f Mr I I V Ay V V V A-V-r , , , VNT -,V-.Vr- V VOL. XIX-NO. 171 WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING. APBIL .10, 1870. WHOLE NUMBER THE DAILY JOURNAL W1LMINQT0N. N. C.! SATURDAY. APRIL 1Q, 1870. OPR WASIIIJ5GT0N LETTER Charge agalaat Geaeral Howard Haw Mexico, As Old Radical Dodge ftallaaal Baak aat th Faadlag Blll-Veeted I Rights vs. Vetted Wroags Voorheee Alma aad abject of nadlcallam Foracy aad the Davit Oareraor Seater Seaatar Hevcle The Gerrnaa aad IrUk Gws . gla, die. die, . Washington, April 13, 1870. Dear Journal Mr. Wood, of New York, who brought charges of misappropriating the fund of-, the Freedmen'i Bartau against General Howard, Commissioner of said bureau has determined to see the in vestigation carried through successfully. He has engaged the servioe of Mr. Jos. Bradley, of this Distriot, a very eminent lawyer, to assist him in the investigation. Gen. Howard has secured Edward Ketch em of. New York to defend him. Mr. Wood yesterday had $3,000 appropriated to pay the expenses of the investigation. The case was to have begun yesterday but ; the defence axe somewhat taken aback by the amount of evidence to be prooented and the witnesses to be summoned. They are somewhat scared at the prospect which will disclose more than is either pleasant or desirable to the apostle of miscegena tion, the canting, praying Howard and his defenders in the House. The House Territorial Committee agreed to report an enabling act for New Mexico to organize a State government and appjy for admission into the Union. This will, it is expeoted, add two more Senators to the Radical strength. The Eadioal dodge With regard to this new State will be the same as was piayea in aevaaa ana .Ne braska, both together having soaroely pap ulation enough to admit one State. They will oonnt donble in New Mexico and by that means admit her tied fast to the jug gernaut of Radicalism to aid in farther crashing ont the rights of the old States and reducing the people to the condition of serfs. xne ways ana Means committee are being flooded with petitions signed by officers of the National Backs asking them to strike out or amend that portion of the Funding bill requiring the Banks to take the four per cent, bonds. The dele Rations here are hard at work to effect the same end, and of course they will suo ceed, the greater portion of the members being interested in the banks. On the '- other band General Spinner, United States Treasurer, is daily in receipt of letters from prominent bankers in all parts of the country endorsing nu views on toe Funding bill, in wbicb lie says tliat the banks bad better take what is offered them than to raise an issue before the people, when they may be overtaken by the fate of the old United Btatea Dank. txe also lets out a little of the slumbering fire of his old Democracy when he tells the banks that when they talk of their " vested rights" that they must not forget that the people have some rights, and that wbioh is their vested rights" is the people's " vested wrongs." Biiarp talk lor a Radi cal official who can't go quite so far as the oligarchs who rale as. Bat it is of no nse until the people are fairly aroused, which will only come when the tax gatherer has drained them of their lost dollar and their stomachs are pinched for food and then the terrible reaction will come as a fearful a(Am ivuninv all iwtfnra ife. i - The great speech of Hon. Daniel Toor hees, reoently delivered at Indianapolis, has roused the Democrat io press to a proper sense or tne great dangers tnat inreaiea us irum mo admixture oi me races, as proposed by the leading Radicals; the great swindle of protection and monopoly wbioh robs the people of all the sections to make wealthy the nabobs of the East and Fennsyvania, and the unconsti tutional enoroaobments on the rights of the States and the gradual absorption of all power in the hands of ths National Government, wbioh will leave the country entirely in the power of wealth aad reduce the people to the degraded position of the peasantry of Europe and the equal and companion of the negro. This will be the inevitable result. if Radicalism oontinnoa, and this was dearly pointed out by Mr. Voorhees in his clear, comprehensive and states msnlike disonssion of the "issues of the day." He spoke kindly of the black man, bnt for the sake of his race, his country and civilization he appealed to the people in the name of humanity not to permit this terrible degradation to the white race of our country. The Democratic press have been stirred to action by the truth of the arguments presented by lit. Voor hees and his earnest and glowing appeal for the people of the country againat the wealth and injustice of the oligarchs. Extracts from his speech fill their oolnmna and axe most warmly endorsed) as the words of a true statesman. The "Chroni cle" of this city, with its characteristic fairness, sneered at Mr. Voorhees even before he bad left Washington to deliver his great speech, and after it was delivered and while his bold and earnest denuncia tion of Radical crime, villkny and wicked ness were being oaught np and re-echoing throughout the land, the same "Chroni cle" was content, without attempting to answer a single argument of Mr. Voor hees, to string together a lot of abuse, which was hurled at him anl the rest of the rebels, as it chooses to term the De mocracy. The father of lies is well repre sented in Washington by John W. For ney, owner of the "Chronicle." who now has the ear of oar "gifted- President, and Who IS Chief Of his Kitahaa IVhin.l T aak pardon of Mr. Voorhees for bringing H Bt0 ?oh el0 proximit? to John W. Forney's, as I know he will not Met at aii oompuroenwa by my alia ding to him even in the remotest connection with eo notorious a character. Xip. Voorhees stands deservedly high in the estimatioa sot only of the people of his District and State, bnt has a strong hold npoa the hearts aad affections of all who love Us outspoken defender oi right, troth, jnstioe ana oar UDeraee. Governor Benter eoncluJ4 Lis er? before tbe ReccistrusUa Ccs. jae- terday. He says if he bad troops he could preserve peaoe in the State, the militia be ing neither organised or equipped. There has been no evidence before the Commit tee that would warrant even Ben Butler's reporting a bill for interfering in Tennes- eee. 'ibe evtdenoe is noi yet oiossa ana there is no telling what may be hatched up for the occasion. Where Butler is thai a is deviltry and consequently all is doubt witn tne doubt in favor of deviltry. Attheoelebration in Brooklyn. N. Y., in honor of the 15th amendment on won - day Senator Revels was presont. Henry V ard iJeecuer spoke, as did also tne Kev, Hy land Garnett who presented the negro Senator with a eane. In eonolnding his remarks he said: "This 15tb amendment is a great thing, it plaoea a colored man on an equality with the Irishman and the Untonmen." xuis xtevarena slang wnang er boa been taking a lesson from the Indi ana politician who said that the Radical Dartv had "stall fed" the Germans loner enough and iow that they had the negroes is elevated to the equal of the "stall fed Dutch" and the "Onion-eating Irish" as they have called them, but there is no comparison made with the negro and American born citizen, it is only the Dutch and Irish who arc the eqaals of the negro. How long will it take the Germans and Irish to know that they were only used by their worst enemies ? The hypocritical demagogues who never did and never will like tuem, and now tbiu tuey bavu tue ne gro horde to anpport them turn their back on their former allies and throw them overboard with all the contempt they have ever felt for tnem even wnile using them In the Senate yesterday Mr. .Tipton, Radical, made a most excellent and all convincing argument against tho Oeorgia swindle ana in favor of tne liingtiam amendment. Bat the maiignauts under the lead of Drake and Morton left their seats and bv a studied disresnect and ill breeding in many ways showed their bitter feelings against the benator fur daring to diner from tnem A Mothtr'a Borrow. a company oi lames assembled in a parlor, were one day talking about their diQerent troubles, ifiaou oue had some' thing to say about her own trials, liut there was one of the company, palo and sad looking, wno lor a wmie said notutog. Suddenly rousing nerstir sue said : "My friends, yoa don't any of you know what trouble is. "Will yoa please, Mrs. Grsy,"'Buid the kind voioe of one who knew her story, "tell the ladies what you call trouble ?" "I will if you desire it ; in the words of tue frophet, x am one who batb seen at fliotion." "My parents were well oil. and my girlhood was surrounded by all the com forts or ate. Every wisn ol my Heart was gratUed, and I was cheerful and happy. At the age of nineteen I married one whom I loved more than all tho world besides. Our home was retired ; bnt the sun nevor anone on a lovelier spot, or a happier household. Years rolled on peace fully. Five lovely children sat around oar table, and a little curly bead still nestled in my bosom. . Une niglit about sundown a fierce black storm oame np. For many hours the rain poured down incessantly. Morning dawned, bnt still the elements raged. The whole country around us was overflowed. The little stream near our dwelling became a foaming torrent, lie fore we were aware of it onr honse was surrounded by water. I managed with my baby to reaoh a little elevated spot, where the thick foliage of a few wide spreading trees snorded some protection, while hus band and sons strove to save what they oould of our property. At last a fearful surge swept away my husband, and be never rose again, ladies, no one ever 1 a husband more : bat that was not trouble. Presently my eons saw their danger. and a straggle for life was the only con sideration. They were as brave, loving boys as ever blessed a mother's heart, and watoned tneir eflorts to escape with suon agony as only a mother can feel. - They were ao far oil tnat I oould not speak to them, but I could see them closing nearer and nearer to eaon . other, as their island grew smaller and smaller. "loe swollen river raged fear rally around the huge trees. Dead branches, upturned trunks, wrecks of houses, drown ing cattle, and masses of rubbish, all went floating past. My boys waved their bands to me end pointed upward. I knew it was tneir farewell signal, ana yon, mothers, osn imsglne my anguish. I saw them perish all perish I Yet that was not trouble. I hugged tar babe close to mv heart and when the water rose to my feet I olimbed into the lower branches of the tree, and so kept retiring before it till the hand of God stayed the waters that tbev should go no farther. I was saved. AU my worldly possessions were swept away, all my earthly hopes blighted. Yet that was not trouble. " My babe was all I had left on earth. I labored day and night to snoDort him and myself, and sought to train him in tha right way : bnt as he grew older, evil companions won hint away from me. Hs ceased to ears for hia mother's counsels; he would sneer at her kind entreaties and agonizing prayers. Us became fond of drinking. He left my ha mole roof, that he might be nnreetrained in bis evil ways. At last, one night, when heated by wine, he took the life of a fellow creature. He ended his days on the gallows ; God had filled my cap of sorrow before ; now it ran over. That was trouble, my friends, sncb as I hope the Lord in meroy may spare yoa from ever knowing." Boys, girls, osn yoa bear to think that yoa might bring snob sorrow on voar dear father or mother If yoa would sot, be on your gaard against ths Guar, INTEM PERANCE. Let wine and intoxicating h'nnors alone. Never touch them. Oaerge raateSy-e Will. The will or the late George Peabody, which was signed by him when in this ooontry last September, and which was published shortly after his decease, was presented for proof at tha Esses Cooaty (Alass.) Probata Coart on Tuesday. The amount of property to be disposed of un der its provisions in Masseohasetts Is leas than 1100,000, and may not exeeed $100,-00O- It omuiita mostly of seooritiee aad personal effect. The will has aleo to be probated ia several other States, ia wbioh portions of Air. Pea body's estate were aitaatsd at the time nl his decease. A Chieago politician has (ailed to re cover on a aota givaa him by his rival to ke9 out of the canvass. The court da. cidas snch a eoctraot, afsinsi the pablie MISCELLANEOUS. LET THE EAGLE i g.. " " J SCREAM. QpcCxO Payment lie- 1 ' sumcd I mm Nil TOTS ST LATEST and Cheapest AT Aaron & Bheinstein's. No. 25 Market Street. ryE WOUIJ) BEeFEQTFL'IXT CALL AT- tsntioo to on- NEW QOOD3 purchased flue lbs extraordinary decline In Gold and which ws sri now pffering - TO CORRESPOND WITH wis DECLINE 2,030 pieces Prints, fn m 6 to 13 cents. 600 pieces DsLainea sad Cballaja from IS to 20 oeots. Blenched Blurting from 6 to 20 cent. A SPLENDID LOT OF NEW DRESS GOODS. Grenadines at 10, 12, 15, 20 and 'J5 con I a. Popliua, Japanese Olotli st.very low prices. Alpaooas, all colors, from 25 to 60 cents, Mnsllns and Organdioa from IS to 15 cents. Slack and Colored Bilks. k SPLENDID ASSORTMENT o WHITE GOODS. Jaooueta, plalu and, checked, from 15 to 60 els. Bwise, plain, dotted and striped, from 12 to eenls. Lswo, Viotoria, from W to 60 cents. Lawn, Bishop, from 20 to 60 osnta. Lawn, 8 4 fur Tarty Dreaeea, 95 oents. Figured Brilliants, from 15 to 63 eonls. Tarletons, from 87) to 75 eents. White Linen from 15 ota to tl OJ. Linen Pillow Casing from 76 ota to tl 00. Linen Sheeting from tl 00 to 1 60. 100 pieces of Piqus from 16 ots to It 00. . Tsbls Linen, 8-4, from 60 cts to II 00. Towels, from 7 to 40 cent. Napkins anil Dories. A splendid aaeortmont of Cambric and Swiss Edgings and Insertiugs, Hamburg Laces, Marseilles Trimmings and Laces, Particular attention is paid to our stock of Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Notions, White and Colored Mattings. Oil Olotha. Ac, Ao., As. Paper Oambrie, 12 eents. - English Oambrie, 10 eents. The altenlir.n of ths trade is respectfully ' eallad to tha fact that Aaron SSc Rheinstein, 25 MARKET STREET, Are now repairing a moat eitenalra stock oi Dry Oooda, Olothinc, Boots, Shoes, and Hale la Ibis State, which hare been bought at ths great drive sales of the past week st great sacrifices. Country Merchants will find it to their interest to give na a call before purchasing slsswbsre. . Oar Mr. AABOH being soostsntly in the North ern markets gives us facilities sneqaailed by any Honse eontn of Philadelphia. Oooda received by every steamer. march IS 142-Sm A PBOCLAMITIOlTa By lite Cxeelleacy tha Oavaraas mt lank Carallaav. Ezacmva DaraaTMSST or N. C, l BAiiios, April 12. 1870. WHKBEA8. Informatioa has bass reoaired at this Department that oaa Aasax Da- foaaa lot Border, aod ether enmaa eosamittad ia the eoaaty of Lenoir, ia bow at larga, so thai tha preeees of law cannot be eerrad apoe hiaa. Now. tbarafira. L W. W. fiOLDKM. Govarae sf th But of Norta Oaroliaa, by v rtaa ef aa thonty Teetad ia me by eeotioa 1, of M Aa aoi ta praaoribs ths power aad daty ef tba Ooeraor ia reepect to fugitivas from Jaatioa," da iaaae this. ror prociamaiioa, oar nog a rewaru or am Haaalnat Oallara for tba arraat aad delivery of said fsriUvw a She proper aatborUiaa far trial ; and 1 do eajota aU affijers, aad eitiieae of the State generally, to aid ia ssswriag lha aads ef laatiee in this aasa. Doae at war Oiry of Baltic h. this IXb U a.) dav of April, 1870, aad ia lha Stlh yaar of oar ladapsaaaaca. W. W. HOLDKS. Ooraraor. By tba Oovsraor : 7 w. B. KicsABBooa. PrlvaU aaoretarv. aprU U 170-S! ' TAGS! TAGS! TAGS! We bare bow ea kaad Deaalana'a Pataal Bhi pla Tar, which a-a an awnfiy rar rtiauxaara at loM AailAa than Kanani, -a. 1 hoae ta a, ef J -s Wj do waD by bariag thair ardars a. -- ' ' taa tl NEW ADVKRTINFMKMS, (KSTABiasMWO isao.) WELCH &; GRIFFITHS, S3 amra Ason HA' 8AW8 of alldeMrlptiime. A.vKH. HKLT1NO and MILL FUBNIbHINOb 01 UC HI. AH HAW" with solid Tseth, or with Patent Adjustable Points, u,Mrt(r to aU Jnurtmt ifui t-utet. vPl s" Fnd for Prioa Mat and Olronlara. "tie WKLiu at usirriTiii, aataa, Maaa.. ar Ualrolt. Sllrh. Agaata t'eavaaalag Banks Baa Fraa. Secrets of Internal Revenue, By rrantlaaat Ofllctr ar Ike Treasarjr - earvlra. showing np ths rU and inntr tforklnf' ol tha Hrrauue Orpsrtmsnt, lha Whiakay llitiff Oolil lilnar, sol Drawback au1, Hyatxmtlie BobbarT. UanradstiODa, tJonapiraolea anil Haiua on lha (loaemmani. Malfoaaanoa. 1'vranny and Oorruplion of high ODtciala. Th nual $'ai thng owl important book publifhtul. (lontaming about ihi wall-nilad pagea, anintaaiy innairaiao. Agaata waaiM. uunvauma jtaoK ana com- tW( tm'Ht ami fit: Addraaa WM.ri.IBIT. fubU$hir. phiUdelpbis, Ta ; Cblctgo, 111., or HO WTf) GETnS ooke for OTHINQ. SlO worth or splondiilly ilttWrated boose srlven for every 10 eubunrttiare to the M. w. Ma1 alcal Pioaaer ror into, a monthly (ournal of ib pages or choice unelo and iutareailus Miscel lany, Only ao eti, ptr annum in adeaHe. Cir culars with liat of preminma and specimen oopv or i tonrtr aeni 'i rieitipa or stamp, r, i, HUNTINGTON A CO., " liroume 01., W. I. Worth fttm $1.50 Ut llOO.ia v ' (Jreetibmkt, awarded to aubaorlbota and aareuta tor Woon'a uireEHin.D Mauazink. the le'seat ana beel Dollar Month' In the world. Miullar prises to be repeated auoo. Pall particulars In March Nnmbor. For atl Ijv all Mswsdealare, or aent with c atalooue or rreminma on receipt of 10 ceuta Ad.tr aa H. H WOOD, Nnnlmrgti, M. Y. VIXI ,.., l.orll!o A aura" riief for Aath xviuuu a a uoiiiu-Oj prjoeso cents by man. riwwai.L. w., istnestown, siaea. The Puxeetf Bost and Cheapest SOLD DY ALL OROCI3BS. WrrnODT Hpsotscles, Doctor or Medicine. Hi nt post-paid, ou raeelnt of 10 cts. Ad dress Dr. E. B. FOOTB, (anther of Hedioal Onin- mnn Benao) No 2Mtb Ht., N. t. liu iestuBton. As., our. Baal A WAY WITH UaoaaalbrtaBle TUWaSlCS J. Comfort and Oars for ths ln lllDtt tnrad. Bant Boat-paid ou receipt of 10 cents, i . FOOXK, no. 120 Uxlngton Ave Address Dr. K, New York. eVKRBDY KEAlt TUI8 f WI WILL PAY AGENTS 4S PKH UKKK. and expenses, to sell the Greatest Dis coveries of the 4 sc. Addreas WbbatoM, ilisir A Oo.( Marshall, Mloh. Agents Read This. 1TTH WILL PAV AUKSTM A SALARY VV orS30pWMh and SipsDsea, or allow a lartje oommiaaion, to sell onr new wonuerrui in Teuiions. Aildresa M. WAUMCll A 0., Marshall, Mioh. A DAY I 10 new articles for At Samples fm. il. O, Bnaw, Alfred en la, . Ms. LIST OF 2,500 NEWSPAPERS a ' n i i n uj , a. .... u TJIilPB a Urltlagroam. JCaaafa for aV.w jvtiitg iuvii ii i-(7a sas w-stiUM ruvoiuura. HOWAUO ASSOCIATION, Box P.. PbUsdoiphts, Tonus men, free, In soaled t urelonra.- Pann. MAS HOOD aad lae vior"ot Voalh Ha aterxa la faar Waeka. Bnceets sosr- antmxt. Dtt. HKCOltO'S KSNHNCH Or urs reatoras msnlv power, from Whatever oinee ariaiiiK. The iffcctaof early psrnicioot babiu, ssli-aunae and climate, cits way at ones to tbia wonderful medicine, if taken reKnlarlr scoordioR to directions (which are very simple and rsqnire no restraint from bnainoas or plea sure). Failure is impossible. Bold in bottles at S3, or four qualities in oca for IV. To be had only of ths aole appointed agent in America, UBltMAN unniibN, ivainira Avenns, H. x. MOUSTACHES SL?.1 to grow in sis Buceioe aent for SOreaU. Addrars B. HI0I1AKDS, Bo S.OHO New York P. O. mh 9 1S8 WANTED. f TP R K S S Tint CB. WIdHTO CONTUiOT PJli aXM OYPJiESS Loga 18 to 20 fuel lung. for further partlcnlare, enquire of E. KEITH. 109- sprit CARKIAGES. TTST BECEI VCD for Bale, Seven Bnperior Wacgooaand Bockawsjs. Theee wagons are light aad strong, aad pnt toselhar ia tba bast style and manner, snd will be sold at New York prloaa. Term Cash. On sxhibitioa at Bobln son's Livsry B tables, earner Second aad Priasaea abreela. i. W. BOHSSCK, Ja. apr 14 ltfa-et SEED PEASCTS. 100 BC3H,:M For sals by P. W. KEBOHNKB. 170- april IS siEcr. DDLS. BOQAB HODHK B.'BCP, 200 For sals by W. KKKOHNRK. 170 april 15 ' KiIIh-XiIIs. 200 lkai' Lt B,ZJE3, lot sale bf prfllS F. W IKECflbKH. 170 rORK-fOBIf. 18 000 BCaHL8 lH 8ioR4' - Far saia by . u WILLIAMS A MCliCEISON... ' "' 170- er-rtns 4 IX KISS Job wqex ; TTT-iCHLY r thi t.aii bancs. MlSCKLUNKtJlH DAVID & WEIL. TUE MEIiCHANHTAlLORS , AND ... OLOTIIIEHS, ST Markal llrwt, ULUTIIINO. frarno CLOTSmn - Imhianae Block, Mast Material, Best Stylea, Best Workmanship and Lowest Prloea. At DAVID A WKIL'tf. i.ui inaa. nnrlnsBnits in Meltons, Tweede, Kllk Uixtiires. Triools sua water' proofa, all ths newaat coloring and aiistnres. from so to S'io tne ania, At DAVID A WKIL'8. CLOTIIINU, Boys'. Yontha' sod Children's Bulta, . ror all sses. ail ths ravorita da signs and moat fssbionabls fabric from t5 to tl5 ths anit. s 'At DAVID A WEIL'S. vrnsiaiiiNti qouds. eicnrr Oenta nruialilns Oooda of all (le orlptioua sndlateat stTlea. alhlrta mals to order. All the lateat nor eltiea In Ties snd Collars. Hats for - the taouaaad. At DAVID A WEIL'S, MKRCIIAtT TAILOtUBU. ws call ronr attention to nnr snpe rior slock of Piece Gooda, vf the lateat and must cleirsnt atylca. Id Trim niiiRB nono aurpaaa na, snd our geuUunianly cutler the best in ins oouuiry-ana competition. DAVID A WK1L, 27 Market etreot, WtlmlnRton, N. O. aprJ 150 CARD. 801TI1EBN LIFE IiVSPRAlVl'E 10. To th Peoptt of Worth Carolina t At ths rtqnsat qf Qen. John B, Gordon, Presi dent Atlanta Crpartmrnl, 1 have oome to your Btsts to bring promlneutly befors yon ths claims and roorits of ths Sontliern Life Insntanos Com pany. II Is nndsr ths control of as bonorabls and aa rssponaibls men as thsrs ars m tks land. It Is managed in ths most prudent and eoouura ioal nisnuor, and will doal Juatly and fairly with all. y ' .... Ws bats no war to make npon other Iuanr J no Companier, bnt um do winMo improas npon ths people ths importance of ketping thi if nioney at hmne. By osrefnl osloulatloa it Is eetimatad that sum of not leas than tiotlet million; annually, Is sent fiom tbsHonth to the North for Life In surance, and uulsss oheuked will surely prove suicidal to our interests. Ws aak yon to ooueld sr bow greatly tbs material Interests of this sec tion would bs benefited by the retention of these enormous sums la our nildst. Ws ssnd no money away to enrich foreign cap italists, but svsry dollar of premium, leas es- psnaes, la iuvkstcd in ins Etats vbvm which it pcaivsD. This department of the Company has operated both hi Georgia and South Oarollna, snd has dons aa enpreoadentadly large bnaineas. Boms of th moat prominsnt gentlemen In thee mates ars Identified with Its intsrsst. Its Board of Directors embrace th names of the ablest Unan elers snd most soccessfnl bnaineas msn In th Benth. They ar ths trnstoes of ths saorad fund of ths widow and orphan. Will yon not trust yonr friends snd neighbors, or is it mors scours in tbs hsnds of strsngsrs ? Ws appeal to yon to assist as In pushing forward this deservedly pop Blsr snd reliable Poulbern corporation. Its sol vency ia nosurpasssd by any oompsny doing bus iness in tbs United States, its rstio of assets to liabilities, tin only true Utt of a Company' $ trmgth, fully sustaining this statement, Ws would reepaotfnlly call attention to the Hoard of Directors aad Stockholders, publishsd in auothsr oolnma, and to onr Board of Beferenoe in this State and others. J. H. MILLER, ' General Agent, mar 27 154-lm PIE DM ONT ' ' : AND. - ARLINGTO N LIFE LSBRiSCB COllPAM. JOUII VflLDEtt ATKIS0', General Agent for Kortb Carolina. fpai BCOCK83 WHIOH THIS COMPANY has met with baa been truly remark able. The shut of Life Companies pnbliabed in New York, shows that this Company bad a greater Increase of basiness ia 1869 ovsr 1M8, than any Company ia America, and that it leaned a larger amount of risks ia 18C9 than any, save three Oenpaaies, K or does this exhibit show only rapid progreee. bnt it shows sooaomloal and oonaervativs man agement. ; Tboss inclined to aeoore aa inheritauc for their famili ars raepaoifolly isvitad to call on tbs General Agsnt at bis INSURANCE ROOMS, Friaosee street, between Front aad Water eta. march S3 165-tf PIINO FORTES, TA MIS PUISBOBI BKBPEOT- ej WHLLX Informs ths pnblto that fV. hs has returned, aad isprapareSto lli eiront orders for th Superior Piano Fortee wbioh he baa recently introdoo-d here, a very beantiiol spsWraaa of wbioh be baa on exhibition st Mrs. Lamsdou's Milioery, on Front atreeU Mr. P. will aleo tnn and repair 1'ianue for Iboee aha require hi serrtae. Hie enperior skill ami experieue aa a practical Piano fort kaksr be ing too well known to the pablie ta reqair any omttwnt, - Tea Excellent $1 hasd Pianos and ons Uelodioa for sale very cheap. Orders U ti at Lovs'a Book Btora will be promptly attended to. apr 13 jC7-lw .JUSTIN TIME, fJIHO.-'B BPLEMDID PLAID SUITS, , DI1C0N U ALkl4) I IT;,1 ' . . FIXE CBE8S FKOCKS, - - aW and DOESKIN rANTS, f- . t BaaoUfalty tl-A. MU1VSON & CO.f City Clolhmrs . . . . - . 17 " april IlL fF JOS TTBAILI JUAAiUTCD it AXT BULROVIIS. Or.NKIUI. HprF.rtlNTKNDENT'H OFF1CK,) Wu.mihotos A MiNonsaTSs It. It, Co. WiLMiaoTOM, N. 0., March U 1670. jfN AND AFTER BUNDAY.. the 1.1th Inst . Psaaeugers for th W. A M. It. B. will take Mi Train at the W. A W. U. ill. Depot and th lumiwiiiK ai-nociuie win i run i DAY IXPKK83 TltAIN (Dally.) Lesvs Wilmington (W.VWIIB Depot) 4:00 A, M. Arrir st Florence .11:113 A. M Arrive st Kingarillsv, . :K) P, H L-.aro KIiibstIIIs 11 40 A. M Arrir at Floronoe. 8:14 P, M Arrive at Wilmington..... t:80 P. M NIGHT EXPBKS8 TllAIM (Dally.) Lear Wilmington (W A WBB. Dopot) : P. M Arriv st Florenon .......... 1:43 A. M Arrlv at Kiimavm 0:00 A. M Lear KinesTUls 8:4a P. M Arrlre atFlorsno ...........11.C5 P, M Arrive at Wilmington... ... ., 0:11 A. M - WM. Mso'tAB, Uenersl Bnerintondcnt. march 17 llS-tf WILMINGTON A WILDON BAILHOAD CO..) Omrs Untsv Kko. A Or., BoraaiaTKNnBMT, V WitiiisoroN, IN. C Alaroh 11, 1H70, J change of mmvir,. ON AND A mill BUNDAY, tli tBth Inatsut, raaaenstr trains on this road will losv Wil- nilngton at O il. A. M. and 10:00 P. M., and srrivs at Waldou at (:lll) A.M.. snd B:30 P.M. Arrive at Wilmington i.lu A.M., ana 0.19 P.M. Tbs day train will cot run ou Bnudaya. n, ii, r UK.UUNT, , Kug. A Hupt. maroh 12 14l-tf EASTEUN DIVISION W1LMIOTOW, 'IIAIIM)TT1C rAt IIVTII, BltrOHU UAILHOAD Ornos at WiunnoTow, H. O. January nun, ib7U. v awn iPTvrt amunAV t.h.m mto, tne Trains on in Kaetern uivialoa of t tile 1 Koad will run dailr (Bundavs stoentsdl as IOUOWS I FASSKMeKR TKAIKS, O0INO WK8T. Uavs Wilmington....... 0:15 A. M. Oapafcarllrldge 0:Ho " " llladeuboro' 8:45 - Lnmbcrton 10:40 Lanrlnbnrgh ...v..... ......... 1:00P. M. " llookinghani...... ....8:50 Arrive at Pee Do 3:10 " aoisn haiit. Leave Pa Dse fi:40A. M, ItookinKhatu. 6:05 " Lanrlnbnrgh , 8:4S " Lumber tun......... 10:85 " ltladsnboro ...11:8.1 Cape Fear Uridr a 40 V. M. Arriv at Wilmington 8.00 rn KIQ HT. TBAI . OOINO WEST. Lesvs Wilmington . . . . SM A.M. 0:15 S:oS 0:S0 " 10:45 " 11:30 P. M. Ua.-afear liriUK lllecdenburo' , . , Yorkrill Lnmctton Arrlv at Las.lnburgti....... .. OOTSa KAfiT. Leave Lanrlnburgh.... " Lumbertou " Yurkvlll u Dlsdeuboro H Cap Fear Erl.lgc........ Arrive at Wilmington 5:30 A, M, S:10 " 9:15 -9:45 1:95 P. M. a :oo Puaengor Train Wcat connect with ths Wadoaboro' and Charlotte Btage on Tnenlavs. xnursoays ana caturuays. B. 8. OUIOtf, Eng. and Oen. Bnp't. Jsn IS 104-tf OR EAT SQUTOEIIN PASSENGER AND FREICUT INLAND AIR UNE Between New fork and New OrleansI Axo au iinuiDuri arms asd rtAoa. riUMB FUEIdHT FOBWABDED BY PAB8ER. JL OKU TBAINS, and at LOW BATiitt. Ho xo pnronaa xioaeta, or ror rates or Transpor tlon snd other information. aoDlv at th Oener al Ofttoe, 391 Broadway, corner of Bead street, New York. PKTXB MALLKTT, Qensral Agsnt, Nsw York. Juns 15. 1RGS an6-ti ALTIHORB, D O. B. BOGAR PaoraisToa. BXDCOnoff OF FAU. IN consideration of th general decline of all th neceaaaries appertaining to th axpenaes of keeping a Hotel, and th great scarcity of money, ins noara wtu d rcaucea to merchants and others or north Oarollna to I i Hi per day. mchlO 139 NATIONAL HOTEL, Ooraar Halifax and Edsnton Streets, North ef the Capitol Square, RALEIGH. N. O. mar. buildinq is new, bpacioujakd A eleint. Every appointment for tha accom modation of gueeta. lloome and Parlors a swim Air families, ann eingl room complete, beauti fully furniahad; with au js to eomfort snd coo venience. TUB! Diaisro noow is larss and superbly fnmithed ia the most at traclive manner, wbilat the sarvauts ar geuteei, polit and attcutive. No expenae or effort will b epared to render the Hi. Nioboia Hotel etrictly a FIRS T CLASS HOTEL, to compare favn ably with -th beat Hotels, North or South. . The patronatt of the traveling rublio i r paetfnllT nicitad. Ocinibneee and carriagea at the depot to meet rury train. asr Chargre aa low aa any other Aral-clan Hut at in thaooaniry. A. i ltUTJKit. Proprtelor. (Formerly of Kxchange Hotel.) fab US if TAYLOR'S HOTEL, . (KXcnaaoB put.es), JERSF.F flTT. SEW JERSEY, i Orp.t N. J. B. B. Depot, .,,, . (la k Karapaaa PlaaUpa as all lltmra. flQI CSDEitKlONED BKOS TO PIBEOT A pablie attaotian ta the fact that t'na M itel liaabeea thoreatcbiy vatad, rc-pa'ntwl and re-farniahed thrunj,kou4; ovataiu over ikOwvil ventilat-) room), hoai.-il tit stvam t lke' and UanW dimair. rw.ru (a fa cirle), Lalina ptrl.m sad AseMiag roonw, am, rrr coovcoireoe ff tt.e trling pabtia ; -... I It. a tiuu-1 ia riRBr clas In evary reepect, aad Srill t f maintained at ml tin. . -Tb i'erry boat run at ail boar, gay and alibi.. . . LTMAK FUSE. Proprwt"T. tale of taa BtavsnaUonea, Broaaaay, N. 1 . XXOTJBI3, r" ' I tililMPj J MiscciXA:::. NO . HUMBUG. it n::::::i! -0 - '. SPRING:G00DS CHEAPER THAN GOLD AT E2 Kiw-i" '1 80 MARKET ITZZZT j'YK.paacBASED Kt.srjara etocsei tnslsts North sro Paulo at lass tiia Zjiportats' aad MauDfaotnrara' cosi aad offer atxorairzly a full assortmsat'ef STiiPIiE end. , Fancy Dry :C:::, BILK8, POPLINS, OBESADISia, '"" -. XXKOS. ALTACC OBQANDIE8, WHITE; GOODS, V Cambrics, Jaeonsts, BwlsslNansooka, la stripes and abseks, Pique's Lac, , . ! Xdglngs, BandAstoblste, OoUaflb EiM vj.icrr Honsearnlshlcg Qoods, " Motions. Olovss, .... , -, Mitts, iBosistF, ' LACE POINTS, Bbawls, Bilk Mantlss and rarasols. MILLINERY. . . Ladles Hats, flowers,1 l. " 'V'-,: Bibbon, a. --r-i C - .... Men's Furnishing Goods and Bats, at firioss that must please, ' Kxamlus and you'U oortalnly patronka . Ms M. BUZ,'' : 88 Market'. .' i. " maroh30 ... i:S "The-WUalBjftoi ana ITrt ;. r Turnpike Cecpasj. t IN P0BBUAII0BOFAW ACT C T ' r entitled "Aa Aol to inoorpe1U 1... . and Wrightsvills TarooikaOoBn.n. , 1. s t . of - , jr. anbsoriptioB to th aapital sttxis ut t . . panv will b ooened audap tka A.,. , , t nndcrsianad at tb FiraS Natiunal i mington, at th Banking Bone of i. son. Eso.. aad at th otllo al aiaaarm. Oowsn A Oo. . JOHN A BANDIES, V BIOHABD H. OKANT, OEOBQI BABHIUtfi WM. A. WRIiiUX. Wilmington, March sotb, 1870. march iW . - , , , Cbmm'ra, F02 SILCe tub oomroDiora TKR.tf.WBKKb BTBlASr GEN. HOWAI! FOBMXBLY PLTINO 12. . tween Wilmington aad Bivet i Bids, (Gap Fear luver) aa paeecu- 1 gsr and freight boat, t Length aver all. ... , Breadth of beam..... ..M -. . ,-..Hf? t : uepta of bold, Draft.... Tonnag. . ......,.-. Tw Engine to good order. Oyliu.' ones aiameter ; a loot strok. Unt . loon and Paasanger Aocommoda..uu oioue and oomforuble. Lower deck and frsighk B. B. QCIOlf, Oeo. PKn'a . WiL, Char. A Both. I ' . , Vnimii-Mtuu, . '. lan.88 . . . FiMILf ICE MkCZZZZ T708ELU'8 ONLY practisabl I T " t X for th as of Druggiela and O" and Families geoerallr. Prodseing Io in 10 lo 20 aiinatas, aojaal at c (.. r natural, witboot ateam Dower. -:, f t . i . f ai I olimate and ay to oparat. 3d r oo na late of haimle anaauicala. w. i Ii u orated after every oparatoa. AO -! I NKWMAN, Wo. M Matdaa Lana, fcaw T MTCITIOJ WAXTD, A GOOD BOOK AHD iOB PBI5TO, BIED, desires a aiiuatioav - Addras H." ear of th maroh 33 aor NOTICE. THE tNDEUSIQHED, OOBPOBATO"", br give notioe to parties iatr- I purchae of tha WUmiagtoa aed t Kailrnad and ita effect, andar dwr eloeora of Mortgage, to attend a c held at Barpnm'a Hotel ia toe c , on Tneeday tha 26ih day of Apr I i iranixa aoder tba Ohartar sra i It of North and Booth Oarolma i t and Carolina Baiiroad Cvu -i , i ench further aotiua aa may b r Charter. D. WIT t ' ' , W. T. V - B.F. b . . . Wiiaunrton, March aih, U, j march ii i;j f . rnilR rjMDERaiORED RATIV1 C' AI X. aa Kiacator af the aatai HI " dvoeaaad, all rroe havinf (' n eautaara notified toeitait'ii i r r anoraiKaad oa ar bafor th I a r IB71 ; and all parenae waW.t-1 to ( eaid deoeaeed are awehy Biaii.tt t Uat paymant. Xieeater f Henry march 13 1 FLQUIsS. lXTUA FA KILT, 1. s a)lly. For Ml by AXiIi.3 ..2AI. 0173

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