THE DAILY JOURNAL , WJLMINQTON. IT. C. THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1870. WE DO NOT BE8ITA TX TO ASSERT THAT TBS DONA FIDE SUBSCRIPTION LIST OF TIM DAILY JOURNAL IS LARGER THAN THAT OF ANf DAILY PAP MR PUBLISHED IN NO STB CAROLINA, ADVERTISERS WILL DO WELL TO MAKM! A NOTE OF THIS, AND INSERT - TBXIB NOTICES IN THE COLUMNS OF A PAPER THAT REACHES RELIABLE B USINESS MEN IN E TER Y SECTION OF THE COUNTRY. . ! KT Transient Adveriitemtnit mutt; in all torn, b paid for fo odeano. ? ) ; i ' Unt jjauy Journal 1 for .ale at tba paper ktanda or Tit. T. M. Harrla, Puroel Home, at Mr. i. T. EaaleU', eorner of llerket end Beoeed strent, by the newaboy. and at the deik in the btulnes office, Journal Building, np tairs entrano flr.t door Watt. ... my Vuktnl'i Seeead Wtb. " My husband came tenderlv by my side. "Are 70a going oat this evening, love ?" "ui ooars 1 am r I looked down complacently at my dress : vi piuK crape, aew-aroppea over wim crys tal, and tb trails of pink azalea that caught op its fold here and there, A dia mond bracelet enoircled the one white arm, and a little cross blazed fitfully on my throat. 1 1 bad never looked better, and I felt a sort of girlish pride as my eye met the fairy reflection in the mirror. "Come, Gerald, make haste I Why yon haven't begun to dress yet I" "Where were my wifely instincts, that I did not see the haggard, drawn look in his features the fevered light in bis eyes?" "I can't go to-night, Madeline I am not well enough." "Yon are never 'well enough1 to oblige - me, Gerald. I am tired el being pat off with anrth flTftnann. " He made no answer, bat dropped bis head in bis hands, on the table before him. "Ob. come. Gerald." I urged. tetulunt- ly; "it is so awkward for me to go alone jilwayt." He shook his bead listlessly. "I thought perhaps you would le will ing to remain at homo with me, Made- "Men,areso selfish," I said, plaintively; "and I am all dressed. Claudia took a bait hoar for my hair. I dare say yon are determined not to go." No answer again. "Well, if yon choose to be sullen, I can't help it," I said, lightly, as I turned and went out of the room, adjusting my boquet noider, tne in De-roses ana heliotropes seeming to distill incense at every motion. Was I heartless and cruel ? Had I oeased to love my husband ? From the bottom of my heart I believed that I loved him truly ana tenderly as ever a wire did but I had been so spoiled and petted all my brief seinaii lire, tbat the better in stincts were, so to speak, entombed alive. I went to the party, and had my fill of aauunon ana nomage, as usual, rue honrs seemed to glide away, ahod With roses, and winged with masio and per fume ; and it was not nntii, wearied with dancing, I sought a momentary refuge in the half-lighted tea-room, that I heard words awakening me, as it were, from a -tireau. " Gerald Glen 1" I could not well be mistaken in the name it was scarcely common place enongh for that - They were talking two or three Imiiness-like-looking gentlemen in the hall without ; and I conld catch, now and then, a fugitive word or praise. "Fine, enterprising young fellow l" Great pity I" "Totally ruined ; so Bets nd McMorken says!" "Recklessness and extravagance of bis wife 1" ' All these vacua fragments I heard : and then some one said : "And what is he iroinir to do now ?" " What can he do ? Poor fellow I I am worry ; bat he should have calculated his income and expenses better," " Or his wife should. Ob, these women! they lio at the bottom of all man's trou ble 1" A rA fnaw In 11 nrli A1 HK tinw Jtrvniil 111 jaw 9 I bad yet to learn how easy it is, in this world, to bear other people's troubles. I rose hurriedly op, with my heart beat log tnmoltuously beneath the pink azaleas, and went back to the lighted saloon. Mr. Albany Moore was waiting to claim nay hand for the next dance" Are yon ill, Mm. Glen ? How pale 1" "I I am not very well. I wiah you would have my carriage called, Mr. Moore." For now I thought that home was the proper piaco lur me. Harried by some unaccountable impulse, I sprang out the moment the) carriage wheels touched the curbstone, and rushed np to my husband's room. The door was locked, but I could see a light shining faintly under tho threshold. I knocked wildly and persistently. "Gerald, dear Gerald 1 for Heaven's sake let me in." Something fell on the marble hearth atone within, making a metallio olick, and my husband opened the door a little way. I bad never seen him look so pale before or so rigid, yet so determined. "Who are you 1" he demanded wildly. "Why can you not leave me in peace ?" "It's I, .Gerald your Madeline your own little wife." - And I caught from his hand the pistol he was trying to conceal in his breast its mate lay on the marble hearth, under the mantle, and I flung it out of the window. "Gerald, would you have left me T" -. "I would have escaped I" he cried, etil! half dcliroos, to all appearances. "Debt digraoe misery her reproaches 1 I would have escaped them all 1" His head fell, like a weary child, on any eheulder. I drew him gently to a sola, nd smothered hint with a thousand mar inured words a thousand mate eareeaea I for, had it not been all my fault f And throuch the ion veaka of fever i , that foUawed, I aarsed him with aawaver- ing care and devotion. I had but one thought, one desire to redeem myself in hia estimation, to prove to him that I was something more and higher than the mere butterfly of. fasbioa I had hitherto ahown myseif. , - . -e well, the March winds had howled themselves away la their mountain fast- At a. !iu . ra nessce; we pni rue: reps wera dried on boogh and spray; and Ue arrle Ltossomj were toaaing LUair iraf-mat bJ lowt of f iaky bloona in the deep tine air of Utter May. ' , . Where are we now? It is in a piotarerpe 1 i',Z: rot far from Kew York, farr; ' I'm r"ucni b5--l -r: : 1 ; ; 1 " L--"lf"i i.r i 1 I 4 r j, ) r jItc 1 1 ;e:j i . t t. window at me, working busily 'with my needle. "What an industrious fairy it is!" he nil smiling sadly. , ; ' "Well, you see I like it. It's a great deal better than those sonata on the ciano." . : 'Who would have thought yon would make ao notable a honrekeeoer ?" ' I laughed gleefully I had a child's tie light in beiDg praiseo. "Are you not going to Miss Delaney's eroquet party 7 ' be pursued. "No. what do I ears for eroquet parties I'm going to finish your shirts, and you'll read aloud to me." '"Madeline, I want you to answer me one qaesfion. "What is it?" "What have you dona with jour dia monda ?" , ... . . . . ... "I sold them lonir aso : thev naid sever- ai aeavy buia, Desides aetutnf bait a y rent here." , . "Hut, Madeline, you were so proud of your diamonds." 'X was once ; now they would be the bitterest reproaoh my eyes oould meet. Gerald, had I been less vain and thought less and extravagant ," 1 checked myself, and a robin, aingins; in the perfumed depths of the apple bios soma, took np tho dropped current of sonnd. '. h- 1 -V . e ' ' "That's right, little read-breast," said my husband, half joking, "talk her down 1 Bhu has forgotten that our past is dead and gone, and that we have turned over a new Dago in the Book of Existence." Madeline, do you know now 1 feti sometimes, when I sit and look at you?" "JNo." "Well, I feel like a widower who has married eeuia." 01 tieurt gave a little superstitious ump. .Like a widower who has married again Gerald!" "les, I can remember my Brat wife a rilliatit. thontrhtlass child, without ant idea beond the gratification of present whims a spoiled plaything! Well, that little Madeline has vanished away into the past somewhere; she has gone away to re turn no mote, and in hereteadl behold my seoond wife a thoughtful, tender woman, whose watchful love surrounds mo like an atmosphere, whose charaoter grows more noble and develops itself into new depths and beauty every day." I was kuecling at his side now, with my cheek upon his arm, and my eyes looking into his. "Aud which do you love best Gerald the first or second wife?" "I think the trials and vicissitudes through which we have passed - are t wel come, indeod. ' They have brought me as their harvest of fruits the priceless treas ure of my second wife." That was what Gerald anxwered me ttle aweeteat words that ever fell upon my ear... . . . . Tha Wajr It la Dona. . We have in a letter from Gen. Boynton to the Oinoinuati Gazette, a graphic pic ture of the way in which legislation hi ef fected in Congress. It is a aad commen tary on political morals, but it is just what we may naturally expect while Radicalism rules. In speaking of the protracted dis cussion of the Tarin bill, be aays: ' While tbore have been ablo speeches on all sides of the tariff question, few of them have attracted close attention in tbe Hons. What the Chairman of the Ways and Moans says ia watched at an indication of the joint opinion of those of his colleagues wbo favor protection, iiut Mr. Allison on the Republican side, and Mr. Ilrooks, of tbe opposition; have serionsly neutralized the power of the committee, as a body, upon the floor. Votes, bowever, upon lue bill are not made by anruments. A combination of interests control tne action upon tne lead ing articles of manufacture and eommerce. Humiliating aa it may seem, the votes are entirely a matter of bargain among the va rious interests, and this is the way the p re arrangement runs: Jf ik iron. "Uood morning, number. Howlnany votes have you to proteot V fig Iron. "Do you care anything about iron?" Lumber "Net a straw. If I ean get a high figure on lumber my constituents don't oare a rush for iron. They don't deal iu it But all the heavy men in my distriot are in lumber. - In fact my politic al life depends on protecting lumber." l'ig iron "au ngnt, wa nnaersiana each other. You stick by me with yonr six votes, and we'll help you with our ten. Now let n go and see Salt Ho lumber and pig iron look arms ana go over and atrike hands with salt. He has got eight votes, and don t concern himself about either iron or lumber, and these never worry themselves about salt, as their constituents have no interest in things saline. The result of the morning call on salt then is tbat iron, lumber and salt walk into the House at noon with twentv-four votes each. Bv the time the ring of interests has been run around, add wool, coal, sugar, tea and eonee and tneir representatives have been added to one or the other of the interests named, acooid- ing to the articles manufactured or largely used or sold in tneir districts, tne neesssa ry strength on tbe yea and nay list is se cured, and the interests of the country are assured or said to be. With such prepara tion for action it is not remarkable tbat the moment Sobenok induced the House to go into Committee of the Whole members should utterly fail to attend to any of the speakers wbo occupied too floor an hour each, and in euooeaaion, for a week. Now that the debate la limited to five minutes, and a vote may oome at any mo ment, members are obliged to remain tn the ball, but the convenient understanding of aalt as t9 tbe designs of iron, and of iron concern in ir the purposes of lumber and wooL relieves these various squads from heavy duty, or any concern whatever as to the apparent drift of tho five minute debate. When the committee calls time on aalt. he knows that iron and lumber and hia other squads will maroa np boidly ana solidlv to hie assistance, and that when the roll has been called through, it will show a flourishing future for his evapo rating pans. And so on through the long list. Sometime, however, when all plain sailing, the ship at ootaa interest striken upon unseen rooks. Thus, a year ta liiiM. an Eastern member. largely engard in the shoe trade, directed hi energies upon the tariff wholly to getting tne tana an eerteia anoe aaoioga imki. After lor and industrious labor, the see- Uoa rt.."f to the material in qoeetioa wa r-V!. and the shoe man Vs 1 -. cr i.-.o-t ha was. After the ad t cf Voi-rtm, hewevarr r&t :t to V a that tbsmi'srt la "... i t a ' n l 1 I. -- a Ukaa lily MISCELLWrOlS. LET THE EAGLE SCREAM." "M Specie Payment . sumcd! SPI IIB BQIDS. I NEWEST, LATEST and Cheapest Aaron & Bheinstein's, No. 25 Market Street. rya would uespkotfully oaixat- tentiou to our NEW Q0ODB purohasod tinuo I In extraordluary decline In Gold and which wu art now 0 (Turing t TO CORRESPOND WITH Ttiit DECLINE 2 000 piscea rrinU, (rem 6 to li coot. 900 pieces DeLalnea and Challejr from 15 to 20 cctta. . ' Dlenobed fibirting from 8 to 30 eonta. . . SPLENDID LOT Ot' NEW DRESS GOODS. . Oreiiadiuea at 10, 19, IS, 20 aud K cuiiIh. fopliua, Ja(ianeo Oloth at very lur piioua. Alpaooaa, all colors, from 25 to 50 eouta. ttoaltna aud Orgtndiet from 13 to ii oen'U. ' Black end Colored Bilk. :' ;' BPLENDID ASSORTMENT or Wll H E GOODS. Jaooneta, plain and ebcokad, from IS to 60 ola. Bwita, plain, dotted and atriped, from 12 to Lawu, Visloria, from 20 to CO cent a. Lan, BUbop, from 30 lo SOcfuitn. Lawn, 8-4 fur f arty Draaaea, 85 cent. Figond Drililanta, from 15 to 55 co&ta. ' , Tarletona, from S7 to 79 eeotF. Whit Linen from 15 ol to 1 01. .LJuen. fjlLov (laius froia 75 U to i Ijnen bbeeling from II CO. to fL CO, 100 pleeaa ef Pique from 18 et to tJWr Tail Untu, 8-4, from 60 eta to tl 00. Towels, from 7 to 40 cent. " Napkin and Doyle. . A aplendid aaaortmeut of Cambrio and Swiss Edgings aud Inserting, Hamburg Laces, Marseilles Trimmings aod Laoes. " Partionlar attention la paid to our (took of r Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Notions, White ! and Colored Matting, Oil Cloths,. . I Ac, Ac, 4a. . . . Paper Oambrio, 12) eenta. ngltah Oambrio, .10 eenta. The attention of tbe trade ie reapeotfnlly sailed to th faot that Aaron & Rheinstein. 25 MABKET STREET, Are aow roiving a moat xtenaiv aloes of Dry Oooda, Olotbing, Boota, Bboea, and Hat. la IU Stale, which have been bought at th great drive alee of th past week at great aacriflcee. Country Merchant will And it to their tntereat to give a a ail befor purohaelng le where. Our Kr. AABOH being oonatantly in th North, -n marketa give a faoUities nnaqnalled by aoy Hon south of Philadelphia. . Oooda received by every steamer. marab IS J4-m 8TATE OF KwKTII f 1R0LISA BCPEBIOB OOCBT OP HXW BANOVXS OOUBTT. BU Murray, plain tiff, agaiott Elzey B. Powell, aarenoanb THI8 ACTION IB BROUGHT TO BEOOVEB the mm of eo tbouaaad, three hundred and aixty-oo dollar aod twenty-five oenta, and in- tereet, pan Of ue enna oi ioor uuraeaoa aouara eoUaeted by tb defendant, a tb agent of tbe plaiatuT, from th Atlantic Uutual Isauranc Company, of lw York, for loauraoe oa th aebooeer Had; aad aum tb further ram of four hundred and fortr-eeren dollar and fifty-four Mate, aad iatetwat, money received by the de fendant for the aa of the plaintiff, from net arninga of tb ouaooaor Med aad John. Tb warrant oi aueoamani w mviue Derore . u. htana, Clerk of th Oonrt aforeeaid, at hi offie at th Oonrt Hoea faa Wilmington, oa tb SOUt say of April, A. D. 1870, at wbloh Urn aad plant tb defendant ia required to appear aad aaawer theeomplaiol. . .. . . . - bum p.i 10, Plaintiff' Atueraeya, - iuerfcef Bupenor uoun. nhlS Ii4w6w. TAGS! TAGS! TAGS ! Ve tavcamree hxni Diti Uoa'a Patent BLip pii) 1 -, 'S we - : y oar enalomara at h. il i I I i. ' 1 tmr (j - i cl i . ji do wU by having &j1uafc. '' , t.t 3tl NKU' ADVF.IlTlSKftlKMS, - -1 (KTABLIIIKD IK.lO i WELCH & GRIFFITHS 'I 7M AXOM H MH.Ii "VHNiHINflS ClHC Uf.tH H VWH with " UiM aikiiui'H"i si.l""i a avuLinu SMU 1U.U.,. I .l.,al..',.. iVVU It W 1 II Kit A -...I uliil VmiIi, flr wilh Putfint A.liitliln FvM; n :rr utr tu tm Ini'tHM JWM f ui .:. rasrlUw Kll. -a 4ST t-'cutl for i'rios l,it aud Ciroulnrx, a WKi.t-ti h uiua'a-iTiiM. llMiaa, mr Urtnlt. Mlb, Secrets of Internal Revenue. Bra fttalani vmr or tk ?' y Hliowlu- np th trnrH and inner oi lrit'7' of III Ifrmnue Urnarltucat. lb Wbikkay llinir Uuld itiiiK, ui llil(ik liauua, Uyimtlp Hoblinrv. DniirriUlioix. fuiinutraolK tdil lulu on tha Oovurnmuut, Malfeutaiioa, 1jruujp uJ (Jorrnptton brhlh OtlloUU. Th moat i txllmg tint! important hoot p0uirrt. ooiitainliig aDuut uv wali.nuea pages, aptrltadly lllntrll. " WanHil. OunvntMaa ltHk and rtiit ptoto ou tU nl ftca. Aridraas WM. H'LINT. Jillfrhtr, I'hiladoluhla, 11 Ohioago, III., or ctnoinnaii, o. 110 W TO GrET N UTH INO, Sio wor'h of anlendlrllv Il4utr'ed bnokt L-ivtn fnr trT 10 auhnoriber to the n. V. leal Ptoanf for lTU, moiitblr journal of 10 ptga or rlioio Mnm aud lateraatlns Muool- ihiit. unly an cu, per annum In wvanc. uir culur with Hat of premliima and prolnin on jit of I'toi mr ioiiI on rfci-tpl of atamp. t. J, Huntington 4 vo ro m Kt w. y. ii HVi from $1,50 to 100 in d " f Ireenbacli. awrdid to nbagrtbra aud iteuH for VTooo'a Hihukuoi.d UiUA.iN, tba larRoat and boat IJolUr Unaili'f in Uia world. 1 loiilar i rie In ba rrpratH aonn. Pull partloalar In Wrili Nnniboe. Porstlabv all Newtdatlora, or aent with I'tUloan of rrcralHina on rowiiit of 10 oenli. A.ldr.ta Ij. H WOOD, Wawbarirh, N. Y. "ViAAnJc IJ.icllllnt. Aauro Velirt for Aath jvium i o J. uoniiio, m Piioa 40 of nt by man. otuwiu.Li uu , cariaaioirn, . The Purest, Best and Cheapest VfriTIIOOT Bpectaolea, Doctor or Modioln. VV Kent Boat-paid, on reoeipl or iu ota. Ad' drcaa Dr. E. B. FOOTE. ( author of Medical Ooiu Dion Boom) No. 130 Lexiugtoa Ava., eor. Eaat V8tb Bt., N. Y.-. . . . WAV WITH VncmrarMbla TUVSMMIB, Comfort aod Cure for the Bnptnrad. Hon! POM il-panl on reottpt of 10 eaut. Addraa Dr. JK, 11. FOOTK, Mo. 11 ljextugton Ave., Mtw York. EVKRVB'tDf RKAlt THI8I TB WILL FAY AQENTB FSB WStKK V V and expeuaea. to aall tb QratUat Di ooTvrlea of tbe Ai Addreia Wbbator, et A Co., Maraball, Mich. Agents Road This. I Y1TM WILI PAY AOKNTS A BAI.ARV I W wb aod xpDaa, or allow a ; urge oomnimion, to aall onr new wooawrui u veution. Addre. i M. WAOKEB A CO., Karahall. Vleh. dinr a DiT (Pltf Bamplea 140 new article, for Airanl. ea free. H. B. Baaw, Alfred, Me. LIST OF 2,500 NEWSPAPERS Buiwai. and urida;rouM. JCaeaya fur voting men, free, in aealed envelope.. IIOWAllD ABHOU1AHON, Box P., FbUadelpbla, I'siin. MANIIUUU and tbe Vigor Vaatk Ue tarad ! Vaur Week. Baceea gOr auieed. Da, HhllXIRtVB HSSaNUMI Of 4 L.l'h) reaioras manly power, from whatever ! mi.. . ir . a i babil., aelf-aboM and elimale, give Way at onoe to tbia wonderful medicine, If taken rcgaiarly according to direationa Iwbiob are very aimple aud require noreetraint from bualneaaur plea- enre). Vailora ia impoeaibl. Bold in bottle at $3, or four qualitioa in one fur To be bad I only of tba aole appointed agent in Amerioa, UbUalAJl Utu t7.K, iuo -intra I Avenue, M. Y. iMnilKTAfHITM tatemi to grow in ail ; l"4JOAlVIltO W6ek,. Kecelp enl fur ; BO ceat. Addrae H. U10HAUD8, Box 8,986 Now York P, 0. , . t WANTED. Cf PBEH S'T.IMBEB. WIdH TO CONTUAOT FOB WO CVFHES8 Lor.18 to20fotlong. ' For further particular, enqnir of ! E. A. KEITH, apr 14 . , 1C- Murray & Lanman's Florida Water, Tlic most celebrated and most delightful of all per fumes, for use on the hand kerchief, ut the toilet, and in the bath, for sale by all Druggists and Perfumers nM lXMm-od ch SIRUP. 200 BBLa 80018 H0CBE 8YBCP Poraalaby f. W. IB0HSFB, 170 april 15 Kails-Kails. 2QQ K-IOS, ALL BIZK8, For 1 by aprfl 1 P. W. KBCHSXB. 17tt roEX-rtu;;:.'. BTHUELS IX BToax. 18,000 ; Tor tal1y WQ.UAU KCBCHI80. ; . -..'. ITU aprOU ILL C7 ir '09 WOBA t- .1 . t .. SOLD BV ALL CltOCOB. ffllSfKLLUKOIH DAVID & WEIL. c tub !" :": ",. " ' M liltCHANT TA1 LOliS .(;JiOTJllJ2i(8, tH Ulaikct Html. ; CtOTIHVO. Vramo Ci.OTHiKd ". Tmntciaa Htook, Hut Malarial, Dmt attlaa, Uwit blu am it l AVID VRIL'4, I I.OIIII NU. Hpriiic Bulla la aUltnaa, Twwda, mik lllxlnroa, Twoul aud Vtalar pioof, ll tba iirwKl iUrinr aud wixUraa, from 16 In fits lb anil. .,f At DAVID WKILU t LOTUINU, UiV. Voutlu' and (JUlUlraii'a BHa, : lor ail au tba lavorll da- elKD and moat faabianaula fabrlm; , irotn is to io in aaii. At DAVID A WEILU GKMTS' f I'HNINIIIMU DIKJO. Oonta' FurDlrblua Qooda of alt da- aorlplioua aadlaioat at vie. Hblrt ttada lo ordar. AU tba lata! nor- 2 altioa lu Tioa and Collar. Uata for Iba Ikooaand. ' At DAVID k WEIL'S. MEItCIIAST TAILUUlaO. Wa aall roar attention to our auo- rioralockof Flooa Oooda, of lb laloat and moat la-iit atla. 1 'J'rlui vIiik" Dona aurpaaa uu, audi nor geiitlaiuanlv ooHer Ilia baat lo tba aouutrr aa dompatlttno. DAVID h WUIU, -37 Market atrout, WUnilogton, N O. apr S . 16ft- , CARD. 80CTIIKM LIFi: I.VSlCAMi: (0. To th Ptoph of North Carolina ; ' At th. roqUKit of Oon. John B, Gordon, rreai- diiul Allanta Dtittnji lit, I Uava coma Id your Biata to bring prominently befor yea th olaime aud niorlt. of th Bouthera Ufa Iu.urauoe Com pany. It ia under tb control of a honorable and aa ra.pooaibla man aa there are in th land. It i managed In th moot prudent and eoonom-l leal manner, and will deal ju.tly aud fairly with all. Wa have no war to make upon other Compact, bat tee do teUA to iinproa upon th peopl the importano of Ictrplng thtir money ol Aom. tty careful calculation it ia .tlmaled that a aum of Dot lea. than ItoWoe milUuni, annually, ia aent from th South to th North fur Lif In surance, and unlet, checked will curely prove ' auloklal to our interu.t. VI aak you to oouald r how greatly lb material of thia ec tioa would b. benefited by lb rotenliou of the. enormou. nm. in our mid.t. W aend no money away to orioh foreign oap Italiat, but .very dollar of premium, la t pen.oa, r imvutkd in thb Btatb raov watcv rr i Dsaivco. ,,; . Thia dpartmnt of th Company has operated both tn Georgia and Boattt Carolina, aod ha don aaaaprodntdly large bn.inou. Bom of lb moat prominent gentlemen hi th Btata are identified with it intaraat. It Board of Dlractora embrace th name, of the ablaet flnan clera end mot oooeefal baaioea man ia th Beath. Ttieyar th truatee. of tb. eaered fund of th widow aad orphan. Will yoa aot tract year friend and neighbor., or 1 it mor oar in th.handeof atrangeraT W appeal to you to aa.i.1 a in poshing forward tbia oeaervedly pop ular ana rename southern corporation. It ul venoy ia unenrpataed by any eompaoy doing bua- Inaaa ia tb United BUI, IU ratio of hhIi to iiabilltie. tht only trui Utt f (Ampany't trtngtK, folly sustaining thia statamant. W would recpeotfally all attention to tb Board of Director aad BtockhoUara, pnbliahad in another column, end to oar Board of Beforouo ia tbia Biat and other. i, H. MILLM, Qenoral Agtut. mar 37 lU-lm PIEDMONT .- AND V A n L I II G T O N LIFE INSURlNCfi COMPANY. JODS WILDER ATKINSON. Gf serAl Agent for Korth Carolina. mas BUOOESB WHIOO THIS OOMFAKY bu met with ba been truly remarkable. Tbe ohait of Life Uumpanie pnbilnbed in New York, how that thia Company had a greater inoreaao of buslae In IBM over 1808, than any Company ia Amerioa, and that it leaned a larger amount of riak in IMS tbaa any, sav Uiree Oempaniee. Nor doe thi. exhibit (howonly rapid progr, bat it ahow eooaomioal aad onrvativ man agement. The iaelioad to aecure aa inherltanee far thtir famfli are rpetfally lavtUd to oall on th Qeseral Agent at hia INSURANCE BOOMS. Prlnnae tract, between Front and Water it. march XI lU-tf UPHOLSTERY. fTlHE CKOXBBIONZD HAB IS, HAS VSm X store, and for eal ket pnoea, all aorte of PAPia HANOIRaS, WINDOW SHADES, PI0TTJBI FBAVE8 and PICTUBK8, PIOTCBX TA88EL8 aad OCBD8, AIM, KATTKEBSKa AND L0DN0E3. Bar Bepairuig don with aeatneee aad diapatah F. A. BCHUTTE, Uraoumaxa urn Parb llaxusa, Beeawid St ke. BwtM aael FrieMwwe. april IT 17J B,TuA W,w 50 CASES JP&EoH PEACBK8, . . . , - - ' I aad 3 pound Oaaa, 60 Oaae freak Toaaaioea, 1 aad t ponad Caaa, Aapartgaa, Bardlnee, . .t OfttMp. j ' : . ; Bauoe,. ., ; ataSbdOU n If aebrooin ( iv'J . ' Wureeeierebir. fiaava Ja'!y, ; . .-; . y Aa, Aa, at , i ' . a april IT BtTKS'.U a: 3M I" - t .itl. . III?' kaii,i aiA. 1 r . ; .4- J ar : RAILROADS, GBNr'RAL BtirF.niNTKNnRNTS OtnCR, niLMinuToa UAHdaaeTT m. n. wo. ' Wti.HiaoToa, N. U., Alaroli 13, 1670. ; ) L . On nu av j p.u rfniMi'Ar,, ma rai iat. I'muHitiBttm ui. Ui w M it. a. wi II I.L Ibn Train at tlio W. A W, It, It, 1'rpol mid lb itiiiitwiiiK rnunui win iJfl run ; ?l : . ' PAlf iXt'llKSS THAIM (Dally.) Lav WilnuuRt.m ( W W B It Dapot) 0 A. M Aulv at VUmmre ................. .11:0$ A. M amveal K1btUIo :O0 P. H liaam ln(tvill. .......1110 A. M Arriva at Kloreuo...,... , :U P. M Arrive al WilmluRlon t:S0 P. U 'Rlaitt EXmKSa T1U1S (Dully.) Iv Wllmlnirlon f W A W n It. Deuot :U P. M ArrlTal'lnri ........ AH A. M Air v at KinaHTillo 8t00 A. M jav ainnavilla. B:4 r. Arrlv at I'lnrano AIM V. Arrive at Wilmington. ........ 0:1J A. It na, juaoiuis, . ; - .'j i i i Qnral Hupexinlndnt aiarcun '. , ; . ... ...,. ... 14541 WILMINGTON WILDON BAILBOAD CO.. 1 Orriua Cmar lite. A Oita. HuraaiirruiDsirr. WltiKIHUToa, M. v., MaroU H,17U, CHANGE OF 8CnEDCLE. : ON AND AFTER BCNDAT. Ui 18th luttant, paaaanKMP tralna on tbia road will loava WU- mliiRton at ;4S A. M. and 10:00 P. M., and arrlv at Waldon at 8:H0 A, M., and 8:30 P. M. Arrlv at Wilmington 4:10 A.M., and t AS P.U. Th day train will aot ran on Bandar. .0,1 i n.mun v. Kna. a Bnoi. marsh 13 hui KA8TERN DIVISION WILHUIOTOIt, CnARLOTTm di RUTII. Kitrusu IUIUHO.U f'',7.- Ovnrtfl At WitJiriMTow, N. 0 I January g7(b, 1870, f . ON AMD AFTXB HONOAT, Blatof January, 1070. th Tralna on tbe Baatam Divlalon o tlii. Koad will run dally (Huadaya xoepted) aa rouuw i PASBMMBR TaAIRB. aoa wist. I.eev Wilmington :IS A. M. Dap Fear BrtdgS. 0:80 Bladenboro' B:48 M Lumbertoa .....1040 M Lanrlnbnrgh 1:00 P, U. llocklnhm 1:50 Arrive at l'el)e.. .................. 8;18 " OOINO BAST. Leave Pee bu:... 8:40 A. M. tooklnHbam. B:0B Laurlnborgb....... 8 48 ' Lumberton. 10:811 " Bladenboro' 1I:M " Cauer.ullrldaa........ I MP. M. Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 rUKIQIlT THAI US, ooraa wist. Leave Wilmington.... 6:00 A. V. Cape Fear Bridge 0:'iS Blacdenboro B:SS " Tork-tUe 0:0 " LoaKrtoa.4... 10:48 " Arriv at Lasvtaborgh. 8:30 P, kL. Leave Laurlnborgb... B:80A, M, " iinmberton.,, b:iu YorkviU...... 9:18 H Itladenboro , 0:48 " Cape rear Bridge 1:88 P. U. Arrlv at Wilmington U:00 Pteunger Train Weet oonnaol with th wadeeboro' and Uharlotte Btag oa Tueadaya, xnureaaya ana oaiaraay, - , - R . 0010 .. Ing, aad 0a. Bnp't. 4a M - 104-tf (BEAT 80UTIIEUN PA88EN 6EB AISD FBEI6HT ISLAND AIR LINE. Between New fork and flew Orleans! -JJID AZX IimUUDUIATS omss aJIS rLAoas.- riUMa FHEIOHT POBWABDKD BT PABSEW JL OXB T BAINS, and at LOW BAXU). No lntunuut aeoewory. I To parobaa Ticket, or for rate of Transpor tation and other information, apply at th Oener ai umoe, mi uroaoway, eoruer oi tteeue aireel, w Xork. , PXTEB MALLZTT, Oeaoral Agent. Bew York. June 18, 1808 iti6-tf BAXTIJBOBJD, 0. B. EOQAB ...Paonixroa. arjDUOTIOH OF FABB. TN eoMideralioB of th general decline of all a in lee aDoerteinuia: to the axnenaee of keeping a Hotel, aad the great aoareHy of money, tii eoard wul a reduoed to merenaaU and other of North Carolina to 83 60 par dev. 1 10 13d NATIONAL HOTEL. OoroerHallfaa aadldsatoa Street, Korth af tae Capitol 8quare, BALEIQH, N. C rpHR BUILD INQ D3 HEW, BPACIOU8 AND X elegant. Every appointment for tb aoooaa. awdetioo of goeete. llooma and Parlor nK for femiliee, ana eingl roon oomplete, beautt fully fumiahed; with aa ay to comfort aad eoo- venu TUBS maias ROOM I Urre and euperbty funiUhad ta the mmi at traotiT manner, wbUat tbe aervant are geoteel, polite aod attentive. No expeoae or effort will be eparad to reader th Bt. Niofaolaa Bolel oiriotly a . FIESr CLASS HOTEL, to compere favorably with tb beat Eotela, North or Booth. Tbe p&lronute of the traveling pnbiie ia re apeotrullT olioited. Ueanibaeee aad aarriagee at tbe depot to meet erery train. a Charge aa low aa any other firet-ol Bolel ba the eoontry. A. i. ECTJKfl, Proprbator. (Fonneriy of Kxcbaug Hotel) fob ns-a TAYLOR'S HOTELj (xxoKAjiaa flaok), ' . . JEBSET riTT. NEW JEBET, OfpeattN.a.B.Bpeet, - Oea the rteue Opa at m tlar. nUl CKDEB8IQKID TO riRT.CT X pattttt ataaeaen t ta m that tkta H-tl ba Mta thoi.'Uiy rea vt-l. xe-riM4 a4 Te-fttrni.h'd tironk tK-nt; coct,:. t ttnli ui, td rowM, beawl bv mj I J.V aid btt' d:s ait rooea ta la arw, VmAtm pir.m end drMxiug roin, with overy oavwaicoee tar : trm:: -el..' i ie !KT In trrrt jt: -t, : ' e eo r ,. rua M li day and I 9-u " ir'.tr.t J s no'huubug: it it:::. Ji spemgcc: CHEAPER TIIA'JI CCD AT O tO ';U A ; r KTB0BA8SO tb late Wortawn raoio at Jm L' a J aad Kaaafeotarer' eoet and c ".. r a 'j a full ortmnt:of ' STAPIEtia Fancy Dry . C: bhx8, poruKg, QBxsjk&nt: i - I ..: ..: XX"" " T, A" " " " 0B0AB2I2S, LAWKS, ). white goo; , ' Cambric, Jaooneta, BwiasiBaasooks, tn sUlpoa and c' ' Piqos'S Laoas, ' ! Edging, HasdksroUeb, C.ar3, : EFEIir UZLTi Honscfaralahlsg Qooda, . HoUoas, Olovea, ,, . , . UltU, Eoalary, , . . , . LACE POINTS, Shawls, Bilk Mantles aad Parasols. : ULLLNERY. Ladies Hats, flowers, : ' Bibbon. Ao. atn's Porntahing Oooasaad Eat, at E.loea that moat plae, . . ' - Examio aad you'll eartalatr aatroabe ' n. m. KiTr, 86 UMlrt i i. march 90 1' HTHe WIIbIbkIob Ml VrL'- -IJ Tornplka Cocyarj." TN PDB8UABTCB OP ABT AOT P T"T r ?. JL arai Aaeombly of tb State of ir"-, entitled "An Aot to iaoorparat lu V and Wrighuviii Turnpike Oompac," i s " of ' uuwonpuou kj ue capital atooa or r i pan will be oaed nndnr tlia ,1 undersigned ai tbe Pint National 1 miturton. at tb Banking Uonea of J eon, Eeq., and at tb oflioe Of Atar, i OowaaAOo, J'HN A. 8ANDE119, BIOHABO H. OBANT, I r ; OKOBQB BAHllimi, - M , wm. a. wiuoax1. J Wilmington. AUroh tLjlh. 1870. 1. march aii . FOB SILLY '.,. , THB O0MM0DI0C3 BTKnjr.wiuuju aBuurjczt GEN. HOWAUD; FOBHBBLT PLTOO P3. -i." . tween Wilmlngtoa aadBiver if "" tjapa luver) as paaaeo-.' ' gar and freight boat, Length over aB..... ..."....,.11 t "W Braaiih of beam..... .....,..,.,. k - Depth of hold..... , t ' " Draft ..I ,, t " Toanage ....UiiUX TWO Xctlnee In wood enlie. fHKn.' 1ft ln ohea diameter ; fl foot trok. Upner 1 "ta fca icon and Paeeene-ar AeanmnuMleti.ina in rnoua and eomfortabla. Lower deck and iw... . jT freight. B. B. QUION, Geo. F "'t, W1L, Char. f nth. I ', - . ' Wiiiuieg'iuii, - jaa.M -v ' - - 1 i . J FAMILY ICE Kl FOSZLLTSOSLr praoUoabl Ia for th uae of Druggtat and O-' and Pamili jgnraUr. lodncing Io fat 10 to Jfl minnUe. aoul j i r - natural, without ateua Dower, t obmate and v to otMrate. 1 t ooaaleta of arni.. .i. orated after every operston. A KrwAfAak eo mrfmeii aMkOaT oaid '. ETTrATIOH 7A37ZD. A GOOD BOOX AOT JOB TZZTT" XX. BIED, dealra a eituetioo, - AdcIrM "H." ear of the marahSS NOTICE. TEB TJSDEBBIOKED, OOBPOBATC bygivaaotlo to parties lntw purebeee of tbe Wilmington and t Bailroad and ite effeote, under d -otoeur of Uortgage, to attend a be id at Banum'e Hotel in t ' Tneeday the Ktb day of A gania aader tne Ubarter of Korth aod Booth Oaro' to i and Carolina Baiiroad t . each farther acteoa a miy w i Ubarter. - P. v : W.T. B. If. ' WDmlna-toB, Kerch j, aaarohW ... . a m h , . k ' m. A .. . rayeuewtlle ftwt, ' "'XlAIamrVI'. Z " TTATISO hO to.N. -. . other Hotel ia BaleiKh. I ' -3 t T A b b o a e c c :: r n wUal it r e I -1, TteCi!jrirt-f v 1 jAa if. ii.a. . . E"1 VT 1 i . ' v ... i k...- . J I' of .'.C "II f tl t . . . 1 atii a t rata of r, V. a . i kik..., t a r T"' tb BtevwaeMuoMS trw