THE DAILY JOURNAL WILMINGTON. N. a TUESDAY. AUGUST S, 18C9. .. TtUarhlmi. W are now forwarding our eobaoription bills to tho patrone of the Joi-rsai and we hop to reoeivo farortblo twponsea. Tl Maw Boy. ' We bare received the first number of The Plow lioy, published under the ans pioea of the Catawba Valley Land Com pany, at Charlotte. This Company baa t large amount of real estate wbioh tbey pro pose to sell ontho distribution plan. We appose it la tbe objoct of the present pub lication to get the IndnoemonU held out by tbe Company before tbe public. Tht Saataweat LMkh t'a. The Now York Journal 0 Commerce Las adrioes from the ootton region of tbe Southwest, which report the bottom lands improving in price, in expectation of tbe arrival of Cbineso labor. A real estate agent is Mississippi writes that tho price of plantations along the river has advanced from twenty-five to fifty per cent, within tbe past few months. Similar information comes from several points in Louisiana. Tbe ootton crop in these two Btatos prom ises very well and the planters are intend ing to invest thoir surplus in the purchase of more alluvial lands, to be ready for the Chinese immigration which, it is thought, will be nnder fair headway by the noxt season. In Louisiana it is proposed to set a large force of Chinese at work, as soon a they can be obtained, upon the rebuild ing of the levees which are now in a sadly ' dilapidated condition. Tbe levees of Mis sissippi are fortunatoly in a maoh hotter stale. ; They have bees finished to the ex tent ot two hundred and fifteen miles, and bnt ten more await oomplotion. To do the remaining work it is proposed to raiso three hundred thousand dollars by a tax of one cent per pound on the now ootton crop, and also by a small land lax. Wo are happy to record these ovidenoes of on terprise and ronewod hope in the South west , ' Aitil Kltrtloaa. The Angnst scries of Stato elootiona bo gun in Kentucky yosterdny, and is contin ued in Alabama to-day. On Thursday the election in Tennessee follows, and that in Montana concludes tho list on the 10th instant. In Kentucky, a Stato Treasurer and members of both Ilonsos ot the Legislature are to be chosen. - There Is little or no contest in this State, as the Democratic party has pretty well boaton out all oppo sition. - In Alabama members of the Legislature and Congressmen are to be chosen. Tho nominations of the two parties for Con gress are as follows : himself and. confederates. ' The following is tho writ referred to : Oirwiit Ooart of tlia Seoend Judicial Olrouit of Worlds, fur Leon County In Ohaucorr I Oonre W. ttooU aad Joseph John William, Complainants, a, Harrison ilaed, Ooraot and H. it. Oooovsr, Trea.orc, of H Btate t Florida, and (leorge W. Bwepeoa, Milton ., Litlh-noM, Joe a P. fendcrr , J.V Bene and William H. Hunt, liefer ut.. llill to oa join the antie of I'lorM btaia DU ondcr a irieuilcd act f in aKtieare or aiorlda. as) titled " An Act to Perfect the rubllo Works of the State." It antHwrlnc br affidavit iliud in tliia kim th at Oeorsa W. Bwepson, Wilton H. LlttlcflsUL Jolin P. Huiltnou, J. L. Bonus and William II. liunl. ildo oat of the Second Judical Diatriet of Flor ida, thai k to say, that the eaid Hwopaon and i4turuU) reside out of aajd BUta, lint within the llniteil Btatee.and I hat said Henderson, Ifoivua and Hunt reaUle ont of said Cironit hut wUuta said Htate : It u ordered. Thst said Defendants and every one of thorn who are non resident of said Judical Circuit, do appsar and auewer to the kill noreio mod, to-wii : tiiaaani bander n, iioqua sod Bunt within two months, and th aaid Hwp son and Littlsflold within lour months, trout the time of the flrat publioation of this order, other wise ths Complainant' bill shall be taken pro cvttftBto against tbe Defendants Dot appearing ana an worm aa aroreeeia 1 ana thai a onpy 01 this order be published in the Weekly Klondian,:a newspaper printed and pnblishod in Tallahasseo, onoe a week for four mouths. Ordered at Chambers this Ilia of July. A. I'. im. P. W. WfUTK, " Jadtfe of Sid Judicial Circuit of Florid. DTATI OF lLOBfDA, I Laos Coi'tt. 1 TlfihulM II. Kdwards. Clerk of the Circuit Oourt.tiu and for the (Jouuty and Htate aforeeald do hereby osrtify that the above is a una eo y from tnt original oopy now on nie 10 my oinor. In Testimony vvncreor.ii nave uereiinto set L. a my hand and oMcial soal of said Court, this Ittb day of July, A. D., 18G9. C. H. iDwtUDS, Clerk. K. B. Hilton. I Solicitors for Complain- T. W. Baavsarx Jr., ( ants. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . T. MUSS. I. I. aiiAau, JU. JIM KM fc HEARES. (J. T. JANCI. aacilMHr.) Bepoblican.""" 1. Alfred E. Book, ' 8. Oharlaa W. Bnokley, a. Itobart B. Hoflio, 4. Charles Hayes. 6. William J. Haralson, 0. John J, Hinds. ,. - Democratic William D. Mann, A. N. Worthy, J. C. Parkiuson, John B. Ueed, Peter M. Doi, Win. C. Bherrod. LATEST KEWR BY TELEGRAPH. In the Fourth District tho Democratic Convention failed to make a nomination, and for a time it was reported that the 'Democrats would anpport General DutUn, an Indnpendont Republican candidate. Dr. John D. Hoed, of Tuscaloosa, bos, however, been since brought out as an in dependent Democratic oandidate. ., ' Tennessee will elect a Governor, Stato Superintendent of Fublio Infraction and members of the Legislature. Both tickots arc Uopublioan, that headed by Oonqral Stokes being supiKirtcd by the nltra-Iladi-eala, and the other, beaded by Govornor 8enter, being supported by tbe Conserva tives and tho more liberal portion of the Republican party, among tbe latter, how ever, being included many who, like Buna tor Brownlow, have heretofore boon re garded aa among tho most ultra of tho Radicals. The two tickets for State effl oers sre as follows ; (lopernur, " ' 5 BadloaL ,..- Xiberafc " William B. Blokes. . D Witt a tteutvr. Superintendent .of Public Instruction, 3.L. McHowell. Albert J. Tipton. Mr. Son tor is at present acting Governor of the State, he having assumed that office as President of tho State Senate whon Gov ernor Brownlow was elected to the United Statos Senate. Tho vote of the Stnto for President was : Grant, 06,757 ; Seymour, 20,311 ; Grant's majority, 30,410. The Florida iBjaactlon, The Florida papers of late have so teem ed with the names and rascalities of Swep son, LittleBold k Co., that we would sup pose we hud shipped a precious load of scoundrels to afflict that little Stato. (And just here, in view of the vtllanies attorn pl ed to be perpetrated by Littlofield Upon the people of Florida, Senator Abbott might well improve one of tbe -frequent opportunities in which he appears before the negroea of New Hanover, to ex plain his connection, with Littlefleld in their joint trip to Tallahassee immediately before the latter was detected in his swind ling operation). Any way, Swepson and Littlefleld are about to be brought np in their headlong j coarse. Many of our readers will recog nize in the name of one of tbe complain ants in the following writ of injanotion, CoL Jos. Johx Wnxuiis, native North Carolinian, the step-son of ths late Judge Badger, and a gentleman of distinction in his adopted State. It is bnt just to say that a rum pre vailed in Tallahassee on tbe 27th nit., based upon letters said to have been re ceived, to the effect that Mr. Swepson haa declared that, if the reports of the fraud in the railroad bill are true, he will have no thing to do with it If this bo true ths alteration ol the act was a gratuitous vil lainy and private speculation of littlofield. What a precious aooundrel he seem, to be. The charge upon which this injunction is founded is, that IitUefield mutilated an act of the Legislature after its pa-sage, in order to secure the bonds of the State without proper aernrity on tbe part of saw 10BI aasoouTSD I'hnia tiisrATcsis roa tus ocaaau Fur Gtneral AfurM ieptwfs ' Mimmenrlol lnlcUiqmcf ot Third i'aue, . From WasMmgloa. Washimotok, D. C Aiir.J. , The Becrelary of ths Treasury osdara the 'ITa surer of New York to pnrobaso two millions 0' dollars In bonds weekly, during August, in addi tion to tho million every wtk for tbe sinkinc fund. Hecrctary Dontwoll leaves to-iilKlit, and will be absont two weeks. Tbe debt etatetneirt shows areJuollon of aoyto hd a quarter millions.. Kroui Omaha Terrlturf . Omaua, Auk. 1 The Workingruon on His Ilridga aave struck, and tho Chinese are coming to take their places. From WaahlBSjlua. WAsniMOTON, 1). O., Aug. a-Noim. Ti e publio debt shows the coin lialauoe sixty. six millions ; ooln 1 ertlllcatns, thirty-six and a half, millions ; ourrono btlanite, twtnly-thnui millions ; sinking fuud, twelve mllliims ; othor bonds purchased, Iflnen nillllons. The Miaaiaalppi editors of tbe Canton Mail, Ya.oo Vanuer, Winova Democrat, Oreneda Behll nol, visited Judge Imt to-day with aisurauccs of their support. A delegation from Norfolk, Vs., headod by a member of Oongrsss from that district, arc at the Navy Department urging- tho removal or all Consnrvativea from the Nary Yard. From Naw York. Niw York, Aug. 'i - Noon. Tito Cuban Junta has advices that Jor.las has captured (lonsral I.atosto alter routing hia force. i:abi.u dispa'1'1 iiks - Pasis, Aug. a-Evoiiing. T'liu JUonllour haa information thai lluji Carlos ha rocuterod France, and that Oenoral Prim is about lo leave Madrid on a trip to Vichy for hie health. Tliia atatemeut of the Monitenr ia gen erally credited, and la regarded as proof that the Carlint movement is ended. BY HAVANA 1 All L 111. Havana, via Kav West, July 81. On Wednesday, lira thousand ucgro insurgouts attacked I'nerto Principe and raided the oily. Four hundred Spanish troops attacked tliem. Aflor a severe struggle, the insurgeuta retiied in good order, having captured and doairoyed pro visions valued at fifty thousand dollars. The BpanUrda lost eleven killod. The Insurgents loft thirty-four wounded in town. , The Patriot detachment, after dsstroyiug the fortitled plantations, defeated theBpauiah Oolonel Camora, woundiug him and compelling him to rotreat. , Ths negro raid on Puerto Prinulpo enabled many Cubaua te esoape from the tauiards. store troops are demanded tor tho Interior where the inaurgenta are increasing in numbers aud activity. alAiinio, Aug, 1. - The Oarlist forces iu La Manuba haro become disorgsuized and have disappeartd from (lie Pruviooo. Tbe parly in Leon ia hemmed in by tbe troops with no chance of osoape. The floatiog bath bonae at Valencia suddenly sunk on yesterday, and many person who wore within tho structure were eairled down and drown:d. TaeCreas la tbe Waal a ad Noriawet. I Tho Cincinnati Price Current of Wedoes-1 day, aaya t - -j " The wheat, vat, and barley erops have boon secured in tho entire valley ot tbo ! Ohio, in sxoelieBt ootrlition, aad the result AUf tldurrri Mel Fftl h'MUt Brokers. haasal laaaAsl ll t rr K I S BaWiafiUtl.Lkai If.- 1. . w ussw vvvV "rsssa Jss7vlniiamj,WI w, , JMBT UM a JA K4m.4 , (vara iw usasi B1VS a. VKI) linY AND MOLL ON OOMMIHHION, tCatats, htoeka. Bonds. Prod oca. As. I l aruoniar aiwuiion giren 10 inooaio and uont oiuity i-roporty. Jiy a - .- 258-lw. boost injured aorse, while being harvested, i 1 by the heavy rains, but not seriously. Tho j,LL. crop is goof. Corn i doing rery well in Vlrit"' the Ohio valley, the growth biioir vcrv rapid : but iu that I nut of thia Htato Ixir- dering on tho Ukes, uud iu northern Illi nois, it IM iu a bad condition and cannot bo mo) tlmn a moderate crop, owing to tho unusual amount of rain which has fall en, and the cold, backward aprfng. Tho spring wheat in the Nortiiwiwt ia in bad ooddition, and doubtlosa will to hadlv tlaniMgod, as rum bns fullou at iutervuls in that region o( country during tho pat wok. Flour and grain nro gonoriilly higher, and there has lioen a preasing de mand for new wheat, from the lsko towns aud from tho East, fur iu execs of tho aup- ly, ana at steadily ailvuticfug prices. Curu as been vcrv aoarco hikI nrici's have larao- ly advanced. ' Hlar and Poat copy lw. Or. l.lTlngiloBe, the Kiplorrr, The London News of the 17tb ult. quotoa the following item concerning Dr. Livinir- stoue from n cotomporary, duto not given: ... - "Mr. li. A. Churchill. C. B.. her Mui.- tv's consul and political ocront ntZnnKiliar. has just arrived in this countrv on luedtcul eerttlloate. We aro happv to hear that Mr. Churchill speaks with confidence as to the safety of Dr. Livingstone, from whom be has had letters ot a date more recent than that ot bis reported murder." A Smart Child. A good story comes from Home. In preparation for tho Uoumenical Cotiiioil the Pope ordered from his architect certain emboliHhments, the plan for which was brought for Ins inspection by that gentle man's little boy. Charmed by the plan, tue rope opened a uriwer full ol gold and said to tho child, " Tako a handful of gold aa a rnward for tho beauty of your fatlirfr's work," " lioly Father," replied the child, " lake it out (or me ; your bund is bigger thun mine." Piua IS. could not help mail ing, mid obeyed tho child. Th luli ! Trip on Record. . The Cunard steamship Itossia, on her last outward trip from New York to Liv erpool, is claimed to have made tho distent time on record, viz : 8 days 4 hours and 5 miutes. Iu this trip she boat the Hcotia, who had mmlo tho fastest time on record, either way, by two hours and a half, that steamer having made tho run in H days 7 hours and 15 minuton. A vuta of thanks and a handsome testimonial were presen ted to Oapr. Lett by the passengers on his arrival at Jjtvorpooi. Twelve hundred children (575 of whom AM colored) aro being educated in tbe free schools of Petersburg, Va., at an expense oi aiti.uuu, oi which amount the I' Fund furnlHhcH 8:1,000 only. s r K 0 I A L CAMUim i: F0H OVSTAHLK. I TAKK TUI8 MgTIIUI) OF ANNOUNC'lNd myaolf aa a Candidate for tho Ulllce of Countable for the Township of Wilmingtou, at the election to be hold on tho first Thursday (tbo 6th day) in Augiiet next. WILLIAM U. 11IM)LE. jnlytS 215-to X. BIt.WEWTi Auclionf r r. t 1.1ME AT A IXTION. ON TDK80AY MOIlNINd, Ang. 8. 1889, at 10 o'clock, on board schooner Nellie Tar bo i, at wharf W A W It It. for account of whom it may concern, will bo sold i,oo 110 LB. limb; allghtly damaged, aug I iuo.i M. ( K0M.V. Aurtloueer. tty rilOKLY HOltltlS. llOVSKIIOLD AND KITCHEN N1TURK AT AUCTION. ON TUKaUAV. tho 17th Auirn.t next. sold at the dales Itooms of Cronly A North Wator street, the . HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN NITUBE And oilier personal property bulougiug to ths es tate of James II. Ityan, deoeaaed. . 1. MUlil'HY, Adm'r. Jiily2H voti-ta M. CU0KLV Auctioneer, Uy IttllSLV A MOUUIM. FUR- will be Morris, Wil li KAL EST A TE FOR SALE AT A UC TION! ON THUltSDAY NEXT. Silt August, we will sell at Kxeli ange Corner, at 10 o'clock, to tho highest bidder, that dosiiable PIE0K OK PUOPEUTY kitualod on north side of Dock, betweon Heveuth and eighth streets, formerly occupied by Mr. John blalion. The improvement nouaist of a Two Hlory Dwelling oontaiuing 6 rooms, with tiro plaoea in 4; Kitchen with one room ; Waah liotmo, Ao., &o together with a good well of wator. A lino gardou spot npou the premtaes. eli.e ol lint tXi ftot on Dook atreet, ruuuiug north 1UA feut of Harry Webb's line, being butter known ai part of Lots 4 and S, lllock 1S8. ALSO, A comfortablo DWKLL1NO containing 6 rooms, situated on the corner of Ann and rJevvuth streets, with a small tlouae in the rear. Aud IIOUrJE containing 6 rooms, aitualed on Aim street, woat of and adjoining the above, tlioy bolng the same bnuae formerly occupied by E. W. Hawkins, aud more lately by John tl. Alillia. Lot (routing 76 foot on Ann, runuing south along Uevonth slreet 00 fwt, Hie same being the east end of Loll, Bhwk 118. Teiius at sale. JulyiW. . 2r.7-ts 0Auctioneer. By CHONLY At mOUKIM. II EE IN El) 1100 P IRON AT A IICTION DIltECT IMPORTATION. On 1 IIES11AV next, Anguat 3, at 10 o'oloek, A. M., at the Halos boom of klosar. Urouly .V Mur lii), will be sold, in lots to euit purchase, HI TONH I1EUT llKKlNEU 11001' IliON, 1 i aud li inch, Kx. Mrig Altavi'Ia, diroot from Liverp iol. O. O. PAltHLKK A CO. July 80 3H-l)a 13 PER fEMTs DISCOFNT LLOVVEI) ON ALL I UUCUA8K8 Ol' I STRAW HATS. NISCELLAKE0II8. t or autM:iisiiip notices. THE MARRIAGE RING. LH.SAi'U ON Tllli KIUIOIW OF YOUTH, AND TllK FOLLIliH OF AOB, in regaarJ to HOC1AL KV1LH, with cei tKir help for tho erring and un fortunate. Hint in scaled letter euvelopea, free of charge. Address, HOVV AltD AHHOCIATION. llox V., Philadelphia. Pa. may tl 200-Smd.xw-ch Al ang:i ANDKIUJONU, Hign on tho Tree. 2(11 EMERGENT MEETIVl. P H'J'. JOUN'8 LODGE, HO. 1, F. - rfwua WaahlagioM. WAaumoToK, D. C, Aug- iV. M. There will be no regular Cabinet meeting uutil September, unices emergency tea, aire it, Secretary Boutwell will be absent for three weeks. Tbe Gomniieaioner of Agriculture bas advices of th appearance of the caterpiller in the Boa Ialand Ootton. Among Clapp'a apprentices are two colored ap prentice. . Three spurious legal tender ton's were taken at the treasury to-day. The new plates for legal tenders sre from one dollar to a Ibouaand, in course of preparation There la no safety in receiving greenback tens This remark does not, apply to National ltauk tens. MRS. RANSOM'S SOll WItV. Wilmington, N. I . THK NtXl BKHHION WILL IltOlN ON the 7lh of October, IHS0, and I beg to Inform all that there ia no iuteiitiun of moving it from this oity. When I determine to move, (lie publio will be in formed through tho newspapers, and I truat that rumor will nut bo credited. MHH. UOBKHT liANHOM. I ii no 21 2Ul-aawtillUtoct I'OST OFFICE DIREf T0Rt7' I'OST OFlflOK, Wii minoion, Ni C, Jan. 1, 18ilU. UMlbAl'TKlt, aud until further notice, the stalls will close, and be ready for delivery, as fol lows : mails close, i - Northern Through It Waj Mall S:U0A. M daily " 7:(k1I. M. " Houthern itsiL H:00 P. M. Wil., Char. A Until. 11. U., 8:00 I', At., Mondays, i.tniuwi, urn riiu.j., Fayettevillo, via Warsaw, 6:00 A. If., dally, ex cept Sunday. ' Hmithvitle, via Htoauior, 1:30 V. M., three times awoea. - mAils aukivk at omn, Northern Through Mail, 6:00 A. M., daily. Northern Through A Way Mail, 7:90 P. M. daily, except HiiiMlay-delivored at 8:00 P. M. from auey wiiniow. Houthern, : P. M. daily. Wil., Char, ft linlh. :00 P. M.-tlaoc times weea. Payettevilln, 7:S0 P. M., daily, except Hiimlay Hmitbville Hail, 1:WI P. M., three times a week. umee nour imm j.iai A. at. to fl:50 P. M. Sunday, fnim (4:00 A M , to 9:00 A. M. Ko. H. Bums. P. 1 . M., hi M-lht at 7 by order. Voek. aug 3 WM. M. roiSMON, Heo'v. m-i cowan & mkto;' 7 MARKET STREET, JKKP CONHTANTLY ON HAND SUGARS.' COFFEES, TICAS, SOAP, WOOD and WILLOW WARE, FLOUR. CHEESE, 1IACON, LARD, BUTTEIi, MACKEREL in kits and bbls. F. M. DEEP, SMOKED REEF, TICKLED SALMON, CRACKERS, PICKLES, -CANNED GOODS-nll sorts, WHISKEY, R RANDY, GIN, ALE, TORTER, LYE, POTASH, MATCHES, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, Ac, Ac., Ao., A L WA S AT LO WEST FPlURES I July 20 'J57 A LI! I MS " 'nitAVKU BOOKtt. X . I1XMN BOOKS. NEW AltVERTISEMENTS. W .tNUMCTOK UXIVERKITT. TVTKDIOAL DEPAUTMTNT. xva. ' Al ol nrA, Aug. a-P. at. The reeeat heavy rata have eaased rust so tee cotton in this vicinity, ' ! I rrM Ullu ... Plain,, Tbe leader of the gang of horse thievee which killed the ttheriff, was hung to-ay. lo lbs Orst straggle tbe leader oat several ol the lynchers, one fatally. Maria Iatalllfeaea, . CAaLsro, a a, Ang. 8-P. M. Arrived Steamers Haragosea from Mew York : Falcon from BaKiotore ; Brig J. Tito froaa Naw York ; Brig SUea Maria froaa Belfast, Maine ; Bchr. LoUee from BalUaoore l Mir. Clara Bell beat Boekport ; Bear. J. P. Allen from Hoc port 8chr Baliot from BocfcporV . Batabhah, Aug. 3 P M. Cleared -8chr. Trade Wind for Provideaea, BAl,TIIIOB:. MD;- fACt'LTV. Hev. TUOB. li. BONO. M. D.. President. uau. u. M. liOllKHTM. af. li. I. r. n Kmentus Profeaeor of Obstetrics and Disease ol rvoorae ana uuiiiiron. Prof. KDW. WAHBXN, M. D., Surgery. Trof. U. U BVHD, M. D.. Obstetric. lr.if J m Ill.&llE'lT u n u.. Prof. M. P. 80OTT, hi. 1)., Diaeaaes of Woman Aim iuuura. Pro,'. J. P. MONMON1RB, M. 1'krsiolosr. -VT"; V KslAN. M. V., llygioue and amaru f uiwu r. Prof. U MUHriT, M. D . Ohemletry. ol. a W. CHANOKLIiOR, M D.. Anatomy jTov. v. a. iiapiuriUltNo, M. v., Praotioe of jiauieine. Prof. O. HKULINO, M. D , Opthalmic Suraerv. AU'aUU a. POWELL, M. D., Demonstrator oi anatomy. l-ketfesaioaoriNOa-TO will eommeuce on the mb aav o; uotooer aoa oontinae ave month. - Auxiliary Lecture will be delivered during the Summer aaontha. The ( nivertttu Ilttritnl and T, iiwiu vi.nKM imufnu, iq yrrai aonnaanoe. A nsalled number of nenrju-iary IStudenU from tha lata alaTa-hohlinv HiktM will .ui . Jwdnicr btimg girtn to vowtded ani duablri MMra. Fee Matriculation IS .- DiaxAntion tin Pm. rewor l M : Uril&iallua aja- BanaAciarT ah Aninn SJUI For partionlar of circular, addrcea CUABLKS W. CUANOKLLOU, M. 1) , . . Dead of the Faculty. P. 8. flood Board IS t at per week, sag S l-atawll 1U13LE8. TKSTAUENTd. For sale at . HKlNSlHSltaEU'd L1VK DOJK'rJTOltR. Juiy Ti 25 DOti COLLARS AM) DIUZZLES. FKATnKH DU8TKKH, 8TKH LADDERS, Linen and Ootton Ply Nets, Axle Oreaae, I Ubamm 'I' UK .1.1 1 lt.l I v.' i : m- voung nags, nuipa, uurry-oomns, Horse-brushes, Collars, names, Illind Bridles, Ao., cheap for sash, at No. a bouth tronl st, .Wilmington, N. O. J. O. -AWHAM ft UO. Junel . 208- ATKINSON BV-' I NHU RANOK HOOMH. Prlacsas Bt balweasa From and Water Blraala. FIBE AND MlniNK INBUUANOK may bs e (Tooted at lowest rates in the following re liable Oompanlta : . , HECUUITY INHfJKANCE COMPANY, nf tinm Ynrk NOUTU AMK111CAN FIBK INBCltANOK CO.. ' of II art fold ; MONUMENTAL riBE IN8TJBAN0K Ot).,, , . - . nf Baltimore : WAHHINQTON JrlllK INHUItANCK OO.. . of Baltimoro t BAVINOH AND INbUBIlANCE CO., of Biehmnnd : JAMES lilVLIt INHUI1ANOE CO., ot Uichmund ; of Blohniond. Apply to ang 1 JOHN WILDRB ATKINBtOK, General Jnsuranco Agoncy. 2l-lf PIEDMONT upb LsuitMcii mm. " TV ANY MAN PKOVIDK MIT volt, lim own. CMiicciallv thoee of hia own home. he is worae than an intldol." and in no wav rain snob provision bo made so oertainly as by a LIFE INSURANCE TOLICY. Such a rOLlOY. lie the amount lame or Hmull. is within the roach of evrry liealtliy man or woman. Tho moment a POLICY Is made out and executed that moment tlio family is seonred against the worst of earthly ills DKl'KNDKNCE. DELAY IS DANGEROUS. JNSUHK HOW, Wlllf.lC l.V HEALTH. When the cold aliivnr run llirnnirh Dm lni,i and ts fevered tongue and the short couirh ap- IKurr, luen u is TOO lATJd to runh to th INSURANCE OIWE and offer yourself for examination. Would yon souure your wifo anil little children against the pimailnlity nf a WANT lien latnoriy caro aim protootion aro ruiiinveil r Appiy 10 i ne nnncraigiioa lor a LIFE POLICY in the prompt and reliable PIEDMONT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Our terms are so reasonable aa to onabie all who wish it, to soouro this advantage Uemember, if you are POOH, that no man haa the UIQHT, even if not roatrainod by natural affection, to oxposo his family to the posnililo ueoeaaity of publio support. If you aro m DEBT, did you ever bear of credi tors blaming a dobtor for spending money for a , LIFE 1NSUBANOE POLICY 1 kkveb. If yon are KXCli you can make no belter invest ment of your surplus funds' than in LIFE INBUUANOK, and when considorod lu reference to security, as well ss profit, you can possibly make none ho good. Applv at once to the undersigned. JOHN WILDER ATKINSON. Insurance Itooms Princess Bt., between Front and Water Hte. aug 1 sno-ir Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Fiti'iall iliv iiri-ft ot a It n.'.tu i- Mvtl. it1!,,.. V I'rlilel'! le nut. iiUMii- AM cine is mi innufi Milly n;s Af OMiu'tl l.y l u nliody :ih yy it a-athai'iir, nor whs ever iiny iM,' mi iimvi' fi 'l , I, i .1 I hit,. iiHf. in every eo'iiuiry and aiuoiig i.ll i l:r--Mfi .in this mild hut. I'Du ii nt iitiixalive I'lll.' 'I lie olivinui iv:i miii 1.:, tluit it id a more i-o-liiihle Hint i;ii' mere eflee tiitil renu'tly tluiu nny eliit-r. 'llioce who h.'iv'e. tried it, know that It eineil them; tlioHCwlm have net. know Unit it'eurea tlicir nelglibora nncl tviends, iinii nil know tlml. Hhnt it doee onee It doea iilwiiyrf that It never fulls llirmiuli iiny luult or nenleet'ol ItH comnoBitl'in. We hiire. mill can rhaw. thnn- munU upon tliousniMs of eertillealcH of reiu.ii-k.v bio curea of the liilluMing eomplainU, but Nueh eiire.H ave knoii'ii In every tieititiorlionil, unit why Kiioiiei wo nin.'iiMi ineiu r Adnpica ro an ngcti ami eonditiona In nil ellniutcx: coiiliiiiiing neither ciilo inel or any deleterioua ilruir, tliey may he taken with safety by nnyboity. Their auirnr co.'UIiik jire aervca tliem evei iVch anil nuikes lliem ilennnt to tnkc, while iH'lug purely vegetable uo luiim can wise from their use in any quantity. They opernto by Iholr powerful inllucneo on the inUmnl viseorn to purilV Uie blood unit xtimulale it into healthy notion remove the obstructions ot tho Htiiinneli, bowels, liver, and other organs of tho body, restoring their irregular action to health, and uy correetuig, wnercver uwy exn-i, sueu uuiuuge nients an are the 11 1st orlirin of cliseaKe, Mmnte ilinwtiona nro given in the wrapper on the liox, lor the following complaints, which these mssoLtTioif. milK F111M OFOAHEUON A II ILL IU BEBK- J by aissolven oy mniuai consent. Janies U, liili will settle the affair of tho firm, s. " JC11N W. CAM EBON, ' JAMKH II. BILL. Har and otber papers sdvertising card of Cam eron A Hill will pkiaao discontinue Sivma, and in sert tiio above for one moiiin. Wilmington, N. O., joly 117 ' 2S5-tf DISS0LI TI0. ritlin CO-PAHTNEBHBIP heretofore existing JL between the undoraigned, nnder the style of WALKKU A IlllAULEX, Is dissolved by pin trial consent, by tho withdrawal of John If. Walker. . James A. Bradley assumes all the liabiiitiee of the late flrni, and It ia requested, that those indebted to us will make prompt payment to him, JOUN M., JAMES A. BUAOLEV. Wilmington, N. 0 , Juue tl, 1KU9. July 7 2.'l8-eodlm NOTICE OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. nr,,H,.nmnn n idea Wg. THE UNUEUHioNED, HAVE THIS day entered into co-partnership under the and stylo of liAKMHTKU, COWAN A (JO., for the nurnoso of ccuduotinc the business of a HEAL E8TA TK and FINANCIAL AGENCY. wuu principal oiuots at Wilmington, N. C, and New torkCity. We ri'speotlully oO'ur our aorvices to thepnblic. .- LKMUt'L 1IANN Willi, V, H. COWAN, J. O. KKNVON. For further Information, addreHs . li.VNNliTKlt, COWAN A CO., Wilmington, N. O. Ualeih Hetitinol and Btamlard i.laily), Ualia bnry Old North Htate, Charlotto Ueiuoerat. tltnten- villo American, A.slivil!e Nown, l:,nnri, H. C. Creacont, Humter Watchman, copy oiic month, ami send bills to this oltiQu. apnU8 171-tf "DISSOLUTION. 'pilK OOPAHTNKltHtllP heretofore existing JL between the unilereiKiied, under the stvlo of ATK1NHON A BHIOPI'MWON, ia diSHi.lvod by mutual oouseut. by the withdrawal ot Johu Wd- der Atkinson. . Alfred B. HhoppersoD assume all the liabilities of the iato llrm. and it is reuuoatod that thoao iu- dobled to Crf will make prompt payment to him, JOHN WILUKlt ATK1NMON. ALI'ltEU B. 8HKPPltBON. Wilmington, Ni C, March 17th, 1H(I9. . -. B. SIIKITGRSON & CO., (at't'l'EMMOUS TO ATUINSOM SUKl'fKUNON,) (cniral C ommissiou Mmlianls, AMD Agent Ualtlmure and Wilmington Steam Ship Line, 11 AND 12 NOBTH WATER BTBEET, WILMINGTON, N. O., riUNDEIt THEIH BEUVIQES TO THEIR 1 friends and the pnblio for the tinrohaue and LlBKltil. ADVANOKH will be mado noon oon signmonts for silo iu Wilmington, or by thoir oorrocrpondonts in tho Northorn and European maraois. All buaineBS entrusted to thorn shiUl have prompt personal attention. Tho undoraigned takes plcannro in commond ing to tbo patrons of Atkinson A Hhopperson uioir successors, moasrs. a. u. nnopporson A uo. JOHN WlLUElt ATK1NHON. Wilmington, N. i, iUreli lHtli, lHO'J. Hl-tf ELECTION NOTICES. For Jnatlce ot the Pear i EDW. CANTWELt. Inly 80 ' 858-tf INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE. I WOULD ANNOUNCE TO MY FK1END8 and the publio generally, that I am a candi date for Constable of Wilmington township, and would solicit their voice at the election to be held on the first Thursday (the 6th) of August next. I can only promise to discharge the duties of the position, if olootod, as I have endeavored to do ia the past. . , - H. L. BELLAB8. July 18 - t - ; a48, u HTo the f the City of Wilmington. AVINO BEEN BEPEATEDLY CBGED BY a large number of my follow eitieena to be come a Candidate for Justice of the Peace of the township of Wilmington, I have at last consent ed to do so, and respectfully solicit your support at the next ensuing election. Bhould it bo the pleasure of a majority of my fellow citizens to eleot me, I will discharge tho dniios of the offloe Impartially, honestly, and to tho host of my ability. ' , , , JOHN J. CONOLKY. J"'y a aims A CARD. T DL8IBK TO MAKE T11M FOLIWINQ AN a. npuucenicnt to tho pnblio of Now llauover County. Having received many invitations to visit aud inako politioal speeches during the pre sent campaign, I tako thia opportunity to state that my otlioe as Bheriit of the county will not permit me to tako an active part in the political excitement of to-day. I doairo to discharge my dutios faithfully and impartially, and as there are Indications that tho preaent campaign will beouo of unusual excitement, tlioreforo 1 deem it my duty to deoline to booome a publio partisan, that I may at all time be froe to discharge my duties fearlessly. While I shall anpport the regular nominee of tbe party, Mr. Eagle, aud deuounoe all who may attempt to break up the Bepublican organization, I am determined to keep my orlicial baud free to arrest all parties who may attempt at auy time to dieturb the peace and quiet of our oouuty. ;" 3. W BOHENOK, Ja., . . , ' Hberift' Now Uauover Oonnty. ' .j!'i?2i: asu-taugs ELECTION NOTICE rjlHEBK WILL BE II ELI) ON THE FIIIST JL Thursday iu August, lHtt), an oleotion for two J ustices of the l'eaeo, and a Clerk as a Board of Trustees for oaoh Township, in tho oonnty of New llanovor. In the Township of Wil mington in addition to tho Board of Trustees there will lie elected four Justices or the Peace. There will also bo nlnotnd a Constable and a School Committee of Three for eaoh Towushi p. The oleotion will be hold at tbe several election precincts as now presoribod by law. J. W. BOHENOK, Jr., Sheriff of New Hanover County. Wilmington, N. C, June, 1809 2J5-Ie TaT MOST REMARKABLE BOOK, The Earth in its Varied riiases, TAST, TRESENT AND FUTURE, A 8 DEUUCED FitOM THE HIGHEST AND XX. moBt reliable authorities. " Oomots may blaze unseen, and world's decay. While error leads and man pursues its way." Bv NON QUI9? BED QUID? -: - A COMETITE. Pukl to bo a pcntleman well known in Wil mington. Price $2 25. Sent by mail to any address, post paiu. ou reocipv oi price, at J. D. LOVE'S BOOK STOKE. July 29 .. 257 SOS. W. JENKINS. 11. II. VBNDKR, Late of Tarboro', N.C. JOS. W. JENKINS ii CO., (COTTON I'AOTOIIH AND COMMISSION MElt J CHANTS, 2!) font Ir Street, IUltimore. P. O. Box 383. Liberal cash advances, made on rotiaicnmnntit. Orders solicited for Btipplioa. Cotton Bagtriuur. Hope and Iron Ti s. julyi!7 255 0m PIANOS PIANOS, QTOOKIIOLDEBS CALL AT THE CLOTUINGI CLOTHING. JUST BECEIVED, 1000 600 LINEN COAT'S. . . . .$1 25 to 13 00 do. Pants 1 00 to f 2 50 600 do. Dusters. .. $1 00 j ALPACA COATS; T FRENCn DRAB Do'ETE HUITS; -BLUE FLANNEL do. WHITE LINEN DUCIC do. ENGLISH WALKINO' SUITS Bold at groat Bargains. ALSO, ON HAND, Large stock of White and Colored LINEN 8HIBT8, 60 ;donta to $3 00; Neck Tics, 10 cents and upwards ; Parer and Linon Collars all new stylos. A. DAVID, ' No. 27 Market st. nnel5 220- i'la riiniilly cure Kor naa. 1.U Miiould be they mom- i.vfpaiia or Inillgmllo,, asner and Liih of ApM-in., a taken moileriltelv to Htiiniiluto tho hi sen linn restore its nealtliv tone nnu aetmn. For Livrr C'oraitlialnt and ita varioua srmn- toma, milous llraulwcbn, Mick IS vtailxt lie, jMiia.llcn or Una aiichaivsa, lliliona 1 one ami Hiiiou. even, tliey i-noiu.i ho jn. dieiously taken lor each case, to con-eet the (tisenwd w nun ,.r aviiiuvv uiu uiinirui lions win. 11 i. For Myaentery or laiurrha-u, but one mil l in k iitiiiiny lxHiurvtl. For Bkramahm, 4nt. ClraTel. Palnl. tuflva ot the Heart. lalB in tb Mile, uwa uiiu mJi.H, uieyFuniiHi ie couunuoiiNi Lave Book Storo and see those clo-ffi gaut Tianos of the most celebrated makers, which I sell at manufacturers pricos. r. HRINSBEROEU, 30 Market Street. jnly 29 257. tiio syKtem. With such cluuigu those coiuplaiuts UaBa&dav. Urn 17lh nit Id. aiknf awns oarser. sua Urnm in Kalan Inm. ahip, Hoott caantr. near Hambnro-. nui. ted the old genUemaa ffUi two Lain And aa beireat at a birth. Tbe weight of the snpiaw avw : us ooy, , um., tlia other 6 lba. and the girl Iba. The mother ia thirtv. nine rear old, hu borne nine cLildren, hat been mArried twioe to Mf. Borger bnt bum fno&thav The mother ao4 eluid res era doing well eo ia the fther. or rather be bu done it, , B THE CB1NCE STILL OPEN. EST QUOIN) AT THE LOWEST PRICES Id the city, for HALF BARBELS FULTON MARKET BEEP rUT UP KXPHK88LY TO OUU ORDER. - M. 1 ho Magnolia Canvaaaed Ham. New York City Cored Ham. North Carolina Hama. Heel Tongue. . Mmoked Beef. Bacon Btiip. Dry ill Hidrs. rimoked Hides and Bhonldnra, Ac, at 11 and 13 Front Htreet. aogl - ADO- (;ilOI I,llli; IT WIIOLBSiLB. 1 K BU4HELB PIUHE AU.WVV7 WHITE COBN 500 bale North niver HAT. 750 bbls. fresh ground FLOUB, . 69 hhd. Western bWVA and BUUULBfcltS ; 15 hhds. Dry Salted 60 kega and lube LABO, 175 bbls. Oity Mot and Bump POBK, 300 bags Bio and Lagneyra COFFEK, . 80 hhds. BUQAB8, different grad 150 bbls. aU " 00 bbls. Sugar, Lemon and Soda CBACKE118, 350 boxes Adamantiue CANDLES, 80 Assorted CANDLES, - 60 - Cookies; BODA, 150 " SOAP, , 38 " TOBAOOO. Ac, . . , Aa, : . 4o., for sale by K, W. KERCUKEB. CLOTHING. aug I 27, 38 aad 33 North Water Street. 200-31 Try acts KUN90H A ou. ALL kl.TDS OF Job wobi neatli i AMD UPlOmOTTtiLI KXEODTKO V at tbj iwt&u etrum, lutinuoi taken, as required, to change the iliiieaseil action of uie eynM-n disnniiear. For Itnpmy and IlrorMlrul Swelling- they should be taken in large anil frequent doses to pro duee the effect of a ilriintic imrire. For MappreaaloM a larirc doso slionlil he f.iken as It piiHtuees tlio ilemreil effcet liy sympathy. Aa a ninnrr fill, take one or two Plltt lo jiro ninlc digCHtion and relieve Uie stoimirh. An oeeHslonnl done Htiiniilntes the utonineh mill noweis into ncniiny action, remoreH the npiHUItc, mm invifromicB uie eyiiein. jteuee 11 is oiien aa viintiiKeeus where no ticriima ileninirement cyisn. One who feels tolerahly well, often finds that a doeo of these Villi niakea htm feel decidedly better, from men i.iuansniK unit renovaiinfr -eueci on we uiicea tire aparatiia. There nro numerous caace where piirgutivc Is required, which wo cunnot cnuiner ute here, hut they miwti! themselves to every hoilv, and where tho virtues of lhin J'l are known, tlio f.uuiiv uu lunv-r uuuuv wuni 10 cuijuoy. Banking House of J. li. Burr & Co. WilmiKoton, N. 0., July 30, 1809. IrlUiE INTKllEBT OK Mil. O. W, 8WEPHON A having on tho first of tho prosont month neon purcbaned, be on that day ceased to bo a lanner in tne uankina hoiiho nr.i. ll linn- tin I The bnaiuess will bo continued aa hcrotoforo in iuc name name. . , . J. Q. BUUB A CO. jQ'yai 259-iw. FIRST-CLASS GOODS AT . ' , FABULOUSLY LOW ..PRICES! QOMPBIHINO A WELL BELEOTEO BTOCf - OP AMI I IMI IiOOBS; 8UCTI AS STOLEN JllOSI THE HOI'EHtNTENDEN'f'8 OFFICE . Of thO W. C. & It. It. H. f lo.. nn l-'iin.l.i. night, the lHth inat., an Engineer's Level. For tne recovery of the same a reward will bo jiaid. W. 1, t.Yi,HMT, T , ; ling-and Ocn i ttop't. July 27, 18C9. . jiiiyai ssa-a- Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Tot niaeaae of tke Throat aad I.aiiKt, aaca as a. ngas, oiaa, kooplny Coagk, Broackin, Asthaia, aad C'vaaawiitloa. Probably never before in the whole history of medicine, naa anytning won so widely ami no deeply upon the oonlldeneo of mankind, ss thin excellent remeny lor pulmonary eouiiuiiinia. l nrout,ti a long series of yeara, and among mniit of the races nf men H haa riaen higtier ami higher in their etima- uon, as n nas n:iine uetter known. Ita unilortii character and power to cure Uie varioua ailcelinii of the lungs and throat, have made it kuown aa a re liable protector nguinxt tliem. While ndiiili d to milder forms ofdiwAse and to young ehildreu, it is at Uie same time the most effertual remedy that can given ivr iuciini cunsiinqiiiou, aim me oan gurous afleetioaaoi Uie throat and lungs.. A a lire vision against emhlen attacks of Croup, it should ue aeyii on liana in every lanuir, and Indeed as nil are snmeumea eunjeei 10 coins ana THE UKN0H Li:iM-n .. JJLACETOBUV CL()THlNlx IN THK Cll i' CALICOES, - .. BLEACHED AN EUOU'N DUMKSTWS, SUMMEU POPLINS. ... . , FRENCH LAWNS, SPUING DE LAINES, " " 'JACONETS, SWISS MUSLIN, . CHECK MUSLIN, STRIPED NANSOOKS,:- .- IS AT should be provided with Ulls antidote for them AlUioujrh settled t'ontumni curable, still great numbers of rases where Uie din- coughs, all ir tuem. ion ia Uioiiirht in- ease seemed settled, have been completely eared, and the patient restored to sound health by the t'anm Pmtorml. 80 complete is its nia.stcrv over the disorders of the Luncs and Biroat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it. "lien 110th-' rag rise could ream them, iindi-r the Cherry er Soeail they eulisido and disapHiar. lUmgrn imI I'uMit Hptnker$ find great pro- w huu uvu, iu A.thm is always relieved and often wholly oured by It. HnnrhltU is generally cured by taking the CAerrnr Perioral in amall and frequent doses. Mo generally are ita virtues known that it is nn aeeeesarv to onbHsh the eertin.n.a .r ,i.. h or do more than assure the public that Iti nunlitiea' ' MUNBON A- (JOS. Their iiiio eitoek is now Helling nt HEDDOEP PB10E8. juiy 31 3r,9. STATE OF X0RTII ( K0L3W. Adam Knipio Ailniiuiatra-1 tor of Jamea H. Ureen. Huperior Court. 1'etiUou to sell land. J New Uauover Oonnty. MBS. MAItr B. CAMPBELL, one of the heir at law against whom a copy of the sum mons and complaint bas been deposited in the Poet Olttoo, is hereby required to appear before lUIB lAlun uu IW JIU QST DI MAIMflmhAF 1UI O . show cause if any she has, why te prsyor ol'the youiiunn suaii nut 00 Krauieu. w 1, v J. O. MANN, Clerk of eatlfjourt. W. B. Kmwi!, Attorney. jni" . -. . .- 339-lUwOw TOBACCO, TOBACCO. gEVENTY 170) BOXES OF MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. jam roccired and for Bale low by DeROSSET a- nn inly 31 j5i IRISH LINENS, TABLE LINENS, . LINEN NAPKINS, LADIES' and MISSES' HOSE, LADIES AND CENTS' HANDKERCHIEFS LADIES' AND .. : . MISSES'. CLOVES, .and nearly every article that practical nsa and refined taste can desire. " Do not hositato, bnt call at once. In connection with tho enporior inducements offered, we allow a discount of 5 per cent, on all Cash BiUs above $10 00. ' A. WEILL 4 CO., Prrpartd by JJM.t . IUimJUOWJSLIi. M 4tfL JtairBoM in Wilnifnrtnn VSv n Vnr.s. w n a""'l IUU mu ArUaTifUU inn I eAalsrai neeee. THE CHOICEST BRANDS EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. .inuu uuuiJND RECEIVED BY EVERY X Steamer Barrels and Half Barrele. We " oner o uranoa 01 the best Flour known to the trade, and w&rr&nt t.Aw.1 v i for i. .n ' ".'-"k j jfio iv gwu cwur. uny 11 at Hi Ens', , II and U front Street "a-1 Still N ILL kUDS OF JOB WORK UTLJ KZXOUTSD ATTHK iOUBSAL OITIC Kctt 08KNE 0IL-C0AL OIL. MANUFACTURER'S AOF.VflV TfTE OFFEB to the Trade KEBOSENK OIL, (In Barrels and Cans of 5 gallons) of the very oest quality at LOWEST P BICES. DkROSKf.t x, nn Jn'y 31 ' j59 STATE OF NORTH CAR0LO. aaw BAaovaa oocrnr, Southerland SteagaU) v- Attachment Osorre S. Oonea. I XT If AND 91-100 Dni.T.ARa. due bv acconnt. O Warrant ot Attachment, returnable before E. II. afoQnjf a. J. P. for Naw Hanover oonntv. N. C, al hia olhoe on theSVUi day of August, 1869, when and where the defendant is required to an- tN g)UU UlfWPr IU. WI1II1WU.. tfUCTBKBJLAKjU A oTKAQALL, PlunUffk Wyajington, li. valy 87, ". 358-Uwiw June 37 II Market Street. "V" 231 WILMINGTON A WKLDON U. B. Ott, ' Orncs Ch Em'i awn Of. 8itft, I WiiJniiaTo, N. ft, Jnly ii. 1869. J sQSS23 TO CAB. BUILDERS. mBIS COVPAKY desires to con tract with com. JL. potent persona for buildinir five or aii fir. class Passenger Cars with all the latest improve ments. The work to be done at the Company' BhoDs in thia city, mnder the direction of the Master of Machinery. All iron work and materials and tha nse of tools aad machinery to be supplied by the -ST' J Apply to July 28 Norfolk to the above, ft. L. FBEJUONT, Eng. Bapi. i06-et prro a Virginian enpy S Urns and forward bill War and Poat copy 6 tinea.

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