ife VOL. XIX-NO. 199. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1870. WHOLE NUMBER 5,011. THE DAILY JOURNAL WJLMINQTON. N. C ... TIWRSDAY, MA Y 19, 1870. we do not besita Tie to asser t tba t THE BONA FIDE SUBSCRIPTION LIST OF TUB DAILY JOURNAL U LARGER THAN THAT OF ANT DAILY PAPER ; PUBLISHED IN NORTH CAROLINA, ADVERTISERS WILL DO WELL TO MAKE A NOTE OF THIS, AND INSERT THEIR NOTICES IN THE COLUMNS OF A PAPER : TBA T REACHES RELIABLE BUSINESS HEN IN EVERY SECTION OF " TBS COUNTRY. ' Brick Peeaerejr ta. War la tae Valley- How Wlnen.ster Cbaagad Hsvada Vear , t Times Im Oa. Daw TH. Horn ef Mr. Masoa, Ate. sm .v-.'-i ii.i -s -:--;' v j ' The following is aa extract from "Brick Pomoroj'e lotter from Winchester, show ing how often and suddenly that town changed bands during the war : . . "One day it would be ia possession of ' the Northern troops. The next day these wonld be driven out, and the Southerners hold the plaee. One day there were lively times at Winchester. The Confederate flag had floated for several days, and was floating at 4 o'clock in the morning. With the early snnrise came long lines of armed men on horseback. There was a yell a surprise down pa me the red and white, and at 7 o'dlock up went the red, white and blue. Northern soldiers quartered themselves here and there as if to remain. Soon there was to be seen a line of horse men coming from the foot of the moun tains away off to the southeast. And soon another line of humanity was seen ad vanoinar toward the Diana from the north east. Very soon after there was ehock of contending armies, and those who were finding quarters and. places to rest after the victory of the morning Hastened out more rapidly than they came. At 10 o'clock the soldiers in blue had left and the soldiers in gray took their plaoea. The red. white and blue came down from the flag-staff over yonder, and again the breeze kissed the red and the white, aa it - floated in triumph where all might see. At Si o clock in tho afternoon there was raimncr, lust back irom where we are standing, a concentration of blue-clad men on foot and on horse. Then came a few thousand more Northern troops from the JNoriuwest. mere was a yell, a onargo, fight, and away back to the waters of the , Shenandoah were driven the Confederates. And down came the red and the white. and np went the national emblem, the flag of onr country forever. Then there was rejoicing along the Northern lines. The wounded were oared for. Those who were - hungry vera taking food, and the victors thinking the war well-nigh ever, when , back to Winchester, like devils who baa forgotten something, came the armies of the gray which, bat a few hours before had been flying to the east They came as the waves come when navies are stranded ; as the winds come when forests are rended, They came on foot and on horss -rough and rapid riding men, with that peculiar yell which Northern troops knew meant business. The? came in this street, and - they came np that through gardens, over - lences, inrougn alleys, into and np streets, down streets, and across streets. Blood ran like water. Men who bnt an hour be fore were thinking of home, were lying all about here breathing their last. Back upon the hill where we stand, and back to the fields beyond, were again driven the troops from the North, leaving dead and dying in the streets of the place, and all bout here. Then down came the stars and stripes, and up, with a yell and a shout, and a loud huzza of triumph, went the flag of the Confederacy, while the viotors made ready for supper. And this was one day during the war at Win chester I . Eighty-seven times during the war did property change hands in this place. It was indeed the scene and ia the track of -contending armies. A few rods back of where we atand was a fort occupied by -General Milroy, who, when he took pos session thereof, gavo it out as a public an nouncement that he should remain in pos session here till hell froze over, the rebel lion ended, and his army made rich from the plunder. One day the General wanted a place for headquarters, so he marched in upon the finest reaidenoe in the city. Thinking that to the viotors belong the - spoils, he boxed np the pianos, the books, the pictures, the elegant bedsteads, chairs, sofas, and all the furniture he could lay his hands on, from gutter to cellar, and shipped the same to his home ia the North or elsewhere, at the expense of the Gov eminent. . It did not seem by this time that he intended to remain here till the pandemonium should become a skating pond. Hardly had he dispatched the property thns confiscated to a distant home, when there came along a few regi ments of gray. And, worst of all, they cam, in the night Some of them crawled up behind, and reached the top of this .LUle hill, lust ia front of us. A few more planted a battery with far-reaching guns on the spur of the mountains over to the left A few more took quarters just be hind the city, creeping up behind the fences, the houses, the hedges, and the trees, olear to the very pickets who were guarding Milroy, his fort, and his proper ty. . And then those who had taken these places remained very quiet quiet as eats about to spring did they lie. Not a whis pernot a sound was heard. The fires nd lights of the fort could bo seen dis tinctly. Here and there a little firs mark ed wheTJ sentinels and pickets stood guard ing those vUo slept, that they might not be surprised. Vp goes a rocket away up there to the right I A red, fiery, bunting roeket away tp towards the cloods. Ia a minute by the watch up goes another from over be yond the town. And before the one high rising from the left had died oat, np went another froaa beyond that little hill just in front of ua. So much for the accuracy of time-keepers and the regularity tf mili tary movements when positions are to be taken. And then there was a charge and a fight The shells from these far reaching guns drorped down about the fort, into the fort over it and around it bursting and scattering death oa ail sides. And General Milroy went out before he expected to. He followed toward Harper's Ferry the pianos and furniture hs had sent forward. And onos more the grey-costad battlers for their homes tcck possession of Win chester. But the story or t&er-rjr. t9t:ts and tha cLarcicg tf L-us Le.a wo-...: i oc- Jt . l T . . J . . toiler, :ac! t: ;' t'.:-r?i U:;ra ia- to a cellar; weeds growing here and there, marking the spot where once was ths abode of wealth. This was "Selrual" now a place of rains. Looking down upon this pile ol debris, rain-wasnea ana storm beaten, one would hardly imagine that but a lew years ago here was the finest resi dence in this part of the country. That here atood a magnificent mansion, where night after night wealth and fashion did oongregate, lamps illuminating parlor, drawing room and library, as the wit, wealth and worth ol the place here assem bled, enjoying themselves and whist par ties, listening to musio or tripping their feet as do merry, light-hearted danoers. the Southern Senators, who went abroad during the early part of the war. Well, this is where Mason lived. When the Northern troops took possession and learned thai this was Mason's house ; that that was his ioe-house t that his kitchen was just over there, and that his carriage house was just over yonder, they made short work of "Helm a." They entered into and took possession at ouoe. What Was worth stealing they stole. What was worth sending home they sent : and to take revenge upon Southern men they left not so muoh as one foot of wall upon the other. We found here a few old boots and old boot-soles, warped, twisted, and dried from exposure ; pieces of glass, china ware, and a few necks and bottoms of obam pagne bottles : and kicking among the rub bish we found an old spoon, indicating, no matter who might have been here, Butler was not i S-raa Schoola. Badioalism claims to be the friend of progress and of the poor. In the former character, it is the adrooate of railroads, and in the latter of free sobools. Millions have been appropriated for railroads and scarce a mile has been built. . The thievea have pocketed the money. The free- schools are in S more deplorable condition than ever before, the education of the poor more neglected, and no body bene, iited by the immense appropriations ex cept the loyal oflloials. Que of the most eminent teachers in the State has been making some exposures in the North Caro lina Presbyterian of the management of the free-schools under Pilgrim Ashley, carpet-bagger from Buzzard's Bay, Massa chusetts. It seems that $90,000 are spent annnallv nn thm mahina anil tha manhfn. ists, but it won't run, No schools are I established and no children educated, but tha officials are paid t Well, we hope that when the loyal Ashley is sufficiently gorged hs will return to bis roost at Buz zard's Bay. The distinguished writer in the Presby terian aays " it is greatly to be feared that the oommon-sohool system of our Blnte is in a hopeless way for the present. I do not pretend to understand the machinery by which it is to be moved, and as misery loves oampauy, I rejoice to know that there are mora in the earns category. A cumbrous, complicated and impracticable machine has been inaugurated, whose friotion alone exhausts its power, and wnose wnoie ODject, so far, has been to swallow up money for its officials. What I do understand ia this, whioh has I uuuui uij uwu uuBorvBHUD. 1 For the county in whioh I live there Was aDDortioned the sum of 82.925. I lent n through one of the Commissioners that on receiving the report of the Superin tendent of Pnblio Education the Board di rected their Treasurer to call on him for the money. In reply he referred them to the Btate Treasurer, who reported "no funds on hand." The 8350,000 raised by special tax for the purposo of paying teachers has been borrowed to pay the membera of the Legislature their per diem, And it is considered extremely doubtful whether it will ever be refunded. Besides this the enormous and intricate machinery which not even those who planned it can understand or work, requires one-third of the money that in former times used to be spent in actually teaching the children. 8'J0,000 per annum is required to oil those numerous wheels whioh yet have not made one progressive revolution. ; wnen Ualvm a. Wiley stannoh old North Carolinian was Superintendent, the whole yearly amount reauired for oiling machinery was $2,500, out of wbioh his modest salary of 91,500 was paid. Mr. Wiley, it is well known, made a most zealous and efficient offioer. He traveled 1 from county to county, overseeing, direct-1 ing, examining, suggesting, lecturing, writing. If ever man earned $1,500 per ' annum Mr. Wiley did it. He had no idea I of putting the eart before the horse and starting out with cumbrous and ooatlv and pompom plans. He broke new ground . and believed it was best done with plain practical sense and honest personal en- j deavor. Our present Superintendent, I believe, ' receives 82,500 salary, with perquisites i attaohed, and besides requires $90,000 per ; annum to oil other wheels with. Yet I nothing has started. . In my township there are 950 ohOdren, I white and coloied, between the sges of 6 ; and 21 years. The amount apportioned for tha whole was (456. In one district! there are AO whites 73 oolored ; the ap portionment for them respectively is $19 20 and $35 40. How long would any decent teacher keep the schools going for these amounts 1 . About long enough for him to get well acquainted with the names of his pupils. I would be a mere piece of torn, foolery to set the schools at work even if the money were to bo had which, how ever, it is not. Besides, there are school houses to be provided. Wilmlntlon ft Wcldoi Railway C WILJtLKQTON, HAY 17, 1870, mO FREIGHTERS BE J. TWEEN WILMiaai-OK arc: AMD UAXIXatOKE; W Fraia-ht ehargrc a betweea Ihia itv anil BalUaara will ia latere be at the a am rataa aa by steamers, thus giving tha eoet of insurance in favor of the railway linae. tr Oboioe Of roDtea via Petereburr and Brandt's steamers, or via fortasaeaia aad Bay steamers, will be given. . . . a Is. FBJEMONT, Eaginssr aad snpetintaedeat aay 18 1S8 norSEUD LOT FOE SALE rrtEI EOUBX A5D LOT IK stfDIATILI 1 opposite the offiaea of the Wilmington I 9 AWeldon Railroad on Froat street, caa be L I boaght privatalv. Tba building la of brick and eoateine Mina Rooms, taarading tha beeeeaeot. Brick Aithaa and Wood Hons and other ia provamewta aa tba Io, Paraorja wishing to pur ees a doetrafcto reaidsoa wiU do well to call oa , . K.BOHULKEH. . Corner Dock and Front street, stay II . . -v . Ut-lw ft J I QriUTY, FOB FALX AT V '-' tSee-'cf the aadenhiaad, ft3ttt i l i,.ar ' . ' mtj 17 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. vi V? (K8TABLII HKD M30.) ': " WELCH & GRIFFITHS 13 A. X7"sl BAWBof aU deaoriptiou. AX EH, BKL11NU ud MILL FUUM18HINUO. GlUUULiH HA WH with wild Teeth, or with Ftut AdJuUll 1'oinU, tupmor io an jntrrtta wm ."iiwi. mr food for Prip Mai and (Hrenlar. WKL II uHirriTiia, Swioi, Mm., or JUWtrolt. Mirk. STAU HPAROLKO UAHMKH.A UrRa column pspar, Ledgtr illustrated. Dc ted to Pkotobei. Pootry. Wit, Humor, otttu fan, Nootenie fofa emlble kind I, fcud to th iponur of BwliidUog, HuiubuRfi, he. Only 73 oU. year, and a auperb nR-raving "Evange line,"! 1-3x1 feet, gratif, 30.000 circulation Motv rtrtmatd to all wM tunc tt. It wide awake, foarle. truthful. Try it w, ru year, gpecimeo trntum. Aaurcei -UAnriEU.' Hlnedale, N. H. TJUOK AUH.HT WANl kU ' Ladut qfVil M Htmt J lout." mo oppomuoo. Btesi en eravinga. Rapid ialft. kor eimnlara, addreea U. p. rcui.iaiimo Co . N. 1. Cincinnati and Chicago. , . XTT7 YI7 BOOK. Agenta ,oll 100 rr woek. il JLJ VV Prios to. Addres L. HTilBBINS. Hartford, Ot. Meadvllla TlxaloRlral rhool,-t7uitarian; edveates Minietera; t!60 a year topior ata- denU; begina Ang. S3. Apply l A. A, l.v.rr more, Meadvllle, V. P A T E N T S. InTentora who winh to take nut Letters Patent arc adviaed to eonnaal with MDNN 4 CO.,edilora of the fcxmtilie American, who hare proeocutad elaima before tha Talent Oftioe for over Twenty lean. Their American and European ratot Agency ia tba moat cxtenalra in the world Chargee ieaa than any other reliable agency. A pamphlet containing full inatruoliona to iuveu tore ia aeot gratia. , . MUNK A CO., 87 Tark Bow, New York. SUGAR CAN 10 AMD S OR OH CM MILXti, KTaporatora mm florae Power, embody. ing aiitue jeoent improvementa anantug ut lead of ever kind in Market. Mannfaotnred bv GEO. L. BQUIEIl Bro., Buffalo, N. Y. Kither bugar or Borgo Hasuala for lb70 tnijrte. T)ABTIEH having I'almcttaTreea will hear of a aomeiuing greauv u meir advantage oy en closing l to it. 1. WILLIAMS, Andenried, Oar ton no., ra. FORTUNJS TBCiaau CARDS.Tel! any oeraoa'e a&e. the amount of money la their pockets, ths number thought of, etc. Mailed to any addreaa for 13 oka. Address QHU.Y k OO, Publishers, Yorkvillo, 8. 0. The Purest, Best and Cheapen SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. WARTKD, A6BHTS.-0 Watoh free, given gratis to every live man who will aot as onr Agent. Boainese light and honorable; pays UO per day. Addreaa It, Munrot A'enneuV A uo., lutsuurg, fa. i tTMiWc Pacfillno A aura relief for Aath ma. Prioe so oenta bv siunujj c uu., ci.arjestown, uasa. Aafcyawr Doctor or Druggist for S WRIT tttmniiic-fisnnaia htitnri tiniiihm M'f.n,. Btiiess, Faaa A Co., CbemiaU, Mew York, B KIRK aad atrldesroona. Esaave for yonng men. free. In eealed euvelonfs. HOWARD A8H0G1ATI0N, Box P., Philadelphia, renn. "PSVOHOMANOY, FASCINATION OR BOUL- JL uilAttailNtt.- too pages; clolli. Xhla won derful book haa fall instructions to suable the reader to faaoinate either sot, or any animal, -at will. Heemeriem, Bpiritualiam, aud hundreds of other eariona experiments. It oan be obtained by aending addreaa. with 10 eta. postage, to T. W BVANB A 00., Mo. 41 go. Eighth Bt Philadelphia P I E DM O NT. AND A II L I NG T O N LIFE irailMCE COHPJNF, JQIH WILDEU ATKIS0.V. General A rent for Norlo ( arlina, T1 1HE HU00ES9 WHICH THIS OOMPANV has mat with haa been trnly remarkable. The ohait of Life Oompanioi pnblioboJ n Pow York, ahowa that this Company had a greater inoreaae of business in 18G9 over 18C8, than any Company In America, sod that it iesnad a larger amount of risks in 1869 than any, save three Cempaniee. Nor does this exhibit show only rapid progress. but It ahowa economical and conservative man agement. , Tboas inclined to secure an Inheritance for their famOlee are respectfully invited to call oa tha Genoral Agent at hie INSURANCE ROOMS, . Frinoeaa street, belwoen Front aad Water ata. march 39 156-tf DAWS, 8TBI1-8. UA51S, J Q HAMS, (Oboioe). - ' Bides. ' " Saoaldera. N. I. Hams, (White Bugar Cured). Breakfast Baoon, " ' Bugar and Ooffea (speciality) Bold vory Low. Tha bast brands of Floor always on band. Goods delivered to any part of tha city free cf ebarga. . ' JA9. BTZTHKBOM, .... City Hotel Building, may 13 1M LAND PLASTER. rr to sb Ural QUAtirr. For sale by F. W. X2UOHNEB. stay 15 WANTED. CYPRES 8 T19IBEB. J WISH TO CONTRACT FOB 300 CVrHElH Loga 18 to 10 feet long. i . tot farther paruealare, eeqnire mt ' " ' - - " K. A. KEITH, aprlt . . t in- job pniSTca Wasted. A GOOD BOOK ASD JOB PB1XTEB AS XL Caauaam Bin can get a pra.aa.at sitae ti.m. Apply by lattar to the march 23 o: AM VI7" ct t o la. m milBEXTENSIVKTJHS OP THESl WiTCU X ae for tba laat 11 Peon vaara by Hallway Oon duotora, Knginaora, aud Bxpraaameu, ibeaioat exaoting or watcb-wearera. baa thoroughly da monatraled tha atrenirth, ateaHnras, dnrabllity and aoenraev of the Walthein Watch. To satla- fy that aiaaa in all Ibeao reapeota, ia to decide tha question as to the leal Tain of tbaaa time' keerara. More than aO,000 of theae watobee are now apeaking for themeelvee in the pocketa of the people a proof and a guarantee of their super! ornv over an otnera. The aunorior oricauiaatinn and great extent o tba Oompany'a Worka at Walthani, enable them to prodnoe watrhre at a prloe which rendere onm patitiou futile, and those- who bay anyotker watah, merely pay from US to 60 aer eatit. mora lor tlielr watubee than la ueoeaaarv. ' - We are now eeliiug Waltbara Watohaa at ieaa prloea in ereenbacka. thsu the gold prioea before the war. There ia no other manufacture of any kind la tha United HI atee or wlilob Uila can lie said. These Unie-pieoes oombiue every improvament mat a long experience haa proved of roal prao tioal nse. Having bad the refusal of nearly ev ry invention in watchmaking originating In this country or io Kuropa, only thos were) Ooall adopted whloh aovere teeliug by the moat akill fill artiaana In our worka, and long' asa on tho part of the public, demonstrated to bs esaontlal to oorreot and enduring llmt-keeping, , , ,. Among tbo many imprevomonts w would par' tloularizc: Tbo Invention and use of a oentra-piulou of pe euliar ooi slrnctlon, to prevtnt damage to the trala by the breikaae ot mala springs, la original ith the Amerioau WaUh Company, who, having bad ths refusal of all other ooolnvances, adop ted Fogg'a I'atent pinion aa being tba beat and faultless. Hardoned and tempered hair springs, nowunl veraally admitted by watchmakers to bs the beat, are oetd in all grades of Waltham Watches All W a Kb em Watohaa bava dust proof cape, proteoling tba mnvameot from dnat and leeaou iug the ncoesaity of ths frtqueut cleaning neoes- aary in othor watchra Our new patent atom winder, or keyloae watch, is alroady a dooidel aneoass aud a great im1 provement on any elem-windlng watoh In Ilia Amsiloan market, and by far the cheapest watoh of Its quality bow offered to tha public To thoao Living in portions of ths United Btatss where watchmakers do not abound, watohe s with the above mentioned Improvements which tend to Insure aoouraoy, oleanlioeee, durability sad convenience, must prove invaluable. Every watoh guaranteed by ths Company. To prevent imposition, buyers should see that every watoh should bear either of the following trado mtrka: American Watoh Co., Amu. Watoh Co American Watch Co., Orescent Bt., - - - Appleton. Tracy A Oo Waltham Watoh Co. P. & Bartlett, ... WUUam Ellery, - Waltham, Mass. - Waltham, Mass. - Waltham, Haas. - Waltham, Mass. Waltham, Uasa. Waltham, Haes. Waltham, Maaa. Waltham, Mass. Borne Watch Co., For eela at retail by all reapeetable dealers. A deeoriptive oiroular r Kiviuc muoh useful i formation aent to any addreaa on application. Mo watohoa retailed by the Company. aaoreaa, R0BBIA8& APPLETOS, Gen'l Jgents, - 1SS atroaawajr, Saw T.r. Ask to see the new FOLL-rLATK WATOH boaring the trade mark "AMKUIOAN WATOH Co., Orescent at., Waltham, Maaa." It ia by far tha beat FnU-plale Watch made In tha United Btatea. end surpasses anything heretofore made in this oountry for Railway Engineers, Conduc tors, sc. epril 19 179-sod-dJtwSmob A New Discovery 1 1 Phaloi WVIT I A a. Salve for the Hair. CLKAR AtyATERI , WmiJNL SEDIMENT 1 1 , OrETaaJTlE LIGIITI II tor Restoring to GrdHatr Us Original Coorl Phalon's "ViTALiWirTcrs ut terly from all UjTiair coloring . preparadoniTicrctoforc used. It is IbfpjJld, sweet smelling, precurftates no muddy or slimy marpr.reqruires noshaking.im- Juris no stain to the skin. Hold t tcVhe light and it is clear and clousUess. It leaves no mark on " the scato; yet it reproduces in gray haiSkjonatural color that time or sicltss may have bleached out of it. ey WPhalons VitaJir is for one 6ole purpose. Jnat of reproducinc.with absolute cer tainty, the naturaior of the hair. It is notntended as a daily dressiofnor for removing scurf or yindniff; nor for cu ring b ness; nor lor stimuu- m . . t ting e growth of the hair. Thes objects may be accom- plish alter the color has been fixed ith the Vitalia, by Pha- Ion's rator. emical Hair Invigo- The Vital .a harmleJS and unequaled prepfcrationfor the reproduction of nal hue of cray hairald noth ing else. This is accoiplished in from twototenaBrpiications, accordingto theTth of shade " required. SgMsyall druggists. deeW ..--' 7laje4 . SOTICE. TTAVINO BEEN DCLT trPOISTED OrA- 1 1 DIAH for Daniel O'0rwr by tbe Jsdre of I'roeate lev she Ooeoey of hwm Uaaever. I br.by notify aU pwwone iodabied to eaid Daniel IT Connor to make payaaent to Baa, aad all par sons holding valid aiainae againat hua WU1 alee preaent tae a anas to as, . w, vr rii, saayU;" f - - I'-Uetw 'AI.tKTTT" tV Jn1 rr-"2. J JIA1LT AiD J-iTiIi.rfvI.I ..i.i MISf ELLIXE0C8. n E IIEIDE, HJa a C0ETU WATER 8TBKKT aivi i as TAIIUK ARRIVAL OF Pino Applies Orangea, Apples aad Ooeoanate, ; Flour, Lard, Butar, Ooffee, lemons, llalalns, Muls, Canned Ooods, Candi.-a, Hod a, HuulT. Olgara and Tobaoon, Oraekere, Cider, Oaadhia. "" '" ' Starch, Soaps," Ao. Ao. . mayll ' . ,- 105 VALtABLK SPRINGS PROPERTY FOB SALE. T WILL BELL. ON THK ritKMIKKH. TO THE 1 blKtioel bidder, on Wednesday. 18lh dav of Stay, the UalobraUd Watering riace, tha SPARKLING CAT AW LI A SPHlflOS, fornisrly sailed " North Carolina White Hulnhur aituatnd lu Oatawba Oounty, North Carolina. At taunmi io tne springe are . a SO A eras of UmmA Laail, i A Una Larce Btorehousx. Phototrranh Gallorv Tailor and Hhoe rlhon. The buildlnira are eom. posed of FODUTKKM COTTAOKB, eontaiaing rronf two to sis rooms, each well arranged for familiea. two larce, three-aiorv bulldinire. and one la'ge bnilding for Dining Room, Rail Room. A a. Soome large and pleaaant, and bnlldiugs ampie io aooomuoaaie luroa annareu or more visitors. Having spent over lao.tlUO in furuiib ing tbe bnildinge, and Improving tbe property tt ia bow ia a good senditlon. Good Ten-Pin Alleys. Rath Houaea. and other neaaaaar oat. btiildltiga. The waters are oomimaed of WHITlt SuLl'HTJR, BLUE bULI'UUB AND IRON. the H'dloal croccrtlra or which are not excsl led, and a more lovely, healthy and delightful waterlog place la aot to be round. All . L. .. I. . I L . . .t J ... m. Hia iuv i uiuitui u. wv, wiu vv ui auu possuesioo eiven immediately, or on the day of aeir, iu nracr mat me pnronascr may open tho Mpringa mr Visitors by June 1st. Iue haa been nut up for the season. tiW.eod will as required iu cash, tbe balanoe on a credit of 13 montha. A finer opportunity for a uroAlable investment S-Take the Western aud Horoanton Rail road at Ballabnry to Hickory Htation, from wbioh point the Bpringa are six miles distant, over a boautifuL well-shaded road. 1'leaso some and examine the property. t . UUl.USH WIATX. Bparkling Oatawba Bpringa, Catawba, Co., M AprU 18, 1870. aprM 178.351 BUR00N IRON WORKS. MANCKaOTTJBEBB OF FCHPIKO ENOINEB for Water Worke. Hish and Low Praaanra Engines, Fortable Knginsa of all kinds, Hngar Mills, ncrsw, Layer, Drop and Hydranlio 1'ross es s Haohiaery in general. ' HDBBABD A WHI1TAAKB. 103 Front atreeL Brooklyn. N. V. aprtl 19 178-lyob AN HEROIC REMEDY. , HENRY'S 01ST1T1T10I BIIOYATOB. Based on Buiauoe, Prapared with Skill And combining in a concentrated form the moat Talnable Vegetable Jnloes known la the history 9i nwaiouw lor Purifying the biood, ' ( - o Imparting nutrition to the system, Tone to the etomeeb. , -.t ... And a perfeot aad healthy aotioa to the kidaeya, uin, otivi.iit. Sim .."I..IT. vrKKlls, ., , A DilNO ZOUAZB lay breathing hie last mo. menis on uia natue-awa. ma eomoaniana rtaea. ad on aad left him alone He knew that the deadly bullet bad done its work. No friendly voioe etrald oheer him on to life; no human akUl eonia save aim. Jnat ao with yon, reader. luooaanas or p radons uvea are sday as rt pldly sinking as if the bullet had etrnok them and are totturiiig to an nntimely end io agony. nreiaavaneeB ana ignuraooe or tue oauae that Boleeoe eas arrreet and aaanaga, Nonriah luto new life and vigor, ' And eanae tbe bloom of health To dance upon their withered oheek. II MUA llk ft thlnf la niut. J t .1M.1M- and before they are aware of ita attack plauts it self in the system, and through neglect beootnna a ohronio aliment aad dettea all ordinary means to rellnqinsh ita nieroileag grasp. Uo yos know the cause of The Wasted form. The hollow elieok. The withered face. The feeble voice. The emaoiated body. The aallow eomploziOD, i ne g laser eye, The trembling atep. The tortoritg sore. The Inflamed eve. The treeobereae oough, The boning ernptioa. i n. pimpled race, The celoreee ekin.f And ail the debilitatina affeationa of th. nruant airs ? The answer ia aimnla and ann th. vhnU ground in all ita numerous and diversified phaeeeM ado range oi Liseaaa ana Uerodjtary Taint Bare beoome flied In tbe blood the vory foun tain of life aad nothing leae an Beroio Remedy will eradicate it, root and or anon, forever. Snob a rtmeuy la onarea to all, aad ia known aa Uenrj,i CvnstltiiUon fieooTAtor. v reaoiung tne stomaon it assimilates at onoe with the food and liquids therein, and thna natn- lally paaaea into the blood. There It attacks tbe disease at its fontalo head in ita genu or ite maturity and diaaipatee it through avennee of tne organism with unerring certain tj, and sen da new, rreen ana invigorating blood bounding Through Everr Artery and Vein. Tbe tnberenlee of forofula that eomatimee atod tbe inner coating of the abdomen Ilka ker nel, of oern are withered, dieolved and eradica ted. Tbe diseaeed parte are nonrtabe Into life. Tbe torpid liver and inactive kidneja are etima- la ted, and their natural functions restored to in sea. 1 hs aot ion of Henry's Renovator upon wow, nuHis ei ue ooov ana en tne rianautar ayatem ia lonio, l'anfriDg and Duin.eolant. At the touch of thia crand anil aaw ramali ais.ass oroopa aiee; ana toe woald-be vioiun ol lis vtolonoe from netnr only one brittle LBAfB IMl'O BIW UFB I It imparts a rarkllaf BrtgaaaMse aa Use Kf., A Ssir Vis lath. Ckeak, A Umhr Ttaare ta ta. Lip., A Clsareiss a tara Ha. BrlaSMsMae ta tae Csmsii Btfmmej M th. Spirt u, Aa HapBtjaMe all Bl For aq affeotioas of the kidneja ft U uaaur- Peoola have heea reaoaed. aa it ware, frna tha very Jaws of death, by a Umely as. ul thia great WW. It eiungolebes Affections of the Bones, Habitual Co ti va ns, Debility, Lhaease of tha Kid nsya, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas, Female lrrcgaUrities, Fiatnla, all Skin Diaeaaea, Live Complaint, In digestion, Piles, Pulmonary Ulseasoa. Scrofula or King's Evil, Syphilis. Foa ILL DnaAaaa a n I1DXA JtJ, AKTKMTIUM of the CliUE, Ac, Aa And for iVntoie Hseauta, . -5ervona ProstraUon, Weakaeea, Oaoaral Laeai tade, and Want of Appetite, it is naaoi paaMd. CADTIOH I In ordarimr onr ram ad v always piaee the namber of oar PuaMXliee box oa your Wttsre. Tbe new Its ia oar Mew fork Poet. Addrees,nEXRTACO." LaboralorT. ITS Pearl street. loft-Office Box fcRA.---' - MW l'OEA. 1 star cox aTrrn now etkotato t. n m kottie, mi bottle, for S5, Not any.here en r eaiptef praaa. FatMaie are Kosntad to ror lpood eoaadaatiallr. aad reaur wiu be made bv i lobowiDgmaiL . t -. . i. . I bold by all reepeotebla Draggiabs. - - seer 17 15i-ly-eh OF THK bTOCKHOLTDIM OF TEE BANK Oar Fear w;J be - 1 at. Una eatea ao Tuar. rt sjll .y.U.u.. : .. 1 ' ' J.O.tti..t. . Ca' r. sr-a nu RAILROADS. WiLMINOTON AWKLD0N RAILROAD CO. ,D CO.! tUPT, 7, 1H7U. J OrrtrK. Cit r Knit, np iiks r. P Wn.wiNiiTnM, N. C, may fllAKGE OF 8CEEBIILK, ON AND ArrKll MONDAY, tlta Dth Instant, tiaaaeDgor trams on this road will leave Wilmington atC:(().a. m. and 10:00 p. m.; arrive at Weldou S:S0 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Leave Weldou U);VQ a. m. aud IM p. in.; arrive at Wilmington t .Otl a. ni. and p. m Xhj day trains will not run on ounuaya. An aoooniniodiitlon and frelirhl train will leave Wilmington 11:80 a, m, jig ltonjlayik .Wcdnva ilav atul Fridays ' ln.kinK oToau coiiuoctlcin at Oaldsboro fur Kalelxli I lelniultinr. loavo Oolda. boro' on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Maturdays S:00 a. m, and arrive at WllmiugUm 1:06 p. m, flay trains loaviuir wiluimnton a. m , and Woldon 10:00 a. m.. eonnect olosulv with Tarbo. ro Branch train. K'litht paasoniror traiua lav. iua Wi:iulUfftnn and Waldos on Monday. Wed nesdays and Fridays, also oonnoot closely with the Tarboro' llranch train, which connects oloseiy at Tarluiro' with atoamer to Waahlngton, N. 0. v : n. Ia I'liKSJulvl, Aug. A Bnpt, mays . . 1W- OKNTRAL BOPERINTKNDKNTH OFFIOB, ) Wil.aiiHoTOH k MiHOHrsTia It. Jt. (Jo. Wilkisotom, N. 0., II arch 11, 1670. ) ON AND AFTl.ll SUNDAY,, the I3lb Inst., raaaetmors for tbo W. A M. U. It. will take tbe Train at the W. W. R. IU. Depot aud the snowing aoneanis win oe run ; DAY IXFBR8B TRAIN (DaUy.) Leave WUnitnatontW WHRDeuoti 4.00 A. M Arrivo at Kloreuco ..11:03 A, M Arrive at KingavUle... moo P, H inaavtlK avUie... V - - - XI I .......11:0 A. ........ 8:14 p. Arrive at Flomnoe.. Arrive at Wilmington... MUUT EAPUEBS TUalN (Daily.) Leave Wilmington (W A W 8 B. Depot) :49 P. M Arrive at Flurene. ........ .......... 1:48 A. M Arrive at KiiiKsri lo...... 8:00 A. M Leave KfngavUle.,. ,.Tf . TiT, .... 8:48 P. M Arrive at Florence.. 11:08 P. M Arrive at Wilmington. :1S A. II wat. aiaouAJU, Qeueral Bnperiotvndont. march 17 - 14S-tf EASTERN DIVISION WILMIMGTtllt, rilARLOTTB 'A nuTii- . aaruau iia.iuu.uhu ' Omoa At Wrtanrornw, N. 0 January alth.IbVU. t of Smta S luiii . u ri , .. .v.. L- . 1 M ........ n . . i I IQIV, WIV .I.1UI Ull MiO S.M.WIH VlfWIUU Ul I this Road will run dally (Sundays excepted) as HM10WS I " ' ' ... ' - - i PAaSKKaKU THA IN, - " 4 aonto west. Leave Wilmington.. 8:15 A. M. - - uape rear linage e.-so liladenboro' V:to " Luiuburton. ...... 1U:4U " Lauriubnrgh 1:1)0 P. M, Rockingham............ 9:60 ' Arrive el Tea Dee. .......'....... Bits'- H aoraa bast. Leave Foe Dee B:40 A. M. Btookiugliam. ...... ............ 0:05 " LaunuLurgh.. 8:45 " " Lnmberton 10;3S - 'A Bladsnboro1.-.t. ... . . . . .. . . r. ..It :9a M Cane Fear llridgo 140 P.M. Arrive at Wilmington 0.00 , KJtKIUIlT Tit AIM V, , . aoi.ta WIST. Leave Wilmington.,.., 0:00 A, If. " Cape Fear Undue D:W " lllacdnnboro' 853 , kori.iUe..... 0:20 ' Lumvwtnn 10:45 Arrive at Laainbnrgh 1:30 P. M. aoma east, - ' Leave Lanriubnrgh. 8:90 A, M. i.umoer(oa. ..t.. s:iu - Yorkville 9:15 " llladenboro' :45 " Oapo Fear I'.rldge. 1:5P, M. Arrive at Wilmington.....,., 11:00 " Paasengor Trains West connect with the Wadoaburo' and Cliiarlotto Btaue on Tnoailays. Thnreilaya and Haturdajn, , - ii. f. tiuiurt, Eng. and Oen. Mnp't. Jan 58 t, M-it CHEAT K01TIIKRN PASSKBifc'KR AND FftEIGKT INLAND AIR LINE, Between New fork and New Orleans! Ann au. iKTUKEDUTt emu tan flaois. STB FTIFIQHT FOBWABDED BF PAHS EN- OEB TUAINS, aud at LOW 11ATEU. No Jnaur nauranoe rtarv. - . To curah eee 1 icknts. or ror rates or TransDor- tation and other information, apply at tha Oruor- ai uraoe, -iui uroaaway, ooruor oi lioeuo street. now lors. FSTEB MALLKTT, . Ouneral Agent. HowTork. Jnne 15, 1WW 1 U-tt MALTBY HOUSE. f!-''..f - ri i.-' f ' Hi. lass I .vj 11 J ., l,l,lpalBr-iaajBaaaBaams a A. HOQAK. .............. .. . . . . .PBoruaTo. ' SKDTJCTIOS 6F FABA. 5 eonalderatloa of the general decline of all . the naoooeariee appertaining to the exnenaee of keeping a HoUt and tbe great eoareityof money, the board will bo redaeed to mereaaota and o there of Kortk Uarolina to li 60 per day. . ichlO 139- TAYLOR'S HOTEL. - - ' ' - (KXOBAXal FLAC), JER5ET riTT, NEW JERSEY, : Orpoeita Tt. J. B. K. Depot, Oa ta. Earap.aa PlaiaOpta at all Itoaua. mOE tSPEMIGSED ESQ3 TO LIBKOT A pnblio attantion to lbs fact that this Hotel he. ben taoroaghly rra -vated, re-pahiled and re-farnuhed throaehout: ooataiue over Mt well ventilated rooms, heated by steam : LadiM' and Oenta' dining room (a la eortel. Ladic parlors and dreMing rooae, with every eonvenlrnce for the trawling pobue. . I Tb. Qotei ia naar cuaaa ia every fesneet. and will be m maintained at all times. Tha Ferry Boata ran at all hoars.' flav tnS bt - i.tiA5 1TI6K. Proprietor. Lefe of tbe Btevenelioaee, B-eeiiway, N. F. ek al 119-Cm . NOTICE. . I A U. FKHSOS-t AHE UEEEBT CACmstD mm. ara.iiDg uny per. jo on tar aooonnt, won't y rritial famy, wabont wntt. ! " .lt lailj f i.:' r!re. , ' - A.U 1. . r ' . - i JI L I IM'? OF C!.iS KALJC i I M , i - AT TUE Miscau::: - v 1 , 200 t,ARKEL3IL0CB ; ' - ' ' " EXTRA FAMILY FAMILY, FXTI1A BTjrEIl, fiCPElt. ' ' ' .J Per Btsamsbip Lacills.- , ; POIt SALE LOU ' From wharf by 1 aprM J Psncv Tha l IRON AND CQPFEU WC ASD r! , Front Street, below KirLc!, TAEALRRB AND KANCFAOTUum 07 pea nut HACurrir, SUGAR AND OTHER IZIZ rt - GIN GEAE. , . . ; COTTON SCREWS AND. IT' TURTENTINB BTXLLC, .- t And alt kinds ol Oaatings an KacLIccry KiJa and repaired. Also, Faealn and t.'.U; ' Ing, Wood llonlding, racUL ' MswsU Posts, gtalr Ba . . log, Ao, of las latest paUarns, .. v ,. 1". Ilart Cc Cailb cl nib 38 ica-alkt,k.l Murray & Lacnr. Florida Watc:v The inobt celebrated r most delightful of all. per-.- fumes, for use on tho her ' kerchief, at tho toilet, r in tho bath, for isalo by i '1 I)niggints and Perfur . Jen IS The standard reputation attK 1 Ir rivaUed and infalUbie Yeast Pow - years past, is due to Ite perfect no., and eoomnuy. Pnt nn in tioe. a. i -t ae repreeented, and will keep tnr yoare. Tbe quantity reqnired or ne J. t fourth io ooe-Laif lesa than atua dora. . ..... . Bold by Urooers thronghonl tfie r- uua.iair si.-' MANOFAOTUWUtS AND PKOi , i sw Btreut, i march II HJ-et' CARRIAGE3; j ::it OFFER FOB SALS AT alAMDFACTUJaiaBPBIOXS a i Fashionable Carriage of tTery aeav. .. . - . OABBIAQS BEPOBirCSI ' ' ' on Besond street, neaf ths aoreef of 7 t street. Having effeoted aa aaangeoutut , ..a I am prepared to aall his telebrated Can' lower prioea than aver before offered in f ket, and aa cheap a ths tame oan bt I Iua ehopa m JUalUmore. lean rarnlh a notioe, any style to salt the onetonwr, obeep open Bnegy to the finest Cairo a, - Persons Wishing to purchase, w.u e freight from Daltimore by pnruheaioe. b at tbe Court Bonse, and either nvj or .t rt J t " I wiu be giad loahow onr atoea, m gin tiou. i t. if. icitErcr, i .! ti. .. . t In aprU 20 for . sale. : , THE COilMODIOUa . ,5 TBRa.wriKJu, rnuLKzx . GEN; HOWARD 1 J FOBHF.BLT PLTnrO BE. " tween Wiiminrtoa aad Si rar i ' Side, (Oape Fear River) ae paaaea- ' gerandfreigbl boat. .. i .. - A Length over aJL....j...t.A..i.:-" ; Breadth of beam i J ' Depthof hold.. ............. ....... 6 " Draft ....m....J.... ' Tonnage. ..........,.......li. Two Inrlnea In rood hrdar.. C-''-" ' ehee diameter 5 loot stroke, t r . loon end Passenger AoeoossaooV . done and comfortable. JLower iwi freight. 4- si .1. B. S. 8DI03, 0. . . . ,WU.,Chai.ABntn. I , .- Wiuiiiu"i, ' aa.SS ,.. ; :.-",.. . ... -. FAJIILTICEIlAcnr' raaELU'soKLY praetieable X for the nee or lruggt oi Druggists and ( and Vamillae generally. Frodn Ice in 10 Io 30 aunnsea, eonal a natural, without steam pom r. otiseetea and esasy to operata, eonsuta of harmlaaa cow , crated after every ct"i bKWHAjt, Bo, &a AUca L. ao m . 4 V 1 i . ooop eoos a:d job r ' :r UZD, desires a litaaUun. las . AdJreaa "TL-eare tl : 'much 23 - ' rjino?r:LL3, ia cot. j t... ror sale cy t;.i ".' WIU.IA: S i : may IT - - oOO y.j-ael. tl

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