J WHOLE NUMBER 59D. VOL. XIX-NO. 257. WILMINGTON. N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING. JUIY 27, 1870. V r '1 T1TE DAILY JOURNAL W1LM1NUT0N. N.C" . WEDNESDAY, JULY 27. 1870. ., , From the Baloigh BontinoL DK( lHIOft OB JUDUU PKAUbOK IS TI1K IIABKA8 VOBPITS CASK. Ex parte AJoJpJtus (J. Moore. I Upon proof of sorvioe and tho failure of Col. Kirk to rotnrn tho writ, tho oounscl for the prisoner snhmittod two motion: 1. For bu attachment againat C). W. Kirk ' for foiling to make rotnrn. 2. For a writ, to bo directed to tho Shcr j iff of Bo'rao county, oommandinR Lira, with Uio power of thooounty if neoossary, to tako tlie prisonor ont of tho bauds of said Kirk, and Lavo Lira boforo tho Chief Jus , ico. , - - -wit.-- . '. 1 it. t. t - l "make return wa a sufficient foundation for these raptions. l!ut tho nfliduvit seta out farther Hint G. W. Kirk said "ho was act -? ing nndor tho ordure of Ouv. I olden, and Bhotild riinka do return." This extraneous mutter, it trim, had jn my judjmoi:t an important bearing on tho - ponding motions, and not being lit. liberty to a&suuio it to be Iruei, on tho verbid stato- roeutof Col. Kirk, I addressed a ccinma- : nieatioa to his Exee.'kuoy, acking to be in ' formed if Col. Kirk Lai suob. orders. ;., The purpose was to liavo tho ord r to CoL Kirk avowed or disavowed, and runfco .' , it a dual foot one way or tho other, and to afford an opportunity to Lis Eiollency, if avowed, of tootling out the ground of his action and Of being heard by counsol. The ' caneo of tiulh ia always served by orgu mont on both t-idee. ' ': 1. Tho mnin question, and ono on which both motions dipptid, is this: ; Dons the ' foot that tho G'mrnnr hud declared the county of AIrtohupo tt bo in a Htato of in ' eorroclion, and had token-military possos eion, Lave tho legid effort to Mispcnd tho priyilogo of tho writ of habeas corpus in , that eounty ? If f o tho prisoner lakes no thing by tilher motion; if othenvitto it . will beoomo uecesMiry to givo thorn further ooniiidoration. It was infiifitod ly tiio oounpel of tho prisoner that the (rovoruor'u .reply is no part of this proceeding and cannot bo no , ,tii:cd. In my Opinion, it forms n part of tho proeoediegs In tho extent of tho avowal of tho orders fcivcn to Vol. Jvirfe, (Hint jr in tliivet rcsiionro to my inquiry :) mid of tho taet Hint in tho wroiao of too power eon f feired on him, lin hud dee'urod the) county I Alttmnnce lo Ijo m a Miitu or Jiisurrff- lion, taken niiiilary pnruiession and ordered tho arro t and detoution of the petitioner as a w lil in priaoncr. The notion of his Exoollonry is relevant, for, if the privi , , loco of tho writ ot habeas corpus bo boh ponded, tho writ now moved for, ought not to be awardort. (raTL.lii.tF, Wnt- kins, ii: Voters VJi) tuo Chief Juatico days: "tho writ onght to bo awarded, if tho Court is eatmlie.d that tho prisonor would ' bo remanded." This C060 is cited and approved, tx ixbIo, Milligau, 4 Wal- laoo. 111. His Excellency was also pleased to set ont Bonio of tno epeomt Incis that satiKiieU him that tho civil anthoritios of tho coun ty wore nnablo to protort its citixons in tho enjoyment of lifo and property ; it is not mine to pass upon mesa laut.-i or jujgo of their Bntucicney. Mr. Botlger, of connsel for Ilia Excel leney. relied on the Constitution : " Tho Governor shall bo commander-in-chief, and Lave power to call ont tho militia to Oiocnto tho law, suppross riots ana inenr root ions and to repel invasion," Art. XII., boo. 3. nd on tho etatute, act 18(j9-'70, chap. AAVil., eec. 1, "The uovornor is boroliy nnthorizod and empowered, when ; over in bis judgment, tho civil authorities "'" in any county nro nnablo to protect its oitizons in tho enjoyment of lifo and prop erty, to deolaro such county to bo iu a state of insurrection, and to call into active service, tho militia cf tho btato. to such t an extent as may bceemo noccswiry to sup press tho insurrection;" and Lo imisted, 1. This c!un?o (if tho constitution and tho statute) empowers tho Govirnor to do- : dare a county to bo in a ftato of innurrrn- l iion, whenevtr ia his judgment tho civil authorities, arn unatiie to protect its cm Bens in the cd j-.ijmrnt of lifo and property, The Governor Las so dochrcd in rcgurd to tho county of Alamance, and the judiciary eannct cail Lis action in question or review it, as the matter is cocllJed solely to the judgment of the Governor. 2. The Conalitution and this statu to con fers on tho Governor a'l powera "uoces sary" to suppress tho insurrection, and the . Governor Las taken mii-tiry possession of the eoucty and ordered tho nirest and de tention of tho petitioner as a military prisoner. This as ncTseaiy, for, oni-.ke other icsnncetioos, it i not open resist ance, but a novel kind cl iuburrootioo, . seeking to effect it) pnrpoao by a sooret association rpread ovir the conntry, Boourgiog and other crimes commit ed in the daik aud cvai'itg tho civil authorities by mn$ks, frand, pcijury and intimidation. It follows ttat the privilege of the writ cf hab:a corpus is suupenddd in tbatcoanty nut.l the insurrection be suppressed. I accede to the first propo sition ; full faith and credit are duo to the action of the Governor in thi-t matter, be oauso be is thooompctentauthoiity, acting in pnrnance rf the constitution and the law. The power from its nature muet bo exercised Ly tho Lir-f ntive, as ia case of invasion or open insnrri ction. The extend of tho power is alono -tho subject of Ju dicial date'miQfiUoo. As to tho second, it may be that tLe and a'o the de tention of the pf tit:on r is necessary as a morns to euppprosj tl;a inanrioclion. Uut I cannot jiuid my asent to the conclusion; ' the means must be proper, as well as necos ary, and tbe detention of tho petitioner as a military prisoner, is not a proper means, for it violates tho Declaration of liichli "The privilege of tho writ of habfon co' ps shall not be snfpene.', Conslilntion. Art 1, Boa 21. This is an express provision, and there is no rale of construction or principle of Constitutional law by which an express provision can be : abrogated and made of no foroo by tho implication from any other provision of the instrument The elansc should be construed so as to pive effect to each, and prevent conflict This is done by giving to Art XII. see. 3, the effect of allowing military possession of aconntyta betaken and tho arrest of all siispected persons, to be made by mill Ury authority, bat requiring by force of Art 1, soo. 21. the persons so arrested to bo surrendered for trial to the ehil anthorities on Alien corpus, should they not be delivered over without tbe writ This rrcT0i1'3 conflict with tho habeas corpus clause and harmonises with tbe other articles) of tho 'JUeclaration of lUghta," trial by Jury, io., all I which Uto Voea tiA&aoj dava (o u by vac ftih- ers and by our English ancestors, as groat fundamental principles, essential for tho rrotootion of civil libortv. I doolaro my opinion to be, that tho nrivilcRO of tho writ of habeas corims baa not boon . snsnendod by tho notion of bis Excellency. That tho Uovornor has powor nndor tho Constitution and laws to docluro acountvto bo inastatoof insuirootion to tako military possession, to ordor tho arrest of all suspected persons and . to do all other things necessary to suppross the insurrection, bat ho has no powor to dis obey tno writ ox Habeas corpus, or to or dor tho trial of any citizon otherwise than ty jury, according to tho law of tho land Such action would bo in oxoosa of bis power. Tho Jndioiary has powor to dccloro tho aotion oi tuo i-xoonuvo, as won as acts oi tho General Assembly, whon in violation of tho Constitution, void and of no cll'oct Having conceded full fatth and erodit to tho action of Ltd Excellency within the scope of tlto power eonfnrrod on him, I led a fin rod Lo will in liko manner give dno olw rvanca to tho law oa announced by the Judieiary, Indeed ho cannot reftiso to do bo, without taking npon himself tho responsibility of ao'ing on tho extreme principle, "Tho safety of tho Htato in tho supremo luw." I will voutnro to hope, as evil na tho times niuy be, our country hat not yet reached tho point when a resort to extreme measuns has bcoomo a public ueeessity. 2. Tho motion for an attachment against Col. Kirk is baa d on the haboas cort)us act. acts lSM-V.V cUp. 1, sec. 15, ' If any periou on hoai a w rit of habeas corpus is w . vu J, shall r'ii'to or neglect to obey tho i iiuti dy produeiug tuo body, ivc., within tho tiuio reqnirod and no sujjlcmit excuse be s!ior-i,n hlia.l bo the duty if tbe Judoor Court, forthwith to ibhuo an attachment agu'.uxt inch peraou to tho bheriil' of any couniy m tno htate, commanding him im mediately to arrut auoh person and bring him beforo tho Judge or Oeurt, and such person shall bo committed to jail, until ho uhull mako return to the writ, and comply Kith any order that may bo mado in rela tion to the party for whose relief tho writ shall Lavo been iiwuod." Co). Kirk bus rofuued to mako return. The question in, do tho fAotn Iniforo mo " show a sufficient excuse f" Tho allldavit sets out that Col. Kirk put Lis refusal on tho frround that he bad orders from bis oommnnder in chief, who is the Governor of tho Htato, not to obey the writ. His Ex cellency avows that Col. Kirk was acting under his ordera. n, wo have tliiH case. Col. Kirk iit commanded by tho Chief Jus lieo to produce tho body. Ho is ordered by hiH comnmnder in chief not to obey the wi i t. What was the umii to do ? llo elect ed to obey his orders. In my opinion Iherol was Hulliaietit exeuno for refiiHing ton torn tho writ. The motion is not allowed. Tho act in question docs not rest on tho idea of pnmshing tor a contempt of the Jwlja or Ceuii, but cf compelling a return to tho writ and tno production of the body. It is a Btibstituto for tho provision in " tho old habeas corpus act," whioh punished tho of ficer or person rofuslng or neglecting to make due roturn " upon conviction bv in- diotmeut," with a fine of $5U0 for tho first offence, and of 1,000 aud iucapnoity to bold omco lor tno second. Tho lato act is an improvement npon tho former, by sub stituting tho speedy romedy of attaolimont in piaoo oi indictment and tho severo pun ishmont of imprisonment. lioth acta aro evidently intended to punish for not mak ing return, and tho last is also intended for the immediate relief of tho party in whoso behalf tho writ is issued. Tho no tion of punishing for n contempt of tho Jadgo or Court, is not involved in eithor not, certainly not tn that of C'J : that is provided for by tho " contompt not (aamo session.) Tho proceeding is, by a rule to show cause yhy an attachment should not issue. And yet 1 was urgod, with much vohomoneo by learned and agod oounscl to rnlo Kirk up for a contempt of tho Chief Justice, in this, tho affidavit of sorvice sota ont that Cob Kirk, when the writ-was served, said, "toll thorn snob things aro playod out I havo my orders from Gov. Iloldcn, and shall not obey tho writ ; l will surrondor them on Gov. Hoi den's order, but not otherwise, nuloss they sona a siuuoiont loroo to whip mo." xuis, as was well said by Mr. Hadgor, is tho lan guage of a rndo soldier and not as cour toons as we nsuallv find in Judicial nro- ooedings. Tho motion for a rule to show causo for this contempt is not pertinent to tho matter now on baud. The evidence on whioh it rests oomos in a questionable shape, extraneous matter pat into an alll davit oi sorvioe to exoite preiudioe, and the motion made at the instanco of one who is nndor arrest for the horrid crime of murdor by midnight assassination : at a time when, as Air. iiragg fcohncly remark ed " wo are in the lost ditch : we look to the Judiciary as our only hope, if that fails as tbe oountry is gone I gone I gone 1 I do not fool it to be my duty to leave grave mattors and turn aside to put a rule on a rude soldior to show cause for making a flippant Bpooob. I will be borne out by overy mombcr of tho profession in saying, daring thirty years I Lave had tho honor of a seat on tno bonch, 1 havo nover been stow to punish lor contempt and preaorve the diguity oi tno uourt when I believed there was an intent to assail it I know my duty and trust I havo firmness enough to discharge it Theso remarks Boomed called for because of tho carnestnoss With which tho motion was pressed, in language moro courtly but fully ts strong as that used by tho rudo soldier, and tho rxcitod manner in which -.1 was reminded oi my duty and exhorted to perform it nay, the oath of office was road to me, and I bad tbe benefit of hearing read much of tho lofty language of Lord Mansfield. 3. Tho motion for a procont diroctod to the Sheriff of somo county to brina tho petitioner forthwith before mo, and if noo orsary to tako with him tho power of tho county, is based on tho 17th and lSlh sections of tho habeas corpus act "Tho Court or Jndgo may direct a precept to any Hhoriff, Coronor, or other person to bo designated therein, commanding him to bring forthwith before such Court or Jadgo the party (wherever to be found) for whose benofit the writ of habeas corpus shall have been granted." "In the execuj tion of this writ the Sheriff or poraon designated may call ont tho power of the county, The petitioner is entitled to this writ : the only qtMwtion is, to whom should it be directed. . j. no motion u uia it auooia ue directed to the Sheriff of some county. I have considered the matter folly and have come to the conclusion not to diroot it to a Bhoriff. The act gives a discretion. In the present condition of things, the counties of Alamanoo and Caswell declared to be in a state of insurrection and occu pied bv military fumes, and tho public mind feverishly excited; it is highly proba ble, nay, ia my opinion, oertain, that a writ in tho hands of m Bhoriff, (with au thority i) call out the power of (Lo oona- ty) by whioh ho is commanded with foroo. if nooceaarr. to take tho petitioner ont of tho bands of tho military anthoritios, will plunge tho whole Stato into civil war. If tho Mheriff demands the pot i lienor of CoL Kirk, with his present orders, bo will rofnso, and thon cornea war. Tho country has had war enough. Hut it ai said by the eoiinsol of the petitioner, "if in the as sertion of civil libortv, war coiuoa, let it oeme I The blood will not bo on your hands or on ours; it will bo on all who dis regard the sacred writ of habeas corpus. Let Justice be done if tho heavons fall." It would bo to act with the impetuonsity of youth and not with tho cUmncssof ago, to listen to such oonnsels. "Let juiilieo bo dono if the heavons fail," is a beautiful flguro of speech, qnoted by every ono of the fivo learned counsel. Jnntico must bo done, or tho rower of tho Judiciary bo ex- hanstod, but I would forfeit nil claim to prndenoo tempered with firmness should 1 withont alwoluto necessity, add fiml l tho flame, and plnngo the country into ciyi war, iiroviibnl my duty can b .fully di charged withont that awful oonV oquonoo, WWlom dictates, u juttioo cm bo dono "let heaven etuml. Unleny Uio tlovor nor revor.es bis orders Col. lurk mil ro eist; Mint appeals irora mo nmiavn oi aer vico. Tho seeond branch of tho motion, llm thopowirof the county bo ca!Ud flit nccossary to aul ia taking th petitioner bv foroo out of the hand i of Kirk, in as difficult of solution ah tho fir it Tho rower of tho oonuty or "posso com itatns" means the wou of tho county iu which the writ is tn bo executed; iu this instance Caswell, and that county i.i de clared to bo in a btuto of iumumctkui. tihall Disurwxti bo called out by tho per son who is to execute tno wiit to join in conflict with tho miiiUiy forces of the State! It is said a seflloiout forco will voluntoer from otiier counties. They my belong to the automation or ba per.oas who sympa thize with it . lint tuo "poscm oomitatns" must come from the oonuty wheto tho writ is to bo executed. It won id lie illegal to tako men from other counties.' Tiiii in settled law. Shell illegal tneuhs be rehoit ed to in order to e xecu'.oa writ. Again, every bk -bodied man in the State belong to tho roiliMn. Tho 'Gov ernor is by tho Constitution "Cornmaoder in-Chief uf the M.Unn of the Slato." Art. Ill, Geo. 8. So the poster of the c mnty is oomposed of men who art under the com mand of tuoUovernnr. utiall tiieso men bo roqir'r-id to violate witfi f Jrce tho order of thir Cornmnuder-inCliiet, and bnttlo with his other forces that aro nlr'-ady iu the field? J i rlmrl. the wholo phynieat power of 11i Utiite I f by tho CoivditntiOii under tho eoi tail cf the Governor. Tho Jadioiury bus only A moral power, 5y tho theory of tho Constitution there can bo no oonilict between these two branches of the Goveinmout Tho writ will to diroctod to tho Marshal of tho Supreme Coirrlzwith Inslruotienj to exhibit it, and a cpy of tbts opinion to hU Excellency, tho Governor. If he orders tho petitioner to bo delivered to the fniiraha', well ; if not, fol lowing tb j'saroplo of Chief Jaslioe Taney in Merriuion'H cw. Annual Cy clopia lin. for tho year lijfil, pago C56, I Lave d.f'tiHrgfd raydu'y, the power of tho Jivlieiary Di i siiam.lM, nu I tho respousi bil ty must rout ou tho Ecruivn, I'lMROON. Tho followiiifr is tho order of tho Chief Jnttico It viii JMirstiiM : To David A. Wirier, Maribnl of- tho Su premo Con it : Yon are hereby commando I in tho namo of tho Statnof North Caro!ina, forthwith to bring AdoipfmaO. Moore, wliercver to bo found, I'cfer'j in", Jnolimuad M. rear- son, Chief Justice of the 8'ipreme Court, in tho city of Uileigh. Herrin fail not. Have therein this iit and inukediioro turn. Eiciimoxd M. rKAnflON, Chif Justice Supremo ConrL Kaleich, July Otb, 1870. Itisirui-lion. You will wait npon His Excellency, the Governor, exhibit to him this writ and a copy of tho opinion in 'Moore's cao" and make rotnrn to mo. It. M. 1 eauhon, C. J. S. C July 23d. Ib70. 1'. S. Chief Jnilico fearson liA", this afternoon, isiu'jd siniilur orders for all tho other priaonerra now bold by Kirk. COMMISSIOKEU'S SALE 0F Valuablo Real Eotato, Lying near Iiook- Ingham, Richmond county. Tjx VIUTUJC of a Oomm lesion Hiracted to mo 1 1 from the Huporior Uoart. for ltiolimond conn- K- , to offoot distrltmtian amona tbe iioirs at law, ihall sell, at Uio Court Hooeo door in the town of UocklnRbam, at 11 0'oiooa a. m on xaoaaay uio loth day of Angnat noxt, the following described lands betonaina: to tbe estate of tbe late ltobort J. Bteeio: Soveral traots of pine land, lying about four miles east of tbe towa of llookiDgliun, aad con taining in tbe aggregate ovor IMM acres. One tract of abont 70 aoroa. Ii intr in and ad- Joining- tbe oorporato limit of the town, on whioh 1 eituatod a two story brick dwelling, nnn taining ton rooms, lately tbe residence of the aid Robert J. Btoolo and now oocoptod br Dr. John W. UoKay. Mneb of the land ofthiatraot ia highly Improved, having beon under tntclli gont oaltiTatiOQ for the past twonty-Ove yearn. roaeeaaioD wui oe ivea on tue urn or Jan nary next. -TUo terms of sale will be. one-half eanb on th day of poeseseion and the babuioa on the 11 day of Jannary, 1ST A. Title roaorvod nntll floal payment PnrohtMr to pay for papwn. WAliTJUl U HX'KKliK, flommiaiiiMir. July 13 - IU i btar oopy. tO A0 8KK Til KIT. CARltOWAV .V ULKAitllt, PUlUIldLL BLII.D lng. have jut fltietl np in addition to thir B having Saloon, a tihainpooing wtablinhmeot. Tbnir lung experirooe io tbe bnsinee of Hbaving, aud aoooniiiiodation, logelbar with tholr polite ness to their customer entitle thorn tn a liberal hare of p aurontge. Thoy Lava reilnnod the priooe very materially, vU ; Sharing 16 oanU, and bhampnoing to 36 oente ami tbey Invito all wno tito anyuiing in tuair lino to give l1iea and cbtlilrm dosirinif their aervioai will bo attentat to at their roaMeooos. Jaly 26 1-tf KOTICE miiK oo-PAirrsKnsnip existiro ek- JL twoen tbe widorngnml la th Llgbterag basinoa. andcr the name of IxranMrmu A Back, will be diaeolved by Biatnal enaaeat Aag. let, 1670. All eoonanla againxt tbe firm and ail anoonnta doe tbe Bnu, wdi be antUod by Mr. Wallr Owev. who hi alone aatlx in end tn arula HP tho boainma. It. T. I.KMMRH1IAN. J my ri, 1U70. JOUS UAa kli. inlyM Vltt 1IAY-UAY. Qfiri CALEa CASTERS HAY. tot aale by F. W. KEECITNER. fatyM ALL kl.DS UP JOB WORK - butlt au rirnmocwLT , ILLikUTHl At TBI - Printing. TUH JOUUNAti jon riuivTixo oiwi; WKLNGTON, N. U All klmlfl of PLAIN ami FANCY riUNTrNQ oxeonUxl with ncotnefia end dispatch. The best work gtinnuiteod at tho lowest poasildo prico. RVHllY PBHOJIUTION OF joh wonii, PAM I'll liETH, l"OMlH, DAUOB, UlUOllIiAtUI. wtm, 1111,1,1! RibB.riWlKUH. rtEOEIPTfl, ATAUniiEH, ItANK-OIIEOKH, HHOW-OAUUB, fBOOltAMMISfl, TI0RS.TB. Dltl'O JJtHlil, Ao., iVo., , as waiJi Aa COU1W AN1 JLAW BbANKH of overy itwirtiklnn, (rlntl at tlio i i sbortovt nntlno, aul rhai for aaoli at " "' ' TUB JOUNAi4 JOU omOB, THKATltM MANAaKllH, : TUAVKLWO BHOWMKN, KAIL ROAD AQKNTH, uoteIj KKvrKtm, BTBAMBOAT AtJKNXB, And alt tboao who havo LKTTltll 1'itKHH I'tllNTlNO to 1o, will Ond It to tlmir InUraut to nll at - TUB JOOUNAti omuK lrlara 8trn. A largo and well assorted stock of PAfKllH and HATHItlAL kept on hand, from wlilnh wloolion may be mado. LAND DEEINt, OOURT AND MAdlHTIlATKH' PXANKi On hanil at all lime. It Alb ROAD RECKim OU Pfbl-8 OF MIUNO, And UlLLa Of LADING for ship ping by sa, and olbor MAR INK IIL.ANKH. Always on hand. OUR FRIENHS IN TUB OOUNT1U may aond tholr ordors tn . TUB JOURNAL OFFIOB, And rnly npon their receiving tbo same attention and being; filled a promptly and as oboaply as If glvno personally. Onr Jobing Iteparbuoat la eoual to any la this section, and evory facility pnealblo wlU be aO&irdod la the oieoatlon of order. Address EHQKLHAJiD A rillOK, WUmmgton, R. 0, soft recsns choice NORTH CAROLINA JIAM3, BIDEM AND Bn0ULLEU.H. ! BEaTEXTlU FAMILY FLOTJU, ; HEEF TONGUJiH, ' NO. 1 FULTON MARKET HREF. ' - AT : Inly 9 212 J. 0, BTKVKNHONU WANTED. IAMUJKa wfaibing nain HewlntT, F.mbml.Ury, . Itratdiog, Ae., duna, will plaa oomnmiil- ratn altli the nuHOnigimL at bar ruaiiloocw, on tbe aonH of Nan and Mb aWoetii. MUo. H. S. Pltli'B. may lwi-tr BURDON IRON WORKsT MASUFAOTDREI18 OFPTJltriHa KNIUKKM iar Wat Work, High aod Low Proauna fCngin, lta-table Xnginre of all kinda, Kag Hiik, bcrow, Lever, lwop and Uydrasiio Pna. es Maobimrr in (Tfooral. .i. ....... . tan W.I rt lift Front tnt, Uraoklyn. M. V . anrau - 1W-Iji IIATS, HATS, HATS, fJMII TKSV Vow waateaa be VnvA aow at 3 NORTH FRO XT 8T, TBOa B. WtJeiUA i:TTlGF RDBT C00B8, THE SUN SHINES imiUI ITER STILL S . N I'll IlAndlo Thorn Withou Gloves! fcttlll I-'KI.K VOUU OAUDU. AND lid I IK AT YOUU CAM K ) AT LAST! l i on K NOW II 11 'K OI'KNIW TIIICIR NO MOltK BLINDING HINCW TUB ! AUIUVAL OF WM. K'ITIN(iiOK. NO MOKIJ FrrWON CKNTfJ I'GU NO MOUH FlUlTV OkNTN KOIt DHESS GOODS! Which KTl'INGEU Hells for 12 Cents. REURMliKU TUB DAHH VI 11 EH VOU PAID 1111,11 I'ltlCltS; Ysc, must sxtortliinale, front a Noodle npwarda, Hlooe (her.Ut of t'nbrnary, 1H70, Price have by tbo airaiepy of WM. ETTINGEn, AMD STILL THEY FALL 15 MArkrt f IrrM tit the Uf Adqsarters wUre i:(rtfa b DtMiare4. . M IHtUtK TKN UKNT8 A HPOOL FOR CttAW OOTTON. KiOliTV FIVR OKNTU prB D07.KN W WHAT I BKLL IT FOR. ige Tho eoantry altoal.1 rejoioo At having sac-h a oboioa. To trad as Wu I'AUnger's plaae. WkA hhm saII IKaa tnrMfanlcfi taut li t2.K- 1 Biii.no ADS. BUrKBlNTKNDKST'H OJfFXOK, 1 Wji.mnitoii, t'.iu'tu A Annum It, ft , Wit antaroH, N. 0., May W, 1S7U. s ) ON and after thi data l'aneongers going Honth wiU leavn Uio W.Si W. R. U. iiepoi U.WA. . and O HO P. M. J&O.C. YYWDUa, OinTPno't - may 89 At - WILSUNQTON WKU)0N RAILROAD 00) - Omi'i L'u'v Kao, n flaa't, Mtii-!, WmrtRnToK, N. 0., May 7, 1H70. J of Kfiii:in lf, ON AND AVTKU MO.NDAY. lha 01 li inatant, train on thi rnd will lavn Wilnilng ton at fli a. m. aud H1W n. ru.; and arriro at Wul don at S:H0 a.m. and 0:00 p.m. . Javn Wohlon 0:UU a. m, and 1M p, m.j arrtro at Wllmlugtnn iM a. m. and S;U p, tn. Tho day trains wlUoot ran on Hnnilaya. An aocomnindattnn and rretKbt train will lnav Wilmington 10:30 a, in. dally (Huadar oroopl od), making oloso ceimentloo at Oolibboro' fi jtaloiuh. llutnnilng, Inavo OoldHbnro' at 00 a, m., and arrirn at Wilmington at i p. m. Tlmdav train leaving Wilmington (1:15 aim.. and WullonlO;(X)e. ni.oniinootol'wuly withTarbo ro' Jlranoh train, hlxht liMaonerr trains lnar Ing WlimiiMtoii and Welilon tn- Aiondava, Wel- iieoUy ami FiMara, aim) eonnnet oluaoly with UioTartKiru' Urannh train, and With Blvauera to WanlilliHtou, N, U. . ' Kng. A Hnpl. may 1W WlUlLNUrOM rViOJJON RA IXWAV tit'.. I may iota, tbvu. i SFECIiL SQTiCB T3 FMltEBl ON AND AFTKH HAY 18Ui PAflaKNdK.n Train wtli luava Front fltrcol HtaUon at 0:15 A. H. and 0;4Q V. M-, and wtU leave Uut "CMOS I'AUUBNQKU BTATIOh," near Macllae and Illadon ilrosta, llftixn tnliiOto uuor. - Until fnrthor nntlco Pamnngor fnr Wit mlnKtnn.UolnmblaAAugnnta Railroad will leave Depot of Wilmington and Wei Jon Itallreadat ;W A, M. lld O.iW 1 M. H. L, FRKMONT. Knglnoor and anpvriotenrifttit. way 17 197 If itty paer copy. ; 1 H llalnston & U rldon UaUwa Co., WILM1N0T0N. MAV 17, X870, TO VRKIOKTKHH PK- CEm TWKKN WILMlwaWNO.tJ. AHliUALTIMORKi AS Freight oharg'ta betwaon thi etly and IUltlmoro will in future be at tbe earn rai atoe a by stnamnn, thns giving tho ooet of luauranoo IB favor or tbo railway liuea " Olioie of routna via retnriibnro) ami Kranill'a sli amnr, or via Portsmouth and Uy luamiir, will bo given, 8. L. lliEMONT, t'ngiueor and Buiierintonilent. may 1H - . 19-U OKNKUAL HirPKIllNTIINOlSNT'H OFFIOE, ) Wiifinoros A MimmidiTan U. t. Do. , ( wiufiaoroM, . u., Haron u, IH7U, ) ON AND AFTKH BUNDAlf., tho 13th fnek, raeaongnr t the W. A M. It, IL will lake Urn Train at tlio W. A W. R, R, Uopot and tho Mlowiug enhiMlnlo will bo ma ! 1AV UXi'RKHH TRAIN (DaJlv.t Iiaav WUmlogtontWAW RUPepot) 4:00 A. M. jvrriTa ai wironcKi ,.,..11 nil A, N Arrive at kiiigMiiio.. ....... ......... 8HH1 p. M Iav Klngavdlo lt:0 A. M Ardv at Floronoe 8:14 . M Arrive at Wilmington 9.1 at NIMHT EXPRKHH TRAIN Oa(l.l Lnare Wllmlrigton ( W A W II R. l)eiot) fl il P, HI rriT ai noranoa lS A. H Arriro at Kingnviilo S-fK) A. M Leave Kingavai J:is V, M Arnvsatniminon....... ,11:0ft r, M Arrlva at WUtniniitoa d.l'i A. M WM. MaoRAB, Qeneral tiuperUitenitent march 17 lto-tf " kahtem" DiFisiojT""" WII-MIHSTOM, rflARIlTTH At BUTU KaVUllU MAU.HUAU Ornas at Wawraorow, N, 0 I . January SI7tb, ISiO. j ON AND AFTTTt MONDAY. Bl.tof Janoarv. 1H70. the Train on the Kartern Dlvinlon of thla Road will run dally (eoadaya exoeptod as follows t rtiiiaaiHEU wstAiwtf, aouta wnrr. (mvs Wilmington :1.1A.M. Dane Fear Bridge lt:1W lUadonboro' 9:4.1 " Lnmberton ...........lO:) Laarintmrgh Mm P. M. Itnokimham t tt no Arrlvo at Peo boo ...8:15 " ooisd KANT, Loavo Tee Doa 6:10 . M, Hook ing ham e.ir, Ijanriuborgh B:4.H " Lnmbarton . .......... ,.u-M Bladeaboro' Has " Cane Foar Srklgo :tu P, H, Anivsat wiimmguin.... yuxi ruKiuiir iiuiM, ooisa wast. Leave Wilmington , CflO A.sT. " Uapo Foar UHdgo.. . w 6 as f - Plaadeoboro' K.'Cd YorhTille VM " " Lniujtion. .,..... J0:-U " Arrive at LaaAnbnrgh 3:30 f , Iff. ooujq east, Leave rnrtnbnrgh 8:) A, M. Lnniborton fl:l(l " Yorkvillq , 9:1S " " Illadenboro' 1):45 Oape Foar Drblgo. 1 T. BL Arrive at Wilmington. S.oi) " Paoeongor Train Wt eonnoot with the Wadoeboro' and Obarlott btaga on Tuesdays, Thursday aud Satordaya. v. n. avion, Eng. and Ooa. feop't. Estb. OOCII ftlO&GAK'S 80S 1800. tOU 0OERAL HoancfcaM fwrpe B3 BKTTKB ASD CHZAPkR THAN SOAP. DooilU work aoioklr. earilv. and with 1 la- bor than any otbor mmponnd ; cloac tcbWotp witbont water ; remove tain fr&ni wooa, man Ua and tUinf. ; clean and brighten Lrtim t an t M'Mff wr ; fur general Auuatf c'.ranma it UD- eoalled ; poliahea tin, hraaa, iron, copper and eUH.ii; roiuuve on, rn ann oin rrom wuicAutfry ; naom ataiii from the hand whioh eoap will not taka on. An. kluld at all Oroowy, Drag and Motion Uturoa. wvwaicun, 30 ofiwd Htroat, Indon. July S 2JS-G0dJmch FOR ' 8 ALE. TEE OOMMODIOUa . tTkKI.WUISL STKABkU GEN. HOWARD, 1,1 OUMIELI rLTINO PB- - F awn Wibnmgton an.l Riv I (trlS Male, (Oajm Fear lUrer) a !- X get and freight boat, USft A iMigth ovnr aU. .1M fnet. HrwKtib of hnaiu it w ixntbof bold ' 4 UraA r Stj ' Toaaace. JH J loO. Twe Knriae) ta rood order. OrMnMlShv. ciMadiaMOw ; A fuot atroko. tTppor lteck Ba. knoa aMl Panwigfr AenoaaaBodatiuoa are r-eaooaaatdeaaiiwtaUek- Lower deck aod Wd fc rV B. CHIIliM. Qa. nqH,. ViL,lhacRta. AU.oml, ' r ' -J itiiscriLurcrs. A New Discovery ! 1 PlIALOlVs Balvafion for the Hair. ( 1JCAR AtHVATEK I ' WniCWtSEDIMENT 1 1 , OrDjTaJjnEUGirTil? For Rtstarinz to CraJlair its " Original Color Phalon's "ViTAijpXlifFers ut terly from all Jjjsfmir colorbg prcjiaratioMsicrctoforc used. It is lbful, sweet smelling, prcc Wftates no muddy or elimy matitr,refjutrefl no shaUnc Am part no stain to the skin. Hold ft tolhe light and it is clear and clouUcs8. It leaves no mark ort the yet it reproduces in gray haih&n&tural color that time or 8icErru may liave Dlcacncd out of it. tSTPhalon's Vitalii ... ,-. - . -I tor one sole purpose, Jaat of reproducingwith absoftte cep Uinty.the naturaUciorof the hair. It is notsfiitendcd as a daily dressfiJnorforremoving scurf orjrindrurTi nor for cu ring taJflnesB; nor for 8timuJa ting tc growth of the haiw- Xhesl objects may be accom- )lishl aiter the color has been ixed Vtrjthe Vitdia,by Ph. Ws OKmical Hair Jnvfgd. rator::?; Tim VirAthpicaL harmless and uncqualed prcpifjationCir ' the reproduction of lie origin rial Jiue of gray hair,nld noth ing else. This is acColiplishtd i n from two to ten atflications, according to theip th of shade required. SglsTCy all druggists. w ts-usmoa TAYLOR'S I'.DTEL, , Oppoalta 8. J.O.B. VvpOt, on tagopmPiat Of as sua jUsurs. 1UIB TJNDKRSIOR ZD PC09 TO OV.TIOT cnbUe attenUon to the fast that tlil Uotol he bon thorongbly renovated, re-pahilod and r-mmihd tbltmaliont; enntaina dm hid mil vwoUlad mom, tumiod by team: Lediae and Ooiit' dining room (a la omrit), Ladixe parlors and drew; ng rooms, with evory eonvcnhxio ur the traveling pnbUo, Tbo Ilotelf VIM fTT. A mm In Mnn. Manul will be so maintaluod at ail tuna. - . Tho Ferry Uoats ran at aU hears.' day and night. . . '''"-AH FIBK.rroprtolof. M BtoveneUoaaa, 1 roadway; H. Y. fobl . VUHtaa POKK-PORK, PoraaUby , ' ' i 5. . f. w. EEEonirit. lolySt Sign of tho Big, Ecot, II KAKKET STREET. ' T AROB ADDrnOhB DAILY MAJDBTOOUB J exteasire stock of Ladie's, Goat's and Child's Uouta and Bhoea. loat taeeived a nna aaaorti niont of Ount' light drew Bnmmer Shoe, aiada ipreealy under onr ova (upomaton aud sulk aula for lbs season, O, A 0, BKADfKT. Jane 35 - - - - fcil-tfl EV 8T0BE AJfD FC2 SAIl?l 2?) CASES LKJIOSBU0aS'. QB088 BUTEKFISI CASDY Wrapping Paper and Oats,' Oranc Oonnty tfeadow Butter, line Apple Ohseas, Oandyf Brandy FrnlU, Canned OyiterSt rtokles, Batatas. Craokare, Bnc Cigars and Tobaooo. ; x a." annua. Jane 80-SaS-. j . . Bonth Water Bii FiKlLYlCBSIl I0HEJ.U'8 OKF.Y praetlaable lo Kaehlnea ; forthoaao of Ornggiata and Onfoeuooer and t'amilioa gonerallr. 1'roJuoing Traruparit Io ia 10 Ut 0 aunatea, etaal and ebper thaw natural, without ateam power. tnitabi for ail olimate and eaay to operate. The refrigerant ooneisU of barmlo ehawjleal, wriiaa at era; orated anor every operaton. aumivaw u. 1 5GWMAM. No. 83 Uaidea Lane. Kew Tork. deoia - ' . ;j T74yefe CAKRIAGES; T OFFKB FOB BALB AT ktASCFACrURaUtU FBIGES 1 Faablonablo Oarnaga or every d e. ja at mif CARRIAQB BETCLrrc:. on Heeooa emet, neac th eornnr er Fri rxMaa tree. Having eunoted aa arraneiaent W-Jt Wk. ItoCASS. I am prvrxnd to aeUhU neiatnled (W'i at lower prtoe than ever bufor ofr-red Ii r j mar. kat, aud aa eheap aa th oaa lt . .Met kla euepa tn Haiunur. kaa fnrni-a oa aar notioe, any etyto to anit tue ci-i... fro a aheap epos baetj the liBwak Uin lureona wiiitugto rwriMia. " fttixht frota 1-a uiaor l y ynr-i. j i r. Oatf at tot v-oura unoae, aal b- 'kv will be glad to ahow ear ui, i r V-kM'm . . J. V. f "" - - . f aprfl SO' H. fegFXSIH ATT' Tf I ill tkarfca Aiuurt imli, . 1 fiaanv 4 t , ft- loijn