VOL. XX NO. 211. WIlBlDffttB flerth Carolint un wmm company. orncEBit JOHN W. ATKIS80S.... JOHN DAWSON ... fi. D. WALLACE. Dr. E. A. ANDERSON.... .......... President. ..... Vice-President, ;. '. . . Secretary. ...atedieat Director. IFKCUL riATCHtl. -Nj reefrioiioDe en travel or residenoe. Mi New nod of monthly paymente of premi um. . . ;.... SW No extra chug npon the lire cf Fe male.. -. . . - , ; - : AV Folioiu iooonte.tibl. may U . - ...i . .. - .".I-i O' l4-lyoh INSURANCE ROOMS! - - r - TbS CNDER8I05ED OFF.R9 TO THK Oitigen of Wilmington indemnity again. Fir. tod Marine tosses by insurance spoa favorable . term, in lb fol owing leading Coajpanit ; , 8ECURITI INSURANCE COMPANY j or new rcrt OONTJNBNTAL ISH7RAN0I COMPANY of New fork, NORTH AMERICAS F. I COM PAST of New York, KOKTH AM1RI0AS F. L COMPANY of Hartford, ANDES INBDBANCE OOMPANI of Cincinnati, FIBXUAN'e FUND INSUBAKOE COMPANY of Fan Fraocisoo. HOME INSURANCE OOMPA N Y ol Biohuonii Upon-desirable risk t. carry foil Unas, witb rate, a low m those of any reliable and pro deot Companies. ' Appiy to JOHN WILD KB ATKINSON, j wel Fire and Marine Inenranee Aa-mit ' ' . No. 6 forth Front street may 14 - ; . w , . m-ljeh NEW FIRM ! MEW GOODS ) NEW PRICES. X WILL OfEN. ON BATURDAY MIT, April 15tb, 1871. at No. 8 North Front atraet (FINLAYOt A BSO'd OLD STAND) an entire new Stock or BG0TSIS30SS - AND - CENTS' FCRSI8U1(3 GOODS, Whioh I propoae to Mil at iodinly LOW PRICES and will not apar. an; effort to plea a. every body. Having athorongb knowledg. of thi line of fftuhmtt It wiQ .nabl m. to offer indaeeraenU to aty patron. GIVE ME A CALL. Ke Uwlly, B. LEHMiK. lf-Soh aprill4 Etleixi KAtttMl Btik tf II. C., Iujmi, MArek 10k 197L fpHU BASX. (rBdu a nolaU a of the Btoek- JL aoioer. as. aaBoruy rrom u. uomparouer of tb. Cvrraoey) haa cpeaed Booka at tbeir BaakiBf Boa, ia tbi. atty for sabaoriotioM t Um laoraa. ei tbe Btoek to half aaillioa aol hut, Mag th. Aatoonsed OapitaL a DIWKT. OaablM. mar IS 119 4a rt-eb THE GREAT SOUTEEEX JcSdiiinCara Sxperivn of EaI'Jsotw. DeairnM anl Kr llrnel aril IqrnrM W nt-f.M art vta. . ta IUFI ti virwf.u.K.f iiviti or iiiTLxr.D raxu. iui oy naall to any 1Ij. , . . aioiii WEIGHT, ' Prill IH-W&aA LITER REGULATOR. The symptoms cf Liv. r oomDlamt are uneam iea and pain In tbe id. Sometimes tb. Simmon's aid i. In tb. aboalder. nd ia mistake for rh to rn tl,m. Tu lomaota ia fleeted with km. of ap peutu sua etukuo.., liuwele to general ooative, sometimes alienor with lt. lhe bead f. iron bled aith Dain and doll, be.vv aeneation. eon iWhi In, of memory, aoeflmpauied witb painful sensation or ha' in left nndon. soms hinsr whioh ongbt to have been doo. - Often 'umblamins of weak' isaa, debility and tow ipirits. Sometimes ma iy of tb. abut. ejmp' tuui aueuii Um , and at other timet wry few of tbem; bat tb. liver le generally tb. organ mot'. involved. Lure in. uver witn DR. SIMMON'S ,. Liver Regulator. A praparation of roota and berba. warranted to be strictly vegetable, and oan do no injury to any one. It baa been used by bttodrede. and known for tb. laat 40 veers a. one of the moat reliable, cffi oaoiona and harmless preparation ever offend to tbe nnerirg. It take regularly and Denial entl: It ts rw to enre Dyspepsia, headache. jtund oe, ooatiTene, Hiok tieadariie, enronto llarrhma. affection of tlie Regulator, madder, camp dyaente. ry, affecliona of tb. kid' lea, ebilla, diaeaae. of trie atin, impuiuy or me biuutl, uiaiucuui) or deproiaion of apiritf, heart bora, coiio or pain in tb. bowota, pain in th. head, fever and ague, dropay, boil, pain in th back, Ao. Prepared onlv by J, H. ZBIt-l" CO., Droseiaia. Maoon. Oa. For I ale rn'.y by J18. W. UPfl tV A 00., WiU muiatou, it. u. fob 10 115-l,h ltllLK0.il.4. VFIInlnf ton. Charlotte & K. RaHroatl, OtKERiL FcPRBIirTEItDXNT'a OmCI, WiuuaeTOH, N. Feb. 16, 1870. ( BOHJEDCLI Ton EASTERN DlViaiOW. rarD(tr Train leave Wilmington daily (Mnndaya fioepted) at J.) A M Arrive at bead of Hoad 4.00 P M Leavea bead of Bgad, in A neon ooonty, at . 80 AM Arrive at Wi mington 9.80 PM Peeger ieaing Wilmington on Hondava, Wedueidaj atd Friday, tnnk cloae eouneev tion with Htage at had of Bead, and atopping at night in Wadeaboro', arrive in Charlotte tb neiiereDiog. Tbronah lioke to Charlotte. 410 Five bnndred mile ticket can be pnrolnaed at tbe Ticket OrBae in W ilmington. Lumber ton. Lannnbnrg, Rockingham and Wadeaboro', for elFTKI-N OOLLAIM The.e are aapeoially nse in i rnr riuniuese men ana r.ruuie. Mr Two reimlar Freiibt train Tier week Leave Wilmington on Tneaday and Fridaia at 75 A n1 arrive at U itnington on Mod daya and Tbnradava at 6KX) PH. V, h F8MON'f, Ohiel Engineer arid enpertntendent. feb 17 121-if roe please oopv. IKNEBaL BnPERINTENDENT'8 OFFICB, 1 WlL., ("oi.ubb a A AcooeTa R. 1L Co. WrxKmaTon. N. O., Feb. 8d, 1871 U4GE OF SCUEDULF. A FTFB THIS DATE THE FOLLOWING X. Bchedole wi l be run . by - tralua oa thi road t ... . ' DAY EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily.) Leave Wilmington (TJnionDcpot) 4:30 A. M. Arrive at Florence ...... r... . ....... .100 A. M Arrive at KingevUI. 1:80 P. U Leave KingevUI. 3:S5 P. M Arrive at Floronea. 6:41 P. M Arrive at WUmiuaton ...11:80 P. M NIGHT KXPUKHa TliAlN (Daily.) Bandayexe'd. Leave WUmlngton , 7:iu r. i ArriveatFlorenoe ........ 1:43 A. M Arrive at KingeviUe........m Wi. Leav. EiogaviU. 9:49 r. ArriveatFlorenoe .....115 P. J) Arrive at Wilmington ":10 A. H feb 1. 1871 111 WILMINOTON A WELDON RAILROAD 00.,) umci UH'r EMO. AHD UU'l sur'T, WturnaTos, N. 0., Jan. 31, 1871.) is OF SCHEDULE, ii ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, the' 321 Inat.nt, train on tbi road will leav Wilming ton at 60 a. m. and 11:50 p. m.; and arrive at Wei don at 8.-06 a m. and 80 p. m. Leave Waldos 100 s. m. and 7:34 p. m.; arrive at Wilmington 4:10 a. m. and f :1ft p. m. MW The day train will not rnn oaBandaya.. fl. U FRBMOM, Eng. A bopt lea 32 -tf Win. H. Horstmann & Sons, Maaufaeinrer and Importer of Dress TrimmiDgs, BEF.0MANN A CO'S ' Zephyr Worsted, : fiERMlKTOWff W001. Small Wares, : Hosiery, Glove?, te., TJabwIeterjr, Bllad, Ikaae, aael CARRUMJE TRIMMIXaS, : OKAHBB ad corna TBiamisof. PH1L4DELPHU: I KEW YOBK Fiflh&ClierrySts., j 412 Broadway. Horstmann Br:thers & Ca Mannfaetnrer. anl I re porter cf Mililaiy, BegaLa, Church, Theatrical, Slasqacrade, . COSTOIBirS GOODS, Flags and Banners, AQZXrS 0B THB United State 3 Bunting Company, Fiflh and Cherry Sts., Phnadelphia. mar I IS3 Stnltaw ilHIE-LIliIE. 1500 BARBELS FRESH LUIK. BOW landing oris: - An . A. A 111 A.. st kiwast aaarket rates. For sal LOTS FEOM W HABF will be sold vk ruB. cash. LEY A CO. ttf aytl ILL 8TTLF8 up Jufi Uv&& aTWlTT.V AYO IXPEDITI9CCLT lNT'i AXBOOrEDATTTl rVVMIMfVII.V I . I jj Liver j WILMINGTON, N. mE DAILY .-.JOURNAL 4 WILMINQ TOW N..T-, SA TVKDA 7, JCXS a, 1871. Frtra the BicLmsod tYa.j Whig. PBKSS KICtUMOXISTS. THK TUEIU TRIP TO NORTH CAROUN.V COROIAI. RKCKPTIO. AID gl.KltUlD EMERTtllMtlTAT OUKKftgOORO'. tltqoiat a..d Patriotic Rpc.cb.a af Ilea A. A. Hophlwa, f Hew Vara:, awit - Ex-Bow, Ztbaloa B. Vaatt, , r Korlh Carellaa. . GBmJtNBBOEo', N. 0., May 31, 1871. Tbe ezonriion party of Northern editors en roula hither yeeterJay, ia rtsponeo to tbe invitation of tbe Mayor and Guffiinoo Council of tbe town, . were met At Reid Title by oommittae of reception, o.msist icet of His Honor. ' Mayor Bloan, and Mesars. Albright, BaJsley, Bogart anil Col Una, of the Council, - " v. s t. ; Tbe following named gentlemen eon- ktituting the oommittee of tntertainmeut, alto took tbe train at iwidivilio, and were presented la torn to tbe member of the ezonraion party, via : Meaer. J. J. Scaloi, B. J. Orftter. O. J. latet-, J. H. Oiimer, Wm. Ia, Soott and Hon. R. P. Diok. .the traia arrived at the depot at 1:43 p. m. On tbe platform of tbe B'lttion tbe Mayor iotroduotd Mr. r. r. L'uHi'y, of tue Qreenaboro' Patriot, who addrra ed to Lis btethreu of tb oraft tome very baud aome . . ... ,. WOIID or WKUJOMB. To tLi addreea Mr. Parker, vice presi dent cl tbe ezonraion party, and Hon. Mr. Belkrefr responded in the happiest manner. One very interesting feature of the scene which ensued, after tbe formal speeches wtra made, was tbe crowding in of tbe farmers on all tides to abak bands witb tbe "Yankees." I have never witnesoJ an occasion cf exactly this kind before, but certainly on no other oooai-ion have I ever sc en a more spontaneous and generous OUTDCRST OF SOX POFULAB BJtABT. The party went up tbe stieet beadel by the band, and were shown to apartments inthoBenbow House. As Xam frees d with more important detail, I shall have to pass over the minor events of the day. lii-Uovernor Zabulon li. Vance was among the gucsti at tbe Hotel, and tbe (zcuisionists were presented to bim in turo. The entertainment ia all ita feature was perfect. The iutorestiog feature of tbe day was tbe after-dinner speech. That of Mr. N. H. Uotobkits, tbe .eader of the party, was characteristic, that is to say, it was in every rerpeot ao admirable " off band " eflort. . ; As illustrating the views and sentiments f our visitors, I have reported in fall the ezoellent speech of Mr. Hopkins of the New York Koral Home. Mr. Hopkins is a pronounced and influential Republican. peach or Mr. A, A. Hepklw. Mr. Uavor and Gentlemen of Qreenaboro : I feet highly honored by being called upon to respond is behalf of my bretaran of the pres. although I could wish that tome one of the many older than myself were aooorded the task -tome one who could do fuller jastice to the occioD We have come among you, gentlemen, on an errind of peace. Speaking in tbe laogaage of ourrafr, bare left our ''shooting stioks" behind ns; and bad we brought them they could shoot nothing worse than "coin," which I tbiok your people would hardly obi act to. iiat drop ping pnrases or tna types, . Wl HAT! OOMI AMOSQ X3D AS FBIEXD3. At the outset our purpose in this exour sion was largely one of reoreatiorj, This, however, has taken on different oharacter ts we bare journeyel southward has deepened and intensined into a pro found responsibility. We come from tbe rich rural JUtrioU of New York, Pennsyl vaniasnd new Jersey, and we shall go borne to tell the thousand? whom we daily and weekly preach to, of what a e have seen and heard. We have everywhere received most bearry hospitality. Virgin ia's brave sit s have met us witb warm band' clasps, in which we have felt the heart throbbing to tbe very nnger lips: their fair sisters bava entertained us at only the most accomplished could do. Leaving the Cold North to loik for Hummer, as I told soma of my frit nds, we seem to have chanced upon A SCkDflB OF THI BBAtT, wherein all kindly affeotioas do bad and blossom, and we shall txpect the e ail bear beautiful fruit. Tbe region of country w. represent is one vast swsrmicg place. Mttt are continu ally gotbg out from tbe crrat State t( New Yoik and Pennsylvania, in search of home. They co wbert their general in terests may be best served, where they may boiid up social Jite witb alt that is pnnst, beat and worthiest. ' Will they eoni. to North Carolina It it possible, because of what, te may" tell thtm, ' lieat atsursd. centieiuo, ibat we shall speak of our observations in all hon esty, with tho intsU to deal Justly by all. iou want -. :'.:;..;..'.' out MonTt oub ixDCSTsr, tin uraoT. It is pct-ible you may have somewhat cf each, as.tb tesultot our v:sit to tLipaca We realize, then, that tbe responsibility djvo'.viog opon ns ia sot a light oue, and I would lmpr. si this troth even mot dteply upon my brethren of the press.-- Aa tetpretsiofl nas sosseBew got abroad taat while the press is a mighty power, it it not alwtyt careiul or tbe train. How, I would btve it groaad into the comatoa belief that editors hav cooscien.- Thar ts growing op ia th world a mammoth tree of knowledge, the leive ot which go rustling dotn . wherever civilization re.ctes white winged lesvat, speckled with little toU of black, which tell woa- deiful ttoiie. Tbeae leave art the news papers. They are foand ia every home ; their stcries fcsve aa aadttory til over tbe land . And k i this) taaeoti they should be true ttoiiet, told not alone for the telling, bat - ... : - TO MAKI MABEllOS TBI BbTTSB ' ' atd 11 eobler, bumsnity mere raA,y bamao, ' individual interests more olnswiy in armpatby with the Common west. Bach srillbs the chancier. ; I tta certain, ct whatever w. may publiih ooootrsing the South. W sta 1 tell th tiaih as we see it, aoxiona only for tit geaeral good, acd bi Ing ft r tba bap pi est resiisattor. ' I.. Kk.tr . . I lender our beartfel, tlink in tbe wet-! ui. Let atcher h liose and aaeetoe come yoa A ave firrs os. W come a. ltMosBoti gtwaad. . . -friends; tea st M . aa tVie.ds Aod tf I I propose to yow tbj day ia tie nam f it b cur pleasure to meet again en some fataxe itj, easy wt then ttnka hands aa Gm SATURDAY MORNINGr. JUNE 3. 1871. brethren of one common onuutrr. happy in one common ; interest, gra'iful to one common uod If x.Ueveraer Ve.'e paeert Ei Q JTcmor Tanoa of North Caroline being then called upon, said Om'lemm fifth Horthtm Prtti t Wht I say o yon, that I am happy to weloom you all here to-dy,'I do not ue the mere formt of courtesy, but ' Speak the worila of ainoerity and truih, It is a happy Idea that fans soggrated this ttip. It i said in Scripture, wheo the qmstiou was aeked. can aeythiog good eouie out f Nssireih 1 t'titiip aaiit, "cwme ami sue, It is a happy thing for us that this corps of the c.niluotor of tbe public preas, tbe fonfth estate of the realm, acknowledged to times of oi vitiz it itu and liberty o Vo sts i greater rowers for good c r evil than any other institution in the laod, shall see for themselves end report accurately to thtlr thousands of readers what they saw and beard in North Caroline. Tots oooas iou i also one cf greater importanoe, or the rtmson that it is tbe drat time since the war thst we haven eel nd AVI91T OF COCRTKSf AKD miKJDSHIP front tli. people of tho North. It is what the newspapers siy if Vsllandighim's plat form. ' a new dpnarture." Herctufr.rit. we nave been vnitrd only by armed soldiers. This kind and courteous appeal to our bet ler feelicgt will not be without itr lruita. We appreciate it highly, and it will have far grtater icfliieoo iu reconciling the country tbau ail the armies and all the pains aud penalties which can be imposed upon us. if we were not more susceptible to ktudueiis and oooollintiou than to foics, we would not b wot thy of (he enma cf freeman. i - North Carolina has boen stocltd out for cnticlom, for what lesson Heaven only now, ia in espeoial manner, witbiu the last twelve mouths, t he bss alwavs Lore tofore been considered one of the most or erly and law-abiding of all tbe Southern otatos, iha misfortune is that tbi cxiotnciM or pabtt rouTioi ave rondered it ntoesaary that we should wasb cur dirty liuot, in public, From tb pulpit, the pres. the beuoh from the itamp and the Executive has om forth exajgerated accounts of nll ffun ...tn.i electors at may desire to be present, and offence omimitud against the Uw in the State, and eaoh of them but been attribu ted t. partisan purposes. From these sources the impresiion hss gone forth that we are band t-f lawless barbarians. Where are the eommnnitiei wbe.re there aro no violations of law?. It is certs ti v not New Yolk, nor l'ebnHylvania, nor New ersey. ii is not to Amtrioa. Ibere may be communities where tbe oivil and political lichts of all oitiz ns are disturbed : there, doubilo-s will be a time when beteion Wioei will brooj over tbe whole land, and theio will be none to oltst or mtke "ofrtid : but it will not be before fit udeunial trump aoaada, ;Kaw. sirs, a men onubot go cut end rob his I neighbor s hentoost ia jeice, or maul his SOOUSeel OtaiUSIgO tOVlOlSt I tub urraoBixx ov ran BSxUBiiio. It is referred to at onoe as a desire to raise another rebellion. Why, gentlemen. tbe idea' of another rebellion by a people ' polls, to meet agtin on the following Tuos who have been to completely subjugated, i dsy at 12 o'olook, m., when th poll of la absurd. Jt is true we bare disorders among us no reasonable man will pretend to aeny it ; nor would any teaionable man expeot anything else. I challeng the ri .. J . 1. 1 1 7 !.-. amwrj ui me tvuriu so suow wnere a pro- pie who have endured the horrors of auoh a terrible civil war for four long ' asrs, whose , . POUIIOAI., SCCUI. AND KOBAi OOBWTION hsd been so completely upturned, whose ssiiiu u j unta eu ue.troyea, wuoso Sent n'f .tnHmnrtflln'h V!" ,evb l?,h? TLohn!Ym' ffn $ Ui'!l li .oi a.r-t 1? ' ! "'Ue If yoa expect as to exhibit more obedi.ccs snd pstiencs thao we have, I am sure you 5!y !.'A.'"p,lme'Jf: w"l?.D P'P8y?u do not intend, for it attributes to us the possession of virtue, which I know JOu would not Icok for in your own people... Aga.n I repeat we are rnott hsppy to ; tee ,oo her to lea n of these thtugt for i yourse vet 'tud not another.'.' I am only sotry that you cannot go farther aud stay longer, in order that, your information may be more o jmpb to and accurate. Of oourse, wheu we are preparing to entertain visitors, we put our bibst foot foremost. and our hoog.'boMs are swept aud gar- niched ; but there is to lling among us that we would not desiro you to see. A gentleman who preceded me enured you that tbe best wiue bad been kept for the la-t of the frat, in alluding to bis re ception here. I beg to assur him that you are only eaterug Luto the edge of I ho wine uitiriut, aud tbat the farthtr 10a no into Norh Carolina the better. - - Greensboro' i an ambitious tittle cicy. and does very well oouaidtnog sit things ; but 11 jou tiu go wiib mu ninety Ave mites soa hweet cf this to the city oi Charlotte, to which place my colleagues aud mjaelf srd sutboric d to luvite you, ia the county of Mecklenburg, a e will s.iow yon TUB BATAI, SPOT F AMSBICAN LIBEItTT and ludepebdence. If you oVsire it we Will have tbe K. K. K. ordered out i i full frce for j our entertainment, beaded by the Grand Cyolops himself, (Laughter.) I can say for my-elf, and I boiieve for all the people of North Carolina, witb sincer ity nd truth, that w. desire, t riy for, agotiis-i fjr, aot rcontriittoa ocly, bat reeocoiiiatioa with the people of tbe North. " ' " " " Yoa mast remember that wect.im aa great a part in th past glories of the fte publifl, aa belong ti you. . Bemember that the people cf North Carolina itsod sie'ebv side with tboe ot Matisobaettt and New York in th ."times which tried men's loala." Iiemim tier that onr soil it oover ed with tha battle flilde of that great te- volatioo, aad it bosom it filled wi h the dast cf at many be roe and ai aoble who penabed in that strangle as ever gave tteir b.ocd so tb etaee ot Libetty.' 1 beret ao reason why, if youwuud givs aicbsaca, , ws alioali aot strive for tb ... i -(- . . -. HON. AST 0LOBT OF TBf CjdTTBT as well at yoa. . I only needa that w b traly reoobCtleii. It ia not well far a p. o- ple to contioue itrife after the conttgt Is etded. It it net well for on. aid to cher ish exclusively traditions that wnuld fill 4b otber with rage or sorrow.- Yofl have your barees cf tse great civil war ia whse pr.iees we cm not ecrJial'y join; we have ear Lcrves whose gloiiesyoa &aaot sing, bat tberw mn eoaewoa traiicloi. end oas taoa herova wto bekmg totbe ahoU Amrri- TSiB tec i le. in wnoee prais we can an r" PT M aonai vouna so .u m ' 1xxoxbxd on moxo faob I lu.Af e.'Hllu.ti ait. An Act Kallil.d "Aa Act ta Sabmll tk. ttaMtlaaal Caav.aiina,' ar leCaavta. la,' ta Iha Peapl., a4 ta t'ravld. far Ike Kleetloa af D.l.f atre Whkbbab. Tbe present CotstilutUm p. in many respects, burdensome aud op pressive to tbe peoplii of tbe State, and is. in ruanv cf its provisions, ill adapted to their wants and condition 1 and whereas. the taxes required by said Constitution to be levied anon the chitons of the State by this General Assembly, are, in tue jrnig ment of this Geooral Assembly, too griev otis to be botnty and cannot bo colleoted without effecting tbe ruin of our people; and whereas, the General Assembly, liav ing reason to bolfove that a majority of tho voters of tun State are anxious to amend tbe said Constitution In many par tlonlars, consider it their duty to adopt measures for ascertaining th will of their qoustituents, and to provide the means for carrying that will into effect wheo ascer tained; therefore, !S i,V5 Section 1. lh Unral Attembht Korlh Carolina do tnacL That th Sheriffs of tbo several counties of this State shall open polls at the various preoinots ia their respective counties a now esiabilsuea by Uw on tbe Or.t Thursday la August, A, U. io71. when and , where all persons qualified to vote for members of tue Gene ral Assembly may vote for or sgaiust State Conventiou, under the restrictions hereinafter prescribed; thono who wish Convention voting a printed or written ticket, "Conr-en'iyn, and those7 who do not wish snoh 0'invoution, vutiog iu the same wsy, "A'o UJfirtofi; also to open separate polls at the raid time and places, for the election of delegate to tbe Oon vebtion to be assembled in the eity of Httielari at such time as is berotnafler pre scribed, raid polls to be anperinteiftled by tbe Registrar of the preoinot, and by iwo judges or inspectors at eaob of said plaoes or holding the leotion, to be appointed by the Commissioners of said counties respectively See. ii. That It shall be tbe duty of said registrars and said iudzes or inspectors. immediately after tbe closing of the polls, ..1,11... 14, .. iT . mtke out a oorrect statement nnder their hands, of tbe polls at their respective plaoes of holding said election, whioh shall be tealed up and returned to the Commit- sis tiers of their respective counties, by 12 o'clock on Saturday, after said day of eleo tloo j Ptotided, The counties of Carteret, Dare and Hyde - shall be allowed until Tuesday after tb election t make their returns ; and said Commis'ionsrs, (or my two of tbeat in th presence of five or more of th oitiaent of raid eounty.) tball com pare sold returns at the courthouse, or other place of holding court in their re speotiva counties, and make duplicate tlatotnont of aaid returns, sworn to before some person authorized to administer . i Ll.L .t- .11 1 Jt ia. B l it. I, i a.t tl. tt innnu. Ih.ut... . ; any precinct b not In by three o'olook, p m., than and in that otto tbe Commission eit tball adjourn without oompsring the the venooa precinott or that oounty thai I be oompared, and in tha meantime they anau direct tue Biieria, or one of bis dena- ties, to compel the attendaoeo of tha da- 1. . . - . .M ' . 1. II a . usqueus returning omoer wita me vote or hia precinct When the Commissioners hav thas completed th eomparison ot th polls they shall mat proclamation at the oourt house door of tb vote oast for and .jn.l th. f!nnnHnn an th. .m nf the person or peraont duly elected aa dele- gates. The R,gist,r of Dec Js for each tbe 10th day of August, A. D, 1871, to tbe office ol the Attorney Generil, under hi. i i 1.1 ::nj .... ' vid6lJ ,0. in, tbe foreff0inir .ecUon and shall, on or before tbo same day give to the person cr persona duly eluded dele- e7r Wga.eT"." fupir fl030n. ai , 6e no Begis'er of Le certincate ol til or for any eaute there l.....l. i z . lhe Commissioners of tuoh county when lh(, - Aeo.ra tha -...u (h,ii .nn'nl on. for this purpose, Sea 4. i be Attorney (ieneral shall en dorsd upon tbe returns thus made to his oflk-e the time , wboa the same were re ceived, aud shall 6U them away until the fourth Thursday in August, A. D., 1871, when they shall be opened aud counted by the Attorney Qeueral, tbe President of lhe Senate, tbe Speaker of tbo Houso of lteprcsentallves acd tbe Secretary of tbe State, or ary two ef them; and tbe result shall be by tbem announced fa snoh tnrn ner as they may deem beet. If a majority of the votes bo sgsinst a Convention they bill so dec.are in a proclamation, and in toat case tbe delegates shall not assemble. Unt if a majority be for a Convention they shall sideo sr , and iu thst event tbe dele gates dccW d at ssid election! ia tha vstioas counties shall assemble in the city of Baleigh on th third Thursday in Sep tember, A. jj., 1871,, lor the pnrpoCM herein declared. Sec. &. Th elect Ons tball be bold in all rrspeots ia strict conformity to tbe exist ing laws of thf Slate repnlatiog elections tor members ot the Ueneral Assembly, and aexuding to Ui provisions of this aot, rice. 6 ibat the ln-pfc'ors of election mentioned ia section 1st of this tel. f ba'I be appointed by the Oommisvlont w of each ooonty rttpectivrfly, at a meeting to be held on iha first Monday in Jane, 1871, or as toon thereafter . at praoticble, acd said Commissioners tba'l at the tame time ap point a registrar of voters for each voting precinct or township, whes duty it ehi.ll be to reviae the existing registration booka of bis preeiaet or townabip, ia snoh man- ner tbat said books shall show ta aeonrate list ot eleotora previously registered ia soeh precinct or iovDntp, sou mu resiaing therein, witboat rtqi:riog sach lort r to be registered anew; acd suoh frgiatrar ahall aiao at all umea, alter his appoiutmen'. np to, and on be cttj of ikcioa aforrtuid. ket p oixn aaid bock, and -be at the poll on said dsy. alia said booka lor tue regis tiation of Buy eleotora residing iauob precinct or township, and ei tit'e-J t regiattratioo, whoa eerot. bat never 04 for been rrgiatered ia tweb praeinet or tow b tip, or Aa not appear a th revised list; n eartifloate of regiatrati. ball b' giveo, aod my elrtor shall ba n (tiled toragieter ep to vote ia any other prectoot or sownebip tbaDSaeoaeia vol-; a fcie.aataaJ sad bom U tvwident oa tbe day of alectio. A f peraoa offering to vo r, alibongb his sans may be oa tha rgitr.tioa books, may be chileog-d as to bis right to vot on the djy cf eieoii o an dthe qi.tt.on ehtU be dect-Ied by tbe iu , -pectois ol the DfX an lb rrgietran I toe precinct or towasiun. before lbs ballot is reoeired. . . . "... . , . .,...' . Seo. 7. Thai If a vaoaacy tkaQ occur by 1' death or otherwise, of any person elected di'legstcs as aforessid, th presiding offloer of the Convention shall hsoe bis writ to tbo Sheiiff of the oonnty In which suoh va caory may have occurred, alter suoh notice as the Convention may order, to open polls to fill suoh vacancy under tb tame rules and regulations as hereinbefore prescribed for election of delegate. . Bee. 8. That said Convention shall con sist of enn hundred and twenty oce dole gains, enu eaco county snau d million . . . , . , ,, . . . , . , . .u uuoiMer til tieiegntus as Bicmom. sates of the Hoc bo of Uepreientatives, under lb pneeut apportionment, and tbe coun ty of Daro sliall be entitlod to one dele gate. Seo. 9. That said Convention shall have power to fix the pay of all ita ofuoera snd members, and shall provide for other ex. pentet to be paid out of tho Treasury at it may direct. . Seo. iu. xtie taid uonvenuon snau nave power to eleot it oflloers, and shall be the udus of tha aoaliflcationt and aleotion of t members, who thai I ba eleotora of the State of North Carolina. ' ; Seo. 11. Tha said Convention tball bave power to oonaider and propose all nsces ssry amandmenta and alterationt to tha Oonititotion, not inconsistent with tha Constitution of tha United States, except it it hereinafter provided, to wit; The ttid Convention shall bava no power or authority whatever i j . vt. 1st, lo onor or propose ny amendment to, or alteration of. or in anywise inter- i fero with, repeal or modify tbo Homottetd and rersonai I'roperty exemption, at provided for in Article 10 of tho Constitu tion of the State; .... 3d. To modify, repeal, or do any other aot to restriot, impair or in any way inter lere witu me right, privileges and tmma nltiet pi any poison in tba State on ao count of raoe, oolor or previous oondition, wincb are now gusrantced to him by the 13lb, 14th and 10th amendments to the Constitution ot tba United States; or to propose any amendment to tha Constitu tion of tbe Stat U any wite impairing or restriot tug aaid rights, nrivilegea or ioi- manitias. 8J. To modify or repeal that clause in th present Constitution which provides for a ueohanios and Laborer 'a JUan Law: ttb.-'io pass any ordinance or ordinaiioet legislative ia lueir ouaraoier, except tuon are necessary for tha purpose of sub mitting tba Constitution as amended to th people for their ratification or rejec tion, and except ordinances in relation to tb publio debt and in relation to tho Con vention itself. Sec. IX That said Convention mv rs visa tb Constitution ol tba Stat. . em bodying in it such alteration! and Amend menta at may be agreed upon, not inoon tisteot with tha provision! of this aot: but no suoh revised Constitution ahull nave any force or validity until tb asm shall ave been ratified- by a mtioritv of tba qualified voter pf tbt Stato, to whom the tarn tball ba submitted according to the mode to ba prescribed by tbe ordinaneo cl aaid convention. m See. 13. Tbat no delegate to aaid Con vention shall be permitted to take bis soil ia said convention nntti be man nave ti ken and anbtoribod the following oatb or amrmauoa before any dodge ox the a premeor Superior Courts, or any Jastlo oi tue reaoe of wake county, to-wit : L A. ., do solemnly twear (or affirm, as th osto may be; tbat I will faithfully main tain and topport the Constitution ot the United State, and will not cither dircotlv or indirectly evade or disregard the datiot enjoined, or limitt fixeA to this Oonven- I rrt KfPflka Wianrw-itaW- ft 7ktwAla 1 1ktsllnea a ava avja-wasw Bwvytv va VaHVIIMB) BW J tot forth in tbe act of tbe Central Assam- bly pattod in 1871, entitled 'Aa actto tnb- iu tua quoaiiuu oi uuuvention or aoo Convention to tbe people, and to provide for tbe election ol Delegates, which aot waa ratified by tbe people ' So help me uoa. Soa li. That any Registrar or Judge. or Jadgea of eleotioo, appointed nnder the provisions or tuit aot, or any County Coin mlssioner, of Register or Deeds, or Sheriff, failing or nrglcoticg to make tbo returnt and perform the duties required of him by this act, ahall be deemed guilty of a misdsmoanor, and on conviction shall le fined not le than five bondred nor more than one thousand dollars, or imprisoned not more man six nor let than two montn, at tne disoreuon of tbe court. , w . . .. .. See. 15. Any petton who tball knowing ly and fraudulently register or volt or in (iuoe another to do ao contrary to the pro visions ot tuis act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, aud on conviction shall be Imprisoned not lets than tlx nor more tbaa twelvo months, or fluad not lost than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollara ; and any registrar of voters Who shall make rt cause to suffer to be made, any entry witb intent to oommit a fraud, shall be subject to indictment and liable to tbe same penalty. I S-o. 10. That the Joint Committee oa I'nntiDg shall immediately bave printed teu copies oi this act for each Senator and Member of tbe Uoae ol Representatives, and shall have printed and transmitted by mail one bnndred copies to the Hoard of Co-umissiooers for -each county, whose duty it shall bo to furnish one oopy to each Registrar in thoir respective eoao. ties, and ons copy to the inspectors of election at each proo net before the day oi election. Sec 17. This act shall be ia force from snd after iti ratiUoation, and shall operate ts ao entire suspension of the sot ratified tbe Nth dsy of February, 187 1, entitled "An act decerning a Convention of the People." ' - A XEIT A5D tlTABLE UlT. JouT ISA. MCB IWURTiliiXT - . . " A oFKBweiniaa kD Soft 3ts. THOS. H. WRIGHr. ; fo.t North Front t 1W- may SC HI lIT'tE MMGES. HATTLB kfOBTOAOEB. raw teldy aad . e!e at tb j . t , . f ... JOUBU1L OFFICF, lit- april t FOR 11ENT F k. ajtaer OaveiHI a-dD-k ,:ra Ma-U.'-. -L' " Va WAA-- taieto 4 Bourn. Dinia Koea aad Kitcbw ua, M-p ! V.1 M ItuCSVS. " ' tkaooeei, k.ir g.nibt.yardwl.-'.g 1atJi-t3:',XJN . roooia, a go.4 wi af water, flo.tr Oardw.s.l 1 J 1 3. C. i -' , Aprrfy to a. AV eoroar tarn Uet, . I - . - ; - - i. . . auy S07-tf staj "- WHOLE . NUMBER H, J. SAVERS, I' DEALER ' IXilWiW&KZz , aTBAjiKUSiraV Cffe.'i r-i i : li Burs aad aeUs Improved and unimproved IthdrM any whw lath. Baited BtafSt tt,wi NOHTII CAROLINA d-AlHT AIDrit., "O' ""? --W. have . 'this day .a , lura uuiiug eoparuarsnip for u. pnt" so pos. of pros.onting tb. claims M Bootbern kw . I ' ' h,,w. wwuiiDiaeioa n B A WW In saAasaIwa law . Wfttiinton. D. 0.. and iu Scant nAnslnna ft i tha soldiers of th war of Mil, and their wul-'-' owa. On. of the Arm will attend Id peteoa, the session of tb. Committee, and we are tba. ta-r y I aoiea ia promise to. moat earerui alien uoa to. lb. baelnees ia oar ebargs. We respaottnlly soliott (JLAIHS and PRTITIONS from alt par ties interested. Tb Fees will be divided with Attorneys who send as claims. Blanks fare Isbed on applioetioe, A depoeit of U with ap rioatlon, 1 rcusstsd to defray , expenses. Ad. BBAYFKB BTJB11, JUUtiH. North OltoUaai F. B. Buasaa, A. V7 BaArrta, "r Attoruy-at.Uw, At. embtui ussj-kt-uttWi Hagistar In Uankraotov . and V. 8. Oommlsslooer. . TtiTTSSTW1 A WTftlin ' ' XJM.JJ AAA! JL, K lt-i t GARGLING OIL j IB OOOO fO.g Bum and Soaldt. ; Jthmmafm. ; Chilblain. UanarrhaU at TU$ Tltttfl Waumtm. FYs ula. Manat. . Pro Sitr. ftpaein. BtcttnM. ' &lnd Crack; , HtringhalL WiniaaUt, win., iy Ainaa, nramrfs rweu SUfaH Ring'jont, (Msi fleets. - -n .1.11. J A .. u. . U I . M. . - " -i wm fiu ,i. awmp. BUr qf Animalia. lHttot; JRowp ii J'ouUry Ibo(AoA, te,t.t : , litfflt fiaK ., -,,4 j g lis., i Mediant, lOa.f IsWail.at Tbs atrglint- Oil has been in nse aa a Lini ment fur thlrtv-elffht vaan. AU sra uk la a fear trial, bat be ear end follow dlrsettows. ask soar nearest Oraistst or dealer U patent medrotaes. for one of ow ' Aikitnee saa voa-meoomt, ant read WQal tb ptovit ay about tb. Oil. ' .. The Oargllng Oil Is for sale by ill rspet-i oeawe saroagaoat 4a vnue. man anl wrier mwurwt t. Oar rmonaff date from 18 jt te th! tree snt, and are nolioUt4. Ds tb ftarglin vu. ana teu roar neiKDoars want sooa it aa. W. deal fair sad liberal with aU. aad ds ermtradjotlou. Wri's for an Almanac or Vooh UVQK, . -i , ! . Hanufac lured it Lockport, Jf. Ts . - .'--I. MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL COnPAnY, I . - - ' '" "- - . tW.'W l IMJILlllllVT HI fill Clean Kid Glove and aU kind ot Olothi arid 1 a wj asmwiasiati at aj vututi'i I a . Olotbinii removes Faint, Onraa,) Tar, As 33 , inalawlly, witboat tb latetlnjar to. tb. flnaat . fabrlo. 80H bv Dioniata nA fanoy ttodJ;j!S Dealer. VBAQBAN'CBAPQUKHBOO., SSBar.,. elav street, New lork, 46 La Ball str.eC Obi V eago. ..,.-, j -. f. -a .: .j ;fth romw at noi;2Xi j: HLITTZ'6 MILL CIRK, eoni Thsoa obap, af and, remanent. ear or, ffl (SillC Fever .g gp'' LlvetOomDlsJnU. A' Ooiitabis 'salUwa. anlB!j!rt In or Areealo. Never fails. Only 60 osnta. Try it, and be eared. Bold by all Dntgglate, 1 Hiuo, ST. K.LUTTS as VO.. kSonviatnra AteltaStBww.--' r !.' n w mi 1 1 m it i.i 1 Yifl) 1 a n? . H rosizt BHvrTLB bhwiiiu nacuiwic, Tbt most aitnplt and popular cheap Bum.' lie ktaehlne in ns. afa ikes - the liOolMtttok ! (aliks ea both sidesi. Agents wanted iu evary f ensnty. For eiroalars address v. ir. ! JforOi .osro-.v." WALL. Btatt Agent, Obarlett) Una. 1SKAP 1UVSKTIIII1U S7. .Ill Vj an sdvertlssment fn stiakis Hastdred Amari ' ' eaa aTawswaaar. for Bla sTaUaMw a 11m fier M week. On Uu. on. week will eoet Six Polir,' Two lines will eoat Twelve Dollars. and Ten ' f a line will eoet Sixty Dollar. Bead for a frlit4 '' List. Address OtO. P. BOWKLL A 00.. .Ad. ' vending Agents, Mo. 41 Park How, K.W Yorfc.l Agents I , Head tShis .1 u TtTB WILL PAT't AABItTB A BALA-' TT ww ran wbbk smso iimmv or allow a large eommiseioa to sell anr new and wonderrul inventions. Ad J res H. WAQAI8A- DO Itarsball, Bleb. A DAW trutl AS.X, wrtk Bienofl Tod . i Address A. K. OBAHAat, (.fprinaejd,t, . ii. ..I,. ., Jiti - (SjQOft A HOSTS Horsa and Oarrlag. fnr- , fttJaae) blshed. Kxpensel paid. ' I?, Biaw; ps Alfred, at. t: . v , J K i wsrl .: A MILLION DOLLARS, )" Bhrewd bat aalet men can make a fortan. by revealing th. secret of the bnem.ee to no one. r Address rAi(BJH,. it (II Inadwav Siw lert. "T W VIS M A SUCK tf. D . anrnMufnll J treats all elasees of Ckrcwie and Aentw Vuf"'3 Bead ettmp fur ei routs anautniag . tieulars and teatimoaiala. Adlres Ikx 6UJ, New Yyrk. . -.. it J -. ; l AM SOW SELLUG TEK BCS ; ' ....i e i-t friuj 'd! JLU U 1 THAT 0AM fiJI.fAlriULdf New York Olty. together with aU grsds. At llvlag prieie. . : jar F urir'rfrf ' ... a 1 , :s id sir 9sflftji BirrM L UNBPRPiWFD BY AST lOHI ?Al' ket. , jas. L MErra.-f.-s-r A7 llarfcat "L. ' ; r - 'i , i '". ' BU OY I LAEDI ClSSLTSs; : A. OWOWE IiOt OF HX BA00" . , . , - , tuj i... j,. rare Leaf Lard, V.' ' ! 2l)oxetCaBdJea, , r -t t- m ttil Cuoioa Ootbcn Eottet, r-A r'.: t Meirs' rork; ' V r.xtra Family rioorp'' ItoanoVa Rjo UertiDg,- T"iv r: l,m . I s. . vt 11 I j (t r'.'o. . tt-e : ' X 1 . f rV may M . ft V. .. ELKx aMOUii TAI' N. c. cm: "A'.r.fS !:!(. . . i -' r 7 'J -.7 fwr. : :r id ' .V ' li 'el:.; ei tf t'w el Its ii 0, t It- X, A