, t 1 tit " - t I 11.- 1 I ) tf .'f u t r-- 1 1 1 1 v .. .. ' .11 i ri i .r 1 1 ii ii ii ii ' t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 jLii ii - ..A ... I III II II W-T - ' '" fill 1 ' fli w I: ft II I. Ii' rl I 11 If ).JI W i j ,, . - IS I F AT 1 II, JJ II. II t I IJI 1,1 I I T 1 Jf I I I I 1 mi ml wwrf . j w. J A - Br-. . n t ' t si ai .. I II 9 nftfpn ti i- m a m -.mm ' irr I VOL. XVni7-N0. 288- iivWILMINOTON MORNINGS SEETEMBEU 1809; t ;A I, Y JOUKN AIi ,H V ' OUI DAIIT I TBI WtkXM. , ' il'l "T I1"" " .... ADVKKTUIIU MATBS-UAILV. r 2 tllilfs ' v v.- i 5 5 Iff 5 8-62 . ' ; It. 1 3r4TiS 1 .- ' 8 5?SI ,-.J .. i l (f f f I '- ;0 O O 1 ii " '.'," i4 s l . : .8 .S.JSl&,8I,8. 8 VJ S 8 8 8 8 g. "2 m 'I 1 S 8 8 8 8 ;8r 8 3 8 S.JS..5.JS..S. 8 IS K G P S ia - 8 118 .?JJt ? 3 Ja e s s g s , s 6 sn c V J' 8 8 .8 8 8 S, Slff, 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 P 3 8l .8 8 8 Jg t 5 9 8 g&' E a 8 8l8J 8 Ejl iU is g e s e R 8 8 8 8 8l8 8 S I SfS .B's sly 118 8 8 8 8 SI'S t ' 1 :' " hi-uscriptiuh. ooeer, .......lo . MX IIMIUUII,......, too ,Thre Dionthi ( M t I W KKKLY JOURNAL EHTAHLIHUKD BKFTBMBKH. 1844. ii . i Oiw uj "-, oi ten iloea or !, far eioii u.l every ts " r Mrtion, i. : ii m twutel Nolle wUJ M chMjeJ lir sqaara, ror each . , - f,r ' VIIMHC'lUITlON, v , One nu.i... ...... .'. uo , . .s 4Ux mniii... ...... ,...vt..4. 'j so -hi .It! ,TjIE DAILY JQUltNAl FRIDAY, SErTEMBEE8. 1809. ? ThConDittee of Ways and Means.' ! 'l .TIM frt tlH PMtU Vllt-a later. Tlw Hk lira.; WlUlan D. Kellcr. $ t t, I! f jtf ' ' 'I'll I j ....mm BV. UIU UUJ UO( Wft fU itiri w wteb Hon: Wtiliau D, Kolly, is pnbliBbod in the Pliiladelpbia Press, gir . i&g au acoouat cf ihe trip , ot tbe House ( I oimttae of Way ana Meant to Califor nia and Oregon, i if OltheObinoae be said: iu II Chinese immigration ia to be profuoUa-I need not cay promoted, for it need no promo tion fct onr band, bnt i inevitable ; vith COO, 000,000 of people overcrowded nod on derpaid, it will eotaa nnleas forciblr pro. bibited if. I eay. it ia not to be prohibit ed, we most provide for their reception. And I trust tbat our several religious de . nominations will ao organize tbeir mis sionary movements i that whenever the Chinese enter a town there will be capa ble people ready to present to them the .primer land make them familar with oar alphabet If at all points they be met with ttiis instroeuon, witn tnis weiooma, i- onr Christian Republic will assimilate to ourselves the CUineae, as it has the peo ple of all other nations, and they will cease to continue aliens in onr midai." 'AM speumr laruier oi tueir oeoupa iona, he said : " They are to be found as ocoks, and in every department of bouse- ;., hold eorvioe. The Mission Mill employs 1,000 workmen, who perform every put of the labor, from the opening of ihe un trashed wool to the packing and marking ' I f (i i the- botes containing the ilnuhod fabrics ' prepared for shipment. They receive nine ty eents a day, and the company provides them with a large building in which to . -i lodge and tako their mealcLrith kitchen yn4 ideqaaia oookiag apparatu for the preparation oi ttieir lood, and a supply ot water in an inclosed yard for a daily bath for each. The Pioneer Mill employs about ' , 600, together with a considerable aqmber ' lef the people of other nationalities, -among wnom are Americans, jsngiisb, ttooton and Iriali. It is a mistake to suppose that the j Chinese are employed only in aounual labor, and therefore compete only with oar producing classes. The Bank of Califor nia emnlova them as exrierts for the detce- linn rif Iiaaa. or .liirbl Aoin. a UtmwfliAW V though at) eetive? member of hoomiuor- : Dial firm' of Lnn, Loo i Co., ia the) paa- eenget agent of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, a trust of great importance, and muiuriug muuu utunuro M wnu M ,oi3ri- ' aai ability. None of these people are coo lies; they are ail free to go andoomeat wilL Tba boat 1 their passage to this ' country is often advanood by the Chinese . Companr. to be refunded from thai pro- ' oeede of tlieir labor ; but no obligation for its repayment beyond their mere promise is taken and it is said that no Chinaman who has lived long enongh to repay it has ' I ee failed ia make the company good. - - Neither can it be said of the Chinese that . . they evet repudiated a oontract. On their first Importation the Chinese may be wit ',. ling tq work for what seams to our people . low wages; Da wey are snrewd ' bar . gain, and when any of our party spoke to , them about coming East and named the '-' t- wages that were paid here, we were in atantly met With the queetioa wbethst the payment was in gold or greenbacks.) We oould not persuade them of the fact (hih V.A is aevertbetees an undoubted fact that uera greenuacs uouur wtu ouy.as muon, if not more, than a gold dollar 1 will buy there ; for they saw that where they were '7.U would not bty within thirty-five! per iwnl. nf ih imnnnt " 'ux Dire, B. E. Lee. A letter from " the Rockbridge Vatht to the New Orleans Times, gives a very pleas-j lugskeioiioi tna estimabio wife of Uen. Lee, which we oopy below : ( a The baths here are famous for rheOms tiaot and aorof ulout diseases. There1' are many persons who profess to be greatly re r i ttesatlvy them. Among these, I found here Mrs. Oenoral Robert E. Lee, whom I ! ,7. iaA not ' aoeri for thirty year ' I j had . Jinown her whn a boy, as the belle ol Ar lington, the daughter of George Washing- a..-ton ParkeCasti, who wa the adopted of Ucorge Wathiagton, but ao blood relation. Then the Was ao elegant and - attractive young lady, of great affability of mavners and personal charms. Alas 1 J found hat ptatly changed by. tjme, and still more by disease. ' The : charm ot her manner atflL continues,. but her body , 1mm , 4eeji , terribly aftlioted ' by rhenmatisBSv which has ; made , her such a cripple that, for some years pant, almost from , tho coiumtwaeiuent of the late war, hi oulj locotuoiio is effected in a chair with wheels, whloh is moved about by servants. ' In spite of this afflic tion she ia most agreeable, and cheerful old lady, receives every one with a smile, and converses upon all subjects with groat intelligence, vivacity and good bunior. There ia notblnjr of the languor, nueru lousnoss or discontent of the invalid in her manner or ounvefaaticnt , Her time is oc cupied in social oonverse, sewing, writing and playing witn ' bet grandchild, a joll little fellow, the son of Uen. W. II. V. Lee. Bbe ia full of energy and ibduatry. and emplovs 4ifrself most aealouslr to a late boor of the nigiii sewing for LeweU tna dangbtors. , Afproseut alie yt engaged in making a dress fiir herself and one of her daughters, out of some ealieo tent aa a present from the Phoanit Cotton Mills iu Georgia. Mrs, Lee. thonsh contented with hor situation, and deeply grateful for tiio many tokens of love and admiration which have been lavished upon her hut band and herself, very naturally sighs for Her old borne at Arlington, from which she has been so ruthlessly and barbarously banudied. She expects to olpse hot life amid the aoenes of tho bannv data oi nor ciuiuitoou and eirinood. jveo this most eberishetl desire, however, sho will cheerfully eaoriflco to her dimity and pride, and will never ronton t to receive back her estates if tendered with aay con ditions, o sa oharitable and meroiful oondeaoension and favot by the Govern ment which to cruelly devastated and an proprlated. property ibeciueatbed by her patnotie father, end never lemUy aoqairod by the .authority Which now retains it. Arlington mnst oease to be a rederal cem etery when the family of Jtobert E. Lee reoooupy it, The daughter-ia-law of Mrs. Leo is here with her, the wife of General W. ii. r. Uiv. bh6 or the most elesant and beantifoi ladies I have seen i a Virginia. Bbe was a Mist Boiling, of Petersburg, of the old. Pocahontas stock, always famous for beauty and high spirit llor com manding ami elegant figure, , her bright nud beaming face, and air of mingled dig bity, grace and trentleness. i would make her, in the -largest assembly ' the cynos ure of all eyec, the observed of all obser vurs." '"''",: --, : I: : h ,. TbfoUoa Trader- K Mrfallatlona to Traaafer thcL.lr.rawl Cuttoa iHraits IroiaNiH York toth. ImU Direct. LStEiSCtv C03IPAS1EH. Tint oi,n ..in RHuiitLi; ,...,NEW.Y0RK LIFE INSURANCE C,Q yHWtF,-rVBM K SViTfTllNtrW A t k UAH ..M.aMir UllUIW THK riRST HfcCCKSSlTV IS BKCI HIT V. Villi UltXNia. asOOMMMViOr KXrHrlStl. rjlHKHK KHKNTUL qnalltlft. are iiAnUd ,? Tiv NfwNriac, !v L i f'li i isi h t ) ti a M o i; o t m a n , 1 , K i ' KtwMkM4 la IKS. i ,,, -1 ...AoouwaUUd Asaetaatar , TWELVR' MILLION;-IHJLLAlt I , '' all lh Properly of Uv teaar4.-"t , ; No HtookltoMera' to pay. ' bUUVLlTH rramititna rMntncl to i'tilior lintit era aiisoauj, . - ; a ( - lUUu of aiuiaal tHxtoa4 ,M pr ,0nl lowor Uitu aoy new cxjuip.ny. k . ... T.a tear Hva.farr.ltaiii Plaa. ' Thssvalem nonslarly (orniM "1h Non-For foliar flan," waa oriKinatait auil flrat prxaautad to tba aantte hi tbiailuaiaaev in tbvir wi.ll ku.iwn " Ten ikas MoM-fuarsiTiiuK I'iimoy" In the Juar. IriMi. TbS.NoriforWlorw In tbie Ourauanv, atlor tlia aooond pajmant la not ilopnnilunt nu iuri axue iartolniiti atatoraanta ia eflto eirmlara, list ia apcolfloallr Kuaranteeq tit lh lerBia of Uic ni- UtrUlal. Saralaa, efr ml all LlaallliUa, ' ta.i .taee . : . .bi.onuh if Caah UlaMiaSi aaM la Valla. . LMrM.aaa ax dsolarod annnallv, and are available rarsntniiTtLV s cian is nvitiNT or ratmims. ..;?. .... i atOltUld tnAMltUN, maidant. " WiixiiM U. Bktai, Vlo Praaldsnl aad Aotatrv. a VtUrict Aomlt mruired . Aoaliaanow 16 Ueoaral ArmI lot tb Htais el North Oarollna: 1 ' ' -' iJl JOHN A. BVBNK, wumiuttuD, n. o. an!r7.,w mow , i Mt , ATKINSON '8 '.. 1NSU liAftip E "x KOOMB Tha .PnrostlBoat aiid. Cheapest " hit,'.L '.'' moi vni' . . eULBtWII'M tAVtSNT' ' RED. JACKET AXE Prlarc at.. bitWHl Promt aait Want 4l-Ului r. ; At a mooting of the Coanoii oi the Liv erpool Chomber of Oommeroe on Aug. 0, Mr, Meorheadt of Mississippi, was intro duced by the Chairman bs a Vdlegate from a Convention recently held at Memphis, United States, to discuss projects for the Internal Improvement oi the Southern States and the Extension of .their Com meroial ; Relations, i Mr. ' Mdorhead, he said, was anxious to make a statement to the Chamber, a Mr, Moorhead was then in trodueed to the Chamber. He stated that he bad been delegated by the Chairman of tne uonvenuon neia ai Mempus to wait npon this Chamber and other commercial bodies in England, and to lay before them some of the results of that Convention. The object of the Convention, whioh was attended by delegates from all the oonth ern States, and from some of the Northern and Western State, was to disc ass project for the internal improvement of the South ern state aad the extension of their oonv merce, and he believed its resolutions ex. pressed the eon viol ion of the people of wose mates, xne proauot oi tne Doatn were mainly shipped direct to Europe, bat its imports came by way of New York, whioh, purely aa a matter of business, was clearly a great expense and disadvantage. lie tben alluded to tnocapabihtieeof some of the Southern ports. , Galveston was the chief port of a region larger than France, and capable of Brewing the finest cotton in the union, Sea Island only excepted. Land oould bo purchased there at a much cheaper rate than in the Northern States, and was vary much more fertile, New Orleans oommanded no leas than 20,000 miles of inland navigation and he sug gested the route' by water from England, via New Prloans, to St Louis as a lee et pensive and pleasanter mean of reaching the Western and Northwestern Bute than by New Torkv ; Norfolk might be con sidered the great natural , port , of the Middle States, and with a central position, splendid harbor, aad railway communica tion to all parts of the Union, it was ad-1 mirably adapted for direct line of steamers between; Liverpool and tho (southern States. ' Several railway companies were willing to assist such a line by taking snares; ana M did not Mink it lmprobe ble that the neighboring States anight as. sist such pioneer line with a subsidy. The advantages of free trade, so well under stood in this country, wereJ gaining ad herents in the State, where a strong "Free Trade party already existed and was vigor onsly in action, and he thought he might safely say that eocoeam ve eaaagta would now be made fa tho tariff in the right direction,'' J - - - In regard to emigration he remarked that very little of the great stream now sowing tnto tne putes loan 4. it way into the Booth." " Emigrant were carried away to the North-Western.. 8taUy where any letarn they might make to Europe was ob scure and doubtliu. immigration directed to the Hoatn would return an nnqueatloa able advantage to Europe, for the emi grant, if he did not himself grow fotton, would release those who would. The South ern State had very advantage in soil and climate, but no labor equal to their power of production. The negro raoe was sta tionary, aad might now be expected to de ntine la numbers, as all colored 'races ap peared to do wnea placed m oocnicl with the white. "There was a movement on foot for the in trod actios of Chinese laborers. but there were many who, looked with re gret to the inpouriag of so oh a population, alien in so many respects, and thought of the future with anxiety. Apart from the mere laborer, there were brilliant open ing! in the Booth for men of capital aad of special knowledge. In ooachuaoa, he said he should be thankful to the Chamber for any communications which might bear np on the mean of increasing the -eoaaaMrce of the two oountrie. and thereby etreoirth- ening the bond of mutual commercial in terest, the surest pledges for peaoo and mutual good-will. i PI UK khU MA1UMK INMUitANOK mar l i tuoetod at lowest rates In tbufallowiiiK re name uompames : . . -. , , , 8K0UUITY INHCBAN0E COMrAMI, of New fork NOBTIi AMKltlOAN FUIG INflDKANUK OO.. " " of Hartfoid; ot Hallimnr WAHMNOTON rlOE INSCBASCE CO., -- of Dkltlmore : 8AVIR0S AND ' INHt71tBAN0E CO., . . ; JAMES BITEB INB0BANOE (3d.. ' t , ofBlobmond; JEFFEB30N INHDBANCK CO., , ,.i . 'ofBlobmond. " Apply to ' ' . JOBS WILDEB ATKINSON, Oeneral InaurauceAgenoy, angl ,.;-. . , , UfO-tf, -. r i. '" . . . if m i PIEDMONT LIFfi 1MSUB1NCB COMPANY, ii 1 KIND: r feL&NKri' ' ' ... m ,. v. 1 i . u - . - . ' ac T ; UVBftAJj ' . uvnci, . - i4 if 1 rta i . i:;l if , it .. J .H Tl AMY HAM FBOTIDK NOT FOB BIS X own. MDeciallr tboa of bia own bona. be 'ts worse than an iofldal." and in no war eaa son proviaiOD oe maas so oertainiv as or a LIFE INSURANCE P0LI0Y. Snob a POLICY, ba the amount larca or amalL is within the raaoh of ev.rv healthy nan or woman. The moment a POLIOY ia mads ont and axeonUd that morosnt the family ia saonred against U worst of earUily.UU-DllPENDENCB DELAY IS DANGEROUS. ! INSURE HOW, WHILE IS BEALTH. When ths oold shiver runs tbrooch tbs frame, aad the fevered tonga and tbs abort eongh ap pear, inni j . , TOO Li ATE tornehtoth ' tf' -"' - - INSURANCE OFFICE ... and offer yountelf fur examination. Would yon saoare year wifs and little children again.! fits posaibility of a WANT wlien your lawerir sare ana prowetioii are removea r apply to tna aooerslgned ror a life roue ':;;;. j la tbs prompt aad reliable ' ': -,' . ', PIEDIIONT IJfE E.SURANCE COMPANY . . ... . . , . . (.,. w Oar terms' are ao reaaonabls aa to anibla all who wish It, to seenrs this advautate . Remember, if yon are POOU, that no man baa the BIQHT, even if not reatrained by natural affeotion, to expose his family to tbs possible oeoaeeuy or puoiia Rapport. If von are in D KBT. did yon ever bear ot eredi. tors bUming a debtor for apendiofi money or a Lin INBUBABCa POLICY 1 StvwJ . If roe are BIOH von can make no better invest ment ur yenr aorpias nuids tnse in Un INrJUBANOK, and wbsB aoaaidered ia rafrraeae tp aeonrity, as wee as profit, yoa can poeaiuiy make none ao gooa., , if ivtu I Applr at once to tlie nmleraiRneJ. i . JPUN WILDER ATKINSON, i lo.araoo Booms J Prineas Bt, between Front and Water Ml. i'aaa; a 14 t y a i i ,M 'V' .-vert 4 r Mksl it l ' I. bettor Uiau our rcitnlar aliapxit AitA for llia rratDoaat 'M-a(Uiill)HMS Matiia- It du' atink ia tun nhnI. J AiM. it diuta not )r Uiu baiuL. 'iwNb time i waatett la takuiaf H Axe out of tlio mil. Vfth With lb aanm imhtw f ull will do outvtliird nmre wrk tlian with arAira, Kort lnt ik nthiht to do with tbv (iiuiil iiualiUii. n( tli in Axu, fur all our Atua aru 1iutKl rl. If yuur bardwars atom not (i1 nnr kooiIm, we will irlK.lly in.wnr liiiiuirii or UU your oritur, dimot, or give ytiiMbe name n tne omtnii oeaiur wno keoita onr Atm, - MI'l'innrTT it UIKKWVXh, ;) Pltt.barth, fa. Hols ewnara of Uulburu's and Bod Jackot latonls, ' 8(il00L8 AM) (OLI.KtiKS, aHITHKKir.HNK SfllllllL,, FOR ;YO0NQ. LADIES, N.i, J07 .A IK) N. UUAULK H BTltHKT, U-'il f V mm ' ; BM AMTHrtKD IK 184'2.'"-' .1 i '!! 4i.) I ,b: IVinclpaU.' K"J. KUaSa:i.I.'a kt'llOOL, Nw llav.a. Coaa-i ALL HKtWlON beuin Hopt. VHU. uaiaiognea sent ofl appnoaiiun. - o"A'ltay mr aTLlTildretajy EMl'UwatkT aUilrwe B. Mi Orssoaa A Oo , lirattl.boro, VI. Iiufej nsxm y vurvaai a uhbm ) tii . beat and oheapeat. Oontalnt the latest Im provement Vat llwxana and I ox Junuanu. . i. KMTKY A CO., Hole Uannf'ra, Hrattlsboro. Vt, ASK yoar Docioror Uracal.t torSWaCtlT ai)lNINaU.U ennals (bitter) Uuluine. Mann laotnred by t, 8TKABN8, FlBB A Oo Ubemitta. New York: ;:; f . ' - - WOKl8 OP WlHDOJI for Yoaus Hen on ths Itulin Pa..ion in Youth and Karly Man- bood, with foil-help for the erring sad unfortu nate. . Beut iu awled letter anviots, free of oh.rge. A.l.lrr.. Howard Association, Box 1', rbihuleJplua, la. . . B A L T 1 M 0 B E Female Institute, u CIIAULK TIlKB;f AVKltUM, Baltimore. ' ; ZtSX Miry land. Svery facility for tboroagk inatruolion in aolld and ornamental braoebaa a Rood home, a healthy location. Charge reeenuable. Open Hept. 8th, 1809. For further information, eend for oironlar. Bav. J. A. LimNOOTT, A. M., Prinoipalr - fiV"lHir J Yataits- Kxp.rl.ac. Ia the M, , Vreauaaat of Cataale aad Htiaal , acu-tr FOR SALE. fJWBaTI TH0P8AMD DOLLABrj i-e-. ..Mr'-..-i u;, t WHk , i M- iMt. ,.1 ' i .,' I Ia Oily of Wllmingtoa Bit Per Oant Qoid Bear ing Ten Year Coupon Bonds. To be aold in small Lots. 1 ' 1. : ' Apply to fli lo I if if ..4, A SBg 'FIBSr 4tipAi BAhK, JAMES DAWSON, or V" ' JAS. O. BCBB A CO. I .. . F0. Z, FRENCH, . ' Oaalmaa Pioaaee OottmittM ,i k1 L atJ t, WUmtllgl0B-' VFULE KAJU5S ASD 1 1 JOBSAJIINTAL WIBK WOBKfl. t ii a u at c o. - e. t . Bowar awaat Baltimore. a - -1 - - sajiuaa uiif tun m ii sntci 'tatia ej w AAkaa wmia aw a tj mow metene. jsaJooaJea, Jto., eievas, Vandera, ia ana uoi Boraees, Woven Wire, Aa, Badetsade, Ohaira7 Bettoea. Ao. . maj 11, lS6a i . . . - . t 190-lyr trVtAt MfWhM 80UTKEtLl!fD 8TEACALL, UTEBT AND SALE STABLE, a r Tklnl mm Pilas.a ntraats. - nu an Tklnl aaa rilasaa atraat. K4 TTOBsra, top a no tor btj ELmlSWAjfc mw Boaaial eara takan with hnardi-. il I f i A Bpsoial ears takan with hoarding umaaa. aaci ux'..: wiw' iia.au, A FhvtidhMHeta Villi f ilorriait. The cheapest book ever pobUahed oontainlng 300 pages, sad 190 nne plate and engraving of the anatomy of the bu uan organ in a state of health and dieeaee, witb a treatise on early errors, it deplorable oouacnence upon the mind aad body, with ths author's plan of treat, meat the only rational and successful mode of oure, as rhown by a report of cases treated. A trauuul id riser to tbe married and those eon. fsmplating marriage who "nlertaia doable of pbyaiosi oonoiuon. Bent live or postage to any address on receipt of 35 oenta, in damp or postal earreney, by addressing Dr. I.A OBOIX, No. tl Maiden Laos, Albany, N. Y. Tho author mav be consulted upon aDy of the disease opou which bia book treat, either personally or by mall, and medioines sent to any part of the world. Mr. and Mrs. WIUHON If. CA11V, .vi r aa.i i Mrs. Ocn. JOUN l'k'liBAU, ' ' A.aUitnd by a fill) t'orps of able AsulaUnta. 1ullea reannied on Befitcttibor S7lh. ' FrotKth la Ui Language of the rVhrtoi NO I'AlNil ABU BPAUKDIH) MRNDKHTHfH lotiliition duaarvin vl the very liberal en- toiirsKunuiiii ii nas tivut reruivva irmu utx riimtu I'MI tKilln.' . ' upon nfi rtiertii krone It now iltnita ror pa'ronai;. ! i-.-!''i"'H i1-'"'1 -.; r Otrtlar coaUliyirut lull informal inn ad- lri'i eiwirr o ilie iJijia ipsl ala .. -Ml SCHOOt' FOR ; YOUNG LADT.S. ,Mlaar. MKSJNKItV aad II A NT, rrlailpal 1 AeMstM by able tnif etpetlfinra.! Tpich.r.. rilllF. NFX T KUWION WILL OOMMrlNCK UN M WI'rtTIOSlllT, tKltObur fitll, t he dctun i.f this InetUnt Ion I Irt afford, the KlMln-nt ailvaatagna ror the instruction of ynnng lawtai - iiisuiwrna iM airtny i lull ana sy.uitne- tin, viiinramuK vfurytMiiiK unroaeary fur a thinrniiirh and (ilcaant eitiiKHllnn. . . i , Til! HKLtiHH liKTl'ltKH Ulaa. for the atndv 1 of ClanHlwal Lilorelure will ba nude th anper I vision of tW.- Wm. Mnnford. Tho study of I ( lorewj win im ronuorwi aueouva, as well a iutproatiug, by the aciiiiitiou of a weU-aoleoted I apiarans. . TUK MOUKltN LANurjAUKBvtUtM) thorongh. IV taiiKhl. HpiH-ial attmition will bo paid to I vniieii, ana every rnollitr aflanled for arnultlng a uiauiiiw .ouwivuK ok Hiat tangaagav' . u jii lM will ba taught without extra chart. la the MUSICAL, bEPAUTUlilN f tho Piinet. paishevo wcurcil the aervidoa of Prof W. V. Or ban, whose king sneces In bis profeaaioo mmm mum mr mas an.iiTiaoie repntaiion. UltAWUia wiU be laugbl by a oempstent fro. lessor. Pupil not desiring to purine tbe fall may take np any apecfal branch at' reasuotble raia ..w n ..i-i Mt,.,-..; u .i, ,i . i A UmitaU nambar ol young UtUes will bs rs Oelved a boardcra, by m.klug early tppiieaUon, rui Avriuo, a v., a'yiT IV; :-?T.';: , : mwbkrnnkdy. TROT FEMALB 8EMI!f AlrTl'T THIH INHTITCTI0H eflers tbs kcoamnlated advantage of over (0 yaam" sneosaaful oper- Every facility is provided for a thorough eonret or useful and ornamental education, uuder tbs aireouon or a eorps or mors Iban - twenty prui.swn u teaoner. ror oireaurs, apply to nunii u. niUiaiw, Jroy, n. I, ang8,r f i' H( . a78-amoh ':hl '. i rUtf tsitft' k-- -WVHA -i.i I" i,te. . .i THE ' GREAT REPUTATION - : Vv;t.,i sn te-x-t-W ': "W "'' "' -i , .1 ,..l ,,.., - i I '.I, 1 t :"1 v j ;f ,.M h!',K K,WJK0 haajsltslaeil in all parts of tbs country a,.' ,j ... -r ;.i i v."l liii '. tfc- :'iU. w..l ' .i '?-t ','- n ... a; great: and -good medicine i . . , , ... t. j., .-k. tin 1 -t i) i I.- 3 . t, ir naa tnduaed Ir. tawraiw to eW.iitfe w UtM-rub aaj uriltfi ,.r reani.fiiafurir,, , ao as to I enabled to aiipply the tlraoi'iliiiarj ib ui.p.l fur it. , .-.,-.... THE IflRGl- NUMBER , QFJESTPHlAlS "i.'i f; Hi- 1 ,ni !ti Whioh are renatantlr Ling reoaived from I'bysialans, u4 parauua tcio Ami bsm odavti kv it nao is nosia.ua i vt raooK or it stmiaitlii a vn n , i is;. 'A .. blood , i'iitiHi!ii'-it li ik :mwm. t i s i r BEING l'OSITIYKLY . -i .J THH 't'J MOST POWERFUL' VEGETABLE ALTERATIVE ! - 5 VKT DlHUOVI'.ltl'.n t , .. --OI In In '! i , i ii 'ms EASES OF TlJE JlLOOvl J ' tir. t ,, t 5 , ij i , , - j I ,i .j ','.. Ii ' i ( . ,4 :;- .. 1' Ths Ufa ef tbs Isah Is la the Bloofl." is a BorintaraJ nktlm thai mImim r k. , ,i. peopl i talk of bad bloe as the eause of man diaastea, and like many 1 popular" npiaioBs this 'of bad K21ik ta To ay aotbing oflhoM bnmoura that r. I hereditary, Voan saally sea bow tbs blood may baooms bad bom Imparfaot igtloa ev faiiare of narotloa. and how ihiV tnT innaatiee m process of Nntritlon, and Urn InUueuo all tbs fonotionsl aotivlttes of tbe bodr. lbs symptoms ol ' bad blood ar nsually qnit plain-bad Digestion-eaasoa imperrrot nntrlUon. aad aeasaqtientlT the clmnlatlon is fealil.. tha aoA tiM hu lhwr tv. .,.. J. !LV?",?i? bn1'. f .'flynl'y oovarsd with a pasty, white coat This condition soon "ZZZ'nT?' t t"7 , ? h.l,0, " !?",,,?U? W h,Tt w lags er sons olber organ. , The onl. aara rnla ia to Minora Mia Illmul nn l.nn a.u k... u ?.i torn vital point , " 7, Y " f7"-'' -TT " " o-v, .piw J" tbs blood It part, yon tr not so liable to say disease. K any unperttias of the Blood arise from lamare d asaaes ef larre aTtlea, Mradinata ar. Imnnrii iCT.i,. Z Z.Tr. Z . , r." 1 . I spirits, fair skla and vital atrangUi wilt retsra le yea, - " " ". jj. r T ns t i ,, f .'ii ' . j t i I i. ' ii 'i , ! ui . . ,, i -it ii , II. fit ' ' .it t III , . I'..,, , . . 1 Mil it i i.i AS A GREAT . DISTRLBUTION MBTMOLITAii filFT CO. LIVER INVIGORATOR. . STANDS : US RIVALLED. i -it,,,,1,,, , . , .i . . ij , JIK1NO THHONLV KNOWN.MKDIOlNK.'si That fcmciKHti.V Itimtiltltt' and cosajumi the AanaMa iMWtMu uA rnii.,n,i the Livts, witboot dkihutatinu tbe aystom, WhU it acta fttelu pon Ihe Liver, i nafrad of eoofrwi purging it gradually eAoag. th dinsberg W a jmftcdy nflf il ,UUt, ' y- " l.::,vl 'iim1.. , I i,i .j,.ti ..., -r....i -i. . I i-... ' .j. - -- ITaTTOUS OP tlVXI OOlTPTjarjrT AXD or , tOata OP 1 TBOsn nimABaa Pnnnrvrsm a r 1 ' t, j .t Cash GiHi to the Amount of $500,000, EVERY TICKET DRAWS A TRIZE. ' 5 0MblQifU,eich .1 ,. t ........ 1 :1, l ..... 20,000 :; .. - io6'Z av00 ',. . . a 500 soo - K............ 100 80 Elegant Botewood Pianoa,. .each $300 to $700 TH I, Mntiuliuin., IK In 1IU1 MO Sewing MaoMnes . '. . .. ........... 800 Gold Watobea Cash Pnzos, BUver Ware. Ao. rained M.i...ii..i.i;ruii...... i.oiiu.ooo A chance to draw any of the above I'rlaaa for 35o. Tiokota deacribing Print are lunnlet in Kn- valopes and well mixed. On reosipt of 25c. a SettUti TickM k drawn without ehoice and sent by mail to any address. . Tbe prbut named npon 75 to CO to 75 to 100 175 800 it will be delivered to tha Uoket-bolder on pa; mens ui ta juouar. , rnee are immeaiai sent to any address by oxpreaa or retura mall. r, You wiU know what vour Prize ia bofore von pay for it. - Any rrizt etetmiujed for anoOm nf tame valut. No Blank. Oar patreas can dor pend on fair dealing. , BirsBEMosair-Wa anleet the following from many whs bars lately drawn Valuable, ltixes and kindly permitted us to publieh thorn t Aoilrew J. Barn, Chicago, $10,000; alias Clara H.Walker,. Baltimore, Piano, frJ0: Jamoa At. Matthew, Detroit, 15,000 ; John T. Andrew, Havaunali, tfijOOO; alia Agaoa Himmona, Cbarlestos, Piano, $000. Wo pnbli.h no name withont anriuiaaion. Opimiom or tub Puss : -"The llrni la reliable. and doaorve their snooet." Weekly Trilmne, tiny 8, !'WeAnow them to bo a fair doaUiur 11.. r. Herald, May 28. "A friend of our drow k $500 prize, which was promptly received." Iktily A'tnot, June 8. ' Bend for iircular. Liberal indnramenta lo Agent. BeHefactlon guaranteed. Krery pack age of Healed Knveiooe oontalna our cxaa uirr. Six Tiokels for tl; 13 for 13; 88 for $8; UU for.118. A4 letter sbookl be addreHeed to HAHPKkl. WILSUII Am nO,T - ir-r- 3 v roa4wey, Mw Vork. , q AWiVniKGTOMlTNlVFJlSITr. f I JJ-EDIOAL DBPABTMJENT. " AliTIMOBat, BID, I'AOULTt, ' Bev. THOU. . BOND. M. D.. Preaidenl. nvn n m unniriiTu ar i, i i. Kmerita Profeiwor of Obstetric and Diaeass of women ana uuiiuren. - i , Prof. EDW. WAKBRW.m. D., Bnrgory. nl Prof. H. L. BVBD, M. D.. Obetetrioa. ' . Prof, J. X. OIAQBTT. M. D . Materia Madisa. Prof. M. r. HCOTT. M. TJ.. ulauu nf ilfmu. Pref. i. r. afOMMONICn, M, D Phyalologf. Prof. J. J. MUOK.ll AN. M. TJ.. Hvaimnm mt,A Bieu, Juri.p r. , j Pror. o. MORFIT, M. D., Obemllr. t xw,r n tv nui Klnui i An &. i i t ... Prof. D. -LLtVNQHOiiNE.M. D.. PrawiintVnr mr t irtriii lain at vi n.. l ALFBED 11. POWELL. M. 6.. Demonatrator oi auatomy - . .. . , , The Buaaion of 18UJ-'70 will oumniauu. on lha Itb day of October and oontinne live months. ' -Auxiliary Lecture will be deUvered daring tb ouiuiuer aiontus, ' . . . . .. 7 - The Vnim-tilji Uotpital and V Ditpentary afford Clinical IttattrUU in great abuudanoe. ' A limited number of Jlewficiary Studentt from the lata alava-bolding States will ba iweelvad t prroadenot i4J giotn to wouadsd and titmblA toiaiert, , Faea-Malricnlatlon tS : DIsaMtlon 110 :' Pro. feasors tl 30 1 Graduation 1'JO; Banaflniar fnanh aaaaiaatatu. . ... .. . I : :-. ; T?i'--e n-H - K .;"t , For particulars or ciroular, addroaa I " ' tiL- Dean of lha V.nnllw. I eaMa , . mmtW . P. H flnn.I11n.KlMlntlIn.....l ''I 'I ang 8 261-2Uwl81ob I u a remeay or woratcarea ameAcria tb ccas of disease ot the Ktnims and Buaaosa. Iw thus ... ..u,. ., u mrmfjtrtu itm any rrnwuy ran uf, li OOe 11) Work KUuVtl. tUetlUU. and . . , . . - . .i .i . , . . ..... ,- viajCiAQua U Uii i JU.ViJ!iXLi , AiU BLADDER. Person unaoqnainted with tha atraatnra and fhnntlnna nf th Iri.in... n.i. . regular and nniclentaotlon of ths KldWsl a important, ny,evn more so, tbaa ssgolarity -- -""""" -""I. uum m. muuu Ulun mill, uuwri, tUCII. U permittSU tO T- fVSi A toM siupeoaion of the urinary dUwhargas will oooaalon death "" ia .- - at-riay-vaikruir iiuarta. j XTIjtXTT , irTTiT. .; L,wuen,?unn?.ToWioauaaniiiiM i0 rjriB. V ITll I. V I 111 V 11 j."'''ra"y"ianDaiqrai,orwuenHiavrinelnigaoojQidor scaldins with weak neu In .;,; ' " 7 i ? , 'a tne small or tbe beck, H ahoold not be trtlle.1 with or delareiL but Koakoo ahonld bs taken at on no , . . .1 rmdvthediairaltv. faeroraalaaiima What 'Everybody 8ay8 Mnst Br 8eJ.t, u.uu.,...m,1,Si, ,u- Kourai ciroiuavina ot tne moon, we see now neceaaary It 1 to keep the xno conqueror ot all 8nu.Ua. t4,w,o,',to.w.rftto,"0wUn-r0wn Psrts of ths body ; dollnese and drowsinns, somsUmes badaob bitter or bad taste ia the moutb7 Internal U1" ""J a dry, toaaing ocrngh I unsteady appetite ; aometime soar .tomaeh, with a raia ina of the food: a Woateci or full feeing aermt the .tomacU and aidea j aggravaUng pains ia the u.arof '."trerTui. "bU ih CoalJa" P" ' s bewel pile, rfatuleuee, eoU. o o: QOB BTOCK Or KNB tlQTJOBS CAS T BE BcBPABUKD IS TUB OOUNTBY, " ? , COWAN A METTS, sag 211, 7 Market Btreot. r IRON COTTON TIES. y ; , - 'DIRECT IMPORTATION. " ' WE UAVK JUHT HB0F4VBD, DIRKCT B,Ual U V ICR PIMMl atrteotT ton. nl lha following favorlle COTTON TIES, : Which Ws offer to Planter and Dealers, oo terma aa advantageoaa a can be made IN ANY UAhV KKT. ...... v . SWETT'S ' ii BKLf-PASTaCNlao BlirkLE TIK," "THE " ARROW, TtE.";.; i Liberal diacoant to Merchant and Dealers. BAOOINO, OUrrON OINH and BOPK. J t 4 -wa - DcBOttHET UO , , Wjlmingtoa, N, 0. 0024 - - 27-tf o. w. o. a a a a a & ax's Ch'-Wi G.-A A A 4:A Jfc AX'S t .. o. w. ai ii ii ax's ; i. G. W. O. LLLLLJk AX'S ; OTOIiTTWR j SCOTCH SNUFF SCOTCH SNUFF SCOTCH SNJJFF Has been tally tested and pronnnnced by all amauiur uippnr to oe wo oeav nai rr now In a its superior taate ami pareneaa rrom all aruga and iujorion ingredient, eomnionry need in the preparaiioa of oUmw anoff, baa gained it a wide worm reputauon. . ' Do not fad to try It tor yon will like it. i ' Aak for it and take no other, and aoe that oa aanw is on every package, - , -: , ;Forsalby - . ' ApsiAB A VoLUta, , J., VA-8iust.it, 'I J. O. BiuvAit, K. Pmvnae, O. Tishes. J ' -. - Ht R.rw.R Bowland liro.., Wholosab) Ororrra, Agent for Norfolk Ve. L. J. Boaaienx, Wholoeale Confectioner, Agent 1,1a1..b.m..I Vm ..... .I ....... - O. W. WiUiama A Oo. Agents for Chartoetoa, .a. vi. . - u ) NOTICS.-The high renntation that onr HnnrT nas saanra naa inuneeu oenain manafactnrrrs to latitata oar toads bao. the Mpertor nnabtv of oar anaff does not lay ia to trad saark bnt the superior quality of tobamo it is uanafaotar- ea or. ' J. " '. t. W. OAIX ft l luiyaa i . r. i.n ..;. atu-iy KOSHOO ! K0SKOO1 Meets with OBEAT BWWJKHft 'as samber of oartlflsate will straw;; "in the 0CB DIBBAC53 '4' i- TUB EftVCUi3 ISYCTCa. -It lr.v, r,M ; I! I . . . il V . t i i v ' : . AlmSat Si ne-tenth t ef nnr people -flr from nervnn eih.nntlnn .n.l mm ikarn n.hi. in n. eonooautaal evils of amita! depression, eon f need ideas, aoftaning of the brain, iaaaoiir, aad eom plets breaking down of tb general health. Thousand are aoflaring to-day with broken down oar. von systems, and, unfortunately, tobaoas, aioehol, late hours, over work I mental and physical), are earning dioeaoes of the dbttous ay.Uim to inoraaae at a toarfoi ratio. . i ne symptom to wwen aiaaaaa of Ilia aervoos ayatem giv riot, May b sUted at fouow: A dull, heavy roahng In tbe head, aometimea more or iemm aararn iin nr hlui p,i.ut mmi i .i-,k. Diszinasa, Noteea or Bingmg la tha hand ; Ooofeaioa of Iilee ; Temporary Lose of Memory ; Dejeo- tion Of Huirit : Btartios dnring BkMD I Bad Dauu ! HuailaAion ia Anaoarins OaaMina. tlnll.L of Bearing ; Twitching of tits Pace and Arras, Ao., whwh, if oat promptly traatod, at ad to PeroWei. vsunoia, laaanity, tmpntaory, Apoplexy, an., o. , , ; ,:i ... orivoraTjrsaio3r. Buflerinc reader, do ant think thai banaaae vso have tried other rameillaa. ma nannnl .i bnt reoolbtet Utat Ood, iu hi. Pmviilouoa. baa ool alHiolad His ehlldrea with pain aad die with- uu, m m, nmo ,iuv aivuia; luvat aoiutniuua: iu wae uiru uaruen 01 nature uiaa WIU aara laaai. Msv oo hesitation In writing to run, and stating jour rase in full, sod 1 will aaawer joo promptlr. VVt C-HiP AND CAZETEEft. ' THS 81'll.iUIBEB HA VINO PPBOHASBO the en tire Oopy Uigkt plates .,( I h. abor. Work, and deairoua to expedite their, sala tb rough tha satJr Btats, ot ao eerr da, dflera to live, aotive, bosinaas young meo a good abaaos ts sooke sasoey. I offer tore fonrtoa or s map,, at ahare of ov or lea Coon tie eaob. This new map will b aaoot Are fee by fonr ; fi nitrated roads, Poatorhoea, Miaea, Mosntaiaa, aVe. Asm. A Map, worthy to be bnng ap.ja every Jbetiee, ofliee and acbool iu tb Btata. ., . . u,i 1 PpeeiBaea copies ready about tbs let Sept. 1869. ' Terms aecommodatiug, address wits. 1 tamD - ' ., , Ber. BAMUaVI, PaBJjtT" . . nuauBgtoo, at.u. - '. t," - -i ' ' ' "' ' "'.'t " S50 CASES WISES, I J IQU0B8 AN OOBDfALS, ! 'AsVrteiet-r ! - -''- OKO. MfrRi, i - - 11 and 11 From Street. 1 urniTEi.ikiii j i : . 'ii- - ! Y. CROQUET .U1TH, Pot Bale at Cost or Lea . u ..... ... I.-TH sag at Is ase a aaerrt yaadk raraady . FORMULA amend each botUr, mans, eminent Dtvioes, adilnra, ilraggiata, Merehaata, Ae. -TBI! BEST INI MOST PPrUR ; ) . . : -.i.-i PREPARED ONLY ..l-,. m? -s--j-.'-iif v4 ; t1' - - - it. i. , , : t .r;i,'" ' HuaaV-.j ..--I. .. J BVeomaieoded by tbe best Phyai- ,. .... - f- SlfXIflTE w rsF. .a.M"i 4 l-v-S ,1.1' "It: ii:.i a -jix. 'HITS LlaKlt J -r'i J. "10. J.' J.rL'AWUt.ENCE.' M. I)., ewiaiWal " isU rvtry-

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