VOL. XX NO. GO. WILMINGTON. N. C, WEDN ESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 7,1870. IWUOJM NUMBER 5,712. DAILY JOURNAL OLPI8T DAILY IK TBI STATS. KlflKUtAip rFKICK. rnttHtol. tOTUTUMB RATEI-CA1LT.' 4 S 8 Snag 3 a r B a E !! If I flit If ft IS a Slip I ill! 3 or - Br JtL. L I si & m m m O fit . Ct lO I? S S 8 8 .8 i 8 tA A a 0 ? 8.8 8 8 01 ao as -a o 8 8 .8 8 8 8 S B o eg -a n 8 8 8.8 J5. 8 ae - M a S h c c n i- 8 8 8J 8 80 - - t- W Be M O I8..8 8 ..8 8 8 is S S B 5 S..8 8 8 8 S 3 K 8 B si C 8 8 .8 8. 8 8 S S S sf 8 K jS 8 88.8.S 8 ala e a e ? .8 JS 88.8 S E St 8 8 18 81 8 8 8 iSrsrsf s s s Is 8 8 8 8 8 if "I VI "g 8 !8 8 8 8 8 8 8 .flOOO 00 . 1 00 aUBHUlUFTIOJI, Wa . - - V'UO .... ...... Six months,........, Three month WEEKLY JOURNAL. ZSTABUBBZD BKPTXMBKB, 1844. one square, 01 ten Unet or leu. nr each and every In ertlon.fl. Special Notice will be charged f (per t quare, far each ana every insertion- aUBKKIPTIOff. One year................ ...3 eo Six month. .... no tiiilir Vaae. There are indication of a purpose to ttolo.de ex-Governor Tance, of North Car olina, from tho seat in the United States Senate to which he has jatt been elected to succeed General Abbott, whose term ex pires on tho 4th of Maroh next The New York Tribune and Albany Journal are iast ana seneiDie enougn to suppose the idea. and neither the present tempor of the country nor its own precedent will bear out the Scnato in acting upon it. If Governor Vanoo bo disqualified, as claimed, under tho fourteenth amendment, it should be remembered that in tho person of the ne gro Senator from Mississippi the Senate has alrt idy admitted a member disqualified not oul by what was in the Constitution at the time of his admission hut by what was n6t. Bevel's disqualification by what was in tho Constitution wa that he had not been "nine years a citizen of tho Uoitod Stales," as required by artiole 1, section 3, paragraph 11 -no negro being such oiliaen prior to July 28,1808, the date of tho adoption of the fourteenth amendment; and his disqualification by what was not m tho Constitution was that at tho timo of his admission the fifteenth amendment bad not as yet been adopted. and therefore, so far from being constitu ¬ tionally qualified lor office, ho was not con stitutionally a voter. These are law points, batonluw points tho admission of rx Govcrnor Vance will be contested, if at TIIE DAILY JOURNAL WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 7. 1870, The Approaching Downfall of Carpetbag lane. Oarpotbagism at the South has seen it best days. . From this time on we look for the eradaal banishment of the genus ear pet-bagger from places of publio trust in the Southern States. Since the war these men have bad a good time of it. They have filled nearly all the ofliocs, and load ed np their cavernous carpet-bags with the spoils. Turn and turn about is fair play, and they have no reason to complain if the southerners choose to oome into their own again, and send baok the soldiers of for tans who have so long fattened npon them to their northern homes. We do not join in the sweeping denunciation which pro nounoea every carpet-bagger a bad man. Some of them are fair and decent, and though mostly occupied with filling their pouches have not wholly misrepresented the people among whom they temporarily dwelt Bat in the nature of things the best of carpet-baggers is a man who can not wholly be trusted. He has not that identification with the interests of a Slate and a population which long residence. local relationship or acquaintance and community of feeling alone ean establish. Consequently if the rule were adopted, and without exception, not to give oflloea to carpet-Daggers, the uonthern mates wonld be, on the whole, better served " than they could be by the very piok and flower of that Bohemian race. North Carolina newly risen from the grave of her errors and misfortunes, has signal ized her returning life and strength by electing one of her old and most esteemed citizens, ex-tlovernor Vance, Senator in place of Abbott. The vote on joint ballot stood Vanoo, ill ; Abbott, 4X Governor Vance is a man of ability and character, with whom the most scrupulous of North erners on find no other fault than that be was swept into the rebellion by the tidal wave ox 61. cut as tnis is, or snouid ie, an era of forgiveness and amnesty, it is wrong and foolish to rake np Governor Vanoe'a connection with ao obsolete an affair as the civil war to discover reasons why he should not be United Senator in 1871. The only question is, whether he will not be a better Senator on all ac counts, and mors entirely represent the north Carolinians than Mr. Abbott, and on this bead there is little room for doubt though it is bnt justice to the latter to say that he has proved himself decidedly superior to the class of which be is a specimen. Governor Vance's speech on the evening of his election, is in ex cellent temper and taste. He is a Union man all over, as much so as Bamner, or Chandler, or Nye, bnt more than this he sets to those gentlemen and to other radicals like them, an example of that happy habit of forgetting old grudges, which they might profitably copy. His speech is full of such sentiments an theso : " Because onr party has been tri umphant, (here are somo who nrgo retalia tion. This should not be so." "Let an ger, r even go and retaliation bo ignored." "Every law, both State and national, should be respocted and obeyed by all our people, bitterness and vituperation should cease, and men no longer endeavoring to destroy each other should earnestly strive to engender kindly feelings among all class es of onr citizen." What carpet-bagger at the South would spoak like this, or so speaking would eot up to bis declarations? Not one. For it is their cue and tboir pol icy to keep np the old unfriendly feelings between North and South, to prevent am nesty from doing its perfect work of re conciliation, and Urns, with a minority of carpet-baggers like themselves und radical negro voters, to maintain their hold on power. The coming downfall of oarpot bagism In the South means a complete re storatioa of fraternal sympathies between the two sections, which it is the appointed mission of carpet baggers to stave off by eTery possible rueaiis. Therefore we hail the election of Governor Vance, of North Carolina, to the Senate. N. Y. Jour, of CW. Tito CMml Mm mt t. UraH, Among th members' who have arrived in Washington, 'the colored man and brother" will present himself to ths House to-day in the person of J. H. Bainey, of South Carolina, elected to fill the vacancy caused by the enforced resignation of Mr. Whittemorw, who now graces the South Carolina Btete Senate, So there will be in the Hones a colored ooteaaporary of Hon. Mr. Bevels in the Senate, and the equality oi races in tne.two Hones will be main teiaed and equjOly balanced. all, and we mention the facia in the black case to snow tuat the eunato cannot, ao cording to its own precedent, bristle into rigidity before tho new North Carolina Senator eUct ; i.-f Outside of the technical consideration is one of widor significance, and that is that the country is heartily lick of this pulling eleoted men down aud sotting defeated men np. It is robbery, because it robs the man elected of the oflico tho people have given him; it is nullification, became it abrogates the expressed will of the peo pie wno elect, it substitutes a sew and unauthorized conitituonoy for the only one known to our laws or tolerable to ourgoniua. It violates the maxim Dele gatus non ikkaari potest, for the represen tauve chosen by the people has no right to elect other representatives coequal with nimseii. xne whole thing is wrong injures Republicans and Democrats alike has, to use a vulgarism, been "run into the ground:" is hateful to the whole oonntry, and tho Senate is to understand that it must stop. It is a shameful and monstrous pusillanimity to confess this exaggerated fear of the Southern leaders which their pemstent exclusion from office implies. lhe whole Honthern conntry is as much complimented an annoyed every time the uoors are ennc in the laoa or one of lis recognized men, Tho cry goes out that "they" fear the Southern statesman still mat the great North, nob, prosperous. victorious and mighty, trembles at the ad mission into its legislative halls of one un armed and beaten man. . 1 ho thing has that look. It is an affront for it even to proient such an appearance, and yet the appearance will exist nntil tho whole dirty cargo of handouffd, the last rolio of the old slave-trading ship, is cat overboard. . i. noria. The Umnt.Dent Comblaatlan. Several attempts have been made to get a perfect list of the Grant-Dent family now holding office. These have all been fail nres, because sufficient time was not given to the subjeot, but the following from the New Tork Sun, is more accurate than any we have yet seen: L Ulysses Simpson Grant President of the United States. Salary 825,000. IL Jesse Boot Grant, Presidents father. Postmaster at Covington, Ky. Salary 90.0W. IIL Frederick Dent Grant. President's son, Cadet at West Point IV. Oril L. Grant, President's brothor. partner with the Colleotor of the Port of Chicago. V. Frederick T. Dent, President's fath er-in-law, Claimant of Land at Coroiidelet, Mo. euchred by Wilson. Commissioner of the Land Office. VI. Rev. . M. J. Cramer. President's brother-in-law, Minister to Denmark. Salary 87,500. " Vll. Abel Kathbone Corbin. President's brother-in-law, negotiator of gold and real estate speculations with James i nk. Jr.. and Jay Gould. V1H. Brevet Brig. -Gen. F. T. Dont. President's brother-in-law, chief usher at the Executive Manson. Salary 85,000. IX. Judge Louis Dent. President's brother-in-law, Counsol frr Claimants be fore the President Fees estimated at S10.000 a year. X. George W. Dent, President's brotjier- ln-law, Appraiser of Customs, San Fran Oiseo. Salary and feos, $6,000. XL John Dent, President's brotlicr-in- law, only Indian Trader for New Moxioo, under Indian Uureau; pluoe worth $100,000 year. XIL Alex. Sharpe, President's brother- in-law, Marshal of tho District of Colom bia. Fees 89,000. XIII. Jas. F. Casey, President's brother- in-law, Colloctor of the Port of New Or leans ; plaoe worth 30,000 a year.' ' XlV. James Longstreet President's brother-in-law's cousin, Surveyor of the ort of New Orleans, fcalary and Fee.', &M),000. XV. SiIuh Hudson, Presidents own ooomn, uiuietcr to uuatemaia. salary $7,500. XVI. Geo. K. licet, President s brother- in-law's oousio, Publio Stores, New York ; plane worth $100,000. -XVI L Orlando H. Ross, President's own cousin, Clork in the Third Auditor's office. Washington. Salary, S 1,000. XVIIL Dr. Addison Dent, President's brother-in-law's third cousin, Clerk in the Register's office, Treasury Department, Washington, fcalary Sl.bOO. . Al.. J. i. Simpson, Presidents own cousin, Beoond Lieutenant, Twenty-tilth Infantry. Salary $1,500. XX. John Simpon, President's own con- sin, (second Lieutenant, i onrtb Artillery. Salary fl,500. XXL George B. Johnson. Presidents mother's, second eousin, Assessor of Inter nal Revenne, Third District, Ohio. Sala ry and fees $10,000. j a au. li. i Wymaas, President s oou- m s haabaod. Postmaster of Newport Kv. XXII L Miss E. A. Jdsernder, Presi dent's brother-in-law's second cousin. Clerk in Gen. Spinner's office. Treasury Department Salary $1,000. No donbt this Est is inoomplote, but w. beheve that it inoludes all of the moat prominent officials. The salaries and fees drawn by the Grant-Dent combination is said to amount to nearly $400,000. The family ia thriving, aud are of the jopinion that the talk of cutting down taxes ia ab- An Acr.rlo.1 Outrage In Philadelphia- f a Mas aad Wife OarroUd, Stabbid aa it.bhcd ' y 'For some, time past the premieos No, 1705 South Front street, Philadelphia, have been occupied by Patrick and Mary MoCulIough, who, in carrying on the but ter and egg buuuess at that plaoe, bad managed by eoonomy to save up some Vl.oUO. TlioiMveaye: Tho fsot of tboir huviog u considerable sum of monoy in the house, from some reasons at present unknown, reached tho ears of a gang of wicked and dosperate characters who infest that locality, aud no doubt iney resolvod at all hazards to ob tain possession of the savings of this in dustrious oonple. About 3 o'clock on Thursday morning the rosidenoe of this unfortunate pair was tho scoue of as gross nn outrage as has ever been perpetrated iu tho oity of Philadelphia. A party of men wearing masks effected an entrunco into the house by foroing opon a back door in tho kitchen. The sconiidruiu tuon passed through the small kitohon aud up a nar row staircaso to the second story front room, oooupicd.RM a sleeping apartment by Mr. and Mrs. McCullough, who wore aroused from their peaof ful slumbers by an attempt being uiado by tho thieves to smother tho inmates with Ilia lid clothes. In tho btru-rclo cuHuirm tlioy were libciutud and cried out for holp. The Uiiovei then gagged them with handkerchief, and, taking a kuifo, stabbed MoOullough in the leg and out hiskoue. They also aimed a blow at mm head, in tending it probably to bo fatal, but ths blow came down on tho forehead, aud, glanoing, only ioilictod an ugly fleth wound. They then took small pieces of rope and securely bound their hands and feet. One of the scamps had a bottle, supposed to contain ohloroforin, which he tried to mako Mrs. MoCulIough smell, but she strngglod aud it beciime upset. ' He men took uis nana ana enoked nor. Ju tho meantime the other villains wcro in dustrionsly at work in endeavoring to ohoke Mr. McCullough : aud, takiug piece of rope, they made a tourniquet of it and isariy suffocated him. After be was nearly ohokod, being black and blue, they released him, and threatened to kill him t ho did not tell where his rdonov was. He said he wonld do anything to save his life, and told them that the money was in a drawer of a borean that stood in the room, They then rogagged him, and,' going to the bureau, broke it orjen. and took nnt about $1,500, of which $1,000 was a United States treasury note. The thieves then ransacked the house in tearoh of other valuables, but being nn succossful, soon after left. Shortly after their departure, jurs, oioUulloeh managed to oet Toose. when she united hnr himhan.l ana cue aiarm was given, bnt men it was too late. One of the parties was reeog nized by Mrs. MoOalloob as William Trott. the proprietor of a small store on the op poaite side of the street. Later in the day Lieutenant Erfiokson and ofHoer iiirob succeeded in effecting the arrest of w uitam Trott, ueorse tuviue and ueoree lacKson, tue latter oi wnom is well knon to tho police as 'Shaokelbaok Jack. The prisoners were taken to the central station station and arraigned for a hearing, bnt in the absence o: witnesses, and at the desire of the chief of police, the hearing was postponed. The aooused were committed in default of six thousand dollars bail. NEW ADTERTISEMi:XT8. for TWO MOMTIIS by remitting us rm veau, ficruuugua Aumioa, oontietiuf of tplonJId. ly exeontod viewi of iruorlean Scenery, com menced in November. 1. ArPLCTos Co., Tub- I Imbere, New York ETTW6ERDBT COODS, MUg KB, UlCALTII, UtPriSICSS. How to be obtained for Five Dollar! TUuU- lioue. ,'iriiu, villa aitce aud town luis. at ths Groat I'rouiliim Land Halo. Allan. 8.0. Tlie I "Haratoga of the Houtu." 48 boar from N. V. The.niut delightful oliiuats iu the woiiil. Free from the rigore of Northern winter, exempt from Throat Dixeaece. Vineyards and orcbarda in fnll bnarinv. Fr flaiimititiva namnhlfti- ad. drete, with stamp, J. 0. 1 Utln , AuKUta, Qa. HOLIDAY JOtRNU for 1871 Contains a cniUHTMAR BTOItY. BI'LENPIO 1'iiAYa, alAOrOKPOllTS. Ao j U ptgei; illua Irated. (font ttehen reoelpt of one alatnp for noataKO. Auaifjaa auaus a uu., 1'uulieo.ere, voeioa. . . , , 1 hn. uuuHMr as. lbh'i lam. Noarly J ready fur DublMaliou. the lUocranb uf Uea. liibt. H. Lee.Tiy Juh Katoa Cooke, autbur of "I.ifaof Htonowall Jaokemi," "WKarlnii the Oroy." etc. 1 vol . 8 vo.. S'JO nairea. Illnatrated. To boeuld by.eubeonpttou. AUKNTS WANT. l. Al'plelon A; t o.,I,1il,ihore, NvwYork. bend I For a reoiixp, br ths nee of which r.f 1 one uait or mo labor ana two- fJKJ 11 ibirtle of the exponas of Waabiug motile is aavea. equal to a yoll aaviug of t'ii per j oar In a email ifttuiiy. Bout on reoeipt of 6u eta. GIVE US BOOH. FALL & W1NTEK BUT GOODS. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PB0F1TS t AT WM. ; ETTINGER'S, 15 MARKET STREET, ' Lnntevills, a v. UtOrt A IV. Oretubacka for alb For par fjiSfJ lloularu aud oiioular. address. O. Yl, Bmrn, Haco. We Keeplag Bm, - xne time is not tar distant when everv 4 - . 1 . . . . larmer, ana si most every suburban resi dent of our large towns and cities, will have their swarms of bees as much as thev have now their hens. There is at present a popular prejudice against the honey bee, either aa a very un certain possession, or one of doubtfoi com fort ana Cast management.' Dnl t&is ere- judioe is founded wholly on the ignoranoe and mismanagement of a former genera tion. Wo shared this feeling in full meas ure till induced by a friend, a few years ago, to aooept a swarm of bees and try our nana at ineir management. XJUl a snort time was sufficient to disarm us of all pre- udice against the honor bee. and we were not long in beooming decidedly attached to them. Our expeiienoe was snffloiont to learn that the management is easy, and even more so than that of poultry ; and by the introduction or movable comb uvea, the management is rendered still more easy, aud their incomo and profit greatly increased. We therefore advise every person living in the oonntry, especially those of small means, to proonre a hive of bees and get information oa their best management irom tne many sources now open. One swarm will soon increase to several, and in a few years to soores. Thoir pas turage costs nothing, and yet tboir pro ductions oommand a high price, and the price of a awarm of bees will continually advanco as a knowledge of tboir value in croasos. GRAM) HOLIDAY RAEKLK and 8ALE. .IO.(M)0 worth of HEAL EHTATJC and PKtt RON AL l'UOl'EHTY will be rained for In Cal. boun, Oa.. December atiab. 1H70: eoerv ticket geUmj a I'l iv iroiu 1 to lfl.000. Ticket, only One Dollar. Conducted hy Blx bworn Oommla- tunore; refer to Oonnty Ofaorr. Mboral Indnoe- mnnte to Agonts or olnhe. Hand stamp for eu culare, in. 11, It. UIOKti It VO., itanagiog anoiue. SAFE UOI1T FOR OUR HOMEsT rtuKiua k house's patent NON-EXPLOSIVE METALIC KEROSENE LIMP ' le ebs.lat.ly sal. from explosion or breaking; hatrae aajr Vmml OU, good or bad) slvea war. m"S r, ma aeee i "It Is porfeotljr nou-eiploelve, gives a tmtttr UgM and is more toonomwal than any other lamp innaa." W. 11. ilt, latt Hitivrinttndent of - .! L , fl.j "I intend aubaiitnun. it throuahout mv hones for the daner-)ne lampe now in nae." llrnf. W. 11. Hull iter. Suo't PMie Inntmotian. AiuA. mono, Va i t , -,.-: The appalling deaths and flrs fromgtaas lamps exploding and breaking oreate a great e niand for this lamp. It 1AY4 loe.ll k S.M by Caaraaeara ar Storui Ageate waaM very -hare. Bend for fa partionlara. Ad dress n.algoanery At Co., Cleveland, Ohio, or 12 ltarolay BUeet, New Tork. 1 Lfftjft' A Week Salary t-Yoong men wanted ULraaeSa. local and travelling lesmeti. Ad. BRANCH OF 481 BROADWAT, NEW YORK. :o:- BAVa HIOJUVJCD AND ABB BTILL Bsesiving a Largs Btoek of the Choi reel 4 AND 'Printing. THE JOURSTAt JOB PRINTING OFFIf Ei ' Prlaeeae Street, WILMINGTON, N. C ' All kiuds of PLAIN and FANCY PBINTINO exeoutetl witli ncatnosa aud dispatch. - The beet work guaranteed at the lowest possible prion. : i tlllailnviM rkla.U A S , n uaunga iui awaeve mt aae sat vjy :,- - j Ornos rjimt Xso. Am Grsfz. Bofr,- , - . i i WmnyaiogN. 0.,Oct. SS, 1S7CL DOC TBKATBJt BfANAaBBS, 'i m)L . TBATXIibia B30WUEN. , ' BAlii BOAD AOBNTS,,! ' BOTEt'KtllWae? I'- ' , BTEAMDOAT iaKNTS. Aad all those who have LETTBB PBEBB miMtlNO to do, wUl Bad it to their interest to cell at , '' TBS JOBAL OFW0JE, Prtaoeae aireea. . ; A large aud Well auerted stook of PAPE118 and HATEBIAIi kept on band, from. wbUU se'lociilons may be made. 'WHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ' A ..I .'. " ' ' ; ; , ., ,. -t. ( AND AFTEn NOVEMBZB 8 iUT V BK"Tr'n Will nn the follow tfig sobsdu.dt Im .fT,,.,yilm.'n't)on..? I 'olo, . -'y trrlve at ths baad of the Boad at o'alook P. ai.'J a UZ&? 01 Eo4 M a. m., and ar- rlvs al WUmlogton aft s p. m, dally, (.Sundays T tospted). . t .1 .. ,;. . 19 regular freight Trains pet week wm Lava, Wilmington at fiOS a. m. Taeedaie aad lfrlday. f -anov arrive at WUnxIngtoa pa ktoajays and Ibuw- ,, day at 5:18p. m.' , T ' Through Tickets to Ohartotle. ..JX.,;. J. .BM.-1 V . ! Clue fciglnear and BnpnruitondantJ ' "' ffllMINQTON A WELDON BAILBOAD CO., i ;i vm va f -sifa, asp uea-tt evrv. ? it .... niuumtiuH. a. v.. an., ia. 1-..J. I v, ' H CHANGE OF SCESStLE, OH ND AfTlca BOirpAT.fte tm in.tateil . iKffe'j 00 tul1 reed v?ill teavs Vi.n'-gT ; ton At 0 u. and WW p. n.; aad arrive t v,ot- Ami ak A '.'Ml m. mnA flvi w. - T t ,i i lOioo a, a. and IM p, m.j arrive at Wilmington 4 Oik K m. anil t.t m! mt Tt. Jt . 7 . j., . . " v.m. w via r m .mi WIUIKFI c Union Depot at 0 I IS o'clock. Night train North wUl leave Union rpo4 at i 10 e'etoek, lbs i (loldsboro' for Balelgh. aa aonwnonauon aaa rreignt wain wul leave If Wilaiina'tOB 100 m.. m. dallv IHn.H... nui, ed.; - ' r '-- w.r r t-.,n RatnVBlaw lain. flnU.lw,ni at mi anlve at Wilmington at S p. at. re Branch train. N;bt passenger trains lav. lug WUmlngton and Weldon on Mondays. Wed-" - Baeaila1rSl an4 atVleaevas alu M.ata.,UaV 1.. ii.a. I i -Hi a t A nl " WINTER GOODS 1 areas (with stamp) now, n. x, B. U. WaLKKB, 84 Park I MASONIC BOOKH. . Ageaaa Waaltd, Bend for OirooUr. Addr.ee ataaono rua. uo uroom. Bt., Mew tork STAsmBRina enred by Bates AppUaooee. For deecrlptlon addreea Blmneon A Co.. Bo 0U7O,. X. IKRIUSS WMIIISO TO IcaUAUB IS firmantat aad ProMtabl. Baalaaaa please address, at once, J. m. O. Howard A Co, Portland, af.. No"agenoy" or peddling boel- neas. Mnmber of eorreepondeots limited! tlO to tJO per day eure profit. Entirely saw. WE WILL PAY AGEHT8 A salary of 138 a week, or allow a large commie- ion toaeiionrne. luvenuone. Addreai. with tamp, i. w. riuitA uu., Marauall, atico. ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Prixee eaahed and information fnmllid hw flEOUUK UI'UAM, frovldonoe, B. t . KWINQ ACIUNS:S Aaeate WaaM Balary 1 10. C00 oer vear. Uiranlara and Ram- pies of work free. Addreee Clli'STAb eJCWINO alAUUUils UU ltoeton, Ilaas. S1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Best Paper, asd ran . . Best Inducements ! Tble Quarter' 13 IVSBKRI SKIT rRBK to all enbaorlbing, brfore, uoo. is. l;o, for next year's Kifty-Two hamber of THE OBEAT U.LremAntB BUB4L AND FAMILY WEEKLY, ruu town ahu toiimr, Tns Res-it., now In it 91 at year, ie not only the UiMl, SMt aad tateaawet. Let l.v far the krca-Cltalallag . Jnrall f lie llaae la Ua. War Id I National ia Oharaatef, Ably lidiled, Superbly Illuitratei aad I'rinted, itis the .. BEST AMERICAN WEEKLY! It ie the Btaadarn Aatharlty on alt branch- ee of AoarcctTras, HoKTicrxn it. Ac. Aa a Literary aa raaatly Paper it is a favorite ia many of the beat fern I lie all over the t'uion, Gaaada, Ao- Indued, Mooax'a Sdbal A. ao Rival in tit Pplur. and Is tne urgeaainaevra. ted Jearaal on the Continent each nam bar eontaining Slxleea aMve-Caiaaaa Page., (doo ble the aia. of Boat papers of He eJae.) It ie ite paper for the Kast, West, North and eoeta, TERMS. INDTJCEMEOTS. Ac. TKRtiSSSa Year of SlNombera. and only a 60 in Clnbe or Ten. This Qiarter'a IS Snm bere sent FKKB. as .ffered above. Otr dob In daeetnente for 1S71 an. anpreeedeDted. Bpeo meoe. Pre mi am Liete, Ae., aent free to ail form ing Olnba, and w. want a bv. Club Agent in every Town. Addraa. t, v. T. amuse. t ran sow, new iota. AcnnrsTsiAS ipt u an Tearip ecrlaMre ta A.pltaa Jearaal, pob liaked weakly. Two Monies Bnbecriptiao Oaarta. Tb aionlbj of !(ovembar and Peeeaubtf, lbiO, it as rratie to all aabecrihcra ranutUac tut tb. year 1S7L Aav eee aaelr.es of maktne a trial of the fovasAL to aa. wBettett they hke B, ean bar it PSYCllOMANOY.-Anr lady or gentleman ean make 11,000 a month, scours their owe baDDineaa and induDendenoe. bv obtaining Pav. (JHOMiNOY, f AHOIN ATION. or HOVL OHABM. ING. 400 page; olotb. Full inatroctiooa to nee tbi power over men or animals at will, bow to Mezmejlie, beoome Trance or Writing Medians, Divination, Hpiritaalism, Alclierov, Philoeophv of Omens and Dream, ltrigbam Young's Barem, Onide to Marriage, Ao., all eontalned In tbi book; 100,000 told; price by mail, in eioth II 15, paper covers fl. Morioa, Anv peraoa willing to aot as agent will reoeiv. a ample copy free. As no oapital is required. .11 deairous of genteel em. ployment ebonld seed for the bonk, enclosing 10 oente for poetage, to T. W. kVANo A CO., T Booth Kigbth b Philadelphia. AMVSTKHY aOLVKO-Firteen Mloatea Private Oonversation with Married Ladies by one of their nnmber. Bent free for to etampa. Addreee Mrs. H, MKTZQEK, Danover, ra, A Clergyman, while residing in Houtb America a a niieetonary, aitoovarea a ears and simpl. remedy for tb Our. of Norvooa Weakneae, Kariy ueoaj, iiatwaea ui tuo urinary ana Deminal Ur gent), and the whole train of ditorder brought on by baneful and vieione habits. Oreat nntn- bar bare been cured by thia noble remedy. Prompted by a dealre to benellt tb. alllioted and nnforlunalc, I will aond the recipe for preparing and ntiuK tl.ia medicine, in a acalod euvelope, to any otm who neode it, fW of tAargr. Addreee JUtteru x. 1NMAM, BtaUoa I, Uible Uooae. Now York Uitr. , , STATE OF NORTII CAROLINA, 000x11 i v ktw ruMovcn, sltsiuob coinr. Ana Corcoran, Patrick Italian, James Boiiaa, Patrick Uudeou, Kicbajd liuJroa aiid Atarua- ret Moor., plaiutiilii, Airainat filch ard if nrpby, Dootua Mntpbr, Ionai Dt ban, t atrica oonau, tatnarine vaiiy.uridKM Doliu. aud the heirs of liev. Tbomaa Murphy, de cerned, wboee namee and places of reei'lruce are aokoowa to the plaintifle deroodants. TO TUB ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANTS. ' Yon ar. hcrebv not i lied lo anDeer befora 1. a. Mann, Ulcrk of tbo Bupenor Uoort of New Hano ver county aforesaid, at bie .ffie. ia the Do art House, in Wilmington, within twenty daya from aad aUer the 7th day of January, AD 1871, to eaewer tb. eomplaiat filed ia said On art lor eat. aad partition of tb. reel aetata of Tbomaa Mur pby, Ueoeaetd. If the above named defeedanU fail to appear at the time and aniwer the eoei plaint, the plaiotiffe will anolv for the tmiial da. manded ia tb. exuapbunt. Mi rata fail not. Given under my hand aad teat of said Cart this Ud November, 17U. . , . O. MANR, Clerk Hirpermr Ooara, '. hew Haeevat Ooeat. SvBBCTZ CUrLAlt, Attorney fur Plaioliffa. ovJi fie-la.Swch 60CTBEI.1 8CU0OL IN NEW TORI CITT. 1 rBi EDWARD B. WBrrs-B ESQUiB aad French Boarding 8cbool fur Toang Ladiaa, Re. w aaa ua atrana, vp-man. aeaarvoar Park. aog m . . 5.000 fates TVTJBUAM TOBACCOS, AS encrra and ciaARi' - - - d. tiavrr. Sehoted out of ths Primeet Good of ths Largest Importing EitabllthmsoU in the Oity or New Tork, as w had ths ad vantage pf being on of, ( , ? tbe'tfrlt ones sln the btarktt, and ws !-..'., , .' , wlek te La ,'. , . : ? form oar Onstomsrs, thai Lb war In tb Dry Ooods Lin I (till to b oontlnned No Beet for' ths Wicked." ' '' ' ' , Onr motto Ic "Qalrk Bale and ' Small ProflU." Ws ar determined to O0T-8ELL THE CHEAPEST, THB LOW AND TBI LOWEST, and w goaranU. to farnlah better Qoods for leu money. We alee thank our easterner for tb put liberal patronage, hoping to recir if lath fatnr, aath traoel UUral iudnomnt ... , are offered, a a b a DRESS GOODS ! CLOTHS, . cassimehes; ; ,; ' ;; DOMESTIO and i '. ' FOREIGN QINQHAMS, FLANNELS, all nradea a ana colors; . HOMESPUNS, Bloeohed and Unbleached ; . DOMEsnca A Complete LAND MXDB,;' I'-iil, OO0BT AND MAQIBTBATES'- .. .' . -it Ji (.e , " - v.-,1..,T..1.t..ri rh,jf!BLiliKB , -f I ',.( . ,! -; On band at all tinea, "y ."t BAIL BOAD BEOEIPTS t , , , i ' .' 5 ' O Blttl 6f LADING, And BILLS Of LADING for thlp. ,)( ," : plug by , and other , !' MABINB ! BLANK!, :) .'..Always oa hand.'.-, 7 OUB JTUEND3 IN TBI OOUNTliT may nd their order to ' " TBI J0CBNAL OFFICE, ' And rely upon thslr reoelvlng ths sans atteatden aad being ailed as promptly and a ohaaply as If giva psraonally. ''''. :.', Onr Joblng Department is squat to any In this section, and every fasillty posslbl will be afforded ia the sxesgtlon. of orders. - Address .,'VV'"' i ;.- EBUELHA11D A FBICB, 1 Wilmington, N, C- QEBEBaL BDPEBINTENDENTB 0FTIC3, 1 i CoLBwau Aeaona B. B. On. ' uf i ruiaeTOg,.gMay W.W70, 1 rkN AND AFTEB BUNDAY the I8tk Inst., U hmeiwi for the W. A ft. B. B. will take f JS41 V1, 5Aw'a B, Pt , ; following sebedule will b ma i . . ! 7DAT IXPBE8B TBA1N (Dafly.) ' ! J 1 LavWUmiagloai(WWBBDvat 8 50 A.Jff..., Arrfv at Floreao n or a. M Arrive at aTngvtU.................. 8-00 IVM'' 'W fS '"."..i-.ii..."ll a0 LHi,r! at rioraoee. . t.lt tV M tHiuuRnn,.,,, via " SI - llflnt Kx.peir.Mit re ,t ,n.u. a lews Wilruinnaou IW A W B B. Deooii iio P. arrive at rioreuo. aou IW A W B U, Depqtj :to P. M avrHVaa mA R I n aarvt I Is . Bk.Ui A BAT : v ajugavill..., I ,). ' aj p, ' trriv atFlor.no ........... p; M "' vftive at Wilmington 8:14 A, At ' . .nJt,0-- WINDEB, Creo'leup't,. Slay 19. 1870 . . f R A Few lllore left OF TBE MOLASSES t MOLASSES I ' ' 175 HBM" T08, ND BBtJ, HOLABdES, . ' V. W. KER0QNEliJ-,;! For al by dec! Jj H. hVKR. OF N. a, .; ls -.fc... UAWIINS, WlLLlimQN A CO., COTTON FA CTORS, Cenirtl CoBmisslaa IMercawti 1 M Wt Lombard Stmt, ! ' " 1 ' BALTIUOR E, M D.' '' ' TJFkABat ftsmri BrlvittAaa naA. aaa .1.1.... A. . .w. n , wHv,, aeeeruw Wsl ajUlUlUSJea Vsl VC ootlun nd othtr prodao. ftod prompt MUaUofl " glTttd to ikil lyiitiafjM totraUd W Otu oar. : , Sater 11 atn at . Sctzno Sort. ! Stock of White Goods. A ad Special attention is called te ear Btoek of , , A Largs AMrtnnt of ; ''- HOOTS AND 'SHOES, " " Ladio and Oeut Undergarment, Baratogt Tracks, TaliaM, Data, Bwitekes and Obigooe. Also a Largs and Well eelected Block of OLOTHINO; To onclod with a very Large' Block of JeiU -'' FCRNISHLNQ GOODS, The Largest Block in the SUt of ear ewa Manafaotare. A Tremeedoe Btoek ef Blaan aad Ohildrts' Faaey Wkieh w auaafaelare' at. ear Faotory. 181 Broadway, New Tork. W gnaraaHe. . Oaeatry Dealers perfeot BatUfaetioe ia every Nee ef ear Seode. i . Bigkaet prtee paid lor FCB eXTNa. We ask no odds of none, . And beat In ptfctw srery ' one. ' ' WM. ETILNGER. T HOBB FINE CALF BOOTH, Whtoii have gone off so rapidly daring fair Wesk. Call lo aad ait yourself befor ' tby ar all gone when repentance will Son too late. . Also, a Bo assortment of LADIES' A CHILDBEN'S WEAU, Wblou w ar piiee. M'.lisg at astoalibiugly low Pinlayson & Bro., No, North Front Street, . WILMINGTON N. 0. ntvM HATS HATSniTS, ALMOST EYEBT KCPBESB 1 BBINGS ME ae additional lot of sew and atyllab 1 -x. --A JJl; JL, ..kJ Beceivcd yesterday by Express and Steamer. a aio aaaortment ef BATi. .; " '; ; ' tbos. h. waiaaT.' ; - -i -'. ; HatUr, . , hew nfir ii-.nAV- . No, 5 Sonth Front Bt, WUmlngton. N. G. . JOBTi J, SOABBOBOPaB wonld Inform bis old friend and on atom art thai he baa reeentlf d renovated aud refitted tb. above Saloon, and, woald be Dleaaad to main V&2V a ! i-Liv UgooBS 7 !orpUoa wit6 8 ot:P " oystebV " 1 f 2 ' Beoelved almost dally from ' Now' Blvsr, of beet I," Snality, and fnrnlahed in aay quantity 01 style '' eeired. i : '.f.,4 .-..,, sepi sm 1-.U 3 EsteV ENOCH MORCAN'S 80NS fSOf. , -A Kriv 1 FOB QENEBAL '' ':'-- .y HaavMBelaT Par mm ib betteb and obxafeb than boapMT 't Doe it work quiokly, eaeily, and with leas Bv 9 bar thae any other sompenadt sleane vindowt'.lr? without water : removes stains from wood. euh. ott ana mm ; eieaas and brighten feaioee ead tabitvart t tot general aoeef oieeainf JeesK annalist nnliahftA tin hHa, Imn MnnAw a.A - . I , r not take off, Ao. Bold at all Qrooery, Drag i steel; remove, oil nut end dirt from en1yirr twimvTwm eiwiiie uvn m wiuoe mrmp 1 .VHA Wheleeeie. i WVhlf1fto, 8t7e i-a weauewaaa, j 80 Oxjtord BtTSet, I-Cndon. " J j3 Julys . -j i ..,. i a-aodinalt cci Notice Stores. DIRECT .t.-Uini VvamrlTvrrl A MV ,S , f e u... Vaol No. V NorU Froet atnet, 44 MULLETS AND MACKEREL. JKQ BULB. MULLET", 150 bb'" bkU'bbb' mI U" xckaMl i For aaJ. ay .... . ,. F-W. KEBCHNER. eeeJ -. . 'i - 1 T Omn TO THB PPBUa CIO ABB Or MI A. ncus CIGARS. ...U 80 per i i'Vfi". B in. " r " jut., .Mtt . . .. .1 S7- WM MiMUFAOTCiUt ie let. ta .ana all r,.B5" M 00 per 106 anavau oanaa,, Aawteae.. v... sxao tux AT'yTArt; - fi i ' Bsvaaa, IS for tt. r tj Favaea, Ml tt y.'. - T.TWa, i aTtl..r7 . Saaokera, Glea eeOI at aiv Pmm rnver Ooopeev I t ef rMUa XT, r Meere throe; a i e lxto. hlk "-t:-'J .-A.QiiT Hit ,1 PDAS MBiVffl 8B1NQV.'!.' ! . ; - . - ' ' ' v.3'T:',J .' . - ' . . ... ,? ,;" v; .t ' ' 1 ' ' ' ; " f ri r; Cahriel MiTCh" ; C:iz j.o - ' 1- t-i (if - X X X i.- L. Qt.. ! c:;-.:v ; t -!.a ?, 'I'.Vi'It'-. ' t Ir.-'Xf r-T r ai, , -.-r -vi, - I ' . fc ' - .'' '-! - , e T - ' CAStS CBBtaieilf TWB JTejfB QlUtX ' ' i . i . .1 UdW TO CLOSE OUT ' l BI - - ' - ' -.' " . j-. V:'.J-:' i- - ti--.'' "j ..nMlX7Li!t A TC-r7.tr". - rK' 't'i t.-.-'-v I i ' " '' .f.ir,-.-u:, l ' ; . . ; - , ,' -:'' ' ' t fc" a tleo .-ite .A S v?.!..ae A . - ' - i : i t-iA J t-.ji. , - a ,cvYis ,C alf'! CI if. ' Ji r..lui JtiT 1 .-at W