WILMINGTON. N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 19. 187p. WHOLE NUMBER 5.C7L VOL. XX-NO. 19. n AIL Y JOURNA I. . OLDEST DAILY 1M TUB STATU. ,,!VCCLiIlAUU F1UCK. Proriolora. i? v AOVKHTUINQ KATKII OAU.T. IN - at. W r- ? ? ? f f f o o o. itv c 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 j U O K Cd !- ,S 8 8 8 8 .8 8 'oo - I in a 4 at w S.Jg.J8 J3 J. 8 8 . S S S x w ' 8 8 .8.. 8 .8 818 U m o e o a ? .8 ,8 8 8 8 8 8U - t)l U O 1 ee 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 IS? !fr " M H M w o o go wit q n 8 S .8 8 J? .8 8 f ,- o n u u f ...8. 8 .JB.IJ.8 8 . i8 S " S 8 8 od 8 8 8 8 .8 .8 ;s a s e s k 8. 8 8JS 8 8 8 o -l o Cn co ? cn m tn o ao S3 8 8 8l 8 8 8.J3 ' tS s E 5 oo m j W in O O C CM ;8. 8 8 .8 8 8.. 8 ! I 8 g 8 S '8 8 8 8 8 8 8 f2 KtffEEs 5 s2 :ai. Cliffs! 5! E iillBSVHIPTlOlf. Ono year, . ... , . ............. fio oo Six mouths, : oo Taroe months a ou : V WEEKLY JOURNAL. E3TABLIBHED SETTEMM.B. 1844. w on square, oi ten line or less, for each and every In ucnioB, II. special Notices will be charged $2 per square, for each aua . very uweruua- STJBSCIUPTIOlf, One year,.... Six months. .fs oo . i ao ME DAILY JOURNAL n WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1870. GEXEML LEE, taterettlox IlUtoricsl IlcmlnUccncea. ITtS IiTIEB CP EEEIONATION. a , t. From the New Xork Tribune. 7"On"ffi8'20tll'"ot"Apin"rl-8C,l;--OoIonBl,LBei- aftar a sertice of twenty-fl?e years, ro- siened bis position in the United States ran. seniliDflr bia letter oi rossnation to Geuerei Scott, at Washington. It was in the following terms: ABUHOTOH, Ta,, April 20, 1801, OKSEiuii! Since my Interview with yon on tin 18th Instant, I have felt that I ought not longer . to retain my commission in the army. I there- ; for tender my resignation, which I request yon . will raaommend for aocentance. It would hare been presented at onee but for the straggle it ', haacansed ma to aeparate myself from a service to whiob I bay devotoa au tae Desv year oi my " life and all the abl'ity I possessed. . , Dnrini the whole of that time mora than a quarter of a century I have experienoed noth- in bnt kindness from superiors, and the most . - aordiaJ friendshiD from my comrades. To no one, General, bave I been aa much indebted aa to vonraelf for uniform kindness and consideration. and it has always been my ardent desire to meet vonr aDDrobatlon. I shall carry to the grave the 5 v . mmt rtefal reoollf otions of yoar kind eonsid ' eration, and your name and fame will always be i . dear to me. . ; Bave in defence of my native Btato, I never desire again to draw my sword. Be pleased to . ascent my most earnest withe for the continu ance of your happiness and prosperity, and be lieve me most truly yours, B, B. Lie. A LETTEB TO ma BISTER. To bis sister, the wife of an officer loyal to the flag, be wrote: . . . "Mi Deas Sisteb : I am grieved at my inability to see you. I bave been waiting for a more 'convenient season,' which baa brought to many before ' me the deep and lasting regret. We are now in a state of war which will yield to nothing. The whole South is in a stato of revolution, into which Virginia, after a long stragglo, has been drawn;and though I recognize no necessity for this state of things, and would bave forborne and pleaded to tho end for rodress of grievan ces, roal or supposed, yet in my own per 1 - son I bad to meet the question whether I should tako part against my nativo State. With all my devotion to tho Union, and the fooling of loyalty and duty of an American citizen, I bave not been able to , ' make np my mind to raise my band against my relatives, my children, my borne. I bave, therefore, resigned my commission in tbe army and save in defence of my na tive State with tbe sincere bone that my poor services may never be needed I hope I may never be called upon to draw my sword." ' This was the only "definition of bis posi tion" ever given by binu Uis resignation was instantly accepted, and be at onco took np bia residence in Richmond, as commander of the forces of Virginia. - From tha Philadelphia Frees. Aa extract from a letter written by bis wife reveals the conflict in bis mind before deciding npon bis course: "ily bnsband has wept tears of blood over this terrible war; bnt he must, ai a man of honor and a Virginian, share the destiny of bis Btato, which has solemnly pronounced for inde- Eendcnce." Lee bad once in a letter to is son at West Point, counselling him bis - duty at all times, given utterance to the sentiment, "Duty is the aublimest word in our langsage." : From the Borfolk Virginian. ncs hecettion n VlBQUnA. ' Having thrown np bis commission be ' repaired to liichmond, whore be offered bis sword to bis native State, the reply to which was bis appointment aa Major General in command of the Virginia troops. We all remember tbe grand reception .awarded bia by the convention, and few more solemn or august apeotaolea bave adorned our annals than waa presented on that memorable occasion. The venerable Mr. Janney received him in a speech marked by a certain antique pomp, whkh rose to genuine eloqoenoe at the end of bis address, and lent additional " solemnity to the ino r-resive scene. General Lee replied with characteristic tttodeety and "id: "ilr. President and t- Li en t lam of tba Conveation Profoundly impressed with tbe solemnity of the oe c4ion, for which I must say I was col jre rared, I accept the poeition ewiTjed f "rbyyocf pam'.'.ty. I would bare muck ajre'erred Lad your choice fallen npon an aUorrao. Trusting ia Almighty Got, sn aprrovir? coLsfe and the aid of b.j fciiow-feuena, I devote mrseJ to tbe servioe of my native Stat, in whose behalf alone wul 1 ever again draw my aword. In this brief response to tbe elaborate ad dress delivered by the president of tbe convention, we see that the animating prinoiple which controlled General Lee was that of doty, and that he looked to his Clod and tua conscience for the approval oi nis momentous decision. HIS LAST OIHIRAL OBDKB. When the terms of surrender had been agroed on, General Lea published tho fol lowing order to his beroio troops t TJlADQItS AltMI OF NOItTHKBM VlBGINIA, ) April 10th. 18CC f After fonr years of arduous servioe marked by unsurpassed courage and forti tude. toe Army of Northern Yinrinia baa boon compelled to yield to overwhelming numbers and resources. I need not toll the survivors of ao many hard -fought bat tles, who bave remained steadfast to the last, that I have consented to this result from no distrust of them, but feeling that valor and devotion oould accomplish noth ing that oould compensate for the loss that wonld have attended tha continuation of tha contest. I Lava determined to avoid the useless saorifloa of those whose past services Have endeared tbem to their coun trymen. By tbe terms of the agreement, offioers and men can return to their homes, and remain mere until exchanged. Yon will take with you (a talufachon that proceeds fnm tin comcioutnets of duly faiUifuuy perfonnem, ana I earnestly pray that a merciful Uod will extend to you ilia blessing and protection. With aa onooas ins: admiration of your constancy and do votion to your oountry. and a gratefal re membrance of your kind and generous consideration of myself, X bid you an an.c tionate farewoll, (Signed) B.E.LKB, : . General. ' Fiom Mr, Greeley's "American Conflict." LIB'S FABIWIUi TO HIS SOLDIERS. The Parting of Lee with his devoted followers was a sad one. Of tbe proud army, whiob, dating its victories from Bull Bun, had driven MoClellan from before Richmond, and withstood his best effort at AntieUm, and ahattered Burnside's host at Fredericksburg, and worsted Hooker at Ghancellorsville, and fought Meade ao stoutly, though iinsuooesafully, as before Gettysburg, and baffled Grant s bounteous resources and desperate efforts in the Wil derness, at Spotsylvania, on the north An na, at Gold Harbor, and before Petersborit and Richmond, a mere wreck remained. It is said that 27,000 were included in Lee's capitulation ; but of these not more than 10,000 had been able to carry their arms thus far on their boneless and almost food less flight. Barely nineteen miles from Lynchburg when surrendered, the physical possibility of forcing their way thither even at the oost of half their number no loncer remained. And if thev were all safely there, what then f The resources of the Confederacy were utterly exhausted. Of tbe 150,000 men whose names were borne on its muster-rolls a few weeks sko. at least one-third were already disabled or prisoners, and the residue oould neither be clad nor fed not to dream of their being fully armed or paid ; while the resource of tbe loyal States were scarcely touohed, their ranks nearly or quite as full as ever, and their supplies of ordnance, small arms, munitions, eta, more ample than in any previous April. Of the million or ao borne ou our muster-rolls, probable not more than half were in active aerriee. with half so many more able to take tbe field at short notice. The rebellion had failed and gone down ; bnt the rebel army of Virginia and its commander badrtof failed. Fighting sternly againat tbe inevitable ; against the irrepressible tendenoies the generous as pirations of the age, they had been proved unable to succeed when success would have been a calamity to their obildren. to their oountry, and to the human race. And when tbe transient agony of defeat bad been endnred and had naaaed. thav? all ex perienced a sense oi relief astney crowded aronnd their denartinir chief, who. with streaming eyes, grasped and pressed their outstretonea nanus, at lengta nnaing woras to say : "Men, we have fought through the war together, i nave dono tbe best tbat can for you." There were few dry eyea among tnose wno witnessed in scene. A BOBAf OF HHTOBX. From the New York Ban. On the surrender of General Lee at Ap pomattox Court-house, he made an ar rangement witn General urani to nsems influence to secure the immediate surrea ders of all rebel authority. By this ar rangement Grant was to proceed to Wash' iogton and ascertain the views of onr Gov eminent and tbe terms, H any, tbat would be accorded should the Confederate States Government at onoe abandon further re sistance and surrender its armies. Lee was to return to Biohmond and there wait the result of Grant's mis-ion to Washing ington. On receiving which he was to be permitted to pass through the lines and convey the ultimatum to Jeff. Davis, and secure his assent to it. Tho Assassination of President Lincoln, however, deferred the consummation of Grant's purpose ia visiting Washington, and the subsequent surrender of Johnston s army in north Carolina, and tha collapse of the rebellion in its organised character, rendered tbe further prosecution of tho mission nn- neooesary. From the Washington Btar. oTHXJt BJutnnsanwsBs. After being relieved of tbe command of West Point, he was granted leave of ab senoe, and resided at Arlington with bia family, during which time) ha frequently visited Washington, tie waa very fond oi ladies' company, and always showed tha greatest respect to the sex. His conver sational powers were good, though every word he uttered aeemed to be guarded. He had but few "bosom friends, " and there is not an officer in tbe ty now-with whom it can be said that bs) waa very in timate. His manner being reserved, be was not easily approached, though' he was always regarded as tbe perfect type of a dignified offloer. When be resign ed his commission la tho United Stoles army General Boot was doeply affeoted, and remarked to a feilow offlotr that "Lee waa a Trainable mas, and bis sen iocs were worth millions a day to any government.''. . . ; , It u said that he refused to open letters addressed to him daring tha secession excitement until be had made ap his mind to resign his commission, bia reason be ing that ho wooid not b wfln pad by any appeals or offer from tho be loved. His sons, Custis, FihcbjBgh. and Robert, and bia daughters. If ary, Agnes and Mild' red, are living iaViirmia. Aa acre eontalDS 4,t . 1 annore yards. . A sonar mile eon tains 6;J a, -, A rail is 5,2 3 tm or 1,703 y- li lr--b A a-s H tir- rules Af .;j is aizf t A Laud ioo measure) ia iou inches, i paOakUM inches, A rrtet ti trtw fcftt. SCHOOL NOTICES. 8Ts PACL'8 INSTITUTE F Kg OB rVPTLS OF BOTH SF.XB3 14 NOW odd. . Tbe malar sours of stadias la the sllsh lansaac given at 18 ner month. The Gmnmam language and ktasio ffive yreue, Special at tan lion given to tuition In the i AOADIMY OF M081O, ' to Focal Kuala, Piano, Organ, Oaitar and in all Dranone or nuslo oo vary reasonable isrma.-. For pa rtlon lara apply to J. F. Bl'KOiKBT, Prof, of Mnslc. . Market street near 0th oct S - 7-tf SCHOOL. HTHa. RESROOl A. MTJBBiX WlLli BK oDAD her School on Monday. Ootobar Id. at her rasidenoa on at arket, between Sixth and Sev enth streets. The patronage of the pnbllo it respectfully so llcitad. . - - . octl ' T1IK ACADK1MV OK TI1K JIOABNATIOH, under tha aaeploe of the Bis ter of Merov, will open its 94 Annual Session on tha 1st Monday of September, and it pmpoaas to enter on all tha highest branches of Educa tion and to rank itself ia worth and ability with the A edamie of Charleston and Bumter. Jnly 12 ' --:- M THE TWELFTH ANNUAL SESSION OF BEV. DANIEL MOBBILLX'S English and Olaseioal Sobool will open (D. V.) aton- day, tha twelfth of October proximo, on the Boutbeaet corner or orange and Finn streets. " Inetrnolions Riven in the elements of tbe French and Oerman langaagee. Ho extra obarge. sept 15 aoo-aw UI6UER EDUCATION. HDLLLlUTn COLLEGE Beard aad Twltlaw per saaaim. aaae. HKLLMUTH LADIES' OOLUCQE, Insugn rated by H. B. H. Prinoe Author. Board and Tuition ner annum. 1236. Fbesidiwt i The Very Bev. J. Heumuth, D.D., Dean on Hnroe. ' For particulars apply to Major Evans liondon, uanada weal. Sep. 13, 1870 W-ly-ch R1ISINS, QUBBaNTS, ciraoN, FBK9H CBAOKKBB. ALBEBT BI8017IT At JAVIS O. BTXVENBON'S. 'tar 0els Dellrerea Free af Charge. ootU 1S- 8ALE OF LAND. TR PTJBSTJ1NOB of the previsions of a dead el jl trust ex.ouua to me oy wuuam v. tteynoias and wife, of the eity of Norfolk and State of Vir ginia, baarins- date lAth of December. 1807. and recorded in Book Y, page 872, of tha Begister'e offloe of the ooonty of Biohmond and Btata of North OaroUna. I ehall proceed to sell at pnbUo outory at the Oonrt ;Hoase door in theitownof Mooungnam, neiwean in nours oi iu a. m. ana 4 p. m.. on TuBSDAX the 1st day of NOVEM BiCB next, the several tracts of land specifically set forth In said deed, amounting In the aggregate to io,7UU acres, xnia lana is nneiy ooverea with timber, and much of it 1 valuable for Naval Stores and other purposes. Terms mad known oa day of sale. QIXBEBTO. WALKEB, Trnsta. STEELE A WALKER, Attorneys for Trustee. ootS - S-30toh DEW DROP 84.L00N. No. 5 South front St, Wilmington. N. a TOBT. 1. BCABBOBOTJQH would inform his JLXi old friends and onstomers that bs has reeentl renovated and refitted the above Saloon. an wonld be pleased to receive a oonUnaano of their oatronera. Hie BAB is always sspphed with the BIST of lUWUUAUI. OY8TEB3 Received almost dally from New stiver, of beet quality, ana rurnisnea in any quantity or style ept ta - . i ar 0 flics County ExtBinsr, w Btuservwr CoeuHj, NOTTOK IS BEBXBf GIVEN THAT THE Sobool Examiner of New Hanover eonnty nuiainimi,. ci. w. oui. loiu. 2 ui examine eaoaiaaies TorTsaoaers in ta ran- Schools of said County, in the Hemenway School Hooea on Foorth street, near Bed Oroes street, wumlogton, oa nstaraay, uctobar Wtb, at 1 P. M. Applications for examination should b mad I writing. All applicants are reqaired by tbe Stat law to furnish satisfactory evidence of good moral naraetar. , AmX M. BBADLXY, c Ooanty Sxaatloer. oct 8 ' J " " " 1 lo-aod IALE OF USD, Fr Dcllaqtent Taxis. Bruswlck Cs. BT VIBTOE of a lodgment of eondaswnstloq from Lbs Bnparios Coart of tha aounly ef uraaewtes, i wiu expoee vo panue aaM for tales, at tie Oomrt Hoae la BmUhviU, oa the (th day M Noveeabsr. 1870 170,130 oaree of'iaad, th property of th Oreen Swamp Company. Amoont ef tax, 1601 88. xseuoaorea or taao, snowa a ware uaa. Fropertv of D. O. Bobaeoa. Amount of tax. aii 83. 1.000 acre or land, iioruiweet towoabin: nro- perty of X. Emmoos. Asaoont of tax. 117 67. S16 acres of land. North weet tow aafiip: proper iiMsuwees wwaauiuipn slmoant of Ux. il 78. ly oi a. a . aumu, DUVBUil S BWAlUi Bhsrifl of Brunswick soaaty. 6-lm u a unT. ta ivitn oct : CRE4T ONE DOLLAR I1LB t i EVEBTBODI INTERESTED. EXTBAOBDIRABT SALE OF DIAMOND AND Ooid Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Mo- eicei xnewusMnta, Bewmg ataotimea, fry ana Faaey Oooda. Table Outlery. Fbotograsfu Al bums, Article of Tartu and aa aadloas variety of roraifB ana AMuneeua uooaa. neta aeeroi aai oraasaBtAj at a aoiforss arios ef C&X BOLLAB ShaLASa ' Aawate waatad varywbera: graat kada Ofiered. Bextd for ctroaiar. Aidree a O. OOBT m oa. Be. US Broedwav. Kaw Xark. July U 4exUeaai EDWIN a ST AX ALAND, 1 ewtael It. stasalasd. 1 CJXVEN HUirf&ED AKD TBUXS ti TH00 13 Dollar (7u TO) da by aocbont. Warrant at aUaehment retnrnabla before J. 0. ataaa. Olerk of tbe Bopertor Onort lor tbe Ooonty of New Haoorsr. at bis effloe oa th Klh dav ol November, A. D. 187 ; when and where the 4J teooaM la reqatreci to appar and aeewer tb eometaiat. Dated tbe Iftta dav of October, i D.A870. ED WIS O. 81 AS ALAS D, - - FleinUS. Maaatu BsxxAsrr, FtaintUTs Atteraey , oee It , - It-luwCw nrcrrci'g istice. miri c&iiARniasu) iiatisc ow rn L llth day of October, im, daJy qaalioed be. for tb Je-r ef Ff' ti of F.w novr Ooaa- ty. tt i." ' tlte U . t a4 iMta- : t Of J' ui.kA J. 1. -r. d'XHf L erfc ie oi : n (o au irjM u to aant iiMeaae ta iTw ..t r-'" tnnrmd ; aad to, all r 'ii- K 'ii . u,e aaue to ex i , , . a m t. a or beiur tn ls C t '. . . . . . - "! t 4 i, a.; . Ulitttj MISCELLANEOUS. e V71DE ATJAKE" 1 1 MORE GOOD NEWS." Ta. BALTIMORSI RAatll HOl'BB whloh opened last week, for th preeeut at No, IS Market street, near Water, will this morning reoelve per Bteamer, a larg stock of seasonable DRY GOODS Of alljdesoriptious, s READY-MADE CLOTUtftG, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, OAVS, TRUNKS, VALISES, dc, Whloh, la addition to th wall lot4 stock aow on hand, will make np th best stock ia ths oily of Wilmington, and as to price ws rsler yon to tbs following i : Oalloos at 7, 9, 10, and th beet and latest Fall Styles lit oents. Homespnns Cheaper than th Obeapest. . Worsted Drs Good at astonishingly low prloes; and everything that ws have for sal warrants an examination Of our stock, ' ' i All we ask ia aoall, . , Dealers are earnsstly requested to sxsmins Stook, for we guarantee a liberal deduotlon. 1 j Do not forget the nam and number " ISAAC MAOKO, rio. 13 Market Street, it ootU FALL AND WINTER STOCK or goods i SOL. BEAR & BROS. J-JAVE ON HAND 800 CABX8 OF BOOTS and bbubb, Booght oiraot irom naste ra Manufacturers, which they guaroa- U (o U as low a any ob " bing house North j . a very large and well- eleoted stock of CLorama for . th Fall and Winter trad, of whloh thsy have macufaotorad a large portion themeelvee. THEY DEFT COMPETITION. ALSO, 100 CASES OF FINE Felt and Wool Hats, whloh they offer at great lnduoatota to pur chaser. Their atoek of " " DOKESTICS ADD NOTIONS eonoot be surpassed In th Stat by any Jobbing bona. .. , . , OUR WHOLESALE TRADE. W oorapy three Storia exclusively for oar Wholesale Trade Department. OUR RETAIL DEPARTMENT Is oosapoed of a first-lass stock of OXRTS CLOTHIKQ "' AND FUBSIBHINQ OOODS, HATS, aal Oty Mads BOOTS AND SBOZS. Ws beg our old friends from th eity aad eoua- try to give a a eal aad exsntiae our ITOCX, wbiek"tby Will And ompiU,' ' M , W will take graat pleaMre ia axhibrUng to than ear targe and waO-eeleoted Stack. W leader oar tbaks to earartaads sat their lfceral otrsaag ksssowsd trpea aw for the peat htM yeera, as4 1 tbeea still to soatiaaa. ' SQL, E3JR&r.10S. sewlS Sas-tm COTTON YARNS AND t J SHEETING, t . t, . i - ' - It i. , ' . 4 at. v Mf AT FACTCST rrJCTT, .Taret'ebF- ' eptlQ DRY GOODS. B. & L. WEILL, WHOLESALE AND 11F.TA1L ' " t DEALER 18 1 , . FANCY AND DOMESTIC DRT C00D3, BEASX MADE CUyiTLTSa,""' " ' boots, anoKs, HATS, TBUNKB. OABPETfl, OABriT BA08, AO., NO. 17 AfARKKJ STREET, WILMINGTON. N G-: -' HAVE BEMOVED TO THXIB ' NEW IRON FRONT CIRCVLIR STORE. Na 17 MAllKET BTlUiET, iNcxt door to Daweva, Tee! Uennlng's Hard- ni vrtre Store.) WE TAKE PLEASURE IN BITCBNINO to our friend and patrons our sloe thank for their generoae patronage, and beg to inform mem uiat we wiu remove o ear NEIflTOnE NO. 17 MARKET STREET, on or be fur September lBLh. We will open with aa entirely new stock w Maaonabl Goods, recently pnrchaaed New Tork and rhllsdelputa, by our agent, Mr, Weill. ' - Our stock will be found complete In branch, aad we solicit a careful eiamination theraof. No neina will b soared to please th moat fastidious. Wholesale Dvpaxtxnent. Our Wholesale Department wll be on th aeoond floor, and entirely diaoouueoted from th , RETAIL ROOMS. Our orice win be regulated dally ia aocordanoe with th Northara Market. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. Wa propose to make onr- Betall Department Uie beet arraagsu oed moat eonvetuent of any is Wilmington. , OUR iCLOAEB, SUAH LS AND. FURS Will be xhlbitd tn a tenarat auartment. and our lady friend will derive both pleasure and prout irom a vwi. No Clothing wUl be kopt in the - - f . ' LADIES DEPARTMENT. ' f Onr airent. Mr. A. Weill, when not absent at tbe Nor in aeieoung our stoos. will ve hi per i business. aonai attenttoo ana snpervteion to W reeoeetfnlly eolioit a call from all our old friends sad customer, and th etUaeae of Wil mington and vicinity. Wa will b pleaeed to chow ear good whether you parches or not. - " B. k L. WEILL. IIW I ROM WIUtmT CIRCULAR BTUHB, Ho. 17 MABKJCT ST. ' ' ' 399-tf septJ NOTICE. I H. BDS8ELL raspeotfully - Infotm hi Jm friends and th vnblto la general that on Monday, tbe let day of August, will b Opening Day at HILTON for th eatertainoMol of hi patron. Th place has baan renovated, i win sod Dolioaclea of the eaoa will be fur niabed to eaAiefr the meet faetidloes. This Sunday taosotng at S a'dook at Market Dock, a Boat will leave to oonvey those who wish to inspect th place. O. H. HC88ELL. Inly 861- i( GLOBE SALOON. , m ' X HI BESTAUBANT SIFABTMENT OF this Popular pelooa is agaia opaa for the aoooawuK daakwoftaaFabUe Single meal ssrrad in every style. Boarder by th day, week and month will find every accommodation. a - OYSTZBS IB BTEBY STYLE. TILLS DAD; Always contains tbe bestof liquors at redaos prtoe. " '.. BBOCIA WXBB, , . ftoprtators. sept 30 a-lm SPIRIT BARRELS, 500 NXW AND SECOND BAND. For J from wharf by WniLLUS k AlUKCHlSOy. 014 CARRIAGES. rCFFXB FOB SALE AT J? ' EaJrrACrCBXBSFXICXS Jf 7 faahloeabU Carriage of every de., aTay CABBIAfVB aiPOtlTBET BeeoDd atreet, aaar the eotues nf Frin.. aUWDg aBioUd aa anesgseasat wuh Wm. IIoOAHS, I ass prepared to aafl hie eetabratad Cwtaaa) at leww prict thaa mt before ef5rd ia oo mar tea. a4 a eKep ae tha e...e ea U t. .,1.1 at km ehope m bxwaw. I o tanmkmm ebrt w -v, k j ,! hj ! , . e i.j i Jin areas s B H'a tnrrv - ! 4 I ! .! ear tbe S- i . eve. Cull a - ' ....j- , '. a -. . . , ,;lt 1 1 'jr- i - a. w. tcz ETTINCER DRY 00D8. oryE jre Boon. FALL & WINTER DRY GOODS. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS AT WM. ETTINGER'S, IS MARKET STREET, BRANCH OF 1S1 BROADWAY. NEW TORE. -to:- ITTI HAVB BKOXIYSD AND ARB STILL v . ' : Beoelvlug a Largs Stock of th Choicest AND WINTER GOODS! Sslscted out of th Primes! Goods of the Largest Importing IsUbUekments in th City of lew Xork, as we had the d . vantag of Ulng ons of , th first onss tn th . ; ; , .. . i Market, and wi f'Sntih to? in form our Customers, ' that the war in -is in the Dry Goods Llus Is still to be continued. 11 "Ha Beat A the . Wlakal Our mdtto is: Quick Balss and Ssaall rrofitt." We are ttoUrsalnsd to ; 'oUT-fiXXiL TEX 0BEATXST, TBI LOW AND TBI LOWEST, aad w (manatee to furnish better Goods for lee mosey. We also thank our eustomers tor the post liberal patronage, hoping te receive it in th future, a th moet " ' UbsrsJ Induesmsals ' ; are offered, , : sush a . l-y-i DRESS GOODS! 0LOTH3, ri- .-; ti It CASSmEBES, i ' v: rx)ME3TId snd 5 , FOREIGN GIMQIIAUS. FLANNELS, all grades and colors; HOMESPUNSr Bleached and Unbleached ; , . Z)OMESTICa A Complete Btock of White Goods. And Special attention is called to oar Stock of A Largs Assortment of . BOOTS. .AND SHOES, . Lodi sad Gent Cndsrgarmsnts, Baratoga Trunks, Vali, Hals, Switchas and Chlgnona. Alee a Large aad Welt es tooted Bioak of : OLOTH1RG; To oonolod with a very Larg Stock of Geo te , - FCRNISHINO GOOJA The Largaat Stook to the State of oat own Keaareetara. A Tretneadoae Stook of Ladles, Missss aad CbQdrea's Faaey- ' . ...w. .. .... j.: j. -'. i a Which swe isnwfstnr. at ; oar Factory, 181 Broadway. N.w tork," Ws guarari t Oooutry Dealers perfect tatitotioa ta every line o 0ur 0gAa, ' !-. ....;. :. ,s t ,..' .. ; ..'j n. We kt -1 An! U'l j of tcBs, ' . : : th-cM k?e:j -ocv I i-7- RAILROAr?, WILMIROTOR A WZLDON BAILROAD CO., ' ' vvntn vu w ana. ad ukx t -r : l , WlUUSUTO, N. C, Aug. 1 I, 1... ), nr- r ,",f: cdancs of gcursuc, ON AND AFTEB MONDAY, th Bib !r.UBt, . train on this road will leave WilmmgZi tua at 6:1X1 a. m. and 9 90 p. m.( aad arrive at Vvul. -don at (:S0 a. m. and 8 :00 p.m.. Leave Wellun 10:00 at at. and 7.-85 p. tn. arrive at Wilmim: ma -4:00 a. tn. and t:U p. m. Tbe dav trains wiu not ron on Sundays. Morning train North will leave Onion Depot at 6 1 16 o'clock. Night train North will leave Union Depot at I BO o'oJook. To . m. Faaeengev Train makes eonnecUoa at Qoldeboro' for Baleigh. - Ao acoommodatloa and freight train will leave Wilmington 10:80 . m. daily (Sundays except ed). Belurnlite;. leave aoMsboro at 6:00 a. m., and arrive at Wilmington at S p. m. Th day trains leaving Wilmington 1:15 a.m., and Wekion 10:00 a. aueonneot eloeety wit ta Tarbo ' to' Bran oh train. Night paeeenger train lav ing Wilmington and Weldon en Monuaya. Vad. , aesdaya and Friday, also eon sect closely with ' ths Tarboro' lirancu train, and with Steamers to Washington, N. O. . - . ,.xt- , u naatovt. : -.- lag, Sana, .' mays ? .. .xad ;. OENEBAL SOPEIUNTENDENTS Off ICS, 1 I - , UOLDMBia ACUIleTA M, Sk W. j ; - Wiuuaaxoa, N. O, May Vi, Ij."9. 3 OB AND AFTED GTJNDAT., the 13th inrt, ; Paaaaneera for th W.1H.H.IL will lata th Train at the W. A W. B. B. Depot aad the ' following schsdnie will be ran I ; . . L DAY IXPBKRS TRAIN fDallV.1 . r, . t LevWUmlngton(WAWBB Depot) I M A.M; : Arrive al Floreno.... 11 D3 A M Arrivat Einrsville.. ...... .......... S:U0 P. M Leave Kingeville. ..........1M0 A. U Arrive al r ioreno. 1:14 P, M ! Arrlv at Wilmington. t:SC , M j NIGHT EXPBESS TBAIW (Dslfv.) Lcav Wtlmingtoa (W W fl B. Depot) 6.J0 F, K Arrive at Florenoe.....,.,. lj A. M , Arrive at XingavUl V:u0 A. M Laav &ingevule...,..i 8:13 P. K Arrlv atFliireno.. ..,,.,......,.,. p, M Arrlv at Wilmington...... S 11 A. U ' may 10. 1870 ., . " EASTERN; LiFISION ' vUiBtaaToa, cnaJiLorrai . . KtUfOaO UAllvUUAD KtVTH. I . B.kaJBana maJaak JeWx ' Ornci at WatrignTow, ft. cl,i January KUt. io70. J - SN AND AFTEB MONDAY, list of Jsnnary, 1870. tha Trains on th Eaatera Dlvi.ioo ol Bead will run dailv (Sundava axoentedl oa foUowsi . FASBBulBKB TSXAIpa, aoraa webt. Leave Wilmington 9M A. M. uap jrcar unsg... Bfi " , Blaaenboro...:. HI m Lumbcrtoa. . ..I0 Laurlnburgh " TtAi.blnvK.m .......a..,,.,. I't'l Jt . " Bocklngham....... Arrlv at fee De.. ...... sua onto bast, r .'.I B:40 A. M. " Laav Fee Dee. . M Booklnahaa. .,.,...,,,..,... , EaurluburgU.. ................ 81 ' N Bladanboro. . . .,.,.. ,.118 " Cape Fear Bridge. .3:40 P.M. Arrive at WllmingtonT. 8;00 . ' VJaBuuiiV VBAill, -. .4 . ' 0OXNO) WBNT, :i' Lea vs Wilmington.... H BtiO A.M. n Oasw Fear Bridge..... ..0.-89. i : )M Biacdenboro,.....M..M,.,. S:M . YorlrrUl......... tM " . a LuKjtrtoo ,.10:J' r . Arrive at LaeUinburgh. SJiO P. Hi oowa BAST. Leave Laurlnburgh..... I'M A. bV " Lambertoa.. .10 , - '' forkvUl B.18 - 1 i js-3 lHadeeboro' ..... t-AS m ? j - Up fear Bridge. ... ISP. at. Arrive at Wtlmingtoa Psaesugs Trains We eoaaest ult ike e Wadeeboro' and Charlotte Staso on Tuesday. , Thursdays and Saturdays. - ' ' i... . .B.B,ut;iy ... l- "'"tSr,- cono:j c:;;:. rpHE BROWN O0TT0R OIN, FOTtYTTXY Of JL Oolnmbna, Ga. Alao the BBUOkd FAT- lKNT OOTTON FBESS-th best Gin and Proas now in us, sor oi oy DAWSON, TIKI. BKaSUia, Iron and Hardware Marchaato, r . Wilnunstoa, M. 0, 8ndforOlrealarand lMoe. - t aug u , , i7o Estb. ENOCH MORtiVS 80N81 I8C WBOEttBAIi f 'pT nmaaole1 paryees 13 BETTEB AND CBBAPEB THAN SOAP. , Doe it work quickly, eaeilv, and with lee la ic thaa any other aompoand I cleans wfaatoi -! wtthont water removas (tain from trwxt, mar- bis and ttont l cleans aad brightens knicf ooel tabU tear t for -general Aovta eteonlite Issue squalled ; polishes tin, bra, iron, copper aad , teal; remove oil, rust and dirt from evic.mery " reoaovea stains frooa the band wbiefe eoap- wij not take off, Ao, Sold at ail Grocery, Drug aad . Notion Store. ' WBeieaeiie J til Waehlngtoo Street, H. I.. ;', w , w oxford Btwt,luaon. , r julyS ad-uch. - DIRECT mponTATic:: or PURE FRBiVni BRJ.V01.' Gabriel jUarcMV C IX1.LG. - . r Cascs tczi Iri Tws te:f a EsCBs ' a. a r i LOW TO CL OU1 r. I -IV, 1 . ,v t ) ' lf a f . 'ATI JAN A I! EATLX , ..Mf aagU

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