'. I. ' S .(! Li. II ; a in .iti,!it f (t dT -s . iJl , . till '.I ' ! , TSVl nt iiSi J f'Je'f! 1 it . :i . to -I I . O M iM 1 It f,fii,i ttil 10 i Mil ' i. I' tj M l it', f -f i i mtMVWW NC.WED 22, 1871 VOL, XX-KO. 149. f Itn I Po-vi jy V. 1) l.'i.i MtuquJI ; T,"T H Hjlimi!H T(tf) ,, Sif ,,., ' , , . , - 'i Mi i . - - I8CtAXf E. Wilmington North Carolina LIFE liSHItliCB (IHimi. fflce No. 5 North WlIaHINQTOM. Front Street. . c. This company ishue-j all theoddi- ury Ufa and Eadowmant Folialai at low raUa of Praminm wltboat reatriotlon m to travel or rtaidanoa. ToplaoeLlfa Ioiorauoa within tbaraaobof ALL t bat adopted a ayitam of MONTHLY payment!, paonliarly adaptad to tba abilities of tboa workinf for aalariaa or waxaa. The aaaeta of the Oompiny ate " inTeeted in solid saonrltiee. whloh are all in tereet-bearing We offer the following advantage! to Ineurere: A HOME OOHPANr controlled by weD-kfiOwa batineea man. x enaea Iea tban an) other Life Company, and dividends will be corretpondiORly large. Liberal mo lee of payment! of Premiums. Policiea non-forfeiiable after payment , of two Annual Premiums. I'olioloe ineonteelible fur any eauea after pay- mont of Five Annual Premiums. We refer to the fallowing Bloakbalders auil Policy Holders : " , , , A. 1- DeBoaaet,- . X. Barruee. Williams ft Harobieon, V W Kerobner, James Dawson, Dawaon.Teel A HcnniuK. WUlard Bros., J, 11. EUers, Judge B. 8. frenoh, Bllaa N. Martin, W. B. Betnard, Harrias A Howell, Sprunt A Hinaon, I. B. Orainger. JSO. W. ATKINSON . . . Bob't H. Oowaa, Bob't Strange, K. Murray, Waa. A. Wright. Worth A Worth, Jew. A, Kngelb.rd Northrop A Camming, Adrian A Vollere. President. Vice-President. ....Secretary. ............ Treasurer. 138 JPHH DAWHOfl . . . . ... ALEX. JOHNSON J. . . L ft. WALLACE march 7 INSURANCE ROOMS ! The DNuiovaioNED omna to tbj 'Oitiaens of Wilffijajgton indemnity against FIRE AND MABINE LOSSES 'by lasuranoe upon favorable terms in tba follow ,lng leading Companies : 'SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANI of New York, CONTINENTAL INoUBANOE COMPANY of NewXork, NOBTH AMEBICAN W. LOOXPABY -: ' - of Hew York, - - s e : " . NOBTH AMEBICAN . L COMPANY " . . of Hartford, ANDES IN8CBAN0S COMPANY of OtacmnetL fIBEMAN'tl FTJNO DiSOBAHOK COMPANI of Baa Iraacisso, HOME lmDAANOI OOMPAB Y ol Biobmood. Upoa aeairabf tieha w leariy faU Uoee. with thee of aay relisMe aad pndeat o- Apply.to JOHH WILDEB ATXiBBOS, '4'tJSMh Btra a4 Marina aossruew taa. nut LITER REGULATOR. " ' 1 The symptoms tf Llv r complaint are uueaai' iees and pain In the fide,' Rometimce tbe pain is in the shoulder. tnd ia mistaken Itorrtisu- inatitiu. Thesioosaoh ia Itffeoted with lose of ap petite auu siufcuwM. uuwels in general coettve. sometimee altering with lax. Ike head ia trou bled with paiu and dull, boarv eeueatloD. eon si1rtbl InitH nf mnraory, aooompsnietl with ipaiurui eensauoB or aav- K left nnuoue aouie hiiig which ought to have been ilotif. Often xMnnlaiiiina ef weak (ieas,,dobiUty aad low ipirits- Homolimea ma tous atieuU ttie disease, and at other tlmoa very few of them; but the liver is genorally the organ mne; mvoiveo. unre toe uver wun DR. SIMMON'S Liver Regulator. A preparation of roots and berba. warranted to be etriotly vegetable, aud oan do no injury to any one. It baa been used by hundreds, and known for the last tu years as one of the most reliable. cW oaoious and harmless preparations ever offered to tbe sufferiog. It takes regularly and cersist- eni.iv; u in eum to dure -r-- Dyspepsia.; headache. ntundioe. oostiveaeas. ilo beadarhe,. nbronis liarrhcea. affection of ths Regulator; bladder, camp, dreerjis ry, affeetiona of the kid neys, fever, oervoue less, o&llle, oiseaaee or he skin, impmity of the biood. mmlnonulvorueoratalott of spirits, heart burn, ooiia or peine la tbe bowels, psia ia the bead, fever and ague, dropsy, boils, pain in the baas, ae. - : Prepared only by J. H. ZBIL1 & CO., Drnreiste, Macon. Oa For tale only by JA8. W. LIPPI IT A CO.. Wu mini too, N. 0. to US-lyh railroad. WllmiHRioii. Chtrlottt) & R. Railroad. CI EX RBI , fSn VltllMBIIOKIIT'e OrViOK, I WnirwaToir, N. Feb. !, 1870. ( RCREDULB FOR EA8TFBM DIVISION. ,,, 1'asMnser Train leavie Wilmington. daily (Hnndsve eioepted) avt; ........ .7 . AM Arrives at head ot thud.. 00 I'M Leavea bead of Itoad, in Anson county, at d.SO AM Arriveaat Wi'uiingtQn . .S.30 PM 1'aaeengKrs leaving . Wilmingtoo on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, make close ooeoeo tion with H'ufft at head of Boad, and stopping at night in Wsdeeboro', arrive io Charlotte ths next evening. - - r f Through liokeis to Charlotte, 110 t j r Five hundred mile tiokets can be purohaaed at tbe Ticket Oflioe in Wiimlngton, Lombertem, Lanrihbnrg, Itocaingham and Wadeauoro', for FIFTEEN UOLLA1W. These are espeoially uae fal for busineea men and familiee. " 1 jser Two regular Freight trains per week Leave WUmtoton on Tuesdays and Frldajs at 7:05AM sud arrive at Wilmington oo Mon days and Thnrsdaya at 5:00 P M. - K. L. IBEMONT. ' M ; Cbjol Engineer and Superintendent. 121-tf foet please eopy, JKNKUAL 8CPEKINTENDBNTB OrTIOE, 1 , Wil., CoLdtnv A Adodsts H. K. Co. ) t . Wujubotos, N. 0., Fob. Sd, 1871. I ' (UAGE OP .SfllEDCLE. " AFTKB THW DATE THE FOLLOWING Hebedu! alii ue ran by traiaa on thia road : - ...,:..,.. ...;..i...s.......i,i DAY EXPBK88 TBAIN (Daily.) Leave WUmingtontUnionDepot )...;. :80 A. M. Arrive at Florence 1U:O0. A. M Arrive at Kingeville... ...... 1:80 P. M Leavo Kingsvlllo S 8i P. M Arrive at Floroiice. 5:4t P. M Arrive at Wilmington ...11.30 P. M NIOHT EXPBEtW TItaIN (Daily.) Boodayexo'd. Leave WUmingtoB. 7:10 P. M Arrive at Florence 1:43 A. M Arrive at Eingsville.; .. :00 A. M Leave Unsville....... ... 8:5 P. M Arrive at Florenoe 116 P. M Arrive at Wilmington. .. :W A. M JNO. 0. W1NDEU. Gen'IrJnp'L fob S, 1871 WILMINOTON AWELDON BAILBOAD OO., I Ornoi Cn'r Kko, sd Qaa'i. Bup't, . 1 , WauxiaoTox, N. C, Jan. 21, 1871.) CRINGE OF SCHEDULE, ON AND AFTKB SUNDAY, the a2 instant, trains on this road will leave Wilming ton at 6KM3 a. m. and 11:50 p. m.; and arrive at wei don at 8:06 a m. and 8:00 p.m. Leave Weldon 10:00 a. m. and 7:85 p. m.j arrive at wumuigton 4:10a.m. and 8:45 p.m. , . . ' M u Kf The day trains win not run onoumiaja B. U FltKMOMT. Eng. A Buit. THE DAILY JOURNAL . WILMINGTON. U. C WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22. J871. From tba Washington Patriot, Oar Dip ternary Disgrace. Two swift witnesses, who figured in tbe recent pretended Investigation of tbe eon ditioftof 'North Carolina, liava rooaiveo! the rewards of their revolting iafttniy. Our historj furnishes 1.0 . example, under any former administration, of pablie pat ronage being prostituted to thesoandaloos purposes which are revealed in tbe ap- pointmanu to wmon pnono atieniion is now invited. Thomas Settle was known in North Carolina as one of the most vio lent secessionists and enemies of the Union daring the rebellion. , When Holden and others Jika him, who a ad dragged the State into seceseioo. recanted and mads a profitable transfer ot their "principles" to the Union aide, Settle joined tbesa, and was appointed a judge of the Bo pre me Court in 1861, ia consideration of nil new born "loyalty." Bat b eoald not take bis seat without being fliet pqrinod ia tbe , crucible of a Radical Congress. This fast was reluctantly extorted frost Itisa when be appeared before ths eomiaiMea, aad we cite it, io ordnr that bis true suit may be nndemtond:; Qaealiun. AVere jou evrr uaJor political disabilities 7 Aose Yea, air. ' ; " QaeetioD. Wero they removed f Answer. They were - ia 1W- -Thia persoa labored throagbopf Us tea liaooy to prudaMTtka impmUB tbht dieordar prevailed in North Carolina,' and ha came prepared vritlr s rcbash of all the oil calamnies aad reports, which Mr. Mor ton had elaborated with such little affect npon tba public mind .over a year mo. After his partisan recital; he was eontpal- led to admit that it bad no present ar-pU- aiioA. as will be teen by the foUotrisf' paasage: -,-!. ivit!in. t undenUad voa aoaar-ahak tnerUOB. 1 uaemssu yea so aay scar aB then cattt qfgtv 9trogt bat oa were OOmmiUad eiyhtrm eaaaaaoe t t Amwwt. lea, sir. I I 1 T.iver EeassaaasamBi 1 fa order to tutderataai HL ixkrtUuaa'ihoh.af awV' I'toll Usui snnUwa of this witneaa. it ahoulil 1m ateta.1 tbal a convention raform Hie ounstUu- tion of MorttD Carolina is abunt 40 bo ealled, by which iioldou oortupt otnutti, of whioh Settle is a judge, and thor ufllcial inapoaitioBS whioh now oppcessiha people will be swept away, ue bud hardly., com pleted hit lestimouy before, tba ooioiuitttio anen ue wnn appoiuiou wiuiswr j,H'uipu.- tentiary to rem... ... f . t.t,-. Flagrant as this ease in. it bears no.eoui parisou with sooUiir whioU Vasjubt u oorred. Tbe country is lamiUnr with tbe names of iurK ana AMtrgeu two AitrtiJ tm, flans whota ; UoldoQ imported it om , Kit Tconen8Cti 1010 Koriu uaroiiua ihi sum tner. and who. at the head of several liuu dred niua. perpetrated nmny, atrtjeioits outrages upon tba most reapeotublo Uil pcsoefiil uitusooa 01 Uaswoll Anq Aiarusnoe uonnties. Tboso outlaw Veto ...brought a m il .' 'T t! A .i : il .k. a. oeiore suo invt siigatiim , vuiumiuo w testify against the veryoopio.iiu idp; had an nrncllv and birbaroltlilV trefttdil and to sweat in tbeir.'otfu bobslt ttcaitiHt tbe damniog ovideuce whltlj f xils sgal'ost lli.m a n.l lli.i, nmnlnVAM ! . IJ '' In order that I lie public ratty uaVd soujk' idea of tbe vnaraoier about to be prMKeutud to notice, a few ektrapbj are taken from his own testimoTJt - . "' . ' f ueorge v. norgon sworo uoa exauiioeii: Ouostion. Were vou. at any time during 1 ha Ar iN7 11. .iantenaut 'Uoionai antler Colooel Kirk, in 'eomntsnd of tbe North Carolina S'tata mlliHa nt' vi?-' Ansaer. I was. '; " Qaestion. Of wba ' Btato Vfe 4foii a AMwef New JeTByr I "'V' Qaetion. Wets you evuF a 'citizbu bl North Carolina?. AuBWer. I am- not nofUoieutiy , well .in formed to answer thai iinesHofl'. ;T7 T i z Question. Was the period, ct jour Aor vioer there the only ' period ot ' iovt rosi deho'e in that State at that tirae 7 ' Answer, Tea; r haver hni 1(1 ihe Stste before. . Uuestiou. Udou what uliari'es woro ".ou arrested, ttaovllle r" r"" ' "f--Aiiswer; Upon the" chaFgo of Tafoeny- of htcaling a pistol frbm F. A. Wilier. ' ; Such it the deeoriptinn which Seilgen gives of hiniself. Now let 'us see wbnt is siid of him by eoine of the pwoplft whom lie aud his gang ootrsgeJ so shockingly': Luuieu ii. Murray, a merohaut, sworn and examined j ' : ' ' ,;' "' -r.'l''.. Answer, Colouel Bergen oame to my tent with a candid io his hand. I bad not gone to sleep. I raised ' op my head. Said he, "Is that you, Murray ?" Said I, 41 It is," And be walked bask to bis teat. Ia a short time be came back again with out soy cabdle, touched toe ou my feet, and told me to get op and borne out. I asked him If I ooeld pat on my ehose Ho told me, ' No, yon won t.bave any ate for tbem long."' I went'ottt, and he took me into bit tent with three other men. They all bad pistols, Ba-told me I mutt sow make a confession a 1 rtld not be would blow my damned heart oat ' - -- Question, lie nta a pistol la hu band T AMWer.'Teetair.- ';, ?7 - 'm. s v, ... , ,f . i. : Aoswerv pvr air j, ua sum; uot uave nr Cooked 'th"b d ': lie Wal silting. bti the bl Suestion. How tasny men had be f i ' nswer, Three men. I told bim I luew of nothing to confess. - 1 1: r, 1 ' Question. Too then told bim about what nn tt tnl,t nm ' ' " " ' I u .Tu " ' .T- " iT V L 'XT .T-.WUIiauTrA, lJjyUdo,th,;deoe.sed, 1-laU.llfl about tbe same thing. 1 lie tokl bmi then, I , "agaiiut , ,. ( " Ton ar a damned liar," aad got op, and v- Tfm'ithf j;r"wiooci'ortr, Jtd jrt'Dloob all four of them cocked their jdstols, aud wovihiii.iw ii inoeiiworth smf iohai a. be told m. if I did not oonfess.lw wo(lld--J- .ii'ot blow my heart out. - nds of William A, Bloojlircirtb. dooasotrfor Oncttion. Pointed ' the ldttoM at your tbe payuieutor 'hie'ilcbls.' Ocrniplshit' filed itu broait ? ! ; " ' ' ' J 'sahl Ooart, atwoJi" luih, A;'., ' 1OTU Tbado- 1..... Vu air ' Then ha Answer. ,ies, sir. . . Aiieu ne put a rope around my neoE... took me ant ... to a plooe or woods aDout seveniy-nve yards, tied my Bands uenina. me, aua jcu me up to a tree, threw the roue over a' limb, and asked me if I waa ready te make mm mirImaii . T tnl.l hfm I h.il nn Win.:J festion to make. Then they drew me up i ' J"' Attorneys for rialtlB,- --j-off tbe ground, and let me hqug Ihore . a . 'UMt " little wbilo-not long.'. ..f . 1.. (t '!:mn-' - ' ''. ' , , ,- " t QaesUo. By a si. p knot r f - i Answer. It was a slip-knot.' Question. Choked you 1 i 1 Answers Yea: sacked asesjiretfy bad; let me bang a little wbjle.I Then let me down and asked me u.Lwasfrady to confess f I told bim I baa no confessiou to niHke.--Said be, "If you ilrn't ooufess I will break your damned neckj' and be gathered tbe rope again and he and another pulleii me op very - rrjngbJtJ janidj eitspended me great dual loDgoVtbitQ he 'did before; I can't tell haw. loog; I haag there nn til I boaooi odoOnwioaeV 1 ,114 tloM let m iewnf IVtstiot abUU'tarJJ.l When I came to I was leaning or siting op against the tree, and a few men were rubbing me. i Ouealidn. . To route and. restore vou . to oontoiomness? , i , f r, ' Answer.' I suppobi to.' TTief baa taken1 tbe rope off my neck. Whea I f get so I could speak, be suked e 11 I was, t4df to make confession.) I told bin I had1 ncue to make-r-tbat I kqw'uothtog to, confess. Hs then gave the order to put, the rope on mv" ce-k eeain. ' slid fold itfco tprfcesnt; "Hang bim op to tba limb, and let Ulan bang till to-morrow eight O clot It,' tkej outlhim down and bury bim nnde the free on which habuagCr and be just remarked to ma if I bad nytuinff io py-mr last last wofda-rtw tpeakj Itdl4 IkitnJI M BOtniaa; t aay, bat if km bang - sac op ta that tree till I was flead, tboV; b-w4iki have bat three more dsy. lie ' aksdie to ivs) aa explanation - of that' wordJ I did so; I toki bias 'Yoi aaay b ahye to- morrow morning, ana yoa may tietfyoej may be kaaging to a tree close by. , If ton baBST me dead I, am aura you wfuaa through tbe vary sa me tbing. ' The 00 lo- net sterrped tbem staid a Mile while, kad gavam till tod 'oluckrhk test might, ol ssaks) my conioasion,iaau aosa .ewe u a 4isv not eopfeesrwy thai time jie weuki Tg a oet and kill U)X dctd.; 1 , told, him I have ao cosfelCi bKinakev (, n4 an peel to make any snarw i than . I aat eJT-r Then the rope was Ukea frets my- neck, my bands ontied, and "I; Wat 1st ta bek to tbe earn p. He toldlne I should never aay iyhtcn aboo. what tisawsd tkat aigbtf if I ever did he kranU. kiU aia as aigbk - Welt, af caorse 1 awe said eay thiog s beet it till I a as rwleesed by Jitdge BrooU ai SAliabory. .V" 7."i Quasi ion. Dt& jos maka aa affldavU that sve did iasowd ts kill voa, tsrwdtrao have him held to bail by jadgw 'Brooks f Answer.. Yes.tlr.-.'Vl.'V'.' Aaotbar witaesa, Gaotava. Sy RogoK a farmer, eesned ikiosgU1. Jiaacly a siaiiai fTMnenea. xiere is part 01 pis inuuisy: - in.r as Thau'lienren sjame) to.ttt tal Wkera I w -f Mid tot Veatedaje tc toiiit ieri.,,P told laaaat ke l ww avesg VVjeUa Onus tnli fcf-a I Ui vnkaW4 t Ha aa-J.T I vraa, - gng tola mo aa I oM kl '''l "t kaw Ha a-J.fYo ; ir ' ' otyoal- thai i-a.i. ( nCT Wait SO . s)it Hlf KtlowY' Ifn ttiflst xRhtii I j damtiH ffr.;MIb toltl m ba wottUl- giro Joirt till tliat nlcht totwll. and it I did not T . .t, i 1. ,1.-1 - ..11 tr ion no would maao me m. iict umi will break your damned neck if ton do not loll." Tuen be tout ,tn to go to my eai tnd slay there'."' That 'niglit. ab.Mi t 10 o'ohrek." lie fcame'' to trtt fc'nt ' anil tott m til eotno nr to btrirfrit. v I wont there: and he nuked rub tlibn if f wenld coiiims th! I kneN' who ImrJcf Outlaw. ' I told him nuild hot'-il dld not know; Apaln hd said I was a ttamnoit liar, ana wiut ror a ropo, l'isloln were liiog ou llie IhmI, soil lie niok ed up.bi psiU l aieppsd, uutwilu liie lout. il pin a HUM oroiiuu mv umin, nnu led caa oil ttf tho wuos about seveuty.llve or ttna hundred vsrds. end. asked tue then ill would tel,;tI said I uUlil not tH I dvl , nut ,W w.;' ,Tb en o' ordered s 16 lulltilUillt In null IUU UO. , 9 Uuestion, ,1y,as the rope puV sryuud vur uecie, wii raaxviug-.novs-r , . Of Auswer. i.us.-i sir, ,.ui nwou iu iruuw uio.witU a piaU'l euukqiT, 'iiitouud tlio lopti and the Huiiteuitut t UUlKl 1U uutiitwas , L'uoeliuii. 1.111I 11 raise You 1 ur (eel? Qiuwtiou. it was puflls.l uiifil llie tope was ngus f . . .,, ihM;A.A . I . t - - . - .' ...... . Aueaer. its. sir. .Question. Did it ohoke Jrott, Houienhat t niw.oi.ri., mi, , , v , Qaestion. ,IIow loog aid be keep Vol that way r: . -1 ' nuiwci. i tuJiu suviii luumir. vJ told his lieutununt. .VThat will do I t think these are llie, words-r-an4 tbe 1 liU tuoaut lot be duwu.. lie Asked tuo ' tUt'U if I would oonfeew. I told him I bnd bo ooufeasiou' to tjiak.' Then, Hfiur makiug toveral throats to kill ur,eUool me, be took the ropo offoiy uW'k, an I gtu ing back to the tent, he said! ' "I believe, Rogers, yon are teUing leu Inilli, aul I Will lo ail 1 omi tu rMlitia vou to-tuorrow, but I cntinnt do It without tr It'll fforu the Ooveriior,"'(llol(lcrj.) .-i . , , There 1 much uore proof lo lue ,siue eQoot, aud it; is iiotyrifius that , lljrK,u now a jtngiiivo froiu juiioe herq iu Wsah iuKlou.. with various . rtauisdiouH hanging ovnr his head, but protected by the ltudi- coJ administrators of the law.,., Tot, ia the face of thewi asUmndlug facts, this tamo George '1 H, (j(lWgeu ..wm,, nominated to the Seuoto on iUturdtiy s( United Sutea pOiiusul o I'eruauibuoo, and as hailing from ' North ; (Jaroliuu, where ba bad never appeared exoept ia . the ouar ac tor of a brigand I It is to such base use at this that tbe public service it pro nu tated ia ordor to roward oriuiiuslt for part tiBim perjury. If Bergoa were iurrent dered to the authorities of North Carolina, he would be in the penitentiary for lifo as soon as the law 1 could, reach hit or i met. But General Grant appoints hint to a high and responsible trust, and Mr, Fish, who afleots such regard for the diplomatic end ooqsnlar service, endoriot . this notorious moreesiu-y with tha favor and seal of, tbe pepattment ot State. , Sattlo at Minister to Peru nd Eergeo as Consul to Poroanv bnoo, are praotioal , illustrations of those 1 : ' I : 1. 1 .t. reiorms id mo oivii eorviuo wuiuu , tun Praaidant baa nrnfmiiuul an. mnoh daaira to , . , -T- : f ' " Z,7 ' :l ' purieuii, VJ uegraiuuK auu uurruytiuK v,'" every jiossiblo way., j ' II'.,'U 3 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ttui'Kiuon CoOaT' Nw Uanovbu Co. ! the Administrator of ieooam, eona a. swuwuiUM a uwaij bou !,.. ii,...jd u.mrt t iim ;irk' iu 1 1 1 m 1 1 ur.iuin mm mmi uiwi .a. .. offloe in tf.e Court House, In the oily of WHmtn. ie in tue uours uouse, m uiir ui nnmmr on the 20th av' of Miv; ' k! f. lim.'and d( Suewer t) ilemnr to' tbiv oiiiplaliii, or Mon, on the 20th dv- of Miy; av v. i y?n J?JI r u sunt w a bs reaien acsoi mug so tue pray w j 1. 1. .3 --.n v i 1 t TT. sj I BBrnimK " w u' ti t- livwi.. T . . 1 1 ... ' Kvfinll0ll ' SQleSLl Tn?.i.i wiitmiiMM v t '"nr. hiU y, IY ViaTUK OF MXE0UTION8 TU HI rooted, issued itpm lee Buperlur . Veart ol mm Hanover Jooty at the tsli ,'lurio, i,ti, I win expose ror stir t'i inn nignosi mnaor, on na l VJKDA Y the let'daV ef April I8TI. thelntbrestt Lot the following swrefHie Ja tha following lota or parcels of lead, levied oa to esus'y id eypu- O flmUll "t "All the1 InUrVst of a! i Anders iu iuoores or land in franklin 'i'uweahip, K.ii. , 'i m ". i K J ASdurs jtHamai ;iti. i . - fi 1 1 same. . i ... . .: i . bams fcie caAiib.f mat .IB a iu l v Btme aa abjvo. t v f ' .l-.ll 111 U'l ' it-.!. .!... .'1 i 8tme k abavo.: I f ' ' (sparge ilarrie 1 , All tbe Interest ef R 0 Bur vs. "fJHett ia tot S. Block left; as ll D flnnnrtt v laid out in Tut net's plan ui the oltv of WUmtiiKtbsvo "'i.) i i' .'i.if I.' , Uarttsa Jlewall , 11, All the interest of 5J J" vs lirockstt in HI sores of James V Brockt. lLsud. adj.tiniorf tL U nishop in MsionbonVTowtiehlp. Also.- Lc 1 Bloek S7, aalaid oat iu Turoar's plan of tbe city nf Witmtnvtnn. i Of Wfmhigiww T,rrth' Interest , ,' , r. 5U tor .1 u Bioedwerin 1 H fllood worth aad H Daru) ia 0 tores of la ad 6n W A, W ft It lo Poldsh township; also npoa all tbe rrtereat tr aset uevM ia lei ' a.ees 1 1.1, a hud oat aaTOTaecw p la ul ako eity oS t?U , W ClidKeu. txL'r.f 1 AU the iutereet uf 11 .... ... , - -.J ft. vs . rynn fn SOacreeof land trsav t hf ' i oaf Berkle. n ' flaawall 1 Aodrdesws; t af ' ai Bar He, n ' tHewell towueUwr astakM the Interest of A 8 BeHirdeesi sa tie aero of Jaadoet Vacksva t)aswei i4we '-ymir 11 1-iXi II Hjt mnn ii Xi.hn Jnu. 1 .11 ll.a iukvraai of J K Baat . va . ' Ton in 100 acres of Iu?d on Tar- m a nnntiflv - l sr inir m Hfi fln. A FarawU) - AUtbe 4atereaaef II i -:.rva,)l i.tSa) him si. lead. 'OS AturRan's HA Bagg i teuk, ta Luioola towusDip,.. Xhomaa Aloaelv 1 . ' All tba interest of W 3 ins in 17 acre of land (Lllbag. tonyhiliBColo taaBshirs ' . wra J BtrMa BaokOoaafaar IAU Mm ioaarest of i. O Cher, ry ta IV aores ui tsed ia Liu si'; Cngtog, in Luooio toauship. T L. tiaivlLe I an tne inieress or , t fVrfvfn to- tot -6. block imhn Esphare Ual ) IM, aa laid oat ta Tor. . jaoie 1. sieurai . an wa, uierest 01 u r vs i Soort lu Ml so-ee of land TJ ZTJoetin et ST er Hoere's Oreek, in Lis- ealatawtjsassw." - t-n imw ease I ' -!,. n- vs Same as shove. M Bane) , ' " ' ' . BOrewborgV adm'ref hoff,V All tha io- ..... ire- ' r i r . t seres Of a i 1 . .JJsUlie . -.. . ilAaiaiasatss. blocs 199, as la4 est ia Tartar's sUa of tha, altv -ww as aaois t-'s li-aaaaitfe. ) ' -o '' l j S, MioeoBt i , 1 1 A the tatereet of B J et janoia via acres of isaa is fsiK-h''- 1 1 rtnkUn Towshte OHfeaa .. ' Aii.Lka S I .f JvW o tOaaaeetaMasrsesa land ioka Jlalarky -1 aa anaiia'a eraek . sa. Mis- 1 above 1 n tmiarn V Kobrt twea D fryer; ' Ail e k-tar- i. a'L- V -ti I . "i vt iK' a4 ... r 'T - ru-vatl .--. 4 a... i.mA i. ( ki.S Jvhu Croom, ol al.j All ths Inisrest of W H ... ' v ' - t Horreu fn M eerea of land m W M U wreil 1 on Black Biver iu Oolum. bla townahlp , Northrop A Cuminingl All the Interest of Wm j B Ilall In lots . 5 and 0, Win I) Rail, ' blnek 182. as laid out ia Ternere plan ef tbe oity of Wilmington. , John Jorea, Ouardisn,) All the Interest of .. . . ' I 1 ttt : - nu. - . - . j . rvuvi iiinoa ia una aoms Jool niiifs, t at, ) of land leprlng Uardin) in llntdru township. .... O AO Uradlyj All lbs iulermt of A J Dill iu ' v v 3J0 sores of land -fansloiul -lu A i Bill, I Daps 1'ear lowushlp. -.George Ifyers "J : All flis ftitoroat of O Hn vg... .,. I salt n Hs 1 sud 9, blosk Uhrislian Ilueaoll, ) H5. lot 5, block 1I7U, lot a, bhwk liii. lots 1, '4 anil ii. I'look 'idi, as laid out lu Tomer's I'letl Of Did City of Wilmington, I, lute 1,4 ani r's I'letl Oflll LWet'f 1 ve " iman, at al, J 6 A lYWei'f '" All the Interest Of JE A J W Hartman In blocks J K Uarlmao.at al, W, tJH, IW, dilO, tH. Hi, and ), lots 1, D and 3, blook ill), lota 1, U, 3 t A ,.. W ACU 1.1. 1 n ...J 1 I.I....L 111 UI. l, v, a, t aud o, bloek i'J, as lata out in Tamer's plan of tbe city of Wilmington. Isaao Hlnes, i.. All the Interest of Isaae vs Ilines ia 6CJ aores nf land on John 0 Orhsley, ) UlueOlay, iuOape Fotr town. Ship. ' " . - 5 J John Jones I All the Interest of John ve Junes in i Hii aeree of land W I Cortiult. el aJ. 1 tin Louit Creek, in Linoulu wwusnip. Bank Ospa Fsar 1 All tha interact of J II vs . . (!. Vlauaor la lota 4 aud 8. block A J Jones, et al, I Kit, as laid out iu Tumor's plan of the city or whbuukwu, Northrop A Cummlng, ) " AU tho Interest of Wm -.v. ti , - i k a aaniea iu lots i, a aim W II Jams . . ; I 11. blook SI. as laid out in xuruors puu oi tue city ( . wiiuiiugiou i ., , Wni A Lamb, ... ' N I All tho Inloiosl v , in n in a i.smD in H Dell Kst'r T fl Willfamt. H'iOO anrss of land tu (la. well township .-r.iirrs-r Jsmun V Moors,' 1 Alt the liiltrist of John vs , John Lsrkina I Larklns i' 'J t aores o(, laii'l in l.tllliiRioii, lu Iiin. Coin township ' " " Dsu'I MoAiiistefTo WrfSomiilm B OfftOUtrT Atl vs i u t Kit Murasu. et al tin terust of i B Urnora in 3i)3 aoroi of land ou Moor's Creek, in Uaswoll township -j- Ward to Die W 8 rildneu,'l All the Inleroet vs , of W L Uoore in W I. Moore, till.. 1 1.000 aores ot land (Blrawuery) iu Bobbin township I. Moore to use 6f 1 Dickson,) All the Inter- ' " . iereet of Jaa A Jis A Bunliag, el al. . t ) ltuntiag iu !US acreaof land ou Uorgan'a creek in Llncola town snip . .... MsckDsll A Uaphart, ) AH tha interest ef tin. ! f -ve ... 1 r uoore in io j. nioek Petteway A Moore I 183 ; lot 7. blook l'.W : lot 8. blouk H0 ! lot t block tH 1 lote 6 and A. block &!) ; tot tl, block 10A, as laid out In Turner's plau of the city of Wilmington. Alee ia SUO aores of land on Long (Jreek in l.ino jtu townahlp. Also In 300 aores of land on Long 0iek iu HoMeu township John D. Powers, et el,) " U the Iutereet ef 11 vs . 1 , . r uurnuy in eu acitt n t Murchv. 1 of land vu M a liivor in Colon Township. t. ' Wm J Newton ) All the Interest of Wm 3 vs V Mewton ia 121) scree of land James l'ann, st al. I on Moors's Creek in (io. Innibla Township. Also, 1U0 aores of land on Bell's Creek In Union Township. Also, Duo sores or isoc in rractHn loan. bip. Edon, bvereeer psblle roads,) ' All the in. u ... : ve ,-.t 1 letest of A I v.'... A L Mton -7. - I Minn In !U aores of land (Old Point) In Grant Towuahip. Edene, overseer public roads, ) All the In vs. . v tereetot ANlx- , A Hixoa ., , . V on In U6fi aorea of laud, adjoining Chsdwlok in Urant Town- euip B F, Nixon 1 All tin 1 va ? V It aurei D J Mixon. 1 (irsut T the interest of Tt V Nixou in acre of laud (Usomiut), Ju lowasuin, .. t, , , II Quusaubausurl . All tbo lulorostof D I Hi vs " - J-oUio tan seres of laud ed O J Nixon. ) joining U W Mixon in Urant Township. -- !( Alex. Oldham ) Ail tbe interest of Miles Cos vs tin in U7S scree of Iknd on Ma J Bormngbs, souboro' road in Masouboro' Township. . W B rridgeu a 1 AU tbe iutsroet of W H vs Frldgnn iu 1,611 acres of Wm n Applewbito ) land, Lyon, lu Uaswoll town, ship. " ' W S rridgea ) All the Interest of i 1 vs ' 4 Alfred Pridgsa tu. su Alfred Pridgen, st al. ) acres of land in Buckle Bwanip. Also, all the luterest of Jchn A Flyon In ftu acres of land lu Backle Hwtmp, all iu Oae well Township. . ... ,u t. 1. : ; , Bylvsaler rettewayl ' Alt the tbttrest of Hylves j ' vs , lor Petteway in IU scree of B Evens, J land adjniuing Miv ry MoDougald In Harnett Township. 3 L Bobbins, ot at, ) All the Interest of W W . i . ts -.1 . VCasteee In 8(10 acrws of A MoOorkadala., ,i land odiolniag W I' Pope ia UiantTowBship. , Also, all tbe Interest of John (Jaeteen in t'i aores of land adjoining 1) W Banberry ta Cape Fear Towneklp, B 8 Badclifle ' All tbe Interest ef B 8 Bad - -"vs ellBe- Lote, illeek 1U1, as A II Oalloway. ) laid out ia Xninur's plsu of tbe city of Wilmiugtou. "Ut HUon ' ) AU the Intejnsl ef Q E ve V Bhephard la OUO acres of dee E Bhepher J. et alt land adjoining I MoMU lao. 1 Also, aU tbe interest ot 0 Bbepbardln 81T aores of laud adjoining J E Bhephard all ia Grant Township. ' ' 4. ..-.. s , .,!... .j , Same. ) .-' Y game at above. saae.Vi ; vi ((. Same 1 -;,, .... Btme as above. m :., same. ) u h Meglnney vs L A Hi4tb 1 All the intereet of Louisa A ' Brallh In Lots 1 aud 7. block J Itft, as hud eat la Turner's plan ef 4hs oity f Wiimingtoa. . it Mary Anderson 1 au the tatereet of Roger vs ,1 Koore in Lot, , block Ul f B Smith, etol. I Lot 7, bkxjk, 108.' Lot S, block ItO. Lot 1, bfock S3, Lots 5 snd , bloek 69, Lot s, bieow 10s, as laid out la Turners plan w ine city ai nianisguio, : :- ' mi t D Poissoo, G snd M Io E, to ase P. Murpby vs -. . . AH the interest of Wells Hoather land lu 447 scree of land on N E , Wells Pnutherlaod, et al. J Hirer in Union Township, alao all ths interest ef M Boathevlaad hi m aeree of land oa H B liiver in vosoq fownsnip. Dee OO Pcilss Mary . Miller 1 All the interest 1 vs . f j , c lef 'ihemaa Turo- Tbemaa Turney, et al. j ey aud Aou 0 Turney ta 1,671 acree of land on Loog Greek aud macs trtver aao sojoioiDg s sanus or jsmee a Moore, Ueorge Hoore, i nomas ajkeaaoaotb trs la LiDooln Township, r k H Waddell 1 , All tbe iutereet of Wm Tonmer ve Jin Lots 3 snd f, Block 266, aa Wm Tonmer. ) Hid on In Turner's plaaof tbe eitjr er Wsissiogtoa, f 3 B Ktrame " T Alt the interest of Thomas vs ...i ii I B Wiliiama ia S10 aores of Tboe B Williams, i land ia Dane Tear Town ship. Al, in L 8, bloo. 3U. hot 6, block 808, as laid out In Tamer's plea of the e.ly of wilmiogtos..' ' .'- AX Wright' i. " j. " ve ' " t ease as tbovs. Taos B Williams. . - 1 . TW lerdmer 1 ' ''"" vs Bams aa above. r -t Thoe B Wiilieae J .r . . . .. 9 Ward to ass W fridgea 1 AU the Interest vs , I of Q W Walker in Q f Walker, et al. f 809 acree of land ea nvnrese Oreek ta Oolum 01a TownehlD. Also. all the interest of B D Walkar ia la aeree ef sud BUa) ta Aaoeela xwwasfcio. t George f Walker I. . wa A Bams as above. ihy.Almr. J V storphy, QDMaUpaes . 1 All tbe iatreet of 1 X ve I Woodcock Tn 15t acres 1 1 WooaoooK, at ai. I of load ta Oolum bis Township. Also, all tbe intereet ef John Moors in 313 acres of load la Coioa Township. 1 the sal OT tit stove Bropctty will take place tt tbe Coast Roasa door, U tto eity of Wtuning. too,' eecsotsadog at It e'eloek - A. If s and eoa tnwe frwtl day to day vatil the whole ie disposed Of,"1 ' --"'. I - I I 'i , ... i. I ILJ. S HQTr(LA. BIKrUL- saarchl ilaw-tsoh , WALTHAM A T.C .11 I' S. . The sxteutiro nss of these waloliss for the last fifteen ) by JtiUaay CcnJcclcru. Ek1 neers and Expressmen, the bioet exaotlog of watuh. wearers, hat thorogidily dsmnustrstcil ths 1 trsngth, stetdiuasa, durability , and teca' raoy of tha Waltliaut Watch, . To satisfy that eleie lu ell those rtspeote, ia to decide tba qnoi ttoit at to Hit real value of these tima-keeptrs. More than 000,000 of those watohos are now speaking for themselves lit the ponksts of ths pocples proof and t gnarautot ef their snperl. orlty over all othnrs. ' .;. ;i t !4i v The superior orgaulr.Ulon and groat extent of tho Company'a Works at WnUhsm, enabtoa tlioia to produce watches at a prion which reh ders ocjDjpetitlon futllo, an I thoaa whi- hity any otUor waioli merely pty from 33 to. (d per netit. more for their watches than is ncoaesnry;" TUees tiuie-pleoet eoiiibluo every Iniptrnve&U'ut that a long ex pcrlente hat proved of feal prao tiqai Btej,; Ilarlug hail, tlit refusal Of nearly every invsuUon la aUh-mViug' originating In this eouulry otlulitiropo.nul those were flually adopted which eevere testing by Hie moil ekJMlul artisans in our . works, aud long nss on thy part ot lbs public, demonstrated to be. essential, tji eerrect and enduring tiuie-kvoplug. , - . Aiming the msny improvements we WiHilJ i'r. Ilonlarlxsi ;.: i.nt isC .1 4' The invention Aud 'use ef a fldiitrii pinion of peeiUiar oeustruotioiii to prevsol ilamsHo lo iliu irsiu tiv the bresksao of iiiln-t)rlic. is orlgiuai with the American Watch Omnpeny, who, having bad the rsfnaal of all other sou trlvaiiere, adopted Vngg's patent pluion ss be log the hestsud i'anltlnsa. . ,. ; , .y . Rsrdened and temuered hair-sDriuas. uow OtiivorenUy tdmiltsd by Watchmakers to bo the Vest, arc unoij in an grades or wauiitm. rvaTonns. AU WalUtam Watches have diut-ornof cans. fiFotectlng the movonisnt rrom dust, and lessen.: ug the nuuessity nf tbe frequent dittoing aeess: aarv.m.othet watobea. " - i: ,.. .U1 - ,, i Oar new latent etentawlndor. or keyless Walch Is already a decided euoooea, ami a grrat liu provemonton any etrm-wlndlug aatoll In the American market, "and hf far the eheapesl. watuh of lie quality now otlsrnrt to tha pnnltn. To those liviua- in uortlons uf the tlnitod Mates winre watcuiuakers lo not tooui.a, waienee wllh tha above muntioiuid iuiprovomenta wn:nh tend to ensure accuracy, elcanllness, clural l.ily aud convenience, muut prove hivnlnablA . ' 1 The trademarks of the various stvlee inaile by the Company are as follows: , AwsntriAw Watvb Co.. Waltham, Mass. Ann. Waron Co., Waltham, Mass. AatonioAM Watou Co., Oresotut Ht., Wallhahl, Mass. J . . . Aitlstoh. tsaot a (Jo., waitnam, tiass. Ahhiikiam Watou Co., Ailauis Bt., Waltliau, Uses. ' ' " - ' - I ; WaiiTHAU Watch Co., Waltham, Mass. P. b. IlAUTLtTT. Waltham, Mass. Ws. Ei.i.inr, Wslllism. Mass. -Hons Wati s Co., Boston, Mass, Examine tbe apelliog of these natnaa rarff.il Ivi before bnylna. Any varlatiuu even ta siuglt letter, tmiioates a auunterflitiwij. ,le by a retailed by the Oumpany. An illnatrated history of watoli-roiiin. onit talmng ruucb oeeful tnforruatiuii to walolicai' era aout to any addresa on applioatluu. ' 1 j ' hoaaiNg M ArM,KTO(, aeaeral Agants far Antevtcasi Wal' li t o, U4 Uroad way, Nssv York. , ' , SOU v .. Machine Hand and Sewing. eJ, tfc R COATS i fIV-CORD IN ALL MMBI BC, , From No. 8 to Xo. 100 iraoltrmve.' ' All dealers in L)ry Goods asJ KollarlK Wahhisiiton, iVbruary 1(1, la7l Soldiers 0 1813; The bill to pension soldiers of the war of lrili Laving beuunie a law, I sliall do reaay 10 urwara rorme or appncstioa as soon as ths naoeeeary instructions are Msaid ny Uic Department. Addrsee for particulars ; " !' B, Vf. DOWNMAH, Agent, ' , ,- . 1 No. Hi bevsuth Btroeb M.S. rtlCll'S family rnvelrlan 1 00 pages i ssBt by mail free. Teanhoa Ivow to euro all disesaos nf tbe em-ton t ekiu. bair. eyes, eowplosiosw Write to 714 Broadway, W' A GUKAT 0FFEU.4 181 Broadway, h i nusv'i ITATSnS. win dispose or Use uunored, i'ianob. otaxops- oas, and Osoahs of six tlrst-elsae makers, lo oluding Waters', at sxtbisiklt low ran is, roa uabb. udsiro tuis mouth, or will take a pari oaah and balanoe In monthly or quarterly install. meats. - - : BLOOjn.NfcTO.V (ILL ) AdfiSERF. i 19th Isar, 000 Arrea;-13 Greenhouses. Larff est Assortmeot-ali aiuss.- Beet H took I Low Prioesl Would you know What, When, Bow to Plant I fruit, bhadn. Evergreen Trees, Hoot Orafla. Hrorllfiizs. Onsire Plsnts. Apple Seed, Barly Rose Potatoes, tthrube, Kuans, arcenboiise ana (isrnea risuie, ic, ao. riMM ssu Vsaetable Sesgsl Fiuust. lljst Collection- Sorts snd rjaalilf. Bxnd lu coots for New, IUas. trated. Descriptive Cslalnrrtie 90 pages. Hutid stamp, each, lor Datalognns nf Hreds, with plain directions 0 pages. Bedduur and ; tlsrden Plants 3i pages, and Wuo.l I'rics Lisb-ill pagee. Addiess t . E. PHfKSIX, BlooroinKton, Illinois. , ' A. FtHQt tlAH,. ..' Proprietor of Pesntylvania AgrieuiUsrol JVoikf, MmSMMmerieNStUtiafeisvsl (Vor.s. rr.VMv VALKHU-N sVKl'. HO LID PTLkL in. sua IH.1LA1 r. 11-.. , r STKII. ritwA, 1 ..... It. . . iv.w ciiri.TiVAiroiw, : - J nOgHVl mil.it, HAMH9WS; ISO M ACM IM Eft, Sfc. u. c s- ; l... ti r..u...w. FOR $2: PER LINE, Ws will insert an advartisemei4 1 V V ONE, isionTxi ! ui la Tbiny4hrej Pkrat-elaM, ' " North Carolina NerTspapers,' Iooladiog Five Dailiee. We refer to the eablisher of Uim iu: sr. to whom our responsibility is well known. ! LIST FKT FBEE. ' Address ku. t. kowklla co.,i ' AavtrtLIng (! Sea. 40 & tl Para Uow, Hew ra, 1 $5 TO $10 PER DAy, who engage in oar new baeioeee Busks from ft to tlO per day io iheir osb loca'.itiB. , Pali par. ticulars at d instracti.ns vent frao ey mi' Those ie need of permaeent, -trelta4. week, sbeuM address at ouea UKUaua BliriON A COPorWaad.Alaiae. ,-.:-.-. ( Employment for All aaf.awvoa.u u w . ' , uior. - a.&a aau MJSJV7 aee. to sail oar new end oeuiul C Aadrese . ... . B. Bwair A Co., Alarahaa. atL-5. El PLOTBIilT. tsrislsi far aUiJ-E.i lndusiriagate fteweovnae. trrt'-1 - Imswo, A i I 6'- J a-' -..... oat ' SsriLRa BH(I j Munafeatnrora- if , l'p JJwslrv. . l.'irimlar sent free. Bo. Aulnliuro. . UaaeW .. V !-.::,;(' WW par 51 iaount to Prnft lists. Namnla n.oksae (A m t I tour tif 1 r nttnn Veneipt of 81 eens.A(tdaesait C.v Jit an.uiuiNKOO., Cheshire, Ulno. ' -I sra-a . 1 Q)fl T'HB Tn8'VEGETAIJLB f Qnf 1 0iU'Jintui Bi.un,"lQU Tho old standard remedy for Uoagba 0'iUn, Oonsuniption.... "ollting bettor," , Cciisa Buos. A Co., Btin. ' .- t4 .y.- ; TO TUB . WOKKIi.'G -We are row propwed to furnish all cIsshcs with constant dm plovmentat home, tbe whole of Use...Saa.4t8w the spare monies t Business newK Jlght, , snd , iiroiitaiile. I'nrnone of either sex easily enj. . from 50 mints to 15 per evening, sndscrnpar iinnsl smu by devoting their wbele time tu the business. Bays awl gicht eerii uioarljf at uincli as men. That all wU sen this Ao'tlos Bi.j srd lliclr address, and 'test thai Saslaeaav are imke .. the unparalleled offers. -Ta suctt ;as e, pot woli tatieOed, wewUl send tt to pf Mr'ttiB troubia tl of writing,' - Pull tartlcalarai , a taluabka saaw'si whloh will dn.to commence work on, and a.om i'k'& of Th I'tovk't Litirctr)! mprtnfonJoeef4 largest and beet fumtly aawspapasajavar pu. . , li.liu.l ill ..il I,v tM.il. lln.,1n Ifv, . ' want pi-rmanCht, ptontsblowotk,'BdnsJ'i ' -:, .i-f -"HIM .J.Ts1IiWUIsr VA, a.ti-ia . ' ' ! ..:-. . ' 1 Augusta, Slsiliol. f llUIOflt!t'V,uvf!s4 ptoii!oviif wi I. can make tf.wiO S fiitH."te.'ire'-lti4)Wsl Jet hapiHniiee and indsMnileaot, by obtaining I'Vs .. l)UOMaN0V,PAHJlNATKiN,or80DLl)nAU.uJ , '1 1 KtV-tou paitea: cloth.' Pill lusmietloae U 4 !' Uils power ovur men or aeiiaala ,,at wUW how ta T& M"snietl?.fl,bociHiie Traooe or Wrltisg aedintaicr, iHvination, muritnaiiem, v areusniT ruuBBr.p , ofoiunas and A,reasii aitigbsui ICpuug'sils.. w, Uniilo to Msrriacrn. do . all eOhtetfaed in tins book f lOO.flOfl sold I prise) mwiiiia jslctti fl no, paper eovere tt, tvoTrca. aav Dnrw evi w'"! lug to sot s simt will receive' S ssmDleenry of the work trtm. As un sanltal ls,reqaiesd,aij t Strotisef genteel eeiplnynient ekuuld,a8iid lt the I'onk, niHilriHliig 10 eenta for Boetag, tri t)l W.'RVAtW ACO., tionth Bid JtseetilSU delphla. ., ': AVOID m'At KS. A victim ol aarlf jndm, ' erotina. oanalilir nervous debility. PretUai ihs oiinv, to,, having Uied la vla pvury. advee-. liseii remeil Iml remedy; has a simple litoafts of sat'anrn. . Wlilnh he will send true tu his .felrqsj.enlTwera. atiureasj. a. iu li'tiK, 7aasaau ai.,tew I or a. 9t ira. . U aa-il . f..h 1 UK AT svluniCAt. BOt& kM4 WHa.aCa T Ha-OMfci-ra for Lantee and OsDts at ft no for 3 atampa. 'lr Hon sparlp A Co. ,, 01 0- ctmiati, Ohio. M;rii riiioi.ivt iioni;naitt.!wj - ! !'! fJOlflr'lltT.' ftH .aisatal- BtWIUTY AQALNT tJ$'$fi ff jffi rpnM COM PANT PAT it ITfl LOBrtBi PAtBLf, auu virsuiavoa im varoiUES a. bssisp .. . ' It has just paid Ita losses by the coutlagrktran at Henderson, fnlly and pvomptry. ii'ima sir.iu . Its rains era an moderate aa eal'utf vsill JunMAr. AKt-utt in All ParLs of the rtatir B. 11. HATTLK. Jo..'.. ...... l.V.Jt.trsBieA f HftATCN QAI.tf . . sm g, . xtl.imi . iBefttsaves;, JV. II. M UUI.W,UM...X... Assistant r-eomisiy oot 7 ,., . , a.., feU lias " fl KT A VMWtoVii' CABLgCIirlWgl BOOTS AND, OIIOU : ev-n yw e.isxisu una t($(Ua S h ' tamiort. liU'tlcttF.b OUrabiUlj.uiSfi Of IWOiifli palmiHold 1m vrir byf t(fMrl g llosxiii msnuMituieis, snd wf'iid a vinet ripplllg, - " j -, ; ROT 01K WH RfiTtTlm ! ." .4.' U,1 ssStisaai ff ' v-iov.f; t-'-'-j m f"3iaBtfMf. .;, a . U J. ...... I. ..a sliaU al swslsaiti 1 'i mm fmw-Mik ftta? 1. 1 I' 1 ls nfu A vil) ,tirl,ii8 esttla 0.1007 ' ' AM OLAD TO KOriOIS, 4, ESBBatJi- 1 spouse tu the purohsaS of ' 1 "' ' MEAL, I.Va TEAD OV COtdi?? , Ton a'O flndiilff 'thtt 'It le'toWmr- lnt.iilo bny fiOLTU AistAL, CO pounds 4e the Bnohel. 5 dullvered free ul druysKC to any P"uot or hart ttherlty. -: a..i i... ..... im glad to hear yrrnr complains of Fl" ";n jiugu ; this is the bet sign. of OUOl) li.ooil. ( Ise mure elbow grease, and lest Laid, and yon III fijidyouBWaa better BreadU 1 piwen5 . y tYe kuoa we are soiling tbe best r.our, fronad. ... Vom North naroline White Wheatrwt Oae fesf ' Ptoor sad Pearl iiottloy AUihn f,j tdelfA ' ' ' ,'-". ;? J.-?,.ALtX.LDaMv.lHr.'f't Ttm cnEATrttPOirfiycirdiiTTTo sua bunding mat erif,lllHsd foiery ft yle ol archltivtnre,' make it a matte; Sf ftr-t for -owstias, AHCiit'l'ai'I'a aadlUUt.)-- hh,t to learn WIIKHK they ran purchase fro, a the most i ASlKFUii LfcriWW jot OafcAC-Oi' PBlOEUr 1 -r ! c. .,, . r -, aho Messrs. JA8. L. JACKgOS A tf.O S I"0S s WOHKH, rmhHtroet.eod 8d J AvsaasB Aw i ork City, has lung been knonru as tbf mgat e eie aud extenmve In the Culled Bratee, t . ully ; excelling kafkao Work. w Uosri. hkirsj j. -sue-e dss In I expt rieneo aa Iron Fousuere and uss r-mUlis enable them to offor patterne in v ( ty and sagaleexaallad 1T BODS. for. very idoeo! una of Wrought and Qaat Iron Work. Uxed i I "lid. i inga. autiro Iron KnHrllng Pronee," ImjA 4 iral . Btury Floats, Pure Proof Fioarsy Oeiim and , Partitions, itiveled aud Eollod, t?A" . iroa Girders " and liesmi. Vast Irea aaj.t. J aud lK'SUS, Interior, tie nod. aud Siinara 1 --fei Window Lintels aud Bills, sbout 11,31 .1 me price ef sfnne, cut tu asuioitaanai. :uttals and liases tor Wood aud ritoae Otmi" ol Do ric, Coriuiliian, Ionic and Tower of- v, .. inre, at aboot tba pete wnodao, ie-"i: 1 iron Greetings lor k'reneU, Hoofs Irea I 1 ""' IllnmieatiD Tilee for title.weiku, Ar. as, r,oir aad Haofsiton Floor aad akyiigaAe; I Vos snd Hhuitors: ltailugs ia grual vnciy ' r i'trkt, ' Verandahs, Offiree an CaeMiage -4 and Borsiar froof Bank Vaults t foo 1 ""ore, " Basbos, Window Pinms snj WinJ. wt --is; Itoo Orarrugs Mr Tlwtferaie SB ooo, , Tree ' Hoxse, VatUaiere, A,A PatontO -s ilonsa Obsirs, (with tnrn-np seats) giving u 1 - -a fur Thfatres. thnrclirw, Halle, - t- ' . An K!'J IO Ol VFM TOTHa(Xi T OS KIRK PKO0F BUILOISCi. Til ; inforasatiosi learangth orif'Si ttes - 1. ere, eolamns, Ac ,wuU cost, applj 1 ti or iif lr tier, nrompt answered, juii t ii- hMlratrstrlkeaie ef work and rtnres JAJtias J., i,s v few-nd Areeowaad Tjak Ihis ts . . , Kew tors Uty t . i... 1 4 fj ft Jj .! roe 16 , 1 -.rT:'.-iiL,L-r;; Al ; . . - -t r ( '' " TY"-' l v ' V HEititiriTTn ecr . . . ...... , . . Boant sail Taltlow rr e"e . . . HELLMGTH Lil'I'f t (iLt : ratrs) by R: ;. ti. rVi ire . ted Tumoe it auaost. 1 4. 4. ' iM-Mld '.us, VerV liov. L : e-n:'i, t,t)., I S to (artK-f.!re a; ;i'y to aiaisia. iwutus sa-u , , ..t; ' 1 i OleCOO.V-V arrita. ill r ia

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