.' '.7 Ul lVV i ! if f. BI, ,:'. i V"U tit' mn l,n .' :t-'i. ; -Vi ,,, ( .''. I ..' ', - i, . Lj U f 5 ? Ur' f.r uiiUsJU VOL. XXI NO. 43. WILMINGTON .N;5M WHOLE NTJMBER 0.003 V Iff ( I 1 nil .efV. . a l n .v I -wT. m m i.Tl I I I I ,. II II 1 1 1 r 1 1 jt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 I 11,1 I . f V i ll'ill II II 1,1 I -AVj , I l till -TTv' r t r r. : 111 Pi "r; - -i WlTBlnTE. Liverpool ciilcsdan and Globe Insurance Company- CAPITAL, MTRPIXH AM) RESERVE F!U)S. GOLD, (iVfiB $20,000,000 00. ASSETS I U, S. Over $3,000,000 00. Chicago losioi asoant to litt'e under f2.5CO.000, Correnoy, and are no being paid in fall. S3-Assets bell In tbe United Stales, amounting to oror fS.OOO.COO 10, will not be used in payment of abort losses This Company pays - lis Losses in Cash promptly on pi oof, without deduction for Inter est tod cot ie usual with tbe great mtjorlly of ejmpaoies, Uty or fcinaty day after prases tation of proof. , . .. ADVI30BT BQABD, WILMINGTON t ' s JCDQE B. H. FCESOB, Chairman. B. O. WORTH, Eq , I O. W. WILLIAH3. Eq. m. juuna'i, nq, w . a. idouaui, jt,q. TU0S. BME, , tiBrl Agent, Wilmlagtoa.' .Agent. .' du .' . do . . da . . i do do . . do . do . do . da . d . dl io . do do . P. F. Peieuil...... Orabsm & Kul., A. W. Bteol Oen'l U. B. Vanos. . W. H. 01ir.,.... A. W. Arringioo.... B Frank Pitt........ JH Bill Ir. UCotdeII ....... WE BoldMBPse..,. Henry A Irftndon . . . . Dbae Latham...... Jobn Q t.oant..... F A Newberry Cooper Williams. . Alex. Wool . DOT 5 . . ...... .Ra'oitih. ....... Uberlotte, ....FayetVeviUe. ...i.. Ahe?ille. U Newbtrn. ...Uooky Moont ..... Batt'euoro' ....Olioton . . ...Ooldtboro" ....... .Wmstoa ,i Pitts boro .Plymoatb . ....Wathiogton ...... . Mmiiolia . .. ....... Oxford Klnaten . M . vibovs id mum . ; t i - . . '. - Benefit Life Insurance Company To OF NW tORK. EDUCATIONAL. EDC! nBLLMTJTH COLI&GB ATI9JT. YTELLMCTH LADIES' OOLLXOB. Inaturo II rated bv H. Ja. H, Prim Antbni. Board and Tnition per snnnm, 1336. PmBaicnrn The Very Be. L BellmnthD.D., Dean on Hnron. , mt For particulars apply to Haje Unas. Uonaon, uanada wtsa, Bep.lS.lH70 . , 't' lWHj-ofc O Si Shipping Biltlaore ' and WUmlnttti Weekly 8teaBiblp Line, ? Oomposed of tbe Flrst-olaas Btaaashtpt J J , Ur G J 1 JL 1J Oeakandci an REBECCA CLYDE, DAKXKI, a OHItDti. f i. 4f OomBaadsr. THJt BTKA MBBIP" I. D O I L L K will toavs Wortb's VTbarl. Ibot of Mulberry street, for Baltimore. ruiUAX, Heptemoer vs, im. tat Freight Sngageaeats, apply to - , A. D. OAZA0X. . rtp t u , a' K : .ft 1 1 , i. 888-tf .o enow Tan PofUHBixr of tbe UR- itrm Plan" nearer Home, we insert the follow log letter, published in the Kcrwiob (Conn.) Balleiin aador date of frspt amber 18. b, lb71, in oonseqaecos of a rerj malicicns attack on tbe Agents of this Compiny written manifestly by soma disappointed coicpetitor for bntinett and under tbe inspiration of ierr earn tons tIsts Niw Hatw, Oom., Ja'y M, 1871. HoiAci P. HoiDLsr. Csa . Uon'l Manaxur W. & O. B. la I. Co., - Dear Sir: Bavicg beard tbat a report, eal ealated to mislead tue i)ub:in, was and Is being oiroolated to tbe efleot ibat I had made applica tion for an krtiranae of .fm on ls "Hturvt Plan" in tbe Wtd iw.' and Orpfiau's Ueoent Life of N Ynrk. and that 1 had refaaad tbe D6- tition wbn presented, I ata'e fbr tbe benoflt of all who feel an interest la the same, tbat I did make appboation for 80,000 rnsnr anee In said Oompaay, tbat I accepted tbe Polioy without tbe lightest hesitation when presented, and paid the Premloss for earns ; tnat an aiaiemenuio ' the eentrarr are falae la every Dartioniar, wonld further add tbat I took orer a month to deliberate and examine lolly into the "iiser Plan" ot the widow.- ana urpnane- ucmpaoy, and elan into the nlan of ulber Uomnanise. in order to make a comparison, and as. a result, I would aow say tbat I MUSTS U to be tno beet, moat eonitable and fust nlan ever aonoeiTsd. and aae on reason to.doobt the ability of tbe Uompaay to fulfill all they promise, nue l think the will do more. Ialoo beliere it will iron to be one of tbe test and eafeet Oompa nieeon the ooDtlnaot, and therefore I do not hesitate to rsoemmend all my fr eed, of any one wbo has confidence in my jadgmsnt, to look into tbe plan themselree tefore iosuiing elsewhere. You are at liberty to nie tnie as mi think heat, to refnte anv false atttemsnt in regard to what I hare done or said. When I make no m mind full on any aubisoa. I an not in tbe habit of changing without the best of reason, and I hays yet to find the first Agsnt of any Oompanr wbo can eonnooe me- thai i am wrong in this matter. lours vety trnly, (Signed .. raxctb flalXiVKLL. We. the nnderala-ned. fally endorse tbe senti- ments expreteed abore relatlse to the "BettmH Plan" of tbe Widows' and Orphans' Company, and show our faith by mating appupauoos ior poUoiee: B. B. Benford, O. tt. Pratt, J. H. Bteele, Ohas. B. Fowler. F. H. Waldroo, Wo. B. Brown, and many othere. . Te tbe abore letter I risk nothing in assert ing tbat I win be ready and happy to obtain the endorsement of our eitiiena in tbe way of an application. , ' s '' . - W. B. KENAN, Saperriacc novl , Sl-tfJex WilBiHKtoB North Carolina orricERSi JUH W, ATKINSON... i'JBH ATBC1I. ... ... B.D. WALLACR .'. Dr K. A. ANDEB30U... ........ .Presidehi. ..Tlow-PreataeBj.- Beorstary. .Medioal Director. Mr V reelrietloes on trarel or reatdeaoe. . KT New mode of monthly peymehte of prewtfc p No extra charge upon the Jive of Fe- . . .. I "m-tyeht M PoUdes Inconteitfbla. may 14 ; - KISURANCEROOMS! Ht DSDEBslONlS OFF EES TO TH ttttiseaa of Wilmington indemnity against Fir and Matiae loesee by ineoranoe npoa fayorable terms i tbe fcl'owiog leediog Comranlee j iiOCiUIX -EiBCBAiiOE CO&LFANT i. . s 'nf KewTcra, OOBnTSlHTAi ISfcUEASCI OOJlPANlf oflievTork, MOBTB AlUEIOAH F. L COKPASI ofRewTork, HOSTS AXXalCAS F. t CO UPAS I - of Barlford, dm uaciuacx ooxfaht ? of ffocirnati, ftbexajtu tvxv iasuBAaog oom faj r of Ban Fraaoteoo, Upon desirable risks we carry raw naee, with raise ae krtr as those of any reUasen and ar. ot Ootapanaee. - " Pf O J0HH wfTxi)KB ATII1I80H, - o 1(nl Fire and Vartse Issorsnoe Aot. Bo, I Korah Frt etreel tayU - X-lye- K0ZT1 C1K0LH1 COKE USTKAICE C0SP15T. ' HICTEITI AQAIXST IOS3 BI FIBE I fTTHD! OOatPAVT PATS m LOBSXB FAIBI.T. 1 seirswlaeetMeewwsegeMhoeaew It has Just d iU losses by the conflagratinc at Beswlareea, fully and prose ptiy. . In rates ere ae moderate ae eaXety win Justly. Irfife, in farts f tio futa. PTTTK J a.... .rrtm. e 'at; i r-M -J......... . H. VT - - - i fl, V. A- ,v3.i..,...i""M,MJfe i. Out 1 - ' ' m-m i LOaiLLABU'N riTEAtlSUir LIVE ' FOB NEW IOBK. Hailluc Tuesdays and Friday? fro New fork, and Wednesdays and ; j- Saturdays iYoa Wiiniofftoi toBDBAHC QKLT OBS-FOX7BTB PIBCEITT, fHROIWR COIICOTIOSi WITH tU JtAIHOAOa LKAD1B OCV OP .' - . WIUUSTV , LIFER RELVfoB.1 Simmona' Tbe symplomt ot Ll i-w eomnlaiat are anaasi- teee and pain la tne M. HnmatiniM the ualp is the ehoelder. tnd Is mistaken forrhoo- instism. ,TuS stomach is affected with loss of ap Dstits auu aiakuwia. bowela in aenerai ooatite. someUmee alterin with lax. ' 1 he head w troa bled with aaln and dnIL hear sensation, eon sid.rable loss of 1 resreoty,! aoooKpaBled, with pal anil eenaeuon ot nar mg loft undone eome hlor which ought to bars been done. Often wmulainlna of weak' isee. debility and low ipirita. Bometlmea ata ly of tbe abore symp- Ztlver toius attend the disease, and at other times rery fsw of them; but the Urer Is generally the organ moat inroirea. vnre ineurerwiin f f ' ;- '' ft DR. SIMMON'S u Liver Regulator. A preparation of roote and berba. warranted to be strictly vegetable, and oan do no Inlury to any one. : It baa beew aeed b haadredsvaad heewa lor tue last eu years ae one of tne moot reliable, cui eaciona and barmlesi preparations erer offered to the suffering. It takes res alar ly and Persist- entlT; U ts snre to ears . , . .' .' 1 Depepsla. beaaaene, njanadioe, . ooetiTenees, iok heaasrne, onrosio iliarrheea, affoction of the bladder, camp dysente ry, affections of the kid neys, ferer, nervoae- nees, ohills, diseases ft the nkin. imnnrlti of thm biuvd. nieiaauhotv or deDreeaiOD of salrlM. heart burn, code or pains in the bowela, pain - in tie bead, fever and ague, dropsy, boils, pain in ths in u . Regulator, back. Ae. Prepared only by J. H. iui Drnssrlsts. Macon, Oa for tale only fey KclLHfcHM Wilmington, Ci. 0. , , . , WD IU V9 VUUa VJi. a wiuaBT, HS-lyeh i paei For Freigbtappiy to may SO '' :" "' S0O- SAILE0AD8. QBNEBAli BUPEBINTENDKST8 OFFIOB, I . wo, uoMnaia aoewra . h, uo. . ' W n.nawToa, H. a, Aug. 6th, 1871. I - .vnhxtiv A0 iirnirnri e? . v urmiiaai y VAT CTUeUV l eVIUa I FTEB THIN DATS THB WPHAWlhO ft, Bobedn'e will be run by kaLia oa this road i. . i DAT BXPBE8B THAIS (DeOf.) , tware Wilmington (Union Depot) g M A. If . Arrive at Florence 9:l A. II Arrireat EingsrUle 13:80 P. M Leava Kiarerills)...ii'..(".V)....t!l A. M Arrireat Florenoa.'.....;t...U... 19:01 P. M Arrireat Wilmington... -t..v5..t. i:8t P.M NIGHT KXP&Jaoel rBAOl ( Daily. hVuaaayaia . 7:101". H M A. M ......... 8:45 A. H S:ai P. M jm ft. U .......... ..aAiv. r, ai ....... ew . Leere WUminirton Arrirs at Florence . . . Arrire at Kingsrille, Lea re Kingsrille. . . . Arrire at Florence. . . Arrire M Wilmington, ! fSO. A WUDXB, Oenn Bosi . VFUmtBStoB, Charlotta & S. Bailraad, OnmAL Bnraanmnroain's Omoa, I i WiuuxoToa, II. a, Jans 10th, 187L I ' ' m aujnniKa iguiumt or thaih. Eastern Division. Passenger and Freight Train leaves Wilming ton at 7:00 A. M. and arrtresat 9 JO F. HH daily (Bnndays sxoeptsd). These Train arrive at the bead of the Bead at 1.-00 P. M. and leave at 8:80 A. M. - - Western Division. PassraRereod Fniaht Trains leave Char. lotte en 'i'aeedaye. Tharedare and Batardaye at 6lW a. m. - Lmtc Oherryrille st 1 a. KXODBHION riCSKTU from WUmingtoa to OherryrUla, good for the season, at 118 BOOHD TJUP,--v- ,, - f - - E, . Chief Engineer and General BnpL est 1 S18tf V Papers eoprinc eobedule sobstitate this for all othet noiioee. . i . . . irUatiDKtoB and Weidoa B abroad Ch WnjtnieroB. H. 0 Zona Stk. 1171, gq,i,j.'--. 2E :. CIIASSE OF SCEEOVLE, - PaseeoMr Trains wfjl leave TJaloB autloa at 1.-00 A. M. and i:it F. M. Anivs at Uasen Btotion at 1:10 A. K. and 10 P.M. Fraisbt Trains leers at 10-J0 and arrtra at MO P. at Oa Baadare tbe F -. aadaOAA.Ja. train oxli will be ran. . 8. It FBJEMQNT, , :," Chief loglneec aad Qeoeral Birpi. ootl - - M4t aw Paper uMiahing Dobsdale aotioeaiO lease copy and discontinue all other train ao WILMIXCTOI ASD 8SITBTILLE . - ' : . - I '. . t i - a STEAMBOAT C05IPAM. - i 1 AMEKTISa OF THB rOCKHOa.DBBS VW the eorre eompaey ie bereby celled for Tnuredar ersaiog. (tor. SSi. 1871. at H eolock. at the roosas or tee unaatoer ot ooav merea, ia tale eiif . - tteeMiektera are resjneeted to be represented either ia person Qt by prexy. By order. " " T. D. KZASK&. Ja, - i Baeietsi f. oat Si BS-lawiwAnev Moh ! EtirABtllHID II 1813 '' ' ' -it 'i i t'i t. 4- !" ( i4t'- T. VV. BROWIM, , BUCCKSSOB TO i BROWN ANDERSON,' DIALZB in f FINE WATCHES,1 CLOCKS, JEWELUT. SILVEaWARE, ,:iLI)f pail? nrnal. JfiLMlNUTOX. X. Cv rilURSUA r, 0 VSMIJER lC, 187I. A fale f Cerraptlaa. and Iacapacliy t Whr Uow Balleek Ilea Awer. A special ooriospouJanl. of tLa Cincin cati Commarciitl, trgveljog la Ike Boalb, hu "worknl ap" tba Bullock case, and wrilot to tbat pip or from. Atlanta,' 0., under data of 81 irat., at fullova; , - "I will tell ton wot Bullook io away, 114 bod imuod to It J. Kimball aud otbrtt air too bonds oidr to the Maoon and Brunswick road orer flra millions of dol lam, while still (Jie road taokod corcntr-flve milei of being compiettd. Ibo work. Jj now stopped, and Ina Htate Lai boon Swindled. Kimball rn thort of jfund, and got tba Governor t, over isua - tbe smouot'of bonds due kiUn, so ibnt Le oculd bvpotbeoato them. Ho deposited them in Aiew Xork and obtained an advance of six- ty oeotion tba dollar. When tto time oame to redeem haoguM not do t i jand, as tbe Legislature was ebuuUo.mtiol, they Would ba aura to aneartU ibo wLolo Uiiug, expose the fraud, end impeaob Bullock for elolatiCK tba law.' When Kimball fatted, Built ok made frsotio t ffrta.to grt n. the money bimatlf, so ss to gut back tbe bonds and show that Kimball bad ooMnjj li overpaid, bat be failod. ' Borne of ttie tesTt! sees of tbe State rosd proposed to belp him. bat sli would not counoi t t ) it ell as Ills' o'wqV '!tg tliH deatU fesr! biaisolf and thbm to ti e lingrrltc torture I - uii i i ' i . i .... . . , .... INSURANCE. it 1 1 ,i tHKW AT TIIK rtLIS -' - . . 'J ' r:-.-i- 1 i,:,.. ... -i Tin I r Bipatlsaest la Haw Vetk FANCY GOODS, 4a . a- r:JOO UIT ALL AOBS. SPECTACLES to oaao'iu ; WILMINGTON, N. a " Watobes, CJcoks and Jswe ry otrsfully repaired. 'W The ftemloms for the Caps F jar Agrlcaltural Fair (ogetber with sereral Bpeoial Premtatae contract sd for and famiabad by lfcfa floaas. bo? S '- - fc'.t ;-8MBch HAT AKD 0AT8. ' A itf " aw.J'w'f mvi OaVViV.' BCbbELB W HTTB BD ' ' ' For sate by novO F. W. KEECHNEB. , , .t - SW STOUGBTOK'i WISE AND COCKTAIL BITTEB8t ' J; OB BAB USE-In any quantity. . s PURE OLD WISES, HEBBY, MADIIBA AND POST. CHAS. D. MYERS k CO. Creantbocolate Paste Fob iEDim tabik r)3B f Cellist's uanoee Marmalade, Drhoberry Jam, Beat's Boston Craekerr, Freeh and Bpiced falmoo, . flachaia Bay Loratsr, hiaa Boy. Hal ray. Atbenaenm. J-rlaBall. Boal Table, and othtreiiuice Baacea in asa nt o d Poroslsie betia. ( -gjtu hew and elegant Family Supplies at , . y CHAS. D. MIBR8 008, "4 V Worth Front street. nor IS s' - '"' ' ' ' 48- . M SCOTCH GAITERS t ANDFACTUBEO BT THK ., ' I i BJCBC BASalBB AT THB KOBTH. tH i .f , r And warranted. , - . , v DUDLEY A FJ.LT3. , I ?x . Biga of the BID BOOT. , aovH., ' ., . . , . , it-." " 8PBP5T ft nilSO. - J 1,1 ' . a J ' t a . . a ' 4 C0TT0N:PACT0B3 General CcmmlsslTn ETerchants, ' ' WTLMrNQTON, V V, V Fa I eaab advames made on Cot too eonsfga to them. - They warrant fall market prieee,' prompt saiea and tmrSediato remtttanee Of the preeeede. i ; - Tnwy refer eepesUy to-jievees Beeii Banker.-'- " ' ' - - -. a. ? """I .,.K.H, FOBK-City KasstB Barrels, ' BAQQIHO Aeeorted, - - :-:lU 'a ' 8 TIIS-AaeorUd, , .( Sj .t1 aajjtO L SSS-Sineb ! .foeretary. pack.., cttua uD'seoiuifl ESTABUSIUIEXT. V . EECB1XB. Ja . A IBOmU Boa. IB. S9, aad 83, Fowt atarkev BtehaaeBA, Vs.. having i great aipsass reatees aaeor eeaaonakmaat id added ersrr impeovim a that the exeeri- eoee ot tfUea years eoald Ssriee. take pleeeare to a ee sen stag to their Meads aad the wabtle generally, tbat they are new arepared to far tlak to the trade aad cnaiasis. every ertuae foaad ia their line. Srx"! attaattoa gtv to Ue makiag ot SACSAQad tor the ftowtasew marks, lhaakfsl hw the petrvaecw ef B-wrie aad the petute, we be pa, by eoeuaaed apfxia Uoa to taeiaeea, te merit a aoaiiaaaaes of the . r. Exsnua. a., a p?-or7r-, . - . . tmm-'-i. Va. . Oct Ji . Ule4 ' WILMLUTOS k WEIDON B. B. CO., BXCBXTABrS OFFIOE, Wilumotoh, ST. O, Oct. S7tb, 1871 The THIB1T-HIIH ASSTJAt SJKTISO Lof lbs dtookboldtrs o( tb? Wjlauaflija A Wat SJO naiiroao tompany wiu DC acta in w timing too on WED5E8DAT, the Utk of Boveaiber next, ,.;. . v d i. W.TBOBPdON, . .BVoretert. it 8 S7-tdmeh WILLOW WARE, A CQVPLKTX A88aS'MIHt "JCST Bt e: ret d aad for eale hy JIS.IBETTS. ,. h , 87 JCarket etreet. GROCERIES. wLoo they found tie tmoaut wsa co large. This but howorer, i mtire mm or. ,.aAt all evrnts Bullock failed toiaise the wind sofiloieet to set himself quire oa tie ro oord. and went to .Now Yuik lo stio what be Sould do there, lio cad cisrestgnsuon and 'addreie to the people' : alt prerared before he left bate but to bo kept if ore t antil he found .out what bo could do iu New Yoik. lie failed t make any nrrargs ment there, and with cot'tsioimpaobuent staring him in tbe faoe if be oame back, he lei Jiis addrets and xeugossoa., and remains away.' Toe Conspiracy1 Vgim him was none other than a determination to impt aob him if be La i mtMpprrpriated the publio fundi", if mis coma not usta been proved sgsiaet hitn, and s clear oimo made out. ? he t wuu'd no bate iieea Im beaohed. The domiicrucv of this Htete are not anxious to make a matt; r of Bui lock, aad tbo majority ot; the LogutlstOr are not tbo men to commit poijury to re move so ionooent man, and espeoiaily so. when be has only- same twelva months to serve. Not two weeks ago uuiitos tola nre that tbe pieeeut Legislature wee one of the best tbat ua.1 ever Deen eieoted tu Georaiattb.lt they were oapalile and boa est, aUhoagh demooralio. and mtch bettor representative! on he peopU tlu ttiO last one. 'i'nt, . notion. Abou, a, oonepirooy against him, and 'another attempt at sepa ration; niHBt have entered ' bis need after he found out to a eerUihty that be oouia cot replace what be bad wroogUlly taken from the Treasury. 100 leer tnat run Bollook off was a cooeotoasners of guilt,' t The correspondent next detsl'g to. inter rfeW.olpjLeSaeO&e ete trfMurcrt After explaining the Maojn and Brans wiok railroad traotaouon, as above aetaned, Dr, Angler is made to ray : Butt V doubt if ka (Bollooki oouM e oape impeachment; eTeiif be 'could get ibis Macon and ' jaunswicx rsiuosa matter arranged. , Ue .bos cssd $3,000,000 State bond paper tu some way, no Doay Knows bow. lie was psrieouy reckless in anan- cial matters, the State's as wejl as his. own. He bad nothing wbeu be went into offloe. and I am told that on his place above here be has spent B3o,WJU. - Then be oas nsed an immense amount for colitical Durtioaes. Bis bills at Wasbiagtou wero ?ry iaesvy when be wai lobDying mere, as one item amounted ' to near 13,000, which he ex plained that he used to buy op Forney's Ohroniols. '. In addition to boring np pa pers abroad, he had about all in this Btato in tow. ' ; . . . To one htlle paper in Covingloo, with neither resdersor infiaeooe. he paid over three thontand dollars in two months, Tbe country papers used to bring in saea enormous- bills frequently five times larger than the whole print shop was worth tbat I atopped paying them, it was snob, a downright, unmitigated swindle. Well, Bullock goes to work and has Ibo Legis lature past a law, and here it la, (showing me tbe act,) compelling me to pay all printing claims, and all otners tnat ba at. proved. They bad my hands tied tuer. and went on with their swindles. One editor who had a little offloe that you could bare put in a wheelbarrow, to d me that he wonldn t want a better thing than to set to da Bullock's printing for a year." Dr Angie here showed me UtUa pamphlet 1 laws, about eighty pagra of Urge type, and wsntea to know wbat i guessed Bullook paid for ten ' thousand copies. I put the figure high end said three thousand dollars. ' No," said tbe Doctor, "he Paid eleven tbonnaad dollar, and I am tola by experienced printers tbat a man can make money to do the job for eighteen hundred or two ihowaud dot i Fum tie New York World The ebsmpions of woman sulFraaa need not despair. Several attempts wtve mads to voie yesterday, and one of (hem was crowned with suoorssv Oa Friday last Mrs. Margaret M. Miltor. residing at 68 Dey street, registered her name as a voter at tba polling pleoe. 101 ureonwiou street, nesr a niton, ens met Ur, Btrnal Bcuram, a f'iend. and be de tormiaed to aooemiwny Mrs. Millet to tbe polls. - Arrived at , their destination Mrs. Miller, advancing to tbe ballot, box. was accosted by tbe inapeotor, wbo said : 'i tnppote sou want to vote? ' Yes. ' . replied , Mrs, Miller. ' "I have come here for that purpose,, but I suppose you wui ouaiioogo uio. , . . . "uu.no, iteioinea tuo msrootor, "we know jolt, Mrs. Miller, and we here no oljaoiion Jo accepting yonrTote." At this point the Republican Inspector interierea, nuvmg an oojection to the volo, but after some eonversstion' the? unanlaionaly agreed to seoept it. " ' " Mr. Miller. ho had kept tbe tickets tightly rolled np in ber hand, endeavored to plsoe them la the box herself, bat the inspector intetrered and kindly unfolded tne sups and deposited them In Iheir sev eral recenttotes. ..-". That Is all. V eoptose,'' said Mrf. Mil ler, and, Lidding the insptotors good rooming, she lelt tbe place. ; ... ,f. Mrs. Miller speaks ia the highest terms or ins gentlemanly behavior m the iuspeo tor. asserting that no unseemly or unwar ranted remarks wro mode ss she left or eoteied tbe place, and deeorlbes bet treat ment as being most oonrteous. , , Iotrnee was the exoitemsnt oaued yes terday at the little furniture stors ia Sixth s?unue. which did datt ss the1 nolllne-. place for the f wenty-tbitd district of the rweniv-nrst wsra. wnm a (urriam mnA piif drove up opposite tbe door and from wuiuu nngaiea mree iaaies and a gentle man. Nj leas notrd personages were these uian aire, vioiori U. Woodbnll. Miss Tennle O. Clgfliu, Mrs, Deiol of BjsIou, and Judge Ituy met t ' ' Botlr the former la dies had attired Intro provided with their uegflts lany prepared to test their right to vote ss oitia tns of the Uolted States. Holdiog tbs tin? bundle 'tinkers !. tweon her finger and thumb, Mrs. 4 Wood- nun streiouea lorta ner right band toward tbe inspector, but tbat offlatal deigned not to take any uo'.loe, not until Mrs. Wood hull had expressed ber dealra in avov la Ia record her rote. . . ?" r '' , ' ' ' 1 - I M I , " : I l 1 : ! h '. it -. tt i ( ; Headquarterii OF WeL.Sfc!ITH & COs FRONT STREET. Firo Insurance. Wi XAHnlfcllrja m oAtijsa to ops Friends sad patrons (uottlthstacdbig tbs ins- Faaalou of asrsral Coapaulet reprsienUd Ij us) that e are ready to plaos all goods risk's effered lo'as In tbs fullowlng rssponsiblt Com panies, vis 1 , The Old; Franklin JlfSUSANCS COMPANY OF PHIL A ' DELPB1A. CIIAHTEHtO 18SO.ASSKTS Oa.OIT.SSS S vrasoosD to so voMPAirr.f The Old Home ; INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. ASiKTS over se.soo.ooo aftar Payaasat (( r;f. ef Chicago Laeeee. tods miomim1. KiscELLisrers, RARE ClIAtT2 LZ MUST SB SOLD WITnilJ T. toEXT THIRTY DAYS I THB XNTIB8 BTO0K KOW OS HASTD, son. slating ot , DRY GOODS NOTIONS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, BLANKETS, BOOTS AND BH0E3, HATS, FCRNIBniNO GOODS, .. CLOTHS, CAE3I2IHT.II3, to.,t6. , 1 ; at pressnt.eontaJaed in Kos. s, 4 and S, ; Lippitt's Buildirji ; ; JRONT STEEET, ; must bs sold wttbont reservs, to maks room for an entirely HIW BXO0K. If; Ci 0; El.!.'.!".'!!; - Wilmington, S. a, Oct, Slst, 1871. SJ-Smott 5 NEW FREIGHT 1 , -AID.. . ' r f ? ' PASSENGER ROUIB, IFlalag ton i WaldoB, IFelisa ft i"l osn-l take it," said the inspector, t s Vlfoo refuse lo take my vote f rejoined none?. Bullock is not a selfish men, and I doubt if he has mads muob kimeelt by all, these operations. It is hard for him to say 'no,' and when al! the traih sba'l come ont I think tbat it will be found it at hi friends have beeq his yprst yceraics. j s WMdteLarwr m lUaplaeay eaeaslf The question whether t not Brigbam Young has run sway, or will run sway, s was to- be settled, at length, by hie sea Jobn, Pjint pemdent. Jobs says tUat Cjcigli resist any pnoofSiof tbeourt,aad will not We oen'l reoeive it," was tha answer. MB? What riaht." aontianad Mra. Wnml. hull, "do yon refuse to sooeat aha ota af a citizen of the United States f" "By this." iald tha min.' nrorlnntna it vuiiv ui mo urst uongtuution 01 tbe Btete of New Tork, whloh reads, "all malee," Ao. '.'Bat refer to the- aaaoad artini w . plied Judge Keymartryowwllt tleM led that all eKteeos are entitled votef ry't "We hsrtn'l a eoow el thssafcanrixnw. stitutioB here," said tbe tnatostar; iFAad even if wo had, I could nok-UkatB?eie.'" - wny i Bsxed the judgoiB ens -s j ? .-. "Became we were told to refuse," "I challenge you," oonlioued tbe judge, 'Will you swear I" it j ; 1 "No." .v ' ' 'Ihen l'will V end'for S oariv ol tlia son. ond constitution, whioh completely kills tbe first, snd then Bee -upon what author ityyou relute to Uke tha lady's vote." tbroAtened tbe judge. , , , T A messeoger wss therenoon dlarialnhnl to fotch tbe reqoired book. Meanwhile Mr. Woodhull stepped aside and the balloting went on briskly. When the constitution arrived; Judge Kjmort found i the pla;e, and appiosohiog the inspectors, Booompsnieuoy Mrs.. wooOhnil, rsqaeeted tuw iiuuor kj resa tns article wDicn speci fied that co citisen shall be deprived of uia ptivuugea or immuniues, sex cen t look at it,-; replied tbe man. "Can you Ktva rati S rttlSdn t" Baked tba Judge. "I can give you so further1 information on the safest,? was the rexpoBse. it. i "Are Von Aware tbat von are habla la a penalty of tOQ t" queried a bjsUnder. ,' "I know notbina about if.". menondl the ofSonr. . . Mrs V. O. Woodbnll theu withdrew.- Miss Tsanie O, Obsfijn then tendered her vote, but the ssme answer wa eoobsafed in Mrs. WoodhaU's osss. Tha . rartv then retired. . - , Immediate Hfps are to bo taken by Mrs.' Woodbnlfs lawyer to sift the matter right through, and teet tbe question whether the rejection of Mrs. WoodhaU's proffered ballot was justified or not. OF HARTFORD. - -r ASSBTB ILOOO.OSO after fayaasat ef Cht- 1 : -i I . aeeee, j," , t ',. OF 8ANFRANC1SC0, V u ' teehkelsles's Pcswawally Heepeeulble, mmt ASSETS 8800.000 alto raysaeat el Chleage Pctersburf , BIcbnonJ ft ttttnlzrx and Ikufflond aid Fcrli Eivtr CI roads to Baltimore, rtllii;:;!! And all Polutj Rartu arJ I7:t. "T TX7B IHTITB TBI ATTENTIOH OF Plaiii -irS if aad opesed kinds ol poiaM North and West. . The Tsnff ol Ml i I Merehanto to thla nets rawM lut for IranatKutatlosi of Dntinn . and .11 ode of Merchandise from Wilmlortoo to ail rth and Week. . The Tariff of Sraichaa as lew as by any other route North. , . i 1 ' ; ' St ',T- 'PaeeSBsSrs lor ths North and Hnrth.Waat wriTt find this a most deughtrnl roots. Snpt Uohmoad Xork hirer Use. J. . TAILOB. Ticket Aosnt. . , - , ootSl ,, . ss-tmeh a?IIIS NOVBLir 1ND it. ? fc OF- COLUMBUS, t .t e I At I -r . ,( r-fy fir .. . : BTO0KHOLDXBB.JUFOXalSLZ.. ASSKia S800.eoO-.HO CBfCAOO LOS8B3B. ' THE FA V0RI1E SOUTHERN CO. ' v j'X;t'.mumn am.,,, ileneral Insaraice Agents. WM. L. BBrTB. MATTBEW P. TAYLOB, BOBWOQO GILES nov 8 . BliOX-MASU OLOTHIHO, nude fey evtiwives koc a'tatfi'oailr.'' We lire tbe -T 'I I . T.aTxrQH DTvr n rw ! . ' aa4ai . BElITIFrL CUT CaXXTXTJV ? ' somWniBg thai slsgasse ,ond eomfort so Beos .. sory to snsurr plstsure to the.weaiwsY, l- t3 tm . Ws inrtte bur frisnus to sail boob us. ' " ' . - MTJNSONaiOX)., - i'-: : J..;.-.,;" ... so gterket 'etreet, ' . lilt, fllii thira. ur as 88 : Treed by Beare. " ' t ; t i Tbe Detroit Free Press gives the follow ing B-oouatblJiow the banter became the Looted: tarBr-aeiswpoCTtBTW eire-tosneer A toametH)faaer rtell was huutitig f -yt!h'tll.tbs.i)Uot.tuAar.S botC. PfLgaod in which he throws around the people's on tbe bL CUir rtTQr wba two bears ap" ulor M MT money Oall aad tee aim, and v. wmi w hi jvw ma m waitea upon. peered, r 8oaewhat excited be leveled his if rj and fired, and tbe next moment both bears were coming down upon him at full speed. The huoWr saw that they meant butioeS, etch uttering fleroe growls, aod be dropped his gnn, esught hold of tbe Lmb of a small oak tree, and swung his leg trp' jut in time to save his boats. is. he expected, one of them was tot long in sttempttsg- to soon re a close eeqnaiotanoe. The animal got up about aeea feet, and than the iimbs ref usd Id let htm by, - Be i limbs, ftUW tha grcnod. - lyrsiloom- who has ben ioterviewrd at West' P I" " gtfM .'V er' rt Aotdemy, by a Now-York erits?.,,"i,n'kl.D?,. ffe'o posh away at. Jobs says tUat Lfiguara will not) " ' I nuMiJ k rill 1 in a al.ak ...ili..1 U . V.u . tears fjtsb lhat Dclega'e Boopn his do ex a promise to propose at tVasbtngtoa, and som wtu te careo: tsat no outbreak. was ooo tern plated- as Bait Lake, and that i and oa . J limbs s, ; ma'ch i btad,t , - f -. ;. r ' Bvwrthisg Bias sad freak as complete aa sssnefisat ea eaa be Saws 8 to the any. Tear attoBttcm to ths earns Is reepeeafaliy solicited. 4 JAflaLMZTTS, Ff Karket sveei, aw? H . and one of them . was .qniokly a p to the again, wben the hunter alrack a and dropped it down on hrnin's ad, tiigbteLiog bim so that ba vent tbe enly solution of tbe difficulties ia too ?7"J "V"! UV w. i ne nnnter .dmi.,io.otUua S. .8ut but.he w.,.outa dc,,n the trick Bsoent. After a time bMb seemed to go away, and the SateU. toEVmape Blag. - ' ' -C to dewoaod. .. nswasyaet about to too eh ths grocBd As fllostratlna the fieresmess of tbe flames vtM both tha beers came ehamna at him in the recent baraingef Peabllgo.-Wisessj-ioat ot tbs dart sees, and be had to go Bp peopfe again, one of his boots being rated by imit.ioa of Utah. Ss a State, but he was. ,"VJ ?VX.J1 . t . not prepared to star. bther poljgaajy 'Te7.,1im bet,,?tol, ,f would bV abandoned if amitte. wculd' V" e""l 'f U State. ' - " " t never failing tostop their asoent sio, snd tbs terror low which tbe were thrown by their approach, one or two facta are givso. It only took about Utter n minutes time to eareiop in tha flames the threi hundred fcooeea ia tbe place. A 'he torrent ef fire appToecbed there seemed to be no esoapo from it exeept by eome his boots being raked eiewB before he was abors the limbs. Tbe a nioa's made no further effjrts to. climb the treei, bat "tore aroaad" for a fall hoar at its bear? 1 Tnerl dared not deeewnd for fear that they hsd laid a snare let him, and pasted the eatrre nUfct eamde of a limb. Speedier death, and many shot tbcssoolraa Ia tha morning ha toand tha bear that he to aoid psHabing ta ths Cames. Oaseaae hsd fired st dead at ths fool of tk tree, is recorded in which .a German cut tbo bat tbe other bad d-rs reared, : a? J tbs throats cf his wife and three) children, as &ai,ter got safely ci wua U-t spoU, 5 DeEossst & Co. ' OFFER FOR SALE ; . 50 BBL8. APPLES. ' 1 I to Firkins and Tabs ef oboloe Buttsr, 100 Bbw. Oity Hess Pork, . 100 Bxtra Family ftoar, 150 Boxes Psarl Btarob, ' W Bbls. and Pnaeheoos Molaassr, 60 Tabs Leaf and Bxtra Lard, Canned Peaches and Tomatoes, ' SOOO Tards Double Anehor Bagging, ' ' -4 Bockingbam Bbeetings, , Cotton Gins, ' ' ; COTTON TIES Arrow and Buckle. BOVlt tl FOB BEST ' JL HI celebrated Powell Lake a good dwelling an r. i atea thereon. I A ' - ... Wi VISITORS XLt, FISD AT FXIBOHI ' OB00SBT BTOBI a select Block of ", . FAMILY GBOCERIES, 1 Wines aad Liquors, bseght tet the Fair, and wulaeeoia-rw. , Farm, en WasssmaW Ulna and eottoa arln are aita. Itooutaias , . sad has erer? facility for Improvement, A rood . bargain will be siren. Addreee tne at Y.lli Tlile, ec H. B, Bbort, at Flemington. r j ..- . .. S.A. glAULTKiJI. no? 11 ' ' ' 8ir-eodlmch f OQce WUalsitan Horta CarsUzi LiTt Iuarao.ee Cosptiysr WnamroTos, H. a, Oct, 17th, 1871. ; NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS l i STJB80BIBEB8 WHO HAT! FAILED TO exeoate Motes for the 80 ner sent, doe on Ospitel Btoek, as provided lor by Charter, arc ' aotifled lo do so within 80 daya from date, as .' forfeiture of Stock to tha Oompaay will result. . t ewae? ot aireotore. B. D. WAIXAOH. Itwifr. oeSSB t .T7-idolT . Good and Durabb ! . 1 ' 1 sT'' BO? U - - - - - Hi,, ii ail, ; . w. B. FBI HOB, . Old City Botai eoreer. ' - 41 -11 liiL I J VIL3ILGT0a IAD SB1SIDB W at. . ' CHANGE OPSGHEDTJTJsV - OH ASD AFTBB HI DATS THB FOL lowtog BohedaleiwtU be ran on Uia Bail, way! Oomot.ncug at 0 A. kf , ak Wilmiaatoa waroew, wataer ec auaetaesMS. glmeatai ef FcwaA aad BadCteoa. M. Betaraisa. Iie eomar groat etreea at AiJt. and ar S4&, a4 ens aoa. sree es SJ2. S of Bed Oroee aad rrve el WutaingSDa Oardea at tiaae to ra at she aaaee rata dartag the day. ailewtmg U miaate bstwssa saea tara-aat Dedar this arraayaeieat a Oar wih aas aat gtvea poiut everr IS aaiaatoa, each way. aJilsT"ia! " eresa S A. BL SCSDAY ECTTEDULE i " ' Oa Baadaya the Oare will rwa from S A. Bt aatii 11 A. at , and from t K. aatB IS P. II. Any raajpia.ee ae te immL - - ' a, I mereewr eoadaM ea She eut ef asy ef the em earyea to Ball war, aho.JJ be saaHs' keo. to see either ia pereoa er hrr.. s i. fu . , . . , UASi. 3x1.1 IX. he? S ' 4 t-tf 1 J r--t OK STCCX OF BOOTS AID BAIll lCi . Qsats scg Xatdas ire ' ' i' ' f : : f , ' - - 'l . , XZATa PBETTT, ' - . AID DUBAXLS," and told a) LOWEST KATKS. Call and see. - IIS GEO. E. FRENCH A EON, ' 19 Borth Frost atrvet, TOILETTE CSCDSv eJcST BECEITED AKOTEFB SCTPtT CF Labia's Kxtreets aod Toiltte Povder, gwrfs Levraade aad Mwrwiha Waters, Bey Bum, L r aina,f biiioome, Ac- ALSO, f a handsome assortment of Weed tni Y tal Powder Bases, Puffa, ToaU, Bail, and L. , f Bbanng Broaixa. h air Broahae, Ao, Aa. Foe eaie bv 1. i . . .. BcILEr'STAWTM"?. . Wbeleeele bni- - , --,. ' Lirf'i'a eu r .J, ; BL F, s woe Front aad A.t"t - . ae? 8 I L. JL A T. O. VzT.Q : Gcz:ril lzzzz:z:i lairs wntan, , ILL Hi: ' 0

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