ALU' YOL. XIX NO. 30. WILMINGTON, N. 0., SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1, 18G0. WHOLE NUMBER 5,372. i ' TTTT? Tl 4 TI V TniTPTAT i The transaction was denounced sswin WIUUNQTON. N. C. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 81. 1869. from oar Traveling Correspondent. Eoatl. Carolina. Tha Gltjr tf CliklaIu pjinuM. The Caaslltleai ef Political Affairs-Tlse ' Radical laflaeacse Deeaeriatle Coatrol la the Cll jr WeSe Ilamptaa, tie., ate. Nickebson's Hotel, Columbia, B. a, Ool 27th, 18(!0. f Dear Journal . I reached tbi beautiful city this morning, and for the first time tramped over the pavements of the gallant Palmetto State's Capital. As I walked along, my eye loving with pleasure from . one to another sweet smiling landscape, the thoughts that were aronsed at the cull of memory; were far from affording me . any satisfaction; for I recollected what Bouth Carolina had been in the happy bye gone years, and remembered the tradition that U had been a seat of luxurious refine ment and high social cult me, and what its ' capital was before that infamous soourge w.j. Buerman,iiUUborti2onwitn toe names from the borning dwellings of its citizens ' aed wrought desolation where there had ' been an unbroken prospect of loveliness; and then shuddered to think that the un varying answer to sll my inquiries, to the offset that those things were of the past, was true. TDe families that once were enabled by an unbounded wealth to supply themselves with all the taesns of gratifying the most fastidious tastes and of dispensing a most lavish hos pitality, are with very few exceptions great ly redoced in their circumstances, and are bat a poor tbin shadow of their former opulent and well conditioned selves. , Oh 1 bow many elegant homes have been made desolate by the bummers of the North I ' How many fortunes were destroyed by the results of the defeat of the South 1 What ! terrible oonseqnenoes have been entailed ' upon oar people 1 Gentlemen penniless, and dashing abcut in such style as Ihey need to splurge, the most miserable speci mens of the Capo Cod Yankee, fatten upon die upon the city Treasury. Alderman E. W. M. Mat-key continued his remarks, denouncing the action of the supporters of the claim, and eiecially that of the Mayor, as an outrage upon the opponents of it; and during theso remarks intimated that Alderman T. J. Mackey (his half uncle) had been guilty of a false hood. - r Alderman T. J. Mackey (exoitediv). I must check this fellow; I cannot tit here and be aocused of telling a lie ; I will not stand each impertinenoe such insolouce, I will have to punish the fellow Alderman r. V. M. Alitcker. You win- not do it ; it would take two or three of such scoundrels as you are to whip me ; here I am ; attempt it if you dare. Alderman T. J. Mackev then arose aud started to the door, ssyinc : " Couie out side here and I'll ohast ise you. " Alderman 15. W. M. Mackey immediate ly followed. In a moment there was the greatest con fusion. All of the Aldermen aud the spec tators rose from their seats and crowded to the door. Aldermen Collius, E. IV Wall and Voigt caught bold of Alderman E. W. M. Mackey as he was about stepping out into the passage whole Alderman T. J. Mackey was. They prevented him from going out, and shut the door. . RESUMPTION Or HOSTILITIES. After the lapse of a minute or two the Aldermen and audieuce remiued . their seats. Aldormau E. P. Wall. I move to ad journ. Alderman CuuniDeham. Oh, no; don't adjourn yet. - Alderman E. W. M. Mackey. Yes, I seoond the motion to adjourn ; I do not want to sit hero with a set of rogues and M!W ADVERTISEMENTS. IKMALH COLI.ICUK, iiordtntowm, ,Y. J. 1 Hoard and tuition t'JOH pr. year, 'or enia Uffurt aililraa ltov. Jon II., A. H., rru I. TIIK FKXKIIHAl K.ll STEWART CGOK STOVE THE lSKST IX.THK WOULD ! o r k ii i o o.o no in us :. Will dn mora wink with ttii same amount or fuo! than any other Htove eve wade. K U 1, L K 111' WA It It K N A 0 0., EXCXUtlVH" HANlirAOTURKItS, "'' TltO. IV, V. SjrDoseriptivopainphlsts tent free. fT"TS ,,wl'',c .Tio."i!y J. W. XlMAMt'R, CI.. 4Hp . lOii Free by mail ou re ceipt uf nuue. AtAll"ltX A WHITON, N. Y. Just Sow ! tuk I'Ciu.iaiiEita op rns i.nmie norm. wr.iKi.r NFIV YORK OBSERVER Tbn oldest and lhst Vam hj NeMpaMr, ate of fering it lo now ibiorll)ir on vry favuralile Iituib. NmihiiU) tiil' with circulars. Milt iron to any addrvx $:i.nO pr anntim MltiNEV K. MOH-tE, Jh ft. tlo.. 37 I'akk How, Nkw Vih(. NEW ADVERTISEMENT, Dli. WIIITTIKH, 9 VII Ht., ritUborRh, I'a., Unlon-wido rcpnUllon, trwala all vroa rval diaoaava: aim srniinal woalinfoa, impotoncy, c, nwiilt of clf-lmo, Kimil 'i aimi fir naW iimlot, (Ml iairiH, No mailer wh- M, lteeM, ConmiUauna free. - '4batlMN' taVMNV RED JACKFT AXE Medical. f i)": i V J1V. t I T! t 1 - ' ITiTV. ifi vs and Ilia - At this point, Alderman T. J. Mackey returned to the chamber, and walking up to bis seat, which is on the left hand' side of the entrance to the chamber, and two seats from that of Aldormau E, W. M. Mackey, said: I shall have to chastise tlii fellow (Alderman E. W. M. Maokey) for his insolence. Alderman E. W. M. Mackey rising aud putting bis hand to his side. Yon duro not attempt it, you scoundrel. Without replying to this, Aldormun T. J. Mackey eiucw nis risTofc, mi: tin iu ii n. raK hkst por, with Protestant Episcopal Ohnrch. Pom Kit 10 10 for one moiitli for viamitiation, and till Jan. 1, 1570, to new anbnribi-rs for tint vor. fit a voar.ln ad- yaiioe. M. U. MAlXOiiV A, JO,, Hartford, I U Wpekly Nowspa ciroulatiou in the In ths offloeof theComptrolerof the State i1wh"h e "TVa'1,', Kra8P'n ' to which I was obliged to go on business, the handle, struck at Alderman K W. :. k saw a nigh pubiio jnncuonary in eonn ; dential Converaation with a big, block, buck ' negro, who was talking with an air of self sufficiency and indulging in familiarities that oven the most intimate friends would have been disgusted with, had they been nsea towards one anouier. xns condition lnio wnicii pouucai aiiairs have been plunged in this State is worse, if possible, than in any otber common wealth of the Sooth, for the negro majori ty so -fliBproporuoeaieiy large inat the Democrats srs obliged to despair of regaining control for many years to oome. Soon corruption and profligacy as exists, unrebuked in the highest offioisl anartera hoa never been bnnwn hnfnrA at any period of the world. Athens, in the ago of that consummate and extravagant demagogue Pericles, was situated no worse; lor men, aitnongn tno liberties of the people of Attioa were fast losing their bold apon the affections of the masses, and al though the expenditures of the prodigal friend of Aspaaia were rapidly depleting ths pubiio treasury and necessitating heavy taxation, at least there was a redeeming feature in the refined manner in whioh the S)u-ltfc inaa'ilisitlwl g ill A fl tarsal1 ra miIam loandered the means and snbverted the iBat.Vitions of his country. moh.'od Distrust (of which Columbia is the seat tt! jostioe) is in the hands of the Philistine. All the county officers are Radicals of the .no pronounced sort, and some of them are .natives, who have gone over to the BepabliCW porty for the loaves and fishes. I have irot been here long enough to inform myself thoroughly con cerning them, but I am told that some of them behave with great generosity and ooortesy towards the white people with whom they have dealings. But I am glad to say that I am informed that the town of OolambiaSa in the hands of the Democrats, and that the Mayor and Aldermen are all of the right stripe. Gen. Wade Hampton, whose family is residing at Millwood, the old family seat, has been hero within the lata fewjdays; but i understand that he has gone just now to Mississippi, where he is planting largely and with excellent suooees. God bless the peerless gentleman, end award him an abundant prosperity that will insure him thrift and profit in all his undertakings I If there is one name that excites admira tion and evokes the wild plaudits of the entire Southern people, it is the name of the noble, chivalrous Hampton. Ex-Governor Orr (who is now a Repub lican Judge) has been recently holding a special Court at Newberry. His regular circuit Is the one that has Greenville for its centre. Is it not astonishing that sueh a man as Orr one who has been so honored by his gState should oonneot himself with such a set Of adventurers as are now in power in Booth Carolina. Ex-Gov. Perry is quite ill and fears are entertained that ha may not recover. Nickerson's Hotel, at which I am stop- n;, is an establishment that would re credit on any city. It is well manag- au , aepa oj coanwnu gsuuciuau wuu wu easefally to the comfort of their guests; ind is supplied by polite attendant, who do their work thoroughly and with affa bility. The rooms are huge, well furnish ed and pleasant; and the table is supplied with ail tno substantial! snd delicacies and jintiea that are to be found upon the jj--Hs of other houses of the same rank. .om is the only daily newspaper at Colombo d doin 8od business. lUitorTMr. Bbaa A. Belby, is a oour tWand frank Un. toarcorre na hist, ascertained these Lata, and onsenae'r P1 bJ book. . Adiea. , Nosmuob. the AldfnuBic Kw. TMttMs Bt Caertalaw OataswU. AMaraaaau-Tka . Aaa Platal At a special meeting of the City Coun cil, held on Thursday night, as we learn from the Charleston Iff, there occurred a moot exciting eeeao between the Alder men Mackeya, ansle and nephew, originat ing over a claim of $3,000 against the city in favor of Mayor Corbin for professional servioes. A motion was made that it be allowed and the vote taken amidst confu sion, and decided by the Mayor to be car ried. Loud calls for the yea and ' nays were made but refused. ' The Mayor re fused to boat Alderman E. W. M. Mackey. M. Mackey, aiming the blow at the top of ins bead. Aldormau Hi. W. Mackey throw up his arms and warded oft the blow and at the same time advanced upon bis op ponent. THREE SHOTS PIUKO. Alderman T J. Mackey stepped back cocked bis pistol with both hands, am) fired. He then immediately recocked the pistol and fired again. These two shots were in qnick succession. During thin Alderman K.- W. M. Mackey was Btanuing in trout of his opponent, apparently eu deavoring to draw his pistol. Alderman T, J. Mackey continued to step backwards, and finally stumbled against the sofa and fell nearly in a sitting position upon its arm, from which position he fired the third and last shot and nobody Was hurt. . THE OONFCSIOW. From the moment that the first blow was struck there was the utmost confusion. Everybody jumped to their feet. A few rushed out of the chamber, and two or three hurried towards the combatants with a view of separating them, but desisted and retreated when they heard the click, oliok caused by the cocking of the pistol. When the first shot was fired all on that side of the chamber retreated, and the number of outsiders was largely increased. The Mayor and the Clerk shrunk down behind their desks. When the second and third shots were fired there were very few in the room. When the last shot was fired, Alderman Voigt rushed up to Alder man T. J. Mackey and grasped his pistol, which he, after some demur, gave up, and returned to his office across the passage. Others crowded aismd Sheriff Mackey and demanded his pistol, which be had not fired, as he had only suooeeded in drawing it when the last shot was fired, and was upon the point of firing when he saw that to do so would only injure those who bad gathered around bis opponent. He refused to give up his pistol snd asser ted that he was ready to meet bis oppo nentto do which be had certainly shown every disposition. Alderman T. J. Mack ey not returning, and no blood being ex hibited, the exoitement subsided, and all present oommenccd to look for r MASKS OF THS 8I10T. The first ball fired passed a little to tho left and over Alderman E. W. M. Mackey 'h head, and passed through the curtain and window-glass of the window at the south east corner of the building. The seoond ball fired entered the top of the table be tween the seats of the combatants, and passing diagonally through, it fell flattened to the floor. The third ball fired entered the wall above the Mayor's seat and about nine feet from the ground. THE ALDEBMAN SUIUtlCNDb'KS. While the assemblage was in'the Council Chamber discussing the recent excitement, nearly all of whom applauded Alderman E. W. M. Mackey and condemned Alder man T. J. Mackey, that individual was in his office attended at intervals by M. Caul field and Aldermen Collins and E. P. WalL He sent for Lieutenant Chapman, of the police force, who, hearing the firing while at the guardhouse, had rushed over. When he came in, the Alderman said that he had violated the law in making the as sault upon the Sheriff, and was ready to surrender himself into custody. ALDEBXAX T. J. MAC EXT APOUXUZIS. Alderman T. J. Mackey then walked into the chamber and stood near the table opposite the doorway, and in a tremulous tone of voice said, substantially: I have come into this chamber for the purpose of expressing my deep regret and shame for my recent action in this place. I am prepared to show certificates from Drs. their names could not be caught Bet. that while suffering much to-day from my tooth, I took three groins of morphine, and I have not been myself Uce taking them. When goaded on by an insult from him by whoso hand I'd rather die than he should lose one drop of blood by hsnd of mine, I fired ai him be lieving as I did that be was pointing his pistol at my breast I deem it but Just that I should apologize, and I do so. I deem this apology due to Council, to my nephew, and to the public, in order that they may not think lam the ruffian or assassin that my recent conduct might lead them to believe did they not know the state of mind I was in. As this may be tha but time I will apoear in the Council Chamber, I apologize for my conduct now and do not wait for a more fitting season, aed I ask that it be accepted. Alderman T. 4. Mackey tnen reurea. f'OH MARKIHU CLOTIlIXU, KT( , "More convenient than ink. "-.tin. Agriculturalist. "Iovaluab!o to b JUaobopers."-fodry'.'i'j't book. "A vrry HMful artiole "-Am lntiule AVnorf'70. Polk Aur.XT, K. VASKK, I It William at N. 1 , Sold by Htatibncra and Heater averjrwhtira. A. I. Mm LSAD fESCHS. Grand Oold Medal and Croxa nf tho Lou ion of Honor at tno Kahiuition in l'aiiti, 1 HG7. A. W. Fabcr'aNew PenrltaarSlbcrlaw, Lad in 10 grades are superior to any Pencils ever made. a. vv . raiwri BieuograiinM', teloir baru and durable, writing smooth, black and cluan, ii the best I'tucil for Architects, Knifinetrs aliil Ac countant. U. fr'abrra, 13:1, H. V. boi.S AtiKNT of all A. W. Fabcr'e Pencils, Crayons, blates, eto. Hold Dy Btatiooere and Healers ever whore TTOWBHAIA we l'A INT onr HOUSE JLJLliyJ. w. Maaury, U., !M0p., 11.0(1. 1' roe 17 mail on receipt of price, Maanry A Whiton, N. Y, WATKItS' NEW BCAOS 1VANOH. With iron frame, Overstrung Draaa and Agiaffe lindifa Is peiwr man our rewnlAr shaped AOs for these reaaoue: tint It euia deAoer, .Seoond 11 don't stick in Die wood V'itV.i - It doos not ar1ha hand. AWtfi No lime is wasted in taking tha Ao out of tho en1 , V"'-Wi'h n10 ,me i.iwir you will do one-third 10010 work than with recti lar Axes, lied paint has nvthinir lo do with the Kooci quamicaor una aib, lor all otirAiaaate fainioa tao. ir yonr l.artlwara atom c not oej) our gooda, wo aid gladly answer Inqt&ias or Hil your ordure dir cl, r glra you ths name (if the tmari ii dealer who kwiis onr Ajea. l.ll'I'IVt OIT Ai IUKKWISU, l'lllburll, I'M. Xola nwnra of PnlbniD's and Had Jacket fatcnta Wo are Coming B OtiKAT OKKIIHAI. OOLbAlt KAI.K UltY AND VANIV GOODS, aarf Mill praaaat to any oron aendiiiK n a Club, a Watoh, Hi lk Druas, 1'iooe of bheetiug, - 1HKK OF COST. Heml for a Catalogue of Good and sampUv uouvtrm 10 any auarcss lie J. . HAWKS A4 :0,, IMHiW I 10 f HI.. Ilxloli, M,lna , , O llOX, (!. . N. II. Barniiles given on amiljoatum f.,r i.'ala logue. rivn 1 of iroitDSOFWlHDOM for ouug Men on (he V V Hilling 1'asauin la Vonth n Karly Manhood. with Helf help fjr the urrinir and nof ji toua'.o. bout lu soale.l lettor uiivo1ojs, free of olitrgo. Addrrss Howard Asanolation. Box I Pliila Pa, MEL0DKGN8 AMD UABINKT OltQANH. Tho beat mannfaotnred. Warranted for li yuars. Pianos, Melodoons aud Organs Pricos greatly reduced for Uaah. Now 7-ocUve Pianos ti75 anil upward. New Cabinet Organs 113 and upward. Heoond-hand iustruiuents (10 and upward. uoniniy ineiaiinents reocivea. nuniHimi, aiu Broadway, n. X. HOHAUK WATKttH. THE BEST TYPE. 0ABIN8T8. PHK8SE8 and PBINTEBS' M.M'EBIALb, aiacle and mrnlsneu by TANDKQBUliO, WELL8 ft CO., No Vork. Oood rJocond liand Cylinders lor Sale. TYI.E11 WATER WHEKI.H Over 3,000 in operation. Address the mTrs, Bullivan Ma chine Co., Olaromout, N. U.forreduoed price list. GREAT ATI-ASTIC AXD PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, No. 8 CBUttCH BTHEKT. P. O. Box 5500. A KW YOUK CITY. An organization of caoltalinU fur the uiirpoue of importing Teas and distributing thorn to Mcr. obanta Ihrongbout the country at Importer's prices. Established lst9. Bond lor prioe Hi. The Purest Best aud Cheapest SOLI BV AIX CROCEKS. Agents! Read This! TTTKWILL PAVAOMT1 A SALAIIY of V f $30 per week and exoeneea, or allow a large commission, to sell enr now t wnndcrfnl Invention. Address M. waoneb at uo., xarmau, Midi. Turn MAUlU COMB will change any colored hair or beard to a permanent Black or Drown. One Comb sent bv mail for tl. For eaie by Mer chants Drnggista generally. Address ilayic Comb Co.. fjtrmytielH, Mans. . DKAIN TIPE AND TII.E of tha best finality for Btreet Hewers, House and Htable drains, Chimney and Oreen Honae Flues; for Convey ing Water from Hpringa; for supply of Houses, Htablea or Fish Ponds; for thorough underdraw ing of Land. Can ba sent safely any distanoo. Hand for circular to O. W. BOY N TON ft CO., Woodlmdge, N.J. 0 V a reeS5?W OJW ' L KO UN. 01 l . jnt ss " - Mik paint am ISA9. ?TL .ilr., K"?".. No- ISO w. r' irth 1 aii lJuw,,Me,' ATTENTION I ATTENTION I EVEBI MAN Who has a Uonse to Paint. READY-MADE COLORS. Known aa " Bailroad " Colore Ouaranteed to be more economical, more durable and more convenient than any Paint ever before offered, A book entitled "Plain Talk with practical Painters," with samples, sent free by mail on application. MA8CBY At WHITON. Globe White Lead and Color Works, IU Fulton Ht., New York. Beware of Imitations. Kstabliahed 1835. (Jjl-I I A How I tasula it 1m six moatba. JS)1 J. HtV) Heeeret and sample mailed free. A. J. Warn, N. Y. (JS n C A DAY. SS new articles for Agents. JJ)aei8aniplesree. II. B HHAW, Allied, Me. iiss.a. rAinBiTocK'i vbiimifuuk. ASK roar Doctor r DracglaC for IWEET U'IHK it equals (bitter) Quinine. Manu factured by F.HTKABN8, FA KB A Oo,, Chemists, New York. . ClQn FKR DT 8DKK, to Male and Female, KpOvsSalarv or oommiaskm to seU ha House hold Be wine Machine. Ouaranteed Tor five years. Address Logan, Stack Co., Pittsburg. Fa. CQirtAA YKABeuarauteedto Agents OOUUU Address J. AQ r.ARN, S P. O. Avoone, Baltimore, Md. AGENTS WANTED. 75 to liOO per month to soli I be original and improved Common twos Family Be wing Machine. . All complete lor 115. It will hem. fell, stitch, bind, braid and em broider in a most superior manner, making the 0Wbrate4 "Look Stitch," taadsa.-Uo Dot bay Machines under the sama name aa ours from any on aioepl those having certificate of Agen cy, signed by as. as they are worthless cast-iron Machines. For oirenlars and terms, addraas or apply tod. BOWlttta A OU., 436 tyraoa Strati, l-tuladarphla, Pa. An WATCH FREE GIVEN QUA 1 14 to every ra man who win act aa airant in a naw. light and honorable business, paying 1.10 a day, no girt Dutorpriso, no humbug. No money wnntedin advance. Addrrsi K. MUNltOE KKN- MKU'Y. Pittsburg, l'a. LEliAL NOTICES. United States of America, District of C4pe Fear. I rilr.HKAS, a Libai of Information has been T T tiled iu tha District Court of tha United Status, for the ilistriot of Caps Fear, la the Die trict of North Carolina, on the 18th dav of Onto. bcr, A. U 1809, by li. 11. Htarbuck, Esi., District Attorney of the Doited States for tha District of Norm Carolina, against the steamship Hornet, otherwise oalled the "Cuba." her taokie, apparel ana lurnnare, togetner with all materials, arms, ammunition and atores wliloli tuny have beau procured for the building and equipment thereof, and agaiust all persona lawfully intervening fur their interest therein praying the oondomnation of the salt! at iamahip, Ac, tor violating the Neu trality laws of tho United Htatca in tho manner tuerein apecined. atom. Hi... rin, wuum ut tha nuwlllon under the aenl of the said Court to me, dlreotod and delivered. I do hereby give public nolioe to all persons claiming the said ateamahip, bar tacKio, appan1. turuiture, materials, arms, am munition and sioroa, or in any manner interested therein, that they be aud appear before the said District Court, to be held at the city of Wiiminir ton in and fur the District of Cape Fear, in the District of North Carolina, on the first Monday arter the fourth Monday In Ootober. A. D. 1869, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, (provi ded the aamoahall be a day of Jurisdiction, oth erwise on the next day of Jurisdiction thereafter) then and there to interpose their claims and to make the allegations In that behalf. HAM'LT. CA11HOW, Marshal, by JOB. 11. N 1CFF, Deputy Marshal. D. li Btahuuck, V. d. District Attorney, oct 21, 18CI). 21-awuoo STATE OF N0RTU CAROLINA. SCl'EBIOB COURT BLADEN COUNTY. John It. Hawes, Adm'r of Knocb Hawos. Edmond A. llawos, I Complaints to make Eliza Newkirk. Plaintiffs. ' Real Estate Assets. us. Washington L. Jones, D'ft, TIUB9DANT TO AN OBDEB OF THE BU XT PuHIOB OOUBT of Bladon County, made on .1.. liitl. nt U..n.An.l.. A Tt 1UIIO .1a. Ill, 1VMI UlaJ U.WWUVI, A. J ' . .1 II UV fendant, Washington L. Jones, is hereby re- . ......... ,1.. .I L 1 j VI 1 1 'J. .1' J ' 1" uctvia k 1 1 n v"mm . nam uu, at the Court House in Ulizabethtown, in said County, on the2:ld day of Ootober. lMtil. then and there to answer, demur or olead lo the bill of complaint tiled in aaid oause, or the same will be taken pro ooniesso, and beard ex parte aa to mm. H. P. OBOWKLL, Clerk Superior Court. Bopt20 308-3taw4w STaWoF NORTH CAR0I.IiA. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, F0U riKM 1IXG TIIK ItLOUl). The ri'ioilialon this . rollent niodli inc enjoj , c iii'iitvii ii'in ill, rim, many of wluVh are ul' truly niarvallous char, rler. Inveterate h.ih of homfulu, wbi'.ro llio ayatein stwrneil utterly given 1111 to ciirrtipltiin, have vk'Meil lo this ram. pound of aiiU-.tniinous gcrolHtoua lyne, and ai-; - - itMumns wnii-n nrnfnoniy HXKravated by the prnsenee el' soroinlous inalb'r, luivit liccu I'lolUiillv curticl In aiti'h nuiiionnis In-tHiiot-i. in ovory suUliitnont In llm ooiinti v, tlim ths iiiiblii'. do not ;itod to lc IhIoi'iiumI Iiiiiv that it Is in nnt enwa a hihkiIIIu noil all inline rmNoly, , .Srmtulouii ioi.iMi i una of tttc most dostiiirlivn i'iumoUm nf out' i'iM. 1 Miim, this nnncea and iinl'clt totiaiit of llieoi'ii-iiiil iiti iimlri-itiiitoM tlhi notiHtltutlou, Hint invito, the uU.u'k r nHwlliHg or Iktal atseamia, iu iirvamiva. Airnln, It ninjiu u breed liil'niitiitH UiruualHMil 11m Irady, and Ihi'n, mi sumo f.ifomlilo iH'i u.lon,rapiillv di'volop lulu oiic iv other of it hhlooiM Iim m, alUwr on tho iiii'iii o or union) tin vital... In lliu lauor, tubvts i Ich may be midilinih ilopixltod in tin liniirn or hi' ,11. oi tumor lornioil in llio IIvit. 'I'Iik.h i.u i. m:ik! (lie oo,.nIlt u, ( tl(, Nniwnpnrllin Si a pi'i'voinlvw, mlvtuitlili'. i It Im ji tnUtuke to ciippoc Mini mo looir ti noi'i-iip tlolli Ol' lllOIIOI A1HW, UlOIV lltllMl III) ItO SIIItllllHIS I. tint. TIhimi I'oiiik of iloiiiiiKoiiiiMil niiiv niivor ' in'. nd -ol tint vilal IVtrecs of tlie ImmIv fin ni. In I In- II kiiIiIIo ,'i,innv, as innlorMllv W luiuilr llio In 1I1 h mvl kIioiIimi tho diii .ilioit of Itl'u. It M i i iiiiiiiioii iii-rof, alio, Unit scrofliU Is uti iolly Inni'.ll. tin v, It dixio, Imli'i'il.iliisi'iiiid Hum parent to child, bill U Hltio cnirondi'ivil In iierm4 lMrn of puiM bio 1 1. Low llvinti, hutiiri'alfoN, foul air, Ucciithma II. 1I111., uii'to:iiilhit54, and (Ihi di-iirosMiiia vhos ircti 1 i' iIIv, prodii.-o it. U'uAklyoontltutlolls,wlloruaiil loiiuli., by tho intt-4 I'on.liint and Jinlliions rare, sro pooiilmrlr lialilo lo It. ViH Usi rolnul, alsis turbid hloml xwi'lls the veins Willi auaiiiiar rnilv cxiilwrant vltnlitv, am olVn ioniamlniitci, and ou Uw Mad In Its DoimwiurniicH. IndntHi; no 1 -Lm or 00111H1I011 Pan doiicnd on Immunity front - 11 , ll'n1 llHl htJOllttillla LO Ulil lluoarljLni,n uf uit mAim. tit it ii'iiii-ly. In ht. Authahy'i fin; Bmtn er Ki'w.lprln, for IV(rc, Hmlt JtAeHiM, Hntt4 limit, Hlnw " Aars nt Ki and other eruptlvn or viiul nirins of till' dl (eases caused prlmnrlly by - iiiui'io iiiiin-iiiiii. uw anrMiuoriiiai USOftl. SCHOOLS AXU COLLEGE. . - - - a.i.nsat isami snaKi 1 Ii a. 1 a .. aa a,. .'ara, Rf D00L NOTICE. MIMSKS HART JI. AMD MAwOIBl Pit UK wl 1 raniiaii thair Hohool at the rseldrnoe of Sir. A. I,, runts, on Fourth, between Chesnut and I'rlnensa streets, Ootober Htb. - - Tliankiiil fur tie liberal patronage received i ynur inwy win euueavnr to merit s oootion.' aiice of lhaaane, -. , s For terms, Aa., apply aa above. aept 30 ........ j j TBOvl-'iaiALK 8EMINART. riMHH INSTITUTION offers 1hi aeeamnlatad 1 advantagsa or over B0 years' successful oper ation. Kvery facility is previdrd for a Ihorounh oourae nf uaafnl and ornamental ednealion. nnder the direction of a corps of more than twenty profr.ema and teachers, for circulars, aiiply to noon n. muJjAUV, J roy, rt, I, aun'JO . 87fl-Slraoh s.nthera 81 jle Carriages and llarnesH ClOMPHIMINd OOAOHKH, BID! AMD KND Bt'lllNt) UUOaitH. Paniilv ttockawava o al styles i Harnesw, ureal variety. Lamest aa. RAILR0AD8. lli litit as to be liiill'Mnalilo. And In the mora on. uim nirins, as in lttprjttla,nmiit, Urmri IHti-n.i, fit; KpiU-piii, fimuimluia, aud other nui-ouiHia oi urn inn miliar anil nervous systems, the .Soi-sximWdi. throimh its nurltVlnir nownr. rn. miivaa tho nana nl' tho disorder andiiroduces anion Wiinit ciiiw. Tbn siirsatiarllla root of the tropins does not by It-Wi iii-liu'vu UIH-.B touiUh. Is aided by the ox tracts I'oinbliiod ti lth It, or still irreatoi power. No polinit l this union ol'lioiillnu vfi liios, tifphUU or I mrrxnf and M "reurlol Ji.ars are cured by it, tlionvrh a lonir time Is mpilrcd for sulKliilna; tliese obsilnale maladies by any moillclne. .eweem-asme or II (, I'taWH litwwliaua, and mnfa IHtfnart In frnneral, are coinmonly soon relieved mid ullliuotely onro.l by tile InvlgoiKtinf and iniri yiinr rSoct nf nur HnnnpttrUlm. tthmumtttittn and Hunt. olU'il ilrpciiilenl on the aociimnlsUiMisof puruncniin nuitters In ihn bloixl. have llwlr remeily lo in tliiK medli'lnn.. Kor Llvrr Vomfttnint; torpldiir, Innanimatlnn, auceas, etc., caused by I'Hiikltnir polon lu llio blood, vre unhealtatinKly reconiiiiviiil the Hnvnnpnvilln. 'i'his uicdiciHS restores health and vigor where no ioeliln dix-Hie can he dlatlniilhil, Its rtwloiii. tivc power is soon felt by those who are l.nunniit, l.itllvm, lrtoMfMl', SlrKfilrnn, and filled Willi Arrroua ApiiNiluut'tott or iic, or who inn troubled with any other of Uiosn aJructions ynii. toiuntlo orwnakuoss. Many, allcr tnklnn it lor iii't IMillilu, haro writUm lis of the youth fill vlfror linuiiUI Ui their nervous system, whli li seemed htioyant Willi Unit pmliflc life they thought had denarted on tho advance of nirc. oihora. wlmun -nlaltwwfhfri'vrrrnTrtwiiyii Merlin, m knowledge .iii-ii ,,i,ii.iuuiia iu ii inr nit unvioiis cnangn. sornnenl In Mew York at CALVIN WITTY Immense Carriage ware-rooms. Moa. IM. 036 sua bjn nrnaiiwsy nos. in. iwi anil luil crosoy sircei, ivkw loK. HUK Hl'ltlKU BUatlllta from H3 to tlOO, sll warrantKi- stion as are usually sold by drum mira and others at 1140 to I71. (Mher stylss of JAURIAaaSS proportion ably iow. an uarrtaaes sua ungKies wsrrsmea iq give satisfaction. Inters by mail promptly attended to. Itefer lo : A. K. Hill, Murray A Afurohltotl, IlarriaaA Unwell. Wllmloctoo. N. II. . N. ll,t AliVlll wrrfv... aar Dote owner of altera Talnut, No. 6'.,01,1, granted November 20. IHWI onvertng Ilia combination and arrsrira- menta nf tha nr-eration of all TWO-WllEtLr.0 Vbl4tM.i-J!.lJ!.H. IIHKST HKUUOI'IOM tR ril)M I A. 1150 VI',l,0(HrKDE, at. .175 1:0 A tmi io oo a no so oo not 12 lU-eoiWw URKSS lUAKLMi. riiH. UAHItlKT nOIlKDTU has coiiimoncsd 1XL the DUKBtt UAKIMO BUBIIiKMM at her raaidsnoe on tha eornsr of Sixth and Ohssnat streets, where she will be pleased to bavs ths Muies give ner a oan, promising 10 give aatisiao. llou to all who may favor htr with their patron etju, uuis m rvgerue wvra anu pnee. i - sue bogs to refer to Mrs, M. ii. Uon.U ootu U-tf BUPKitlOR OOUBT- -BEW BANOVKB OODHTT. W. Baniucl A. Ashe, Ailrur. 1j. AsIk. VI. Joaoohine Aaho. 8. William Ashe, William H. Ashe, I'otition to uakS Bamuol A. Miller, John 1 Ileal Estate Asasta. OraD(;pr Ashe, llcbfccoa Neal, John T. Neal and others. TT APPEAItlNQ TO THE OOUBT THAT X William H. Ashe, John Orange Ashe, Bcbecoa Neal and John T. Heal, Defendants heroin, are residents nf anotlior State : it ia ordered that publication be made by lbs Wilmington Journal, anowspaper ptibished in the city of Wilming ton, for six aucoeeaive weeks, once a W'fk, noti fying them lo appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Huuerior Court for aaid County, on the alb day of December, 18C9, and abow cause, if any thoy have, why the prayer of the petition should not be granted, and that in default thereof the petition will be heard tt part aud a decree pro confeno will be rendered aa to them. Ultn... V .n M.nn fllArlr f IK. RnnM-lnr Court for New Hanover County, this 28th day of September, A. D, 1863. . v. juartn, n. u. aept 30 8-law6w PIANO FORTES! fffB JPlRliOH la in Wilmington, . and will give bis attention to tuning uf Pianoa to those who may wish ole services in ttiat line. Orders left at the Fulton Houae will prompt attention. oot A Mf MCAK AK0 bTRCPs 1 H1ID3. DEHARABA 8UGAB, XSJ 5 " Porto Bico Bugar, 40 barrela Coffee tiagara, .100 " 8. H. Byrup, 20hbda. " For sale bv A. a. 8HIPPEBSON A CO, Booth Water etreet. oct 37 as B. L. IPERRf. Commmion Merchtnt nnil Dmltr in Grain, AOENT AND ArJuSTKB FOB HKW YOUK, Philadelphia aud Baltimore Marine Underwriters, da n UBS, M. O. Oapt. K. P. Qoorge Is authorized and will at tend to ths adjustment of Claims os the Under writers at Wilmington, daring my abeeaee. oct 24 XVeodlw " ALL klim OF J0B WORK " NEATLY AhO KXPEMTIOU8LY WJtOOl'KD AT THE Ayer's Ague Cure, , llusib Aras, EsirlHllral ar Illlloaa '.r, Act wail ladcsiel atll tha ntTtv ' tlaua which srUs fraaa saevlstrlaaa, marsh, or tnlitaaaatlo Molsaaa. As its name Implies, It does Cure, and docs not liol. I imutinlntt nwithcr Arnsnki, gulnlne, Bismuth, i nc, uur any other mineral or poisonous substance whatever, it in nowise Injures any patient. Tho number and importance of Its cures In the aciie dis trict., are lileiully beyond account, and we believe willmiit a parallel In the history of medicine. Onr pride Is Kin 1 1 lied by the ncknnwHMlKmenta we re ceive uf tlie rsilleal cures uffweteil In obstinate easoa. and where other remedies had wholly lulled. l;iiaouUnutted persons, either resident In, or travelling through miasmatic locnllllos.wlll bo oro- tci led bv tukinu the AUVJS CVRN dallv. r'or Meer Complaint, arising from torpidity of tha I.lver, It Is nil excellent mindly, aUuiulniiuf t lis l.lver Into healthy activity. - Prlared bv Pit. 4. C. A vsn A Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., and sold all round the world. 1RICB. $t.00 I'Utt BOTTLK. Sar Sold In Wilmington by X. Willis. W. H. Llppitt and all Druggists and Dealers every. woere. . ueo iu, ltHiS-ov-eooiw-ltw BRANCH OFFICE OF TBI ' Staten Island Fancy Dyeing Es tablishment JJAVINQ ACCEPTED TBK AQEN0X FOB tho above Company, I am prepared with ovory facility to serve tha pubiio in this line, sr Price Lists farulshed. tf Oooda Insured if desired. J. II. ANDERSON, 1 No. 9 North Front street, oct 8 S CLARENDON BAR. 11HK KUU30BIBER HAS BE0ENTLV BE-FIT . ted the above plaoe, (Psdun'a old bland,) aud has the BAB supplied with the best qnalltios of L1QU01W aud WINES. Be is thankful for o'ndTry rLluors.'h " ' " An OYSTEB BALOON Is sttashed loio. n tha Bar, where the eholoaat quail ties JLJil ean be obtained at all hoars, served up ii. in any atjle dt-sired Prioa reduced as follows ! Blewed. .....OOoenta, Baw 40 eeuls per doaen. B. J. HUABB0BOUOH. ool 9 11- WILMINQTON WEI.DON BAILROAD CO..) OrrtosCstrrEno. tt Qin, Hi:r-T.mTrnnrw, nii,sisuiva, n. J., April ai, ltUiK, ) 'Sajsjisji anew j mVltWrtfP mV ss s mi r-nae CIIAKCE OF Sl'JIESrLE. ' ON AND AFTEB MONDAY, lbs lAtli Inst., oar naaaenirer traina on this snxl will ! Wilmington at 0:00 A. M. and 10:00 P. U.. snA arrive at Woldoo. fliC6 A. tt. and 1:50 P. M. Leave Weldnn I0.1S A. M. and t:4 P. U. Arrive at Wll. mlogton 4:80 A. U. snd 7:18 P. M, The day train will not ran on Handera. A dailv tiirnmrh freight train will leave Wilmington (Bnndsv ex cepted lat 1:00 P. M., for the aooomuiodalion of Truck Farmers. . Faeaengrra ess also get accost- mniiatitiiia on aaid freight train as far aa aolda- ro'. H. 1 FRKMONT. .. ;. . Eng. A Hunt. . r"Iu ' ' ' lt-tl OENEBAL BDPEBtNTENDENrB OmCE7P Wii stmoTos A Mobmtkb B. B.lo. V . . WiUfiaoTow, N. 0., April 10, 1800.1 ON A5D AFTER APBItV llATpaaaenger Tralus of tbia ltad will rnn on tha follow ibg Bohedule: ' ( .-' EZFBES9 TflAINd, . . Leave WOmihgtoS daily at. ......... 8:15 A. M. Arrive at Florence . inni a v Arrive at Eiiiffavllla.. .!. ..' i-kf i ai Leavo tliigsvUle.ii.. s 4,.,, ,.4..Ji:fl8 p. M. Arrive at Morenos ... s u p M Arrive at WUmhgion..,..;i.,..i,. :'i0 T. M. Exureea Train nonnectanlnaalv at I'lnHnMih tba Korlhessiom Railroad for RhwlMtoe i suit Oheraw and Darlington Railroad mr Cheraw, and at Klngaville with the Bonth Otnllna Maiim,i Anguata, to wbloh point cars r-in tiirvuah teUhcntt ' ACCOMMODATION TBAIN8. Leave Wilmlnirton dailv. Bnndat si at s -OS P. M ArrivsalFloi'enoa...,..., , ..,..,,... B:4() A. M. Arrive at Eiiigaville,.,...., 8:I0 A. M, V0. "'Ue :00 P.M. Arrive at Florence , :4 p. M. Arrive at Wilmington.,.,,,,,,.,,.,,,, 5:10 A.M. Aooommodation Train connects closely at Florsnee with the NsrUitubm tuiima.f .,. Charleston, and at Elngsville with the boats M Carolina Bailroad for Anguata. Passenger for Colombia should take the Aoeonimodatiou Train. WH, MlolUK, .... " f OenersJ BnperlntendeuL spril It liKVii GREAT 80CTIIEK!. PA8SEMl!E!t AND FUEISIIT INLA1.D AIR UAE, ' Between JVevr fork and New Orteanst AMD Atx iBTxaasnuTS crrrxa and ruoss. nUMB FREIGHT FORWARDED BY PASSEN JL OEit TiUINB, snd St LOW BATEH. Jto InturatKH necessary. . . ' , 4, To oarcbase Tickets, or tor retea of Tranannr. tatlon and ether in formation, ermlv at the aaa. al Oflioe, m Broadway, eornor of Beads street, KewXorka - ...... - , PETEB MALLETT, Qeneral Agent! New York. Jnnelo, 1868 'iifi-lf Wll., Charlotte & Rutherford R. tt. OwaajtL 8orxi!rrnun"i Omat 1 WlLaTIMOTOS. M. 0.. MsV IA. 1K1. f ON AND AFTKM MAY 1STH. thePueanger train on this Boad will leave Wilmington en uesday, Thoraday snd ftatnvday at ? o'oiook, A. Arrive at Booklogbam same days, al 81 1, At, arrive ai vtaiieaooro' t etagoi at p. At. FOR HALE. AN THE FIBHT MONDAV IN V next, that deairable Bouse UOLLOWAT'S VERMIFIICiE CJONFECTJONH DR. BOLLOWAY, soma IS years ago, witness ing the distress oooaeioned eioklv children In taking tho nauseous vermifuges of that day, re soiven so analyse mem, ana irora tne moat eltec tive of these remediee suooeeded in separating their active medical properties, pore, tasteless and inodorous. Then by combining these with tngar, snd moulding them into an agreeable eon faction, formed the present roroi.Aa and smo mi Viuiraoi known aa llollowaj'g VernifnKe Cwnroctious, whioh have almost entirely superseded the old nauseous Vermlfngea, to the delight of the poor little sufferers. It contains no Calomel or other poisonous ingredients. Ho highly esteemed is this oonnlar Vsrmifnee. by the profession, that all intelligent phyaioiaoa who know of them, prescribe them in preference to other remediee, as not only moro pleasant to tax a, out more eoeouve to ears. Pareote and guardians bavins the oars of dill dreu. ahould keen them as a familr medicine: for they not only eradicate Worms those peels of olnulliood but they eorreot any derangement of he digestive organs, so prevalent with children. Hollowaiy'sCasteeaumteel Maaeaieear Jamai ca Ulae;er, This is a pare extract of the true Jamaica Gin ger, free from Utipncum, or any ad' muUurt; containing all the Aromatic, Carmina tive, and Difloaively Stimulating properties or ths Jamaica Ginger. Ho efticaciooa in all cases of chill from exposure to sold or dampness, Cliolio, unoiere eiorous, viarrnea, uysentery, Liyspepsia, nervoaa Debility. Boadaohe. Bea Bicknoes. Ac. Being doatble (As so-entA of any Essenoe of Gin ger in tne mariai, h is eneaper tooonaamers sad mors osnvenient to travelere, HKIHKKL,L.'f TKTTKIt OINTMENT. This Ointment, alter aa exDeneuoe of twsnt sara, has proved itself a sovereign remedy for all liseaaes of ths Bkin ; having effected a radical care in every ease ia which it waa need, curing many obatinate oases of fifteen or twenty years standing, that had nrevionalv reaueUd all nma. diee prescribed by the beat medioal talent of ths oountry. lis eneoa at aa too lacing; la a law days the soreness and irritation is removed, the akia beoomee smooth and healthy, and remaina perma nently healed, witbosl tha nee of any otber rem- Thus, Tirm, Sat.t Bncna, Itch, Holoiu's Itos, EsntrsiJts. hLon-aaa, Pimfxm, and every Inm nf iliaftaaa nf II, n .bin . mm.uI ma of now long standing. It baa eured bad eaaee of Ixruaxo Kisuoe, and dischargee from the Ear wnen Doming aisa would neal them, run that have resisted all other treatment for many years, have bean effectually eared by the aee of only one box of this Ointment, Bosks, Boaxds and Old Boaae it heals ia a very short time. Faics 60 Curra rxa Box. if not sold by yoer Droggiel send 40 cento to Johnston, Holloway A Oowden, Philadelphia, and a box will be sent free of post age to any address. OBSEBYB None genuine witboot the signs tare o I the Proprietors oa the wrapper of each box. - - - - -r ' -.. , i " tOSSFMPtlOt. Psor. TBO88EAU Laa demonstrated, bejend Sit question, that ,i UPHAM' FRRStr HICAT CURK' ' will onre Oonsomption, aa proved by him in tiao thousand eat m Ilia hospitals of l'aria, and Dr. Weiaee, in Baaaia, haa bad aimiiar smoessa there, and in this country oar phyneiaos are eom mend ing it ia all Polaaoaary aflgsxtona, Maraaaaa, aad Qeneral Debility, with great eatiafaoboa. It is pleasant to take, and t eingle bottle anil convince any oaeofito virtues. Suki at II per botUe, or JOHN8TON, HOUOWAt OOWDEN, .av , Aroh street, Plula. Bold by all DngfUta, rP U i. " -tffreftltsts NOVKMUKB and Lot In Marlou, B, C, belonging to the eatate of O. B. Brown, long and favorably known as "Brown's Hotel." The Hotel is large, oonlalning fifteen rooms and well arranged for hotel keeping. On the premises is a llsr-room and all neoes aary outbuildings. The Lot oon tains about four sores of land. Mo Hotel In town. To any one understanding tba Hotel bnalneas. this Is s cars opportunity for a profitable investment. Terms One fourth oaab, the balanos on s ereou of one ana two years. A. H. FOBD, Adm'r. oot 9 U-ltaw8w Leave Wadeeboro' (Btaga) on Tueeday, Thar in cotburuej, i a XT, at ytT?i''kteelPa0- -Arrive at Wilmington stuns days at s P. M. .... W. XYEBETT, ,. Oflnsral Buperintendent, al-.c UhirAltY'S OVKKK, Noma OxaoLLia Bailioad Oompaht. vextrAsr shops, H. v., Oot. istn, lafia. i. AY A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DI BEOTOBS or the North Carolina Bailroad Company, at this ollloe to-day, it was ordered that there be a called meeting of the Stockhold ers or said Company, held in the city of Iteleiirh, on THt'BUDAY, the lltb day of November next. Those who oanoot attend in person will pleaae i-iT:r:'-:-'V:r,r.,rSB STRAW BERRY PLANTS & FLOWERS. flini 8DBSCBIBEB offers s small quauUty of JL nioe fl I'AWBERRI PLANTS, st bis Oardens. Also, a choioe collection of ITLOWBRB, which will be forwarded ia Pole to any part of the country on application. Straw berry Plants sen be sent by mail. Prioe II per hundred. F, A. NEWBERRY. "Itoaenviuk Oardons," Magnolia, N. 0., Hept. 20, 1B01). i oot II , 51m SCHOOL BOOKS. rnEAOHElia AND rABENTH are respectful. JL - ' ly invited to examius my Aasortmsnt of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL HTA TIONEBT, JNO. D which ia now very oomplete. ootx ,LOVE. 6-tf FOB SALE. tQQ BARRELS VLOVB, 4000 B"bi" 00BN' 3000 8ok' UTrpol BALT' 1000 An,rio" 2 fj Bhda. BACON Bides snd Bhonlders, Bales sod BoUs BAGGINO, ALSO, Ties, Nails, Obeeee, Molasses, Bugar, Coffee, Hay, Ac., now landing snd in store, For sale low by oot 20 WILLIAMS A MUBCHISON. 80 FULTON M ARKET BEEF, SMOKED TONQCK3, PIO HA MB, uni Daiiir.u civas. Deceived bv eteemer Ashland At .,..!.!.. &1 Market Btreet. COWAN k METTS. BEEF! REEF 1 1 BEEF III TC8T BECEITED, A YEBY BD.b perior lot or Kampeoa Uonnty 4 Beef, equal t any Beet from the wea or anywnara. My ea tore are and all others are reqaeeted to call at 8 tail No. 8, Market iioeso, and aee soae- iniDg nice, nampaon uoouty ia not to be beat is thsBeerUoe, r - JIBE J, KINO A BOS. aot aa . , . . .- -, aa-u ; JC8T RE1E1IER. 100 Ii"LS" EXTIU M1-LXTB, lou one - - una, Its) able Irish Potatoea. . -t For aale bj TH08. a LEWI. S Marset tttreei. A IS - 1 :- - . ' ' l-tf COPARTNEBSIIIP NOTICES. ' " DISSOLUTION. t rrtHB COPABTNERBH1P HEBETOEOHB EX. JL iating between Mcltae a MoCali, ia diaaolved by mntnal consent. H. W. MeOsJl remaining st BU1I to settle sp all olalms. ... , . ALEX. McRAE, Jr., H. W. MoCALL. fi sept 18 . 101-tf NEW TORK AND ST. LOOS,' KOSS, ItOBBRTS 4 CO ' 0 ENEBAL COMMISSION ' MXB0HANT8, No. 01 Fuokt Btkut, Nsw lost, Pay special attention to tha purchase of Ooffea, Mngar, Syrups, Bagging, Rope, Iron, Ties, ate., eto. . - . f.. .!, BLACKNA R.llOBKRTacnAaTDLEK CO. 308 Noith OomtssoiAi, Btxht, 801 Lxvxx, '-' ' ? Bt, Loria, Mo., GENEBAL COMMISSION MEB CHANTS, Maks the purchase of Bagging, Bops, Baooa, Flour, Corn and otbar Western Products a spe ciality, giving eloee attention to freights, con tracts and Oondition of goods. ootlV . 19-3moh Earle Mills, ispoctswoed, Nw Jersey. X8TAJBLJSHEO BX JOHN APFUCBT IK 1836, '!" THE ROBSOBIBIB, Bneosesor to APPLTBT DxVOE, eontinoee Ihe maanfaotnre of all kinda of Buperior BNDEV as formerly, put sp in tne usual styles; ana win seu at low rates on favorable terms, direct from ths Mills, and care fully forwarded. The attention of Jobbers aad Lavge iMaiers is reapeotinuy inviieu. Avaareee iaAa.uiivuin. Eagle Mills, B potts wood. New Jersey. ' aog7 )5-ltaw3nMh FOK SALE. fpWENTI THOUSAND D0LLAE3 ($20,000) la City of Wilmington Bix Per Cent. Gold Bear ing Tea laa Compoa Bonds. Te be sold ia small Lota. . Appli to aeg K ' - E1R3T RATIONAL BANK, JAMES DAWSON, or ' " JAB. Q. BDBB A CO. CEOs Zs FCE.'.Ca, . Chainnaa Finance Oonuaittee City of Wlliaiagton. .. , .. .' . . 27-tr BSIflS. ' AWARDERS rOB EiUtu.1. BAUD, PAimi. I iMtreaobere and Preae Bltlci-ii eilrO. l -. u Inr Lavta made on favoral.te terns 1 .,. r i 1 - f . KEATTT A.ND bvA'S U4a i , I J "P. ' J ;- r.

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