- lWwr e M . a-. . isi H;l it. ;.if U Iti iikl'tj . r-S ?". J v' ' 1 . ' (til, t . ; - . . - , . . ," , '. . ' ' . ; . V"T rt'i aJtta-r. 'f 1 .art H 1 1 jr-s-.j . ,r, TH S k"J W KJ eat V i) ' rlVx f'": A Hi fv.... ,- ,J I II VOL. XX-NO. 83. WILMINGTON, N, C., WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4, 1871 WHOLE NTiniBEr. -ij', J3. . .;;. at- I 1. v v " ..-'7 ? till THE DAILY JOURNAL WILMINGTON, N, C. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY A, 1871. From tbo lUleiKUSimtinel, I'llnlt jr College. At tbo suuii-aounal cxauiiustiuu, which cloaea iwofmitor 'il, ttie fullowiui; jnuug geatletnen obtaiued liret diatinolion, to wLich iheir names urn attache'! . 8EMUR CLASS. Latin Mewia AIIod, Eriokell, Brjraut, ujnuva, ivjs, fliauDny, rani, J'lorce, aemmoua aim Tucket. Modern Language s HoMts. Alien, bricKell, liryant, Bvuum. Crayeu, Davn Uroenr, Muney, Vmi!, rjiri'P nnrt Tuck er. . , Malbomutioa Mr, ilines. - Jfinglieh litorotureMeearsllriuLcll, Bryant, Omea and Mauney. Metaubvtiioa Measra. Brickull, lirvant, Bynnm, Crarrn, Islington, '.Mauuny, Nor- na and nicker. JUNIOR CLASS. ' " . Latin Meaers,. . JJarriDgor, . . LedbloUtei v. Norman, Terry an J Townseud. Greek cleara. ltarringer, Ledbetter, Terrr, Townsend and Wellborn. Mathematics Messrs. Barringer, Noi - man, Terry, Townaeud, Tumor, Wellborn ttnd Worthy. Logio Messrs. Barringer, Blodsoo, Led better, JJorman, Torry, Townaend, Tur ner and Worthy. Modern Languages Messrs. Ledbottor, Norman, Terry, Tonnacnd, Tamer, Well born and Worthy. Natural Science Messrs. Korniaa, Ter ry andTowneend. B'jraouor.E CLASS. . Latin-Messre. Everett, Grimes, Hodges, Murphy, Pegrm, Bimpson, Watson, Wil son and Winningham. Greek Mesara, Marphy, Tegram, Simp ton and Winstead. Mathematioa Messrs. Cooper, Hodges, Pegrmnj, Simpson, Wilson and Win aikgbam. Naoral Science Messrs. Cooper, Eve rett, Grimea, Mnrphy, Pegram, Simpson and Watson. Modern Languages Messrs. Armatrong. Everett, Grimes, Murpby, Prgrnm, Wac . son, Winningham and W insteal. FSUHUAH CLASS. - Latin Mesrs. - Kennedy, Lowe and Ontlaw. Greek Messrs. Boykin and Teaob. Mathematioa Meaars. Boykin, Faison, E. A. Jones, Kennedy, Outlaw and Shaw. English Literature Measra. Dnrham, Fliaon and Lowe. Natural Science Messrs. PniVton . and Kennedy. snciAL SnooLa. Latin Mr. Benson. English Literature Messrs. V, B. Bar ringer, Betts, W. O. Craven, Maneia, Bhodes, Sandtra, J. C, Wellborn and C. B. Wycbe. Natural Scienoe Messrs. Daniel, J. M. Johnson and J. I. Stanback, Mathematics Messrs. Eady, J. C Wellborn and O. H. Wyohe. Penmanship Messrs. liarriuger, Betts, Ituodes and Handera. SENIOR LAW COCKSE. Messrs. Briokell, Bryant, Bynum, I'A lington, Bines, Maaney and Tucker. JCJIIOB LAW OOCItSB. Messrs. J. A. Birrineer, Simpson iud Winstead. DECLAMATION. The following have the highest grade in Declamation: Messrs. 151 J toe, l.voreit, Mnrpby and Norman. courosmoN. The following the highest in Composi tion: Messrs. Lane, Pegram and James Wilson. The following have not loen absont from Prayers, Church or' Iteoitation Messrs. Armstrong, Daniel, J. M. John son, Kennedy, Ledbetter, Murpby,' Out law, Rhodes, J. F. Stanbaek, Townsend, J. A. Tumor, Wianingham and Wmateadi B. Ckaven. Trinity College, Deo. 20, 1870. COMFliSjTIOK OF . TUB ORBAT tniT ( BSJtS TVIIHKV. Tba Kaaall ef Twalv Vaais or Labor . The AUya Fietcad Ireaa rnuaoe to Italy : Severn Miles Tliroatjh th 3wela mt tba Kartb The Kaglacerlaa Trlamph or th Age. ' A cable dispatch from Susa Announces that tbe . Alps were pierced througn on Monday, and tbut the workingmen from both ends of tbe MontCenit Tunuel joined in congratulations upon tbe completion of the worn. bibiobi or THJl woisk, ' The "eternal" barrier between Trance and Italy bat at latt been overcome, and at this moment tbe workmen wbo. for thirteen years, have been working toward each other in tba bowels of tbe Alps have doubtless met, aud with tuob familiarity as their diverse languages will permit, con gi a tola ted each other on the completion of their more tban nereniean lauor. TBI fKIT.UlIKARaS. -" The Alps have been crossed even with great armies sinoa the days of Hannibal, but the undertaking has been one of no tittle toil and some danger. In 1805 tbe first Napoleon constructed a road through the pats oi Mont Cents, which was at a moderate elevation of soma 5,400 feet above the level of tbe adjacent country. This was thirty miles long and eighteen feet wide, and waa built at a cost of 7,000, 000 franca. It served for many years as tbe only highway between Franco and Italy, but within the last fire years a rail way baa been built over tbe ridge, upon which a steAm engine of peouuar con struction slowly drage a tingle ear. Tbe iJea of piercing the mountain, aad gliding from one country to the otaer in a few minute' time, was first broached about twenty years ago, and, as a matter of course, was ridiculed by that large elate of peraoDi whose conception of what can be done it formed entirely in accordance with what they know hat been done. All man ner of difficulties and obstacles were eug geeted and declared to be insuperable, but the projectors teheved they could be over come. : The fovernmeata of France and Italy were applied to lend their assistance fot l accomplishment of thit stupendous undertaking. The feasibility of the work was argued at length before the legislative bodieael both tae aationa, and tba re ' U ws ftasily aoontnwt for the work, j r UltOSti chosen irarrwifiali shortest possible line through the vast mountain range, as the altitude of , tut peaks or the general ridge made no dif ference with the work. The old plan of sinking shafts front the top at intervals, and working from on to another, m pro nounced impraotioabla from the start, and a continuous borincr from either end was determined upon aa tbo only; method of proceeding, the workman beiog supplied with light and air aa they retreated from the cheerful light of etay and the whole sorno attuosphoro of the outer world. The place was found abunt fifteen miles from the old Mount Cenis road, where, a tun nel of metres, or a little less ' than eight mile in length, .would pierce tbo mountain ranse and oonneot the town of Fuuroeaos, near Modane, in the valley of the Are, in bavoy, with Bordoneobe, in tbo valley of the Dorariperia, in Italy, by a railroad over w biob a train of ears of any desired leugth Could ruu in a very few minutes, Botweon theao two termini the tunnel nafeOS UDder - three mountains of considerable boight even for Alpine peaks, kuown as the Col Frejus, the Grand Yallon and the Col de ta Kone. ranged in the order in whiob thoy are here named aa wo pars from l ranoe to Italy. The cen tral summit is over 11,000 feet above tbo sett level, and by the old method of sink ing shafts it would have required more time and labor to bore one of these tban has been taken for theontire work. BEOINKINO OF THB WOHI. The work was begun in 1858. At first the ordinary band-drill wta naed to pierce the rook, and tbe aolid maates were bleated out with powder. This method of optra- tion, which was kept np on tbe Ilaliau side until 1801, and on the French side until 1803, would have required upward of nity years lor tna completion oi toe wort. Accordingly it behooved the projectors to bethink tbem of eome more expeditious method of proceeding. Tbe nae of steam was out of tbe question, and the attention of tbe Italian engineers was therefore turned to a device for using compressed air as the motive power. This matter pre sented no very great difficulty in ite gen eral principles, but a great deal of expert mentmg was neoeatary before it could be put into auocemful practice. THB MACHJNBHT CSXD. A machine wee finally invented and put into operation which could atand outaide, by one of the streams that cams down from tue mountain, and, witn its sid. force the air through long tubes to the drilling apparatus. This latter is a machine wfaioh works in a galley nine feet square, and carries a large number of perforators, each of whioh bores a separate hole in the rook. By tbe oompreasing machine the air is forced into a reservoir, and tbenoe it passes through flexible pipes to the cylin ders oonttining tbe drills of the perforat ing machines. By tbe opening of a valve, each drill is foroed against the face of the rook wi h a force of about 200 pounds. turned alightly, and withdrawn. Two hundred of these blows are given every minute with each drill, and, when boles of the required depth have been bored, tbe air is tnrnea ou, ana tne maonine witn dtawn a short distance, Tne holes are boared in such a way as to converge slightly towards each other, so that every blast will bring down a considerable mass of rock. At first powder was nsed ia the blasting, but tbcre were many obvious ob jections to this. As soon as any consid erable progress had been made, and sub sequently, gun cotton wss tried. This was afteiward displaced by the use of nitro glycerine. Tbe rate of progress baa varied, of oonrte, with tbe hardness of the rock, and has been from one and a half to three feet per day. Among the incidental appliances employed by the workmen, are a gas-bouse, miniature water-works, ana machinery for supplying their own lanrt with air at well as those of the perforating machinery. Thus the three essentials of comfortablo life light, air and water, are received from the outer world by ma chinery. nzi or xbje bo. The tunnel is in the form of a segment of .a cylinder, tbo bottom being level for tbe road bed oi tne proposed railway. Tbe height of the arch is 21 feet 7 i aches, tbe width of tbe tuonei at tbe bate K feet gt inches, and tbe width in the broadest part 20 feet 2i inches. As fast as tbe rock is blasted ont it il removed, and a party of masons follow oloae behind the busy machinery to complete tbe masonry. The work has gone on in this way day and night for more than a doeen ysra, and at last the two gangs of workmen have mat, so we are told by the telegraph, far be neath tbe summit of tbe Urenrt VAllon. For seme time after the work was begun visitora were admitted at all times, bnt at tba work progressed stricter rules were adopted, and permission waa given to La apect tbe work only on two fixed days of the montli. Tbe visitor is taken in enarge by tbe director of tbo workmen, wbo gives bim a long maia ruooer ooat ana a ugntea lamp attached to half a yard of wire, and with these they tot put upon their jour ney. . ., -. ) INTO IU BOWELS Of IHX XABTX. After going some distance tbe patob of daylight furnished by the entrance ia lost sight of, and tbo darkness seems positive ly tangible. Ahead tnrough the black ness glimmer a number of lights, and the rumbling sounds of the wagons carrying out tbe debris is beard. Then comes a dull, heavy rumble, echoing and re-echo ing throngb the gallery, and acaming to shake tbe mountain from base to summit It is the sound of an explosion. One fol lows another in rapid auooession.and, after seven or eight, the wooden doors, which are closed just before tbe blast, are thrown open, and elonds of smoke come pouring throogh tbe tunnel in such density sad volume ss to be positively painful. At tbe time of the completion of tbe tanael tbe workmen from the Italian aide had bored ii miles into the mountain, and thoae.from tbe French tide about 3 miles, tbe whole distance being 75 miles. - , rovn uam nov rat orrxa woaxd, . and with mora than a mfla of Alps tower ing above their beads, tbe visitors find tbe men and machines at work. The drills make two hundred . revolutions a minute, and abetter innumerable sparks of fire from tbe rook. After aboet ninety boles, tbree feet in depth and two to three inches in diameter, are bored, they are charged witn powder and tamped, - when tbe miners withdrawing behind the wooden doors the alow match ia ignited, aad the expwaten tetter plaoe. bo tbe labor nae continued withoa iotemptio. day and aighi, week after week, including San ders, month after moatb, year after year. The workmen were Atvid4 into three re liefs, eight hours being given, tw labor aad tixtettfl to rest. Tl.a eemmon Ui't re ceived only three trance, a- day, aadtfc aXuied but five Branca. t , nacQxrunea - t ... or fair months sooner than was anticipa ted, year sgo, April. 1871. 'boingths earliest date assigned for that oonaumma tion. ' It will i require about six months more to complete tbo railroad whieb is to thread the tunnel and make a Journey from Franco to Italy at stay at that across tba Oermao border, , r'voV." ' ',- ' ' TBI CAttJALTIie. ,01 ocmee, in Such a work innumerable accidents moat happen, It bat been told that aaeia than 1.000 workmen have loat their livts op to 1870, but the guides aud directors declare that not more thin fitly or tuty had been killed outright, though number of others had been aertouely wounded- Most of tba aooidonU nave oc curred ou the railway, from the falling of rook and from premature osplotions. One premature Oiploaiaa killed five men and wouhded nine others, three of them fatal ly; and one rook falling crushed three mat to death. It is not improbable, therefore, that during the twelve year I in whiob the work hat been going on at least one thou aand men have lost their lives. The ooat oftbetaooal na been about 170.000.000 francs ivf y I .. : t M I MM ; J ni8CELUKEOl78. LAUD PLASTER. ' - ( - It 1 ' , f ''!' ! 300 TOM , : '.. FRE8II CROflSli LAND PLASTER, OF THE BEST QUALIXV, FOR SALE IN LOTS OF FIVE TONS " AND OVER, j - - -1 AT $12 50 PER TON, Delivered at the Depot la Wllmltgton. Ayplyto F. V. KKECUNEB. ffholeaale Oreetr and Oommlaalon If aren't, . Wilmington M. 0 Lot i of lata tban 8 torn It txtra par ton will bt charged for lighterage. daeW t-t- ' 1 It&r DEW DROP SIMON. - Ho, fi South Front St, Wilmington, N. a ROBT. . BOABBOBODQH wonlJ inform bia old frianda and enatomtra that be haa roantly tsaovatea aa4 reflttad tbe above Balooo, and would be pleated to receive a oontinoanoo of their patronage. Bia BAB ia alwayt tapplled with the BUT of UQOOB8. - teetved almoat dally from Sea Biver.ef beat qnality, and fornlebed in any enantity or atyla daabrad. . .. I tbpttt ,' , ,. ... I-tf .,Z7. m i , ...4 in) - f GREIT MtE er CLOTHING! B ALAUCB OF. STOCK AT OULT k BMAIX margia on coat. . NOW! NOWljHOWl,, Ia the time te bay. - ' - -5 v UUNSON t OO, ' . City Ototbiera. jaa 1 GEORGE MTERS, llliKD U FRONT STREET. TTATE JUST BXCBITED A FUBSH LOT OF XX BaUina. whole, I praeerved Oreasje I BaUina. whole, halves aad qnartara; Citron, mad Oraaaa PaaL EaeUah and American Pink lea i aaarr vanetv of ; every variet: Aaaaa Vaiaai 1 oi traits, inn isuis Batter. Oraea Fees, Liaaa Beeaa, Pioklad Oya- tare, Waae aad Me. 1 Mseketal, Fraah Balmon in Kits, Pioklad Salmon, choice KnglliU Oraam Obaeae. 0,000 LA XINFA'8 j Malaga Oraptev . i- ' ' OaU and aiamlna the eboieaet Btoek of Oro eeriae in tbe State at tbe lowaat esaberioaa, at OEO. MTZBB, ' . 11 and 13 front atiat, Jsal : i- "7" SUNDRIES; 15 BHDS. SMOKED SIDES A SHOULDERS, 38 boxes 8. 0. and B. B. Middles. . I boxta D. 8. Bbenldert, ., t0bblt. Pork. .1 . . .. - '..r - r; 350 bbla. Floor, 1500 baahala Oera, ' 8000 sacks Bait, -100 boxes Seep, -"77! " - 335 tsekt Ooflae, 180 hbdt. aad bbla. Ssgara, , 100 bbda. aad bbla. Molaetea, : 160 bbla. aad boitt Oraokara, SO boxes Cheese, 71 titreae, kegs aad tabs of Lard, U balsa light and heavy begging. If rolls pieoe Begglog. (0 toaaTiea, 7J bblta half bUs. aad kits Mackerel, 0 bbla. Mallaaa, UO boaae Oeadlea. . , . 10 UerMeBiee,' 75 boiee Oaadlte, . 75 aeaaa Lya aai Potaaa, -15 toaa Beep Xrea,. M bbla. Oraa, A&. Ae Aa. For tale by"',' F. W . KCBCHSEB. leal tl - , ... riESEXTE?. pABHED rstTfTB AKD TMETABLEsT, JEtXIZa, MALAOA QB1PE9, EUT8 . LAtKB BAIEUIB fat Qr. Basse - 1 1 pat a expreaaly Ibr fasaily ha ; KjiUafaOkiada: CooUacvi'lre a4Braady aad tbe eaoiottt Uqoere ef au kiaoar - Qraea tad Black Teea af tbe Aaae qaabty ; Java aad Aagaayr pease aamieq the grata. a- Tat avffaet ef See Oree arise Oar OhristsBae ia the State, at 4 ;-' ' QEOlOf MTlSa', ' nelSFraaetrt. aea 18 - -r - - '- ta-. A fprli Sul rljtlin Bi, A euuiplnti) miml of trtvnl, ji't sa in Iff v MtiaK ta a novel. , FPEH, r tlLb A(iD IiBlliBLB No Competition J SO Dlaiainrent ril l(a Ka(ra !( I '3oTB(.a i,riTiii)ta Of ti8fd l(aKtTluttlUigu(t vwiad nharaatrr insav it lhm hiioinan. All abonk th ptunu oitiwi of Ilia UlauJ, tl batlii aart wiloiiiis SIow, bull tiKhi. ruuk-Usbta and oroiTi,- -tract ibt in Qvan. ullar .uj !Uiuf0' tuta nf IV'ffa, HRar anil T"haivn. rattan mat man. I In ami AHen(il HAHTPoiui IU'il.llllim , Hartford, Conn. rnbliabtaolHloH' "Hlntoryot tba Dibla," Mrs. KlMi'a "Oonrl Cirolea ol tba Kn'nbllo, Jt " n . i' wairu TiaitG aniTXauuh hf nelna ap aa old Axe. Bead tl 60 to LIT PlttOOWAjHAKeWELL, Plttaburgb, Ta., and tbevalllaailalti-tii-Ata, r.ir"ns paw. Half a day loat iu snuamg will tbua ba aaved, iOill? tiHK THB,,VKORTAUI,M f Qj fi 10aO'l'lillOIABtl MAt-SAH. "lO I II Ybaoid etaojard remaily for Uoutjba, Oolda, OouBnmptlon. V-Vwiuij W'-." t'oixtaUBoi. A Co., Boatiiu. ' UrtiAins i itr i tA i ou v i'owoich ... lisniuvca anprll joimii batr In ,;ioe tiuHutn, without lrj"ry totbaakln. Pout by mail for tl K. t rilAUl a At'llHI i l'BB Bthevaa moat violent paroxyanis tnea tnlrwhn aud efteota a apsaily ear, l'riua tl by mail. tii a; jArANKMU jiaih ai am Colore tbo whlakera and hair a beautiful r 1.101 or bbown. It oonsiata Of only out irfjnratin. TS oenta by mail. Abtraee . V, lU'HAW, No. Til J..-ueU-flt. l'lulailoiplua, r". Cireolara teat free. Hold by all UrugRlste- .,, . ITtTf Jli'IIA'Ca fatlga an.l I'ara.lu " l.lAJjJ VV, UtlLl B, o , of vartoua a ty It a, at tbe obi maunfaotory, t4 Uraad at., a. v. Jhiahluud 130. Buud for Ulroulars. 0AIHMH URO., Bnoneeeore lo H. T. Orataoap. "KoYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. ' Fitaot oaahad ami inrortnation furnlabed by OKOBQB Ul'UAM, frovtaanoa, W. I. lldOPJ. A Weeb Salary fIoung men watttad tyiSriaa local and tmvalllng aileemen. Ad. om (w.tb stamp) H H. WALK Kit, 84 Park Bow. M. V. -- -"? Sua 1A V, ear. LATTaI CO., Plttabnru, Pa". MOUSTACHES foroad to row Inaix aeeka Baoelpt aent for WI t:'. Addroat B. PKRRT. 8 Park Bow, MeW York Aeanta ! Read This ! XfTH Sua. pa v AOBRTf A salary of t'W VY per weak, and expenaat, or alWw a laraa eomaiiaaioa to aell onr naa and wonderful In vantlona. Addrasa M. WAONKR A CO., Mar thall, Mieb. - " EMPLOflilKNT FOIlALL. ' AtCtr. HALARV PKa WEEK, and ID-u- 5h.il I ana. raid Asanta. te aell onr new and u.efai dlaooverlea. AddraM P. .BWUKr A 00., Harahal Hiok NEW MEDICAL FAS1PHI.KT. Bamlael, Phralaal aaMl Her vane Ueblllir, Its ef facte aad onra. Prioe 35 oeute. Addraaa BKOKK XABY. tluaaam of Anatomy, Old Broadway, Hew York. .,.. ? i Olergymtn, while raaMIng in Bonth America aa a miaalonary. dtaooverad a safe and almple ramtdv fot tbe Cure of Narvout Waakneaa, Early Deotv, Dlaeaaaa of tba Urinary and Hernias! Or. tans, and tba whole train of disorders brought on oy Danami auu tiuiuu umn,vm, - , bare have bean onrad by tbia nobis remedy, Prompted by a daalre to benefit the aulioted and ; nuforfnnata, 1 will aaad tba reoipe for preparlsg ' and uaiug tbia madioioa, in a aealed envelope, to I any ona wbo need it, Frtt 0 cnor;s. Address I JOBKPH T. INMAN, Btatlon V, Bible House, : Maw York Oitr. . --t; w .- . ' ! St. Paul's Institute ASD . ! ' Academy of Mnoici J" THB 6E0OMD COABTEB OF THIS IN8TI. TDTK for both aaiea nill eommence on I TUESDAY. January Sd, 1871. 1 Tbe regular aourae of atudy oouduoted both 'in tbe Esauaa and (icuiiK languagea. Ha ' txtra charge for German aud Siuglns. I Bpeoial indnoeroenta and attention givtn in the MuaicAL DzrAsraaST to private pupil set ! wiehing to enter tbe Literary Department. ror parttoniarv, appiy w 1 . J. F. nOKOKEBT, 4 rrofseaorof Atnaio. deo H'J 1 .7 U STATE OF NORTH ( AROLISA. O0TOTI OF NEW BANOVlAl, SCrglHOB COURT. Ann Ooroorau. ratriok Helm, jamaa Beban Patrick Hndaou, Bicbari Hn.ie'm and Marga ret Moora, plaintifii ' Acaiuat Biuhatd Unrnbv. Danula Uumbv. Dsnnia Beban, Patrick Beban, Catharine Duffy, Bridget Doiin, and tba hairs 01 Hev. xnomaa tturpov. oe oeaaed. wboae namat and placce of rsaldenua are unknown to tbe plaintllTa dnloodanta. TO TUB ABOVE-NAMtD rEtiDA11T8. ' Yon are harebr notiiiod to appear before J. O Mann, Olark of tbe Superior Court of Mew Hano ver ooun.y aforesaid, at hie ofUoe in tbe Court Honae. iu Wilmiuittiin. ailblu twenty dare from and after the 7lb day of Janaarjr, A I 181, to answer tbe oomplaint filed in aai J Court for eaJe and partition 01 tne real aetata 01 xnomaa atnr pby. deoaased. If tbe above named defendant fail to annear at the time and anawer tbe ou plaint, tbe plaintiffs will apply for the relief de manded In tba eomnlaint. Herein fail not. - Oiveo under mv band and aeal of aald Court this aad November, WO. . . , -: J. O. MAN a, , , ; . ! Clerk Baporior Court, " Bew Hanorer County, DvBBUTa CUTLAIt, ' Attorney for Plaiotifla. - -oov Si . 50 lawOw-eh DAVID . PIfiOTT, TOBACCONIST, vni!varo, n. v. Jaal 81- BEEF BEEF. 01. ASD AFTEB THIS DATE. JA3UABY let.U71.ao uaataillbe eoldatoor at all an lee (or eaab. No iLatincuoa wul be aiada. We feal Uauklpl for tbe liberal patronage heretofore extended to aa, and aolioit a aoatui aanea of tba ease, hat request that eaeh be paid aeraariar. TBOa. B. JOHBSOH A BBO. . V KOTICF, .. . .. Orrica WnanseTew, V. 0., Lire Ie. Oo ( Wruuaatoa, M. C, Deo. SOth, 1870. ) rE AHUDATj MtBTCtf OF TFE srfrjCK. halrtars ef tbe Wiuaaartoa, Morth OareUa Life laeoraaee Ooeapaar. will ba held ia tbia ait ea Tboradaj. tbe 12Ui day of January, 187 L A. Ulihe)UA, Jaaee y. . ' - -,',. ! ; ? ,. wuouaeTua aotiTu casttjuaA Lira: .k . laaviuuicBi cobpabt. Babaerihers ta the eaaiul etaok ef thai Ooee- pacr, ae aare aot paxl tba aaah taatillsaSs hrratofora ordered by tba Board of Direouxa, are notitad that eaid paymanta ainat be mad es oe be tor. tbe Aaaaal aeeetiog fian'y 13th), or ibesr eteek will ha eobie te forrtar, -v . .,v;... J,t aVD. WAlXAfca, XraaaY. b daett , , 60-tea-.. ty y inn'tr"."9 jo at woaav rxi f Y A .0 ! t"PATf o OO 10 . -"if I ( I BI 1 1 1mm. t4 mmI MMeab t DRY wOODB. New York House ! It MtBKET HT., WII.MISQT0N, BRANCH OF 481 BROiDWUa IV. f. WJL ETTING-ER W CE BAPl'T TO Wilt rEUBOtULLY on tbaLdleeof Wilmington and tbe Publlo in Oanaral at tbe CRHAT m YORK IlDl SI 18 MABKkiT HTHF.AT, ; . -' ) . " . . ( " I Ilandaoms Luatres at 35 eta per yard; '-- - '.-V4 . :'; "". ' . ' -"'I liatutlful Obsess at 10 ots par yaid; Flannel, all tbtdea, at 20 nta par yard ' 1' r i' " Elegant Prints at 8 ots psr yard; Klasobed and Dnbleaohsd Bqmsspun at 0 els rr yard; - ? ."- , Boys' Brogsas at 75 ots; Man's Brogsns Hi Men's Gaiters tl 35; " , Man's Boots n M; i ' Ladies' Balmorals at 11; Udita' Lace Gaitara at It St; ' , Cants' .Bate at 73 elt; Childrsna Fort at SI 75; 1 . . Ladies' Furs at J 50; Hosiery, Gloves and Trimmingi IN ENDLESS VABIETY, WM. ETTHTQBR Leaves for New York by January 1st, aad offers y Abiatbtase for . .i t BARGAINS j-3.il Si .se Vp is that tiaie tnly to eaatle bias ta saake roei - fbr elteratfoeaC4 ,? ',' -1. V .-- nj 1 ' -- a e-' i i ik . . , " ' .' -- t-neai.f-- . -;.ir - til A,ttu livii t' j id k ja.ia4 : OTIfEv-Itf f naViisM tiifr ! i -. I - la i V a w- m Milk ftBF.wtier ktc&B) i tke -Strset, i t aseli ! ai.' I alow a'Tafc .mi.:J m. rt rv .'4 m-JA aif-" - A t tr iC X " '. U. . 1 jayi the hitJUast 'jhlark-s p!-..r. jzzmj icmssr; UtCZiC. , roxu, a.. ass Be t. i DRf aiOODS.' "BIMIMwVR Mkmi H0F8IV GRAND DISPLAY OK 'IA S ((' .V.' FOB TDK ft- t f .vs . v? 1 HOLIDAYS! -0- ISAAC MACK8, T - -M - H I No-11 Market fltroot, Th ,. .1. . r,,. ,..- . . ! XVKarEOTFULLX INJFORMo THK PUBU0 that ba bat Jnat returnsd from Saw York and Baltimore with a cartfully solsotsd stook of ,., . elate:'" tl M.tt FOREIGN AND DOMEflTIO Kl' " DRiaOODS, READY MADE OLOTIIINBri ' U l BOOTp,,5nOES, and a fail lint ef IJtDlBH and OXMTB' ; I fymmxu ( ood8 v .; ! -"Sii-i ; " at ,H"'.-it4.t'-i j at psioae te suit all. -' Alt are oordiAlly Invited to oxamius. Lie stork bafortparobaslngtltewbare. ''' ' r, f. v.-a i ! la? , JSAACMACKS, - t ,i fre - f t4 - tl M ;.. -' ' No. U MABRF.T 8TBKET,1 ' .!. ,wi i s ?J AT Dctlers will find H to their aifrtotege to aiamina bis Stock. das 18 70- e ACOHl 1 Gnaranteod to excel glL ottert to 'ebspB end material. --,t '( -' - Ba aura to aak for TUB JA0OBI AX I! tod acuept no other, atrary Axe warrauttd, . t Set ttlt at , WATH'LJAOOBl'll .,, ; ' - natru; Bsrdwart Depot, - - ?i- deo 17 "1S ..... e ) i , - ' ALL THIS WEEK mat CIBUATCBT, XURQAJKB CHStfZ btd U clothing; 5 t. 1. I . J. ,u. 1 .-' - ' ' j gents rmuiiBniNa aoops, : UMBRELLAS, Ao. t - i-r.. 1..V v "a .4 , . - MUNBON A O0, ' ' 1 Cllr'ao'tbla1 deo2S EKOW MORiiAls't BiiMw . io. FOB QKNEJIAL I 'ft- -I liaaeahali IB BETTEB AND CHEAP EB THAN SOAi. Doos its work quiokly, easily, and with lees la bor tban any otber oomponnd : oleans window arttbeat water ; ninoves stalna from wood, mar. bit and atone ; eleena aad brishtans inaisse amd tablt rear i for cauTal Anus al.ua ina la aa evtnalled l polishes tia, brass, iron, copper aad steel; removes oil, rust end dirt from ntooUnary, remorse ataina from the band whioh eoep wul not take off, Ao, Bold at all Grooery, Drag aad Motion Btoroa. -.-. vyal.aale, 5 ail Washington 8treet, N. I. 80 Oxford Street. London. July 8 ftaVaoiMmeh ' ROLLER SKATING ' AT ' ' '': ; LIAE017I0 HALL- OOMMENCINQ MONDAT. DEO. Strra, 1870. TUESDAY. THU118 dsy and Satnrdar eveninga frost 8 to 10. ' Mondsy, Wednesday and Friday aftenioona from Si to 64. Bauraev - anerniiona tt-"S.- (eictnsively for obi- 2: dro) from !i to I O'aloeb. - Adatitiliie 5tt eatiu. Ces ef Baatas 88 aaata. ObUdree nader 11 years of aire, bait arise. Uoralua aaaeaibliea everv dav from 10 to 1'i a cioca, m , (eioioeiveiy for India.) to learn aad praouoa, wnea aa ebaes la aaaaa for admieeioa. N. B. The menicement rerorre the right So refaee adtuiaitoo and aea orekatoe to any ntijee tiaaalls peasoa, aaA saali nnsef gaoteet ap- Bsasaaesn u w.,j . ' . . OFFICE CP OOU.HTV C'OMUlif IOKEBfl, .,.. xw Baaovsa Corses. , WiLsusqiojc, N. 0., Dec ltiti, 1870. Oriert'L Thuaaiil tbs 3d day f Jsonary, ten. at ia o'clock aU propoaals wUi be reserved by the Board of Ooonty floss mlaaioaore for tasdi- eal attandaoe and aoppiy pf nadiotaeafor the Ooaaty JaA daring Che leer 1871 TbeOoaasals- rfoaert reaervs'llie rTght to rrjaet any r all Mis. n-fcv.a. r r . r.T' oWl .-.'. , T0.lVj.att A tt T. n .ry rrt.ol aweu, tlWlIWlAIBTD WESATILOCB m ? t - - ' i.c . . . t, - . .' - - - -' ' ..' 1- aat t -a Ml mm "i n n a it 7 .-- 1 Pro" ' tA A A.i deeU Estb. i.iA :1 ' 0m Oanrt rik ins C.sn, . , r, '0 t v... ffttraroaVBV 0.. C... .ill . 1 N ,AMD i AFTFH MOTr"' BaFae V senger Train wul ma tbe ale Leave WUmlagtaa atf e. . . . aad arrive at the hd of t' e a .ta. Leave the head of the 1 i at t v . 1 ar rive et Wurolngtoa at B p. iu. j, x iwilja exeepted). " -. Two regular Fw'ebt T. ' s - t , Taave WilmiBa-toe at 7:0a a. B.. 'in .. e a- Ma and arrive etWUminaton on 1 jn - i .mi. days at 5:18b.' at. - - ' w - '- mreogkiiokaia iartic. W! : .'mkji. - viMar auiBiaew aua -, . OettO :y ' - WILMIBOTOH AWTIDOM Bin' Onrira Ca'r laa. aan t ..t, i t . Wrtataaiua, aV C . . .-e'Kl Sklf AMD AFTMB MOrTCil'.t -"StaSAj J trains en this road kU 1 w too at so a. aa. ana :so . at. at 3 donal 8:80 a m and 8.C0p . 1 I0:0 a. and T:5 p. m.( arri' -e i 8:00 a m- aud tst p at. 1 ite a ran on Hands? Hornine txain ' Onion Daoot at Si 18 a,- t will leave Union Demit a t M e a. at. rasasogor -rraut au- .t n. at Qoldaboro' for Balelgn, - ...--T-...,... 1 Aa eoeoaesodstioa ana frf-tr w'". wtl saWftj WUminatoa MiaB a. .sa.daLvl - 'aaxaaaA arrlvtat tsdmingtee at 8 to at. Tbe da tralae teavios- WliKtmrCA P a. Sk. aaaweidow 10 m a. aa. enaaeet etoeaiy ro' eb train. VlfH t I t He. ing WI nrti etna end Meiaud j need eye eed rridara, ie i the Tarbater Braaah trsia, BmI a WaabiBgtoetM,U -Vi si I t BtayS - WUBlBRtOB. Bar. at ta tl I. aa Vmaiiws Bi aea Atu -.-'. tJAe -- ,ti I Wajanerea, M. (X, Wan SJ: IB79. T " - ,au 5 i- I mWe-V al rrvHiouoaf f iciiTi xz''-ur&ri J and aoaffa. etertble !., a 1st sale at ibe Ktoaat enuweASlt teitx vws J.j. ;i; jj-f'i e-n ft la ttSSSnSfff' a ! '' ;i aalgtawef BBflaT: '..; ' taaan aeatva g V9 ,"J J ; " QEMRBAi, SnvVBIMTENDErTBt o-ii i Ceunea-a A awewra w p s- .. . ....W-uajMWoa. V 0 I I- rtr-r ir r fSm AKD AFTEB Bu.-. AtU r I J ' Faaawnter rbv the H, A u. i T uie ivaia as Mi w. e r it, tk A . iu foilowtag sokadnle wUI heeae A iT rti'j c DAT aZPBRSB TBalBT fUr-.'! at UaveWUniuiasoatWAWJtMLatgeM 1s,tl Arrlvt at aiuifKvule.,..,.,.,.,.. . t Leave BUnaaviu. ........ ;CZ, "j" , ) KTGHT EXPBEBB TBaTS Leave WUnalnetotWBWi.rfr. f Arrive atitnnuioe. ...... . v-"-' rH Arrive at KingaviUs... ,,., r i j ml. aa JA. Leave Kine;aiUe..,..i.-.v.,.i....... t '. M Artveatl-ioraK). a1) eaVeWwl's ea Arrive at WlUBii!foB.. .... i . . aS-atM ' BUylaV'je7e ' ... . f 1 va.i'fl ruria t fyi fce m- ; erfw ;e ' 4? awM if?09B i "Bara e-- V M 841 -if- M AMI jJi-aw- tOTtataa . r; - ,sj-.. .,. i"ef tBAD mcLE ki. c.::..n 4 v. ,)ii Apsiebnl vdMWo:nci:r'-to rJ' ,((.. iv to-A i i . f 'w v .a'aaen In T7ilnilnzi?& ,-: : mmtt m t:z, l: -:: (i,n tttm aiaua u tA 19,000 Ifnsbers m ItTU 110 Avardiiaai.liiLr at (.;--.'. -t'tSi j'V rftOAMMia tJaVtf0 -- w i ad A f . fa aAAlalafiaMe v?DBlCtrttSfitC3fJ, """, .' .'..'" ,mxpH ei'waieW Wkat aJte CUr itwaa asawt& ?t(M Pairs DaAwiaevQnlta a arewd aeaaaVA at the Theatre yaeietday aoea, ta wi'naae ne i u rawing er us aorta Uaroinr t eiatioB. There were 100 f it'' rottsof aapsvsaparatiof a. . wheat ea oaa etda, mmu -C w SMtbea-wbett eceeaita tbe U' the two waa a labia, as whWn -t t-j . IUUU W L. r,.w.ri( . were made wnb ataae-eiua,So withtn tbaao? twaid aa aaae aad aava. tooted, aetii tba eaaii bear aa- lmw or aaeans of two but bova, a e )y aai iltnd fwded, eoa drawing a nun. vt j -a tba wbeeia sad the aaber laa f u te with U. Tbareis aa aaaatkia bas tbat log was aoaa asarveiv ." ear. VaSHSne ea DmUg Jvrmnt... Tue 6aasDBAne rawrw"sT--' single anmbar dfecribetioa of t -. I Aeeoei-tioa, ebieh Soot f i . I vee erday, atla'elaek. ' llieiae rteilng tba ilai Tba i . In pablio, a ooaiojhtoe haviaa ba a tke andiaaea se aea wi h s. l i keeplDg as eesoeat Of the gat ea rar. t . . xtaeeatto s I a s . A ji iv u.r . - ewl 1 t , i ' -f folio wtag noa bar --w No. S3107 S ' : a,osf Vv.. . ttia, r eu t t , Ne, V 7 a.. . . tajz3t cc trie era c . ' r" :,is y3 i s . Co Avar 4. VahuOoa, faav- 1t. '" " Aad Wtetaar-iaw rtrsS-r ' t.'Vf ' wf-i .-ey wuh as