VOL. XIX-NO. 271. THE DAILY JOURNAL WILMINGTON, N. 0. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1870. trategle Iaapartaace at ratle. A military viov of tbo soourityof the Fronoh Capital ia summarized In the fol lowing statement oompiled from a Fronoh journal, which endeavors Jo tranqoilize the pnblio mind on that point: , : ' , There are fonr routed, In b military point of view, which an invading army might adopt in advancing from Germany npon laris: i. uy crossing mo x'renou frontior between Strasburg and Lnxem- . m . ; : .1 ; , I:.... , uurpr, ana insn advancing in. uira uuo on i'aris. 2. By eroaiing the Swiss terri tory aitnated bolow Btrasbnrg, and msreli- ( ng by the valleys of the Heine and Unrno on the Capital. 3. By a movemont from the north, passing the fortress of Mela and reaching Paris by way , of the valleys of the Seine and Marce. 4. By advano- - ing through Belgium soil, in a direct south ern line through the, valleys of the Oiso . and Aisne on, larlH. . The first course is regarded as a military Impossibillityy Fronoe boinp protected ou the east by the great natural dofonoos of the VoKgcs mountains, the Mosrlto river, the Ardennes monntains, aud ilia river Menso, supported by many fortified places, among which is the stronghold of Meta.-f- ,) lHataissing, thon, any peoulatioos wbioh this route may suggest, we arrive at the second line of advauoo toward the Fronoh Capital. If in this ease the Frassisns were to violate the neutrality of - Switzerland i and attorjQPt to advanoe npon Taris from v the southeast, they would find themselves confronted by the, fortress of Lyons, ""' which has been strengthened and render ed very secure since the period of the first ' Empiro. Before arriving at . that point " the invading forces would bavt to onpture . cither Belfont or Langrog. botlt of wjucb occupy commanding poisitions on , the " ground through which an army advancing from Switzerland Should Pass. ' ' The third route is the most feasiblo, and consists, t military phrase, of tnrning the fortresses on the northeast frontier, inolud ing Meta, and then by continued suooesso rrivinsr on the river Maroe. from whenoe there is no formidable obstacle to an ad vance toward the immediate neighbor hood of the Capital. Bnt an invading . foroe eould not. on account Of AloU and .Utrasburg, wisely adopt this course. The . Freneh army, if defeated, eould take refuge : in, MeU and thence harass the roar of the UiynUUC., WX1VJ Tinitl iwvvw MP taoks from btraabnrg and places of lets -: imnnrtanca. ... The fourth route, bv wav Of Belgium, is scoured by defences which the .reverses of 181 proved more imiieratively . , necessary. p f - A ; f The French caloulated that even if an enemy should arrive' in the vicinity of " . Paris nor fortiQoationa are practically ira- pregnable, Thirty years ago, under the I BttllUUlOmuUU w fit' auhhct, vuvv Jenoes were completed, the project being regarded with special favor by Louis 1'hil ljppe, who took aa enhuajaatio interest in .forti&caUona. Anshwroaquroa is found in the population tParis now numbering a, 000,000, who,(by sctingin concert with Xoaespditifgiin the rear of tho invad- nielli mrahalm thim. Hnnh was (the hope of Napoiaon L, but in the altered . roironmstanoea of bit feme it proved ira- Aal. la . L 'The IttHtsaet af sal the War Tleranae , mp t Saada- light. Tho French have turned their faces to ward raxis. Instead of invading Germany, they have given Way to the superior - strength and audacity of the Prussians, and the latter have become invaders of the tor- ritory of France, flashed with tho prestige of aoveral succossivo triumphs. We give a summsry of the operations at the seat of war cn Friday and Saturday : The French forces under General Mao -JJahon opposing the Prussian left, under ' tho Crown Prince, in the vioinity of . Worth, and on the line to Bitohe and afAl mat with a diiiARtrntifl dofaeA nn ftaa. urday, losing four thousand prisoners, thirty guns, two standards, and sis mi- treillours. General MaoMahon was report- ad wounded. - Worth ia about twelve miles southwest from 'Weissonburg, twenty-five t mii'Iiv. nnvtrt fptfim Rlrmnrinnr,y enrl nrlt . miles east from Meta. It ia on the east ' sido ol tne vosgee mountains, ana is uis tant from Bitche, on which tho Frenoh re tired, aboat eighteen miles. The Prussian right advanced on Soar- brncken, which they roooonpied after the : Frenoh abandoned and partially destroyed it, engaged the Frenoh troops under Gen- era! Froasard in a strong position west of ; the town, and after a very severe fight ' drove them from the field, the Frenoh eov- ering their retreat with artillery. The losses in both engagements are officially imported as very heavy on both side. The "Emperor Napoleon, ia an official proolam- ation, acknowledges the defeat of MaoMa- boa and tbe retreat of Froasard, adding t-tbnt all can be re-established." ' In view of the serious aspect ol aHairs, "aid the imminency of another and a deci sive battle, the French Chambers have been convoked and Paris declared in a 'stage of aiege. , . lMnrbi the receetion of the dunalnh Ifrom the Emperor, there was intense ex oitement and indignation in Paris on ao eountof the supposed false rumors that kad been circulated in the city, and the iwticenoe of the authorities. The crowd at the Bourse broke loose and tore up the railings around the enclosure, and behaved with each Xory that foroe had to be brought . . bear in the restoration of order. The n wraed of Ministers deemed It prudent to , i . . . - . i . i . : . wneinsT the arrest of the "guilty ones aoj akicg an appeal for order and uioa cf Uaoi.t, with Ike osninoos warning that "it dr ia Paris woaii be victory for rrusa. Tbe dot, f the hattle of Welaseoborg. r artBroes. renreaent the Praa- taiT i '000 ia kUUd. vownded and nHxmsrs. aa have the stereo- ,n.rmn. wjnwtits about the Freoch Frerh Oonl r kiUed u a oon- .,-ir. Jc-l;ra t53 division. The r tDors Ukes IU I rasaus are proml kind trea YTf ci I diplomary. demmed "ridently tohave tured the next battlo will be fought. From the general - headquarters established at Motz the significant warning has boon scut hark to Paris that Franco and the oapital should consent to great efforts of patriot ism in order that the army may noiu uh position. - There appears to be a serious state of affairs in Paris, commencing apparently in a display of Frenoh indignation against oertain German bankers whose olorks have imprudently expressed nnpBlatablo opin ions. Although this is the only ostonsibl o oause of disorder, there is some ground for suspicion that another Bontiment has been awakonod by tho recont reverses of the army. v - Tho details of the fighting from French sources, though still vague, conoodo that General MaeMahon was signally do featod, and tho news of his separation from tho mnin army caused tho utmost coDSternntioit in Paris when it was an nounced. . On thoHfrft, it a) peats the Trustiaus showed thoir aotivo generalship by having at. hand heavy musses of troops with which to overwhelm tho Frenoh. The Emperor Napoleou has gone to the centre of the French position. Marshal MaoMahou's forces, which wero defeated and divided on Saturday, are uow said to l promptly oouocutruting. The battle, it would-ttoeui. Wft fought near Neidcrbnuu, some twenty odd miles uurth northwoKt of Htrnsoourg, and utter tho de feat ho fell buck to Saverne, and thus, cm the right, Strasbourg u evidoutly menaced. A corps if Badon troops Is uIno reported to Lave crossed the ltuine above Basle, rendering tho danger of Strjisbourg the more imminont. Baltimore Sun. . Dnlk nf Catholic I'rlrai. The Rev. - Father John Sbanahan di'd in New York on Monday. The dtoeato I was known throughout the United States, and at tuo time of his death was the third oldest priest in tho Unios, Father McElroy, of Boston, being the oldest, and Father Kiernan, cf Lancaster, Pa.,- being the next, lie was born in Ireland iu 17'Ji. The Herald ssys : ' , " lie came to this country whou young and wont to St. Mary's SemiunTy at Em mitsburg, Md., whore he stndied for tho priesthood, and where he afterwards acted as professor. - Numbers of tho clergy of to-day reooived their theolpgioal and phil osophical instruction under his tuition. Among the many who were his pupils were the late Archbishop Hughes, . Archbishop MoCloakey, liishop Whalcn, ol Wheeling, the late Bishop Fitzpatrick, of Boston, mid others. In 1840 he went to California, and Bishop Allomany, of Monterey, gave Fath er Shnuahan tho counties of Honora and San Joaquin as a missionary district. Com ing back to Mew Xork, he was stationed lor a timo at tho Church of the Nativity, Se cond avonuo. Fifteen years sgo ho was transferred to St Peter s Church, in Bar- olay streot, and there remained until his doatu. inuring the past six years no nns been blind." WILMINGTON, N. C., FllIDAY MORNING. AUGUST 12, 1870 ELECTION T A3 LE WHOLE NUMBER 5,(T A BaJical paper describes and denounoes several Ka Klux outrages in the North such ss tarring and feathering women, &a. It says they are disgraoeful to tho States and oommnnitios in which they occurred and should be vigorously dealt with. Upon this the Albany Argus says it en tirely agrees with its Radical ootemporary in its estimate of these outrages; and it proceeds to remark : "But suppose those ooomraneei bad ' taken plaoa in North Caiolina, Goorgia,- Texas or any of the Southern States ? What an arraignment of the Ka Klux wo should havo had The whole matter wonld have been given a po litical aspect, and these cases wonld have been cited as s justification for martial law. In Radical eyes, the people of the South must be as dooile as kittens. Even the ordinary amount of thieving, robbery and other kinds of deviltry common to nil communities must not be tolerated there. It such things occur, they aro charged to the spirit of rebellion, not against civiliza tion and tho principles of Christianity, but against the immaculate government the Radicals have established. The whole people must be punished 1 Martial law must bo declared; innocent oitizens by tbo hundreds must be arrested by brnte force and triod by a drnm-head tourt martial. or tied up by the thumbs or hung by the neck to be made to confess some real or imagined wrongs. There, all such crimes are maguiflod for political effoct, and are taken advantago of as an exonfle for using the military to carry elections I What a boasted civilization is ours under Radical rule at the South." Conoord (N. 11.) Patriot. A Sarrnoa Wkbtif, A Cedar Rapids, Ia., clergyman, is re- Dortod to have preaohed a funeral sermon the other day in wbioh he said : " The Bl ue says, 'In the beginning was tne word, and the word was with God, and the word was God ;' bnt to snit Iho presont caso, I will paraphrase it a little, and say, 'In the beginning was the devil, and tho devil was with whiskey, and tho devil was whiskey, and whiskey Was the cause of this man's death.' " Sal tf th Vint Bali f Saw Cotta. The Savannah News of yesterday says : The first bale of cotton, of the new crop, reoeivea on tne tin insi., ny Aieetrs. Groover, Stubbs fc Co,, from Messrs. T. B. Hanaewell A Co., of Bainbridgo, Go., was grown by James Burnsides, npon the plantation of Wm. P. Brown, in Mitchell county. It classed low middling, and was sold yesterday to CoL F. H. Williams at 40 oewts per pound, and will go forward to New York per steamship Cloopatra." ' The Cambria (Tenn.) Iron Company bavelesaomcr steel rail works nearly com pleted, with a proposed oa pa city of 20,000 tons. Americans are returning from Earopo ia the greatest haste, and stato-rooms aro en gaged six and eight weeks ahead. Ladies at the sce-ehor, to prove that their hair la their own. wear it braided or hanging loose down their backs. CORN! CORN!! tvin. rasi warn akd 10,000 Tarsals by all F. W. ix to com KEKCHNEB. i 17 C21CXESS LTD SMTF. t'oi'STirs. Alaniauoo.. Alexandur. . . . AUxRUauy Aum) ll. ...... a. Asho Itoanfort IWirtto llladen lironiok Knnoembe. Ilurko Cal-arrniL... Oahlwoil Camden Oarteret. . . . . . Caawell........ Catawba , . Chatham Cherokee.':, Ohowaii .... . Otay Uloveland. .. . . Oolumbua Cravon. , . . . Cumberland. , . Curritnok. . . . . Davidaou. . . . . . Pavio Duplin... . . . Kclpepombo. . . . Koravlbo Kmiikiin . . OkHton.. ... Gates Oranvllllc . Oreona (Inilfoid Hnlltax Hrniat Haywood. . . . Ilondvrson ITnrtford Itydi . . . Jarksnu Jnhuiton. . . . Joues .- Iionoir Lincolu.. M aeon. Madiaon. ...... Martin-.-. .... McDowell. . . . . MeoklonbnrK... Mitolioll....... MnntROmory.. . Mv)re Nash Now Uanover.. Northatnpluo.. Onslow. Orange. PaaqnnUuk Perquimans.. . 1'craon.. . . Pitt VrttL.rrrrrrr--Itandnlph. . . . . . Iliehmond. .... Ilobcaon Itockingham . . ItOWRll.. Hntbcrford.. . (lamnaon . Munly 8uko. Hnrry Tranoylvania.. . Tyrrell Union Waks.. Warren Wanhtagton. . WatanRS Wavno.. Wilkca Wilson. ....... Yadkin.... Vancey Totai.... MoritT.. UoVIUSoU, d o a 8.IH BtH l.ote 7Hi (t.H.', l.onv 617 Mi no;. 1,4'2'J! 1.0M 1,1 ftl V07 tiw. K-;:ii 1.4111 i.a4 HHSl m 1.4KH i.llW an' SltK 1.471) l.HII fit) I 4(l(" Ml l.BP M 1157 4tl HSf WIS' 5(1' 806; ... D'Jl! ml -HK(i"',i:rius) i'i Nov. !Hi. I N 120 mi m 7'i(i l.h.14 mi 62i' HI -I 1.S47 H3 1,148 l.OINi 1,1AM 1,018 OCUi :mC' aw1 07si (lift! I.SHU'i !,! i,ati.'ii iw 1 04'J. 77U: . SMIf 4741 l-HH 4t'l l.H'iS . HNlli !)V Ml 077 8,HM1 1,7571 4HI l,7l WW 3.8)17 l.UWi' 1,4'iOil 448; WW! 7H'J 1.7SDI S.OWI O'.KI 4IKI; 071 71)5' Clt7; H4I r M4, 1.81ft 6'.3' 1.1!W( 041. 815l MS, Mi 670j 1,701 51:1 7IH! 1,0071 74U 8,6K i.hho: 40d! 1.3101 B'JH; 813 8N1 1,775 3JU 1.BI4 l,iur 1,015 1,41'J 1,100 i,(.ia CIS 447 etin 711) 3,313 U44 850 304 1.2W 637 8S! 7li 450 8'.) 768' 830' 105' 37 758 8,331 3,311) 708, 800 1,475 1,421) Ui-Ji 392; 73,694 02.311 117640 1 38,7121 O O N Vk N YI O N 18.641 1.50 643 l.mv 1,707: 1,040! 1.V3DI 83K a i7j 1,2'J1 1 M 72- 1.1 1,410 1.6, 404 1,5'iM 1.879 l.lt'll l,(H0i 3,8'ifj 882 1.71i 1.480 1.8HI l.U'J l.lh? 815 3.V4I! 7V.I 378i 1.40' 1,02', l.Otit 8S'i 771 a.iMih . 87 1.H7-4, 4h 1,028 J,l)ftr 1)67 l.OM'J 1,031' 1.077 3.3W 670 8(14; 1.63 1.171 3.043 1,304 64 J.S72 702 807 1,147 l.li'.M 624 J,3S(ll 1,124 1.613 l.HIM 1,1)77 1,836 1,83V 1.041 1,828 1,318 828 4'J'J l,800j 8tftiim 1,088 7'1 717 1,607! 3.324 1,163 1,61)8 i HKMII'KNf, OV. 1MU8. . ., 8311 125 6.' I,10f l.CIH -1373 1,301 411 65(, TW '3i. 477! f.87 2.V l,226il Sfti ' CMi lOi 31 6HI I.5IK' 8H1)' 1.1811 8,86k, 4S0! l.6H'!l 6111 Ml 'I 3,M9K 73:. l.27t. 3,411' . 64 ii 81 ll 17 713 6(W " 7MI filKi I.ioilj 63 60 04S 81M11 840 6S1I 916 4.113 1,062, 48l! 1,803! wis; 976 1,651 143, -472: 1.3MI. 1.4211 468! .4,058. 3U .4101 214 63 1115 456i 8,181 2.422: 721 " 45; 1,301 201 B17, 252 49 o B 1.056 818 an 1,05 (111 1.227 7681 1,07! 898 t.OIK'i 711 1,112 oi7; 1,40111 1,131! 1.681H 620 234' 1,037 U67I 1.403 1,(180 1107 , HJIf 1.680 1,473 787 1,370 78 672 3I4S 657 1.4W l.f.03 780 0hH HOI in 7i 1.412 " GOT 1,348 42 V 7381 672 458 1.027 6071 11V 841 8841 l.PIK 3.2U0 1,015 87H 1.907 cuo 580 1.054 1.6511 1115 R77 808 1,337 C85 1.447 (151 714 737, 8jki J,063 1.063 3181 " 848 1,487 820 1.M1I 022 49W Ai-r' (ikn'. Alio . 187" 78.928!;84,669 1.102 351 115 1,00'.) (134 1,318 1 617 1,8721 871' ' 1,086 1)27 Oil sim; ftK'i K'V 1,057' 488' 1,706 443: 90! 155: (16(1 603 8,536 1,69V 410 1,843 (TJ 1.025! ,70i 1,201 1.431 87N 452' 3.751 758 a.lO'.l: U.20C! r,i5i 4l 1,40, 744 57V1 86U1 6111: 1,216, 025 82.1 521) 1.011 740 1,002 5211 l.uiu 8:17! 8.SW8, 1,1)91 417, 1,463 1.047. 913 1)63 1.581 405 1,752, 1.9M, 1,8181, 1,43" 1,832, 1,371)! l.caoj 400! 783' 818! 18CI l'J5 811 8,433l 3 8(! 055; B03'. 1,421, 1.206; Of 360 10718 1.50 1.115 7K M3 1.04:1 1.7l5 U37! 1,611. 1.31(1 i'biW . U63 1.87BI 701 V.si' 1.70!) "uii 3.10) 9m 1,092 1,762 " H0S 1,085 1,692 1,109 1,397 8!) A foiXi 1,3 1(1 iiiit ! ' 7IU ird Informatlnn, Bnt fri for atanip. Addiwa (Mra. II. MKlZUklU, rtauowr, 'a. : . i ito.iirr. noNoiuiti.i:. hi.i.imii.k. OKNTS WANXK1) ill ovory Oily, town anu viIUrk rnr inn lMgont aim ntiMt niinrawHrni r.inuinRKin llm conntrv-tlMLY ONK Milnrrat tv tbo loading Vw aud Kiriw (Jo's of tbo tlnltdd Htaton. Our uooda rIvo nnivuraal (ilotiin. our premiums to AroiiU hi(i,t n mioKi.iKii, and our rhwka aro fnm. naviiiR two liuuMwliiHitiin and Cliioauo-imr tartililiii aro liMiitmi.l, and our bnnim'na MOfOda in amount .11 mnnii In lliu tdo onmbliiod. ao-HKND i'OHUIU)tILAU!land KilKKCl.l'U An . 4). TIIOMl'aON (,, 1 III Krdotal M(ro(, UmIo, ar - 158 Srt, Chlcag. UVILKOADS. 851 HirUniSTKNDltKT'r OFFIOK.' Wlt.MTMOTOM, 4'ui.imuu A AnticaTA li, 11 , Wu-vikotok. N. C May 36, 1870. 11!) Ui7 N and after w 8.112 873 1.7C1 13.204 487 3,704 l.l-'o "052 A . . . 1,(H4 1,137 8,220 1.313 Hi ia dale raaionuars RnlitR Honlti will loatn tlm W. A V. 11. II 18lot .. . . . . a . na -:.- d;W.i Aa Bit WO "i'1" m. JSO. O. WISOEIV Oon-irlnn't. mayUJ . . ;V -:i -. ;A ;- ;'r:: H V WU.MINOTON A WKLDON ItAflJlOAl) 1)0..) OrrK'M Cll'r KNII. ANU (IKS'I. HlT T, V 1 Wn mmm'N, N, ('., Hay 7, 1N7!J.) ON AND Arrr.ll MONDAY, tH Oth InaUnt, trima un Oiia road will ham Wiluuo i., i r. ui 1 in. .u,l 0 'ID n. 111.: aud arrivo at Wnl " " 1 ilmi at 11:30 a 111. and 8:00 p. nu Iayo Woldim i io h) a. m. and 7:36 p. m.j arrlra at WilmlnRton l'lV C, 4:00 a. m and S:46 p. lu. Tlia day tralna will But run on 8nndy. an ftoooinmiHlailon and rrniRni irain win iiwtw WiUuiiixloii 0:30 a. in. daily (Huudaya PX0it od), m-kiiiR cKnu unimvctioQ at UoldaWiro' fur KalolRli. " ' HiHurnini;, loava Ooldiboro' at 00 a. m., aud mrivn t Uilniinalim at 2 li. tu. fin, i.v irina l.iavinir Wilmliu-Uin 8:18 a.m.. j nd WiHrlnn limw a. ru.flonnpnt ol.Mmly with Tarbo ro Uruiirli Mam. Niirht liaaamiK'r trains loar- , Inn vvi niliiKhm and Wlilun on Moudaya, Ww iiMH'txya aud Hililav. alwi .onn(iot oltwaly Willi II, o'l'iirlu.ro' llinncli tram, and wilU bluainuri U) i WaidiliiRloti, N. t'- - t h ... ' H. K Fit R MONT, ' fcllR. A Hllpt. ; n.a8 1W-7 1 030 I WlliMINd'l'ON A W IXlJON MAII.WAV HO f ( j -'. . May lilili, 1870. nm sotice to reins. ON AND A PTE It MAY 181U TAHHUNQKB IVaina will loavo Front Hlroot Htation at 0:16 ' " ' A, 11. aud 0:45 I . M., aud will leave luo t 7,(5 , "0NJON rAHBENatU BTATION," " 1,751 noar Macllao aud llladou streuU, flftoon uiuutos ..... Ilati.r. . -. I as-Put II fnrthor notion ra"onKar for Wit 1.101 ,minKtiii,t'ilnmbta AuRnata llailroad will loava l,6-3 lii,iut of WilniiiiRton and Wiil.luu llailroad at 1,143 3:5U A, M. and CUW 1". M. 973 ' H. h. FHKMONT, .....! Eiipluoi-r and Hupciiulondnnt. 0451 may IT lMf ...... City papers copy. m I - Wllmlnston &H cldon Railway Co., ! WILMINGTON, MAY 17, 1810. 788 2,011 1)J1 ! 3.604 J,'A)U 1.78S mo FttKioiiTEKH nu-ECrr 1 TWKKN WlIiMlNQTONfrclM At tbo eWtioD bold oa the auction of boidicR a Convention, In Novamber, 1867, tlm followlon , a tho voto : . . . ' .4., IM AMI I1ALTIMU11K FroiRlit oliarRra botwoen this city and Ualilrooro will In future bs at tbo asm ratoa aa ' by atoauiora, tbua diving U10 ooat of inauranos in fuTor of tho railway liuon. Mr Olioios of rontoa via Polorabnrir and ) llrandl'a ntramora, or via l'ortcmontb suit 11 ay loamara, will be givou, 1 . : a Ii. FREMONT. 1 Engineer and Wuiiorlutcmlmit. miiylf, - ltf":L OKNKllAb HUl'kltlM'KNUiT'B OyriOK,") ' Wiuhinotom A MasuiiKaTKB K. It. On. WUJIIMOTOM, W. U.. Ilaraa li. 1H7U. 1 waa tho voto Oovention. . . .. .98.000 Against Oonrentlon 83,963, Majority. a ONOKK88IONA I K li H OTION Tho following was ths result of lbs Oongreaalonal Rlootion in Hovember. J8C8 : 60,041. lat Diatriot Ilarnaa, Oon., 11,323 .Oobb, B09., 16,023, 3d 8d 4i h 5th 6th 7th Kenan. " 13,293 Beaton, " 14,8 McKoy. 13,353 Dootary, " 15,814 -Bogera, M 13,556 Deweoao, " 14,794 -Brown, 11,123 ...Laah, " 14.625 -Bhober, " 12.192 .....Boyden, M 11,103 Dnrbam, M 10,817 Jonea, " 10,829 Majority.. .Majority.. . .Majority.. . Majority. . ..Majority.. , .Majerity.. ..Majority.. . ..8.790 ...2,003 ...1,901 ...1.238 ...3,103 . ..1,089 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. for the (IK. D- nary 1. 1871. Oms Dollar will pay for ths Bitin-WK8Li do. do. 60 ennta a month pays for Tut Dailj Vvti. Ad- droaa, I. W. KNUUANP, rsDuauer, new aor. I,ABEr)T"-BEST tHKAfhSI' I TiaTicKPKiaic. iDrTii. tactt. Lltr JTj alUv. and tke Ue$t TulenL havs for over Twonty Yeara btf n frooly need upon Moore's Rural New-ioriter. And aa a result It la now. pre-eminently, ths Urmt Bert and Choaoeat Ii.LTTsinr ItcBai I.tTtOARV AMD FAMILY Wksklt in the World. Tana of thonaanda of wide-awake People, all over the Oontinont, take and admire the ttriBAL for Us anperior MUUy. Value, muttraitont, ttiiie. An TIISS PBEII AID FKOPL.B PRAISK IT I For example, an Exchange save: "Tbi uubal it th moat JClrganty Printed. AUy Rli'td, Wide ly Circulated and Heartily Wtlcomud Paper, n$ a vlu', loAioA nowfindi Ut wan amonq tin reo- rJm' 1 -VOVAAH. DPRina niy a. iry in $1 60 per volume of 26 nnmbera. or 13 per yoar. Leae to olnba. HuhtcrUie now .' Address . D. U.I. MOU is k, rars now, w. i. STAU PAMOI.KO BAKIKH-i Urge 40 oolnmn napor. Ledger aiae, lllnatrated. P- oled in Hketohea. Foetrv. Wit. Humor, gennios fan-Nonenae (of a aesaible kind) and to tea ex posure of Bwindliog llnmtraga, e. only 73 ew m. ,Mr. Bnd a anDerb engraTiag. "Evangeltne," 11x3 feet, gratia. 80.000 eirenlaliOB. Money re funded to all who aak it, U la wide awake, fear- kM, traUifal. mens MX.. N. U. Try It 1 Address IS eu. a rear. Bpeet OANHKB,'- Uiaadala, BOOK AORRTS WAITKU. "Th iMdtt of t While Hone." No oppoailkm. Hleel igrarlnge. Rapid sales, ror etreniara soame . a. uu.. auw auto. vw. i.ii.w m.m Lliioago. 1TT1TTT Boek.-Aira-Uaell 100 t8r wX-k i Hi V Trios 14. Addrsas U 8TlCBBtiH, Hartford, Ot. H m caalvllle Tklglel SrkMl TJolUrl 11 L an; edneates Miolatera; 1100 a year to poor etodeotafV'glnl Ang. 19. Arpty to A A. Liver. mora, Meadvula, l a. A. TVTODHTj XXOT70B, Being a erippte,TaaTe mede feooee ulauaiog S epeetai atody, One bnlll last eeeaon has peered a aMMlel of eoeTeeienoK. beaatr eed ooooomv. DoeorintiTO etrealara of Plaae. Tieve, As . with general Infonuatioa of valoe in U eeot free. A4reee (with etmmn or aoript U earn rec leal) GEO. 1. OO LEY. Architect. Waterbory. Ver mont, PATENTS. Inventors who wish to Uke-oat Letters Pa4aaa araedTieedtneowaeelwitaMUtlN A OCX, -iiutn ot (be rcmliic iMrwn, wbo bare proaaented etaiow before the Taieot Oi&ee for over Tweaty eare. Their Amwnoaa aad Karopeaa Pateot Ageory ia tae moet extensive la the wortd. Cbarg teas Uea ear ovhrr reliable agency. A pemptilet oooUiDifig fall iaetraauoa to invoa tors kt e4 alalia. . MLaOO.nrart Bow.KewTotk. , Newspaper Advertising. A Book of 128 Hotel? printed pacos. lately i- nml, eontina a lilt of the beat American Ad- vertlaing MeUiunm, giving tne namna, oironiation and full particular oonevrning the loading Daily and Weekly Folilioal and Family Newapapera, together with all tlioae having large eireulatione, pnblUbed In thp intereet 01 uoiiglon, agrioui. tore, Litoratnre, Ac, Aa. Kver) Advertiser, and every poraon wbo eontemplatoe becoming anoh will find tbia book of great value. Mailed free to , anv addrees on reooiut of fir ton coota. UKO, v. j KOWKLL. At CO FubUahers, No. 40 Faik , Bow, New York. 1 The Fittaburg (Ta ) Leader, in it laino of May 39, 1870, aaya: "The firm of Q. 1'. lloeeli 1 .... I. ld.nu ,1,1a ,n . ., a ...I ..,..1.1. ' book, im tb Urfconi acd bent AdvertUiaff Aonoy 1 1 1 1 AN AND AFTER HTJNDAY,, ths 13th Inat, , ) Pkaeengers ror tho W. A M. It. R. wiU Uk the Train at ths W. A W. H. III. Depot and the following eohodnle will be run : I DAY KXPltKHH TKAIN (Dally.) Leave Wilmington (W A VY It U Depot) 4K A. M. Arrive at Florence 11:08 A. M I Arrive at Eingaville 8:00 F. M IB : Loavo tinea vine........ n:an a. m ! Arrive at Kloronoe 8:14 1'. M ' Arrive at Wilmington U:SC U 1 NI01IT FAFllEHU TRAIN (Dally.) Leave Wilmington (W A W 11 U. Dopotj 6 45 F. M Arrive at Florenoe. 1:48 A. M Arrive at Kingevillo :00 A. M Leave Kingeviile 8:48 I. M Arrivo at Floreijoo... ..11:06 1. M Arrive atWilminchin.. 8:12 A.M WM. MaoUAK. Oeaeral Bnpunntenclent. march 17 - 146-U EASTERN DIVISION wiLBnaaTosi, viiaumjtts. a. udtii. KHrOitU HAIiaiOAO Ornoc at Wn.aiwoTos, N, 0M I . January iiu, ibvu. . ...n.. . i m : . k l, , T I . . , in the United Btatea, and we cn cheerfully rt- W " H.ll. linnd .n37 a. tommend it to the attention of those who deetre i '" will run dally (Hundays exoeptod) a tn alvMrilaai lluiip linainnu AluntinftA.II V and ,T. luuu' tomatioally In snob a way ; that ia, ao to aeoure the largeat auionnt of publicity for the least expendi ture of money." WABTKD. AQK8TI.I. Walob fro.RlTn gratis to every live man who will aot aa owr Agont. Buelnea light and honorable; pays 30 por day. Address li. Monroe Konnody A Co., Fittaburg, Fa. Wk' V 11.L, 1AV AOKSTi a aalary of 135 per week or allow a largo eoinmlaalon to eell onr new Iovcntiona. Addroaa J. W. FlllNK A (Jo, Marshal, Mioh. A DAY. 40 new ertu-laa for Ai;-nt. Uamples free. II. it. SliAW, Alfred. S25 Me. BALICBaiKai.Hend for oiroular, a firvt cla! bnainess ai,d steady employment. II. F. UOWK, 87 Arch street, Fhiladelpbta, Fa. SALESMEN "WgLSfir TIIEm 413 Oheetnnt at., rhila. MA MACIlTlSa. Now Book . Free for stamp. TABUAMT A OO , TO uoaUailTIVaa. Yoa oen got a aoro eora for Ooogha and Oolda and all lung oom plainta free, II has oared thonaanda. Head for it to Dasisl Adbb, P. a Box 8681, New York. Kidder's PaslillcTnu uaiL BTOWKLL ft OO., Charieatown, Maea. fAtiaicaeicK thai a a. CktlMO wast. Ixiave Wilmington , , " Cape Fiar Bridge Bladouboro " Lnmborton. " Laurinburgh , " llnckingham Arrive at Fee Doe OOIMQ EAST. Leave Foe Don. ' koekingham " I.anrinbargb..... f,nmberton - Iitadenbo) M Cape Foar Bridge Arrive at Wilmington VUB.10I1T TRAINS. aovsa wksi. Loave WilmlnRton...... Cape Fear Bridge A...... Bljcilenboro' ' Yiirt.-Ule Lam.rton Arrive at t -inborub... H)lNO BAhT. Lcavo Tiuiinbnrgb ' I.ambnrtou " YorkvUle.. - llladeoboro Ope Fear Tiridge ... Arrive at Wilmington... Faawngcr Traina Weat eonaeot .. 6:15 A. M. .. 6:36 " .. 8:44 ..10:40 " .. 1:00 P. M. . . 8:60 " ... 8:18 " .. 6:40 A. M. ..:( -.. 8:48 ..10:85 " ..11:33 " .. 8:40 P.M. . . 8:00 " 6K)0 A. 6:25 8:53 0:20 10:41 2U50 r. M 6:80 A. M 8:10 :16 " B 46 1:35 r. M. 2:00 kith the -Please Read This! READER, fcmve yew, aver trie Tlk. ' Weaidarrail llaaAaeha Kaaai. rf If not, try a box, and yon will naa no other rrmrdv. Warranted to rare the worae ease of Headaotio, Faraheor Toothache iu Ave min. atee. It ooatune nolhixg p, ia.moiifi, it i no h qaid.aaideaa be appliod by any ebilJ. It coo tains bo magte fuwbt. aad ia. (.a'dng aalde all peteat aaedunaa aad batabaga, the beet Kerae. dy in the work! fur tbe above dientea. Warrant ed to ear or tbe aaonev refwoded. It baa beeo tharwagbly aaaed ia tbie part of tbe Union, and baadrade he beea eared itb tbie Itoawdy. BnutueibBr. reader, tbie ia oa hambag, bat a po itlve fact. Ou be eeot by mall eefely to any part f tbe globe, aad warranted to reeou the pur ehaaeev Fiaaaa eaod for a box by ma 1, and be eonvmaad that Hrdache. Karaeho, and Tooih ache eaa be eared. Lirectiona ecnt with every born. tMee SI 00 per bos by mail to any poet of ee ia the Untou. Don't (all ts , try it. 1 dcx. bTMi 10: dox. brire &.. Addreoe 07U TlSiatat, Korih Kiddlboro', Maaa, (liox il ) Lieaount to the trade. , . , , ., - , v Wadueboro' and Uharlotta I U on Taeadaye, Thuradata ana oataruays. B. H. ODIOS. ng. m-J Oon. Hup't. Jau Sd , 104-tf Estb. ENOfU ItlORG IK'S KONs' IS09. fog) ETTISCEBDRF C00D8. THE SUN SHINES t HHKiHTEU STILL! -"V' . ' ' - " ' -l. " i v - - ' ' t -. i I'll Handle Them Without Gloves I sriUFFMl YOOTl 0ATIDS, AND I'll HF.AT VODK OAME AT LAST! i:0PLE NOW HAVE OPENED TIJEIR NO MOKE BLINDING SINCE THE ARRITAL OF i -A-T- WM. ETT1NGEK. NO MORE FIFTEEN CENTS FOR FOa GENERAL neauahoM IS BITTBB AND CUXAPEB THAN fOAF. Dora Its work quickly, ea'il. and with leaa la bor than any otbur eomponn l ; eleana irln maiw without water : removoe ataina from inonat, war. Me mnd Hone , cleans and brighten tttrrt itni taljle MTf ; for general Aoaer tieaing la aa eqnatled ; poliahee tin, braaa, iron, enprer and eteel; reatovwa oil, rwet and dirt from auicAnarry ; faeaovee etama irom vie nw.i wnioa mnp win boS take aff. As. bold at all Orooery, Drag aud Moboa Stores. Wholesale, JoJTi jrt WaahintUoBtirt, H. T. I SO Oxford etroet, Indoa. SUt-MHlfiaaoh hO MOBB FOB'l'Y CKNTtt FOR DRESS GOODS! Which ETTINOER Sells for 12J Cents. -:n!- ltRMKMHEB THE DAY8 WIHCN YOU PUD HIGH PRICES; Yea, anott extortionate, from a Needle apwanls. -:o : Hlnce ths 36tb of Frbrnary, 1)170, Frieos bars by tbe atrategy of WX. ETTINGED, AND STILL THEY FALL 15 Market 8trcl Is Iht UeaitiMrUrs nhrre I'xlorlloi is DettouBfetla 1 NU MORE 1 KH VUMTi A SPOOL FOB OOAT8 (XrTrON. tlOnTY-tlTlOiSTJl KU UMfK U WHAT I " " ' HKI.L IT FOB. . 1 2, , -:- wiscELLAXa::::. A New Discovery ! I ' PlIALOljS Salvaerton for the Hair. IXEAR AjWaTERI : ' v WmiONtSEDIMENTIl , OrENkJHEUGIITi; i flair i. For Restoring to Gr& : Original Color. Phalon'i wVmiiAjificts ut- tcrly ftom all ihifimt color: .. . preparatiougaacr;toforc use J. i It is Uapid, sweet imellir-, precjfttatei no muddy or siimy part no stain to the skin." 1 1 'M . ft toVhe light antl it is clear a I cloulUcss. It leaves no marl t . ,: ( the scJtor yet it reproduces ia tpy haiSiiDnatural color (liat , time or sicE&Karnay hav ; bleached out of it? larPhaxlon's Vital!? i: is for one sole purposo.at t i" reproducing, vYirJi absp!ute c J- tainty, tlie natraLdor cf tl hair. -It is nosfitendcri as a daily dressmsndr for remov I. Bcurf oriidrurTj nor for cu ring biUftncssi : nor for stimuL. ting e growth of the hair. ' Thesf objects may be acconi plishal 1 after the color has been fixed ith the Vitalia,by Vkar . Ion's Osutnical I lair fnvijd rator. -bw' ' ' . Ths VrTAi!rt4 harmlc:3 and unequaled rncpatldnf .t . ' the reproduction of Lie Origi nal hue of gray haired noth-: ing else, Tnis is slccojiplisheti in from two to ten applications, according to thedsiptJi Of shade icquired. SoroyaU druf, dee SO , :ci, : mU-ilJt-i- i TAYLOH'3 i:3TH i . 1 . .-. v i-j (xxmuxaa tiatcrfi), ; ! " ' ' JEE8E1 CUTa KEty 1Z2.2 1 1 ' Oppoaiu V. 1, 8. B. Cepol, ' ' Oat Ibe Katrepeaua rUat Oyasj as all lr. fiiHB rJNDirtaioNBD mas ' to i I cabDo aitentien an aba raot aha t' i I has been thoroughly reoovaUd, re-r ' I ra-rarnlahsd thronaboati eoatains ovr 1 I vebUlAUd roonu, beatad by anaaj La,:. I Qanla' dininc room (a ia oarer). Id r a and dreealm rooms, with every oonvaui lbs travaUng pnblia, -Ths Hotel is nsjrr cxass In story rsertv. r- ! w m u. w ihwuvuwi m aa Minee. Yb Ferry boats ran at ait bova, AVytuJ night, ' ' LTJtAHTTBI.rro; ' r. ,. LaU of the Btersnailoiua, Braadwar . i. feblS , . v ,. , , ., i -r ; BUCKS t CRICKS 1 1 IHZZ3 1 1 1 onn nnn habd bbtoe8 rn r"i ZUl.UUU low for oaah. 1h. will badullrsred on board ths ears of ti . . A It. U. B., at tbia plaoe, fra ol e t ampment w any point on us roaa. t or i t psrtioulars apply to BIZZELb ft MTJF-AT, ; : v ' I : , lAorinbur , K. O, July 18 ... t Me aa . v wti t - 41 MARKET 8TH LAROE ADDITIOIlS DAILY MACK TO f". extensive stook of iAdie'a, Oent's and C... a boots and Hhoes. Jnat reooived a fine Be- i lent of Oeat's light dress oomaier Bhoea, r. S eipreealy andar oar ewn sufervkion swial able for tbe season. - . inna 18 i. IU 8T0EE 1XD rCHlL21 Ofin V&IA, TLOCB, assorted (tadas'; 25 50 ! It-- 25 oases xuroa stqab j ; g OBOSS BXJFX&mS DA5D. J - ' Wrapping Papor and Bafa, Orange Oonaty Meadow alter, t.i , . Has Apple Obiasa, Oaady. 1 .. . Braady Frolta, Oansed Oretera, Pickles. Baisioa, Orsaksrs, . .' Bnalt.OlAWdTobaoos. - , . i . X. EIIDlt. jane J0-JS&- . . , t aVrtUh tT-' r - family ice mnn'r. IiOBLLT8 ONLY praeUoabla ? 1 for the aes of Drngpiete and I aad Faaailiee reoermllv. Frodnoirr lee ta 10 to M aunataa, eqael ati . nataral, withoat eteaaa aowar. I elimatea and eaay to operate. ' 1 seoatets ef harmless obeaueala, orated after ovary eperatoa. A- VKWMAM, Ka. U Kaideo Ua i GAERLAGr " T OJFXB WOn SALE AT Oerrumaa of r . OAKtUAOX oa Seaond etraet, r i . etrara. tiavins; '.:-.t m, 1 , ALTiaiOBW, r t am to en ' fc-r ( tba er t fct, a. 1 r- l t . asa .t,oja m i . it...rv i i mim, ((TWto a - t i ' Bhp r- i It I i- .a - fr : - t -'T I at t l i . 1 t. i i t.- ' -il id J a f ' ! rri itxox scats asd sari ItXOS, a"- : " : ' -- . TPS ! IT P T"" -Tethe J -4 ..-. the r- f - - - . t-m - i - 1 -i I'; . 1 1 1 1 -3 row n -. - it. u. f.'.U ts..i. Tf ael end arv-a 1 m - 1 f- -a. f ' -. 1 ' AK u! ! ., ! -. ALL C? 1 1 V

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