, J H JLm I 111 VI lit CI II .11 II .r .W5?:. n .1 -"VJr AJV'LW 1 1 h -I I I V JAMUOUJIAIirr . - ' ' s - i ; .. ' ..... , v: t v f .- .i, - i i 4 v VOL, XVIII-NO. 247. WILMINGTON, N. , SATURDAY MORNING; .1 ULY 17, 1800. OA I J 4 Y JOU UN Al, , OU)KBT DArLT IN Tni STATU. WOkLiVaKU VitlvM7 pri.ilet.,r. A DVKRTIItiNa matkiiZuaiLy. V S3B R6 2 Sit 2 !?3 o f If i lrf II s lilt a y ti if p-1 u a r 1 S, 8 8 .8 5" IH'USt'UlPl'Htf. y--fr ..$io oo hll tii.mthS ft oO TTirea iuuii(hn a oo . W Eli K J, V JOURNAL ' l!8TAliL)KHRU BW'TISMBEK, 184-1. unr nquure, 01 ten nn8 or Una, rur earn mm cvf ry in f crtlon, 1 1. Kpoolal N'uMcea will be clinrgnil 2pT HQiiurc, for iwh fciU8 lill'TIUN. me Jt-er, ; w nixinnuiim j tQ gront pnriT sLonfd endorse the lentiment ot Iho JTiliboater Wlkor, that " Juatice id I the pnrt of wit;o men, ami mercy the actor ! fools," uow is tho time, sad the lUJioul party tho ono tht should b tuiulo to (eel the viry fulltMt-extent of the neutiment by thn JDemoornuo tmrty. Toe justice of Dot will not bo KatiHlicd until thn North, uu pspocinlly Now Engluucl, bhall 1o mado to ilrriuk to its very drega the bitter cup ho Jong bold to tue moutu ol tho Month. Adinnuloh from the " Urest KaHturu. dated ltrest, July 12, and published yo.itcr day, euDotiuoos her tirrissl off Mimiclou, but ia aouacquouoe of a dnte fug which prevailed, Bho had cut tho ouble sua luiov ed it. It is rather curious that we should bo ablo to got uows from our owu shores niter it tins gouo to ii'suoc, sooner than by our owu menus of oomuiunicatiou. Liy tho time tho women havo turued themselves into Dion, tho negro mado white anU civilized, ana Mew England morality Do adopted by (Jlmstntns, tuen wo shall realize the lust grand spculation which is to dig a hole to tho subterraneous ikes, and t Hereby warm and light tho Polar re- gious. Perhaps the time is not rery far distant vvlien wo sliall soud for oranges and buunnas to Washington .Land andointuber gen. Atierman plnioHoplier tia announoed that wo shall shortly have two moous. The earth, however, is a littlo too small for its inhabitants nowadays. 1 he trial of Milho (iainos, a uoi'ro wo mnn, for the killing of a youug white msu uanied inglu, lu tuis city last Aluroli, is now in progress. Has alleges ho scducod lie)', una sue killed him because he intend ed to take u walk with a white lady. It ippeurs from the ovidonoo that if Millie was goiluccd by lngloi she hud boou in tho luttm of getting seduced. TIJK MMSlSSINi IMjiCTION. I'KOtlLAMATION DY THE i'UKSlPKNI THR UNITED HTATEH. or THE DAILY JOURNAL WlLMMUTON.N.iV .SATURDAY. JULY 17, 180.) 01 R H ASIllVGTON LETTKK. Tl VnuXid Kcoitoiny of Urant'a Ailmlh latrattoa Twit Dollars Mavrtt win re i'"r Spent- Important ntlun l'e . Until r iIib Treaiury Tbli viiTho mirmt ot tba Virginia Klcctlun-. tirant Kudanei the Sentiments uf tJorcrnur Walker Ucant'i Oooit Oplntun of Cirnnl anil ' Old Bourbon "Tlic Fnti. or (tie liri ll Hadlnal Party'l'he ( ourav of (lie Old Democracy The Urtat Kaal rn ami I be P'ranco Amrrlt an Cable Metlii'il of lleiflving- Newa-qactr Phllniojihlral Theorice, tc. Washington Cirv, .luly 11, 1800. As an evidence ot tue vaunted economy of the Grant administration, even in the trifling affair of departmental economy of wnioh, however, they have mado so much Taunting, as " specimen bricks " of retrenchment the following exhibits the . stato of affairs ; Tho civil appropriation bill passed by tho last Congress, dispensod with one manager in tbo third Auditor's office of the Treasury Department, and made a few changes. In couscquenco thereof, tieu messengers have been dis missed, and four' appointed. This is the Tilt: I I.Tllml III III- Hi 111 rVuvi milt - ;l()lll. V'f!iiiK(iTi.N'. , I nly II. The proelatua- tion of tho President providing for the Mississippi election oii the' last Tuesday of November net waa promulgated ti-tlay, n-i follows : Iti ihf J'rfSidrnt ' i'f the Umiett tVi'ii s uf Ainerituh A rnOCWMATION. In lmrHiianco of tho provisions of the act of (Jongrcsi approved April 10th, 180'., J hereby designate Tuesday, tho !)0th day of November, as the time for submitting the constitution adopted on tuo loth day of May, 18U8, by tho convention which met in Jackson, Mississippi, to the voters of said btate. registered at the date of each submission, viz : November 30th, 1809. And I submit to a Beparato vote that pnrt of section 3 of article 7, of said con stitutions, which is in tho following words: " That 1 am not disfranchised m any of the provisions of the act known as the re construction acts of the Thirty-ninth and aud Fortioth Congress, and. that I admit tuo political and civil equality of all men ; so help me God. Provided, if Congress shall, at any time, remove the disabilities of any person diafranchishod in said re construction uot of the said Thirtv-ninth and Fortieth Congress, (and the Legisla ture of this IS t a to shall concur therein,) then so much of this oath, and so tnuch only, as refers to tbo said reconstruction acts, shall not be required of suoh person so pardoned, to ontitlo him to bo rogis tered, And I further submit to a separate vote section O of tho samo article of said con stitution, which is in tho following words ,No person snail do eligible to any olnce of protit or trust, civil or military, in this Btato, who, as a member of the Legislature, voted for tbo oall of the con vention that passed tho ordinanoe of seoos sion, or wuo, as a delegate to any oonven- signed sixty-nine, and of the indepondtinee of the United States of America tho ninety fourih, U. H. CuuNr Py the President : Hamilton I'imi, ,SViTW,ryr',' ,S'.,' . KtoiUllUlUiN I.N. UUumw I - I ' J ' t Thnl'r.rc.-'ir-Boct and C'hcapost j I WHOLE NIIMBEU 5,282. rilli;tll l.ltHl l:: 1 v lit Hi Hl'.ll ollii llf' 1 iv n II.'.' 1 ui i Mutt. I ill'. Kur Oul-lKnii'ii', Willi i t li'si-U, i uHi ,', ,v,i. liiiutillv li'in bail nm IV mi. I iiniiiinn i;a-if. I'rnteelB llnrniii r ml ChMIb fnini Himli-riKitt. Driven Virnitu Cituii 1 tmltry niitl yetinx plant rt. l'ltivunlH oniilt,-itai nml nil'i.-tiun.' i'iioii ami muel ruavvitt' iit (.aiutlm powili r In nso. MfelH ohitf rouuircnieutrt' Jtorrt Mlitnu lToard ItnAllll. Kirnt prominni awartUnl liy Anii ilfaii lnitlilate, C'iroular Willi ttialimtmiaU iiihiIi iI en iinltt'iili.in. UOU.INH. KlUKUl'.V CO., I I'i v l Now t.. il,HlHlH-rt PA TKNT RED JACKET AXE v Mwjor Woffovd, of Mississippi, now lieio in behalf of the conservative rppn'oliemiM ol that State, visited (in. Sliermau IIiIh morning aud rootiived from him inlditiounl ussurauces that tho registration mul elec tion iii Mississippi will be impartial. The military ofllcera who conducted tho regis tration and election in Virginia will be or ered to Mississippi for the same duty. , From TTastalngton. I.Hu'o1a1 Diapatvh to llio I'altimoio tiuii.1 Wabiiikoton, July I I. The nomiuatiou of lion. A.sa Packer as the cauditaW for. Governor by tho Demo cratic Convention of . Pennsylvania to-day was a surprise here, where it had come to be considered certain that Gon llaucock would be the nominee, Mr. Packer's noui- nation, however, was cntliitsiaHiicully re ceived by Pennsylvania, and ajijirovrd by all other democrats. Tho belief here is general, founded on information of load ing meu of both parties who oonio from that State to this city that tho democratx will certainly curry the election in the full. The arguments in tho lerger halieitH corpus cane before Chief iluutieo t'liase, drew a large nnmlwr of lawyora ami others to the Capitol to-day, lu addition to the interest in tho merits ot the case and Iho vital importance of the legal points involv ed, thore was much curiosity to kco and bear Attorney Genernl llosr, who had not yot been heard in argument in this city. Tho three arguments, severally by Messrs. Phillips, Hour aud CiU'litle, were ci tempore aud ably presented. Tho At torney General was dignified, calm, dis passionate, and conversational iu style, rather than oratorical. i gwysga, omi.v !' inm.lak. It is irenerally conceded that if Iioarj jf tfJ llio nnwly iim nti d iim ki snoceeds in obUiaing an order diHiaiming i 1 I ""-r" fiuini.i.. i..r taili. mo wru u. will n Hpou uio K"'U"; "t I f rt i iv ium lll(,ul llu. want of liinsdiotion iu tho Chief Justice If JL - YmnAt- hnm tnm-i or any other judgo of tho Hupreimi Court f &ttjvf ll'iit", "aJ n i ivi.-..ui. Jn.l.ro ..uuiiiu.l I,. iii...ui,l.i in lint ! 1. JsffurS with kv enmt.li in. Aim - i. i. r : i.. i,. i i i'ii iiikuiuii ni.iii-itiiir m nun cirouii iu wuioii iuiaiB.pu is iii. iiiii.i.i. , ' wafrftiilert fur two voar.il ..M 'I'I... AnM.A.l ..f 111 .. I 'n. i. Li Il.id . ... JMIU iiiuiuoiji ui ". .! Usui Tu . ilinir i.nUI Hlu 11 K ,.r 1 1.. iiurstiuu wan nuio miu cuihtiuhivu, nuppiu- i.niinr, or tlirro Mr tl no. IT aatinrai'tiim In lu tod as it was bv the hineuaircof the stiitutn Rivxn mmipv refandnl. Aililn-cH W. hcoi'I'. and constitutional jurisdiction of indues of ! AUl." J'liaiiiara Hirwt. New ITork. n laidrnlil 4i. o -rt . .i,r,.i, . :...i......:.. I 'WHtnn in. MhihI rur ('tiiln;'ne. IUD oultUlo uuuil., niliuii l.T nuiJAi'i-iini vn ; with th territorv of the United Ntatea. Sio oo PICK HA1 Oil AKA? I KKl Th ilenininn of the Chief .TiiHticrt i exnec ! A',,,u '." H0". """ 8UUWI.K. ttKWiito M . j" ' .tlll.MK. lniUKl'H 1110 I1(1R STrrcll, ll.IKE UN Ili'TM leu lo morruir, hiukh, Ins tlie uiulnr-foml, mid is piMial in every ml. in . IV I , : 1 ... ... J xue ireosury iopariuieui. to-uay ihhumu j rospnot iu any Bowing niaeiuno over inventiM. the first installment of now fractional cur-1 1 ''ioo w ari-iiutim lor 5 juara. Nmi im- nr. nml.n nnj. -Tim Wn,,ii- .,.,.! Clllar. Ailllrilag JllllSaU!l UlJUS A i!-Hiitii, "7 iiii SI ana.. 1 itteburKh, la., it 81. Jaiiiim, llu. to have other denominations out by the ft ,, -Vii".. j ' -" . e- i. a , ,i I. : ifpi" I.aillrs Klaatle fiiiiiirlrra. (f. urcn, oi nuKtiBi.. iuo t.Kui,uwi u mo uuw , Hlim,11Ui) fr nmntl.ly ueo. Slinpla, ..ovc uutiiiit jr mo um w uuuwiiu tun iiuuu u , nifni ana rieai. inr saio at millinery ainl uiiiy any living person. The old currency got ' Rood slorw. Hamples liy mail on receipt of one l-i lietUr tliilll (ill r ukuIm nliapeit Ann Inr tin i rxamos : UrttH cuU denicr. iViiumi - ll ilur mit k ill llio" wiind. 77iti-l iloim tint .jar II li u ii 1 1 'urlli No tifiio is wimlcjiu Ulini( II Axo enl ef tln eul. J'tl'ih - Willi tbo name lalm: m vtill iln nun. third lu.noniiili tlmn with nun Inr Aw, lii tl imini han ikiiIiiii; In do Willi tin iiiiil n u a 1 i ' i e h nt thin Axo, l.ir all (inr Ax'K naintcil red. It ynnr liarduavi atnro ilnm ktieji uur Kiiodrt, o will nladly auanur lniiili it nr uu )uui iiiut'iM iur'i.-i, ur Ktvti you lllt 1111111 l!e ntmrmt dealer who km-ps our AteH. MI'I'IVt lUT .V IIAKIO VV K.I.I., I'Huliurcli, ra Hi - In u hern of (.Vl'mru'ii aiid lie. I JiU'kel Palnnm. Si. If Alias, I I fitn ui ,t nil fnw tw oirrnail nnv il t i-i n nn . . . T 1 il, " . 1 j I fVa V J lUll AVM. , UnMUV ""J V f.MMtjej lowcuvumout, FiuminDu, u.u iu, . of secession, or who gave voluntary aid, at which it is oarriod. They savo two dol-1 countenauoo, oounsol or encouragement to lars, and while proclaiming it to the coun try, spend four. At this rato how long will it take to mortgage tho whole coun- try ? ' !' The oelebrntod cotton caso of tho Uni ted States vs. 1,500 boles of cotton, seized as liable to forfeiture nnder the non-inter course act of July 13, 1861, and which has nously advocated the assembling of this persons engaged in armed'hostility to the United (States, or who accepted or attempt ed to exercise the functions of any office, civil or military," under any authority or pretended government, authority, power, or constitumn within tlio United States, hostile or inimical thereto, osoopt all per sons who aided reconstruction by voting for this Convention, or wno liavo contin been on trial for tho past four weeks in Memphis, Tenn., has been decidod in fa vor of the owner, Mr. Geo. M. Gill. Upon receipt of this news, the Treasury Depart ment telegraphed instructions to tbo Uni ted States oonnsel in the case to carry it up to the Supreme Court of the United States, or to the United States Circuit Court on appeal or writ of error. The case waa decided justly, bnt the Treasury thieves Convention, and shall continuously and in good faith advocate the acts of the same but tbo iiegisiaturo may remove such disa bility : iVwifed,'ThBt nothing in this section, except voting for or signing the ordinance of secession, shall be so eon strued as to exclude from otlioe tho private soldier of the late so-oulled Confederate States army." And 1 further submit to a separte vote, section 5 of article l'i of the said constitu tion, which is in the following words The credit of the btato shall not be -l .1 .1 -i r.nn i. i .. i. Mn4i. x u. WUIU wortu plodged or loaned ia aid of any person, as- 'B"-r. " -""j " i Mocianon or oorporauon ; nor auaa tne divide the spoils not to mako a longer Stato horcaftor oscome a stockholder in fight. JOie " Virginia) election, in-Tiawhf tho "muddle" it js likely to cause in Federal politics, is exciting more interost now, out aide of the State, than it did ere tho result was known. The extreme Radical journals boast of its being a Kadical victory. On " the 7th of July Governor Walker mado a speech iu Norfolk, which President Grant aays Le read attentively and thoroughly approved, walker said : "xesterday was any corporation or association." And 1 f urtcer submit to a separate vote pari of me oatn or omoo prescribed in sec tion 20 of article 12 of the said constitu tion, which is in the following words " That I have never, as a member of any convention, voted tor or signod any ordi nance ot secession ; that i liave never, as a member of any State Legislature, voted for the call of any convention that passed any such ordinance. " The abovo oath shall also bo takon by the day of Viginia's deliverance front wrono all the cit v and count v officers before en a?iu oumtgi. xue great mass ot those who voted for Wells yesterday know not what thay did, bat the rile crew who led them on deserve the execration and condemnation of the civilized world, und let Viem gink into the ingiinijicsmve vhich God Almighty intended they thomd occupy. Now, according to this. Grant thinks bis Cabinet, and every leading liadioal who urged tho Wells party on, are vile wretches, deserving tho execration and condemnation of the civilized world," General Grant, I suspect, bus a good opin ion only of himself and good Bourbon whiskey with a few briok houses thrown in. But the shrewd Radical leaders, be holding the split in the Radical ranks and knowing its inevitable fate, are anxious to gracefully wheel into the Democratio ranks. Onr time has como. I would advise the Democratic party to accept the rank and file of the deluded masses who desire to enlist nnder the banner of Free Trade, State Rights, Specie Currency, Abolition of Ue Debt and of the Internal Rovenue, White Men's Government and the restora tion of negro to his proper place ; bnt for the vile wretches wholed them on." "let them sink into the insignificance which God Almighty intended they should ocsu Py." Let tlM justice that Radicalism has meted unto ns be measured back again to them ten fold. In this fight I would give no quarter. If ever the time was when one 1 tering upon their duties, and by all, other stato officials not included in tho above provision." I direct tho vote to be taken upon each of tho above cited provisions alone, and npon tbo other portions of the said consti tutions m the following manner, viz Each voter favoring the ratification of the constitutions excluding the provision above quoted) as adopted by tne conven tion of May 15th. 1868, shall express bis judgment by voting Foil THE CONSTITITION. Each voter favoring the rejection of the constitution, (excluding the provisions above quoted,) shall express his judgment by voting AOAlST THE TXrKSTITmON. Each votcir will be allowed to oast a sep arate ballot for or araiast eithnr or both of the provisions alove quoted. i it is understood that sections i. o. u. 7. 8, Jl 10, 11, 12. 13, lil. and 10, of article 13. nnder 4he bead of M ordinance, are considered as forming no part of the said constitution. , , In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be amxeu. Done at the city of Washington, this thirteenth, day of July, in the yeas of s)ur Lord, one - thousand, (igbt liWfliefl sad e-'-t - . to be, towards the end, covered with por traits of employees in tho Treasury De partment, whose faces crowded out tho patriots and venerated statesmen of the first days of the republic, Mr. Clark, tho printer, took the place of Washington. In case the French cable is landed at Duxbury, Massachusetts, it is thought some stops will be taken by tho govern ment to prevent its being operated at this il, i;nA .... i.l !,, i ; i -!.,,. emu Ul mo nun uuiu tun ujuuiiuk UI V, , ' ii - t . . , ... , .,.., ... ... , irress. It is difficult to divino how such a " " .."7. V",'.. " """ J - . , tin BiiiK i;nau nun ui nujr t linil. JH'Wftru Ol 111- OOUTM OOUlti OOCOOil. tDODgU HCh 18 tbo , friiiKVH. Hond furt'irrulHtutu llio I'rttoiitoo JUati report. Nothing hus boou clono yot, ; ufttcturor mid vroyru -tor, C11 UHf I A VKAK.-Malo hM Foinaln jpA(.JVV7 AROIitH wanted cvcryv.'horo. Ad ilreoH If. Andehhon A Co., 311 Olivok., fit. Louis, Mo, 'dollar. l)u. .1. II. ItnuKBs, Mftrifttit. Oi I aKRut fur H.mtli t'nrolins. Us., Fla., Ala., I Louisiana. 1 TIIAVKI.IXIl A11KN1M Clan make larco coiuiuiHniiiiia mi Ilin Kale of ov- oral compact arliclra, uoivnraally imod. Ad.lri.8i. K. M. UHATTAM Ado., 7 Uhi ullilil. nt., l'liila., rV -"I: ' U f 10OOS HALA11V, Addrea. 'T. H, I'ianii tin.. N. V, A!M'1'K1. Kimreetio onvaHstirH lo make from fio to ii a tlav elhntr iino uf Uio I mom remarKaliln inveiiliniiH nr tho hri', lllaku s w however, oxoept a letter written by 'tho Secretary of State to the French mini.sU r calling his attention to the matter. Judge Dent, the aspirant for t!io Gov ernorship of Mississippi had high words to-day with Secretary Boutwell. Judgo Dent wanted certain officials in Mississippi removed and others appointed, as an ad vancement to his interests, and claiming TSSPtuiMKaiTttiiifiiBi, f-r particulars, JlJJ ami Vl. Iilrens H. 11. Ci'KNckii ft Co., fjrsttletinro, AK juur rtoiitor or l)riigKlsl tor S Vk ItK V QUI NlNKit canals (bitten unilrttio. Um.,li. that it would also be in tne interost ol tno only by I. HrJiiAUJNU, oiiemiat. Uotrmt. j administration. Seoretary Boutwoll could i qblv-BKLP Fou THK iaitltlNCK-Words of not see it in that light, and refused to j O Cboor for Youiik Men, who have fallen vlc- icstro a Boner m Alt er envolnpiiH, froo of anm &,l,Vnuu I J 1.1 11 . 1 1 I , 5 U 1.1 i 1 1 . It . I I M II in Mississippi, and said that Judgo Dont : -, lWadoiphia, la.. ' was not of the simon-pnre radical stamp, i miiv.mz-zzrz.Ti. -.k.-s.i-r.V whereat Judge Dent waxed wrathy, audi I uunt r limam ari mmn m...... charged Secretary Boutwell with being .4 l'Uyuikjienl View of Marrmrje.-TUa ciioap- the cause ol tne delay or postponement ot ; uol,K evyT jmuunnoa containing nearly ato .1 -i- .? x:ii . j lr l i . me emotion uu a late uay in novouioor to comply, saying the oiiicors had boon ap- 'm!?.h' K'JCiAL E v'A .'lc pointed with the approval of the radicals HtKJ . gj. gratify the radicals in Ohio, Pennsylvania, .to. Secretary Boutwell retorted spirited ly, but held fast to his position, anil the would-be Governor of Mississippi with drew in high dudgeon. Mr. Whittlesey, Iato radical camlidato for Congress in tho seventh district of Vir ginia is hero displaying fraudulent radical tickets alleged to have been used by tho Walker men in the late election radical vignettes, etc., with names of Walker men. Data. ; pbrps, and 1.10 imo plates and engravinKn of the i anatomy of the human orrjans In a state of heatUi and dineae. with a troaliao on carlv errors, ita deplorable cnnsoniieneos upon the mind and body. with the author's plan of troatmout -the only ra- iiou.ii aim sucooBsiiu mono or enro, as shown I1 a report il cases treated. A truthful advixi-r b ino iiiarriuu auu luor.o cuniiiinplatuiK marriage who otitortain tloulilH ol thoir physical condition. Sent free nt poBtago to any addrfas on reonipt ol m cents, in sianips or postal rurreiiny, py atl tlressiBL' ht. LA 01lf)l, No. HI Maitlen Lane. Albany, N. V. 'i'bo author may be consulted upon any oi tue oiBeaacs upon wiinni lus liooks treat, eitbsr porsonaily or by mail, and niedieinea sent to any part or the world. IMIUaillb. Wll MIMITKN A VKl.t)()N f!ATI.Hf)Vt) 'c'.C.V OrMi-K ( hut Kno. ft .r. HrenuiNI KmirNT, ' Wii.Minn-HiN, N. )., April IU, Ustt) nunii; okmhkium:, ON AND AnT.lt MONDAY, lb" itnth In!., onr lHtiii.r luiiiiH mi Una mad will leare ViliiiiiiKnii nt i, .(Hi A. M ami IDKlil 1'. U am) i nm at Welilnii, 11:1(1 A M. and I'jtl . M, i.ev wvlii.ui l!:l,i A. M. and i' H P. M. Airimt at Wll minuton ;Sii A. tl. and 7:1.) I', M, The ftav train will nut run i n MiinUys. ' A daily UiroiiKh fieitild Irnin will leave Wilmliinlou taiiiidavs ti it pli'ili at pen M., flir the at'tvimiiindalliin of Truck Kaiinerx. l'saseiiRrls ran also (,'ft actHtm nioilatieiH mi nsIiI trriuht train as far as Unltla- l'rn'. H, I,, 1'ltKMONT, Kiik. A Hnpt. spril in ftif.tf OFiNKltAL HUPKIttNTKNDKNT'H OFKIOB.) Wn misiiton A alAwosasTrs H. Ik . Wu JtiauiuM, H. Q., April Ui, lata N AND AJTKIl AriUL lllh , lWnger )' iTains oi tin nnati win run on (ho follow inn HfhoUnlo : KIPUKHH THA1NH. I,i avo ) 1 1 nun ir ten daily at (1:1(1 A. H, Arrive at l lurtniou ,.1U:1H A. M, Aniviiat liuiusvilUi..,:,'; 1:61 J, M. l.eavn kiiirnviiip ., 12:3,1 ', M mveai l liiranew. . . ,-,r :M V, M Arnve at Wilnnuieloii..,.. UM V, M. lAinxiHS Train vmiiiiikoU clnanly at I'lortiuoe witli tbo NnrllieHBtern Itaihoad for Charlestnn and I'herawand l)nrllni:t,ni Railroad (Or (ihtiraw, and at KmriiTlilu with the Hnnlll Carolina Matkoad fur AuitiiMlii, to which ptuut cars rua tamu'a without I'llllllll', AllCOMMODATION TItAlNS. liiMii WilmiiiKtMii dailv, Hiinilay ex.. atHMW P, M Arrive at Unrence a:4(( A. M, Arrive at KiliKvitln ., U:4H) A. M. l.eavo KliiBitvillri 4:00 P. M Ariivn at Klnrniieo. .............. ..... 0:40 P, U. Ainvti at nuuiluutuu.. 6:10 A, U Atvuiiiiiiiidatiiiii '1 in in onmiocts olnaoly at Kimnico with the Niirt!iiKtern Itatlroatl fur I'harli Hlnii, and at Kiniisvtlltt with the Hoiilh I 'aioliiia liailrnad (nr AukusI. I'aasoUKers fur ( nl.imlua nlif niltl l.tlie llio Aoeniiiiiiodalitin Train. - WM. ftlAoltAfe., (Ii'lioral Niipiirintniithiiit. ci'iil It . HKi-tf - - ' f ..w,,....,... RK:IT SI T!II:. PlSSKJftER AlHI i iii:itii r im.wii aiu mm:, m m If MM Brtu'rcii New York ami New Orleans! AMI Al l, ISTKllMKIHATE OITIKSAMD FLACKS. fiUME Fnr.ionT vonwAttiir.t) liy paiwhn- L OElt TKA1NH, and at LOW HATKtJ, A'g inmirowv nwetsnry, . To puinlias Tlnkets, or for raise of Transpor- Utinu and other iufnriiialinii, apply at Uio lienor al (Mlleo, V!l llrnmlway. ooriior of lieado atrtiet. Printing. "I'lIK .WmtNATi job rRnnG omK, Prlniraa itrerl, . WILMINGTON, N. (!. , 1 Now Vol k. New Ynili, June in, t'K't'HU MALLtTT. : tleuural Aotit. ix vir H i),, ( liarlalle i ItiKlit rford It. B , .'ftcsRUAt. Hi'i-KniwTanrirr's Omoai WiMimTnif, N. ()., May IS, im, I AND AKl'KIt MAY 15111, the Puaentfur 0: train on lliirt IZue.il will leave WUmiiiirLiin Taostlay, Thursday and Hntu'day at 7 o'elook, A. At. Artivat Knokiiighaiu earns days, at 0( V, H, Arrive al Watlosboro' ( HtaK). al U I. M. LoaVH Wadnsboro' (Mtainl mi Ttins.lsv'rlinM. day and Hatarday, at 1 V, hi, Lsava IkxtkuiKhani on Mnnda, WedoesdaT aud Friday at I..3U A.M. arrive at wumuiRton same days at 8 P. M, W. 1. KVKHETT. (lenoral Hnpnrintendetit. AU kiu.U uf PLAIN and FANCY -PRW1NO execnted with uoatnesa aud diatuiU'h, The boat work guaranteed it tho lowest poasihle priwi. jua wostaXr PAHPHliKTS, rOUtjllfi, OAIIDU, CfKOULAJiS, hOTUA, UUX-BKAOb, IHMel'KlU, RECEIPTS, CATALOGUES, PANK-OBEOKS, IBOW-OABDn, ! . , MOOBAHUK8, T10KKTH, DltDQ LABE1J, As., As., t Al WILL A COUI1T AND LAW BLANKS of vary description, printed at the auortrst notice, ami cheap for cash i. . " A at THE J0UHNAL JOB OEFfOB. i ' CEAX0 SALE OF RF.AL ERT1TE. ';.;. w.oifi': . REAL ESTAGnE peasokal rftopifaTrMo .i . ., vt Tni .v NORTU CAROLINA , REAL ND JEH 80NAL ESTATE AOENOY, RALEIGH. S. C. $100,000 CAPITAL STOCK. cnkaTRBSD ftx toc LMuLATcas or robti caso ua, m.'9tnt. 18(9, : - JOSEPH O. 1IE8TBB, PrttUUmt. . JOBEPH DIXON, Tiot-PrtiUUmi. JOHU 0. HK8TEB, 8f n4 fVwu. HOST O. LEWIS, Xrffal OomutUor,, 3,000 Valuable Fiecosot Property to be Dis-' riosod of Worth 146.C0 I ' 92 A CHANCE t--I : -. UKAL ESTATE. SEVEN VINE RRUIbENOErt FOCJB Uf THE CITY OJT BALEIOH I Ti Oaa residence in Uaielgh, N, 0,, desorlbsd below ....: .MO.000 One ," . " i " A " mu, 8.WI0 One " " " . 6,500 Ona " " " V ( .W o'iioo Ona , Warrentos . : jutl 0,000 One " Ohapei 0111., f , S.000 Oue Unlet In Taylorevlllo, N. ., 1000 l.lT UK FKKMUNAk PHOPKUTIr I Hmnplse on exhibition at II EtfTKK 11HOH. A 00., Mil. Kl r ayeiuiYuio streei, iUUiiiKO, Bh V., at tho rennlar cask prices. 10 Pine Phattoiia rliuO eaoh maile by B. I). Hehmiilt, Dalllmnro, lid f 6,000 1(1 1'ine Top IliiKKio. :t00 oach, made by H . IV. Molniililt , llaltintore, Md. .. . . 8,500 Cid 1st I'luniium 7 octavo I'lanos made by Tremaino Itros.. N. Y, i.i0 taeb. .... 83,500 6 l'arloTorOharrhUruajie.Setope, (260 r made by Treoiaiue liroe., N. i.,..,... 1,M 600 HawiilK maiililuns, Wilcox A Gibbe, or etroTsr A baker ', ttMsaokv,....,.... 80,000 COO Bilk llrossee, best article, li janls to each dress, fl. 30,000 fl Veloeipediie, $78. . ....,i.,.. . . ..,t1 ift Molls lirasHla Uaruel, 45 yd eaoh t 88 W8.J40 U Baiaoianner name, nuuer a patent, TBEATBE UANA0KU8, TUAVELINO BBOWHEN, . nAIL ROAD AOENTH, HOTEL KEtrWllJ, BTBAMBOAT AQENTH, And ill those Who have LF.TTEB rBEas roiNTiNu to do, win nua It to their interest to cH al THB JOURNAL OfFlOE, Prlneese Mtreet. . A tarn and Well aeeot led stock f of FAPERH Itiut MATEUIAL kpt i on haud, from majf be made. Which solcntlone best in the world, t'MHi. 1 (Jashfrlao, $1,000 gold.. 10 Uaahi'riHes.tlOOeaoli... 2iH) do ' do 10 do..,. tSTJl do do 6 do. . , . 1000 do do 9 do.... "1.6C0 1,881 .. 1,000 .. 8,000 .. ,8,800 e 8,000 81eO,69 the drawins at the regular oaah aelllnp; prloss and WU1 be diepoaed mg, ana in order to The Maaoneltats. LIEMO.V StGMRr n ENT ft OO'fl IlOdton WATElt A liUri'lil! OKAOKKllH ALIIKJIT Liai t lX. ALE, I'OltTKH and C'LAItET, Ediuburfjh i linicc brands, Mr. Greeley, in his latest letter on polit ical economy, insists that the word "mo- nopist is not properly applied to the manufacturers of eloth-for, ho asserts, a tax on the foreign article docs only not constitute a monopoly, but stimulates hun dreds of manufacturers at home, . wtiojo . Competition eventually produces cheaper goods than can be imported. The Eve ning Post, (rep.,) however, knocks the bot tom out of this argument when it says : " Twist the matter, torn it as the monop olists will, they cannot get overt tlie fact that the manufacture Of woolen blankets " in this country nnder the present tarill' is ' a monopoly. If this is not the intention, 1 why is this article burdened witu ono hun dred and fifty per cent, duty while even cutlery is taxed about thirty-five per cent? ; That the maintenance of a monopoly will result in producing cheaper goods herc-af-: tens a promise which has always been lSb9 !hH rLOlR! S69 MI Ground from Wheat Grown in after seven Tears of orohibition. the twice I Mi. M DianKets neve now forty cents -a i 'uui nkwh.ai.l can ftaennpiied with the vi MARKET ST. July It OH A &, METTN. 212- Of ponnd, or 27 cents in gold. A better ar liclo costs in Ennlaad onlv IS cents a ponnd. As tho government does not get ono cent of revenue from this source every cent we pay more, for onr blankets here than they cost in England, with a small addition for charges and reasonable profits, is taken from the whole peeple, by a wick ed law, for the benefit ot a small class to which the government has given a monop oly." Smith Lee, colored, has been sentenced to bo hnug for murder at Helena, Arkansas, on the 30ih instant. - A deserted wife has reached Cincinnati all the way from England, had her bieaniist spouse arrested and bonad over for trial. Miss Sarah F. Morrison, of Indianapolis, the first lady graduate of the Indiana Seats) University. The Pennsylvania coal miners' strika has had the effect to raise the price of coal three dollars in Boston. Brooklyn, K. Y.. ii to build 20 Landanma Chnrohei thjj year. . - KST siOUTIIKUN KI.OUK at sreallr reduced prices so low non need not be forcod to nay Nortlinrn stnll callol Hour. liy oailiuK at Die CAPE l'EAIt FLOUR MILLS you can no auppliod anlli the finest Family Flour, tieuvereu at ynnr iioumps iree or uravAKfl, and every package (jnaranteetl perfect, or you can reiuru 11 ami nm ynnr money. Ill mils., (, f 1-lti and H lb. Mtrl.e. iood Flonr as low as Iii t- l'KAIili IKttllM, tbo only place prnnnil in the city ; MKAL, COfiN, BKAN. NUOHTb, OOW PEA8 tp-inwt, and all sorts of Hotso and Cow roed. -. . ALEX. OLDHAM. jolyU 'i40-lm kksioval; DI!. 1). J. BANT AOATA lias REMOVED his t iflioe to corner of Oaatle and fauventb atreela. wnere be will have the assiatance of an Iuturpre- ler at an ituurs. xio curee an niseases of tae Kye, and removes Cataracts, Ac, without the use of Instruments or Cogtioe. If is eye apeciOoe allay the wotBt case of Fevered aud lullamod Eyes, and are for sale by him for tl per buttle. The poor attraded frtf of charge. july 10 241-61 JLL I.D3 OF jgiaUiKa UAN BB 9QQHJ) AT THB it .i OI'AHT.VKHNIIIP NOTICE?. JH8SOLI7TIO!i. rilUH dO-PAItTNERHHIP heretofore oilstimr A. between the unileraisned, under tba style I m tvALiivcu a. iiitojiiux, is dissolved by mo-1 inai conHcni, py tne witnarawai of John M. wamor. James A. llratlley aseumos all the liabilitira of llio Iato lirui, and it is requested that those I intieotcti w ni win maxo prompt payment to hint. .... JUUH Al. WAliKKll, JAMES A. DUAULEY. VilniiiiKlon, N. 0 Juno W, ie0. july 7 'jaiB-endlm NOTICE IHSSOUITIOPI. N CONHKitUKNOE of the death of onr Mr. Ktokloy. the linn of CANNON. KTOKI.kV A uu. is noreoy uiitstiiyoij, rTho nndorsiKnod, aurvivinn partners, will settle tho business of the late firm, and wo respectfully request all persons indebted thereto to mako Im-1 mt'tliale payuitiiit. and those liavmu ulalsael Rainet tno samo win presont them for adjust ment. KAM'L N. CANNON, C. W. OLDHAM Juno 2h, lHti.l. 2.18-lm .LAND DEEDS, COURT AND MAGISTRATES' BLANKS On hand at all times. 1 RAIL ROAD RECEIPTS OB BILL Of LAD1NU, Aud RILLS OF LADINOt for ship. sins bj sea, and other - ' ."MABtN. I) It A N K , '-, Always c I O-PARTNERSllfP MOTIVE. riIHE UNDKR8ISNKD, enrvivinR jurtnore of X tba Iato firm of Oanaon, Htokley A Co., have I this day formed a Copartnership for tbeicwxao-1 lieu in a Koucral UHUUtlll AU UUMMloUlON uunintjirt, untior the name and stylo of CAN NON A OLDHAM. " Ollioe and Htore at N j. 4, South Water street. I ..... i j tt I nilUlAUgMJIJa ill Vi HAM L N. CANNON. r- 0; W. OLDHAtf. - June 28,' 18(1!) ' Its-lm notice ofo-iahtm:hsuip. Wiluisotoh, N. 0., April US, 1809. WE, THE UNDEUeiaNED, HAVE THIS I day outercd into cn.parUierabip nnder the I nrm, name and style of UANMIHTER. COWAN A OO., for tho pnrposo Of crniluotlng the buslnens I or a UKAL. KSTATB and FINANCIAL AOHNOY, I with nnnoiiiai ottices al Wibnina-Uia. M. n . and I aew aura vitj. WO respectfully offer our services to tfenpoblie. - LEMUEL BANNISTER, . S. OOWAN, f J. O. KENYOM. For further information, address ' - BANNIdTEB, OOWAN Co; Wilmineton. N. C. Raleieh Bentinsl and Standard Idailv). Nli.l uurj win norm ntaie, tinannvie Liemeeraa, Btates. ville American, Aahville News, Manoo, H. C. Orescpnt, Hnmo r Watchman, copy one month, and send bills to this oflioe. annus . ni-tf O0B FRIENDS m THB COUNTRY may send their orders to THB JOURNAL OFFICE, And rely npou their raeeivioK the seme attention and being tiled as promptly sad as oheasly ae if given personally. ' ... . Onr JobtaiK Dspartsaent is eqoal to any In this 1001100, and eTery faeillty possible will be afforded ia the exeoation of ordersr- . Address ENGELHABD A PRICE, WilmlnRton, N. 0. LINEN S ACKS DISSOLUTION. 11HE OO PARTNERS fill' heretofore Hii.tino I 1 between the undersigned, under the style of I ATKINSON A SHEPPERHON. is dissolved by I mutual eonseut. by the withdrawal of J.dm Wll. I der Atkinson. , I Alfred 13. Hhopperson assumes all the liabilitioa I tr tuo iato nrm. and it is reuuostod tkat thru. in. deb tod to cs will make pronrpt payment to him. , JOHN WILDER ATKINSON. ALFRED B. HIlIPTKliaOB. Wilmington, N. 0., March 17th, ISiii). A. Be'sHEPrrasbrf '' (gT!l'ri.sSGR TO ATSlKsOH A SKEl'rEllaOM ) tcneral CtiBBMssiou MDrrkaiits, .' AND ' - .. - Agta UalllMuresuad VAlailaciusi gtam Ship LJsm, 11 ANU 12 NORTH WATKR WllBBT.'-V'-WllJdlNaTOM. N. tl.. U'.NDEB TDEIS eFRVfOKS T) THEIR friends aad ehetjiiblie wir the ontrhase and sale, on ooraswiamna of NAVAI. M1VK. (X)l'. TON aadttblMaiKAL M KRU1I A NU WK. lilHhatA4i ADVANOKH win be made npon eon unsaanta tor aale in Wilmiurson. or- by tbeir oorrBeaoaiicass-AB the Mertnera and European markets. ........ taawses entrostesl to Mem shall hate prompt personal attention. ; yTEUY CHEAP. All kinds o( GENT'S UNDER UKAI, M UN SON A- OO.'H, t CITV cluthik as. July 13 . - a-. T TO TI EPF1TIVE MSTILLKEH. (OIRCE-LAari ' riIHE J8CBSOB1BEBS IN OORDIA.LLY BE X turning thanks to their friends ia lite 0011a ti r wbo were last year encaged in (be Tun: eotine) busiaaa, for their eontbraed oonfldenoe an d enaw Durt. titsure a .ana eoaawenawaaaas of a aouiar . ...... ... season, is renew aaetr assure ease 01 a out lag ar-f mrte in ueir enueavura dt econumv in ex itnnaae ami ebarroe and prompt attentkm to their c ardere, as well aa the ntmoet ewe in tbe aajla of , UMir eonsignnseiita, to frremele their aaUseeti- Ae riinnt ealoa and reautUncea AVaAtaed. to be HTRUN'f A HIeOH. april' iCe-So B M AMI FOE AMY A mcs8 "tOBTBaVOIB 6AM StB MAMI a 1 ..... . , Tha aederwhraed take pleasure in oommend-1 nnmber Of Bricks, by applriu Ua- , .i.-' ingo)tS pstrons of Atkinson A Bbeppersonf - " . u -.iniivnii . their saeoeseors, Messrs, A. B. fepperson A Oe. I ' " J i sj 4unn T iuwe.n iJJtoun. A.i. ; . -- sea ITater ' WiltoTrm9..K . .a-'. . .w- 8000 Prizes. Value of the total amonnt Total number Ticket, 73,347. All of me aoore is pni in of av a reiralar mode of drawins. acoompllah Uila the oompanr will sell 78,847 Uek ts at tl eaoh j for farther Information read see. Hon 10a 1 u 31 the By-Law of the company t . BV.LAWB. - . v Beo. 10. The plan of drawiug shaO be as follows: There sfaeU be two wheels, one a priae wheel and 0110 a nnmber whool, arranRed in soma pnbho place ia the eity, whore any ons holding a tlotet may be present oa the day ! drawing. In the number wheel there shall be as many tickets ear. respondlnfflin the sum Iter as those waloh have -been sold. In the prise wheel there shall be as many tiokets aa there are prizes, these tickets hall be deposited la the wheels by a board ef ea parvisors, who shall be appointed by thadirsotors, after which the whool shall be sealed up and placed In any banld. In the oity, the directors may direet, until Uio time of drawing, when the super visors shall bring the wheels to the drawing.break the seals and the drawing shall be dlspoeed of by taking a ticket from each wheel, at the same time and the prise tlokot taken from the prise wheel shall designate the prize drawn by tbe tick et oorreeponaing in number to tue ons taken from the number wheel a the same time. The wheal hall be well shaken after eaoh ticket is drawn. Heo. 11, The directors shall designate the time and plaoe of drawing, at which Urn and piaee the supervisors shall be required to be present and see that the drawing is conducted entirely eqoi. table, .- . .:,ni.i..i .,.-,.t ... . A board of supervisors will be appointed who will have exclusive oontrol' and management of the drawing. They will eondnel the dJatribation and see that eaoh person Is legally invested with the property he nay draw. A duplicate registry of the tickets sold will be kept, se that in the event of los of tlokot, the aooident may be reme. died and no misUke can ooonr. Tha drawimr wiU take nlaoa In TTIOKKH HATX. Ia the oity of RaleiRh, immediately after 'sale 0: tickets of which due notiee will be given. The company is working nnder the provisions of S special charter granted by the General As sembly of North Carolina, iwhioh compels tba oompany to comply faithfully with all oontraots. oopio can oe oaa on apnuoauon to ins oom pany, v.. . ,' Ail tha abova mentioned property will certainly be disposed of as above stated, and those drawing It wilt ns invest aa wun toe uus in res simple. sv no memner 01 tne company is allowed to pnsebaas any tiokets. - - All monies seat by mail at tne owner's risk: ibst sent by Express, Registered Letters, Checks or Drafts at tbs risk of lbs oompany. - No property will be listed unless tha title Is in disputable. The treaesrer has been rennired to eive a bond of S3. 000 for tho faithful Derformance of hi du ties. He is reqnired to doposil daily in the bank all monies received, where it will remain until all tbs tiokets are sold and all the property will b positively drawn and delivered 10 the parties drawing, or the money returned. Bend 83 by ex press, poet offl oe order, registered letter or draft, at onr risk, or by mall at yonr own, and take a ohanee at tha 8,000 valuable pnass offered. Tickets will be sent anywhere in the United mates at tne company risa. One fins reeidenoe built of briok. in the .. best improved style, in the oity of Bal sigh, wits) eigSt acre of groand, and all neoeaaary oat buildings, with many fine ornaments in tha yard. Value.... 8 10,000 One large and convenient honse In tba -city of Raleigh, on Nawbarn street, 13 large comfortable rooms, double par- - lor. with aUasoeaaarv oat balldinza. It V . acres ground, and a beautiful oak grove. Value.. On large house oa Newborn and Blood-. worth streets, eoniauung so rooms, stntabie for a boarding ihobse, all ne cessary oat Duliuings, witn a oeaauriu oak grove in tha yard and acre of groane). vain. ................ ..... On beautiful residence oa Newbera St., 8 rooms aud basement, 4 out bnildiuge ' and stable 7 acres of groand,eim grove, very dosu-able ami attractive, vaine. . t inn in Warrentoo. N. O.. known as tha Alston property, in perfoet order, on of the best built houses in the State, , containing 8 large rooms, donble piaz- ' , aas and portiooee, one of the most.i ?. - " commanding and beaatiful residences in the place, with 8 acre of groand, " no orchard, beautiful oak grove ia : the yard, ami all neoeasary oat bmld ines. Value a 8.000 l lie property a layun-sviu lervery at- .,!, traotiva, valuable and cheap. It la a Hotel at the ooanty seat of a flourish- ' ing and growing village of a thousand or more inhabitant, and aitnated on t ' sqnaxe from a good and flonriabing oel. lege, no school of better grade, right on he line of tb Atlantic A Ohiorau. .i a t road, and being aitaated ia the awon tain regioa, the scenery is truly de- lighttal and faeoiuating. d unett. room, ana to nniiuwge ate sew,-. Valns.... A Ona in Ohapei HU1, eontauiiog 4 roonja. with ore planes, ana am w iuu ainiog - moan. Also, kitoben, oat Ihonse and ' eae and time-fourth acres of land. Tale Sv.. ,60O 8 8,000 H;t. 8 800 81,000 8 2,008 Those ordering tickets can select aay number from 1 to 73,347. If the camber ordered aa bes taken, the nnmber neareat will be sent Ons three cent stamp most accompany evarf order. - - 81k. a. O. HALL, at tbs Tost" prtatfag sOte is onr sathorksed Agent tar Viimintisa sad ear- ronnding eoantry. . . . .-i Persona desiring say foriaav iafotiaaikia. plsase address ----- ' "" " 4...