m m mar, easy m ja i ....... a .. ... a 1 ., V I KEW ATERTISOENT8. SEW IDTClir"STS. r RAILROADS. -a e-a at the State., Also. UY LAST KiaifTs UAtl. I BY TflE DAILY JOURNAL ; Wilmington, n. a SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. 18(3. The Sumter Ntti thiuks the ootton crop of Sumter county, 8. 0., will be largrr than it ni last year, aad that the crop of corn nod rios will not fall far short o last rear a prodaotioa. . , It is estimated that three hurldrod tnil . lions of dollars will be realized f ross the market crops of the South this year. Nothing bnt blindness osn bring np onr people in poverty with suoh returns. , WIH wa still bs blind, and go on from year to year, from generation to generation, pro dncing for others to reap the wealth of onr labors ? We must change. We most oeose to lot onr enemies at the North con snme in commissions And in other ways, wo will not nottiou, thesarplns wealth we annually giro to the world. Lot the money come directly to the planter, not in do predated enrronoy, bnt ia ooin. Offer in ducements to labor to come, to mechanical ingenuity to settle with ns, and we shalj, in a deoade, be A power of the nation. We shall have the capital and tho means : of retaining it and of continuing the sap ply. Until we arc indopendont enough to defy a tariff, imposed for New England's benefit and onr impoverishment, and can cease from supplicating New England and Now Xork capitalists, we shall be poer and despised. Bnt with the idol of the North, money, fixed on its throne in onr midst, its worshipers will kneel here, instead of our being doggod eternally to render aa bnwilUng servio to what is now oar mas ter, but what would then be our slave. Tfce Leaotr Cowaty Prisoners, We learn from the Newborn Journal of Cvmnura of the 1st instant, that an exam ination of the prisoners from Lenoir coun ty, charged with murder, was commenced in Newborn on Tuesday last before Judge j. nomas. All the prisoners were in the dock, except suou as had tamed Htato's evidence. A large number of spoolators were present during the examination, and much interest was manifested in the pro coedings. Messrs. C. 0. Clark, George Green, Fred. C. Roberts, A. G. Hubbard and 11. K. Bryan appeared for the defence, and Messrs. W. J. Clarke and H F. Leh , man were for the State. V Mr. A. Maaroo, a young lawyer of Kins ton, was first called up. II o was arrested on two wsrrautstuo first for aiding the releasee! prisoners from Lenoir oounty jail, and tho second that ho ami others did, with malice aforethought, kill and murder Riohard Nobles, and others, oouflued in : Lcuolr county jail in January hoti. After the reading of tho warrants for his arrest, lli prisoner pleaded not guilty, ami his oonusul, Mr. Hubbard, requested tho ex examination to be deferred until the Oth innUnt. It was finally decided to deter the . examination to Hatur.lay,- the 4th, the prisoner in the mesntimo Riving a Ixmd of $10,000 for his appearance. Richard Sutton ami Win. Uokor woro tho next defendants called npou ta aiiBWor, iihn me compiantt of Jesse ritrrotl, ne gro, for stealing a horse and a mule from said Parrott, four others being ot Uie ty, Uiohard Button was railed upon to make any statement he desired, lie said lie was not guilty, and wonld waive an examina tion. Coker mado th name declaration. After the examination of the witnons, Jesse l'arrott, these dependents were ad mitted to bail iu Uie sum of $000, to await trial at the Hnperior Gourt , The next cobs called was that of Riohard MKkuu, who ui Mie utiiwiumiui in iuo auovo cose, charged with the murder of Lewis Gogdell, colored, in the month of Decern ber 18C.7, upon the affidavit of Joseph P. Parrott, and whoso neeomplices wore said to bo Joseph F. Hogg and Thomas Waters. ihn prisoner plead "not guilty," and Judgo Green thereupon asked that further time bo granted to sooure noeesaary wit Besses, etc. , Col. Carke said tho counsel for tho SUto felt compelled to enter into the examina tion now, and, accordingly, it wirt pro ceeded with. , j Thomas Waters was sworn and put upon the witness stand, lie said : " 1 started with Lewis CogdaU, to carry bin to Buow Hill jaiL On the way lie iu takonout and snot by Biohard Hntton. I think it was io Ureene oounty, near the line. Its was killed by the shot. A day or two afterwards I helped to bury him. Lewis Oogdell fell at ths tire of the pistol. 1 sever went to see whet ber bs was deed or not ; bat Joshua Hoggs afterwards rent into the woods vj u ne wu ueso, ana on nis roiurn ne said ne waa not ueaa, and we had better go and finish the d d son of a b h. I wonld not m vith him ; bnt a day or two afterwards, Bngga told me uugueu was ueaa ana l neipeu to bary him, BnU ton aia not say anything after he shot Uogdell, bnt;rode off. Oogdell was a colored min. i am not oertain that the Kan that was ebot waa the man l helped bory, it was a dark nintit. 1 ean- not aay mat u wae near the plaoe where Oogdeli waa shot that we foand the dead body, lie was hot about seven or eight o'clock t night ho one wee piwoii woen uogaeu wm snot, bat But ton and myself. I did not shoot him. Oogdallhad been robbinc manr oeoDla. and 1 wUkd u m.i him oonfess who were his aooomplioes ; for that reaeon.hs was,taken to.the woods where we hoped to frighten him into a ooafeaaioajaad while there Hntton shot him. I think he waa shot ia the head and back. A man named Taylor oame to my nonee ana saia that oogdeli had robbed him aaa mat ns was punning bun, bat was tired out, and asked me to p nm him. I did so and found that he had been eaptnred. He afterwards waa uiroea over to me ana 1 attempted to carry Sin to Mr. Taylor's. Ue had threatened to kill Hntton and Coker and others and I snppoee that w" Ue reason ha was killed. Nona of as were oilieera, bat tha Taylor boys had a warrant. 1 hare head of men being arrested without a war rant. We also looked for a man named Bee tow, bnt heard hs had been captured ud carried to Snow HOI jail. On our w y to Bnow Hill he waa Uken from the buggy and shot aa desoribed. I do not know that be made any attempt to ea eapa. 'v,., jYi, .. v, I Jos. r. Farrott, anotherwibiees, was ex amined, fcut his testimony throws little ad ditional light on the subject " The counsel for the defense introduced ao witnesses, and the case here rested. The lateness of the hoar prevented any farther investigation.'-! The prisoners were remanded to jail, until tbe next morning, at ten o clock, when tbe remaining cases were taken up 4 -- :T. -.' .v-.' - AaoeirB at.- -J--The case of Riohard f Sot tea was resumed. for , ths faet to tba marJar of Jsmt s Grant (eolored), were discharged on mo tion of tha counsel for. Jamas Wigg!n Jmoylly bs Aid Button, xor ooiss stealiuf , there being uo erideno against fham. Vporj ' investiga tion it was fonad that Wiggins, Sutton and Daly wees hold by ap proper authori ty, but simply open a telegram received from tho Governor, ordering the Sheriff of Craven to hold all prisoners charged with felony, brought to him by special detective Mowers. Wm. B. Nelson was arrested on a war rant issued by Judgo Thomas on the 3L4 day of Angnst, on tho affidavit of Joseph F. rarrott.f (Tho prisoner had been in jail ft week previous to the Issnanco of the war rant) Ho was chsrgod with bnrniug the grist mill of Stephen Lassitcron tho night of December Ctb, 18G8. Being placed on trial tbe prisoner pleaded "not guilty," snd stated that oa ths flight in question be wot at a distance of ton ' miles from tbe fire, at tho house of Austin Williams, where ho romained until the next morn ing. This ho was prepared to substantiate. Several witnesses were examined, and Nelson was finally bound over in the sua of $500 to appear at tho next term of the Superior Court for Lenoir oounty. : This olosod the second day's proceed ings. . LAHT KiaiftH MAIL lDjtTT t9 Dm. Mtt.-W learn with regret that Rev. T. S TW. Mctt, D. D., died at Ids residence in Catawba county, oa Monday last. Dr. Mott had long been a Minister of the Protostaot Kniannnal l L .... . . - r. uuron, iou was disilngnlsnod for Ills learning and nis piety. Old Jtorth&ale. Looks Nkw. The Catholic Ohnreh In this city, Bode the snpurviion of Father juenamara lias been thoroughly renovated uu tw-pnioisxi ana is bow one or tne pret tiest church edifices in Raleigh. i RaX Slatuiiird, LATEST REITS TELEGRAPH. ia. CfttXLT, Aactloneer. toeasau s k'ot ths Journal. Maun, .Editor i I ' foar I liavo tirod your patience and that of your roaders, but it has been iinpotsibls to .express my views more briefly. ,v We have seen there is uo hopo that we can divert tho tide o( European immigra tion from the North to the Booth in our generation, but even if this could be done, we think it would be expedient to enoour- age Chinese immigration. Europeans do not come here as laborers, but as actual settler and prostieotive land owners. As there are no public lauds in the State, private individuals must part with their lands to meet tho wants of the European immigrant.- We do not think this sdvisa ble, because after parting with a portion, tbe native land ownor is still without labor to cultivate that which ho retains. We do not believe it is right in policy or princi ple, to inaugurato a system that, if carried out prevents a man from owning more land than ho can cultivate with hit own hands, for tha reason among others, that it tends to make farming a matter of all muscle and no brains. North Carolina is no new State, She has already a people whoso interests wo jlosiro to promote by immigration. , No man pretends that he dosircs Immigrants to come here primarily for tho benefit of tho immi gtaut. Jxo one wm auny mat in enoourngiug immigration uis first ob ject is to benefit tho people already hero, and that tho benefit of tho immi grant is a awondury consideration. Which tlisa uromises tha eroater benefit to the people already hern, Ohiniwe or European iiuraigriitioH ? -rue iiiuropcaa takes our land from us aud works it for himself, and coom'8 then to add to tho availahlo anpply of lulmr with which to apply capital to agricultural pursuits, luo uiitnuiuan oomes as a luhoror for money wngoH, and so long oh he is paid diH bis work faith fully aud lutolliVoiitly-ho luiys noue of our land, at leant for a long time, but works it aud works it for on. Is there any cn-iilcr moral, political or oouimeivial wrong in employing a largo amount of lulior in agriculture than in manufacturing ? Who shall gainsay the right of any man poenentiing a large capital vu i-mi)ijr ii iu Hruiuiiiirti r ill) nulla It expcdiunt to onooeratro Chinese immigra tion for tho further reason that it is tho only labor wo oan get to cultivate onr rioe laudH. It in a well known fact that negroes will not work in rice lands as a general rulo. It wo did no more than rodoom and cultivate all the lands in North Carolina adapted to the production of rioe, the beneficial (Hoots would be felt iu evory bouse aud hamlet in tho Stato. Add to tins the benefits flowing from the produo lions of tho redeemed cotton, lauds of Eahtorn North Carolina aud onr load of taxation would seem much lighter. But wo expect tho great opposition hero at home to Ohineso Immigrants to arise, not really beoauso of auy objootion to thorn as laborers, not because of auy injury they win inuiot npon tne country as oitizons, but because of tho odium that may attaah to the politioal party favoring tuoir inlro duotion. Iu the present condition of af fairs in tho South tha negroes havo tho controlling influence Tho great object ot every party now, IS to soouro the uegro vote. Nobody now dares say a word against nogro sou rage, ljuauty befora the law is every man's creed now. All speeohos are the Akotiieb Fbisonco. Jesse C, Kennedy, ohargod with high orimes and misdemead or, came down from Kinston yesterday. and delivered himself into the oustody of me nuorm oi in is eounty, uo will, probe bly, 1 examined to day. New Borne Joitr. of Cum. ' 1 KNiTRNTi abt. W. J. Hioks, Assistant Architect and Superintendent ia bnsy erect- 1 A I. a w . w UK iuo siooitiiae aronna tne sue or the renitentisry. We learn that an extra num ber of hands will be sot to work in a da or two in building log jails for tho tempo rary confinement of convicts. , Rat. Standard. Tim DlFFICTLTT AT WSKB FollKW. The examinatioB before tbe Magistrate's Court, of the students and negroes, at Wake Forest, engogod in the general fight on last Saturday night resulted in tho binding over to Court of some five or six students and fifteen or twonty of tho ne grooe. Raleigh Stnlincl. JuMrisp i'iiom tub Tiuin. Tho down mail train from Qoldsboro last evening, contained five military prisoners on their way to Fort Macon to serve out thoir sen tence, for attempted murdor and deser tion. They were in charge of a Captain, Sergeant and four soldiers. When - about five miles above this city, two of tbe prisoners sprang to the door and jantped from the train, whioh was going at about twonty miles an hour, aud made good their escape to the woods. We did not learn their names, or whioh Military Post they were from. Nowbern Timet. Chkbaw and SAtdsHOitT Road. We are glad to inform the reader, on the assur ance of a well informed gen tloman of Che raw, that the work on this Road is oom menoed in earnest ' He thinks there is no doubt but that it will reach Wadesboro' in due timo. , We think, too, it would be to the inter est of tho Greensboro' Railroad Company to push their road to this point, and here make intersection with our Roads, striking off to every point of ths oompaos. Wadesboro' Arytu. Tub Insari Abvlvm. Wo mentioned, yesterday, that this Institution was full to its utmost capacity. On Wodnesday a pa tient was brought from Caswell oounty, and was refused admission for want of room, rnbllo notice has been repeatedly given on tins subject in the papers and oirouiarssont to Dounty oflloers of every oounty in tho State, notifviutf thrm that it is useless to send potion ts to tho Asylum without first writina to the SaDerinten- dout to ascertain that thero is room for Ihora. Tho impcrs of tho Stato would do a favor to tbe authorities in their respective locali ties by calling atteution to this matter in thoir columns. Raleigh HtmtineL A Had Accident, t-Yesterday (Thursday) morning, as the regular mail and passen ger tram from tho West was within a few miles of Goldsboro', a colorod brokoman. namod Honry Morehead, wbilo on the ton of a oar, engaged iu takiug up tho bell- rope, loHt his balanoo and fell between the ours. As soon as tbo ncoidont was dis oovorcd Captain Green, tho elllotont con ductor in ohargo of tbe train, at ouoe had tho engine rovcrHcil, ami when the body ot the unfortunate was found it presented a most heartrending speotaole. Both logR bad boon out otT nnd tho body was other wise terribly mangled. Death must havo been instantaneous. GoldHboro' Mtusenger, Railuoads MoMBTHiNti Ddfinitb, In a conversation tho othor day with Captain Evorott tho energetio Superintendent ot tho Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Uailrond, bo gave ub some very onooursg'- ing information respecting tho progress of that road towards Vadeaboro'. The cars will run to tbo Riverside in a week or two. whore all freights will Iw deposited and poaseugors taken on. ilo enys thero in now no doubt but that tho oars will otom the river aud reach Lileaville by (Jhrint niofl, and very soon thereafter Wadonboro' will be reached. This information is from a source that 'mt Market Rtporti $n Commercial InlrUiqenet on Tiri pagt, ' V Tke I alUarala aCI(Ua Ueaaacraca' Trl- ! - - Has raascisoo, Hopt. I -Moon. TeeUrday liis Vsmoeratis tickets throughout lbs BUte wore generally eleoted by deolded ma Jorltlrs. Ths next Domoeratle I.ogUIalore wiU not ratify ths Jaftoeota AaMndmoat . Kan Fraa eisoo returns a fall Domooratio Itglslatirs dole- rrwns Waehtaartwa. Wasbikotos, D. 0., Sept. 8-Noon. 1 ho Virginia perplexitios hats btea aolyed. Oenoral Canby will vary shortly proclaim tbe elootion, and the Lsgialatars will meet oa Ue fourth Tneeday afterwards. Ths lest oath will not be estcted, bat tbe Legislators will be for- btddon any sotloo boyood what ths law makes preliminary to tha State's recognition by Con gress, snob as ths ratification of tha yirteentb Amendment, &o. This aolion IdvoItss tha in stallation of ths Lieutenant Oovarnor, as other wise the Htate Benats wUI be inoomplote. Walk er's installation Us neoesssry eorallary. BswUns was very IU last eight bat is somewhat better this morning. Jssss at Soylesbas bean appointed postmastsr at Louisville, vies Dr. Hpeod, an eight years' In- oambeot . The managers of the Imperial Ineoaanee Com pany yesterday paid a quarter of a miUlon dollars on a late whiskey Ore, tearing aixty thousand payable in a few days. President Orant was telographed this morning to eoma on, that Secretory Bawlins was dying. A later dispatch was sent withdrawing the first. Attorney General Hoar's opinion has goes to Ueneral Canby, to the effeot that tfaore is ns au thority in the reconstruction aots fer exacting ths tost oath from ths Virginia legislators, from Portland, Mala. 1 1'oaTi.iXD, BepL 8 Noon. senator feseenden is not expected to live throcgh the day. , Vrmm Hlchaa4. Bk bmosd, Va.,Bept. S-Noon. l'here is great rejoloiog this morning ever the news telegraphed from hers yostarday, and over tbe expected errirel of Attorney General Boar's opinion against ths requirement or tbe test oath, donors! Oanby expected, but did not reooive, At torney aonoral Hoar's opinion this morning. Vraat llllwttU. . . Cuioaoo, Bept. 8 Moon. Ths National Temperance Convention hire adopted a platform oal party uuder tho party, and appointed mittoe, one from oaoh Btate Br CHOBbV MOKAUSV j l FULTON HOUSE. UOTKL FURNITURE and FIXTURES AT AUCTION. I. , . . UN TUMHDA V. Bept..21st, 18C9, at 10 o'clock. A. . wui oii oiHin inn premiBes, irrunt, bntween Market and riaoea Btreets) le entire HOTEL FURNITURE and FITURF4 appertaining and belonging to with eTerrlhine: tho . , Conditions Cash angle FULTON HOUSE. 1-U M. (ROILY, Auctioneer. " Uy CRUBLV 4t MunniS. DESIRABLE REAL ESI ATE. OBSERVE THE LOCATION. TXUHS MUST BUIT. ; ; ON WKDNE8Ds,y, Boptember 10th, J80J, at 10 o'olook A. M.. we will ull f iini., rw.... that Valuable and rery Desirable . , ' HOUSE AND LOT, , Hltnatsd npou the N. C Corner of Fourth and Dook street adjoinins: the ronidoniMi of II. v. Hitohell. Ksa-. well known u tlm Pmnmii nt i Ihlloldon, dooeaaed. , LOT 132X1C0 FEET. Torma 1-5 cash. bsllKnno (Inn. TlVft Tlirnn mml four years, with iutorest from dato. aug SJ 3781taw-!IM3ts M. I'lOSILr, Auctioneer, f i ay cituatv At MOKHis. : 'i ;! 110 USE AND LOT AT A UCTION. DN IVVnia Vhlf A V DVlMmuniin eiriL .a ?t! 0 ? Vm" wl" "eU ' Exchange Corner, ftueav irjiy uveiisTslUlv -. ;, . r LOT WITH DWELLDjJG HOUSE tliereon. sltnatod nuon Tlilnl iirM nnnr. snd south side of ""T - OBAlO'tl ALLRY. '" - - ' LotStxtOO. ' Honss oonlains 6 room Anil 1 1 nMM.iH nnl. houses. Terme at sale, . ang i 270-ts IM. CRONLY. AucUonecr. By CHONL.V b MUUHI8. VALUABLE REAL ESI ATE FOR SALE, LEASE OR RENT, ' Beren (7) lots on west side of Cape Fesr lUror BT 8. f Bir. ;ISCE, Auctioneer. VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE AT AUCTION.L TWO VAXDAULI LOTS on fourth and Daw- on sweet oa a O O R N E It L O T. each lot MiMf feel. If not sold before, will be onerea at auction at auobange uorner, oa !,M0NDAY, SEPTEMBER 18thr at 10 o'clock a. m. wept 4 . ' J. T. JAME8. Auclioneer. B jr JAJSSIB A HKARKB. t- VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IK rOBHOANOK OF ACTHOMTT BY A mortgage deed to the nndereianed. AdminUtre.. tor of Wm. C. Dettenoonrt, deceased, from James (irant. dated tho 31st or Maroli, 18C8, will be sold by publio auction at Kxouanga Corner, oa Tuee day. the 7th day of 8eDtomlier next & lot or nar. oel of land in the City of Wilmington, beginning m mo soDiuwoatorq intorasotion or Eighth and Market etreeta, thence aontbwardly 800 feet, thence westward! 100 leot. thenae nortlmntl 200 feot to Market street, thence along the line of Market street, eastwardly 100 root to the begin ning, on whioh la aituate two Dwelling Tone meuta with out houses, to be sold separately, A twulre foot alley at the south end of the corner lot is reserved for tbe benent of both kits. The property is insured for 14 eon 'till h m.( f Marohuext. Terms one-half sash, the residue un six months credit, or until ths 1st day of aoiv roewving we uuo naui tne wuoio or tlio puruhnso mouey bo paid. , . r. minimi, . i Administrator and Mortgagee." angaallO, 1SC . . 87S-f J. T. JAMES. Auctioneer. . By JAMBB fc BEAUKt, ' ' ' DESIRABLE UESWXIfOES FOB SALE AT AUCTION. ' ON TUKBDAY. Beptember Uth. at 10 o'clock a. m at Kxchange Corner, we will offer for al that desirable Beaidenee oa Third, between Hanover and Brunawick streets, known aa tbe Aft Ton i'HOPACHTV. Hona oont.in. .It rooms, with store-house and all neceesary out houses attached. Lot 86x165. - ALSO, .? wf j At same time and nlica. Iiouaa asu u on Hanover, between Beoond and Third streets, fronting on Hanover and running back to tbe line oi ine w. w. a. tsxlVH feet. ionns a sal. .- ..: saptl -;,.;,-.,.. - i . 280- WILMItGTON WILDOIT RAILROAD OO..) OrrioaCaiarEiia. A Omji. BraumDurr, muiiiiiTOe, a. u., apru no, iscv. ) CDAIVGE OF SCHEDULE. (H AND AFTER MONDAY, the 30th ln.t.. onr Wilmington at C0 A. M. and trains on UiLs road will leave 1:00 A. M. and 10:00 P. M .n.i arrive at Wflldon. fl6 A. M. and 2:00 P. M. lava weiuun iu:io a, m, ana i:ta r. n. Arrive at Wil mington i-M A. M, and 7:U P. M. Tha day train will not run- on Buadaya. A t daily through freight train will leave Wilmington (Bandars ex 2fPJl,at 10 i'.iL, for the aosomoaodaUoa of Truck Farmers, rassengera oan also get accom modations op said, freight train as far as Uolds boro'.,! Kn, ,LFBMTn, aprU 10 ; " iof.tr GENERAL BDPBRINTFJIDRjrrs OFFICE,) Wilkikotow & Maxobkstu It. U. Co. V WiiJfisoTOM, N. C, AprU 10, 1869. ) 5C1 ON AND AFTKlt APRIL 11th Passenger Trains of this Road wiU mil on too follow- ing schedule i , EXPREHB TIIA1NH. Leave Wilmington daily at 6:15 A. M, Arrive at Florence .-i .10 M A. M. Arrive at Klng;svilJa...k,. i:M p, fct. KingsviUo. ,,.......13:36 P, M. Arrive at Floronoe , 8:64 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington.....; 0-30 P. M. Expreas Traia connects closely at Florenoewlth tha NortheaMtern Railroad fur Charleston and Chyraw and Darlington Railroad for Cheraw, and at Kingeville with the South Carolina Railroad for Augnata. to Which Doillt cars nm thrnuah tnilhnul atumgt. . J ACCOMMODATION TRAIN H. ; Leave WUmimrton diilv. Mnnila .. t P. M Arrive at Plorenoe ,, 8:40 A. M. Arrive at Kingevillo 9:00 A. M. Leave Kinirsville....... 4KKI p. n. Arrive atilorenoa..... ........ ....... :4a P, M. Arrive at Wilmiuaton.,. 6:10 A. M. Accommodation Train oouneoU olosoly at Florence with tha Northeastern Railroad for Charleston, aud at Kingeville with the Month Carolina Railroad for Aaguetev Passengers for Colombia should take tho Aooomniodation Train. - ' Wo, MAORAE, General Superintendent, aprilll 166-tf J. T, JAMES, Auctioneer. By JABS KB At JBBABBB. '1, declaring themselves a politi- Vr.i.r;. B.?." ."5?" "'n"'0n nd .... . .. r. . l umiuau vuiupauj, eacu W1U1 wnarr iniooi antiuram-Hnop l front in good order, flfl ft fmt a Central Kxrcotiro com-1 tj'40 ft to Brunswick oounty line. Two Ci) of frura Wa.hti.giuB. . : WAsamoTO, dept. 8 -P. M. Tha revenue reeeipte tn-day was over a million dollars. ' ' Tho revenue dopsrtment has advices of the seizure of a lot of tobacco with counterfeit stamps in the ufth North Carolina district. The sc isure with ths flxtures aud material, auonnted to fifty thousand dollars, . Adilitional troops have boon sout to Moutana. to protoct tha settlers Bf;ainst the Indians, i The war department yesterday received from Attorney Ueneral Hoar, ihia opinion relative to politioal affairs In Virginia, and has transmitted the same to (Ion. Canity for his information and gnidsnop. It depends npon the lattor to make the full text public t , , .. . . ... - The Attorney Oeooral aays that tho;Leglltnre must aa a prareqtiisito, submit ths Constitution and their action thorn a to Congress for approval. la this the Tent-Oath will not be required. If the Constitution and the action of the Wi.Lture tt approved tho hrUlatnre then brooiues the Legislature of the Htate of Virginia and the pro visions of the Constitution flxing the qualifica tion of each membnr of the legislature necoeas rily prevails, 'Ike requirements of the reoon- etruntlnn aot being time anppliod, so far as Vir- uiuia Is oonoerned, but t-efore euch approval by Conijreea, Vlrgluia not boing In all I aspects a Htate of the Union, ths Legislature, aa pro vluional body, cannot pass laws without its mem- bors taking the toet-oath. The recoustruotiou aits require tho "ratification of tho fifteenth amendment to tbe Constitution of the United Htatee bfre tbe Htate ean ha admitted to repre sentation in l:ougrtKH. . All I. tUHPATCIIKB. tliem with laree sheila. . lliree rj) lots and wharvea. Ivinir inmA,li.ilv between ths Wilmington and WeTdon, snd Wil mington. Charlotte and i Bnthorfrir.i n.iiro.,1 aepoia. Fightoon (18) eligible builililig lots, rach front ing 08 net on Fourth street, running Fast, 160 iu au iuii. auvy in rear. Fourteen (It) deairablo building lntn, eaoli fronting 66 feet npon Fifth street, running West uv iwi w m iuu. alloy id roar. One-and-a-half IoIh on I'mni tr,.ni nnvirji iui adjoining Wilmington and Woldon Railroad track. . ' . - .. , . Mi'sara. James A Browu will cln ui inrnn. uuu m io itioauon, O.O., oi tlioaoi.ve property. enen Dnrtiona or tha ).... nn, i disiiosnd of previoin to Woiluulay. huptembur u.ia, Will (-11 Ilia. ! in this city. aalo. ang 26 ilay bo i nwod at publio i n. Aii,. mil a.i-iisLiiirH i iirnnr Torma liberal and mailo known at ' O. O, PAUHLKYr 2H1-U m. f R0MT, Auctlooeer. My ritOMI.Y A MUIIHIS. FRONT. STREET PROPERTY ,: i APC1JON. - - (UIHKliVK TI1K LOCATION. ; ON T1IUIU1DAY. Hentninliar nh iuii .m o'clock, a. ., we wiU sail at Fxchange Corner, thijt dcdirsbie ' TWO STORY BRICK STORE, . : npon wt side of Front one door south of Mar ket, now ocrnpiod by Mr. J. H. Higbee, with BRICK WAREHOUSE ATTACHED. upon (Jui lice's alloy. Lot HU r,i nnnn ie..t .umuiuB -urns iiwi 4 upon uuince's al ley, ruuuiug north S3 feet. j onus at sai. '"P" . ,-, 2H7- Is Bf 8, VuTIKIifcF, AuctieTT DESIRABLE STORES ON N0RTB WATER STREET AND RESIDENCE ON NORTH, FRONT STREET FOR RENT. ' ' s ON THDUHDAY, Beptember 10th, at I0i o'clock a. m., at Kxehaoge Oornar, if not pre viously rented in private, wa will offer for one year irom uotoDer 1st, isuu, that VKSiuavaJE wiuumon wharf side of North Water street, betweon Oliesnut and Mulberry, at present occu pied by A. H. VanBokkeien, Ksq., with rooms TOHG aouth of and adjoining the above, now ooonpieu Dy i. u. liuloken, with rooms BOOTH, that klioast a A MM) if immediately opposite these Stores, and now oooupied by II, a. JOKK, BJKJ. ' BTUUK inimediatoly north of Baloon and at present occupied by C. a. Dock. also, , I'M AT OSEBIHAB1.IB HKBIDKBCK above the Confeotionorv Store of Meaara. t). U. Hanka a uo., on Mortn Uront street, oouteimng eight waiiurtaoie rooms, it ueslred tba rooms or uuora oan ue rontou separately. . -. Conditions at sale, or made known previously u7 1-F-ivauuu vu un. sept 1 286 CUA9IBKR OF COMMERCE. CJI'KCIAL MEETINQ THIS DAY AT 11 dock, to confer with tho Bolldinc GommittAa in regaru to renting rooms. v .A. MARTIN. . . , President, sept i . 2ttu-lt INVEST! INVEST! IN U'HIU IUI SIIJIllliR CLOTHING: Paris, Sept. 8 P. M. Ths health of Emperor Napnloon is rapidly im proving. Maubiii, Sept. 6-P. M. II id nOlnlall An.innnuJ . V. - . 11 I . . gives it weight nn.1 roliabilitv-tl.oroforo : . n I ""'"TT0'' nnr rnl inn. or, t ,.rk ,l.,. I" -t- u.o .uiuc.ij id vate- :.- i v""'r"- i rooia FOR RENT s,,eaker is and has been his true Irioml.- fff 7 m inR U' It is still tho "dear people," but the 'Mom ULh,e .i10?' noon a t ara now nil oolorml naonln. Tl. y""..'l-. Chinese qnostion will offer aa irresistible temptation. It will be well nigh impose ble to refrain from saying to our colored friends, "Let there be no strife, I pray thee. between thee and me, Wa have always Deen mends, wa played togetlier and fought each other as boy, esen taking ' a white man's chance.' We do not blame you for beiug free. ' We have always wished to be friends with you. In proof ot this we nave opposed and still do oppose tba intro duction oi these uniuesw people, who ean 11 va on rioe and water, and therefore con work cheaper than yoa can, who must eat meat If they come yoa most work mors and harder, and at lower rates, and wa ara opposed to their ooming here to take your work away from you." To ex pec i political paruzans to forego auon an opportunity as thia to gain office and pow mic tion nnd filling of their stores, for tha lov of mighty changes and groat improvements in trade una general progress is near at hand. W'adotiboro' Aryus. Agricultural Society.--The Cumber land County Agricultural Society met in Saturday, in T. J. the ohttir. and an interesting prncticnl address was delivered by Col. K. M. C. Williamson. Vice-Presi dent of the Society. A committee was nppoiotea to eon for with farmers in the sdioiuing oonnties in regard to the formation of Distriot Asso ciation to promote the agricultural inter ests of this region of eoantry. A oom mittee was also appointed to inauira what amount of f unds will bs necessary to plaoe the Fair Grounds belonging to the Society ia good repair, and also to sea if tha money necessary oan be raised and if it can, whether it is expedient to have the repairs made immediately with a view of Holding a Uounty r air this Fall. Ihe next regular meeting of tbe Society wiu do neia on in iaai oatqrasy in Sep tember. Fsyetteville Presbyterian. Firemen's I'aradb. The parade of the London, Hept. 3 P M. A ll.l..kl - A a ii linn Gunipauj proposes to ostaoUsh a rcgalarhusof etoaniehipe between Naplrs and Maw Xork. Tbo public opinion here is skeptical regarding ths health of tho Eniporor Napoleon. II ia ap prehended that his roal ooadiuon is oonooaled from tho public, which will not be removed until the Kmporor is seen driving about ths streets. A correspondent la ths Tunes, in speaking of ths ealamity la the oottoa trade, says that it wu owing to tho Increase of ths consuming power at ins time whan ths raw material was decreasing. He argues that it wonld be folly In ths American planters to grow Ave millions bales of cotton at doubls the sxpenss of land and labor, when the same proot will bs realised from half ths amount. sjinum ut UUTUIIKU, TO Iht rwrmu .r. ""'It-"18 """US WAHK HOU8K and two nvvinvji i ,i.. i..:- ...... . , . , ' .H .11U uiwtj UUI1U1IIK. OOUUI WIUT HtrnA. llutl annfl. ,r Amrinire and Woat'a AnnU..n wii.., Tl'" lite JUW1.LLINO and BTOILE latelv oconiiiivl ,i iL iTiimiogMin l(),t. . I ' - . rf1"? na -OW10LLINO (woodnn) 5-Ii.-iMJ?VKJ,iaJ,u't nisnuoned buildingTboth tIi .J Mrket 8treet' be'"" Heooud and Kent navable nnartArl anil .x,,.i i ....u.i. j n;Uri,jt Aiipiy a H. VAMAMBINQ, Auctioneer, or WM. A, 11AU11Y. S77-U IT 18 CHEAP! at ; M UN HUN A COU jrdarui.nts made to order. HS Market Street. ei't . aw- ang 31 8. VaiAMRIWE, Anelioneer. On motion of tha counsel for tha pris soner the casa was left open until Satnrday in order to seenre the presence of wit Beasea. ' - ' ''- tTm. Pool and Wm. Wiggins, charged by Jos. l'arrott with being accessories be er at the cheap price ol a few honied words Fim sasa-aft . U a ww""-- "-twauaj, at mv bxa7sjb uivj mabui "wa uuuihu utB.urv I mi.. i . . M is capable oL They will surely do it, if let ?rZ?? Ti nU." alonaTlt becomes r... then, the people K:..d'ho. bojn' j1" u thu of North Carolina, whose every interest is "uu""f 'ruBOUluu , PP- ataked upon the issue to see to ft that we are I f VVl .JHZ!? " .X" not cajoled and hoodwinked into a suicidal f"!611: Prti?"to poUoyby a few designing party loaders ttTTkT..."; i .i "f v ,COI"H0 Vnoik oni. thi, nmn Vnn.i and . Upon the am vJ of the train from Oolde- - 7Z.'Jr. .s t i' i;..:lro. the lialeigh Uook and Ladder Com "rSlS'"vAAwavJAija abmi uiuiUAa)to J L a supply of oar demand for Ubor ia a matter "SLTr1 P?"- .... unini i-.iiL'i iiHHr iinninn WAinnmavi practical unportanoe to ns IaIai . - k"k"" nartT. wahnn1.1hoarfnlnnt tnftm. !!",,u.ou . w WWnBH . U. IM- m;t nri. Z. ::jZ:nZZ', .T I trev in the most fehcitious man ctinininar. i;rXi:i ?er;. Ihe viaiUng firemen were then . . -j r . -linritAil mm tha vailm.il JiaI untu we are thoroneh t aatiafied it ia in . . perfect aooordanoa with oar wiahea and in- "f wew "P: tercet noon thia rr.L naramnnnt U l" J"1" " ne PWa for tliem. --s I amaaiiiiff tKak aviawaaa K A aL VtAOOAAJQ ssaAV w asBjuuss, SMS17J aMB IUVV hUm trmiQ. As it moTea off oboer Alter ohoer was given for the Italeigb bojs. vhiob io growiag. t PfKW ADVEITISEMENTS, FOR SENT. rsius inu BivBI UWIUiNa, with d JL eight rooms, - tneladlng basement, I ..I opposite the Journal oflioa, Princess street, JaJL uvuu oraer an eonvenieoee to business maks ui. iav vary aesiraoie. Apply to .! E. P. OKOBOS, or CBONLY A M0BRI8. sept i 880-34 a IcM ef wswLfc, UAJirorniA paper reports that there thev returned ia a vigorous manner. Alto- along the banks ot tha Sacramento river, .lT .. .., lying m bbces ,,. thai ncention waa a hImm -i ig uenuii oi tnaBcramento river, ", th. M w r r" n 'I'Amaha Kntta Unit.. I a- Tobetias,M S.TOaT . .The rrade was continued until night- tnas uu.uuu mors were ; to ioltowfW L1 t"0" b! 110,000 tou as the yield ot five oouutioa: ...S a Onr claim that Newlwrn liaa tha tiaat rHoo. Jeffarson Davis Will rrobablr re-1 Fira DeDartmnnt in tha Rtaisi ami lb. eidaiaOreak Ikitaiafor ilia rest of his I handsomest Uremen, was fully substantial life. His health at present is Rood. - , tad vesterdav. Nawbarn Jour nfCom. i J 1 - sr ' " - . , - - .t MISS MCHLBACH'8 FAM0C8 K0VEL8 JoeKPH II aad his Court; ' ' i T ' - Frederick the Oreat and his Court: ..aSvB0J8oof4; yrederio Uie 1 - u urn m Mouf, Frederick the Great aad his Family- -Henry VUI aad Oatharine Farrj Loniaa of Prussia and bar Times: Maria Antoinette aad bar Bon; Tha Daughter of an Empress j Napolaoa and the gneea of Pnuais; The Impress Josephine; Napoieoa aad Blutooer; Old Frits and tha New Kra; Andreas Hofer; Qoethe and Bohiller; 110 oKugeoe and his Times. IIElNBBEBGEB'a . mtam-'. - Lire Book tUora, . WBsrkrtHnM, D06 fOLLABH D 1HT7TI M. FXATBEB DC8TKBH. BTKP LAODJaRS. Linen and Onttoa vi i. i.i. Uaraeea. Trnnka. HadJlaa. WLiuT v.ii2- nCT valiog Bag., Whips, Carryba7uiraabriawiea, U". Hamaa, lUiod Wlk7 Ae.. TfeJ laa, at No. 8 BouU Front St., Wilmingtoa, N. O. .., TOiHAat SCO. ALi71IAbs f V BLAKkS JjH)B IALI AX TH1 IT t 1 WW A T W- w-a iaisUA ishts UKAL ESTA TE i'nii RENT FROM OCTOBER, 11809, TO OCTOBER U. 1870. f - w..wmim, a. prvaent oeonpied by Murnhv. Hnnaa a I iJ?L 1 with kitohea and ail asceryluthoiii'"''' appiy to B. VahAMBINQK, ' : Aaetioaeer. -ALSO, House on Priaoess street with a rooms. . Apply to ojiir- r ' t :i i ) it .a. tAkABtaiHaK."" ' t- '' ' I V twBssr. also, . WHARF FOIt RENT, -' Apply to . : ; , -j 8, TakAMBIHQbC ' ' ", ' ' Auetiouser. ALSO, Hon n Casus stmt, containing 8 rooms. ALSO, : 1 Honae on Wostcr street, oontaiaing 4 room.. ALSO, Tea small bouses ovsr tha Bailmi FOB SALE, Two ft) haff Iota on Qajimt, '- - - - :- any uiiormauoa ta rerard ta tha ahaM vtvvmif appiy io -. 8. TAjtAatKINQE, Auctioneer and Boal Katale Broker. 287-tf BAGGING ! gXTBA HEAVV UAOaiNO ; STANDARD KEKOSENK AND LAltD 6KEAT 80CTIIKU PAS8EKGER AND FREIGHT INLAND AIR LINE. Between Hew fork and Netr Orleans! amd aix rjrruanf atb omss amd fijlozs. riUME FREIGHT FORWABPED BY PA88EN 1 OEB TBAINB, and at LOW UATKH. No Intwranc newMOry. . . . ,t. To imrohaae Tioketa. or lor rataa nf Tranaimr. tation and other information, apply at tha Gener al Oflloe, SHI Broadway, oorner of Beads street. New York, ' f'fTEB MALLBTT, ,1 V . ) - General Agent New York. Jnne IA. 1HSN . i. auui Wil., Charlotte & Rutherftord R. R, GSirtBAL OTMBIMTSDEMt'S OrnCB, t WiuriKOToa, N. tt. May 18, 1800. f ON AND AFTKH MAY 1STB, the Passenger train on this Boad will leave Wilmington on Tuesday, Thursday and Batu'day at 7 o'olook, A. M. Arrive at Bookingham time flays, at 81 F. M, Arrive at Wadesboro' ( Stage) at P. M. Leave Wadesboro' (Btage) oa Tuesday. Thurs day and Saturday, at 1 IVM. Leave Bookingham on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:90 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington same days at S P. M, ' r - :.. - W. L KVKRKTT, " 1 i . ', General Superintendent, , maylS , ., . lst-kf 4 u,i . CL0TUIN6 1 CLOTHING. .JUST HECEIVEI), 1000 coo LIN UN OOAT8. rants. it II 99 to $ 00 ,.,.1 00 to,., do. BOO 5. do. . thislars '., II 00 f ' - ALrAOA COATS; v . PKENCn DRAB De'ETE SUITS; BLUE FLANNEL do. ' WHITE LINEN DUCK d - ENC1LISH WALKING SUITS ; ; Hold at great Bargains. v , ALSO, ON HAND, . f . Large stoek of While and Colored ' LINRN ' V ; SHIBTfl, 80 Cents to f 3 M; ' ' J Neck Ties, 10 cents and upwards ; ' Paper and Linen Collars all new stylea. i A. DAVID. No. 27 Market st. ' -aau FIRST-CLASS GOODS AT OILS, Just received. sept 4 DcBOSSET A CO. -LIME: A OABGO OF FBU8H BTONK LIME I Wust racelved. and ready for delivery, at redu ced rates from Wharf. For sale by FABULOUSLY LOW PRICES! QOMPBIHINO A WALL SELECTED BTOCK .,. , OF . i ' if DRV WD WV (,'OOD.V, SUCH AS sept 4 D. O. WORTH, , asa-st LICUT . WEIfiOm "yiBGINIA AND NOBTH CABOLINA TOBACCO, - -vsry desirable, at " septs i- VanSIOKLEB, , ass-at PIAN08 TUNED. Fibril CALICOES, ; DLEAOUED AND' " ' -BIt0WN DOMESTICS, SUMMER POPLINS, - "-T" "FRENCH LA WNS, SPRING DE LAINES, " "" X JACK) NETS SWISS MUSLIN. . ,., f . - ; - - CHECK MUSLIN t - i -. . isKraunH wihttin1 i. i. . .,... n,,na SSM&!'mNfD NAooKst Profeaaor IJItlla 4. 11.1 1. t. I - recommended by U. prea. svorwheW. ' I , IRISH LINENS. mil . ....... - I'AHI.M! I. INK MM : sept 9 ; RE9I0T1L. ANDEESON'S HAT STORE TTAB BXKN BJCMOYED AA LINEN NAPKINS, septa INK ! INK! t' CY 8TKAMKB 2BCE1YD targe assortment of INK, ' BLACK AND. TO-DAY, A VIOLET, j A No. 1 article, for sals at ' ' Kom omv I ;HpfIIi8MQM'a UT B00K BTOaS:k- oneBIdS, SS10 ZLZ&.JWgiLDIEff and MISSES', HOSE, 1 " SVSjSMtSXa UMII - ' auu swaj qiiu, BtiUat -n.,:ii.- :-- 2. TBM BlQN OH TBE TREK. LADIES AAD GENTS ale. fJIWO FINI TOR houses, -lIAKDKimCnTEFS Mi LADIES' AND weu seutea for riding or driving. Bold for waat i UK 1 auyii u misses' 'atoms.: sept S w. r. POTTEB. WATER WHEELS.) TfrAKRKB'B TVBXBUBBI IS TUB SUI VV saade. tbe nsoas aeonosaieaL Bawabia aad ompai woau, IB IM mutri. . A. ' wtilll iS ,i-- Airt. Aaaar. Water WhaOo., " ' SI lUoAaoge Btraot, osaoo. Mass. Jas lls-aadSas aDdaearly STery article that practical nee aad refined tastaean dealra. Do not hesitate, bat call at once. ' la connection with the superior indnnm!i. offered, we allow a disoouat of 6 per muL n. .11 Cash Bills above 110 00, JaasS? A.TOLt 4 " H Market gtreef. 231