. . ... :: iLt ; mt 'AX ' :-r:;;v;v;::::,.:r.;-:. ft VOL, XIX NO. 53. WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING. NO VEMlJEIt 28, 18(50. WHOLE -NUMBER 5,395. THE DAILY JOURNAL WILMINGTON 2f C. SUNDAY, NOV'EMBER 237l8(i9. From tho Balcigk Sentinel. puon:i:r.iG's of the legisliitkk . SENATE. Thursday, Nov. 25, 1 SCO. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. '. Bill lo abolish tho Special Court in the city of Wilmington came np on motion of A. II. (lullonny, colored. Its further con sidorutioii wus postponed for two weeks. On motion of Mr. Brogden, the rules woro suspended nnd the bill to protoct tho HhorilT of certain counties was tukcu up. This bill iilHpouda the collection of tax on tho Wilmington & Woldon Railroad, uuhl tbe constitutionality of said taxis aseer r taiued. . f ... Mr. Jones, of Wake, moved to amend so no to extomf the same privileges to the Sheriffs of Halifax, Warren, Franklin and Woko counties, so far ns taxes due by the Iiaiwgti a.- t, iuston Kailroad (Jompany are oouoernod, which was lost, and tho bill was rejected. CALENDAR. " Resolution requesting -tho Representa tive of this State in CoiigrefS to uso their influence to scotiro the loan of $1,000,000 to be appropriated in the purohase of lands to be divided into farms of 20 acres each, for those who are unable to furnish homes for themselves. . A. it. Galloway, colored, movod to amend, by inserting after " 20 acres of land," " and A MUI.B," which was lost. Mr. Lissitor moved to amend by insert ing alter " 81,000.000," " or its equivalent in publio lands " which prevuiled, and the resolution was adopted. Resolution proposing- to raise it Joiut Committee to take into consideration the burthens of taxation, and to report some measure for tho relief . of the people. Adopted. - V 1IOU.SE OF IUSPRESENTAT1VES. Thubsdav, Nov. 2". 7 unfinished business, was j hen taken up. The resolution for the investigation of alleged frauds in the management of certain railroad bonds in troduced by Mr. Welch. Tho question was ou tho substitute of Mr. Ellis, which had been accepted by wr. Helen. Harris of Wake, offered as a substitute of the whole, the bill introduced into the Senate yesterday by Mr. Lassiter, on the same subject. Mr. Durham said he was in favor of Mr. ..Ellis' substitute, because it named a com mittee, majority of whom could not bo bought. If tho same course was pursued as iu the last investigating committee, it would simply amount to a white-washing affair, and he would move to lay the whole matter on the table. The people believe that corruption in its vilest form exists in the management of the bands, and demand that this Liegislatare shall appoint a com' inittce of irreproachable character to in vestigate the matter thoroughly. He favor ed the substitute of Mr. Ellis, because it looked toward an honest investigation, the other did not. Ho was opposed to these white washing committees, &o. Mr. Pou said the substitute amounted to simply nothing. He was in favor of tho Hon.se investigating the matter in Commit tee of the whole; he thought the idea of naming the committee in the resolution was an insult to tho presiding officers, was ridiculous, as the rules specially al lowed the House to name committees if it saw proper. Mr. Moore of Chowan favored the sub stitute because it gave tho Governor power to appoint the committees, and its rejec tion would be an insult to tho Chief Ex ecutive. . jj i , Mr. Durham said he was satisfied a fair investigation was not going to be allowed; the proposition of Mr. Ellis was making members wince. It was to be presumed that the Governor would be satislied with the men elected by Directors of his own appointment ; therefore he waa not the man to appoint the committee. He thought there were members on the floor who would move heaven and earth to provent tho investigation of these alleged frauds. If Mr. Ellis' proposition ba defeated any committee that may be raised would simply amount to another white-washing affair. J. H. Harris, of Wake, colored, advo cated the adoption of bis substitute in a long speech. Mr. Pou next took tho floor, and whi le arguing against tho substitute a message was received from the Senate informing the House of the passage of a bill to fur ther protect the interest of the Stato in certain railroads and to require accounta bility ou the part of their officers. Mr. Pou resumed his remarks and fa vored the idea of an examination by the j House in the Committee of the Whole. Mr. Malone said : I call attention to this substitute the first section creates a commission yes, a commission an office, this is in keeping with the past conduct of this Legislature, that is to create offices. Another section gives them instructions to report by August, 1870. Will this meet the anxious demand of a distressed people, calling for invest! - gation into the conduct of our agents ? .Those who in good faith ask for an investi gation wish it novo we want no May wo want to know before we close this session. Another section gives the committee a olerk at & per day. There are other objections to this sub stitute, and I do not think that live men can be fonnd in this House to vote for the creation of a munificent office with per petual existence equal at least to the Code Commission. Mr. Speaker, we want no more offices bat we want more good faith in the oonduot of those entrusted with the destiny of North Carolina. Alter some further debate, I-batn Sweat (ooL) arose and said that $1,500,000 had been appropriated to road in bis section which he believed would never be built. . 1'e was opposed to Harris' substitute and somewhat opposed to Mr. Ellis', be cause he thought that when matters per taining to the State's interest involving millions of dollars was being examined that the entire representation should nave a hand in it. He had at first favored Mr. Ellis' propo sition bat now thought the idea of Mr. Pou a better one. He agreed with Mr. Durham that a fair investigation ooold not be had by a com mittee appointed under the old mode. ir. Luflia moved to postpone and make the matter special for Tuesday next. Mr. Welch said he had offered his reso lution in the best spirit and not influenced by any partisan motive and the ory of Par ty! Party!! was a most flimsy pretext to defeat investigation. Republicans were making tho matter a party measure, for they would have a majority in both brunch es of tho proposed committee. They had a mnjoritv in both branches of thin Lee is- i laturo and they wore rosponsiblo for tbeso appropriations. The Governor was charged with com plicity with tho "Ring," he (Mr. Welch) did not believe the charge yet it was open ly charged, and therefore he (tho Govern or) could not with delicacy appoint the committee. Mr. Welch tuen proceeded, to give feketch of tho matters pertaining to th construction of tho Western Division the Western N. C. R. R. Notwithstanding the millions appropriated money could not lie bad to pay the laborers and that nnle money was forthcoming work must stop, Mr. l'ou wished to know if the l'rosi dent of the road had nijt visited the road during tho summer months. Mr. Welch, I never heard of him West of Ashevillo. Mr. Pou, surely ho visited his Road at some timei1 Mr. Welch, I never hoard of him. Tho newly elected President was at Ashevillo when he was elected. - Mr. l'ou, what salary does he got? Mr. Welch, $2,500. Mr. Welch then concluded his remarks by saying that this matter was raising howl, somebody was gottiug scared and hurt and that every man who wished to in vestigate these frauds would support Mr i.Ilin proposition. Mr. Uodnett favored Mr. Ellis' proposi tiou and opposed the motion to postpone iu a speech of some length. Mr. Vest moved to adjourn. Lost. Tho qnention recurred upon Mr, Lailin'i motion to postpone until Tuesday. The yeas and nays being called the mo lion was rejected by a vote of yeas 1, nays Mr. Durham said that it had been ar gued that if this substitute was rejected and Mr. Ellis' proposition was adopted, it would bo an insult to tho Governor, ou perintondeut of Public Works and the pre siding officers of the two Houses. Why if vou allow the Governor to appoint, will l not offend the Superintendent of Publio Works. If yon appoint the Superinten dent of Public- Works, will it not offend the Govornor and so on with all of them. Mr. Sinclair favored the substitute and opposed Mr. Ellis' measure. After some further debate Mr. Pou moved to lay tho whole matter on the table m order that he might have an opportuni ty of introducing a resolution to make the investigation, in committee of the whole. The motion was rejected by a vote of yeas 21, nays 00. (Here innumerable points of order were discussed, and a- host of mo tions to adjonrn inado and rejected.) Mr. Welch colled the previous question Tho call was sustained and the question recurred upon the substitute offered by Harris, of Wake, (oolored) the yeas and nays being called resulted yeas 41, nays 51 The question recurred on the adoption of Mr. Ellis' proposition. The yeas and nays being called resulted in the following vote : Yeas. Messrs. Argo, Armstrong, Banner, budm, isodoie, Handler. Ulayton, Dans, David son. Durham. Ellis, Farrow. Fore bee. Gathng. Gibson, Gilbert, Qricr, Hawkins, Hicka, Hilliard, High, iiouoott, norney, Humphries, Jams, Kelly, of. Davie. Malone. MathesoD. McMillan. Hendenhall, Moore, of Alamance, raider, Bob- inson, Shaver. Smith, of Allesrbaney. Smith, of Wayne, fctanton, Thompson, Wolch, Whitley, Williams, of Harnett. 41. Nays. Meters. Ashwortb, Blair, Carson, Ga ry, cawthorn, Cherry, Crawford, Dixon, Elling ton, Forkner, Foster, Gahagan, Graham, Ganter, Harris, of Wake, Hendricks, Hinnant, Modem, Hndginga, Justico, of Itutherford, Kelly, of Moore, Kinney, Lallin, Leary. long, of Chatham, Lout;, of iiiclnuoud. Mayo, McCanless, Moore, of Gbowan, M iril, Morris, Pearson, feck, Pou, v rice, I'roct jr, uagianu, xtea, lienrrow, iteynoiua, biiignst, Sinclair, himonds, Snipes, Stevens, Mwi-nt, Bykoa. veetal, Yost, wilkie, Williams, Wilson. 55. Mr. Pou offered a resolution, that the House, on nnd after Tuesday next at 2 o'clock, will resolve itself into the Commit tee of the whole, each dry, to examine these alleged frauds. rending the consideration of the reso lution the House adjourned. To tbe Clergy and Laity of the Dio ceses of North Carolina, South Car oliiu, Gcorgia( Florida, Alabama. Mississippi. Louisiana. Texas, Ten uesscc. aud iu Arkansas, Dead Biiethben : At the annual meeting of tho Trustees of the University of the South in August last, the undersigned were appointed a Com mittee to address yon on the subject of tbe Offering on the 3d Sunday in Advent, and to urge its collection in every Parish and Congregation in the South. ion may remember, that the plan of an annual offering was adopted by the Trus tees at the meeting of last year, and soon after commended to you by tho ten Bish ops, (who are ex-olhoio irustees), in a Pastoral Letter. For various reasons but few Parishes responded, and very little was given. Ihe hope is earnestly cherished that this may not bo the case again. A brief statement of the condition, wants and claims of the "University" must suffice for our present purpose The Junior De partment was opened in September, 1808. The close of the first year found tbe num ber of students, (nearly one hundred), too large for tbe accommodations provided. I In view of the state of things a measure of success almost unexampled in any simi lar undertaking the Board, at its late meeting, appointed a special agent, the Rev. O. P. Thackara of Florida, to raise, by personal effort in onr Parishes, at least twenty-five thousand dollars, for the erec tion of additional boarding houses, and a building for the Grammar School, to be ready, if possible, by the opening of the Lent Term in February next. Mr. Thack ara has consented, though at much sacri fice, to undertake the work. He is emi nently fitted for it, and earnestly com mended to you in its prosecution. The object cf his mission, however, is entirely distinct from the "annual University Offer ing," which is to continue from 'year to year, to assist n the gradual development of this central educational School of the Church in our midst Through this, the channel of onr parochial offerings in every place, it is designed to give all our people an opportunity for systematic- contribution to an object which ought to be dear to their hearts; and in this way, as well as by information thns annually imparted, to interest them the more in its progress. A self-in p porting point has been reach ed as to tbe salaries of the Professors. Beyond this the receipts from tuition can scarcely be expected to go. To provide for permanent College buildings, the nt enssary apparatus in every department of instruction, and the purchase of books for the Library, (now numbering over 4,000 volumes,) funds moat be raised from other sources. Muoificsut endowments aud bo quests by individuals will doubtless come in the course of time to tbe aid of the "Univorsity." But upon these we can not rely to meet tho pressing necessities of its early growth which have been mentioned It is rather to u steady stream of ooutri bution from the members aud friends of tho Church throughout bur borders that wo must look, aud on this wo hopefully and confidently rely. To Mi end the plan of the "Advent Offuriug" was pro posed and adopted. Whether largo or small in any place, it will nevertheless help to swell the general amount which is now, aud will continue to be, so much ueedod. Of tho original subscription of about four hundred thousand dollars, but little we fear, can now bo collected. No Stato endowment can come to onr aid. Our brethion iu other portious of tho laud have their own Church work to encourage and support. o must therefor of ne cessity rely to a great extent upon our solves. And as we ought to do this, so we believe with tho rapidly returning pros perity of our people, their common oba gation in this important behalf will be met in unnnully increasing measure. The general plan of the University, as embodied in tho Constitution nnd statutes, was intended to combine tho boot features of those great Schools of Learning in the old world which nave so long tionrisued, as well as of the best in our own oouutry. Aud iu Its religious aspect nt least, as it is developed with time and ample endow meuts, it will doubtless mark a now era in the history of American University educa tion. Though now iu its infancy, the Fao ulty is believed to be equal to that of any other Institution of corresponding age and numbers to be found. The Trustees are determined to reach the highost possiblo standard of scholarship in teachers and pu pits alike. Any existing defects growing out of our limited means and the rapidity with which the School has filled up, will be remedied as speedily as possible. The nhnmntnr nf the ltnard of Trustees, com posed is it is of the Bishops, and of one Clergyman and two Laymen, oleoted tri ennially by tbe Conventions of tbe several Dioceses, should inspire confidence, as fur nishing every roosonablo guaranty of effi cient oversight, and a spirit of devotion to the advancement of the Church in its in tegrity and the best interests of the young. Kvery facility possiblo, as our means permit, will be extended to the sons of the Clergy. They are now reoeived at half tbe usual rates of tuition, and muoh more will be done for them hereafter. In the Theological Department, as it is built up in the future, will be found one of the most important aids to the growth of the Chnroh in our widely extended field. But we cannot dwell on these points at further length. The cause of the "Universitv is the .cause of all the Dioceses interested in the work. Of its importance to the Church and the rising generation, too mnon cannot be said. Cathouo in spirit, oomprehen sive in soope, and elevated in its aims, it is worthy of the Church, designed to meet the highest educational wants of our people, nnd is one of the first necessities of the times. ' It has survived a state of things which not only suspended all effort. but seemed for a time to threaten its ex tinction. And now if our people, who are or ought to be most deeply interested in it, have faith in themselves, in those to whom tho work is more immediately com mitted, and iu the blessing of God npon our effort, final success, such as was at first anticipated by the Fathers who lod the way, but are fallen asleep Polk, and Elliott, and Otey, and Cobbs, and Rut ledge final success, such as they antici pated, will bo placed beyond all peradven ture. It may not bo seen to tho full, and will not in our day : but our children and our children s children will gather there in the time to come to rejoice in the light thereof, and bless tho memories of those who laid its foundations. The foresigdt which selected for the University" the beantiful plateau of the Cumberland rango, will be appreciated more and more as its unsurpassed advan tages are developed in tbe future. Two thousand feet above the level of the sea, gently undulating, witn numerous springs of purest water, a most sain brious climate, a rich forest growth, inexhaustible quantities of stone, and coal in abundance accessible by rail road to all parts of the country, and yet in its healthful isolation exempt from those temptations to dissipation ana vice in the young which elsewhere so gen- ally aboitnd, there is probably no locality on tbe continent better adapted to the perma nent growth and success of such an insti tution. We can only commend, in conclusion, to your fostering sympathies and generons upport, this noblo undertaking ; for with out these it cannot succeed. The Clergy are earnestly requested to read this address full to their congregations ; and to provide, on the day appointed, the 3d Son day in Advent, or if that is impracticable, on some occasion soon after, for such of ferings as their people will cheerfully give. And may God incline their hearts to con tribute liberally, according to the ability which He hath given them. All sums collected should be forwarded Dr. H. M. Anderson, General Treasur er, Rome, Georgia. Alkx. Ukf.oo, Jiishop of Texas. J. Freeman Youko, Bishop of Florida. M. A. Ctjbtis, Clerical Trustee, N. C. . W. C. Williams, Clerical Trustee, Ga. J. M. Bankisteb, Clerical Trustee, Alu. T. E. B. Peoues, Lay Trustee, Miss. November 1, 1809. iVKW APTEBTISEMEXT8. MM ADiKKTlSOEXTtt. a S 'S S 2 2-B M ''""'"OU otitatcabl. for family nun, as ell a 7... . .7 ' m Lirnrcn.., eonoon, .to., while the prlcv. at whio itj iu. uiimbu uiiM.-i ar. now Uf, au b. al).rtld (IM to tt.rxh) oanh) Im tirm&tMl L.1 nimimii &I1 nl&ajui will, rnti nl'it ft m,,. I ., . . 1 , j iuuiii u uiu luvftii. m i r'quiruuiiMiia m an nam ,....,u.i.i v uiwr, tin ui 11 mo tiuiv nr i-r : f g, Thl,T arrt equally ailiptn I . similar uu.l ,.. ,.,,., ,,i..ii., ..,in,,,rn. uw, iik : proa muta. wo tlntaul as film lino, tirniiinv lit rrntitaiiic, foraonn tit rimer m eaitiy iarii from 60o. to t$ per nroulhR, and a proportional urn by davotitiE tli.ir whole time to the btisl nean. )oy aud girls oaru nearly as much as men. Tint all who this nutins may send their addnws, aud teat the butiuesa, wo link" this unparalleled offer : To auoh aa are not well aatiatfod, w will tend tl for tbo troublo of writ Ihk. Full particular., valuable aamplo, which will do to ooiiimeiin. work on, and a copy of 7'An I'rtyle's IMfrtiry (imiKinfon one of Ihe Unreal and beat family newapaper. publiahed all aunt frmt br mail. Beadnr if roti want turniv nciit, profltahlo work, adilreia U. 0. ALLEN A CO., AiwaTA, M.MftK. Free To Book Agents We U1 asnd a handaomo proanootna of our NRW ILLVSTflATKU FAMILY UtBLlfi to any book airoiit, fr of obarR.. Addroa. NATIONAL P0BU8H1NO CO., I'hila,, l a., At lanta, Ua,, or tit. Louis, Ho. AUK. KITH WANTKO-fr-or llow to Make th. Krm I'ty. A mirs, aaf. aud practical Unido to oyory Farmer, Htoek llaiaer. (Jardmir and Fruit Onltnrial. by this book yearly protlta may ua uouuiuu. iaua imiroaaoii in value, poor nion inado rich, and lionoat labor rewarded. Knglith una Herman. Everybody buy. it. Out) sold In a fow township. HnndredH In a inlo towD.hip. A pacta oan uud do better wook dtirlnir th. Fall sud Wintor. t'arnu-rt and 1iuir on cum each mak tloo trr month.. Kond for oirou lar. Addreae ZKIULKK Ik'CUKLY .V CO., Philadelphia, fa., Oinoiuuati, Ohio, or St. Lonia mo. tl. apaoo, are not liable to Rot out of ordvr, (sot ramtiruit; ttumui once, whrra a ntanoforto I tumid twenty tiun'a), aro vory durabhi, and more eaay to learn lo play npou lliau the planturto. Tho M. A II. Oman Co.. aro now a..llinr FOm OOTAVK OltOANH for 5l)eaohj F1VJB OOTAVK DIKIANH FIVK BTOl'H. w th two sola Of VI JUA TOKH for U ami other styles at proportionate rani. For toatluion; tithe superiority of their Or can, the Maanu & Hamlin Organ Co. reapeotful ly reier 10 nut tnuaioai proriaiili Knnorally: majority of tho moat prominent nm-ienn in the country, with many of euuiHUW In Kurope, hav iiiK Riven puhlio t(wllnmiiy that tho Meann A llainliii Oriiaua exotd all othwH. A circular oouUiuinR thia tiiatiiuouy in full will no aent tree to any one dcairinii it, alao a de ecrlptive circular, containing full partlculara, ro aiioctina; theea Itiatrumonta, with correct 1raw iiiRa of tho different stylo, aud lowaal pii.'ca, wiiii'n are moil anil luvariaiuo. Atlilrtiaa TIIK MAHON A HAMLIN OltdAN CO.. 090 llrnadwey, N. Y.; 104 Tromout Ht Boston, AUSNTSi OVR NKW PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE The Moat Contain, ruor. than 1,000 lane and i-opui.r autuontlo liniairatioua ; OD.OOO llarr aiad enoea. Directions for the Profitable ProUtabl. BeadinR of lb Scripture, Ohrono- of am loRioal and Oenealosloal Tablea, Ta Hook, bl.a of Mcaauroa. VVeiuhta. (Join. eto., a beautiful Family It coord and Family Al- Diim, ewi., etc. It is prononnoed by oompetenl judoes to bS an- perior to all other edition, of the Holy Bible, for the nae of families, mlnl.tera, atudoota and other.. Onr Agouti are baviim an nnpreoedea ted harvest. For Clronlar. anil full particular., address JOHN B. POTT a: It A CO., ph'rt. oi s ow aaauoa at., i'aiiaaaiiuia, mm m a- ITrrrUOtJT pnotiilc, Poctof or Kodlclnn, V f Helit poat-pald, on receipt of 1(1 eta. Ad dtwui Dr. H. B. VOOTK. (author of Medical (lorn mon Nunee) No. Ii0 LexlnKton Avo., our. Eaat mm ni., n. v. A WAV WITH lneumtiirtall. '1'UVanhlM. 1 1l Oomfort and Onre for tho Unptured. Bent oat-pain ou receipt of 10 o.nU. Adilr.ua Dr. 11. wo. u-o ltiiiKtop Ave., New York How I mad. It In .la moalhi, BRHCrnt and aamnlo mailad froe.- Mam, N. Y. Tho Purest, lost and Cheapest 4 CUTTER. AOOOD CDTTEB WANTS A SITUATION ta some of the Southern State.. Will go any time after January lot. Beat of referenoo gives. Addreta for Ihe present, H. O. PEASE, Amherst, Sua. Two Months FREE !FEEE ! ! The Moat Popular Javaall. Magaalae In America, notiiinu bkctiuhal, I NOTIIIIfU 8KC1AUIANI S'ii.tt V AM. fiROTKKS. 4LHS. CHMIU BI TT6HM.da from 1 Ral. or milk, without drug.. Bond SUo. and .tamp and get reoclpo with fall particulars. Very val- name. Addrvsa N. M LINTON, Wilmiugton, Ohio. ' ' 2!!0 PC A DAI. 88 now artlolo. for Agmita. lpi5t)HampleiA. H.B. S0AW, Alfred, Mo. f.lTTLK THE com ORAL Katlraljr Original aad flraUflau. Allnow.ubaoribera for THR LITTLE OOB POitAXi for the new year, whose names and money are aent In before the last of November, will reoeive the November and December Noa. of I860 FUKE. TflB Lxttls OoBFOBAt hat alarqpr cirotiUitum titan any oilier Juoeuil Magazin in th Worlil, and I. better worth the price than any other magazine published. Uecanae of Its immense circulation, we are en abled to f urnlah It at tbo low prioa of 1 One Pol lab aYiab s Bingl. number li oenta ; or free to auy one who will try to raiae a club. Deautifiil premium, for olubs, Bubarcibe NOW. Back number, can always be sent. Addrea. ADFBED L. SEVVELL, A 00., PtiBLUHStis, Cbiuaoo, Iij. HOLIDAY JOURNAL FOR 1870. CONTAINING a Fairy atory for Christmas, Play., Fuz.le. and Wonders. 1(1 large page., Illustrated, Sent FHEE on receipt of 2 oeut .tamp for postage. ADAMS A CO., Bromocld titreot. Boston, Mas. WOUEN OF NEWYOItK; or. The Under. World or th. Uraat Cliy. The tins of every claaaof eocioty exposed. Avoid the Kaitroad to ruin. Signal, of danger are up. Muuk Mosey im it rou Live Aoents tbam any otueu fooK. Takos tliroo presee. all the time to print faat enough. One Aqmt took 11Q Orders in 10 day. 740 page., 15 illustra tions. Frico, S3 ao Agent. Wanted. Ad dreB. N. Y. BOOK CO., IIS Naseau Stroot, N. Y. HVNTKR'S Ol'IDK.-Tui BEAL "origi nal." 22,000 Mild. Tell, bow to bunt, trap and eatch ALL animal from mink to bear. 110 tanning secrets. 64 pages, well bound. Erory boy need. it. It wiU FAY. Honey refunded if not eatianed. Only 25 eta., poet-paid. Addreaa BUNTKK A 00., FabUsbera, Binadale, N. H. ASK yoar Dor tor or Dragg let larlWKBV (IVININBIt ennala (bitter) Qultiin.. Manu faotored by V. BTEAUNH, FAltB Co., ObciulaU. N.w York. CHILBUHN'M PATRIVT RED JACKET AXE MISCEUAXEOUS. MiiiuinriihCr RM) OI'FMMi (M'TORKR 1st, I860. K11LE0ADS LAHQKUT STOCK OF MERCHANT TAir.oMNLi uoom IN ma an' clotiih. CAaaiMiiuiia, vlotingh, Km, Km, Km HAVINO ENUAOED TIIK HFUVIOKS OF A llr.t-olaaa lttltr, who ba. bad many year. sxperlonco in the Urncat Northern establish- menu, w. are now prepared to oiake to order an. an y doaoriptiim uf Hiula at tho ahorte.t ootioo, it with perfect taiiafactinn to the purchaser. CLOTI1INO ! CLOTIlINa 1 1 CLOTHING 1 1 1 Wo havo now ou html the Unreal .took of Men' a. youlha' and Ohlldren'a Olulliinit, Fnruiali- ing Ooods, Fancy Arliclca, Ifnta, eto., Iu tlio oily. Cllvw n. a -aal I anal Jails, lor Tonrarlv... OadctHiiita for Oaim 1'car Actdomy made to order, - . - tiuir.H ,urAT io w mm t DAVID WEIL, anpt 30 XT Market Street, LinilGUATIOiV Orncs or tbs N. O, Imsiquatios AasooiATtOM, WUniiugtou, Nov. Bth, 1BCD. Tbs nnder.lirn.d. havinir been duly anoolnted by th. North Caroline Immigration Aaaociatlou their Agont for the state ot North Oarolina, t. now prepared to farnlah Farm Hands, atechanloa, and uoua. eervauia, at auort Butloo, ana uvitts or. aura ror tue aauie. . For particular, terms, and condition., apply tu iu hu ri; Agent, at Onioa foot Bed Cross Btnet. nov 0 88-tf At nov 20 DON CARLOS, J , . anil IDA LEWIS, ANDKIWON'S. 40 LONfi CLEAR SIDES. BOXES L0NQ OLEAB HIDES, DRY SALTED. For sale at lowoat flgaroa by A. II. snEPPEBSON A 00., nov 2 Sgoth Wator at. Bl- Is bettor than onr regular .liaped Axe. for these reasons : first It out. deeper. rJaoomt It don't tick io tho wood. Third II does sot Jar the hand. Fbun7tNo time Is wanted in taking the Aie ont of the cut. Ffth With the same labor yon will do one-third more work than with regn lar Axe. Bed paint ba. n.lhinir to do with tbe good nualitie. of this Axe, for all our Ax., aro paintou rou. u your hardware atoro doe. not keen our goofla. we will Eladlv answer Inanirim or All your order, direct, cr give yon tho name of mo Dearer; nnaicr wno Keep, onr Axea. L.IPPIMUOTT At BAKICWKL.L., Pltubarsh. Pa. Bole ownor. of Colburn's and Bed Jaokct FatenU. SOMBTIIIIMO in the Star for Koerybody. Star la the Wtit, 1870. An 8 page Culver- salist family weekly, giving current secular new.. Edited by Bey. Dr. Williamiom A J. S. O ant well. 12 50 per year in advance. Premium to new anbacribers. Send for specimen. Addreaa WILLIAMSON A PANT WELL, Cincinnati. Ohio. WANTED AGENTS. 1220 per month to .ell the only OENUINK IMFBOVED (MJMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWINO MACHINE. Prlr. only Sis. Great inducements to Agents. This is the moat popular Hewing Machine of the day make, the fa mon a "Elaatio Lock Stitch" will do any kind of work that can be done on any Ma chine 100,000 Mid and the demand ooo.tantly increasing. Now is the time io take an Agenoy Mend lor circulars. MflJeinare of inrrmaert.-M Addreaa BEOOMB A CO., Boston, Mass., Pitta- burgh, Pa., or Su Louis, Mo. 3 TAR SPANOLK0 DARN Kit." It .till J wavea, bettor than ever, llich, Bare. Ha- cy. Jjeilger aizo, 40 column. Wit, Humor, Fun, Hnmbug. exposed. Elegant f:l uteel plato " Evangeline " OKATIS to fc VEBY aubeoriber. Only 75 ota for a whole year Steel plate ritKB, Speoimens 6 ct. Addree. 11ANNBK, Hinsdale, a. a. OUR MOTTO IS "''Jfci'.'H" i ya.JTj"Bli Both in quality and quantity of uoods, a. our Agent, will toatify. boing the Oldoet Houte in the ooantry, eelliug each article for Una Dollar, aliip- fnug au uoods the day the order u received, bav ng a large stock to .elect from of Urat-olaa. Uoorta, bong ht expressly for rail trade: and to satiafy all that we are reliable, we give below (reference by permieeion). Joedas. Ma bus a Co.: Geo. 8. Wins low A Co.: Bostoh Bilviu Glah. Do.; I.ez A SHifAnn. P. S. Send for circular. Address C&8TMAN A KENDALL, Box E. 25 Bawloy Street. Boston. P.O. We are Coming TUB GRBAT ORIGINAL. DOLLAR lALJfl of DBY AND FANCY GOODS, and will present to any peraon sending us a Clob, a Watch, Silk Dress, Piocs of Sheetiug, FREE OF COST. Send for a Catalogue of Good, and .amnio dolivered to any addrea. froe. J. 8. HAWKS Jt CO., 14Sd(130rlral St.. Uoston. ftl.sa.. P.O. Box, O. ' N . B. Samples given on application for Catalogue. TTtar Ladle. Private I lrc a lar of 3 moat um- J. fill and Indispensable article, ever invented, address Mada doval, P. O. Box 2438, N. Y. uiiy, BACON FORK. IIHDS. Bmoked Western Bboolders; 10 hbd Smoked Woatorn 0. It. Sulea; 40 boxos dry salted oloar Bides; 100 bbls heavy City Hues Pork. For sale by ADMAN V0LLBB8. oot23 23 Morning Btar and Buinter Wakhman copy. OENEBAL BCPEKINTENDENTS OFTICK,) Wilmirotoh A MasoBEarxa B, B.Oo. V Wii.hihotom, N. C, Nov. S, 18C9.J ON AND AFTER MONDAY RIOBT.' the 8th I .. . n ........... - . i. fEr l u i n -in lUBh, eeuiij' &ur mo TV . CS u. U. X.. will tako tho Train at tbs W.AW.B.B. Depot and the following .olioilulo will be ran: ::.f EXPaE8BTnAIN.'frt'r'','''"': Leav. Wilmington (W A WBB Depot) 4:00 A. M. Arrive at Florence 10:32 A. M. Arrive at KingaTllle... ......M:6S P. M. Leavo Kiug.vill ..1M,12.8a P. M. Arrive at Moronoo. B:64 P. M. Arrive at Wilrnlngton...i...vi ...w.l0:is P. M. ACCOMMODATION 3BAIN. 4 Leave Wilmington (W W B 1L Pepol) 8:45 P. H Arrive at Floronoe , .......... 2:40 A. M. Arrive at Kingavill. .,.,iKK) A. M. Leave Kingavillo ,-vv , 4:00 P. M. Arrive at Flomnce ....... i. 9M p. M. Arrivo atW. W;U.ll. Depot....... 0:19 A. H, WM. MaoBAR, s General Superintendent. WILMINGTON A WELDOM BAIIJUJAD 00.,) Ulrica timer lino. A Gm. 8hieuintkhuint, WitmwoToy, N. O., April 29, 1M9. ) ON AND AFTEIt MONDAY, Uie 20th In.t., onr paoeonger tralus on this road will leave Wilmington at :0O A. It, and 10:00 P. M., and arrive at Woldon. 0:00 A. M. and 2:50 P.M. Leav Weldon 10:10 A. M. aud 78 P. M. Arrive at Wil mington 4:30 A. M. and 7:1 l It, , Th. day train will not rnn on Sundays, A daily through freight train will Lavs Wilmington (Sundays sx cepud) at 1UW p. M., for th aooomtaodatlon of Truck Fanner. Paaaengor. oan alio get accom modation, on eeld freight train aa far a. GoiiU bar', ,4, U FftEMONT. Eng. A Bnpt. sprll 10 ---'-t-T-'r!..r3.. ,.,... iotf GREAT SOnillCin PASSEXGEa AND FItEIfillTI.LAM All LIA'E, Between New lerk and New OrletnsI axo all ivTxsjtasiATB emxaiKD SLACKS. riUME FBEIOBT FOBWABDED BY PA8SEN 1 OEB T BAINS, and at LOW BATES. Mo Insurant wesawiry, c.-fi - - To paroliaaw Tioketa, or for rates of Transpor tation and other information, apply at th Gener al Offlos, soi Broadway, oornst of Beads strsol. Now York. ' rXTKB MALLSTT. . OMBsral Ageot. New York. June IS, 180s gafi-tf Hll Charlotte & Kutncrford E. B, tins! " OaWBSAt BPTOTISTSlltSf S OWIML 1 WcuriNaToir. N. a. May 15. lSfllL I ON AND AFTEB MAY 1STH, tli. PuMn.er train on tht. Boad will leave WUminrton nn Tuesday, Tborsday and Saturday at 7 o'eiook, A. Arrive at Rnoklnghsm sams days, at ti P, H. Arrivs at Waitosboro' ( BtagsKat P. M. Leave Wadeeboro' (Blue) on Tnoedav. Thnra, day and Saturday, atl P. M. ' - licav. uoojtinguam on Monday, wsdoesday and Friday at 8:30 A, If, Amy. at Wilmington sams days at P. IT. " W. L EVEKETT, General Saporintaodent, may IS -ii:-.is4-tf C0PA11TKERSIUP NOTICES uriiwiitiv Wnanflictiirerf tij Tho National Watcl Ci, OV ELOIW, ILL. rronnnncril tir TTslrll Maker, Kallrowl unit f x- firiiw mrn, tt aud Wml, rt be the Mint eorrrrt lime KeeiKre Mslr.. A rotil purtlra who t. ycliJw lo enl WnlrhK. t .0.0." ri'KPOUTIXM lo b of onr Minks. W iirninh nnno lur met inrpiwe. lucre are rnn- mum in meraer. in net (1HM'IK UtiH Will 111 S apply to di aler In yuurumi locnll'jr ur rUwherr, honi jm k.ow to be h.irahli'. Ilenlnrai. Illilre nd oalaa Ituuiu lot A. 1U1 ImX ttrfrt. thlcuo. 111. nov 5 84-Swuh u. unuNniLD. Wholesale Liquor, Tobaooo and Cigar Doalor, No, 2 North Wator Street. Has for aalo all kinds imported and Domoatio liquors, alao cigar., io. bov 17 ; 4t-lm PIANO FOR SALE. A N EXCELLENT HEOOND-H AND. iano, Cbioknrin'. make, for sale! cheap. Alao, a No. 1 Singers' Howing uaouipa wiu ue mom low. Apply to JAB. FIBSHON, Love's Book Store, oct 10 12-tf TUB CBLBBRATED STEWART COOK STDTE THE BEST IN THE WORLD I OVER 100,0 00 IN USE. nov 20 Sl-Otch KID GLOVES. LEIANDEB KID GLOVE8 II 25 per pair, JOHN J. HEDIUCK, Agent, Oorner Market and Second atreets. nov 25 ' BO- JUST LI. AT HEIDE'S 2,000 Pounds Candies, SO Barrels Apple., 60 Barrels Potatoes, M Barrel. Cider, 10 Boxes Lemon., 25 Barrel. Buck Wheat. RewBainns, Fig. and Nuts, Orange., Butter and Lard. nov 88 so RICE! KICET FilEdU BiT.i.vn HI 01 , . of Prims Qmality. , Tor aals by WIUalAMB A MCBCAIB0N OT W ta-u Will do more work with tbe same amount of fuel than any other Stove ever maue. F U L L E B, W A B B E N A O O., KXCLUSrVB MANCFAOTUKBBS, Taoir, w. y. 1 AVDesoriptive pamphlets sent fre, KMTKMT E5IT. AGENTS WANTED everywhere to sell the AMEBIOAN KNITTING MAOHINE, the only practical Family Knitting Mao nine aver invent ed. Prioe $25. Will knit 2,000 .titcbe per min ute. AddreM AMEBIOAN KNITTING MA CHINS CO., Boston, Mass., or SW Lonia, Mo. THE . THK MASON L HAMLIN ORGAN CO. WI5HKBS or PAKJS SCXPUSITIOS) MDAk WHO WAVE rmrOBMLT BSV.ll AWAI5DED HIGHEST HONORS, AT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITIONS IN THIS OODKTBT,, . Bo that tbeir wotk i. th. SMkaaayladcad ataa dant or .xe.li.ac in its department, reepeoU fully annoooo. that, with x tended and perfeoted laouiue ana vj uie exciiuivw ua 01 reoent Im proveaienU, they ere now prodaotng yet am pM argaaa taaa aver fcefer., in great variety aa to atyle and prioe, adapted to all pab lio and ptivate asas, for Drawing Booms. Uara. riea, Moaio Booms, Coo cert Hails, Lodges, Obarcnes, Boboola, Ac, in plant and elegant oases, ail of which they are enabled by their no equaled faetbtus for taanfaotors to sell at priMsoi inferior work. Tbo reosnt improvoments in taess organ havo SO iuorMMd thir aefnln.es sad popularity that ebey art snqMaUOBAbJy to Mosl dcairabb) in- TAR. WIUTTIKK, 9 Wyli. St, Plttabnrgli, umuu'Viuu muuiai ua. Lro.ie an vetnt. real uia.aaea; alao aemlual weaano4a, impotency, fto.. the result of eejf-abuee. Bond 2 .tamp, for midu pempici, uu pane., no manor wno railed. taieoaae. uowuuiauon iree. TIIK HAQIO COMB will change any colored hair or beard to a permanent black or Brown. One Comb tout by mail for $1. Eoraale by Mer chants A Dmggiata generally. Addreaa Magio vvrno w., oprmgneia, mass. S75 TO 1200 per Month paid to Agent, .al ary or eommiasion, to sell onr Patent U"?-Wire Clothe. Line- Addren Hudson Hi-1 Ac, will bo offered at aution every night nntU ver Wire Work., 75 Wm. bt. N. Y., Cbioago, Bid uiuuu ur ueiupuu. TJEBFEOT MANHOOD.-E.eays for ttoong -K. HOB, on U1B CTUa oi B&l.r-N1VA1 IUN, with certain help for the erring and anfortauate. Bout in sealed letter envelope, free of charge. Aciureea novuo assooUTlos, Bot r, fhila., Pa. BBTATtT iTBTCBD 1840. J. P. TRAVERS.& RAN, MANCFACTt' BKKS OF The Anchor Cotton Twine, 46 Beeeilui St., New Tobk, Offer for sals Bailing; Twine for Ootton, Oraa bnrg Twine, Cotton Chalk and Plow Line., Trot, staging and Out Lmee, Twmee for Hard ware, Dry Goods, Grocer., Druggists, Ship Chandlers, Stationers, Cpbolaterera, fishermen and all other Trade. Sample sent free. oct 15 17-law4wch PUKE WHISKIES. CUMBERLAND OOTJNTT, N. O., BYE AND CORN WHISKIES, mad. by J All at ATT At lAIDroUD, gaaranteed free from adultera tion, and kept by all Ui principal dealers In thia Btat. Thee Whiskies ar made by th Distillers formerly in toewaployOMOt of Ool. Pnrv.tr. of auaia wuu.j, uu uteis mm meoraaea wnu key known as "Pnryear's Beat," ia parity, flavac and tate. Peraoo. desirows of aotms- aa Aranl. t, al. of oar Whiskies will oommunicate with th Proprietors at FayetSsviUo, N. O. JAlULli r eS BAjTOFORD. nov 13 ai.i n. Btar and Post cop y 1 nU and sond bills to i 8 HI880LI!TIOIt. THE COPARTNERSHIP SRHETOFOBK EX iatuig betwesn MoiUeA MoQsU, is dissolved by mutual consent. II. W. McCall remaining at Still to settls op all olaiais, AI.EJl. MoBAB, Jr., i U.W.1I00ALL. Pt W . . ... .. .. , , 801-tf INTLLUtEKE OFFICE. T abohjbrs for Plantations, Bailroads, Mill.. XJ Timber snd Turpentine ; Meohanics and Bervants furnished to planters and others, in North and South Oarolina and elsswasrs, on abort notice. Sir Prompt attention given to all' applications Ollloe (opposite the Com-I Uonss. Poatoffios Box 101, Wilmlugton, N. 0. ja. m. ucquiuu. Bofurenoe : Buaiqeas men pf Wilmington, nov IU , ,, 41-lm NEW YORK AND ST. LOUIS, aosa, KOBBHTS 04fc, -H GENERAL O0M1II88I0N HEBCHANT3, No. 01 Fooirr Btbmt, Ntw Toss, Pay apeolal attention to th. purchase of Coffes. Sugar, Syrups, Bagging, Rope, Iron, Tie, eto., eto. BLACKH AH.ROBEUTS, CnAWOUClt 4k CO. 300 Nomn Cojimhoui. Btkiit, 804 Lkvm, ' Bt.' lonjs, Mo., GKNEBAL COMMISSION MEB0EANT8, Makothe pnrohaxe of Baggin Floor, Corn and other Western ciality, giving oloes attention to tract, and oondition or good.. oct ia " Baoon, loots a spe- frejghis, con- riW-2mch IN 8T0BE AND TO ARRIVE. 2QQ BBLS. MULLETS, 100 " Irish Potatoea, 1000 doz. Dry and Saltod Mullot Boo, For Sal. by TB08. O. LEWIS, No. 8 Market afreet, nov 11 09-tf AUCTION ETERT NIGHT AT ritBO V, VKKJICU i, o. Ill, Santa Kroat Street The exten.lve lot of Grooerie Fancy Goods, disposed of- F. F. FRENCH. 00- DEVOTIONAL BOOKS. Jat K arrived at J. D. Lev.1. Hook Store I a THOUGHTS ON PERSONAL KELIOION, . Study of the Holy Scriptures, Idle World, Goal burn's Sermons, Holy Living and Holy Dying, Help to Beading the Bible, Household Theology, Bamptoo Loot are, buiveraity Ser mons, Memoirs of John Keble his Poems and Christian Yar, Th Cbnrebman'. Beamn for his Faith and Practice, Bickn.. it Trial and Blessings, Standing and Stumbling, Church Doe trine Bible Truth, Church History in England, Tower' Exposition of th Gospels and Eoi.Uea. Thaokleaia, Vpx Boolwiao, Bemarkabk Facta. Proctor on the Book of Common Prayer, Tbo fiocuT i.iana. in. uiarKicai auu ititnal Hnaann Why, Note on th GoeDel. Dtrectorinm Purie. rale, Lentoi Fart, Prayer Book Inlrttnel, Bite and Cuatoms of the Oraeea. ltnai.a ch.rnh Translation of th Primitiva Litnrfriaa. E a n -l d:ui.. . T. " 1 nuij diui. sou crsyer joi. flonuflm ror llhiu dreu. and many other London, Oxford aad Cam- enuge irauuoauoD. oct HI , 30-tf Btokaat Atala.W Apaalatm..ata. Weldo...... Warranton, Williamaboro', Oxford, ....................... Bsaderaon, Loaiabnrg,.. Charlotte, Linoolnton, High Bboals, Gton eoanry, . . Concord. Cabarra oniar.--- Saliabury, Chriat Ohurch, Bowao eounty,. H4. JaaM lmWl eoonty, St. Andrews, ttowaa oouoty,... WadMbor,t Nov. i 4 6 T t 11 14 17 IS 30 SI S4 So u 'S ASTRAL Oft 3 f-WU CHasGH OF LAMPS Pfwq pvk r.a.i u.s septT sat-eod-eh I FOR SALE.- TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLABB -"t - -if A,". : 120,000) In City of Wilmington Six Par Cent. Gold Bear ing Ten Xsat Coupon Bonds. Ts b sold ia small Lots. Apply to aug20 . FIBST SAXIOSAif BANK, JAMia DAWSON, et ;i JAS. O. BUBB A COl CE0.Z.FROCII Cbalrmaa Ftoanos Obaaifttss -It, rf r0'ajTbiotfc Tits I TAcanrrr? TTM HAYS A BUFPUf OF TAGS fctTTTA- Y 1 bl for laoeiuog foods, Arooal. aod tara woold da vat Is giva n sail aad .opaly IbaaaMlve, They ar aa nkaowtaarl eoara. Bieoe and aavuig of baa. liar, yow orUers to IAGB AUad at ah jouBxu. oxri. ALL KLVDS CF JOB WOBK . . -r w a WTTw TPT.rITIf-PQ t ar H F LAal mBUsW a-AI f.L1 A lUvL)I aJUWCTKD AT TF" jVfcii.. AbC TICK.