fli Mm- in VOL. XIX-NO. 215. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING. JUNE 7, 187a WHOLE NUMBER 5,557. MM i i n TIIE DAILY JOURNAL WILMINGTON. N. a TUESDAY, JUNE 7. 1870. WE DO NOT 1IESITA TK TO ASSER T TUA T THE BONA FIDXSUDSCRII'TIONLISTOF THE DAILY JOURNAL IS LARDER THAN THAT Of ANT DAILY PAPER PUBLISHED IN NORTH CAROLINA. ADVERTISERS WILL DO WELL TO HAKE A NOTE OF THIS, AND INSERT THEIR NOTICES IN THE COL UMNS OF A PA PER TIIA T REA CUES HEL1A RLE BUSINESS 3TEMN XVERY SECTION OF THE COUNTRY. ae Iransitnt AdvertisemmUt must, in all earn, paidfor in advance. The Daily Journal it for sals at tho paper stand of Mr. TV M. Harris, opposite Purcel Bouie, at Mr. 3. T. Daniel', corner of Market auI Second ktronts, by the newsboys, and at tbo desk Id the business office, Journal Buildings, up stair entrance first door Went. ; Library Roiimi, - - ' - The members of tits Wilmington Library Asso ciation are hereby notiHod that the Library and Beading Boom are open every evening of tho week, sxeept Sunday, at 8 o'olock, for the ac commodation of member and their guests. Htrangcrs arriving here are tendered the privil ege of the Boom. J. T. Jams, Librarian. v - From the Warranton Oaxette ; Medical Convention, Wabbbnton, N. 0.,; Jane J, 1S70. Mr. Editor fTermit as, through the columns of jonr excellent journal, to give your numerous readers a short account of a visit to Wilmington daring tho session of tho 25th annual meeting of tho Medical (Society of North Carolina ; We took the cart at Warrenton depot Tuesday, the 23d, and after a most disagreeable ruie of ten hours or more we reached the ci'y. ' We quickly alighted and were received by the committee of arrangements, consisting of Drs. T. F. Wood, Thomas, Bellamy, Love and Walker, who wero in readiness with their carriages to tako members of the con vention to their temporary bnt pleasant homes. And here let me pause just long enough to pay a just tribute to the efficien cy, conrteey and untiring efforts of the committee. Wilmington has just cause to fool proud of her physicians. They seemed to regard neither time, trouble nor ex pense in their eflorts to please and make agreeable the visit of their brothers of the uodical fraternity. . Wednesday morning the Convention wa called to order by ita efficient . Presi dent. Dr. 0. J. O'Hagan. The Doctor is a genial gentlemaD, and discharged his arduous duties with dignity, ability and impartiality. The profession from all portions of the State was ably represented. and wa were glad to see that the spirit of (medicine and its followers was onward and upward, and in a few years will be ranked first among tbe living sciences. After a very harmonions meeting of two days, daring which time a great deal of important business was transacted, but especially interesting to the profession on ly, the society adjourned to hear the ad dress -of Dr. 0. T. Murphy. The Doctor evidently bestowed much care nd study on - hi address, " 7 and it was an effort well worthy of bis clear head, generous heart and comprehensive : ideas. ... We have many learned men in the pro fession, and it would appear invidious to individualize ; but suffice it to say, that each lights as Satchwoll, Johnson, Thom as, Kelly, Haywood, SomorolL McKey, Whitehead, and others among its foun ders, the profession owe a debt of grati tude for Having elevated the standard of medicine, and made the society an orna ment to the State. Friday morning tho members of the con vention, through the kindness of the phy sicians and citizens of Wilmington, were invited to take an excursion on the splend id steamer Gov. Worth, down the Cape Fear to the Ports, and by speciol invita tion your correspondent accompanied them. There were on bosrd about 100 of Wilmington's fairest daughters, and love lier womenI never met. Environed by so much intellect and beauty, it would bo no just to individualize, and I will only say that if there are not a goodly number of brilliant weddings in the hospitable city of Wilmington next winter, it tsonl be the fault of the young physicians who attend ed the convention. But, young gentlemen of tho "Code Medical," I fear you are forestalled, for such worth and beauty as the Wilmington ladies possess could not! long remain unsought. The very excellent committee who had charge of tbe boat and its delighted pas sengers, consisting, as well as I recollect. of Drs. Satchwell, Wood, .Bellamy. Walker and Jbove ; and, if possible, tbey surpassed in the thoroughness of their preparations, he elegance of their arrangements, and in their snorts to please and make comforta ble anything that it was ever my good for tune to witness. The committee bad pro Tided an excellent band of manic, and as the noble steamer turned her head down stream and gently drifted upon her path, tbo band broke forth in its sweetest " re frain," and as the sweet, soft notes came floating past us, recalling so forcibly those admirable lines by Cooper ding defiance to their foes. Yonder, thought we. is tbo parapet from which tbe gallant Lamb oheered and sub tained his noble soldiers. ; : That the right is where the fearless Whiting sin it bis life a blood : and down to th left is the spot where the .Federals fal tered, mowed down in ranks, as they advanced to the charge. - As we gszod on the frowning walls of a place made historic by the sanguinary struggle wuiou was fought over it, we forgot th scenes of bilsnty which surrounded us every other thought vanished from oa and we were foroibly reminded of the sen timent of Dr. Johnson, at Iona, where hen sajg, "lo abstract the mind from all local emotions would be impossible if it were 1 i , i t . . , l. ; . .. ouueavurou, null wuuiu HO loumju. II were possible. Whatever withdraws from tbe power of the senses) whatever makes tbe past, the distant, or the future predominate over the present, advances ns in the dignity of thinking beings. Far from me and my friends bo snob frigid philosophy ss may oonduot us indifferent and unmoved over any ground wlitou has oeon uigniuou by bravery, wisdom or vir tue. That man is little to be envied whose patriotism would not gain force upon th plain of Marathon, or whose piety would not grow warmer among the ruins Iona."',-. v. ... :,:,.. A the shadows of evening began to en velop us in their quiet embraao, our vessel bent her coarse homeward, and after one of the most pleasant days we ever spent, we returned to tbe hospitable city of Wil- miogton. We have so far omitted, bnt not forgot ten, to mention that accomplished journal ist, Major Eogelbard, of the Wilmington Journal. ' We never met tbe Msjcr before, but already ho has the best mcne in our memory. Liong may be live to enjoy tbe good things of this life and soon may we again have the pleasure oi taking bim by tbe band. While in tbe city we of course took a "stroll" and was surprised to find so many evidences of prosperity. The city has nearly or quite twenty thousand inhabi tants, and is rapidly increasing, both i n size and importance. We up country people have too little intercourse with the Eastern portion of the fcjtate, and by no means real i.e the advantages to be gained by a full communication witb tbe people of tbe coast. Wilmington is the first oity in the State, both in Bize and location, and onr people should give her a liberal share of their trade. We were informed that a lino of line stoamers would soon commence running direct to Earopo, taking out cot ton and roturning with emigrants. We were really gratified to find so much life and vitality in the city. Her merchants are enterprising and energetic; her me chanics skilled; her capitalists far-sighted and adventurous, and from early dawn till the shadows of twilight the busy hum of the laborer may be heard. The ad van t ages of Wilmington, in aoommercial point of view, are patent to any one who wilt re flect for a moment, and wesinoeroly hope that the people from this section of , the State and further west will no longer allow themselves to be blinded to their true in terests, but will at once tbiow their trade into the enterprising oity of Wilmington, ana tbus aid her in becoming, as sbe cor cainly will, the mart of North Carolina, Nor are hor farmers behind her mer chants in enterprise and intelligence. Tho Cape Fear Agricultural Society has been but reoently organized, and afreadv they have elegant groands for their Fairs, a large membership, and oner liberal premi ums and great inducements to the most Mieoessful followers of Triptolemns. Then let us miDglo more with our eastern friends; know them better, and perhaps instead of sending onr produots to fatten the cities of other Statos onr own would be built np, and thns make ns a wealthier and more influential people. Hut already we have written too much, and will close with a most sincere wish of meeting tho Wilmiogtoniana ere long, and by advising all who love beautiful women, generous hospitality, oonrteoos attentions, elegant dinners to visit Wilmington. Ion. - 4Ther is in aoals a sympathy with aonnda, And aa the mind is pitched, the .aria pleaaod With melting airs or martial, briak or grave." "Sots" were formed, and that most fas cinating of all amusements, the dance, -began. Next came dinner, and such a "dinner." The wince wero as line and delioato in flavor as tho perfumes that are wafted from tho shores of "Arabs, the We." On nearing Fort Fisher we heard such a pop pop popping we involuntarily thongbt of war and ita terrible eonsequen ces, bat on rushing to the saloon to ascer tain tho cause of such an nnnanal noise, we found that it' was war or rather a battle and raging fiercely, too ; not iff the giants, however, but of the Doctors and champagne bottles. It seoma that they had mads a vigorous onslaught, and aa each bottio was attacked it sent np its load bat merry protestations at being so summarily disposed of. Daring dinner an incident occurred which was particularly gratifying to. the delegation from this county. Dr. Satch well proposed a toast, and finished by pay ing a glowing tribute to tho worth, intelli gence and the beaotifol and charming - women of Warren, which met with re sponse from your eorrepondent As we approached Fuber the overwhel ming recollections of former days days of strii and blood crowded npon us, and it appeared weeould see our scarrei veterans, as Ibey stood on the ramparts beneath U.e bttTft.g bombs sod whiising bullets, tii-j A friend of oars, says an exchange, who took a trip to California, said that he was not ufraid of the Indians, because he be longed to the Benevolent Order of Red Men, aid know all the passwords and winks, and tho figurative language and things, as)d Bo savage was going to touch him, initiated and fixed np in regalia as he was. He bad not gone more than a bun dred miles from Omaha before a band of Indians came at him and scooped him np, He took the chief aside and whispered the password in his ear and gave him the grip twenty-six times on both hands, and made some observations about "fifth moons and "happy hunting grounds." Tbe ohicf replied in a fraternal manner by toma hawking him and jobbing bh butcher-knife into his vitals. Oar friend remarked that these oeremonies wero not observed in his Lodgo ; but the chief wanted to show him all tbe peculiarities of tho western system. so he scalped bim and chopped off his nose, ana was about to build a bonfire on his stomach when some soldiers arrived and rescued him. . He is now the bald beadedest Red Man this side of the Pa cifio ocean, and you never saw a person so disgusted with secret societies and Indian poetry. Ho is going to sne his Lodgo for passing a counterfeit grip on him, and for damage done by loss of bis bair. - : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .FANNING' PATENT KID -FITTING SKELETON CORSET Tbl Corset ia eonatrnoted on an entirely new principle, being o)n, and thereby allowing the freeat circulation posnilile, heeiiiea Blvin porreot eaee and comfort to th. wearer, and at th. same time pouoaains; alt tb. advantage. f tho com mon Oorasta in eivin auonort lo th. body. tfat HaaUk, and Comfort, the are mitivACMrri nr m suhkst. mri rnoa larlv rfiflommnd.d fur Hammer wear, and warm olimate, although equally well adapted to all SMaOB of the year. They ar. highly recom mended by medical and aoinntille men. For aale by all firat-olaaa dealer. Per oirolnlara, prima, eto., addre the WOUOKSTStlt SKIHT ., Worraatrr, Man. (ESTABLISH D ISM.) WELCH & GRIFFITHS i HAWttufail description. AX UN, mSawsi, BKL.T1NM ami HILL KUIINIHH1NG8 CIUUULAH HA WH with olid Teeth, or with Patent Adjustable Iolnt, tnptrtor to au mutrteu w i-u. a i-ncie. nouwuvu. -a r Pond for Prio. Met and Circular. WKLCII fc OH IP KIT II M, HMt, Slav., ar Detroit, Mich. PATENTS. Inventor who wiah to take nnt Letter Paten1 are adviaed tn oonnoel witb MUNN A CO., editor of the tc lent i lie American, who have prosecuted olaima before th. Patent Otlioe for over Twenty Years. Their American and European Pateut Agency ia the most extonsiv. in the world Chargee lee than any other reliable agency. A pamphlet containing full inatruotioo to inveo- tor i sent gratia. ML an a l-u., at i'r now, new iom A. XXOX3X3Xj HOUBE. Beinir a crinDle. 1 have mad. bona, planning apeoial atudy. One bailt last aeaon baa provad Deioriotive circular of Plan. View, etc, witl general information of value to an, sent rrea. Addre? (with stamp or aeript if convenient) GEO. J. COLBY, Arolilteot, Waterbnry, varmout, QllT IfCIIVrFV Wemt.il In a paring business. 413 Obestnot at., Fhila. THE IIVMASJ MACIIIMB. New Book, Free for Stamp. Taubart Co., N. Y. LI.I.-'TTInnJniAc, A ur relief for Aath JUUCI B JL UDMUEQi . prioe SOcenls by mall. uiuwiCLli w., ui.anosiown, nans. BUIRB mr't Brld(raom. Eaaaya for yonng men, free, in aaalsd envelope. BOWAIO) ABHOOIATION, Box P., Philadelphia, Peuu. ' - " IIIUUMUI 111 i Beoeipt seut for eo,-... H, BICHAUD8, Jjox am, New Xork K. wock.. Addre O. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. All womou know that it is beamy, rather than genina, which all generation of men have wnr ihipped In the stx. Can it be wondured at, then, that so mnoh of woman's time and attention should be directed to the means of developiag and preserving that beauty 1 Wonien'linow, too, that when men apeak of tbe intelloot of women, tbey spoak erltioally, tamely, eoolly ; but when tbey com. to apeak of tho charm of a beautiful woman, their language and their eyea kindl. ith an ontlinsiasm which (how them to be pro foundly, if not, indeed, ridioulomly in earnost. It ia part of the natnral aagaoity of women to pereeivo all till, and therefore employ every al lowable an to ueoonie me goimee. oi inai adora tion. Preach to the oontrary. aa we may, auainst tbe art employed by women for enhanoing thwlx beauty, there atili stands tne eternal rant, inat th. world does not prefer the aooiety of an ngly in- Wbo can deny tbe modesy of Grant ? not those who affirm bis grammar. 4.0 tbe oommittee on tbe Steuben celebration oar noble President writes : " I regret tuat my pnbiio dnties prevent my accept ing the invitation, and Urns contribute in a feeble manner to the ceremony, " &e., Ac What agrees with contribute " in this sentence f Tho first personal pro noun L So that by not going to the "cer emony " Grant thinks ho " contribute. " to it Whioh is probably true, and cer tainly modest. And why should not Grant agree with contribution when, aa all ex perience shows, contribution agree so well with Grant ? N. Y. WoUL The iron-cad fleet lying opposite New Orleans baa been ordered to prepara for sea, and tboir destination is snppoeed to be Key West. : ' A Nebraska widow recently killed her fonr children in order to enter spoa a sec ond engagement without eneambraneea. Tbo Viceroy of Egypt expects to realise 10,000,000 by the aale of lands adjoining the Sues canal . ; 1 A French bricklayer lately enclosed him self ia solid masonry within his bedroom before com milting suicide. - Indian pol it has eight colored medio pbysicsaaa, an d one colored student IB the medical college. One hundred women are now t rtirinf l!nlve tv,r a ' xisuou U ilt tar in tL LlUtJFft.a. woman of genina to that of a boanty of leaa tellectnai acquirement.. Tb. work! haa yet allowed no hivlier mission to women than to be beautifnL and it would aoem that th. ladies of the present age are carrying U11. idea of tbe world to greater extreme than ever, lor all women now to whom nature haa denied th. tali'maoio power of baauty, aupply th. dalioiency by th. neo of a most delightful toilet article, nown aa the " Bioom Of Yqutb," whioh baa ten introduced .hit" llils country by Ottos W, Laian, a delicate l.'uliU-r, which amootbe. out II itidunlattnns, funoaa, acai. lemovilig tan, frecklt h, and diaciloraiious frum Ihe skiu, leaving lb. eomulexiou clear, brilliant, and beautiful, th. akin soft and smooth. With th. asaislano. of thia new American trick of a Lady' toilet, fe male beauty ia destined to play a larger part in tb. admiration of men and th. ambition ot women than all th art employed siooe bar reation. Prof. C. 1. Chandler, Chemist to tbp Metropolitan Board of Health, baa reoently pre pared a chemical analyai. of this delightfn! toilet preparation, and reported that tb. " Bloom of Youth " wa barmlsas, containing nothing in jurfou to th. health. Ladioa need hav. no fear Of nilog this invaiaabl. toilet acquisition. Bold by every druggist and faney Roods dealer la th. United BUtee. Df pot. Cold Mrert. New fork. OW ENS, BROWN L ('p., wiiolksalk L iqu o r D oilers, 44 West Uisksr Html.UAtTIMOKs:, Std. rilllK Klrm urhinnlalr, Owens . Ilrnwn, having X tl,i day dimilved hv rmttnaf coirfi-nt, tbe nmlerMlgniMl te leave to call attention U the ir card atMivo, having this iity entr(i 111 w a O" partnrhip unArr tb. above atyl. forlbe pnr imo of miutliitilng the Wholeaala I.iqu )r Hnat Uoas in all Ha hranohra. A Well aelecled atitok and inoreaaed faeititie. generally, enable as to oft'r superior iudunementa. ' Wa li U rvoMv ina patronage naretnior. to liberally annordad ns. J. W. OWKNHA JNO. Jl IIIIOWN. , llallimore, Jim tat, 1H70. IRON AND COPPER WORKS AND MACHINE SIIOP, Front Mrfni. below Markrt, WII.MIUTON, 1, 41. JKAI.KItH AND MANCFAOTUftklW QK STEAM ENGINES, PEA NUT MACHINES, 8UOAR AND OTHEU MILLS. GIN GEAR. COITON B0REWB AND I'RESSEH, TURPENTINE STILLS, , And all kind of Oaatlnga and Machinery mad and ropaired. Also, Packing and b It- Wood Moulding, Uravketa, Newell Pod, Htair Hail ing, A 0., of the, latest patterns. Hart & Bailey. 1 MisdxuNrors. T II K 1 1) FA FOII TIIK riOI'IF! ,OU TUK JtFHT ANU CHKAI'kHT KAILUOVDS. . kUrKlilMTKNJOKNXUOfHOK. WILNIMllTOR, CutllMllia AUTIHSTA Wtt.Mii.oron. N. C May IB IOK. ) ; AN and after thla date I'aasengnr going BRY GO0BS, CLOTUIKQ, Boots Shoos, Carpets, Kouth will leave tbs W. a W. IL H. hewi ii.su a, m, ana .i r, m. JfiO, 0. WINDEJl. (lou'l Uni.'l, WILMINOTON AWKLDON HAlLltOAli CO., umm un r ano, ni tirs-t. vvirr, WibMiHamH, N. C, May 7, 1870. (HCi; Or oCHKDHLK. 0 imsiKLLlSECES, WANTED. 1.1AMIUK8 wishing Plain 8wujg, Zmbroidery, Jlraidmg. 4o . don, will pleaae eommuui- ate with th. nnderaigned, at bar rasidencs, oa the corner of Nnn and Vtli streets. MltS, M. JO. rntoE. may 4 -- - - its-if N AND ArTKH VONDAI.tli. Oth Instant. train on vui roaa will io.v. wtinuni SIATTIRU, Oil.. LOTH, Ar,, ton at (1:11 a. m, and 1MB p. m.i and arrive at W don at :10 a.m. and A:0Op.m. Leavn Wnldon 10:00 a. ru. and 7.SS a. m.i arrive at ,W Imlngto 4:00 a. m. and t:M p, m, I'lio day traina wiUuot mn on nunuaya. An accommodation and freight train will loave Wilmington 1U:.W a. ru. dally tuundava einept ed), making close connection at Uoldabom1 1 n ir naieiitu. Aaron X AdieinStein'S Kturning, leave Ooldiboro' at 0;OO a. m., and arrive at niiiiuugioo ai a p. m. The day traina luavlnu Wilmington s:la a. m. and Woldon lU;U0a.m.oouusotoioselv wlthTarbo. ro" llranoh train. Night paaaenger trains Inav ing Wilmington and Wnldon on Mondaya. Wed nnadaya and Krldaya, also qounoot closely with tbe Tarboro' iiranoh train, . . U 1'BKMONT, 13 TUB PLAOK, We have marked onr em .da down again, and o tiering great bargain. ' may 8 Onr atock will b. constantly kept in full mpply with new goods. Wo will receive this week a full Una of Dress Qnods, tower In price than ever. Plea giv. ns a call and enamine onr stock b- fore purchasing elsowliere. AARON & RHEINSTEIN, No. Ufl Market ttot. may I Wi-tf mh 'IS ir3-dlaw,wtf it. a. raiiaiKSTucH'a VE11MIFUGE. WnnSTT TH ATTIO-!! AN T CHILDHEN di. nndor the age of II v. years 1 Xbat a large proportion of children die under that age, haa long bean a aubjeot of remark, and without a aatiafaotory eause ascertained, it la oertatn. Also, it la known that worm, eilst In the hu man system from Ita earliest infanoy; therefor, parent, especially mothera, who ar. mora con stantly with their ohildren, oannot be too observ ing of the first symptom of vnrmt; for o surely a they exist, eau tbey be R. E. HEIDE, A COUTH W VTI'R STRKKT, w ui -z a. T AUOKAllliIVAL W , Fino Apples, Orange, Apples and Ooeoaants, ' Vlonr, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Lemons, Ilalains, Nut, Ginned Ootid., Handle, lloda, Buuff, Olgara and Tobaceo, Urackers, Older, Dandles, . Htaroh, Boaps, do., Ao. , may 14 li5 WILMINOTOH h WkLDON KAILIIOAD CO., I wii.MinaroN, m. u aiay js, jbiu, r "EXf Vmm OR UETURN TICKETS." Good Until 31st October, 1870. tHriLL BE BOLD BY THIS COMPANY from TT and after June 1st, 1870, to Ootober lit rrom WllmlDglua, To Charlotte.;,.. til SO To Llnoolnton as DO To Cberrvvill. ai HO To baliabnry IS 60 To Hlatesvllle 20 M To Hickory Tavern ai HO To Morganton 'it it) To High I'olut 1(1 15 To Oruunaboro' 15 10 From Warsaw, To Charlotte......,, . To Linoolntnn....... To Obarryvtlls....... To Halisbury.. ....... To Btatesvill. To lliokory Tavern. To Murgantoan-rrTTT- To High Point....... To Crot'iuboio' may ii! City paper copy 8 time. 17 03 80 05 ................... 80 78 14 75 MMlrtsi4 1U W 18 05 t AO 115 19 DO it at B. li. FHKMONT, Chief Eng. & Hnpt. ' 'iVS'ilt SAFELY AND CERTAINLY AN nEROIO REMEDY. HENKY'S WILMINOTON WELDON BAfLWAY CO., f . ! nay Kith, 1870. f removed from tb moat nxi-uiiTi israsTS, by tb timely nae of f U. A. rAUSKSTOtlK'S V.ralri, U ia perfootly harmloa, eontain as Meronry, Jtased on Btjienoe, being a ; tvaXLt VKiniDLI OOaTPOSTriON, And may be ad mlius tared witb th. UTMOST SAFETY TO OUILDBKN Oa ALL AO EB. Worm Confections, made mora for tb. purport of pleasing the palate than of overoomlng th disease, bav. toe manufactured all ovsr if oonutry, but thair abort leaa of life ia nearly a hansted, and It. U. Fahnestock's Vermifuge ane tlone to grow in favor daily. . - COlSTiTCTIQ! BIIOVATQE. n E U PISS. lUuaauiuiiuA UBHUiuiuu and aftbh max ibwi pahbknqrh CAUTI0IV. Hhould occasion reonira yon to pnrahase B..A. Fabneatock' vermifuge, h. partlnularly carefa to see that tb. initial, are O. a. This la tbr tiola that haa been 'an PA VOHABL.V aivwi .list s man, And DUrnhaeera must inaiat on having it, if thej do not wish to bav. aa imitation foroed qpoii them SCHWARTZ & HAbI.KTTi Prmmrml villi KL ill ' And lUittiliiiilnir In a Annrtntra.l.ikjl farm lit a mnaafc j Vfttnable VoioUbU Joieoa known in tit JiUtory - ui aajvaiiuiusj ivji j rurifyiug tb. blood, ( Impartiug nntritioo to tb. sy.tem, i Ton. to th. Momaob. And a porfeot and healthy aollon to the kidney. A DV1NO KOUAZK lay braathing Ilia last mo ment) en tne iiatlls-uexi. ill oomuiona put ad on and loft bim alone' B. kn.w that th. deadly bullet bad don. It work. No friendly voine oould ehaer him onto life: no human skill i oould aav. bim. . Just so with yon, reader. ; Thousands of preeioti live ar. to-day aa ra ; pldly aiukiug aa if tb. bullet had .truck them i and at. tottering to an untimely and in agony. ' wreioneanea. ana ignoraneoor toe oana. lutl ticience oan arrreat and aaanage, roantai-T B. A- FA HNKSTOCK'S BON A CO. aoi.i Morsmoaa, HTTSUURO, Pa itee tVJ o it-ty-wly-s A Npw Discovery t ! Phalq V IT Jan. 1 S10- FAMILY II K MAriIIK5. 17IOHELU 8 ONLY practicable lea Marhine ' for the a so of Druggist, and Confaouoaera and Families genurallr. I'r.-xluciiig Transparent lot in 10 to 30 minutM, eqnal and cheaper than natural, without ateam por. huiubl. for all elimaUa and easy to operate. Tb. refrigerant oontMts nf barm lees ebcmieals, which I. .vap erated afur .very opwatow. Aou-M O. B. BKWMAM, No. 39 Matdaa Lao, itmw York. d. as 77-iyea CABRIAGES7" J OFFEB FOB BALK AT MANUFACTURERS rBICEU Fashionable Oarriaga. of .vary dewripttoa at my . . OABBJAQB kErOBlTOBY oa Koeond street, aev th. oonr of PriiteeM strait. Having effeeed an arranirem.Dl with , Wat. MoOAN N, aLTiauaiK. u., I as prepared to awU hi. eaabratad Carriaae. at low price, than aver befor. .Serwd ia ear mar k, aatMchssp aa the smb. eaa a boagbt at hi. slw'pa ia llalumora. I Ma famish aa sanri Botioa, aay strte to .ait tb. eastoeaar, from a .bap ops Buggy to to. flawt (Jamiia I'mwod. wisliiog to pwrehsM, will ears tbs freight from BalUaaar. by paroaaaing bar. Otvll at Ihs Court Boasst, and .a bar myeait or eaarfc will b glaa to aoow .or .took, or (ir. iaforaa Uoo. " J. W. BOCZKCX. Ja. aprUW , . 17-if 20 TOS8. t'ur sale ly tayaj- r.w. UBCBSTm. ma' pa it t I A Salvafion for the Hair. ( XKAK ABATER I WITI It jt3C SEDD1ENT 1 1 '. OI'Ef4Tt4JHIS LllillTl ! ! For Restoring to GraKIair its Original Color Phalon's "Vitai Urdiffcrs ut terly from all ihinait coloring prcparationicretofore used, it is lLoafid, sweet smelling, prccumates nojnwaqy or supiy ;r,reiLiiics iiuaiiaa.iii,u no stain to the skin. Hold he light and it is clear and clouijess. It leaves no mark on thescJto; yet it reproduces in gray haiSiicnaturaJ color that time or sicCTr may , have bleached out ot it. Gphalons VitalilJ is for one sole purposefiat ol reproducing,with absallite cer tainty, the naturalor of the hair. It is notfiteruled as a daily dressiofnorforremoying scurf or JfCidruff ; nor for cu ring baJoness; nor for stimula- ting te irrowthof the hair, ,. obiccts may be accom- ll alter the color has been riththe V'iulia,by Pha- lemical Hair Invigo- r, J nesi plishi fixed Ion's rator. The VtTALT,l,"ieva harmless and unecjualed prtpationfor the reproduction of lie orii-! . nal hue of gray hair.r d noth ing else. This is accr '.plished n from twototen 7r flicatioiis. " fcordingtothf&f th of tbiJe ,f' tcqu:"rci. SJty all druf gists. d M 7vU-a-eo4 Nourish into now life and vigor, : Ami cause the bloom of health To dauoe upon their withered obeek. Iliaoaaa, like a thief, .teal npon its victims, . and before tbey ar. awar. of It. attack plants it t aelf In the system, and through ueglvot become I a chronic ailment and dalle all ordinary means i to relinqlnsh it meroilea grasp. Lo yon know ins cause or I The Waated form. I The hollow cbeok. I Tb. withered faoa, I Th. aailow oompleiioD, , ra. leeui. voice, i ma glassy eye, The .maoiatod body, Tb. trsiuliliug step, Tbe treaoborens eotigb, j Tbe tortnrtig sore, The burning eruption, The intlamad eye, Tbe pimpled faoe, I Tbe oolorna skin.S Ami all the debilitating afleoliona of th. present age I l na answer ia aimpie and covers 111. wuol ground in all Us numerous and tliverail eil iliaa The Fangs of Uiw-aao n llerwlitarj Have brnome filed tn the blood Ihe very fono laiu uf Ills aud nothing less an Uoroi. Homeily will eradicate it, root and branch, forever. Snob a remedy ia ottered to all, and ut known a. Henry's Constitution Renovator. On reaching tua atomaoh It aaaimilatea at onoe with th. food and liquid therein, and thus natu lally pasaas into th. blood. There It attacks the dieeaa. at it. foutaln bad in ita irarui or its mttnrjty aDd diaaipatM It through avenue, of - tn. organism wltu unernng oertalnty, ana sends new, rrsan ana invigorating uiooa nounaing I ThrotiKli Every Artery and Vein. L Tb. tubaroule. of Forofula that sometimaa stud th. inner ooatioir of the abdomen lik. ker . nel. of eorn ar. witherad, diaolvwd and aradlea- tL ins aiseaaea parts ars nourisuea luto uia. Tb. torpid liver aa4 inaoliv. kidney, are aUma ) latad, and thair natural function, reatorad to . ihsm. Theaotioa of Haory' Braovator upon blood, flnid of tb. body and ail tb. glandular yitem ia .. . I Tonie, Pnrlfyioff and Disinfeotant. At the tonch of thi grand and new remedy Disease uroop mee; ana tn wouia-M viattm of its violence from using only on. bottle LKAi'H INTO NEW LXFK I lb Unparta a Sarkllaa Brl(hlara to th. K)r., m T wivwavusa vaaaai, A K.ky Tlags ( tka 1-lpa, A Clnraeai to tlsa HsaS, BrlhtBMM to taia CwpKitaa, Sasrssr j to tka Bprtta, Aail llaiHilaiae. all SMu. For all aOsetiona of the kidoa it Is uaaur- passsa. ropl. hav been reMo.d. as It were, from tb very jaw of death, by a timely ua wf tins great rtmeoj. It xtinguisbea Atfeetiona of the Bones, Habitnal Costive oeta. Debility, Diaease of the Kid neys, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas, female Irregularities, Fistula, all Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, In- digestion, Pilea, Pulmonary Dlseaaes, Hcrof nla or King's Evil, Bvpbilis. ' Foa ll Drsaasv or tss KlUNIYd, BKTKNTIUN of U LH1NE, Aav, Aa. And for Pmal Dutatr. Names Proatratioa, Weakaesa. Oeoaral Lasai tada, and Waat of Appeuta, it M naaipd- UAl'TION I Ia ontarmg our raaiedy always plaoa lb. aamber of oaf foat-ilfllo. Ui oa your Uttara. Tba aaw law ia ear Nsw (ark fiMt t'ft.e sdbms Una. Address, HfcNBT A IXX. laboratory, T78 furl .treat, rost-Otllc Boa ML , . i MKW llOBIt.. S9T OOMilTfTUnOrf RXNOVATOB I. tl par botiM. si I bottisa for U, . Nana aerwtare aa ra aarpt of pricw. Fstteat. ar. reqaeated to eor raapoad soDSdaotially, a.d reply a ill be aiad by fcliovusg mail. Moid by ail rsapeatabi. DrsggiaU. saari7 . .- .... . . Ut-ly-ca JlI ZX. L. iXI . a-f"J " Or good qcautt, roa mie at ky yard. ... - ' ' t JV.ir inasd at tba e(B- nf tba andaraigutd. surest Dock aad vVatar sir'. k ,i AS iir-rt s. y IT . l;!-la J Traina will loave Front tttroet Btation at (i;U m. ana :n r. ml., and win loavo the "UNIOH PA88EN0KB BTATION," near Uaoltae and Lladoii (treats, fifteen minute later. Until further notice I'aasenuere for Wil mington, Colombia Augnata Kailroad will Inav. tienut or Wilmington and W.ldon Bailmad at a:wj A n. ana s:su i'. si. tl. L. FREMONT, Engineer and Muperintamlent. . may 17 . .,-.,,,r,.,....w W7-tf City papor eopy. ' P I EDMONT ' AND ah LinoTO" LIFit INSDRJINCB taiT. JOHN WILDKR ATKINSON. General Agent tor North Carolina, rjHK 80COKH8 WHIOH THIS OOHPASY has met with has been truly remarkable. The ohait of UhrOorapAnJes pqbUahed In Hew York show that this Company had s greater Inoraua of business In 1809 over 1889, than any Compart in America, and that It lasnad a larger amount at risk hi 18g0 than any, save throe Csmpaojoi, Nor doe thlieililblt bow only 'rapid progr. bnt It show ooouomloal and ootnervitiT. ma agtmont. ' : .... , , , Those inclined to ssenrs an Inheritance to? tholr f amllio aro roapoolfally Invited to sail oa th General Agont at his i INSUBAS0E ROOMS, rrincess atroot, bstwepn Front and Water at. ' ninth Qa . v ' tRc it H BURD0N IRON W0R1C3. ; ; MANCFA0TI7BZBS OFPDMPINOEKOIKK8 for Water Works, High and Low fresanrS . ICS. Portable Knalnaa nf all kin,t. Mill, Hor.w, Lever, llrop and Bydrauho Prea e I Machitury In general. , . , , HCBBABD WnntAlEB, ,. ' 10 Front trot, Brooklyn. H. r. . apt II 10 : " , 1,8-lyoh ' JOBPRISTEBWAHTEal. ; : ; GOOD BOOS ASD JOB WUNTEa-AH Omharbicp man-ean got a pcrmioent sitnaUon, Apply by letter to tbs ' ' i J0TJB'AL. march S3 . . lou u 8TLKK0SC0PIC VIETTS. J UoT BECEIVED, A LA BOB A8S08TMXRT ot Btmoieopio Vlow, Qlasses, Jlbnm, Ac, for sale al - ' - 1 JIKniBKJUaEIlU . ' : 89 Market Birt. " Hllmiiigon & Weldoa Utilway (o., WILMINQTON. MAY 17. 1810. IIO FIIKIOfTTEBB BH- pr-tB ""3 . TWKKN WlLMlNQWNsW2&2.lwrsml AND BALTIUOUK: SaT Vralgbt oharg. between Una eltv anil Baltimore will In future be at the aama rato. a by steamera, tuna giving; tbs coal of insurance in favor of tbo railway Hum. . Isr Oboioa of route via reternburff and Brandt' steamer, or via rortainonth aud Bar atoameri, win oa given. H. L. FREMONT, Engineer and Superintendent, way 18 - 19H-tf OKNEltAL BUPEHINTKNLENTB OFFICE, 1 wii kixotok a sjannnuTRa it. n. uo. v Wii.ntsoTON. N. a, March li, 1870. ) ON AND AFTEIt WUNOAY., the 1.1th insL, Paaseiigers for tho W. & M. It. B. will take tbe Train at the W. A. W. It. It. Leiiot and tb roiiowiug si'iipiiuie win no rnn : - -rl A r ' F a rtt r.H 1 T tl A 1 N TlHiily. T Un Wilmington ( W A W H II flcpot) 1:00 A. M Arrivo at Florence 11 II I a. M Arrive at KincsvUle. .............. . 3.0(1 P. U Leavo Kingeville 'AM A. M Arrive at Floronoe. 8:1 p, M Arrive at Wilmington. 9:fC At NIOUT EXPBKHH THAIS (Dailv.) Leave Wilmington I W W K H. Ueoot) 6:45 P. M Arriv at Fkirenoa 1:4.1 A. H Arrive at Kingsvill B:00 A. M Leave Kmgavill...... S:4S P. M Arrive at Florenoe ...11:0.-5 P. M Arrive at Wilmington..... (1:13 A. At Wat. AUottAZ, Oeneral fcluperintendent. march 17 lio-tf . 6:15 A. M. ,. 6 S5 -. 9:43 M .10:40 . l-DOF, M. S M , 8:16 " EASTEllil DIVISION WILMISOTOW, CIIARLOTTBl RITTII KUIOUU KAILUUAO . OmCI IT WlLmitOTOM. N. Oe. ( - - - tautry a7thf 1870, f Uaw fill! ana.-a.aju Navuvaaai utni VI ailUMIt 1870. the Train on tb. Eastern Oivuton ot tbl Ho ad will mn daily (Sundays exoeptcd) a iouow ; : PASSKaTSKM. TUA IBS, ' aoixo VBT. , ee Wilmington " Cape Fear Bridg. bladenboro' " , Lumberton " Launnburgb.i " Hoeliiugham.... Ar.-iv. at Dae..... ....... ...... OOIXO BAST. Leave Pa. Dae Buckingham.. ...... ......... Aurinbargh jnmberton -. . tUadsnboro'....... (Japa Fear Bride...... ....... Arriv at Wilmington raaiuHT thair.. ooihs wasT. Leave Wilmiegtan... ................ Fnar Uridi;.. .......... . Hlti denboro' Yora-tlla....... Lnrarana r.. Arrive at Lac iobargb.. ....... UOINQ KAltT. !ave Laurinburgb , lntifrtos Yorkvilla Btadeoboro' , , . Cape Fear Bridge. Arrive at Wihaiugtoa Trams West A. H. . 6:40 . 6:t . 8.45 .T0:SS .11-3 . 2:40 K . a .00 ...... t oo A. af. SiS ...... 8.M 9 Hi - ......lOS .....IIUWP. St. 5:30 A. U. SIO rl" " a " 1-S5P. M. 9Mt " vrtk rha ftage aaloeadaya. Wadeaboro' and UuarioUa rhoradaTa and ttalurdava. B. B. OUION, Eng. aad Gen. tino'U la W ;KsXA,foi .ft-. k' THIS YBABT POWDEB la ano vanlant . eeo. nominal and wholaaoma. Trv IL if nut ah to nrove It inperlority not only over other Lskii if Powder, bat to th oomruon methods af ram., t dungli. for making iijlu, rtatrt and nutrutou Bieoult, llolu, Corn Bread, Bnokwheat, an t other griddle eakee, and Oaitss and Pastry el . very variety, Put np tn tins, net weight, aa re presented. For aale by Qroeara thranabont the Haibsil ' Blatea. . Mauufantnrsd by - - - ! " ; - ' f,1 UIHILKV At BROTHEK, , Propriatora, 60 New Blreet, B.w York. niaroh 13 . , 113-ood3nuihd ' MALTmr XXOT70XI. r i BAXTISOBB, DM c. a hogaji ..rBOFimoB. BKDUOnoH OF FAKB. N oonsfderatioa of the g.naral decline Of Sit . tb. n.oesariea appartainimi to th expanses . of keeping a Hotel, and the great scarcity of imuiivj, tua bwu vui wa rvuaosq w awnmstta and otbrs of North Carolina to W M per day men iu TAYLOR'S HOTEL, : (kxorakoi puox), JERSEY CUT, IfElf JE2SET, Opposite V. 3. B.B.Depet, 4 ' Oa ths Eaureptaai Plana Opast B4 all Hamrs, . mai TJSDEBBIGKID BEGS TO Dlf T X publio attantien to lb fact that this I baa been tnoroughly ranevated, ra-pau 'M s t , re-famished throughout: ooutuoe ever t0- 1 ventilated room, baatad bv ataaaa : Ladiea- s i Oaota' dining room (a la carta), Ladia r- s ana ansaing rooms, wua every eoaveiiisuu u,t the traveling public . . ' Tb. Botal ia nasr clam In every respect, and will be so maintained at all timae. Th. tarry Boata ran at ail hoar. Say ana ht.. , .- ..- , - ' 1.IIM fit.rrer r. Lata of tba BtevenaMoata, Broadway, h. . fsbli Ui-fc FOR SALE. : . THE OOMJlbDI0U3 ITKKl.WHEKb ItetffS - QEN, HOYAI lOKBERLT PLYIFG PK. 1' tveen Wilmington aad Bjvt Hide, (Oape Faa luoer, aa paaaaa- swrauatmgn noa. I angth evar alt. . BraalLb of beam.. . !Hls oi nolo....... . sk aay ewa a a Toonag.... ; Twa Engine in good order. ' tbaa diaaixtar : fuul atrosa. I'. kioa Bud Paaaaorer Aer..a,Bi-Ui. ' mous aud aocnluctabia. Lawar awa au4 aa froifibt.. ,l"t f-- r. " i nAVrvi T!FT I : , l -r 1 I I I T Ari'CISTED OUAR. I n i.i., r I t ii-.m Jn .na tf a-- it l ., of I .uuT.-r. 1 t m v f ; l UK., wlf.l W asJ'l I-m ;l O t r l.i u.. pavaxHj! I' lue, sih! aH fc-.f - f -i.a i i vsil r.aiuM ata.iut l.oa aman traatut t-a aam ta ate. " F. W. FCT". rylS 1 f aa.M ' ' ti' a nnn: n-m a i wil. Char. A r I notic::. . l ... , -t l-V i - uiur, ss &n t

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