;VOI, XX-NO. 243. WCLMINUTONV N. C.v WED VFS . )A Y MORNING. JULY 1 2, t 7J i VI ! it : r -tpiRrE..: .a Wiiaiiit;ta Hwrti CnrwIlBA VI 'XX is-- ' 4 i" orrioBRit - I. , , JUHIf W. ATKISSOMw.; J')BN DAHON.... ... V &D. WALLAOT... ...... Dr,K.A. AHDEB8DN.... Prosldsnt. '..'.toe-fnttdal. cretr-. Usdiost Dtreetor. ' IF&CIAL FUATTRWa. Be" Hi m'rtatloD rn travel or rrsidcnoe. Kjw mode ol iBunthl finest of preml cm je Na extra hargs npoa Bute. " T -1 . ear Foliates Inooursstiuls," lM-t-eb, INSURANCE ROOMS!; IP1 UNDESIGNED nFB! TO TWI ImmfO of WltwUiKKiD indemnity aaiuet Fia and 4rp.e lnea t J luaorano pou favor.blc term l"th- 1olWi"R le-Ais tompml-e BECUKini lNSUBAJTOE COMF4tlT of New York, CONTINENTAL IH CBlIOB 00 M PAN r ofNewTofeV KOBTB AMEBIOAH r. L COMPAM " - . . f New York, HUtUU AMKIUAN W, LUVJarAHI - ' - ol of Hertford ANDES IHBtm&ROZ COMPART - - of nPiBMtl. FIBEUAN'tf FUND INFTJBAHCE COM PAKE - of -an Fraueiaoo HOME INSUBAHOB 0OMF4NV of Madmen Up rtetrbl rlik eerry fu'l line, with rau; .w m thee or an, rename im pro dent Companies. Appir ta " " " , J0H1 WILDXB 4TXIVHON, G: ttral fira and karine InsDraBo Aniit. ' ..- M' eturtti ev-w whim- majH , - . . u;'sh MTf iOurrKRE0 Bl Tit at NOHT.iWEERN JUUTCAi II K IwmMt; lonrm TO IIS MEVBicri A"D THOSE INfcUIlISQ 7U ARC Flgh Intarest up u ioroatmrB.. "I Lo rate of H.T'a itr Dd a Abuit on ai una b r to w a or a ura 01 ianry ) f iii'l- r iu W driai tbx 1B70 6oa;tiiat0iaba4 aau. aaeuri t worto fr m ' i ib :h'0 mnn iba isnout luautd tfannoD, a. too p r oa .. lowrtut ajaoia aeLi 'anally. It h-i'd a waotTaon VI poiiela .tif foor par aul Ihli U 'be liU"- O'irl'y kuon I Am ni i-ffri.! oa aid U rooomiatoded b. tlm uai f Vrio U bur i leu. . AMiHiMiuar7 lb ,...........tt,r00lC00 X H. V j KB. Present. 4 r'BP"ll i lot ritngm AD O IbiJKD KTWary. f. A TiOF. m a .--m. B aigh. N O. h. T auM'1' ari., Huu a r at be tven fmnt d ier tinal, atLipb;' Doud Ion i mloa uu, N . W -uTMsa a -tniad "St j ) ii. 87 t3I.Smcb NWatlll lAttoUV. HaflK IHsCilAXtL BECUBITY A01IN8T I1O88 BI FIBE I TBI COMPANY PATi ITH LO88E8 FAIBLI, and ironlaUM it oaraioira at noma II baa Joa' pid U laeaaa J aha eouflagratioo At Handsrauu. fall aud prumptl Its raia ara aa mo'larata aa aaretf villi Janttrj 4rnts m 411 Ptrts f tbe Ulc. B. 8 aWTTLK, In. ..Pnatdent BaUTO OALBH ....Swjreirj W B UkD!H. ....Aaautaot toraxj J. W. ATUN40M , .......Ajtanfc - 4-tf WILMISBTOX NORTH CAROLINA LlrKIXsrPA fW COMPAMV COPFOf RSniZrfr FOR CLAIM ' VHDER POLtCr NO, 1L Fcpatradof Iba !. ton North (1ioi Jlfr fnaarauo Trm nr OH O LiMS iu fan (r.u claim aadar Hoiiej 0 1, ta Bloated by to aaath of Hat 17 0. Ireland : . n , - .-' (IkhoD' ' " Vnavttkk. IEUUfD,. ' a Tnk, May M-h. IBL ... )n' " au-tf .. MUSIC LESSONS. Xil8 K. E CU HIVO 2u' ooDtioaa to gi?a Maaleal Iaaunotioa donos the atomer, At bar raaldaBM m lla Ho- tb aid of Mukal, aatwaan ("Mat aoi 6VOOB4 (tracts. StMwoh r Bute of SorA rrHkii- . , , : , aLADIt Al'TY. I PaVriBAXB COURT, jcxa 6th, 187L W. A AiaJna,nMitaiiut iau. W.Andara, , ' ' 1 .: ra at Law I John W. Andera. 1 ' fMlitm 10 aaB XauU rwa A. -It aihrli tu tbaaiarilia) uf Ida Uoort, Ibat iiMaa ' anf abadafandania la tba tbm eatti'i t awtob. rtiea ba tn4 iba Ua ta or tba ita'- Iba a'aia. U ta otdead, ttiat DabiUi-tl.in aa m da to Iba Wllanna o. Jorj.Mi for i w aka ra ainu Ha Mid aaia. daat. Wililn J 4ndar. to aouatr al ' oBoa in tba toa -' tlii'ib, fc. J., oa tfea tab da? of JalT. 1871 ai d ai aa or d. mo-10 tbia pauiioa . or Iba aama miU ba board tz part aa to batra. 1 bl.CB, Jedga of.Pivbata fur Biaaa ooaty. jnoalB - ' - ' HIMaoa tVKIMOESt CORK! 10.000 WBITI OOBMf, feow Uacioc Ii Brig "aJargarat," aad 4b aala from barf ay . FLOUR iDCOFfECa 875 BBLB. FLOUB, . 40 5 ncu Cwrrxk, . :- -uf aaw ay Kyi - ' TOBACCO GOODS Altai lotrux iosuui .. 7. TaX-IID PAUCKB, a Jaijt ' foraaiaay , XL BOAttB tT ' won r . .... . . j - gXATLI AJD ;aa"rffotTl,t LITER RtClLATOt. Tba ayaipona rt liv -r aoaiBia'at ara oaa" -a4 aata ta the id i BnaaaiiBaa tb -aaif b tbt ahonldar. ad ta aiiaUkae forrh m- IvaiUaa. TUaoaaoba BjajaaaajaajaajBBIanaa wtia toaa 01 ap u. i u.. Moauoa, uuala . in ftaaMraJ aoat I, omiiaa aittanaa wtta tai. 1 aa aa m trna hla1 'itb palo aad dvHr- batrr aaoaatlnfj, bod Hrt' i m of tnotanrv, oaoaspaoiad arttb aatotal aaaatoa or aar tafl wndaoa am hiaa wfcieh ostkt an iaabaaa doaa. OfUl ''aiulainiD , of vaak aa, daatntf aad to' piitta Hoatatlataa . nl IIia aihAa aiaain tuu. nuii iti di aM. and al otbMf tlvaa vrrt raw of inaaat oat tba Unt ta gaoarally tba organ moat tavoraad. Vara tba urarwita DR. SIMMON'S , f.;.; .. -?,, .1 .. - " i;;fi- ;-)(,. , ' Liver Regulator. A uraparatioB of roota aad harba. warraataJ to ba airtetly vagatabia, and eaa do ao tnjnry tv anyona.' n , j-ft .- ,, ' I ba baaa aaad br bardrada. and known fr oaeiooa and barmtoanraparationa aar on red to tba aaflrrina II takaa reaolarlT and aaralat ITtpcnala. baadaob. u ana aa. aoaiimaa -ia( aadarat, aaraaw diarrhaa, affatloo of I ho iiladdtx, Aaaip dyaanta 7. a nam inn 01 aa aia- ara. - favxr. narroa aa. ahiila, dlaaaaaa f ba akittt lpa ity or tba o v iM.uuiiui 01 ua iralioa or pinca.Baar' bqra eoiio or pain ta aba bowala, pala lo tba baad, favarand agaa. dn pay, bolfa, pain in iba Daek, Ao. Praparad aall by !. - praairlMa, llaoon, Oa. For aal only by JAB. . UlftR k OO., WU. uioftoo, N. O. ' ... . i. fab 10 - - 1 ' :'' ' m-Iyeb FItH-FIS0. 275boibb aiBiiwo.iO" r.i LU0 Birr', I Bbla. and Kita alackeral, For aala by F. W. XEB0aK8 136- Al l MTI FS OF JAB WORK VKATLV AND KXPEDITI iCLV uuniDiTBi JOPBMAI OFflOB. Wm.a Hcrstmann & Sons, Maaofao arera nd Importara of Drcs3 Trinimiogs, BERQMANN k GO'S Zephyr Worsted, GKRMINTOW" WOOL, Small Wurea, Buaiarj, QIotm, Vo., tTphaitarr, Bltaid baala mm OARRIAUE HUM MINGS, HBai ad corna TiiiMMiSBa, ; PBlLaDELPHIi: I BKW VOhXt Fifth & Cherry Sis., 412 Broadway. Horstmann Br then & Co., ' ataoafaetorara and Importara of Military, Regalia, Church, Theatrical, Masquerade, COSTVMKU'S G0OBSU Flags - and Dannera, AOBBra FOB THB United Statei Bunting Company, ' Fifth and Cherry Sts., Philadelphia. mart 189 lalUa Election Notice! BrTlBTUB OF AUTHOBITI TEdTBO It nw, by aa Ant aattUad aa Aat to n- Bit tba joaatioa of Oon'an'i io ar ao Conramlon to lb Faoyla, and to prorMa fortka a too af Da'a- gataa." I keraby aall aa Blaotloa aa abore ra ottadto takaaUoa oa tfca Irat Tbandiy la Angaat, mi, at tna touowiog piaeaa la uw Oonaty: ' ' Firat Ward-At Kogiaa Boeaa oa Foarth 81. H eool ard Ol f Hall. Thud Ward -bonb Baal iataraaatioa of Fiftb : and PrtucoM atrtata Poartb ward Aaa Btraat Eagma Honta. Ftfta Ward North aida at Catiy batwaan dtib aaO Mootb atraata iMitaaaira btoau). - i Fadcrai Falot Towaabip Al ttiddia'a Mora. Maoaaoru " . " Waaoar'a. I H area 4 , ; ' " 1 " nnipbry,i Ono,. .rr-. - t ubaiok'a atora UapoFaar, '; " 1 ' ' " Tboa. wbUaaia'a 1 ' old piaoa. Rntaa - s Boaky Point. . Uutua . . . " BOaU Waablng- t ,:- f ton. FrMik ia - "O cvlaa bia - Hdt Wood. 4 Liuoo a " " U. hiiton - Oaawail 11 ; " Moa bof MiWa I mi ' Bbaklng Orak HoUy1 Am I rnrtbaa 1r aotioa tht at tba aad plaoaa Ibara win ba b d aa ataaiinu tor Ua oBoeratifiha d.fforcat Toanabisa rtq?irad by la. aa rbUwt - - To alttiatfa'aa. aa earn,, oaa t.-oaataoia aad MoboM isoafaiuaaaf W" ataapt la WuV anogaai towaatiia. ta wWab kra ara ta ba at M4 amu tlaiatraiaa to aad at to, aa M law via: On frooi aab Ward aad front ta. Ti..bl,. aa Itm. aad la t-aaaula ruwaaiw. la akiob lavra ara t- bo el'a1 oaa Blagt arata fortboaawa al UlafM blb i iron) taa ('WMbip Urg. I fan bar Rita aotioa tbal at tbaata tlawaad aeaa, by irtaa of a ordar taoajral int. day fms th. (apmor i f tba tt.a. ibara wbl ba aknt oa br a at abar of tba Hotu of Hapawaa twi a tor low Oouat. ta an a Taraooj oaawa by tba raaigua4oa of Uo Z Froaeb. ' t , J. w. -"JHaaOK. Jr.. aaar.a now nmm'-v;. Jaly . w NOTICE. TbXFIBVOF BBOWB k ABDEBBOB t dkanirad aa tba lath day of J ana, ITU by U daaUat WiUUaaB. Aaderaoa. aU paraoaa ba aaaad aa tba aaM Irat will plaaaa ataka lotaia di a aayajoat ta tba anrrrrlag pafaw, Tboaua W aaaadanaaraoMbaaiBgraaMMabtal tba aatd Frai ar raoatad aa araaaat thaai tot tUaM ta tba aaid aarrtTiag aartaar. fBOXAS W. BBOWB, tarrtrbig aartaar af tba lata Fira al . BaoaaB AjoaaaMi. July I Matoh Caakel 8!ata xx4 limit, w-a X OTTID TOSatX, IAUCOX. SAX, Tarbay ; Chataa aad Warawarabtra aaa. Tba ami aeyalar kraal of Taa a . . a BixTnraoTa 2jXAiia Simmon' I a,; i . I KanwaaaawMawawavawan I is " f'? . .Vvjyy'i I I7airnlatnr I t "imm DAILY JOUKNALi. OUaWt 6A4L1 K ill tTATB. S. A.Kajaj,Blo, aiiaranMI PmrlMW .t.. II d II I II I I ' ' avovsatriuaw ttaraia UAtbT. I MarjaaccUPTiOB. .:.u Ma raar. ............................... tli montha,.. .................. ......... 00 fAraa mourn.......... ; i WEEKLY JOURNAL. ' ' : BaTABLDBgO aBPntHBIB. 1844. oaa aqoara. 01 tea unaa or lea, lor aaob and wry la Spwlai Node win ba cnargea iper aqaare, roraaca OKI Tt7 laKrQUO- .iw. . atJBBC&IPTIU". Hi mnolha... ta HLLAUMUrOJU. a. 0. WEDNhSOA Y.JULYW 1871. . . , ...,.- . , -v TT For iba J aroal Oalaaaba, Caaniy raaiaivaliva loaTa- Ia rnrraaeca cf gentrat colloa a fn'l d legal ion fiom all tba loua'iipt ff Co I'lmhaaoonaty met atliie 0 i Huuro, iu WbitevilK on HKiniday th 8cn day i f Jaly, wbaa, oa so i)u, U. .VI. M iRok -n, E q . was c tiled to tba cbulr aud bimun A, Barnoa and i I. W. Puwotl,' Eq., 1 1 -q aw ted to aot M Bro arl ';V Iba Chairman addiaad Iba met tiig axplainiog tba objaota of tba Ounr.n wa iad tbe naeeaaity for amcndneiiit to it a state Ottuatttatioo. CoL W. It. Baldwin, Sheriff BicbiiJ- aoo aud W, H, S clera. E q . addraaaad tba moating at tome Itngtb with argnmenta fall of interest and inatrnotion. On motion it waa agreed to raise a Com mittee o( three from each lownabip to pro pare reeotQtiong and make a recommen dation of aomeanitable person to tepre aeot tbia ooontj aa delegate in the pro pubtd State OooTeotiou. Tbe fjllowiog gaotif men ware appointed an oh Commit .' '.;..-. i- -- Boirae Townehip B. F. Pieroa, 8. W. M.ttiiaby a d JuUu A. Kumyd Wab ho a Ot--k 1'uwn bip fj W Smilb, O. Leli Don and J bo Iw CttiJ-m. Ubtdti'Ie f-w aMp U. Sf Uure, U. fbcmptoa alid A. t f oaali. Tatoma iowua'iiu d. B. Collier, Wyna Nan. C ae Poitrr. Fair blatl lowuKbip J. u rimttb. u. 0. Williaaa n, J, E Ck-arb r-uu William itiaoatuu A. al. Ooto, John Mt-ana, K U. TodJ. Bum UM TuwaaaitWtaM lXB (rr Dr, , Jam b Utereos Henry J. iiung. Lata i'oaei-bip -U. V. Uor, U. u Jjong, A. Tuompaiiu. , . -t lhe oo.-mi tee retitai for abort time wbeu tej leturnad aud tutoagb their etimimaa, A. r.-fjwii, iuq., rrpurtvo the loilowing rfljluiidua auu lejommeu- uation:;.!.:. iBKaaa. Tha Lacialatort of North Caroliav by au .ot ra' i led oj tue Slda.nf April, 18.1, bat anbuiittad I ho xauuu l "0 ti,ealiOu" ui wowtia," - ao fraa- propio or aaid da'a, aad abaraaa. tua prvuUa i f tba prea aal OuBi niia ara t m.bj rarpao.a oiiurtir aad bnnb aaoaaa. aa4 aot w.lo taa lutna gooo gararunaut aad tnopru nl jp paella, tuarv it. 04 CU . IBM wa nausT is, ana oovpt a trua, tua dootti "that aii putiat w u aaa i ana arrirea .torn popia u gow- n BDat of ngal ortgutata trout id kvouw, i wiled epoa Ibeir will on y. and la IdaUtUlaa .).aiy ajr toa gjoj or in wuu a. t That tba people of rut f lata bar tb In baaar, aot e d ieoaiT rgut of ritiog toa uitarual go, ertial -a a .d pu 1m thereof, aiiu af aliailog aad aoo.tabiBg btr ' anHiB'la and I tfitaf aneraaiaat aa bOerit at y o nam a rr lor mair aliy a. a otpyuiwe, aat arerji a -h rigbt aoa a a n m in pnraataoe oi law aa eoeM.aat wn tbe tXaaittaUou ot tba Uat ed Mate - - fbat bt aaeklag aaaaad ear praaant Oon auMtio aaa M rrawre tbarttruai the uppreaaira ad ot Jaeilonable atarea It w var aim aud pur a-eja taa iTrj log ooaa oii a nau hi rarMUtoeaor mwaae auuaiateut wiin w vouau j. ma af taa Onred Mate. 4 Tea wa a .4 aaa ail aonoraD'a Bean to aa a .re a aoem tarn of lb peojm, oailad aotioo a4 aad appraeed br the paopio ta- aaealr, la pareaaoao of at, bUe1ug, w do. tbat it at taaaa y aMaca aharaby eeaaa ba r iard (nat hi aj.o appraaatowa, ba-d oeaad iaaonn.i lapored apoa a by tba uparaitua of oa uraMatotfMuaa Ooaaulatioa That taa ttantattoee aad raatr a i m ta tb aot of AaMtaixy, roriding fjr it pauol to ,jia aa "oouveeuou" or 5 ti treuilo, and a, their evtea aa rail a t 0aTutca aiat ba ardlr obawrad, aad taa .he rgbta t,r al aavaes aeorot r a araataadatiaiibapraeai aa a d etnotiy gavded a a deaoaeae ery ta titje at af iaoe nsb a. aad piedd eiu.a.ra la at a aMaatta 1 taa-at. 4 Taa wed a -at aa at lata aad 'ba aerpr-traan-a at enm biaear loroi aal eueve. ai.d mat wa arg apoa taa aaopia to n -i y 4 aphoidine: ib paaaafai and tawbtdiug eb.r-O-tr whioh tbey bar alwaaajiiataiaad. by a mu ff aoaaiaa ta taa uwiot the ooatry. a by a eroapt co-ovraitrB aivh tba law al k.. l unnu all oBaauara aa taa taa. f. T wa Aaro B4 will atnfe ta Bi(.Ubi a, law, order aad tb b.U.g af goJ gae- araweat. a. i"ka wa laeoatnaod tb bum of ua.pt 1 BaaaawtaaBvaoateaaabjt-d aa dla- area) tai aaaarr a tba propuead BtataOoa- Ow aaoUoael CoL W. H' Baldwin, the roeomattadatioa of tba eemonuae waa t l4v-, ad Or. E h waa anaalmoaary ..a ieuH vl tbf Qvanitieaa mm :rf f fillip iji?f? f f liliii-f lllfff :S ill lili.f mill h a c 8 - s tj sli-iJ.Lij.Jsi5 f J&llJ If f e s s ss .1 i ? 8- 3 8 3 a s f , hii 8I isTsTa s s I I t I ?j.lig' ? e g i if i Ti1r-rf i s ? f? ., 1- H 8 81 g 8 8 J and on fiirtt f r m nl in b t- it t' it Diirt-il by t ia o mmit a wera aliped a ahol?, ' j --1 - bap. EMIahclog- paH"J f.f, oaa tor waril nni tbanktog ih- OoPVi'Dtma for th bn h O'lujD'imnut vooftiirfd. a'd iia o- Mp rd ib- Buraioatioti, n 1 aitb H a I tba rriitiB'bitiiy tbat tl pea tmn errifd, ba wonia at raw eaior op m me catnpiign liitl'wd iba wbola piia 1 1 ma eouuiy A. M A H ft ant I. . tlia M.k. f ,1... tlm ' :uT prooaeoon witn a anni arantnrni point nnr iinpcmrotinDa aaii hi auw itr fur ampBdnifOta ana onf firfti-nt (Jimtitn'iou miel lb Bf)l6'at tb piaot. Btia tr leotM. won ' ao aii in w a t . v. , . - , V V i ' uuu V-l"" j '1 u,l C I. T. P. Toon dn"r a-d tfm myelin. andnrsiug and pli diaj Liut lftnd friud to anpimrt the nnmln e. ; " ' ' On tn rtion. ordrait iht thft p-oott'd- iCRk t f this rawing bo frtrniabe t tba Wilmington Journal an? lor pnMt- oation, aud that all banorx iu tba Htata inrndly to tba ou of fjonfenuon do rtquef.ttd topobHb thnani. ' ' Tbe thnnka of tba uartiug wee tucdor ed tba CbairmaB and 8eoreta.ni a, aud in th tnimt pt-frct auint of barmany the Uoovention iJjjuroed, feoli.g itaarad of R. M. MoRACK'if, 'Chairman. . ,i . " . ; y " -i lii ta , t, ; i Frt ia tka Hala th MitlMl Mgeaaaaaja Caaatjr ra.vvattaa Uai. , ray g ilae ea.tr la aaall ! : raUva aad Ueey Iatrt Ulajrl, ' , Ao, ' ,'....- - .i " Oue uri Jeooa of Ibe feeliug wiili which b Di-mi ora ot EJg.oooibe eutrr ppon tbe Coo-niiin oaiapaign waa witneatei on Saturday laat. , ; .. A general oaUj oopventioa had been called npoa thai dv bicb waa 10 pi nd d to by dalegtes from nearly arcrj towuebip . . Tbe . Convention was oraaniaed br ra liog Jet-aie O. P.iwtH, E q., to tba oijir, and tbe ai poiutmant vt Opt, Wm. Bgga as Hiorelary, ... . li.T. H. T.Clark eiplaiced tbe oli-ct ci tna UiOToniinn taa few aptMuiiaie ao di, ahuaing CO' cinaitely the g aal of o f'ty fr a me oU.bko iu the iakt da feotiVK ColsH ntioa. . . A cll of hi lowi abloa was then made aud all went f land Iu be reprentod, , Oa nioli n ol J idMa U.iwaid. Ibx Chair-' nau as ail' bo Hid to appoiut two dali- . an a in m t-aeu towusuitt t reeuoim n I oi abie candidate- tu rrpieajut tbeeunuty i iu tlia M atM (Ji ni.n 1 .n . '. Wbi'o tbe committee were absent tba'i Couvt-utim wa eddreeel br Mr. E. H htaUi.'B,"of Wilion Mr T. U.Oa. n Jr.. Dr. J. L Bellamy and O pt. Wo. '. Ou uoiiub ol Cpt. Biigo, it aard-.-'tare so.'f-d that tLr.e fruQtmoii towa bip te e'pi oii.trd to ouallebiie ntna on tua dar tl rlMJtiou, anpanutr-nd tbe u li. and aaa tbat tne vo'es are proprrlj roan e l Tba Oiimmtiieo ou a mtoa'io irp rted the fulluaitig gt-btlemrn a rui atotw ni dida e, via : O v. U. V. Curh and Wat. P. L w a, taq ..... - Bcb tbe noaiineiB were irArot,end, l)i .til r ItHi : tl till n m, nnli A kIim t.nn.in.. turn, t io uiaii g a tborougU niid aouve eaavaa cf ihevonntr. Ou muti. n of O.pt J B, Tbigi en. the foiiow.ng geutleuieu wm rq tea rd to aot aa omrautr. aud see that tua l ampsiga it ao ivtiiy o rrivd ou io every tjenai ip, via : Hon. Oro. Uowri, trad. Pbulipe, J L. B idtreis, a M. Wta-ou. T. It Oa. Jr. J. S Barl'iw, a. L. ttioron, Jr., J. L. B idgers, Jr . B U. Buun. 1 he fo IoWidb ns jiU iuns were rt Djrlod and nnat-imuusy adopted: . i , Wbereas. Xba Lea slatora r f ti e Btaa of Nrtii Caruhuu, believing that it ia the wisu of a large majority of tbe potle f add dtiife to ohaoge or amend their p ea ant Conrtitution, d d, io April 'ast, peae an aot en t fed ine "Uonveution AjI, giving tirt pw p s of aid UU a an opptrtnuity to aip oa- itmr wi h a a t a Oouveotioo, a d il etiug, as wo do, t st tbe prant (Jotsn'mtou aboiilJ be oLauged or amend ed, and o ir pnblio debt .ropvri) aiju'tid, tbat ihe good o red it of oar tifote mat be rest iffd, ni tbat we ma. be abl t g i a fair tquivaiout for our b nds aid baseaj tbe Uxrs tbut are now burJeuauma iu tbe utr-m-: tb'tt we watt a Coaatiiutiou fori North Ca ro iua imo 1 by Nonb Carol iu-) auM, and not by a a-t of alveuta erai wnoea only aim wta greed aud pUuder;! httoitU, 1st Tbat we invite all the vott-ra ol E gromhf, irreap.-a ire of pait.', to J dn na iu voting fur Ouavoutiua, that our V nkiitnii n . nuy be ebaoget or amended aa to suit the sriabea aud views of the pe pie of the Slate. , n . 21. That we aree as to tbe plan pro-po-d by ihit Lrai-aatare io eailma A O m- teotiou, BLd aili never aappoit the adop- non oi auy voueuiuuoo oi tne ota' a ta-s ak' Stte rigbt away from te people ol cal it ga Couteanon, ani oraieis ilia a teifiiind n-aj my t-I tbe Legislature s ioma con'eutt tbst it doea now. . -- i)X TYat the poi'ioU pow.r of all "U mociatio" gotemmeola . ta derired ftjim !hi tason&vf tbe gi vereed; and th -e wbu bi ed no. tba voi. a 1 1 tbe pe pI'shonld be a ale b d with a j alo ieaye aod iriitte I oot iu i laCi or oower with tba li'nr i-x f be I sopie. f Wbe bar tbe orerent 'mode of eatlina a l teniii.n be Oonatitnt0i.al or unoou- S'ituti. n .1 is a oi it n wbio'i great m ads ill 4 ffer. Bnt ae, a eorom'-n proie. have never e nudert otl as balug dle j gt d away pnr power of calling a Coo- veutttn loan, o oy of men,' bat ctaim ihe iobervot rigbt of obangiug oar Conu tuttow io a .y w.r we mew cb o. if o Jt ounflM with tbe Ooustiintivn aod Us s of tbe FJ .it44Statf-a. bta. Xbai we, tba l moorsry of Jg- ftoe,' in O nrentioa aaatmbled, do pledge or t'D i fforta to aeeare the eiK-oese of the cli for Uooveatioa in An goathext, and tbe oonaiqient ebangii'g -f eor prevent Ojrrapt and unsotteJ sta a Government. Oa aso ijo, it wsa erdraJ that tbee preedisg be pnblib-d ta tb (kiwkm vr, end that ths Wt m t gVio JoCSX aod tteietgh tMiutnH be r q teatad to oupy, , The Cotivaoiioa tbeu ad taraed. Jsoei ti. Pjwiix. CbaitmiB. Wf. Btoos 8 eteury. BuildiDg Ilateiial. 1,000 BOaSXLSXatUXB, 200 SStAXZTaUWBITXUXX, B ilA PLAaTXBFABIi, 50 EiXB IX QUASH EIZ3 TO EriT. t &Jjz3tif$,. lHf Mil A'T. M aini a A r afmt tha MttM at CBvan. r r.T. ' , ) tka fixipl. . S rrarld. far - taa BCIaaHaa mt ralaa aiaa ' ' , VHtRtAt. Tba rrttnt CnratltnHnB U. . . . . . . . - i 10 many rrupww, Dniatnootna ' and on- rmie to tba p-nA nf 'hn Mtat, and la, . Munw tt i ita amwMam ' lit J.hii i. o a mtnf r( , tnnir wania aou roonumo : an wbnraii '.. . - - ..h. .anairiul ha aaid finiMikii , t'uv r v 1 ' va i wi,ha, tfrivtV9 rain , n people; a bioaa, (be Oaourai oral Aanbly bar ing reason to belirve It at a majoritj tf lb ver of the rJtat are anilnns w amend tbe sM Conati'ntion in many pj uouiarn, oonsiarr it meir , unit to adopt mumnrea for s-OftHlnlrig tba will of tbeir m ns'ltofnts, and to pruvide tbe ranprs for cartyliiR tba' will Into rfloot whan aow talnd; thereforK," rVe'ion I. 1 Ummni Autimblv i ivot-u vurmtn aa enact, Tbat the fm riff of tbe soTv-ral eimnties of tbts Bra aan open poila at tha Tanon rrfeiantN In their MiQti' oonniifa as nnw etabiibet by iw oa tie nr t mnradaw m ngoi, a, V., 11871. wben and where all peraoor. qiahtttd to tie for memNra of iba Une- ri Aaat-mbiy .may ,ota for or saaiuat Htata Cinentiuu, nnder- the teatrioiiera berinf er ptvaoribedt those who wish Conveut ott oting a prink-d nr wrtttna tiokft, "Comim.M and those who d not wish snob 0 nentln. . voting in the sam way. "No Conttntitw, aluo. t opeu aaparata polls at the taid time and plaoaa, for the olootloo of deleatss to the (Jun- veotion to be satemblid iu tbe oity of rait-un at anon ima aa ta nrremanrr ira aoribed, aaid polls to be surerintndtd by tbe Iteglatrarof tb precluet, aod by to ladiwa or iureo'0i at each of said fdaex ol holding tba election, to be appointed ly the Oummisaionera of aaid eoantiea respectively. i H-o 'i J bat it sbail be tbe duty of aid rrciKtrara an t aud iaitztg or inaneotnrs. imminliately after thol"iioff ot ibrt poll-., to oonot tba belli ta is tba t re-eoce of such elaetora aa mar desire to ba preaaut, and make unt a oorm t aUtanient nudur their bun ts, of tbe nulla al their rueotivi plaoi of holding Srtld ltrtioii, alilob ball be etled is and rtorn d tu tbe Goiamie sis icra of thxtr re'Potiv-t eonotiiw, hj 12 oVIook nn Ma'nrday, aftrr aid day of oh o tiouj Proriitmt Tbe ooaiitifs o Cartnr-t Iarw aud-Htde sbll be aHoaed nntil Tuewlej afirr iha aloctmn m.kf tbeir e uros ; aud aait Oommia-1 n-ra, (. .r am " ' In be praaeurenf fire. mote lbe eit g B- 0' rid aney,, abalcom- said return at tbe xan ba. umi-r pitoe or nuiiiing court in tneir iw loir ooni.tit-a, and make dnplioa r "'a'ament of sid r-tu n, w irn io beluie eodio ptraou . antbot'Beii . tu aniiui in oi h, wbloh , ball be deiuw-i 'd in tbt , oflloe of tba Brgirtrr of D eds til tlin outtu tt ;nd H. for any can-, tbe Morn f.ji any pievlaet be not in by tlrer o'efot k, p m. , tt'ou aud io thti ea tbe 0. mrateeiou ria etian aM mm wttumt' eumu rua tu P,,, m ,n OD ,o, ' l"r ta the vrina Drtwiuei" f 'bat o mul, ah-l beomparad, and n he tneauiime th sbell dlterl the Hbt-riflr, T one of bis drnrr ties. UioomiKjl ihe -tiieudeuon of tb a- Imqiiuut aruiiia; offl mr W'trt Hie vofct'ol bia i re'-iu'. H'beu tb ti'muimiluci have thus rompl-t-d 'bao"rup.ii-.ou nl ihr pulls tbey abail nitM proalaiu t a at ih oonrt boae door i.f the vote o t for and against tbe Couv ntmn aal thei.auiaot the person or peraoua duly elected aa dele Oeo. 8. Tbe R. g'st t of Dffds for each oonn'y shall trii-niit by m dl, oh orbeiorr tt e iOtb day f Aaanst, A. D , 1871 to tbe offlon of the Aitoriit-j O 'Onral, i.nder h' i aod, one of the err'idfd atatem-n'a pro vded for tn tbe foregidng owtion and ball, oa Or bi-lore tbe sm da give to tbe peroa or peraone rlnl eleetad lee gata or debate e a oertitieate of or tbeir ele.ni"B; aud il fur aoy eanae tbera be i o Uegia'er of Dead in aoy eoauly, tbe Coinoiteeitmera of such ooauty wbeu Ibey droiara tbe t suit ahu appoint one for this puipo-e. . ... 8io. 4. . he Atb roey (Irneral aball en d rs i ouon the returns thna . made to bia i ffl e iba ime wbe-i the aame were re ceifd, and shall bl - tbm awy until ttv loartb Tbar-dat in Aagnst, A. D., 1871, wben i hey shall be out-ned aod eonntad by t' o AtU rney General, tbe Preaident ol too rjeuate, tba Hpt-ker of tbe Uoqm nl rhprvaeniauvva abd tne Deora ary of tar Stste. nr any two of ihrm: awl taa teaolt aball be by treu annouod ia each uu a ser aa tbry may doom butt. If a miton y of tbe votes be egsinst a Convention they nail so declare in a prooiama't -n. aod ta toat ease tha delegat. a aba l not aseambJav Bui if a mill irltt ba lot a Convention tbej sbail g dec ar , atd in that event tbe doie- aa'B aleobd at said eleotiona In tbe varioax ooantft-e hsU aeemble ia the city oi tteleigh on tba thud lour-day la Hep- teortrr, A. v., lail, fog tne) puipj. nt-r ln donrared. ' . t . , . Heo. 0. The elect ona shall be beld ia aU reai oo's in atriot couforoiity to tha ettav ng laws of th KUte nyolatikg aleounaa lor memo- or ug uenarai AmfoiDIi. and oiotdiug to ihe trovieiooa of this aot. m Hea 0 That tna in B otora ot elect' ou aseutioned la Seo'i-A lt of tbia aot. aba 1 be appointed bj roe CommU Lont ra of eoh eoanty t apeotivly, at a metiaa to b bed on tba first Monday tn June, 1871. or a anon tberealtif aa praotiuble, aud aaid Oommiseionera shall at the asms time ap point a regitrar of vo'ers for eaoh voting reoluot or townabip, wbi aa duty it aball h to reviee tbe ezldtiDg regiatra ioa booke ol bia precinct or township, in snob man- ear that said books sbail abow an aooorate bet of elector previously registered ia snob p eetnet or townabip, aad still residing therein, without requiring sarh e'er. re to ba registered anew; and aaob r gw-trer shall at all times, after haauuoiatosen1, ap to, aed on he day of rWioe afoteo.id. keep opra aaid booka, and be at tbe pass oa eetd d-y, with said booka fur tb reaia ttaMroa of aey ekaotora residing in soab praoiBes or townabip, aad en stated ee 111 ratios, whoa BSOtaa aaa rewer be fore been regiat- red to aaea aweeti r aowaebir. or do aot aroeag t revaVMtiiSt; ao eeritfloaarw of regtatrattea abeii b givvav aad ao slsrtor aball be a -i'tad to rag later or to voia ia any tber ereeiaet or township taaa tneoa in wbkib ba a aa ae aval sad eaava jut trwtdeat oa abe dsy of etecbou. Any peraoa offering so v e, aiiboogb bia nam may bo m the retratoa Ivoka, may be eaaltae4 as it tos ngt so vot j lbe day of Merit t ta Oiba q aaa bava sbail avoamdedby ibete -seoaors of the box and tbe rvgtatrax f the oraeaeet or aoerasatp. beJere tna aallol Saa l,nMifstaatMaWISrVlT deeia er ct Vrwiaa, Of new n alssel ' iomM-m 7. . i lio lnird npna tbatitiraa of tba Ba'i bt aifta'IOUt IU . ihl. n, nMahlr. avrau tn thavi InAa "id h,,,,r,:0',t iaioBf ( tbiaOeuaral Aioibijr w a;rln. Vnftuaa tiQblio ; . ... u. wwBtel Al aWtBaiJ, tie araai4Bg ooT , iif iht- (Ji ii u'iiit.:s aU f s'W i BriV to. tl b' tiff of h county n afrb ner. w ratify may I are mearr d. alter noh attire aa lb 0uiit;iia na 'dff, ouf eu ax-lla o All enob varaney under the ml and r'pn'atiooa bitr- nbtfora tcscribud lor elintrf rlali-gatfak-'" - . :. .. v. i co. 8. That raid COnaeetlort shall oon alslof U" hundred sod twenty ot a dale gala, aud fooli oonn'y shall be ,0 itled tn the same rj timber of delegate aa fnemb-a of tbe FJonse f Ripre-rntativra, ! oodir tbe prrar-et apanstionasfnt, and Iba oona ty ot Dire shall ho rntt)d loouo dele Pro. 6 Tbat aaid Convention ahull have pnwer to PI tbe pity of all Its rifflm fa slid members, and rball fnnrid for ober ! pdurea to be paid oat of iho Treasory as it my dlreot. , - ,r , 'Boo. 10. The said 0 nvoutlou 'shall bat-s Jib wer to eloot it offlo-rs, aud shall b th iidue of tbe qialifli a lone and eitouou ol it menilwrs who shall be eleqkora af the Biataof North Caro'lua. r j .-..?.).' Heo. 11. Tbt said Convention aball pave power to consider and , propoeo all ni os sary amoudmeata and alttra'inhs ' lo the G n-tttotion, rot tehi nai.tenl i wiifa tb Utm'i ution of the; Uuited Htatra, tX-e.t S is beHn ftor provided, to it : The said Oiinveuttoo shall have no tower or Bnnyity' whatever-. -1 ' " s t Int. .1 o oBer or propose any amendment to, or altrraiion of , or la an twin inter fere with, repeal or modify tbo Homestead and Peiaonaf Prop.ftt Exemptl'ina, a provided for io'Artiole 10 of Iho ObQstitn-1 tionel the 8tata.4 ww ! '.!." 24 .To modify, repeal, 00 do any other ao, to res'rict, impair or in any way icier fi-re with the right-, privlloges and (mmn eitieaof any pe floo in the fltat on ao- Ooattt af raea, oolor nr prenoos oouditlon, wuiou are now a van 1 tai to bt by tbe 13 b. liihaud 15ih amendmenla to the Coestltntlon Of the Gutted -States; or to propose any amendment to tha Oonstito Hon of tba State l.i any wiso irnpalriiia or rtatrlo'iog mud rights, privileges . or im mnniiles. , .. , ,., 8d. To modify or rfln-at that elaane In ?b pr-MWt Oon-titatton whioh pruYide for a Moheniua so t Lib irer's Lio Ltw: itb. To pas ll OnliaatiOaornrd waaaaa leaialailvain tbetr eha'au'er, exoept sucb s are mcessnry fur tbe purp mm of sno-. m't'iog tha C'lO.tituiH'n s smeoded lo ibe people for tbeif fetiOdationi or' n-Jee- loo, aad eli-ept or tioboea in relatioir to ibe pniil o d bt aud in relation tu Ihe Coo veutiou I tea f. Hue. 12. I bat aaid Convenif n nay ra ie tbe Oous'itatiib tl the State, d)ii,g in II snob alterations and amend tuente aa may b aareed nooB.. but luoon letett with the provieloiia of tbie art; but no. nob reviaed ' uousun foa "aiatl b.te tiy lore or validity until tbe sam ban have been rdiSetl by s mjritjr of tue quaim-d vo era of 'b- Ktaie, to whom me shall be a tbmit ed aii-or ling tti ih uiilr t be' pre-o-1 bed bi tits ordlnauot f aaid U HiVeut'OU. ' . '- V "eo. 13 Tuai bo delt gtte toaid Con- ventio audi be p rmut.d to 'aka bite u sa d Ooute' t on autll be ,ba.l bav t. ke aud aobaanbrNl tba 'olU Wiusi oath or rttrm lou ti.f re any Jul. of . h'j 81 firUMi or Mil( erlor O nirte, or Bu t o 0' thepeaweof . keouiin , 'o alt t 1 4. B., do aolem n't sweat lo IHioj, aa the 'i-ae may be) that I will raitbitiiy main a-iu sn l aupnott tbe Cm e il itioo ol to. Culled bUte, and arid aov eit.ier dtreo'lj it iodirertfy era lo of dUregaid the d'llie- tft joiuei), or limi's flsrd 10 ibis O uveu- lou by .the pe- pie ol N rtb Uto inat a el 1'iitii in ib ot a t t nmai Am bl, paiwiod ta 1871, euutied Aa actio ub init the qne too Of . Cu&ventiju or No io iveutlou to tb people,' aud to t mvide for tbe eleotton ol. D- legatee, eh.cb set waaratiflbd by tna ptoule 1 Ho belo mt f 0.1. 14 That any R-eiatrar or Judae. or JtMigea of eh lou, appiiiutrnl onder tne ptoviorrue ol thi aot, or a 1 Coon'y Coin mi winner, ol ttegutrror D wie, or ebeiifl, ai iua or ara eoUos lo ait tb returu- st.d perform 'b dauee q'llrd .f bia. hy tbia at t, sbail be deemed guiliyof e misdeuesn ir, and ou oouviotiou hdl b Used nut iwea tbaa five hundred nur m'jre tbau ooe thonsaod d dlara, or tmpri- a d 1 aot more than ax nor taaa tbaa tww m nth , 1 at tba di-oralion of ibe eooii, oeo 15 Au perron who aball kuowlna ly aud frandutently regi-tar or vole or lo ioo anoib' r (o do eo ooutrary to tba 1 ro- viaiona of tats , aball be deemed guilt 'I a misdemeanor, and on oouvo ton hi be HDprisuned aot bsa ih.n six nor mor tbau twelvw moa tba, or Hoed not lews tbat. ot beadred nor more than ire bondreo doltara ; aud any registrar of voters wn- l.at asak or oaoae to soft- r to ba made, aoy eu'ry aitb luteal to oommil liaud .ball be -ubjeot to uiLetmeai aud liable lo tue aeme peuaJty. &-o 16 Tbai -the Joint Committee O" Pi m tii g 'hall immediately bae priut-d too 0 pies of ibi- act for aaob Senator and Membw-r of tbe Hon of Itopreaaolaivea, nd eball have printed and transmitted bj mail one band red oupies to tbe Bjid ol 0 umiesiotiera for eaob ooauty, whom dqty U shall be to f uroisb on oopy t eavb Begletrar in th-ir teepeotiv nu- nsa, and one ropy to tbe insi-tors o' ebarttoa at eaob preo not btfor tb day v Mention. . Bo. 17. This aot hll be ia form from and alter it rattnoeiloa, and aball owerat as an ebtir aa(-bii.n ol tb set eatlflerr ibe 8i,b day of February, -. 1871, entitled " An aot oonoerninc a Cavwuaioa of tbe Peoplfc" ji-,., j. . BBlelftH atUsBal BtBk ef . C, Baxuea lUreb a, 1871. fPHI- BiNE, (cnoer a r olati B ol tb Btook- A BoMere and aa'Barttf from the Ooaptrolk-t ol tee CarraMl haa see a ooba as thvai Baokl' Hooeo ia tba el tor eabaarlutloua 1 iba looraaae ef iba eioak to half a ailiioa dol lara, balug .be Aaibortsad Oapital ' ' U DBWT. Osatiler. mars,. K , itssa-ea THE GREAT SCUTnZEK Zaperivs af Salsors, ttHtl aril. JtK'PiSI. t. Deata-ned and Iirm"'' 'T "t-eV Ta. IJ TiirrFRt-VrsTrLti oIMllXLtO -fASUL B br man to ir i.Mie.. eaa, ay TufJl- wt,eBT , WW.BaJto.St. kHiT-Boa-, Ma. JHeHiiarxrw . fW Say frtmk and aews. t -."-.. anrill Oar eTobbing" Depaxtaedt Bas raanaty ba sea trp aad ax jtatartau, re t il a ioS Baa oar rkaaa an proBe. ad a maAa Is a raJaao 44 1 1 " i -rT '1 if 1 ia niiBaal sf bsaa Wafi- ard oe eaiaaa ready I uiarr ..at Laue i i. rrji-.i. os it"" IV-41J ss avgs foaiaraj m 1 an t3ti IVf dry's FchooL ii.-:- i'f--. It Ifch. , B), Vift : - ,.' . ' "taa ta Ttttisi atxi-Ow.'O I.. fi.ltor, ST. '! B HT until), D. liefltur. ' Far KM! PTTrtwfl K, A. W. ' 7b" af-nlath of tbia -ohiol rm, s Jn' ! a. tBJi. at d a atfra tf Werte. ' For a alrcnlar, e.iuutblni tali par teolara, f pi tn tt rtnr, ' ' ' ; H. J, SAiERS. bin DEALER It RKAL ESTITF, . Vataaavuv. r. ; -Bays asd sell im iri'Ved aad Mmpens4 lands vi anywiie els tha t al-sd Waiae " . - rpilH B-HB4H tuefiia'Tiuv aroam. I rr ki n- ftop. d efc. t'tere. eaivert. 1 war 'oan'.it'S Bin en ui nine; warrweai harder. nrr 'nr be. and IQi) per eank ebeauar ihaa aterl vn. Fee BOfpl of aa-i.e af r'rht nf manafa unre, tor aaantles aretntea. M'Plr totlHM W D. 'lift, ecoretary, ai. T. a.r ht H a ' a 1 gSM Bmadwa. H V rortrtiti t i.t aTiKM1 : t(i 4 F ar Wl'srs a 1 Isae paid to taa Ineal TD stropa ta-ssrt b ibe'oatlHlara was ui.awr, tiaaptine 'b Bw 'neaa at M ra ' ebi' ai a sent b r imikakijo., 63 Naaa Ktrt r-aw Totk iy '.'-. sen um mbnim m la lbs s aiole! nl bst Btafs It alii salt voa, -aud f' Oiroa a at.d Priwaa I atOUUglALD'at Iua Worka. ataaia, Ororgla.. , , ." . M 12AOO Atll'O : GABGLING OIL it o: sjooo roa 1 r "J Burns aad BotUU, anoiaiBS 1 ' I ra HJ and BrutA. Um mtoxli Sf PSs ' taaed b ens's, ' . ' 1 it via. Jfoaaa, t MltaA v"V. iraA H oewoa. , 1 er- a rrrttrmS. ' i, , .. o, u ."to d O aefef , : 1 .rMyAaO,. BaaatWlls '4uUt ,f aU K wU. , li-Blril vl ' f faces Bf B ' - ra ! t.Ara.i JViM rfgtoaj. 0(1 of Aatnwib A Insre s, kot fuuPey luvutown an . a M. mm a mm mj . ejo arga aia It Mdtaaa, SO Saaall, BA Tha OsewHea Oil Sa bees oaa as a ta ui f -r ibirt t-eta uyear all w ah Is ITtr Itiat, bat ba aare aad ra low dl'Satwas. t'B 10 i .aaan-etr. arsss'S er n.r i !' I medio! .ea. for oa Of wf Am.Be -id TtftaxtesiB, aai read what the psif fc -7 a -at hi vuf ..1 ... i,. .-.i.w.i.- 1 be Oamlion Ud Is for s'S r- all tneet. i" rt.ia ttimagaoal tha fjnttad Bta:s ae "AST OOHtWVB ( fP .-! .nr IrsilmoMlotS ds from IM It th era a, ami a Molied Dm the Oaegtsaj, ti, at a tan fear tMMnejr waat geeu at aa t wa deal Mr sad liberal with all. ard er -tr.dluilua HHi-aa Alnwiasser Cavl tlAtHfaC Bred Bt I f CkBBtl, If. f MERCHANT'S ' I OARQLINQ Oil. CCSPillY, , j Mt Hnnaa, aF - Dh. wuBtrwitwroa'a ajfi.t weiot viaa. rit-aivat aae for t m Ag . a .t ' far tMmfy Ii.afwl .'.'.w vt ' Mbiutut uitd u.1 nn ijf the eueotry m.a, u. tfoore S i P'OI. a rau dwd IU aat ia la 0. M aria,. We are 00W r hi" i .1 tbia a uiedtelaa, pr.nmri at 1 h ief noun aud 1. off. It to the pab M la lotar v a paesae. a I vud .tins. A.l dr'i' d gmtimmt daaUra .'a v it. neod -ni 1 t-reoMl.i,.t.a oai ataara Ut A". HII . -' ita-'iaj ira. - -' ,,v3. ii ui 1 i 11 tt ' .lOrti iXkui ... uliu U tria, . Lihle or Faae near i.tr i'. for i.Basaa ' taaaori-dior baa-u.tU aud .llaaas, i.avaJe.' hay, Delaware, Ublo. $180. cotu roni ' $isy,ul Of lABA'B Pi. BiT WIAVT ryw r.Ut taa. Pawm.d Nov ti, las. Baatd-A F r.t tr alea a aiolwiput. A,dui-I aa at.d . r-saaaul' rare,lsft, eaetle a hosh-iee wo ps h ar. Uoeea-i . Wtaaoalf s. hi'l 1 au o o.ad l pa bug eora A7ave Miwad la rscy reaare -va asake M tu till m d- uum d. euaot ta tha trade, a.mes , ! u t xproM tl AO. ret d for Cbaaiar ad fit- at, Jit a HlJiav Waaa'BMarar'a iptl for hor h Oateilaa, aawlga.. - , . f p y Appl rarer Oarae aa Mtea. Il at, 9 0 all atuBoa Warrant deataifaetory,' 1 r. t t. U. WalfTBaUfc. Vtwoaaiar, Uaaa. v.. 17TEH1 LtOl wbo. dealraa a FUif-cLAej; kit AwlNO at UiNB ilea abwh ther la au Mipe lor, F tKB, addraa, .aetOMfg taH r retara uustaaa .vaar s o. a'sajerwt Mfwi, Motymumm, A gonial Head Thl3 1 - 1 tafa. wiLi. rty sesirt 4ii.tay V urtl'rsB Waiaaad BsBwaaa. t ' h w ua a 1 -r. s wubiwIm to sab ear m muI : eoadotai la a 1 ia. A tdrees at. A iti k OU , aaraball. awhw - .-" 1 1 1 1 1 11 WONfU Botva aad Carriage tat aapsans vatov n.uawv- v uiea. a. A MILLION OOLLAP.?. A hi r, d bat oaiat aaa oaa ka irtaaa br sv.am g ih aeeret oi ibe hu. ae ao ao. .' aaa.M - a srsausvH.. ,i . aaa Brer tars., - f 1 TBO0B Ot TEA iajaltatt OF FBOBT , lX ani atreata, at pe ai aooapiad by o. i O . lbeha jdbm twa Lata. 1 wi I aata 1 t ght itN d arjlare eaK7 " .a TLooa.dua IUB. -Tbra. ihr-aat'd eaafcs.. tba bvaaee aeattateo twoayBeB'a vt foor raar. I win aed alik ante a Baoae aam.eie( lb -ad tuing for aaparas lot Tww Tseoaaaa LoU , ar, e( 1 will sate eee iaeaa ror , bota payBaaia aaatta as ahueav taartH -at MM'iaa a lna m MM3 aa sale i md. , . r fan Dot aaJ"a'at ape-y w-. r mj m ear rta, nr teJ. B. 1 I rrsaaiB, as hn eruw - Jo J tn i-r AtaieEi f Arulra frliU tur. TaBO-rtF.I TITd BiJIiDI ft .ha SBiBaje t a uaweiiH ia eo a br UvtaM aad iAaggska. - h. I'taaa a n.T.ill kir s t , B T. Jaaess) . iSt-t A SLIT ulILZlZLlT. fJcBTIXA t 'i "".Tti. i - .1 ; ttTinvrrjz'XmSJ9 t I i . J : . i - . - i- i ctyf) 1 .ii La- 5