.TiW:" if IT jr. 3 ,k!J ffl-4-- .ii5:i:i.rIUll-.. fl fc Lit ?"iti'iW: iIt f dl Jitf iSi.''i :, ert.e'9 . ' VOL. XX-NO. 279. WILMINGTON, K. CW WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 23, 187J. , .tojj.r, WHOLE NUMBER 5,032. u 3. mma 1111 .V II , 1 St I 1 f4 I v II II II i n J 'IP ; srv- vv v . "'( UP6 l!il!Rli(B.COMPlT; 1 orricBRi t ions W. ATKINSON, JOHNDAWBCW.... . B.D. WALLACE.. Dr. B. A. ANDSB90N . - v " ........ .Ti06-Pridrak, J..... BeortUrj. v. ....Mtdlotl DirMtor. PHCIAIi irjEATVRBI. JNTMo rMtrietion on travel or (Midanet. .- . IV Haw mod Of monthly pajmenU or pniok , Bm, .-, .. , , . , ; XV Bo extra clirge jon tbo Uto of F aialM.. i fj it i j -i c ; PoHoiM iuooottitiblo. ' .. , my 14... .. . JOi-lyoh INSURANCEROOMS!j ThB UNDERSIOiniD OTFEB9 TO THI ; OtiE.no of WUmiDp ton indemnity tgalntt Fir. ' ond Horioa louea by lnonrno npon fkrorobla Mrme in in roiiowinir leedinr uompnie : BEOUBITX INSiMnCEIJOMPANI CONTINENTAL jN6DIlAN0E,00Jipi'N? Y"' .7, ofN.wXork, NOBTH AMEEICAN 7. L COJU'ANX , A' m. 'i ofNowXork, .oXBwUord, ANDKB INSUBANO OOMTANY of Oincinnitl, " 1 : H r J of Baa TMWOO. ( imwuuvuu. Upon dirble riskrta osrry fall lino., with ' rotea sa low u tnoae ol any reliable and pro aeni uompamea. - r J . - Apply to -J.iAw, i; v JOHN WILDKB ATKINSON, i . Qs isral Jfire and Marine Iasnrano Acaot. No, Nerhtr rmrt atraot may It , , . . .-.. l9t lyoh UTES 1ECO.AT0B, on'ii !l 1 '. "'I The tymptoma of Llr-1 ar eompiauta are oneaa I oee aad pala la to I SoBAaiaea pain la In iha ahonldar. and la aalatakaa foirhaa-1 maMam. Tsteatomaoatal aaaaaaaaaBalaffaetM wlta kwa of an I . . . . . , i i . . . . ,"" awuaaa, oowieta la ffeaarai ooaUT, I Ometlmea alUrinv with 1. Tha haul la imn- I msa wnn Data and anil. hear. unuUon. win. atdmoi. Iom of memory. eooomDenied Hhl 7paiafnl aeaaatioa of bar-1 pailt) 0ttrnal , ! " WILMINGTON, If. a 1 ' ' W&DNESDAr. AUGUST 23, 1871. 1 'f OoUMTIM. Liver , Vag left oadooa eom I linlni vbioh ouht to I har been don. Often I ximplalnlD. of weak-1 aeee, debility and low I ipiril. Bometimea ma-1 .Joy of tn abor aymp-l From th AUantio Koalbly. THE CAPTURE OF FORT FISHER. riRIT BXPKD1TIUH. Alamano,...,, Alexander.... AlleRbany , ', - , ADVAMTAOKg OrtRRBP AT TUB NQmWESTIlRNvJIlTn'lJAL " MKB I1S8FR4NCE COMPANF ! TO ITS MKMBEK8 AND; TB06B 1NB0BINO Ana I High Intereat npon lnveatmeata. ) ; ! 1 Low ratee of Mortality and a ' ', ' ' ' k J Bicb Beaarre Fond. I ! Abbot one and one half mdliooa n dollara of It aorplne fandt were loaned daring tne year giv hwiubuviuuuuiu .vat vaMMv vwunif j worth from two to tbree tiaiee tbe araoaot loaned thereon, at ten per oeot. Intereat payable eemi It holda a reaerr on all polleie 'of four par ! eentv Thia la the higfaeat eeonrfty known to Amerieaa experienoe, .Dd la reoommended by ine oeet inenraooe aniooniiee. ' Aaaetis January Ib71,..i4....:; ,.W.00O,000 " " . HEBEBBMITH. TiM Preeldeni AUG. OAXLOBD, Secretary.: F. A. FAGE.Ktate Agent, Baleigb, N. 0. m m kAiipv a. . r-jn . -. v - v. a aji nsiii b(cu., ciuitm, ami. vmm ' tween Front and Water ttrftet. Mcrpbj'a BuikV ing, wumingion, n. u. 4W Oanraaaeta wanted, t'.-.'-. anS7 . . tSI-Smoh ROBTB CiROLMA DOME LWEA5CE BEOTJEITT AGAINST 1383 BX FIBE I mHIS COMPANY FATS ITS LOSBKS FAIBLY, JL and oiroalatee ita eaminga at home. It ha J oat paid He loaae by the oonilagratioa At Hendereon, folly and promptly. 4 It ratee are aa moderate aa eefoty will Jaatify, Afents In All Parte of toe State. B. B. BATTLB, Ja, PreeMoni, B RATON OALKS , .Secretary. W. H. MPBDOOH. AaaUtanl Seentary. J. W. ATKINSON ....TAgent. ootT 4 S-tf The oaptnre of Fori Fiahar was one of the moot brilliant naral and military achievement of the wan Xhii formidable earthwork waa aitaated on Federal Point, N. C, la the department of Virginia and North Carolina, and wat bnilt more par ticularly to guard iha entrance of New In let, while Fort Caswell -erred the lame porpoae in reapeot lo the Weet Inlet, xnis department was under ine oom mand oi Alajor-General Seojamia F. Bai lor. - There were other extensive forlidoationi on Smith' Island end on the banks of the Cape Fear River. Although a large and expensive blockading fleet waa keptoou iok haadMb. ohronio tinoally opposite these inlet, still, on ao J.aLH. onnt of the pecuUar formaUon ol the Zilt 1T1: month of Cape Vear Biver and the effect aeyv fever, aenone-1 ol storms, it was next to an impossibility aeaa. abina. nlaeaaea of I on the one hand la nrevnt tba .xnorla- the akin, imnarit of the I Wood, mwannoly or depreeelon or aplrita, baarl I South, and, on the other, entirely to ex ry iW-JSSC pii?. S f S! lnd foreign sapplies. aooL : munitions o( tuiaa aiumd tli. diasaaa, and at other tlmaa very I iww v. uuii uui to. urar u generally ine organ I "".i uituitvu. won ui uw wiw PR. SIMMON'S Livcp Regulator. A NOaraMOD f root, and hart,. warranlaJ to b atriotly vegetabl. and oaa do ao inlurv to DT ODv I It baa bM nd by baadred. and known for tb laat 0 tun aa on. of tha bm miiahia. rffl. eaolon and barmle preparation ever offend I to tb nfferin'. It takea Ma.larr uul naraiaa. I ap.iyj I. aara w antav - - , . - I IDyapepala, headaohe, anndioe, ooativeneaa, I Kegniator, bask, Ao. frepemd inly fcy'J. H. X IIUI A 0 t mt w Drogjriat. Maoon, Oa. For ialepnto by J AS. WUitfirr 00, WU- mrngton, If. O. . febJO - illioit A aa nf rl aV vaifum Ufl-lyeh rr; ' ail miEM m WOBI ! vr4Ti and liPFDrrorptY ; ; il 3 ans i-i .--BXEOTm DATTvjB ' cr.,rvrff- m atlas TTnxomcs. THB anrivaUad ' popalailty attain wd by th Ine WkUtlaa la Una to their PBBFEOT POBrTT. DJSI- fokm aiJlutr, MCDlOINlL OHABAOTBB. iG ilia. "X '"' s reoeee for dlWhiakieaar and at the Uroa to their IX. CELLENOB At A OENEBAIi BIY-BBAOB. Thev are snaranteed free from all DILITIBI- O08 BUB0TANOB8, havtair invariably atood (he opeoiauy raeomavraaef ri mi v.rpc whohanreani hlarblv Imbrbvtdf Whii tmI,W Hold by all FIBST-btASS QBOOABS, unuuuiuiB, ana ueaier gnerauy. ' '.' - ' ' TO THE TBADE, " Band for oor Atla. IVio. 1M." aadMptaa eareaamrtiiaa0iDf : I 3 - AVXUAA, UUt'ritilH, '-i - ' WahavaeonataBtlrtmbawl a vry larg and ... i - - " nva vjavta qowwr aaaill aiwi, vt .vt pia. naiA, DBBON and MALT WBIBKIBb, different aam,anwMahi aavlkaa tmaar twgala Ave Whiakie. w offer great .igdaoement. AIM on neoessity el putting d find d thjs oommerae wiiu me rcoeis, oy mo ol these defences of Wilmington, bad long oeen nrgea npon ine government. ; , Bat there were also other a great objects to bo) aoovmplished. General Hherman was rapidly approaching Savannah, and it waa believed that after taking that dilji he would maroh to Qoldsboro, N. C. It therefore feeoame important that the gov ernmant ahoald have possession of WU miogton, so that supplies might be sent no tha Uapa i'eur ltlver. , , . i i The reduction ol these defences oould not be aooompliehed by 'Ihs navy, and "without military aid and co-opera SOn It , could not C eueoiea or even wisely, attempted." In the fall oM8G. tha War and Wavy jUepartmenta afrteed to organise joint movement which jwould insure suooesa. The Beoretarj of the Navy aid in bia report. In relation to the naval branoh ol the expedition, that " to place that fore under the oommiuid ol the first officer in the navy wis a duty. Vice-Ad-miral Fairagnt was therefore selected to ondoot tha enterpiise, bat impaired health, tha result ol exposure end unre mitted exertions during two years of aotlve labor and nnoeasing efforts in the Oulf, rendered It Imprudent for that distin guished and.energetio officer to enter npon thia servioa." Admiral Farragut having declined to serve for the reawns above stated, on the 321 day of September, 1864, the Beeresarv of - the Navv detaobad Bear- Admiral D. D. Porter, from the oommand of the Missisaippi Squadron, and ordored him Iq prooeed to Beaufort, N. O., and re- ploded Mff whose dimhsIon lure on- known." (See Report of General U B. Coiaatoek. of General Grant's staff, dated Headqaartera United States' Forces, lFort risner, . v., anuary .7, istsa. i ' On the 6th ol December, 1864, General Grant wrote to General Butler, The de tails for the execration are intrusted to you ana the bmoers immediately in oommand ol the troops." All the troops which oom- nosed the armv branoh of both eiDodl tiona were drawn from the Army of the James, wnion army was oom mended by General Butler. The neoesiarr marohinflr v.uv.a wMug "uvu mum rv iiw i aan.. 4i wno were to take part in fh expedition. BMnfort... JUejor-ueneral Berjlamin F. Batier called I Bertie... V. . . . . . ... I .j nn i.iAncAn.na.i4Aaai 11. n imniuhii w'wn" headquarters at City Point, Va., on tha nigbt of the em day or Ueoembor. for the purpose of Informing- him of the fact. Lieotooaot Colonel Comstook was here take on board ol General Bo tier's boat General Butler laid to the Lieutenant- Genera, on taking, his leave, "Now we will get off as soon sa we ean.M and " 1 hail be before Fort Fisher on or about the 16th day of December, and I hope I shall do aDie to prearni ine fori to yon as unriBimaa preeenr.- -As soon SB dsrkneas closed In on llie 7th day of December, 1804, - General Amet, with the picked men of his division moved out from their position on the Now Market Boad, followed by General Paine's division of colored troop i and uaplain B. L. Lee's Battery of Independent Artillery. inrougn a rain-storm mis eoinmn preaaed on aorois ine pontoon Bridge at jueep Hot torn, and reuoued the signal tower on tha Appomattox before daybreak. Hare oamp nre were ngnteu -EX E C T I 0 N TABLE. . : Jf Uovaiuioa, Ithau. VoTaTfaMWT7 Inn IBttH. h 'I i Braaawiok...... Banoomba....... Bnrka.... ....... Oabarrna.... ... Caldwell. Oamden.......,, Oar tare t,......,. OaawelL. ........ Catawba Chatham........ OharokM....;,.. Obowan.. ....... i Clay.. ...... 01aveland..,., Oolumboa OraTeo.. ........ . Onmbarland..... Oorrituok..... ... Dare, (new oounlyl,.. .'TIUIUD. ... Davie.....;. DiUb...... Fteaoomb... Portvlha. Franklin.. . . . i te a t t , . it mm siv. i r r h iikiii, Of from to t nan old. whmh wvra diatfllad lo os re wi order, and gorBte4 to be the beat of weir ouaa. - MSowtV Oalr JMw. BaMlam. SI4.' jBlfW.v. . ;.A (..m ... S64-od0aae hand. I'. d wlAMortod .took of th beet MEZri?rrZ3 'r "M ,T .kA mS r i .;. . . I uot. aoiwr' iKirauuinii d. x una. uu I . . . V . mtr . - ... t.i i . oommana oi mo mortu auaoiia oiooaaaiog Squadron. ' , Fort Fisher having teen the objective point of the two expeditions, it may not be inappropriate to add a brief description of it - - ( "Fort Fisher is situated on the renin- gala bat wean the Capo Fear river aad tha Atlantic Ooean, about a mile and a halt northeast of Federal Point. 7 For Ave miles north ol Federal .Pout this peninsala is sandy aad low. not rising mora thai fifteen feel above high tide, the interior abound ing in fresh wster wamti olten woe dad and almost impassable, while muoh dry land, till one gets within half a mile of Fort Fisher, is oovered with wood or low 1 SOAPt CAWLEd, SODM 260 sli. i BOXBSSOAP. 17S .. " Oaadl.. lllWO X. oai aoraat. oy m.ji'' F. W. BBBOHBBB, assiS Iua .!i.-;.. . JTI-a turd MarJiaral ami Rnaiv P.arliaa rot Jrner, is ooverea wim wooa or low tar, madierai and Brandy reaches, .gn,, ex8epi , iteip ftb0nt , three auo.MftffcwnTft Kew Tork Offio' 27 EZWSA& ET, FRESH ARRIVALS TO-DAY. ' A L FIW Kias OF THAT XXCELLKNT "Oosbsn BBttoc," so well known, end the ehoioe - Fid HAMfl A nio lot a ever brought to market. . .4 ( H. a BAOON Eacaa, Bides, 14 Bhoalaers, as pretty aa yon evr looked it. FLOTJiWABothar inataUiant of "Kahlor" kMt, the ahoiaaat la Harket-a trial ef It will satisfy you of the aame, 2':. Tour attention U reapeoUally called to ta , abort, aad your otoar aolioitad. , - - ' J A3, J. METTS, FURI7ITURE IT COST FOR 8JSI1 To .0 AYOID BXktOYINO MY IHKX5SE Btoek af Fumitnro, I have determined to offer tb am, tar tb axt sixty day, eommneing Moo- day, ITtk isatedt at COST ft CASH ONLY. The etoek aaabta every variety of : f ) ' OABisiT fchmtube, CHAXBS, to. ' FartiMta waat eaa now supply tasraaalv at Kaaafaetarer's prl. ''r. : v ; j " t WtlTlV -Uwa- . gntli Prait Et. WOmingtoB, H. a ' July 14 147-8unJuAThaistf ii , . ,ini, i I5VALIDQ( ,p : - TmiixncciiinLS - movsiasom 1 FOB U AKO- OOT-DOOB Anv o havtaw f th haaula aaa emml aad aaiita , 1 Ma. , 1 y f-v"- HaTimraet.oftb.adi V7 ; aaw mhiA of l mn mb V wiahasrowatieraoa ataaa, XataW Oarriae e-oar. p.vBra Sanaa CiaTni. Cauaa. roar ease ao "d tor eirnlar. a BXJI W. RaUTtL, ..- N William IWM, Saw Tartc. . iM.tamanh "a- HOTEL FOR RENT. rjpsx Bocx arBxia botix o oftxbkd far avaJTX, For parueaiara, apply to S) BBL3 and ICH3 XJLBD, a--Ar . -t . . iuu 'Ti jhms ana bum seekers', ' ISO 0e Brandy Faaebesv T " ' ' ' ..-.. -!: fotaatelr' si ... . - --i .-., - .i? .- F. W. KEXOHNEB. aug II ' . :. v.. j , 871- -I!5sotlros;, -j. THB'fJoABTBraSHIPnffi IB the nana ef J. w. Liooiit A Co.. bv mntaal eon- Mat, i thia day diMoiVOd. : Ml K. Moilhanoy I aathoriaed te aattl the SaaiiMa. ef the said :-f. . ... J. W. LIPPHT, . i , w. a. am it it, JMO. K. IfciILHXBNT. .' Wttmlngton, S. O, Ang. lei, 1I7L - ' . Bavins Dnrehaaad tha ln.araat of mv Dartnan I will oootinae tha Drnc bnainaM at tha eld ataad, aa heretofore, and olieil a aontumaooe ol pablia patrooaaav 1 hav alao prooaiwd th awvtoM oi sir. i . w. uonolay, a wauanowa ana eomptai ungttu. . 4. a. mou.na.aai, I ... . 960-lmoh Ealelfti RiUiaal Rank f If. C, BauhM, Bank 90 A, 1STL rriEU BANK, (under a reaolatloe ef the Btoek- JL aoldara ana aat&orUr xroM ib. uomptrouat of tha Cnrranoy) baa opaoad Book at ibair Baakaig How. ia tbJ. arty Air aabMrtptiao. t. lb. InareaM af tki lUoaa m Sail a aoi- lara, being th Authorised Oapltal. . a-...... . aiuwil. wasBir. tar B .. HilBlBXUBa CaiBaWta ft C S araata BailraaS. I faAa.t a diatuMM of ahnnt Oswick Osjrt FaBMR av Horn lam. - - Ang. eta, 1871 i hundred Tarda wide along the sea shore. ' " Fort Fiaher eoasiats of two fronts the first, or land front, running across the rjeninsaia at this point, seven ban' dred yards wide, il lour .hundred and eighty yards in length; while the aeo- ond, or sea front, run from the right of the Hist parallel to the be a ;h to the Mound Battery, a distance of tnirteen hnndred yards. Tha land front is intanded to re sitt any attack from the aorta, the sea front to prerent any of our naval Teasels from running tnrongti new mist, or land ing troops on Federal Point. "1. Land Front This Front consists of a half-bastion oa the left, or Cape Fear Kiver aids, oonneoied by a curtain with a bastion on the ooean side. The parapet Is twenty-five feet talek, averages twenty feet in height, with - traverses rising ten feet above it and running back on their tops, whioh were from eight to twelve feet la tniojcneee, to a diatenoa oi irom miny to forty feet front the interior crest. . Toe traverses oa the left hall bastion were about twenty-five feel in length on the tOP. '' ' ' ' : . .'-.! "Th earth lor this heavy parapet, and tha enormous traverse at their inner ends, asotw than thirty feel in height waa ob tained partly Irom a shallow exterior ditch, bat mainly from tha interior of the work. Between each pair of traverse there was one or two guns. The traverses on the right of this front wen only partially com pleted, a palisade, wnion is loop noiea and has a banquette, runs in front of this any feet tn ii front of tha foot of tha exterior slope from the (Jape rear xtiver to the ooean, witn a poaitioa for a gua between the left of the front and the river, and another between the right of the front and tha ooean. Throngh the middle traverse on the cur tain was a bomb proof postern, whose ex terior opeaiag was oorexea by a small R0T1CE! Thb batlboad rjoxf Affixs batb kasb arransBatnM to aa. bMgag. tranrpoctad to in lUatt.n.ln. TUna TW BBT V.rlVB 0BNT8 pa Trnnk ar Faka. ahoald thia aot I daa for two field pieoea, to give flank fire b. Maformed to by an paruaa, siv rasa aloDg tha onrtain. The traversee were wiusa giTTO. , ;i ,i -: . a.r Vu'. I rsneraU v bomb-Droofed. for men or masa- autt : iba-oSl Isiaea. Tha slopes of the workappearto aava oeen rwveuen wita aanu wu. GOOD - . STYLISH .CLOTHING 31 t . :t '.0 il: or ooyared with grass, and to bare had an in clination of forty-five degrees, or a little leas .There was . a formid able system of torpedoes two hnndred yard advance of this front tha torpedoes being ebon! eighty feet IT ft.1 l T" II apart and seen eoniauung bdooi one nun a j ml ijfy i , 1 1 dred pound of powAer. They were eon tjfuiob warn ieibtb, . . TBU7JUL XAtTSJCS BAGS. ao - r . f . 'rf W1 BATB A BTTTLT OF I. IX9CH1U. Tto9 m. A 'aabam. a i tlAar wal4 d. waj at $ r m a aad ax d a- r f ii 1 1 .i . ta aa .. 4mmmJ a...i n . I nd (BVtf St AtaV IM ! if Baoted with tha fort by three set 1 wirse...... . , . j. Sea Front This front oonsisU of a aariat ol batteries, mo on ting ia ail .wen. ty-foor guna, tha different batteries being eoone4t7BStmgbiianti7psrapet,ao aa to fom a ooatuiBoaa Uoe, - Th seme frstan ol a-Mvy kavarsea low theptoteo tKMe of tas f-aos, la ased aa oo tha land f it s?d lies t-tTree ara a!oror ay bca-jrocM. It tu be added List ia tis LLLiy rxr.h-f rooi aaafasinaa and the r" . tl -: at.ra toaite thoaaand fva L". 1 U Oaaton.. Oataa.., araavllle.,... uraan. , The probable object of Onllford . . . ... ... - . I H.li,.. tun was ta lesa tne enemy so oeiieve tnst i . . - iv . t . nwmn wd worn aiuTisiK itmiuu hi luo ibie on iu.i ti j Weldon Bailroad. Early Thundsymornina Banilaraan. '.. ... oe line or rasron was again Mien UD lor nariiora, Bermada ilandrcd, where the troops were I P,d:. i ,-r .ilHWMII iwiwuu gg ,rausjiurio. ju acuoani Ol I Jtokaon tne draagui or tneae transports, many of Johnaion. tnem were ooiigea to anouor in tne river jone. itntn tlia llit n4 tt raa R.liiJ. K I Lenoir fore all the vessels had arrived in Hamrj- ifJ"' . i a . su aoua... .1 ton l toad a. xne following oompoted the Madiaoa.,,. army oranon oi ' ine expeauion : aiiior- General Beojsmin F, Butler and staff, Lieutenant-Colonel C,5 B. Comstook, of General Grant's staff, Major-General God frey Weitsel and staff (although General Butler aeoomoanied the expedition ' as Commanding Jeneral, still Genera) Weil set wss ia the immediate oommand1 of the troops, ) 2d Division of 34th Army Corp anaor tne oommand or ungadier General Adalbert Ames, 81 Division of 20th Army Corps undsr the oommand of Brigadier General Charles, Paine, and Captain B. L. Lee Battery of Independent Artillery. These troops, taken together, amounted to about six thousand five hnndred men. Generals Butler and Weiteel and Lieutenant-Colonel Comstook made their head qaartera on board of the Ben Deford, Gen eral Ames on tha Baltic, and General Paine oa the Livingston, The naval foroa oonsisted of thirty-seven veesels, ' five of whioh were iron-clad r, and a reserved lone of nineteen vessels. ' l On Saturday, the 10th of December, General Butlsr telegraphed to General Grant that he waa at Fortrera Monroe, ready to sail and waiting for the new.- General Grant replied to thia "Ii yon do not gel off immediately you will lose the chance of surprising a weak garrison." The idea of Iha Lieutenant feneral seemed to be thsl the . suooeas of the expedition depended on the oelerity of Its movements in order to mske a sororlse. lathis be was lobe disappointed, for de-j un tne utn oi 1001 IIM aSJfl i, 1001 Sua M7i W Kit V lOtll ' 014 wool 1439 1067 usi 407 )7i ' BUS I4M 1M 183 Nov. ItWS. i W m 61ei IMS 7SS! 1040i ml BIX 474 ! 1507: 87S 643 11S3 I80N 1707 1040 12 8.SM1 1007 Wii 1.WN 1171 14WI 1410 war inao '. ..., . .Tr.TA..,! ...... f' j., ............ I. ....... .'. .' . . , ami,.. . ... uguoweu.... MMklenbnr.. Milch.ll...... Moatgomsry.. Moor....,... i.aaa. , , New Hanover... Northampton.... Onalow.,, urange Paaquotank...... Perqnlinane..... Paraon.......... PIU.., tii. wta- .'...,.,.,.,...,,. Bandolph. Biabmond................ HobMoa Bookincham. Bowaa Bntharfbrd.. BampMn.......... BUnly. j,.w BIOSM. arrv Tranaylvaaia. Tyrrau....... Ontoa....,,.. Wake Warren....... Waahlogtoa.. WMUi. Wayn.... WllkM. . . WUmb.... Tdkm. Yaeoay... 11 8H81 llll, . 677 1 t tout ITftti 431 S.'15f t16 an 4U0 ....,,..1 . Wl uH .list) 814 ym - am est) 1844 SUM J47V 1814 em ,. 40H ' uo BS1 BOS IMS , W7 141 89N - 6W ' M3 19IA . iaoj 785, ioih ait) 1 eortl 1894 811 1141 1847 . 03 ml lifts 1148 1818 ,487 lies 5401 447 1849 treattttt f Total...,. afajoriiy. 850 04 S37 SHOT 7S59I 1071; 8837 Ulit nit 804 448 S61l 7Ht: 1780 0, 680 m 671 m 687 " 841 184 1318 ' m tni 41 .818 am 878 1702! - 648 -Tl 1067 ' 740 IMH 18W 408 1810 8681 801 177 8) 1814 1106 1816 1418 1166 1882 1018 898 768 '.-880 , 166 "137 S Ism 1210 796 1476 149, eoti 788 12341 18841 11m lose 1873 1021 lOOOi 3378 17121 ,.1861 ' law) 1187 llfl 8U 7211 88 14U01 1021 1004 8H2 IT1 B28 BOOK 878 1874 487 10J8 1P55 87 1000 108(1 1077 S3' 878 884 Use! 1171 sots IVlit 12721 762 807 1147 104 62 I3H6 11241 1613 ' 1810 1977 1886 1839 1041 1328 1811 , 128 :429 1S80 068 720 717 16J7 224 1168 1698 846i 831 126 66! 1109 82 1008 1879; 1301 1 IWJ 411 6&61 700! islni 477 687 1128 2H9 1226 86, 106, 10 811 601 8429 1680! 889, ,701 408 1181 88 4'H 181)9' 611 608! 736 !276l .tm ,642, 81 - 176! 748 600 766 89 eooi 12U1 63 Mi m 806; 1DH4; 49 148, 639, Bit 4118 1062, 481 181)8 968 '96, Nov. 1868. lose -616 1060 644 1227 768 1070 60 109(1 741 1112, 017 808 liool 1131 15301 .4231 f 6JHI lew t67 urn 1AH0 07 Ml 1170401 8712! 1664 14 472: 1187! 1240 1421 llSOf 466 1068, 48; 416 44 68 106 46 8181 ,8422; 721 46 1901, 881 47 S2 168TO 1473 9u1 078 67V 8148: 667 i486 1608) . 780 cool 881 ' 714 791 1412 607 184 422 Bill 738 172 46 1027 60' 8141 117 841 884 loos 990 1046 879 1007 too 1 680 054 1102, 881 ! ' 146i! 1009,! 034 1318 ' 1M7 1372 870 1086 827 840! 800 B30; 833 1067; 4H8 1786 j448 GWI 156 si' soa 8536 1609; 416 1843. 52 1026' 8078: 1201 1431 876, 40'H 1754, 7.W tlOO' I20SII AiYar Oia. Aoo. 1870. 7WW 1690 - 106 877 ' 808 1837 1518 ' 1680 r 186, 1447 ,7S7 S8 830 . ttl . 8968 1063 148 I4M 1487 . 820 1108 622 12 40 744 859 1204 602 1816, 6'it' 828 620 1021 1 740 inna1 29l ldfo 788 604 877 il062 701 1508 8T9 1116 ' 7) 1436 Wis 063 62.1 881 no 1043 IH61 6221 603 ' 8181 1917 837 1600! 1741 84 '2C5, J216I " 702 778 54! 951 ae ao 74 lTOSf 4869 837 1988 1981 417 1463 10471 918 tB68 1031 4061 1752 1264 1316 148 1882! 179 1090, 18: : 186, 106 811 .1488 8308 aoi J421 .12061 07 840 BtW 72h '97 1208 687 '170ttf 010 .III 84 f-36 110 1116 8181 - 130 481 HIS 9H0l 8027 869 7bk 1708, 887 (66 1002 17B2 18l 1280 803 1686 1600 143M mi fit 7 OHS 1007 867 429 788 1121 , 873 708! 800 1764, an -1101 871 1048 8471 168 86i 108. 13ti 1301! 1228 710 881 603 851 S5I 628 881 rsfro - 140, 1124 , 804 5 174 487, 1784: 1671 ; 827 1(18 .1150, 852! 98781 1014 1437 06! rat'r-s 83081 17 7' 'B ,, M2! .x 401 ' 6581 i. ITS 404 929 12121 659; 4mo, 1107 6S1 10343 . 471 . 146: 701 ' 788; Sou! 1800 , S0B 'Oosvaafios, sua. i"(, I I llPOj 630 814 1081 689 1206 804 810 ..... lfo! 708, . 1018 651 I'soi 1206 1220 1180 -4401 U8 961 1483 1484 681 104 12o2 . 808 : 881 177 019 720 12 1443 1429 'iise 859 808 ; 401 "787 1644 976 1767 411) 722 mseEUAsrsrs. ; 042 I7l3 I 4 0 930 )1405 MMCEL B. EUSTITi, tzzzzt er. TB UNDEB8IOBTO rpetrh!ly .olleit patron., a AaoUonaer and heal iatat Agent. n(fi!!!T??S1!iuS,U(Wt0. i4 offlM Bt the 187l! W.t, dMeawd, until Oct lit, v s- ; BAMfcsti b. Btnmsa. PURE JAVA. ,,t COFFEE! VB0I0B BKUC0TED OBAIN, , . . FRESB OHOTJND, Bieeived aoh week. Thosa who bm this OoffM apeak vary highly of it straglh and. aap.rior SfSTl.-H.'!'" b.. tare thomaolvM muoh tronbl. by Outug H. 1 ' Scad for imail qnant ity aad giv it a fair trial. " . ; 1 CHAS. . MYERS k CO., Berth Front Street MERINO SOAP,, J it tot BA 796 765! 1764 SO; 1249 1112! 1828 1148' 978 1184 , 846 451 Boo! 602 I49i l'J8l 634 8004 1206 798 ! 1785, II 848 611 146 14191 1238 93i 1414 880 7451 101 8811 1745 1668 810 783 ' 888 ' 779 000 1407 719 1447! 623 , B6H '843 ' 780 862 1081! 670 80201 ! 84 1 830 1181 8198f 88 00 1762 38 ' 64 1724 a 1 .1226 790 1288 1422 1808 ! 604 27 853 826 778 8109 . 888 ' 458; 1818 J8I6, 879, 1141 27, 402, 86718, 17648 83417 129841 42tll, ; 1029 ; 8.121 11188 1541 ; 420 .4 2H26 930 1741 '854 600 804 787 56 000 777 191 1928 I 78 ,1178 668 176 1 600 1248 i 488 900 i SOI 07 880 K4 8709 loot 419 1999 1051 66 L T J778 885 1810 1144 1581 U23 foot 907 210 488 747 929 A hew artiale prepared skprarsry for waaWog . t FINkFABKIflfL OOmDOaad 0 tha nnraat anrt himk iniIUnta Ufed in making Soap. . Bold by - " - . "' . .''oBAB. HYxngacd, , " 7 North Froal itiWt. ,' sag 80 !., - , . 1 M7 THE CELEBRATED EMPIRE K IS MAbB EX0LWtVELT;FOJBiFli!LiJU8B1 fromtb Saaat Winter "Wbtaf 4iw.oU pro uoom, aad haaMtabUahad Its repntaUee for aoa Varvlns aioallanaa or analit. hannn an aha of no Brand ia tbeolty or mat. Th! price ia ITiffJ? ?t B4 stMalTS. IW BAB. BULB Juat to hand at ! .. t Used 13 Booth FroniitrMt I ft FIBKIHB OF OBIAK 0At-?f,"j J-vJ . , OOUaiiiM fiUTTlB. tb eholoeat aver offered in setter at th United otata. the market aons For aal all. j . M geo, MTEri', :v9 11 aad 18 South Front Direct. OK OF THOSX DRUOATB ' it3 FAOTUUV OnBAatOHlTRBrt Juat to hand at " 1 rrrr-r.-- ! :f GEa-XtfTERSV v 1; Y- i 11 All fcnth Front Ffeet : sag 80 ; v .. , :, , . ,a 87 ADMWi8TnAToa kot:""j HaTINQ 'qTJALIFITO kt ADKISraTBA tot npon the be4. of Wm. B. XU.y, dMaMd, th nnilraUrnd herebv 1vm aotlia is all a, on Indabtod to laid luteatal to Oom furward and make payment! sad all those aavics oiitn. sgalnal th aama ar notiflvd to presaut tuam duly authenticated within th time pre. .od by law, otharwtoe this aotioe Ut be uad la bar of lh.tr noovery. ' " , QIO.H. MLLIT.I-'Vr. sot 80' f, .i":-. -ttor - hiflf " ) V 1 666 8647 .1461 815 J 97 1824 1117 1117 848 841 December Admiral Per- iiaua...".' Mora. Tb vols ef 0mwU and dates ooanties (onofl)olal) is as follows 1 i " DBIFF. i 687 ;-...iV..i.vi m aa I y s v, ! Psrr.ur. ...vot ....K8 ! STUDWEU,; 'BROiT.i.3. - ' - . ,r .... , ' MaKOTAOTOBaM AS9 rOSSSSS Or , ... , . ! BOOTS I SHOES, K; ITMnrray BtrtiVu i. E. M003B, BalMmaa. ' BMW TOJltA. i -....-. r .. , ...... 1 lunsl 1 1 ;,. llMatsh , . . - 1 1T,,- .t... ...1 . . a ter wrote uenenu sunn iubi "Hi real ox ,., :'. . " i I .1 . th.flMi wonld leave here ia threa honn , Total........ .................................. ..lMt , ...... .1 , u-. . Auia woam rhii duidd . niignn ua an. B,at. avtfo. anu prouaou w .m, nuwiTvo, weuiy-.. At the oleotioa held on the qaeaUoe ef holding a Oonvration. la Norambar. 1867. th lol 807 1 tbe rendezvous. five miles esst or uape rear liiver." Ua Jo .in. wm tba vot : aooonht of tbe de'ay the expeditioii had """""""e ei.omi become oommoh talk at Fortress Monroe P. .Asalnat Ooavantlon. afajoritv. 60,04. and Norfolk. General Bailer being assured at hut that that the navy was in readiness to tail, and that saveral vessels had In fsol already ailed, and knowing that a portion, of tha country between the Potomao and tha Bacpahnnock Kiver wss infested with spies and scoots, in order to deceive' tba enemy ordered nis wnoie fleet to get ready end proceed up tbe Potomao as far niattniaa point, jno donbt msny courier fled to announoe the presenoe of the armada, and then the siratetrioal ob ject was aooompliihed. At soon as il was dark tha bows were turned down the river. and the morning of tha 11th ol December f onnd the fleet lying outjnerry alone Point. ine navy naa aireeay atuied, . and most have had some twenty four hoars' start Admiral Porter has sinoe claimed thsl he did not sail first' It is very probablo the Admiral tnougm tost, when tbe army sailed op tbe bay tney bad gone directly to sea. About four o dock in the afternoon of the lltb tba htajor-General commanding arrived on the Ben Deford and directed the fleet to immediately weigh anohor and sail for the point of Ita destination. Thia was a sight long to be remembered. Few army offioers had ever seen snob a magni- fioeat display. Tba decks of tbe vessels were crowded ta witness this email army afloat Many an anxious inquiry was made-as toits:dsstmaiion, for, up, to this time, bo) one appeared to know, al though Wilmington aeemed to be the point selected by the itJT and other offioers who had good opportunities of forming a judg ment After (Mag tbese Orders, General Butler sailed oa la advanoe of the trans port flset - 8oon after, starting. General Antes, wishllg for forties istWiotioos in relaiiol to theaailing M I riajeryodzing of the fleet now temporarily under his oom mand, despatched a staff offloer in the WinanA, a North River tog boat to oom- mnnioate with. Oeneral Batler apon this abject This offloer overtook the Ben Deford twenty-five sailea .a nth of Cape Lookout ia the afternoon of the next day. Ate wen stooa oa so meet Tne neei and WMlakeri ba board tha Baltio aboat four o'clock. The transport fleet wss eollaeted late la tha- night of ft IMh, twenty-firs miles due east of llasonboro Inlet , Hera thq army awaited the coming of tbs navy, which did not arrive until tba Afternoon ol tha 13th,' ,17; WBIOOaTTOrUXD. r-t v KISCEXUSEOrS. H TOE CAFE FEAR ' j LiBQMTBITla laah Tavar. Ia. - AaJ&gQst. writer has been eririffed ia astitaaUiig tha a&UMut of gold ia the world ta dbjl. ixa My a 11 eoald meltad in a lamp be eontaiaed ia a cellar twenty-four rees square oyaixteea feet la depta. Beyi. too, that all tha boasted weaOh ta kea frees tha woid mioew of California aad Australia eouli ba xoaliad aad put is to ta traa saio rose mm . aiga aad tuaa feet aqoara. A amali lamp indeed to oaoss M maoh labor and aacnrioa as it has to ebiaio it , ... . , Tha 'Boeictt f .Tater seems ti he i a t ct Coot-17 aot iacia-1 popular drink ia Paris. ' It r-s m.h tiz gd r-'-'j it k& f.x a 'j ci a AH PBODUOED THB of . 00TT05 ' .' ..vi; of any manor, whan fairly triad.' For parlio v. m. nuir, vnemiat, Oap. Faar Ohamloal Work, I ml , t24kdAS lar addrae TBE t-ESCHE DCRDASf, ' " EANUFAOTUEED. BX W. a BLAOKWIIX I aonalderad th bt now mad. ,, QC OAnotliU and otliw Brand at manu, faeiorsr's prio, to th'Ktradby D. PIOOTT. Toaseeooift, . ang I 87 111 si iip w tt 14 w aui 1 m mntf k 1 i BtMPLrDHAfUBCUIIIt-r 1 sept 17 r , - . M-esaw-ly-eh 6R0CESIE8, WISES F 1 ! 1 : -2 : ASD LIQUORS ! nn QBoonrxs, ' ' ' - uu man ajyuuuo, ... Oaatwboaga at t 1 I MISCELLANEOUS. TUB uaivEaaiTV or viuoiaiA ' i- ' aeannsas 'i-- i i THBF01TjdwnfrDFJABTattaT8f j 1. Bahoalor Latin. 9. Rnhnnl af Oraak. i A aebool of kfodarn LangaagM. 4. loboal of Moral Fhlloaopby. I. Nohoot of Hlatory and Bngliah Llteratnre. 8. Bohool of Ohamiatrv. 7. Bohool of Natural Phlloaophy, 8. Bohool of ktatbe- uauoa. a, aonooi or uommon ana Hiatal, uw. 10. Bohol ef OooaUtnUoaai and Oivll Law and 11. Bohool of PhTaloloav and Bnr.ar. 12. Bohool of Anatomy and Materia Medioa, 18. aebool of Madiolo and Obatetriea. 14. Bohool ol Applied Mathamatlos. la. Babool ofanaJyti- TARlfrAS .rw tilpat.l. FOR RENT. : '.1 e .'l I " ?. ?r cT x- :t iiS SOU 1BT O0TOBXB aaxflbatfalrabl 8 tore, corner market and Water itmtsi at arse tnloooopled by Vetera L. Weill A Co' " ' Alio a lomfortabl rIdno en Fifth, betwesa Dook and Oraags etnets, at prsssaf ooovpiel by Oapt. Jno. H. BoblasoB. r i r . I'rt Also, tb residtne on Filth, between Mark! and FriooM strsts, known as Us Knohl house, at prtent ooooplad by Oapt Jao; W. OaUoway. ... -- - A . t -- - - , 4 A. i 4 - Apply to , , . . . , , "6EA KMC" NAVT, . "VICTOR TWIST" aril ltii(r eaL IndnatrialMdlgrionltarai Obamlatry, 16, 1 oobooi or aatural Hiatory and Agriooltnre fProfMeor to b. eleotod.) aarProvialona mads toLUtoal JCoomomjf. rracUoai J'kynot, Afaddxtl a'anaprwiaao aoa aaiustrs. Drpiomat and Ckrtiffoalen qf Proficiency ar giTsa in to. aapar.1. woooi. Tb. following Dtjrmt ar eonfarrad: t, Baehe lor of Lottar. A baobalor of Hoianaaa. A Maa. tor Of Arte. A DM .1 M4llna. a. Raehalnr af Law. 6. Civil BoglOM. 7. Miniog EaganMa Tb cxpenSM of tha atndani. .xalaaiva of ttrl Book, elothintj, and vorksf money, amount to Bros (BOS to 639S Mr SMaioa ef Bin. awntba: of wniea aama SX40 to 8250 ara BaraM. oa admit ion. aeaaioa opeoi Oot. lat. For Oatalognei addrM CIIAR1.BS a. VBBABIiB!, P. O., Onlvaraity of Ta. Ch'ma of Foolty. uly 85 864-lmch By sug 80 D. WaOTT,. ' Tobaooontit, SHIELDS'. EIE WAS1II "? Mnnfaotnrd by "J'c(ij', Mra. BCB W. CABBWBLAs.f a "1 Wrr wnw. W. O.. NE OF THB MOST IFFfcOTlVi I da diM for tnilaaMd. In iua-ttak ina Ts oOSrad to th. poblio. For aai. by .il I Wa llets la tha city, . Frio 9( Mntapar txiia, , aavajui at x.Jti. - WholMala Af acta, 47 atrkt B. O KOTICE TO CARPESTE2S. ' Robert O. Wood, BOILDBB A 0ONTBA0TOB, Hi VINO returned to Wllmtngtoa and reenm ad hiM fomaar baaiaaM Mlioite Ux patronag of I , ... 41 D. HILL, 1 i , i J wuMiuMtt. I J.v.rim, , Oomnutte. ipaoilloation forniihed whta. Is I ' - '- B. J. FAIoOH, I sag hi ii."."H T'- s7iwta fTUSDia" WILL BB BBCIXVED OB OB EX X. for tba 2.51 b of Aognat, 1871, for ILe a. tioo or a soaooi sou mug at rataota, no tte W. A W. B. B. Plan and apaciflaauana aiH b ar duon ua myytKmtrv u w um wuiuiu.,wa. the pablia la hi. run aas ihwd. sag 6 964-lauh r oi rale, ; ; nail Ooidaboro' Mia en ter oov U aad aend bill to tbia erne. TlfO EUQIBLI LOTS 09 NTJN BTBBET Ms " - - CM -. ; - -i betweaa Froat and 8oond. Apply to LOW FOB CASH. M Whiakay 1 par and good. ' , ,' ! w.rfbench; ! Cor. Uarket aad id BtreeAa UlilliOPOLlTIN UOTIiL, BROADWAY, NEW YORK,, Will I AUGUCT22a, m ia, rMfUa mt eaaata. , . . Tb rtajac D5'nf ka bMI lk4wahly rwortud, asd fttra .1 u.-- .out. Tb. Ptwniaiors bar ea4. rary avtloa t . . - U ft. .V. . . .. . . . l. aaraaa, and hav. r-ari axtuaac paiaa aoa IX paoa to -" lbt - t. v w mA aa a, a u. i ' " f j a f---1 .ra. yJy88;' 4 hv7loh- f v-n wr yw W ( wo1 1 1 , 1 .1 .B.ILU& 9M-U Fi riijosnijos, 1B8T nXlfTCaT FTAJKM BBOBTTID- AI Baaoolo Ball. Jaatraoaived from the eietra- tfi make of Mills. A Oo., Boloa, aavaral la. Piaso., wbiek hi h. bearbl laias, Om la a ail Oabinel Sim, lakaa ap IeM room. Am all th. la teal impro,maola. ami aotevaa, xal- wimm ana HracH, nama rK v., vim i a "OYIB ONB HCNDBKD DOLLAB3 LASS" laea Ik. hmai prkw of Ptaoea, ParlM. wiabiag M BajreBatM bm uwial ia test aaa eaxaecaoruy of t: , a.i Butramaote, .- ,t j , Xaoh FUao rally warraatad. ' I.. 1 Good CMoad-hasd flwnt va babl ebasp. ; ft i- J. F BBXOatBHT, ttea. Agawt, ' .vmhTrti ..WuBa-wtesa-Jt 0.' : ssgliv . a. . . UIMSIIAWHI." TTCSET LB TUT UFZBI0B. A CO.. 'sag " i. .- a r TBarthFroMBtrMi. 17 ISPOaTA AT KOUCE TO CQZtZ n . OrDSTC08SS.i.lwV ;i ti-v r- "' ' :i-!z3Ui I Hatil Oral aaa aaMwf t0 Amd Urar DallTaraal ia mmf fall mt tin ' . Oautry 1 fnxa or Bxraxas iaiAJtBa.? ii,!l j, i. h . 1 f-. o.k j ij oil fiASILTOS EASTEl JH12Z24 . , Jt OF BAlTIXDB. K9y tZl 'a U ordwtW ratter to bkH tba Irt- - ',r, tail mtatomar at a diaaaiyw, I r ik atABPUB , . . - aad wffi, apoa arosmaioa, r- ' -i w foil lute. Of bar-- a-1 loat FaahlnnaW - i ... A and DOkUdiiJ r.A . . A.t,. ,.c I at all tun, to a.- i a, ka, if nvt , J tba. any boo, m t- OLn.ntrr. f ear rxte rroo to. 'irbitwd ii. .tifKlann ia k,, mi l arrrs au l luBportuar tea L , . , r 4iral to !' ", . .4xv ., ,a. proo ; Mrtd wfta tta a i i , uamp tWa ai Par aaiiav Aa . any and a-4 e ' - . - . k.4 Akoo, wa ai-a a. a . t , t- r rood, at tram in toi iij t OCA r rr-FATi i aad 1 .: I a4 . 4 k - U 1.3 i-rl t ihU