VOL. XX-NO. 267. WILMINGTON, N. G, WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 0 1871. WHOLE NUMBER 5X1 2. UTES IECFLATOR. ,,Wiiniu;ieBertB Cwolln 4 .,, ..V - ( ' ;i. i 1 ' Lll'li IVil RIMIl COJIPM. I 5 , II 1111 ' ...""I ii uuuaoa s i . orricBRti JOHN W. ATKIS30S.... ...... JOHN DAWRON.... AD. WALLACE.;...,.....'..., ,B. A. ANDBBSON.. Pr.sld.nt. ....Yloe-Preeldent. ........ Baretry .Medioal Du-eoior, , . ... SPBCIAb fKATVAC. M" H s -rssf rtoious; en travel or residence, , ear Sew tapdeofisonlMy payments of prsml. am. .A.VJWiuu. ..V..UV it jM" So extern .hue. upon th Utm' .1 Fe male. ""' ."' jBr.Polieie Jnoootestibl. v "mM-' '.wr"; v?t's' 194-lyoh INSURANCEROOMS! J. BE CNDBBSIONED ' OFFSE3 TO THE Oitisn ot Wilmington Jodamulty against Fir. ana Barm. loaeea oy inaorano opoo ravoreoi term, to toe fol owing leading vompaniee : BECUBITI INSURANCE COMPANY , . . ' . - r. "f New. York, OOUTISESTAI. iKfcCBANOE flDJUPAN V ,,',n - '. ' - , i f ." - of Row fork. KPBTH ABEBICAN f. 1 COMPAUT -. ..' f ofKxwYork, HUIIU ABUUUUAN . 8. UUJirABI ., of Hartford, ANDES ISBtTRAKOE COMPANY ' - of Oineinneti, f IBBMAjl'o 0D LNoUAjW (XMHrAMX . . Hcrai liiarjBANOBoburAOT m' ot Riohmond Cpoa deelrable rieke w oarry fall linee. with ret, m low m tho of ' say reliable and pro Appit to .,.,,,.. JOHN WILDKB ATKINSON, O. isrel fir. and Marin Inanrenoe liwt, forth Vnt etmet may U- V" Tfy i J if - -Th - II I ' IB I II TJTir I " 1 . . I ' - -J1 :, ADVilTAOU OrVGBEO BTTIII NORTd WESTERN 5 MUTUAL . TO IT? MI10JEDS AND TH08B ISfltTBINO Low r.te. of Mortality nd. Hiirh BMrr. Fond. 1 ; Aboar ob. ad on. iwlf niillirq. of d iUtor. f it on"., fand. rM' luui.rl daring Ui. y.r 1H70 opoo ODeooimbered rel uttto iMarity: worta from two tnrM time. Um i3oant V.oed tn.raon, t ten per cent. lQtoreit p.ykDie tana i .onniilT. It boldt rM.rr on til polloie. ' of focf p oent TbU i. tfa. blghent ceoarity toown t Amxriean eiperienoe nd ii ncommmdea 1 in. dom iiiiuiwoo aiDonue.. - " Anoti, Jknn.ry 1871... . . .. : . ... . .9,C0O,O60 ' . . . J. H. TAB 'I YKE. Pruldebf. '. , .. ;; -."HKBKKHMIT l Vio. Prcldsnb . A. PAfllS. Kill llwDt. Hllaiah, N fl ' B. T AONIW. Aneot, PrlD 'ret. W tween Front aid Water street, Uupby's BniidV iuk. "nmuiRiiiB, n ii, ..j ay ooTMeis anted. CA , ; ' - : Jnne J7 . ;. ., '. JSt-Sinoli NORTH CAROLINA HOME IK8VBAKC1 k mm IK8VBAKCE MPASt; it, ;;::,; DSBTYib'BTFtVB'il BEOUBITT AGAINST tX)S3 BY FIRE ' fTIHIR OOMPANV PAI- ITd L088E3 fiiili . JL and etrooiauM lui earuinKS at bom. . , , It tu Jwi paid iU lowas by the eooUagratirvA I ueaoarson, rauy auo prompuy,r , , . i : It. rata ar. as moierL a. safety UI JuttfjjL B. B. BATTLfc, J.. . . . t . tt . v. Pwdeni 1 BtATON OALE ....... ,.aMi.rjl w. a. Uttuoo.....i....Asrtat ttaoraaar, J. W. ATKIKaOJJ... i.Aml s iiei SO'!. I 31,000. - LIFE WSfPAflj COMPAST. p Tb. symptoraa of LIt oomplaint art oqsmI- iea and pain la U. id.. BomaUma the uain ts in tb. sboolder, and is mil taken forrha- maUsm. Ta.aioaiaeh affaetad with toes of an auu aiuaiHisa, Dowels in Reneral eoittre, som.UBw alteriac with lax. Tb bead is troa- Diea ltn pain and doll, bearr eenaaUon. eon Mrbi f momory, aooompanied with painral awnsatioa of Ba irk left andon. soma 'bloc wbiob ubt to hav. ba don. Oftaa HimtuainiD. of weak- is.., debility and low pint. Homeume. na ly of tb. aboT. sjmp- tuiua aiwud tbe diavane. and at other times very few of them: bat tb. Urar is a-enerallr tb. orsan moat tnyomc vara ue urer wlta , . . db. SIMMON'S ; - - Liver Ilcgulator. A preparation of root, and bar be, warranted to be atriotly vegetable, and oaa do no Injury to anyone. it has be.it um oy haadreda. and known fw tb. laat 40 veera a. one of the swat reliable, cm oaotoas and baraloaa preparations everofferad to tfc. offeriD. It take, rasnlarlr and oaraiat- enuv; ir n anre ro ear. DrsoeDeia. headeoha. Jioodoe, eoativeneaa, net MMaene, ObrotiM iliarrhcsa. afrouon of tb. uiaoner. oaoia araante- rji aseotlons or tbe kid' kieys. faver, nerTooa- new, ebills, dbeaeea of he skin, iaapui it ar id. biuud, ueiancnoiy or deareeafam of spirits, heart born, oodo or paina la tb. bowels, pain m th. bead, fa tor and ago., dropsy, boils, paia In th back, Ao. 4 i rrepand only by . ' For sal. only by J AS. W. LIPPI ir BOO., Wil- mlDctoa, H. d , ro 10 J.' ll(-l;sh ' AIL STTLK8 ,9V JAB WOBK VtlUTtV ABDlXMSDmOTJBty 1 X . BXECUl'ID AT TUB . 40UHKAI OFFIUB. AND COMPLETfX itock or q aooiaiea, liquobs. wihm, Jeai and Bejar,-Iinp5rtd and Domejtio for lTeiylowat :.l -A DAILY JOURNAL. OLD BST DAiI.1 XM tHl BTATB. 4, J,ot3t.HHDKM.rasiPrrlor. ADVEnriaiHo hatkb cail.t iflfifffff i lifll s e v.i. j-: iti 9.A3.M J I ? f Sslfsl 85 SB84s. JUtZ "I 8 8 S jp J SJS i llm a k a b s : rsill f 8 ? 8 8 8 8 8 ? "tlri fl SBaeCoa,,. llIP ! S- J-8 J? 8.8 f'llf! ii.ni 8 8 ? flPf 8I I 8 8IX STS e. z i Jill J p 8 S .8. US. JL JL Jl 1 Sa 8 g 81 S8 8 8 S & rl 8(5 218 s 'e a i a 8 8 8' 8 S 8 8 S If ! . j 8 Slg'g s 8 ' Jf 1 ;g Si Si 8 8 8 8 I Bad of th. Ka.Klax Trtala-Tb rrlaeaw are Dlaobvarged ar Use (lalltd Btaie snteeloaer tat I be W Haass ArroaMd .' for Perjary-r '. MBurnm, Tins., Aog. 0. TLa Ku Klax trial before tbe United Statoe Oommiasiooer, ia wbiob four mon were rraioed for tho marJor of s into nsuied Qarrett, wbo was tuken from tbe jail in Bsnlsbory. Tenucssee, left Juoe, UtrmiDatru last eveniDff In too UIobarir. of tbe prisonerc. lite Comoiiasluneri btioff ratioflcd tbil tbe proieoatioo on tbe uart of tbe triucipal wituesaee waa nialioious and tbeir tMiinioay uotrua. Two ot tbe witneDca were nries'.od fur Dcrjurt and oommitua io j a A. Oorums ELECTJON TlBLE. Uovaanum: a mi. IWM. uitt.ToT(BTFaaaiDaiiT,aTTMiOiMToiVBTtoif, CAitirunni nouAicn. Btatry ef at Mast " Waat al III Dawghtor, t lar sUBacBUaTiua. On year loco 3lx month.. .., ..... .m..... .,.. .. S OS rkree moouia. toe WEEKLY JOURNAL. ' STABUSBTXD BXFrKUBXB, 1844, Hera in Now Ydtk. war back when tbe gold fever ft rat Btartud io Californ), there lived a yoQBB meobanld who, KeitiDB mar ried ia a tort of a way. toond himself at tbe age of n neteoo tbe father of a baby kud proprietur of quite a family 'of his wife's relation. Ni t liking th situation be threw op hi trade eni roahed to the g 'Id fleldt in one of tbe 'rotvo.ties rse!s that daily saikd ft r tbe Eldorado. Arrived there ue tbongbt of bis wife and felt bad, or oabv and frit ujdder. or bis motbrr in law and felt baddest. on be widely ooc eluded to lay low and aee bow the old tbioff worked, the old thins beiojr It mother-in-law. Yeura and yeaia pat by. i he trnant beoime a merchant, and finally a banker of th Paciflo elope no donbt forgot all about the wife and lady, at all events he stayed thero and made nn slert. lbs young wife thought of the Chugre r.ver and tbe fsnnma tone, and put a look of bia bair atnonff the obituary psgfs of the family Bible. Hhe was pojr, and when a well-to do neighbor offer ad o adopt a tittle Emma, shr allowed the matter to be oarried out, and Emm 8. bessme Emma B. She mas bronchi no to bt-lieveMrs. .u. ...........,..,..:) t eta eoantyi,. .1.,,. .. ,,.. 82) on. Square, ol ten lines or less, nr each and erery la iertloa.ll. tpeviai Notio win b. charged i per square, foreaci a a distant relation, snd fioellr tbe family MileTorylnaertloa. -j.i. .i... uLa n.. t.J nasi pruutu caiu IIVUU UIVTVU (V All UUJi VBBCRIPTkOn Jne rtar....... ...... Slimombja. .fa o . x oa aad ' " very - littla' interoonne paased between ' the natnul mother and dangbtef.! Mrs. fl. neror married again, bat opened a small rbilHnery ahop and prrnpered id her native town, Emma be came .a aooomplisbed and pretty girl, Alamano,,, .., Al.xandsr. . , AUea-htav . Aoeoa ... , Atbe... ., Deaafrrt... ... . Berli..,,.,,.., Bladeu ........ Hrnnawiek...... Bnnoimbe. . , , , Burke..., Oabarros... .... PaldwaU...v. Oamdea Oarteret.. OasweU Oatawb Chatham., heroke. ..... Ubowao... .. Olay.... Olev.lstd... Ooluiuboa... . freo Cnmberland unrritook Oar, (new lat daon, Davie ... DecllB...... fdaeooBab Koran ha . . . Frsukliu... . , 0aton... ,., Oatae....... aranvliw...', Ureea.. Onllford HaU-i . Ml US M ............ .... Haywood .w . t i : . Henderson. . . . j. Pertford. ,,,,it ,(.... nsua freitell... ' . . lokoti...7.. Jeans ion , ,. . V.-Mt Renoir. . . . . Inooln ....... etaeoo. ; . . Madison.,..,. Martin..... UoDowell... Mmkleobnrg. Mitchell... .", Moatxomsrv.. Moore. ....... NEW ADFESTIcr IAM4MB It sJt . In.:: t - ; ' J-fy 80 GEO. MYERS', 11 and It Sooth Front Street. FOR CLAW It j UffDBR POLICY NO. ' BeoeiTeil ef tb. ilmtnaton Morth Oarnllna t Life lo.draooa Comuaar Oil THOVMIB 1 OUA,t.ta ta fo'l f r all alaim oadaw Polar M 11, now tarmioatad by th. daath of fl.ua-y 0. Ireland (Bivned) viaoixu A. Iaxxama, Bew T wk, Bay ?3th. 1871. jHilJi tyt r-.. n -.. Ik 4 11 - K'i. imt i'jn f- t'.'i V. .an U 1 A ' ;i Art -I J STUDYELL BROTHERS. if- -.a , a f , ! BOOTS; ; SHOES. pi t-'ii"-T i 1 1 - ; Kb. 17 Mojtaj Street; '!.. MOOSB, Balaaaaa. f . BBW XOKK, if . it M ' 1 . . ? ; , pcaiccrn ATaac.ABPfxnALITt: -"'taMl .'" ' !""' ' BUtsial la ' . . . FUEinruiiE AT COST - Vpor eiSB, .1 l-.J.l " J.0 ATOID BBVOTI&O MY IBUBBBB Btdok v, af rvniitare, I bav. ateiteatfaeA to tdfaf e , mam, tar the alt aksty days, ooaaiesKtnc Meo 1 -Bay.lTtB toatank, akOOnts 0A8B lt. TVa airy- amraMMai B - f,w. -"ABntXT FTTBNrrrjBB, CBAIBS, do. irnwi .WW aappi aawsaaain) V J,- :N --: . c.a. -.. rTOortaitoa H, t- SKkfrfEtEt ttt-QufTeAThaivaT i ,. - . .i i- -- 7 rh T.a4TtiB csaiif. C I, a I .t. Vyy ;i.,FBOtf !! ti , -r- v - ? ov-4ii j iruri-DcbB Vo tb Ut fea of Ik ' Baoda saal proiA and galde i.J . 'f O 4 ' I L-c' ijix terwofUMaaada, lwraia-ln mmimi ' waah awrowB Drraoai ahoat. T1.T..1- V Oarrlarva ar prta 1 AeUjoar aada- . far a-eUar. aaarf BO ViUiaa Btnat, Raw Tort. uta-lai EMPIRE., U'i TsiTXBTBZST AXO CEXATKST TIvOTB ta UU ety. ' ' . ' f ' - oxa BTisa. . e S f " FBESI1 ABBIFAL8 TO-DAT; J. FEW X.BQS OF THAT KI0ELLB5T i,nroJMaJ Barter. ee well known, and tb ehok of am. TrTT-rr? PIB fiAkti-As nioe lot as aver brought to mar-.-' ' ; . R. 0, DAOOX-Hami, Bldea, an! bhonldera, a pretty a yon aver looked at. t F1XJUB-Another installment of "Kshlor's teat, the eholoeat In Market a trial of it will atlafj yon of the sams. . Tooratteotioa 1 reaper. fall? oalled 14 Ike above, and jonr ordtr lioited. ..riv . , dAft' L METT3, UMlB . , . . 261- atlao wnioniES. i I i jr' : ' ' "TsiB aarivallad 4f J; BBB f.-sBaBBBJIBBw popularity attain ed b th a. fins ! Whiekjealtdoeto their PXbFBOT PDB1TI. DHL FOBal QUALITY. MBDIOINAt tifliBAUlII, and at b Mm , time to their IX- (JELLENOki A8 A AKMBBAb BIT IHAHt l Thev an naraBkeed free from all DKXJCTXB1 ODH tiCBXTANUEB, bavior Invariably stood to. ihnak Aax,x riuax, Tjurxo. Hoaaiallr raoemasended for all porno for wfaiobDmr. ami k rblr improrad Whi.ki sr aed, aad Sold by a'l FIRbT-OLABB GBOOfcBfl, DBUUaiBTa aca vaawn R.neraiir. i TO THE TRADE. Bead for ear "AUae Prlea Ut" and be Diets ed to meaaw taaa, ewtog . . AlllJUjlUUllLljinS. Ta havw eoaatantlv aat hand a v-rv lar and op Hot aaaottaeat efFCBB Hi WRB4T, BuOBBOB aad MALT WBIVIUML oiff rant M, in which, a well a In oar rf ular At aa Whiakiea. w. offer rraat indneeaMnt. Also oa hand, a lt aad weU-aaserW k ef the beat kaewBBakaaer, B wflllKllI, Of frees 111 year, eld, whieh were dMtlksd t. oar ewa order, and gaaraataed to be ta. baa of utetf nn aa. y V., lUSAlf t f O.a SBtMth' tsaF Btvawt, aatleawaw, Bfat. lalyts , , ttkaodtmoh . k SEAT AID SUITABLE HAT. rJcBTUA -' . MCB ASSORTMBST smf ' JHOS. H. WRIOBT, B.8 BorthFroat n . i5 IE GEEAT SODTnEEll fmilsi uU, pupw, ir. totrne'1 a o -f Fiijra-t tiy fwt! art 'at. sa iMija.ujiT fTTLUerUiniAuu PAFAA. I to bt andr STglOt A WBH.MT, Bant by mall Wl w. Balto. St- BiLnanii.)la JiMflmm mmm tm nt ev jriot JM am waaliiaaiwr . -. tt-. ,- ' a -. f! aprfll t : LMTIB8TILO. ' . OtBTTnfiATB BF BiroaiT Be, 178, at jaasea PawaoB'e Bask, to tA. dated JsT iltb. lt7, aad payabee t. Aoka T. Ptati. aU iraa are aaceey aarrwaraad ma araamg BH uBtt apayaaatha kvea aaovawd. '1 - JCiBT.FliTT. fatyBt: . AAti P1TIT-T9 ffrtLK ITJTITITE, hilkli BiLTIAiOLJi IAD. rrmiS Ih8TITriB au hi ta eo-rUn tar X- uy ye. aad a)oTa a aararial rota ws. oa ' aaa Baaear f rapua bawl ar Btaa.! aaa rratettra. freaa tw tawta of ta a laiaa, wr 'r..r !) aad sVtkwa I laaaiwa a r enaaavy baaMbPai, a B al, iwtM ay r.ira rraea )t aai.iC(Ua " lor Cv iraa AVa a. K. U. A K v - , . . i -1 l. -v p. o r.i. WlLMINtiTOJU. A C. WEDNESDA F, AUGUST 0, 1871. Her ndopiod motbfr dird, and, strange to I SZh?"Xenr-'- v r sty, tbe heart or the vidower, Mr. B., ,'oieiow..,.7,.',v,?. From the Boston Trsv!r. -AaaUaer Story Abant BsuUetv a Caol. Headed Haa Eicapad Death, A story i going tho rounds of tte news paper to tbe efleot that a swarm of bee lately lit upon a boy ia Missouri, and that the father of the boy got him off with bat one sting (given by a bee that the child bi to keep it ont of his month), by tellirg him to ttsnd perfectly still, ami lUen muoviog his bat, which waa csvered with bee and plaoing it on a batb, to which tbo other bees immediately swarmed. This is pro nonnoed " gammon " by some ignoramua e, but to every person who knows any thing of bees i will be the most probable thing ia tbe world. Bees are not cflVmive creatures, and million of tbtui might settle up an the naked person of the Ken tucky giant, and he not be etntig even onoe, were be to keop perfectly quiet bnt were be to move, or endeavor to re move them, the bees would immediately assume the cOenuYe defensive mode ol aaakinsr war :hat is, tbey would de fend themselves by offend mg him and crobablv atiner tim to death in a few minates. Many, many years ago, we lived hard by 'Bqaire 8., in tbe town of Blank. Blank B-ata, wbo kept a dozen hives of bees wa hadn't sot learned noagh then to have apian as all of which stood on long ahelvts nuder a monstrons plane tree that waa in the yard in front of tbe Equire' house: snd we never think of Plato and thyme, and Hymettns and the drowsy bam of bees, without bsiog re minded of those dear honey-makera of the long, long ego for the window at whith we Bat at school looked right on: upon the hires, and there was always a delicious murmur going on among them tbat was a sweet as th nemorum murmur of the neighboring woods. Well, ono tot day in summer the old feature was stand ing before bis hire, bare-healed and bald-headed, like Elisha the Prophet b it with bees, not boye, or bear, near btm and with nothing on b:m pot his sbiit and hoeaand trousers, when the inhabitant of on of the hives suddenly s armed, and Hi apoa the venerable mra pate, which tbey covered in layers two or three inohe deep, making hi nesipieoe tbe mts eomioal piece of humanity we ever g.s d upon, bo that we never think ui it wiihoat laughing, tboogh the worm ate it some forty years tinoc, creeping in and creeping out, as their manner ia, aad aa tbey will witn yours, sir, clever as you think, it U and with yours, roadame. handsome as it is.' We sappbsa the bees mistook the "Squire's face or a nigantit fall-blown rose of a new pattern, which required to be looked into immediately, tor it wee of etnoet beaotifqk new rum color, wbiob tbe Vtqoire heightened with twelve daily iippHeavtionsof internal paint. srooer tor rawer a common 1 oractioe enosgw ia those afcteand aoti-) torn pur- aacs time, when mm was mm and punob was periecr. rn -Dqoire vrsa thorongbl ao to the dols-ee of the aoa., and so he stood still, as stiff ae an iron ramrod that bad stood the inspection of the Great r jedenck:. . dost men Mrs, o - came to th door of tbe loose, aad rceios herkBsband ia aaeha plight, gave the aseal feesiat ae aoreaoh ia . .ai h cav Bais aad provided,' and- lh.B eid to him, Beep where yju are. while I (9 and get the broom to brasa 'os ." "I d deed if Ida ." thoacht the 8qnire." Be thee msBaged to grope us way to lare too whtcn ne bad Jo-t previously filled with water from a neigh boring brosk for rinsing purposes, and which Stood oaa high botv Into this water he dipped his head to ely till tl was entirely immersed.ltnd held it tteir, hold ing bis breath at tbeetae time, till ever bee was made suifloiently stlngleM tj hare satis&ed Mr. Eagsna Wreybam himself. The water swrnnned with be, and ths old HButhsnir r warmed dftaq the hoetB with the only white loe be ntd worn lor almost half eaeeiury, and whioh -li never re reated till be lay ta his ooffln. It, reader, ree rWr bm& be Btartoetl trreiri do as Uk&yhh4iadal pteajAkvaaxeilleBCM of the water eetwi( yoa eonta conmve to Lsr the water toed, so aooh tbe better fer Ttu sni so m-b tb worse for tbe Oranta f aaqmtank. Perqaitaana. rsraon.. ... j ... . pin ...... A... Pik ...i. ...... Bindolpb Btobmond . , Kobeeon.. . . .... Itookinahkm... Howaa.. .,, Jto 'bar ford. oampeoo, taoly... Bloke... , TheYirinia detiUk'4 axe snadiog and ahowuf toe tseu. t r Esisi ieinl feel "ireLbi" om tbe heart of the vidower. fesned rery "rntich toward tbo stilt tie looking Mrs. F. ITnkoewn to any one, he wai this summer pf(cutiOd his ootirtshlD in that diteotiou. Re cent Emms,' with a dray load of tronks,' to 1 Saratoga, to re main tbe season, nndr theohspcronsg of friend's family. ; - Emms beosmea bello directly. 'and word wm sent to her adopted father of the over tures made bj tt Oolonol S ,' a. Sau Fran- clsoo bni.ker. Tho Dims was Hie sams as tbe ei low's but ft was a Common as ciii(ib.',sqj Mr. B. tbouKht nothinir of i Bnrrv tbat, bnt ho went on and talked "with bis Tran.yivania. daughter's lover, and fonnd him a man of i '; :.". :rr."t' 38 or 10 jesrs or ago, snd of rourse eooght Waa " " ' Thun ft camo qnt whete he' waa born and ; Washington. truer) he lived, and aa Mr.' B.' trot well '?" "'S oonvinoed that he waa no other than the wiika recreant carpenter of the f own of fl He Wilson, taxed him with a previous marriage; and the . Tdkio.: gallant Colonel oorfeend the yont?arlad(s-'5 i,0,y; ores-Ion, but ss lime hud cotlawvd the debt, he Ignored any retpon ibi.'i y at that' pertou oi bis roepmaoio cireor. ibon be flushed to the supposed jisront about his ore for Emma he had felt drawn toward ! her at first sight, eta, etc, add tben came Caaw.il. ont the story ot the girl's adoption." Th I Oa , nam of the mother and more convincing sttu, me name or tno mother in law ' "'' ; ' - -: i-j "; "i ' r F tl": ir j ' i i - ; - j : -- j f S - I i: iiiii ijlji J. .'!..--.... W . M8i ISOti .881 1088 ItOt " TW 1048 f lUOi 890 i r JfJ.W' M8 89 8M-48 87? 18'.... .1 ... ... .v.-... 8 , Jj list- Utter 10M, KKiv insa ml -m 738 ... ...... . tip, - if imw 82 m (M, m i oh (.;... J low; li no7 itHjs - mr . -talk i.vi6. int. , . f-,, ...,. 808; W8f 1048 1818- 738 " S7 87! ;til I f 8ST! 1B88' - MS litor 1079 1S7 u lm: ,,.tA;rt.''i TSIi...- T8 88S Wlf L ., StHi; BIB . 7)t B 1, , ' ' i" " V- J 878 1048, S007 . 411, lliHl), 10,t MU; ; Ul !, . . ' " '' ' ' ' .'.ivn..i,...4.j' 9m t TT Will UK Tl! W- HOf.l 80S I,.... 1 f .mr.TnTn-tTr.1 10081 8 l8i--780 r 11J (MO 88 8611 '' , iiTf,w8 losv .tosi 8'7! mw eatj ssil i , -614, 474 78 477 8 '88U 8'1I T '" I............... 806 '! tw 1171 am ti,' ss em. t ' "" 1488. 141 1410 118,1 1408) 1867 n-'wt'rr' 106T; 407 . 1010 8S8 llSlj 4SH 1043' H0 ,..,.,. -IWlj 188' '(.IS-- MM 16801 1768 1HB1' W .....?..;;!..V..'1-- f M8 86 4Bl ; 448 - 5iil -804,.'...;.;,..... ..... S.'..... f i 487! : 888 . ; til (M P 8iki( 600, - eo! 68. ,.,v. ., I 8071 18i. atO 10 84! 166 . 818; 174 J 1 : BSC- 071 15'IS 818, 1087i 1641 1M' 814:1 . 8j :4 -.I08 601 t67 608 887 - 487 OJll (41 1 .v.--.- 11! 18 . 187 1 44i r 1498' ' B88'- 1600 I7tt4 ' .,.. i i. I BsKFI 1 fOl 1BJJII JfMHJ I . IflMI 1BUV i ITIlt ll.THI I ;8i:fiW00 88,,, iK)7.,.,4ioi . 848: , 887 1. .....i,,.., i, WW! .-ISi. 701 ' . BSft: 1848 Wlf lIBt.'l.. ...I...... T . vm. ,j , w.w., ,w Wm IUJ' 1X14 I. . . .1 ..... 1 ..,......,,.,-,11 M88 ! . 1718 1181 f. IftSOr 10U6 1 16061 8AHi MUt 10M . .... M.hL.i H8 J887I .. iiiS BH6 ( ,1478, B07 7t I878.L". . .......4.. 814 111.2 lH.nl a.Ki lui luillJ ju! ma' ' MW "1488; , 1808 18i8 1878' Wi'l? 878 l4B7:'X"J,f i .....'.,.......' " 04 B00''le7' H' 878 8781 '8881" 88'l:., - ! ! .........;.,....' wew 'si sift, wis 67i 4j: bo rwt'ra t ,.i ...A'lMO! BStSifiSrtSi BSiia I SI4H .8754; anga. 9m ' I 1470: 1738 1 ItWt- IW -'las' lit)':'' 1T08' IT Tj 1748 ' 1741 1 UU 8US0 14091 448 l&BS 8801 .187: - B838.L., .(, " (Ml, CU0 108 548 THO 8tC, : 6118 j.. .'.('V.f,il . 08i 401: 1004 ' 81 V.9M ' 41S i Ht 0I, ,! " ' ;...., -b VIIO,,.: 8711,'j 8tU ITS' B8i $U' 4tS ""588'C I', . r aoa hjii ! O'M mu ..... .o ...u. "f V ,l:.f...f IMS' R 80 I ,,78' ,14H 188 i ISO , 404 1." J (.,;T.-..'..,.,-.,.'-'-"M,i--nii o 007 rl Sn7 triv ' .w..:...vi...'M7l 1845(1, 1874 0i 1SV - 1804 : 1709' Mill'; "'."';" :,,., .j., I 441,. 408,. 487, ' 0 ,i, .( 581, 610- t U.a.iu. ;" ......., mi. iinj'' wis iii'.,.-ai, wis,, um w4";:; .'...,;;.'.'..,.;...:.? " 88" -'Hi-; H 88 4W , ' ?,i(. eti l" . m " wV.. 1 ..,iv-X..Wi.,...,iv! 8Kt: ?-?.( 1058 u: . el4Nf8-iHV'i!!3' ,, , . .'. ., . ,. , u 4l 048 , MiSQ j, 945 .JOfl-, 10." ,111.,- 1107 t2.i i Illl ... 803 076 1077 998 407, 70 .' 8BI."'Mjrt'T .......'...'.'..VJ Im';17oj - ta 1884 '.iittr liwi urn lose i otsI iw i'. I. ?..'. ..;'' - MB - i ,87r 48. it,! us 't.iwr 'm.'i.Zii:-iT .A.iJ.-.X l0 .. T18j 804 IM till , Ml- .. iSI r, 844, '. f 7354 1067 153! 688 884 10(9 1H8 - 70l' "' ' I i. W. -.i. -t ilwiP; 71' UTti 016 1006 8371 080 7B8! ' I J8I, 838 1U4 4118 1.90 808t" SOW 1814 1 . 1JJJ ' 'ijnjl : . ., I 808 ' 1888 I 161 1068. 1046 198li 969 - ISO fi 786 hi'0i. 884 481 H78 417. 1 7HM 8B8, V .:i..,i..,.....v,..ti.,lj:'! 184j t.lWOtL till 1808 1007i 1488 ' 170S : 89 'ifm Nj) lift. .19x1 . 768 863 ;. S90I J.1047 887 18 ', , . I 6TO . MB' ' 07 78 ml 818 80S . 795, . '' I f ,.., 814 ' Wl 114' 075 1064 968 109 T08 , , ...... M4TI 1778 ' 194 1664 16601 ' 16l ITBl' 1764l - : T I-..,! '. 08,.. BOB . M4 14" 186! ' 4Mb): 19) l..;,. .V ...... v.. '.-,. !f, 638, ,1814, 8386 : 472, -171, 1784 1'aBO 1848 MHl I 661 IIOJ i 1194 1187 80S 1964. 808 . ll9 . I !' leiB'l 118 W -8,1 1887! 181'' 1888 "! ., . I '...,..',.'.3 118 :!4l8-f W0 149111. UIBj- ! 15001 AlaB I J ..... vi 118 1161 -1I77 1160 ' 16801 IS' 140,,. 97. " ' j.?.. ...(-.!!(- , ml inn' o' awi if . aa 8184 j ..a,,.,..,,..,..,,..,, vat: wire . IVBI mi- fa -flfHI IJiJ -,.... 1 . ... 447 ' 768! 13J! dldf T4 ' 1V m 500 ' 1 ! 606 880' 1818 911 787 818 1007 t) 50 3 to (tjj , 831 16 . SiH 88 , B89' .188;. UB7 149 ' H!lt., , 30J: 287 4 1 339 1115 ! 4'9M 71 'T8! 180 ' '.: 811 ' ?(!' ''-.''': ' i V343! BS8. 866 8181 9U5S BtlMl Bit BMia)i"anaau' Ji .K'J-'Si0 Xi 106 . 281)8,, 875 S90!, 888, UlS t tUUf t- 10 . 1M fill mil. iiKH't ans f,"1! 1 , BOH "'808t : 717 " 46 ' 848: 308 r - BOO. '' t-SKi' rH I 1 v -'iu:s&Lit .f-'z:: r "?r : i-.M .-a. ... ,.. , tT ABBlf ' MAS JOI, 81) J VIS U ..... Lea. . J, I ' ' I; i mum datiaa k 1 Beet I , aia I ' . nei ..i . 1 7-1 FT ' ! ' I . a . a . , . . , , ,, ' WWW ..ax'ffl.- a B OtJ: Blf AIII.1 - Pi If " I ' Ill' : ' - II " : T i 708 t loOai 9 1 S9t i 840't 78 t Bi v'1'" fi,'' . , r.T.- -. 7 t ftp- -,- fJi J 8 Mr - ft r m it 688 ""' 86 . ttTZtl ' Tota!.... ...;;y ''Jffjjj J 7.j ,' bWJW ,l7A8 BJalf' .TTT! '77177 'tyt. 1 ''''-''-" j' ' whiTa .77t1i8 l'TTTTd'TTTTTtTTTt maminn SEE ADVEBTISEIaSCirZ7T.:. . loo pa(.s funed Qoaiterly (nsw aj.t:t.a J- oat) i contain Lkt of ell th. beat Kws pPr., pan,, Weekly, Bsllgloms, Agiluai. tural, PoliUsa!, Social j alio' MagaaU a! Sttlmale ihonlsg cost ef MtTrUleg, . n bints, from Hi xprla at swaocssfal ed. vertbvrsf ulU4toany addreasfor 28 sent. Adtlreia UIO, P, HOWELL 4 CO.,. Adm- tlf't if ' ir t, No. ii Tark Bow. Kaw Yorku H. J. SAVERS, . . DEALI.Il I HEAL ESTATF, BRARKUB, 8A,''. V;. Bays aad acll. improvad and nimnrov.d lands anywbei. In th. DnlUd Stat..- BIB W4DTBO tot tbe TRANSMISSION OF LIFE.. . , CouMxts on ran Nanjaa Hiotcira' or r Al4a LnB rrwmioB B. Dm. ,. author of "Th PhyHoal Itfipf Womtn. Itr. JatM to (A malt arx j t full of aw faotar dalioate bnt coUpokeu; t.raoUoal and popular; blvnly aa doredi sells apidly. Bold by sabaaription only. Bxotueiv; territory. Trm. liberal.' Prise ii, Addresa tor eoDtanU, Ae., i, Q, FKUQUd CO.. Pnblishsra, (hUadtipbia, Pa. ' i " T iiffonts! Ilcad This I W- win, pat aaaikTTS A balart Ur 830 PICK WltK aad BUpasuML or allow a larx eotnmlioa to sell one rw ad wond,rful Inventions. Addrs . WAa.i-i OQ atarahall, flluih.,;r;.., .h 4, m,,j o - WANTER LOOK HEZH i ProflUble emp oyment farnlened ry tase ' Willie a- to work in hi ewe eal.hbflphnt r Usy pareoo wanf d). Profits ov 0 per oent. Kuolo 81 foraamplM ant prtlcolara. Baits rapid. J0Mtl A MBTZaAB, flitsbprgb, 2a. TklUVATB T8SACU1MO XT, will prepare a yonng man for any j'nwfcwwMiioiB a anient oow FIBBT r. BBEWKU, Oh a pal Hill, N Tb. nna"'adi a aslant oonrae mainly , n.1 n ii w rr - 1 31 PORTA ST NOTICE TO CZZZHZZZS . OP DBF C009S. : All Ketoil Orders aaaawatlaig le 0 aad Ovsr Daiiwaiwd 8a aaffNuaef akte - oa sxpiuBa cnAKQBia'' . ,-- ,M ;t..-'i-a ..-a tC9' ' ' fJCI3 , ..v.. jw.wyv. v.m aua BVUDlie (UOOOlOlal) I S fOUOW Iv ........,..,., , 7t ' !.-ir ',!,-,;. 4 ,. ,. . -i a , - Total 1881,. Tbere was a tall scene betwen th two moo. But Col. S. was a man of (lis world and he saw the matter in a rational light, II woald go to New York where Mrs. a was, and lake his deserted wife to his manly breast, and the spouse like feeling h bad contraotod for Emma should be merged into a fatherly one. This nsw new of the predioament didn't suit Mr. B. ' He'd much ratber tbe colonel should fflkrrr his own daughter, than come in be-j tween his little matrfmoni.41 arrangement. However, there was but one course. The o -looel wss Aire, n's bnsband, ami he was Emma s father, and here waa Emms, in. a lavender lawn robe de ohambre. ia hot room weeping at the sappoed difiicnlty between her father and lover. - " To mate this a little ahorier then the regular volumes of a circulating library love fail, the daughter waa fully enlighten ed, and assured that, however, Billing and dextri n- she might be, tbe laws ol her OOlntry expreesiy forbid marrying fathers. even it they bad real ed all their lifetime acart and abroad. Oil went Oolonei 8. to New Yi rk to see Mis. 8., and off oa tbe siq train went a letter from Mr. B. to the grass widow with a p ain s atemtnt of all the f -ox, inoindiog the soft eoodi. tion of the gentiemau'a (Mr. B.'s) heart After elgbteea years auendonmeat adi rorce was tbe easiest thing in life. la tb Colonel' ess j absence had not mad tb widow s heart grow under. I . It was Air. B.'s money and countenance that bad built up a fuoratlv buainess for her. Ue was more, the father of her child. 6n tbat good locking and rich as the Col onel is at present, be baa got a dead shake from bia old-time wife, who will apply fot a divorce, get it of eonrse, and take Mr, B. for better and worse just a toon aa the month of IMpteinhcr-arrives. Tb mother and daogotef Are reunited here ia tbe city waiting events. Colonel B. was at the Saratoga races, the (mbedimentoi ease, sod dear Old Me. B. hover abont tb milliner and bis d.erhter like a be nigoaot foil iis cherub...-. ..v.- ' -, ratlun ,,..3t v.. 86 - ' Tht Won Id mali. Phteo V ma loritT (w' tha'aiVtl icioa 'teiVtaette ? ?1,Mo heW1,, Oonrentlcn. In Soxambar, WO?, the folk iir.Bna-a. ...... .9S.OOB. ....... AbsIds Ooavsntinn . BUSCEJXAREOrSa METROPOLITAN HOTBLv BROADWAY NEW YORK, -.-.-. -t n s v U ..;'.... Y-A 1 WUI r aadat mow aaaaegtaaeaa v AXJGXJST 2 2d, ' . . th raeeatlea e(daM, ,tu!, The apaaloa baDdlog fcaa been taoroagaly renoratad, aad fnrniabSd Ibrongboet. ' Tb. Proprietor have made every exeiUoa to adapt it to tb aomrort aad onWBl.oos c ita patrons, and bar apared Dtibr pain nor ponee to Moor that end.'' ' VTT.'i al ( rwcBoe knruuvrwren. LTTTLET1ES. Our thip-boilJerA faonblrs will not t made to anbiide by a nbsidy. ' 's,'j ' rrrpetual motion Billy Mc3atrTia motion for a recocsidera'.ion. ' ' I - 1, . r I . J r Tbe inhabitants of Wrpmiazlirew masr troobiis be no Vara. ( I In OboVAA VUhJ ft-r't milra til borsebaek td'gst msriied ; Even New Orfetcw will not allow Mace ana uooura xq ogoi a its rioinity. ,4 A WisoonsU lata hu trucked a barrel cf tobaooo in year. . , , . Tbetiakera biri B,' fabci aVroaa a Areettokekrioatlhi sasll pot. - ;3 rhilsdelptiAlelks outshine ell others la the matlr ef -egamoat' tings thi mti'Kioi t -Ada j ' A Ciacinaa'i paiotrr ia fa!!ina from a nououcg Btrocg ana pros ia two awning fraae, and tUSrmiTBC l f fATT t 4 4 i " t a i r- DISSOLCTIwX. ABB OO-PABTBIFBrllP BII8XMO IS U aaa o( J. w. lippUt A On., br matnal con. nl, la tat cay dlworrxL jaha K. UollfaeaBy l aothorlaed to eastl. baalBra. th said Brav . . i i uj W IJPPITT,. - ..--: i.ii.i.1 f .W.fc.BaUTH. . i, jvo. x. Boiuaxiax. WUmtaf-too, K. 0.. Ang. 1, 187L - i- . - - : ; ' 'Baring pnrehaaed tbe id rt of By partner I will oooUbb. th. Oror tminM at tbe osd aSaci, a baratoajr, aad aolkM a aaatlaaiBBS of paMie ptrawr- 5 have ease paoeared w. MTviee of Mr. j . W. Goaoaar. a weUkaown aad mn.!nlfl.J.l' " ' r The entire Stock of GOODS at No. 29 fJarket street selling ont at lwi', to mm room tor Fall purchases. Ccma and get your uoons at low rmcEM. JulyW - - ' - M71moh mat VBITBRBITY i 1 or c:raiat VIHBiaiA I J . atoItBTWllT. . ( . .fjeo-laoh RAlelxk KAUtfiAl BAAk if JT. C, .' '-' '! -muam, BtsrskBI k.nri. THI4 BAVX. (endr a rveohtioa ef tb. Btseai aoldar aad aataority Braaa kbe Ooaptroikw ri sa eaeaa eooxa as toair ;a tbia etty far sBbterfDtloDS to of tbe BankiegB Cur i aii) i) iooM la that wr far sob the ioereaa. ef tb Stock to half a axlllioe 4 04. Urs, baing la Aqtfaoriaad apaL.'u i- ..... - ntDBwrr. i aaar i . vt UMa-8taak , - ' ft ' J: -. . , . - , . . JslytO 1 V m i t -i Crisdlrf ! riosF frca lis - test WrtFVUtt J7BAt, rrTtaMl. fTB 811 r 1&8 8AB FaiXtJI AKd 1BX X-4)FrbiaaPa4aariuaa)lAuoA Ws a.ae traawv oam ip"rui tanra or UBr, but Owl-Mr U i of Orajar troxa t-e I- - to o luviaof aal oe awa TUB lu( fi- . A.. ) . . .- -' Uyae wtatoei tka ty - fra af font lata i. j, so k I 1 a 1 - r ec 1 romt orjfra - to u I. , leir 1 aar wl Prarl fi ; B V A !. - . . , W. a trt-wa Extra r4 kHa.'torw 4 waaa w at a. - a rary acAaga garaae per-1 THE IplLOWIMQ CEf AMatEHTd : , . 1. Bchool of Latlu. 1 Bobool of. Ores. 8 Pobool of Btodarn langaagas. 4. Bchool of arai PbBMophy, 8. School of History and uiuan bttarawr aenooiof UUemie'ry. T. Bobool of Batoral Philosophy A C ohool of lthe matio. 9 Bchool of Common and rttatnto Law. 10. Hebasl of OoaatilatioBai and OlrU Law aad Eqarty. U. Bobool f fkjaioio,y an ttorgnr. 11. Bobool of Anatomy an! e atari atedioa. IB. riobool of Mdieine aad Obsistrte 14 f ohool ef Applied btatbeaeiiee, It. Bchool el Aaly eal, Indaatrtal and Agraealtaral Ohaliry. Id. Bobool ot Matoral Hiatory and Agilooltnra (Profeaeor to b elected ) SVProvialoo md for ta Afiarafriy. atad ffaoAVvTy, iMrww, rolitioai loonomy. Jfkmi i'Ayawa, itettooj awypraaxrae aad Soaaatrt, Dp.nia end OtrtifoaUt oiYoyUiraey ar given In tb separate eoboola. Tbe SaUowiag JMyrwm aMeoafarrad: L Baafae ler ef Lattar. A aaohalor oHolmoae A Maa tor of Arte. 4. Dootor of at f dioloa. e. Bachelor of Law. 0. OlrU EoKlneer. 7. tuning Eagenaer. Tb ipaaae of th tadat, xalalv. of tH teok. ioAtB7, and porkH money, aaoaot t. from 8366 to 8895 per eaeeloa of ain atnth; of wbleh ram 8ii0 to 8960 ar payabl. oa odnu'a turn, beeaioa opra Oet let. For Oatalncae. addTMB ' AU.Ke B. VKBABbaT, - P. O., Ueiversity of Ta. i h'mn of Faexlty. i Jaly 98 86i-lach IIISHLTOX EA8TE2 ft OF BAXTIMOU, HD., : : ' In order tbe batter to meet the went cf ffietr Be tail enatomers at a dutanoe, bar aetabliahad a BAMP1.BI SRHIltD: '.;! and will, upon applloatlon, pmmr"v esnd by matt fnll liuee of Haniolee of the t,et an) Btoat Faaktonabla flooda, ofFH"03,i.... Id. A aad bOMlumo U ABOFAOTObiS, gaara-i g at all time to sell a$ lots, if not at was prk. tbaa any boosa In the eonntry. r? i v - Baying oar goods trom th larrmt and ro.t eelabratal maaafaotarars ia th diderau, pan m of niwrn ana imporwng tne m- Dy direoi to Baltimora, oar atook I at a l t a fwmpUy anppUad with the noralu ef u w. ' ion and Pari market., . .. n :. A w bnv and aell anfu for msa. aiuf mti Lm sedoiaeia.w.are able and wUltnar to adlea. good, al from Tx ro Furrxxs faa 43ijrr. ' " P.m-th.n ir .... w. t for ttmpiM aaMtVOs strad oy foods doHred. Ws keep tb best gradaa of awy 01 aa of good, from th lowest to tue m. i r, triMtwoirv4d ylts eauawsse-a PBOMrT-TAYIBfJ WfiOLRlAti' f"l ar. In nted to lospeot th otok ia eu ioi.mm and Faokag Oepartmant. A'Mr .,, naauia-un jtABitiiaBCss, ' 197, 199, 901 and 901 West Bait or. 1 - lAAkJLj llllr-BB. I 1. t.A 1 I . -i ' ' 1.100 BCSHBUJ OOBn " '; " ' BM B-le BaBtera Hay.-' hww For sal by , . ': ' ... . , r' i , Wi giB03jr:B.' IllfW if! f-t,W .tfiXT. 1 FKT WORTH LOTINQ. F TOO WAST Q00D, SCBSTAHtTi Aii OBO. - - i i. . i i . .i CaBIKS. W iaea, Liquors sod Cigars, ( Fruit aad Cobfec'loM, no to FIlIHOa'1. H hnyaraanuOl qUantfil'i a-:d Ihewby get his goofs T8ESH and SliK every week. No laooy Qooil nd no Fancy Pii;e, but sverylbfng gaarsateed .i VTa B. FIESrK; 3 ' ( r. Blirkel A M f tnitiv ang , , . ... , -H:t"s- VEKf CHOICE TABLE BUTTC3 VV ABB FUaSI8HIKQ OCBC08TCCS3 aad Friend with a very Bnpsrioc. arUst; tf BorthSTB Bottor, . . , - . .- . . , , sog 6 OBA8. i BTBsaarxx , T Morth Front ft"-V LIGHT 5c PIXCTTYa .-4i:ul.a'--! 1 r j':d -.!,,, a : a. I , f-1. C O II G O . . !i ! J A 8 D ! -Kf M.ORO CASTIiE .7 K: 6 ;r f . S BOXERS. SO.OCOfros Joat to band by . . .. j .... I aogl. . . , 118 to 19Sp-v H- D. rHK;i r, - TBhsrWat, : t -i fVr- 5 TOCI 6B BOOT!. ABO MB JAVB i A'B Symmer wear .raUaoe mia Baal, and rrattj erywav Cft'l tod tbata. lewraiaVr (Jaab. FREXCa BOS. ". UMBEELLAS,; ir aiIcso cases, . , ,, , . aBJiTS Ah-pCBJLOBWaUSEB BABDAKB0TTTBF8, . L r - ' '".''" '". , HATB, at N. T.Cj,I tbati:; : ..:a . GEO. It a ' i .;, 28 Borth Froats treat. S5 at,. . i i, . i , JlobextBrWood, ! !BBIliDBB-A OOBTBAOTOB, tTTSd bib8 to Tr?'"nirpo aad nub adkafwa Baeiaeea .-.,. a ue tairoseg the aobn ia aa aWart r- i - rut at 4 p-.tca'rHi hircUbed ba desired. ag 8 - Jbt larb r s tf jce tna .71D . PC9TEB5, TBCFKSTaud BAQH. ' 1 . jMUNSON :;5 CO,, I i I CTTW CLOTMIX.B.B. ' . aag . ..! . . .- t , . ' ' FIIETEIS. . . . . Ex Tcrsa BT9QX. xxrr c : . . t Lii, Usaoared Jsswa, Ta 1 tax, C . Tb aaferior g!i'y ast ri'.' I - f T Trs rV' v' At ess a r' 4. a ; cc:T-rif- 12,000 ,v, IT:, .a r t i l.rs S Ie 1 jor a by sc.: F. W. I ' ' ttP ' ' . - is.SZSXU CTTXCI itilt.,:il ffit - , . ' s . 1 ,f i t.t:rr i f fi t : : : '. !" a eog I , - .-,1 : i: W err J4f r j r . Hi ctt;1 -a- .i i f cm r.. m ri , . t '

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