J ! . , 4,f -. if t ' -...am f - ' !f i .1 rj?) - J A ' ' V 1 I .1 BUS . I tuti 1 t till Hi' 'I A'-ln- 'I'JlHli fir ' , , i ' 1 ' 1"i - 1 1 J'. '" - I -i turn I ! I I Jl ,,1 MiMMtf'! i A. 1 u r, i m4 a. m ' I ltl ' i MM J I 1 t I- l t I. . I. .!,. ' 1 M ''. S ' V . f r.) v. (:'. ft" .. - ' i' t. ' . 1 .." ' ' ' WILMINGTON, N.rGi,! FEIDAY..M0RNI JANUARY 13, 187ll WHOLE NUMBER 5.74 JLO, '-tf A ' ! i 1 ant lu iilm II -- II XT I .1 ... I I IT I t & X A ill W ' H II MUM "l I T 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 i. 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 I .... M. ... . . H n M i 1 .,1 1 r ua XL. L L Ill Hi til I If f f I 118? o e to sis ? s sjj o. -j o w 8 glgj 8 lg . M .8 8 8. 8 8 8. K S 1 t' h 13 M 0 A U .J ,8 8 8 8f8 ''8 t5 t S 8 S 8 S 8 8 tJb 5 jne , o 01. ' ' sets C I 8 8 8S 8 8 S U H W) o; wt m I- 8.IJ-I t. 3 S 6 C S S 8f 8 81 8 8f3 S g 8 S 8 8 SI. 8 8 8 8 I S 8 S sis .sl-sisl-s sis 8S gjgs8 8 ' 3 1 8 8 8 Wmlt m rslll irlsi 1 4 00 THE DAILY J OUUN At . ff WILMINGTON, W.l C 3 IS. 1871. U'a- jwA'jrwi.H LlUtarf lalti. ' '' , "ii Tennjson haa received what appears to be atire sanl fOr pnaof two of hia smaller ijpAflm, T J3u however great the price, it is nail" flOito trifling in amoont, whea eom : pand (oU)9 ran paU apoet b( Veoioe, in the days of ita glory f And magnifloonoo. . In the fifteantb century near tha middle Ja0pa- Saaaazaro received tix thousand orowna in gold for only six lines in praise aeamed to rise oaf of the waves of the Aari lin. li thesa lines ffiva a s-noJ idea of the splendor and beauty of Yenico in the time of the Doges, and are at the same time rare, I qaote them as translated by . &2 p f t ; a. r If Dr. Thomas Qnthrie, of Edinburgh : V .Beiaaaw Vanioa aa the Adria staad i TFIrtn as a rook, and all the sea oommnd ; J ' 'i then, O Jove,' said he, Home walls x aat ? Or that proud oliff, whenoe false Trpaia fell ? Grant Tiber best, view both, and yon will say That man did tapeegSds jbace foundations Uy.' The Duke of Marlborough, confessedly the greatest military genius that England baa ever proaucea, nss provoaea a vast deal of discussion among historians and critics. "A aero is sy cwat variety and an tagonism of opinion in the estimate placed upon his personal oharaoter. Lord Mac- aulsy and EarLStanhope, in their tt speoti ve great niitoneai oomposiuons, amor on tirelr in their seneral summiDir up, : well as in ' the discussion of particular incidents and points in the life of the hero of Bamillies and Blenheim. Bat Mtlrtiteifj agree that Marlborough had but ' little political principle, was Avaricious and sorely " hen pecked " by a termagant ia9fey Afatwnlsy paints him or' his graphie 'can vat artitterly rneaa anddeipicabla tin his entire composition, rope, who so well knew how to stine his aiversariei'. endwhobaa bequeathed the Englislicreader j t Ahe inrjet perfect specimens of satire, lias de scribed the baseness of the Duke in " sav tore linos" Whloh have never been priated. end which the Edinburgh Review says, Pod dared notcriveto thepnblio." I oopy the following couplet, whiohis a good specimen ol Pope's manner. Speaking of Atarktoagn. tbe poet says : M Waal Wonder trfomch aerer turned his brain fUamt itksn all fears of toss, small joys of gain r .t il ar.i 4 . ... xii.,- i iht Clot parage ianJor desertea to take .w,riik Asng the foruaost writers of pret - iritaiawi liTsrs are not a half dozen anthers hi the lonrf ton of 4istinguiabed Uterary 'IneJi who have' employed tbe English Ian rrfwatwae tbwvehioleof their thoughts, who rt-etawfet-tiisplayed a completer mastery over the taoet composite, - flexible ad eopiooa of all lAnffAAAe..'IUA. Vlmaflinary Uon vanationa " and oVher works, will doubt- ,3 less enrvlve aH the changes that MSf, take ,1 place la pnjr tpngutv and be read hitndreds oi years Denoe, togeuier wiui tun wuiu m iaoaa; AWtotii urn uojaeey aaa saatmAiay. Borne ten or a dozen years since, a certain FneSt official 'abgmy charged tbatEng B.mJ WM a J'den of assassins." Landor u ..rented the" ill-natured charge in .some baw iuaA.'ArA worth "reprtdsolOf. Xbey appeaieaia Anrngiiab paper ana UT Jnsy tot prove uninteresting at this time, t"vbeD tbe subject of the sanreis a o exile 'ABd prisoner. Edt Uwha the ibdig '.i Jant and filled liagbtliman said of the v .AraAOAi Jjmperor: . V ; x K 'saosjAWaaajsiA0,faU.Air. Zt' ii m I Usi sanrdarer.'ar lympalWes bars ; Agiand luaUiea aa aeeaeela, aadloatlips bis as gH -. eSs4a8 e)9ve(-.,a 4 f. trx ahasatlof by faiW. f rsat .ty. aae ""' aaiJfaV'fToo' aiitt, Vr'iaQuiV n i V,.. t i ti ef flven'iaftiia, or aiilM ir baa'" IkkauiM k- - or rqDe,or Wiekope of ft tat, Ok th 1 ' &ra of a Deartej" "Aim km to "'irUwr f frarpMr,atrar As'swA. Sat w-r4 ateopla ksswora to. 4a- -,c-Tiull-..? . .. ! . Fat be tt4a vitb raffiass like bias -Ha- efcrike V. tt-, . r to yn loetb aba alike I wtAbi. by freniisss. gaerded a .,.. taissa w i" Hwimt; mm aiinaessaf ktth ad bia prwH4 to m ku af bia fow ; eaaa eaaisd kt kn ea -.. ,1 fir' at fcta - "(jaaiinv'WBTMLa.biSBl aad NOKTII GAROURA. llMa. houf, in the kbMoeo of mora oxoitioji 1 lUItU OI OOTKBMOB HOUWiH, .-, , which took pliioe ou Sunday etenrng. Dtt- 1wl V.iMinli rnaa in portion ol htl life from bit MXtaentb WrtU- da? downwardi. Ha amU , ' I bav dooe ariwrnU I wm la m Ufa. lint 1 will. - p. . ' . . : ' witu jueaten't baip, enaearor to cio oevier hereafter. I will do my duty to myself, rbT fellow-men. mj connfry. ad my Ood." Tba penitent Qornor waa then raoaived into lull fiiomuorahip la' tua Libareb, j waa also bia eatioubla latly. At tuo aoo- idk ervioa-botu were baptized, tbe textl,.. ..,,... . . . . . ,. ... u.... j . neloalod for thn oocoiiion bv the Iter. Dr. ' . " . I . . . - . rruoiiaru ueiog aoib oi me aposuea, zu, J6.. XtB eiUuo cliulr waa raaa Oiy Iba a: .aa i.'.la vS3 abu, the tnosequeut " conversion- of that Apuatle to the religion sof, the ltedeeaier, It aau t-Amnrkixl lli&t lha txl ami jumiu bote a striking analogy to- tbe BpiiWlZSSSVVJA&rftZZZ reformoUdn of tbe Oovetnof. Who all the timo woro a numi itticd ana iJnriian-ne air. rue sermon or text was not lnien tioually levelled at the Governor by the clergyman", whose sole object is the con- of legislative impeachment oi j " connoted pemtentiAry Uetemw-wbetber they be of Igh or low degree ror the g.eater the niijiji wuaiB iwhii' ivounuw, Dr.'-' I'AbhotJ motto, rrbere trss only m odinH-aoiiRrecatiein nrocent, as it was rinS irnnnrallv knnWB tha Onvrrnnr amnlil be baptized- When the Oovernor stepped Into the baptismsi font tne entire coegre- gation f 080 ta ' their feet,' some eagerly swiaew . a ins rAoxamnnw . A I f sa f a a. view of the eremoDy., . After a. few re marks in edvooaoy of immersion, which tbe "reverend doctor never fails tomakr, ho said; ,,?In obedience to the command of tbth Great Bead of tbe church, I bap tise yau, my brother, in ..the name of tbe rainer, ana or me bod, ana or tne noiy Gb6L- ;Au.en." Thtf Governor was then geully towered,. And the entire body being ienmertod, lia waa again plaeed in aw wp-; fight position,' when he slowly and with seeming difficulty ascended from the pool dripping witb tbe aaorsd water, and ha disappeared from view. .. .! u- ! .wuiMB uuwiiiB ai aax. ; ' ,The comments of the northern' press in regard tp , the tmpeaabment of. Uoverner tioiden are read bere witn more tban or dlnary interest. .and the supposition that thesis CQn8piraoyt . on the, part of the Democrats in the Legislature is received with more indignatiooi Jthan amusement, and often a lUfstflP otb. Uolden was impeached ai the almost unanimous de mand of the peopla, whose liberties they. regaraeu, were oosragea oy ms summary arrests, imprisonments, tortures and the reiusai so aikmv ttocra toa oenent or IBS writ of hkbeifs Corpus." 'As'fsr as a thor-1 ougb inveatigauon or ue facts go. I Am prqnartd to fay that the! . Leislltbf e were igrceu pyjoatsagea piens peioion to tnar I action in the impeachment of the Gov-1 ernor. Anyuoay mumateiy acquainted wuu tne mstory oi.poiiiicai events in tnis i state since tue close of tbe warwiU agree thattheooersej ofjitbt Jttopabliqaiis who were in power in every Drench 01 tbe gov- ttmhtJ-th Mxermtlvaj-.-laBiriallnk aad fTT..iT ZI- ? MUU,Bs. iadkisJ-rhM been aggressive: corrupt ad unprecedented. The, exqoutive hSnrped bis lanouons ; .tbe Lieguiaiiire mined tbeluuorMBa JlU1 , M orauj o Qken, auu, r wwua pauaruai, i and the judiciary were notoriously parti-1 san, irom tne negro magiatrasB'toi tne Chief Justice on the Supreme bench. To I such an extont had those enormities gone I that in thawjinta,lnntinna IhnHUtA nnalV ovarwhalminclv axrainst tha Kennblinaaa. I ?ha.finanoeA being the main issue. , Thel:yj.K!iM iJ now soaroely a chance of that party ever I again regaining their lost power, tbe as-1 sertion of the Governor to the contrary I BOtwitiistAnaing. , . I - : -i -'"1 i Y-.i tiii,-. Bin. BadMrt . Aa. ... j ; itiliAn1. .a.w r k..o.i.n.. would trouble Arlington, that city ol the dead, where so many1 thousands of those I who died that the republic might amy ,utu tamt ay, a"" "J- the dsnghter of George Washiuirton Parke I Uustis, wbo waa tbe grand son or Airs. General Waabinnton. and the ward, but I no blood relation, of the Father of hiafO Bavnoaea saparaonooa aeir jtot .fiawo, Country. Mia Lee inhoriled the Arling- ton estate irom ner lamer, ana witn, n I bis opposition to nullification ; and it fas I trlfh rom-ft Mint nha fn aatil hOF hnshanA I into Dixie in IH6I " Thirtr vasrs' aeo. I into ivixio in inoi. xniriy jsara ago, I when, she moved. society here as be Lelle Of ArliDCtOD. hO Wl eleCBOt BDdaat- I A -a& olat. u.. M.aA,.At -I Kb,al I tlllUUffi Tf Ati4 f;(C3 fAfllAs. VUMIUaw WU I anability -oi manners. Tbosa who navel seen 1 her taeetrtly ' say that Ahe is maohl obangedJtniersQjiaL.app0Aranee, baring been ao years a cuiur. xiuiwiuiaiituuioK tuia auiiouuu 1 alt a ie' a Inniit airrAAAhla nlil lailr' nAn- I n li,. nn..oni i.n., i m J. I 'r'?" 1 with., great intelligence, ,And never ire-1 pinlnsr. She it devotedly bared for by her I dacebtSii-in-lBW. Mrs. W. Ii. F. Lee. who! was A Miss BoHiniT. ef the eld PoeabonUs atoci r always tamed for ''ntyud com- manding figure. Washington Oorrespoar j dance of Harper Bazar -t '. I f I MettUit of tte f rprleUrs of OAktUIa I Ceaetery C. belel Meidaj, KbJaB a I Vrvrrrvar irvr v n m f. aia .iu WAS called I O to'miChlirand Mr L i! Bo.da. waa re-1 qo-aud to aat ae Beeratary. ) I Tbe Praeidant. Mr. Donald AT aeBae. on be. I , ....... i - - . . ... ... I . u ai ue were ; or jivaeaors, soo-unea ue 1 nmui .iik. ..k,i,,.,- I tm I the raaeiMa aad xoaaditAraw ef war Uoiar I aaMiaenaik,.. im. armnt I Be a-.i .rn.i. w a 1. u m.1 ear. eaday weauag ea T t p. I aaas tbe iya 0aa Pneaan etraet, aext to the Jooraal BaUAanar ai naiiaww.-' t ta BOWABB. Banian. IU . It -! S0tt etarenvyiBaer - - 1 I ! ; i' T' f, '"jili'l t'l linn fTILCITOI K8iT3 CillLUA 11 iffE KStilSCE CJSrAT, mB AjrSFAL afWltlBQ t)F TAB BTOC1- X-WMaata aruwuoeiBaaay anil taaeUat the baatW ef uwanitre thieve gal ft e'ataea. )aa Is t -,J .1 m : . i 1 '-. . Owmnrm. fob fboof or ckat.wuA c try, eaaaert k . albictea with ibeumatism or late I ."JT.Tr" ""Jrr'rL.Ti "1.,77 .'ii. that she bss to be wheeled about in ??Xml-".:wM:.T , . , NEW ADYKRTI8KMKSTS. XU TUP WVKI1RU ULlAOB. W BTV BOW prapkrsd to riroitk all elMM witk toaMuii ployaraot ! bo, tk hl at lh tta of lor ha arar bkmmbU. BuioeM Mit luihi. ifttul from to IIUUBI ai UUa wvvwaiUK Hmi n aawaw w w kHaiakAOA Barai kail aaial ataia ptar aiav nttrnMal .TtoM ' "Wa' 0Mo iy mpii u,tnprIW.l offer: To noh i not mMl ofwritlnc. Foil Mrttoalart. tabla aampl llnh.d-t.il itnt fraa by niil. Reulor, IfytHi wut rermneol, piostabi wra aaoraaa ' n ( K. 0.. AbLKN A CM., . i ha Maw Tark WftMtlv l)AT-ltook Ti l.n,?K,t VMViinM Irkpublio auainmt thH wohIiPw t n par yr. Adarata mmiwv naw ion I ' rS.i w;.rB') I I I " I y III. ... UJM ""f! .lluYi""" irg s pa wkiy : mtaMknon vw.- i aiaot wan" rarany ; n avr r. II lHaru& montha. irv u. niimanfk hh Art WILUA84W f PUftfUi; Oiooisua,,, . -:r'.i" i v.:;ijiM IriUBifTlAA STAuaurtHMsHotaatid I Vy eavofltue maiuira uoriaueuuj. aw oa 0oly M a year ! Hpeolmens f. a W. OAU- ibouj a w., rowunere, uiocmoati. waioi S Paraona to enooeeafollr eauvasa ior Fremiums we offer, and roeie a 123 Wallbtin Watob Jor yourself, Mrwv iayum. uu.q. !it I ai ITIVIIIIVK 1 NORlTaT "inrl flffljf mS?fp?Va- nifa rrm to all rarrasrs r men: a oopy tn tqe II AHSBIOAR htook joubn aih by aaoiti I. ? "P.!0 "' u l'akS 1 00r V1M vo - XT. iM Htaam Kniiiato. with aad without oat-Off, J"40"' B'e' Bou8i ; I " .,,! I Heeuonal earety himua uonere. dbiimb ! MtalAiWIIUef ; VHOVIDBACK, Oasb advances on Oonaiinmeuts pf Cotton; FLORAL GUIDE Tas trait Komoii or Oirs' HmfDkBMAD I.TSaMSTO pabliehad and SMdy to sea onlloo pagaa. an Engraving pf almost every doeirable fit and Yegetabffc.lt ia sleKanMyjrlntedoii I ""'riL J""'" "'"7n 1 wood nsh( 'm Th mttM bsattlftilf an9 Ib MlgSMlM I piorat Omde pobliehed.. A obhhaa juu. I 'i'iun pnbnsbsd, u A" pH FMPrw ""WF8 tba IngUeb. ,r ., , tr ' ' - withou, whn7 Bent to iu others who order theaa fot T"i cult, which Is not half tbe aoeh Aaaress , , , . ... t ,-, i vicn,,,j r it 1. l itr, x.t, . . , , Kaakeater, K..Y . n , i Uc mt aia prn HIV women. I 3 IW $U rJUll WnX,p0Ydsndaitt woo engage w vnr new " " .,rl"' 0psr dayin their own tosalltles. FnU par- tienlara and tnstraeUoas seat free by .mtii, Tbosa in need of permaaent, preflubla-work, should address at poos, QE0BOE 8TINB0N 4 ipr AiWeek Salary lIouBg aaea wanted mSOas. tveal and .travailing ealaaaien. Ad- idraaa (with a-tampi tt. i. WAua.a, jit ara Bow, M. . ; , n.n.J itil:. l , JxEOOXB I AlOftC XD1B I ITTat MlUJ. PAV AOKATA A salary of MO rntione. Address K. WAflNKB oa. Has shall, ktiab. '-i.-t'U 'h-i-u.-. . i"hi'n n i EMrLOToiEnT rOB ALh" IdlOrk AAliAftir WSUCK, and SXASS I aea, paid Agents, ts sell ear new and I oLafal diaaoTariea. Address 0. BWKET&OU., Marshal aticb.,,,; M lu.;: ,1.;),,, . -j, ,..,, . . .: : .. j The old standard rsmsdy for Ooosne, k Oo Boston. ttfhass'B : dbfUVATOrt rowDgn.. asthma cusTi " .ini.nt t..m.nmi in mviuri lnd effeoU a speedy eore. Prioe by maik j - . THB jarAaeiu taaaaa aw v Gelore the weiakeraaod hair a beaatuai biaob it oonaiats of only n-prgiriiw. inJD i," aidress a! O. XSitU, Mo. rjai.vnda AtrMt. F a A1. talA L .11 tWnwwiala rniuuieipnia, ra vuuuiua fJOiAt IIW. m au,v-f,5 V : r w-tBTCBoaAAcr. Anr lady of lantleawn thi. nnwaroaer men n u.m.n,i ww.ran rranoa or Writing nma. Divination. BDirltoaliam. AlebesaVi Philo- - !"... - -j n.m. Hriakayaaiitfa 'rQla tmi ,k,.T3.k ino 000 aoid iT nrioebv maiL la oieta 11 95. saner eoters IL Aonca. Any pereoa wiUing Vo act aa agent' will receive a .ample ZS-'TSSi y',,. f(W thabook, enioirg 19 eaate ut poetege, to T. W. AVABliAOO.. tlBeoiij u DMWva, a aaaeawwa aiiauw.i vatianAinnia " T " : in -49 t ..... i . , .. . . . . A OtergysaaL, while reetdiag in Booth Adteiiee raaaady a tAe Oaxe pi barrva. Waaiaw, JUrty DeewrT D-eeaaeef the Crlaary aod.BeB.inal Or- gene, aad tba whole tram 01 oiaoroers uroeraa aa by baaafnl aad vmoee habile, Oreat wooa. oara ' r" , r m VT . . Pmniui b a A u lo baeatit the afflietaA aa - . . . . MwwA M Uttm -BAM UMAdf. BBforMaala, I will eaad tht reeipa for preparsg and aaiaw thai Beiiaaa IB B aeaiaa aavawwa, ao JiMlKPH T. IMklAJL Aaeajow l. fiakwa Beaaa, A-. i I 4:1 wt. 1?A0TOBT CHEESE 1 BBltKf AST iTEITS; Tor sale by y to ij-isv.ieT1sj( ,. ' DlBOSBET A ' .. ' 1 ..." K-T.. I E md mkt fJ.bOO a noDin, Mean inr tyw I . . B I .AkAAlwaAaaa. CtWV . or animait at wiu. asw Ian A 1., , . ' , ." B-f ..IVTVHIS H Brsiu oni.v JTTIT DS M - -ue I Hat IVA r-ru; in - riii.un"um e u.a ri..rai t ' a. r--r.ia( la eoa- anAaree luMi "i-r Staoa trarf . Fiftiaia.4il 11 1. wiiw fi4 ' ".' iei;! NI8CELUM-0CS. BOimil ri.ArlTATIOrY FOB 8ALK H ; WILL BELL F1UVATEL Y. en verv raaaooal be teiuia. that valuable Plantation au Toraail nnd balonuliirf to Wm. R. TJtlef. Kan., lately ooonpied by Mr. John TJtley, deeeaeed.' - Bald Plantation oobtaine 830 eoree, of which 60 aaree are tiinav woods: M or 0 aorSs are wnedland, and Ilia remainder la steered aad In good tillable erduiv Tbe boibitnge Iharaoii are vary eupaslor, and amole fur all farminir ourooaea. If not nre- vionaly sold, will be rentnd on the Uth Jaontry, IMa. at 13 o Sloek n. Apply t . ... UoDKUTZ (JUTI.1B. Attnrner. dve W V. ' ' ' . 7.1-lawDAWtnid Jt4V,rfaTVSir- WATER WHEEL, .Mill Gearin&ShaltinUPullevs IaAIC a ,iall, Blltoa.MnCM,! eaptIT 09-eOitAwlv-ob iACOBr" AXE Qaaraeteed to exoal all fibers In shape ud asaterlai. if.. J i , t Be auro to aak fotTffkl iAOOtJI XE ami aooept no othr. Hvory Axe warranted. For sale at ' V NAtH'L JAOOllI'H i J i !. i Hardware Uenoa, i, i hi i) i. - Ma. Uarket street. de 17 .. l sw. -NOTICE.'' A PPUOATICN WILL 11 B M4DE TO THE XX. LegteAMare f Horta maroitua, annng lla craaent eaaalaa. for a Charter for tke l'enuevl- ania MUjaoTfO, uerpuita t.aui, anu winiyar dee 29 78-lm "f SIM fa ). OiBKOS, , 0. W. OLDBiM, S. 0. SMITB " ' ' art at AWIAWr' AW aTAWBT SI aAAl aV BTt A ' LtnAVfl. uhuunm ttiu., sn rtflirtii a urt ivuwn IT sSA AA ai tLUTlM ivo. d rovtii wiw virMv tonsbnMBtsoieoBatryaea, ,v ... rvtsii - sjaaiu uussoHBa sis saves mmm 47. s v wm ras j oat 15 . . . 10-u ROLLER SKATING Ktfc at ..AT. - .- , j M ACOUIO u HALL. 00MMBN01A9 MONUAlVDMU.lttira, J870. X day and Batnrday ' " td evenings from 8 to 10. ' " fl I Monday, Dday. Wednesday, ,, i v.,, i?k. ' Vridar aftaraooBa: 1 V. .tJi-.Xr- Daroraay anernnone . fexeioeivel for ehil- 1 area 1 aroaa a as i.uuir: o'oloab. .).' JUl.firi . Admission 60 cents. Use of Bkatea 85 oents. . children asder 13 years arB lisilfnrlnAa '' ' i Mornlna aaeembliol every day from 10 to 13 d'elock, m.. (etetaaiveiy for lamaa) to. team aaa praotiae, whea ae onarge la maae ior aumieeion. , M. B. The management reserves the right to admit only whom they obooae. , ' djMy ' Ml-'rt U4f ".t DAVID riCOTTt .. TORACCONIST,' :!"' ,",; 'iV!i;w.w' a.'i ! Jan 1,1 . !, , 1 ... ., 8I-f BEEF-BEEF.: 6 N AMD AFTEB" fttlS 'DATE, JANOABt t. 10Tl ha 'maa l!l ha ' enM atmir mtmil unlees for sash.- auk sin dUnaUmi will ha nuU. . We feel taankrat for tke liberal patron axe 0 ATI A J , . . , w l I heretofore extended to ns, and eoliolt a eoBtin-lto naooe of the same, dm request tnatoaan os yam 1 hereafter; lBj. i. (it THOB. H. JOHNSON A B: mil S.l T UlfiSOLUTION. i .,: ! jIBll OF COWAN Ai MBTTB is die- L eolved by. aiutaal eoasent, to take eilbot from tbe 1st ioetaot. . The bnainaaa of tbe arm will be settled bv James I. Helta. All berbens Indebted will please come forward and eettla, or tnetr eooounts win oe siaoea in tne nanaa ei an emoer. ',. t 1 vsn uunts, v. . . , . j, JAJ0B9 L bUfilTBi NOTICE, ' 1 FTIDI DKDEBBIONED. HAVING PUBOnAttKO I A the entire iatareatol John Oowan in tfaef boelnees heretofore eonuaotea ay uowao a i Helta, will eoatinee at tba eld staodV and ao-1 lialla a ahara af tha nublie natronase. . ' . jAmtax UXTT9. an 4 1 ! I i 3-in , 1 ' .. . .... .. trvr: .10 '.- St. 1 PERUVIAN tiCANO, i, i K( ialf f nranleed. i u 1' ui ir.i ' - For sale by . i 1 WHAtia & MUB0H1BON. to.' 8T4BCn BACOXaV :ili ' .,'(.. -1 30. BOXES Bf AB08. DBT PALTED B. V... , ! arerealu by 1 . ., . w'lV t a- '. "ft DaB088ET A OP. r Jn BT . TOUE HONEY ! ' "NOT FOB TO HIDE IT IN A HEDGE , , Mot for a train attendant. Bat for the glorlone privilege ' Of bemg Indepaadaat. t . I A FTEB aaving eoma ana, tbe drat step to JL DaooaM loaependeol le ta eeeare a Boae t have far eaia Pcetr ebte Batkltag Lass -aitaataa oa uaaua. uneraa. nwe,! BBS urenae. rnoeeea, marj,- wwib, iaeeioeoa, aeaiD, Wood, Baooad. Tblrd. fnQrUr, ' Biith, Pevaoth. Ffbvb, Ninth, Tenth. 'Eleventh, Twelfth, i and Tbirtata eneata.- TWoaeWiaauHT to aaprawa wtucaa piaasy ai Bone ta -pay ice pwraai VoW '! ' it,' j AAJABa WlLAQa, jaiHB.ifliPfiXE'PfELIC. 1 M Ji-.l. h' lar htaaaabaa Osaepeay wUl aoa aa aba Pee IMa Mavae A Bret 1 laaa I'amitl mi Brai.kl , n tha Wea ta r.- umiertoa. Oo- no.. '- m .iwi. v . i i ... 1 -wia wa.w ftk astaa.."v af - - i t as 1 iobaii DRY tOODS. J A NU A 11 Y, i87i: :oi DO ONTO 0TIIKB8 A8 f OF WI6U THEM TO DO VNTO VOL -:o ! My A0COUN1B AttB MADE OUT AND DUE. hope my patrons will pay their eoouanta aa promptly as I'll pay auy bllla preaenled to me. . . .......... ,. ,. , Ma M. KATZ t T. ' 3tf Market Mrft. i . ; , I ... .... Sl- MOTS, SHO 1 1 1 1 AND. SHOE FINDINGS. W I'i ,T I Jim aA. -tt 'IIW J-4 .it .IIJKIINLrf H lllllfll'll Ar m 1 mi awl 1 r-m a. a. - IUUUIIUU lla I'ltUllUll tV UU1I 29 NORTH FRONT STREET LjffEBlO THB PDBUO THE LABdXlT and bast salsotsd stpsk of BOOTS and, BIipiS 0 ae ronau w tne snato. 1,; .(i ,.,. We make LOW FBIOEB A .spesiaUty aba strive to sell a grade of goods Wottk tba 'money paid for tkanu'i r nw 1--.r-i. Call tad inspect for yoarsslf. 1 ' j -1,( . en Rorth TroBt street, lea 11 ' '' "" '''' TUBPENTIKE E8TABLI8BMEHT, FOR' SALE. : j OONSIgTINa OF ATWXMTX-f r?BBABBEL I VJ BTUili, in good order wiiu an ue neoessary 1 tools and fixtures, a Frame Dwelling House audi mora nmwi is awwiui anwa, wuvs wibi Htablea. Oooper Bhop. Bheds. and a plenty oil honeee to aooommodate bands: and rOBTTI AOBKBLARD which prodttoes good BngarUaae. There are about Twelve Orooe of BOXKB wbioh have been worked one, two and tbree years on I land which draws a rent ef Twenty Oents perl Acre. Adjoining It are so Via rines on lana 1 whiohban be rented at the same rate. " . I Tbara are a number ef good Banes , that naval worked tb s place who wooja remain ads pro-1 party is la a HEALTHY LOOA ixuauixi, iweoiji miles from Jacksonville and direetly on the Bi aU-l I PAait. i ...iw t irH.'A ! 'ii' v. t,i i , Tka whale will be Bold to aloee ant the baal- nees at Two Tboaaand Dollars (W.WK). 1 Apply -: ... DIBBLB, JaeksonviUe. Fla. Ii Jan ie,-.tt,i,'.t'.fiw I 'ft .pii ... 1 LAND PLASTER. tiliirt-if ' ;:ir. 300 TONE .-. !.....-. r ,(u ,.'; FBESli fiROCRD LAND PLASTER, OF THE BUaT QCALIIX. 'oa ia: in lots of five tonsi ' AND OVER, " iir bti rJ o-pw ifvKr1 "' I . Delivered at tke Depot la Wilmlagtoo, r, I Apply to ' .'' ' ' ire 1 i - F. W. KERCBSERe Ml f- Wholesale Orooer aad Oommiseloti Mareb't. t . .,. ..,. ...w . , 1 Wilmington, . 0 Lets el tats than t tons It extra aat too will be eberged f or Hgbtavaga. ; . .. eeot 'j; i f -1.. . - , n nil rv. .4 FLOtB FttUB. ' - . . - . . . 500f,!f,,....,.,VMv. Jl ' For sals by '!. 1 . ..-. .. .. . F. W. EXBOBbtU. hsU! ..I , M Vi MM A fWB gff AT a-i I ' .I s .H J . a. . i ; . . ForaeJeby .. ..j. J leall x FISH A.1D MIKe - i u . ' ' ' ' ' k .till JOK lBLs. Oi I atCLLETE, A5 i w a, . ,? ... . v . i BO a aoia. aaa ai. aiacaerafc . - Pwk. 1 '' f , , .;.-, ... , .4iJ na F9TMM07 " J " i . ... 9 i at . :rf- jeatt ,- -,ti .;- mi iren mra eihs. i SaOCLDEBI ASS ' ' ' ! VefbAaai ft-aFTOaVaCKA, m wva riia y, ' asrraalaa" at vl Printing.. '.. .:: 1 . 1 . . : .. i. THE JOURNAL um JOB PBWTWfl OFHrK,' i'tl ... t-na l V).!l PrtAeaas AUreat, t WILMINGTON, N, C . m AU kinds of PLAIN and EANCY PWNTINO executed with neataess And dispatoh. .1, ,..., HI, I , . , The best work guaranteed at the lowest possible prioe. LAN0 DEEDS, ' '.. - COUBT AND BtAOIBTBATXT BL&MKB Ob band at all times.. " BAIL ROAD BEOKIPTB t '-jI' Pa BIU8 01' LADIHa, And BILLS OF LADING1 for ship. 1 , ping by aja Bad other MABINK BLAMKB, .in.Alw5r,,on -, v -, THEATBi; MlNAQKIlfl,! TIUVEUNa SHOWMEN, Li rjA0ji)iENT8, 1 1 n HOTEL KEEPEBB, i (IW , , BTEAMlJOAt AQKJTB, And AU these Who have LETTEB PBSB8 rWJiTWQ U do, will find ft tar their interset to ean at ' -t ' Ml i!, .( It. TUB JOUUNAL OmOK, , iBees' SJ treat. - r ..nil - ., u.,l ww4,m.(,( ... A large and Well assorted stock et PAPEBS aad aUTEBIAL kept on band, from whioh ssleetioos may be mads. : - ' - ' DBBOBIPTIOR Of t ... , ... JOB iVOHK., PAMPHLETB, POUOIES, i ,, 0ABi)8, (UBb?LAfial NOTES, ttritmal0, roarwaauj, ' . , , . BjccJUITiTALOaUEa, BANMOKS, BSOW-OABDS, . 0 1 ritcBAiuaB; tWietb, DBCG'LAJDELS, iAi'Ae.,"" 1 ' ") Hn.tj. u WBLA AS is OOCBT AND LAW 8LAKKB of .5 -1 .. III .t 4- (et every description,! priated at tbe Shortest n'otioe, and fhaap for oasb J Bt ' ''- - ' ' .-"I' ' J - ! f . TOE JODBNAL JOB OFFIOX. 1 OUB FRIENDS IN THE 00X7NTBT may send lustr brasrs to ",r . ;. THB JOUBNAL OFUOB, ,. 1 And rely upob their rseelvtng tba sams attsntioa and being Ailed as promptly and as cheaply as If given personally. Our Joblng Department Is equal to any la this secUoa, and every faoUity poeeibla will be afforded la tba sxaeatioa of ortlere. j .'Address K . ' . ENOELHABD A PBIUE, ' Wilmington, R. C. HEIDE BRO'S. 2nrt A VALBNOIA OBAN0EB, Bweat ,UUU tba first in .this market ef the season. (OBBLS. APPLES, , 960 Boxes Baiatse, . . ,' 10 Bous Leasoae M Boies Oitroa, Mate, Oaadles of aH absda, ..!, 100 BOX Elf FIBS OBAOXEBB, Freeh Backwheat, Ao," " ' a 31 . , , : ; ' ,J w- DEW. DBOf . 8AL00. Ne I Bowth Front Bt, Wilmington, N. O. T30BT. J. BOABBOBOUaH wobM inform kie .All eld friends aad enetomars that be bee resentl; raaovatad aad reAtted toe aaave Baloon, ao woald be plaaaed to reeatve a aoabaBaaae tbair aatroeaa. , file BAB U aiwtya BBrptied wKb lbs BB8T af Ti ovrrtiti Baaatrad alaaoat daDy froaa N AiW, ef beet aautv, aad fanuehad to eay eaarnny or yie GEORGE M1TER8, j ; - irAJiJ I rni riti.r, HATE JTFT IECEITX0 A "1 TT Cf BaMaa. wboia, balaa n? a iwi- ; C, r -.. aiaameS Oraaf, faal.1 i a". ia.- 3 paakMat aaajry vafta' ad A ox,, 1 t Aauar. Oraaa Fiu. bu 1 1 . 1 1 . tara, Btaae aad Ma. 1 a)a. . , 1 -.li t in giea, PiehleA Aateaoa aaawa tntm Uaa wawau U"""i. V'"7 T frta' Baakiaa e. . . j - . . ...... . I , i . i 1 v .. if It f fn. iai t. a v , kt . BULHCiLr3, If 1 WltBIKOTOK, K. C.C.t. OUjLNQE of equeqw ' , H AHD ATT1B 0TR"Mtn? w r- v w seng ar Trata wlU ran tbe following toa t Leave Wilmington ' at f o'olook a. a.."k,.l arrive at the bead of tbe Bead at 4 e'tfook . m. Leave tbe bead of tha Road at t a. m.. a. tr- rive at Wilmington at 6 p. m. dally, (buu. IUld.fl ateeptad). ..!,' t fi'T ir- ''' ' Two regular freight Trains pr week wi!I tve Wilmington at TK)S a. m. Tomnlajs and tr'ya and arrive at Wilmingtoe OA Btondays aad Inure days at 0:18 p, m. . . , ' Throagb Tickets to Oharlolf Jtv, t b. L. rHi:iioNT, - . Clvlef Inglnoar ana Baperiatou "r. M net JO . u . i i 4 t i .-(-s I WILMINGTON A WELDOM BATLP.O.'U ( it-" y :.li.l h , waausoTos, H. Au CnitlfCE CP 8CIL2UU Oft AMD AFTEB MOHDAT. the ttb t""nt, trains on this road. Will leave V, ton at ifio a. m. and 9:30 p. m.; and arrfvs 1 ! don at t:S0 a.m. and tOp. m. Ls V ' 'to lOtfO a. m. and 7:M p. m. arrive at Y dm a t:00 a, m. and f :45 p.m. The day traius v t ran en Bandaya. blorning train North w"i " Onion Depot at 1 1 15 o'olook. KiKht tra.u .a will leave Union Depot at i l M e'oloea. 'lus I a. m. Paseengev Train stakes, ,oonaaoUoa At Ooldaboro' for Bateigb. , ... 1 An aoeommodatioB and frelgbt tratn wttt leave WUmwgton IQJ a. m. daily (SnAdays sioept Aeiarnlng, leave (iMsaXW'at ds, Aawend arrive at Wiimlngtoa at 3p, as. ... . , . Thedav traiua loavintf WUmlngMB 1:15 atmH and Weldon 10:00 a nkeonatotoloeelywitk & k to' Praneh train. Night paseengw tris 1 v. Ing Wilmington and Wsldon ea alonu-i,' .ed BeeoavaaodFrldaVAahmAOann ohuu'vw-Ub tbeTarboro' Bransh train, and with btoau 1 to Washington, N. C. -i 'J' ii-'1 . y (, t ii,i!l9)ej, 4B WAatVJtXrajs--i , i.Kng. 4u-t, mays ' 1 ' " - ' ' -w-- WUmlriKton, Char and X.x!ht U tl fa., OrrlCJS OHIBf AB0MBBB ABD UaBX bu. tit in u WttatlMaWW, m C, Sow t-J,!W79. jt a-. 1 m I 'i 1 tmj, imJ I mm .T i. if 1 1 rf f-r Trr 1 , I 7 'I fv 'i(i;?f THUOUOH TIOKETa TO CH APLOXT , vr Ba'l and Blavei eveUdBtaway.afof nun telsatwaXkketoinstmaaoan,.1r .. . EagiBSeran4B0perJntoBd"L.t, , s BOV 90 vFi.m-HHiIj AAAAC Btar aad Feet eopy.r) . . . . r jd OEMEBAli BDPEIUarrENDEKTSlJTlUS,! i I'll ar..-., u 1 1-.. 1 ' 1711 ' WnjuBOTOX, M. O., IP 7 ON AND AFTEB BOJfDAT- the 1. 1 I at,. & Paaaana-era tot the W. A Si B.BL ..'l u ta the Train at tbe W. A W. a . ibeootirj-1 foUowlug sobeduls will be rua s, , . DAT BZPBRBfl TBADf OJafiy.Vi"1 LeavaWUmlngton(WAWBBDsfot) " A, 11 Arrive at riorenoe..v,,,.,MV..,,n;i j sy, si Arrive at Agsvma.7.T.".!. ."..;;... It Leave bavUewe...iU..Ml! ' ' i H Arrive at Florenoa. AxrlvsatWUmlngton....i.......'...W ia 4 U 1 1 NIOHT VXPBBBI TlAIlf (DaOv.)' Leave WUtmngtofi (WA WBB. Pnot) Dot)ir, h Arrive at imgsviUs.W..ui.ii.,i:f' Aa M n,,Mf lufwiuv.i ....... , l:td A. H - - . RORTa cissiaU.iu pin r f.;! fir- hi D ". ai?.l" a! - n e 1 1 a "i s . juononcitu .ae: wvvant. 1 1 fiiy.. 1 1 1 ' '.aifcAiaiJl .'.I .,a'( t '' - i fcfc.'-K ttb.! tliaVl!i;Ofa .'.a aii Jfj tfiiial I:Lstb i.'d -i. fiit cit ii r ( .j.jfMfls) ill f orrrE, ' , "'J:.t t i fi! t vj sr.' La8Aia w'-JUtr xioil . T,ciil Jut!) MOKDATt JAN. If & UlL r - - ,-' ' . a roill' , J.ct tj-.h Jiuti.' .t v.nrtal til ,'ei 10,000 Wimbers PbI U (iO rTttrl ' m- '' rvV'ir, 'Till wea f 110 Awards BravTXi ! .: ' ' ' : .0 r:04iemo Whole Certificates, $5 iUliest $?0t Qiurters, f 1 1. 5 -v? . t-,(,Au.M.U iiSt ' What the caty aVaas BsFjnlo Parta DaawasoOaJto a erowt as: "d at the Theatre veeterd a v noon, to n n a 1 1 . and Drawing of the North' Carolina There ware l(Mt. prows Aaa, roils of paper eeperettng these were i U A eia wneei on one eiae, waiie ua , .. ., anotbew wharl anomtla tba fdrni.r. ' t lie tare was a table, at whioh aat the i s aad ar. 40DQ Ajonuon, uummiaaiuaerr ' mm w i. u i were made wttA Blase suae, ao tnat eravuuna; within them oonld be seen aad were soarely looked, watll tha drawing' begaBw Thiswasdoaa i oy means el two Mttle boys, wee were e-muaur blind-folded, one drawing a nam bar from one or the wheele and tbe otbar tbe pnae Mawtwapond) witb tt. There toaeqneeUoa but that tbe .draw ing was done in a perfectly fear and J.t rnaa aer aVaant-y Bhs ItoU Jemrwmi, Jtmhi TBWaABwDMWrKeyarraBTTba an einffla nnmber diatnbntion of tbe N. l I 4 Aaaoeiattoa, wbicb took -pUo-a -yeeterdey, at l oJoelt, w tbe a , theme darlog tbe day. The dja. la pabiiok a eoouartaee hanul baao e..-. tha aadiaoce to act witb the Co - t.rw t . r 4 1.... -- i 1 I a . a " s keeping aaeoaoontof the san e a M waa aoadoetad rewyv ar-jt a enwd wee pa aaa at to wifeee w oMuwiaa aaaibeaa diaw tka r Na.B.lU, S6,0l; Nv utoe Ho. AMt, ti " : 4UA, ttwe. Hau eaaa. - . A a. I tin wee aotd la a o , a, d. fee ei q iervtM.'"J'ii-a j ,?ifo;'ArAttri 7rT - v . r ttM. Awari; v3s.Uol,.':.'.r'. I' ' T . n - aa M 3 Twq n aa Aad, lO'eibsr r. ifi , -J 'J . it-' JOHN AONFC : "A-'Deaarifio" of . ear "at aveaty bf f ' vi I' , Jr4- - . . ........ f. I fr ? "Jt)ifaJ, S. a. Jam. 10, MTtf. jall t . a. i Us atWi- JaaU . . 1 .-a;

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