VOL. XIX NO. 131 WILMINGTON N. C, TUESDAY MORNING7 JMARCH 1, 1870. WHOLE NUMBER 5,473 I) A I L, Y J ourna iv, OLDEST DAILY IR TBI STATg. BOU.II ARD PRICK, Prvprl.tor. ADVKRTISINO RATKBDA11.Y. 1- 9 S g S S I III II ! 2 2 is w aw fit M 3 8 8 8 8 .8 . i8 S S A 8 88 SI 8 m a m e ea ev jS 8 8 SI 8 8 . S S S -4 8 JL J3. . 88 8 . I 8 C S 8 3.S.88 .8. jS S 3 C e 8S 8 8 8 8 Is &g s c s j . s . s s p iS K a? 5 5 E 8 88 8.8. 8 Isfg sis 8 K , 3..JSL8.-SisL I 8 8! 8 8 dl 818 81 8 8 81: I S 8 1 8 1 8 i 8 8 818.8 8 j g f I S 8 8 ! 8 8 S!8 88 ! I i)S s: 8 8 818 8 8 : r - r 9 A Et? 1 " tsjf; If II .. AVBBCRIPTIOa. On roar, ; ....$10 0 Six moulht,.:. . ...... ........... ........ I 04 nte. moniha.. loo WEEKLY JOURNAL. KSTARLIBHKD 8IFTEKBBB, 1844 one square, ol tea 11dm or lees, fur each and every in ertkiD, $1. Special Notices win be charged $1 per square, for each sbi every insertion- VBTCRIPTIOR. Jne year...... ' Sir months.... ..fS 00 .. 00 1'IIE DAILY JOURNAL WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESliAY, MARCH 1, 1870. For the Journal. Br. Freellefc'e Latter. Aletsr. Editor In the Weekly Vow nal of February 18th, appears very inter sting letter from taj fellow-eountytnan Louis Froelioh, q., giving a glowing dee onption of the " frnit and grape growing business of Eastern North Carolina," and if I did not know my friend Froelioh to be gentleman of sober and exemplary chris .an Kntilta T itinnM innnnu frnm hia at m.i... ....... m, wm'"' ..vm. . ... tensive " tampling " that be penned his article Immediately after coming oat of Jb vine cellars of Columbus county, soon is i. ? .-. : i ! : l. , -.lt Bat aside from all pleasantry, do the advo oates of extensive grape growing and wine making ever stop to consider the misery and crime they are going to bring upon the land? When I read Mr. Froehoh's let ter I could not help asking myself, whose ions and daughters of our already afflicted country are to become the viotims of drunk enness and crime by the use of this vast quantity of wine whioh is soon to be thrown upon the market ? , ' . . , t - Will not an inorease of wine cause an inoreaae of in temperance ? I think it will The exploded argument "that men will drink something, and therefore it is better to drink wine than whiskey," is in my opinion a poor excuse for flooding the land with a beverage more pleasant to the taste, and therefore more likely to make drunk ards than whiskey. . If a man is to be poi- eoced, it matter but little whether you give him arsenie or stricknine,. the object will be accomplished in either case. So with the poor drunkard. It makes no dif ference whether hit first glass was wine or oorn whiskey. Go on with your wine bos inesa. Enter the house Of God npon the Sabbatu day, look solemn and read pray era, then through the week make your selves bnsy in the work of manufacturing wine with whioh to make drunkards, bat know that for all this God will bring you Into lodgment.'' Hell enlarges its borders, a vast harvest of poor drunkards is to be made from the millions of gallons of wins soon to be sent from the wine presses of J&attern north Uarouna. To say that a general use of wine will promote temperance, is about as sensible as to say that a general practice of idle ness will bring prosperity and Happiness. ; W. AL Kknkxdv. Magnolia, N. C From the Baleigh Sentinel. F10CEEDIXCS F THE LEGISLATURE SENATE. Fbidai, Feb. 25, 1870. - rBIYILlOI QCSSTIOI. Mr Welker arose to a question of priv ilecre and read the following eorrespon deooe, to corroborate his statement on the Moor of tne Senate, that toe uommiuee on Printinir were bavins the work done at least 23 per cent, cheaper than the State Printer had done it, to wit: - - IUumr, Feb, 25, 1870. ilettrt. 2iickoit Gormanr QtsnaMXs: I understood Mr. Nichols, of your firm to say that yon had a sob-con tract for printing from the Standard office at 23 per eeni. below the contract of the State Printer. I iurther understood him to say that yon woald 45 the printing of the Senate, temporarily, at the price yos wurajua; aoaer me sarooc tract. and so said in the Senate whea asked. was eorreasr Answer at oooe. Please return in is note or a copy, with jour aa iwer. Toon tnilv. . , , , G. WM. WUB. . BaLnoa, Feb. 05, 1870. Ret. G. Wm. Welter, ' Senator from OvUforJ. Dui Sia: We notice is the Btandard of this morning aa article wLick aajs t "Messrs hichola k Gorman deny having any eoBBf-ioii with Hi, Valuer, aad far ther state t...;.t L' art'cin ttat tUyhadLa cheaper than done by the Tublio Printer was untrue. The entire paragraph is a barefaced, wil ful, deliberately perpetrated falsehood from beginning to end. The assertion it made tue day previous that yon were "with" us in business required uo denial. The editor of the Standard did send a mes senger to us on Tuesday Inst, to enquire of us the price we were charging tho Slate for printing, with a view, so tho messenger stated, of assailing you. We pave the messenger a verbal answer that we did not think it was any of his (Pike's) busi ness; that we did not intend to bo a party in assailing you, and that therefore, be mus. obtaiu lii.i information elsewhere. We have never denied tbo statement jwm made to the Senate, and in fact, we do not know whut Muteiuent you did make, as it was not stattd iu tbo proceedings of eituer pnper, we are, nowover, ready to inform tuoxe bavins authority to require tho information, the terms agreed npoii by ns ana tue committee, but object to par ties obtaining the information from ns to make an utamilt on ollior parties. .We care nolhiocr ourselves for the Stan yard's misrepresentatione, and address you this note, simply to assure you of tbo falsity of the Standard's assertion, iu order that you ruy, if you think proper, expose tue contemptible meanness of tue editor, and the utter unreliability of his printed assertions. . Very respectfully yours, & o. . - ' Nichols & Qohman, P. S. Since writing thii note, we huvo received jour's of this morning; making inquiry us to me correctness ot your state ment made to the Senate. In Hnswer, we say, you were correct. " Yours, fco. Nichols it Uoiiman By Mr. Welker: Resolution to appoint a wommitteo ot investigation, to wit Jiesolvetl, Tliut tbo President of . the Senate appoint a Committee of throe Sona tors with full power to inquire into and ro' port whether any money, bonde, or other things of value was paid,- or utheruulaw ful means rued, to procure tho passage. enrollment, or engrossing of tho bill to be entitled au act amendatory of the act to incorporato tho Western North Carolina Railroad Company, ratitlod" the 15th of Febiuirv. 1859, and of all acts amendatory theroof; ratified the 10th day of April, lwy; and if so, by whom tho sitae paid or unlawful aot committed, and w no re ceived the same. f Resolved fmthtr. That the oomu-ittce shall have power to send for persons and papers and examine witnesses on oath, and if need be to take testimony by commis sion. - . Mr. Hayes moved to amend the resolu tion by striking out "Senate Committee of three' and inserting"the committee of in vestigation composed of Messrs. Phillips, Bragg and Scott." Messrs. Welker, Love and liobbiuH spoke in opposition to this amendment, and urged the adoption of the resolution im mediately, and in its original form Mr. Davis urged the adoption of the amendment. He was opposed to smelling committees any how, and could not see any necessity for increasing . them. lie thought if anything wonld be accomplish ed by them at all the committee already appointed was fully competent to make the investigation," and nr-the Senator Trom Guilford had anything to communicate he coma go oet ore that committee, Mr. Welker said he never should have made a movo in this direction unless he had the necessary information of a sub stantial character to justify it, and as he had done so be hoped the Senate would allow him the mode he had suggested to oarry out has object. The amendment was voted down. Those voting in the affirmative are Messrs. Brogden, Colgrove, Cook, Da vis, Hayes, Harrington, Jones of Colum bus, Legg and Kespass 9. The resolution was adopted, and the chair designated Messrs. Welker, Love and Winstead as the committee. By Mr. Bobbins: Hesolution asking the Governor for information concerning the investment of the literary fund in special tax bonds, to wit: Whereas, A recent report of the Pnblio Treasurer mentions tho fact that a large part of the literary fund has been invested in special tax bonus of North Carolina, therefore. Resolved by the Senate, That the Gov ernor as ex officio President of the Board of .Education is hereby respectfully re quested to furnish this body at the earli est possible moment with information upon tne loiiowing points, to wit 1st. What amount of the literary fund has been invested in speoial tax bonds, 2d. Under what authority and bv whose oraer was said investmentlmade. 3d. In which particular class or kind of said bonds was said investment made. 4th. From what person or persons wero saia Donas purcnasea. btn. Wnat was the date of the purchase or purchases. Gtn. At what prioo were eaid bonds pur based. 7th. Hawe said bonds been raid for. - 8th. What moneys were used in niakinff saiapurcnase oi bond. wn. wnat were the entire terms, cir cumstances and objects of this transaction ol investing the literary fund in caid sp elai tax bonds. Resolved further. That the Hecretary of the Senate transmit a certified oopy ot these resolutions to the Governor immedi ately npon their passage. , , . Mr. sweet said he tlid not see the necea ity or propriety of pasung the resolution, inasmuch as the information sought to be obtained be thought was embodied in the annual report of the Treasurer. He sup posed the purpose of the resolution 'was to condemn the policy of making said in vestment. He himself thought it was wise and judicious investment. i be noose ot Representatives transmit ted a message from Gov. Holden, enclosing a preamble and resolution adopted by the Board of Education in reference to tbo investment of tbe Biard of Education to the amount of $150,00) in apeoial tax bonds and protesting against any legislation im- pairing the validity of said bonds. (Tbe same that was read in the House on jester day. At tho Biietre;tion of tbe President tbe communication was read) as he believed it would throw some light on tbe subject un der consideration. The resolutions wero adopted. Ob motion of Mr. Sweet the communi cation from the Governor wae referred to the Committee on Education, with instrno ttona to report a bill narding the interests of the Ednoatioaal Fund invested in the special tax bonds. Xdr. J-ioner moved a saspenaioa or tne rules, in order to take no and put npon it passage the bill relating to the powers rid duties of the Superintendent of rnb- Works. lUis tuu authorizes the Ha- of Public Works, either in person or by proxy, to represent the State's stock in all the corporations or Joint Stock Companies in which tho State baa an in terest, and to vote cither in pen oh or ly proxy, in behalf pf tbo Starts, at all hc tionaof directors in such corporation- r Joint Stock Compouius at whielr the State is entitled to vote; I'rofided, That the Governor fcbnll ap point the directors for the Slutit in all coir porations or Joint Stock Companies when the charter of said corporations guarantee to him tho right. ,! - Mr. Moore of Cuitoret moved to lay the motion oa tbo table, wbith was ruled out of order. ' Tbe motioU to suspeud 1 ho rules was voted down : i : CALKNT.AU.- ' By Mr. Ijovh : Dill to repeal section 8, ohaptcr 41, ol an ordinance of tho Count i tutiocal Convention, rati lied Mured l:!tli, 1808..., XhiaJnU, Up ,41 le py ef. Code Commissioner. - " " - Hnba'titnte trom tbo ; Committee oii tbo Judiciary for tha bill coiitibnes the pay, but rednont it to seven dislars peF.Uciti to each member of tbo CommiNsion for the time tbey ivro aotuajly, evgagud; in the du ties of said office. ' ' i '-j . . i.-- Mes.r. Love, Rubbiuif aud Jones, of Meckleuburg1, opposed tbo substitute of fered by tlit ' Commute and. breed the adoption ot the original bill.. , IUr. Winstead arauod ui favor ot tuu sub stitute, whinb was roieotfctk rfw AVKa.-.J-Hieru. itoasloy, unmi, lllytlis, lorlt- Dor. Jnuonof Wki, J.iRHiioi-j Vmlc l and Wit- un-S, , ... : ., , . , '-;; Mr. Welker moved to reconsider the vote, which was lost aud the bill in its original form pussed its second reading. Nai.-Sle-Muti. - Bel'amy. Kornt. ('ole-rjvu. Fppes, col., fir.nr, Htf, Ia.. iior, Btephoun, Bill to amend rliapters (id and 112 of tho rublio iiawr. lais lull removes all re strictions iu refetenco to the gauge of tbo Central North Carolina, Atlantis and Ohm and Plaster Bank Railroad.. , This bill was dlscusffod "at length, sey- oror'amchduierits'' were: 6ffwed and voted down and I he bill failed to pass its second reading. Ayes 20, navs 20, the President Voted iu tho negativ 1 Isill to secure fair triala. lhis bill pro vides that in every insluuca when a colored man is on trial that tbe jury shall be com posed of at loast six colored msn ' '!'- A.-H.- Galloway, col.i- oilered a siiuatl-' tute for tho bill, which provides for at leatt lx loyal men on the Jury in such oases. Mr. Jones ot ueoklenburg moved to lay tbe bill and the substitute ou the table, which was voted dowD. Ayes 10, uayn 10, tbe President voted in the negative. ' The kubHtitute was adopted and : wan re jected on its seoond reading by the follow ing vote: . -Avsr Icar. Dlytlia, Colaisvi'. Forknnr, 1. 1 1 ... I II n . TT .. ...... I ri. lamboa, Janes of Wakn, Lmsiut, Imdk, Martin dais, Moore of Carteret, Smith, Htopheus, tiwi-vt and While 16. . , , Mays. ateiara. It aroes, lieall, BroR.eo, Burns, Eppea, ool., Flythe, Graham, II y in mi, col., Haw. kioa, Jones of Mecklenburg, Lsec. I-indy, Lot. , Uieon. Molchnr. MoLanKlilin, Murphy, lUobard son, KepB, ltobbins, Hweet, Whiteside and Wmatead-M. On motion the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Fiudai, Feb. 25, 1870. - CNFINHHKD BUSrilBSS. Bill to enable the Northwestern North Carolina Railroad Company to complete the tirst division of their road (allows the Company to issue and sell first mortgage bonds to tho amount or uu,uuu.j Messrs. Vest, Vestal and Seymour ad vocated the passage of the bill. After some little debate the bill was re ferred to the Committee on Judiciary, wilh instructions to report to-morrow, On motion of Mr. Ashwortb, the rules were suspended and the bill to allow Pro bate Judges to prove deeds, &c, was taken np and passed its several readings, SPECIAL ORSKR. Bill to provide for the collection of taxes by the State and by tbe several counties of the State on property, polls and an in. come (machinery.) , Mr. Harris, of franklin, moved to post pone the special ordor and consider his motion of yesterday, to reconsider the vote by whioh tbe motion to reconsider tbe Railroad appropriation bill was postponed until Tuesday next. i Upon tbe question ot postponing tbe speoial order the yeas and nays were called, and resulted in a vote of yeas 43, nays 30. Mr. Harris called the previous question on his motion. The yeas and nays were called and the House sustained the call by a vote of yeas 00, nays 27. . The question then recurred npon air. Harris' motion. , . The yeai aod nays wero called and tbe House sustained the motion by a vote of yess 48, naya Li. -.... The question then recurred upon Air, Seymour's motion postponing tbe con sideration of the motion to reconsider the vote by which the bill repealing certain Jtiailroad appropriations passed, Air. Seymour took tne floor against any reconsideration of his motion. He made, while speakiog upon the motion, a long argument in opposition to the polioy and intent of tbe bill. During hie remarks Mr. S. said that if the bill became a law, that he cxpectod Democrats in the next campaign would repeat Mr. Durham's declaration that the Kepnblican party was a fauure, the Uov- ernor a failure, and, in fact, tbe whole Re publican administration of the State gov ernment an egregious failure. He viewed this matter as a vital party measure, and its adoption a death blow to tbe Repub lican party as well as to tbe credit of the. State. - - " Mr. Pou obtained the floor and moved to lay on tbe table the motion postponing the consideration of tbe motion to recon sider the bill until Tuesday. (This motion carries with it the original motion to re eon aider.) Tne yeas and nays were called and tbe vote stood yeas 48, naya 80. Ice following is the ballot : Taaa Ars-o. Anaetrooar. Aahworth. Barnes. Blair. Boddie. Oarer. Cawiborn. DanSaoa. EUis. Franklin, (tailing, Gibson, tjreen, Hania, ( rranuio name, or wake, uawaina, usnurKke, -.,. Qi.L LJ . . 14 .... ..--. m. .Hif, ., mm. ui-u.i, n, Hn-trinrs. Jarris. KallT. of Dan. Kinney. Lone. of Chatham, Long, of Bicftmaod, MoOaaleee, kf cMiliaja, Meodenhall, JJoors, of Alamance. Nicholson, Pearson, Poo. lies trow. baer, Bis griet, Health, ol Mar tie, flmitb, of Warn. Btaa-' too, Mtrndwick, Sweat, Tbosnpson, W. ihane, of nsrnst., wuuaaas, of nampeoai 40. Nats Ban or, Oaadler, Oarsoa, Caerry, Clay. a. urawrora. Dixon. Kss-isa. Forkner. rranck. Oahacan, Graham, Hayes, Iagram. Jastaa, ai Beedeveoa. Kelly, cf Moore. Laflin. aloes. Mayo, Moore, of Ohowaa, Morris, Proctor. Robin son, Reynolds. Btereaa. avksa. VasasJ. Tas. Wilsoa-ae. The special order waa then reannasd (bill to provide for the collection of taxes by tbe State and by the several counties of tbe State on property, polls and income. ihe out waa considered section fey so- tioi np to U ttonr et eosrar erA j.UUi.luHU i,-ai,i SIK-CORD. For srtlo by nil dealers in )RY COOOS & NOTIONS. . "(iaTAB.l.iiaijs"m.) -i' WELCH & GRIFFITHS J HA Wt. of all ,l8crip,ou. AS.K, DhLllMi and pi.wb . - . .. - i.i.n wwm MII.T. r T RNIbUl.NU-i CIUCUL1B CAWttw.il, olid Tcetli, or with Patent Adiuatabla l'oiiite. moin'iir to ail Interim! IWlli, iSiie , , Sir Trtcta llxluvctl, . s t-'Md for I'rlne IJt and Uiismlarn. - WKM'll dt UUIS'KlTllM, llraloa, Ntu., or llrlt, Allnlt, NORWAY OATS TjrAVK lull; d-.uiiuairated llielr a-Upta'ion In Jl tho auil and eliinate of IbeHontS. Yield 1(H) lo 130 L'U.hela (o the norn. No ludiriDtf or rust ins, Are heartily endorsed by prominent plant er, in evorv Uoullinro mate. Tliew wwblur to participate in llio pmnte of 4 tie eale of ttile aeed next J ear ahonld order at euro, euoiif(h fur few acme. Kv.ry one will want it net var. J. 1., Divlno, Chatianoofia, Xeun , raised 760 bunbolg on 5 acne laet ear, Ihe Incr.-ano I value of the etraw will pay coat ol oed twice oyer, A few planU'm have alreaily booKbt. and llioro la a cbamnft' ftir a fnw miner" "; CBtloii.Coiinlfrfoit eoeiT la beino Sxten- eively dlleicd In tbe Hon Hi, and wecauiioi tiie public af.in(,t linpi.eill'in. .cc that our trade mark h I'rodncod letore joa Imy. Pike per bnsliel, .7 HO: half bn.hel, l; ic, tl 5(1 Kond money with order t HOIQH . CHritUII. Knoxville.T.-nn .rto D W. H.MSHEI.t ft CO.. ! Pion're. -! Tear! nt.. N Y . or 171. Lake bu. ChicaKU. Cirenlara free. ! iniirrm ivn vnv I liinSI 1!i II ili. Apply at once to 0U ITTBN DON A EoKl NN Klf, r I30B Ohcetnut Htroet. 1'biladelpliia. Pa, T lilirNlTO'lTlOTTHOIilSt' X'utiliHlu-n Hormone, a Serial Btory for tho Famllr, a new Obildren'e Htory evory week, Ohata with the Little Folks, Editorials by the beat Sloth odiat writers and others, Forein and Domeatio Cor reapondeoce, full Uepartmente of liellgioua and Bnonlar IntelliKonoe in abort, whatever jrnee to make a compline Family Taper. 1'rioe, ti 60 a year. Linera! premiuma lo cauvaeaara. Yearly aiibaariptiona ooniraeuoo at any time. For specimen, encloae a two cent atamn to THE MKTI-"DHT, 114 Naaaan Nt.. Na Vn,. LOHILUHD'S i lean exoelleot I article of (.ran a I a t e d (a EUREKA tutaklaa '1 obavco I V I r ff i n I a 1 wherever Introduced- it is unlveraally admired. It ia pat up iu handsome tuala bags, in which ordera for Meorschaam Pip a are daily paokscl 1.1. Mil. I. AIIII- . I l.m.rf.iillU.li.iiw.l' kuioKing lonaero aa the Mootine baa been extracted; it leavoa no diaaereeable taate after ennnking: it is very mild light iu color aud wchiht, hence ono pound will laat aa lung as S of ordinary tobacco. In this brand we also pack orders every day for liret quality Meerschaum Pipes. Try it and conviboe yourself it is all it elaina to be, "Tun rmiteT of all." I.OHII.I.AItU'S CENTURY iluwiai Tobacco Tliia brand o lOno. I cut cliewing tobao- ! co lias no equal or euperior any. where. It ia wilhont doubt Hie beat chewing to baoco in the eonntry. LORII.LAUD'S I have Bow been la CJXTTTI LCJ general uo in the Oil Ul1 ' IJ I United Hlstes over HO years, and etill acknowledged "the beet" wherever ruaed. It your storekeeper doee not bave ' these arti cles for sale, aek him to get them; they are sold by respectable Jobbers almost everywhere. , Circular of prices mailed on application. P, bpUILbAltn at Co., Haw Vark, , , T77TH0UT epeetacles, Doctor or Mediolne. ll Bent aoet-paKt. oa reeeint 01 iu eie. aa- t-i drees Dr. ..) o)lL. I author of Hedloai Com mon Beans) No. 12 Lexington Ave.,eor. East 28th St., N. Y. - ... rtft il'ralfrO Buys the only asllable Ul KjJlt 11 ID Addiaej Macntae. Address H. BIuHAhDa, Dot 3,tKM New kqra. A WAV WITH Vaeomrortable Tftl'aSKB, Comfort and Oars for the Baptared.' Bent pout-paid on receipt of 10 cents. Addreee Dr. E. B. FOOTE, No. 130 Lexington Ave., Now York, 10.000 AQIRTI WAHTKD rOK RETROSPECTION . ! ' The finest Eurravinr in the Market. Annlvsi I one to I'mrrtNLMjji a m niNNti 1308 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Pa. j Thr Purest, Best and Cheapest hold bv ax.l. cnocrns. . 10.000 AOEITI WAITCO FOR WA1IS AO E02IES GT JESUS. Bv Bev. D. MAaca. D. D.. author of "Xiahl fotmtt of On Bilno." Apply at oae lo Cam au di a McKiww av. 1308 Ohesmit St., Phils., Pa. Agents Read This. TTTB WILL, PAT ASCtTS A MblRT rsJ per sa aod exnetees. or allow a large eommiastoD, to tell oar sew wonderful In- veuuaoe. Add M. WAGkaJt k tXX, Marshall, Vica. PsrkaC Kts4tsi-s HeaTf Six Mooter. A neat, darable weapon, fcarooh barreL a-nee 11 50 poet-paid. Addreee 8. O. AUSTIN, thrle, Mich. T7PLAYSiKarr.-eou moeta Bteaeil XU Dies. Hejnptee free. S. 11. HruicBS k Oa, Brett Is boro. Vt WANTED A grate in every for the tows ia the Booth abd West 0 1 B DOLLAR 11011811 ia tbs soon try, to waeaa we aeTsr the most liberal ius'iKuaieuta. m -.. ' .GOODS SENT C. O. D. czi far f Irctlxrs. s ; "' . Y ' . -. . a, c. Tuoxreoa cos 134 raesrat B IM Suate Bu. tun xttum. a "w.ri m r-.-ir.BviT.a-i t a aa-.-a'-swsi I I I it 1 i assa ostoa,Maea. ' Chicago, IU. XEW ADVi:imsFMi:TS. Thle le o IIiib. I) .umliuit 9.1 ei , lih ece, lici.ht, olor i ( rjree and Imr, ion will rnulve, by rolmu niKit, a eorrcct uhui i f your fu inn hunlmnd ot w.4-ox, V. t, l'rar No, Fulionvllli-, N. y, I) k. wiiirrn.it. a Wvti Ht.. ritthhorcii IV, Culon.wldoi-mnUlmii. IniMa all vhuu. real iIIb,'hcd; tlao a.miual wnakoiwa, impotoiiey, o.. tho rcault of aolf-abuae. Mend SI tampa tor nalud pamplet, fto '(tp, No matter who failed, aiave cue. iHuauna(ios ires, , , , , flMii atari lane HlncKnav. I limn, rri, in aeahul fiivelnurii. tot veilns HOWAKD AHHUUIATION, lk)X I'. Phliadolplua, .Ten ii. CUKIOUSSS OW NTHAK4.M Tli .Varriid lMtliei I,hhU tAjinoNiott oontaiua the diiaireat iufur- niation, Hunt free for stamp. Addreaa ,. MKH. O. 11KNBY. Hanover, I'a. TJSvOHOMANOY, FABCINATION OH BOUL- I t HAUMINQ KW nairna ; eliith. Tliia won derful book haa full iiiatiuntiona tr enable tbe reader tu faacinale vithor hkx, or any animal, at will. Ut amviaui, Hiarilnaliam. and hnndroda of otlwrcariona etperimeat. itoau be obtained ! aoudiuii edtlrwe, with unalave, t X. W, araeia,. OU.. Nil. 41 Nulttb Kin lib Mlr.iul. I'liJa. uripma. NATIONAL HOTEL, ' Corner Halifax nd Kdsnlon DlrosU, ' IMorlh of Ihe Capitol rquart, RAtEKlH, ' H. C. I f "I1B Dl'ILlUNQ 19 NEW, HPAOIOU J AND JL eleratit. Kvcry appolntm.nt-frir tfio accom modation of gueata, lioume and Parlors an ruitr ror lumiiioa, aud aiti;le rooms complete, boauti- muj lurniaueu; wiiii au eye lo Cumrnrt and cuu- V.III.UUO. , ., : tiim iiiMitnu noon . la lai 40 and euuerbly luriiidied in the moat at- iractivo mannor, alulat the tervanta.are renteol, follte and attentive. No expenae or effort will bn anarAt In r. n,l. i- ii Ki.nu.aa iioiei eirictiy a FIRfir HOTEL, Ui donipare "Favb iiUfy' Willi "ITieTDbet" liotelvi mtiii or nmuii. I he patronage of the travelliiij publio is n- ipectfally solicited. Otunlbuaees aud earrisKes . inn ,u nine, orory iraiu. sr CharRra aa 1 iw as any cth.r first-clasa ajutui iu ineconnrrr. - - - A. J. IiCTJE, Proprietor. (Formerly of Exchange Hotel.-) f?l8 113 if TAYLOR'S HOTEL, (sxoitAMan tuecK)t-7-r JKRSEY flTY, NEW JKKhEY. Opposite N. J. B. B. Depot, On the Karopeaa. Pla Opsai at all llsttrs, aTiZ TJNDKBBIONED TO E!BE0T . pnblio attontion to the faot that this Hotel has been thoroughly ren ovated, re-painted aad re-furniahed throuhom: oooUiua over .0well ventilated rooms, heated by steam J l.adisa' aud Qenta' dining room (a la aivt), Ladies parlors and drcaaiug rooms, with every convenience for me .raTaung puoiio. Thn RnU 1 i uiumv as tn every respeot, and will be o maintained at all t'lnea, i. -i The Ferry Boats ran at all hours, day and ninht. i -:..,' I.YUAtt FIBX; Proprietor. Late of the Stevens Uoaas. Broadway, N. V. feb 15 HD-Om PLANTIXG POTATOES. O0ODJU0H, KAJUXY BOSK. Also, JACKSON WRITE aud PEACH BLOWS', in lots o suit. ...fur sale by , V, - ADBIiN V0LLEIIH. 118- i fob 10 PROSPECTUS SOUTHERN CfllEBOTIUi. TBE DNDEBRIONED PROPOSES TO BEGIN on tbe 6th January, 1.7b, the pnblioation, in tbs oily of Charlotte, W. C, a weekly newspaper vu m oeueu uie SOUTHERN CONSERVATIVE. It Is to bs devoted to tbe viidfoatloaof tbe troth of Southern History, to the preservation of skmthorn Characteriatios, to the development of Southern Besouraes, nndev the changed relatione of tbe Labor Byatem. and to the advanoemanl of i Bonmorn -jwereais iu agrmoiiura. Mining, sua In addition to tbe contributions from tbe old ! eovps of writers of The Land We Love," the warvioea wiu lo ssonreo or moron gu men of aetenoo, ana ol rraotlpU Farm or s, Miners, Ma- . ear Txams-U per annan, la advance. The ' remittanoes tn every ease moat be by Check, P. ; v. vrun-, ur aaogisaereu ieiier. 1 - , - D. H. HILL. j deo U 5 6d-tf SHIPPING ARTICLES I 8UIPPING ARTICLES! W DAVE Q" ' UA eiiippiae ATICLIB' Tbo Wae are ia need of them wiU do well by eaUiag a Ue JOURNAL OFEIOr. jsn g 98- 8Ca7PPBXONG PLANTS.' TTTX CAYE IViX BJsOXiriD ONI TH0D- yy a and Bcuppernong Plants, well rooted, carefully eeleoted and nseksd ia aa mm l.w 7 - J. 'J. STANLEY. ESy., ol Whltevule, aod warranted to keep as peeked tUi the middle otapru. PUT CP III SUMULU of 100 and bhippinc. ISO each and are ia floe order for GEORGE MYERS, It k 13 Front atreet. Ill febl FORRENTa A TALC ABLE FARM OF 600 A CUED ON Topsail Sound, U aulas from Wilmington, M. O., adapted to ths growth of Pea Nuts, Uot toa and Ooib. Apply to " A. A. MOSELEZ, . - - Me. SO Market street dee 81 M tf TURPENTINE STILL. ryBK TJSDEB3IOXED HAA A 23 BARREL. TUBPJUITLSX STILL aad Fixtures eoapletr, which be wUl aaH lowloreuh or etty aceepUnoe. L. B, XAOBDALX, . TlmmoaeviUe, 8. 0. lMtf f.b rom rat ' . ' Statei Islaid Fancy Djiix EsUV ILsascitatf .::.;- ASDEBSOJi'3 JUTTOHI. - fab it 1M- ILL I'T'l t: A.1 I AX T" i NALofrica IMII.ROAns, kistkbs mrisiix vvu.ni(iT4!, ciiAni.orri A k u oh i) it a i vno. n nuTii- Ornus r VTiusmotum, K, 0., I Jaauiry V7th, 1870. ( ON ANl Al'TKIt MONOAT.Utof J.iiuary. 1H70. tlin Traine on llm Kaalwru I)iimoii ol I hit Head will run dally (Hundaya iPMlid ) an fullnwa 1 ..sis ... ... . IMNSK.RUKIl TiiAISN, .' : IIOIKO W'KST. :.- lave Wilmington.... ' Cap car Bridge. ,. , (iM A. M. 1 Ali tfl:4ll ' 1:M)P. M. 8:00 fl:.B " . llladeiibnro' l.nmbertou. . Iiaurinbnrfih lt,;ckliiKliain. Arrlvn at i'eo line.. v wimi I'AST. I,oa Pm Don ,r D: A. M ItockitiRliani l:ilt T.snrlnbnrgh . . . . . . . ... .... , . iNt ' Lnmbarttm v. -, . . . ;. . ... .... . . I0:M 1 HladwUr.j'....... ..H:!M " L'aixi Fear Undue SAO V. M Arrlvo at Wilmington. . . . . ,- 3:(K) KHKIUUT TltAINM. ooiNa witsi. Leave Wilmington. S:00 A. Bf Claps Fear Undue S:.S lllandenboro' . . . . , H:M Yorkvllle... 0:VO Lnmlierton ........ . , 10:411 Arrive at taawlubarga.. . UiMO P. M. OOINQ EAST. , Leave Laurlotm.Rh 5:30 A, U. " I.nmberlon..? 8:10 " Yorkvllle 9:11. "f liladenhom' i4iV ' " (Jape Fear Brldse V.IKi P. M. Arrive at WilmlitRtou 3M Paaenrnr Trains Weak onnfloot with the Wadeaboru' and Oharlotte Htane on Tnesdays, j inirmaya ana o aiaraaya. - e - ,. a Aft.A,, V. n. u.iv.1, na. and Gen. Hup't. Jan ? 104-tf 0 KN Kit At, HUPUBlNTblNDKI.fs OlTFICi., VJi-tlTN I AlasCQRSTBB It. U. UO.. Wti.sitsoTOB, N. O., Nov. 8, 18(19, ".NAMD AFTEIt MONDAY NIQflT. the 8th J Inal., Paaasngere for tho W. A U 11. It. will take the Train at the W. W. 11. It Denot anr tho following schedule will be ran: KXPHEBS TRAIN. LeavsWiimlnglontW W nil Depot) T:W) A." M. Arrive at Florence ,.ln:ffl A, M. Arrive at Kingavltle. . . . , , 1:nS P. it Leave Kingsville .12:8S P. M. AiTiveal Floroaoe. .,..Ti 'ri.i iJ.Ti. i7 8:84 P; M. Arrive at Wilmington 10:18 P, M. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Wilmington (WW 11 It. Depot) 0:45 P. M Arrive at Florenos it 40 A. M. Arrive at Kingsville 9:00 A. M. Leave Kingsville 4:00 P. M, Arrive at Piorenoe 0:40 P. M. Arrive atW. ft W. It. It. Depot. 6:18 A. at. WU. UaoIIAE, General Superintendent. nov 6 35-tf WILMINQTON ""T, saa.JAl i;i.M aaiiuauliKraaa, sa um. cvriaiaTBaiunT) Wilmisotoh, N. O., April its, 1809. ) CUIXCE Or? SCHKDVLE. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, the 9tk Ir. 4., out passenger tralna on this road wilt leave Wilmington at OKK) A. H. aad 10:00 P. M., and arrive at Weldon. fl:Cfl A. M. and 9:50 P.M. Leave Weldoa 10:1S A. M. and 7:48 P. M. Arrive at Wil miagtua 4:S0 A. M. and 7:18 P. M. The day train wiU not run on bnndaya. A daily tbroogb fre sht train Will leave Wilmluiiton Sundays ex oepted) at 1.-00 P. U., for the accommodation of Truea aanusrs, i-aaaangars can aiao get awm mmlationa on said freight train as far aa Gold boro 8. L. ritEMONT, Eng. A Hunt, april 10 s - 104-tf GREAT 801THEBH PiSSENGEE Alt I) i FREIGHT INLAND AIR LINK, Between New rk and New Orleansl asD iu irnuunnMATa cmia aid rutosa. - aUME IREIOHT FORWARDED BY PASSEN GER TRAINS, and at LOW BATES. Ho Innranot tuomary, , , To purchase Tickets, or for rates of Transpor tation and other tn formation, apply at the Oener al Ofuoe, 231 Droadway, oorner ol Beads street, New York.. v;f- ... ... PBXEB MAXidCTT. . . 'V General Agent. New York. JnnelS. 18(18 . 'iift-tf BARG-AINS ! In all kinds of DRESS GOODS; FUNNELS, PANT-STUFFS. &C. To make room for SPRING STOCK, AT E HI ;Kk?Z'S 90 MARKET STRUT. Jansa 9- Closing Out ! D BESS GOODS from 13) cents per yard ap, M. M. KATZ 8. 38 Market Btreet. 99-lT Jan S3 Wllmlrirten. Ka C, b. 1st. 1S70. The United States AVxKlrls retiUon and decree for the sals of the perishable pro perty. In tbe Btsttsr of the HorneA aim (Jobs. BY DECREE OF THE CNITED STATES Cltt enrt Onart, November Term. 1W9, at Ral eigh, I will sell for cash to the bighaet bidder, on Thursday, tbe Sd day of March, 1870, in tbe eity of Wilmington, North Carolina, the following property, via : Ike Provieioss and Ship Stores, Clothing and Wearies: ADnaraL Table ware. Oooking Utensils. the Ons Powder, the Sails and Canvass, and all the Furafrare beioss-ier to tbe said vessel on hoard of bar at ti tuus ef estaura. By order ol the Court. SAMUEL T. CARROW. V. ft. atarshai.' JOS. H. BEFF, U. a. Deputy Marshal, lab t 110 ids SALT SALT. 4000 "ia18 uvrar001' ud aUEBI la Prime Order. For sale by , . T. W. KXBCENZB, 27, 38 aad S Sort Water 84. ALL UNDSCFEUIXS 0B AT TEX J0CENAL tyfFICl. LEGAL KOTICES. ! i Pa s, W4B8uji.8 crnr: '-, "- Vsihtmsirv I'jii-i 1.- .1 WHEBKAS. th as parat Unntruptov In the matter of tbe a" ,. ;i. lion or Abraham Weill in tbs Dietuct Uml of the Cultsd Slatas for the Eastern DiHtrUiof Pennsylvania, and ot Ooatavas Itosenthal in t:,e Dletrlut Oonrt of the Doited States for tbe t trmt of North Carolina, Conartuers under tt firm name of A. Weill I" o. have been nui1",!. aad Uie aaid District (Jonrt for tbe Eastern l - triot of I'eunajlvanla has assumed sole lariiiin'. linn Is the matter of -the llankruptcy of said ' hrm. This Is lo give notice that a meeti,, of the creditors of the said Abraham Weill and Una., tavna Rosenthal copartners ander the firm ni i,'' uf A. Weill 4 Co , Uaukrapta, to prove lliHr(i.r ' wenunnsone or more aasiguessot toe sai 1 liatikrnpUKatate,' will be held al a Oonrt of" llaukroptev to be held at No. M Hoath ihM . Street, Philadelphia City, before 11 trai.k, i Pteher, Ksnnlre. liegtatav, en tbe ninth day of March, A. D., 1W70, at three o'elook V.M. . , '..'.' .. a.imirnnuv .-'' i'iL""' D,S Marsha, B. D. JviltS 'tthV1 . . '-.m-iawHtea v. MORliU l4;KSl,-WiT, w THE W1LMINOTOH AND HANOHi- HT( it ILMUIOAD COftlPAN X T al. ! a I rwtfc. lora.AII persons having claims iiralnst the . WILMINOTON AND MAMCHESTaA BAIL 1 ROAD COM I'A NY. entitled to navaient out or the ' funds now in the hands or MICHAEL CilONLY, Commissioner, arising- from the sals of thai por . " lion of the lioad Ivinr within tbe State of Kortk ,. Carolina and ordered for distrfbntion ia gewrd a use with tbs decree In thia oaaae. aiada be aim tiuperlor Court T North Carolina, are faerohy ., nolllled to eomc la and prove their elaluis betors as at tbs ofttoe of t iU ,, I CRONLY & i:CHJ3, , - IN WILMINQTON, MOBTH0AJIOLINA, J on, or bstore th tiitK sUy o Jfay acrl or be eiolnded from alt the benefits of ths said dvaree. i M. OBONLY. . ,s , . W. AIJITOM PniNflT .n Bofereee appointed by the Superior Oonrt of New uanuver vocniy, in me Btaie 01 MSrthOarolioa. ; OURI K. JIKBU1. VKtraTBat. s. THK WlLMINnTHN itin MlNmuTsi UAlLnOAD COMPANY. Nottes l ViHv . , AH persons having olaims against ths WIL MINGTON AND MANOILKBTER. BAILP.Oa n i v COMPANY, entitled to paymont out of ths funds , nowiu thn hands of the undersigned, arming from ths sale of that nortion sf the Rout lii.Z.,. within ths Hilts Of South Carolina, and onlr3 for dlatrtbutioa in eooordsuee with the decree In " this cause, made by ths Oonrt ol Eqnlty nr o Manon County, in ths fitata of flonth Lir,illn are berebv nolided to soma In and claims bofore uie, at sayoulue la iUiarlaetua, Heath Carolina, on or before tbe fsaiA Ssv of" 11 . . . , , . , i . a . .iL.i . 4(.y w i, ur us t.iuBuaa n-ona an vae eenenis Or " aid decree. . W: ALSTON PBINOLsV Speoial Roferss of the Oonrt of Equity of the ' ' Stale ot South Carolina, ' fb3 lOMawtflMayeh - --tATB OF N0ET1I CAKOLLU. .. BB0N8WICK COUNTY. , Suptrior Omirl o Law, JTali Isntt, 1809. Margaret A. Piatt, Thos. 0. 1 urew ana wire, plalnlln. against The Heirs at Law of George W. Potter, deo'd, domis. Order for ftrviot bn Petition for Par tition of Land. JTMiettio. ' i me jioienuanta herein namsd, yoa are . hereby notltled to appear at ths next tern of the , Superior Court for the County aftreaaid.ll', -t """ mm... j a , -. o.iaiiiuu4 wiU apply - i lo ths Oonrt for the division demanded in tbe pe tition. W. O. ODBTU, Clerk B, O. ' fell 4 llu-lawiiw ""STATE 0P N0BTI1 CAR0LIU. -a . t. SDl'Ehton CODBT HKW HAKONBR 0OCKTI, ' c Qoorge Harrrls ' , , Ttr -V- a t i 1' " .it: hi too). F. MoFarland and wife, Henrietta MoFarland and Ann Kliaa Haniulon, Hem at law pf John W. Uamiltou, Petitloo tor aals vii oflaude for parnuon. it J naeeassii TI7HEIIEAR, THE PLAINTIFF, ' QEOBGB d V y 11 Aliiiisa. has filed a petition la ths Bn- psriot Court ef New Hanover Oouatr. fur aaui" and partition or tbo lands mentioned in said Ba..M"'', titioa ; and It appeariog to tbe Court that Iia. , mla F. MoFarland and wire, Henrietta to ar '1 ! land, two or tho defendants la the above ense, -, , , resiua ooTnnu tne limits or tnie etaie. mis, therefore this is to notify the said defsadamw, Benjamin V. MoFarland and wife, Hoarx- a MoFarland, to appear before me, J. O. llano, at t oilloo ol the Clerk of ths Superior Ooortfor tue County of New Hanover, on the 17th sv ef Harob, A. T. 1870, when the eald eaaes id be heard, then and there to answer the nravae af aue seiu psimua ; ouerwue sue same wui oa takea pro coneaao, aod beard M part as to them. i.O. MANN, - i. ADAM EUPIE, C!k ofBupr Oonrt,. . Attorney fur Petitioner. t febS ina-lawAv BOLLOWAf'S , . YERSHFUGE r OONFEOTtfJNd "T.B. HOLLOWAY, some 18 years ago, wttnssa J ing the distress ooeaeloaad slekly ehilitrwa ia .7 teUnf the nauseous vermilngee el that day, re t solved to analyse them, and from tbs most s ',., wye ot mesa rem sales sueeaeaea tn eepara, , their active medieal properties, pore, tastti-e and lnodoroa. Thea by eombininc these wiia sugar, and moulding them into ao agreeable sna. . fee lion, formed the present rorVLAa and srrao Trra Vaaanrcaa knewa as -llnlaerav'e Varalfris-a fn'-r" " ..v.avnwj v , w, HUUS)V - v . , f which bare almost entirely aapereeded the oid '' '' naoseons Vsrmlfnges. to the delight of the poor '" little sufferers. It eon tains ae Oalomel er oier ' m poisonona Ingredients. . ; -iij Bo highly esteemed is this popular Vem by the prolaaeioa, that all intelligent pl.v 4 .' ' who know of tbeoi, prescribe thana ka pnuw ... s I to other remedies, as not only more Dieaeebl to .'' take, but more ettsotivs to cure. A Parents and guardiana having ths ears of cl.il- ; dreo, ehoald keep them as a fasuily meouuae; for they not only eradicate Wnims Ihoee psste ef ' '( obildboodbat they eorreet say deraagrernaot ef ) Ia be digestive organs, so prwvaleat wuh en Hiren. j ...j laallaiesvir'etlsiaaeeatraaael a sssaseaT Jaaaai- . , . saeiagw. This is a pare extract ef tha tree JamaieaGio- ' ' gar, free front Ocamctm, or ea dfsasriiia. aaV 1 i t mixture; oontalmng all the Aromatio, tar a- . J tive. and Diflnairely BUmulatins proixH;i . . , . ... Janiaioa dinger. So efiioaoiona la ad c f " ehdl from exposnre to sold o damps", i , Obokwa Morboa, Diarrhea, Dysentery, D .,, , . i-... J nervous Debility, Headache, Bea bnAiMM, -. . :f uie ocmot ui4 srmwui or any Ajwoiirnci v -. ... get In the market, it is cheaper Wxxnuuiu. a I more eeovenjeat so sravaiere. - - liKlSKJe;L.L.H TKTTKH - '-' O IB Til CRT. This Ointment, after aa ax pari sees af tweety ,., - ' rears, haa proved iteeil a sovereirn remedy re4 . -pis.MSS at tbe bkin ; having aiiectcd a ra 1 ' . ia every ease ta which it vae seed, e- many obstinate suss ef aAeeai or tareuty standing, that had previous!? reaisted a4 r - diss preeeribed by tee beet medioal taii.i t eonntry.- Ileaffcct ie astooishiog; In a f ths eoreoeas aad arriteakm is removed, t beoomee aBMOih aad healthy, aad rami, Baatiy bsakd, wilhoat the aee ef any o edy. . Time, TsTBta, HaLT Bsrrw, rrn, f Itx. liTunua, BaOTowsa. Pntri ia. a . c lorm of disease of the earn ia eared, co r- of how long Handing It has enr ! "if I IsrxaJiKO arauoa, and eUactia' a l u r wbsa aolbing slas wviud baal t . , '-v. 1 bave reaisted ail other truwi.1 I i i.ri -have beaa efioetaatiy eared bv ti.e r e t: one box of Uua omtakect. i.ca-1, t Ol eoaxe) it baaas Is a Vary short tune, i I SO ars raa xx. if aotamd by yoar I aad SS eraie ta Johnstoti, louoeay A t FruiSAletpbia, aad a bos WUl be sent tree t. , af to any address. OBtdl.hYB Neoegeoaiae wttaaart the t bare et tas proprietors aa the wrarpsr aox. -. - i . Pao. TBOHHtAC bas Samoosirw 1, t all QOssHoa, that . wm eare Ooasaaapttoo, ss pwrw r-. (Aoasaaal mm ia Us boaiuaa c( I ' KM ia tossia, bas bad a, .r . -d re tnie eoaouroor p!-T. . , a M sil lnimoary mm- - . .osral Dstxaty, wis rr4 plTT""' so vaas, aoo s say ass am iu bw.J . " JU4i5ST05,E0IX',TiT l a A. Bold H all Enxjjla. eatU 1 J 1 a u i .1 ,J stV A l".7 Hit it x iii

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