i : .1 ' ' Mr VOL. XXI NO. 22. WlIJfflNGTOffI ljuU'BTJNDAY MORNINg; tOCTOBEft,'22,jl871. 'WHOLE mm UK U r, .1)84 tvi. I I II a ii A . ii INSURANCE R0OJIS. X HAVE oVitUs AND rr'iaW INPOBMATIO" in regard to tho following Companies : ' ASDES mURANCE COMPAKT. The Ioe of tbi Company by Ohioago Are j were light. It I left with Hi Oath Capital of ONE MILLION, AND A OLEAB BUBPLU3 OF THBEB HUSDBED THOUSAND DOLLAB3 The Andos ttauds aeoonl to no Company in " America, President Bennett Inform! me be hu already ocminanoed pa;ing bl Cbioigo losc. COXTHEXTAL IflRIJRASlE (OMP'Y. Tbi Company ray .11 it Chlcigo louts OXTI OF ITS BUilPLUd, and ht left a reaerv. fol Iteineuranoa of IIOO.OOO. The. cash oepita! ot tbii Company hae tlnae the Ohioago fire been inoreatod to tl.CGO.COO, making tbe total Aet 8i.too.ooo. . Korih Ameifcan Fire Insurance Com pany of Kew fork. Tbls favorite Company only loet about , 1200.000 in Ohtogo, which Ii being paid prompt ly on presentation of troofa. , The Virginia Home Iosuraece Com pany Of Biclmuud :;;. inform me they bad no Agauoy at Cbieago. This is on. of th. btst managed oomfenit in the oonntry with a capita! and Furulaa of (150,000, and is recommended to ioinrer a a aafe and reliable Company. JO US MILDER ATKIIVSO, Ooneral Insurance Agent, . ". ' , No. 6 Kortb Front St. oot 17 17-lwob LITER REGULATOR. Simmon' The symptom, of Liv- t oompiainl are uneaai ie. Mid cain In the id..' Sometime, th pain Is In th. shoulder. ana is ausistsn ror men Imatiam. Theatomaoh effected with loaa of ei iwuM auo aioaueaa, uoweis in general costive. aunwume altering wuu lax. i ne neaa is iron bled with Palo and dulL heirr eenaatioa. sun irtarable Iw of memory, accompanied with paiofnl senaation of hav idw left nndone some- thing which ongbt to bare been done. Often wmpiatmng of weak' usee, debility and low ipirite. Sometimes me ,w nl Aha a km. ....... BaBjameafl "V H avwi. mj u, y- tuwa attend tbe auuati and at other time very few of them: but th. liver I e-enarallv the orran mini invoivea. vnrs im uver wild - i mwvwww w m . nw anivat avi aai.aw ii I ii i i DR. BIMM0N8 WIUOWS' AXD OHPUMS' - Benefit Life Insurance Company OF NW YORK. CONCLUSIVE AUQUMENT8IN FAVOtt cr ibi ''lieserve Flan." ' T XT HELPS AN ENDOWMENT AT A wben tbe will ismoraeumplptely nuder the iu fliieLOi if txporienee, aud tbe Judgment can better t ircet the nee of it. - r - : It yielde an annaily, Injroni g with the ap proaob of age, an nufaiiicg toppjrt when tbe energtoa btgin to flag, and tbe ehatured frame peilup friendleie and forktn, tuttera toward the grave. It enable the hoaband and father, by tbe best method jet ditooTered. to Drovide. not oulv tor hi own beutehoid, but for bimeeK when hi heaa begiu to blossom with old age. . It brings ready money Just at the moment when it i moat timely and wtloome. It ie the lafeet of all Inveatmente, as it ha the ttrongeat legal safegoarda and protection It proffer It benefit to ail elaate, and to men in all parioits ol lire, bung trnly an invert ment for tbe million. It is slowly, bnt snrely. amelioratlnir the oor. dition of the mastee, tfarongh the elevation of aentiment and tbe (ottering of habit of indn- rj iuu pruueuco. It benefits tbe insured, promoting indntry anxiety. It is a property not exposed to creditor or taxes, bnt held sacred by law for the "H'idou and Orphan." - - Its investments do cot partake of a apeoula 'tire charaoter. Xven the Ohioago Are. which brought dettrno tion upon other interest, mui btnfiit tht Re try! rian by raiting tht valtn of money, which n us omy toc tn iraae. W. B. KENAN. Supervisor, oot IS lttf Liver Regulator. A preparation of roots and herb, warranted to be striotly vegetable, and can do bo in.nry to UUD. baa beoa nd by hundred, and known for tne iat i year as one of the most i eaoion and harmless preparation ever offered to id. ennenng. it take, regular!; entlv; It I enre to ear. Dyepep.ii Regulator, headache, tuod o. coetiveneu. iek headache, ohronio diarrhoea, affection of the uiaaaer, camp ayeente ry, affeotione of the kid- nee, ohill. dhteaaee r.f tn. (gin, impnuty of th. looil. meiauobuiy or denref alon of anirits. heart barn, ooiio or pain in the bow!, pain in the head, fever and ague, dropsy,- boils, pain in the oaoa, ae. ....... Prepared only by J. H. KBlLlsi Drnrglat. Macon. Oa. 6) WatlUUr, Dnlv I Wilmington, K. O, feb 10 118-lveb TRATELLIKS CHAIRS FROM 1 15 to 140. FOB IN AND OUT-DOOB USB. Any one having nae of tbe baud can propel and gnid one. Having no nee ofth. hands, any child at uve tearacn poah a crown Dron at oat. - luvalioa' Uarrlage io oroer. PATctn bKDA OaitairRO Caarae. State Tonr'eeie and aend nrap for circular. hTEPBKN W. HM1TH. 80 WUUam Btiwet, New Tort, mar 7 , .... lt-Itammob llREER'B THE HQRT01V DIFF-CHIiTV", , SUNDAt. OCTOBER fii lsH-Xv (iilir-Whal l'rtalvtaatt Great Hay. A letter Jo tbe iSosloa rt, dated tQ(ptb cestfr, MuBtchdtfetU, OoloWr 17, sajs : Tbe story of tbe escsne of Ibe little Tin jovanAi, paict aho WVEK1.T, I toboooer from lirili-h dursooa it an, exoi- OaThnrctaTtihe 26th net., tbePAttY Edwird AI Hortoni ilsbioc eohoomrkf Joi-ENAI, will enter pon Itt TWBHTt X nv ownwl by Mossrs. W. McKet tlo vr., . , JL yJi I1 Know to., el tbi. town, w. . ;?"w "'-'wieoiBea aunog me utter put of I ant Bop- is far fdvsnoed In itt Twasw-wasrtH wmbrr, by tbe rKPgiisu; rtu, outtejr , 'V .' i i i- i riaaartttaiiaa taini a Am a atfkitkai ir i duih Akuax, Volume. Th tounAMon, tKS.'Me cnVr fie that iVa b. and firm etabiibm.nt tf these panew I solated Ibe flibcry law. ,'llre yeaaol and Lave become identified with. ijfnlfioant rf, tbe prosperity of Wllmlng I diemantled of feegaaiK attd to tiJa'u 1 Vi .1 - L. A I V iwnewui uwmhu Ull . too. i tn. porpoe. o. .no ircprietor Xbe captain and orew remained inQtivs to make them more useful and influential! borough for a few weeks, tbitkioa; tbat tbe by extending their circulate. To do .0 K iS-TCTTK rtBto. ib?i (be lauioripUOD prfoa 10 voih h$ Iailt AO violation or tbtmt liAd broo com- anrl W.ntv .hfla-lnnlna- ,.ith the BAW aw,. wwawei. to .. , --D-- - - t return home with their "oaten" Hut thia Toinmo, will be greatly redooed, aooording I antioi cation t tbe result aa not to be galea in tbe past two werk-. H. bad no chart or quadrant, only a oompaea : did Dot see auy oiutyyisoe ion a nitio skiUUiii U but sinoo then bad no trouble. Tbeoitiaen. of Ooyborqn, own craw or pioiea men. nod ne keo tbem bid for ix ihys in tbe woods wbile he rooasncutcred by day.; lie wtnt to the mines and wotked four dtva and hronoht Biaqaanato uujsDoronRti vrith nim, and talked MM AUVi:UT18E01ENT8, SSSSS OTDUJK&J.60' Aid not assist him, JlaMdlis r of pioted men, and no kept I TBI W0Nt'KFUL ItKttEDX FOB oaucbr,- arrurLis, icRorrjLA, vl. OBHI, IAI.T KIlBVai and ALL OTIIBIt OIIRONIO ULUOD 17ISHAIKI, .Da P. T. KEENI having u i.lnrnsd from KAIiailtia anil h,nn.hl mti , t. htm & nn.nl j la n mieiog among he people, oom- I th. yfnutn cnadu.aiao u.ih, oured pletely blindintr Ihetu. ta be is an old I throegh the official recommendation and ait California miner and well noeted.' 1 lie hat i"0' "i ftu wUeney the freiident ofKou. harl a butt I lima ra.i. th. aT,l. or, and th. Oaverom.M of that BepubUe, w S! t ?- Sfff J..? f ? ..i' J!f ,bluo0,"? M prpard to Bit .rder. for It to a ltmlteo?x- oe hta met With, and if ever a man oained tent, and at aprioaabant one-quarter of that bis craii be hits..', iiiie ladomltabia i)laek iwuioa oot of u nrt vry amaittopali baa carried bfm tbroach tboa far and IW!" ?'; . . . told as Onndurango. Ws bare, at a eotwldw abi. .xpne, and wllh tbe oo-operatlon of th anthoriii. of Lola, the nrovlne. .whet, th Plant crews, se directed Ih eh tonal ol onr ano. ply as to ensnr. that anna ,tt lb. axeateitai ,. . UM1 u old "f q ,J partloularly wi tarn timuntra oi ito rooue, lor tneir iro, IMM.UOAbS, If M . a a a a a thm h.nl. tUm Th-- .III ha f ""-5". . iw ww rtmruuu oome ID " " " " another rewseL Thrta tbe matter lincerpJ reduction in the tiae of tbe paper. ; This I atong The owners wrote to lb.' Ulcers will render the Jotj-WAt. the oheaoeei w V" nut I no decisive anawer in tbe case was received, paper in North Carolina, . when the aiael The firm of MoKenzieecd Koowlton bad and amount of reading natter ii oon- VJ m, ,rom n "nr.e bS e I Dominion antboritiea of thmr i aaala nna nf aiaeroa, , wbwb. the A, D. Wonson. valued at 10 000. .. i .1,-1 heig Misted towarde tbe close of 1870 on v. tbe same trifling pretest, and kept several tubdoription rates to tbe Daixt JotmnAij, I m on tut, nntil a decision waa rendered by a tunu-thr AirA in I he Oontt, from which tbe firm appealed. ......j - f- i aDd io release me weasel gave bonds in the Weexlx JotraxAii. neoeautaUa the 3,000 to proscoute tbe appeal., The next -..-,.... k inwari.M. In a.t I beir property was aeiaed wis in tbe pajmenU to be made invariably in ad- of the Horton, arrd tut case appear- vanoe. inert will bt, in no tntianot, aaetta-l log to take about tbe same course as tbe lion from (hit rule. Club rates with tbree of tbe agricultural papers of the South have been eetablit-bed, to which attention la Invited, Tbe friends of tbe Jocbmax. are caraestly requested not only to remit promptly the amount due and renew their subscriptions -j-JfilaiBirt! North Carolina ui'i; i!,riti.(ij con. orricKKB i JOHN W. ATKINSON..... JOHN DAVTSON. B.D. WALLACE r.B.A. ANDEBBON..W.. ..........President. Vine-President, ......... Beoretary. ..Medical Director. BPBCIAI. FEATURES. gar Ns lestrictions on travel or residence. AW Hew mod. of monthly payments of premi um. SV Ho extra charge upon the live of Ft male. ar Policies ineontestible. '-rtnayU . -t- ' IM-Iyeh ItlSURAIICE ROOMS! Bt DNDEB8I0HID OFFB9 TO TBI itwana of Wiiaainrtoo indemnity acaiaat Fir. tad Marin, loeeee by iofurano. a poo favorabl. terms In the following leading Comrenite : tiEOUBIH LNaUBAKCE COMPANY of New Ycrk, OOSTISIHTAL I5BUBAH0B OOMPAN 1 of New York, NOBTH AKEBIOAH I. L 00XPA3I - of lew Tork, HOBTH AHIBIOAB F. L OOMPAHI m ABDX8 ISBUBASCB OOKPAHT of ObMhinatL flBX-f-AJTB FUKO ZHSUBASCI OOMPAHI 9f HftS afUWmS0 BOXX nrSUBAHCB OOHPAX t of Btehesewd. Upon deeirable rleka we starry fall line, witb rate, aa low aa thoM of any reliable and pre deot OoMPaniaa. a . Annity to JOHN WILD KB ATKDSBON, Q usral Fbw and Marin. Inaaraae. Aceat. No. a awwtfc Fmat eti-axt, may H 1M-Iyeb KORTB CAROLINA ROSE nsrRMCE . COSTAXT. A ' tJZOUEITX AQAINST 1088 Bl FOaS I maia oohpabt fatb rn Loteta Finur, JL aatd eareolaae. It. eewminer. M tMsea). aa M aMl iia loaM Vf Ue aocAagTatkaa at Baewiaraoa, toUy ja4 praaaptiy. It raaea an aa moctarat. a. aMy wfll fwatif. ar;rEi ii tu ram tl do pUfa. f. H. tJATTLa, J a, P-dact "ATO.M BKLf. (U.ry. "J1- v 1 " ...Aatietact ey.try. iy M ..........aot. OKI BEST IN THE WORLD U ttHOBlBACinCDLAR New tork Offloe, 27 BEEOLA5 8T. July 80 . va-omch SPRVIVT & DIKSOIft COTTON FACTORS AND General Commission merchants, - WHiMLNQTON. Fn I Mb advent a mad. on Cotton contiga to tbem. Tbey warrant full market prices, prompt ai. and immediate remittance of the prooeeda. Tbey refer Mpecially to James Dawson, Esq., peoaer, . OX UASD I POKK-City Me in Darrels, ' ' BAQQIKG-Assorted, TIES-Aasorted. - aegSO a8S-3meh atlas wmsniEs, 4 A f. Pa IU flf ft TBI anrivaltod popmlarlty attain ed by th ee fine WaiakieaUdn. to their PKBPEOT runu r, on I- FOBM QUALITY. M BD1UIN AL UHAUAOTIB, ana at me earn time to their IX- UKLLKNOB AS A GENE HAL BKV- snAas. They are ruaranteed free from all DKLXTBBJ, OUH BUB8TANOE8, having invariably .tood th. moat thorough AN ALITIOAL TKSTH, Kpeotally teeommenaea ror all pnrpoM ror whioh onr. and highly improved Wbiefciee are naed, and Bold by all FIBttT-OLASS QUOUUM, DBUQQ1BTB, and Deak-r. generally. k TO THE XBADE. Bald for ear "Atlaa Prie. Uaa." and be Dlaaa ed to remember that, being , - ACTUAL DlBTILLIBa 1 ' We have eonatantly oa hand a very large and nporior aaacrtment of PCBE hYE, WHEAT, BODBBON and MALT WBieKIdL diff rent ages, in which, as well aa In onr rr ular At a biakie.. w. oner rreat indocementa. Aleo oa hand, a lam and well-as.ortod.took of Ih. beet knows make of R M WBIIIIBf, Of from t to year old. which war. dutlllcd to oar own Order, and guaranteed to be th. beat af their olaaa. CLKIAKJaCO BSSamtk Qmj Itnet. atmlUwaara, tJe Inly J6 keBtaeh ; Notice to Teachers. OFTICE COUNTY EXAMINER, BMW BKOTBK COCTT, j u : : WrLxiaerroa, B. Oct. Itib, I87L ) lotio. U hereby gtven that the Behooi f iaav of Haw Haaervar awsinty wBi .samlae eaadl oas for Teaeher. ta the Pablie Bckooi. of said esaaiy, la the Catosj Bofcool Hoese, ea Stith Street betweec Has aad Chare etrwsts, WD salsgtoak, ea BATUBDAY, Bevwsaber 4th, at S r.K. All appUeaale are required by the Bute Law to fazalah saUsfaotory .videao. of coed moral AMY ML BBADLXY. est IT Ooaaty Btsmiasr. lT4Bort keh TP VO0 WIt , i I P i -" y t o v xi . -. V " i ' .. f - i rwart i. 1 c BOYS SHOES t , BOYS BOOTS! I ; ' : B0TB SLIPPERS ! Cbea. aad Btyliak, DUDLET k ELUS, preriout one, it wae deteraioed to try practical illustration of Bailor's theory in tbe ease. Well, tbe plan waa oonotived in ihat nursery of Amerioaa teamen, and the mssier-miou to czeoute it wis found in the person of a gentleman whose bams. for obvious reasons, ia withheld ftom cub licalioo. Tbia person alluded to suddenly took a trip to Ouytborougb, where tbe vessel lay, and eooa appeared among the gaUera" aa an agent for a newly-diaoov- for another year, but to nae their exertions Vermont gold mine, Having gpert- .. , . ., mene t.f Ibe preeiooe quarta to txhiblt, to aid in extending i'a ciroolalion, .The Md Boiiciting buvera in bis t ick. Timsii remiMDs of a large number of inbsoribsri wer dul' io he dominion ab jut that pt. , , ear a a . . . iiwm, nuu vv UVU WHI tMBjlTU , V A Itt LiTU III as eritpiea many enorw to exiena tue glowiigterm djoj tbe prosjeoi of tbe new stock e mpuy, the iibetai iodioj mtuls to bnvfrs. the ebaaeea to amnma After tht 28& inttanl no name will eel late a rapid oompeteuoe, to., Le naturally vlaced uwn the tubtarMon loolt without ?nw na ' laossooi uuysoorougn; am being a good irie prtpotfmvm or tnt tuotvripwm jmoer asd i j ctuge oi numtD nature, car agent was aooa enabled to cioa from tbe number brought his cruise to a arjnma.fnl alnao. It now remains to soo what the Domin ion will do io this emergency, A new question It open. Tbe JJorton, when re captured, had no keepere on board. She wae apparently abandoned to tbe owner. who very quietly came on board and took teeiion, to tbi fact. ber; and be bat brought bar safely home. 1 : ; tia. MBCNB a to. to Had himself the hero of Ibe hour, m k1' s .at.i.r Mveet, .w Vera, Ibe rloeiDB of boll, flrlno- of mdiim antt """'. i a.nBndin nf rM.tel. til.) A tn,l.ll-l, E""4 i "t r. V - . .. . . . o i n,w aura proorttion naa just marched over to bis bouse at Eatt Oit uotsier, to ooogratulate mm on ni entire etiocMw, matonlrat conr- aga and add re-s in rrgalniog hit own. It tbi. only sottlos the fishing questional! will pel be well' Tbe caolaia ia much exhausted, and will not stand mote inter viewing to-night, but yon have tbe aist of tne story, wbicb wui anffloa lor tbls time. I have jutl returned from an interview with Oamtral drank, at th. Ilanirnr- ITnnaa. on ibe subject ot the Horton, a fishing TVarth vlobictb ia Uti. ' lank et Tbe U.neral aaid ,, - ,Z1 foilolted by atvaN At CO Pnbliahera Sntentifio AmerU tan. ar rain Raw. it. v, Twentj-nv. years' sxperlenos. i PampbleU contalnlnw Patent Lawa. with fnll direction how to obtain Patents, free. ( A bound volume of 118 pages, containing th. r.Vl . V.eooaiiea and all large cities, tiw snHraTiiiKaoi aeanatuaai Hovejaantav raa. aui uawa nail rum ror obi ulna 1'atonU. mail.d on receipt of 5 oents. " eohooner ot Uloaoeetecu be had heard nothing about tbe troubles of tbat veasel i xoept what ' bad re aobed bim tbroogu tbe newspaperr, Bud that thus far he had taken no aotion whatever in tbe matter, bat that it should receive bie immediate attention aa rojn a the facte in the ease were officially reported o mm. to morrow tue distioguisbed viaitar end bie party will proceed to Vanoe boro, as I bare slated before, near the New lirunswiok line. On Friday the President will leave , here for Ohioago, Thua far all thing promise a very ploas- ant aequel to tbe festivities. . - tiata MA. UarigiinL. ua.. role U, B Froorletor of Mnnl.'a. Mnnla A Oirdkatot,'.. Luther's, Waring', N.wton'a aad Dooliltl.' Patents. The only Olossta that bay. proved ffeotive. Th. Berth Closet, by Ite dis infaotion of faeora. la Ih moat valuable mean tagloas dUsaee. Head for elrenlars. Agent of provanting acre ad of cholera and other sen- eatWed twrweliere. Bales roam I , 19 ltoan. (itreet. Uoiton t 890 Broadway. M. Y.t l'Jll Mar. kt Btr., Philadelphia. AIIDWDRAXir eSatLirrGT- LA BOH, Viatta, APTKB DC! MOTIOS AXD MASORAXLI HUB THM MA1IBS OF AIX VKWMqVKKT SUMCBZ BIBS WILL BB KKAFED. At there villpoti- lively be no exception to this rule, it ia to be hoped Ihat none will be offended. All sob toribers will be duly notified of the expira tion of their terms of tubsoription. xl Attention is invited to tha following tohednle of subscription prices : DAILY t OTJKKAIi, :-i Ons jear.. ..... t8 00 Six mouths..... A 00 Three months IB One month.. 71 WKKXXY JOUBNAU One year. Six months. Tbree ooples Weekly Joarnal, Four' " -.. J,r:. ve " " Ten . " T, Twsnty " 1100 i oo ... r ,i ta w ........... 700 v; ato , If oo ... SI 00 1 1 t 71 900 100 i n Daily Journal aad BeooDitrueUd Farmer, one year.... 1 1 Of Daily Journal aad Bural Carolinian, one year..:. Daily Journal and Banasr of tbe South and Planter' Journal, one year Weekly Journal and BeooostraoWd Farmer, on. year. ........ ...... Weekly Journal and Bural Carolinian, oae Year ; Weekly Joarnal and Banner of tbe Booth acd Planters' Joarnal, ewe year. . . .... . The Reconstructed Farmer is a first elass Agrlcnlloral Monthly, published in Tar- boro. N. O., and edited by e praotioal and snoceasful farmer. It ia ona of - tha very best Farmers' Magazines ia the Sooth, The Sural Carolinian is) a large, finely illustrated and ably edited Agricultural Monthly, published ia Charleston, 8. G., peculiarly adapted to tbe weal ef the farmers of this section. The sobeeriptioa prio foe sect, of thee pabrioationa is two dollars pet- enmniu lii ie supplied at these Club" Eatesv -ii oee dollar. ' . - ,1,1'- t . The Banner f the SouIh anS Flatten' Journal ia a largo eigfct page Weekly, bub- liahed at Augusta, Georgia, .ootubialcg. with Agrieolture, a deparkmaat develed Io Literature, especially to Memoriae ot lae LoatOaosa, It is one of the bee famCy papers ia the eoontry. It is published at three dollar pet Aaaam bat is swpplied ta tha eubsoribers of tha Jcukiil for oas dollar aad eevaaty-fiva eerU, - - Babsoribers desiring any ona of these pablioatiena ia ooaaaetiota with tha Jeva- , wil), ia remiUiag, aaeaa thet pefer wanted. It' it hoped that tha friends aad patreae of tha JorwitAL wiS eppre-ee tbls ".w de partara." Tha Mptlpiic hat beea red toed to the very fewest point pot- tUlt, aad prepaywMBts sect be- rerun ail HViwaisntrv . Tha Oaly Bellible CiH Dlilribotloi io the fountrjt, 5 ( yT&'$s S I 1 1 VLB sjar m mm WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA. t '.5'7'S. ' ' . AND AV1USTA ItAlLROAD, Orrtoi QsRitAt. Ticket AucRt, ; ) Wiuuiotsx, N. O., Oot, 19:h, 1871. f V I81T0B3 AND EELEOATE8 to tho moit- log of tha Ospo Fiar Baptist Atscclatlon, near Oorre Qorda, W 0. A A. Euilrosd, oooaring 0!obr 80th to 23 J iuitant, will ba . paiaed at oae flrst-otiss fars for the round trip. Ticket good to return by Oolobor Uih. Train will (ton for convenlonoe of vlaltor at Dines lowsr mill. A. I'QI?E,' - ; . v Qen'l Ticket Agat. JOSH O. WINDED. L 'flanaral nnHrttitahcTnht. . t t . ect , a.flto!i WILMINGTON 'A. WELDON -ASI-.' 'f ' iriLMISGTOy.COLUICU AircrsTA niiLCOAOj. .'.'--, -. t . j t . .. . Crrroa Osa'i. Fbsiobt akd Ticirr AaaiT, 1 Wuameroit, S. 0,, Ooi lOib, 1871.) 2CZZI T In anoh men a be could broach tbe ostenai- b e obi ot in view, wLioh waa toa-aiat him id outting Ibe vaasol out tbe British oiulch SB. Daviog g ined a sufficient number of ibe natives, bit force arts soon seg mented by a detail from another-laving vessel which ,waa cruising about tbat vicinity, and which has tinoe arrived with her cargo at this port Tbis part of the plan being matured, it was accessary to get the assistance of soms person scqoatnt ed with tha harbor, and as old pilot was fonnd ready to lend hit aid; bnt nnforta nately foi bim, the day before tbaoaaftet tor tha consummation of . tbe plan, he broke his leg, and it wat feared that the attempt would fail, bnt tbe old pilot wis loath to part with bo good a chance to make flOt), and bo oalled hit ton Jim Into requisition, saying:. ''Xere, Captain' Jim will do tho Job aa well as tbe old 'on.' Bo Jira wae engaged to perform Ibe old man's part in the programme. All the arrangements for i xeouting tbe bold plot were thus far perfected, and the time tet for too undertaking was 11 o'clock on Sunday night, on tbe 8th inet. It sbpnld nave been etated tbat the arris "ate were only1 made about ten days , Ait to tbe itma uxed fordetexnunUig aJtaUtei or aoi xanaee wit ana ingenuity were equal to John Bol.'s petty meanness and mulish obstinacy, t At length tha night ar rived, and under oover of an almost Egyp tian darkness, tbe, .men engaged try tke aroid mine! siren A Arista' tiiAaa nlnntx.aa from the Umetiddti flstdoif schooner. ad- tembled oh the wbarf, and in a few min utes afterwards were io the Government buildings. jwbeiw "were the sails, taaaing rigging, clarta, sompaeset, and all belong ing Io the fiortoa. Tbe guards bad -, aona borne, one of Ihem being tvehrd to) rry, - Oh, r 'taint ao , ase , k angle ixmadVi yireV tbem vera Yaale would no m re iblnk of eomiog roood for tbls snack to-night than tbey wonld of goiog wiibout their Huodsy morning baked beaoa." . Weil, home tbey went, end tbe Yanks and their assiatsnts wtre very much obliged to ibeos lot doing so. Cut ewer getuog tne esus on board it was dissovered tbat tbey were net tbe rlaht ones, bat those belonging to the Nickers jd. aaothatrckoooer wbicb is htdj for tbe earns eiu ae tba liotton waa. Though the mistake occasioned aotaiderable delay, it waa rectified, and by 11 JO o'clock main sail, foresail and jib were bent, acd an tffott mads to get uouer way. Aareia tke fatca aeecaed against tbe expedition, fcr it was BOW atoerteiofd tbat aha tide had ebbed and tbe Llorton was stock ia the mud. Tha little warty waa sot disheartened at even this fallow, and with traa Yankee grit tea aaenor waa seooeriy traaeierred from tha bow to tbe loog-toal, aad shortly after- Wards buried ia the deep water, when, wi h a loos? full aad a wtrong pott, tba Borea glided lata deep waier sod the fftrof tne nrave iouowb wars si tar crowned with be i was now madav aad fcr dai- light U berth at Quyaboroogb wh eb the Uuiaiwewsel baoT ao- ioor oocutied waa rvaoanl, while the lata, ooenpaat was flrtaa ou oi tue oaroor, air. AioJLeesie states that iramedatAely taa Bavtaaabspatt haroewraei law eat. avrtherlv exig. of the gulL thea Gaorwei Banks throotrh llie sonth ehaanel ap home. . Vhao aak atiead of tbe gold aniaa aaterpriet bad so inn ssifolljr aarriad awt his plaaa, and seen the vee4 Itfely out of tha bar bet, ka rawaated hn sr- s! natter of a first rests vwsetL ii i . iaAl heme ward bound. S fjllowlng telegram ta tbe New Tork E 1 waa eaU bota Qeteter. Wed y t'?bl: . - rreal r;o.r . kereu Tha4 swuw lu. v. norma ttA tost arrived aela at her wharf at Fast Cloecater. ' A Mt.aU ie sow aaiag breai, a4 tbe ferrfee; aadr stage ere erowded w:;i poopU to hasrl her. Crowde era trw 'tea king lea kat wharf, eryirt, as tLi-yga, Tfia lior te t ta r Iaa.e&e eUutna i.i '- aai the eity ie alive wi" .1 i 1 1 f H's are eat, aad re'r, .a ;-- va is tt, 060,000 I t,..Hi.r.. Valuablb TU BItTSUaOTBD IS 00 Gifts -To 6 Brawn Monday, Nov. 27lh, 1871. TWO OlUNOi .CAPITALS OF : $5,000 1 fcKach mu Greenbacks J H BAVATO - , aa mwi tr : XTarfiold's COLD WATEB Self-washing Soap, 8EKD for I'll CfJLAR find PRIf E LIST . ,. , To OEOBOB MYEBB, ! Wilmington, North Carolina. Agent forth but of North Carolina 13?. LtL VsVi aZafif aa 1 I kl3 ft i Atiiiiiuiitl oi C(Kiiil oit,fr. Aettttuwl j tnwanlkttKtlvmm-tfrnftliii!ivoutkidbmuiil , " erlkr.hatn JOS. SBlHlft t 00., lloatoti, Maa. mm ujr nit ui imnMia. jcwh7t y Hwimywa . CI HEAPEST ADVERTISING It TOE rFORLR I 't Z I Its $1,0008 fn .f -. ZratS.eOOiHiREE.VB.UKS! rrl $l,0wIlMr-, ill uajuui or Cash wifts. loooi Two Prizes $1,000 B Fire Ft lira Tea Prizri wVHOUt a UadAVAtOP CASH UIFTa. 1.000 i nun ana oatgr, wna oiirrmonni.u DarnaM, t worth. f 60O Ou. Fins-toned Boa wood Plaoo worth ' I6UO Ten Family S.alug Maaliluae, worth SI00 sack sir. u..vy vaeeu uoio uuuting watch- ee and BssvV Sold Ohaiaa. worth tSOO saah I FiveOoid Aat.rieaa Saatiog Watebee, t Worth. . . UK steh TatV ldieA Quid HOntiag VWatoha ' i'tii i .... i. iieotacbl 800 Qjia Snf bilver Lever Bunting Waloh e (idaU) wortb frets....... tiO to300aoh. Ladie' Gold Leooiine ilkaios, Oant's Oold Vt Chain., Hilnr-piaUd Caatora, Boild Oliver and uoable-riated Table and Teatpoona. Ivo tret Baa per lack per th. w wil) Insert aa Adr.rtismnt in Srat-claa UAraluaat Bawapapers, Iseluding a UaiMea. Proportional, ratea for smeller ad TertlsemtnU. List ssnt free. Addrsss i 7 CB0 Pa ttOWELL atCO., - 10 mm at PARK ROW. MBW fOSK, r-rt $30. itrEvriLtPlr': $8o. Agnt 130 pr week to tsll eut great tn4 vala abi dioovrlea. If you want permanent, hon orable aad pleacant work, apply for particular. Addrc DjMB et QOt Jackson, Mieklgtn. , .i -a.i. aw seal ansa I iiai i .iiaayji-ia. ei ( A OR "A BOMTK I Bo'sefaralehsd Ex. tSrkaO ren.ee psld. II. B. BBAW, Alfred, Bev - ...... Sr-Baodl.d Dinnar Koiree, Btle- plated Dinner otka) Bilver Teal Chain, Photograph Albama. Ladlne' Oold Breaetptnf and JOaivrbura, Oeataj Oold BraeatpiM, rJnir Htudt aad Sleeve But tons, Finger-rings, OjM Pen. . nBhV, aifts. f.OOO. .TiekwU limUed to SO, 000. - AUBdTS WAITID TO BELU TICKBTS. t wit a aatfewaa Praiaitaiaa valtl ta. palaV Single TiokoU II ; Six Tickets $5 ; Twelve t ikuaets iv r Twenty live Tickets ' Ctevalars eonlainlng a full liat ot prisee, a deeeriptioa af th. eaaaae of drawing, aad other information ta r ferae 0 to tbe Diatribotloa, wi'i aa iaai ia ar ooa eroiiui mam. All lat ter, moat n. ajree! to , .L. P, BINE. Bog 801 . A tr ! t iJUiCIBNATf, Ohio. vrrioa. ivt tt . ma or. arpt xa j 1 dtKovl9UiodAwNevl7ch silLIrTBff f0MJ5! A. FBB8H SUPPLY OP TBOK gnptlttnU rieoek Clall Laoed To Bot. -mad. irrea)r A K . 1 I l.. J -. , . 1 . v. v nun m, mao.iaajtBr.ra. Mad. te order. Attb. U YB BOOT A BD aHOB BTOBT, , ; fUSlBR rBO.1T ABO RABREP STB. ' qj,. ; A.UrEICE.; win A I ,.u.i - TULS U TBE DAT FOR Ml a ' tl '- J' . . .... VIL&JS TILS PLACE T. get thee.' attd wflk tbsf good old , . TIEOINIA j t : et If a WHUSstf AT 13 FEB ...... ti . ' - . . U GALLON. ' " 3 " '.: ",;' .:'.. . : it-' a Congress Oaitcrs ' vl IB f fift CITY.!," ' " ; t DrOLET 4 ELLIJ, ,1 Biga ot la Big Beet.- - II- - TCECATEJEAAt HiartiucxB" rxJ-tlao-ri ai w .-, 4 LiBQTif BET IB f Ntl7ltt!:tTart4 ftYt Wrf. Pj tiiwai awi au-trvaa v. K. a D. K. Oar tm t, . . -a t. . ft..' la. - -t Wotta, ' i .iori, n. a IXMtAwtf 11 ... . VOID Mii;Ra.A viallatof 111 IB IPl of eelf-enre. whioh bewllt send to ale fellow aunerare. Addreae i. st, aaa VAU, is aassaa Btrsst, New lork. , ,.,, A ' J. eretloD, cauaing aervei lore decay, etc. having trie vertlsed remedy, has diacovered a suni early ladie na debUitr. Drama tried In vaia .very ad a TD1RTT TEARS'. EXpEBIE3.CE I IB THE TBIAXVIBT OF ' ' -' " ' Chronic and Sexual Diseases. A APbyeaelogleal Vlew.f aiavrrUca, , Tea obeapeef book Tr publiahed ooatain. lag nearly three hundred ! pagra, and one bun. 4 red aad thirty Baa pkatsa aad engraving, of th. anatomy of tbe ha maa organs in a atate of health and diaeaee, with a treatiae oa early er ror, it deplorebl. eontequence. upon lb mind and body, with the eatWe plaa ot trwatment tbe ooly rational aad immlil mod. ed acre. aa tbowa by a report of aeaae treated. A tratav fol adviser to th. married and ihoie ouatem plating marriage, wbe eoteriain doubt of their pbyeioal eonditlon. Bent treat .( postage to any addreaa ea receipt of twenty-a. eant. ia tame eraoatai onrrenoy, by addreeeing Dr. i,A tMtoiA, mo. si RatdM AAna, Albany, N. ' Tbe aathor may be eoaaulted apoa any of th. aueneea upon which hi. book treats, either per- oooaitv or oy man, ana meuiaine. cent to any part oi in. wortav i ' BB ATTENTION OF MBtlCHABTd AND . all other tihtpper. ia reepeotfvlly Invited to tb. fact tbat by r.-arrangemaat and qalok.ning of j Freight Sobedole. o iunvot rg with Pet.reburg ana ronamoutn tiioas, toe wtiuiingtoa sua ' Weldon Bailroad o sr. imoroved faoilitiaa for th. movamaut of ail inward and outward . Through Freight. A regular daily prooertlon of ear. will be de voted to North bonad bnainea. and the want of ahlppet. will be fatly met. ' EaiSTina naiRsus ' , 1 siLTtw a. ntu infii tnima' Cotton, p.r ba.. f'i U H (8 ta 60 in " Boalu, per bbl., 47 W 4 I 10 ttpts. Tnrpt 1 97 t 18 1 67 PeaauUtitsbel 1J tli . U 10 " For snAoitl rates to and from a'l Northern ' ' and W.etara eittee, ople of eleaeifloatlnn. and ail deaired iufurmation prtalui at to frelaht matter, apply to tb. nndemlgmd. . . . 'A. POPE. - '.;-v,. y .. Oeo'l Frtigli AgDt, :. , octjO ' ' kO-S ch ,. QRNKBATj BUPEBINTENDENTB OFYIOB, ) . Wrx., Ooboarnia A ArjoiuaT B. ft. Co, J. , . WiXikuaaioM, N. 0., Aug. 6th, 1871. ; ' ' COAItfiE OP 8CDEDULE. A PTEH THIH DATE THB PiLOWIha IX. Bohednle will be ran by ttawt oa Ibis road I i - .it. DAY IXPBF.HB TBAIN (DaUv.l UaveWBmingtoa(UnlonDepot..... 8.60 A. Mi " amva at riorenoe vis a. n t irrireat KingsvUle., ............. ..12 P. M Ixiavs RinireviUtk.... I0 A. M Arrive at lorono...M..... ......... ..13:0 P. 11 - Arrive at Wllmluar ton.......... tub P. U , Ki . i r 'I. V.t.i.i .... m m . t.t . r, . . uiuai arou aJMtais taauy. ) ouuu.yaio v, Leave WUmbiaton IMP. M Arrive at Florence.. ....... .......... 1:84 A. M Arrive at aUnasvtUe.. 8:45 A. If Leave BJrtRsvUle 848 P. M Arrive at Ploreme.......... ...11:01 p. H ' Arrive at Wilmington 8:80 A. kt - '- - ; . tO. U, WINJJJUi. Oen'IBnot . act a- it ,-- , SM ' ' WilmlBflon, Chirlotto & B RallroafJ, OswaaAL BoraaiwTiroWTa Omoi, I Wiuuaaroa, N. O., June 10th, 187L I BUnauartABkkuuisjRRBaw or thajmb. " Eastern Divides. 1 J raenrer and Freiehl Train leave. WOmlDg. ton at 7:00 A. M. and arrivtsat 8:80 P. kL, daay (Bnnaaye exosptaa;. , Tbee. Train, arrive at the bead Of tht Boad at 1:00 P. M. aad leave at 8:80 A. M. . , 1 Western Eivlslsa. y ; Puienrer and Fralshi Train, leave Char lotte ea Xa daye, Tbursditys and Baturdaya at 80 a.m. , Leave Oherryvlile at 1:80 p. m. - ' ilOCBrilOjl TICK Kid from Wilmington to OherryvUle, good for the season, at 818 BOUND . . ! d. La rUOIOET, ' Chief Engineer and General Snpt. , eat l ' " . Sid tr aw Pacers corvine? eohedula substitute this for all other notloa. ' WilaClogtaa and Weldon Railroad Ct WuJciaevoK, 8. C, June 8 th, 1871. ImJ I i .1 ii ii '1 -2 SCREVEiV HOUSE, : : savannah, oa: JL BIB WELL KBOWN AND POPULAB HO TaJj will b ra pDd for lb n eeption of trav elers ami da baardwra. aa the If th of Ootoeev. iaat. Tbe Proprietor promaw. lav aaataia tbe euvUbU repuuiion the Hone, bee enjoyed io the past, aad toove tothioa nndoc. tbat on eootribut to tb. alaa.nr .ad eomfort of hi ;aewta..,'- t h ... J. B.DATH. ' . --i Mtf . T0-rAlMi,TlTlEaBEl.Gi ) ArftiB-Baidwio; corrES-Jav,' tmooa, .,' Legaayra, PtokUa by th. 100, " hiu, " la Jars. Pataia all kiod. rw fkew, BynipeOryaaJkldripe, neairs-sngiuB, uraekare rek, P a Ito. letiie. Maorted, .1 . - A'oert, PicectM. . Utaaaa. 1 . s Brandy Peach ., ' Boaks Spoaga, - . Lbenaas, . , A. , .... j as. l Mirrs . L- '' ' 8? Market street, Thbevear. r flared ae lew aa aav imka sity. OaU an 4 Ham ui took.. . - j FassencarTrair wW Imvw rit- aoJ C 8:00 A. at) and 8:48 P. B. - Anive St Union Btation at t:w a. a. ana n.-w , P. M. . Freisht Trains Isave at 10:80 and arrve at IlSO a? atf i- On Bandar th 8:18 P. BL and 4:18 A.M. train oiwUI be inn. . ! & la, FBE1IOOT, ,' - Chief Engineer aadOetMral Bnpt . , ootl . sie-if , aw Panart paMisbrog Bohedol.' noiloe will R lease copy and diseoaliune all otbee traia aavt . CM. L. II, fe T. O. DeKOSSET, ' General Insnraaca igenU, FIRE, MARINE, LIFE, tt ' kobth warBR irasnr, " " i . wiLsttvaTo. n. a oot It it-lath ; Good and Durabb ! KfTKE iasd res bale,; ,UUU AaBXSQF YAlTjlBLBTwBrCS- Ue. Land for eaTe " V saah. or m aceutac dating term, to reliable pirtie. 1; u tttaatof a foar to iht mile, from PJaek B rer acd a Store CtaeS." rw refer h a i '.e eretk aad a?wtTnreiai.g' ft H 'f f juad li mbii aad a ta openis f r a larc tci'cw. Tot farther panieoiart avf ,-7 t t . acitr uttei at ' Kirtre ft OfHa, WiihaaMbarg eoaatv. : 4y - ' , u CBBTOCr OF .BOOTS AATD BALLS FOB Osnls aad Lalie are . , " beat,- pkettY, " " , , . " ':''-i l T" "j 'ahdecbas, ana sold a'. Mwcir ratss. ca aai - . OEO.B. TTLtSCn A fj - . t - JSBortk Proiit a t ect IS THALIAN HAI JXaBY IBTrlOYZBESTi EiT; ; jassainsa at th'4 Tbeae, it i e v t ' .i.u aaal 'or crst-c . rsri rrformaoM. A ' ; r j .-.' ert 11 .1 "".in, tm tn...rt. it .. , to maintaia tbe poaiUcn at! eLtrac! of Uarsrsry ' .iV.Y - log et tbe iic : tC.-"' 'sUtlelluiarvrc.iUir-j II . .a I itt ir" ft i tBX,w;! , ,B Bay C7t tan I.. :s i.i l-i frTT-T? ra'..;;ri , ,,, ''; iV ji.'t-s 'tv-i, !n'" ; ' '- j ect II

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