4 nXirtrA 111 II 1 1 1 I i I la "4 s ' " 4- VOL. XIX-N0. 72 WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, 1809. WHOLE NUMBER 5,414. THE DAILY JOURNAL WILMINGTON. N. C. ' tmSl)A DECEMBER 21.U8C9. 1 " 'from tbe Raleigh Boutlnol. PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATURE SENATE. THUBSDAl's FBOCKESMaS CONCLUDED. Mr. Sboffner moved a suspension of the mlM in order to introduce a military bill of which no notioe had been given. After some discussion the motion prevailed. AN ACT To BECDRJt THE BBTTBB PHOTICTION f! ; OF LIFE AND PBOl'KBTf. TheGeceral Aeeemblyof North Carolina do . enact, Thai the Governor ia hereby authorized end empowered whenever in hit judgment the civil authoritiee in any oounty art unable to pro. teot it eitwens in tba enjoyment of life and pro perty td deolare snob counties in estate of iu enrrootion Aud to call Into active service the , militia vt the State lo snob aa extent as may be "' came nricessary to repress such insurrection. I (Bee.. 9 That the Governor Is berebveuthorlsod 4 empowered to request the President of the United ttoe to suspend the writ of habeas oorpoe io any eonnty or counties declared nnder autiiority of this act to be in a state or Insnr reotiou, and to afford such aaelatsnce as in bis judgment may be neoessary to enfuroe obedience tO la. ,.. Beo. 0 That upon motion of the Bolioitor of a District it aball be the duty of the Judge ibereot to remove the trial of any person lndioted for murder, conspiracy, and in violation of an act ratified the 12th day or April, lhtitf. from the county where suoh offense niav have been com mitted to sach Other county as the Solicitor may designate. .'...,., Sue, 4. That the expenses attending the sail ing of the militia into aotive servioe as herein provided aball be paid by the Treasurer of the State upon the warrant of tba Governor and it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of the county declared to be iu a btate or insurrection and where such service was rendered to reim burse wltein one year the Treasurer of the .Slate I lie expenses Uua paid; Provided, That when ever a person or persons shall have been con. vioied of a violation of the act mentioned in eeo tion three of the aot said expenses ol the militia shall be taxed on the bill of costs sxaiost tbe person or persons convicted, and when collected the same shall be paid into the Treasury of such county. Bee. 5. That all laws or elansea of laws in eon flict with this act are herebv rebealed. Boo. 6 This act shall be in force from and after its ratilioation. Mr. Sboffner moved a suspension of the rules in order to put tiie bill on its second .. reading, Mr. Graham raised the point, that as the 16th section of the Constitution, legisla tive iiopartment, provides that no bill waking appropriation can pass hut one reading on the same day in either house, the motion to pot the bill on its second reading was out of order, as it had already Deen read once, and it contained a provi sion to raise a tax. The Chair decided the point not well taken. Mr. G. appealed from the decision of the Chair, and the Chair was sustained, The motion to suspend the roles pre vailed, and the bill was read a necond time. Mr. Bobbins obtained the floor, and said: This is a bilL Mr. President, of suoh an extraordinary character, that it is difficult -to discuss it with calmness. An ardent admirer of the safe-guards with which Anglo Saxon wisdom has fenced in the in dividual liberty of the citizen against the encroachments of tyrannical power, I feel my eonl profoundly moved by this propo sition to place the rights of every citizen of this State at the mercy of one man. It is an neoessary for me to say that I am not a sympathizer with those who violate law. My voice and influence shall ever be given in favor of upholding the law rob bers, murderers, barn-burners, ravisbers, I denounce them all as outlaws, deserving arreet and punishment. effect of his bill could be to accomplish this desperate end in a wise and judicious manner, I should not oppose, but support it most heartily. But this bill will do nothing of that kind. Senators declare that outrages are committed; but when I demand who are the guilty outlaws, no answer is given. All the crimes are recently perpetrated, and the criminals are unknown. Then, Mr. President, to arrest and pnnieh these offen ders, it is Argus, and not Iiriareus, that we need eyes, not arms, are required. No Senator will say that anywhere in this State there is any open or forcible resis tance to the civil authority. There is no insurrection or rebellion making head and defying the law. There is no criminal in any county whom the Sheriff and his posse cannot arrest Why then propose to send out a military force against invisible aad unknown enemies ? Find out the crimi nalsmark them, ' designate them and then it will be easy to arrest and bring them before the regnlar tribunals, with a power already at command.!, s Then .see that yonr Judges administer the laws im partially, and then peace will everywhere smile on our land. This bill clothes your Governor with the authority, at his sole option, to deolare any county in a State of siege and nnder martial law. - It gives him the whole mili tary of tbe State to enforce suoh ediot. It places the entire Treasury at hid com mand to pay his soldiers. What more than this does it take to create a military dicta torship? If these things can be done, why do we deceive ourselves by calling onrs a free government? What power has the Kaiser or the Czar which you do not give your Governor by this bill I You say the power will not be abused or used with out necessity ? Who knows that? And were it even certain, does it acoord with the spirit of American institutions to en trust our liberties to any one man the best man living ? Whither has fled the old time jealousy of tyrants and pride of independence that used to animate American breasts ! Do I stand among freemen I Nay, I stand in a subservient parliament that seems ready to do the bidding of a despot. I warn you, Senators, that the way you are tread- mark who are responsible for it I know you are determined to pass it and your ears are deaf to all appeals. You hove concocted it in oauous, you have counted noses, you bring it in and rush it through nastily, recklessly, blindly. It will in orenae excitement instead of repressing disorder. It will cause blood to now in rivers where it flowed before iu drops. I deplore this while I predict it. And if this bill passes and be euforeed, if some of its fell oonsequenoes do not light upon the heads Of its authors, and upon the part? that is urging it, then I am greatly mis taken. lint why say more ? ' The voioe raised for liberty ana for the people in these days is drowned by the roll of drums. I have done what I could. I have spoken for law, for ' liberty and for peace. A noble constituency have placed me here to battle for their rights. I have dona my duty ; but I am overwhelmed by numbers. Now to the people I commend the vindication of their own cause and the guardianship of their own rights for wliioh I have vainly struggled in the Senate Chamber. ? I g ' By this bill you make up the issue of ty ranny against law and liberty. Let the people, whoso servants we are, decide it and judge us. Mr, Boall said that the Senate on yes terday passed a resolution instructing the Committee on Military Affairs to take this whole subject into consideration, and to report a bill to meet the case. Me thought that the proper course to pursue and moved a reference of this bill to the same Com mittee. The chair ruled the motion out of order, as the rules had been suspended to put tbe Din on its second reading. . Mr. Graham said he did not intend to consume much of the time of tbe Senate, for he presumed from appearances that the minds of Honators were already made up as to how they intended to vote ; but he desired to allude to some rumors that were afloat in reference to his county. Any statement tbat the law could not be en forced there by the oivil authorities, was simply untrue. Ho had heard of some lo- Credations that were committed. The nrning of three barns in one night, and of two coses of rape on two white women by negroes, which happened some time since ; but this Legislature is responsible to a great extent for this state of affairs, in repealing tbe law to punish laroeny with death. In the section of the county in which I reside there was never a better feeling between the two races than at the present time. Ho thought it unwise to pass snch a bill ; it would simply excite the minds of the people and cause those who condemned such things to sympathise witu the criminal. This bill also authorizes steps to be taken for the suspension of tbe Habeas Corpus. Sacred privilege, bought by tbe blood of a noble ancestry, and will you strike it down because now and then some fiendish viola tor of female virtue meets his jest doom at the hands of woman's avengers ? Yoa also propose to authorize any solici tor at his pleasure to remove tbe trial of any prisoner from his own eonnty to any other eonnty in tba State, however distant A jury of bis peers, taken from his vicin age, is not to be allowed. And thus yon strike down another sacred guarantee of Anglo Saxon law, old aa the days of Al fred. Select yonrooonty, pack your jury, seat your Jeffries on the bench, and then we aball gloriously repeat the Mb1oody assizes" which desolated the South of Eng land after Sedgemoor; while here at the Capital nta yoar - James the second and Bloats over tu he!ikM vie Urns 1 Pass your bill, but - la Jiorta Carolina Mr. Jones, of Mecklenburg, Baid : Mb. Pbesident : I have bed the plea sure of supporting many of the measures proposed by the Senator from Alamance since L bave occupied a seat on this floor, and, Sir, from the charaoter of the measures be has initiated, end those ho has auvo cated, I feel assured, Sir, that he would not willfully or recklessly jeopardize the peace of tbe State. And yet Sir, in my judgment, the inevitable consequence of tue passage of such au act as tbe one pro proposed would be to retrace many a painful step which, during the last four years, we have taken towards that goal of our great hope, a condition of permanent and perfect peace, a condition in wnion we may look, nay gaze, once more npon our landscapes and see no blazing camp nres there, when we may listen and near no more tbe roll of tbe sullen drums npon the evening breeze. When war shall be but a dreadful memory in this unhappy land and peace a blessed reality. I come to the consideration of this subject, Mr. President, with no partisan feelings. I know. Sir. its importance, and I approach If the object and I it with that feeling of solemnity which must ever attend tbe abandonment of the peaceful agents of the civil law and of the conjuring up the untamed spirit of military power, and I appeal to senators oi tne dominant party, if they are not predeter mined npon the passage of this bill beyond the hope of recall, to accept my words in the spirit in which they are spoken, to break loose from the shackles of party cauoosses, and to vote npon this bill with an eye right to the interest of the State. Of all the subjects, Mr. President, upon which we could be called to legislate, this is, perhaps, tbe most delicate, for inde pendent of the gross violence done by this bill, both to the.letter and the spirit of onr constitutional law; independent of the dangers to which it exposes the liberty of the citizens, by withdrawing from him that protection which the civil law throws around him, its consequent effects npon tbe prosperity of the State must be, to the last degree, disastrous. Sir, I have ever contended and I still contend, that the obief cause of the slowness with which our State has recuperated since tbe close of the war, and the main reason why capital and emigration have not flowed thither, is the opinion whioh prevails abroad, that our pretended peace here is more specious than real, that society and government here stand upon a thin ornst of trembling lava, beneath whioh is ever swelling a seething sea of anaroby and revolution. Is not this true, Sir 1 How else shall we account for the fact tbat millions of foreigners, who an nually land upon our shores, turn a deaf ear t3 our solicitations, and prefer to buy lands away in the far West rather than take that you offer them at a mere song here, in close proximity to the great ports of tthe Atlantic, through which all their surplus products go ? How else shall we explain that strangest of all the anomalies in the commercial world, that while the price of all other commodities here ia regulated by the prices oar rent in those great centres of oommeroe, the cities of the North, that of money has ranged unoontielled by any influence save the demand In this restricted mar ket? Your cotton is daily bought and sold in this city, and its price varies as the clerk of the telegraph hourly marks the fluctuations in New York; your tobacoo brings just what it is worth considered as an article of commeroe, so of your grain, so iu short of everything except money. We find that tbe capitalists of New York even in those frequently recurring periods of momentary pressure rarely realise more than seven per cent premium npon their loans, while here in the city oX JUaleigh or Charlotte, if yon go into the market even npon mortgage of the best city property yoa pav from one and a half to two per oent per month. Why, I repeat Mr. Pres? ident is this so? It is because capital is proverbially cowardly aad flees instinct-' ively from a land where the winds are shaken even by a whisper of war. It is beoanse newspapers here in North Caroli na for party purposes, have harped npon the pretended disorder in our midst, have rennuatiid a. Kir. in a condition border ing npo actual war, ttntil the people of the North, ever too readr to credit evil reDorts of niL aeeeit these elever fictions as absolute troths and propagate them witn still further embClisnmenta among themselves. And now you propose by this bill to add a legislative endorsement to the truth of all theso wild reports nud tn plunge us again into those very dilllotilties Irom whioh 1 had most devoutly hoped we wore about to emerge. rir, lot us look at this bill; it provides that tue Govutuor may upon his own motion striku down tu oivil government in any; cmiut.v In thi Slate and declare that cotiuty under mar tial law, that no may call out the militia to entoroe this martial luw, nod that he shall, whenever he thinks proper, request the President of tbe United States to suspend the writ of habeas corpus there. Now, Sir, does not this sound like a preparation fortar? Who that rtads these proceed iuch abroad lint must ooncludo that we are in tbe very throes of civil War? ? Who mat reaus mem wouiu tnius ior a moment of entrusting either his life or his money to the proteotion of suoh a government iu suoh a state of soaiety? Mr. President we will call in vain to the laborer and uuto the capitalist nntil we have pence here, until the last vestigo of military goveru nieut has departed the land. We must not only have this peace Sir, but we must convince the world oy ; suostantini proofs thAt it exists for the bare apprehension of dintutbancu is quite as potent for this evil purpose as the actual existence of war. That deeds have been done by lawless men which cannot be justilled, no ouecau deny and no one deprecates them more lhau myself: they are oouliued to a few couu ties and are but one of the phases of the civil war through which we bave lutely paesod; they are but the flickering of a ilame that baa alt but gone out; they are out tne ripple oi the surf where thu wave has spent its fury; time and a proper ad ministration of the civil law alone can heal tbe malady which you but aggravate by your ill-timed aud ill considorod meas nres. hat, Mr. President, granting that all is true that is alleged by Senators hero of the condition of things in theso, oouuties, I see nothing that calls for military inter ference. When they are askod to point Out a single instance whore the oivil authority has been defied, a single instttnoe where the oourse of justice has beeu obstructed by armed violence, and they confess that no instanoe has oome to their knowledge, but they will tell you tbat murders have been committed aud that the murderers are still at large ; but, sir, they are at large because tbey bave not been deteoted, hot bocause the oivil law is powerloes to apprehend them ; according to thoir own statements it is the Grand Jury which needs the re-enforcemeuts, not the officers of the peace : and, sir, in my opinion, battalion of militia would make put poor deteotives. Mr. President, I have not discussed this bill in any of its constitutional aspeots, for. sir, there are other objections to it more apparent and quite as satisfactory to me, and upon these objections I have chosen to base my remarks ; neither sir, nave l dwelt upon the dangerous power which the bill confers upon the Chief Executive of the State, a power to deolare martial law up on his own motion in time of peaoe ; to ereot military tribunals for the trial of ci vil offenders, and to surround these engines of oppression with legions of lawless and partizan militia. It is war, sir, in its most painful aapoata, ana my noart bieeas in anticipation of the fate of the wretched victims in the hands of such a power, and cut off from the protection of civil law by tbe suspension of the wnt of Habeas cor pus, in tbe name oi uod, jur. rresiaent, are we never to nave an end oi war in tnis unhappy land ? never to see the lost of these accursed military tribunals here ? has onr lengthened experience so enraptur ed us with these things that we must be for ever and ever recurring to them ? Sir, for one. I have seen enough of it in all its phases, God knows, and there is nothing that I would not saori lo e to save our wretched State from even a brief period of actual war; and yet, air, in my opinion, 11 - t t MlT , lk.i...J kUla curouiu wuuiuuu ui uircuLoucu wax, this lingering apprehension of strife, is even more baneful than would be a brief period of actual war, resulting in per foot peace. Tbe one, sir, is tne wild aeiinum of the inebriate in his convulsions, tbe other the groping of .the stricken victim of a paralysis, as he sits with nerves unstrung, his muscles relaxed, feeling that the light is daily fading from his reason and the strength from his frame, waiting iu utter helplessness the coming of darkness and death. Sir, this Senate has passed days in deliberating npon trifling bills, affecting the vested riehta of petty corporations, and now, sir, they propose to rush through, in one day, a bill fraught with such mo mentous consequences to the State as this. Sir, such haste is reckless, indecent Senators of the dominant party may pass it thus, but I tell them that the youngest of them will not see the end of this strife, this military power, if we onee embark in it, aud I tell them, too, tbat the reeponsi sility and the peril is on them, and npon them I leave it . . Mr. Hayes called the previous question, whioh was sustained, and the hill passed its Beoond readiug. Yeas 29, nayes 10, J. A. Hyman (colored) called tbe prevt' ous question on the third reading of the bill, which was sustained by tbe following vote: Aves Matrrr, Bellam, Broaden, Barnes, Blytbe, Cook, Cherry, Davis JSppes, (colored) rorkner, Galloway, (oolored) Hayes, Harrington, Hyman, (colored) Jonea of Gulumbua, Jones of Wake. Lieeiter. Lean. hone. Htrtiudale. Moore of Carteret. Moore of Xancey. Biebardson. Ilea- pass, Hhouner, bmim, mepoeus. oweei auu v in stead 's. Nays Meters. Beau. Beomin. Graham, Jonea of Mecklenburg, Lindsay, Uelchor, Mar- pbr, ltobbins and boott. Mr. Hliouaer movea a rcconsmeration of the vote. Mr. Bobbins arose and was recognized by the Chair. Mr. Buoffner claimed the floor and moved to lay his motion ' on the table, which prevailed. - : : Mr. Cook moved a suspension of the I TKv rules iu oraer inai tue oni migai do en grossed and sent to the House, which was lost, a quorum not voting. On motion tbe (senate adjourned. senate) ' Friday, Deo. 17, 18G$sJ The Senate was oallod to order at 10 o'clock. Mr. Iiespasa arose to a question of priv ilege, the reporter of tbe Standard repre sented him aa having said on yesterday that the Sheriff of Wake had settled with the public Treasurer. He alluded alone to the Sheriff of New Hanover, v Mr. Sweet arose to a Question of privil eee in recard to an article whioh appeared in the morning Sentinel of this city copied irora tne Winston Bentinei in which ne (Sweet) is charged with' being a party to a manipulation oi the constitution so as io prolong the tenure of office of the mem bers of the present General Assembly. Mr. (CWWri on FourA Pag) sv.v advi:tisi:mkxth, . a5 JjO "Huw.sjS-j(Bi' (yrwH' I CHA. A. I AN A, Kmton. It, RUtl iMHrf ISt-w Yfu Irltktvatt. Tl . 'sll srntt W wt. Full rrtw I Fruil mWfrV fluti. ami motMUH alorv In VVI-TY Wwitly and Html-Wwhl tntmW. A Hwwttl kf wluahU ThrM aVUtintrsVi DaILT. Wrwni.v,-Jl anrl WgRt t,1 tyu. AtXTBiNiwg at Ml-prict. Fun rrtorrmarfcww, urvruKur, FartnsW nrk nwiMp( I NlH ct. Full wr of mark, urvruKur, OroWffrV Tilth, and mow eiory 1 tut Hmk.WHkl MiiBHiMir. A BNswttl m liit ami Vint In trwy iMcrihr ItMiirttTianta In c Mowing Mi-litnis Vftrtor Omit, HwinjiMt4-lunt, c. imot ttM pmutuau. twobstitt tad luta ft. tta4 T W. EfcaLAJTO, lNUMier Sua. Now Tor. ' OANVaiBPrSQ BOOK HKNT Fit EE POIl Oaris by Sunlight and Gaslight WORK dlaoriptivs of the BVITBRIBI, viRTONe, vicks, tPLKSDOnt md UKIMKS ottbedTY OK I'AHIS. 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Far piios Lists, address, s , PItOUTEU & GAMBLE, ' iit.SOlSNA Tl, O. dvot . O2sod8iiih RAlLROinS, LORILkAHD'a I Tble brsnd of line. flUXTmTTTJXr oosohewlnstobao. I JU JV X I fl ha. bo equal or "" ' , superior a a y where. It Is withont doubt tba best chewing to wiRiAHira I have now beeu in SNUF FS vsSa&t oVh: tyeara, aniT still acknowledged "tbo beat" 110 wherever ruaed. If your atorekeaner doea not have theaa aril. olus for sale, ask him to get them; they ara aold ui roupcurauin juuoers aimoat every wnera, uironiar or pricee mauea on aim I leal Ion. .... MmiLliAUU m V9H New Vera ASK vear Ooetorer Drwa-alet tor B WKET Ul'ININK it Mnala (blttery Quinine. Mann- raoiareo cy r, NXKAUNB, r AilH A Op., Ubemiata, new aura. j TAR. WHITTIBR, 9 Wvlio 8t., PitUbnrgh, iiii uuwn'iiui rvoutauoD aroaia ail veue. real diseaaea; also seminal weakneu, Impoteuoy, Ae., the result of selfHibusa. bends stamps for euou pempies ou pages, no matter who failed, 0 over MHnn Jfor BOoenta. B aroRT !"flW.o-fcmd rmosi r 100 pagea. Age Carda," to tall 'a age. "Game of Authors." AU ma TrrrHOtJT BMotaolee. Doctor or Medioloe. TV Bent post-paid, on reosipt of 10 eta. Ad dreea Pr. E. B. VOOTK, (author of Madloal Com mon Sense) No. 130 lisxington Ave., eor. Eaat 28th Bt., M. Y. A WAV WITH VBeamfortabla4TRUSaBB. Comfort and Cure for the Ruptured. Bent Post-paid uu receipt of 10 cuts. Aodreas Dr. E. . TOOTH, Ho. 180 Lexlnct n Ave.. Hw Turfc. ig,wu jkwaiii A wANTKD VOR RETROSPECTION . The finest Engraving in the Market. Apply at CKITTEHDON A McKlNMSK. 1308 Ohoatnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. onae lo dlOfsftFor flrst-olasa Hew f Octave Pl " 0- Bent on trial. U. 8. Piano Co., New Tork. t OOMMON 3E0Sa-s3XI. WANTED AGENTS. 050 per month to aell tbe only GENUINE IMPBOVED COMMON BENBE FAMILY SEWING UAOBIHK. rrioi only 18. Great inducements to Agents. This is tbe most popular Hewing Maomne or urn aay makes tba famona "Elaatio Look Stitch" will do in kind nf work that can ba dona on any Ma- ohine 100,000 eoid and the demand oonetantly increaaing. Now is tha time io take an Ageney, Bend for circulars, mruetoare or inrriiweri.-wei Address BEOOMB CO., Boston, Mass., Pitta bargh.Pa., or St, Louis, Mo. TUB CBLBDRATED THE BEST IN THE WORLD t OVER 100,000 IN USE. Will do more work with the same amount of fuel than any other Stove ever . ;. :; made.. FULLER, WA BUM 00., . EXOLUBIVB MANUFAOTUBBKS, : TROY. n. Y. , sarDeeoriutive pamphleta aent free. Two Months FREE! FREE!! Te MeetPapaJavr JavoaiiU Aaaertca. MegasUM ia NOTU1HU BKCTIOBAb I NOT It I MU BBC1AHEANI LITTLE TUE CORPORAL ' Katlrelr Original aaul 0rat-elaa. All new aubecribere for THB LITTLE COB- POitAI. for tha new Tear, whose namea and money are sent in before the last of December, will receive tbe November and Deoember Noe. of 1869 FUEE. Tbk Lrrrta CoBPoaAt. has a larqer circulation than ami other Juvenile Magazine ia the World, and ia better worth tha prioe than any other magazine publiahed. Beoause of its immense oiroulation, we are en abled to furnish It at tbe low price of Ox a Dol lsb A Ykab : Hiogle number 12 eehte ; or free to aay one who will try to ralae a olub. Beautiful premiums for elaba, Uabaroibe MOW. Back numDere can aiwaya oe eeni. auurm ALrBEi Li. BAjWaiiUi VV., t-DBuaaajie, t Chioaoo, III. mid ' Cheapest --SOU BV ALL GROCERS. KKITKMT EXIT. AGENTS WANTED everywhere to sell tha AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE, tha only practical Family Knitting nacnin eve invent ed. Pries tie. Will knit iOti stitehea per min ute. Address AUKBIUAM MA- i HtNR CO., Boston, Maaa,, or Bt. Lome, Mo q lj S 4J ; ; r S i) i T"0 TUK wobmhu UL.Aee wa are now prepared to fnroiab all olaaeea with eonataot em pk meet at home, tbe whole of tha time or for the epare ssoments. - aneioeaa oew, lieht and feraona or eimer aax aa.ily earn a BroDortiooal earn by devoting their whole tuna to the bust- nova ana siria earn aeariv aa saoon aa That alt wee ate tbia aeties aaay aaad i ron table. from 60o. to 15 per evening, and need," any fktallail h. A. UUX a wH lorkville, a 0. ComnlssloBer'a Sale of Ral Esute. JTN PUfiSUAKOB OF AN OBDEB OF TBE Superior Court of New Hanover oeunty, made In the acUon of Ed. C. A Jos. Bweenoy againat John L. Bhodaa A wife, for tha foreclosure of a mortgage. I will aell at pnblio auction to tha highest bidder for eaab, on Saturday, tha lat day of January, 1870, at 10 o'olock A. M. at the Court Home door in the city of Wilmington, all that lot, tha late residence of the eaid John L. Rhodes, fronting oa Fourth atreeL and 66 feat northward. ly of the north-weat oorner of Fourth and Oar nett etreeta, io block No. 800. Title given on tba payment of tbe purchase money. JAMES DABBY, Commissioner, doe 16 18, 88. Jan, 1 ' 07 BRANCH OFFICE or TUB STATSti ISLAND FANOT DIKING E8TAB. iiisaauuri A M D,B RIOI'I HIT ITOllK, dee 16 08 J. W. Kf.UB. T. . MKMORY. . 0. O. WtOOIt. 20,000 SOUPrERNONCr, f FLOWERS, TJfiNUxiR rVhF, THOMAS AND HU' UAK OKAPIil FLANTS, ONE, TWO AND THREE YEAK OLD, WELL ROUTED FOR RILE. VfO VINKB WILL On BBNT UVT TIIOSB il of tha beet qnallly, and tha true obaraot.r of each grape ia warranted. Olroulars will ba aeutoa application. All shipments by XxuresS will be marked 0. O. D. Orders reapeotfutly solicited ant) promptly at tended to. Addreae, ' -.j.- 'l--r - KLLIS A CO., : Wfalterlllo. Oulnmbua oo.. N. 0. dee 10 CMAwlSw GENKBAL aCPEBINTKNDltHrB OTFICJ,) WlMUnOTOH A Msnobiestkb B. B. Co, I . WtlJtiMOTox, N. 0., Nov. t, 1809. AN AND AFTER MONDAY NIGHT.' thesta a in., n.. ........ . . . i. m a. , '1. X- HBHII Jir liw n , d. AAa Jm JB, W1U take tha Train at the W. A W. B. It. Denot and the followhi schedule will be ran: ; ;J ; , , s- EXPIUtHU TBAIN. ,.,,J , Liava Wilmington (W W BB Depot) 4:00 A. M. Arrive at Florence 10:SiX V. Arrive at XiegavtUe. ................. I:MF. kL Leave Kinsf.vill... ...... .13:33 P. K. Arrive at rloronoe. ...... M p. U. Arrive at Wilmington... ........ . .. . .IQ: f, M, . ACCOMMODATION TBAIN. Leave Wtlmlngtoa ( W A W B B, Depot) 6 U P. Bt Arrlvaatrtarenoe 49 . K. Arrive at EluiravUla... S:(iO A. M. KlhRsvilla 4:tK) p. li ArrtveatyWtmoe. . t:io P. IL Arrive at W. A W. U. ft. Depot C IS A. M. nil. SlAOUASi. novd MacHai uveerai iwpermtdarH. r . - , 84-tf ,, N AN M pui tVilmlugti srrlvo at ' ; WJWRB AND in TBANMTi , 00 lahda.. Smoked Baeot Bide and " '. Bhouldors, 60 boxes B. 0. Dry Halted Bides, ISO paokagea Lard, , 300 boaea Cheese, 60 tuba Goshen Butter, 100 bbla. Lemon Bngar and Soda Crack rs, ISO bbla. Mass Pork, ; 400 bags Co fTee, JflO bbla, Itoflned Sugars, is hud. p. n. " 400 bbla. Molasses, . 1,000 sacks Liverpool Salt. 7 ALSO, Bagging, Gunny Bags, Ties, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, Olua, Nails, Bbot, Tobaooo, Herring, Mullolt, Mackersl, Soaps, Boda, Candles, Candy, Lye, Potash, Baiains, " Tomatoes, Groan Corn, Canned Oysters, Oondsnsed Milk, Brandy Poaches, &., io., Ac Tot sals by F. W. KEBOHNEIl, WILM1NOTON A WK I.DON BAILMOAD CO.. Orrms CiiiKrKs. A Gbm. Sih'vuihtkhiiskt, 1 . , (., WimiMOTon, N.C., AprU tt, Uiai CDINGK OF SCHEDULE. AND AFTER MONDAY, the Jfltb r.rt.j on paaeeDger traloe ou this road win leave ion as u:uu A. iu. ana iu:tm v. M., and Weldon. 6.-06 A. M. and 9:50 P. M. Leave Weldon 10:18 A. At. and 7:49 P. M. Arrive at Wit niiugtou 4:80 A, M. and 7:16 P. M. The day train will not run on Sunday. A dally Utrotta-h freight train will leave WilmiOgtOB (Sundavsag cepted) at 1.00 i. M., for tha acoommodalioq ol Truck F armors. Passengara can alao get aoooot- medationa oa eaid freight train a far as Ookte boruV , 8. L. FREMONT. . ' f '- " Eng.ABnot, aprll 10 i . ... ;; , iAf , GREAT 800TIIERM FA8SEN6ER 1XD FREICUT laiLAKO AIR USE, mnurik' i Between Ne w fork tnd Re w Crlssssl ABD AU IBTEBMaOlATB OITIBS AXD rUOBB. ffUMR FREIGHT FOBWABDED BT PASSElf JL OBB TitAINS, and at LOW UATAJ. ho htmtramoe neoeetarv, ,. To purchaee Tickets, or for rates of Trampor- aation and other inftmaation. anclv at 4h limntmm u untoa hu ureadwa, owner of Baada street. vw aura PITEB MALLETT. . . . . UenaraJ Agent' New fork. June 15, 1888 iu6-tf VTI1 Charlotte A Rntaerford Be B OamtBAii fnpmtratDBirii Omom l Wa at.wy.avii. ai I U. IK 1 A.llt W ON AND AFTBH MAY 16TU7 the Paaaangar train oa thla Hoed will laava WUmuurtom oa Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 1 o'olook, A. oa. dso 10 27, 88 and 19 North Water street. ..-,., - . 71-tf GAS AND STEAM PIPE rONX AT TBE LOWEST BATES BY MITCH. ELL A DYM0TT. Orders left at Vanderkam- mar's Boot and Shoe Store oa Pr incus street, between Front and Water. deol4 ' 66-eod-lm WANTED. A FIRST lY. tiller, one who 0I.AS8 00BN WHISKEY DIB- tborousblv uoderatands bis businsss. No other need apply axoept ona well reoommeoded and one who can make tba yield. Apply to ' X, O. OUAJJUI UU., Niohols' Depot, H. O. deo It . , i : . 68-61: SUTTON & CHILD, DBA UBS IN Stoves. Pomps. Kerosene Oil and Lanps. AND MANTJFAOTOltEBB OF TIN and BHEET Iron Ware. Cor. Froat A Prinoess Bts,, V WlbHlNOTOIf, H, C. deo 16 - 68 AT W. Mi ii J. , 8TEVEN80SVS JjMlEBH ABBIVAL3 BY EVERY STEAMER, Currants, Retains, Oitron, Figs, Prunes, Pins ApplsCbeoae, Preserved dinger, Sardinea, Ac, Ao. Tb Bast Taaa aad Cigars ia tba oity. OLD N. O. HAMB, FULTON MARKET BEEF, ( ' EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR AL WAYS ON HAND. Ladies ara requested to caII and examine onr Stock. " ' , W. M.AJ. deo 16 , a STEVENSON. 68 FOR CHRISTMAS. 20.000 ORANGES. deo 16 OLDHAM & CUMMIXa. 68 COTTON fARNs , AND : - . SHEETING. GOOD BUPPLY ON HAND FROM THE BEAVER CREEK MILLS, . XITTLjE river mllls, '. RANDOLPH MILLS, For sale by the bale at iaotory prioe. deo 16 WILLIAMS MTJR0HISON. " v-'-- - t .t at i 7,. fi vs.' ; T Bntlders and Centraeters. rlE UNDERSIGNED CONTEMPLATES RN larging his faenae, aituated in Elisabeth, town. Blades oeunty, and has caused a plan of the proooDt boJldiag aad of tba additioaa de signed to be drawn aud left with bia frieod, Maj. 0. M. Bteadman, at bia offloe la tha Journal Ballding, for inepeotion. SpaeiSeations are also io tha haoda of MaL Bteadman.' 4 . - - Sealed propoeale, aooording to plan and apaeV floationa will be reeoived aoUl tbe arat of i ebru ary, 1876. Addraea. "JOHN A. BIOHASDBON, - i. J31xabeUitowB. Biadew eoanlv. eae .. , 6r4 N. C. MAP AND ClAZETEEtt. Tft. MrWUlUF'gnVpTa-Ue"Ae-rnie.l5' worse ana asstrons to aipeaita tneir aaie through the entire State, at an early day. offers to live, aotive, business yoangman a good chance to make money, i oner three foams or a map, ia eharee of Ave or tea Counties eaoh. This new map will ba about Ave feat by four I Illustrated Voraer, ri annsomair engraved, uooniiee, uall roada, Poatofiloas, Miaaa, Monntalna, Ac, Ae. A Map worthy to be hnng ep In every boose, omoa ana aonooi ia ua mate. . Sped men oopias ready about the 1st Sept. 1809. Terms aooommodating, addresa with f stamps Bov. SAMUEL PEABOB. Arrive at Rockingham same days, at St P. X. : arnva at waaeaooro' ( btaga)tat if, a, Laava Wadeeboro1 (8lage oa Taaeday. Thura oava Bookingham on Monday, Wednesday day and Saturday, at I P. M. Lioava ttooKingnam o and Friday at 6:80 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington sane days at I P. K. . A W.L EVERETT, General Superintendent. may 1J Ue-tf aug t UTIIiHfiM. Bl an JW IA I aaaalU WU a Ala Vl ' stit-tf aaaaraetsr.4 by k National Wstcfa Co., OPKLGIH.ILX. ' ' Prraeenffil hr Watrh Nakrra, Uallroad anS S. prM bimi, Kant aeil IV ml. to ke tha aunt nrrm Tine Eeapeni made. AtoM parllr whn a4. vertliw to nt Watrhp. "t'.O.U." PI KPOUTIKtt te ke of ear aHtke. We furnUk aoaa fur that Burnono, lhrre are latl tatleaa la market. Te aH UEM'IKK F.I.V1N WtTtilKS, aunty te dralrra in year ewa Iwalilr or ela-wkere, mfutm tna know te be tnaerable., Bealana omre and haina Beea IU) 101 Lake ttrwt, Chlcagu, 11L, BUT BTILL LOWER BULL L017Ca t f M. M. KATZ'S, 36 lHarket Street J HAVE RETURNED A SJEOOND TIM1 FROM the Northern Markets, and bare on , . band best aeleotiona of . . , ; ; . ; ; STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, novS 84-6woU IN STORE AND TO ARBII E. 200 mu' M0ILETS ' t 100 " Irish Potatoes, ) 1000 dot. Dry and Salted MuUet Hoe, For Bala by THOS. 0.LEWI8, ; No. S Market street novll 89-tf DEVOTIONAL BOOKS. Jwat Reeetved at J. D. Lve'a Hook Stare t ri THOUGHTS ON PERSONAL RELIGION, Stody of tha Holy Scrip tnree, Idle World, uoniuurne eermona, noiv i,iving ana Holy Dvlns. HelD to Beadlns the Bible. Houaehoid Theology, Bampton I eo tnree, Vnivereity Ser mon a. Memoirs of John Kebla his Poems and Christian Year, Tha Obnrohmaa'a Beaeon for his Faith and Practice, Bickneee ite Triala aud Blessings, Standing and Stumbling, Church Doc trine Bible Truth, Church Bietory in Knglaud, Tower's Exposition of tha Ooepeia and Epietlea, Thaoklesia, Vox Booleeiee, Beasarkabla facte. Proctor on the atook of Common Prayer, The Mocuy utana, ine Ldtargiou and ibtual iteason Why, Notea on the Gospel, Dtreotorium Paato rata, Lenten Feat, Prayer Book Interlined. Hi tee and Cnetoais of the Graeeo, linen an Church iTanaiation oi tna rnonuve liitargiaa. Bey to Holy Bible and Prayer Book. Sermone for Chil dren, and many other London, Oxfurd and Cam- pnoge rBDiioationa. oot81 90-tf WRICUT'S COMBINATION LOCKED CWBKKLLAP, rpaa best thing out op irs kind, at ANDERSON'S, deo 17 - 06 . PEA KIT BAG'. A FULL SUPPLY - . ; FOR SALE BY " . Vs DEiioastT a co.: j" dec 8 . ' - ' ' , . TAGS t TAGS I TAGS II THE INDISPENSABLE LABEL FOR , ; ' 4 ' MERCHANTS. LARGE LOT JU if BEOKIVKP. ' To be printed oe o ewrt evwinWi Call early aud leave Jiuar or,)ers a ! r.'. Ij j U ' yotJBSALOJTttJB. -..u 1 i-j t ii A i i 5 SHAWLB. . OLUA&0, : .. NOTIONSr TRIMMTNGS.' HOUSEKEEPING Q00D8, HATS, - : BLANKETS, Ao.,Ac, from 35 to 60 por oont. CHEAPER than they were early this season. CALL AND BXAbUNB AT , - deeSi nn Km, M MaurkMt Street. FOB RENT. A LARGE AND DESIRABLE PLAN- T. Utloa on Middle Bound 0 mile , from the City, belonging to the Es tate of I. Btoklav. deceased. Tba above la well adaotea te was culture of Tea Nnta, Truokinf , Ac Ae. .,, ror parncuiara appiy io 0. W. OLDHAM, Ixswntor. deo 10 . : , . , . 63JW NOTICE. A LL DEBTS DUB US BY NOTE OB AQ- oount, remaining nnpaid on the 6 ret ef Janaary, 1870, will be put in euit. Further buMgenos teill not be granted. ' ' "e ' ' BIDDER A MARTIN, (in ll.)nidetko. ' deo 8 67-Sw - FOlt SALK , rjlWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS y , (W0.00O) ' i - 1 1 In City of Wilmington Six Par Cent. Oold Bear . log Tan Year Coupon Bonda. Te be aold ia sbhU 1 Lots.' .". .. . Jv :c, ,u .. APPiJ tO , , .; , ; . W ;: FIRST NATIONAL BAM -JAMES DAWS0S, or , s. . . JAB, G. BTJBB Ca ' 1 :i i VavaJ alt 1 sWaa.Bjaly y Qtyef WTrinlBgtaa. aag : ' ' ' " ' &V4I i TT&PENTINE E7SIXESS FC2 L1LE. CONSIiTINO OF BABBKL STnX FOCB. taea crope of torn, aad aay eauty ef eunnd pine ; good hoaee for oversew, elablas, -eeoper ehop. eabine lot bands, Biaiee, wagoaa. taoia. A. Ac. ; the whole one of the moot com pleie eeteMiearjutoiaPleeta.- There are good " Bands already eettied oa the a4ae. - -Tba above premieee are eitaated aa the red tvMk rnuee rrom arencr.iirT.. ma ipped from the etttl to New xork i beabipped - JutmI rTb wbola will "be aold on wrf f aanable lerma. aad a oredit wili be gives tu $ Mu-e of the parebaea. 1 N ' ' v Wilroii ruat. It, C v"it l . . Ott, DrsMJt, JaMeuut. -.it, AM - t. .