hating stuok his face, which was hideous, into ..the store door of ono of onr bar rooms, he oame near losing his life by a pistol shot. The attest tion seems to be wonld the murderer have been guilty under the law had he fired and killed his disguised but not reoognii ea UommiBsioner. Crops up here are looking very well inco the late rain., .Business, however, is THE DAILY JOURNAL WILMINGTON, N, C. ' FBXDAY. JUNE 11, 1869. 3 ora WAsnisflTON letter, i Thi MauilcIpaJI Kloctlon Radical Trl amph Tamdaacy to Imprladl Rlae tlam SeeHca More KxtraTagance Pavylag KIcciIob Faiaid from lb Tnaiwry, &c. .-fj. j--r- Wasuikoton Cm, D. 0., June 8, 18C9. Deaf Journal . The municipal election, of which I have several tiaies spoken in my letters to you, took place ' yesterday, and with the expected result, namely, the success of the Radical ticket. Every ward in Washington voted the Radienl ticket, The total Badioal majority is about 5.000 for the negro Radical tioket. The . total vote is a trifle over 14,000, just about 6,000 less than the registered vote. As there are over 9,000 well known Democrats in this oity who did not register (on account of - the obstacles thrown in their way by these tricky politicians), and who own over nine wuh$ of the taxable property of the city, it will be seen that the oity election wont by default. Now the oorallory to be de duced from (his, election is simply this the very men molt interested in preserving, a repvbUcakform if government, are becoming disgusted and are unintentionally favoring Orant's conspiracy for Imperialism. Between the supineness of the Demo crats and the frauds of tho Radicals, the result is overwhelming in favor of tho lat ter. Is this a sample of the feelings of Democrats' il over the country ? Will they fall so blindly into the trap sot by Grant and his ooadjutors ? It is a univer sal rule that men will prefer a Monarchy with security to RepuWia with anarohy. ' Thus the Democracy in certain parts of the country, are unintentionally lending themselves to Imperialism. Washington yesterday presented a series of scenes disgraceful tu the spirit of the age, and well calculated to bring contempt upon the elective franchise. These soenes of lawlessness were part of the imperial . programme well calculated to disgust the people and thus prepare the way for the new order of things now in contemplation. Men were killed, houses broken open, their inmates driven into the streets, and Pandemonium let loose upon the oity. Ashantee could not have been worse in its foulest orgies. Rut it deserves more profound reflection, because of being di rect and legitimate results of the Radical conspiracy to prepare the way for Imperi alism by making the people disgusted with Republicanism. The Government has determined to put a few more millions upon the burdens which our taxed people have to bear. The forty -five 'Hydrostatio presses of the " Greenback Printing Department of the Government, each one of which cost $2,- given away or destroyed. . In their place fifty rolling printing presses, at two hun dred dollars a piece, have been purchased. It will be. remembered that there is now absolutely no check upon dishonesty in printing the notes, if such dishonesty be intended. The amount of money expen ded by the Secretary of the Treasury in this experiment will amount to eight mil lions of dollars, by their own estimate, if the tenth were known it will be much more. After the repeated and costly ex periments made during the administration , " of Lincoln and Johnson upon the matter of printing notes and currency, and the best possible mode arrived at, we now be hold an entire change, involving the) loss of millions of thepublio money. Is this the economy promised by Grant ? These things are done that some politi cal adherent of General Grant or the Radical party may be repaid with interest the sums liberally aubsoribed to the Grant lection fund last Fall. This thing is nothing more or less than a big job: We will bow have in addition to the other rings, a printing ring, and New York will be the centre from which its power will radiate. There never was a time when there was such a dearth of news. Thii city seems to ,be asleep, but ths vry stillness may prsag a storm. The politiosl heavens re somewhat over east, and in a short tun. tho deception, ouakiuj a&l heartless General Jordan' Cuba ExpeditiM. - V, j-'"! .f x .. Another Naw York Mtwr referriosrto the expedition of ; General Jordan, which had landed in Cuba, seven hundred strong, and of whose oonfliots with the Spaniards we have had previous accounts, says : . , 'The next da v-after his landing Jordan was attacked by a strong body of Spaniards, reinforcort by troops arriving from uavarL He moved out of his position, and thereby gave the' Spaniards to understand that he gave np tbe Held. They onargea lmmeai atelv uu to the . abandoned points of de feme (saw a dismounted gun and a small quantity of war material left as a deooy), and soon oooupied them. ' Jordan had, however, previously arranged othur houses, cutting port-boles,, &c, ana mounting oau non of strong calibre. These . were con cealed, As soon as the troops had fairly got up to what seemed his abandoned works, he all of a sudden rained upon them a perfeot f usilade. They were out down terribly, and fled as fast as possible, until they met . another detachment from the garrison at Mayaria. - Jordan brought srong Biz field pieces and two Beige guns. Ho arrived a tittle sooner than was ex pected, and did not get into- communica tion with Quesads until the third day. He left, what he should have carried with him, the seige guus, and retired, as he did not wish to wait and have the enemy's foroes conoeLtratednpon him. He is now, how ever, safe and sound, with th rest of his artillery and munitions of war, along with General .Quesads..". ...,.. - , f Unvr to Get Bid of Tree. A French journal is responsible for the following : . . " In a certain small J provincial town one of the residents, M. A. B., found his houne was rendered both damp and dark by the contiguity of a large tree whioh was incon veniently near to his Windows. He would gladly nave had it cnt down, Dnt tne tree belonged to the oommune, and was not to be meddled with. Being man of resour ces, he sent for insertion to one of the Paris papers the following paragraph : . - , "mere is stui in existence one o; tue trees of liberty of the daU of 1793. It may be seen at X, close to the house of M. A. B., and the passers by reverently uncover their heads to this venerable witness oi our grandest struggles and onr most illus trious victory.' Three days afterwards an order came from the prefecture ' in Pans for the mayor of X. to cause the said tree to be cut down, wnionrwai: accordingly done forth with."- FERTIUZEBSi FERTILIZERS. GRIMES' RAW BONE PHOSPHATE, CHESAPEAKE GUA1V0, ROTORDA GlIANO, AMMOMATKD R0T0NM CVAK0. WS OFFER TPS AUOVB FslKTILIZRHH UPOB most raaoublo Uirma for t!A811, or apon CUOV TIMK for tiloUiy pnuor. fuU iuformatloa in rogard to tbe Frtiliaw will bs furnished upoa applioaMon. K, B. 8HKPPKB80N CO.. U and 11 North Water 8t. ma i i , ist-tr An instance of sharp practice in high life has been going the rounds of the papers, and is given for what it is worth. The matter alluded to is tho President's agreement o sell bis house in Washing ton, to Mr. Saylea J. Bowen, the present postmaster of that oity, for the pleasant little sum ot m,uuu. uonsiaenng mat this house was a gift, and consequently cost him nothing, the speculation was not a bad one, and the sum realized should have been eminently satisfactory, and so it was until the friends of General Sher man appeared on the scenV with an offer of $C5,000 for the same property. Here was a chance to get aa advance of $25,000 on his sale to Bowenm-equal to a whole year's salary. The temptation was too strong to bo. resisted. , So Gr&nt agreed that the New Yorkers should have tho house. But then Bowen was in the way. The latter claimed that the house was legally his, and that if the sale to tho New Yorkers was perfected, be was entitled to the $25,000, - This was a bad dilemma for Grant ; but he proved equal to tho emer gency. It was agreed that Bowen should relinquish all claim to the house, and ao oept the postmastership at Washington and the control of all appointments to office in that ' oity. This agreement, it is understood, " has been faithfully, carried out by the contracting parties. Grant pocketed the $65,000 for his house, and Bowen got to bo postmaster and dictator for the national capital. iA scene aboard a train on the Pacifld Railroad is thus described by a oorrespon- the oar there is no speck of dust reoent rains have settled . thatand tho cool prairie breeze is delightfnl. The ladies are sewinz or crocheting, or reading "Old- town Folks'; and "The Gates Ajar," while the little black walnut tables in front of each seat are littered with that confusion of spools, worsted, work-boxes, and books in which the feminine heart delights. Some are writing letters to the friends at home in1 Boston, in Philadelphia, . in Maine, in Ohio. Some' ore. leaning back drowsily, with theis heads on pillows, re velling la tho prairie scenery. The gentle men are playing whist, or reading, or talk ing politics, or going forward to smoke. One lady, returning to iier far home in Paget Sound, has laid her tired baby upon the seat and is trying to soothe It Just here tbe track is smooth, and tho wheels ran quietly. A gentleman begins to ham "Home, Sweat Home;" his wife joins him; then the lady on the next seat, and so on, ontiL from every part of tho ooaoh,, many I voices (wall tho Arsis," . . . ll.yiA.,vt. TBE L0DI MANUFACTURING CO.; i (XSTABUaBBD IS 1810.) , '. INVITE PLANTERS AND FA1IMF.IIH tt Bond for a pamphlet deaoriptlv of their ForlDiior. We offor our Donbla Uvtlued f oodrette, aqnal lo the beat Hoper-rboaphato. at the low prioe of 2S per ton. Tne Company aleo make a aupnrior ar tiole of Nitro-phiwpliata.and vare lione Dnat Bee te,ttmoml'. HJKNUY P. HTULT8 A BBO., Bocky Uonnt, EdRebombs oounty, N. C, Nov. 13, lHOis aay : In reply to your inquiry of tbe reaolts of our expo rienoe in (be n,e of your improved roudretioj porchaeed of you for tliia year' COTTON CHOI', we would beir leave to y that the preaout euaaou baa been onu quito unfavorable to the aotion of an rortiiiaera. HWKIUL BIND CI UANVKEH WEIIK VtIV lit V, with the axoaiTioM or yovb 1'ocuunn'E, Willi lit tlo or no effect to the crop. . , Where the l'oudrotte wa applied it save u near half a bale more W the acre, and eaneed the ootton to open aaueh earlier, and we wonld there fore leoomniend tbe name a a concentrated ai. our (or the growth of eoMon a well ae improve mont to ths SOW. -j: . :z BIMBOH BHOWSf, Kenanaville, N. 0., Oot. 9Ath, 1868. ay: Voor "Nitro rboephate of Lime and Double Betlned Poudrotte sold by n hut eeaaon, were ne on OOHN. IDTATOF.S, HWEET POTATOES, and Garden VeRotablo with satisraotory reanlta, and our Farmers ei pre a DSeTBB to try them acaln. B. M. TOD0, Smfthfteld, Va., eaya where bo need the Double Holloed Poudrette on Corn it doubled tbe yield. P. W. HCT HI80N, Sr.. near Cherokee, Oa ., ay it nearly doubled hia yield of Out ton. Hon. ELI B. BUOBTER, Kuraula, Ala., eav hi ootton waa fnlly equal to adjoiuing field ma nured with the best HuperphonphatM. h. MONTGOMERY, kllaville, Oa., eav it in- oreaaed hie crop of Cotton 190 pounds per aere, . O. 8. OOLEHUi, Marietta. Oa., uaed it on Corn and Cottoo, and aaya it mure than DOUU LED the yield. Ho radar e it the cheappat and moat desirable Fnrtilizor witliin hia knowlrdtf. Ex-Oov. BMlTfl, Warrenlou, Va., tried It Willi three aoveral erop the laat and present yeara and aayc " I pbonoi hck it with confidencc a orr VALPiBLB Uandbc " TheHtipprintondentofOon W. II. COX, Volk Island Plantation, N. C, san: " I thiuk tho I'ou drette used for (joru cannot bo surpanaflil -naed it alio on Cotton whioh produced a larxo yivld. Doot E. M. TENDLtTON, Sparta, ., aiya : "The Nitro-Phosphate of Lime, nand on Cotton, made 118 per oent. the Urat year.'' , , . . LODI MAKOFACTOBtN& CO., Box B13U, New Vork. Office 66 OonrtlBDdt street. ' m:h Anvi.misEMEivTs. rmmriuRM pirkim (1LU1115 U1UJ KXTINGUISUEU CO. No. 4 Dev Street. New York. Great rodumion in price. No, 1 (US ; No. ltd V, ro, I'irai-oiaa Agani wan mo. . A.UIrwia aa abuv. auk Jtsw an i'lEiri'Ott t i 7 Secret History OF THE CONFEDERACY. The asiouiiiiina rtrdations and shirtlma d.' olonire, mad tu thia work," are oroating the mosi inicuao uraire to ontaiu it. J lie iml ikhii-u-nf intrigues, .o of Davia and other Oonledi r- ato leadora, with the nl.i'ii M ytltrw from " Ho. hind the Hconpn In Blchiunnd," are thoroughly vewuurrii. oetin tor vireniara ami eo onr tornia, ami a inu noaoriptmn or uie worn. Aililrfa IN A TIONAL PDBLIHBINO CO , Pliiladolpbi. Va., Atiaoia, its,, or ni. 1.001a, jniv - 5.000 BOOK AG EATS WANTED for H AUDINQ'8 New Tllnmlnaled and llluatreted Editiouaof tho 1.1 r IS oa- VHIilsT and BIT!VAN'H PIL.UUISt'H rUUSUEaS. The work aio now ready for dolivory. Addmaa ror uatatopue of tho boat Holllcg &ubcription IIUOUB pnilllPTlOlT. W. W. 11 AUDI MO, PkllMlelulll Pnb'r of Hardina' Edition of tho Holy Bibla. JATKNTN.-..Mnnn.W to,, Editor HelentlHr L Ainerioan, 87 l'ark How, New York, Twen- tv-tnree year' oxporienoo In omentitis; AHKUICAN Bml KVKOP1BAN ATKNTS. Opinion no clurRo. A paniphlot, 108 page of iaw ana iniorniaiion rrro. Addioe aa auove A UK Sfs W A NT KUlor " Wviiiea r New t York." Complete eipoo of JVnuifn Lift M Ore Oivat Metropolis. Henaational, Beauti fully illunt rated. Sample copy post-paid for i'l Addrea Nkw VohI Book Co., 14 Naaaau at,, N. Y. City. EUlkUKHS aeml for cataiogue of all new Ar chitectural Jtonks i'l ,ourniJ. Addreae a. j. mcKBKt t, x Co., rub ra, Troy, N. Y., or rpriuKUiiui, in. '$m StTpfcu uaVu c a it a i t b k u Axenta to anil the Horn Hhotti.b 8wino Ma rmiiB. It makea the i-oca TtTfH, aMKB on both suibi, has the nnd-r tiwil and -i equal In every respect, to any Hewing Maoiilna ever Invented I'noe a 2a, War rented for ft year. Hend torcir oiilar. Addrea Johnson, ( lark A Co , BoBton, Masn., PittahnrKh, Pa., or Ht. Lonis, Mo. .ii)(M)S salary, Addres U. H Piano Co.. N. 7. ( OL.HI IMTKIHT RED JACKET AXE 8PRU1ST & 1IIS0, Authorised Agents for the sale of the -alwve named Fertilisers, at NKW, XUUtt l-xuro, Aa'.'i'1',ifii'j Freight and Charge. addod. feb 16 U8-tf t iinn LU i, h THE WORLD MUTUAL, OF KEVV I0RK, 188TJE8 ALL KINDS OF POGICIKS, and with Ha atroDg baaia and raui.lly iuoreaeing durplo, present great attraction. i , TBgltATE8 OF PHEMltM ARE LOWER THAN ANY OTIJEli MM PA XT. Dividend are annaal, and (ucrease each year. No extra charge is made for Itailroad Conduc tor. All Policiea are nonforfeitable. No restric tions aa to travel. No oharge for the Policy. . DcROSSKT & CO., Affenis. may 20 '. . ... ... itw i " TO THE LADIES! INVITED TO CALL ON THE ' -riiriTii Is bolter than our regular HbapeJ Ax?n for'trie'e reaso:ia: first It outa do pi r. StvosM-1 don't atick iu tho wood ,TAirdlt d-ea not Jar the baud Kxir'iMo Un' is wat 1 iu taiu. the Ath nut nf 1 hit mit. li'iMt Wil ii tile rmiiiII l&lior fpuu will tl one-third mor w k thn -with rrftf i.lar A tea." . Bed psUiaoaS nathiliat tu do 'he j H"od qnaUtle of tliia Ala, f all our- Att s are 1 palmed red. If vonr hardwara eloio doe-i i.ot I keep our poods, we will gladly aner lu iiitriec or nil your orore.. lir.ut, jl lvti yil lUt w.to 01 the nearest nater wlio lrn T 4 ' lilPI'KUOlT A IIIHKuEI I., . l'l t"hOij,li l a. dole owners of Colhtira'a Anfl fcnd .lacaot Pat-iita. SjjvAaTrDjrc!iTa), 7r lo ,Oii II mon'i!. everywhere. !! eivl feinal", to iu tr dnce th(. QKiClNB IMPHOVKD t'OMMO, hEMHB FAMILY I'K.WINO MAOniE. Tfrit I machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuuk, iiuilt, corti, blud, braid and embroider, iu a moat ..anterior roannor. Price only f 18 Fully Warranto.! for rive year. We Kill pay tlOiiO for any machine that wiilsew a strorger, u.oro beauuful, or more t'lae tlo aaam than ouir. It make the " Ftaatio Lock , Ktitoh," Erery aeeoud atitch oau be out, and still thaolotb cantioltu pulled ap.rt aithoet tearing it. Wa pay Averts fnun 76 to tMO per month and eipeiines, or a conitniesii n from which twtoe ! that amount can be made. Addross HECtiMH i (11) , Pittsburgh, l'a., liostoo, Maes., or Ht. l.ouia, ! Mo. j l'aullon.Do not be impoaed upon by other . partioa palming offworthluas oast-iruu niaehine, under tlio aaaue name or otherwiau. Ours is tbe only gennino and really praotloal cheap machine manufactured. , , ; - mw .p'raTllEWig.w' A VAIJitBLR MliRlCAIi HOOKJ tlUN 1 AlNimi iriiiiutaht Til YBIOLOUI J CAL INKOKM ATION to young men contem plating Marriage, aunt free on rtvwipt of 48 cent. Addrova'CIUMIUAL INSTITUTE, 49 Clinton Placs. N. Y. ' ... . PATKetT roCKKT ORN-SIIKLLKlY. flUiriTS UVKIt MOU PKH VT, Bouthern. Htale and County Blghta Air ahv Onat novntv. Bend for circular. Addreae WlAVKll A JON KM, Manufra, Pittabsrgb, Pa. f1UIC LaMlle fe.la.allc Swiipurlara, OTv. 1 Hlll'aona.) for monthly use. Hiuuile. con ra il lent and neat. For sals st millinery and fancy good torv. fianiplea by mail on receipt of one dollar. Da. J. U. Itcxiam, Marietta. Oa.. aula agent for Booth Caroliua, Oa., Fie., Ala., Mia., lxniiana. HAILROAIfK.' WILMINOT0N WF.LDOM BAILBOAD On.,1 Orrni Cstrr Fno. Oa. BttrBMiNTBHHBtrr. Wii.Mtmrrog. M.ttv April iKS, lHfi9. (IIA1VGE OF SfRERrLrT. .sis 'i iim in.'.wr r.inn'i milK Marltflaat liara.r for Kurosne, adap- X led eltuer lor nun or common olilmuey, A (tent wanted in every town in the country,-. tiamDlea aent bv mail prepaid on receipt of 'too. i - . r.very variety oi aeroaeneiamna, nraoaeta, uaan. deliera, etc , for private honaaa, hall audiihurob. a, ountutly oa hand. Ordera for aaniple uasea of onr latest atyln of lamja, lined prompuy at loweii price. (iuuiir.is juitn-a s uu., r 10s Arch Street, Phlladelphil 'JJTJfdfflES - HOT SPRINGS, llAiU CUUWX1, A. hh si sna niw - nua r m Vo mnm aw,, srorraWBr?j, i riM. , J. L. CABELL, M. D of the Duiveralty of va., nesia t I'tiyaiaiau, win tie open tor ma recep tion ol viaitoro, June 1st, tinder the management of J, A. auiULiUNir. AUtne cuildlng savins been repaired, painted and fitted eat with new Furniture. Linen. Bed and Tableware, theae Spring otTwr nn,urpaaed attraelioua to both th invalid and pleaanre- seeker. No expenaa or ,ffort ha bn spared by the proprietora to make It aa oomrortautv aau pieaaant aa poaaioi to an vui tora. ' "The BOT WATERS here have beaaweU known for Biota than half a oentnrv to Doaaet. In S wonderful degree, Jbo, Keraffe, DtterrjmU and MimuMliriij Properties, and have baooms Justly celebrated for the cure of Hhtwmatism. unui, msrntss or vie uivrt, num. iiiauuer anu Kenift ; 1'aralvtit, the reanlt ot Injury or acti nia uuaion : t nnrmpim or mutaes ant joints. Puarhtixi, and )yitti, acoompanicd with Sore Mouth onu lvntjur. nuinrliitiva l'amnhleta famished hv the Mana ger at the Hyrlnga or by B. C. Tary 4 Co., Bleb- mono, va. A telenranb nfllce will ba established at th Springs, lima affording visitors an opportunity or prompt communication with every part of the ouuu ty. . (..... e ' ma tfl ' . . uni-ini' jjife Is Rral, Life Is Kanicst." fiiiii;i! 'Ei mmw &. m AR'tl EAIlNErtT IN BKLLINQ f HOOTS, " a LKATIIEU jisi. T ADIE3 ABE nnderalgned for Life Iusqranoe in ths large and popslar .,-'' Piedmont Life Insurance Company. Widows ' aniioua to make provision for their fatherles children', or for otberVdependeut upon thorn are advised to avallprompUy of ths oppor tunity now offered. Apply to ' : i JNO. WILDER ATKINSON, Gen'l Ag't, losaranee Boom Princes t., between Water and Front eta. may ia ioa tf rlllBS KXT1NGU1SHKH, Plant Syringe, Window Wasbkb and Oabubx Enuikb for . Jend atarop for eirculara to t f i N. E. P. PUMPOO., I ativera, Mass. :iU00 airr Addres Fox 4 Co., Baoo, Maine. MARINE ISSURACE. INSURANCE ItOOMS, Prince St., between Kroat and Water Ota. MABINE IN8UBANCE ON STEASIEB3 TO New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore effected at reduced rate. Apply to JOHN WILDER ATK1KSOJS, Oeneral Insurance Agency, may 9 , lHU-tf $100 TO, $250 Per Month Wwavraatced frtre Pjf.' 'falarir jwfd wvej-fy to Agent every where soiling our Patent Kntrlatting Whi'e Wire Vl'itkts Lines. Call at or write for particular to fiiBABr. Wus ill Lis, 201 No, Third ML, Philadel phia, Pa. ' -. I THE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS' BENEFIT LIFE- : IN21TRANCE ' COMPANY, 132 BBO AD WAT. NEW TORE, CASH ASSETS, tl,iVrOO. POLICIES ISSUED OH THE OBDlNABY IM; ladowaiat, Single Payment a a it TontlM OlTtdaad Plan. All Poltelei' are -Forfeiting. OIVIDEND8 DECLARED ANNUALLY ON THE " OONTBIBCTION PLAN, and may be used to the increase of Policy or re duction of Premium. 'Thasyatam of the Com naov i Cash. The policy of the Company ia - laky. The tnanageaient of the Oombaoy la Snewaaa. The object or trie Uompanr ia neaena U it Policy-boldere. Th entire snrpln Kara iaaja ai by it charter required to be equitably divided among its Policy-holders. No ebargo for Medical Biamlaailii or Policy Pea. Parti ea contantplating insuranoe are requested to examine tho ayatataaf thia Company. Applica tion Blank, with necessary lnitructiona, mailed to the who may deaira them. aai anaa wanted in tu town ana viua- ge in Eaatern North CaroMn. sod with whom liberal arrangement will ba made ur. war. a. at. nuiiuun. Kdenton. a. v.. ueai- osl Barer for Worth Carolina. Dr. W. i. H. BELLAMY. Medical Examiner. WBuungkm,Bt.a --- . . . . i. a, UAttliri a . Gen'l Ageula, Edenton, N. C, Wit. A. CfJMMINa, ,, . jj p. vi Agent, Wilmington, N. C. ' JaneS ; . . 214 lm NOTICE. Hf-B. JAMES B HILLY 18 MT AGENT IN ItL WUmington for the ai of Sbingie. Per aou In want of fibing.e for build ma- DnrDOaea or for ahipment, will plaaaaeaU oa him at. lb Ferry, where sample can be seen. Wilmington, N. C, May ai, 18G, but 23 btar A Poet 2aw,tf 800-tf a ALL OF JOB WORK AUD xLirEDl TlOUoLY - - XB0BTEI AT TrTB . SOCOaaAA, 017102, FOR llOO PKi LliiE. . We will Insert an advertisement in one thon and Nevrapapei, on month. The List in Cluils single Papers of over 100,000 Clran. latton waekly, mr re than 100 Datljr Paper. In which the advertiser obtains 21 insertions to the month, and tho leading Papera in more than 600 different town nnd cities. , Com. plete File can be examined at onr oiHee. Bend Stamp for our Circular. Addres GEO. P. BO WELL A CO., Advertisiug Agent, New York. . ON LI OltE DOLLAll. . The newly invented pocket time-piece, suitable for either any or genjiemeu, in nana wmo metal case, white dial, gilt lettered, bras move ments, sound end aervioeable with ker oomolote. A trne. f permanent indicator of time warranted for two year; post paid to any part of the U. H. on receipt of One Lollar, or three for i SO. If satisfaction is not given money refunded. Addres W. SCOTT A PAUL, 43 Chatham street. Mew York. 'J be Oroide Watch 115. Seud for Catalogue. m TlfAHTKU AURVTS.-TskII the AMKB YV ICAN KNIl'TINQ MACHINE. Pries H5. The aimplest, cheapest and beat Knitting Ma chine Ter invented. WUI knit 30,000 stichea per minute. Liberal inducements to Agent. Addroe AMERICAN ENIT1TNO MACHINE CO., Bos ton. Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. . , ASK your IHtctor or Dragglat tarlWBBT qitlNI!Bit equal (Wttor) Qninine. I made only by F. 8TEABN8, Chemist. Detroit. rjTJT A fTl More vralaaal than Gold. tjJjJXJ A X For p articular aend two 8 oent atampa to AUGUSTE A-CPIN, Box 1027. Cincin nati, O. d TRY THE BEhT t ONE DOLLAR SJLE 1j THK'IOHTBV. W If required, Agent NEED NOT PAT FOB THat GOODS UNTIL DELIVERY. Aganta wanted everywhere, "end for Circular. - : B. C. THOMPltOaj CO., . ' 13S Pedaral btraat, Boston, Wat THiaTY YKAUS'KxiwrlcavMla tBMiTraa aneat or Cbraato aad aexaal DUeataea. A Physiological View of ilarrtixgt The cheap eat book ever puo ished containing nearly 80S peg's, and MV iiue platea and aogravinge of the aBatouiy of the human organ in slats of health sad ilwtase, with a treatise an early er-ora, its deplorable consequences upon tne auiud and body, with the author' plau of trealav Bt tba ouly ra tiooa; aud successful ruoda of cure, as etiwa by a reportof cr treated A truthful advujr to tbe marr tj a id tUoce conUupUung marriage wbo eotertaln donh a of tUeir pliystaal coc litioa. Sent free ot posUge to any ad r as uu receipt of ia cents, iu I iuii or postal eorrt ney, by aaV dressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 alaideu Laue, Albany, N. Y. 'ihe author may ba eonaalfd upoa anv of ths disease apoo which his Books treat. either peraooallv or by mall, ao4 madiouie seat to any part of too world, v fsttjn aVJv . rt'iar' and alive td the. Imppi'fouee oi seUmg n good aud ilurablH .,''- BOOT AND SHOE for a ery small pried.-" ' - - Oer assitmsnt ia large and atneh ei torsi ve- Cnr (kMida prune and durable, and our priov ar maae io ;:;8 PIT Til E TI5IP 8. r-r " To.Merchants;:;: ne offer great inducement in a Largs and wall selected Mock, embracing every t ie ,ud varielv of Khnea known to th trade. Weofler . . . ; n- ?; ; Goods a' Low as anf Jobbers , in New York or Baltimore, i s 'ri$ f JtW-COME AND ' SEE ?U8.-d G. II FRENril & SON, 29 Korth Front St. may 14 - . J9S' ON AND AFTRB MONDAY, the Mth InaU, onr paaaenger train on thi mad will leave Wilmington at :00 At M. and 10.00 P, M.t aud arrive at Weldoo, ;Cfl A. M. and tJM F, U. Leave Weldon 10:15 A. M. and 7:45 P. M, Airlve at Wil mington 4 0 A. M. and 7:111 P, M. The day train will nut run on Hondaya. ' A dally through freight train will leave Wilmington (Sundaya ex cepted) at 1:00 P, M., for the accommodation of Truck Farmer. Paaaenger can also get aroom modatlona on aald freight train a far a Oolda-boro'..- . . ft. FBEMONT. , , , . .-. Eng. Mnpt. sprit 10 ' . lot-tt is . ...... .. .....il'. j. "f Vo-' in Jl. OKNKBAL BOPRllINTENDENTB OFFICS.) Wu.minoton A Manoukstis B. B. Co, U- .WtMUBBTON. N. Oh April 10. 1SW. ) l.1?1. ma rfftrgii 9iioi'""sni biiii.si." j AN ND AFTEB tkAPBIL 11th TaaMngM V Train of thl llnad win run on tne ronow lug Bohedulat , . . .. EXPBEHU TBAINft . ? Laav Wilmington dally at.... ...... :H A. M. Arrive at Flomnce .10.92 A. M. Arrive at Kingsville. ................ . 1:01 P. M. Leava Ilngavilla.. .....13:88 P. M. Arrive at Fioronos ,. -M P. M Arrive at Wilmington.......... 0:20 P. M. Kxnresa Train connect closely at Florenoswlth th North eastern Ballroad for Charleston and Cheraw and Darlington Itailroad fur Cheraw, and St Kingavill with the South Carolina Ballroad for Augusta, to whioh point oar run throuq viitKout flAawga, ACCOMMODATION TBAINS. e Leav Wilmington daily, Bunday ex.. at M P. M. Arrive at Florence 8:40 A. M. Arriv at Kingsville................... 9:00 A. M. Leav KlngavUla., 4:00 P. M. Arrive atFloronoe... .......... ....... 0:40 P, M. Arriv atWUmintton...... 6:10 A. M. Accommodation 'JTain connects (notour at Florence with tha Northeastern Ballroad rot Charleston, and at Kingavill wlU the aouih Carolina Bailroad for Augusta. Pasaongars for Oolambi should tako the AooomrUodatlon Train. .... -, ..rt- WST. MAOHAK, , Ooneral Suparintandcnt, apriill , ... ,, ,,M-U , GREAT 80CTUEI1 I'ASSCHFJt AMI FREIGHT ISLAND AIR LINK, RetwroB Now York nt New -Orleans! abU aix iBTBaavmiAtB cmmnii rurn, rpiME FflKiailT FOBWABDMII BY PAHSHV- A UktM iit.UiMhV. aun tl i.im naiiui. .-m fcoiwanc netfesiiiiri. 1 - i . d To purnliaso 'J lel.etH, or for rate of Transpur- talion and othar information, apply at the lienor l Clilee. til Brondwar, ssrptir, of. Jt- edo strort. Nuw Yorlt. " , 1TTi.lt MALI.EiT, ,..i,- tfeiioial Aifiint. '"'(SilAiit) SALE Or REAL ESTATE, (i ltt.4Hj i nr1 ti'V-! f' -iJ-Y'- fa. , i i,- ,i , rs'- 2si-0 oact: w.: iAd yPERSOJIIL FRerraTT, NORTH CAROLINA HEAL AND PER " SOKAli" ESTATfi AQENOT, . . t . BALIQH,-J',..0."i o $iO,000 CAPITAL' STOCK' '' OSaSTUUni SV TSB lBOILAtUBB bf B0BTR CAB Or j. una, . aor. IMt, - - JQBEra Q. nMTEB.iVrkitn. . , . . , JOBKPB DII0N, Vtof-iVerufrat. . si(, l ",J0m 0, VSinasiftismt Treat. . . l H0B"T O. LEWIB, isjol QomseUar, , , , 3,000 Valuable Pieces of Property to bo Dio ' posed of Worth lUCCOl 1 ' , ,, .:": -t2 A OHANCBIfavVii. .tf- " ;ry'l'F: R R a L LTiti TR" ' ;' 8EYEN FINE B KHlDKNOEft FOfJB IN TflJt OITY OF BALEIOH I - On reidn ia Haldgh, M, a, described St. 110,000 B.UtKJ f.A00 . 6,000 .0t 1.000 -8,000 Kuw York, Juiui IB, 1RW til-: iiii-tf, " ADRIAN & TOLLERS. WHOLESALE DEALERS IB PBOVIBION8, . Orocenea, Liquors, Tohaoeo, ttegara, A a, corner Front and Dock iVreet, Wilmington, H. 0., offer to th trad at lowest Agar, Ui rbilow. Ing good rooently received i ; -:i:h: Bhdf i sweet Cnb Kolaesea; " i " ' 125Bbla, . - , ,i 80 Mat fine Java Coffee; 86 Hack Lagnayra Coffee; J .1 i- - (WO Sack Bio' Coffee common' to ohoioe; -160 Bbl. Sugar oonunon brows to ataadard eruihea,' . . , j 40Cee Cots Oyetera, 1 and 2 B. oens, th beat in market: " , 50 Box oboioe Cream Cheese; ' 80 Tub No. 1 Tabl Butter; ' SO Boxes Babbitt's Boap; - , 100 Boxea Oswego and Pearl Btarch; , 15 Tierces Ho. Oa. Kioe-prime; . 186 Bbl. Kio 6 Bag Pepper, ( do. Pimento, 8 do. Giarer: 10 Bbl. and 20 hMt bbl. Ballroad Banff; 60 Bdl. BiOarb Soda, 200 kega Naila; . 90 Bdl. Bifter, 10 crate Engl Crockery, ass't; 200 Case U. Woir pur Wine and Liquors; 40 Mill Havana Began xtra floe; - - - 20 Oaaea and 10 bbla. Tumbler aaa't, 10 boss Lemon; , . 6 Hoiea Breakfast Baoon;' 200 Bbla. new heavy City Me Pork: ' ' '' 26 Bhd. and 26 bbl. Western Baoon Side and Bhouldera; ,r -o ,- 1,600 Bbla. Flour, sound, froth, sad all grades, may ' 187 Morning Btar and Bnmler Watchman copy. ' AM MIKWIVinii rAKTAIKIC ' i i OF TBI LATE FIBM OF KLANDEB COM on Tseeday tha 15th insUnt, I will sell by anotion at th store on corner of Front- and Choroh atreeta, the toclrof every natur and da cription belonging to (aid late partnership. Tha stooV oonaist of groceries generally. Among other articles thsrs is a Bods Fount aad Bottling machine. Term st sale. GEOBOE GBOHTJAK. ajun 8 - 810 ts QUARANTINE NOTICE. ON AND AFTBB JONB 1st. ALL VEHBEL8 1'om port south of Cap Fear, will come to at tha visiting station sear emithvuie for iospeo tion. Ail vsaaels havinir hid sickness oh board dnrins tha passage will also come to th atatloa for x- amuat'on. vessel outer tnan tne oiasae auov named will proceed without detention. Pilot atid Master of veaeela will tak due nolio of th above regulation, nnder penalties by law provided. . W. O. CDKTIS, Quarantine f hyaician, Port of Wilmington, N. 0. SmitkyUISb N. May 24tb, ltWO. - ' - - may 16 203 lawtf Toat copy lawtf - - PICKLES.- QUCDMBEBS 4n barrel and afl ; ( , , CHOW CHOW English ; , 2 - STUFFED MANGOES ; " BTLFFED FEPPEIt8; . - HOBSE BADIBH t FBESa CANNED TOMATOEfl; ' ' Jut received al.i, " '- . t SIAKKKT STREET, , , ... o tOWAN WUin - may IS U 0!irK8TKRUlRK SlltLV - ANCHOVY 8AUCE, btufled Olives auU o Co, at , T V - CJWBGB MYBaBV 1 - HUi iii.Uioilti Uutliertord It, R, rjaXVrlSrivrlw:ir ('i rtonjil -ir:. t1ttioiiMOtw-Nrli 'MV iS, mMf ON AND AH i.l. M.Y lol it, the l'Aug traiu on this Koad UI leave WilniiiiHtou oi, iu tdi.y, Thursday and Hitn-uay at 7 u ciock, A Arrive a'. B ' l.iuabni swa days, at SJ P. M, ArrtvS at v"diwrro' ( Wao) at ll P, M. ; Lia WadsalHiro1 (isku ei au Ili.hi 'f'W lay and tiaturday. at LAV .'.l.if wa a taaavte i Lkavo Bocklugltaut :i moudaj, Wr!n .4 and r riuay ai u.jii a. .B. Arrive at VVUinUigton aarc-i days at S P. H. : -wrsrfc tahtl'l'. - nMli al eUilBlJUtBtlilellt. below On . -...:,,.; Ob , . . " " ; On ' " :..-4 " i" : Ons , , " . . Warrsatoa One " Chapel HiU OH, iinini in a Ti"rwTinw, a,, w., UST OP PasllSUNAt, PROPaUKTW a Samples on exhibition at HKBTEB BB09. a OO.i no. as r ayettsvuie atraot, ataietgn, . u., . , at tha regular aash prioss. , " 10 Flue Phntons KHH) saoh mad by H. : D. aobmtdt, Baltimnre, Md. , .. . . . . . 6,000 . Id Fins Top Boggles, U&0sah,sd by i D. D. Hobmtdt, Baltimore, kid ., 8.600 80 1st Premium 7 octavo Pianos wad by , - Tremaino Broa.. N. X, tm each, , , . 8800 ' 6 Parlor or Church Organa, 6 stops, llttO f aiada by Treutain Bro., X, .,-.... 1,250 00 Mowing tuaohinea, Wilcox A Qibbs, or . . -"Oftiver A Baker', ffiO each. .'. , 80,000 600 MiiaJ Creases, beat srUi lo, JJ yard to each dress. 140. '1. 90.000 (1 Velocipedes, 7i. , , .' 460 84 KotU iruaalw Carpet, 43 sit each $180 .v. vt V... 8,840 , 0 ttaluin.iidvr Bain, Wildoa's- PBtsnt, beet in lh world, 5f,0. , , 1.SC0 lUt Ctstt Priv 11,000 gstd. iW ft." 1,88 10 UasUl'lUa., 100 uU,.f...,rtf . 1.000 W ' do rtov "I" nor.. 2,000 ST.! ' So : no 'O rtkn.i I'm c tit do do,,. a.soo 2,000 146,St CDPARTNtRUP M lit TTmTII:E OP COaPAKTNrRH P. 1 WilkiiiutoW, TS, C, April i&. Vtti'. TIf. B UNDE8MONP1), BATB Tt V f day atrrd Into oparttMrahip under ta il rm, name and style, of Baa.Msla.Bv Cti WaB A CO., for tho pnrpoae of ccoduotlng the busineN of a BEALV EHTATB and FINANCIAL AGENCY, with nrtnoiuai offies at WUaangtojsv N. 0., and wew rors uity.. , - v nf r-i it t!.- - -i Ws reapeotrully offbr onr aervloes to thepublio, fm!L,9 t-y LEMOEL BANNIBTElt, .ttnt.rS4Mra SWiVB. OOWAB.w- .ei.. It . , ., ',.( t. J. Ot ,B.KHYOT...n v -,. t For further Information,, addrea ,t ! ' - BANBI8TEB, COW Alt fcO., '4 j Baleigh Bsntinel sad Standard (daily) Bails bury Old North a tats, Charlotte Daneerat, btates vllle Amsrloan, Ashvills Now, Marion, B, C. Orescent, Humter Watchman, oopy one month, and aand duis to tills omoa. april 18 "! --' 171-tf rriHE OOPABTNEBSHIP hsretofor sxislliit; A between tb nnderalgned, nnder th styi of AxaiHOUH outr-rn-tittu. i , oumoivm dt mutual oonaent, by tho withdrawal of John Wil. dor Atkinson. ..... .. Alfred & Hheppsrsoa asanas ell ths lmbtttti or tb lata nrm. ana It t rsquestea tuat tnoaa in- debtsd to us WUI maae prompt payment to mm. . ... ... JOHrTWlLDEB ATKINSON. ALi'HED B. HHEPPKU80N. Wlimington, N. 0., March 17th, I860. A. B. SlUTPERSOS t CO., ' I (aOOGZSMM TO ATXIHSOM aBTpmo,) General Commission Merchants Aganta Baltlnwrrs aad Wilmington 11 AND 13 HOBTH WATBB1 STBZBT, WILMINGTON, N. 0., rnENDXB THEIB FEBVI0E8 TO THEIB A friends and thepublio for the purchase and - t - . . . .J VT.7T UTtllll L' fWV. .HV, UB WIUUIIWIUU, VI .ATAU D.UIUW, WA- TON and GENEBAL MEBOH AHI8E. . . idBKHAli advanokh will be made nnon oon- lgnmanta for sal In Wilmington, or by their eorrsspoodsntala th Natiiera asA Earopsaa market. -. . . AB buuneas entrusted to lhm hJl uav sraiar, vnvuuai mwuiwh. - Th uodarsii-ned takes plaasurs hi Hyxcfmiend ing to th patron of Atkinson A B hop person their sucoesaor, Meaars. A. B. Bhepperson A Oo. -A- JOHN WILPEH ATELNBOR. . Wilmington, N. ('.. Maroh 18th, 18SS. 144-tf , TO TCBPENTIXE DISTILLERS. fTuTE BDB80B1BbVB8 IM OOBD1.VLLY BE- X turning thank to their fneuda in the conn try who were laat year engaged iu 'he Turpeutine onsuMs. I or tneir oonttnueo oonniieoro u.. port, desir at she cMnmencemsat of another season, to renew their easBrenoes of ontinng ef fort in their endeavor by oonomy in expeoss aau chargea and prompt attention toUieircrdera, aa wsil aa ths trtmost ears In lbs sals of their consignments, to promote Ihtir interts.-Ao want aal and rsnuttaaeea gnarantred to or rao-TT. mRTjST A HINBOS.v aptU ,. ' : . &m: ' ' NOTICE, ' - -at J1HB tTNDERHIGN'D HAVING, OW TITE Mth instant, before the Judge of Probate . th. oaiu, of New Hanover. taa n out letters of adoilni-tialioB i'h the will annexed on the .ate of Gro w, WtlBam.', lato cf aaid cpnnty, deceased hereby gfVes notice ! all reisoti iu dbiad to th aaOtaiat i3aermti1ilin pay- menl. and to ail person having ciaaa agau.t the said f i to Ki t xuibit Ue e.nie tu her on ui befnre ths lstdsvef Jul), 170, or tu! id'-iCt wiU bo plea t-l tvt bar of rh4rf c-wrv. EinaiK.wiuuBMiuiiiai... TU list day of iiay A. D. AO"0. June S jU0-lV,9Wf: J . .... ... .AiTaa- OTalCS. aytM. '- Valu of tlit lotul amount ! iotu auiii ier iitK'.va, ya,.-ii,, . . . j., -ATI of tho above ia pet in tne rlrswlbtf at Ilia regular s.veli selling prtO I aatt WiU SO disposed of Ly a regular uwuu of drawing, aud in ordor to . aaenaiplieh tliia Uu. trnmpany wiit sell 7U,il47 tick ula al 14 oaob ) for further iptiirnlatleri read sea-. tints I0u 1 if ILo IW-li'w of the company t - P (.' SV-I.1WS. ' Boo, 10. Ths plan oi urwiag skull b aa foUowm. Pirere ahull bt-to wteaui u a prig whwd and luiaa mmilH.r Ihm I, arrut)gd IS srm puUio ' phiue lu thu etc i wUnis huo holding utol ; uwy be ' pTenptil on tun fl.iy'of drawing. In tn luiuibar wUoid tti.lio ahaU boa many UekotM eor ' ivejemiiug L-, ilia .Him i, kir a. Uuiio buih bavo l' n Sold tti n't- pri5 wln-et tli6r al.ail bs as hUhi tiukat aa: Itiorn ar pr jt.ai these tickets i uli 1 Ouposiuiii,tu jlw wiioiiis by abiard,ot a a-1 .t.rnnr; wbokhKif rviafr)tol:i'r a ly tliediteutor. Itufir wnitU. theaol Ui ll .itOjailsl np and, s pfinvd l" aui batik, iu tb" 0ity,;tbe ilituctors tuay d'reaX, antll lbs ttma trf tfr ttnitr. Wlieii tho tnper viwit tUa.U g luo Ul) l ths eKaKlug.biank " i'to mm in a ml Ui (l.iH u' uliiiU bH.disiii.mul of by uk ng a uuk.it from eaM wheH, af ffts same nine and t,'iS , pima uukot ulu-u Irura th pi 13 he V shall ',iiiialo tbS prbso drawn ty tbe licit- t iorrBniomliu iannmbtr lothAuB taken horn ' iV iiUniJ't wheel at thssainatuoa. , TU whssi A shall ba It mmlton atior oac'.i t.rkut Is drawn. - tbto. 11. U'n uireotura ehatt dOalgnat ths tims " and p'aoo yf drawing, at hiub Um and plac ths . sitpeivis'-n uH boTtej'ilrdd to be preseutand . t that tho: drawing ia; ormiloshwtientlrsijf aqai- ' talii. , ' " . , ,. .-, n ... i . i . .'.n . A board of Bnpervnora will T appointed who wi.1 bav Meiuaivs Socitrol and Buuiarstaaat of 1 lbs drawing. They will oondust ths distribution ... aud as that Saeh pereon la legally mrested with ' tb property h may draw.; A dual leal rsgissr : of ths ticket aold will bskspt, a that in tb t. evsnt of loss of uekst, ah aeodent may b run- ' ' died and bo miatk oao oosar. ..-r-;ut Tha drawina will tak Dlaos in TCUKEB HALL. , , In Ah aity of Baleigh, taimsdiately after sal of ! tick eu or wniou an nouc wiu d give, i , The company is woraing nnaer tn provisions of a apeciai charter graaatd by tb Gsasral As- 1 sembly of North Carolina, whtoh oompsl aou. company to oompiy laimiuny witn au oontraou. uopis aa d aaa on appticataa to aa so P"Atl'th above mentioned property will Wtalnly o oiiposaa oi atovataisa,aaaiooouwiiig .: it wiU be iavesisd with th title 10 fe aimpi. . - , serMo member ef th oompaay la aiiowad to purchase any tickets. - . - tt,. . i i - AU monies aent bv mau at tha Owner riik: that sent by Kxpreas, Hegisasrsd LeMsra, Cbeckjor Draft at th riak of th oompaay, --i , , Ho Drooerty WiU be Uta lUis th UU isiu , disputable, The treasurer baa bean rsonirsd to airs a bond of 16,000 for the faithful performano of hi dn Usa. Bate required to deposit daily at th bank all moniee reoeived. where It wiU rmaia antU ail ,. . th tioket are sold and ail tu property wiil b poaiUvely drawn and delivered to th parties arav 81,000 aln. m Ik. mniu, .MlnfMn. Bmu! H press, post ofnc order, registered letter or draft, at our riak, or by mall at your own, and tak a '1 obanoe at the 8,000 valuable pruMs offered. Ticket wui oe aent anywoer in tn U9ita Htaies at tha eomnanv's risk. - : "t n . . On fin reaidenoa built of brick. In th ,T ,, , , , beat improved atyls, in trie city or ital- eigh, with eight acres of ground, and I r- vi all neoesaary out buildiDga, with many . One ornament in thsyard. Valno.. .; 1 10.000 " One large and convenient bonao la th , . .. city of liaieign. on oewDsra aveea, vt , large eoaafsrUbis ixmanavdoBbt para lor, with all neoesaary oot building. It , . . j - acres ground, and a beauUiul oai '. arora. Yalna....... .!..'.. j. 8 1808 "t Qua large bona on Nswbern and Blood- . . , .f aurtebi for a boarding .hows, aU a.i i oeaaary out building, with a beautiful . . j- oas grov ia an yam ana x aors or srvooad. Tahl.....i........M...a On beautiful reaidenoa on Newborn 8L, Broom and baaemsot, oal Dauaing and siabls 7 aorea of ground,slm grovs, very desirable and attraotiv. Talus. . 800 One in Warrsaton, N. O., knows a tb Alston propsrty, in rfoot order, on , , ' of tbe best built house in the Btats, . oontalning S largs rooms, doseis psaa- , . sa and portioos. on of tb most 1 commanding and beautiful reaidouoe , ' in th place, with 8 acr of ground, . , floe orchard, beautiful oak grovs is. , , , . tne yam, ana au smvwj uu saiae in era. Valu.. . if.. . r..-..-. Tbe property at TayloravUl la very as- traotive, vainaoie ana cneap. it is a Hotal at tha county ssal of a touriah- lug and growing villags of a thousand or mora inhabitant, aad aituatotd on square from a good and flourishing col lege, no school of better grade, right ou h line of 4a AtlaotM A Ohio rail road, and being situated in the aaotia-, tain region, tba aoeoery is truly de lightful aad faaoinatina. Contain SO ruuma, and tb buildings ar now. -f , Va'.na - 11000 One in hanel HUt containing 4 room, a t. b fire plaou. and ou au ivo, umiag , . j ,s rw. tn. Also, kitchen, out boosea Ld " one and three-foorth acrca ef taud. ." ! Va.ue .-, --.-,- J Tbose ordering tiukata can aaleat, asy amnbet irom 1 to 73,347. If the nniaSer ordaied ha be1 . .al.e.1, tiia number nearest wiil be aent. ; ;t v; ,., (O.'etL.-ie oent stamp maat acooiapanj ersrt , order.'" '- " v' ' .. PeraenadstrrTal Bny farthor IhforiaaBoa ; rleaoewddrsSB.' t ..Ju.t -t " -' ; !:: ' : : Karons c 'ilcsteb, 8 8.000 .Tfea-ii l.tBs) Si a!-"!--J g.rotary ill

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