' . " ' ,i - ..... T. . .... ....... . ... ... , " ........ ...... .-.,..,.j.Aivt,.w,...,,.i..tft.ft.f-w'4t.. wwiwwwawwwWBi iiiwt' u. , " '' v- '' ' " ' .' , , ' " ' " ' "' ' ' :i j.i.wj' ' - nun , I,,,,, n -",n ...ti',,, , i.-'m- jti,r i r t v f-i------'. ... iMiMiittrf iLxiwHibit wtij wwl mtmm t m ,m . .. . -, , .jr. . M. ...... m ir " 1 i" A . . ... S ,-, i ''' C !mT1 I 1. '''.'. ' v.j , .,.4 1 ' .' ..'-II V? .." ' i t k '. . fV-- v .-!..:-,: ..-. -.' 1 i-.y. it ..... -iiv.. 1, Jr-.''-----.. i. ' '- - , ,. a ... -. 1 f -A.''t-.-f.u' :-', v . ...1 -.. f, -.. , 1 .....Vl.--.. At-.--' ! ' - - . -...- J . . . " . i .ill I, , , , i , .. .. . , , ..J. , , , , , , - ' ' ... : ii i ' i ii - - ' ' i ".,... ; ce ti-f .r xot, xyni-No. 218. WILMINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, .lUNi 12, 18G0. VHOEE NUMBER 5,253. DA I Is V T O tJ N'AL ; bmobLhakh a PKi3ifl7iSgi-utor. ADVkUTMINU umt-DAUV. ' "2 M PUIS it .... ?Iff :8g IllfP'li . lis p lew- l!? . 9 a 3S tr -- - -jb-k e I " I -1 . M - . 8 8 g f f f f O p a S E E " i! I !!!?! S o en I a. u m '8 S -i u hL :S .8 gif 8 8 Sly S e ) u 1 8. .8 8 8 8 .8 8 13 l6 S o ei w 'm 1 8 .8. .8 8 S S S "J A U I-J M ' " ,Cxui-owou j? 8 8 8 8 8 8 t 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 3 a sis s s s J ! S 8L8. S.8 8 3i X 1 tO k) I H W S 8 8 8 '8.8 8 5 8 S 3 S g V. 8.8 8 8 8 8 S g s a e " k g S ,8 81 8 8 8 8 8 jl s al.8l.sfi" S k jS 1 .8.L.S8..S 8.! i 8 si i s s a Z 8 8 818 8 8 8 2 ;S 1 g 8 -8 8 8 ji 18LI S 8 g 8 8 5 - one year, m.itr.n Six niontha, Ibree month. SUBSCRIPTION, : $10 00 6 00 3 00 WEEKLY JOURNAL; laouiDucu OAt iM llL.lt, xo-t. one iqtiire, ol tea ilne or Jem, for eacti and every in vertlun. $1. Special Notices wU; be charged $2 per quare, for each and every inaortlon- VBSCRIPTION. One year, , Bn uiuutlu....... .' j;i oo i oo THE DAILY JOURNAL WILMINGTON, N. C. HATUHDAY, JUNE 12, Wi. Pbillipa, roturueJ Missionary. - HU stylo 01 peume 13 naaiat, but natural, wriii apioe of humor that gives , it n peculiar zest Mr. Phillips wai bora in Moore oounty, N. 0., but tone fourtoea yean ago wont Irotu Ueorcia to Africa, lie pro post's to spend some weeks in lectunug in hU native State, and should ho vUit your city go to near Hint uy all means, for you win ue riouiy repaiu. iuoro iiuon, . ?. : '.'"'. ' .... . Titus. uported for tlie Journal. COLLEGES. CaiikuionUMOcnt at Walts Fore.l Condi Sn of the Ia.tltutlon Ita Soi lal Har- ronndlnB....ISIacallon Fata re Vio port. -Board of Troateea Degree Con- rirr-cI-MT. Dr. Yat. Hev. Mr. Phll- j . . IIM, A",, dw. Wake Fobbsx College, Juno 9, '09. Dear Journal .'Before attempting to give you the proceedings proper of the commencement, now in progress at this place, allow mo to state a few facta in re gard to the present condition of this Insti tnuon. At mo close of tne war it was found that the endowment fund, amount ing to mora than a hundred thousand dol lars, had disappeared, save sonio two hun dred and seventy shares in the stocks of the Raleigh and Gaston Bailroad. About forty thousand dollars have been secured in cash and bonds since the war, so that the College may now be regarded as worth not more than - fifty thousand dollars, npart from buildings, apparatus, .to. Rev. W. M. Wingato, D, D., is Tresi - dent of the College : the ether members of the Faculty are Rev. W. Royall, D. D. Professor, IW. O. Simmons; Assistant Pro fessors, L. K Mills and Wm. B. Royall. The number of students for tho past year was ninety -eight. No community is known to your corres pondent, in this or any other Stato, su perior to that in which this College is located, in moral tone, , intelligence or social attractions, and when the health, . accessibility, and secluded character of the place are considered, and espeoialiy when it is remembered that there can be no clironio graduates here now, by reason of the adoption of the thorough university system of teaching. I cannot understand why there are not two hundred students here. The truth is, Messrs, Editors, our people are not educating as they should, Many farmers are sending their daughters to school, whib their sons are kept at home to work. I believe in educating the igirfa, say, I will go as far as to say, if either sex must be neglected, the best in tereets of the country will be 'sustained by giving tne nigner moral ana mental de velopment to those who are to be the mothers of the land. But, sir, I do not believe there is any necessity for neglect ing either sex. So highly should the gen erous and liberal culture of the mind be appreciated, especially in tJtese limes, that parents should be willing cneerfully to sacrifice their property, . and to endure many privations and hardships in order to educate tneir children. In stating that the Institution should have a much larger patronage I did not mean to say that the present or prospective condition of the College is discouraging. On the contrary, the friends of the Institu tion are lull of nope and very sanguine in respect terthe future. ' ' The Board of Trustees met on yesterday, and with much other business, elected Rev. J. C. Hiden. of Wilmington, Rev. O. W. Handerlin, of Goldsboro, Rev. W. R. Gaultney, of Hillsboro, and Y. II Miteb- oll, of l-'ranklinton, to fill vacancies in the Board. - The degree of A. M. was conforred in course upon Rev. T. 1). Boon, of Hertford county, and the degree of Doctor in Divin ty upon Mathew Tyson Yates, of Shan ghai, China. Dr. Yates was born in Chat ham county, N. C, and graduated at this College. Twenty-odd years ago he went as a Missionery to China, and is said now to be the ablest Missionary who speaks a laaguagn of Asia. During the war, when supplies for the Mission were cat off from the South, he was interpreter for the En glish merchants of Shanghai, and with money loaned bim by them bought pro perty, the rent and sale of which he gener ously appropriated for the support of the other Missionaries from th Knnth Speaking of foreign MWi nnarira. va had lost sight of in the College Chapel a capi- Grcat Breach or Promise Casn, One Ilnadrrd Thooaaatl Uallara Damages ' Awarded, - Our readers were yesterday informed by leiegrnpu oi me cerminauon ot , tue cele brated Sursguo Craig breach of promise case, at Whenton, Illinois, on Tuesday. The sum of 9100,000 was awarded the fair plaintiff by the ury as au equivalent for the damage which she alleged she has sua tniued. .. . . , ...... i .v . -,. Miss Amanda 3. Craig, who has been thus fortunate, met the defendant for tho liret time in 1859, while tenoning school at Cincinnati. It was clearly a case of love at first sight, for he invited her to tho the atre on that same evening.'and visitod hor frequently until 1861 and 1802, when he mado overtures of marriage, which were not then accepted. On the prinoiplo, however, that faint heart never won fair lady, he continued his attentions at inter vals, and in 1805 his perseverance was orowned with success thoy beoame engaged. Ihe 15th of tho following September was appointed for the consummation of their wedding bliss, but Sprague's heart failed turn, and be turned up missing until February 20, I860, when he returned to liia allegianoeonee- moro, giving sickneas as in excuse for hia long absence. Alt now went well until April, when he went to Chicago, whither he was followed bv his ainanced, who found turn living on terms of intimacy with a servant girl. After much tribulation and a solemn promise to refoi m, Miss Craig restored him to his former ploco in her affections, but as soon as he got ont of her clutches he meonti nently cleared out, aud she saw nothing more ot mm until imi. As he then ehow cd uo inclination to perform his promise ana marry ner, she sued mm with the re suit above Btuted. Borne of the letters uro duoed in evidence are exceedingly rare specimens in tneir way his ol oi thugra ny ana hers of lovelorn poetry,. ...We sub join a few specimens of eaeh: Sunday Eveuing the 10th , Adams House Chicago, ill my Dear Loved and respeoted Amanda, thcas few Lines are to inform yoa that itt is with all of the Jbxertion that I can niu.i ter that I am ablo to attend tomv liimi ncss you aske me how for I am atlong with tue JJtuldinga well 1 will tell you of the Pftrtickulurs Urst.. the . Brickwork is nil Done the roofing is" finished the floors are all Layed the Gas fixtures are in except the finishing of uiem liy screwing on the limners ana bo fourth and tho windows are gluzad and in work to be Done, the Patent Lights of iron and Glass in front of the house Base to be Putt Down that throws the Light in the Basement, the Plastering and sealing of Bin story and Base with ogee moulding and window caps and pillasters and windine sturways with Black walnnt Rails shealving ana oihoes and sofonrth now my Love have Been thinking all Day of you and the on- ley oomfort 1 have is to Look at your min- ataro I know yoa Dont want toseemee anny moar than I want to see you Before now only I did nott want to Loose what I had already saved and earnt and layed up at the cost of my Life or in other words my health I hoop I will have enough for to suport us when I get oled and nott be under any obligation far charity now my Love I shall come to Cincinnati as soon as I .Possibly can Leave my houses you nead not Be afraid of myself undertaking an other Job soon I think I am putty well cured if lUett through with tbisJoab will do very well and Lett well a nuff allone I have the 2 houses rent to Different firm Paying me (12) Thousand Dolors a yeer Leesed each for (8) yeers for the tmal sum of (72) Thousand Dolars for Boath Houses tho houses are Large Joabing whoolsail Dry goods Booth I refuesed to Rent to aney other class of Business they will be first-class stores I have them insured for (50) thousand dollars in (4) insuring offices (12,500) each making (50)000 my Love to mother father and Brother I boape yon enjoy the Blessing of Good health and Prosperity say to father my sneaohial Re gard and Good wishes Love I hoape itt will nott lie Long Bo fore I can have the Blessing and Enjoyment of Seeinar you and embracing you in my Arms Yours as ever with my whole, heart and sole K U. S. to Day is elear and Could Yesterday an sat urday itt snowed all day I am heating the water to Day the i'lastering of weak Day and using all of the Pearsoverence I cau to Uitt the houses done I think itt will take till the 15 Day of January iff I doant Gitt them done By the 1 of January itt will cost me $70 Per day nntill I do get them done so I will not lett the Grass Grow nn der my feat N. B. now my love I want you to be as happy as possible and cheerful is mother as young as ever and cheerful when night comes itt is very seldom that I go out at all I have only Been out 2 evenings sence l nave been in the l laoe. 4 E. C. SrBAQUK. Written in one corner of this letter was the following :." o Lord boo art in heaven bless our 2 hearts and soles and be with us and gido us and Protect us. E. C. S. m. f HEARTACHE IX YANKEE LAND. Boston Mass Oct 2 1805 Monday 100 o'o a. my Dear and best Beloved and respected and Honored in my hart to Amanda J. Craig my dear yoa must pardon me for nott written you at Chicago Before I left that l'lace 1 left the second day after 1 wrote you my Love my hart has Acked and I have felt bad for so doing Butt un cle Eliaha coosod me to go with him East to see Doct Warren and I done bo 1 shall leave in a few days for Chicago and then foTyoJr-pbrcK I hoap I will gett a few lines from yoa at Chicago I can nott run the risk of a Surgacle operation nntil I have my matters all settled it is a great risk so soys Doo Warren and S others Bntt I cannot Put itt off Longer than next spring at the fartherest Love I will write you from Chicago and Lett you Know of the Par ticulars about what my doct says Mandy now yoa have all of my lore and Esteem and respect Keep a good heart in order to Keep np your spearitta I have looked at your minitare at least 13 Dozen times o how I love yon and yon dont Believe one word of it o how I want to hear from you anow the way 1 feel tneir is a letter for me at Chicago from yoa I wish I had wings I would fly to your arms and see yon for that isearlyall the happiness I have is in vonr company, y oars as eaver yoa have taj address on Central Afrioa by Rev. Mr, had kU of my i0Ta and. sincere regard and I hoap always will yon writo mo so 1 can f;ett youis agaiust I arrive at Chicago my ovo and regard and good wishes to your mother and fathoraudyour beloved Brother your a eaver-' . . - y , 1!. tl. S. I am at theTremont House Boston vith in one square of my Doctor. (10IMO IT 1U,1N1. Chicaoo, April 20, lSOO T en n not I writo mutch I cannott see nno Bitt ant of my Eye Gott the arstiiilm'i'vcixty Bad tt Is Gutting Beater I havo 2 letters from you Buttoant see to read them have not broken thorn opon will so soon as I can read Komi them I wont trust to no one to Road thetn or to write for me I doant know how you will liead ttioas Lines itt is All lies work. Ifeolwdtlif myEyswear the sweating is lust Going Down a moy I worship the lord tjMmm for the Laws of god must bo obeyed after I Put this Lotter in a 1 will Uett sum won to Duet. E. C. H. Of Amanda's letters, a few extracts w ill suffice : r . : ' f '.,; A FLIGHT OP KOAll's DOVE, KTO. Cincinnati, Sept. 5, 1805, Tuesday even ing. Dearest and bei-t loved Tn-day'n post brought me your letter writtou ut liojkfonl, on Saturday lat, aud an 1 have no more agreeable employment, I fchall treat you to one of my interesting letters a groat rarity, of oourso, I sometimes four that yoa will weary of my' tiresome and monotonous tcribblings, forco little occurs that would prove at all entertaining to you that items for making up a pleasing lotter are rather scarce. 1 1 eel very sad t j think that your visit has afforded you little pleas ure. I do not feel happy when I think you are feeling lonely and troubled.. 1 lind been congratulating myself that my love would enjoy his visit so much.' Iam very happy to know that thoughts of tho absent one are permitted to occupy your mind sometimes, it is very sweet to know ffiat'TinnTVxl"4tk-a-4 love, ' It is tho litniOHt happiness "toTee'I that your heart is entirely mme. My con stant prayer is that you muy ever love me, aud me only. . You aro the dearest object this world contains to me how dear nnd deeply I loved, you may never know. I trust Hint death may be my fate r I am rondo to feel that you havo ceased to lovo mo, or your feelings become estranged. Life then will bo a burden indeed. 1 am nstonished und hurt nt the idea you have taken up, that I am dissatisfied with your manner of writing. Your letters aro the dearest. iok- sessiou I havo with the exception of our miniature. They are u,y only comfort, and I would not have them in any other form. The most artistic, lines .that could be penned by other hands are us nothing tome when compared with the linos of lovo and affection your fingers have traced. " M11V AHl DRTlSl'Mr.STS. I'lllMI KIHKII flHMIII GLOME FlIiKi KXliNGUlKIIEU CO, No.. 4 Dey Street, New York Grout ri'itiioiioii in pru'n, Nn. 1 f '5; ,Y If 10 No. ;l(4i. riral-uiaaa Ak1'" " Hiil' il. A'Klri'HM an hIhivp. ' IIKT W AN I'Mli Wll "Ml.; ' " Secret History OF THE CONFEDERACY. Tlu almnHnt) rtrdation and n'urrt mi nV. outturn, u.ailo in tlila work, aro crcattiiu '" niiMi tiitoiiBo oi .iro lo olitain it. Tlia ttrrtt fmlit Will 1W, ,;;,irji,nt., (ii IKT.anl OI llOr COtirtHl' T a to loaitnra. with lli'ifrn Aluttnu n rrnm " lln lilntl tho Scciion In Hirhmnnil." ara tlimoualilv ( i rimiii. . neiiii rur v ironium tnn ten our (orm, uini a mil iio.nTiriiion nt llie work. Ailitrosa Ni. il()i.AL I'l'llUrtfllNU CO.. rhUaili'tiihtn, Pa., 11.... I. LI a l t ' 1 nii"", -.t Ir Ol. JAMll! BIO, 5.000 BtMiK AGENTS s.ASTKU fur IlAKUINO'a New Illumtnateit ami leustrntoil KillMnno of llio I.IVM ttV CIIHIdT m il uuniavn piiiuiuiii'i ruueuKiii.- 1 ho wo.ks aro now romtv fur doliverv. Aililnu. rnr i.ataiognn of the best Helln-g Hulisoriptiua IMMIfl ij MllIiKJl,U. vv. w. UAIiniNO, Ittllnleliltin Pilb'r of Hanlina's Killllim nf llio Holy Uiuic. )l'rKTRX.naaa t o., Killtoia avivallMr nm n an, 37 i',, n0Wl vBW Yotk. Taon tv.lliroo yoara" exjiorioorn In ohtnlninir AMUHIt'AM and K.l HOl'ICAN ft'ATKMTf. Ciiininna no rharcro A raniolilot. inn 1,1 iaw ami inmrmatinn iroe. 1 AiUlrr.a as auavo. UI-.T WAN'I'KU f,.r Women of New I ork," Ounmloto einn.s of Vmu l.ifn m 1'ir 01,111 ji.,niiii. timiftnnuai. imauti. fully illuMlialoil. ttaoiplo oupy ooat-patil for M, AildrfBD .w loita JJook Co., H5 Nnssau at,, N. 1. i ny. A' B( li.Ulcits B0,i fnr cataloKiie of all new Ar. ahiUvluritl llonkt anil .hntmilt. AdilroKs a j. .JioKNEi.r, Co , l'nb ri", Troy, N. X,, or tjnaaold. .111.-1 - '- 9l(l OO I'Kll .I,ita'lAUA!VTICI4t Aifnntn roll tlio Hums Hiivtti.s Hkwinci 11a-SMS&l'-""""' 0 Mll'K ITITOIt, AUKIlM BOTH 8ii)t:s, fias tlio iTnn'.r-TWMl':-TriTt-iirerinWtf-ew ,i-in.i m ,nr ri-winp i ncnino evpr invenieo. rrim f '.'5. Warrontml for 6 years. Houd ior eir oiiiiir. Aditrcss JonnsoK, i,AHK A Co., liostou, Ma.j., riltslinrf;h, l'a., orJt. Louis, JIo. ?:UMWS KX''" V'Tll,lr"'',a U.S. l'UNo Co.. N. V. 4 OMKIIi.VH 'A RED I'K.IM'l' JACKfT AXE 1 ii.niiu; mmw, hook, ONTAININO IMPOBTANT I'll V.lOUHtl V ' CAL INKOlliM AT1CIN to yonno niun onntem. plalliiR tlarrUan, aont Tree on rnowlpl of W cent. AiUlro." :itkMlCAl, 1N811TU1K, 43 Clintun l'ljr. W. Y. a v ' . PATENT I'OCKET 1 0K-SUKLLi:H. PROFITS OVKIt ItOO PKIt VV. Boiitliotn, Ktalo aiiil Conuty ItigUta for eale.- uri'.i novel. y. munt Mr otrouiar. AilUraea - WFAVKR JON KM, M.imfrs, I'ltjslnirali, I'a. rpjlK Ladles " litleMfi,orl.rorC. 1 Mliltaona.) for inonttily uee. (Slniole. nonva. nlent and neat. Fur sale at millinery and fancy aitiHis ainrra, paniniea or man on riuieint or mia dollar. lln. J. H. Hooms, Marlvtla, O., sole aiiont for Boulli Carolina, Ga., fla., Ala , Miss., Irfinislana. :ji.U' lll.'U'l' I 111 mun M.ildian Uurn.r fur Kerosene, ailau- X Iril either for Hun or common oliimuoy.-r AksiiIs wautnl in every town In tlia oonntry. Hamples sent bv mall pripalil oa reodpt of 3oo.-. Kvery variety of Kerosene Lamps, UraoVuta. Chan dellora, elo , furjirivalo kousrs, lialla audvliureli. ph. conatHiilly on hand. Orders fur oattcB of our Utrat rv nf Uoini, ttlUJ promptly ... I . 1 ...liirmm. ......... . .. . . . Wi Arcu etreet, I'liilailulpula, I I T. rii?'jn::B;;ni3 BAILROADS. WIUtlNOTON A WEIiBON BAIXHOAD 00., Orruis Cmrr Kno. Qtn. Ui ramsTrnocirr, , Wu,WMvroiia N.U.April 3, 18C9, CIlASjtiK OF SCUEDIILEau (an nu iimi anjiMY, inn aiitu Inst., onr paaaenger trains on this road will tears Wllroluiiton at :O0 A, M and 10 (Ml p. M , and arriroat Wnldon, 0:00 A. M. and it:fi0 P. U. Lears ffoiiioa iu:m a. w, ana t:m p, 11, Airive at Wll mtiitftoo a:Sil A. M, and 7:18 l 11, Tlia day train win not ruu on Mandays. , A daily tlirounb fraiicht train will tears Wilm naton (Hiiiid oeptsd) at la)0 V. M., for tlis aooommodaUoa of 1 rue a r armors, laaaeuicera can also Ret aconm. ruodatkins on said frsigbt train as far as Ooldi. ooro , a, im ramaunT, Knir. t (Innt. aprll 10 i ' lM-tf HOT SPEINGS, BATII COUNTY, YA. V. TAHIIV CO., Proiirtetfira. Prof. J. L. CAUKLI,. M. 1) . of the Uuivnnltv nf 1 a., iiuaui 1 1 id sioiau. win on own ior ilia reoau. tion ot vlsitora, June 1st, nnilor tlio manacemont 01 4, a.'nwLusu. an mc miiiiiiugs liaving lioen n uairvil, puiniod aud fitted out with new f'unilturo. Liunu. llada and Tatilnwara. Mpriuus offer nnsurpasset, sttraolioiis to both tlia invalid and nuiasure-aerker. - No promise or elTort lias boon soared tr tho Dropriotoia to maks it aa r(j:in,)iui)iu sun jiioamuit aa possible to all vial- air Tlie UOT WATJUto hare hare been wall Known for mine than, hall' a oenturv to onnaeaa. In a wonderful ileffrae, 7mic, Alterative, iMmytmt iiiu rmtiinnni -rowriiea, anil nars neeoms iinlly eololiiatt i for the eur if 7i7i,,,nn(imn. UuuL,lUu'Mill..ef. Um lifir. tik-in. HkuMrr ami H'om ; VuTiyHinK, tVi'e'fi'flTiTl iiT TiifuTy omert ouh tfl'imion ; Wro-crnm of AYusWee nn,l Jointt, 7iiiiTiiaii. and iMimmttiU afoomnanloil with Sort Ii'Hcriilivo I'sinplilrts furnished by tlia Mau r at Mm ttprlnirs or by B. 0. Tory it Co.. ltieh. luonil, Va. - A Uk'xranli olhoa will bs OHtablialied at tho Ml'linf'', t lius afl'ardiUK viaitora an opportunity ot rompi oouiniuiiioation wiru oiin.iy. mav V! t fn bettor limn our roxnlnr ali.iptd Ast fi r HiOf riaiions : ifst .-11 oula ilnenor. Swtmtl lt tint. I plii k in tho wooil. Ttiird-. ilnr not. livr Hie I will endeavor not to.blnmo you for hand. . Fourth No limo i wateil in takiuif tlia your seeming coldnoss and luilillerence. A" ' ' 'e c" . ' t'''- "n mo i for I suppose you cannot help it, aud if 1 ; coui.il do poi iHiiiou 10 reau lue eeniiairnis of your soul, I trust I should find them to accord with my own. Truth and fidelity, whilo one pule of life remains, 1 hope m written there. So, my darling, I'll be happy, if hoaven npon my pain -Will scatter all the trcaanrei alloctkm'fl garner hath. - Amanda. TUB TWO I'ABTWf. Mr. Spragne is a rich citizen of Chicago. Amanda is represented as being soft and on will tin iiiio-thiMI more work than Willi r un rrAxt'H. liod pnint hut liilnnip lo do mth llo! &ooil tpialnii'H ni thin Ate, tor all our Aioh paiiiii'n rod. it vnur linruwara kIoio cIui h koi i our liood", wo will gladly answer iuhiiiiici or fill your nrdora uir -ot, or ijivo you the name o iUV II an ft, dealer alio h ii-i our Aji h. .. UITllCOITUtUKlllSLL, fliUbarajH. Pa, Bolo owners of Colbnrn'e and Ilod Jacket Patents, iFAin;u Aumart, t)7i i sauu per ff month, everywhere, male and fomnK to In tn'dnootlie GENUINE IMl'UOVKI) COMMON SI N.'iE FAMIIiY SKWINO MAOIIINE. Thii machino will stitch, bum, foil, tui'k, quilt, eord, Uud, braid and embroider in a moet superior nianuor. 1 rice only fin. YnVy warranted for dye , 1-..I . 1 , ., 1 I , MIIIUUI. 1 lew 1,111 J C I". l-llll HAHAUKIIJ 11 UV plaintive, a little touched with melancholy, , we will pay ukw fur any maohhie that and brown curls. five years of age. Hho is not vet twentv iSprague is fifty-ttto. will sow a strouKi-r. more beautiful, or more elas I tio mism than ourt. It lunkos the " Elastio Look Htitoli." Every seooud ntik:li osu tw-eut, andatill I the elotli oaiino t be pulled aptrt without toaring ' it. We pay Axouts from tiS to JO0 per month and cxpeusos, or a cinnniisAioli from which twiue that amount cau be noulo. Address KKCOMli A CO., Piltuburgh, l'a., fiostou, Masa.,or tit. l.ouls, ' Mo. Canllon... Lio not be imposed npon by othor parties panning on wortuioss oaat-iron maclnneK nmler tiie aamo name or ntherwiait. Ours in the only genuine and relly prautical cheap machine mauuiacuire.u F .IRK KXTINtU 1SI1KK, Plant Mjrlnae Window Washes and Oahukm Enuinb for J. Bend stamp fwr circulars to N. E. V. rUMf CO., I anvere, Mass. 3000 a car. Addreaa Fox 4 Co.. 8aoo, Maino. $100 TO $250 K AWtT Vitij." ,V,i,irn s jptith ireiliTy (6 Age Per Month aranterd Arrest of Several Citizens by the Military. GREAT EXCITEMENT. Wakbenton, Ga., June 8, 186'.). Editors Chronicle & Sentinel; : Chap Norris, the notorious scalawag sheriff of this county, who ran away from' here several months since when no man was parsuing, returned yesterday with a body guard -of one hundred and twenty- j five of Uncle Sam's soldiers, which, in ad- 1 dition to tho force aires dy hero, gives us a j mrrisott of nearly thfeer hiiridreii. : Norris TNrirTfW rrI-ra'B'7ScnTaerir- brought orders to the ccmmauiliug ofliecr ' h" ""i1!" "1'!lie'u '"f" ? "T ,. . m . . , . I i:i:tM f.nw. Call at nr rit lor particulars to . . . " xo J ""K"''' "Vu Oihabi Wiiik lln.r. Ml No. Third f t., l'hiladel snenn oi tne county, anu to renueruimau , piiia, l'a. - the assistance ho needed, which jnpans to i . ".".t; 7vMi?i t7ivnivi'-' have every man arrested whomNoms . 1 u" rh,t ''n,v disliked. Thia misersblo creature jCom- I Wo will insert an advertisement in one lliou menced his work of infamy at tnee, which ... ... ,, . , uouvcu uu " J " , i sand Acwspaiers, one suonth. The List in did not surpnso any one who knew his , character, by making arrests of. personal olu.les single Pnpeis r over 100,000 circu enemiee-men who had di spised him for ' latlon -weekly, more than lou Dally Papers, nia meanness and rascality. The hrst or-: ,,,,, .,1,.,,,1i .m.i. oi i....iir.. . rest niftilo bv the tniliturv nt. tho instnnea ! of TvTnrrin irm. that of .Tr.l.n RbIap . chn wan tho month, and tho leading papers In more appointed temporary sheriff by the Ol'di ' than SUO dllferent towns and cities. Coin. nary to hll the place of Moms. Ihe fol-, ie,e nus ran be examined at , mil. lowing ;oitiKens were afierwards arrested : rs,. .... nvn n hi. Cody, JSd. Cody,- Zip. Cody, 11. Mar-, " r tin and A. L. Hartley, editor of the Clip-; BOWELL & CO., Advertising Agonls, New York per, all of whom aro respected and law- biding citizens. Ihey are now in lull with a heavy euard of soldiers around it. It is Auspected that Non-U will have other 1 arrests made. . .ihe excitement is very great, and our people are excited and in dicnant There is no telliuir what the re sult may be if this thing is suffered to go ' on. Counsel our peoplo to be patient and ' M t ! 3 . .1 . - , iorueuring uuuer uieir wrongs. loience i ollar or thfVe for and resistance are to be avoided, but God giren money refunded forbid that our people should be esasper- 'UIS 41 Chatham street. New Kork ated to desperation. The worst conae- w'""-'- "euq mr cataioguo. quences might ensue. W. i 1itatko aokits.. t. hii ih. amer. lTS KETi I )NLV OMR DOLLAR Tho newly invented pocket iiiuo-pncc, Hiiitabln tor either auy or gentlemen, in hand- tome metal c, wLite dial, K-ilt ItlUred. liraha more mente, sound and serviceable with key comnleto. A trne. f permanent lnihcator of time ; tu.rruutuu ior iwu years; post paid to auy part ot tlio 17. H on roucipt of One n ou. if satisfaction In not Address W. riOOTT A he Oroide Join C. Breckinridge. 'in i IT ICAN KNI1TINO MAOBINK. Trice 25 : The simplest, cheapest and beet Kuittine Ma- , ctune ever invented. Will knit 20,000 stiches per The Visit of the Hon, John C. Brockiu- - mmnto. j.iheni inducements to Agn'- Address Moo tn.Wioonn lain lo-.k aftor land ; ABKIOAJ. KMl'l 1M MAUHIMS CO.. lios "P. : - tnn. Him., nr KL Tiini, Mn. which he owns in the northern counties of i tne Mate, and in considerable quantities.; auk ysur uocioror UrsgcM im sweet Mr. Breckinridge appears to be an affable ' UciNinicit equals (bitten Qnrnine. Is mado gentleman, and was the centre of attrac- only by r. HTLAKNa, chemist. Detroit. tion at the JNewhall yesterday. Several of . t iT7T a nt more valuable than uoid the old demooratio whoel-horsea visited i t7yJJiliV 1 For pariienlare send twoS cent him at his room and had a talk with him, One gentleman asked him what ho thought of Grant and bis administration, and the reply was that the President was smart enough to take care of himself. His cab inet, while none of the best, was just such a one as Grant needed, and was better for his purposes than one of more talent would be. It was not designed to make the ad ministration' a brilliant one, and Grant's ambition was to make it an every day sort of useful affair. He was studying the best way to do this, and Mr. Breckinridee be lieved be would succeed in adegree suffi cient to make the people feel easy, although they would be by no means satisfied.' .. . , Milwaukee It ixconun. Pas a tea. in an article on the Olive Logan says fashions: - In every country, among everT Deonle. he fashion is what constitutes the test of modesty or immodesty, of decency or in This n a trot a which. we have for veara i . . ........ SELAT stamps w AUUCSTE SCl'IN, Box 1047, Cincin. oati, U. " TRY THK DKsT o.u iioiiLiii yiii; IM TIIK COIiMTKV.. -ir retired, Agents NEED NOT PAT FOB THIS GOOOH UN T'Xi 1EL1 VhltY. Agents wauled everywherrt Hend for Circular, . H. C. TIIUMPtiUN ii to., t 13S Federal street, lioaton, Mass niHIKTV VKAIU Kxperlenceln theTreat l ment of rhronie and Sexaal Diseases. A Phynnhjicnl Vim of Miirriag?. Tho cheap est book o, r p ib lehed containing Doarly 8(0 pages, nd l ) i Ii t- piaies and ecgraviWs of the , ii'.iniv ui inn namaa organs ins aiate of Health ar.'t nistaw, wna a ireaiiso on eariy errors. Us d-piorabiG conneqnenoes npon the mind and body, with the anther's plan of treatment the only ra tions! and successful mode of cure, as shuwu by a report of case treated. A truthful adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage who eutertain doubts of their physical conditioa. Sent free of postage to any address on receipt of 23 cents, in stamps or postal currency, by ad dressing Dr. LA CKOIX, No. at Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author may bs consul ted upon any of the diseases npon whisk his books treat, either personally or by mail, tai madicioet sent to any part of tbs world. very part of tlio ln-tm " I. iir is lteal, Life is Uaritest,'' mucins. FRMI HON Alt'.! KAHNE8T iN'SKLMNa HOOTS, fV'.. r v. r ey.i vr i i x - -t- MI0K8, lijatiiiVr and GENKUAL BUPKPINTKNDENT'8 OFFICE.) WU.MIMOTUN a auHosMTia it. it. ue, Wn.ioToi, N. 0., AprU 10, 189. ) fN AND, AFTKH APHIX, Uth Passenger vs xraius oi una iio.au wui ruu ou llio follow. ing Hohoilulst - , . . EXPilEHB T11AINR Lsava WllmlnJon daily at S:1S A. M, irrive at rmrsnoe 1(1. ,TJ A, AI, Arrive at Klngnviiis., , IM p. M. Leave uingavills........ ...,...:3;M P. M, Arrive at riorouoe , :6 P. M Arrive at Wilmluatou U:K1 P. M. Express Train connects olosely at Florenoe wllh ma noriuenswrn iiaumad ror unarlnaton ; and Cheraw and Darlltmton llallroad for Chsraw. aad at Kingsviiltt with tho Mouth Carolina llallroad fur Augusta, to wbiou point oars run ttirowih tcithout CHsnye. ACCOMMODATION TBAINH. Leava Wilmington daily, Buoday ax,, at HiflS P. M. Arrive at Floreuos 9:40 A, M. Arrive at Kinir.vlllo. niui A. M mv aingsviue. .......... t:o p, M Arrive at Floronoe. . ...... 9:40 p. M Arrive at Wllmlmihm... ........... ... fiilO A, at. Acennimndatloo Train oonneota oloeelv at Florence with the Northeastern llallroad for Charleston, and at Klngavllls with the Mouth Carolina llallroad for Augusta. Passengers for Columbia aliouhl tako tho Aocnmmodatioa Traiu. WM-MAeltAK, aprll 11 Uoueral Huperlntondent. 1G3-U REAT SOCTHI'RSf PAS8EKCEB AX1) l liLIGHT I.NLAM) AIR LI1VK, llriween New l'ork nnl rVrw Orleans! AND ALT, tWrrRMICntATS otrtKSAMD MJI0ES. rillMR FHF.rnHT FOimAltHFiO BYf AHBEN 1 GliU 1'ilAlNH, and at LOW HATK8. A'o Immmuro usiwsnrj. To purcliaso Tii'V'tii, or forratca of Tranapor tatlim and nilmr Information, apply at tho Gener al Ollleo, 'ill! Uroadway, onier of lteado street, NowYoik.,.: .. . .. , HiTEB uALT.ETT, Guiieial Agent. Now York. .Tnna IJ, IM .. ait-tf 8II0K i ii)i;s, and alive to the importance of soiling a good aud duritble -, , BOOT AND SHOE for a very small price. Our assortment is large and stock extensive. Onr Goods prime aud durable, and our prions are made to 8 HIT THE TIMK8,' To Merchants : we oflor great induoemenla in a I.arue and well selected Mtock. embracing ererv atvln and rariel ... ui. ...... i. ... . i . . . , ' we oner Goods as Low as any Jobbers in New York or Baltimore. 2r-COME AND SEE US. -a C. B FROCII & 80S, '..; 29 Nortb Front St. mty 14 19a-. VVil., (ttarlotle to, Rutlierford It. Ii, ADttlAlV !i TOLLERS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PH0VI8I0N8, Grooeries. Lienors, Tobaooo, Hegars, 4o oorner Front and Dock streets, Wilmington, N. ft; ctTiif to the trade at lowsst figures, the follow ing goods recently received t 'JO nhds. eweot Cuba Molasses; IIS Hbla. " 80 Mats lino Java Coffer! -- SIS Hacks Laguayra Coffer, H) Hacks llio Coffee common to choice; ISO libls. Hngars -common brown lo standard crushed; 40 Casea Cove Oysters, 1 and S ft. cans, the best in market; (50 Boxes choice Oresra Choose;- 80 Tubs No, 1 Table Butter; ' 50 Boxes Babbitt's Soap; 11X1 Boxes Oewego and l'earl Starch; 15 Tierce's 8o. Ca. ltioe -prirao; 185 Bbls. hico; 5 Bags Pepper. 8 do. Pimento, S do. Ginger; 10 Bbls. and 20 halt bble. Bailroad Hnnff; no Bdla. ItiCarb Hoda. 21.0 keira Nails: 2i) lidla. Hiftefs, 10 crates Fngl Crockery, ass't; 200 Casea U. Wolf's pnre Wines aud Liquors; 40 Millo Havana Megars- extra fine; . 20 Cases and 10 bbls. Thtublera ass't, 10 boxes Lemons; 5 Boxes Breakfast Bacon; 200 Bbls. new heavy City Mess P.ork: 25 llhds. and 25 bills. Western Bacon Bides and Hhonldere: 1,600 Bbls. Flour, sound, fresh, and all grades. may l 1H7 Morning Star and Bomlor Watohmsn nopy. AH 6IJRVIVIi0 PiRTKER OF THE LATE FIKM OF KLANDEIt A CO., on Tuesday the 15th instant, I will soil by auction at the store on corner of Front and Church streets, the stock of every Datura and de scription belonging to said late partnership. The stock consists of groceries geuerally. Among other articles there is a Soda Fount and Bottling machine. Teims at sale. OEOBQE GUOHTJAN. June 3 21o-ts Okxkhai. BnntaiirrKbRrr'e Ortim, WiLMtmiToN, N. 0.. May 15, lHlill. f ON AND ArTI.H MAY 151 U, the PussiHfer traiu on tills lload will leava Wilmington on Tuesday, Thursday aud aAturday at 7 o'clock, A. tl. Arrive at P.oekinrtiani fanm days, at 8t P. M. Arrive al Wadw.boro' ( Mtage) at U P. ill. Leava Wadesboro' (rltegal ou Tneaday. Tlmrs day and Saturday, at I P. M. Leave liookingham on Monday, Wednesday miu cm,, mv ii.ou m ,u. - . . Arrive at Wumiogtoa same days at 8 P. M. , .... vVS W. I. KVE1UJTT,- i . General Superintendent. myl ': : i i4-tf j CUtiW 8AJLK 0Vt REAL ESTATE J t G HAND' SALE :.yr.,i '-f'AND i ""J'''V "' UDI:' ' PERSONAL PftOPERTr, ? '- ' '..:" r tn -w. NORTH CAROLINA REAL AND PER- SONAL ESTATE AGENCT, " : 7 . EALEIGH. N. C. $100,000 CAPITAL, STOCg. eatttTuitD M tok LaataLAiDss or noara cabo - .. , lira, rxn. 28r, 1808. j,.; ; JOSEPH O. HESTEB, PrttUUmt. : , J 4 ' J08EPB DIXON, rrrioW. f - V J0H Ot HttSTER, IWy anH JWdtv vt BOOT? Q. LEWW, I)(tt VbunVr'::'r 3,000 Valuable Pieces of Property to W Die-". posoo or vvortn 9i4u,69a ! 92 A CHANCE I ... , , : REAL kItATR. SEVEN FINE BKBIDKNCK8F0CB IM TBI CITY OF UALKian 1 One residence In Italelgh, N, 0., described One One One One One bdlow.. 110,000 s.uoe j ,800 , ,000 ,000 ; 3.000 " Wamnton " ' Chanel Hill 1 one Hotel in Taylorsviiio, . C, " . - ono - liIST VV rKHIUKAli PHOPMMTV Samples on sxhiblUon at HE8TEB BB09. ft CO.. at the regnlat cask prices. . , . 10 Fin 1'lis.tona WOO each made by if. ' J " D. Schmidt, Baltimore, Md. , . . . . . .i 000 10 fine Top Bugidea, taso each, mado by U. D. HuUmtdt, BalUmore, Md...,.i' JMO 50 1st lYowlum7ofltavo.pinopja4ahj ' , . ' Tremalne Bros.. N. Y, 1050 eaoh. . .7. 83 600 5 Parlor or Church Organs, stops, S50 -' made by Tremalne Bros.. K. y . . 1 ojoi 600 Mewing machines, Wiloox A Oibbs, or ' Orover Baker's. W0 eaoh....... unnnn 000 Silk Dresses, best article, 12 yards to saen unns, i. 'JJ.OOO 8 Veroclnedns. (7S ................ . . Aim 14 Holla Drussels Carpot, 43 yd eaeh .i i i kj-t..- in . i i , . . ,v . najKianuiiDr nnitw, vrimere patont. beat in the world, $2D 1 Cash Priao. l ,000 gold. 10 Oaah Prims. fllM eaoh. ........... . 800 . do. do 10 do,,...., 07i di do 0 do.,... " WOO- do : Uo 2 do............... , 1,6X0 1.U34 1.000 3,000 H.SHO i a.ooo COrARTKERSHIP K0TICE8. K0TICE OFCO-PARTNERSRIP. ' WtumtOTOK, N. O., April IS. 1800. TTfTB. MB ITNDEB8IGNED, fiAV TBI8 f T day entered into oo-partnerehip under the firm, name and stylo of BANMHTEK. COWAN A CO., for the purpose of cendnoting the business of a REAL ESTATE and FINANCIAL AUEN0T, with principal oftioes at Wilmingtoo, N. 0., and New York City. We respeotfully offer onr eervloe to the pnbllo. " ". J ; LEMUEL BANNIATEH, ' D. 8. COWAN. ' J. O. KENYON. r . Tor further information, address BANNISTER, COWAN 4 CO., Wilmington, N. C. ' Raleish Hentlnol and Standard (dallvl. HaliaL bury Old North Stale. Charlotte Democrat, States vllle American, Ashvilia Newa, Marion, 8. 0. Crescent, Sumter Watchman, copy one month, aim svdu uuia to Hits onioe. .. april 18 . 171-U QIIARAISTIIVE NOTICE. OS AND AFTEIt JUNE 1st. ALL VESSELS f.-om ports south of Cane Fear, will eomn to at tho visiting atation near f mitliville for inspection. All vessels hivinir hid sickness on boa rd dnrincr the passage will also come to Ihe station for ex- aruiuat on. Vessels other than Ihe classca above amod will proceed without detention. Pilots and Masters of vessels will takednti nntlcn of the above regulations, nnder penalties by law provided. W. G. CIIUTIH, Quarantine I hysician, Port of Wilmington, N. 0. Smiltiville, N, C, May 24tb, liM'J. may 25 Post copy lawtf 203-1 awtf PICKLES, ysnrfTthviia i u i, i iwwvwwifeiM iu uwivjs sou fare , CHOW CHOW English ; BTDFFED MANGOES; STfjFFED PEPPERS ; HORSE BADISU . - . FBESH CANNED TOMAPOES; Just received at MARKET HTKKEr, COWAN 4 METIS. DISSOLUTION rpns OOPABTNEBSHIP heretofore existing .. . v H,iunini,i,nh IIUUUI SUO 1U U I aiainous a, oun.ri'lliri(JN. is dissolved bv mutusi ooosent, by tbo wttbdrawal of John Wii der Atkinaon. , . Alfred O. Shouperion assumes all the liabilities it tne late nrm. ana it la romtosted tliat tlioas in debted to as will mske prompt payment to bim. JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, ALFRED li. SBEPI'EltSON. Wilmington, N. 0., March 17th, 1809. A. B. 8HEPPERS0N & CO., (BCCCKSSOB TO ATKHSOR A SUPriBSOR,) General Commission Merchants, . : AXD Agents Baltimore and Wilmington Itcam Ship Line, 11 AND J2 NOKTU WATXB STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C, TSNDER T0EI3 eEBVIOES TO THEIB friends aud tho public for the purchase and sale, on commission, of NAVAL STORED, COT TON and GENKRAL MERCHANDISE. LIBEKAL ADVANCES will bemads npon oon aignmente for sale in Wilmington, or by their correspondents In the Northern and European to them eh all have markets. All busineea entrusted prompt personal attention, ' The undersigned takes pleasure in commend lng to the patrone of Atkinaon Shepperson thoir successor, Messrs. A. B. Shepperson ft Oo. JUUa VtlLiUlttl ATKINSON. Wilmington, N. l, March 18th, 1869; 144-tf TO TIRPESTISE DISTILLERS. (CIRCULAU.1 ' 1'FJE SDBSOBlUEltti I.N COItOIALLY RE . turuiug thanks to their frieuds in the conn- try woo were last year engaged in Hie 1 urpentice bnslnese, for their continued confidence and sup port, dosire at the cotnmcoceaieut of another season, to renew their assurances of nntinug ef fort a in their endeavors by economy in expenses snu charges and prompt attention to their crdera, as well aa the utmost care in the ealo of their consignments, to promote their interests. Ac count sales and remittances guaranteed to be paoMPT ' r 6PBCNT ft HINSON. april tJ. l'ti iloi may 2 205- rVOTIfE. TDK LNDEB8IGNED llAVi.NO, ONTiTE 85:b instant, before the Judgoot Probate fnr the county of New Hauovor, tan- n out li.lUrs nf administration wi'h tho will annexed on the j estate of George W. Williams, late of said connrv, deceased? hereby givea notice to all persona in debted to the said estate to make immediate pay- I ment. and to all persona baring; claims against tne sa:a sura to exniou ine tutme to ner ou or before the 1st day or June, . 1870, or this notice wilt be pleaded iu bar of their recover?. SUSAN J. WILLIAM, adm'x .-. This Slat day of May A. IX 1W9. , - -June S JlO lawCw j ALL KIDS OF JOB WORK NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED AT THE JOUiUlivb VFF1UJS. ALL klNDS OF Juit H0RJk - auoO. PrlKe. Valoe of the total amount 1140 no " Total umuber Tickets. 73.347. i Allafthn above is put iu the drawlnn at tlia fogular cash soiling prio s and will be dispoaad ol by a regular raoda of drawing, and in order to . 'Compltati this the company will sell 73 H17 tiak. ta at. 14 each ; for further information read sea. tlnn 10 i-i I , jf the BvLawa of the eouiDauv i lir-Lawa. I1 MO, 10. The tllan ofiirasrinit Shall ha .iis. riiero shall be two wheels, one a priao wheal and - uo a snmber whnel. arrans-ed In soma nnhlin place in the city, whore anv on holrilnv a tinkaa may bo present on the day of drawing. la the -number wheel thero slntlt be as many tickets oor- 1 responilingiin the uumbor am those whluh have bu sukl, In the pnao wheal there shall ha u many tickota as thore are prizes, these Uokots aliaii be deposited in the wheol by a board of su pervisors, who shall be appotutud by the dlreotor. , after which the wheel shall be sealed np and plaosd iu any bank) In the city, the dinotor may ' diroot, uutil tho time of drawing, when the sapsr visors sltall bring tho wheels to the drawing,break -the seala and tb drawing shall be disposed of by taking a tiokot from eaoh wheel, at the same time and the priae ticket taken from the prise heel aliaii designate the priae drawn by the Uok. at oorrespondiug in number to the out taken from , the number wheol at the same time. Tb wheal sbaU be wll shaken after each tieket la drawn. Seo. 11. The directors shall deaianata lha tlma and plao of drawing, at which time and niaea tha ' supervisors (ball bareaaired to be iii ssmi in I . see that the drawing hi eonduoted nUrly eooi sable. i i ' . -'-'. ... . i A beard of supervisors will be annotated lu will have exclusive control and management of tbedrawina. Thev will eondns tha UaaribfMtin-, . and sea that saoU person fat legally inrasted witkt ... the pnwertv he mar draw. A dudlioata n.l.tpv of tho Uokets sold will be kept, so tha lathe -event of lose of ticket, the accident may t reua- , ' died and no miat-ke oan ooour. The drawing will take place in TuOKXB HAIiL, I the oity of BaleiRh. lmmediatelv after aala nf , tickets of which dua notiee will be given. The oompany io working under the pravtajotta of a special charter granted by th Qaneral A ssmbly of North Carolina, .which oompels the oompany to comply faithfully with all oontraota. - : uopie oan t nan on appuoatton to th eom- pany. .-:- . ...... ... , . ., All th abov mentioned property will certainty - 1 be diaposod of ae above elated, and those drawlmr I , -1,1 l.n l ..A i.l. .1.. .I.l' I- . i . . tl f?441 HV UBTSSf.VM Pl.U HWUS IS MS BlBipH, aT" Nn member of th oompany is allowed ta pnrobaae any tickets. All moniee sent by mail at th owner's risk; thai -; sent by Express, Begistersd Lottera, Checks or Drafts at the risk of the company. No pronvrtv will be listed anises ths title lain. dlspatable, The treaanrar has been reonired to arra a bna of 10,000 for the faithful parformanoe ot hi do ties. Be is required to deposit daily in the bank II monies reoaived. where it will remain antll all ' the tickets ar sold and all th property will ba . poaitively drawn and delivered to th parties, drawing, or th money returned. Bend 12 by ex- ' press, post ofUe order, registered latter or draft, at our risk, or by mail at your own, and take a obanoa at the 8,000 valuable prises offered. - Tickets will be sent anywhere in the United Htatea at the oompany'e risk. One fine retidenoe built of brick, in the '"' - best improved style, In the oity of Bat. ' . eigh, with eight acres of ground, and all necessary ont tmildinga, with many . fine ornament in the yard. Valne.... t in nnn One large and convenient house in th city oi ttaieign. on cawbern street, 13 large comfortable rooms, double par . lor, with allneoessary out bnildioga, 11 f acre ground, and a baaatifol oak r Rrov. Value a aino One large house on Newborn and Blood worm streets, oontaming so room, amtable for a boarding house, all ne cessary ont buildings, with a beautiful ' oak grove in th yard and j acre of " it round. Valne 5.000 One beautiful residence on Newbern ML, a rooms and basement, oot DaJiuinga and stable 7 acres of irronnd.ehn grove. very desirable and auraotiva. Vain. . $ 8,000 One in Warrenton, N. a, known aethe . Alston property, in perfect order, on ' ol the best built houses in the State, containing 8 large rooms, doable piax sas and porticoes, ooe of the moet "' commanding and beaatiful residences .;. J in the place, with tt acre of ground, Hue orchard, beantiful oak grove In ". the yard, and all neeaasary oat baild- ioKs. Value 8 nm Tha property at Tayloravill is very at- - tractive, vainauie ana cneep. it Is a llotel at tbf oounty eeat ot a flourhib ing and growing village of a thousand ' or more mhabitants, and aituated an ' . squars from a good and flourishing col- ' ' lege, no aohool of better grade, right . on he hne of the Atlantie ft Ohio rail road, and boing situated in the moun tain region, the soenery is truly d- ' ' lightful aod faaoinating. Contains SO rooms, and th building are new. Value........ 1 1.00 Ono in l hapol Hill, containing 4 room, . , wi'.n nre places, and one o root ciDiog ' room. Also, kitchen, oat .bowses and esn and three-fourth acres of land. Valne lOOt ' ...... t . , , Those ordering ticket can select any Bum be, from 1 to 79,347. If the number ordered hasbeec taken, the number nearest will be sent Oo three Oent stamp 'mast Sdbompaay every Order, - y - n; i-r -i , PoMOBe destine any farther InformaUoa ' plea acVIres -.. , t U ... . . JOHN C. HESTER. ; 1 tjeeretary ' pr23 i I- a 4 ilTs-Ant

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