c ' v. - M ; i ! r ill; i:i t ' i - i 1 I i i 1 WILMINGTON. N. C, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1872. WHOLE NO- G.CC3. VOL. XXI NO. 124,. RMLKOADft. ntNkKAU si rTki-Tr:MErs or IT ' tick. Wit., (Vm-hki & Aii.ista It. K. r. W.imiswTos, N. C, Dec.i, !l til. J S3 j45: CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Alter thud! the Mlovtug arhedule will be ; run by train tlusruad : PAT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily) l,eaveWnTninjtoa(rnkaiVpot..... J:ia. ! Ami st Jr'kvrnce H I) a. m, I Armta tnirvrtav..... !i i' p. w ' luir Khiirnille l'ii.m. Arrive at Kton-nt li S p. m. ; Arrive at Wilmington AJO p. w. i Ntawv Fares TiUis (daily) Sokay F.xt'o t LVC WHruingUm.. ...... .3p.B. Arrive st r'krruce... I J a. m. J Arrive at 1 uiumbia. - m. I jave Columbia..,,, ., t-JU p. W. A arm at KWtua tint p. m. Arrive at WuviinUiB .. a. IB. Iy Kxpree Train, evil r, will ruw to Kings ville. Night fcipre Train will run direct te Cwlu mbax. JOHN C. WINDER, two. SiipU le JO it w ilminuton & wkldon kail- ROAD COMPANY, Ornva Ct Esuisxkb asoGxVt St'Cr",! Wlleaingwa, X. C, Dee. JWb, liCU f . CIIASGE OF SCHEDULE. On an 4 after the Its tnetant Pmeuw Train will toeve Untoe Station at All A. M. end a. 43 r. M., and arrWa at 9.44 A. M. and 6J0 M. Freight Train wilt leave trl-weekly at MS A. M. and arrive at 1.49 I'. M. Kxpreee Freight Tralne WM leave at 5. P.N. ami arrlre at 11 A. M. OnSaaaavttaekiS P.M. mid 114 A. M. train Only wfll he run. JOHN r. DIVINE, tie a'l Superintendent, dee) 1-tr lTLLMINGTON, CHARLOTTE AND ButHfciifbnn ttin.ROAOw. 1 ! U ! WlLMluTl, '. IC. iBd, IKTl. -1 - Mil ed n.r. PaHM-nffcr Tralm 1eaa Wllminetw dailr iimlayuo''U-il) atT A. M. Irav Tifail of KolatA.l. Artlvtat VUnlntun at 3 30 P. M: . Arrivrat ll.'1 of Rod at 4 i P. M. . - H. I ritKMONT, Ucn'l HuiiKrliiti-nil't. doc SI . . 1 14-tl Parr un Hie llii rliaiiK for thlx. B ALT1MOKE AM) WILMINGTON TEAMSII!P I-INK. . voarcwaoovTui naT cla TgAMHHir REBECCA (XTDE, .Capt CHILDS. LtCIIXE. Capt PRICK. HOUVAltV Cpt KVANS. Will herrafter null from Baltimore and Wil- ' ailngtoti EVERY FIVE DAYS. " " "THE STEAMSIIIT BOL1VAU , , . 1 . . will aall from wharf, foot of Chednut street, 1 HUES DAY MOUSING, January ml). , . fot freight angagoueuU appljr to A. 1). CAZAUX. , Jaaia . mt- LOBILLABD'S BTEAMSAIP LINE FOR 'EW YOUK. AILINO TI ESDAYS AMD FRIDAYS ; rROX NEW YORK. AMD WEOSEfl. IAYS AXD IA1IKDAY FROM WILMtJUTOX. , INSURANCE ONLY ONE-FOVRTH Pa CT. iHBOL'Okt CONNECTIONS WITH ALL BAILRtf ADS LEAPIMl Ol'T OK WILMINGTON. S pawceigvart taktq. Kor freight apply to 1 i il liAKKY BIIOTHKUS, Agettlii. 'mayln ' - - - - hv- NEW LINE FOK a . . ItMAXw. 1 lta)lluiUB'BlKwv METROPOLIS Will aall from New York for this port on H AT ' ITtDAT, Dee. d, and IcaTe Wilmington on tnUU8DAY. December 28tli. - Olher Steamers will follow the Mutrocoli. Por freight enjagenienU apply tf I- , . A. 1). CAZAUX. WASHINGTON & CO- Agent, New York. dc It - 10-tf p. Mtjarar. b.f.rady. J.C. UBTIII. P. riAIIKALt. Tyj-CBrilV, IIF.TER General Commission Merchants , . AND DEALERS IN V SJltTILIZKRH. WILMINGTON, K. C, Art lirepftred furnlnh Farmer and Plant er with the following Fertiliser, cither tor rath or on crop time, nay till lot of November next, at the lower market rate, to.wH : No. I Chlneba Inland Pemrian Ouaiio; Ouanape, rcrnrtan Guaiie; Rcrne' Soluble Paciltetiii- o Karaiwa (.nana; Kn'y' KxeoUkir Oanno; t'om pound Acid Phmphate of Limp lor com. . Ixwtlng with Cotton Seed; Tobacco Fnrtilliitr; Dbmlved Phoapliate; Ornuiia Land l'lnM;r. iOrdore reiecAliillT wlicitod. .-" v . , MURPHY, HKTEUACO. feb I 108-lmch t'CTIOX SALE OF TOWN LOTS. On WEDNESDAY, March lath. 12." I will ' fwll at Auction Fifty (30) LOTS l Argyle, In Robeaon county, N. C, where a lcpiit will be " located In the prencnt Spring or Summer' V , Ine Wilmington, Chnrlotte and Rutherfmd Railroad Co., when every rarility will be ol lered to fanlglitcr either way and to paiwn 'er. 4 .1. Argrlo i in the centre of an extensive cot itnn and turneatln region Oj bent In the. State and will otter facilities Iwr a tloiirlching , Mutaee which cannot be so woll controlh-d at . any other point ou the Railroad In that part of Robeaon couaty. hoadian l Bridge are now being constrnctcd which will lead in a direct llnetoFyetteviH,ononeide, and to Little Rock, Alrordvllle, Iienncttntllle and other pornta In Marlboro and Markin count lee, South Carolina, which will make Argvle of eayac- rrr to tha oottow farm and pine region on ertlier dd. of the Kallmad. The Lota oft'ored at Auction will comprise the bet Lot for biwinewi pur(ioe and forreat- 1 denee The country I perfectly healthy and the locality nettled by a repeclable and thrifty set of farmer. , Ne reeervatioit At sale ail lot offered will be mid. For fnrthct Information, apply to . . . . , ALEX. MacRAE, Areyle,W.,C. AK.R.K., roneon county, u. , Jan. 3lt, IW2. 1(t.teeb Aaort,, N. 0. s ,T U A Y E Dt : . From the subecriber on Sutmd.iy, 27th Janu ary, one dark brlndle colored COW, rather heavy buDL A liberal reward will be iid on delivering her to me In Wilmington. It. , E. MURRAY. feu IS j, ft-w:)i, I I V I J Ul'OO I4 A1 I S I It A V 12 A SSET S IIKU IX THK I N1TKI STATES HT AMERICAN DIRECTORS XOWAMOCXf TO t S3,G4:0,449.G2. TUOS. 4emrl Asealt. Nvn th aide Prince atreet, between Tater and Trout rtreeU, WUmlniton. to whom all application far Afenrlea honM lie addrtned. feb I . "yyiLMINQTON NORTH CAUOMNA ' LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. OrTlOKK.I: JOHN W. ATKINSON.. Prei.lent. JOHN DAWSON Tlce-Prealdfut. B. I). WALLACE..,... Secretary. Ir. K. A. ANDKR.SON Me.llcal IMrecU. NIT.IIAL I'EATl'KH. r No reatrictlon tiu Iraivid or realavuce. r New mivle of monthly payment of preml iru. ' 1 (V No extra char go uiwu the lire of female. BV pollctc Incontcrtlble. ' " niayll ' ,J"lh rNSVKANCK BOOMS 1 The HtHienUgned oflW to the cltiacnaof Wil ton indemnity again Ktra and tlarlne loaaes by limuranre upuu larorable t)'rmln tha lolloniiig leaillng Coin panic : SfeCl'HlTY INbLRANCK COMPANY of New York, CONTINENTAL INSUKANCS COMPANY of New York, NORTH AMERICAN F. I. COMPANY of New York, NORTH AMERICAN V.l. COMPANY of Hartford, ANDES 1N8CBANCK COMPANY - of Cincinnati, FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE Co. ol Han Franciaco, HOME INSURANCE COMPANY of Richmond. t'pon dmlrabls rlk we earrr full line, with 1 ate a low a toon or any reliable and prudent Companies. Applv to JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, Gen. Fir and Marine Inmiranoe Agent. No. S North Front St. may 14 m-lych JIVSUltANCE X1003IS, ' KO. 8 NO RTII FRO XT RTR EET, i The fallowlngleaillng Companlea are repre sented.: . A UEEN PIRK INSURANCE COMPANY ,lvfriM)l and LomMin. ANDES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Cincinnati. CONT1N ENTAL FIRE INSURANCE COM. PAN Y of New York. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY of Rich mond. MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS' or Rich mond, And the Old and favorite Marine Company, the MERCANTILE MUTUAL of New York. Innurance at fair rate in Ike alKve flrat claa Companies. JOIIX WII.DF.R ATU1XMIX, General Agent. dco aw-tf NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. rSrcurlljr Agalnit I-otw by 11 re I Thl Company pay lt lowx. (airly, and circu late It earning at home. It h a , nut paid it lnweaby the conflagration at llendernon, fully aud promptly. Its rates are a moderate si safety will justify. AGENTS IN ALL TARTS or :ri(E STATE. R. II. BATTLE, Jtt rrcsldcnt. 8 EATON GALES.. ..Secretary. W. II. MURDOCH Assistant Sec'y. J. W. ATKINSON...; Agent. oct 9-tf ILMtNGTON N.C. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. The office of this Company removed to No; 4, North Water Street, over the Store of Memr. Cronly Si Morris. JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, President. jan2T ln3.tf I NSURANCE ROOMS. The nndersigned has removcKo the office over the Store of Mewra Cr nly it Morris, No. 4 North Water street. JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, General Insurance Agent. f Wl-tf j ' jau 27 M ARINE INSURANCE TAKEN AT FAIR RAfES IN THE TJmlerwrltcr'ta ABr?iicy OF NEW YORK, BErr bit r.. .. .V. .'. ............ .'. fajscett.otto a no tt tbi ; CHEAT WESTERN MARINE INSU RANCE CO. OF N. Y. R!firlty tTtr tS.fHeO.OOO I.. II. 1, U. USKOSHHT, General Insurance Agentn. "om-m ao-tf B1 ILL HEADS ' AND CIRCULARS PROMPTLY PRINTED -. ' ' ' i AT' THIS OFFICE, ijiaeAAiii oiiijiii lM Kt( r. 'WWW 'IlKiTVS- AMI OKI'HANS Benefit Life Insurance Compan? OF M!)V YORK. WANTED! 1,000 Able-lJodicil Men, n. wr n Ik of Si and t, to nlirt In la aburr t'manT. Onlnit tha grvat eirlta mratwhirh rrrallt In lin1u, araanitona I tit arrnr lb mtrtvfof the Men at . I Thia Company ahuaUt ba paVfmrd to all 1 lhr, brraf lt olflrtra ara raltnrrd, am. i liiliouK and trnatnnrthr atadroU, anda"Ke- Tre Polirv" rrompanlra eafb nl Ita I hci; and a 111' itttun I ofwn akrl, "Whr tea Uowrit Pulirr betw r than anr ether form i i4 luMiram e?'' V prouM la aniarr It In j ivw urd: IT US BKTTKItTHAX ; A LIFE POI.H Y-Waii it la rmt.iilrthl but an endowment heaiU- beoaaw It attord Inmiranre ai ehntpl? while tble I neeeaaarr, 1 ami admit of It termination when tha auat I wuifld be U'roortiiHit to tta value; beeauew ' It tnurra it x iiikiirv, oth in elillilheod and old age. AN ORDINARY KNIWlWMr.NT-leeM It not rtulr endow to theaama eilent, but jrlr a far g-eateramonntof protection again death for uolaiitlall7 the name eor4. TKN PAYMKNT l.irr.-beeaHto II eaallt become little burdennnme, ylvea twkre tha amonnt ol lnnrance. and the tall endowment mine. All pemon, anxlon to areure a a equal pro tection agalnat death or age, ran l enrolled In thin Ciimpat j on application to the amler. Igned, who will take great plcaanre In preaent Ing them tn the Me.llml Kxamlm r for ht p provat. W. R. KENAN, feb 9 t lf- Q. CrXllDi A.IST ; ML'TtAIi m m W NEW "VOIIIC. ORUANiZF.n ivm. ASSETS J.(ltt.0tir POLICIES IN FORCE..' M.rKto.niio LOSSES PAID 1,, Special Features. Annual Dividend, applied to reduce Premi um or iucreaao Insurance. All Polltdc DOa-riiaVMTAM after to n nual payment. i W. T. IleiOK KIl, PriaiU. EVERETT CLAPP, r Vleo President. LUCIUS McADAM, Secretary and Actuary. HENRY C. CLENCH, Anaatant Secretary, ISAAC lll'TZLF.R A Co., tleticral Agi nt or Virginia, North Carolina and 1. C. A.J. HILL, Jr., Agent, WILMINGTON, N. C. Office over Wooeter' Drug Store, corner Front and Market Street. Da. B. F. COBB; Medical Examiner, WlLMIKOTOM. feb It 1IH 1r M AKINK INWTJItANOK On Cottoiij Xval jBtores and Teanuts, to New York, niiladclphlB, nnhimore ' ml Hilton, BY SAIL at .... - 1 jicr wit BY STEAMERS at - - I in tlw GREAT WESTERN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK ANsrrN, s.eoo.ooo. IH.&T.CDoROSSET, General Inxiranee Agonti feb 9 114-tf Studwell Brothers 1? MURRAY STREET, INEWYORK, Manufacturers anr Jobbers of BOOTS & SHOES, . J von Southern Trade, Will remain at tlm old aland, wliere, at (ess than half the expense, will be enabled to tell their goods on a donor margin than if tip-town. , J. F. MOOSE, Kalenman. Jan 21 OMtmeh OOD AND DURABLE! Our stock of Boots and Ball for (lent ant (.adlee are NEAT, PRETTY,- AND DURAOLA and sold at IOWEWT KATEW. Call and se. GEO. R. FRENCn & SON,' Hi North Front street. la oct IS H HOTEL FOR RENT. Tbt ROCK SPRINQ HOTEL i of fered for Rent For particulars, apply to E. PESOHAU. aug 13 -;-r- - int. 0 YSTERS AND BRANDY PEACHES. anfl Cases, 1 aud 1 lb.. Oysters, ; 130 " Brandy Paachea, For sale by F.W. KKRCUNEK. feb 18 " . 1WJ lif Ilaiin JlotiniaL 5 wiuwiwrux. x. c.t m tm ; EsniT. rtBKi' abt 2 1 . 11 ;s. rrem the Karelin Hetitlw L T the rakllc. illlc lv KM t TIVK l.fii'ARI MKX f , ".rATK r NOItTK tARtil.lXA. liAl.r.lull. I'rh. 15, l7i. Wnr.iiK AS lthiviUvn rejmrted to me that the presK'nt-llmtril of Dtrvcton fr the 5tate Prinn are iIIortiia fur sale biirk and other materials tiebiiginj; tt (he Stale, which were prwuml lor the pnrjuiee f erertinjj said prison: am!, whorea, y a recent decision of tlie Supreme (.'onrt of North Caniiina, It ta manilest that aaid Hoard if Directota were apjointej ciiiitrarr to and in violation of the ( restitution f (aid State. 1 do, therrfore, hereby forbid aaid Directors, or either of litem to dispone of any property of the Stale, and 1 also warn any purrhaxer or purchasers agalnat removing any of said jwiteity or. material from tle place) where R now mar I, or to take the same or any rf It into his or their piieaesslon. Any one ititerfiriinj vkh taid pwierty without lawful authority will lie deemed trespassers and ln-Id respontilile aa such, (liveu under my hand on the day and year aloye written. Too. K. Caldwell, . tioyenior." In the Carolinian dUputchea, of to-d.iy, I rind the aUve " notice " signed by "Tf d R. Caldwell, (.roveruor,' in relereiii-e to the " Dlreetorx of the State !ruion." I de. nonneethe Katement in the aboye "no tiee," over Uie slKtial tire of "'fod K. Cald well, Governer,H that the present lloanl of Dirertora for the Stale prison are orti-rinu for sale brick and other materials belong. Iir to the Mate, which were procured for the purpose of ' erecting said orison, aa a inalichwi and utunitiRuted fiilNOlnKHl aud a tiAH nnd infamous slaiuh'r ujnhi tlm Hoard of Directors. If Tod )L Caldwell, (iitvernnr, had tie. sired to protect the public interest only, and not indict a Mow, under eover of his (iflirial position, upon the Hoard of lin. ton, lieeause they ore DemiMiraU and C ou senratives, lte would have called tin us for the desired Infornutlon and not relied upon the reports tif ijitmr ant and unscrupu lous parties. . There has never Iwen u time heu the present board of directors of the State jieuitentiury would not promptly and most cheerfully have futnklu-d (Jmertior Cald well with any tnlnitnailon might have deslr'd iu reference to that Institution. Two of the directota miht have U'en seen hyhltnanyday In the week, and either one of them would have railed at his olllct If they had been Invited (o do so ; If, there fore, "Tod" It. Caldwell, tiovorttor," has Issued the above oiUtMaJ 'Notice" under a misHpprubenslon of fiteta, he h no less cul pable than If lie had Issued It knowing, the statements contained lu it to be untrue. "Tod R.Cldwcll, liovernor," might have learnvd by consuhinu tlio present board of directors that the old Ixwrd of commis sioners instructed Mr. W. J. Kicks to re ceive from eertaln parties to whom they had advanced the rmbllc money, some two or ithroe hundred thousand inferior bricks, to reimburse them tin amount which they had so advanced with out authority of law ; that they (the eom missioners) were Informed by Mr. Hieks that these brk-ks wen not such as the con tract and socitk'atious required should tie used in the construction of tht penitenti ary; that these bricks have lieen con demned by tint ptvsent iniard of directors as unlit to lw used In tho building ; that tlw present iKHtrd disrttswd-tho propriety of selling these condemned bricks, provi ded they eould be sold for as much as they cost the State ; tliat at their last regular meeting the board instructed Mr. nicks to ascertain whether or not they could be sold for what they exist ; that Sir. Hicks has not yet reported to tho board, and the board have made no order for the side of "these bricks or other materials lulotiging to the mate. - M. A. "Ul.ktiwtE, - P.lde!it Board of Direct op.. -Hnleigh, N. ('., Feb. HI, Wi. From the iolUhnru Messciiger. Farniera' nu1 Heehanle, Awxoeintloa i Oraanlaed. ' . It ' appcarltii; to the satisfaction of the CoininiHfiioncrs, apKiinted under an act of tho General Assembly to open books for subscription, Ac., that the rt- j n taiU; amount ($3,000) to the cnpilal slock of the Far mers' and Mechanics Association had been subscrllM-d and twenty per cent, thereof paid in, a meeting of the stock holders was held at tlm Town Ilall, In this place on Thursday last, tor the rnirpoae of effecting a permanent organiAtlou. On motion Mr. W. F. Komegay was called to prtmkle over the meeting, and Mr. J. A. Bonitz was requested to act as Secretary. The charter as ratified by the General Assembly, was read by the Secretary, and on motion of Dr. D. Cngdcll, received and adopted. On motion Messrs. A. J. Galloway and R. T. Fulghum were appointed a commit tee to verify the stock subscribed and. see who all present are entitled to participate In effecting the organization. On motion the chairman .appointed Messrs. A," C. Davis, B. F. Hooks, C. F. R. Komegay, D. Cogdell, and R. T. Fulgbura a committee to recommend suitable candi dates for the twelve Directors. After a short absence tlie committee re turned and begged leave to recommend the following names; viz: L. W. Humphrey, B. F. Arriugtou, W. F, Kortiegay, A, Dav, A. J. Galloway, II. 1j, Grant, IJennan Weil, John C. Rhodes, D. Cogdell, B. F. Hooks, C. F R. Kofucgay and It. E. Jones. On motion of Mr. Win. Robinaon the re port was received and the cotnmttteo dis charged. ' , Capt. Fulghum moved, That the stock holders here assembled, shall proceed to elect twelve Directors to manage the affairs of the "Farmers' and Mechanics' Associa tion of N.tJ." for this year, in accordance with the charter rjranled by the General Assembly, and the twelve names receiving the highest number of votes east shall Ims declared duly elected Directors. Carried. On motion the chair appointed Messrs. A. J Galloway and T. A. Granger a com mittee to receive the ballots. - The Messrs. L. W. Humphrey, B. F. Arlington, C. F. U. Kornegay, It. C Giant, A. Day, li. E. Jones. B. V. Hooks, John 0. RlKxIes, A. J. Galloway, Herman Well. W F. Kornegay and D. Cogde.1 having received the highest rotea cast were declated duly elecUxl the twelve Di rectors, r j i- o On motion of Mr. Win. Roblnsoir the election of the Directors was made unani mous. Whereupon the meeting adjourned. riimtt N. Y. Wot Id. Ucpeit of Ike kn-klu (oin witter. IHaHi4l Hlle Neither 4eniMMsir rlltlrl t)OrTrnatle-JHrtlli Faeta mm FitrwreawW h I a a, 1 riaaidertHa my tm tmrmH-BMt' Oxer Two) llnalr?4 Mllllewa Mleu , W'amii?s.tox, Feb, 17. ! ' i Tlie iiuijorHy Srnl nilrmrity reports of Hie joint Ku-Khi committee of twenty-tme will !e j'rrsenleu to t onrcss on .Mouuav. , Tho luaj,xily, a.s is well kiHiati, will sul-! mil sexeral tlKiuand .iires of tinted ei- J deneeof ao-i-ailed Kn-kuis nutrares, do-: feud the Kn-Wux law t'f Congress, and re eimtmend the continuance of the Mtspcn siou of the writ of haU'as. corjHis U-jond tbt time In bich it Is ikw ntricted. It wiU to a certain extent agree v. ith tho re port of the minority that the enrpct-baa governnH'uts of the South have plundered and robbed tht Suit hem people until law. k-asneas w aa provoked. The mluority re- Curt covers Stk) printed ratjea, and is signed y Senators Rayardtand UUIr, aud Itcire seutallxes Ilerk, ( ox. Van Trmup, ad dell, Hanks and ltobinnon. It msy tie briefly summed up thus : First The miuotlty do not intend U' deny that disguised bolies of men have been guilty of most tl.tgrant crimes for which they should be punished, but they do deny that thev h ive any general organ ization or any political signiiicance, or that their conduct Is indorsed by any respect able jxirtloaef the w hite eople of the State. Tlvey do not fear anceeasful contra diction when tliey aay that thete n ver was adiaguieed band In more than forty of the 4M count ice of the six Southern Suites, and to thia they add : "We will show to all men not blinded by prejudice or paaskm that the Ku-Clui bill and the conduct and report of the majority of this committee as Inauiruratrd, continued, and reiMuted is the grossest outrage, the foulest csJumny, ever tierpetrateil or circulated itiKn or against a helpless people by their rulers, ho Wight for that reason to be their friend Instead of relentk'sai enemies aud calumniators." Second 'hat tho debt oi these States has been Increaw'd over (MO.OtKI.OOO, to pay the Interest ef hlch, coupled tslth travagant expetnlilnre, la, almost cmlis cated ropeily. Third That most of the officials V. ho create this debt aud levy taxes do not pay a cent of taxes. But lu of taxes are paid by the executive branch of the South Caro lina government a hone salaries and expen ses are increased $lU'5,IHHJ lieyoiul tho old regime. The report is full of startling facts uud figures, showing, for Instance, that In the eue of Alabama the new Democratic gov eminent has stopicd one theft of f(J,000, OHO . the Ureal Town of UefmaNf, Tlie rvsults of the Lite census, so fat" as they are already known, seem to point even more than the preceding ouh to the rapid grow th of great towns In Germany, During the War of liberation, Berlin, which had then lUl.ttOO Inhabitants, was the pnly tow n lu Prussia w ith a population or more than KX),o0. Betlin Las now Kifci.CXH) .Inhabitants, and besides the capital lrnssia has teu cities with a populatlott of 00,(MKJ In round uumbeia or upwards. They art) : Hreslaii, 200,000 ; Klbet feld. Barmen, 100,000; Cologne, 1300UO; Ko nlglierg, 112,000; Magdeburg, with Itssnb urbs, Neustadt, Sudenbnrg and Buckan, 110,000: Hanover, 105,000; Frankfori-ou-Maln, with Bockenheim and liorlihelin, 104,000; Dantzlc, 100.000 ; Stettin, 91000; and Altona, 15,000. 1 u tho rest of Germa ny there are four cities w hich have a popu lation exceeding 100,000, viz : Hamburgh, 240,000; Munich, 11X1,000 ; Drc4den, 177,. 000; and Lelwic, 107,000.; wldlo four have nearly reached that figure, viz : Stutt-gardr- W,0tef- Nnmnlierg rl7,000 r-Bremen, H),0(K); and Strasburgh, Kr,,000 Ik'tiilea the abovc-tnentloiied cities, Prus sia contains eevenleen towns with more than f0,000 Inhabitants, which, according to the new regtilatlotm, w ill thervfoto each form an indejwndent adnilnistrntlve circle. Among tlieaej are Alx-laChapclh, Wtxx;; DnseeMoif, Wl,000; Crefeld, 7'J,'stx; Kasen, 4o,W)0; DuUburg, JJO.OOO; Wcisbaden, MM); Cnssel, 4 1,000; Halle, M,X)0; Erfurt, R'JXK); poeetl, C0,(KH) ; - Elbliig, 30,000; Frankfort-on-Oder, 44,000 Pot dam, 41MXK1; Dortmund, 44XX); and (torlit., 40,O(X). From tlm above it ap pears that Vmssla contains t enty-six ci ties which en,kiy lndeiendeiit administra tive rights In the fullest mensitre, and which together Include nearly :i,000,000 luliabl tanls, er aliout one-eighth of the eulite populatkm of the Klngiloni. The Heat Election. The first State election that occurs in 1872 is fn New Hampshire. aSlie votes for a Governor and legislature on the second Tuesday in March. She had been repub lican for seventeen year by small majori ties, but In March, 1871, aided by local Issues, the democracy unexpectedly earned tlie election, choosing their Governor and all three of the mewiters of Congress. Oov enior Weston (s again tho democratic can didate. ' ' " ' - ' QUR "CHALLENGE" BRAND OF MAPE orpUnu HAVANA TOBAttQ! ,. The choicest iu tho Market. BLUK BEARD AMI LA MNFA. Fresh parched Java aud Luguayra 0)ITee 10 CASKS F YOUXGER'S ALE, no irnlla. ttOB.' - : 1 " r - ENGLISH CREAM, Pine Apple,' Block, English IMU7 and Factory CHEESE. 150 BOXES For sale low by GEORGE MYERS, , II aud 13 South Front St. " 12H feb is DRY SALTED SIDES. Dry Salted Shoulders, . Refined Tear! Starch, Sugar House Syrun, Golden Drips Syrup, Heavy City Mess Fork. f Extra Mess Pork, Extra family Flour, '1 Butter a'l grailes Clieese, Lanl, jf j Canned Goods.' f All alove fir sale low by 51 DtROSSETA CO. uo u , feb 111 wim rLLAxrort. A.K.&F.K.OTilRATH, IMPORTtKI AN1 F JPORTKRS tF HAW FURS AND SKINS. 07 llhetl price iid U all kiuda Raw Kkina. N0.1-12( URSTNUT STREET, iui i l Aii:i.rniA. tab S ItSndatneh gXANlAltl Family Medicines, 1VA1 I'J, BO YKIN aV CO. BALTIMORE, MD. ' CATIUHTW i'IL" Ne ralnrael, but aet gently d with certain' ty, direct ly on tho Liver and Bowelav vn. iro m in .vwiyjn's r.4.vrr.v MEDICINE," lng sud favorslify knoen In North Cane Una as the brt IKimeaile remedy f, IhtwcI enccxion in ee. H'.4DJf.S 110J.V L'OXFECTIOSS: A speedy, safe sad pleasant remedy Par worms in t uuorea. 1 . -uorK.vs co veil srnur relieves promptly all acute slterttoti of the uiroatsua lungs, n li(UU?s tiEHMA N WXtC HIT TERS Hf We are Baltimore Agents for Vnmcarelner'a Pnrw Old Mjre Whla. Iiejf, Klalta's I'hlll Cr" mnt ' thleld'a T.f Wrtah, , , with a general line of good for DruggUU, Phy sician ana country aivrcuani. feb 1J ItMlm (Prof. Reurknit's Academy of Music.) Exhibition and l'rlte DecUtnttlon, Tnbleiuix ViYaiits, Iliilog;iioN, 4c?., THUBSDAT EVENING, rb. 9M, IH'J,' llair-pewt TO'Uoek. J. N. HIXTON, ' , ' Principal Wilmington High School, feb IS , m Jt "YyiLMlNGTON, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA UAILUOAD. FnnuHT AattpAsaaansR DasARTaicar, ' Wilmington, N. Feb. ITth, IWJ. Delegate to the meeting of the Cspe Fear Agriculture Association at Wlliulr.gton, Keli ruary 21st, paying full fare over thl Road, coming, wfft be returned free en the cert I Heat of the Secretary that the atteaded the nioet Ing. A.POPE, ' Genoral Ticket Agent.' tf. CJ.WIItDtK,! ? General 8tipertntentent. feb IS I2j-atch WILNtiTON A WELDON JIAH,. KOAI). CO. Ornca Gi't Fruoht AtTictT Aiiskt, Wllrulngtun, Jf. C, Feb. 17th, 1X72. Delegate to the aiectlng ef the Cape Fear Agrleullural Aaaurlallnn at Wilmington, Feb ruary 21st, paying full fare over thl Road com ing, will lie returned free on the certificate of Hid Hecretary that they attend this meeting. A. POPE, Geuerai Ticket Agent. .I.F. DIVINE, Oencnt Bnperlntendent. feb IS - IZt-SU h 1KVENTY-FIVR FIRST PRIZE MEDALM AWABUKO. THE GREAT 8 them Plant HAHtFACTOUY WE KNABB & CO., MAavrAonTMas) o .-.. w GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT Piano Porte e. BALTIMORE, MD. ' These tnetniTnetit have ween before the publle for nearly thibtt years, and upon their excel, lence alone attained an unpnrrhaaetl pre-cieJ nence, which "peonouueee tliem uuen,riaredla TONE, TOIJCH, WOltKMANSHll' AND i DURABIUTY sae" All our Square Piano have our new Im proved ovKTitue ayata and the Agraflt Treble. r w would call especial attention te out late patented Improvement In Gbabd Puaol and Buf.ua Gaaan, found In no other Piano, which bring tho Piano nearer perfection (has haa ret been attaiued. EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRANT Et FOR FIVE YEARS. 7 We are by special arrangement enable to furnish Pablob Oroab and Mai.ODiossol the most celebrated maker, Wholesale and R tail, at lowest factory prion. Illustrated Catalogue and price lisle pnmtU furnished on application to Wat. K.NABE A CO., BalUaiort, Md.. to P. naiBSaaaota, Bole Agent, -, Wilmington. N. 0. oct 14 1 - la-slnrueodAwck ; OWN WITH THE PRICES. Famtlle la want ot Oroeerlee of the beet aad full weight eaa be aeeommodated at the , . , FIRST CO-OPERATIVJt STORE. , corner Front and Dock street. O nick sale arte' mail BroflttleoursBOtto. Fresh Owvt by ever? steamer. J. B. MoOABJTY, Snp't. auglt . . - CJ-WedAFritl S100 to 250 loVtAu every wbe selling our new eoven strand Wurra PLATfBA Clothes Lieta. Sell readily at every boas. Sample free. Addrese the Gl babd Wtaa Miua, Philadelphia, Pa. Jau l . , SO eowt2ftitli 3 llIVXULAXXStS. Naturalization Ilcllcc. Wmiui. by ihei.1 tjcti.o of the :ur'.i ama At t iij VU-t. cap. 14J K M pr..id Uil"'tera Her M.'ety kaa esttensj b 'ae ronreatiuw with any lura -ga Sute te the thai lb wd)iU or aiuirtj. ol iui j: man have been BAlorallMal a bru jh Kt;, a- f diveet Uemselvaef tliefr (' a ewcA e )u, it shall be lawful fur lir ktsv. by CtUi r la council, 10 oeeiare ma wca esavwa- iwn aa area en terra icu y wr nhjrmtj : mum frees and alter the date of sucb Oraer ta Limb. ell, any peru being aclginalty a qblcter ta arn ol the State reirreJ to In nick Onir( whe ha beea Baturaltsrd a a BriUah ubec(. Buy, within such HatR ef Ura ae may be prevtded la the conveutaNi, saake a dacUrauoa ef aitea Bge, Mid frons and alt the dale of hi SO aaaar lug urh declaration Sjcb errei abail be re regardrd a aa ia, and aa a subject at the State to ebuiA he etiiiuily belonged ae afore said. A daclaratam ef alienage msy be made as folio, that I 10 say 1 It the dclaraat be la the 1'eitr.l klu(ta, la the areeaee ef aaf JusUeeol the pvaea; U elwwhw ui Bar Majee. tr .dumlnU.il. in tb presence or any judge! any court of civil ur rrtroleal JnIUKn, any juatba ef the petee. or ot any ether etfccae for lb time being autburtr by law, ta the place In whkb In declaraat , te adminicle an oalb for any Judicial or ether legal purpose. II eut of Her MaJ.t y e dominion, in the rsre of any officer in toe 1'iiujnrroe or cob. aiilarlsTviceof Her Maleaty." AliWMaas,iKh eonventkm waentere4 into b4 llir Majesty with the United Slatreet Amerila.on Um I.Maof May 170, the ratUtoa Urns nil whuh were exchanged at Letdoaea the imk August, ls7t; and ea thenthdayet Aegust, niu, ilcr MaJeMy, by Order In Coun cil, aid declare that a convention had been a tered Into, te tha .fleet that the euhjaetsnr ettte Bn of Hhim Slate who had been BalareUsed a British subjects might dtveat tbemarlve ef their.iotus aa such euhjecte. - AsnVnmi, 01 a supplementary eonvea tiimslymd at Vt'aeliln)rUiu en SM February, 171, the ratiueallona whereof ware eichaog4 on l!i lih May. UU AVTirt riTiBii that bf tb aeoiad artli'l of tli. aaid OrH eonvenUoB A ha.1 bi'vn atipulatad that the MAVVRB, in which tbeteidinclailon by ul1eeta and eHiaeaeof the contracting niea who had emigrated or might rmiyrate tt'n tb Unmtiilon ot one to thoMef th.uili. r Hn ty,of thdr naturallsatiea and the rcsuuiption r tlielr native allcglanra, might be nuulii and publicly declared, BHoriD be agreed upon by the Uovernnteuta ef the reapaetlve roiiiilrlc: Itwa. by Article, aoo, a follow, vis: That any peraen being originally a rltiarn of tae t utted blares who had prevkmsly to May tl, lt. been naturalised ae a British tihjoct, may at euy time before Aajrost le, t hi '4. and any Bi ltleii subject, who, at tlie dale first aloresaid, bad been naturalised ae a eitW en within the I'nltud States, may, at any time helm May U, publicly declare hie re iiunciation ol ich nalurallaaUea by aheyh luges instrument lu writing, substantially la the fiarm hereunto appended, aad deelgnaled ae Annex A. "Nneh renunciation by an original ettleea el the t'nltml Htatre of BrltisM natkmalKy ehatl, within tha territories and Jurusliciloa of the In I ted Htatr. I made In duplicate, ta the presence ot any Court anthorlsud by law fur he lime being to admit alien to naturalliatloB, e be 1 qre the Clerk of 1'rothonotary ef aay ewes Court; If the declarant be beyond the territo ries n( the I'nlteil state, H) ehall be made la duplicate, boforo any l.plomUe or Consular uflltwr ul (lie United Sute. tmeof such dupli cate shall remita or record m trie euataey er the (,'nnrt or officer In wImmo presence It wee made; the other shall be, without delay, trea niitlrd to the ttapatteaeeA mt Ntate. "Nneh rcunnciatHin, II declared by an original British snliieet, el hie aenaired aationallty ae a .1.1 ..r .1.- I I .J,-,... .k. . M UiL,iuu rant be lu the United Kingdom of Great Brltaia and Ireland, he made in iln plicate, In the proa once of a Just lea uf the Peace 1 If elewhere, la llur llrltaiiiue MiOi'ty'domUiton,ln triplicate prcis'tieeur any juuge ot etvu or entni. naf Jui Ulletlon, of any Joatioe of the Peaee, ee of any other officer lor the time being author lint by law. In the place In which the declare tlon U, to administer an oath for any Jntltcialof other legal purpose; If out of Her Majesty's dw nilnUins, in triplicate. In the preaenoe ef aaf officer In the Dlplometio or Consular Service of Hot Majesty." Axsx(A.) "I, A. B-, of (Invert abode) bln originally a eltlsen of the Uulted Statee ef America e a British (ubleet) end having become naturalises) within the dominions of Her Britannia Majeety a a ItrliUh subject, (or a a eiUsea within the United State of America) do hereby renoaaee my natiirallr.atlon a a British subject (or eiU. sen of the United Bute:) and declare that It la my desire to resume my nationality ae a eltlsea of the United Stales (or British snbJecM,. (Signed) A. B. Made aud suber'rlbed before eae, In (Insert country or other eubdlylBloa, and State, province, colony, legation or tonsulatt, this - day of , ie7 . ... (Slgne.1) E.F., 3 uat foe ef the Peace (or ether title.") Now THKiixroRa aoTica 10 birbbt eivsa to all British snliieet within the 8 tale of Norta and South ( arollua. who have become natoraW Ised within the United State, and whodeetrele resume their allrglano as British eubjeete, te make the ilerlamtion in the fur a proscribed, before the l-'th May, IK72. Althopuh the Supplemental Convention e( the Xd of February lt only reuulree thai American eltlsen who have been naturalised aa 111 UUli subject shall make the Deularatloa of Renunciation before a United Statee Coert of Justice, or DiptomaUa or Consular offloer of the United State, yet It I neceaaary. to meet the requirement of the British Actor Parllaejent, that the Declaration shall also be mad belore on ol the British Judicial, Diplomatic or Cob eular officer mentioned In the 3d Section. No Kkb will be levied fur receiving these De elaratkma. II. P. WALK KB, It. B. AI. Consul for North and South Carulla ItRITiaH 'st!,ATB, I CRABLRktoh, December, 1871.1 Apply also 10 ALEX. SPRUNT, British Vice Consul, Wilmington, N. C Jan Sl-!ilOfcb6Jt21-marcMJt21cb roMMslnr;jwtrful tavlfwrating These Bitters are podtiyely lnvaluU in Xhey purify the system, and will euro Remittent aad Iatemitteat i even. and are a preventive of Chills and Teres, AU yield to thdr powerful tCicacy. Are an antidote to coan 01 W ater and iiiet. EH 1 to the waeted frxma, and correct sit n Will save days of sullarhi j to tl '. ', tti The taad PiEuaeea fat all the tUset us Marl. f-TW v . t -Tej a J j.i ,m. r"- n n Of - rCO re 1 ftMvii ff ajwuur'' fiLOifi 1 la ToonforOld, JlanW Ingle, these Bittera are u equalled and have often tees the 1 of serine Ufa. y om b OTTkC aal deed-ly wly to F 1 v 2 TaTE HAVE NOW Pf V AND SUIPPIXd V ARTiart. Thoeswho are In Moedot fi em will w"M b taUiutiMUe ,. ,...0l.SAl, Oillw. fV ' , s-. i V . 1

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