vt .r H A ri .13 VOL. XX-NO. 190. WILMINGTON, N; CM: WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY 10. 1871. WHOLE NUMBER 5.843. ; ..,!(0 if 61! IKSCRAKC9. Wllmlntf oi north CaroIlM l.ll'i: IMIUMB COIIPM. Office IV s jrrtb FrBB. Street. WII.1IIBTOI, H. O. TfilS COttPAtlY ISSUES ALL THE OHDI aary Ufa ui Endowment PolloU. .1 low ratte of Premium withoat rMtrisiion m to Ir.Tol or residence To pleo Lift Iamr.ua wilei ih. meh of ALL it bM adopted . system of MOSTBLX payments, peoaliarly adapted t ih. .billti. of tboM workmg for salaries or wsgt. -v. ; ,:. ',; ' ' J " lb. mmU of tb. Company ere Iotmu1 id lolid leeoritiee. wbloh mo all inUreet-bearing. W. offer tb. following advantage, to Ineurere: t HOBK OOMPAKT controlled by wn-kaowa :-!..,.'.'. bulBM 1MB. "." fcxpsnse 1m than any other Life Company, tad dividenff will b. eomipoadingly large. Liberal mode, of payneota of Pramloaia. .O" PoUtia. noa-forftiubl. . after pat meat of two AbimI Premium. PoUoie. inooiitMtibU for any eaaae after pay- - - m.otof rtv. A.DBal Pramiam. W refr to th. fallowing Btookholder aud Polioy Boldw. : . . " .': ' ' $ ' " A. jr. DeXowtt, . JL E. Bornw. WlUiam X or oh lon, W W Karobntr, ..... JanM Dawwoa, - Dawxm,TJ A Banning, WiUard Broa, Bob' I H. Oowaot E.B. Eln, Jndg B, ft. Vreaoh, 8Ua.M.Kartia, W. H. Bernard. Harrl. Jk Howell, , , ' Bprvnt A Hinaoai, LB. drainger, JNO. W. ATDN80S,.. JOHHDAWBOIf.... ... ALKLJOHNftOBJa... 0.D. WALLACE....... aroh7 Bobt Strang., E. Homy, Wa. A. Wright, -Worth Worth, ' Jo. A. Xogalh.rd Ko Ibrop A On aiming, Adrlaa Tolter. ..Fr.aid.at. . .Tioa-Prwldmi. ..ateoNtaqr. .TrMarr. 18 i:::cm:ce rcq:.:s i The UNSEBaioNED orixaa to the atlatt wf WilBtiagtoa todwonity agafat ' ' X , -1 - : " ' FIBE AND UAEINE LOSSES . . . u. .. , a u by fawaranoa apoa faTwabl. Una in th. follow ing Wading Oo BEcnam insubasob compani ' l-' ' r V ' ofHmTerk, . .j -.. -.J" ' .t:l ; - OOimHXITAL IHBTJBAHOE OOKPASr . : of Haw Zork, HOBTH A anCBTOAW t. L OOMPAlt i ' raJw-Tork, HOBTH AHXBIOAI f . 1 OOXPAIT ' of, BvUord, AIDEI TJUVBAXOl OOatPAOT t OlawiaaaM, rjBEXAira rpra asuUMOt ookpaxt f 1 rraaaaioo. BOMI mClAXOX OQXPAir Vfom daalrak. rstM m . ; ! w rry Ml vita a Uom V aay rwUasto aac fraaaat ,0av r t - : f. ppy. JOSIfTLDKl ATHEKOt, t G DartiJIaaaad CarbM CHI LIVER REGULATOR. Tb. aymptoma if Lit t oompiamt sr. nneam tea and pio in (ha ida. Sometime the ain tt in tb. ehoulder. Simmon's od I mistaken for rheo matiam. Theeiooiach I i (footed with lot of epi ptuw auu lufcutma, bowel. In centra ooetlve, aometliaea .Uarintr with lax. a he bead U troo bled with dud and dull, heir? an.ation. on eiderahl tnaa of memory, aceomuanied with painful aeneatlon pr Par ion. left nndoti om hing which ooltbt W have been done. Often omulaminir i t weax et. debility and low pint Momeliine ma y of tb. above ejuip Wiuaatteua ittv dia--aBe, and at other time wry few of (hero; but the liver ia generally the organ moe'. Involved. Lure tlie Liver wiilt DR. SIMMON'S Liver Regulator. A preparation of root and lierbe. warrariti J to b. atrietiy vfgetabie. and ran do no injuiy u aOTODS. It baa been need by bnndred. and known f r tb. laat 10 tears aa one of the m"t reliable. Hi oadone and harmlea preparations ever oil'i-rtd to th. nfferite. It take roenlarlv aud crraiat ntlv; it ie n'tn enr ( awaaWaWHMaBKj Dyapepa.a, 1 hradache, jinnileo, aoalivem-aa. ici headarhe, ccrwiie l.arrbiea, affootion of I be Regulator, bladder, eaajp ayaenie ry, aneotlone 01 tue kid' ley, fever, uervoun tea, clilila. diaeaeee rf th akin, impatity of the btwMl. lutMauuuoif or tleoretaioa of apirit, heart bnrn, ooiio or rain in the bowe!e, pait in the head, fevex and ague, droiy, boil, pain in tlia baek, o.-- - - ,),,. l'reptrad only by J. ".; " , Drneeiata. Maotin, Oa For Mile only by JA8. W. Limn 4 tX,, Wil mington, N. 0. ffb 1U HS-leb RAII.1C0AU?. VTilnjlHCloffLCbarloltfi & U, Ullroal, OixAL FvpcantTtitnaAT'e Orrtro, 1 WiLHtnoToii, N V.. Feb. 10, i70 f aoaEDOLi ran emtkbh pivibwv. PaeMBgor Train lnav Wtlmingtun daily (Bnudaye exoepted) at. .,.... .7. 0 A M Arriaat bead of Uoad .......1.00 I'M Leave head of Road, ia Anaon ounnty, at: ,,... 80 AM Arrivea at Wi miugton i .4 . .8-30 P M Paaaecger leaving Wilmington on MondaT, WedoMday and Fridays, make cUee oonncc tion with Stage at bead of Boad, and atopplng at night in Wadeeboro', arrive in Oharintte lb next availing. 'I'nrovgn tiexe:. to Ubarlotic. flu Five hundred nil. tioket oan be pnrahascd at the Tioket Offioe in Wilmington. Lumberton. Lanrinborg, Bookinghatn and Wadeeboro', fur F1FTKHN DOLLAIia. Tboae are eapooially nae- im tot ooaine men ana ramine, AW Two resular Freight train per week Leave Wilmington on Tueaday and Friilavs at 7:U & al., anl arrive at Wilmington on Won day aud Thoradaya at 6:00 P Ml. B. Lt FBEMONT, Obiel Engineer and rluperlntendont. feb 17 - Hl-tf Toat plea, oopv. " QF.NKBaL BDrKBINTBNDKNrS OFFICE, i ' Wil., CoLCicB'a A AoaCaTA R, It Oo. WujfJ8T0. N. 0., Feb. 8d. 1871. I fUAKCE 0P SfUCDULK. APTKB THIS DATE TBS FOLLOWING Bchedul. will be ran by train a on tbla road! j DAT BIPBRU8 TBAIN (Dally. ' Leave WUmtogton(DnionDepot..... 4:90 A. ti. Arrive at Floreno. .....lb:00 A, M arrlvaat Ungvllla. t . I...1WR at Leave KingeviUe. 3:2) P. U Arriv.atFlor.no..... 6: P. M ArriveatWUmiogton...... ........... ,ll:iiO P. M KiUHT KXfJlUH TUA1N (Uallv.t Banday exo'd. Uavt WUmingtoo. ..... ....... ........ 7:10 P. M ArrrveaiFloreaoa......... .......... 1:18 A. M Arriv.at Kingwvill... . 8:00 A. M Leave Kingevtll. 8 AS P. M ArrivoatFlormie..... .11:05 P. 11 Arrive at Wilmington 8:10 A. V 1 JttU. U. W1NUA.H, U.U'1 hnp l. fab 1871.', . Ul I ! ,, , , - v., ' ' ' - - WTXKINOT0R A WELDON RAILROAD 00., untoi us' kho. inn uirit nrr v, . u WmuaoTon. li. O, Jaa. 21, 187L L CBlKCB OF IBCBEDITlE, OH AND AFTKB SUNDAY, th. 13d lnatant, train, en tiii road will leave Wilming. ton at .00 a. a. Mid 110 p. m.iad arrt. at Wei doa at 8:06 a ax. aod t0p. m. Leave Weldoc a. ex. ana 7:88 p. m.; am re at Wilmington AJO a av and (sif p. n. Tb. day train, will got ran oaBaaday., AHnpa. SU-tf 5 - s t CCrTERt COFFEE! COFFEE! 50sACKa)Or THAT CDEAPCOFFEK J0BT raoalvwdaadlor ealeby .! , . E.' A. KKkTO. . 11' rl T7a E Hontmann & Sons. Kaaafawtarar. aad Importer of. Dress Trimniings, BEEG MAUN t COS Scphyr Worsted, CERMISTOWft H'OOI. ' Small Wares, Hosier, Glov., . ' VpMMT, gfllad, Bhada, CARRIAGE TRIMMING, ' BKABSAX AID COFFIN TRIHHMOf,, . PHILADELPHIA: ' J K KEW TOEKi Fifth & Cherry Sis;, J ,415 412 Broadly, Ecrstmann ' Brcthers & Co., atanafaetorar. and Importer cf : ' , MlStary, Regalia, Church, Theatrical, BIasqncradc,: 1 Vf mm Flags . and Banners, . AC EJUS FOB TBI Uillsd Etatfij ZzXkg CCTpaay, riTJiici ChenySts,, Phllaielphla. asat I - 4 . 183 ltaw 1U1TTLK MORTCiGES. CLilTUI KOBTOAQEa, sowrea.'yal. d for I sale at Uas wcEsii'cl-ncaC I i l ilver 1 eptiltt DAIIY JOUtlNAU OLOBST OAiIiX U TUK STATU. ' i . i 1 1 H 1 : 11 .t J, i ICS OKUHAHD, Editor and Pt.rllwr, ADVKKTIIINO HATaOS-UAlLlf, ' , I,,,, .,,, 1. ., .111 . 1 11 1 1 1 1 tMj" 8 gPtBR.B ;B.9w3tr: 9 8 La mill f Mi 8 fit I- S S ? t 8 e ilg SI 3 S Ol'BSCBIPTIOV .'.I..... Una year, ...... 41 x month,.... , Three moutlia.. to a 00 1 00 a ki w WEEKLY JOURNAL .. MTABMBITRD BKFTOMBEIt, 1844. one aatiar. 01 tea line or In, for each and every la Mriton, l. . peciai Hotieea wiu 09 cnorgea xper eqaare, iur eeuu U every inseruoi- vcsmtPTiua. m year ..(... . i M c0 Ivmonma 1 u HlKDAIi V JOURNAL WILMINQTO. If. e., ' ' WEDNESDAY. MAY JO, 1871. RALEIGH CORRESPONDENCE OF Tfp rnrrittf i r: . V ' rrrr -'?- Yabborouoh UoDsa, 1 Raleioii, N. C, Us 0, 1871. , - f . Dw Journal : Tho flrnt ripplii wbicji has occurred upon tbe sea of current avents in onr now beautiful Capital olty, for some week, ia doemed worthy of being entered npon the Jjokolgbrielas ot tbt Jour nal, and yoor eorreflpon'dent, therefore, in tbe Bret Harts vernaonlar, will tbe same now prooeed to explain i (J t TBI GRAND XEJIFXBANOB PKMOKTRAIN was, so far as addressee were oonoerned, a deoided uojtss.' though the cold water f tare predominated to a provoking degrab.lt rained inoesaantly, and in torrents, all day; of coarse outdoor festivities were omitted la the morning Rey; br. Dunosn, of the Vircfui Co'blereuco,' of the Mothodst Episoopal Choroh, and Rev, Jit Bidon, pastor of lhe Baptist ChnreBfoar city, delivered, addjessos., . We fwnt speak in too high praise of tbe efforts ot both gen tlemen. Each was replete with striking and impressive thoughts, orging upon the large auditory the moral, social, religions and physical necessity of totally abstaining from the nao of all ardent spirits. , 1 At night, Dr. W. E. Muneey,' tbo nst!y noted pulpit orator of Diiltimoro, delivered. a leoturo epon 'IdtempBMlDcs. TsAtter Hall was well filled on this ocoasioa. and tbe elcqaent gentleman did nimsslf end his subject eminent jnatioe.1 boS. W, Ramsay, Es, of this, city, itb acoamj piuned young i'xeeident of yoor Bute Oounoii F. ot T., deserves tbe thanks of tho fiiends of the order for bis indomi table energy ia its behalf and partioa- larly of the citizens, ot Raleigh for bis efforts to jededre foe5 them rational entf r- 3. Hill, President o the Supremo Council, with other" prominent jiiguitaries of tbe Order, large nooabn ol delegates and visitors, and the Ooldsboro' Brass Band were ia attendance. Ot the band we will say that, for only three months'. praolife, it is the beet We ever beard. - Other demon strations are to follow soon, atQreeneboro' aad other points. - , not oaWKBAti AirrJ srsciiii AorarTa of hi tmoes axd obpoas van ismubaiici OOMFAXT .it- nave bean - boltLnir as Aaiemblr ia oar eity dartugr tan weefi exiled togstnrr by direction ot the, President of'te Com pany, for tne parpoe. j. reoeiving toll and iboroagb . intrectom iia the matbesaaties of tbe insoraneer system. Mr. W.' ' P. Stewart, fof , New York City, ' wbo .lauds' t romiut ut as due of the, best insurance ; snathesa.ticiaiis la the UaiLed Sates, has been engaged in thus instructing the Bpeeial Agnt ol tbe Widows' and Orphan'. Company in tbi State. This is an admirable atep oo" the part of the Company. Anything that' f worth doing at ail, l worth doieg well; and anless a msn understands thoroogbly Ibepnonptes of tM ctuiness in wbion die propo ':$ to e: , , : s eaonot do t weal; but, baoa tlieooutt-. jvhiuat, ton certain . l T .M 1 ' I- M -a degree wt ran. 'juo loiuiaia w u. btoomffig a leading awacOre of bdaibes.4-w I'S advantage are being seen soft felt ".t ia bnl proper, therefore, that oompanie. engaging in it ahoald tboeoaghiy fit tbo who arete tspteient them to tbe publis foi folly, rateotety, snd-stEDply-eTrplaifliog it every principle, in order lo farther its own Jintertsis, and, to an id embarrasBments Vj j I '. ! ana .uiaAJLita.acLMu.- . iu mMJW' Orphan' Gompeny have taken tbe !d ia tbiamttter, and at tbe rooms efttsffflcjent and capable Qenprsl AgeoU for tbis State, Mr. WcR Fineh C,l Mr. Stewart, a.isted byC.pt. W. F- flack ford, of Maryland, Osneral 'Boatbea ilsnager for ILe cJ-mpaoy. baa base ea rgidariBir laewwakiai ajaxfelly ex (.i.nirt m-rrtf lealure bf Life Inarar"e totLaitteeiai Ag.aU cf tbe ATorepaoy t ti Btte. Therefore, porsoua ho may J to c:.wja cl fuuss o;irf :t ana factor ioformatioo bpon th. matter, ietl couudent of doiog bo ueuever tucy oall apon a Hpecial Ageotof tlie Widow.' and Orpban'e. 1 ' ' ' ..vm ltal tb. great fetnrof thin aaeuibliu of tb. Agontg of Iba Widow', anil OrpLnu' Oonipuv, w the s " ! ' AMOCIATTOlt PtSNEft, g.tttn op tinclcr thautplcoa if Meaari? W. if. I'iucli & Co.," lb olevor Kvuetal ngent. aod prepared tv Ur. Blaokuall, the yrborOugh Uoan m .compliment from thft QcoorAl ttnd ... Btoclitl Aftont. lo Mr.ar. Stewart nil 1 lllnrkford. Only t'i rpr.eattiv of Ibo Widows' mid Or pbiin'. CoiopHor. tneinWr of tbe prtav, aud a faw prowiutbt gentlemon, Wore preaont. , It tua en. ol tbu most ulusaant iTair. your comftpondeut eteir ; atieude.i. (he diuntir, prepared With that lKann of taste and manner peouliet to Dr. lllack- uali and but exoeUout lady -was nrtuaeu of by .boot soma " two duaan (cntluniea who are orV)la ot properly appreoiaiiug botb lite ocotti m and tuo go jd IblDgt vt tbie lift, - j-i ; . - 1'o.sts went propoad and drunk, aod rvtOBdfd to Jiricllr but anuroDriaielv. No bettur eviduooo could be a a ted of the bigb obkwoter jo! lifo im.urauoj tLuii liovrn by tbe eoutlnuion wLo lea- engtd in it, who w.ie lirts.nt uk this diu ner Aau"f Ihd Cjtuuan. Otfntlerri'ii of ptobinno. ji Iq1 tbuugb tadut- lyjoungoeu, aba some not oounuo tion a e to-day tbr ino-t iiriiaintot iri the Btaie, rcpreeeut lbs Wi lua'ii and Or pbanV. This of ilsalf uinat ommaad popnlar eopiid' ration. We heartily winb the Widow, and OruhiJt aliheeuocwM it so will tlosprv,ig(iajjdinf tluj iboaioaf wbiou ibis is an aooonut, trn repfateu wvu ten; and may Dr. Blaokuall alwuy b u liajd tvSuperiutuud tl)om,i(,,s 1 Mil CAT AT It. MARVg.. ' -t-.w.. The vet)fatdsDojtor Huitd J alio tr sldea over US. Marjr'g C'oll.-o, tvt f mild fill cf tbo pleu-uivc, os o!j a. tie pto Vf Iratciug and lnHtrnnfinn of iIii-bb ean- tided ti biw, t-noouiflgcd '"tbo gtrla " iu oekbrating May day, wbiob tbey did last evening, to the gce.t debgbt uf lar. amber of Judios and keutltmett of oar eitfi fw't'ctilaviy the yonug gfnt'ewtu. Tbo btuuiful cauUIu, " lb. Coionation t f tbe Itutc," was yl oieJ with wbloh to ePK6 U8 taleata of tbe joung Udia, and to ; pleaee tbe audienot. We wish we could sire jdvt readers a full da - eorjptipn, bat want of space, aod ability to dd the tubjcot juntiop, is our reason for not atieaiptieg i 1'he daughter of tor able Attorney Oencrkl tts crowned Qieen, a merited compliment to , her b.inty and aeoomplitibmr'Qi sndn cviJeneeof the admirible 1ate and jitdgonk f of the ' flowers in tbe doll." . fbe 1 argument of the representation ie as fottowa $ i "Tbe Flower, meet in a secluded dell ia -the tosavit to ehooae thaipOaeen. i A netu. son discontented with the world, seeka, In the lima place, retirement fron iti carea. and disappointments. ,'Ihe Flowers tell ot love and duty ; and the Reolus learning iuftt, ia,Bu weui iue station auouecj vj froTtdenee, u to be nappy, resolve to re mm again ta uaetuincs ana contentment among hef feltof ereatnrei.", , kV''- loa rendition ol every part was aJmir - able. 0o matte sxoellent-and all tut ad Ji- Uonal evideoee of tbeeminent fitnoss of tbe i oreeia ibit otnocr ana raouiiv oi at. Aiarv. fof directing, "in tbe way they should go,'. tbav daughturs of f'tbis fsir ' lanf of flowie.'.u ' ' "i'i : ll anytntng lurUicr suouju turn op, and l am coDatintly expecting it to-do set, I will note the faot, -- Obhsbtbii, , r-"""'.,"'ii"ie,l ; t Ta.revAl.MilalW.aai :fr. ' J iv.W-i AiVrfAdiy mrTrvi. t . : . i j 1 Kind Fortune may th! mcrsys , endure forever; smile thou pv , thi loving dyes np. oo xoia uoa uu or nsinsw i . i t i I ; ' Strengthen mi husband, and rosy his faith ana biz money bold out to the fast. Dro w tbe lamb's wool ov nnsnepioions twiliffht over Ilia va that m flirtaKnna niv look to him hk viktor, ud that mi bill may strengthen his pndo if we," ;thd personor person dnly , elected dolo Bewv ohl Fortorift mi rlmps.Qats and &te br delegates" certificate of, bis or frisalos, aod let tht gry sbibiitpon ml jpajntjmd pxwfoiZ , . Wheai walk out before tbo gasa ov vul gar man, regntatw mi wiggle, and add nn gtMtomi gaitenfi .'. .Bless an dti goods Aierks, muiiners, mantymakaraandi bair friExerav and, giv tatmeetaiiiy to Lubin and hi heirs, and assighn s forever. i j Lead me ,bi the aid or eolone waters and Uea my ealvea open tbe bmi ov thi OVf - BW v-B r;-'" j BlUtfer. OhlFortOn'e, with the beat ov tbi wrath, . the man who treads upon- the trail ov mi garments. t Take sol two children ' oph from ml hands, tor they bother me, aud Uksjhera to bo thi childrntean4 bring thorn p to shit tnysell. .i,.mw- . Wbem 1 bow miaelf tb worship,! grant that i may do it with ravishing elegance. and preserve until the last (be lily-white ov all flesh, and (he taper ov ml Sogers. 8miJe, tboo gracioqiryfc ybh U JJortane, npon mi no silk dreis. now Tovthe bands ov the maniymtkac and may it fit me ail ovtrrUc nota as tbe duka footfittetn tbe . Oestrox mine enemies with tbe not ov JesHoaslj. and eat thou np with the i taeth ov" envy, all Iboee wbo gase at mi style. OATSt-cne. from wrlbkjes, and foster mi rjlannnnSM. .- . . , i . . .1 1 t ill mi eys. oh I rortUde'Witti tbe Klaintive pixon ov infatnasbnn, that f mty iy out my viktim tbe men, as knamtt as images geavea.- '" ? Let tbe lily and lbs roze strive tugetbef io mi etieot, and may" mi neck ewiog tike a gaoee on tb baS er.s of kryslal watara. jnb me, on I f ortune, to wear anoee still Utile aanaUer. axid saws snejfora nil koros ai d banjoes t jw ,Tsja j ' " Bless Fanny, mi lap dog, aod rain down besom of destracksbon, opoo tb-oce wbo wonia nart a bair ovektormtuten. . m . .':.'.:.. '."I" " '" av.i r S.wapap.. CM4a414l.u J t,! a' . The , Bi- Loois Christian Advocate" of May 3. Announoes that tbe 'CUamofe Christian . Advocate, edtfed by Dr. .Tbo. E. Bdr.d. Tat beta couao'ldatvd wita) tbat bpvt. end taw nita sheet will hacetartli U awssard tat tint dj Band,' wt De-re - Uiamg bis rtsideno taetw wil be aetooi- a:edsrttb the preseor e-iikif of tbo St, Losrie'Advccato io. lqT:4.k)riLip ot that Ppef. . . . , i ut ir:':;'"" t -i , ItiJd's Journal of Health, writing ofloav gevi'y, state that cut of one thousand par a jos wwj nt zcaoyej savaaty yeata, it will b. foond that 43 are clergymen! orators and wrio speaker. 44 are tarnirf v3 are workung men, Si sotdier. 29 lawverf. 27 profewors'aod 24 pbyaiciane. One half of alL-crm live die Deiore tbe age of 17 1 tUy on. person In bendred row, Led 60, auJ one in ten tboQsaad raaehes 100. ' ilarriad pano&d lire locger liaa tiogio. can , tOIWKSTlO ACT A Att K.lilla.t "An Af t to H.biult the (twtatloR ot CnavaHtlen,' or Ooavesi lion,' to tt loil, t 1. Provide for Ih. Blveiloa of IeUala.n WnttitAS, 'T1)0 prwrnt CorafitttUon in, in tunny rrepeeK Imrdcnaom and ou- preeitjv. to lb. paopia 01 ue titatr,, aud (, at n many of it provialooa, ill adapted to i their want, aod condition ! and wberena, tho titxps ruatiirod bf aaid Cnnntilutiou to be levied niun tbe ritiHou of tbe State by .,--, I . . In il. 1 line ut'liurm naawmvij, v, 'u J"' inent of this General Asaembly, too eriev- ous to be borne, and cannot bo collected without Directing tbe ruin of onr people; and whereas, the Ueneral Assembly, hay fog reatOQ to believe that a majority of tbe voters of the mate are anxious ; to amend tbe said Conatilntion In many psr- tienlara, eonsider it tliolr duty to adopt Bf Mtires for aatwrtaining the will ot their qenstitneatR, and to provide tbo means for earrying that will into efleot when aseer- tatitftl; inerolore, Seotion .1.. Thn l UaiwalA$trmblv nfi North CiiKplina do enact. That tbe SUtrilTk of tbo several roantios of this Htnte ttball open polls at tbe vsrlous pfeoiuot in tbeir respective coantirs ss now esiautteueii ty law 6b the flivt Tbnrsday in Angiiat, A. U., 1871, when end where all ersen qualified to vote for members or toe Ueue rar Assembly may vote for or against a State Convention, under tbe restriction hereinafter prescribed; theme who wish Convention voting a printed or written ticket, Cwteeri0it, and those who do aot wiaii snob Conventiou votina? in tlie sam. way; "Ao Oonvtntton;" aleo to opon asparat. pons at tne eid uuie and pmces, for the oleetlon of delegate, to the Con vention to be ssjomblrd in, the oity of Kuieigu at snolt lime as l tiroinaritr pro scribed, raid polls to b superintended by tbe Heulatrar of the prrciuct, aud by to judges or inspectors at taeh of said plaee of holjine the elootion, Ui be appointed by the Commisaionera of said eonnties respectively, , ti 'o. 'i. 'Ihnt U shall be tbe duly of said registrars and said judjuor inspectors, immediately after the closing of tbe polls, to ooant tbe ballots in the presence of snob .leeiors as may desire to tie present, and make cut a correct statement under tbeir h'inria, of thn polls, at their respective plaoc s of holding said election, wlnobehali bo tealed np and returned to tba Com mis sit tiers of their rsopeotive eonnties, toy 12 o'clock oo Saturday, after said day of eltio tlpn j Provided,, The eouu ties of Curtmat, Dare and Hyde shall be allowed nntd Tuesday after tba election to , make tbeir return ; and said Oommis)oners, (or any two of tbom in the presence of five or more of the citizens of said eonnty, shall oom rare iflld retnrns atthe court bonse, or ether place of holding court ia their re. Rpeetivo etitintirs, and make dnplioate atatemente of aaid returns; sworn to before some peraoa authorized to aumtnieter oa'hs. wbioh shall be deposited in the oflioe pf tbe Ueglstes ot Deedeof theeonn- ty ; and it, tor any eaaae, tbe retire lor ' any precmot be not in by three o'clock, Tm., then and In that case tbe Commiwion- 'eis sball adjourn without oompsring the poll, to meet again on the foUowincTies- day at 12 'crook, m., when the polls of 1 ihn vanooa riroeinat nr tbut nnnnt ahaii j be eompared, and in the meantime they shall direct the Sheriff, or one of hie deon 'ties, to compel tbe attendance of the de linquent rotnrning oflloer with tbe vote of bis preolnot. Wbcn the Oommisaioners have thos completed tbe eomparison of the pons iney snail mace prooiamanon at me oonrt nouse door pr tne vote out, tor and KtiDl ths OoDTentiott. ftntl the km of ftkatt sy,jiPaaVnt- Stem trMnfflnt Ant Aalsavf.akrl sasa dtsnldt ssmw vawvn v vivh va m r viuvsuu awn uhih gei 8.0. a. The Register of Deeds for each oonnty aball transmit by mail, on or before tbe 10th day of August, A. D , 1871. to tbe offioe of the Attorney Oeneral, onder his vided for in the foregoing, section and shall on or before the same day give to uv4a . i phi a ava . jmjt avwuuw sm'ii be no Register of Deeds in any county, the Commissioners of suoh county when they declare the" result 'shall appoint one for this onrDose. - V J ..... . t ' 4, oeo. , . am Auurney uenerai snail en dorHj npon the retnrns thus made to bis office the timet wbon the same .war re ceived, and shall file thenv away nntit the fourth Thunday in Augont, A. 0., 1871, when they shall ba opened and oouuted by the Attorney Oeneral, the President of th Senate, tbo Speakerof tbe House of Representatives and tbe Secretary of tbe State, or any two of them: and tba result shall be. by them announced in snob man net as they may deem best . If majority of tbe votes be against Convention they (ball so declare in a proclamation, and in that case tbe delegates shall not assemble. Bat if majority be for Convention they shall so dee' ere, and in that event tbe dele gated eleeted at said elections ia the varioae counties) shall assemble in the eity of Kaleigh en tbo third Thursday in Sep- temoer, a. jj., jbi, lor toe purpotes herein declared. . tf , Sec. 5. Tb elections shall be held ia all respects in strict conformity to the exist ing laws of the Bute regulating elections tor members of tbe Ueneral Aasembly. and according to the provision of this sot. He 0. That tbe inspectors of cloetion tanntioTied in eeolion 1st of this sot. sball bejappolnted by the Commissioners of oaeb eounty rrspeeHvJly, at a meeting to be held on tbe flit MonJsy In Jane, 1371, or e. anon' tneresrter as prsctiobio, aod said Oommi-aioeers shall st the same time ap point a regUtrar of vo'ers for each' voting preoinot or towiship; wbese dnty it ihafl bar to revise tb exuding refijtrtitioa books of hi preeiuot or township, in such man ner that said booka shall show an aeoarate list pf elector previously registered ia each preoinct' or township, and still residrng therein, .without requiring each elector, to be registered anew; end such registrar shall also at, an times, alter bis appointmen', op to. and on (he day of election aforesaid. keep open said books, and be at the poll on aaid day, with said books for the regis tration of Siiy electors residing in suoh rr5tect or township, and entitled to registration, whose name hale never b it- fore been registered ' in ' such preolnot or township, or do not appear on tbe revised bat; nocenioosteft of registration eaali b given, ns no eleolor ebaJl be t n titled toreguter or to vobs in aey other precinct or townantp uta toe on. in wbicb be u an aotaal end, bona Jl it rrwident oo tbe day of electioo. Any person offering to vote, although his name snay be oa ib. regiatraboo books, may be 'eb,eU.Bgeds to bis tight w vote os tbe das of eiuiu an d:be qneotloa sh J be deoided by tbe in-j.-.-,. if l'.e b. t and ta ref Utrar of the preum-t ti tjwnu. j. Wore the ballot is received. 80,7. Tliat if a Taoaz7 sAau cocar fcju... . 1talh or otberwUe, ot any person elected dologutrs as aforesaid, the presiding oflloer of the Convention sball ttsue bis writ to tbe Bhciiff of tbe oonnty in which shoo va cancy may have occurred, alter tocb notice as the Convention may order, to opon polls io nil suoh vacancy under tb samo rnies aud regulations aa hereinbefore prescribed lur election of dolngatrs. See, 8. That said Convention sbsH con slid of one hundred and twenty oo dole, galea, and each oonnty shall be entitled to the same number of delegates as members of -tbo Uoase.pf Roproaentstives, nnder the prreent Apportionment, and the coun ty ot Dare shall be entitled l one dele gate. Hco. II. That said Convention shall have power to fix the pay of all its ofnoers and members, and sball provide for other ex penfoa to I psid out of the Treasury a it tnsydireor. .' ., Soe. 10. Tho ssid Convention shall have power to elect its offioers, and shall be th judge of tb naalillcations and election ol Us members, who shall be electors of tho Stato of North Oarolion. 1 Sec, 11. Th aaid Convention shall bar power to consider and propose all neces sary amendments and alterations to tbo Oou.titution, not Ineonsistent with tbe Constitution of the United Slates, except ss ia hereinafter provided, to wlt: The said Convention shall have no power or antnonty wnatever 1 , 1st To offer or nronosa anv amendment to, or alteration or , or in anywise inter fere with, repeal or modify th Homestead and Personal Property Exemptions, aa provided for in Artiole 10 of the Constitu tion of th BUte; 3d, To modify, repeal, or do any other sot to resttiot, impair or in any Way inter fere with th rights, privileges and immn nities of any person in tb Stat on ac count of raoe, color or previous condition, whiob are now guaranteed to him by the 13th, 14h and loth amendments to the Cooatitotion of th United States; or to propose any amendment to ths Constitu tion ot tb Stat is any wise impairing or restricting laid rights, privileges or im munities. ' 3d. To modify or repeal that clause in th present Constitution whiob provides for a Mftohanios and Laborer Lien Law: . 4th. To pas any ordinance or ordinances legislative in ineir cnaiaoter, exoept inou as are broeaaary for th purpose of snb- ttitliag tb Constitnttoa aa amended to tbe people for their ratification or rejec tion, and except ordinanees in relation to tbe publio debt and in relation to the Con ventioa tUelf. Sfio. 12. That said , Convention may" re els the Constitution of th Slate, em bodying in it suoh alterations and amend ments as may be screed upon, not inoon listent with tbe provisions of this ant; but no suoh revised Constitution shall have any fore or validity until th same sball have been ratified by majority of tbe qualified voters of th State, to whom the asm shall bs submitted according to the mod to be preaeribod. by th ordlnnse of aaid Convention, - ( Nee. 13. That no del-gate to said Con vention shell b permitted to take bis seat tn said Convention until be sball bav t ken and subscribed tb following oath or afflrmaiion before any Jadge of lli aa prem or Superior Courts, or any Justus. of tne Jfeaee of Wake eoonty, to-wit : L A. B., do solemnly swear (or affirm, as tb oss msy oe; Uiai 1 will faitbfniiy main tain i ind support th Constitution of tbe united Btatee. and will net eituer directly or iadiraotlF vad or disregard th duties enjoined, limits fixed, to this Conven tion by'th people of North Carolina, as set forth in tb. net of tb Ueneral Ass bly passed 1st 1871, entitled 'An net to sub mit ths question of Convention-or No Conventiosi to tb people, and to provide for th ' election ot Delegate, which not wss ratified by th people ; So help me Sod. 14. That any Registrar or Judge. or Judges of election, appointed nnder tb provisions or tins set, or any uounty uom missioser, of Register or leda, oi Sheriff, tailing or neglecting to make tbe retorne and perform the duties required of bim by tbis act, shall be deemed guilty oi a oiia-lemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined not Ism, than five hundred nor more than on thousand dollars, or imprisoned not more than six nor loss than two month, at tb discretion of tb oonrt i " o See. 15 Any person whp shall knowing ly and fraudulently register or vote or ia duo Another to do so contrary to the pro visions oi sols not, snail be deemed gum ot a rnisdoiaeanor, and on eonviotion shall bo imprisoned not less than six nor "more than twelve mouths, or fined not less than on hundred nor more than fir basdred dollars ; aad any registrar of voters wbo sball make or eauee to suffer to be mad, any entry with intent to oommit a fraud, shall be subject la indictment and liabl to the earns penalty. ..-.. .... ... t : See. 16V That tb Joiot Committee on Printing sball immediately bav printed ten copies of this sot for each Senator and Member of the House of Representatives, and shsll bav printed and transmitted by mail one hundred copies to tb Board of Commissioners for each eoaaty, whose dnty it shall be to furaisb oa copy to each Registrar in their reepeetiv soqa ties, and one copy to th inspectors of election at each preeinot be for the day ot eieotion.-v ' See. 17. Tbis sot shall be io force from and after it rati Soe tioa, aad ahall o aerate ae aa entire as pension of tb set ratified the 8tb day f February, 1871, eatitled " An aet concerning a Convention of th , STATE of north: cauouna, Sonatoa Coou er Nxw liaaovas Oo. Robert N. Blood worth, a. th. Administrator of William A. blood worth, dioaaaed, ilai-UJf yauaM ' Timnhy Jf. bioodworth. . t Blood. J worth, Jaue H. Btved worth a ad Jofan B. . bleed orth, Cfeadeoi. tdoauaa vmmI emsiaint for Ih. aate of lb land of Willi A. Uloo4 worth, daea.ied. for the paim-nt ot hi. debU. Complaint Oied is aM Oosra. Harsh ! h. A. D , 1871 Th.de iandaat, Job. tt. Bloedwjno, I herewr BwtiSed to appear before tba wl Oosrt aa ta. Ctork'e OOiiM ia th Ooort Uoo.e, io tbeaaty of Wilaaing too, nn tb. 90ih dav r My, U D. 1871. aad plead, anewwr or demar M the aompUiut, or j.dgBMt WIS b. rudertd moot drag lotb. pray- VTT8 A X J Divas s, -; J ; it - , - - w ' Attoraeyefor rlaisill, s ; awH -: i - - " t8 twSw Onr Jobbing JDepsrtnent ' Aae raxMBt-f Bm aaatertaSy rapleMtabwl a im type aod SxMrM vbfeW taake. omt attic m oompiet a b. doairwi Ov wM.taea art prompt, and w. taak. ii a rai. 10 til tM wrtaafe a Htraad npoti t - - have a vwry niwulM tKirtiD'n l rob OtMl HauetaA, Md he44 .areviv-c ri!y to it aa. awnpwM of Lett Pran, i natnw, m O -. M ' r ) T( r f r Tf y. , 3 i i i kew ACFi:r.T::z:.T3T8. FOR 2 PER LINE, Wswlll Insert an adverUaament . . . one xio::zi ; , - - IsThlitT.tbieeyirst-eIass North Carolia KeOTjapcrj, Inoladlng tlvo Dsllias. Ws refer to the nobliahar ofthla nansr. t whom our respOMiblUty U wU known. Addre amo, t, RUWCLk CO., ASvmlalag Ag.srlS, dl rk Rew, evr T.rat, : Ciiotova riowsR ikkdi (34 Papers for $1). ttMaa, TSwargrawas, Bhtahkery tn sorte for t). !, vtin ; . lead tot oatalogn. to 0. B. DKtiBOH. Pittaboro', M. 0; Th. old ataadard remedy for Uonghs, Oolds. OonsumMloBv "JVortiHy 6ttr CdilssBsos. A Co., Brwton, ; . 1 FRAfiSAKT StrCLES Oteans Kid Olov. aud aB kinds af Otnthl sad Utotbing j ramov. Paint, Oiwase. Tar, Ae., xnttantly, withoat th. Iaat fajary to th. Sneak fabri. slold bv Drngatiit. .nd Faaov Oooda f-Dealara. FBAQBAN l'MAPOU- US 00.. S3 Bar. el y street, Saw lork, 46 La Balie street, Cbl- eage. Bur tb. apad AMr. Oaawr JSaaMt Sllear, Prlos ta.00. , $10 1 DAT Fust 1U wffk BtanollToo'a Address A. I, OBAHAILr Bpriugbeid, dHOfkR A UOIXTH Here and Carriage fur. DJgJ aiabad. Expausas paid., H. Bauw, Alfred, II.. Agents! Head filial WSJ WILt, tAT AOBaTM A BAC.AWT us ga rn warns ua . or allow a large .ommlaalo. to sell "v new and wonilerfnl tavanttonw. ut., maraaau, men. (If IIS And send Twanlr-dv. Oents foi a Tioket and draw a Walob, Hawing Machine, Piano, or some ai llel. of vain. No htfaka. Bis for On. Dollar, Andrews, PAOKABO di OO., OinslaaaU, Ohio. Tho Groat Gcorot That .very Lady aboeid posseaaw Infallible. Prio SO esnts. Addraaa Bog IL Blobeuod, Ta. NEW FIRM ! Jl-: I ,1;'. 'a ht,hi '. um. PBico. S I. WILL Oris, ON BATTJftPAt HUT, AprU 18tb, 1871, at Bo. Morn front street . tllRLAXAOI BBXri OLD BTASD) aa entire new Btook f .1 H DCTCS0OCZ3 AKD iil COTS' rrXXISZLYfi C0S53, - I . ssMllniry X ' .t T Hi WUeh I propesala iSU si - 1 ; . : i- LOWPRICE? aad wlU aot spare aaf aflbrt ts please evwry- ,. . ' : , f- 1 body. - ! . . ..; , . ,..,t. Having e thoroogh" knoelsdge Of tbis lin. cf BaahMss, It will ssabl. n. lo offer Ir ' int. M ary prtron. - ; ', -..-..'.."'.7 A :. GLVE 1IE A. CALL. ti. it x. i: 'Jf. li pnltt NTOTicr:.' rtKRI cl ! '11 ' v ei.? --X c.r . . 1 a t--Mvi r - c - W 0 1 J. Ft.. J I , B l c'i 1 L,: i f tie., -. b i teat arp ia. w.-l ud Lirwaaor I i t tit aey

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