w '.-1 '.''. t M U tit i 'i -.:;, I lit. 'I , 1 jii.v.J. ' "W-a' 't.2?3.l .' ( r?mw - ' i 4 0 V ,tt i a ' "' i A .f"a,Vi'"::i t-' riri ts a W !! diut 17.--. "TP 5 ... iii 'i f ii a; "iJ 1 whole inJMBEr: WlftflS ' '-( ! WHJUNGTONv N. CX, SATURDAY MORNINGr. JANUARY 21, 1871 i ... ii lit4 ' '"' .v jtw-'A i a'li I 1 tiili 'ti( I 1 J OiTOWP I ' AT I w ' . -Ill I i U JMhJM MA 1 .r wm i ii .11 s i ..ii j.i i i i '1 , . ..1 1 r' i isflf if ;p!f ffllflffi 5l!!lfl i in ii 3 - so illflf If ... 1 1 "Is I IS I j . xvi" " A q ot n H SlL8l r- r Y IS w H 8 S 8S 8lS J3 5 " 8 8 S 8 8 3 ? b s . ? S. 8 J. 8 8 "3 V 2 S D C (J ,8 8 1.8 8 8 8 ? sets--" 8 i lls J t SS it 9 .8 S 8 8 8 '8 C e 8 a ts - 8 8 8 8S18 ff S alg 8 S . 8 81.8 8 8 8 ? 8 S ft 8 e sl 8 8 8 8 8 8 S If 3 8 8 8 IsTb g 8i 8 8 8 .-8: 8 8fsl8lS B S i s i si s "5 8 81 8 8 81 8 C una year. ., Nx monthi,....., nn moMlia.r.1 v..,..v. viKfurrioi, $10 - i WEEKLY JOURNAL. STABLIBBXD nFTKKBKB. 1841. h Ooiunlol M nut or Iom, ltr mcB ud trarj in wruon, i. Hpclki KntloM wUI be cbirged lpr Kitura, for eacli TJBSCRIFTIOH jm 7v,ci..... off Hz monitav in TOE DAILY. JOURNAL i . l ; ; I. ... . WILMINGTON. N. C fitfifiDAXi JANUARY 2h m: Valeria Jtylaver, A ' travel. ' br ChrUtlaa KrtaT.-r YvUUkie- kr ipbui C.( Tk'e SoatLera iu-Ma Will b uore ere- leu of iU duty thtA'K usually Is if if shall permit votk like thii to pvi without notloo. Whether reoommeuded by pmonot,nwuioerUiDlTnnd its wsy JnoBg tbs rtaders of illoljbd', ta i gdod books were irf the hsbit of doing before , the day of newspapers. Unristian Keid tniffbt. from the name, be a man; bot no on a nan read a Dam of the . book .without beoomlngaseuredthat sue is Waft,i and, moreover, a Sonthera lady, of singa' lar talent and aooomplienment The story oontains action enough to compel ene who has began it to continue reading to thelast page, u there were no oiner inducements than cariosity to know the end. Bat it is ' not a sensational novel; we are not at tempted to be fsmiliarizsd with vice and crime; there is not a sentiment indicated which eould sully the spotless parity of a Bouthaa jaaiden. It is rather a novel el characteri sort of work, by the ft)i of mnoa higher Order, ana requiring a rarer abiUty thao that which depends o its. in terest altogether on a complicated plot and ztravafant incidents., yThe cbaraottra are extremely well drawn and nicely discrimi nated from each other, This is not done bv anT direct description-the author does sot write nnder one, "this is a ooqoette," and Under another, "this is a good girl bat the traits are gradually , breegfat oat by tb eosdoot and convereariori - of the parties? Nothing more severely trie. the artistic talent of the , tale-Writer and ara tnatist' ithan 'dialoguej especially that of polite and cultivated society. .Congreve and Sheridan were seduced into extrava gance toy the abundance of their own wit. With them every fool is as witty as a pro tossed wit :,every conversation an ek-; ion 'of lntalleotoal firs-wcks. and the mostSrilling credulity cannot yield itself to a beiiei in tiia retuitv 01 ma soeoe. we cannot for a moment delude ourselves into imaffinufc that such ' Iillint disphiyiei meteors coruscating to and fro, dazzling and iUamineting: coly to ooniuse, can be the ataaoephareoloomaion life. Of those who fail from the opposite defect of ex- .eesslve dullness, their name is legion. In ineH-ef her -work Alias Ksid (lor a Miss we mar nesa ber to be) displays a felicity of thought and language, , which is as raro u it is charming. ..flba has con tinued to bit the. ton-eligbUy idealizing it, as an artist should do of the elegant society in which ber persons move. We have one censure for Miss Beid ; for we should at onoe anew that we are not a ' - ran nine oritio if we dealt o eeameada- - tiea alone; the tree aritia mast, at least snarl if be cannot bite. It is a fault com mon to her, and to most, if not to all lady novelists, n n'l ' 'J'f f , ' 5o ms ban pain! so well as a woman the manners and thoughts of womsn. Bat -woman cannot describe a woman's person al beauty; they go into a catalogue of her separate chsrau unlit they at bnt prodooe : a lace with inocBJgstent and anomolous features, to that if ws believe it beautiful, it te because wo are wilnnr-te take the - assertion that it is so, without being able to understand how it is. - Dear ladies t tot bear to gild wflned . gold, , end to paint the lily. How doee the male artist de eoribe his Helen He tells as she is beaa tiful , and stopf his description; he shows , as the effsets , of hsr charms; the young men are maddened, and the old are awed; and we believe him, -If (be poet will paint the ebarme of his neroine, let blm nse words as brilliant and as undefined as the light of the Aurora, or as obeoure as the shadows of the gloaming among the moun tains; then will aho be like tb apeetrei girl whoa Faost saw at the witches feast la the Boc1ab "ewery man sees in hex. , bis flretteve.' - - Permit &Tto.,iua-lrU ens critical doe- ' trine from Miss lieid.-" She describes Miss Aytmer as of saeh beeuty-Uet aoeaa eoald beheld and aot beuaasiavOd.- Uo bappily x adds, sbe bad a Grecian aose. vrh!i nevertheless was not in a to re-ietrodnos them by bit itatoe bf Jopl ter in the Acropolis, it was without suo- cacs. (Sea Types of Mankind.) , Foe our part we save never seen a Ureotaa nose say living countenance, end we do not believe ft would be pretty, if we should soett, Itaohappons that our,; first love had a pug, and: we have continued to adore a peg through the mists 'of "many years. Bee, Miss Beid. ! what you have lost by your over particularity. I cannot believe that Miss Aylmer was so fasoina tinar as von sav she ass. and ' there 'ere thousands of your readers, who for reasons like mine, cannot see any beauty in a noes tuat is not pug. , i.,. ..- .j t- ... .1 -1 f - We have omiMed as yet, to ndtioethe most remarkable merit of this book its originality. Most Amerioan novels of so ciety are but pale eepiee of eopies more or lesj truthful ol EcgHsh society ss por trayed in English books. They might be written for augbt any one could tell,, by Englishmen as well as by Americana, and the vtnut (ta use a lawyer's term) might as probably be laid in Liverpool as in Boston. It would be inartistic as well an untruth ful to detoribe the Holyoke mountains from Church's pioture ' "The Heart of the Andes." Miss Reid's book is fall of local coloring thoroughly true to natore. It could have been written by no one but a Southern lady Every tint is copied from Uonthern life, and is trathfnlly re flected in the tyinpathies of every South ern heart Miss lie id's book contains no "line writing," but it doee contain a great deal of feeling and eloquent description and declamation. We wish the space at our oommand would permit us to make ex tracts to JtMtify our opinions on this point. In lieu oi that, we mast content ourselves with referring to the description of Daroy piotiue, "Missing," at page 76. Node bat an artist of, lugh imaginative power eould have eonoeived such a piotore, end none but a poet ooeld have painted it in words. For the eloquent outpouring-of a noble and patriotic heart wa refer the reader to pages 99, JU. 144, ICS.- We would fata oopy these, "Si vis nt Jlr4, flcbtndum ssl libi. All that Miss Held savs comes from ber heart, audioes to ihe hearUof otherej she utter a musical dirge and drops the pnoeiess tear of nonest sorrow over ner subjugated country., end its desolated horns BatJliss Beid. ea my soelyou ar "wrong ; not in your honest love for our utherlsnd, nor in your sorrow for its raia ; bat ia teaching onr young men and womearwho will devour your pages, the unprofitable "lesson bf despair. , S ; All is not lost ; nor ovsn " all save boa or." Hope still remains, after all other blessings have flown ; and for Heaven's ease iei as seep vue dox euieiy oioaeu, ioev she too escape. Then, first oonrage and patienoe, and after them all other blessings will return.'-. The spirit of the Cevalters of ungiana nas oiang to me oiooa oi tneir descendants for two nundsed 'years, and will continue to do so for indefinite bun dredsmore. That spirit built Up among oar southern forest', a fabric of society the purest, freest aod noblest the world aver aaw. Vnat fanna haATiaan overttarown by nnhailnweii violeDoe-i bat 'the spirit wbloh bant it is immortal, ana " cannot, but by being annihilated, die." The soul of a people survives everything but exter mination. The South is destined to a long and glorious life, aooompanied in the fa tare, as it has been in the past, by the (Traces whiob adorn and the virtues wnicb ennoble existence. Our rulned cities and devastated homes will be rebuilt : mutual good will, it is to be hoped, will again re unite more strongly than ioroe or law pos siblyean, the late hostile sections of common country : the North will reward its heroes with wealth and honors, while th,e earliest violets of Spring and the la test roses oi Autamn, tne onering oi lm poverished, bands bat of grateful hearts, shall continue to blossom on the graves of those who died for as ; all this may be and shonld be without intolerance or ran cor. Unl of all the structures whiob. we may hope for in the future, there will be none nobler than that common ' Temple of Literature and ,Art to which. Miss xteid contributed one of the most finished atones. ' On our critical conscience we commend her book as among the best of Amerioan novels. It etraight lino wUh. CS iarahead.? to ess otsc the anomaly of a Grecian sose : whiob was aot ia a otralalit tins with the fovebeed, whiob we thought We lb pe-oi-anty of the Orecian bossji Xisa i Bold ongbi to remember ihas Gfeoisa aOess have fvti -- rf iaaUoB si aee the time of thslt.. 1t?r;Uiiijdi4ai;einpt 1 Vlw Real Armageddaa. Alexander; H. Stephens, ol Qeorgis, in letter defending himself from the charges 1 reviving secession,' 'ssys fo lis oppo nent : " Awsy, my dear sir, with the chimera of 'Secession Revived.'. Give yourself no uneasiness from any teachings of mine on that score. UTha right of a mode of re dressing grievenoee of eny sort, and the pohey of it, ere very aiSewnt questions, and present very difierent considerations. Secession. aS a mode of redress of crisv' aaoetr or breaches of,ths compact between the States, has been abandoneJno. good faith, and I doubt not forever That is, indeed, a dead issue j bat thejodestracti ble right upon whiob it lasted can and will never die It was abandoned, not because of the went of right, but be es use ol , its impolicy, in- obtaining the objects', arrived . at j its advocates ai the surest and .-safest mode of escape from the usurpation of power. Une oi its greatest errors ia ponoy at the time it was resorted to . oonslstod in the separation which it necessarily pre daced bet wee a the real friends of the principles of the constitution, North and South, in eommon eentost between them and the centralists. "It" wet In troth a great battle the political Armageddon of America ia which there shonldjiava been a concentration of Toroes, instead of that dispersion which of necessity resulted from secession., n n . .: - t ': . .-h-. .'This Dolitisal Araiaswddoa of America Uyetsoberdeoided-nqton the.battle fieids, bot in the forum, oa .the bastings, by the press and at the polls, :Ih' oosh test is now waging, aod ia it is Involved ' the greatest living issue at present before the people of every State and section, and the greatest that will be .before them tor years to oome. I is the issue on the one aide of consolidation, centralism, empire; and. on the other the sovereign rights of local self -irorernment bv theneople of the several States o this continent', ' ," 1 air. (Stephens quotes any number of New England and other rtvolationarraa-' horitics toprora that the fathers never dreamed of a MBJolidated arevexamantJ : Every advooateof the eonstitution ia the eenvetiMcm of Virginia, as : juo. that of iraiHSOhnsatta, Of Pennsylvania, of New York, and avery other BUte, supported it as a federal constitution. Did not Madi son, iarreaty to Patrick Henry, say: "Who are iub psruea m ii i xut people, BOt not. the people as oompoaing one ereat body; bat the people as composing thi- teeu sovereign fs 7 . . '.- - Later. Uan. aJEsosi ) J; TTfv f 9 r vioas for argument t1 s t" -'1 f dated rorenir it wou-J' tur a ,-tt m aiU orat tad protect its liUj-i sets, and every friend of our tree institu tions should always be prepared to main tain unimpaired and ia fall vigor the sov creignty of the States, and to oonllne she . , T . L - 1 . . ... 11 . action VI " gaoerai vera meat 10 ius Sphere of its appropriate duties.' ' , , Alexander Hamilton, ia the 1 ratifying convention of Hew xork, mainuined tuat the plan of government proposed by the constitution was a confederate rspublio. sad said: . r vatfi "The Statea ceo never lose their powers nil the whole people of America are robbed of their liberties. These must go togeth er; they mast support each other, or meet one asmmon latav" -.i " w " A greater than Jackson, ' or' HamiNos, or juauiHUD ueorgo v an qiukvoo pro claimed that the government of the Us tad States was a "confederacy, or conforaWd ' And vr. JNoau weuaur, tne Ameruian lexioographsr. who took an active pert in the formation of the present constitution,' in his dictionary, defining the meaning of tbt word federal, used the'lsngiluge: "OonsisUag , in. a compact . between States, , founded oa . alliaaee 1 ay con trsot or mutual egreement, ss a federal govern ment, suoh as (bat of the United States. . With these old views,' held by most of I toe old fssmoned people of tue country, we See no purpose any Where to disturb the new amendments to the old constitution. They have; however, destroyed ue oliarac ter of the original ' compact between the States, and are subversive of a free repre sentative government; yet. having been passed aooordiog to the form of law. we do not see, even at the Beutu, any present disposition to disturb Utem. 1 i- - . r ' ) " ) "il... ; .,,,);. Am latpartaat aaahrUr Uwlilna,., , Thecuse ef John tUdcwiuk.. astifloro. vs. Jsmes R. Place and othors ti tieruaps, aays the Nsw York Commercial Adver tiser, the most important of any which baa enseal anoer tac oanarupt mwi ' ' The plaintiff, at assignsefn bankruptcy, longbt to recover the assets of the bankrupt firm is the hands of assignees sppoinred by State eourts, besides large sums previously Settled . by the bankrupts on tbeifwlvee, For maltiplieity of faois and details and legal questions this suit stands prominent among tue eases In bankroptcr. Tue Counsel for the respective parties' interests have devoted a great deal of learning and abiliiy to the subject fur two years past, which resulted ia the setting1 aside of the assignment made under (he Mtate law, and in recovering a settlement of $10,000 from the wife ol Hpaxkman. one of the bank rupts. ' The plaintiff also obtained a decree in bis favor as respects all the property sought to be recovered, except the house on the corner of Forty-seventh street and Fifth avenue, and the furniture therein contained, which were settled on the wife of James K. Place, , another of the bank rupts, and which were olaimsd by J. L. Phipps A Go. by transfer from Mrs. Place. The Court decided ia favor Of the plaintiff as to all the , defendants exoeut Pbinos A Qo., by , the decision, are entitled tot the fiifth avenue property' and toa futBHare and the proceeds thereor. and recover their oosts out of the fund against the plaintiff. 11 is anaerstooa met juage cisomord is writing an opinion in this case, which will settle new and important qaestiowbiob nave arisen anaer tpo osQkrapt aot. , Sea. lcftl talaerar. Rl pSYGHOMANUY.-Aaf iadv or ceattssMk a. can lutte tl.iHX) a muulli, eeoura lualr nwi btppineee anil indeprmlanoa. by nbinlniu IVY OliUMANO Y. i'SBOI NATION. orHOUM'lialiM 1NG. 1UU paSMt ulutb. Villi lnetriietiun la ate Ibis power urur mtu or auiaials a will, how 10 Slrmrtn, Tiecomo rraone or wminu raeiii Sate, tivtaatioa, Hplritualleai, Alehemv, l'hik ennh M Omeas aod Ureaaaa, BrUrktm loanii' Barept, Guide to Mrrine, Ac. all ooittalned In this book , 100,000 sold ; price If mail. In olutb It DA, vapor eoters 11. hunce -Any Praon willing to aot aa aint will ntoeive a eample eonr of the work If uo oapital ia re nulrecl, all d,iniue of fiimlnt'l eniplnymeii liaaM tend for Ide (Knk, nicloMni; IU male for i.l... ... T,. . : hV Md t .ill il M.mlli ki I. Htreit, L'hriadelptila. ' A (JlBrytiiL, white rueidiua; lu Muatli Aatsrica aa a nitionrv, UnooVeri il a n(o aud ljll ranedy foi (he cure nf Nftrmni Weikneea, Early Deoav. Diiimm oMIte tTrlnaryliatt Beimlnal Or- gane.,aa4 tuewoala. treia nf alieurdors broaRht on b baneful aud,,. vwwoa eaous, ureal nm bare h.T been oured t I III aobm remedy Prompt by a dim re to rmnerit the aUl'alc.t and uarottnaalni 1 will eaad the rMia for prvparirl; tad neisg tki wediaioa. in a Heeled envelop, to any one who need N, w itt ftr;f. , Addraea JOMFFII T INMAN. BUtuti V, IMm House, Nee Yoripitr. v ... , TTPHAII'a.;arUATUlf miWDKH, U lk'iuoteaauDeillaeoite hair lu rie wiatlVe, withoat Ihtv lolboekin. Kent by mill lur tLiUl I PIIAM'S AWTIINA CUSH , i Itnliovxe inoet violtmt paruiyems In tie vilnukt and sffecta s Speadv ear, tlim ft tr mall. ., I'llli dAMAaasu IISIM BTAIB i.t Color tbs whiskers aud hair a baaatiful ruus at nadwn. , Ik couiiuta of only on ynimnutt 75 oente b mail.' A1di H. O. Ul'lAtl. K Til Jayne'eat,' I'ulladeipiila. 1 . lm-ulr teat lea,.iold by all treggMs..i s 'u ' S .,..) .... . ,., t . 1. ;n -XnS JtMUM. Uil FLOIUL GUIDE For 1871. - Tue FHMt KllltlOW Of ONI" HUH DllD AND Frm Tatoneuro eopies or vi'i inirii Oatlustel Seeda aad riarat Jaaaa: e publlaued ard rady, .to eud out.M' laseeabt an KngrayinK of almost evury dirbli. Pktwsr and Vegetable Ir le elefreutty printed on Sue (iatedpaaer, Uluetratad with 'Thraa Hundred One Wood Jtugreriniis she .Twoi bsaaMfal 1 Tne uioet naou;ui aua ma moil intuDeure Ploral Ouidu . publi.lied. A KkUSll 6I1 Tioa pabiuhca, ia all oilier reeueota aiiallar to the Kaalieb-. ' - ' . 'Hat free 10 all nty oaatoraert of 1870, ss Hp- I Idly a Doaaiblei wiutoot applloSMiin.i' Hani to all othera wbo order ttiam for Teat ueaiie, whiob is not half the ooit.' Addreas .'.; , ,, , f -1 ;..' ;,.., j vijikV--H, t' i-j , ,'" lit), .'-t Hehesi, M. V. 1. " AtHIKK 0L0VEU. T'6&T and Uamula uaokassa imt ft to all Farmer j lo, a eopy of lbs AjuniUAM ti uva juuni au. ojr ennioa ib etuaD-to ' fiL h boma AOs., farkee- bsrga Chaaler Co sa. . ,., . ' minxi i- j- wboeatfage ih oer akwaastaeat make from' 15 toslUpar daytatbel oa taeaBtieA y VeU par tieolara aod mairaoUiaia eaat frae-Sr -email. Tboee in need of permanent, prontebta. work, aboold addreasat onoe, OKOROff BINSOJI A kaj roruano, saaias, - SILK HATS! moK Lor 9- bilk maim just rired, whiob 1 will eell ohnap. Att Ju 17 THOS. H. WRIGUT, - 1 "Harritu." . . SS- Just below lbs Hotels. TUE CnOJC8T JllRDM (t KXTllA FAMILY FLODHevar brought to this niarkst Horloon, Wluout, Empire, Brook Mill aod lower grades, at - ' '- CI tO. ilYEllB', u 15 tt and 1J Frost street,- . IU- HAY ! HAY ! 500 1IALK1 KASTEHN AND NOBIS. tUVI.li. Fur nalo i ' WILLIAMS A js Jo . -" MUKCIIISON. ' 17- BOOTS, SHOES, : t -J.M i T, aC AND SHOE FINDIIIQS. i -ill 1 In his lecture at New Orlesns Qen. Pen dtetoa, of Lexlngton.Ta', aaM?1 " ' A few hours before the closing scene at Appomattox Court House. Oen. Lee sent for Gen: Pendleton, to have private eon fertnocoa tke desperate condition of af fairs. .In that conference Qen Lee stated that from the first "taking into oousidera tion the limited means at our command and the unlimited resouroea of the power that opposes us t-I have never behoved we oonid strcceed, trniess, nnaer l'roviaenoe, some foreis-n rJo wer should lend us assist ance.'.! know it was to the interest of the foreign power to do so. I believe it was their duty. ' While realizing folly the Ire mendous odds against us, snd all the diffi culties against which we woaid bsve to contend, I faltihere were great principles to :be maintained, a holy esuse to be de fended, and dftermtoed bpon roy ' course, NEW ADVFJITlStmTS. tu xna wuiiaiHU vbA;4-r,"S noa nreoarad to furniah aiiolsaBSS iks boaatast am ployaieDt at home, the wbaJaof the iisie or lot tna spare momanis. cuaioeas new, usot, ana prontabla. rsrsonsr ( either sea aaeily earf froas 60 easts to tA per ;yeniDg , e4 a D"or4 tional earn' by-devotisg their while lmsl twths baeinees.- Soys and girl earn nearly is much Beaten. That all wha sea this Dotlo may aerd thasr addrsas. and taat the bosioeea, we make the Unparalleled offer: To snsb , aa are not well eatitned. ws wilt sand tt te pay- for the trouble ef writing. Fall perticslsrs, a ynble sample which will do to oomaanoa work on. ad a eopt of II Vtvfil'' Literary tompaniony-ont of tlie nwseai ana oeei laauiy Bewepepare eror pun Uahed all seat Ire by mail. Header,-'if yos want parmanaat, proniabla or,' autfrete j IV i Awgue, Maine,1 ' I . ' . . 1- ' . i'iM ".ft M-r T Kew Tark WklT Oty-Bosk X iTHSl CHAariM OS Til C WHITS RlfllBLIO ASAUIT THS WOSLU S per year. Address "DAY BOOK," Hew York city; .... , , USIVBRSAUSMt What le It I "BeuJ fdr IhsSTAlJIN TBI WCBT. OiBCiOnstL -A large S-paga weakly : eetabtisbad lfiT. It meets aU Ibe wen,ts of the family ; - t'l Hi s ysar tl ii tdx montha Try u. Heaeimeaw tree Ad dreas MLLUWUHi AHIWiX, aaoroDaM, OhiCai - . ., ,,Wia !.(! ' ' - " i ' ' CHHISTIAS STABOARBofipeeee rVoie sod J ad ro alee Primitive oariaeiaaitv. JM aad thus Faniiy Weakly j a aagas t 48 eolomns. Edited by Kiders Isaac Xbbstt aad J. . Lamib. OalytSayaarl Spaaimaoa fnu B. .. OAB fiOLb A OO., nbliahara, OiaoiBoaU. Ohio, i J..P..BDI)T, ,; MfBCSiir- ' i PROVIUSNCIB, K. I. ' Cash advances on Oonalgnments of Cotton. ;coJ!tp!iiiDiap. PHOSPHITE l)F I i , ....... I " ; ' OOMP03TINQ WITH . SEED. J I 'A. , I FOR lhhh; COTTOSf i 4. i Ja.i: 1 Bid ARTICLE ts MA&UF&rjrtTItKD BY the Faoina aoaeo Uompauy at unarietton, v. v., andar the enDeriDteodsnaa ef Sr. Ht. Julian StaveoeL When eompoatad with aa Sqaal weight of Cotton Seed Its result bare .been lound fully eaoal to the best standard Fertilizers. Its tcoao. my moat oommend it to the notion of planters generally. For apeoino direetions for compost- iranta for the sale of the above Fertilizer and also, dealer in No, 1 Peruvian Onano,' au. WieatoB, Ji, CL. 1 . " Isaltv... , i. ': .ti,:.:v- . OS-twO ;;: THE JACOBI- AXE otbrrs in bapo"nd all f i' Qoarantaed te excel BateriaL.. ... lis euro to aok for THE iAOOlil AXS sad sooept 00 other, every Ate warranted. Tor sale at , ' MATHXJAOOBI'B I , . Hardware Vrooi, "n . . Ko. lluktl .ImiiL .ii...-.. " - - - RESTSTAL I!tSrRJl!.rE BOO.TIS. rrma- dndse? ionfd hah beuqvsd bis jl. Asaacy, ror s ana sianne laenraooe, 10 tbs ooiee ef M fYilasiagtao Ufa iBearaaaaOoai- paayj on Front, sUaet, between : rxiaeass aod aaiaet iireeis. 1 - - ,ivnj wu.u&n AisuaNUN. Jan0i.ii. .''"'- WT-lw Persons to saseaaafaUy sanvasa Preasioeje we-ofler. aad Teoerv 2S Waltbam WstoS for yonreeM. Address PtopWs HTmSZ Dayton, Ohio. . ; r" er " ' 1 'J" 1 i 1 1 " GET.!- XTStW tOBM, Baretr 11 I ataaaa rawer Urn, Btaam Xnciaaa. witfe and without out-off. and aeetioetai gaety Steam -BoHara, bailt Is aaatluaa by epeetal aaaektoery. Band ror eir- eoiar, 4t Oortlaadtst, . Y. -- A Week aalary I ToBng taea wasted as local and traTattle aalenaea. Ad. drees (with stamp) B. WALK. fa, M fark 1425. Acs-ta I Read This J' Twyar ' wtLt, FA V AOtrrs a salary ef aso ff fper wees, and sspaasas, esailaw annaWlne to eall oat Dear aad woaderfal veouoM. Address M. WAfliig A OOrf Star. F.rrLCYJIEST FOB ALL. rNort aAAdtsta pea wactx, and axew l)U aaa, weal AgaaM, te sail onr new and aaefal diewatiaea i PVlf to t aad i -Oi?". , ric.a, t -f, ti.iatiws. NOTICE:1"-"-' APTUCATION WILL Iii MADE TO TEE LegieiaSnrai of North JmMo, dnrlnp IU areeant aeeeioo, for a Ohartrr for the I'eaa.yl vaala snd Morik Carolioa. Lead aad) Leatbet "P"'. 1 V. ; ... . , -'- us t m easeo, o. w. oijg, . Jan. o. aaraa. tciiPiojr. cLDirisi; tio.,, . . IBOOKBS'AKD OESEUaL OiaUUa8tOJ1 IX AUtBOHANTM. . ', i No. f tonlh Water Street, . . I. :! ' ' ! - WUaHogtoe,-1. O. "Prosipt aad pereoBal attaotiow giraa to - all jonaign meats of ooantry prooaos. ,f9tll , - -TS-tf .1 onsignn 0I5 d ' 't'ATI : 'tt A T-.'T mat BCBO058M ADIEL, in geo, 1 order and well fitted out. One-third or tba whole can be boocht on very ra ; eonaiHS hbibb. .star eapaciiy re i.wu toetia.1 rrmin or SM harraes tVaeui ; draft ef viler, feet loaded.. She ia well adapted ts the Cera ar Bios baaieees and to the aavittioaaf any of the pno fpal Inlets Sod tirm ia the Wilaiiigioa of OaariaaSBB SradS. aef fcrwe ftaMvt vbat th swnera to saiara fraaa enalaaaev - H aot soW sy tbs let of Febroary, ls71,ahe waU twclaisd at Pnblie Aaatioa oa that day, la root of No. t Soeta Water atraatWiiaiiaaioa ImI. a- J. W. wUX)WAr -00., Boath Wslsrsa., WHaunstao, M.O, or to I - ;.. , Catt, BAM L B. rBxci, , , . ... . . -i . emUbTiU 177c , .aaa-.--J M ; .-' H9 Sw ' Tl , ' ': . :. V " 1 '' ' 11 1 - V ' HJM IIJ 1 ILL ki:,. j I. " U.sV , j I. .efC?- . j ..i'J.i.v., A' ' i- . 1 , ui ;4 ' ...... i . it. .Koiiui! ii. i'ii;iiri.No,. 29 NORTH FROM tITlU-ET, u,' FFKB IU THIS P0UI.I0 TH1 tAPOKST and bait saisotad stook of BOOTS snd SHOES o bs found to, aho Btate." i ' ' " - We oaks LOW PKI0E8 a apeoiatity and thrive to tell a grade of gooda worth tba mobay bald for lham. 11 jOall and intntrt for yonreelf. ft,, '..in- J .V..- nim QK6. b'. FRENCH BON, Printing.! M lit J, n..i , tl I . ,1 ... ' -j Hit THE JOURNAL ' JOB fRINTIKt OFFICE, ! ' k 'rOaaass BtreeS, ' " wiLinubTON1, n. o. : ' All kinds of PLAIN 'Vnd FAKOX, PIUNIING executed with boatnesa and dispatch. s, tJ!Ji,i ! . i ; . : v.i iii il "r -,' ' 1 111 I ";"!:,.';" T" :.'( '. UC i.i ' The best work guaranteed at the lowoat possible prloc, : , vA rTJlffllDf I0B, f bUlstU tt H L L. i, OmcB Oanrff lad, sura Gas Cbrt, Wrurraemw, H. O.J C .-r- '-".i ' .sw5pr7:. i OS AID AFTKB .HOTir'T " t senirer Train will mn thafiviio .. ft Xsave enimiuRtoa at 7 -Cowo a. t , arrive at tne aaad or tba Boad at t ' Leave the head of the ftnid tt A . . rive at WUmtagtoa at S p. aw d, t exespted). ... - - ,., Twe regnlsr Freight Trains pur ww k " Wilminetoa at V.-0S a. ra. Tneeuats Bad . and arrive at Wilmington on Mondays e" days at 8:180. m. , Through Tiskots to Chariot',. . Lt., Chief Snglnssr and bu.u.. '. a wimiiiaTON' wxldox ur.-t , Omen Oa'v ICse. ako C'-"' ' an-, h : VTnaiisowg, N. 0., Au . 1 LAND DEEDS, OOUBT AND MAaWTItixES' . , . i , . BLANKS - On bsnd at all Umss. ' KAIL BOAD UKOKaTTB , OB BILLS OT LADINO, And BILLS OF LADINO for snip. ' plug by sos, sod other, ' J tf A BIN B HI IV KB,. m Always oa hand; ' 1 in CHARGE Of ECrilL" fXtt AND AFTKB BXONDAt.tVa, fs Vf trains on tnts road wiii fe ( -t, Xm J TEZAtai klAJf aQEBS.1 , , ' THATEUNQ BHOWMtN. , ,Vjr'OADAQi:NTS, BttfK&xtmaa, K ' BTEAUBOAT AOKKTa, And alt those vrbq hava 'ttTTEB PUZOS PBINTtNd te do, will find it to thsh interest to oajl at ' . j ,', .. TUB JOUHNAL OFFlOB, i '. ,. 1 ' ' Prlaeee Street. . t A largs snd Welt assorted stoak Of PAPIItR tnj MATERIAL kept ,.. t ! ..it '.. '.' - i on hand, from whiob selections I E fin i r may bs J ri ' SB 11 89 North Front street. J ((, ,,il tK. 8 TCRPEHTWE EST1BLISDHOT ?! FOR SALE. i"10NBt9TISa OF ATWJSNTI.FIVsVBABJtRL BT1L.U in gooa order wuu all tbs aaoaasar; tpois and Sxtnrea, a Frame Dwelling Hooae am Utore Hbbss, Log Balling Hoaee, good Barn Btkbles, (Jooper aliop, Jilrada, and. a plenty or nouaes to aooorumooaia nana; and, SvaXI AOKKo LAHU whiob prodooaa good Hngar (Jane XUera are aboot Twelve Crops of BOXfcS whioh bava bean worked one, two and three years on land tthiob drawa a rant of Twenty Oeats par sera, enjoining it srs sound fines on land fhlnhli.n li r.ntd &t tlie ..me ..la Tbars art s number ef good ban da 6itt fcavs worked In e plane who woeid remarn . Tns pro perty lain a HKALTHY LOtlALlTY. twenty mues nom jeoaeonvuie ana aireour on me nan road. . f v .-'.,.,,.; i,.., . The whole will bs sold to oloaa out tba boat nets st Twe Tbosaand Dollars (11.000. ) Apply . km .: JsekeouviUe, Via. Jan 10 , .... , ,. f ,.-,,.h, 8t , LAND PLASTER" 300 TUHH rvta -.--" b. FREbU taotM) LAND PLASTER, ! 1 OF TOE BEST QUALrfV,': ' FOR SALE IN LOTS 0t t'l fJi. TONS r' AND OVER, : " ' . i i AT tU.80 PER TON, Delivered at tbs Depot la WiUnisgtoa, . i Apply to . VF. W, kLRCIULR. . , vYboteaale Orocsr snd Oommisilon liereb'L ' " I Viliti.ln w . ..... WK w u. Lute of lets than S tons tl extrs Per ton will tS charjea lor lighter age. , :. dad IS ' . , . 7g WIMIN, 1,1111 (IRS AT0C1K0, i' I . . . . ', Bye aad 1 courbon. TXTEDllIT-jf. 0., Oura sndBjrs . j " Aaa II HoHasd and Domastio, TM-JasaalOB sad Dosasstie, 1 JANDY Freooh and Domestic, . . a lb kso ruHTAB angiua snd , V. j - ' " Am ar ican, SM Had.ira and eoopperpooa. GZBstAN BITTJIBS Kommel, Wig j , . . gtos Herb BflUra. 0; -AWO- Ch'ewing Tobaooa, in etddie aad' boiaa, of graat Variety. . Bsaoking Tobseso, alf siida. laU 4. aad 1 poaod taakaawe. . : . i-. : ... tt -..-- BVfkr, 1 1 good many dinVast sorts aad, all aIS be ... .' - !; -. rtiabovs ws f iJhe.trasia swjs. AA,M - HVfttT DEHOHIPTION OF , f.i?.t. .1.-. .' - ' ' , - JOB WORK, . , .( j , 1 PAktFBLXTa, POLICIES, v. I fn 0ABD8, 0lKCtfLAB8, NOTES, BIldVHtADB, F08TJCB8, " RKCEIPT8, CATALOaUKa, BANK-OHX0KB, BHOW-OABDai PBOQBAMME8, TICKETS, DKDa LABELS, Aa, As,, ' ' as wrxt as . O0CBT AND LAW BLANKS of evsr stcriptian jprief id! at tba shortest aotloe, and aheap for eaah et ' I , - ' '.'.I THI J0DBNAL JOB OFFICE. lea at S i00 a. m. and :t0 a. sail and a. don at 8:30 a ra. and tK) a.m. . 0:O0 S. m, and t:SS a, m. arrivs at. V. ..... d 40a.m. sndf:tf fiav' The ds traiua ,1,4 ran on Hunaaya. Horning train Nn ' 1 - a Colon Donot at 8 1 18 001008. KighttflM.. will leave Union Depot at9 1 0 a?loekv ' j i a. ta. Faaaenger Train makes eonueo. 1 r (ioldeboro for BalalgB. ' '- i.-'- , . J An aooosamodation sad fratabl train r'lr' n Wilmington 0:80 a. nu daily (B0i Tbs day trains leaving VfUmtngton S.18 a: m.. and Weldon 10)0a.m.etinnaotoliiey withTarbo- ro' Branch train. N iaht oaaaanrar t:ns 1-T. ing WUmlngtoB sdd weldon on aon s V nasdavs and Fridays. aJaS. ecnaeot la.. r. ji thoTarboro' liranoh train, and with e'"iert ta. Washington, . ft v-" may a M'J-,! ' 1 ttiwHT, WllmlnRton. rhtr. And Ru h r ' :" v- Omta Oars Baoisass abb Oairii bu sii.Hut t-i annatutwiCaV Wk'Wi tm Km,XM - !,.1.':l?:tlOTqE","Sr rrnnocoH Ticurr to ohiblottb.vu.j J BajJ and Stage, ever this Baiiway, asftfr tale attae Ticket erne at lio eaela r ai 'i Xseah , v S. U FBKMOHTj gtj, Eoginser snd Snpsrfnf -. . , Mtsr aad Post eopy. Yn -t- i?etn--' t i't tSftNBBAL SC1BINTI5WDtrrWtldL.i mt dt ueuiMB a cecvk 6V Pu t. i lu leaei l.ww-i; iilac Is.- if 4-tt--j yy saesas s M AtiB ; AFTKB SQND tb 'KB I?NDAIwl;Siklf ' -t,TaJ for the W. A H. B. B. a 1 s hsTramslf thai W. A W. tt,: ILIietwtkail following aobadala will h)nav,i,, jije aqora i DAI EXPBKHs TBAIN (DaOy.) Leave Wllminguw ( W A W B B Depot) B l9 A. f?T . Axrtve at Fioranca. . t.u..,,.uit1 J Arrive at iiujiViUe...,,,..,.0.., 8 1 P H. LsaVs .Kinwrvtllai ;V...V.'.!.J!;1. . if Arrive at Fltajojjoe...,. .,,,.?' J'S ! Arrive st WUruiuKton 6 . ' U ,1 uaavw wneBiBBjeeanvi a vraiiai,awtiuat j . i rv J Arrivs at Floranoe......... ,w. I A. fm i Arrive at nUngevifle, .T. . . . Alii??. . . i7wA. atw. sevUla,wrt,di.ri.jtii('Or9.UM loreooe... ........ ,....,...11 i If.H , I ArrtVe at Wiiiainirton. . . , I 1 . a. e.ii. af" it .ii ana i may initio' OCB FBIENDB IN THE 00UNTBT . . . - 1 may tsnd their orders to THE JOURNAL OFFICE, And rely upon their receiving the sams attentiea and being filled ss iii f i ., , 4ia r-a : ti promptly and as thasnly as If given 4 'persenaUy.'1' ' Oar Jobing Department is eqasl to sny in this taction, and every facility possible will be afforded ia the execution of orders. t .. Address . , . - . - ; 1 ENQEljlAtSb i TBIOB, i . - . . . ,j WUntlagtoo, M. C. ' North CAroIlnA RAJIrMi. r-r-trja I , , BaVTIITAST,,t10S,f-, , , Ootmtirv Baors, N. 0., Dae. Id, toiO.1 ta ' 3oea etc J j esseosl rtAHE Boa bo of ' ioihzotobs cTTTEikni J. North Oatollas Bailroad Oonm.ny bava f't, day dsolarad aa annuel dividend of t,r tr o ut os tka oapital stook of- said t"pa FwHHafld nsoal year ensuig stay u wit. -i e.pr i an Iamb, 1 sank, payable oa flrat dayrjf per sent, payable on tust flay ei joj, a us iranaier books wiu oa eioee I UueC 1 'trroil day of February te first day of iunwv UiW Srst paymeni, ana rxem nrsi asy w kuta ta.iot ay of July, 1871, oa second Pyn""--, r . Jan 8 (JHAHLii at. BeorstaryJ en ' ltoa V 'sa aar a Mil ' iz-j&mg . tastitnrda e?Al3Sldt HEIDEBRO'S. 2,000 VALBNCI A OBANOES, 8wet the Aral ia this market ef the , ..... - rt'; (0 BBLB. APrLES, rS00 Botes BaiabiB, 10 Boxes Leaona, '-- '' 50 Boxes Citron, Nats, Oaadtes of sfl kinds, " ! 100 BOXES FIRE CRACKER". i Freeb Bnckwheat, Ac 4 . . lea Si T5-. DEWT, DMP;MtOOS. Ho S South Front 8t., WUmington, N. a TJOBT. J. BCABBOBOUQR would inform hie -A-W . I 1- ,n if1--- . s ,i 1- ' old n-taBda and OBetomara that As baa recently renovated aad refitted tna above Beloon, and would be pleaaad te veesrre a con bn nance of tbair patronaara. ,..... - v , , , tlia RAH U annnlUA ilk lk BrjrD nl OTBTEBi Beeervad alrnoet daily from New Siver. ef baat eaelity, aad rarBMbed ia aay qsaality or styls oaairea. . j -an - BPt a . 4 ,i.,i.ia,..i-,-;i4VlJB- tl lD.U FR0.M.8TtET. i writs JUST BECBIVID A FBB8H LOT OF XX tauate. waole, baiyee aad aaaMeaa; OitraeK aww- vartaty f rrmn.- 1 m . . I - - . , m .,iiM K afeea and No. 1 kacaaret, Freea etaknaw to Etia, frrtitd Paiffion, eioir Trwieh Crtaaa 6,000 LA N INF AS erasaa. J AJ.JTSUI d m"-r' obol rt -ftMk etOn.1 eoi.a aa vt. I, at u,e k--t ea rn-ii, at ' -- Bi.ii.1, . - 11 a.4 u frost sut. taal , .. . si- a . . 1 J BE BTJsTDBED AOBXB OF tfSB C-trc4islfft PEA LAND, twelve miles from WllmlDi-tos d-sa sdJctniBf tha N. N. Nixon farm. A eouiorvi e dwslUng aad ail aaoeaaary sotbeoses psvtMCSrry, Atothe.ntHbrtattli.'itoW'ePiii:18 HalntiM A Preneh, eomer. . AtarksS Ala Beiojittaill jsal? (,i vii f.mi JsiU i ilJatftalJoo fcovjwu i - nrs tawarjii iit A BE said to bs th BEST. Try i.im atont,, ( - prioes. ' - tiet . SStt FLowFtcra t u -a- l't e, , .i . u te nam mat SOO 'WtJit--silgTs,u.t)d saoa '! w.. ..i. k. .. ...... m,i tctf r .ceaw ss ino r-. i ii;t-GF..'wVaCTir,3jAloaasi Jan W 1 1 TO TflB SHIPFLVS' ' aBBBBwesaaaBwaa vroncai is hereby ertrtrt : . Xv anoat taa twta ec dannary, i . m itaai holloa .5illo I aaaocf near Btaamboat Oompany will piece oat el . Dm Brver a aet-e ass Paeaeervr a t I.. ,uaJOB B learner, which wilt make regas t""a-e "fa Ssfi ana neiow tns naiiroaa anaira, rnnm j me o- . aaotioa wtth the tralaa aa- sue i uwu a, vJ a lumbis and Angnats Ballroadc - '-rlota ar Vb attention of tnrpentlue tiwl' . ,J this rvn ss sapeciaUy esllad to Uua tv-v aa aadjt deeaaienis will be offared heretofore nr.- mAt fa I1IIII1U.1 IULLI t'l I I nvmii 7in tkhmt jF Thi 1 f JL Oatiagtate f ear iS bsgia eana-v t , ..ZSSOa Annnai coueguue npeaij j -, v. ggg, For oataroraee, addreee , tab BAV. O. V. AtaPfLiTXaXD , r f Tta a A uaa An . . i f , f t AV as FAS an illS sve- - a'a-M da 4 , . .... I,.. ) B-aam daotS 1 tmt ' xsn .i ,-,v tobacco: - ii tcl r2rg t a tsst :LjiLsi t itT. A ' .--'t n -r ti V v i l c f cl aeslsorf s,euAiuic-Wiususi.i, a. i w wis ttcw II s.r.r",K trvH tka' 0IMl .TO. THK lMT tor ihd Feirl Lumipy, I fc xibarl mm. aad iBuat fc. I uao.to ul le,oie"'"l i iCCS ETA Tii ! I? f ti v At alast 6 Cu and . . CAPS FtAB xtz- aad tf,;imld f a ra ' r Oar' t i.v praiis4! cf(ua at , irr. eiSDOATS AT3 f" - A. la ll r:n rvxi :'2 cr-l .'.-1. a t , i