WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 4, 1870. WHOLE NUMBER 5,058 VOL. XX NO. 0 DAILY JOURNAL 4 i OUMl Dim Dt fBM STAT. milLUiiU) 4 FKiCM. Prttai. , AOVBBTUlia MATCI OAliaY. !i i ? I i ? I i! Ill S I I isR ri r " !f t -S.iJLl.3 'S u -1 a w !S8SS88g? lBrM r - w 8 8 8 8 J 8,8 "2 - O J -4 Ot t m 8 8 .8 .8 8 8 .8 "3 8 .8. 8 ?J .8 .8 "3 8 ha t-. t- ti u h o la 8 .8 8 8888 388Sooi4 S.8 8 88 88 .jT 9 K V B sTc i 2 I -8. 8 8 8 8 .S.ff 888885:. 8 8 8 8 8 8 ?f i t-t "I " 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S jl 5 a a s a k 8 8 1 8 8 ? 2 : i St I 8 s e k 8 8 8( 8 8 8 8...S I H S g S S y !8 8888S8e Sags eUUSCHIPTION, . One year $10 00 Hlx montlia, A oo flue, mouth... soo WEEKLY JOURNAL. ESTABLISHED BEPTEUBBJR, 1844. One aquare, 01 (en one. or leas, for each and every Id Mjruua. 91. Special Notices wlii be charged per square, for each aua every maeruon- I'DSCniPTIOl. an year,... Kir month... ..SS CO .. 1 00 TDE DAILY JOURNAL WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1870. For the Journal, lnllcd ftt. tee Senator. Burr. 30th, 1870. Mesgrt. Editor ; In a recent issne of your paper you invited discussion relative to the matter of selection of United States Senator. I think yonr views, as expressed, are entirely correot as regards the pro priety of discussion : bat. while I do not regard the matter of selection of United States Senator as the most important that Will devolve upon oar next Legislature, I cannot but regard it as among the most important, and I may add, delicate duties that mast be performed ; and how to per form that doty acceptably is no Ifght mat ter for consideration. The great Conservative party have ao , comolished a magnificent triumph in the HAAnt uTawitiAit Atip Attrmntinn. nnriAarti ' of bands and tyranny. How was this great event accomplished ? We think by moderation and pradent appeals to reason, and the liberality of oar platform the - . .1. - f1 . 1 1 1 J r the Legislature. It will never do to throw away this result. How is it to be made profitable in the f atnre f Why to pursue such a coarse as will tend to consolidate onr strength, and unite the different politi cal elements winch nave combined to draw oat the patriotism of the State in one nnited effort to save us from rain. This can do done, we imagius, in uu oiuiiuer more efficiently- than by selecting men for the distingaished and important positions 'from among those who are eligible were most active in their efforts to bring about the result. In conferring honors we mast not forget oar earnest laborers. We would not disparage the claims of any, bat we cannot forbear to express our opinion that the laborer is worthy I bis Dire; ana be- ndee. those who have labored most In Achieve the . brilliant result in late election are capable of appreciating the dolicto situation that ur.oumhi us they, we mast be per suaded. htr risen t tue a" proportions ilnm.nrlnil 1. our peculiar etrcamstances. They know th ' situation and fully oompreH bend it, and t. w people iiave sponea mat they have oonflo'ence in their patriotism. Among this list .stands prominently the Senator for the 12i'u District Who does . not acknowledge the patriotism, the abili ty, the distinction anil tlw fitness cf Col Allan, tha irentleman re ferred to ? Prior to the late war, '.. Allen was not an office-seeker, and a-'though be was prominently connected wi h on political canvass, never bsving been neutral, be was never a candidate for political posi- linn hnt twica. onea for tha ."jegislature, and once for Presi lential Elector's He de voted himself assiduously to bis w.tH merit ed and groemg practice in the prvuessioii of tha Law. Sines tha war his an llifioa- tions have marked him oat more freqa tntly for position, and in every instance be been called out as the unanimous cho we of bis party. But few men anywhere err- joy more fully tbe pablio connaenoe wherever he is known. He is emphatically a representative man, whose stern integri- ty, firm and undeviating adherence to po litical principle and superior capacity, mark him out as the man of choice. His courteous bearing, even to his political enemies, is snob as to never render him personally offensive to them while bis prudence and power as a debator is such ' as to give him position and eminence. Hi. appeal is to reaaosv Denunciation he leaves as the weapon of others. The favor ite of his party, he is the respected political enemy of thoee who oppose him. We respeotfullv beg leareto suggest, that in the selection of a U. 8, Senator we should choose one in whom m may well confide, and at the same time one in whom our political eaemiee shall be bound to respect Seen are truly tbe views of Akkts Patsle. The Bona Beethoven Festival is fixed to take plaoe ia the sprisar ol 1871, should there be peace. .. i . .- a - . at . h.1.4. Im ,freug iaufdaoea u iow iocs. OCR Til A. VSLIN& CORRESPOND ES T. y 1 1 . ' Clsvxland. Ohio. Juitlari Journal Although we are ia this ' Forest City " on Lake Erie, we pro pose to speak mostly of Tittsborg, from which place we wrote yon last. Pittsburg stands on the tite of old ''Fort Duqaesae,' at the confluence of . the Alleghany and Uonongahela rivers, and at the head of the Ohio. Iq approaching it from the east,' yoo run down the valley of the Oonne maugh river a tributsry of the .Monpn gabola until within a few miles of the place; when you leave the Connemaugh on yonr left and pass over to the Alleghany side of Pittsburg. . The Union depot is in the heart of the city at about tenth street, and from it you can tnko trams to any point. . Iu Pittsburg you first mark the distinctive character of the western navi gation. The steamers are all diffuient from those at the eas', " high prvssuro' prevails uml the pufHrjg, whoeziog, cough iugnoi e is heard on every side. Here vou nod raits cf ice and or lumber or immene eizo, and it is not uncom mon to see u tomiur pushinK boforo her, up or down tlio rivers, i ruft of tim bcr containing a million of feet, stretched out before many hundreds of foot in length It is not "tow" hoto, but "pusb." Sctthnjr ourselves at ono ol tlio liotoiB, freeiiiff oursolvoa of the accumulated dust and cinders of u throe hundred and fifty two mile trip from Baltimore, we proceed to mako a survey of the city. One of the first things -which strikes a stranger is the bridgos spanning tlio rivors. i'rora tho Suspension Britlgo over tho Alleghany vou aro able to get a general view of the water and its business on unit side, with Alio ghany City lying oloncr the rivor for some miles oil tho west sido and down the Ohio. Hero you see that Pittsburg stands on a point wluoli w sunk down, apparently, between hills on every side, so that the siui is more than an hour high boforo Pittsburg sees its rays, and it disappears an hour before sunset. A Southerner is as tonished to find supper come on in July at 6 o'clock long beforo tho Wilmington merchants have thought of going home and ho is almost as much astonished when he gots up to find it is eight, or there abouts, becauso the smoke of the manu facturing establishments settles down into a dark cloud, which makes the air thick until tbe sun bos made such sn ascent as puts it in motion and drives it off, or "lifts it," as they say thore. In walking about the city you see maoy things different from other cities. You are struck with one novelty amoDg the first, and that is to see a tre mendous locomotive come puffing right up through crowds ol drays and vans, omni buses, carriages, buggies, with thirty or more loaded freight oars behind her. This is emphatically an iron city. Thirty-five per cent, of all tbe iron made iu the United mates and sixty-nve per cent, or tbe steel is ma le hero. What wonder, then, that they have iron bridges, tombstones, bouses, spittoons," wagons, utensils ol alt kinds, and in fast iron brought into a thousand usos we do not see at the South, Our room has an iron slop-tub among the cariosities. A pretty one it is, too. and one of the party insisted that the soap on tbe waslistand was made ol iron. Tak ing tbe street car up Penn street (I think it is) you go about two miles, nd at the end of the line it is but a short walk to the cemetery. Here, from tbe "city of the dead," you get a fine view of tbe country beyond the Alleghany, rolling off in great beauty, the hill sides covered with vines and gardens for miles. Tbe vine is said to do well ev erywhere near here except where it gets the West winds upon it Whether it does or not, hundreds of thousands are grow ing and the experiment of their produc tiveness will soon be settled. On the lower Ohio, near Cincinnati, the vine is a fail ure, and the famous Longworth vineyards are almost worthless. Of the productive industry of Pittsburg it is hardly necee sary to speak. Tbe principal manufac tories besides those already mentioned are glass, which is made in great quantity acd of fair quality. There are factories mak ing druggists' gloss ware.canned-fruit-mena- glass-ware and building glace, crockery of all kinds, oils, varnisnes, Drusnes, glue, tools. &o., &&, all busy and all making a blaze or a smoke ; what wonder that your old friend "Bod Blossom" thought the place was "afire"! One of the wonderful things we saw was some chiseling on a monument . to Bev. Chas. Avery, which would throw tho shade of Phidias into vio lent spasms and make him envious of the venturesome yankee who planned it The group represents the said Avery as pre senting a Bible to an sged negro who stands forwarJ, bat in haud, to receive it; behind are different ' sizes of the race, down to two littlo "nicaninnics" roll ing in the gross. The wonderful effect is the two done in marble, it is impossible to describe it, and we must leave it to the imagination of the reader. We left 1'ittsburg by the Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad, which runs down tho right bank of tho Ohio for flfty-ono milos and then turns oil toward luko i-ne. A few miles out from Pittsburg we ran over two-horso wagon, killed driver and one horse, pitched another man and horse thirty feet down the bank and smashed the wagon into "a thousand flinders." Before the train was fairly stopped and before tbe dead man was found, the "old grey" ho had been so summarily jerked out of the harness, was on his fvt quietly eating grass in tho meadow, lio looked quite satisfied with tbo position, as ho stood cover od with mud and with a remnant of the collar dangling round his neck. i ..... i .... i.m A UMWkkU uiii. ...... .j new ,uu on a plank beside the road ; there was a rush, a scream, and a form in black dress, with bright auburn curls, knelt at its head, as the train with its two hundred passen gers moved off with a rapid speed, escaping from an express due in our rear, which would have speedily reduced us to a simi lar condition. And we left behind us the dead man and flio weeping heart As over yours, Is Transit. Population of the leading cities In tbe Old World : London. 8.21. 000 ; Paris, 1,900,000 ; Constantinople. 1,500,000; Ber lin, 800,000; 8L Petersburg. 667,000 ; Vienna, 605,000 ; Naples. 600,000 ; Liver pool, 620,000; Moaoow. 425.000; Glasgow, 401.000; Madrid. 390.000; Dnblin, 392,000; Alancbeater. 340,000 ; Lisbon, 340,000 ; Amsterdam, 250.000. Baboo Claude Sen. tbe East Indian reformer, is a convert to the women's rights movement. One-fifth of all tbe iron Bids ia tte United SAtes ia suds ham Lake Superior ere. scnoot notices ON THURSDAY, OCT, 6.u, ISS AHHS WILL OPEN A SCHOOL FOB ehildreo. at bur ruideno. on Heoond ttrt.t. I twea naiDMiT ana unarauw octl ' . ' 4 31 SOITUKRS gfJUOOl, IN NKW mg FreUi IH. EDWatlD B. WHirfi'H ENQM3H aud noh Boarding Cahoot f ir fonDg LaAi, No. : wMt 121 at met. ounoalt. UiaerToir l'ark. ene 85 S81- SCHOOL H.TR8. JIEJJIOOA A. MURBKT WILL BE i.YJL OP.B bar Bohool on Monday, October 3fl, al her residence on nariet, between Blttn ana Hot Dtb .treat.. Tbe patronage of tbs nubile ia reooeotfutly ao lie lieu. ool 1 4-tf Cape Fear Military Academy, mHE THIRD ANNUAL HE&IOtf Ol? THIS JL INbTllU riON will oomnienoB on Tummy, October 4th, in tha aame building, and wiih the ima inatruotor. as last year. TBMS FOB HALT SW.IOH, IX 1)111(1 UMIBUAHT 13T1I. Preparatory Department........ ,..35 AJranceJ Olaaae. , .100 To be paid atrlotlv on cntoriwg;. R. E. COLHTON, A. M., Principal, septal ' 308 8w INKS. I. A I'M B0THWELL WTlhh COMMENCE TUB 35tu ANKCiL v v 8KS3ION OF HEll CHOOL on Kouil.y, the Sd of Ojtober. lloja of 10 and under 10 year, of ega vill te rtoaivad in the P.iinarj Department sept 3'J . s-ai' TIIK AC IDEM? OF TUE rKOAUNATlON, and.r tbe auaptona of the bn- X ter. of Moroy, will opeu it. Si Animal Bcsaiun oo tbe let Monday of Heptember, and it pmimeo. to enter on all tbe burheet brauobe. of Kduoa- tion aud to rank iUoifin worth and ability witb tho ao (tiemloa or Ulianesion ana ttnintcr. jnly ia J TUB TWELFTH ANNUAL 8ESSI0K fr RKV. DANIEL MOJtUELLE'8 EnKllb w ana uusticai ecuooi wm open (U. v.) ilou- day, tbo twolfth of Ootober proximo, on the Hnotneaat eorner of Orange and Fifth streets. Inatrnotlon. civen in tha clement, of the French and German languages. o extra ouargea. . .rpt 15 800 Ge IHtUfitt EDICATIO.y. HELLMUTH COLLEGE Board and Tltlo pr tiun, S446. TTELLMUTH LADIES' OOLLEOE. hiauga- XX rated by H. B. H. Prinoo Author. Board I Tuition per annum. 1230. rutaiDFirr : T Very Bev. I. Hellmuth, D.V.. Dean on Huron, ear For cartionlar. ariDlr to Ma or Evan.. lioduod. uanaaa weai. Hop. 13, 1870 898-ly-ch ST. PAUL'S INSTUUTIS -AND- - MUSICAL ACADEMY, MARS ET ST.. JU DOOR E. OF FIETII ST., WILMINGTON, N. O. fTAHE FIRST HUHOLAHTIO YEAR Of THIS X Institute, for pupils of both aexea. will oom- menca Ootober Sd, 1870. Pupil, wul bare all tbe advanlage. generally expected in a well con ducted sohool, upon reasonable term. Pereone wiabing to .tcdy either Voeal or Jrutrumental Mutw, oan do ao without entering the Institute. For partionlar. sea oiroolar. at Hoioaberger'a ana jjots . uoos ana mueio d wires. . F. BCEOKEHT, FrofMr of Muio, Principal. eeptl7 802 tf OXFORD FEMALE ACADEMY, OXFORD, N. O. MI88 M. E. MITCHELL and MBS. E.N. OBANT, Puinciriu. I fTIHE EXEB0I8ES OF THIS lN8TTr0TION X wul bs nanmea JUL. a7lta. 18T0. The PriaclpaJs believe that their PcUool afford, advantage, eqoal to any to be found e laewbere, a. regara. in. .taoaaro or aonoiaranip ana at tainments! and th. attentloa to th. healtb. de portment, and moral training of tbeyonog iadie I oommittad to their ear.. : I The Mnaio Department 1. ndr tha oar of I Mrs. w. ii. Morrow, weu-known aa a moat tbor- on eh and aooomphahed mnaio teacher. It oaa aoaroely b neoeaaary to call attention to I th. well-known fact that Oxford ia on. of th. I bealtbiett vlllagM or North Carolina, Circular., with terms, Ao.. oa application. ' Beferonoe. Bev.O. Phillips, D. D.. Dayidaon College. N. (1.: Col.W. J. Martin. Davidson Ool- lege : Hon. Z. B. Vane. Charlotte. N. Ui Oen. W. Qaaton Lewi., Tarboro' ; Hon. W. H. Battle, 1 Baleigb ; Mr, a P. Spencer, t'hapel Hill : Iter. I D. E. Jordan, Oxford; Bev. O. F. Deemr, I). D., I new iora nr. . i. Dnmmer.it, twutoory turf. P. n. Dalton. Washington. N. O.: Mai. J. A. En gelhard, Wilmington, M. O , and all frlanda and pnpila of tb. UU Prof. Uitoheli, of th. t nirorai- ty or laona uaroiuta. July 10 ; Si3-3m MOUTDERN flOM SCHOOL For Young Ladies. BALTTMOKE. MD. KSTABAJSHBO IK IS, MR. A Mftfl. WILSON U. OABY, ih., MBd. QKN'L JOHN PEOBAM, J "Ate. a sorp. or aevenie.0 BipwienoM T.aebers: .. DnUes reaumad on SepUmber 21. 1870. Frraoh U the Language of tb. School. No pa- pile received wbe are not willing to atudyl M reoca. I Initroolion la Uii. lacgnig. will b given grat-1 nitonaly in th. Primary Department ol the! School, and a par. accent imputed by a Parisian Teacher In tb. Muaicai Doparlmont bo pain, orex proae ire .pared. None tut Proteeeor. of abili ty and eiperieooe are employed. Tb. very x- teu.lv. patronage reorived by tin deuartment in oar echool ia th. bat evid. noe of i. excellenoe. I Ae onr number ia limited. .Darente who aiah to I plactbcir daogbwra witn oa aa biardiug pnpil. are oouoaeiiea to maae early .ppuaaltnn. No pupil can be withdrawn be foe th. oloae of I tbe academic year. For (nil information aee circular., which maj be obtained at tb. principal book atora in Balti more, crnpoo applyiLg by letter to eitbar of th. I Principal! aa above. 1 I Penonal iutrvUw. with th. principal can be I bold ontu iW) l, ana alter uapumbw l, at tb. echool. , . .. Junes .. ai2-law.iaoh HE IDE'S, BOpTH WATEB STREET, rn XlHHUmcBIBElBEOa LEAVE TO CALL I th. aUantloa of Marobauta, both ia th. ty and soanlry, to bis Urg. sad varied aaaortmaot of Groceries, Conleetionar iea. Trails, Canned Qoode , Wood and Willow-war.. Stationery, Notions Pvrriy and Doma'ic, ia all 1U bran.hea. Thi. ociablUhment is not .idled by any aimiiar one ia the State, neither ia good, or prioM. Call and be Sbowa tbrosgtt this Honaa. B. E. HEIDE. M?ta9 BOARD - QAS BE OBTAINED by apply ieg to MBS. W. H. LIPTITT, , O. Saoosd atnat. eetl 2,0 BA11EL8 UME. FTMJesH AID ICriBIOB TO5T IN IBIS XT market. Fer sale very low by " . WoBTfl WORTH. -1bs amMU MSlELLANKOUv FILL AND WITi;il STOCK or flffiW 600BS ! - SOL. BE All & BROS. JJAVE ON HAND SO) CA8E8 Of BOOTS AISU bUOWJ, bong lit dlreet rrom aaatero Uannfaotnrori, which they gnaran ' tea to sell ai lew as any job bing bonse North ; y ( also, a vary large and wU eleotad stock of Olotsimo for tbs Fall and Winter trade, of wliloli tbey have manufactured a large portion (hsmaalvoa. THEY DEFX COMPETITION. ALSO, 100 OA8E8 OF FISE Felt and Wool Hats, which tbor offer at great induoement to par- chaser. Ttielr stook of DOMESTICS AND NOTIONS oaunot b. aurpaeaod iu the Btate by any Jobbing house. OUR WHOLESALE TRADE. Ws oooupy three Stories exoln.ivoly for our Wholesale Trade Department. OCR RETAIL DEPARTMENT Is composed of a firat-olaaa stock ef GENTS' CLOTHING AND rcBNISHING GOODS, HATS, and City Had. BOOTS AND SHOES. We beg onr old friends from tbs city and coun try to give u a call and examine onr STOCK, which Ibey will find oouiplote. Ws will take groat pleasure in exhibiting to them oar large and well-eeleoled Stook. Ws tender onr thank, to oar frionds for their liberal patronags bestowed upon u. for th. past eighteen yean, and beg tb.m still to oontiuoe, SOL. BEAR & BROS. , sep IS aos-am A Npw Discovery 1 1 PhaloiVs V ITALIA Salvation for the Hair. CLEAR AdXiyATERI WITHOTK.SEDIMENT 1 1 OPENTfcJJHE LIGHT 1 1 i For Restoring to Grakflair its Original Color. Phalon' "ViTALurcUffers ut rrrlv from all flumair colorinrr ----- y preparatioj cretolorc used. it is luaspld, weet smelling, prcciimes no muaay or sumy matrer.reqpiiires noshaking.im parc no stain to the skin. Hold it tothe light and it is clear and cloujess. It leaves no mark on the ficato; yet it reproduces in gray haiNspnatural color that time or sicKrrL may have bleached out ot it, tfTPhalon'sVitalii is for one sole purpose,jnat of reproducing.'with absolute cer tainty, the naturadlor of the hair. It is notfuended as a daily dressiasnot for removing scurf or erandruff; nor for cu ring bajflncss; nor for stimula tinrr tjfe crowth of the hair. a Thes objects may be accom- plish i after the color has been fixed ith the Vitalia, by Pha- Ion's rator, emical Hair .Invigo- The VitaT a harmless md uneaualed Dte .tion for CS SK, IV.pAUUUVLIVU VI ieongi- rial hue of gray hair,: d noth- 1- w ing else. This is acco. lpusnea in from two to ten a ications,f iccordinjito the th of shade required. yall druggists. " fs-i3ai-Hi dee 39 COTTON YARNS AND . ... SHEETING. ioo "i" r r AT rACTOBY rEICES. ..... i V For sale by s - ' WnJaIAK3 A liXSCION. . septa M .X DHf GOODS, B. & L. WEILL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . , -ii DKSI.EUH IN 1 ' ' ' - ' FANCY M) DOMESTIC DRY COODS, , BllADJr MADK (JLOTliiNU,, ' ' BOOT-', hltOM, r II AT", THt'tiEH, CABPITS, ' ' I a CA11PKT B AOS, 40., . , NO. 17 MAIih'El STREET, W 1 1 M I N G T O N. N . C HAVE 1IKM0VID TO TI1KIB KKiV IKON FRONT (IUCPL.R 8T0RE, I NO. 17 MARKET STREET, i iNrxt door to Dawaou, Teel 1 llenning's Hard- wars Store.) WK TAKE Pl.EAHfJUB IN RETURNING to onr frteuda and patrnna our aluoe thauke for their poueroiu patrouage, and beg to luforui nam mat . wm remove to onr NEW STORE, NO. 17 MAKKET STREET. ou or before September lSlli. Ws will open with an entirely new .took ef I new ..aaonabl. Good., recently purohaaed in New York and Philadelphia, by our agent, Mr. X wain, Onr stock will ba found oompl.te in svsry orancn, ana wo solicit a carerui .lamination thereof. No pains will bs spared to plea, ths most laatiuroaBi "Wholesale Department. Onr Wholeaal. Department wll b. on ths looond I floor, and snttrsly dleoooneotfd. from ths RETAIL ROOMS. Onr price, will be rHrnlalsd dally in aeeordanos witn iu. normern siaraeta. RETAIL DEPARTMENT! Ws propeMto make our Betail DeDartmeat an. twai arrangea ana mo.i eonvsnisnt of any in wuuwgww. -. .1 r . ? ; ;!!R inAW W Will bessltlbitsd In e separate apartment, and onr lady friende will derive both pl.asare and pniui inia a nni. - Ne Clothing will be kept In ths LADIES' DEPARTMENT. ' Our agent, Mr. A. Weill, when not absent at ths North seleotlng onr stook, will glv. bis per sonal ueaiun ana aapwvutoa to me Doaineaa. W. reeoMtfuliy aolioit a sail froaa all onr old frleoda and ettatomsrs, and tbs eitlaeas of Wil mington ana viol any. ws will be pleaeed to raw war (uuua wowinar yoa parouass or not. B. 4. L WEILL, hbw iaoa raoT circular stokb. Ho. 11 MABKET ST. 389-U septa NOTICE. f H. HUB8EI.L reapeotfully icfenm. kU KJm rneuo. ana MS publlo In general that on Monday, tb. l.t day of Aiur.at. will b Ooenln. Day at HILTON for ths mtertaiomeet of bl. patrons. Th. plaoe has beau renovated, and Wine, and Delieaeiea of th. eeeion will be fur- Blaneu io aatury tb. moot raotliuoas. This Sunday morning at it o'clock at Market Doek, a Boat will leave to oonvey tbo. who wleb le loepeot th. plaoe. i . .- O. H. HUdBKLU laly 261 GL0SE SALOON. ' m . . . X H E BESTAUB ANT DEFABTMENT OF thi. Popular Saloon ia agelo open for the daUoeofths poblle. SiDgl. meats earvad ia SvWrjr'slyU. Boarder, by lb. day, week and month will And every accommodation. OYeTEBS II EVEBr BTTLE. ? THE B All Always eonuio. th. bMt of liquor, at redoes prior.. 1 ' BBOCK A WEBB, Proptletors. ' 8-1 m aept 89 .-' ' '' ! Old Clarendon Bar. WiLKtB SIOOKK, rroprl.r, HAMBECENTLYTBOKOCOHLY BtNOVA tnl and lefitted tb old (Harrndon Bar, and la prepared to aaM( hi. friend, a.d farnl-h ihesi at bie Bar with the WkT qaaiity of AaQUOBH, ant--", ao , i qaaaiiu. a euiu ... NEW RTV'EU OYSTERS, ia Iny at;U de.iiwd, and of beat qaa I'y, furn- laneti oa aoort tiouo. , Tbe ratrnoae. or lb. nublic U r.moLfalif .tv iciirn ai in. oil .taim on aar'et atn.i ert 8 M i, CARRIAGES. J- OFFER F lit SALK AT sinvrurui.i.sirMcrs fMbioaable OarrlaaM of ry Mrtptae a mj . .1 .' CABBIAOE hEPOSITOBY oa lUoowd tint, m-mr tb eorner of Ftbom avesi, . na vug wmoim aa -gimiul eiie vtJ. ALria.OBue, . , I aa prepwf I. eall kie clobraUd OarrUgM ai kawwr price than erar before et-wtU in mm, mmm. Set, and a efcaep e. th. aam. u. b boagkt at . nnopinixumn 1MB rcrni.B ebait otioa,y. visas .nit tn. ii.tMw, frtn a ep oeeo Berry to t:,e fct Carr.yw. r ' TarwoBe wuio to pwrcsv wul tmmf fr rht from iWtimor. by pnrctiaaiiNr Omit at th Coor Ho, 4 a ,r a . 1 oe iar wiHbegltkd tovbc r t- t, or a v iuloras X v. tcssscz. eetflM Tval i ETTISCEB DRT COODS, GIVE US U00LI. FALL & WINTER DIT GOODS. I QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS AT WM. ETTINGER'S, 15 MARKET STREET, BRANCH OF 181 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. TfTE DATE BECXIVED AND AUK BT1LL Beoeivlng a Largs Stook of ths Choicest AND WINTER GOODS! Seleoted eat of ths Prlmsst Goods of ths Largest Importing Establishments in ths City of Nsw Tork, as we bad ths sl- . vantage ol boiog one of ! ths first ones In ths . Market, and ws ". wW te In- ' . form onr Customers, i ( that ths war In tbe Dry Goods Line is still to bs oontlnned. "No Best for the Wiokod." Omr motto 1st "Qoiok Sales and Small FrofiU." Ws ars determined to OCT -SILL THE CHEAPEST, THKLOW AND THI LOWEST, and we guar ante, to faralah better Good, for less monoy. Ws also thank onr ea.tom.rs for ths past liberal patronage, hoping, to rsoslys It In tb fatar, bs the most liberal ladaosmeats are entered, DRESS GOODS! CLOTHS, GASSIMEBES. DOMESTTO and ' FOREIGN GINGHAMS, FLANNELS: all irrades and eolors; HOMESPUNS, Bleaohed and TJnbleaohed ; DOMISTICa . i. A Complete Stock of White Goods. And Special attention ia called to onr Stock of 4 Largs Arsorment of BOOTS AND SHOES, 4- t . . LsdiM and OwU TJoerganniaU, Saratoga Trnbka. Yaliae, Bala, Bwitehes and Chignon. Alw a Largs and Well-Mloted Block o( OLOiniNQ; To eonclads with s very Large Stock ol Gette FCRNISHINO GOODS, The Largati Stock ia the State ef oer ewn Mtnufarture, A TraBiUdoa. Stook ef Ladies, Mi and Cbiidrra's Faoy Wbioh w Buaafaeaare at ear Faetery, 181 Bread way. New Tork. W gaaraate te Coeatry DaaJeae par fact SaUafaotioa la .vary Hae ol T floods. . 'V,.- ' - . " High pris eAd fee FTX 6XINS. We aak ae cdJs of eons, And beat 1st prices every one. WMr ETTINGER. . . .. kTILn!TSTCra.l C - i ' tn tt.- ' - ii SFT-.1 BAILCOADP. WILMINGTON WELDON tr Orrtos Ca Fko. awn ., Wiumkotos, N. C. CHANGE OF f . iiL'a ON AND AFTKB MONtAY. th. OA Inatant, train, on thi. road will leave Wiliulng. Ionate0a.m.aad8:80. m. and arrfve.l Wal dos at fi:30 a m. and 8:00 p.m. Lea. Weldou 10:(0 a. m. and 1:S5 f, m.; arriva at Wilmington 4:00 a, m. and :1S p. m. Tbe day traiua wiU not rnn on Hnudaya. Morning train North will leave Union Depot at : 16 o'ch.ck. Mght train North will loav. Union Depot at 9 : 60 o'clock, Ths a. m. Faa.engar Train makes oonnaatioa at Gold.boro' for Balaigh. Ao aoooramodatioa and freight train till) leave Wilmington 10:80 a. m. daily (Sandar. exceDt- BotsrolEg. leave Goldaboro at tM a. ., and arrive at Wilmington at 2 p. m. .. Th. day train, leaving Wilmington S:IB a.m.. and Weldon 1010 a. m.oonneot ebwely with Tarbe ro' nraneb train. iN.gnt paaaeugr tram., loav log Wilmington and Weldon aa Monday1 Wed neaday. and Friday., also, eonneot oloaaly with th. Tarboro' Branch train, and wiLh btuamers to Waahlngtoo, N. O, . f ,'! ' - """Luff. AHnna. mays . -j , ... GENEBAL BDPEBINTENDSNTS (fTFlCi, 1 WnJtisaroK, N, a, Kay 1 1670, 1 ON AND AFTEB 8TJITDAY., tho 9tV in.t., PaMsngers for ths W. A M. . B. will take the Train at ths W. A W. B, B, Depot and the following sohedals will bs ma t DAY EIPBKB8 TRAIN 'Dally, r ( LeavsWilmingtoa(WAvTBBDenot B:C0 X M. Arriv. st Klorenc. Jl:03 X H Arrive at KJngwilJe.,.. .............. 1.00 P. tf. Leavo Klng.vllle...... .........11:40 A. H Arriv. at Kloronoe. ......... ......... 8:14 P. M ArriT. at Wilmington.. NIGHT EXPBEHS TBAIN (Dally.) Leavs Wilmington i W A W B B. Depot) :30 P. H Arrlv.atFlor.no...... I A3 X M Arrive at Kiogaviils.. ...(.. .,.....,. IMLH LSavs ElngivUIS B it P. H Arriv. atlrlnranc ..,llj P. M Arrlvs at Wilmington , :! A. kf JtiO. 0. WINDED, Qenl bap't. may 19. 1870 EASTERN DIVISION WILnilfOTOK, CIIAftLOTTB A ttUTII. saroao aaiioioao : - - ; Orrioi AT WiunxoTov, N. 0m1 Jaanary 27th, 1870. , f ON AND AFTEB MONDAY, Slit of Jsnnary, 1S70, ths Trains on th EaaUro Drrtakm ot this Bo ad will run daily (Bandays sttosBted) as follows i , . .... PAIIlHtit TftAlX v-i aonio wrr . if Mr?t Leave Wilmington.. ........ .......... 8:18 k. K. " Cape Fear Bridge.. ...8:85 - " " Bladenboro' 8:M -S'M Lnmberton..., .". ....... .10:40 , " Lanrlnburgh .......... 1KMIP, tt, " Bookinsham.. 150 . Arrivs ai jWbe 'fttf ' u eoniQ nun. " " UavsPesD.... MOX K. Bookingham 6:0a." 1 1 Lanrinburgh.. ....... 4....... 8:411 1 Lnmberton. ............. ...10:C v ' ai.ja.k,i - ft-oa ' m A.auwuwv.v ........ a ......... N Case FMtBrtdg.. .......... , ItlOPtlS. Arriv at Wilmington 4;Q0, V irtt B.1UHT THAU a. ' K WEST. ...ttrw.' Lsavs Wilmington... 1:00 Xkf. Caps F.ar Bridge... S'.5 , Blajadonborot .i...'6 " . Yortrnil ,..., lao." Lumjrton ....7.X10:4J Arriv. at Laevtnborgh.. a0 P. If. on.8 BAM. ', !H,v Leavs Lanrlnburth ,. B:S6 A, kL . linmbertoav... ..,.,..., , 0:1'' - Jlllm::r.:::;:::::r.::! ' Oapa Ftr Bridge.. ............ IMV. V, Arrive at Wilmington 100 PasMnger Trains West eonneot With the Wadeaboro' aid Charlotte Stage oa Tuesday., Thorsdays and Batardars. , ,,,, " B. B. OtnON", COTTOU' G!" iarili TBE BROWN COTTON GIN, FOTY'SXI Of Oolnmbns, Oa. Aleo th BBOOjid PAT IENT (JOTTON PBESS th beat dim and Prea. nowinns. For.aJ. by - v tj" DAWSON, TBKIa 4k HKMIUO, Iron And Bard war Ksrohanls, Wilmington, N. 0, Bond for Giioslarsaad Frloss. . sag 18 878 Smos Estb. ES0CU M0U.LV8 ZZ7& 1809. : '. ill FOB flENTHIirt tM :1 il Hewe.1tvl. emrpoaas IS BETTEB AND OHEAPEB THAN BO AP. Doe. its work quickly, eaailr, sad with le la bor than any other oomBonnd : etaaae aejudow without water : remove afains from wood, mor- 64 and aton. ; leSM sad brighUne klir ttni UMi vKtn i fur gwaaral Aomm demninq a. oo-' quailed ; poli.be. tin, bra, iron, copper and Keel; remorse oil, met aad dirt from aaacAlMry remove, etain from th hand wbieh eap will not take off; Ae. Bold at all Grocery, Vtag and NothmBtor. --.:,-; I j.--r-, Whdluwl. J 811 Waahingtoa Street, N. I. , waoiuwi., WorordStrwot, London. - Jo!j i. tSJsemfla. PT- DI)iiJ:ct jr . i w i -. ' .' t v .' r-5 i f. riiT ' pure mm MEM. .-.-.a r't tUr-f :113 iMarthand" .;Ccafc t iti'i-fft-'istir X X AaJUtla:: it ! - V-.-" -r.-, 1 V ' CtMi rsBtainiBf Tvrs,To2fa Quirts : . .. r 1 1 LOW ,TO. CLOSL'j (JUT. iya ALL kl: v . J OB WOSS ' 4 FSATLI A .3 WW" T

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