-t,H-.Brt- A!- "' AJ ' ') 4 s '-.- 1-J( V-. .r-- t i F -1 f. j. i r WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 10, 1870. WHOLE NUSiBEhi & Izmi VOL. XX NO. 68. DAILY JOURNAL OtDBI MHI M BB TACT. Mcmmi) pbjcb. riri4ar. UTUTUUC SLATS OAU.T. t l 8 s "STi" -1 -f- o $ 8 J 8 8 S 8 8 A SS-)att3 8 8 ? J J 8 8 "3 SaJ40. k3M 8 8. 8 S 8 8 8 S 8 8.8 S 8 8 3 8 1 JS SLJ 8 8 "3 8 8S 8 8 8 8 3 S 8 8 8 8. 8 8 1, ff 88 8 S8 .8 JS.IB 8 8 .8 J. 8 8 8 .? 88888888 - ... a 8 8J 8 . S S .8 .8 SIS 8 8 Rk 8 8 8 .8 8 8 8 S 885 88888886 i VMOBIFTIOK, OU yr,... Blx months., ..$ M .. f SO THE DAILY JOURNAL WILMINGTON. Jf. 0. t FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16. 1870. from the Raleigh Stand trd. WUattagtaa, GkwrUlM mm ttatberrord K.UM4-Oplatea ef lUnufSMinl Shlpp M t. ta Stat' laterut la th MM, Arronxir Gkhxbal's Ofeicb, . Deoember, 8th, 1870. 7b 7 Honorable, llie General AttemUy of the State of North Carolina. Gutxiukn : A joint resolution, passed by your Honorable bodies, wss cent to tbia omoe tome two asys sinoe. it is express ed ia the following language : Resolved, Senate eonoarring, That the Attorney General it hereby rcqaeeted to render ai soon ss possible to the General Assembly aa opinion opoa the rights and interest of the Bute in the Wilmington, Charlotte and Butherford Railroad, under existing laws. This resolution is of a very comprehen sive character, and has made it necessary to examine a number of statutes relative to this road and running through a series of fit teen or sixteen years. It has likewise sug gested a consideration of questions of the gravest importance, arising out of a con straotioa of the sots of the last LegUla tsre knows as the Repealing Aots. With every disposition to oomply with there quest of the General Assembly, immediate ly, I could not give aa opinion without tisM for examination and some delibera- tion. I can bow Soareely aeps-te-tbrow araeh light upon matters obsoured by gonoa eonflioting legislation. This corporation was created by an aot of the Legislature ratified Feb., 13th, 1855, and under thai sot and one supple mental thereto parsed Hth Feb., 1855, (he company was organized. By Motion 9, of the aot it is provided, That the affairs of the company shall be managed and directed by a general board to consist of nine Directors to be elected by the Stockholders at their first annual nveeting and at subsequent annual meet lata." By an aot amendatory, it is pro Tided, " That the Stockholders ia general masting shall, from time to time, have power to increase or diminish the number of directors, and that the same shall never exceed twsnty, aor be lees than seven." The State originally owned no stock in this company, but the Treasurer was an thorized by the sot of incorporation to adorns the bonds of the company to a limited amount. By aots of the Legislature pasted in the yean 1858 and in I860, the State agreed to szobangB bonds or loan the oompany a certain amount specified in the set, and take a lien on all the property of the road as security ; under these aots of Assembly, the Stats loaned or eiohanged bonds to the amount of two millions of dollars, ac cording to my information. Next in order was the aot of 1856, entitled "Aa Aot to enable the Wilmington, Char lotto and Butherford Railroad to oomplete its road, pay its debt to the 8tate," Ao. By that aot the Company was authorised to issao its bonds to the amount of foar triSfnta of dollars and execute a mort gage oa its property to secure" the same. The previous lien of ths State to be post poned sad made a second mortgage. By aa ordinanoa of the Convention passed February 6th, 1868, upon a surrender by ths Oompany of one million fire hundred tbonnnd dollars of its first mortgage bonds the Lists agreed to endorse one million of l8 rr-jaindec, nve hundred thousand to be deposited ia the Treessrr as col lateral asoonty. Thus far, the State owned no stock ia this road, but had a mortgage, a second morWrajre oa all the property oi the Company, and was endorser of the first mortgage bonds to ths amount of one million of dollars. On the 29th day of January, 1S69, the act was parsed maxim the bUte a stock holder. Ths first section provides : Tbat the capital stock shall be increased to seven millions of dollars, of which the Etate was to BBbscribe four millions. 3d section, enbeoription to be paid io woe pen bonds of the State for one thou sand dollars each, to be delivered to the vt'resideat of the Oompany. ' Section four Emits the number of Di rectors to thirteen, of which number the Governor shall sr point seven end tns SBoeLholdera six. It k further provided, upon payment of one million of dollars of beads, there shad bo a meeting of stockholders sad di rector, sleoted and appointed as therein Worried, sad areorganixaticsi tssmediate tysTMUd. That .( the bends eeves fee. niri aad twentr thousand shall be r- tbiasd by theTreeeartr as eolleteral stoa- tf aa sot ewrrteateaml April sta, 1869. It is providd Uat the six eureetors to be - saaseed ry tie stockholders, shall be ehoe- wa py sivUhoUsa other thaa the State, and that immediately upon tbe reorgnni cation the Treasurer shall dolirer tbe re mainder of tbe bonds exoept seven hun dred and twenty tbousand dollars directed to be retained, and thereupon a certificate shall be issued to the State forelKUty thousand snares. These aots were accept ed by the Stockholders. One million dol lars of bonds Were delivered to the Presi dent, and the company was- reorganized, directors were appointed and elected, and subsequently two millions of dollars more of bonds were delivered to the President of the Company. Of those bonds one mil lion of dollars was sold by Robert II. Cow an, President, aa appears by bis report to the Governor, end of the remaining two millions which oame into the hauds of Wm. Sloan, seventeen hundred thousand dollars were hypothecated and threo hun dred thousand , dollars were retained by him, and eo fur as appears, are now in his possaMion. Tbe ainoust of money re ceived by these gentlemen, and how the proeecda havo been expended ia stared in their reports. The Treasury Department, as stated by the Treasurer, paid in Janu ary, 1870, interest on these bonds to the amount of twenty nine thousand four bun dled dollars. On tbe 5tli day of February, A. D, 1870, an sot was passed by the Legists ture eu titlcd "An set to restore tbo credit of ths State, ito." The first suction requires the several Presidents aud other offices of railroads, who have secured bonds or other securities of tbe State for the construc tion of railroads in which the State is in terested, to give a full statement concern ing the same. The third section makes it tbe duty of such President, or other oflioer, to return these bonds and to acoouut for tbe pro- oeods of sales, Ac. The ninth section makos it au luduttuble felony to refuse, wilfully, a compliance with the provisions of this act. Tbo six teenth section makes tbe introduction of the bill, notice to all parties, of tbe pur pore of the State, and thereafter forbids any sale, transfer or disposal of her bonds, in tbe bands of any cne, exoept bona fide purchasers. On tbe 8th day of Mareu, 1870, so-set was passed in these words, "That all Acts passed at the last aession of tbe Legisla ture, making appropriations to Railroad CompaoiM, be and the same . are hereby repealed." "That all bonds of tbe State which have been issned nnder said aots, now in the hsnds of any President or other officer, be immediately returned to tbe Treasurer. Ihe second section provides that all money in the Treasury, levied and collect ed under the provisions of said aots, are appropriated to the uee of the State gov ernment This section is perhaps modified by an Aot of tbe lUtb of Alarob. 1870. di recting tbe Treasurer to use $250,000 of the Mpoqiai Tax money, and autnorixioff bim to replace it oat of the first money collect ed, Ac By another Aot passed the tame day, the Treasurer was duected to deliver fire hundred.t boat and first mortgsge bunds to the Company .upon their compliance with certain conditions. Tbe (Jump ny was authorized to mortgage again for a loan of two millions five hundred thousand dollars snd States mortgage to be post poned. These repealing acts were submit ted to tbe Stockholders of tbe Wilming ton, Charlotte and Rather ford Company, and formally assented to Jane 1st, 1870. This statement contains a compendium, as far as l can asoertain, of all tbe Acts of tue Legislature relative to this Railroad. Jrrom a general view of the subject, I think it must be manifest, that tbe object and purpose of the Legislators in these several Acts passed in 1870, was to relieve the State of heavy liabilities ioourred, and to sever her connection wun certain ilaii- road Companies. As to the Act of March the 8tn, io IV, language could scarcely make it more comprehensive. All Aots making appropriations to RailroaJs, to., are hereby repealed. Not simply the ap propriations, but the Aots making the ap propriations. This inductee tne Act oi January 29th, 1869, as I think, for it was one of tbe Aots passed at tbe session of 18C8-'C9. Under tbe Aot of 1869. tbe State had a right to representation in the board of directors of this Railroad, and the Govornor was authorized to appoint seven Directors. The power of the Governor to appoint Directors must oeaio, I think, with tne repeal of the Act by which it was conferred. It may not be improper to say that the Executive Department has reoognized the form and virtue of this repealing Aot by ths appointment of Directors in the Wes tern Railroad. The repealing aot restored his power in that instanoe, and, aa I think, takes it away in this. The oases are enalc : .. xt is oejooieu tnat ma aot is unconstitu tional. But the Legislature might repeal the sot of 1809, provided it did not inter fere with vested rights nor impair the ob ligation of contracts. What effect this re pealing aot may Lava upon the rights of thoto parties is not presented. But, eo far as this Company is concerned, they have fully assented to the aot, . and cannot therefore complain. And it seems clear that the State may relinquish her right of representation. The Courts, it is true, in construing: charters, will adopt that con struction most favorable to the State. Yet they cannot distegard the plain letter of the law, although they may consider a statute unwise or impolitic. 1 cannot suppose that it is necessary to express a definite opinion upon the precise interest whioa the State may nave In this RajipMui, gae has an interest as second mortgsge she baa outstanding bonds sub scribed to this road, to the amount of three millions of dollars. She has paid a com paratively small portion of interest What may he the fatore policy of the Sta e in regard to these bonds cannot be foreseen. Her interest may be contingent. Tbe Company, too, may satisfy th. State and return her bonds, and the proceeds of sale of bonds. The Company have, by assent ing to the act, so otten alluded to, made themselves liable to the State for a return oi Donas and their prooteds. Ibis is plainly intimated by tbe Supreme Court, The Supreme Court, in the ease of Me Aden es Jenkins, have intimated that the State has no interest aa stockholder in this road. The point was not fairly before the Court, bat the diotum is entitled to con sideration aa coming from the highest wran u mm otate. The question is one of great interest and importaaee. The interest of creditors aa well as the State may be involved in its decision. For any purpose of legislation now pending, I cannot conceive that any expression bom as npoa this point is accessary or advisable. I reiterate the opinion that the State has relinqaished bar right of representation in tbe Board of Director of tbe Wilmington, Charlotte A Rntherford ttauroad Company. ; W. H. fjaTTr, Attorney General. Senator Drake has transaaiued his reaig aaUoa to ti aornmor of Missoari. NEW ADTERTISEMEim. . A Sap.rfe Babscrtplt.a Sauk. (PUB1 WITU PES AND EM1'. ' ' k ootuploto manual of travst, vet a. lotir sting as a novel. FCESa, FOLL AND BStltBLII. ! No Competition i i '. MO Magaiaecat rail Pas SSasjraYlags I 293 OTSEa UXCSTIUTIOXS Or .xoasdiaitly Interesting and varied character, manv of tham btimarons. All about Mi princi pal oltios of Ilia Island, tba baths aud watering plaoM, ball-flgbls, oook-fisbu u1 earnival. Street sight, in Havana. OnUnr. and Mannfae- lore of Coffee, Bagar au! Tobaooo. rant aad fun I Statistic aad Adveatar. UHSalL HaUS TO UVS AOSMIS. HART POH D PUBLISillMO CO , Hertford Oonn. Publisher of Stow' "History of ths Bible.' Mr. Elleb's "Court Oiretes or ths Bepubuo," as DUST WAITB TIMS AND LABOH bf !; np an aid Ax. Rend tl 60 to T.IP. rinUOTT A BAKKWaXli, l litauareu, i'., ana the, will seni a tii -top Ail, ExpresssR paid Hair a day lost la ftriudins; will tna ds saved, 1 OOn THK VEOETAW.B "I QJf JOa'OPt'I.SIONARV UAI..AM. "IO I l The old standard remedy for dnsus, Uolda, Consumption. " Xothing bt:tr." Cl'TLtu Bito. i, Co., Boston. CIIBKHV PKCTORAI.TUOUIIKS Are superior io all others for Conch. Golds, Asthma, Bronobisl and Lnnc difhealuw, ere ex- ceedioin? palaUble. bav none of tbat nauseat lag horrible Oubeb tasta, are vtry soothing and aot lik. a charm; Minist.r, Binfrers, and Pobtlo Upeaker will find tbey ere ,eoi,lly adapted to tbe voioe. Hum oy irugi;iaie. aiko BUSHTON'B (F. V.) OOD UVB OIL, for Consumption and ttorofulla; use no other. TTPHAM'I OBMLATOHY POWDER U BmoTs superdonous hair in list mmuri, without injury loth skin. Bent by mail for tl 35, I'PIIASTS ASTHMA CUBSH . Believes most violent paroxysms In ffee mintUft aud effect a ipsedy ear. Frio it by mail. - TUB JAPASKSB HAIR STA IS Color ths whiskers and lisir a beautiful blaoi or naowH. It eoutista of only on prrparaUon. 75 cent, by mail. A1drs N, O. UrBTAaf, Ho. 721 Jiyn lreet, Philadelphia, fa. Ciroelars sent free. Bold by all DrOKgiat. T7ITT3T? HATS rattfa. aad Parad I1 I IX Hi GAPS. BE(,rS. ..of Tarions stylf s, at th old mannfaotory, 13 Uraad St., is. v. $tabli$ted 18S6. Bend for Circulars. 0AIHN8 4 BHO., Boooessor to H. T. Orataoap. ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Prizft cashed and Infbrmatisn furnished by GEOllOB DrHAM, frovideaae, B. L MOP A WH Salary lIonoi DS men wasted looal and travelling: silesmen. Ad en. Ad. ore (with itamo) B. H. W ALKHB, 81 Park Bow, N. Y. 30 AOAV, sare. LATXAA 00., Pittsburg, Pa. "ATsiTTCITI A AITTTa foroed . to JJLXJ U O 1 Jt.J n JCiO stow in sis eeks. HaoeiDt seat for SO O ', Adi Lddress B. PEBttY. 89 Park Bow, Nw lfork. Agents ! Read This ! WB WILL PA V AGENTS A aalary of $30 per weak, and eioenie. or allow - a larce oommiaaioa to sail onr new and wonderful Ia vnttion. Addrt At. .WAQNB CO., Mar shall, Miob. EMPLOFMEST FOR ALL. QA UURV PER WEEK, and SXPiD tjyf sea. Did Asreuts. to .all onr nw and u.eful dlseoreries. Address B. BWEETAOO., Marshal Mlob- NBW MEDICAL PABIPHLBT. Saaalaat, Pkvslcal aad Ssrvrai Oekllltv, it f- feota and our, Prioe 25 oents. Addrsss BX0BB TAUY. Museum of Anatomy, C18 Broadway, Mew IMS." ' ' " A Olersrrman. while residlns in South Amerloa aa a mlionary. dioov.red a saf. and slmpl. remedy (oi th Onr. of Nervous Waakn., Isrly Deoay, Diseases of ths Urinary and Seminal Or gans, and tbe whol. train of disorders brought on by baneful and vioiou habits, Great num ber have been oared by tbia nobl. remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit th afflicted and unfortunate, I will ad the reoipa for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelop, to anv one who need itVe of oharqt. Address JOSEPH T. INUAN, Btation D, Bible House, Mew l or City. CITf HILL WILMINGTON, N. O. Mr. JABIENBEI will si, a OONOEBT at the City Hall on Kri- day, Deombr lth, 167a E will be assisted by Prof. Bueokert and several amateur. Ticket to b had at the bookstor ol P. Qsiusbergsr and J. D. Love, and at th. door. Admisaioa 60 cents: rurvd seats 75 oents. Door, open at 8 o'olook; Concert oommsno at 84 o'clock. aeo is ; no u MR. ALEXANDER B. HEIDK. late of the city of Balelah. baa thia dav been aamitwd a partner in my houses, both in Wilmington snd FiyetteTill. Th. businsas hrMftc will b transacted nnder th nam and atyle of Eeids Bros. B. X. HXIDE. dee It 6C-lt 8F0RT1KC MATERIALS, . - ptSQUBH AND GERMAr SPORTING GCr-B, XUrLKS, 1 181V1.S, BFESCER'd BIFLI OABTRIDGIB, OOLT'3 PISTOL CABTB1D0E8, KLtra GDN AND PI8TOL OAFS, OAMB BAGS, POWDEB AND SHOT, POWDER FLA8K9, SHOT BELTS, Aa . NATH'NL JACOBL Hardware Depot, No. 8 Market street. dec 3 67- UTATE OF XORTfl CIROLISA. OOl'HTT or HEW HANOTSB, ttTFSRIOB COOKT. Aon Coreoru, Patrick Bahan, (Jam. Behaa, Pauusk Haosoa, mcnac a xtaasoa ana starga rat Moor, piaintifl. - alnt Richard Mnrpby. Denoi Murphy, Doni, Behan, Patrick Berran, Ctbano vaay, unagmt uniio, and th. heir, of hur. Thoaaa Morphy. d eetd. who, nam, and plaoa of ridnea sr. nokaowa to tb. plaintiff deieodanU. TO TBE ABOTE-NAMED DEFENDANTS. You era hereby notifted to appear before J. 0 Hinn. Clerk of Ik fiaiMHor Ooart of ( Hano Tr county aforesaid, at Ma oSlo ia th. Ooart Hon, ia Wilmington, within twnty day Irom aadabrth7iady of Jaaeary, AD 1871,14 in, war tbe eoopUiat SteS to eatd uoart ror and parttuoo of to. reel lat. of Tboma. Mnr phv, dsosd If tb. abov. aam4 deteodante fail to appear at tb. time aad answer the eora plsiat. th. plaintiff will apply for th relief de manded in th. om plaint. Hcraia fail not. Oiraa under my band and seal of said Court thi t3d Movambsr, VflO. t MANN, - Clerk Soparior Ooart, Kw Baoovar Ooeaty. . DoBBCTZ CD TLA B, Attorney los PlaintiHe.. aov U M.Uafveh DURBAN TOBACCO. : rpES f IS) OASES (100 L38 ) " "PRO BONO PUBLICO ' at ralT.d. , v - , i iW V 4 A DRY G00D8, GRAND OPENING ail IBI llIillY II1IL 'BALTIWOKE BR4MII IKU 1," No 11 Market Street ISAAC MACKS, YV UO 0PENF.D TUB STOKK Mo. 13 AlAB kst street, October 1st, respsotfully nollflus th publio gsnerally that hs has remoyej to No. 11 Harkst street, where he will be pleased to see all who ar in waut of - DRYOOODS, oonsisting of DRES8 GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, BLANKETS, COVERLETS, and ths usual atook of Domestic sept in a first olasa Store. Alto, . : ' BKADYUADE CLOTH I NO, LABQE STOCK OF BOOTS AND BH0K8, HATS, 0APS, TBDNK3, VAUBKB, and a fuU stock of MOTIONS, which hs will gnarastss toa.ll "OHIATKB THAN THK 0HEAPSBT." Liberal indaosmsnts offered to Staler, who ar .specially snjoioad to oall on m before pur- ohssinir. a- Do not fail to visit the .- ... 'B VLTIMORR BRAKC1I HOUSE." Isaac macks. Mo. 11 Msrket Street, WllmiDRton, N. 0. nov a 91 DEW DROP 81L00N. No. 5 South Front St, Wilmington, N. 0. TOBT. I. 80ABBOBOUOH would Inform bis old friend and enatorasra that b. has recently renovated and refitted u above Saloon, and would b pleased to roir a oonUnaanse ol tbair patrooag. HI BAB hi always suppllod with ths BEST of LIQUOBS. OVHTKB4 Bsoeived almoat dally from New Bivsr.efkest aaslityl, ana ruruisnea lu any qnanuty or styis eaired. sept 38 - 1-tf Eitk. EN01U AlORtillll'S 80RS' 1801. 1 QEHEBAt ; " IlasuebaM aara m IB BETTER AND CHEAPER THAN SOAP. Doe It work quiokly, easily, and with lass la bor thaa any other oompooad ) clean stinaow without water ; ramovaa stuns from wood, mar ble and ttone ; oleana and brixhtens knivei and ItaWs tsars ; for general Aous oleaning isnn- equalled ; pousue un, ora, iron, oopper ana steel; removes oil, nut snd dirt from maohinery, rsmovss stains from th. hand whioh sosp will not take off, io. Bold at all Grocery, Drag and Notion Stores. Wholeaale, 811 Washington Btreet, M. I. so yxrora street, London. July S - . sodomsh BUTl'E R AliD FLOUR , K fV TUBS BUf ERIOB BOriKtt, UVr - Prloss vsry low. 400 UiB"EL3 FL0DU-11 fades. DeROSSET&OO. deeC i BAC02I ANV FORK, rjg BOXES DDI SALT AND L, C BIDI8, , 2Q Hhda Smoked Biiss ind Bhonlders, ' lt 50 B"reI,Poik' r p.. ..i.i,. F.W. KIBCBNEU. dolt 64 ATTRACTIVE 600DS AND MORE ATTRACTIVE PRICES. JJAISINS, FIBB 00A0IEB8, CTJRBINTB, ALMONDS, rRESERVEJ. CITRON, TELLIES. - - APPLE), JO. APPLE, APPLT8, BTETKNBOI- 01 At dec 15 TWO PLANTATIONS FOB BENT OB LEAPE IS BLIDIS OO0N ty. lying oa tb Osp. Far Biter and ad- jo in Ins joh other. There are about TU0 seres lard lend oa one pi tee, u4 400 acre on th. ouer, ana tney nsre proouoed, reepeotlrely, B,uuo bethel Oorn and 3,9.0 b-bel Com. Both plan, teflon will loom par favorably with any on tb. Cap Fs r Hirer, and are well adapted for growiog Uottoa. To reliable partita, ferorabl. term will be given, and possession at ooo. apply w . o. B. MUB0U10!. do B , SI tfl HITS BAT3 BAT?, ,; LMOST ETXBT EXPRESS BRING I MX aa additional lot of new and rfjli , .' HATS. Bccaivcd yesterday by Xxprasl and Btaamsr, a Bloe aseortaeot ef HATi. . - . v THOS. H. WRIGHT,:' " ar ... Battav, ' , No. 9 Norlk Front street. ) KOTICE. ...f "..-'i , A PPLICAnOS WILL 1 fATl TO THK XA. iitfUiMsrtsof ia s,i - I r t ruuti siss saa saeerpoiav ta . uumD Uarary i " .t-'t., , ' Printing. TUE JOURNAL JOB rttlTI(J OFFICE, Prince Street, WILMINGTON, N. O. - All kinds of PLAIN aud FANCY PRINTING eiccutod with neatness and dispatch. The best work guarwiteed at tholowoat ioasitle prion, THEATBI MA.NAQKI18, , TBiTELINO SHOWMEN. RAIL BO AD AGENTS, HOTEL KKfrEIW, STEAMBOAT AOENTB, And all those who bars LETTER PllKtlB rUINTINO to do, will And it to their lnlert to oali at THE JOURNAX OFFICE, Prlarea Strut. A large and well assarted stock of PAPE11B and MATERIAL kept on band, from- wbiob suleotlons may be mad. LAND DEEDS, OOTJBT AND MAGISTRATES' BLANKS On band at all times. BAIL ROAD RECEIPTS OR SILLS 09 LADING, And BILLS Of LADING for ship ping by sea, and other ' ' MA BINE BLANKS, . Always on hand. ETEBT DEflOBIPTION OF . JOB WORK,. faupoletb, rouoisB, CARDS, OIROtTLARS, NOTES, BIUrUAJDB, rOSTIBB, . RECEIPTS, 0ATALOOCES, BANK-0HE0KS, BHOW-CARDS, FB00BAMME8, TICKETS, DRUG LABELS), Ac, Ac, . AS waxt AS , every assorlptiea, printed at tbe shortest DOttoa, and chap for cash at';;:r ' . y thk Journal job office. OCR FRIENDS IN THK OOCNTBT may ssnd their orders to . THK JOURNAL OFFICE, And rly npoa their raoaiviag tbe ssroe attenttoa and being filled as promptly and as shsaply a if given psrsonally. , Our Joblng Department la oqual to any ia this ssotion, and every facility poasible will b affprded In the sxecutlon of orders. Addrsas ! ESOELHADD' PRICE, ' Wilmington, N. C. ... A 1 Fow IToro Left OF TDK rjJBOKK FISE CALF BOOTii, Whlc'a bar. goa off so rapidly daring Fair Wk. Call ia and salt yeareelf be for tbey ar 9 gone wba re'peoUac will eoate too late. Also, a fins aortmnt of ... " LADLES' A CHILDBEN'3 WEAR, Which w are esUieg at astosisbisgly low prieee. Finlayson c Bro . ' No, I North Treat Itseet, VnLMI$Q?Q ir. c. aovM 20 T BALES LEBANON A, yarisletb -i vsaie at laaaory py ieel ETTinCER DRT C00D8, GIVE US B.00U. FALL & WINTER DftY GOODS. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS AT . . WM. ETTINGEB'S, 15 MAHKET STREET, BRANCH OF 481 BROADWAF, NEW TORE. m yyt QATB SKOKTVKD AND ARK STILL Beoelvlng a Largs Stock of tbe Oholosst - AND WINTER GOODS ! Sslsetsd ont of th Prim! Goods of ths Largest Importing Establishment In the Oily of Nev Tork, as we bad the ad vantage of being one of tbe Aral on In th Market, and w Irish te In ' form our Oastomsrs, tbat the war In - tbe Dry floods Line , , ' is still to be eontfnaed. "Mo Best for Ue Wlcksd." Oar motto Is: "Quick Bales and audi AVoBts." We are deteralned to " OOT-alXLTHK CHEAPXBT, f EI LOW AND THK LOWEST, aad we guarantee to tarnfah better Goods for less mossy. We else think onr easterners for the past liberal patronage, hoping to receive It In the fatore, as lbs most Ubsral indnoemente are ef sred, DRESS GOODS ! CLOTHS, GAS8IMEBES, DOMESTI0 snd FOBEION OINQIlAMa. FLANNELS, all gradei and eolors; nOMESrUNB, Bleaohed and Unbleached ; DOMESTICS. A Complete Stock of ' Whito Goods. And Bpseial attention la salted to oar Stock ef A Large Assortment of BOOTS AND B1I0E8, Ladiae and Oents GadargaraaaaU, Baraiora Traaks, Tails, Bats, Bwltebee and Chignon. Also a Larg aad WeO-Mteoted Stock of CLOTHING; Te eoeelade with a vary Large Stock ef (Hats FURNISHING GOODS, The Largest Btoaft ks the State ef.ew Sws Msaafaetara, A Tramandsas Stock ef Ladies, Mteats and Ohfldrea'a Faaey Waiek we aMafaeSar ai ear Taotory j . all Baadwar.lrrark. Wgwaraote te Oecoary Darspsrfat Biltastss ta every Baa efea 1 - 'i i .(.. w e K Qoede. . i. i- High prises paid sat TUK BXTSa, Xt$ ask aa od2s cf boss, ' " ,i And beatlaj-r'-nrrtrj oes, ;' WJiLrliTTIKGERi sag U an- RAILROAD!).' WUBloglOB. ' barlotts A R, I, R. Co.. Orrwrs Cr Ess. ssd Gis'i. flnrT, - -'A Wiuraroro.v, N. C, Oot. t 1870. CHANGE OF 80EEDULE. a aain aarrvn cntra,,, a .... e -n ' la eenger l ram win ran tke foUowlng Sohsdui: " iav Wilmington at 1 o'olook . .. ., .- arriv at th head or th Road at 4 o'clock p. at. T ... Ik. hu4 M k. Da., . b . . tali rlv at WilmiOSton at 8 n. aa. dailr. lanndin - . excepted). ' r- " " " Two regular Freight Trains pr wsk wtll lave . Wilmington at 79 a. m. Taradat. and Fridays .... arnv. as Wilmington on Monaayiand xanrs-' dyslfi:lSp. m hrousbliokote to Charlotte.... Cliiaf XnfflriMr and BnBwalaiidMAl .1 oett!) SS-tf WILMINGTON A WELDON BAILBOAD O0.,f r , Wiuumstos, N. C, Aug. U. io.3.1 .. . Vssbb aBSaBB-a-aBSM ... -9 se :r 'or aBaBajatwT at.aA bsA Jljbsbi C0ARCB OP BCEsStLE,. ft AND AFTER MONDAY, th Wm Instant, j traina oa inia roaa am iv wiim(". a ton at 60 a. m. and 0:30 d. m.i and arrive at tVut. . don t S:80 s m. aad l.-OOp sa, Leave Wldoa 4 10:00 a. m. and 7:85 p. ro. arrive at WUntlogtea ! ;ir 4:00 A m and l:4A p. m, Tb day train wiUnot . . run on Mondays, Morning train North will a ''3 Union Depot at 6 1 14 o'olook. Miaht trala North r-v will tear TJnloa Depot at 9 t SO o'olook. The t , a. m. PaaMeger Trala aukae eoaaeettoa - -at Qoldsboro' for Balalgb. . - , ... vrfi An acoommodatloa and freight trala Win leave Wliminatoa 1030 a. sa. daily (Bandava essant J-9 Ci Btnrnlnr. leave Ooldsboro ai 6.-00 A. m.', and ls arrivs at Wilmington at S p. m. . .'t iii,HmV Ths day trains teavioa- Wilmtnatoa S.'lSa.m . aad WldonIO.'00.m.oonnotoloeJvwithTarbo. "3 " ro' Branoh train. Niaht rsnsusi traiaa l"v.:..;j.ii lag Wilmington and WaUIoa oa Mondays, Wed- , nesdsy and Friday, also eonneot olosely riUI ' n" the Tarboro1 liranch train, and with Steamer to ?:'U'f Washington, N. O. .. ,. , ' IflUHVAAt' may 8 WllmlDcton, Char, and Rath. R R C, vrriua uaiir siaaissaa aan uas x son., v t WTtawoTos. N. a. Bo. Win. 1870 4 2Z 2 UOTICE. muBOUGH TICKETS TO CHARLOTTE, VIA JL Ba'l and Btage, over this Bail way, ar for salatthTiokloflioattlOaoa, . 8, L. FREMONT, Daglaser and 8aprlatadnt. t1 ... nov 80 star ana rost copy. r ') til ktw tb-w OENRBAL BOPEBINTKHDENTB OFFIOK, )'-'- S , OonmsiA A Ananeta H. H. Oo, - . d'"- ! ,' Wtuuaatoit, N. a, May 19. 1870. j nnv . iy - " t ON AND AFTER SDNDAT.. the Uth but., -Paasanaer for the W. A H. R. B. will taka. tb Train at tb W.tW.AK. Decot and tba- following chdul will be raa I . ,-j ..: v'j...' DAT EXFBK8B TBAIN fDaDv.i . . , LvWUmtagtoa (W A W KB Depot) 8 M A. tf r 1 Arrive at Florane ...,...u,........Ut Aw N li l at Florano ...,...U,......,.U At A. N a u let KingsvUla.. ................ 8 00 f, H n -1, Klnjravlil..k..................li4 L W ,'1J latrloroa. 8:14 f, H i at Wilmington. 9JI M k, , . Arm at ainallJe... ........ LiMTW j Arrive i -ua.Tvas niuuiiunw, ,.,Mti Ink a a., i.- . NIGHT EXPRESS TBN fDafrv.v ' ' ' Leave Wilmington (W A W R B, Depot) 1:80 P. at Arrive at Florraca 148 A. M . t. Arrive at KlnrsvlU... .......... ....... 90 A. B ui Lav KingivUle.. ......... 8:48 t.tttu.) Arrlre at Floreno. .110)8 P. M , Arrive at Wilmington. . . . .... t ...... , ':! m.M'ltc3 VAU. wwvxut iiea-iNsanb i stay IS, 1870 NORTH CAROLI.tA 1 " iA Beneficial A:ociatica:! : 5 f ' ' -- GRAND StfCLE DISTREm: Valuable Real Ecizti A80 , M, j i'fjfl.'jsf iuw PERSONAL PROPERTY !.-'-! - yu u '..- i 'r. tiiit 00S . " . ; - : ..-.r-.i e.fl TO TAKE ILACB ,wd J In Wilmington & vt ; MONDAY, JAN. Kta, 1871. ' . , i .a n ;.xv.i. . ;.-.ei enl -v. f. t, , ' ' " , !-,,! vflHcs-atit lo.fioA nTnaibm Put In KtHtitili 110 Awards Drawnf'f,, Who!) rerttacates. $5 j RalTM, if M untners, fix., Cs., , kd Wa, What the City Prase Bay I Pin DUwftoV Quit h orowd assembled at the Tbaatr yterday noon, ta witoas tb Graad DrawtoE of tb BortA OaroUna Baneaoial Aao- iatioo. There were 100 prise In all, sod Uule . rolls of paper asperating thass were ptaead in wbl ea eae eida, white- tba Uafeete ware ta ;.-;. 4, another wberl eppoatt th. former. Between t . tb two wa. labia, at whioh eat th Jadg. aad ' 0 ' ' sir. joun utrnmom, uosnmiaeiooer.' laawoeeai ia": l wsrs mad with (lass aide, so that arythiog . ., wUhia these ooald aa eea aad war earr ! kwkad, oaul th drawing bagsa. This was dove .riitS by mns or two Uttie boys, who wsr eareiy blind -folded, on. drawing a aasanar tresaaaeaf I ib,blsnd lb. othar ta. pi tea te ass saeoawd wtlh H. IsmiisiMsbslHaittsa-' i : tagwa dona ins perfeetly fear aad aaaaa oar. H kmuw oa IXuly Journal. 2m 84... , ,. Tai Gaaan Daawrsa Y awrwBBT. -Th fT ;! siagl nrrmber distribaUoa of tea t. O BrmtOrr.U ...V.iln.. .kia soofe at the Tbeatra teetsrUsT, at 1 a'cfoek, wa th Mbaorblnf them daring th dav. The drawing Seek 4aa - ia pablio, a oaramittc baring been Mioated froaa v2 tk aadieno to act -with tba Commissioner in keeping aneeeeeatef tbe seme and ta ae tbat ,: 1 was cooduoid fairly, finit a rMp3tll . fe: erewd wa preeeot ro witneastbw drawisg. Tb-. foilowiag aonbera drew tbe principal pr!- S ; I S Mo. Alio; 4,0T0 : NO.-S0C4, $i UiO : titoe t Ho. SlffW : Mo. 17. 41 ft. ho.-" - .111, 41,004 1 bo. 148a. &)0, T"a Cert "-.. 5 Na. HOT wsa sold to a eitiiesa of V . - . . . . , IS THIS. OCR EEOCSO GBIlSD HZZZIZV- -'- TICS. lta awajlm rsr ss baiwi.: On Award, vatuaUeav . Te Awaroa, raw. - - Aad M etaar awS rrUig tav. ..! 4-J. . . , t " ; (J t. OEKLQr. Cat.' 1 aiDesoriptteae el IVertr " ' . .. .....'. - rotlaiuci'io ' " ' I- - tw.su t , f Kripel C"8 ra. II f " Boa i, a ii'.ca. rl a 4 I ' rj d'-'- a V

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