, V !' ""(C i " T l .f I- - C H Si i. IT: : 7 A ri( r' I V.--AX jupiiiip i ' k.jM f,Hvy """f 1 ,rrt( H(.tM? Jr2mL ass it? ., r. I ,T,sitW II I 1 I. .1 1 i , x I 7- I 4 rtI 1 U ML L . 'Ill "A I '."- "w.,v4 'if rr,?y W oft, ,A, . jt,e r i 4 J .v r i-a VOL. XIX-KO; 21. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING; OCTOBER 21, 1800; WHOLE NUMBER 5,363. DA 1 1, Y JOURN At,', , ,; , xaBBT XAXLX IB Ml IT ATM. AOVKJiTllMO KATKII-. UAtLY. h u. r D :".iiiEi!ri liflif 5 51.2. ?; G a SLLS .8 Ml s 8 s JEW. 8 C 8 r 8 8 e 8- Si 8 8 WW 8 8 8 9 3 SJ3 8 8 8 B I. a 8 8 f to :i 1 "t '! KVBBGKIPTIOH, One yew. BU moattUuM Three niontlu. ..... ISO WEEKLY, JOURNAL BMFABUSHKD 8KFTKMBKK. 1844. On uiikra, oi tea Unei or im Mob and Mart IB " special Notlcei wUibe charged $1 per aqnara, lor taofe ad erj !nenl- , ... ...... ( '! w. CBWJBIPTIO. , One year...... II 00 - m mniitha... t M if ft f ? ' the pnbHoalion of Fatliei Ilyaolnthe'a .wew tlso Very ' painful lo me, and alto THE DAILY JOURNAL iJCI , WILMINGTON. N. C. i ,,,, ., , , . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1869. VFilBJnRton For Uia Journal. Manufactures What tkejr r Capable of Acronipllihlng ABTIOTB HO. I. iiV It i$ told by Jefferson, that having oon oeifod the idea of erecting a sawmill, he elected aaite, whiou owing to its eleya tion, afforded an nnnaual adrantaga in the way of a ohnte for the fresh sawed lumbal Before entering upon the work heeonsalt- ' ed his manager, who, without detracting " from the propoaed ohnte, grarely inqair- ed how the statesman proposed to gel his ' Jogs np ? JThe story ridioulons as it is illnstrates thousands of crude projects de " vised to OTeroome this or that difficulty in the mechanical world. The instances in ' which the logs are finally got up at a tre mendous cost and disadvantage are not few. Men who invest the savings of years and muoh labor in enterprise, are loth to , abandon it, preferring rather to tax their v pride in patching out ill-oonstructed plans. They are the men who afterwards inform you that they would have saved money by : leaving the logs at the base of the hill. Men whose experience proves the halting, nn- ambitions skeptics that, with earnest, en ergetic workers nothing is impossible. ,Mefl whose blunders benefit mankind more "than all the labors of those workers in the grooves ont by their,'great grandfathers. The world is indebted to-day to the blan der of ' an able engineer for the most effl- - eient tool employed in modern work- . shops, '" ' In 1836 the Directors of the Great West ern Steamship Company built the steam- " ship Great Britain. This company bad in their employ two able engineers. After the vessel was partially constructed the ' engines (and requisite machinery under . : way, and all the important works well in hand with the exception of the paddle- shaft, when these engineers suddenly real ized the foot that they had been guilty of a great oversight The largest establish ment in the oonntry oould not be induoed to attempt the task of forging the paddle shaft. Up to that period . wrought iron . shaft of all sizes were forged nnder tilt hammers, which in their action strongly resemble the motion of a hand-hammer. Effioient for small work when heavy or , , large work is required, the space between ?- anvil and hammer is occupied bo that even when lifted to its greatest height, the (id-hammer is incapable of striking a pow- : erful blow where it is most needed. " It . was impossible to forge a shaft thirty inch es in diameter with a hammer of this de- f scription. In their dilemma they suddenly perceived what was required; so they eon-: " Btrnoted a hammer oomposed of an anvil'" s large block iron shaped in suoh a man ner as to move freely on upright slides, and an invetted cylinder, to whose piston rod the block or hammer was attached. , Steam was admitted into the cylinder in f such a manner as to act on the nnder aide of the piston, raising the iron blook, which " fell by its own gravity upon the anvil the moment the steam escaped, j The steam vas admitted into the cylinder by an or dinary valve, operated by a long lever. . By this eoatrivanee an iron block varying . frees oaa hundred pounds to twenty or ' thirty tons in weight oould be elevated a enffioient height above the object on which it vu desired to strike a Wow. , Glacccs."' heaven, with a contrite and humble heart. Address yourself to the . Holy Virgin, to our fatner, oaint losepn, ana to our se raphic mother, St. Theresa. A father can well address these . words to his son, al though he be a great orator. It is a very serious question for yon and for us all. I orav to the Baviour that he may deign to accord yon his light and grace. I recom mend myself to your prayers, and give yon my benediction, and I am your very hum ble servant, ' Fb. Domikiqu dh Saint Joseph, r, Superior General ' " The folio wind is the superior's letter In answer to Father Hyacinthe's reply to the above: :rr-i Sept 20,- - Reverend Father Your letter of the 20lb only reached me yesterday. Yon will easily imagine how deeply it afflicted me, and with What bitterness it filled my soul I was far from expecting yon to fall to such a depth, Therefore my heart bleeds with meL and is ruled witu an immense pity for yon, and I raise ay humble sup plications to the God of all meroieathat He may enlighten you," pardon yon, and lead yon back from that deplorable and fatal pati-oa. which yoa have entered. It ia very true, my reverend father, that da ring the last five year, in spite of my per sonal opinions, whioh are in general con trary to yours on many religions questions as I have more than onoe expressed to yon in spite of the eonnsela I have given to yon on several occasions relative to yonr preachings, and to which, excepting in the ease of your Lent sermons at Borne, yon paid but little attention ; so long as yon did bo! openly depart from the limits im posed by Christian prndenee on a priest, ana especially on a moot, x aiways mani fested toward yon sentiments of esteem and friendship, . end eneoaraged yon in toui preachings. Bat if that is true," so also ia it that, from the stoment in whioh I perceived that yoa were beginning to go key on a tease nnuis, i was lovoau ro wp ob my side to express to yoa my fears, and to mark to yoa my dissatisfaction. Yon most remember, my reverend father, tbnt I did so especially last year, about t. month of October, when psseiof throea relative to a letter addressed fey yoa to a club in Paris. I then expressed to voa what snaovanea that writing had dated lulj 22, appears to have detenL .i I e-. 1 1. a. " X out kturt pnb!I&hed la Ily Father Bjaciitbe fa Aaerka. u - ltre ftmei Uu Baswriar m U Ormr, e. A telegram from New Yerk last night . nnnonnoes the arrival ia that eity yeatt aay oi t atuer nyaoutne, on too steamer Teriero from Havre, at th same time -we have from the French papers the letters from the Superior of the Barefooted Car- : inelitee to Tthf Hyaointbe, which are gives, below. lite., first of these letters, letter of September 20. The second, dated September 20. is bis superiors reply. The letters do not indicate . the precise charac ter of the utterances by whioh the eloquent preacher incurred the displeasure of his order, though they leave po doobtoi bis present attitude toward the Church of whioh he has been suoh a distinguished member. It seems that there has been no actual interfere no with his preaching, and no formal complaint that in the pulpit at any ante no was at ail Heterodox. -. But ne has repeatedly been found fault with during the past five years for letters, ad dresses, Ac, to political and other clubs. fend as remonstrance seems to have had bo effect, the general of the Carmelites at last forbade him to publish any letters or discourses, to deliver any address, exoept in ohnrohv or to take part in any meeting not striotly religions and Oatbouo. : It was en - receipt of this order that Father Hyaointne determined to leave the eon- vent, and wrote the letter which has caused so much stir, The superior's letter are as followa:. fff . ' ,, Rome, July 22. 1809. My Very Reverend Father Hvaciothe I have received yonr letter of the Otb iuat, and in a short time aftor the speech whioh yon delivered at the Peace League.. I have not happily, found in , that speech the heterodox phrase attributed to vou. . It must be said, however, that it pontons some vague propositions, admitting of un fortunate interpretations, and that such a speech does not corns well from a ntouk, The habit of the Carmelite was certainly there no longer in its place. My reverend father and dear friend, yon know, the great interest I have always taken in you. From the commencement of tour eermone at Notre Dame de Paris, I have earnestly exhorted yon not to identify yourself with questions in diepute among Catholics and on which all were not , agreed. Because, from the moment you attach yourself os tensibly to. one side your ministry be came more or less unfruitful with the other. "- " , ,J ..; - Now, it Is patent that yoa have made no account of the intimation of your father and superior, as last year yon wrote a let ter to a club in Paris in which yoa freely aisoiosea your opinions in favor of a party, having little wisdom, and in opposition with the sentiments of the Holy Father, the epiaoopaey, and the clergy in general I was alarmed, as were also the Frenoh clergy. I wrote to yon immediately to en able yon to see tbe false path you had en tered on, in order to stop you. But ia vain, for some months after yoa author ized from yourself a periodical review in Genoa to publish another letter, that has been the oanse of so muoh vexation to yoa and to me. - Lastly, daring your last so journ at Borne, I made yoa serious obser vations, and even rather atrona reproaches on the false position yoa were placed in on account of your imprudence, but voa had scarcely arrived at Paris when yoa pub lished nnder your own signature, a letter deplored, even by yonr friends. Lately your presence and speech at the Peace League have caused a great scandal in Catholio Europe as happened about six years ago, on the occasion of your speech at a meeting in fans, x on nave, beyond toalt, fiM ma reason for waoh recrim inations py some bold, obscure ana im prudent phrases. I have done all that I oould up to the present to defend and save you. To-day I mnst think of the interest and honor of our holy order, which, unknown to your self, you compromise. xoa write me from fan. Wo v. iv, 1868: I avoid mixing the Paris Convent and the order of Mount Carmel with these mat ters." Let me aay to you. my dear father. that this is an illusion. Yoa are a monk, and bound to your superiors by solemn vows. We have no answer for you before God and man, and consequently have to take tne same measures la your regard as that of other monks, when yonr conduct is prejudicial to your soul and our order. Already in rranoe, iteiginm and even here, some of the bishops, clergy and faith ful are blaming the superiors of onr order for not taking certain measures in your re ' gard, and it is concluded that there is no authority in out congregation, or that it shares in yonr opinions and course of ac tion. I do not certainly regret the oonrse I have followed up to the present in regard to yon, but matters nave arrived at such a point that I would compromise my con science and the entire order if I do not take more efficacious measures in this mat ter than I have done in the past drew on yon from me observations and re- proaohes when yea last visited Home. Lastly : yonr preseuoe and speech at the reaoe ljeague uuud up tbe measure oi my apprehension and my grief, and forced me to write yoa the letter of the 22a of July hut, by whioh I formally ordered yon iu future not to print any letter or speech, to speak in publio or elsewhere than In the churches, to be present iu the Chambers, or take part in the Peace . League, or any other meeting, the object of whioh was not exclusively Catholio and religious. My prohibition,' ai you see did not in the least refer to your sermon in the pulpit On the contrary, I desired yoa in future to devote solely and'' entirely your talents and yonr eloquence to teachings iu the chnroh. Consequently it was with pain ful surprise that I read iu your letter that "you oould not reaaoend the puluit at Notre' Dame, with language perverted by diotatlou or mutilated by retioeuoe." ' Ypu must be.v aware, revereud father, that I have novet forbidden you to preach, that I have never given you any order or imposed any restxiotiona ou your teach inga, I only took the liberty of giving to you soma counsels, and on addressing to yon some observations, ecpeoiallv on the subjeot of your last leoturea, as in my quality of ' superior it was my r in lit and my duty to do. Yoa were, consequently, as free , to .. oontinne I your preaohiugs at fans or elaewuere, as in preceding years, befqre my letter of the 224 Jaly last ; and if you have resolved not to roapper in the pulpit of Notre Dame de Paris, it isvolun KF.W ADVERTISEMENT. T.HMALEI COLJ.UaU, A; Board and tuition . r t'JOtt nr. year, ri'r rxili ugurt address ton John H. 1iukm.by, A. STIf AIT. tBDK inn THE BRHT IN TITE WORLD I A. OVK II l'O U.0 0 0 IN USR Will do more wort with the same amount of fit , thau any uilior Htovn evti. . " ' '' v. puule, . , it , t D t L K H, , W A a a K N A 0 U,,' .. KXCLOelVB MANUf AOTl'hEltA, THOV. N. V. 1 ' " Poeoriptlvo pmulU sent free, ; ' TT""TS on IIOIISM PAINTIHa.-JW J, w A AaAei'SV. ill.. Hii.. Hki. t tvtt by nill ou re onpt oi pi'ivn. aia in a HUliUN, h. . TUR rtlHLUHSH OV THE ln.lS l)0Tlt WttStt A7-7r',: YORK , OBSERVER Tha uMmI and Jttsi ftnn ly J?et(mper. r mU iPintsj new iiuBHiriiiursj uu VUr TaVTttrBlil trruiBj, s-siinuiw -uiii7sj Willi eiflMUttrM, slttllt ins tunny add ram. ".i (tsr AfHinni, ' - Ht$ t :y i - 87 I' a hk Hvw, Nkw Vu. . - - the rurRnnuT. Tub DKHT andITIPI!(irnWe.kW Nowa ttt. With ihi 1.1 n hll I airnnlilLia In lh. z "1 . ..... . . i - . H I II II II ii - toruv ana or vour owcrrree win -and not bi -. ....... t.t. virtue of measures adopted by me toward one month for euouoaUon, and tin Jan. t, mo, yoa. Your letter of the 20th annouaoes to! to new nberiberirorthtyear. MayearJnad, me tnat you are about to leave your nionas-1 '"" uv a w iiruoru, tery in ram. I learn, indeed, by the lonrnau and by private letters, that you have already left it, and have cast off yonr I gown, witnont any eoclesiiMtioai autbori- aatlon." ' '-' -'-r' It the fact is unfortunately true, I would remark to you, my reverend father, that i) -1 1. 1 rua aAaKKt, vurramu. htc. 'MoreeoiiTenieat than lak."-Aii. Agriculturally. "Invaluable to houaekeooan."Uoilii'i lhi't . . - "A rtn naafnl rtlnl."-A.ii. r,itliiuJi nnrl "7iV yoa must be aware that tbe monk who Quits flout Aqint, h. vasbr, ut wuiiaa ns.i his monastery and the dress of his order ,, br "UUonere and Doalers imrwim without tbe regular permission from the competent authority, is toonsidered " as a real poatate, and consequently incurs the canonical penalties mentioned in Cap, rtrtcuwto, ine pununment is as voa are aware, the greater exoommunioation, lata tenuHtcti and aooording to our con atitutions, oonfirmed by the Holy See, port iiL, chapter hit., So. 12, those wbo leave the community without authoriza tion inour the greater exoommunioation, ipto facto and the note of infamy. Qui a eongregaitont reomuni, prrier; apouanuim. tpo facto tacommmtoitltonmn n tnfamue notam incurrunt. : " vr-"." - : As yonr superior, and in accordance with 11- . .L - . 1 ' tue uresoripuoue oi uia aposioiio aeorees, whioh order me to employ even oensnre to bring yoa back to the bosom of the order yoa nave so deplorably abandoned. I am nnder tbe neoessity of calling on you to return to tue monastery in raris wnion Graud Gold Medal aud Croat of the Lesion of uoaor at tne exhibition m rarie. js7 A. W. Faam'e Bew Peaelleersibtrlaa Lead ia 10 s ranee are eaperior to any Penoils ever made. A. W, Faber'a Btcaogimakle, beiug bard and durable, writing smooth, black and oloan. is the I " ... . ..11.. .- .a i a . met xenou lor aroaueote. aiBEUiaera ana , oonntaote. K. Vabere. 133 Wat. at.. B. V. Hols Aoemt or au a. w. rattors reooiis, orayoue, Biatee, eta. oeia sy etauooere ana veaiers everywnere. TTOW RRATX we PAINT nnr RnnflKB " LLBy J. W. Uaeary. 01.. 2)p 11.60. Free b mail on reostpt of priee, Uaaary k Wbltoo, H. Y, , 4 WAT1SRH' KBW BOAIiE VlkaOS, 4 With iron frame, Ovoratrung Braes and Agraffe lUXODKONS AND CABINET OBQAN8. The beet mannfaotnred. Warranted for S Tear. IM . U ..lJ Jr. ni . you have quitted within ten day. from the r,dnfo?OaXN.w 'F&Tnl ubhi oi tua ureaeui istwr, ouserving to jou npwaro. nw ueoluei urgane IU and upward. tnat II yoa ao not Obey this order Wltbin awwoa-nana matrumonte iw anu upward. the time statetl vou will be denrived """"'i "'"; warerooms, Ml .n.n.il. f .11 iha K...o. uxa i- I -J. a. a, auaaua aaiaiw, vw aivet wei y v vubhbjui jvu aivlU BOA tbe urder of uarefooted fJarmelitea, and aha ra ewawJlBbad by the common law and by onr rules. May yon, my reverend father, listen to onr voioe and to tne cry of yonr oon- science, msv vou oromotlv and aerionelT I fTIYLEB WATER WHEELS. Oyer 8.000 in descend within yourself, see the depth of I JL operaUon. Address the mTrs, BuUiTan Ma- .a a . . . - i nil flat in., a in your mi, ana oy an neroio resoiuuon man - aula sod furnished br YANDEBDUitO, WELLS A OU.. New York. , uooa Beeona-aana uyunders tor Dale. ohioe Oo., OlaremoDt N. H.forreduoed prioeliet. fully recover yourself, repair the great aotndal yoa have caused, and by that means console tne Uhnrcn. your mother. yon have ao much afflicted. That is the most sincere and ardent desire of my heart ; it is also that whioh yonr afflioted friends, and myself, yonr father, ask with all the fervor of our souls of God Al mighty, of God, so fall of meroy and good ness. '-' "" . - . ,. - Fb. Dowkiqtjb xb Saint Jobetii. boston aitkb fatheb hyaointhb. : Boston, October 18. , The pastors of the Evangelical churches in Boston and ioinity, at a meeting yes terday, appointed a oommittee to confer with Father Hyacintbe and make snitable arrangements for extending to him a pubuo reoeption, if auon a step is deemed advisable. -- : 4 U I ". " ' ffATHKB HTAOINTHB IH HBW I0BK. New York, October 18. Father Hyaointhe arrived to-day in the steamer Periere. from Havre. . Father Hyaointhe proceeded very quietly to the GREAT ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, Nat OaUBOa STBEKT. P.O. Box 6506. MSW YOBS CITY. An orsanization of oapitaiute for the norpoee of importing Teas and distributing them to sler. ouants inroagnoDt ids oonaurv at importer's prioes. Katabuahed 1869, Hend for pries List The Purest, Best and Cheapest r REW ADTEBTI8EAIENT8,' Ml., DM, WlllTTllCn, Wyliu !'., Uuion-wlde ronutation. ....I C... .1 ...I. . I .. . t ae., the result of aeia.abtue. Hwid tamue ia state ritubqreh, ia ail vi al WMkiieM, ioimteai tie.' Hwiil Ii alamna o.l imlt, 6(1 pauM, No matmr who failed, .ueaiw, UonnulUUoB free. ( , 1 "CXILBVHN'e fATKNT RED JACKET AXE i Si. Ji .M.i h ' . , v . jannf - 4 K' H ' fa bettor thee vur reanlar ahaacul Axes for these reaHia ; Vet- it eute dor. Mvoiwl-lt don't tiok ib the wood. . Thlnt It dtiee toot )af the hand. MmWfcNe time Is wanted in Ukins the Aaeoat of tbeeiltt? rtik -Willi the akme Tabor you will Uu ie-Uiirvl awre work than with rit lar Axve. Hcxl ualnt has Uklkiiiir la. Ju with the good aoallUesnr title Axe. fur all eurAtoe are painted teeV if yuar t.aniware alure does aid keHOoamuuda.e will irladie an-fir liiiir':k,. or nil yoiur onlurs Ulrvol, 1; uive ynd Uie name of tne rman? dnalor who kAutw onr Ases. - ' ' , ... ' rittabarah. I-a dulo owimri of Colburn's aud Ited Jaokel 1'aUiita. . SCHOOLS A.D COLLEGES. ,1 MlSSblB BfAAV Jf. ABO HAUUIBi Fat It B wll reoea their BoUool at the Msidenee of Mr. A, t raioa, on roorth, botweea Choeaut and rrlneets etraeta, October Ilia.: r-n .'inmii . Thankful for the liberal patronage resolved last year they wlt adeaver lo attrlt1 a sontisn aneeof the same. f . r in, . f U , A For terms, Ao,, apply M bov. 4 ' , aevtW , , .. . v. , t a ; TROt FEMALlT8Kmniir SlUIa INSTITUTION eflars the aooamnleted adyantages of eves (0 yeara' aneoeeaful oper-nn. ' Beery faolltty Is nrovlded fbr a tbnrnnuh sauna of naarul and ornamental edaoaUon, nadxr the dtfetlUun Of a ooroe of nun than twanta profntsiirs and teaohers. for irenlare, apply to CAILtO U.S. S70-UMlt rtoutherB Mjlw tarrlatf s and ttariefi, rounmM iioaookh, sidk and kno. j i-himu cuuuiroi. .We are 'Coming; fnilM UltKAT OHIOIIOAt. IMILUin lAU JL of DKI AND TAMO I QOOU8. eaa will areaeat to any person sending ne a Olab, naten, bus uresa. riooe oiBUeetlact mi , Bead fo a flatakwua el Aiuula amf ..mi. I. a.i.j:.. j .:,iz - ' -- r, 4. S. HAWKS AlVU., 1US ii 130 Vedaral St Beatoa. Meat . P. a M. B. aimolee slven on annlln.tl.fi . Inm n.t.. WOBOS OF WI8DOM for loonir Hen on the Ruling Passion In loata A Early Manhood. with Belf-helD for tbe.erriua and nKirlnn.L. ' Bent in sealed letter euvelopus, free of oharst. maim nawaro aasootatlon. uoi p, Fhlla. Pa A WAT0B FBKBS-OlVgir 0BATIS lo every fa. lire man who will aot aa 'uant in a N..U, .-A ..-..-!.!. k..-l , ..... . 1 ir i ' imiia, paying aou a aay. uu rawi-pciee.. no nnnwng. no Ne Std !5 ,1Juo Address It, MONB0I KK, now 1, i iusonrg, ra, money MRS. EDWARD B, WHITE'S jINQLISH AND FBKN0H BOABWNa U BOHOOL FOB YODNU LADIES, nmoved No. S8. West iii Street, nnnn.it. Uu.,..,u Park. New York Oitr. IUfaramiM nusnn p... ter. New York : Biahon Da,la. Hnnti. (iuu.. . fiav. W. T. Arantiy, Atlanta, Tdeorsia 1 Proheeor Henry, Smitbsoniaa Institute! General Wade Hampton, nonth Carolina 1 W. W. Oorooran. Waaliinirtnn TV II h..lJ..lll,Ml..i... ,,i, "' ton College s Profoaaor Charles Daviet, New York t W. flumora elnima, tkratli Oarolins : Pro feasor Bartlett, West Poiul Military Aoademy. auaea . . . U-law XV-OW FOR SALE. ON THE FIBOT MONDAY IN NOVKHUEB u next, that desirable Hones and Lot In aanon, a. u,t Deionging to tne eetate of O. B. Brown, long and favorably known aa "Brown's nnftjj." 1k. OaI I. 1. . 1 ..1. .1 and well arras and nF BotoTkeeoiLi. in ine premi.ea la a uar-room and all neces sary ouiuttimuiRi.- no Lac ooatains luoat four aoreeoiiana. ao ctoaei in sown. .... To any one understanding tbe Hotel baelness, ww m iw. uuvurHiDiu lur a DroniaDifl inveat ment, .-.. . . . , . i-erms uoe ronrtn oasn, the baianoe on a oreau or one ana two years. - .-H-'..-i'A,il.roiili,adni'r. ootB .,-? - -; ; .. Il.ltow8w Other styles of VAsttUAUBiB proportlonably low. All Carriages and Boggles, warranted to S'aaatiT Buokawava of all stylus: Harnees., arreal farint. Ijnnt u. enrioientin new xora uvAbvis wrrri'i Immense Carriage Ware-rooms, Nos. S4, 63s Slid fiilli Hriailway Ne. 104. lUd and 10H Uroabv earent, ear son a, " -' ' ; $., BlUb-tlPBlNa BUCK1IE8 from IHi to HO0, all warrautaii auun aa are nsiiaiu.axHu ny arnnv man aau omara a ai-iii to pi7, I. ive aaUafaotion , Orders by stall promptly attended to. Refer to! A. B. Hill. Murray A Msrahleoa, Harries A Howell, WHmlnirton. N. U. .... . -.. . . N. B.-ei.Vi! WtiHf, Bole owner of ttere rate 111, mo, w.Sia, granted November M. eoverlos the oomblnatlnn and arranire. tLLOOIPal)Eo.a ",.(,,, tlttt v , r.i ajuiiv aanooRnanf rkKnti- ' A f 180 fELOOIPEOa -ov,.'. .v ., :,:,7s 00 a mo " ' '..., SO 00 woa is ... -' ... 1 ; I3-eoa'iW WILMINOTON i WELDON BA1LBOAD OO..! Ofrua CiKko. A Ou, HnptartrrEKDnrr, y , j T, WlMMWWWia M, 0., April 25, mt. ' JL i . . - - Tl - .4 .. .. t- f M AND AF'fER MONDAY, the Sflth Insk, onr V passenger trains u this road will leave Wilmiugton al :0O A. M. and 10:00 P. M.. and arrive at WeUlon. HM A. M. and 2:50 P. M. Leave Weldon 10:1ft A al, and 7:45 P. M. Arrive at Wit. miugton i:M A. M. and 7:13 V. U. Tbe day train WiM not mil on etnodnye. A dailv tlironrh fratiK'it train will leave WilmUiRton (Uundays ei oepteii) at 1:110 t. M., for the aooonimodatlon of Trnek Parmera. ' Peseeneera eau alao get aooom nioilatioua on said froiKhl train aa far aa Golds, j boro; &h fBKMONT, . ,-..l.;-Jt -i';-ti Eng. A Mnpt. aprlllO ., .., ltie-tf OENKBAL BOPEUINTKMDENrg OFFICE, WlLBIMOTOM U MADUntaTKB B. U. Oo, wujimoTOM, M. O., AprU 10. 186 dress mma. it TITB8, HARRIET ROBIRTH has aoraueneed JLU. the DHKaB MAJUsia BUtUNEbB at her reeideaos on the corner of Blilo and Ohesnat streets, where she will be pleased la have the ladies civs her a aalL Dram lain tn viva aatlafcui. tion to all wbo may favor her with their patron- mnm aengeraa wan ana pnos. ' one aegs to rem to sirs. M. Jii, Bead, - " et- '-. ;' . , t-j--i.,i.i4fv BRANCH OFFICE . OF TUB it ' 1 - . . n. ' i . . . . ..... Staten Island Fancy Dyeins Es- tablisliment . JTAVINQ AOCEPTED THE AQXM0X FOB the above Oompauy, I am prepared with every faoility to serve the publio In this Unt. Pries Lists farnlshsd. - ' Br Goods Insured If desired, ' . J. H. ANDERSON, No. I North Front street. oot f.,. ,, SOLD BV ALL OROCEBS. Meditate in solitude on the neat truths I bouse of a friend. Report says he will be of religion, not to preach them, but for waited upon by deputations from various the profit of your soul. Ask light from I denominational societies and requested to explain his views of Roman Catholicism before their consreirations. Father Hyaointhe ia at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, where be will remain in seclusion. it is said, for ten days, and will then visit Boston and - vvasninirton. At the expira tion of his two months visit to this country he will proceed to Uome to seek admission to the (Ecumenical Council. He brought letters of Introduction to Uen. Lux and Rev. Henry Word Beech er, and is a per sonal friend of the poet Lonfellow, and other distinguished gentlemen in this oonntry. He does not speak the English language. 'i Fernando Wood was a fellow-passenger anil aTtanilad man attentions tn him able and pleasant. FOR SALE. mWENTX THOUSAND D0LLABS " " ($20,000) Ia City of WUmiogtoa Six Per Cent. Gold Bear ing Tea Year Ooapoa Bonds. To be sold tn small Lota. Apply to ang FIB8T NATIONAL BANK, : .JAMES DAWSON, or . JAS." G. BUBB k OO. ' - CEO. Z. FRENCH, Cbairmaa Finones Oommltfee ' !t. Olty of WDmington. 1 tTAAf yf1 8CH00L BOOKS I PH t BfBftBI. BOOKS t c " .. . ' ' A COMPLETE A8SOBTMSST OF 8GHO 'L BOOKS aad fcbool Stationery on hand. t. i i Tsaohers sod parents are raspsetmUy requested to exaailaa ssj Btoet, i ' , I ' , mr KwAasra and arncvTs Piaaoe for sals, fa d i eetlT , , M Market ei. r mm ' a i vi .t i f I AeeBfs! Read This! ' WBW1LL PAT AOKSTI A SALARY ef 30 Der week and sxnensos. or allow a large commission, to sell onr new A wonderful invention. Address M. WAassa A Co., ilar$halt. JficA. TUB) MAUIO COMB will obaogs any eolored sir or beard to a permanent Black or Brown, One Comb sent by mall for tl. For sale by Mer chants A Draggista generally. Address Magic uomu vo tspringjieta, mom. , ? TvRaIN PIPE AND TILE of the q forHtreet Bewers. Uoase and Stable drains. Chimney and Green Hones Vines; for Convey ing Water from Springs; for supplv of Iion.ee, Btablee or Fish Ponde; for thorough anderdrain ing of Land. Can be sent safely any distanoe. Bend for circular to a W. BOYNTON 4 00., Woodbrldgs, S. J. I Cowa rf" li. of BaT Vlttirtn rr-V "ay JS Bawea ATTENTION) ATTENTION I EVXBX MAN Wbo has a House to Paint. , BEADY-MADE COLORS. Known aa Ballroad " Colors. OuaraoteeJ to be more economical, more durable and mors convenient then any Paint ever before offered. A book entitled "Plain Talk with practical Painters," with samples, sent free by mail on application. M ABU BY WHITON. Globe Whits Lead and Color Works. Ill Fulton Ht., New York. Beware of Imitations. Eetabliehed 1835. 11 . ft Bw 1 mu' Kl JL J.rfc"J Beeoret and sample A. J. ruUam. Jf. Y. : la elz aaoatae. mailed tree rN Oft A DAY. 88 sew artioles for Agents . 1 Sam pies res. H. B. BHAW, Alfred, Ms. VBBBU A. B'AJUIKSTOCK'B VBSRSfl'fJQBI, ASK yaw Peetaaaw De-asjgtsS Sr BWBJEV ttUISISK it eqnaia (bitter) Quinine. Manu factured by P. aTJkABNS, FABB k Oo Onemists. Nsw York. .... sap. PEE DAY BDBE. to Male and Female. 'Salary or eosamieeiaa ta sail the Hoose. bold Sewing Machine. Guaranteed for five years. Address Logaa, Meek A Oa. Pittsburg, Pa. (N Ofrrt A TIAB guaranteed to Agents. luJ-t uuu aum . aauaa, a r. u. Arenaa, BaUimora, Md, f- A GENTS WARTEDv7 to 8300 par month to sell tee aeMnal and kn proved Oomsgew genes Fsally Bewing Maebiaa. All eaeapleto far 1A It U1 here, ieU, atitob, bind, braid and ea broideria a moat enperior manner, making the eaieereted "Lock butch." Cetatiaev Do net bay Maehmes andar the same aaasa ae ears from any one ereept taoee bavuig oerunease of Agen ct, i .Ml r as, aa v. t y are worlhiewa caeVtroa Aachioea. Tr - mars and terms, address ar anpty to C L amB B OtA. A3( Bpraca Btreet, iiaUadaiBaia, fa, - Sugar and Syrup Q BHDS. DEMABABA BUGABj 5 ; PORTO RICO SUGAR; 30 BBLS. COFFEE SUGARS; 100 . " SYRUP; 15 HQDS, SYRUP. For sale low by I A B. SHEPPEBHON A CO., Brown'a Wharf, South Water at, stI9 r is, 19 The AsherilU Ksws and Farmer For t , u . , j. Bale i.; , ' "? EING doslrons of changing my business. News ana Parmer" ft tr 13 offer the Asheville The 'Nows " is now doing a fair business, and In the hands of two practical printers, or eoa good printer sad a oontpetent editor, would yield a good prolit, and whan our railroade are oom pieted, whioh are now being built, will become a very profitable paper. - . , - AeheviUe ia one of tbe moat pleasant and healthy plaoas a the American Continent, and will, in a few years, bs the most important town In Western North Carolina. A oash payment of only 85C0 will bs required, and very accommodating terms will be given for the remainder of the purchase money. Address - - B. AT. 8TOKE9, ' Asbeviile, M. O. ocU 8 ' U-t THE ADVANCE, WEEKLY" FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO ' . THE GABDEN, THE W0BE- STbUWSERRI PLANTS FLOWERS l a wai eaaaawwiiiu i i n..',.... .., .. srAWBEBUT PLANTS t T at bis Oardens. Also, a ehoioe collection of FLOWEBS. which wUl be forwarded In Pots to any part of the country a application. Straw berry Plants can be sent by mail. Pnos U par nunareo. F. A. NEWBEBBY. t'Bossnvink Gardens," Magnolia, M. 0., Sept, 19, octa "' !'r.":i,X.lZ .im - OTMi AFTIcrt AI'Blt, nth Passenger IVmos of Uils UoaJ will tnn on the follow ing Kehetlulei t " ' ' fciPttKllSTUAlNB. Leave Wilmlngtoa daily at........... B:15 A. M. Arrive at 'lirttuoa ...io-m a. m Arrive at RtogsvlUe..'.;.i:,, let P. H. Leavo Kinireville............-'. 19 HIS P. at. f"Jwaoruoa...4 8:64 p. 1, Arrive at Wllmlugttm.,..,.. .......... B;! P. M. Kxtireea Train oonoeolsetoaoly at Florenoewith Hie Nurtlieaatern liailmaa for Ohartneton ; and Choraw and Darlington Itailroad for L'heraw, and at Kincsvill With the Month (Janiliiia Kailrnail biv AuAUSta. to Whiuh uuinl ears nut ihrouak milium ohttnat. , . ' AOOOMJIODATfOJf TBADia Leave WUniinirtun dailv. Hiuulav ex.. .t IS . M. Arr veatPlorenoe.,..,(U 1:40 A. M. Arrive at Ein(ravUls...,,..,......... KH) A. M. r, aingavUle...,....,.., :00 P. H. Arrive at loronoo , , . :40 P. K. Arrive at Wilmington 6:10 A II. AooowmodaUon . Train eonneots eloeely at Florenoe With the NurthaaaUirn Ralln.f tnr Obarlestdn, and at klngevUle with tha South Carolina Ballroad fo Auen.u. Puanw, f OoluniWa should toks the Aoeomntodatioa lain. v - VvJo. AtAOttAE, . , ' Osnsral Superintendent, aprU U ' 106-tf ' CSEAT FClJTr.r.UN PASSENGER A!tD FREICUT I.LAXI AIR USE. 1L 2 Between New rrk and New Orleans! Ai AiA inuuixnuTa anus a naoBS, 3UMB FREIGHT TOBWABDED BY PASSEN GEB TBA1NS, and at LOW BATES. A'0 mrane n4cuary, : , : To Dnrehaaa Tlnkata. as tar nttaa nf TWnnna. Ution and other information, apply at tha Gener al Oflloa. SIM Braadwa. aornaa. oi lUada atraaA. Nsw York, , . , f ETEB MALLETT, . General Agent. New York. Jane IB, IBM juof UU. Charletta A Rntherford Bs B A. A. IfcKETDAN k SONS . , QFFEB FOB SALE, AT REDUCED FBI0EB, AS no-ton Boggles, '', f - . , standing-top Buggies, ' ' - - I aUding-esat top Bugglea, for two or fonr persons, ... 15 Boekawaya, for three or four parsons, . -OF THEIR OWN MAKE. ; : For sals cheaper than they can bs purchased, North or South, of the HA UK Of WOHK. Mada of beet materials and by experienced wortmen, ana wabbam rcu twelve montns. , Cotton dollvered In Favaltevilleor Wilmington. will be taken in excliange. Less then aae-Aoir the cotton neoeseary to purohaas a Buggy la 1859 will pay for one now. BaTThey Invite pereoas wlebtotr to nurohaas to exaaaine tueu stock ana make their own selec tions. A good supply of HABN ESS kept aa hand. , Jtepairing done promptly at low rates. FayettevUle, M. O., pot IS 14-t-38-4t GassaAt, Sonsnrransirr's Omaa.1 WiutiMnvoa. N. L. Ma IS. 1HHO. I ON AND AFTEU MAY 15TU, the Paasengav train on this Boad wUl lnava Wilminvtna an Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 o'oiboe, A. Arrivs at Rockingham tame days, at 8 P. AT. Arrlvs at Wadeeboro' ( Btaga). at P. M. Leave Waleaboro (Htaare) aa Tneada. Ttinn. day and Saturday, all P.M. Jf Boeainwsasjsn Monday, wsdnesday Hve1yUBUBato ""'''"t ;"',""; General Superintendent. may U ' - - w -. ' ' UsVtf : SRCHICrARV'S OB-FItm, Nouru Cabousa Baii.boad Oowpast, vouTknx Buors, w, c, Dot. loth, losu, 1 nr AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OP DI. BEOTOBS of the North Oaroilua Bailroed Company, at this oflloa to-day, it was ordered that there be a sailed meeting of the Stockhold ers of said Company, held in tbe olty of Raleigh, oa THUBUDAY, tbe 11th day of November next. Those who cannot attend in person will please be represented by proxy. F. A, BTAGG, . Secretary. oct 17 la-td COPARTNEHSIalF NOTICES. 'v ' J(I8T RECEIVED, 100 BBL8' EXTBA KCLLETS 100 oos 100 bble Irish Potatoes. For sale by . THOS. 0. LEWIS. . 8 Market Street.' oct 13 li-tf Boe, THE VABM, SHOP, DOMEBTIO ECONOMY AND ' GENEBAL rBOOBKSS IS N0BTH OABOLINA. " ' " riAHE umlerelgned proposes to publish In the X city of Baleigh, as soon as a sufficient aumber of subscribers can be obtained, a WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL. adapted to the wante of tbe people of North Car olina, wbo are engaged in tbe cultivation of the eoil tn an its Branches, uie improvement of our manufactures, onr machinery, oar mechanical skill, and au the material intereetc or tbe State. In the eoaduct of the paper he etpeote to se cure the aid of adeatifls and practical men, to Instruct and interest bis readers. Mia ouii will be to maks it eminently practical, and aaeful to all classes. It will be printed tn good style, on good paper of large size at 12 per year, In advance. The Bret nam bar will appear about tbe let of Novem ber, or as soon thereafter as tbe patroaege wUl usury, nnoeorinere wiu ae expected, to pay as soon as may reoeive uie nrai numner. . - Tbe ondsrsigntd solicits the aid of hi many friends in the state to obtain snbeoribars and for ward tha lists at an early day. .. .... Baleigh, N. P.. Oct. 7 14-tf . .. . CLARENDON BAR. rilHE SUBSCRIBER HAS RECENTLY BE FIT JL ted the above place, (Peden's old Stand.) and has tha BAB supplied with the beet qualities of LIQUORS and WINES. ; Be is thankful for past favors, and Invitee tbe publio generally to all and try als Liqaors. 5 An OYbTEB SALOON la attached to tha Bar. wbsta the ehoioaet qualitlea an be obtained at all hoars, served p In any sty Is desired Price reduced as foUows : Stewed... ............. ...... 50 cent a, ? : s; Baw iO ceata per doxem. eett-J . -'- --' - i . u: - FtCSEta AND TIES. 4Q aOLLS BAGGING j , , , v j . Tout Ties, , i for sale sept U ADiUAN k TOLLria. :;""""BEM0TAL -u IBAVB BEMOYED TO THE LARGE AND eommodiooe wharves recently ooonpied by O. G. Parsley A Oo and Vick A Mebaae, where I am prepared to aoeet tha demands of the ship ping nubile, and whore 1 ww sonotaBtiy keep en hand full supply of Lime, Cement, Plaster. Coal, Salt, Fertilisers, Bagging, Ties, Molasses, AaAe -i .-. it-., -- . . , D. G. WORTH. Steamship Agent and Commission Merchant. oct 14 10-xw PROSPECTUS OF THE ; ' mHB DNDKBBIGNED P BO POSES TO COM A. menee in the town of Lninberton, H. O., the publication of a weekly newspaper, tne nrst number to be ieened tha Bret week ia January, 1870, if a euffident number or euosonuara bs on tained in tbe meantime. This paper will be called the LUMBEBTON BOBEHONIAN, and win be devoted to too later eats of the people. II will oppose, aad apea oc casion, expoae tbe oorroptioue and iafaoiiee of Badioalism, Carpet-b.ggery aad Boalawagiam, hot It will aot be wbotlv. cr evea maiaiy devoted to pontics, bat will seek to taster aad promote, every interest of ths pMpie aftricnltorai, edaea- tioasl, moral, religions, auminaraie. um.ivra la a free aad eeey way. spoo all sabjeots that anane laffiumaielv wHbia the raBsra ef ova- Aaot leurnakaaa Indapendeiit ia all tkinira. aee tral in aotfaing. Its colomna will precast eeok week a pleaaiag variety of erurinal aad aoleotod artioles "from gray to gay, froea kvaly to se- Ths current local aad eommeroial will reoeive apaotal attantioo. The Losjbbbtow BoBceeeiiAW will ba sent to subscribers at IS 00 per annum, tn advaaoe. - I'eraooa wiantng to enbecrioa eaa wave tneir naatas with Gilea Leitea, Xaa., er Capi. W. a. Normaat, Lamberton, er seed directly to the aa. aersigDea. tut 1st Boeombar, at reaia. m. u. prioe of subsoriptioB to be paid on reauptofSnt number. - ' W. BOOn BaoUJLOJtBlAV f skin, N. C., Ulh October, 18aJ. ' ! 1 DISSOLUTION. ... rIE OOPABTNEBBTIIP BEBETOFOBB BX wting between MoBas A AfoCall, U dissolved by mutual consent, H, W. MoCall remainlDg at Still to settle up all claims. , , ,. , . AI.EX. MoRAB, Jr., ;',i'T'' " '"'V:. -U. W. MoCAJU. sept 18 . . : : . .,.801-tf RltUlttD BRJDLBr, ESQ., rjT,,B POPVLAIt PBKHOKBV OB TBBl . Seaddo: Railway, Stops all ths Oars in front of tha Justly celebrated CITf CL0THINS 6T0RE M Set IT f -Vi,!,.A-.:'-F,v. : - 18 eolusta : i 300. TONS COAL TTTILL BB LANDED EX. SCBB. B. W. GOD- V V frey aa Monday. 4 Tea eeality te g beet aad arioaa low. earaataed to eotU . , . .11 aXO, 1 ths very .U-2" NEWt0EI"AN ST. LOOSe, MOBS, ROBKRTtt A CO, GENEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 81 Fnon Stbbbt.Nbw Yobk. Pay ipecial attention to the purchase of Coffee. Sugar, ifjyropa, Bagguig, Bopa, Iron, Ties, etc, WO. m ...... BUACKMAK.HOBEJITB, tyllABDUEBi CU. 506 Nobtb Oobtbt ucut Srairr. SOtLsvsE, - Sr. Lonia, bTov, GENEBAL OOMMISBI0N MERCHANTS, Maks the purchase of Bagging, Bopa, BaooB, Floor, Corn and other Weetera Prodaote a ape eiality, giving eioee attention to freights, 00 u traots and oondi tion of g ooda. oct 19 . 19-xmeh Eagle Hills Spottswood, New Jersey. XSTABUSEED BY JOIU APIXBI VS 1S36. rTIHB 0BSCTJrra, Ennceeeor to APPLEBY X. DbVOK, eouunna the maoufaoiore of all kinds of Superior bNCFF aa formerly, pnt Bp ia tne nenai styles; sua wm sou st tow raise oa favorable ti -ma, direct from ilia 1'illa, and aare fully forwardd. Tbe attention of Jobbers and Large Dealers at rsspectliu.y invited. Address IiAACDiVOB. - Eagle Kaisv BpoUswood, Kew Jersey. angT i-lUwSmca rpWOFINB FC2 SALC HORSE. . veal aented for riding or driving. Sold for want ofaas. Apply ta vr. r. ruTTEB. eept 8 - a-f oirc( ra arl I . . tracts for Ixe t.Ja on i tr A A.0 wma, led. Coo- ... , r r . 1 1