1 1 1 1- nnr : 1 1 f-v fr ''v-r'''''?;- ."nCi- . BJafea VOL KXI -NO. 2. II - i INUBtME. WiiffliuKioa lorth Oarolliu Lil t: wrimb mm OFflCKKSl I JOHN W. ATKINSON..-.. ..... President. J(JHNDAW)N........ Vloe-Preeideat. . D. WALLACE..... Beoretary. Dr. E, A. ANDER80N...,,.,.Med.oal Piraotor. SPECIAL rCATTRKS. ' Na reetrtatlone on travel or reaidenoe. " New mod of monthly payment of preml. did. ear So extra charge npon male. mW PoUdM Inoontestlble. may 11 the lives ofFe- lM-ljoh INSURANCE ROOMS! LIVK8 KKGllUTOit. Summons' The ennptome of Uv. r oom plaint are noeai ieee and "Pain in the dde Bometifne the in t In tho ehoolder, tod inltakn forrhea- maUm, .Tireetomaoh 1 mwDaoiea who ioee oi ao peui uu uakueu, bowele in general ooetiva, tomeiimee altering with Ui. The bead to trou- niea iin pain and dan, ldci-able fnm ef heavy eeneatioa, eon' memory, accompanied with painfnl eenaation of hav ing left nodona Mm thing whloh. ouaht to nave neon aone. unen tomiilaining of weak' -tee. dbility and low pint.. Hometime ma' jj oi me above ymp- tome attend ill dineutu and at ntha linn vara few of them; bat Uie liver la generally the organ U1V. UTUITOU. UDTV IflffUTirfflU I 1 IF 1 DR. SIMMON'S Tb HE CNDRR8I0NED OFfKBS TO THB Ultimo of Wilmington indemnitor again! fire and aerine loeee by Ineoranoe opoa favorable urate tu toe toi owing leading uompaoie ; BEOURITI INSURANCE LOMPANT f New Jerk, CONTINENTAL INUBAHOB COMPANY ofltowfork, SORTS AMEBIOAN F. I 1 OMPABT of RewTork, SOBTE! AMEBIOAH F, L COMPANY - . . . of Hartford, annuo inavnuava uumraaf - of Cincinnati, FIBEMAN-H FCSD INSOBANOE OOMPAHI of eaa Freneieoo, HUME IJtMUKAMUE UUHfANir . o( Biohmond upon deelrable rleke -ve carry foil Unea, with rate a low a thoee of any reliable aod pro oent uompaaie. , Apply to JOHN WILDKB ATEIS80N, Oe iwal fire and Harine Inanrano Aceat. No. 6 forth front etroet mayu lM-lyoh WIDOWS' UD OBFBW Benefit Life Insurance Company OF NW YORK. nv " J HE P0PCL4BITT OP the "Beierv Plan" it erinetd id ite remarkable growth, (oeing en dor, d by orar eis bondred and fl'ty Tolloy Holder -n Narth Oarnlioa) and the large eum wbieh are beiog carried by einglo iodiWdaal. She aamea of a fee of the large Policy Holder are here eubmltud i John O. Williams Btnker, Raleigh. Win. E. A"deiBoo, " " Poil pA Wiley, Tiiomos W. Driwey, Charlotte. R. H Smith, Scotland Keek. W. F Korjegjy. Goldsboro. M-J J A Eugelhard, WilmiDgtou. W. P. oid-am. ' Oapt W A. Camming, " Cpt. JuhnW, Biueon, . ". randaisieen M6) other of tbieUyar lunitd for an arertg roiiey of ti 600. W, R. KBNAN, Baperviior. s Liver Regulator. A preparation or root and herbe, warranted to be atriotly regetablo, and ean do no injury to BUT UBV. ''.if . f i r- Jn .. . - . ft It baa beed need by hundred, and known for the laat 10 year a on of the moat reliable, effl oaoloo and harmleea oreDantinna anr nlTnnwl to tb nfferiDg. It take regularly and peraiat- piiny, n ,ur, ru pgr) Djepopila. headaehe, nod oo, ooetiveoeae, (o headafb. - ahmnla iiarrhcea, ffaotioa of the bladder, omp dyeente. Of the Regulator 1 7. affeotion i kid- 'eye, rever, nerrone !. ehille. dleeaaea of tb akin, Itopuiity of tb toud. ueiauuiiuh oi deoreeilon of aolrit. heeM bora, ooilo or rain in the bowel. Dale in the head, fever and ague, drrpey, boil, pain in Ih oaoa, AO. Prepared on!? by J. II. IBIU1 CO., For tale only by JTAS. W. UPPUT (JO., Wil mington, N. no 10 115-lreh COPlRTilRSIIIPJOTIIII!. T- ' - -,- u ' :.. HI BUBSCBlBEBi TAKK THIS METHOD of informing the eitizsna of Wllmiog on and ear ronnding oonntry that thv have entered Into a OopartnerebJp u the WH0LK3ALB and HE-TAIL DBUfi BPSWES8 . at LlPPiri'dold aland, nndar the name and tvleof U01L.UJSJSNY & WEIGHT. W are n iw enlarainar car Btore and inereaa. ing onr aire at exteaelve ttnek of Dram. Madl oin-a, Onomioala, Toilette Oood. ft.. Arc. PhyHao and Oonntry Merebante order nued "tin prpmptne, and eheacer ibta an VlVff uuuoa duuiu oi new ioib. o a. muiocisnsix, ? A.K. WBiaUT. M.O. . N. B. Preeerinliona oarcfall eannonBdad h c wiLua. an MDerMnoen ana ureu knows Urne opt 11 i..v. 895.10,00 DAIL Y JO0HN AI4 1" oum DAiLi a turn hat, v r J, A. BHGBLHARD, EdltwlMftA Prep Hnw AOTBURT1URS aATBB OAU.T. liiiiirlifiifflf 51 if a s F . si el tjdiJiUdAJeilj siffi fil 8 8 8 S K S ; fl If II wf t. .8 J? J. .8 U J e&llf Sp 8 . a b -t i"B I t J- .8 AJg.tj. ilftflff 8 8 8 X 8 e e' lillli l! 8 8 8 88l8t8 ? HUl H 5 8 8 ets ; fill If I-8U-S-J.-8 J lilfri! sijtie s.f: HI 5 8 g 8 i 8 8 88.. l a 8 8 S' 8 ?l 8 8 S 'ill S S I I irt libelous uiotnro liclmr tukui-enil aout i Waehipgtoo, aad Ihey gv it lUej did Kirk's outrage, Ihoir hlToBt appta'. ilii iie riot or Ana raise eiorr aeoom- paoving it will do no harm Id Nofth Oato line wharavikmn 1 horMoted. Th aor raetionwill never reach the Noiili, wh politloal food" it jost eqeU toriof."- p. im.il mi ,n k i ,fg tub buutii in xitnvKfiuun. , 1-M UTho uuiuddetit rnblioalioo, ty the Ad J? I- ninlBtiMiuo" 1 1'hjJPM, Tith ' jfl,-eoB6led t f - ebutonturiit'. and by thd Do'mooratlo or vi Bans iu tiiuDOo, ci a reotui letter oi ueo. I Wada Ilamiituii. on what mav be lorrnn.i (he j'Rtly roiationa-ef the boulu, corapeh aa lu teour tu a tabjeot on which onr viewLu?o alioady and, a loug lime ago oeea iieiy,spiiiteu. auo oorre-pou-dono ui awo gewUeeaen 3diatiDireike' and, within eertatn cirele,:x iniiaontieJ a Metais. Ilamptoo sod D. IT. Hill, h too impressive to ue pasnea of in silence, end we ek.lo diijuei ip- tbeiqvra (ope that thai we.have loaay may bll tened lo, and 'soon convince ereo thera,---Tbo loiter in q oration is to tho general et leet thai- the boutbem IMmeaKOjr suouid ot.be RurearBtrd n the National Ood Tf ctloB, but ahoold bold itself in rradinrt to t Mow the lead of the Kortb, "'giTlng 11 all tu old tnr can." It rraauea.no specia-. Mgnoitjr - to ... diatonr . why la Duraooratlo meamremtiiii they ntd! to be.' It will be far more effeoiive than I tbattjterythlnf ehonld be taken oo? rtfw- tiawm, "na nsteaa oi tee tjonrentioa peakioa bo' end for nil, to ritfor 'low and pewtlbly doobtlal ratifloe, ion. We earueetiy eiw-si these, considerations ennr Honthern friends. Wnshlegton Paft-iof. '. . A SUea CeleeldfBca, We pblibe4 lest week en account of eorloai twerm of flies whloh tu area pn jng over. Hometown, A'enn., soa whloh Mitt AUVKUTIstMhMN wa rathfiv YirmrAA aa a. mAtiv Kinl. Aaa bat on Saturday several reliab.e ladits end oi pur iown eaw me tame etrange Iwarm, oorreeponding in everj eartioalar to the'one alluded to. 'Am far a one ftonid. see up; they extended. And in width they appeared to be several hundred f trdi. preeouiiAT a most remarkable aneiv. raole. Some of thfti were oaoght and cz mined, nnd eorrMpond oreoisel wilh those, we had 'mentioned. Whenoe and whither these myriads oame end ere Boise. oo one know, or it least if anvbod dnu. ho or she hs kept that ktowledge to him or neroeii. ; una nny of oar taraMi exDlain ae. a. . v . ins paeaoBjenoa rruaman Journal, ' ' H I " ' . ' lll'U'.' will. i m , . " KV tto next giueml oUoiion in Ksuim the people will tatan, prapositun lo The lYew Dislnlfictant I : Bromo ? CUoroluttiv aun-roiioiioue. odohlkis, . ... tQWMVVh' . - f"-'. DktoooriiZBR anu uieinrKOTAeT. INTIRII.TBARHLX8H AND MAPI. " ABHKRTH AND PRBVKMTM OflTAOIO1, Ud in orivatadwelunk hotela. reatanraala. pablloaohool, botpltale, lnaa aaylomi, di peoaarie. Jail, prison, poorioaaee, oe ehlpe. team boat, and la teaaeaant-honet, aiarae'e. waier-oioi, nrinai, SlOki, A tpee MM, i ewtre, etes- ail tmniaaimut ami utttlliMiil diMOM. a holra, typhoid fever, snip fevwr. eajau-Boa, asarie sever. matee. Bjmai, am, rreparea eniy oy .umw m co.. ire Willi TiLbm co.. ire old by ail dregttote. tarn it "'"" fi AtmvnmAiit' CtO J. i why I build it railroad fern L-aveoworlh to a oh eoqosel ihoolf beawjifa.eosaj -oiut otintrtoliop with the Allantlo and woo vd guiaiua , .tae .wotx of WILMINGTON. N. (LMi.it FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1871. A CARD. 1 ah all b sbcent from th Hy few day aed deelre to etata that Tnoma Ot . lea , will aoeomato4et any who eaay be A ainma- of en doiemgtb eeive flan, ana we know or no better way by whieb to ahow 6 aopreoiaUca than making an applleatien for e Poliov. W. B KENAN, Soperrisor. Orncc Barphy Bni ding, Prino street ' ' epU6 , SOs-tf NOBTD CABOLIS-, UttME MtifTiUKCE COSlPiNf SECURITY AGAINST IOSS BI FIRE I fflHIS OOMPANT PATH IT8 LOSSES FAIBLT, A and oironlatea it earninge at noma. -v it kae Joai paid It laiae by the esnflarsaaVm t Hendereoa, buy aad promptly It rate are ae moderate a alety will Jnatlfy, Innta IB III Parts ! Ue KUte. B. H. BATTLK. Jwl. ..Preetdent B BATON GALES fAearetary, . H. MPBDOOH..........Aeitaat neoretary. W. ATKUInOa OOt T -AHO- mm- GOODS XHiTB' JVBt BBTPBSX1V JVJUVMW York with one of the TiamVrOClS e Saf naiiel -. f U, .W FANCY STAPIlEj Irer bnrigbj to (his pCAriut, and, EcUlng them LOW! 99 CALL A5T BEE HE, -tat tie tx HATS, 3 BUAKKT BTKKBT. riNE a ASTERS F02GEX2Z2fENr "Wa co5irsra to tscrin the itbt Btytea. . tTl!XTek IIiLI1 . rra ef tt fl Ti 1A ' LJJ PBL8. CFOOBOELBBBATKD FLOOR Jnet receive t per titMaaer "Benefaetor,n whioh we cunr to lot from oo pound upward, ioatl) prononnoed by tboae who have need It to b me neei in inn eity. Kvery barr l warranted roreaieoy v. V. MiBt OO., Bole Proorietur. No. 7 North Front Street FULTON MARKET BEEF.' A very floe lot of Fulton Market Beef fnrt reonvea, in uairri ana uau tsarreia. Irur eaJe at Mi cent dv . . CHAS. D. MTERS V CO., : 7 ' . , 7 North Front Btreet. TTTK HATB JUBT BCOEIYED OTB FIRr f f ortmout or . . SMOKED BEEF, BEEF TONGUES. SUGAR CUBFD HAMS. . DRIED SALf SHOULDERS, V. - - PIOMDES, DRIED 8AL T BELLIES, And every other variety of meat for family nie For al very low by CHAS. D. MTERS k CO., 7 North Front Htreet ; eept 28 . 809 r VA TT atlas wmsnics. TBI nrlvaJUd 44i popalarity attain- 3f- I ed by th a fine wniuiee l ana ic thtit PXiFB1 POBITY. UNI FOBHQOAXirr, aiviuinii OHABAOTBB and at the um titae to their IX OBLLENOB AB OKAKKAXi BBT EHiAB - . Thev ere camrMtewd free froen all DELKTIBj 2 re BCBTANCEd, bavin Invariably atood the ort thoroogh AN AL?TIOAL TEdTd. npoouuiy reoomn'Daea rur u iarpu iu whloh pore and b'gbly improved- Wbiakiaa ar need end Sot by H FHasT-OfcABBOMOOAB-., DBCQQIBTB, and Pealar generally. I f.O'i n'TO TBR rfiADX.11 1 V;.C Pna for onr "AUa Ptloe UL" and be pleae- ed te reeeemeer he, twirg - , r Aurttftt, tir)iiui,Eiu. 4 have eonetantly oo hand a vtry large and eop rtor eeaortaent of fCKE-PYE, WHEAT, BuDBBOM and MAt.T- WalKBIBHioiffereni a, la which, a well ee In aw re alar At a Whiekiee. we offer raau mdeeenent. Also oi hand, a large aad well-aMorted stock of th bew newnmaaeeo' h, . r . If B.WttllBIIS,' Of from I to t j ear old, wbieb were distilled tf oar wa order, end gaaraatetd to be the heat oJ tsjatretaee. v i , r. ': ,--x nsn a ro., L SSSowlk Bay Btr -,M Bavltieaere, t)t. - JolyU . ' - dmoh I10TjGUIIo -TvTT ST Y,m tanroBAeacaja ,v"" lew Tort Oi&oe, S7 mDLU SL ru:rr-cxwEss ittotxos t . ObDSBB fOB ALL IMD3 OF FECIT ASS Oraasteaial Treee, ' Orape Tine, Bewry, aod other PUata, Ac AU fro th celebrated n- CTLDQCa BrBSZBHa,wa b received ky ea4lMmih - . ' OBO.. FMNCH. - s -'ILL" KLT2S.CF t: l"'. -0B W0K1 ... , ...i : .. v,wSXAiancv "" tUm KV.Kl.OZ. .. . . .. -. K- , . . , Dew nadleal !Th wader U feeiwred -The Other tide mt m Vary raaetrwl ttepnouoenitm. njAOiany oi,' lual mug wbioa eusulu tuo' admiiiUifatinu." : L they, by bdob or oiook, by ti.e deiwroo oi euiuiar norw mu late aieaipuno-wt flics-holders there, oan uaoeRM t have e erjr 8 a'e represented, oo mat mr by whom, biaok or white, in Ihtir eooveaiun, pd Ibe Aiemoorat'o Vouy ntiou befiagmaatt. ary, they - will - a the preet ve tt utie iianant,", ena ine ouomofB Lumt orata will be spoken of e .uueoly stHn ilua aloof ev n .from, their ova, fiuihvwtti,. great oh.sm between, Vhloh.'ewn v. hen the eleetiou eomee, will set be bridated. Nur would this be entirely a nuetetneu tation. Nothiug, it eoema l a,,, would moie chill Ine aal end generous sympathy of the Conservative Worth thau to tee thore voant eeatf tajid k miea the. iaoo of tbeirreo6rA)ilebrelbreui If isnoJ euhog toi ns o na jioM lheytriii lead." We need their counsel i form; departare.niw.oi vld nd.idte. Our is ibe theory that, for all purposes of consnuatauon ana ; preliminary! i notion, Btfttinern men ere cjmpieteiy rehabili tated nod part of the politloal family as if Pacific lailroad in the la 11 n Territory. Cbiosgo peters, oom plain that people in mi oruiuary oooutuon - tumble into tse street luuuol. , Bed indecL AMI : KOR RKNT! That ItBOANT BRIITK KEMDBNkB t)oathWt oornor of r out and UbeelnmAhA tr et. Tb hoc ha atx room, baidaa oioaete, pantnoe, o , with kitcbm and all eua venlenoe oo the prtmVee. H?"Wflliifi a. tm,-nvnn sept W "1 3(9..fjch FOR REN r. That vebt desibablb, cestbal. fl 1 loeatedBriek Dwelling ea fook. be-JA. tween. Front andbioond wt rotate), now oonnpled by O. Boientball. Contain eaven room, and a u taemnga repair, - - i ppiyti' u..H)rt, w. At B. UUIlaUBI septet , 3U-tf tneoroadeitemBeetv bed been DroeleimeJ. I, wV nt? riw tfT u ug uuuuwiiTivK vvuai4iu vuai re The Northern Radical papers ere pub lishing n picture representing the &n-klox banging, or about lo hang John Campbell, when bo is resoaed , by Deputy Marshal I atriotione hid never been enacted. ' They, Hester, who ie also a United Statee deieo I or tome of thorn, uudei the otoel Itgiala tive. Aooompaoying this piotdre was an tion thtiilenemiee are trying tolDerDeioatr. eoeount which profe-sed to stale how the I may not tie able tu vote but they are none valiant uetter , euooeeaea in - reeooiag toe lets our mends end brethren on that Campbell. The Balelga Benlinel of Bat-1 account. It inol; difflcult to imagloe a oroay in tne louowing oommenie on toetgreii prsoucaj ..$enu tq. be attained by avtiMlA .ttnw, Alrlv tlnw Vn.blnv ttltinit. I thai . nMaanAA Atft la f.ank Li..h...inH A wuvwa v t waawaaww. I .H.f. r,v.ByVB LUB I..U, U,IUII V jr HORRENT. is manafaotnred. Tb Senunel se e: "There is no truth in the piotore or the stat ments eceompanying it .. .;, "We nave it from klr. AIhono Haynea, of Wateun'a photograph gallery, ia this eity, that fleet!-. Marion Kritb, and E. S. Wallaoe, tt Hoiden's 'melieh,' with Cbiok Boots, negro, Janus Archer, and four other negroes appeared at bis gal lery, and the photograph of tho groop wee taken and sent to Washington, aad millions of pietarea beve been copied from it. Whea the picture ie before yon, the their wishes. 'II the South, in the Convnlioi ;were r witnaojtuingiue unity, to exprea tun Wish that dead issues should be buriid. and sn exiSinf stat of UUags ec9twtW nay, more, If, while the judgment of Ue North was balanoiaa in the onotoe ei can didate, toe Booth were not obtrusively, but earnestly and with genoine acobrd to w ; m.i a a a a - aea toe noaiaauoa ex one wno nao, uae a generous, soldier, fought and helped to oonqner them, or of a statetmaa whjee re mote antecedents were 0.1K OF THOBB Brisk Tenement eltnated on Dook street, be tween Fw Mi aad Fifth etreet. Hooee -4 - ...; . . ... ..... . . . .... ... I ..I s thr atorie ud eoulaln all the mod-.LjL e n itnprcvemuU. , Hot and OoM Water. Bath Boom, Bange, Ae I very deeurabl from location and ooiforta. Apply to . . o eff. aJtMBtl MPABXS, 'C Anetlciteere and Bel Bauite Brokere. seg an . nes-tr im mm BAVBO SI TBS MB Cr ITarflold'fl OOLDWATKB SeU-w&sbicgSosp, 8LD farfl rfl AR and PRICE U8T, AQBaHTB WATn WI180I.LOCKWOOD, IY1XZTT4C. 61 M URKAT bi.. New Xork. Bole Agente for the Btatee ot Vlfgrnla. North and an tun Carolina, oeorgta ann riorioa. - aatt.UwAlin KMCUavL eUPtBIHTfc.NlJai.ET'O C." ii.J,t - Wiia,, OoLOnai a Arxicrra U B. t o. , r Ifnmian. II. I) .... I k 1 i ' , - ' aAjat Vr ti uuvi.aj. , ; :aftfb IHI8 DATB T3 FO.i.c"-"1 .fl. ohdale will be van by taaua ea t. ' lea,;- f i f t i -r:y , i- . y i ,r DAT MPEfl9 TBAia (DaCy.j 1 Leive WUpingt(iBMlio)... I'll, H; ' Aniv at llorene Bit A. U Arrive at liornule.. ...... '. Hi Leave tUrvule.. ...... ....... ...... ) A. H Intveat i urea................... 1 I P 11 : ArriTai'(.to-....i. I Mj P. U tUtCtbT BXPiwMd TiUU (Daily.) Soim j J. ' Leave W'-nkoirtua............. I i . M Arrive et It toreuoa... It A. li - Arrive at KiD-eviUe.. I II M I Leave Klneevtile B 'l i.lf " Arrive et 'iraoect . ....,..,.., .11 P. 1 ! ? Anlve at WiUnin'toa. u A. U -IniA U WUtDUa, left nW, U UaLSLl) Fruit twd Ornamental. FOB AUTUMN OF 18!!., ; : We IbvII the attenlloB of Planter end Deal ers le oar large and complete stoek of Bteatdard evad Owatf Wrwll Tra, Urap Via, aad eaa.lt WrwU. ' Orwaaaawtai Treee, ehrahe , PIAata. aw aad Kara rvll aad Oeaaaaeatal Treae, DMorlpttv aad Ilinatrated orloed Oataloeaes ewi p epaia on ratwi or etampe aa rouowei . No, I P-nite. te eanta. No. B-.OrnasBtal treee. W ete. No Oreen-honee. 10 eeru Ho. e-Whole.le, fie Ho, B-Bolbe, free. ai iinaHvan aanai, H'oNwW W0 BUeaaaiar. a. V --l ' 0 PirpBaiariuiuaat'e Otveov,' av:.Z) , t , WiiJUMrroB, N. On June lOih, ibL f . . - nVHMB ABtaaaeBaaT oe wnxi-f t : . . uiMW-aa mi a.., 4 FaeeMrer And Freight Praia ewree'.Wl'kjDee-'.' ? toa at iA A. M aad arrtveaat M t. M., da . (Hnndaye excepted). ' Tbeae Traiae crtve el the bead of the Boadr ', at 4KW r. M. aad bMveate.se a BLr ;,.j;tWKtera tlrlr-ri a-ft. Paaeenreraed PmiM' IVa4aw leeva f3iBr-r folk aa Toaadava. Thareditva aad aataadau at l-Bd a. m." ' t-- v, iv uaerryviiie v tan a at f .r, iXODBHlOB PICK 8 1 from Wllmlnetna ta .. - Cnarrvvill. ood fur the Maaon. A SiS kci..tJ ' ! Bl U- FuEsZCIST, ,ni ; Chief Ingiaeer aad Qeaera Hnnt ... f . Bee 11 :. . ; Mtf 'J 1 AW Pacer eeovlaa eehadala Aahetataia thU 09 watt Otta4W eftOwAavWaW t : n . ' w tj y t , . a. waaBWwawaw WUaiBKton nd ITelJlOB Val.rdaf C - ;rl t"Z, WOTwWa biK'ltaw'lUi. Iw7a'yt.t' Ptaean Traina will Iiim tTnlnai at.tla,a.'.t : nl K A. 1L and 8. f. BL tT " - B Aniv at Unl0(. etation at :10 A M, tad t , 7 lsav at . 10:SO and Anrrrt at . ;! Bt'eaifclliLII.;; LJCORsRENT ! T7 . . , ...... ItOMlaK tsr tut OF October noxt. that desirable btohk, eorner loath Water aad Market ilroeti, 'at proieul ooouplod by Natbtn annlfnno T.,..nl B-Olirt ' Meat a iij;jivwuo aivuiuui far oae liae Pron Bol now eat aerlbere 10 Ai-vlsto ' Jocaiiit, oan. ae a trial ntktoru tt n, ontain the rem ioiag leaee ft.r ike oturent year -from Eopa. m-riiu uit: u u l.h. Thl lartf rerttietio' eiTered to S Merft rv (0 eyVe tho eol a -t oceuainlMl etUA A Journal 10 fuUy left V mtrvi tmtUine tbnev be matted direoi to tn ntoilebere. Arvijvoa'e Jouaeata la pubilehad weekly, ant voueiai 01 miriT-ivo page qoartn, aaon nnm Freltrnt Train ,wr. si. . on Beadave th S:U P rain oili will be nn. B. Ia rBEMOaT. fthlaf Vaalaaa. - mJk gX . . i ' Jane U , . .. f sa BUM Peperi pabiUhiag Bahedale aeitoe will a aieeonuua Bieae copy am ether traiaao bar at tr a lively Illustrated. Prie 10 Mat pr Aamor rgniar nunaeriptinn price it per an num. in advance D. APPLKfON a) (X Pnb iiaoere, new lora. Xa I J k7l7 VOB OBB WOBTI TO AUk WBO AB S" Ilil'il'JnilTl VS aia ta Jan.. '7Sl II 'JO to July. Ill ti 60 to .Tannery. T THB naiuuviiT, Kwry a Metare It ie Mayer a a Bar Boom and Liquor Btore. aieamau wnjeere-i'" ... , far, fpo, being in I "'I nlUa Oood or OT. d men on the left ie Qoodwyn, Blis Hester; harmony with theirs, but who stands llrm l ot ,ht beet looalliies In the olty for either w va a, ww aa ab BKea awtkAma taivkt fa mi. 11 Ua 1 I la aaa t.n awaai k.la B A .-J I the men on the extreme right is E. H. Wai laoe, of Holden'e militia. The rtourd of squire Woeley WbltaKer oourt, not nity yrds from oar omoe enow thai .wallaoe aae latwy arreated on tne charge or lar- eeoy. next to iiester in tne piotore is Ubariey Moore, negro, who la No. 'i: no. 3, Ed. (Otick who la in? offloe point- if thd reptwentatrre mn of the BooW tie iog on. ine pereoaa- ia thd pictaae, eaye abeefitf v v v " he forgot his other name;) no. a it unto Boots, nigger; No. 6 Julio Aroher, nlg- m; no. 0, torn Bieniey, nigger; no. 1 Major Twittv. aiggr; No. 8. E. 8. Wei oe. white: No. 0, Marion Ki-itb, white. and not Johjj Campbell with the rope around his neck. "The fact are these : In Angait lest, Heter, calling himself tioodeio,' and passing off ss a tobsooo peddler, went to Aloore oonuiy wiut a wagon, aoooapenied lly on tbo great basis of Anaotsiy a&dl ftaoe in the oroadesi sense ifthie were to happen, aa it eaaily , miRhtWha Would I doubt that the with would be listened to and the great 00-opeiaUon secured by har- momoaa ooaneei, and not by more ae- qaioaorn Jfl t Yet slUhia i impracticable The arffouiant which.aAt this lata dev. ifltuaod tj convinco tbo Sootberd Democ racy that tuo poltoy of absence and re serve is the truo one, rests, in our iadg mtict, on a mistake oi fot and a palpab.e raiiaoy in reteonmg. "the a jutuern JJci egetca," tars Geooral IJsmpton. "in a Na tioual Convention could exercito no infld- enoe in ahapinjf the policy, making np the selecting me candidate for the ft bu lnv Apply to aegW ' LX, B. EILER3. " . m-tf Boom article bv Tal in moBularilsi ), viiuog-a grea eerta etory espoeing eearet aaa FOR BENT WB MLK I A DEIB4BL: tANDT FABM on Middle Boned. mil rom tbe attv. eontalnln Blevea jBondred A ore, mor or ieee I a boat one half ' of waaea-aade aaaa fan a aad oae-third la fiae oidsr for ooltiv'iro the coming year. . mm ALSO : , , a Hummer place on Wrlghtevllle Bound, ton taiuingronrtoalxeort and dailrably located. Terme will be mad eay.i ' s l ... Jfor rnrtber pariloniaie apply to -..; v. w. "iii'tiaH, or - 4.. tt.. j PMITH OLDHAM, ' No. laoath Water Bt. -pt g ' tuie-u Talk by Beeober Mermoa mage.taeixma only to Mr. Willie' great working of Bomeaiasa fat emerioa. aadmnoh other good readJng.:6V JfoUiedlli JVanau eaatea of onr areata 1 00 tfuetraltd weekly-. Flo eteel enravine irva aouviMiBVYv, aiagii male w a Bay. awnaior naa'aay waeeeaa, uaiieweu, Bie, BANDLEADERS. - Fir eomethlna intereetlng. eend yonr add toBBaOttMBl VV. OATkta, Wraahraw,, W, jwPiOil?bi.' F Academyof Iltid . Non open: . . PRITATBTDItO - iw VMtaad iMtramxy 1 tal Maale at ail hoar da iia the da t aue riaiv otaaa of lea huh wit ek far In , - atuber. a vry limited aanbar et houoraki membanba ttokete wUl be dtaooaail al. a I - ra of puplJ admitted grtie. engxa twMr.rn.ranaTBati ftv.-..ti. LOV OF THAT CILBBBATH) B2AS3. - of Applet Joel received, end eelling eht at t 1 cheap flour; BaldvTin Applet 1. li Breadef ' I am new ralaliina? Aaa af tha floor ta this etij at ft east par poaud. eept 17 ... ' jk-a- by a negro and a white man or two. He otmped ia the neighborhood of Ball Oil- more e (tta-araxed for Beeping a bawdy house.) fleeter sought ont tbe young men of the neighborhood and told them be was a Kti-klox, That ho had killed ohioken' Stephen. Ae. He carried dia- gaiaes with him, and ailed on the young latuBB, or wociing iue oauoiuates ror tne rrrrr7 T- TT3 T XTfTI next contcsf. .without srrlously iojnring fcltj IXHaU V Qli XC-CjIN Te tu rovioo oi a xemunrauo triumpn. ThAt this would inevitably be the case ie proven by theesult of tbe last Demo emtio Couvenlion, whero, the very vrea- enue of Beatkrrnors was ased to prejudice tbo action and to defoat tbe candidates of onr party." - ' -:. j-.-ibj , we have triod 10 show why, la a moot flHB BOOK BFBIafd BOTXL IB OFFXBEQ for BENPw.. For partlooJart, apply to . tffG ZheM fc't. 1, naoHAtr. aaa tBa .. - . B7Mf in men to name the Bcpubiioan they wanted J probable exigency, tha Democratic Sooth ifJ.i F03 SiLE Ka kiaxed, and he would Ku-klux tbem ao one anaaered lotiJaoen.'A fan of old Mr. Brvaa peeaiog Ueetdr'e damp, was stopped by fleett who propoeed - it pwep piatt.it. aoung utjma ouargru ufjn j to boot. There wae no trade, and the boy eat home. Heater then engtiied a bo in thx neighborhOd to go to tbe boueet of Mr. Brjau aod tell bis son he would glee aim So to boot b -iweeo tbe aietula (Alter gAttiBa permtatia from bis mother to teava noma, the boy went to ueetari oamnrwnerv tawwaaa aroia. aad brvurul to thia out with flee , btr prientaxa.. At in- Orpuito this any, Uoeitr, tha dopU'j euareual, dieeaed op Mime DearoeB in Ku-K nx attire, and arched the prUuneie ia tront cf tbe ae- groaa ta the marshal a . Hide. . ' HVi. "We a inea maiau upxr. tteea-r. tbe depaty meeebai fruui, w h a pie aad eow bide at bie eide, then ia fis o ers, J Ba B yao, & N. Bryan, D Mclv-r, Wib, Weaker, ioum Utwa ua. Udrtu Brvaa, and tliea a eriWl ol avgr-a dra ted ae Ke-Klux, to tuwing b-liiod ta yriaooera. The neatro. ul ihe cf 7 flocked aroand to enjoy tha vigol aad uoavtUktto of tha white tarn, griuniog, jeeilrg end euraiagtbem. Th' Kep30.piu Mayor tbe eity, who waaiiok and did not know of this diagraaefal cxhibalod Id Mm iret antil it wet Bit over, 'aid be woold bav had tbe partte mtrfmd ii he b4 kavwn It, A Uepnblioin Uauue'e we oiUd oa for a warrant to arreit Hotter an! ta gang, bat refused to grant lr. " ' ' . "v?a repnbliab tbe letter of IXr. N. R. Bryan, pnbliobed ia tba 6etttoel at about the bate of hie soa 'a errewt. "Ihcr i no truth rn the piotnr. it to tba ptotnre af tbeae whiia saea aad tevea Begraaa. Tat re w mo truta- tu tba etory aeoompanyicg the picture. Healer 'never rwveatad Ja Ubx Irem ''jbA&tSBg John CaspbaU. Jo ha Campbell ie a eata ef low, beee eharaotag. li nag ai SbeSaw WeU MaeUag Ueeae, ia lloatw aaaatyv Lu ewaeooonBtof Uing au uaxed, glvea before Mr. Yett, w Catted 6tatoe Commie gtooer, ia this : "I was visited by Ka-klnx aad warned. Tfecy eaa-a again, aad a track ta two or three Ucka, and said they did it for whirr Biy wid eaUIhf taeaa whiaxay eoatrary to law.' -Thia was den twelve ed t'eVTBaOBttrarv-r CT - Wa ara i t awt ao, t-a laata Uiat Oovaiwor Oaidwail aad Mr. PfcUiipe, with other leaiLsf EepU.lffithj y,thaDemoctatio8oathfL '' "A" k' 1 very . groiU,lnliaenoe,40lCiarBlaaf LOTS OS KVS BTBZET ATrjeot the poetuUU - m ,; , , oae exeroiee a and e ntteriy thai" tbe preeenoe of Bonthernare-v Oemral li am po a bimeoif among otbera aiit ao uaottoat awoui er ou duoed in anyd gr.e to tba ufcai in 1868. Chat defeat wa prforHa tedV a' inouh gi as wae General McCl.l ane in 186A and would bavo happeocd.pe. matter wh4 wet the candidate an 1 what to pletXjrm. It wee too aooa. : Aaa-ianes. ol wer exaita, ment were not old. ibe deaaiou abont "oouqaeiiLg hi r eV had not bceu'dinei pa'ed, , Tha mae- oi I he pe pit beiuved iu utant. x-ron ne riootir roiad'eun- laUon in tbe hop, if no- tu- faith, tbat to whom Mieie giSat Chief eaaender-d woomI give ihen aegrneoa terme aa he Bad rootved. Ueueral Lea n tnaolf Bad Bhafedtueix iaiin, ai.drhJm.en u e ketier i io print I tVuerei Oraae - magnanimity as aeil a ebili j" lu 1868 ao eaudida a, ooJJ , beve oV feat d tioi, a..d it uat al eaya avem il kit, that tba contrary eoaiapiiet eaec ar da ioiaw- iii a to tua load- re of that forlorn hopa, raore wae uevdea fuar . yare of tnWole bod dieappoiutment, and tbeee the exMia-, lr ea had, - Ba-ail tin ae it nsay, it wae errtainty net thd pttawao Of .'lbja Hoth tha' did tba harm, and the precedent has Be foroe. . , , . ., If,' however, tbls be tod tiewand 'Apply to 0. B.ILLI8. ejiaLif WiLMiHaTo1r N, .r Sept. S7tb, 1871 , . . . notice; Ttq r , . ' Cotton tlcrchants and vdl 1 HB CHDEBSlaaED BEQ LCAVB TOsUtt tkat their 8TB IK OOTtO PBBtiS U bow lo operation, and they ar prepared le pnt Ootton ia eotnBletw wider for tblveotat, auaiiaiae et foreign. - ' We rarpetdfnlly saUeit year pafroaaga. OABB.ULLA HODBBTAS. ugnly oraduabie alike to their magna nimity aod their modetty of lead ADMlNhTRirORM ntJTll'E. . HA TlNa QTJiLIPIED AS ADHIHIsrBA tneepea iatateef Tboma J William aoiioa ie Benny gtvea to ail pereoaa wa kv elefmeagaiaetaatd Beta ta eahlbil Ue ean, to ta ao or before the BOta dav ef Aagaet, A. Ik ma. end all pereon Indebted to aid Betel art rqnetd to ink tmmediat pevmnt. -ft 6)1 THOBAd D, WILLI tMrt, adm'r. ui am iun,l pronoaaaed aieaeaeh a- the pax ties to tula eoriwepdndene there is aa alter ne- tiyBjojBltfitlfeeirf twenceoi theibMBca! j of every bod VT---4 ear Souihera 1 ; State aa tntwineuiate rfaae-or keu proval nent, ot it may be Ire obnoxious, men whoaeenot even difracchisd vfho,.ii they fooghf In Ihe lr, fought at young men. and in nbordinaU . poaiUooa. laen any ibv2iav. flaowga' this: is improbable,) who did not fight at ail Tat. three era . tree to. tha Ponterjeiive bbbbsi aod - tepieauutatiea MaaroaglUy of looal sentiment, Why sot eend each men' a, tbeee to the ConTea tioa t Tbey wul be waloome. 'Tbey Will Lowest 'Prices, u 'do sway with the deeolate, fragmentary mit m tkaaeaaoa matt give. 1 neywut be there to speak for their taction. uTify Wtliteei- tKy AmM ariUt , mm f to -"-. -d-,xS""''n f"rp. reeeiji. . y .aoteai--aiiii.if i..a,...aa-wote for platforia aod for aaa did. ta. ita dale- Y I . .. TTTtlT'" f v. l - fft-m. om tq is - ti: iruri rrauo tM tariMwaoeefaadtmteaeeriaMat af Baett and rwat ta the I talented at Ue IcTtrtptJoa. Uilaed laloa.,' i, ;, ' t .')t viie i Uy. ' - lm V V . -l a. 1 ptee wa Xe4 &rrr"w t t rr: ;r V'k7 I addreat LitViroaa,. bat RuavaiTTaaa. aad avitcri r alt Mad eaa be iiv mad. for Ieee than half tba anal ra' by mn of aiuiti.aa'a aeoeipi me aa, deuveved by mail Proof dheete and ladei eeei tree kv P I a. aiouiaaa, avail "t.. raiiatielobia ia Tho Curtain QaisetX Bow it I done, Bad Whe do ft Tb Abac I aooB, lv peg, gergaoaaty lUoetraled with nla, . poaltloo. aa, Heat by malL eeearelv ld. for flfty oent. Grand Ciionlar, tin. I aaare Ltaaa naixrj, ' e BBOADWAT, VW Terh. a irv irif 1 favi r.i no niui a aa . Bv Ageat 130 ear week to eeU Bar greet sad vait aw ateeovenee. u job want aermaoeot, boa orabl and pleaaaot work, apply for particnlara auar iieat a w., -teoaeoa, lohlgaa. Maum wAsrao few ta . . ' TRANSMISSION 07 UFE, : ' Ootrmaa ow taa BAteaa abs Hieanra tbb . staweociatBa reaoTioa 0 Da. earan. anthor of 'TA fViy.loK Wof Ponwa, lire, late to fA fHMtt tea 1 1 full of aew fast: dalioa't bat eaUpokaa; praotloal and popular: klgbly ea- oonoiMa apiuij. mra oj enanptioa 0wy Exel naive territory. Terme llberaL Prio 14 aeareae ror annienie, ao., , a. gattuud a OO., Ptbiiebera, Philadelphia, Pa. eeptlB aOO-Us FASIIIO.'.'ACLE I1ATC, a - -Drew . ? TBI a a LATEST STYLES BIUC HATa'. , . .. .1 ABO PTHaUl BTfLEB ptlt' 'vn aBOBXVgB At : THoaiL tn: U::t 3C f Y.t. tse i.t t-t NfiWCBCGSTCHBt CITB BATS NOW OB-SAID Uimit iRTICUea. Tboae who are ta need of the w.O de wN Kv ealHer at ta mneetf. nwgint ; INTALIDS,"?7 TRAmmcczAirrv, - FOBlltoX FOB IB AND OCT-DOOB OrtB. Aav oae having eat ef th eaa propel eadgaid tf lr HATS THIS tAT OLD) ill, fc El ' li W.aor-.etr,. 7ootr. AppreclaUng Ue kindaaa a....o. I if o ai ta hnoii, I iroeA aa bm eeauve ia 1 A.& WBKJBT, B. Tf l CJ ' . - .or JV Bavin oerohaatd Dr. A.' at WHtrhfa tuT k "S ofOraga, I will eooUaae tha aafoeea at a i ft aataad. I beve eeoorel the a,n e eaeipe ent Druggtet, Br. Jamee W. Lliv.., teweUkaewateiaapaaito. .. l. J apt. ; - ' -T - - mAUm--V 1 IsvaJMa' Oal 10 BAKU. 0. Ha ma. ' Fa H. Baef, tt fcV . Plotled Balmos, . . na. t Bkor Maaaatte. Iriah Potato ea . Oojoae, " Irtaluea. t . htW AXtUTALS. rhoie dreeted Fltl IfvvNa. 1 .-. -. XIX la ':n,v. " aa-fc-a-a. .... ..a AbertB'aon ... . I ihk oncuri, ' ' ' Brma-iia. ; 0 . iaea,- - . oiaa ..-. . uiuAAa (Bperctd aad dtmaiiW' Bavin Bona of tbe kanda. I 1 , eoev ar an or u nr ear y aay ak af irva aknI aflteaa.. v- 1 a growa a reoa ahoat. ' taaea to order. Pinrt Hinil Ouirna Oiitu. ' Ute year eat and n fee etmiar. KTBPBKN W. HBITH. ,J - t , . tu wuuaaioire, nw xoi. , aul 1U.llaM(Wak ' (f UzbUUi f bArUtte Bail - Bttkerlwri laltrtaal CeBpigy, . OBte aientary aad Traaavuar. 1 Wiuntefoir, AT. C, 8ptebr ItiB, K71. ) A J. HI AHHTJAL KXZTTBO'wf rnekboUare ef thie Ooaipaay wUl be held ia the COT OF CHABLOTTB, ea THCBIDAT. IB ' . ajr at OeteaeeBext.'r,.': TrtBsfer Bocks wO M elotad 93 aj e prior te Ik meeting. aeptti:i y e s S at. ..., "JAS-X XTTTV, 7Jl(tat BtH. . Kaeua'aetBred ty lb. BC W.CAVfiat. - - - :.i 1 1 ar---. T0P THB KOaT P1I -j. . .... rkmo J ai lor luflaai!, 1 .t. ever oitervd to tiM rx, oa.- tkrta iaiLea.tr. i r - st -" r- tin.itii s Wkaleei e Ageata. Al A .1. r-.s 1 ,-. . r f ' ,x ' 'TAGS-.'; TAGS . Lai Z 3 EUFFtT CF r .t. ... epllJ .i. T.atLCXBXAB, ' ; feoretary. KMawtm TnATkaivob a a . . aJ Jaai reeoired a Ihd GCiTii C."H nee Car it priaUd Ibereca 1 1 1 I lfa tzrty ea kaad. 1 eepel TF TC 1 Fl t-1 i TOO Wiyv r-1 rw rrtsmxm .,4a if A 4 '. ( . . ..t -; , . " win .. - ve- i 1 1 1 1 -A ttleB ml: tJ mlUia -r .Vm n . 4 it L ... ... it.t i:m u i. t . ... --. : o 1 - t.J -.-J-l j j (---' '..S ia... t.i a. i . , 1 1 a . , i m-i.-u ,1: I. UKm i Lai; -4 -