- --- - " W'n' . 0 4 ft ,j 1 ''' MVti .t i." Vl'.i ' '4 S JLa-JL. ,1't I; WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER'S, 1870; - WHOLE NUMBER !.5,657 VOL. XX NO. 5. DAILY ,T OURNAL OLDEST PATH IM THB BTATB. . ADVKHTIIIIIO AlATJE DA1A.Y, fills if if KEi' a u iff saw l3gSJ if ires K a i Serbia i? 14 It ?3?r. is II f !i i 1 1 1 1 ' gJlif? ?l;5 c SS8SSS8"3 IS .8. . 8 S 8 .8 8 t M iS 8 S 8 S 8 y ,--- 1 " 8 .8 8 8 8 8 8 "S 8B H H M " " w w o c 8 .8 8 8.8 8 8 2 8 8 8 8. 8 8 .8 .y ? Ai.88.8 .? -,8 .8 8 8 8 8 8 ? s a a s sfe s 8 8 8 8 8 8 J? 2 ' 2 c& 8 g Si 8 8 8 8 'g I g S 8 S 8 8 8 8! 8 8 8 ? S ! S I g 8 8 -s IS S SIS 8 8 8 5 aUUSCHIPTIUN. One J0r, , $10 00 Bli month!,. S oo Three moutiK. I Oo WEEKLY JOURNAL. ESTABLISHED BEFTEMBEB. 1844. One square, 01 ten line or leu, for oacb and ever; in Knion, ii. Bpoclal Notice wlii be cnarged $2pr iquaro, for acn ana even inaeruon- BUBSCUlPTIUn. -due rear, ..$3 oo Blxmontna.. a oo ME DAILY JOURNAL WILMINGTON. If. C. SUNVA 7, OCTOBER 2. 1870. - Uavainor Worth's Administrates). ' Editors Wilmington Journal; Soma timo ago I notified in yonr paper s remsrk Ibat Gov, Worth's HclminiHlration speni more tuoDey than was common ia old limes, although far lens thuu by Gov. HoKlon'u aJniiuiutratiorj, I beg leave to correct the first statement. Tue total expenses of lMOu-7 were $24G,00O, it is true, but from this ehoiilj bo deduoled various itoniH which were ex traordinary and in oo wise to bo con idered as part of the regular epensos of operating the State govern moot. For ex ample, the General Assembly ordered or tifioial legs and arms, or their value, to be famished to disablod soldiers, making, ia 18CC-7, 8C2.729 ; $2,500 were appropriated to barj lag deceased soldiers ia appropriate cemeteries. Also the Insane Asylum Oilled for a larger appropriatic n than ordinarily, because many persons . lost their minds ia oonseqnenoa of the terrible trials of the war and hence tha number of patients wet increased. Bat the other expenses of Gov. Worth's administration were not, as a general rule, greater than before the late war. For ex ample the Comptroller Aiad only 81,600 and no Vlerk. Tne Xreasurer uad only $2,000 in greenbacks, the same that Mr. Courts, former Treasurer, had in gold. The other salaries were not more at a gold standard than they were prior to 18C1, some of them the same. The apparent increase in general expen ses tm only for charitable purposes ren dered noceesary by a terrible war. I know you were one of Gov. Worth's most ataanoh supporters and friends. He was one of the best and pnrest men I ever knew. For fear your observation as to the expenses of his administration may lead any one of yonr most careless readers ; to think that lie did not conduct the affairs of the State with the same careful econo my and honesty that he always, daring an . honored life, conducted his own affairs, I ask you to publish this. .. Yonr trnly, ' - 13. Correspondence of the Journal. Tat State Agrlcaltaral ralr. Baleioh, Sept. 80, 1870. Dear Journal: A refreshing rain last night, after a protracted "dry spell," makes every one hereabouts look and fell brighter this morning. I trust that the blessing may have extended to other point, where it is noedod. Oar city is unusually quiot at present I mean that it i free from any of those exoiiementa whioh, more or leu, for the pest twelve months have agitated the sur face or stirred the depths of affairs. In one sense it is lively enough. Our people generally are busy in making thorough and active preparations for the approaching State Faib, which promises to be the most sneoessfal and nomeroosly attended yet held. ; , . . 1 We hope to see a fall representation of the people from your section of the 8tate. A visit here, I am sure, will but increase their inclination to attend the Fair ia yoar goodly city in November. ' ' The officers of the State Agricultural Society, particularly the able President, Ur. Battle, and the efficient Secretary, Ur. Litchford, are laboring with great aa , aidaity and energy to get everything in fall readiness for a grand time week" after next. (The Fair,yoa will remember, commences on Tuesday, the 18th of Octo ber.) The grounds and buildings are in excellent order, and many new eon ve nis rices are being devised and perfected. The indications are that there wQl be a magniScent display of objects of exhibi tion. ' This likelihood is greatly enhanced from the fact that haadsoflM tptcial pre mioms. in adJitioa to those proposed by the8oeiety, hare been offered by enter prising parties on many articles, render ing successful competition profitable as well as meritorious. The extent to which this is being carried augur well, not only for tho publio spirit which is abroad, but for tho general wakinn-uo amoDflt ur business men to the importance of ftJver- using, a nappy omen lor tne press. Perhaps tho most attractive and novel sights that we shall have, will be tho Koad Locomoiivo and Agricultural Traction En gine, from Eocheeter, England ono-of which machines the agent in tni country designs exhibiting, having notified the oilioerg of tliu Atsouiation to that effect. This is one of the most marvellous of the inventions of this progressive age, and is tie titled to supersede, to a great di'gion, the old inctbods of ordinary road locomo tion uud ot agricultural operation. It will be worth a visit vt several hundred miles lo see. tbis wonder, stridiug up hill ami down dale, ihrcugu street end around corners, "like a thing of life." :- Tbo schedule of railroad rates for the occasion n most liberal. A visit to the Capital of tho State, during the four days of the Fair, will cost a " mere song." Tuen, Messrs. Editors, tell your good peo plo to oomo up to our Annual laduxtriul ana boctul ieslivul. Uood Bight-seeing, good trotting, good cneeraud good reeling await them. The " qooJ fqelinq" is temp tation enough good feuliug at the onward bonuds or our btulo to material ni oHperi ty, and glorionsly good feeling iu tho ex- chanra ot cnugratuljlioua over tue fact tliut Koitli Uiiroliua (Jed bless her 1 is redeemed from tho low villainy, hate and corruption, whieu tit ono time tlireulened to eoguir lier ! lours, Waku. A SUAVE FELLOW, X Trn Im lilent of t L War, SCHOOL NOTICES, OSTqrjR8DAT.0CT.6th. MIflS ASIIK WILL' OPES A SCHOOL FOB children, at her residonoe on Beoond street, between noitierrj ana unernav. . ; cot! -t 8l oitui:rn school iv nf.iv york VT -now alio d. wniwa 1bnoi.hh freooh B i.ntini; Kehrol f.tVounir I;dtw, K e-t 'rdt1 0vsitii UiaorToIr r.rk ur 23 y: SCHO " J"HS. XE3 C0. A. MDRBAY WILL KB XTX oioo btr po ul on Mndr, Onlnbrr 3t, st liar ru.ijauo. wa Kicnt, biiwn.n Sixth tnd Hit eit'i slre-t. . . v - - The patrons ;e of the publi I i renpeo'.fuilr se iioiiea , . . . .-..'.-. OOt I , ;.- 4-tf FILL HI Ui STOCK Tbiro ii couiiug a time yet when the brave deeds ot tue private Uouiederate soldier shall bo sung of by pod and tongae. Most of the "high up" oilicers have had their day. And now for ' the ' 'poor sol dier." Private Cavanaugh was a member of Gen. Mat. Hansom a lirigade of Caval ry. When tho General in conjunction with other forces was trying to take Ply mouth, tuero was a crock called Uonnuua, which was necessary to bo orosaed in order to ttirn thoyankees Uank, who were over on tho other side. It was the dead of night The General called np a cortaiu Captain in his command nud said to him that he wished him to pick out a food swimmer in his company and send him to him. The Captain soon sent Gavanangh. lie was a tall dark-skinned fellow who had led a fisherman's life on the eastern shore of this State. "CuvanaagU" t-aid Gen. B iiisom "we have got to crorii this creek. It is too deep to wiide. liut ou the oppo site bank there i.i a canoe tied. If you can swim over and unlooso that canoe and bring it over here, we can cross the creek. There are nine chances out of ten you'll be killed in the attempt. But if you will run the risk there is no request within my power I will not grant you. And I assure you, if you are killed, yonr body shall be rescued and sent borne to your friends even at the risk of my own life." "I will go, General," said Gavanangh. "What shall I do f r yon, then " asked Gen. Ransom. "Give mo a 30 days farlongb," replied Cavanaugh. The General told him he should have tho furlough at any time he applied for it. Mo sooner said than the bold fellow nnstripped and was soon ia the doep, silent water gliding along like a snake, The Yankee picket paced the opposite snore about titty yards from the bank. But so snake-like and skilful was tbe swimmer that the Yankees didn't hear the first s'roke of the water. He gently unloosed the canoe and in the blackness of the night dragged it safely to the opposite shore, la this canoe Uen. Ransom crossed his whole command and pat the force of Yankees over there into a perfect rout. But it was a long while era tne General hoard from his man Cava naagh. And then, one day around Peters burg, when . nothing but an occasional booming of cannon was beard, Uavanaugu sent in bis FORLOUQH FOB THIBTT DATS : His Captaiu approved it setting forth the circumstance nnder which it was promised. Tbe Colonel endorsed it favor ably. Gen. Bansom did the same. And so it went on till it got np to Gen. Lee, and "Uncle Bob " cut it down to 10 days. When the furlough came back Geo. Ban som said nothing to a soul. But he just mounted bis horso and rode to Gen. Lee headquarters. And there ho told the old General all about that " promised fur lough ;" that whilo he would not make any threat to resign, yet still be had promised that man a furlough of SO days even at the risk of his life ; " and, General, as a man of honor, I must be true to that promutt Our good old Lee (blees his noble sonl I at one erased the 10 days and granted the promised 30. And Cavanaugh is now liv ing a brave man and much respected in the eastern portion of this State. , ; , . - - Hillsboro' Ikorder. ap Fear Military Academy. mH THIRD ANNUAL SKHHOtf OF THI8 1 INSTITUTION will enmiunnoeon TtimDAT, Ootor-er 4th, in the same building, and with tbe stm msunoiors as lasiyesr. , , TSEM8 roa EAtracasioir, SMDixa kkbbiiart 15Ttf. Preparatory Department........ ......135 Advanced Ultsxea. .150 To be paid etrtotlv en mtuiing. U. JC COLSTON, A. at, rriuoipsL sopt3l S0S2w : nm. UIKA ROTllUKLI, "IIHU COMMENCE THB SStu ANNUA V T ' BKddlON OF HEU CHOOL tin Mondiy, the 3d of October. Roy of 10 end onder 10 years of sge wilt be reesiviid in the Primary Department. septjw . sit WILMIST0lHGU SfUOOL. I'.imascal Leeatloa o Finn Street, be twa Aaa aad Mmm. TnE FIFTH ANNUAL PENSION will lifRin Mondsr, Ootoher 3.1, and close the last rrtdsy in Jane, 1B71. . Prof. A. BAUDBY, Instrnelor in Frouou. Circular at the Book Htoere. , J. M. BINTOSf, l'rinelnal. sopt30 8Ht,rA8 TUE AC1DEAIF OK TI1E J. ters of Merov. will open its 2d Annnal Hesion on the let Monday of September, and it propoaee to eater on an tne nigneet oranones or fisoea tion and to rank itself in worth and ability with tue ao saemio oi unsrteston sua Banner. Jalyia FEMALE SCHOOL. MI83E8 BUBR JAMBA Pbimoipals. Vu. B. K. MEADE, Professor of ktatheniaijos and Teacher of Frensh and Latin. Mas. M. 8. 0U8HIN0. Teacher ot Musio. Tbe duties of this School will be resnmed on the 11 rat Monday in October. For parttoalars, reier to iirouiar or mncipsia. sept 10 ' - - - , - 801-3 THE TWELFTH ANNUAL 8FSSI0X ft KKV. DANIEL HOHBKLLE'M English w and Ulasaioal Hcbool wiU open D. V.I Mon day, tbe twelfth of Ootobor proximo, on the Douweast corner or uranre ana rirtn strsete. Instructions giTen in the elements of tbe trench and uennaa langnsRes. - - no extra onarge. . sept 15 - S03--6 Hall LetttaB la (he Boathera Htatce, The contract officio of tho Poetoflloe De partment is now engagod in getting np tho olaseiQed list of mail routoe in the Sooth era division preparatory to advertising for proposals lor carrying the mails in tbat section for lour years lrom July l, 1SL Ia addition to toe rates embraced in for mer lettings there ere some eight hundred miscellaneous routes created by the act ot Congress which will be let at th same time, the period for which they are let corresponding with the unexpired term of the division in which they are locate. Tbe State embraced in the coming let- tings are West Virginia, Virginia, Worth Carolina, South Carol ma, Georgia, Ala bama. Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Arkansas. There are some twenty-two hundred r on tea in the above States and abont eight hundred miscella neous routes nnder the acts above men tioned, making tbe letting a large and im portant one.- National liepubltean, A Card rraaa Horn, C. Vatiaadlagaaia, Under date of Dayton, Ohio, September 27, Mr. VaUandingaam corrects a mis statement in the following emphatic style; in the debate oa Saturday last at Frank- tin between Messrs. Uampbelland Be he nek the )atter as reported by the Cincinnaii Gazette and the Dayton Journal, said: "At the North the leader of the Democrat ic Mtrty, Vallandingham. said that we should only go Sooth over his dead body." la so stating, Robert C Sohenck altered a wanton and deliberate lie, and be knew it to be each when he ottered it, Oa the 20th of August, 1861, nine years ago, and when it was first published, I pronounced it a falsehood in s card to tbe Dayton paper, saying of it that it was a speech of intense stupidity whioh I never at any time, in any plaoe, or ia any shape) or form uttered in my life. ' , ; .... U, YAIUSDntOBAltV I1IC0ER EDUCATION. : HELLMUTH COLLEGE Board aad Ta It torn Bar aaaam. Mao. TTELLMUXU LADIES' COLLEOK. inanirn XX rated by H. It. H. Prinoe Antlinr. Board and Tuition per annum, tm Puuibikti The very net. i. uenmntb, v.u., ueao oa Huron. HT For particulars apply to Major trans, ujduud, irDtaa vv est. Hep. 13, 1870 ., S88-ly-ch , SCB00L NOTICE. , uatks or Tuirios bcdiceo. WilmiugtOB Male and Female Seminary O. W. JEWETT Para rrx. WILL BEOPEN MONDAT, OOTOBEB So, at tbe ooreer of Second and Obeinnt atreot. With the near approaob of tbe eurrenoy to the epeoie standard, we restre, enbstsntlally, oar saw war rates oi i Dillon. SW For ptrtionUr eontjlt Circulars, to be Obtained at the Bookstore or from the Principal at tne oemiaary, on ana arter iuesaay next, sept 19 SOS-td 8tar and Post copy till day of openln-.' ST. PAUL'S INSTITUTE ;;:;--.; 1 A8D. MUSIC AL ACADEMY, MARSXTST.. id DOORS. OP TlfTJI ST., WrXMINOTOW. N. O. THE FIRBT 8UQ0LAHTI0 YEAR OF THU Inititnte, for paptle of both sexes, will oom menoe October 3d, 1870. Pupils will have all tbe advantages generally txpeoted In a well eon. ducted school upon reasonable terms. Person wisbiaa; to atqdy either Vooa or Iiutrumtntal Afusic, osn do so without enteric a- the Instil eta. For particulars aw oireulars at Ueinsberfrer' . n .1 !.. It I- r, lr U t 1. F. BUEOHEBT, rrofosssor of Musio, Principal. 'pt!7 SOi-tf - OXFOBD FEMALE AfiDEJIT, : - OXFORD. N. O. UIB8 U. X. MITCHELL and MBU. E.N. GBANT, ruaoiraifl. rrtHE EXEBCI8ES OF THIS IN8TITUTI0S X wiu be resumed JULY BTth. 1870. The PriBCipals believe that their School affords advantsgee equal to any to be round elaewbere, a riraraa tae etaoaora or eonoiarsnip ana at tainments, and tbe attention to tbe health, de portment, and moral training ot the young ladies committed to their ear. The Moei Depertnieot i andrr th care of sir, w. u. siorrow, weu-snowa ae a most thor- oeKh aua aceoaupiiabed mneie teacher. . it ean sosroely be Beeeeeary to call attention to the well-known (act that Oxford is one ot tbe healthiest village of North Carolina. Circular, with term. A., on application. Hefnrenots Bev.O. PbiUips, D. IX, Davidson (Joliege, U.v ; vol. W. J. Martin, Davidson Ooi lege ; Hon. Z. B. Yaooe, Cbartott, N, O.I Oen. W. O oaten Lewie, Tarboro' ; Boa. W. Q. Battle, Baleigh Mr. O. P. Speoeer. t hapel Hill ; Bev. D. S. Jordan, Oxford; Bev. 4 F. Deem, D. D., New York ; Dr. J. J. 8ummerell, Baliabnrj j llev. P. U. DaJton, WathinKton, H. O.; ). J. A. En gelhard, Wilmington, N. O , and all friend and pupil of th late Prof. MJtobelL, of the t mrersi ty of Nortb Carolina. Jnly 10 3-3m SUlTUKUSi, HOME SCHOOL For Young Ladies. BALTIstOBA HD. ' ESTABLISHED IB 14 S, Mil. MR. WILHON M. CABY, ) AlBd. OfcJi'L JOHN PEG BAH, f naal A eorp of seveateeo Experieaoed Teachers; - Pntiee ratamed oo Boptember St, 1870. French is the Longooge of tbe Bcbooi. Te pa- piie reeeived who are Dot wUilof to stsdy freoeh. Lostrnetioa in thl langaag wfll be givea grat nilon.ly in the Primary Department of th Bcbooi, and a pore aeeeat Imported by a Parisian Teacher, j - In tbe Mosteol DepaHmeot e Boia or et penee are epared. None bat fral.ofa of abili ty and expeheoos are employed.- Tee very ex tensive Batroosr reoeivea by this department ia our eehooi is tbe beet eridenee el ie eaeetieoee. A our anmber te b raited, parent vbe wuk to place their dsaghter with a ee boarding papUs are eonBeeued to moss eariy appneeiwev No pnpil eon be withdrawn before the ekoee of the neodemie year. . - For fail inform ation are eirenlon, whkh may be obtained at tbe itriaerp book store ia Balti more, or npoa applying bj letter Ba aitaer of the prinoipale oa above. ,. - - Pereoaei iaterriewe with the piinoipoW ema be held anttl July L and after September a, at the soboot. i or NEW vJOOBS ! SOL. BEAR & BROS. JJATir OS BAND SCO 0AHK8 OF IloOTB h AiiD, ttflOSd, bonirhl dlreet from F oaleVe ' fi'! UaDUf.otaiei', Which tby Rattan- tre to sell -a. lo as any job- ' ' king bouse North r , alee, " ' a very large and well- s sulcctod stock of Ciovaiite for tho Fail and Winter trade, of whioh they . have manufaotured a large portion themselves. THEY DEFY COMPETITION. .. ALSO, 100 CASES OF FINE Felt and Wool Hats, which tbey offer at gieat InJoeemeoU to pur ohssers. Tbelr etoek ot ' DOMESTICS ANJ) NOTIONS otnnot be surpassed in the State by any Jobbing houso. , OUR WHOLESALE TRADE. We ooou7 three Btories exdusirely for onr Wholesale Trade Department, the (inns, G EO. W. DitUAVES'rt KA i, . . i & a . e&. Sensation Circus I Trili.KXniBIT ATVriLMINOTON on Fifth II ctmet, between CliMnnt end Mulberry. rorTWU UAIS uLY, Mouilsy and Tuesday October 8 and 4. Admission 78 ocuts; ohildren nudvr 13, 60 cent. 5 SPECIAL N0VELTV.1 ORAM) AND SUBLIME F11E11 XIUIBIIIOr-'. The Msnaa-meut. at an nnrmrtn exnenan. bsve nrooureil the services of Miaa LOTTIE ST. OLA IB. the only Female .Tlroueut iu the world, who will ilailv make one of her wondnrrnl Bal loon Aosensions in lb Mammoth Alr-8hlD "Oily or new rots," one or the moat imposing sights ever witnessed. The Aaaenaion will positively taso piece at i o oiooa, aauy, rroni tue virons Lot. v Prominent annum the many features of this great exiiiMtion le me produetion or Lord H l ron'e oelebre'od poem of "M AZKPPA."or THE WILD llOltt-EOr TAUTAHV. Dramatised and arranged expressly for this Company by IU m. J. Milee, of the National Theatre, Cincinnati. Orest pains hsvs been taken to produce thle iiegennary Drams in a atyio or niagninoeno heretofore nnauipaasod. Tbe gifted and wonder- OUtt hetail department U eoupoaed of a first-class stock of 0ENT8' OLOTBINO AND rCBNISHINO GOODS, HATS, and City Mad BOOTS AND SUOEd. We beg our old friends from th city and oonn- try to give us oall and .ixsnilu par STOOK, whioh they will And complete. W will take great pleasure In exhibiting to f them onr large and well-selreted Btook. W tender oar thanks to our friends for their liberal patronage beetowed npon a for th past eighteen years, and beg thsm still to ooutmne, fnl French femalo aotress. Mademoiselle Li UUuT, will aprear as "Msseppa." , THE 0 BEAT SHOW OF THE I'EBIOD, Befitted. rearranged and reorganised with new and startling speoialitio for th sprint and sum mer season of 1 870. SOL. BEAR & BROS. , -r T iim.ii ii i ti . " sep 13 398-am A Npw Discovery 1 1 PhaloiVs ;t 'oa, Salvafion for the Hair." CLEAR ABATER I , . , , ' WmidVcSEDBfENT it , . . OPEIOaJJHE LIGHT 1 1 . For Rtstorinz to GroKFIair its . y " Original Color Phalon's ''ViTALLVificrs ut- : tcrly from all fjjsflair coloring preparaUonsBieretoforc used. It s lytffm, sweet smelling, precyftates no muddy or slimy mayer,reojuires noshaking.im parL no stain to the skin. Hold' it tcthe light and it is clear and clouaUess. It leaves no mark on " the scali;' yetlt reproduces in gray haiNijenatural color that time or Bickawtainay nave bleached out oi it. tThalon'sVitalk is for one sole purposcnat pi " reproducing.with absalutc cer-. tainty, the naturaUflor of the ; liair. It is nouifuended as a daily dressiojJnorforrenioving scurf ot rfindruff; nor for cu- .ring bajflness; nor for stimuli-' ting te growmot the lairv , Thesf objects may be accom plish! after the color has been ' fixed Vith the Vitalia, by Pha- Ions Cfcernical Mair Invigo rator. ;Tj u' V'tTAu!?ta harmless ind unetjualed preparation for the reproduction.of c origi nal hue of Cray hair,:4d ooth- ing else. This is accoJhplishcd i in from two to ten asflications, according to thedrfttn of shade tequired. SoJLwIyyail druggists. 3 lee kw . . . r . TS-lta-eod. XQUEBTBIANS, ATHLETES ik GYHMA8TS, snd with pride annonnoes to th onbllo the names f few of his Oompaov who help to form this great Centralization or Talent. Among the bright eonstellstion will be fonnd, M'lie Zulella, tbe celebrated Female Oymnast or rial Fairy; Mis Kate Htokes, the Charming Equestrienne; toe noDuuriu sua, tne paragon or beauty, Krsoe ana artisuo rnent) al'iie M junrte, oeieura I ted Dramotie and Equeetrleulo Artist; H. 0. I Stoke, with hi Euro peso Troupe of Trained roniee; vnariee towery, me celebrated Horse man; Mon. Sevllla, the renowned Equestrian, from the Cirque Napoleon. Pariei James Wilson, th dssbJng Equestrian; the Davenport Brother in their wonaerfhl Acrobatic Fasts: flip. Illiaa. Tbe Man Fly," in his startling and mirsoulona ! Antipodean Feat; Moo. Bioaido, tbe modern Samiison, In Ms wonderful Athletie Feats; Bliss - Brothers; Three Orest Clowns Jimmy Beynolds, "Amsrioa's Favorite Jester;" P. II. Beamon, the -Unique and Comioah th wanderfnt Oymnaet and Grotesque Trlok Clown, Mou. Vsntinl; To gether with a fall and complete troupe of Eques trians, Oymnast and numernns auxiliaries, In tbe way of Eqaines, Pontes, eta. At each per formance will be ioroditoed the wonderfully edu cated horse, 'Comet," also the oomte Triok , Mules "Hompty Dumpty" and "Shoo Fly." sept 87 . - - 310 . , ETTINCER' PttT HOODS. ' "give us eoom. ' t i f ft ' I't ' 1 " ' ' " ' ' ' ' r - '' , FALL & WINTER DEY GOODS. BAlLRCi: 1L WILMINGTON WELDOJJ T " TtOAD OO.,) Omul Oa Eird. ami ( 'l Bcr", J - , 1, Wujuboto it. V., Mug. 15, 1870. ) Iii jJ.Si'iZ''r QUICK SA LKSAND SMA LL PROFITS AT WM. ETTINGrER'S, 15 MARKET STREET. BRANfil OF 481 BROADWAY, NEW 'i ' TORE. ' to:- - ' XtTl UAVE BECIIVED AND ABE BTILL v F .. Beoelving a Large Btook of the Clioiosst CHANGE OF SCKEirLE, ON AND AFTER MONDAY, tl, Otb ImUnt, trains on , this road will li av Wilmlng. ton at (:00 a, m. aud :f!p. Bi.'; and arrive at Wal don at 8:30 a re. and-CO p.wii '"Lnave Weldon 10:10 a. m. an,! 7:35 p. ta. arrive at WUmiogton t:t 0 a. m and C:15 p. m, Tbe da train wilt not run to tourist. Morning train North will tear Uhlnn iMnot at 8 ! IS o'olurk. Ni(iht train Nurtli will leave Union Depot at J SO -o'clock. Th a m, I'sssenger Train tualtos ooaneotion at Gohlsboru' for Baleigb. An socinnrandation snd freight trsln will leave Wilmington 10:90 a. m. dally (Banday exoept- 1). r . , ' ' : ; fil . Itetnrnlrg, tears OolJshoro' at 6:00 a. m., and arrive at Wilmington at t p. m. . , Tbe day traine leaving Wilmington) (:tS a. m., and Weldon 0fH) a. m.oounsot olnaaiy with Tarbo ro' Branch train. H.jtht Basengr traina leav ing Wilmington and Weldoo on Atonday. Wed nnsdsys and Friday, alio eonneut closely with the Tarboro' Branch train, and with Steamers to Washington, N. a - . , B. Ia WWX0BT. i . -i-v. u.s Bnpt OENEBAL BUFKBINTENDENT8 OFFICE, 1 , Colukbia k A pa vita B. B. Oo. V ' Wujiisoiog, N. O., May 19, 1870, ) AND " GLOBE SALOON. ' ThEBESTAUBANT DEPABTMEST OF this Popular Haloon ia agaia open for th acooman dation of th pnblio. ' Bingle meals served iu every style, f Boarder by th day, week and month will find every accommodation. . ... l i.i UIBTEUS IS gXrEBf BTXLI. ! :TIIE BAR Always contain the best of liquors at redus prise. I ' ' " SHOOK WEBB, . Proprietor. sept 28 i-lm COTTON YARNS AND SHEETING; 100 "1L" , AT E ACTOR! PRICES, ForeJby t' - p Old Clarendon Bar. . , WAUktatn MOORE, Proprlstor, ! TTAB BECENTLI THOBOUGHLY BENOTA- AA tea ano ten tied the old Clarendon Bar, and M prepared te meet hi friend and fnrnib tbem at ni ear wan tae ht qaality or LIQUOBS, ji, it , in quaniiitee to ems, NEW IilVF.n OYSTEES, iuauy style deelred, and of beet quality, furn ished on abort notice. The patronage ot the publio ia respectfully so licited at the old stsud on attract street. eept ii , - 3C9 2w lnportaul hU ef Valoib Properly ia Wilminrton.; ; IN rUBHUANOiJ CF A DECBAB OF TBE "nperior Court of Duplin Conotr, the sub- eenuer wwi ow-r lor sale to the hlLhaat bidder, st tbe Court Uoaas in WiUaiat-ton. th Jlst day of October tint, tbat very desirable - ' ' " HOUSE AND LOT belonging te the eatole of the late Janve M. kUlilua osd oocopMdal areeent a the rsai oVec of Col. H, L Fremont. ,. Trimsef sale-Sand II mojth ; bond with ap provwt eareiv for poreksse ato-i-y. Title ie Uine4nniUparebaBMtwyiapid.' Bsnsura M. MhiUivtoa will aUmd to thehal forth aebecriber. . SUBT A UIDDI.E TO", Fi'rx. sept W .: - XW-td ;: AflRiAGES.;; : rsehionaW OaretSEre j srVry Oe-eriptioj ( mj "cabruoh kkpobrruni ' eeo)d etreet, neor the eoroer of Pn-as straet, -Us nag H ted s arroegemeBt sub r ' . UTIOaiB. Uj- iw : ' I ass preard to eefj hi eatabrate Osrrlagee at lower prioee than ersr bs.'ire offsred in ear sssr ke. Sod as ehaap ss ths aatus eoa be bouht si at eaeps Bt ttoltiiaore. 1 Mq farms aOnrt aouoe, say stvss t siit the e ftr, frnai eh-ap opaa Kerry ts tea Atwat utirnr -' I'w-sons eg to tret., will eesw lbs fr.sS frvm Ita tiinire Vr p-renaaiog hara. Carf OwH Hsaas. and aitusr mraall or olerl - Md tosliowenrstoos, er gree kafbmsa Wa. , , 1 iJ ' ' BCRXSCX. fa. WINTER GOODS! Seleoled out of th Primeet Goods of th Largest Importing Establishment In th City of Raw York, as w bad th ad- vantage of being on or the nratrms In the Market, and Ws . ' wish to In form onr Customers, ' , .i that the war In th Dry Goods Lin i still to be oontlnned. ' "No Bast for ths Wicked." , Our motto Is: "Qulok Bale and Small Proflts."We ars determined to . : OUT-BELli TBE 0BE APEBT, THE LOW AND THE LOWEST, and we guarantee to furnish better Good for less money. We also . thank our eustomers tor ths put liberal patronage, toping to receive It In the future, as the most , - ' Uberal indneement t vr.-;",., offered, . SBon ii DRESS GOODS! OLOTflS, CASSIMEBE8, . ' " DOMESTIC and FOREIGN OINOHAUS, ' FLANNELS, all grades and colors; HOMESPUNS, Bleached . and Unbleached ; ' ; . DOMESTICS. V ; A Complete Block of White Goods. 1 '. . ' y t. . r And Bpeoial attootioo ts called to our Stock t ON ami Arrtu BUHUAiri. tne lata mat., Tuaenger for the W. A fi. It. B. will take the Train at th W. A W. B. B, Depot and the following sohadule will be ma !, .; ;i DAY EIPBRSa TRAIN (DaUr.) Lsav Wilmington (WA W BB Depot) IM A. V; Arrive at Florence 11 K)S A. H Arrive at KingivUle 8:00 P. M Leave KingivUle. ...............11:40 A. M Arrive at FToronee. St a) t e e M ia e 8:14 P. It Arrive at Wilmington. S:K If RIGHT EXPRESS TRA1R fDafly.) Leave WUmingtoa (WSWS& Depot) 6:30 P. M Arrive at Floreno ... 1:4S A. M Arrive at Klngsvule '00 A. H Uava IlngsTlUe.. 148 p. M Arriv at Floreno. . . . Arrive at WUmingtoa 6:13 A. at JftO.0. WIHDEB, 001 Sup't. may 19, 1870 , ,. EASTESH BinSIOS' WI LBJJ NOTOBJ, CM ARCOTTs ok ROTls. . aUtrOHU HAAUtOAB - Orrtoa at Witaworoiri If. ft, I . , . January OTth, OT0. f ' ON AND AFTER, MONDAY, Slstef January. 1H70. th Train on th Eastern Division oi this Boad will run dally (Sundays sxoeptsd) as follows t ' - PABIKBOBR TRAIflg j - ojonta wn. . . Leave Wilmington 6:15 A. M. Cape Fear Bridge 6:88 M " Bladenboro' B:4S H - Lumbarton. .......... ........10:0 " Lauriuburgh 1.-00 P. M. " Ilooklngham S:MI " Arrive at Peeliee.. ...,....., .6:19 V onto) EAST. i- Leave Pe Dei. 6:40 A. M. Bnnkinrhom SOA - " ,. Lauriuborgh 8:45 - Lnmberton..,...,.,,...,.WM10:aa - " Bladenboro' .,,,11:88 M " Cape Fear Bridge g:t0 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 " VHailOUT TRAISJS, v ' OKUMCI Ttn Lesvs Wilmington ....... v, JiOO A, M. -Cap Fear Bridge........ ...... 5:25 Blacdenbate' S:M YorkTill. ,..,.....,..,.,,. 0:J0 " " LumMTton.. ............... ...10:4) Arrive at Lasvinburgh.. ...... M P, M. OOUICI IASZ, tt .if i Leave Lanrinburgh..,.. 6:30 A, M. " Lumbertoa :1 " " YorkviU. 8:18. - ; Bladenboro' , ., 9:45 Csp Fr Bridge...... ........ 1:35 P. M. Arrlv at WUmingtoa ...........1:00 Passenger Trains West eonnaet ' with the Wadssboro1 and Oharlotte Btage nTusBdays, luursusys ana oaturaaya, . , ' 0. D. ' jau 88 Eng. aa4QaBnj' conou el;:?. TBE BROWN COTTON OrS, roT",TBLY OF Onlnmbn, Go. Also the Iih-via.d PAT IENT OOTION PBESS-the beet Gin and Prose now In a. For sale by , r, ,, : DAWSON, TIU a UKJIWIlrtf Iron and Hardware Merehaots, wiuningtoa, V U STt-tntoe Bend for Oireulars aud Prioos. auglB . slA Estb. ENOrn M0R61VS BOSS1, ISOt. 7? ID A Large Areortment of ' BOOTS AND SHOES. ' ' .... 1 - " - - : ; i Lilies and Oenle UuCorgsrateats, Saratoga Trnnka, Talis, Pars, Swilofae and Chignons. Also a Largo and Well-aeleoted Block of V CLOTH I N Q; - -. i. , ' To oonclade with a very Largo Stook of Ori.la FCRNISIIIXO COOD3, Th Largo. Bteek a ta MaU f osrr own MavnfsWnrs. A Tremendous Block of Ladies. M iseee sad CM'dreB' Fsaey POBGEKZBAL ..,,wf . .,' ISostBaAvBlsl barpasas IS BETTER AND CHEAPER THAU B01P. Does it work quickly, easily, and with leee la bor than any other eompoond : elesns aetaaots without water ; removes stains fronj iroMi, -marble and Hon t cieona and brighten knieeS sad tahit tears f for general Aousf oxaniia Is an equalled ; polishes tin, braaa, iron, copper aad eteel; removee oil, met and dirt from mooAMSsry; ramov stains from the hsnd Whioh s iap' will not take off, Ae, Bold at an Qrooary, Lragf sad nouon store. JulyS Sit WaehingtoB Street N. T. t, J-One. o . .... oh ' SO Oxford elret,-ane. a o a '. .- A DIRECT ,Ar .4 .OF. - r lilo a- - r if; ' IltlPOllTATtOIIn i - ,.t . , . , . a t tt-I ' . x , '4t li I'.l 'Ciibrlc!4 3rarcluin,lrt.';C . -....-a ; ft s : I I Which - wo Bssasfootnr at oaf Factory, 491 Broadway, Now York, WegnorsBtea te Coemtry Dealer perfect BaUafacUoa ta every lia of ear OOOA. ' --" - " . " Highest brio poJd for TVU EUSi , . i We ask no cdls ot aoae. And beat ia prioee ewer one. " . WM. ETTINGEK. Va as. t i. 'i : ' ' - ! i i- Cases rcRtainiBf Two Vozti (k.irU - it - - LOW'(Tpt!L0SC IT, ,. ... tr . ADRIAN A Ja!yO wots UL YOB J J f: SliATLY A5.3 J augU "7

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