VOL. XIX-NO. 221. WILMINGTON. N. C, TUESDAY MORNING. JUNE 14, 1870. WHOLE NUMBER 5.5G3. THE DAILY JOURNAL W1LM1NUT0N. N. C TVJiSDA Y, JUNE 14, 1870. WK DO NOT HESITATE TO ASSERT TUAT THIS BONA FIDE SUBSCRIPTION LIST or TIIK -DAILY JOURNAL la LARGER THAN THAT OP ANY DAILY PAPER PUBLISHED IN NORTH CAROLINA, ADVERTISERS WILL DO WELL TO ' MAKE A NOTE OF THIS, AND INSERT THEIR. NOTICES LN THE COL UMNS OVA PAPER THAT, 'REACHES RELIABLE 'V B USINESS MEN IN V VEIi Y SECTION OP THE COUNTRY, 1 r Irantient Atloerltiiemenli tnuti, in all eiMt, ta paid for i nifannc. - Ttie Daily Journal la for sale at tho paper atanda of Mr, T. SI. Harris, opposite ruroel tionao, at Mr, J. T. Daniels', corner of Market and Second streets, by the nowaboys, and at the doak in the bneiness offioe, Jonrnal Buildings, np atairsentranee first door WobI. Library Itoiimi. llie members of the Wilmington Library Aaeo ciatlon are hereby notified that the Library and Roadiog Boomt are open every evening of the week, except Sundays, at 8 o'olock, for the ao -enmmodation of members and their gnoats. Htrengere arriving here are tendered the privil eges of the Boo oca. 3. T. JaHca, Librarian. Special Correspondence Baltimore Oarolta. Th. Reg re Cadets at Wilt FolavtTIm Baana Wky They Ware Rejected A Stir la Washington Aboat It The AN l.g.a coaaact or tne wnite watu- i Radical Theory of Negro Craelty Con. greaalanal laveatlgatlBg Committee. Th. San Doaalaga JobA bacnea of High Official from the Capital Hl Cloud aad Hie Adtulrera. ' Waihinoton, June 10, 1870. There ifl a wondorf ul stir jnut at this mo ment, hereabout, in respect to the rejec tion of neero appointee to West Point, on the gronuil of hia having "weak eyes," and another, whose optioa wero acknowl edged to be sharp enough, bnt whose mental faculties and acquired accomplish' ruenU wero found to be rather deficient. The "organs of the extremists nniver subterfuges, and to tkey are Tne negroes, as a mass, must have "weak eyes," indeed, it tuey cuunoi, seo mat tiumnv is a snaw, that thoir doluders only design to reduce the poorer class of whites to their level, kjd not to elevate them to the higher walks of life. Tho thing is mrorij preposterous. Referring to the negro boy appointed by the carpet-bagger Huge (nominally from South Carolina), it is asserted that his treatment at West Point was "cruel" in .the extreme. He was fairly mobbed by hia fellow students, who chased him about the grounds, crying ont, "Nigger, nigger, nigger I" It so happens that there is not a ' rebel, nor the son of a rebel, now at that institution. It wonld also be sheer folly to charge the "KnKlox" with this "outrage." The whole matter is very plain. The partisan political theory of the Radicals if a braz en general lie can be called a theory is based solely upon the idea that the negro Is naturally a fool, can be induced to be lieve any extravagance, and led on to vote accordingly. In a word, the future ad ministration of the Government is sought to be secured by the present usurpers upon an already exposed and exploded misehooa. Not to be misunderstood, it may be added that the Democratic opinion here is that, clearly, the students not only pursued a justifiable line of conduct, bnt that tho very conooctorg of the current schema of deception calculated upon such course as their only means of escape from an ac knowledged dilemma. And such is Yankee statesmanship I Its result was manifest and already an accomplished fact. Shoals of deserters from the Radical ranks are hovering just ontside of the outer guards of the Democratic army. There is danger from that source alone I Admit the subor dinates, but exclude the leading officers 1 Political amnesty for all except tho prime culprits I It is difficult to keep tho run of tho nu merous committees having in charge "in vestigations" into the current speculations upon the Government, or, in other words, the people. I find I made a mistake yes terday in stating that at least tico of these institutions bad been ordered to pry into the antecedents of the San Domingo treaty by the Senate. I find that Mr. Schurz's committee has not yet been appointed. That matter is to delicate that it was taken into "secret session." I learn that the debate among the "gentlemen" congre gated resembled more of a quarrel among troop of bandits, engaged in the distrib uting of the plunder of a highway robbery, than a grave tinatu CotuuUum, It is yet, at this writing, wholly dependent upon the liberal or parsimonious instinots of the San. Domingo speculators whether the general "investigation" shall proceed or not. There is said to be five millions of dollars involved in this one "speculation." We are at this moment without a single Government official, as high as a Cabinet officer, remaining in the city. Boutwell Slie last) left this morning for "hum." is exoeliency and lady, with divers others, have gone to Lancaster to partake of the hospitalities of Senator Cameron. It is added that a "fishing excursion" con stitutes port of the programme. I never heard before that the locality seleoted was celebrated for bona fide diversions of Unit sort . A former resident of that region tells me that nothing but oats and eels are to be caught there, and he added, signifi cantly, that they were slippery fish. Sum ner must be on the alert lie is not se cure even of hia "dear friend" Geary. The great Indian warrior and orator, "Red Cloud" (who is immensely popular here) wilt leave in a few days, lie has re fused all demonstrations ia his honor, and pertinaciously gire a deaf ear to all invi tations to private dinner parties. He also peremptorily declined tne offer of a serc- Bade, couched in auch terms as would have entirely captivated our Yico-Preei-dent It seems he ia a little apprehensive of being dotained, or worse, as be emphat ically declared in his great speech that he had prayed to the Great Spirit that he might safely get back to bis own country, and leave sooe of his blood upon our grass. He may possibly visit the theatre this evening, however, as ha expressed a desire to see the white squaws gathered here in slump. Kins families have eonrributod three members each to the English House of Com?o-, and ia U-s bm body tbero are Negro Poaeo Hakare." The Montgomery Mail gives the follow ing account of a soene in its city on Wed netday, when reports wore rife of demon strations of hostility by the negroes at Tuskegee : V Yesterday morning several gentlemen of this city, among tbem Gen. J. H. Clanton and Mr. A. F. Henderson, of the Mail, who, have relatives in Maoon, took the train at 6 a. m. Before t roaohing the de pot it was aiscoverea tnac a oompany oi United States troops were proceeding to the scene of alarm.- Aa Gen, Clanton was being driven over to the train, he over took the negro militia company of this city, marobing to the ears, armed and equipped. Aoting upon his usual impulse, ana regardless of personal , danger, the General beaded the company on. and is re ported to have drawn his pistol, planted himself upon the foot bridge which rosses the Eufaula road, and halted the negroes. He . demanded to know by what authority they were taking it upon themselves to take the law in tbelr own hands, He said that white men were ablo to settle the difficulties in Macon oonnty. It is rumored that several guns were cocked at the General while he was halting Uarber'i pet lambs, but most of the "militia" sneaked off. It is said that Sheriff Barber, of Montgomery county, who appeared to lead the negroes, bad the audacity to order them to arrest the Gen eral. Tbe order of course was not obeyed. Prominent among thoso negroes who remained, and who seemed disposed to force a passage, was the negro Jenkins, who figured last year as a Conservative orator. Just at this moment Gov. Smith, who had gone over to take the train, came up, and lien. Clunton demanded to know of him whether the negro militia were being sent to Macon at bis instigation or by his order. The Uovernor deuied that they were acting under his orders. Sheriff Barber then ordered tho negroes to dis perse. .' '',.. - ft 1 '' . , .. '"- : Political. The. Columbus Statesman is confident that the Democracy will carry Ohio at the next election. , ; v Horace Maynard is a candidate for re elootion to Congress from Tennessee, and a boliever in tho death of reconstruction. Many of the IUdioal Senators, who star ed and fought out the night session on Stewart s Fifteenth Amendment bill, are described by tbe New York Tribune a cor respondent as most of the time uproari ously drunk. Governor Alcorn, of Mississippi, emu lous of the example of " the greatest Cap tain of the age," is appointing all his rela tives to office. Grant has promised to keep th Collec tor of New Orleans in offioe jost as long as be is Honest. An exohange remarks tnat this is the most ingonious manner of sum marily dismissing mm that it bos beard of. .. - - - A Radical journal in New York tells its friends that there is no need of borrowing trouble. Certainly not They appear, just now, to have enough of their own. Whittemore threatens fearful exposures of tho evil doings of those who attacked him when be returns to Congress. The oountry is already disgusted with such ex posures, but the people can afford to hold their noses a little longer if purification will result. Dura tbe Wilt or a Stamp Vltlato a - tract. A very interesting case was tried in the Supreme Cqurt in New York city a few days ago in wbioh One of the prinoipal questions raised was as to the efl'eot of omitting to put an internal revenue stamp on a written contract. The contract was for 200,000 ponnds of brass, and consisted of A letter making the offer for it, and a telegram accepting the offer. There was nos tamp pa either. Mr. William Averts, who appeared for the defense, obieoted to the introduction of the letter and telegram constituting tbe contract, on tbe ground that, being un stamped, the oontroot, under the internal revenue law, was void. Ex-Judge Fullerton, oounsal for the plaintifft), produced authorities to eatab tish that the omission to put stamps on a contract would not render it void, unlets it was made with the intention to defraud tbe Government Ho then placed the agent of the plaintaaa, wl(0 sent tbe tele gram, on the stand, and he swore that there was no intention to defraud tbe Government in omitting the stamp. Mr. Jfc ullerton next placed a stamp on the letter and another on the telegram, and cancelled these; and Judge Brady be fore whom the trial took place, then ad mitted them as evidenoe. The jury returned a verdiot for tbe plaintiffs for the full amount olnimed. Dramatic leeae la Cowrt. Nxw York, June 10. The examination of Rebert Schroder, for the alleged seduction . and abAndon- ment of Adah F. Meyers, was brought to an abrupt termination this afternoon by Mrs. Caroline TJrelAnd, tbe mother of Miss Meyers, who rushed into the conn room, brandishing a huge knife, with whioh she mado repeated and desperate Attempts to stab Schroder. Aften an exciting soene in the court room. Justice Dowung suoceed ed in disarming Mrs. Ureland, And she was removed to a cell. Miss Meyers was also committed, end Schroder was dis charged. Mrs. Ureland, . who is onqaes tionably insane, is said to nave been seek' ing Schroder's life for some time, And also to hare served sentence for crime in Mass chusettt. Tao Dcaaoeratia Petrty. . WasHTJioToir, June 10. The Demo cratic senators and members held A caucus at the Capitol to-night; ltepreeentative Randall, of Pennsylvania, in the chair. A proposition for en effective campaign or -ionization in tbe close congressional dia triots, with A view of electing Democratic representatives next fall, was discussed, and it was finally agreed to appoint a com mittee consisting of Senators Tbnnaan, of Ohio, Hamilton oi Maryland, and Repre sentatives Woodward,. Beck and Sheber, to take the matter under Advisement and devise a plan. .Thecauour discussed tbe feasibility of uniting on some financial policy, but an adjournment was carried without any result having been reached. A campaiga eonisuttee, to be loo to 1 in WashiDgtoB, wul probably be deci ';J ou. . Aft. L-r-- ' -.ic sues his late em ployer i t i ,. Ju. ". for t s I' ft cf a I-'. cau(. 1 I t ol. 4 i -e cf MISCELLANEOUS. H. a. rauiBimaw VERMIFUGE. YiniV HIT THAT 80 MANY (JHU.MU.N TV die oader tbe age of svo voar.f Tint larxe crouoriiou of obildreo dia under that aae baa Iuiir been a anbleot of remark, and without A eatiafaotory eauae aaoerUbied. it ia eertatu. Abu it i. known that worm, eiiat to tbe ha man ayatem from its earliaat infancy; therefor. pareuta, eepeoially niotlum, who are more eou etantiy wilb their cbildreu. oannot be too ottrv ing of the flint ymitom oj wnu; for ao aurely a. iney axial, oan tiiey be 8aF1L)Y AND CERTAINLY removed from the moat druoitb infants, by tl timely na. of - 1 at, A. rAUXSCSTOCK'a V.rmirag It Is perfeotly harmlea, ooiilaioi no Mercury being a PUBKLT VSOKTABLB OOlTPOSmoN, And may be administered with the UTMOST SAFETY TO 0B1LDHKN OK ALU AOKa. Worm Gonfeotiona, made more for the pnrpor. of oleaaina the palate than of overcoming the diaeaae, bave been manufactured all over tl eonntry, but their abort leaae of life ia nearly ex baoaled.and It H. Fahneatook'e Vermirnse cot tinnea to (row in favor daily. fJlUTIOX. Hhoald ocawion require yon to parohaae 11. A Vabnoatooka!. veraiifURe, lie particularly oarofn to aee inu tne miuaie are a, a. i ma w m tide that Has been ao VAVUHAHLV KNOWS BINCIC IM4U, And pn roll Mere mint tneiat on having it, If they donotwiauio nave an imitation toroea npo i tnem HIIH AKTZ li IHMLKTT, rouifiui.T 11 A. PAUNK.MTOOK'8 BOM OO. ' cols rnorairroae, PITTSBURG, Pa dec ' . l-e 0 n-ly-wly.rFi OUR PATRONS ITTIl.L PLEASB NOTICE THE VA0T TUAT V V we expeot to oloea onr Store through tbe Bnmmer (Hatnrdaya exoeptnd) at the ringing of the Hunaet Bell, and thai they will tend in thoir onl.r. accoruino'y. . OEOnOB UYEI18'. 11 and tS Front Btrnet. June 12 WO- JPIRIT BARRELS. UUOOND UtND Bl'IHT DAHKKLH, 150 10 1)111.3 DK3TOLUK, lOODBUf M0LA88K8. Now Landing. YIBO,0W FROM WfIAltF DaKOSKET A 00. :',,,!. 317- JuneO IIT8 11AT8 HATH, TjlxPEOTED TO-DAY, the very Uteat stylee of PUR AND STRAW JE3L j<IEis Alao a nice lot of PANAMAS. No. 0 North Front Street. TUOS. n. WRIGHT. 819- Jnne 11 A ' New Discovery 1 1 Phaloi 'VIT I A OR, Salvanpi for he flair. CLEAR AyATERl WITHONSEDIMENT ! I OPEVaVTHE LIGHT! ! 1 For Re it or inv to Gr'aSftatr its Original Cokrj Phalqn's "ViTAuyiifft-TS ut terly from all tjTiair coloring prcparationieretofore used. t 15 yHd, sweet smelling, precuftates rio muddy or slimy rriatrerjeiires no shaking Jm parls no stain to the skin. Hold it tothe light and it is clear and cloujess. It leaves no mark on the scJto ; yet it reproduces in gray haiHevPnatural color that time or sicKItIsm may nave bleached out ot it. oaj v t"Phalon'sVitaILl is for one sole purposefiat of reproducing, with absolute cer-' tainty, the naturaUdior of the hair. It is not4!itended 23 a daily dressiofJnorforremoving scurf or yrlndruff; nor for cu ring bajflness; nor for stimula ting tf c growth oi the hair. - Thes objects may be accom- plish after the color has been fixed Ion's rator. ith the Vital ia, by Pha- emical Hair Invijro- The Vital. .a harmless and unequaled pret tionfor the reproduction of nal hue of gray hair,; ie ongi- id noth- ing else. This is accoi iipnsnea in from two to ten ai Lications, according to tJiedwtith of shade required. SoJatMyall druggists. dee f . - f- - Ts-lSo-eod SAUCES, 8nCFJ, SEASOMNCS. JJUJtTOBINaa andlXT&AOTS . r.;',;''.w;"t t-..: . . Of kind ) -.' ; ' ' " . "0S0B0S ,.- - . X if. 11 aad 13 Froat street frmei " l- i ALL Li3r?cKrMr::!i F" SALS ' II " I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.' FANNINO'S J tATIKT "; K II) FITTI N 6 SKKLKTON CORSET Thla Ooraet la eonatrneted on an entirely tie prinaiple, being ojwii, and thereby allowing the tremt oiromatton uiaiiuie, ueaine. Kmng i.noi eaae and oomfort to the wearer, end at the earn time poaeoeaiug all tba advantage, nf the eum tunn (kiriiata in fflvinu iiinnnrt to the body. ror Health, Urac. aal CmMlurt, tbn are UHmvii.r.rii in Tna wtnaKT. "rney are parnmi larly reoommanded for anmmer woar, and warm elimatea, although equally wU alapted to all aeaaouaof the year. They are highly recom mended by medical and eeiontitle men. For aale by all Urat-olaas dealer.. Kor oirolnlara, nrice ete.. addreae the WOHCESTKH IKIHT i:i. WonsMter. Maaa. ( (KSTAHCISIIKU 1:I0.) i . !; WELCH & GRIFFITHS, HAWS of all doeorlptiona. AX EH, 1IK1.T1NU auil MILL IflJHNlHHlNOS C1HCULAU HAWH with aolid Teeth, or with l'atent Adjnatalla 1'olnU, $Hptrior to all Jnwtril IWth Miiet. a- i-rir.e nmiacn. - tST Pcnfl for Price I, let and Orrenlar. - ' WKI.l ll UHHrVITIIM, ' Boat .a, Haaa., or Detroit, atlch. ' PATENTS. Inventora who wiah to take ont Letters Patonl are adviaed to ooanael with UDNN CO., editor. of the twntiUt Amtrtcan. who have proeecutau elaima before tbe Patent Ollloo for over Twonty Veara, Their American and European Patent Agency Is tne moat exten.ive ia tne worm.--Obargea leae than any other reliable agency. A pamphlet oontaining fall inetruatione to inven tora ie aent gratia. MLNW oo., 87 rara bow, new rora. . 3MCOX333Xa ZacOTTXD. lieing a erlpplo, I bave made bouao planning a apeoial atndy. One built laat soaaon baa proved a model of oonveuionoe. beauty, and economy. Deaoriptive eiroulara of Plana, views, eto., with general information of value to all, aent free. Addreae (with at amp or script if convenient) OKO. J. COLBY, Arohiteot, Waterbury, Vermont. SALESMENw-u,'V.p5n0M- 118 Obeatnut at., Phila. TTTL1 HVSiAaj 1HAIIIIKK.-N.W llook AA-LAU Vrc fhrBtamo. TAanANT A Oo,, N. V. Rlddcr's Pastilles, ilTffi&& mail. 8TOWELL A 00., Oharleatown, Maaa. BRIRK aad Brldeajroomr Kaaava for yonng men, free, In sealed enveiopea. HOWAUU AHUO0LAT10N, Box P., Philadelphia, enu. Moustaches foroed to grow In alx weeke. Beeeipt eeut for IMI, Addrea. BIOHABOH, Box 8WMI, New York P. O. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. t . All womou know that it is boantr. rather than genlaa, which all generation, of men have wor- j shipped In the six. Can It be wondered at, then, 1 that ao mnoh of woman's tifto and attention shonkl bo direoted to the meana of developing and preacrvini: that boauty 1 Worn on know, too, that when men speak of the Intellect of women, they speak eritloally, tamtly, coolly; bnt when tboy eome to apeak of the oharma of a beautifal woman, their language and. their eyee kindle with an entboaiaam wbicb abowa tbem to be pro foundly, If not, indeed, ritUoolonaly in earneet. It ia part of tho natural sagacity of women to perooive all thla, and theretore employ every al lowable art to pecome the gtdueae of that adora tion. Preach to tbe oontrar), aa we may. againat the arte nmployed by women for enhancing their beauty, mere .tin atanae tna eternal raot, tnat the world dues not prefer the eloiety of an ngly woman of genina to that or a Mauty oi luaa li in tellectual acqniremeuta. The; world baa yet allowed no higher mieaion to women than to be beautiful, and it wonld aeom that tba ladine of the preaont age are oarrylng tbta Idea oi tne n.U in IM.IM AvtrAltlA. t l&n .P. flr .11 women now to whom nalnre has denied tbe ! talimanierwrof beantyi.upplythedettolcncyT".roM'o.o"OKn, I J ue tonum g eore, b, ,h. na. of a ... d.,ghtfa, to.W article. jj jrnpttou. j VU. .j. known aa tbe " filoom of luth," wbioh haa been auii , the debilitating affeotwna of the present introdnced lulo thia eoititry by UBoaoa w. Uian, a delicate huautillH which amoolhca ont all Indexation., furro.a.l.c.,., .emovlng tap, frecklea. and li.color..oBf rm tbe akin, leaving the complexion clear, brlliant, and beautiful, the akin eott and amoot)i. Witb the iii.iauoe of tbie new American trUW a I edj'a toilet, fe- male he.nt. i. dtlnl t..bl a l.,r Dart in 77. ..,.', , . l, ,hm ",,,,, , On reaching the etomach It aaalmiletee at once the admiration or men sad the ambition of with the food and Uquida therein, and thus oatn women than all the aria employed aiuco her tally paaie. Into tbe blood. There It attack. riiim. Pmr. o. . ft.ahitlar rh.mi.i to tli. Hetrnnolitan Board nf Health haa tenant) tiro- 1 sieiropoiitan jtoara oi ueain, naa reoenuy pre- pared a chemical analyala of tbla dolighlfn! toilet preparation, aad reported that tba " Bloom ef Youth " waa harmlea., obtaining nothing ia-' Led, need have no fear of naiog litis lnvalnahte toilat acqaiaition. v . Bold by every druggial and lancy gnda d.-r I io lb. Colled otetee. Depot. 5 Cold Street. Sew Tort. Jane 1 310- FAMILf ICE MACUIMX -I .OKELLm ONLY practicable Ire Maebin F for the oa of Druggial aad OnofeelioDtr. I aud Famine generallv. Producing Tranaparant 1 1c ia 10 Ui 3(1 miaotea, equal and cheaper J DatnraL wilhont eteaat power. HoiUblo Aif all . elimatea and eaay to operate. Th refrigerant . oonaiM of harmlea. ebemicala, which U freu- ( oratea arior wn pnrK'n. y . . . I ( . U aiKWMAK. No. SS Maidon Lane, waw rora. , , om ifirw i It CARRIAGES. - i J- OFFKB FOB BALI AT tASCFACTUttEBS PBICIB Faahiosable Carriage, of every AeeonpUoa auny CABBIAOB hEPOBITOBY oa Hoeond etrmt. near the eornor of Prins etreet. Having efleeted aa arraaroaaaat wtUt IVi. MoOAMN, ALTiaiuatak, bio I asa prepared to eeU at. oetobratod Oarriagoa at lower dtko taaa or actor eftorod ta oar amr ket, aad aa cheap aa the aame eaa be ooaght at hm ahope ia Balumoro. I eaa faraiah oa ooart ooilea, aay etvl to aait tho otoier, from a feeaa opoa Bf cy lo the tooat Oamag. 1'oroon ww bin g to pareae, will ae tbe fregbt from Baltiraore by pvohaaing hero. Oail at the Court Hoooa, aad wtbor sayeolf or dark wiU be glad lo eoow ear etock, or give laloraa- J. W. CUES CX. Ja. ITf-lf april 36 t f f'TflT'H V- AXTHD. i riitaiwi 'good tort iro r:::rrra. SUB- f i MISfKLLAXEOIIS. THE II) K A FOR TUeTmpLiT! ,OIt THK DKflT AND (IHKArKHT DRY GOODS, CLOTUim, Boots Shoes, Carpets MATTINU, lL.rLIVTM. r., c. Aaron 81 Rhcinsioin's 18 Till PLAOR. We have marked onr gor.de down again, and ollaring rel bargaina. Our stock will be oonetanttj kept in full anpply with sew good.. . We will rooelro Ihla week a full lino of Drum Ooode, lower In price than ever. Pleaee give na a call and examine onr atnrk be fore purchasing oltowbere. AARON KUEIN8TEIN, No. 23 Market street, may 1 184 tf OWENS, BROWN & CO,, WIIOLRSALK Liqu or D ealers, it Weat Lombant Street, BALTIMOHH, Hit flMlK Firm of Blnolair. Owene A Drown, bavin JL thi. day dioaolved by mutual oouaent, the undoraigned beg leave to call attention to their earn auovo, navlng thla day entered into a Oo partnerahip under the above atyle, for the pnr- poao oi connuninB tne wnoieaaio iitnuor liual- neee in all its brancbee. A well eeleoted stook and inoreaaed faoitiliee generally, enable ue to offer auperior InUuoemente. We hope to reoeive the patronage heretofore ao uuereiiy aoooraeu tih, J. W. OWENH A JNO. II, imOWN. llaltlmore, Juno lei, 1870. Juno a 814-lw AN HEROIC REMEDY. HENRY'S ICOISTITITIQI BEIQVATQB. I Oosod on Bolonoe, I'reiiared with BkJll. i And eombiniug In a concentrated form the moat ' vainatiia vegetable juloe known in the history '31 mouioine iur I Pnrifylng the blood, Imparting nutrition to the syatom, 'i one to tne atomacn, And a perfect and healthy action to tbe kidneys, A DV1NU 20UAZK iay breathing hia laat mo menta on tne uatti.-uem. ilia companion, liana d on and left him alone- tie knew that the deadly tmllet bad done lie work. No friendly voice oonld ebeorbim on to life; no human .kill could aave him. J oat ao with yon, reader, Thoaaanda of trreoloue livoe are to-day aa ra pidly aluking aa if tbe bullet had atruck tbem, aud are tottering to aa untimely end ia agony. Wretobedneaa and Ignorance of the cauee that Hcienoe can arrrut and asanago. nourtan id to new me ana vigor, And eauae the bloom of beaith To dance npon their withered oheek. ' Dlneaae, like a thief, eteale upon ite victima, and before they are aware of Ita attack planta it aelf in the ayntcm, aud through ncglout buoomea a chrnnle aliment and diiHea all ordinary moana to rollnqiuah it. meroUeas graap. Do yon know tna caowui The Waated form, . I The hollow oheek, Tne wttherad faoo, The aallow oompl.xion, j no loeuio voioe, I 1 lie giauy eye, 2J1 emaciaUd body. The trembling atop, agar in. anawer ui aimpie anil cover, the whole rat,,iV' " 1U nnn,0"'" divwalUod pka.ee. -b" ot Hwrwlitsrj , be(H)ml fil(M, .,!!:nLloo,th. r- ",.. i.ju of lile and nothing leaa an Ueroia ilemedv will eradicate it, root and branch, forever. Such r ' ' M,d " HfBry'g CODStitUtiOn KeDOVAtOr. oieeaee at lie loutaln bead in ite e-erro. or ita "l7 na aieeipaieo It lliroEgn a Tonne, of .1.. oroaniam with nnerrimr nrt.im. ..n.i. new, freah and invigorating blood bonnding Through Every Artery and Vein. A'ie tuoerouiee or roromia that eometlme. ZFJZrZZXS J' ,m, I ted. Tbe dieeaaed part, are ponrJeb-rk-ki.i'nn. J'' Iueir"aturl rnnoUon. reotorod to 1 (bam. in. action w neoryw aenovauir p" blood, fluids oi the body and all tbe glandular ayatem 1j t Tiinio, Pnrif'inf and Disinfectant. At the ton oh of this grand and new remedy ' steeaae droope dioa; and tbe would-be viotun ol 1 tte violence hom aaing only one bottle Lit APS INTO NEW LIFE I , It Impart, a -parkllag Brlshtaoa. to the Bye, A Hoay low to tao Choaa, A H.ky Tlaga to tho LI pa, A Cloaraooa aa tho HoaSI Brlshtaoa to th Voaepaaatoa, ataoaarj a tho Salnta, Am IIOBplaooa oa all SMc For aTll affection, of the kidneye (t U unanr- I'tupl. bave been reeeo4. aa It were, frona the Uwa u dealii, by a linuoJy u ul Uda groat nmecr. - ltMiinanlabes AJfoouons of tbe Donee, Lutbitnal uoettvo- nesa, Dobitity, Disease of tho liul Boya, Drspcpoia, Errsipelas, i'emala lrregulantiBa, FUtula, all tfkin Dissases, Liver Oom plaint. In digestion, Piles, 1'ulmoDary lilsoasws, Scrofula or King's Evil, Syphilis. Fob aij. Dmuaa or m ' KlDSlYi, ttarrKNTIOM ef the C1UNC, Ac, Aa AM for tma iwinaai, Narvoae Froatratioo, Weaknea, Ooooral Looai' tod. aoA Waot of Annettla. It ia tMiunwel CAUTION I In orOerwt- oar twmody oiway plac lb newtier of oar t'uot-Offi lie a oa you lottare. The new Uw an sow slew I oca roe- om.somp.i.th-. ..HCTBt40i. liWdar. 7fe htri otnot. Pn-Ufliao Boi UI1 NKW kO&K. as- OONHTrrunoM BKNOTATOR t. ft per bouM. at bottle lor SsV boat aaywhor oa ro- of nrw. Patient aro roosi roiooad eoaodeatialJy, aad reply ul be made by iubowiag atau. ... -., , (told by ailreepeotable DrsggUta. aaaraY,, ; - - - . ; t S4-eh i r:-rau.cr-w.r.'i s OT C )CD QCAUTV, FC2 ALX AT MX tp iect at t' . e" cf tia anjert . iej, r.lli:ll' l""'. i- ito r:" . RAILROADS. fcUPKHINTF.NDENTH OFFIOE. Wir.NtNoToii, Coi.itmr Anonm B. It , WiLMiNimm, N. 0, May 1H7U. ON and arter this date Pa Moutti will leave tbe W. A W Paaaengera going W. 11. 1L Llonot .i:dii a. at. anu an r. n. - , JNO. 0. WINDER, Ocn'l Biip't, mayJS . , , ; M-u WILMlNOToljlakLOON HAIIJIOAD 00., Orrira Cm Ewo, aNn Oun'i. Hur'T, , Wu.moToN, N. 0., Hay I.WD, a(OlS3KSZ3.5C!a?I-3 " rilK(,E OF RCHEDULE, "N AND AFTHIi MONDAY, the Bin In.iant, j traiua un una road wm leave wimunit ton at 0:111 a, m. and u:4 d. m.i and arrive at Wei don at (:3U a.m. and S.UOn.m, Leave Wolilon 111:00 a. m. and 7:M p. m.; arrive at Wilmington 4:()0 a. nt. and t:iS p. m. The day train, will not rnn on ennnaya. An accommodation and freight train will leave Wilnihigtnn 10:30 a. ni. dailv (Hundevi exceot- (xl). making oloae oonnootion al Ooidaboro for ltaleigh. -- ........ . I. . u Cnl .4 MJVi - " . arrive at Wilmington at Hp. m. - , The day tralne loavinu Wllminnton (US a.m.. and WeUion 10:(K) a. m.oouneot elnaely with Tarbo ro' urancn train, rugbl paeaenger trains iav- in Wilntingtou and Weldou on Moudaye, Wed neadaye and Fridaya, alao connect olonuly with ui jiarooro xiraneu train, , . ,, (J. L. FHKMONT. Eug. Hiipt, mays luu WlLMINQl'ON A WELDON BAILWAY CO.. Uay lUth. 18,0. SPECIAL I0TICE Tl llSSIISIES ON AND AFTER MAY 18th PA8BEN0RR Trains will leave Front street Station at 0:19 A. si. ana D:io r. M., and will leave tbe "DN10N FAHHENQEB STATION," near Maoltae and llladen streata, fifteen mluutoe ianr. mr Unll! further notice Paasenffere for Wll mlneton.OnlnmblaAAugnata iiailroad will leave Depot of Wilmington and Weidon Iiailroad at s:ou a, (u. and o.M I . M. - H. L. FREMONT, sglnorr and Buperintenilent. may 17 , . lU7-ir City papers copy. Wilmington & Weidon Rtllw.y fo., WrXMINQTON, MAT 17, 1870. rno FRKIOrtTEIlS BK- fT?aat.l""" ",'n 1 TWKKN WlLMlNfllOML JOtW"? AMI BALTIMOHKi " Freight ohargts between thia oity and Baltimore will In future be at tho earns rate, aa by ateamers. thua Klviiig the eoat of inauranca in favor of tbe railway lines. AS Choice of rontea via PnUhn mnA Brandt's atcamera. or via rortamonili anil U.y learners, will be given, . S. L. FREMONT, Engineer and Superintendent. Itt8-tf may 1H OKNEBAL BDPEllINTRNDKalT'H OFFIOK. ) - wiUKiaTOH a ataitoaaaTaa u. m uo, v Wiijuhotoii, N. a, March li. 1870. I ON AND AFTER BTJNDAY,, the 13th lnat., Paaawgera for the W. A M. It. B. will take the Train at the W. A W. U. U. Depot and tbe louowiug anneonie win be rua 1 . . ,. DAY IXPBKH8 TBAIN (DUy.) ' Laavo Wilmington (WAWHK Detxil) 4:00 A.M. Arrive at Florence 11:(M1 A. M Arrive at KingaviUe..,., 8:00 P. Ml Leavo Xingaville... , 11.41) A. M I InlH .1 VlnwuiM U.l. l W I arrive at Wilmington , B:?C - M NIGHT EAPHK8H TKAIN (Dallv.l Leave Wilmington iWsWllll. Denot) fl:4fi P. M Arrive at riorence... ,.....,.. 1:4.1 A, M Arrive at Kingavllle. 0:()0 A. M ixiava AtngavUle. ; ;t r.-i r.-. 8:411 P, M Arrive at Flornnoe... 11:05 P, M Arrive at Wilmington. ... 0:13 A, M WM. MACKAE, . 1 General Superintendent, march 17 , H&AI EA8TLKN DIVISION WILMlNUTOie, CIIARLOTTBI "A, HUTU. It 111)1111 HAIMWAO ; Vvvwz AT WUJITIfOTOV. M Oh ) ku baw na-ea' a aaa AAA waa vn a ( vasi ui wriiubm J mo, the Trains on Uie Kaatern Dlrlmon of .u inti a PTPn arnuniv ai.i .f tjm.m thia ttoad will ma dally (Suudaya exoepted) aa lonowa i PASSBESIIKU TIIAIHH. aoo wbst. Uave Wilmington .,, 0:15 A. M. OapoFbarltridge...., ....... ii( (::W lUa.lonlM.ro' ;4n , Lnniberton ......111:40 " LanrlnsrirKb :llp. M. ttockinghara ."7?,. ..... 9:50 Arrive at IVe lee.. 8:15 " , (IOINO BART. Iave 1'co Dt'P. , B:4()A. M. koekingham , C:(rt Laurinbnrgh H:4.1 Iiombcrtoa. 10:IU . " Blad.nboro' 11:3 ' Oane Fear Bridge il:4U P. HI. Arrive at Wilmington 3:U0 " ITUMOHT TltAIKS. OOISO WBST. Leavo Wilmington.. 8:00 A. M . tiap rear Bridge , 6:15 Iliatdonboro' ". 8:53 YorkTille .., 9:!i0 ' Lnmjrton uw 'w. Arrive at LaalnhjorAu tjaet. j Leave Lanrinbnrgh 8:30 A. M. Lumoortoa " io - Yorkville... 9:18 Uladenboro' : " Oape Fear Bridg 1:35 P. AL Arrive at WUsaingtoo.... sou Paaaengnr Traina Weat oonnect witn in. Wadeaboro' and Charlotte Btage on Tnoadaya, Thnredaye and Baturdays. .. t . ' X. O. UU1U.I, Ins. and Qen. Bnp't, Jan 38 V . . IW-tf . TUG Bl'Cl'LAR AMAL MEEmU O1 F THK BTOCKII0LDEK3 OF THK NAVASSA GUANO COJirAJiT. ef Wilmington will be hold In thia elty on Tfcnra- day, Itith iiialant. DONALD HacKAK, Treaanrer and Rcc'y. 311-tlni jane 3 SUGARS. JJTANDABD OBU8HKD, tttaodarn rnwdorou, Hiaadard A, Curl A aad B, Kitra O, HUndard O. Light broOn, Dark ktrown. .3 , , ktuoovede. j 9 ADUAM YOLFRU. - Ftelby mh 33 . . : 164 - tJ ..NOTICE. HAYINft P.FKN DULY APPOIITTED fl.CAB III AN l.r Daniel O'Oouoer bv the Jndg af Fruaat rnr th Onaaty of New Hanover, I hereby wtr all weraona ku lei 'ted to aanl Dauiel O'Ouoner to aaak payaaoaA to aae, and all par m anMing valid etaimt agaifirt coot Wii AIM rn annt LLe eania to De. " "iF. W: FA8TEK. ' saaj 19 - '.' 1 6-l awtw 1 'innii A3 tf ArnE'i, ' - m. .TP-" e-ee. f Y A LAI vi t .. 1. , JHSfELLAXECrs. WANTED. .lAMIMICfl wlalifng Plain flawing, Embroidery, ;: Braiding. Ao.. done, will please eommoui- cale with the niuleraigned, at her residence, on the eomor of Nnn and (ith streets. IllH. M. B, PlIinR. ' may 4 r .-' .T. i i .:.. .... ..leu-lf : PIE DM ONT ' . !. r . . . a( .... , f H ' . . AND . . -':.'--...-.;! : A R L I N o t o :; LIPI5 INSURANCE COOT. jonrc WOE ATKINSON, ' General Agent for North Carolina. man BU00EB8 wmoa tdib oosipahy ha mot with has bten truly romsrkabls. Tte ehait of Life Oompanies pnbltohed In Sew York, abnws that ihfs Oompan bad greater inoreaie of bualnoas In 1800 over 1808, than any Company in Amerloa, aad that it fained a Urger amount of risks In 1809 tbut any, save three Campania. Nor does this exhibit show only rapid progrea, bnt It shows economical and aouserratlrs man agemont. Tbosn lnolined to seoore an inhrlUhoe for tbelr famtllos are respeolfally Invited to oaU on the Genoral Agent at bis - tNSTJBANOB B00M3. v " rrinceaa street, between Front and Water ate. . maroh 3D - ; - ii,.tf . BURDON IRON tart"" IIWni MANUFAOTPBEBS OFPUMPXlfa for Water Work.. Biah and Low 1 rnaaiira Gnginee, Portable Bnginea of ell kinds, r-ugar iu., oorew, leaver, Drop and Hydraulic -,. s Machinery in general. a , s t ;. . . -T -r HUBBABJD A WB1XTASSB. 1 ' 103 Front street, Brooklyn, S. f.' ' aprU 18 . 'i71-lyoli job rniiiTra wanted. , ; 0001) BOOK AND JOinT PBWTEB-AS Um AiiBiRii maa-oan gel a permanent situation. Apply by letter to the march 33 U COKN--COEN; TW ifl W1WTrT,TTlr'0ria W01TS AND XKU.OW COUij. For sale by jj.- ;. r p. w, KERcnin " 'I );ii l.r a CT ui tJiSiT- juneW A.J SI THI8 VEA8T POWDElt la convenient. o. - nominal and wholesome. Try It, if you i to " prove its superiority not only over other- L ins; Powders, but to the oomraon method, ol r- doagh, for making U'jht, ttoert and wubuiuu ' Biosuit, Bolls, Corn Bread. Baekwbat, anl 'lt other griddle oekea, and Oakee and lary of every variety. Put np In tins, net weight, a Ire.entnd. " - f For aale bv Oroeer Ihmnuliont tho VnilA Btatee. . Mannfaotored by UOOLKY BnOTIIKft, ( . - i ': Proprietor, ' , 09 New Street, hew Xor. , t march 13 . , 113-aod3mobil , , MAL.TBT XXOTJCI3. o jV:u-.(aU hi i -lr '. i .11 s.-.:i , gaZnBAXTIJIOJlBi, B. Boa an , .toavaeaau - - Mamaom oi 'vabs. i i l N conaideratlon of the general decline of all'' 1 J. the neoeeeariea appertaining to the exp" ; ." of keeping a HoteL and tbe great w ! ; meniu . TAYLOR'S l-'DTS, (xxoHAiiai FiAOt), v jersei cm, !nv izzzzt;": : Opposita B.f.B.B. Depot, ' ; Oa la aropoast Plasw-si at au aaomn. TtXBX TJNDEBBIQNID BEGS TO JDI"" ? X pvhUe atuntioa to ib fae that thia t haa boon moroogniy rew4 ro-forniabad tarougbont: eontaioa over k j i venulated roome, healed by .team j Lad and OenU' dining room (a it cartel, Iaum- pn"-. and dreoaing roome, witn every eooveiueao tut th. tnvelin. rjablia. The Bout ia nawr class bt evory reel will be eo maintained at all time. l,a?l Th Ferry lxla nut aa au awi, c j tr..l night. . ivwttfTOT v,r Late of th BterenaJlooa, Brva' w .' fabU FOR THE, OOilC . . 3 arriuui-wiixxju Eir.: GEN.nOTT-U FOBHXBM PLIIM 1 ..- r ia WUmirrtoa au l P.ir i aide, (Oape Fear luvar) a paoaen- ' rer and rreiKbt Doak lnglb oret an..... , 1 ljrealLb of beam ............ .. ' llei'lb of bold Itraft. - 0onr...... Two train ia rood order. C che diaroi-ior ; S tuot etre. 1 looa and Paeeenrer Aeonram ' oona and eMOiUHUablo. Lor u ',mrrr;,rt- . Wit, Car. a NOXIC" I a Li.rr.H-i ( A :." t uwt truui. t- - rf ' '- auJ fevin 1 1 ' v ct i -i (- 3