) 4 C ' ' W C H ;j , vol. x:a no. 1-19. WILlyriMG-TOlNT, N. C; THURSDAY. MABCH 21, 1872. WHOLE MO. 6,107. . -si . h M si . i t ; I j t wy i u ' KWI.HOiDS. :nli:al sitiium i ndents i i. TH ANOE t'F M IIIDII.K. Alter tin-Jil-th following htluW will be 41 i-y trttm ou litis tond ; ( f' pay express t i; a i x iD.ii v. i I .rave Wl1m.gtn (I'nion ltrt-ot S "i a. ia An ive at Ki nee. ! I a. ni. Air1rar Ki?fJ1-.. C ?!.. kS..... . .. flOa-aa-' Arm al V hTvin-e Ii U p. nt. Arm at Willuuvtjw . .......... J.. f. m. , Nk.mi tiriinn Tu i4.ii1 ) Scsmt l."ic' i I tm WUmlngMn p. . Arrive at florcMce. I U.u. i Arrive at ColuuibU a. m l avw t olmutiia .sop.ni. Arrive at Florence II I'- i Arrive at WU ail a. -ton... .. m. , Dry Expres Train, en' v, will run t Krnjr- ville. Niglit Evpret Tr-tan will un lUvt to! I'tuml'i. I .I011X C. WLNOKK, Crtii. Sii(.X UO.VI) foMl-AXY, . WUmtngtua, N. O., IKh. Jlh, f Cll.tSVf: OF SVllKDVLK. On .ad atU tU. Jflt liiMaut PaMactip-t i Train will lfa Union fetation at i.U A. il. i aiil.U I'. M.,aivl arri ati.MA. M. aiul t.M M. ' freight Train will Icaro triweekly at. .11 A. M. awl arrive at It 'I 1'. M. K.praITrfiu:litTraitui aill Uavat tT.il. ami arrive at tl A. M. UBliiimlHvaUK&U l'.M. ami XH) A. SI. riii milv will in1 run. JOHN K.UIV1NK. Ucii'l Suin-riiitemlrtlt. ttriLMISUTOS, CHAKLOTTK AND 'nCTHEUf OUO ltAlf.UOAI) CO. WtLMtllOTO, N.C,l00. IK I. raMwueer Trainii ler WllraingUn dmly Sumlara cx(n'tml) at 7 A. JI. Lea Lt-a-l nf Itoml a( A. SI. Arrive at Wilmington at Ml V. M; Arrive at llca-l of Riml t l.:m P. M. 8, 1.. KKKMOX T. f i if I : ; -; t't-Vl siiix,r.iie.vt. u-c ?i I ' - i4-tf rBrti TO lit Una rliatiye tor W ; , , J KIIIHI'IXU. IJALTIMOUK AM) WlLlilNiiK'N STEAMSHIP LINE. f.r.'f;i A.uaiwaut vua nitar via aTKAMaitira 11 KB MX' A CLYDK, Capt. CHILDS. MilLXE,.... ..UpUriUCK. IIOUVAR, t apt. K V A N . Will herealti-r .ill rrom Baltimore aivl Wil ntiuat KYKKV Ul VE UAYS. TJIE bTEAMSHIP LOLIVAU will miil from wkaif, foot of Cke-tuHa"eUet;t, I liritSUAr MOHXINO, January lllli. For lroi(lit cu.a.uieitap.ly to Jan 10 ' ....I"".. LOKrU.Anb'8 STEAMSHIP LINK VOii NEW IfOllK. NAIL1SU 11 USOAYS AU lUIUAYH 1'HOH XCW TURK, AXO W EUM-H. U.iYN AXD W i l l Rll A YN m1 IXSCllANCEONLY ONE-KOtRTU I'stt CT. lllROrttll CONNECTIONS WITH ALL RAIM10AD3 LEADINtS OUT fK , WILMINGTON. e Na pan(-r taken. Koe rrelirbt apply t. I1AIUV rsHOTHEKS, Ae" limy 20 !X THREE Hl'NIREI TONS VKilSH (iROUND LAND PLASTER, OF THE BEST ll'AMTY, FOR UktX IH liOla OP 1'IYE TOXS A!fl J. OVEB, AT ll SO "- ? PER TOX, Delivered at the leiot In WilminuUit. Apply to - ?"' F. W. KERCHNER Wholaaal. Qrooer and Cnm'n tlerclmn WllmitiKttm, N. O Lot of lea tlian B tone ft extra per tou will eliaruttl for lighterage, dec a 78 David riuonrfr Will eflcct sales of TOBACCO, COEN AND OTHEItPKODCCKoii COMMISSION. f Coiisigntnetilii auliclteil, on which I hid prepared to advance liberally, march 1 J.IJ-tf Q1IARIXS. A. l'ItU'15 - Call the attention of the public tr, hi large. SMortment of BOOTS and 8H0E8. which, w ill bemtdat reduced figure to make room lor iprlng Btock. at the 1,1 ve Root and lio Sitor. Corner Front and Market St, march in It" N' 0 T I (J E 1 The undersigned, having leeu api-ointcd by the lata Alfred L. Price in hi labt will and Irian in eut the Executor thereof, and being therein duly attthoriied aad empowered, will continue, a such executor, to carry on the Boot and Shoe btiMiiewt heretofore rondtteted br his " testator, at the old Maud on South Bide of Mar ket flreet, one tloor Wert of the corner of Frout CHARLES A. PRICE, .f axoruun-.t a. U. prto. 13.Vd.Vwtf narea o , -- : ti . a .1 i J liAcojrr BAcorfif 100,00 Pounds Shoulders and Sides, ..eJJlAtBterai JjoTEL FOII KENT. ill KUtlt BrKiatt ityiM.no.- '.' I l ;i -t , . -ti. fered for Rent. For particulars, apply to sng 13 - f! 01 PESCHAIT. -.Tl-tf qotton5;eft)1 ?. !i DICKSON COTTON SEED, PEELER I f'eonsAt.is. ' i MI RRAY A CO. v r Sv L, i""Tl?r.i.i v; (ri.vi t K. tt C ) Wtiiimi , . t., lKr.t, l.t. J nin;h 9 IXM'RASUT. . I Y 11 It V OO 1 A IV i : 1 ' -ASSETS Ill I II IX TflK I'SITKli STATFS HY AMERICAN DIRECTORS 'KVW AMUUKT TO TH0S. OK Oli:, 4 9 tieaternl Atfrul. NortU lili) l'titKfss (trect, bctrccii Water ami Front atn etil. Wilmlnirton, to whom all .......u..i.....i.ti- ..l.i,sl. Il(ii.-iiwun iNi .iR uu-''in'. " j ieb In r.t'- pHirUANCK- Fire! Murine!. Life! .KTNAtriltK) 1NSVHANCE tOMTANV I of II A 1: 1 1 tillli, Aeeelc January l.-l. !-;:', fii. iiai.jvc:. lui-orporaloti lklf. , IMiKltWIHUM AtlENCT nf New Y'.'rlt, I i.'it.k.x t iun i.t i.:'. 1 .-.IT. " - II It V A T wrsITKN alAltlXK 1NSIU-' ANCK t'tt. ol New York,. AmcIo January lit, i ASS I TJ, , Wa. 6.l-,liwi. M'WilCIU IN r't'HCl JuurcN l.v tjti'UUicr wl Sail to Nurtliern l,i'i.r.t i'AIU.. porta at kiwent ralee. ami luta cerllllcutee. liavahle in lioltl.on rliil-aienti, of Cutton aiel Naval htor.a to Orvat Jitlliiin nud tko W.m- "wokl.l) MLTL'AL LIKE INSI ItANCE t CO. of New Ywlr, Arta .'.". ST. l.oriS MLTl AU l.lr r. IMlli.M I. , t (i. of Miwouri. Aam-ta a.vflnn.OW'. -.All bnatiicw iH-rtmnlng to liiMtnime ul- l'-ii. Ii il to l.y I If. k T. C. DcROSSET, Not tit Water ami Cboetuut Street. tuarckio llO-'.'uith , Yro NOUTII CAROLINA j LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY CTKICEHS; JOHN W. ATKINSON Prci-itU-nt. JOHN HAWS0N Virc-1-ret..ih'iit. , 8. 1. WALLACE Sfrrctury. . Jir. E. A. ANIi:i!iiJN Metlital liln-rtor. SIMAIAL IEAllltlN. r No tctiir let kilt on trarol or rcekii-nca. r Ncflr tnuileurmoi.tlily paymettl of pleml itn. tr No clia iliart;o u-on I lie litei of it n.alc tf I'oliele.rlucoi.testll.le. may II, l!i-t)fll I INSIJ1IANCK ltOOJIH, ISO. S SOUTH t'KO.YT KTHLKT. The lellowinn leading Cotiipaniea aro reprc ctitcil : (JIEEN EIRE INSt'KANCE COMPANY ol l.lverMiol ami Ijomlon. ANDES EIRE INSIRANCI: COMPANY Of Cinrlimall. C iN T 1 X ENTA I. KJ 1! E INSfRA NC E I XOt -PANY of New York. HOME INNt'tiANCK COMPANY ol' Llfli mnixl. MERCHANTS AN DM ECU ANICS'or Rieh. moml, Aiul llie Old ninl favorite Marine Company, Uin MhltCAM ll.r. all 1 1 .AliOt .cw yora. luauratiejiat lair raltn in I he aim vti -JlDit Com p leu. JOIIX 1VII.ULR ATUIXKOX, (Jeuoral Ai-tit. due 6 N' OUTH CAROLINA HOME 1NSC1UNCE COMPANY. ' Mecarit Avalnat Loan by II r I Thin Company paya it losses fairly, and clrcu late lta earnings at home. It baa Just raid It lnmes by the conflagration at Henderson, fully and pron.ptly. Its rates are a moderate as safety will justify. AGENTS IN ALL PABT8 of THJB STATE. IL If. BATTLE, Jn Prcaidont. BEATON GALES Secretary. W. II. MURDOCH AmiHant Soc y. J. W. ATKINSON , Atrent. , oct u-tr 1872. SPUING GOODS!! Receiving! kv etnv Steamer all) he LATEST STILES of SPRING DRESS GOOD ; House Furnishing Gootl-s, Krlnings, InstH'tiii,, Laos, Notions, A' (.'-,, Ac M ! v' AT... M KATZ'S, 3(i Market St.- HH' march ,V tf 5 TT'ir'TF B .ILL HEADS AND CIUCrLARS PROMPTLTf PRINTED THE NEATEST STYLE. THIS OFFICE, lM ltM I . At IMU H NV IT E"r;ff.t Lif Iiunncc Connanv or m;v y(hik. WANTED! 1 1 .(KM) "Ahlf-lioriiCtl 3l0H, ' f li.-twt.n the .ti X sihttiV U m114 hi Oi u. U11u mi air tu 'i'uii' tliv n ii out tin'- bm-h t n. 'l ilts t'iiii;(ll tmlt piclMrl trt all ' j i4hr, l'i'i-;u-' it itiiHi aro ru'iiirni. nii UiiMdi. ami ituiwTihv hhI hi, ala"lia n tvi' 1iUi 1 ' e'uiiini 9 aiU l lit nim- Ij aii'l a tin-iiui sihiH i Mtt i aliP't, "Whr j I a a IU'mmi J'kIii'v l tier than auv cihrtiHni tt liiviranrc ."' W ;."i'-i' tu u-i r it m a i U JT trinilo: IT LSlH-nTKUTllA.V i A I. UK l'Ul I' V lirH It I tut Will till luit ait t tutu tut ul Ih'aiiUi-Hri-AMM it aitoiili ! lu.'iranef ;ii ilii ai lv ahile tlu w w.e"arv, j aiiU tluilt of Us ti'imiiialifm wlira tlie it 1 woulil lit' ui.-t rojmtt ioh.iIi' to n .ilu'; r''iie It titMinn il' ii'nit. nr , lih ni IiiMIhkiI ail oi't aiji;, taut!. . AX ouimnauv iMnm-MKM- i.frmc it not milv emtnw to tlu'wiinerttt'i.t, Iml lv a lar greater anttHiitttrt ikoU'i 'liuuaa.iiiil.ientli lor mitiitaiitiallv tur muui; t".t TEX PAYMENT I.IKr.-b.iauM il ail . liet-oine a an litlh' liuiilt'nroiue, clvt tai-e lite anmunt nt ni.iii unto, ami t li ' lull fii.n uvr.it value. All t.n., aiitwna Wettf u '.al K. j tti liou aiMiust ileal h or aao, ran ! enrol lr,l ' In IliU CuiiH'iiii v on il'litaln to the amler. num . I, who will iLe Lii'Kl i li ii-iii p in orttut t 'k Mi-H.-iil C.Nammer lor In. a p. .rmr. w. it, KIINAN. lit G UrAllDIATs JIlTUAIi i.sri;ifi co. ' NKAV VOKK. OHUAM.l l .a.oii,iio )ri,mw Special Tea I lire. Atit.iial PlvUninlii, appli.-.l t r.-tliire l'reml lllli or int-rea-Hi litMiriint't1. 4 All Poli.-ii a.iN-v-mirr.iTAnt r. after two an nual pavim-iiK . W. T. HOiiKl.li.Prt.itlrat. . EVr'RKTr CLAI'I'. lea Prt iidoiit. I.t C1CS McAI'AM, Sirrt trv an.l Actttiu r. lll'.NUy C. f.ENCH, Awl'taul .st-trelary. HA Af lll'TZLF.n CO., Ct nrrul Aj;'ta or irjilula, North Cim-llnn amt 1. C. A. .MULL, Jr., 'Agent, WM.MIXUTON, N. C. Ollic. over Wmwti-r'a lirng M"re, .timer Vtvnt ami Mnrk.t Mfreelin. lu. II. T. "tHIi; Mfllral Emlni-r, Witan.iTiijt. IV. It 1 IW-ty l'oMeatlnf powerful lavlgoratinir Theae Sitter art potdtm-ly InraluatU ia 12m 7TT T7TTT SO ill. UUey purUy tha rtein, and Ut cur. remittent anil Intermittent Icrcr, -nd aT a prsTenttTa ofChilU lad rerer. AU yield to tiieir powerful efflcacr-. WltlllllliHiillMWaJtllWitlhjfrtfl Are aa aatldot to change of Water and Vttt. to tho wuted frame, and correct all Will sare dsys of suffering to the sick, and The grand l'snacea for all the Ul of life. 1 ii .hii-hiv 1 m mm fEYSIClAKS THERE. for X ttrrpnT tt m STTT-T1I ,. v ppirrrrP- irhfiaiui InY01ln!rorO (.MIrrir.dV"l,"""' In Young or Old, Marric tf r0t inU, thew Pilfer are tin- rijuUcd and bave often been the Clean of (arigy lif. TRV.ON C BOTTkl an 2 tleotl-ly.w S.HK CfliES MADE ;V Farrav's -Klectric t V .i7'o.va;s Try it. Money rttttrneil if it For sale at the li ug Mtoren. march til don't etire jou. 11.1 T.ES! . MULES MULES ! ! f .10 Large M ult-a, young and well broken. ; rornaiti ov ' F.W. KKUCUNER. biuri h IT I in ISTILLERS' MATERIAL. yi Ton H'K.p Iron. t pat Illil. Olue. -5 Hhlt. Uunpr, ? Paekacea ltlvcl ; mio Spirit Caitk, ; For fate low by K. W. tnarch 17 KEIUTLVER. 1 11 11. ice: . : xik e:i 130,000 I'Ot'NDS I'rcKh beat RICE, HILTON RICE MILLS. For .tie bp WILLAHD HHX- Ki tf dec 9 s ALT! SALT!! 11,000 Sack A mcrlrsn and Liverpool for sale by . ; v WILLAHD KROtt rte9 , ' Hi tt Iffiivir;' .niM..I """'l i 'i WII.HISIUTO.Y. X. ii Till RM.VY, M VIM II il, 1S7S. I hi: vv w iu in kh iMr.i:o;i in. 'fjM ir i oi ,m.. il'iiMrilui..nm'..u ti"' l'"ll'' ! lHMi!ptflil. tiffrtl, )nn.j In tlif s- ' rial ml "t ills ntMittiitlcl aiul jtn'it'i ... , , .. . .. . ...i, .... till. - An a.t l. altor i'iuiHir ah. nl II iftiM.1 .-.mIo. wiiNtiliilia tint Nwlli t ;mv "' ill) lnrSul ,ir i l.i Iwi, .urt tlx n b i..n lin Imiuuskm t.r Ihu lH-f ta liiiuh r'',,",,,, "'U--t mw.. .nnl ii ..ftVI.il an I tin. mtiul, mtiM lli, diiTi'l if li.i'i! lull l.r. until llu-v .u- .iii..v.-. January, A. II. I?!, W. II. M.KtHJ, .'. K. ',v llt t"" ' Williams W.W. Vms, I-Kll..rtt..l.,h!. luMai. ill lulvt, A It. 1U, th r. raliiK-r. lt.fJ. TiK-k-r ami r. l. l.t-: T1"1 J'tMur llutlitt .l..nriln av or ati'l ar cniieitntol Inii.-, ..fi ihr li.Mituii.nt f.ar tlio lK-.F-ndliiiiiil. ami Hi IHuul. In niirsiiarife ami l-y x lr- ili...fili.ta.-t,onllHhtlaycfFi-lTiun-, ' !!-:!. lltov ttxik iMMsraskHi t-r Uwt IiiNttlM- I linn ami fiitfml upm Iip ilivl.ai- of tl." nuin n-fi'TitM liitiu mj i.in, ;uui liiMU in.ti until iit.w liav exorvlwl piiwfia anil adml lit . :iMl"fiHl Uii. in liv law. mill Diuit Uial as vti it tnwff. I upt n.iyc nx-ti mi rv iiiiil ami tn-uti'U ly the imiiiir w-urr I - II I 1 al - ..1 1 . a' . 1 u. jian wins in ino oll,. ' Hl. si-i.. .,..til ,n n. t-M iiiv . i U.v m- ami win nt Hi of .It-part- ' menu .. il.. i... ,..r,s.i t. e..m... t ,i.H1 , .i. .,.,,,. i III' AllilHot ! . . ' . ,., 7. . I f'iL'" i,i aitiiii rniniaiiiuiiavti i in; tiraauty lor luinii'V . aimmiirialtMl l.v law li.r I n iu.tinlFitait tl th In-tt itittii.n, ami Ilia trraMir-f rffuvsto pay mil V inunoy tnr appropriateil to Uiein, altlittiiU lliev ntH vis hat lepealiHlly so iloiif, aUav Itet. l"t'o. , - Tin- trt.yeiiior now lliist that III i1 of AKsrmlily in n Iti.-li lltu K-ioim naiiKil above ai tlt'iimtil tnuti, ii nni nn Milniional ami vai1 2 that, tln-r ai- tlii- j for uii Mich Iruj-I, mill It ha nmlr ' taken to 8. urn it I'titaiit "Coiiirtii.-iiii'i" fltlil roiiitntinii I licni U) lake tiui'w ami i tiii.ttnl ol llio liiMilulimi. In nlii-rliem e to il.t tiriler, tht-a 't'oiniiilstilniii'tn' hat i niiiln ileia tml ul' till lkmnl t.f Tliu.1! n-fiui-.il l.m ..n lh tivanitry lr itioui v, l itl.Lli Iim Itii andltPtl iinU apmt.MMl l.y ! Hit- auditor an4 IhetnotM-y paid lo tli.-m by Ui Trt-atitrrr. Tlu'tt1 liurtlK-en no mil or legal iiir. injpi liml or iii-tilni-.l to t.t tlia vaJidity nf th rIh.o tiii-nlii.n. ii ail or to fU-.pi.it tltc llotril of Trutrs lor. nuy ull.-ijeil raus. In it w of this ol ati! nt i'u ls, I. Ar lb iti-si ilia imtiietl In the uhi.tt' in. i.li.u..l set of Awmbly, TnUr ol th ! i Institution fur thn l). af, Dmnli ami Hie ! ltlimr.' ! t. If tl.ey hisiu1i tiiitto.-, ran lilsi 'Ex . clli'iiey , lh tiovt'inor, dispirits nr rcniovi) thpni by tpolnt.liij( "( 'nitiiul-tsioneis" 'o j ;t in their .stead? I :j. Hay th Hoard of Triistt.'rs tint rijjlit, and it so, U II Ihfir duty to ci.nl Inn to ex- t-rriw Kiwr and aet as su.-h Trust,? I. If so, hi thy fntitli'4 to iclv frtun ' tin tn-atnry th money appnprittl by I law to farrjr on th bintlucs, M jiiirpoaca ! of the Institution It Is 11 settled liivy that ovry art (.f Assembly is tnfsunied to h. t-oiistitittionnl and (alld. Tli I.Kl-tlutuiQ is a co-ordi-iiat.' braneh nf tin; Male (totniiin m 1 Is the law tnitkltiff, pwrr under ond siil..-t Ui, and only to th Ci.iistltiitloii, and it, lueiiiliers al under au untU U support the L'onMilutloii in all lis priivUlnn,. This pnssumpllonliifavorof thn validity of all ; th nets of thai, body i, so MrciiKi 'uat tha j cotuia i-aiinot lal'ully deelar uuy such act i unroiistitulioiiiU utdess tun ras nlier the rptiRniiiicy to thn Const it it! km it Kmsa- l.v palpable; uii doiibis arc tu lm iHad In ; fuvofof tin; valiililyol' th ml. This is upon tin- plainest and wmnilMt pritirlple, and tin' courts of Ibis fState hav so held In a tjri'iil nuiiiberof rases. In th ca.a of Hnk r. llcniOrsmi. 4 lv. 1. In lilrhthe lute Chief Juslic liufliii ilellveriMl th grrnt mid leitiued opinion, thn court held that " it Is ri)niM.teiitorlicju4liary4 declare mi act of Atsciubly to Ii inieuiisli- titllonid and void ; but ptimi yry t of lb I.egislatiite is within Its authori ty, mid Is U) be, tleelaa'd iincoiistltiillun;d only In cases where no doubt exists." In Hi rate of Nicol t. liolterts, 1 Dev. Si Hat. 81, thn Supreni (oitrt say in terms. "Acts of the Lesisliitur am priitiii-d to b roiistitutionnl.'' . It follows, thereforn, that lb act of as seinhly 4n ejitrntiwii is presnined to bn eon slitulional mid valid. It. crciilcs and con- .fifntn the tteitntm nn.lii.tt III II llitt lltitil'tl of Trustee of the institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Wind and nrourt tln-y arc in all rspects a lmaid nndi-r and t in pursuance of tlm coutiitutioii and Ian! of the State. Wit bout reference as lo lmw the rotirts might possibly dncldi-,-is to the validity of the act, the prsumptioii I, that tlm board is a legal and valid on, and w ell entitled to be recognized and treated us such by every department of tho (jovern na-nt until the courts shall in a proper way decide otherwise. The courts alon t an I'tojarly detennin the validity of tit, net,' and if the (iovenior or any one, rise w ill j iihtion il, validity, the trustees not only' have th riht, but il is their plain duty lo have it passed upou by th" courts according j to law. i Hut if it should turn out that tho courts declare, the act unconstitutional ami void, and that it H really so now, th-r can lie no iiiestlon that th" Hoard of Tru.sters are sueli rf "arf, and all their acts are valid aud pxsi lo all Intents and purposes for th iH-Bcfa of th institution, the. Mate, and the public. Tula is tssr-ntially so, for the benefit, preservation ami protection of the interests of society and government. If it wyra iitherwisn, In every case where an oflieer happened to be in ofllew, for on call.1- or iinother Illegally, his ads would be void mid the most alisurd, and often th most ruinons consetpienees would follow, Sii: And I he like reasons, if . this Evard uf Tnistees are only such fin facla'i it is Ihi-ir ....... . .t .. i j .. t .. tl. i llllty, ami lite) iireuoiiuu m ' -ii'tow un- ixtwcrs Wherewith uiey are, chajuuil, a il rurpouniiacoitoi. Seed ron..ofrd iiH2."o they wer In all respects a legal Board.' pound Arid P)nphaitj ;. keen found byex t,M l tl.i. mill lliev are t.lilleil tn har ' li'" t" pto.lure reMill rarely equalled and And to this cnii, int rare eniiiiarr care MTrr lr,a., pv anv other leiiiiier. all the means allowed by law lu Carry U . a roin.io-t inad.i In this manner eontaln the business of the iiimjtiitiun, liiiliidiiit the money in the treasury, appropriated by law for that, pitrix.se. Neither th ('oy emor nor the Treasurer can lawfully with hold tho mwssary money from Ihcin. This will lie the more) manifest hn ks eon. sidcred that the law allows this Hoard lo have the validity of tlv-tr aptiointment tie- ol b ikn ,..,H . Tl.ia ill nw.irilv ltd bv the -'J ".II". ... . ' ' J cause delay, llie law requires tliem, m the meantime, to carry on tho business of the Institution as if they were In place lu all rsjects, legally. How carl they do this wVw'Ut in .'I'li.-! ii.ifi-4 byliw r. t ' l l; iicnrr : uIo'iiv.il 1.' ; itli! U lit" lain iliKy rfl'if Amlit T l..i'.!it s r 1 iiNi!UHi, ao'l l!':l -r tlf Tfjviirr ti ! PJT (lie mAIM-t. I Hie truth l'tli'" tlen U Fully Mtt.iiur.l I 1t tally ilft-HMttn 1 1' Itic tijivtrtrt C(.tut i Pl'tliis t.tfa, stul it rn.iy yi v i jmxl nr , raw u rile t.i or tlm aiiin'j imr. In tit nti of li'ii ki t. Ktli-ar. "4 ln. 1.V il riKitt In-Ill. lii-t' .luaiif r.ultiii rleth--flliU tl m iiii' ll nt' tin- ivtitt. Ih.it "111 iifoflttMit n". f..7it :i t'llMtliil. Fur at t!u tl-l'H ..Fitiihl j-t -in r tb" ' imliliv ;n toiHi ttii'.l. if they wrie olfl- In CiiiiiuiiHii c(ir I'rrnliiu v. i I.nu ': iel. ; .Ima. 107, lltrnmit linM. ( Im l Ju ll'f rroisim iti'liieim Iho npiiiiutt, lhat f "I'Miit- .HI.' au .-Hi. tt.lerW- ' lh.uii.ii itakr ; "n""l4r "" "' 'u;n ibh I'XIly npH.itit.a Ui.h..., is I am ml In yn. j fwniIl il.o . u( I. ait.1 u UMf I... tb.-ij j '' WH'O liwiiu.-r a il ll.o a j l-in"'il ' " ! Jrtl P1 bU iiKUt j : L ,Vi !'" " ' imiw Ifltnere tt.liK.lt tl lliat tin- (toti'innr liitil tl.c iinai'r to iiii.H.h.t ti'ittuilviiiiiria. at It i autcil li lim avsuinotl tt) ilt i, lil.t oi n .iniiiit mar tnr imimhi ii niKterr ii ii . , . a a. a ai a 1,0 "" UnM ""'' i'.v t.liplar tu Irtifit: tliy Itav ilw rinitiliili.iial "iia-,) rii.-.i i tuinta .tr' i.i.iiieii it Im mint, aii.l tlu. Ii..-iu.i- U li..h. . . - -,. : - ' " """" ' ' n- want III appfilnliiti-til-, IF, luileetl lt h.nl jmtiirr ti maktt ii Ii .'tjiptiiiiti.t:iiti lit hut Mi tif th matter. Hut In no H-peit nf 1 1 to lnile inittici fn tlio I.oYri)nr Ia-w fully makn any ap-poililiiieiilia-illiti.se lit ulmtr. fct,tlinrut tif Faeli MtErji'siailiiit li lia iirtiii iUkcn ty mike. l-r if tit trustee ia mt t'lliivrN liiiilf the .'.innltttitlnii f.f tlia Nfalf, llini ilia art In iiiMioti Id tallrl ami th irinifri mi In all n.aei.t i-ulW apiMlti4 'l if tli".r an- ollltt-i-a, I Itoti uinler tl.a lata ; tlivisimi if ih .Sipiin ( tnttt in tl fa- j ol "Clark r, Nunlt, (Ley unu-l it ihhiiI , nateil dy th vi-int)r an-l he apliil.il by j hint by Hin) willi tit ale ami couwnl ii'.i"ri v .... tun cii. m ,v,,,t .1m"1 IUUliir ."ii'in tA'nii'i .-it uii- ifvierwr ,r any .aiier iipoii por lo appoint otliecM, Thai li no tii'i-itllulioiial piovUlon kIvIiij tho Uot rm.r K)r tu iimk nuth appolnliiiPtila. TL CiirteUtuI ion pirn'riboa in what ra9 In- may uppoii.1, ami aiirli pioinlniiiU a tin..) in i nii'Mii ni itiv not inniaefl. II ItaMiu jiijw.'i not eonlerri-.! lu trrnu, lor th rfunon thnt tin! p.mr In fxnrevlT 'ifrrrf.l on Ih (...vetnor or aono othar I agency, p-arrvrn t ino ppti anil r j utaiiiH n ilia thn J;islal mo tiu.lrr Hi Con j slllutloii. " lu fiT.itniir a llslallva .1. partimMit ami i-nuOrrlni: upon It the Ii-kIs-j lallv potter, 1 1 in -opl niiiat b iiiitlor ; sliaul In liaro rnuleilt'tl ho lull nnd emu ! plrtH power in il, rt-itta in, ami may ' I frrlv.l hy thi shm-ivii jam or of any j rotintry, hiilij.-d only t-j sin It rpriiilona i a, they may Inivo m-ii lit to iniNia, ami I to Ilia limiuiiulm w It it'll ain rautain(l In ; tho Constitution of tint CnlH-d Hafrt. Tbt 1 lpl-ilatlv ilpRilnietit is mt mail a sa j rutlageni-y for tho oxcrtie of aiifirallv j ti-tlui eK)..ti o ovseis, hut is -,utruto! f with th Ri-nrral Miilhorlty to nink law sal ! dism-tlon. Cia.li-y on onst. Llniltatkiia. p. ! W'u tbciel.M say that our iirinioti U : I I'ilM, '1 hut th ioiit n:nnt hi thn ! ai t nifiitioiieil ar trust, oj' tho liistltu ! tit -ii for tho i)al'aiiil Dumb atnl th HlliiU; i thy aif so pi liiin j'nrtr, in- nil ri'spt'ita legally tho law an preintms. ninl in any . emit iiifniy tlmy mi- so l iifto, ami a- Hili'li lie ir acti lire at c xnl i.ml Valid for th piiriKisi', of th liiMlitution, th Ntal I ami lb piil'lie, as II lliey wiv in all r- 1 SH-1 If 1(11 1, ' Sceuinllj, That hit llxei'lli'iiev, I hi Gov j cruor, luis no law ltd lawr t displs or i rrniute llii! trii'tli'e by upiaiintlnif "ioiii- mi"-iloi!tis'' lo in t in their uti-sd. ur In uuy ! other Wi.v, uiiiil (lie etMiris shall hav d. ) riiled In a regular way upon Hi validity of j in i.i oi A.ty-ntoiy NO'pis(initeti. Tliirilly ; That tho lHanl of truMwa hav lit rinh'r it I llwirdttty and they are bound by law, tvliilt! they r main in thir pliui'S, to ronlinu .to xcrcisn thalr pow ers and iliM'liargo their tlutif ftcc'irillnir. to law, as such iriitttt's; And fuiiH bly : That thay ai well ruli t led to have lh inottey in the treasury, appropriiiled by Ian for that purpos, tt carry on th business flud purposes t.f Hie luHlitution, ati it h thn plain tltity of tlie Auditoi to Hiiilif, prt.m'r ri-nulsltlon for '.'"I"'' ,'"' '" Umr aml HH l,llt"llV ,ho ,h" 1 r'i,v 1,1 7' l';,v same, , A. h. MKiu;iMti.. UtN i. (. Fowi.E, 1Jimii:k ci Hi nr i,. lUli iuh, Maiclt II, 1M2. pi.A.COlJKTJJSAY HAitM:vrox. !. i-.. AOENT or STEAM 'H IT LIN t -i Ttl . riiiladclphia, IScw York, UchIou. lmv NAVAL S I'OUES rnr a eommlsfioti. , CA ROOKS lo EI'ROPEAN I'ORTI, tt parrel tor NOllTHERN ami WESTERN CTTIES, will Im; bought and liiprnl with tlie paleb, having -ample trjnittlini iHeilllie by STEAM and HAH,. Onlemaollelted. - Po-l Ulliee al li e Key lltu 67 i K-legtaphie address, t'uion Wlntive-, t'liarlofou, H. C. ' lU f.-r. hv jirrtntM'li'ii, In Ainltew funininl, Fst(.i Preldei.l ol' F.irrt NaOotml Hunk of ClixrleMou. frb 131 -lu-eoilth COMPOUND Acid riiosipliato ol JLiiue Eor C'tmiiwstina with Seed. This srtlel Is prepared ejtprcwly lor com- jKBstmg w ith Col ton heed, In order In supply it with Sni.t'Str. Phosphoric At tn, whteh l be reroary lo render it nut elrt rtivo aiideeonomi. we , . . .v rt til Kr the rlrmetiHof raluo that can enter into any fertiliser. It Is tho only manner in whirh Cot ton Seed can be properly n.-ed. with litis Phospitaio iu pisnier ran mjppiy llmself with a fertilizer of the tilahcM rod ide at tlm .niallrtt ett, whirh w ill eitahlo him to use it liherallv, aud thus realize Mie highrt rrsulu from the lime ami labor employed in making ; iirron. F . For printed directions lor comporting, and rn,' "ir."' '? j -wa- WM. 11. McKAtlY CO., Aaeitt. Wilmington, N. C JOHN 8. REESK Ss CO., ..... , Oencral Agents, " Haltlmore, Md. Jan 4 .o r3-dymweh , t J l-vrt k niltiNidTrr(UMft.i wiiRHLa4ri! Til i: ti 11 t A T d.VAI.COURT It-WILTZ. ' r.ti iivm, v rrrRtt '",t4,u"w4 tltrr. H. the lejuaw .rn (a. aout'fc- M -lnet4t'kli U.w i.i. t Hri-la, l'wi 1.1-1 Ii. I.i f"' in iilaiym ii m lav a li-t. M rr.iepi t i..l- i aiiii.j all w.arv jOMK ITH f" IiiSS' I'tr, (It I Dalli.J laar Urfk, Ur Ui, I tii ti Hi a.lrrrt aMM hweHUHM in W.. lli.-n a.,1 :i taatiiai IJU ' , lawrllvwalvr ll VV j l'-a Mai a4 rN nrti IHir ; ! la hew rMirnlel) ika. rj I rala. AlthiMij.tu.nl t-i'H) h l oiiU wiirt! j .Uhiihii lt. anlmiii cmtiiiB our (atiana a aaiahrtnl ll h ttiu awit lwntr "I Uti IiJimiihI 1 aail tWitlti ir. Inrti.ui( k Fln., ' I II nl i , Mann s. VaWuiine, HlfBxi.l. lb. liar. I Mlt'MilH- V '!. it XHI-, kiiLh . Htt.ia A Mrrrer, 1llli.; Mittu-lt. Inrk Win, ' litiH.; Uiltliuntf lliLtiicw l.ullt g... l')UMii, i i ir A t o., iiaii'iMore, ! Hiaiit oirr. Atlvertl.iMK In Mrlltna. Arlr. laral atari NrlaaHM Hier at tlal. t all un hum tile t.-r rtuaale. 1 ai aii L riet tut mi. him., rvea if vntt ihrkle t-t to -l.eiiia though ne, (n i an r 1 1 in r ma.lr eul aail jiale lor teiii -.'lr Alr. l Alt nt T W1LTZ, ISlrHMuiirl. a. IA4a lt-u TO! S MUX filV -lii.ul.l alii ti.l t iliili'ni-l.iii : ftu-ilnt th IHtViM, MTRATT0 k SUH.HIt linxInesNl'ollcRe. I n ClietiUr., ami pi rlwo-. el' Tt nm.iH lilp, vrte ItuMawi'i, ami atttlreia, W. II fAM.KH. rirM.trni. Nee, A- N. tttiH. St., Dalliuira. Mil. eart h P . It twi h 1K.RKIN ? HWt E'M PATENT Xii-Kx)losIveVHnnrvr,.r OIL. JyVMI'tJ, Asil S tT ETr ll.t.IMI t-ANt. tit,, ;w,wi Is in. Not Me m. e,t r e-lx1il. TI. mlv .liw.liitelv tale ant . lean l.anip utaite, I he only Johberw af I'netwr rate. ie OAIIY llllul llERt, , -Uii Wi -I Hiilllmoir s luijltloie, Mil tl ateot VtrgttHaV mm i.e un. if Nrad lo) t in ai trrh I j ..In. III Iw Studwoll Brothers 17 3tUintAY STIIKKIV iNlirVV YOHK, Manufacturer! and Jobbers of DOOTS & SHOES, . von ' Douthcrn Trade. Il.i coniplele siork l-i nil linen, Inrluil lug (Mr popular QrthiUe Note fHn Vhm .Shunt, Hmfii' Pth, Jtnh. f ' 17 Orders tolklinl and eaicrullv Filli-d ni Ion est niai kc.t rains. I. E. NOOMI' ftnlewmau. marrhlt lUtim I SPRING SILK HAT ! ( Jii'l tveelved yenlerday, hr Lvpn- - the SrillNOSII.K HAT a'lid ..ih.f -tjlUlt Huls al the HAT STOBK, I (.'low the Hotel-. J mareh 18 H WAI.TKK I f.AHK. r. m. sit r 1 1 . CI.ARK .t ItriT ES. . ! Atlorne.vs at Law, HALIFAX, 5. C., Prut'ltr In all Hi Otirti nf Hullfat. .Mitr 1 In, NorUiSinptoH and Eiltfecottih it.u.itle.i in Ih Suprem Cutiit ol Nmlli ( aiollna, and III tba Ketlerul l'our;. V t'ollrclio.i ti.atle lit nil 'pt nf Ni-tlh Carolina. - wareh pt, Ulreli pl'iirEliU, SL'OAIIS. 1EA.S, HAMS, llAI i.N. .HI TTER, LARD, A.., Ac! Afull upp() iilMt on t.si.tl. """'T'1- "" JAI. I. mktth" T ' m Market Straol. OLD H UxVT. Anniher Ittrolee of thai .celebrated oWhiainl of WHISKKV ffhe he.l tn the maik.-O p.-t Htt-smer "liollrar." I AM KS I. M KTT),' I,-, St.irkil Street, turn eh J , . . .. , Ul . QUttlVniAfiVRIEXrsl OK If .4X11. We have largele added t ear MILLINERY STOCK everything new. We now hare tm hand a splendid assorfme.it, of NECKTIES, AND HAXDKKKCH1EF.S, Kid OlOVGS. HOSIERY AND Nl'MEROUS FANCY OfKiDrt. In .let and tlUI Jewelry wehat.lh beat and latest atj-lce, and at lor Price. . . ,.s,lu, REAL IIAtlv, Curls, Switrbrs, t;iogou and allgiylcs, Th. cheKtout. All Pttrtherwllldit well la rail and diam ine before purchasing le here. HiH TII WEST FRONT STREET, ; - i" " Three doors of Mrk.t, KAhnwvll.r'aMKtR4. E. M. STROOK- 60 10 fB-tf D OWX WITH TIIK PRICES'. Families tn w Intel tlmrerle of the best nd full weight can be aceoatmndutvd at lh : FIRST CO-OphHA It VK STOKE, oorner Front and Dock irtieet. yuieli sales it.i-i small prolltalso.ir motto. Fresh tkwls bv everf U-amer. . J. 11. Mt U AR1 f Y, Snp't. aiigia, co .i wed.x Frttt Hli ELLAS HOI, FEOSPECTUS FOIi 1Q72. fii14.f "rf it.' TIIKALDINE: Ait lliiiatrif'! Wiittthhr-.hHirnMf t'l.tlntfU to i l ' t i ' ' - 1 W tlw iiimhUhuM I'aprrtn tit Wkl. - - . 'Una my knat.iilta mrtU matlwnofTHK Al.t'lN I. aim ai tirttiai t wait, thcr t.(. wmtliT M tn,iraTlnn 1r KeantT, tt U-l). lur aari In'. 'V-llearj WmH tlftH-lff. IliU ALKINT. wkile bMKU wtth lit ft. ifulaiitv . ba nuu ul lb rmararrut tiiaelv t.4fii M rli ra. terl-tie trt ertliaaiy irUtii al. H i ua circuit Muwi llnrr mtr, Hltl u4 niit l ul til rial ..re, an4 aUeeii el (.htMn tlu' turnt i-ei-imfu-efartti.il.' .till, fa lili.A , Vn-.h ph-.-iieo It irieml.. the real .M.tl. .td .1. I t. ..... , 1 . ( Mine ami fcemtir .1 Jill. AI.UIMC will Wa VH -.it . !t. .i alter it a. Let a roiinil nn at j tlieetoaenrthe ear. White Iter ptiblieaikox ' ' iuiiv . 'aim atl-ilur rhe. net e.iiif.re4 wHh j 1 1 nil. n( a at m liar i U, J II 1! .W. I l N K i a . kill ainl wrl filial ruae. pi W.al. .ml anat-. ' . pinatliei) -aholulT nilhout lunvt.li.a in - pile, .a- ehnu. ttr. 1hepe-ewr nf Hi tot- Hie In.! t t.ini'lt ittl ranaotdtiplWat. Ih.aaaa. tityel due paiier anij nii-iiatf In (i.Twtltrr Jim-ear minii-eeof rlnMte tof ten time t i fii. lhB.hcra.tllai THE AfJMXK rea.tj'" tl, .iii.Mi.iti. Wilt, the vrapiam of a ntall uumliet ape, lallr eewttnl for binding, the tlt liiMiiil 1, la alrea-W (vhaunWw, ami it lanaw' ane well tuluahle book. M;WFHATrHESF01U872. 1 ART I. IMRT3IET. 1 he rulhuvlaxtlr siippeet m rradllr v at .nnlr.l in tin it . utrtpiiH'. wliire'rr II lu. her a Intra- aiurtl, . rout InrrJ l,e put-ltrher ul UII: i AUI'INKef Uie"iiM'lneit Ih.i.- theory thai ! th Awrtliau publle would rece;Bixa and hi'Srlllr Hipp.' I anv .Infer etlort Iq eletale ) lh Im eaii-i tndtl M lllatried pahllea. j tu tu. Thai m ninny weakly wtt krtl heee. I lei aail Ihrivw la not ei Mrnra that Ihrre la tut m irkt't l..r anvihlug better Indeed th.tee,. ol , K A, ,, N, X", i lla enairarr. W ill, a population aavtat, ami ' oi iii h turlr.l la-ie, t.il.ii(4.rr ran ruoee hie paltant, nd bia pup. r t rather Imtirathe el Iti.Hoitn lhaa el thtuMof the rouotty. A. a jt.n.Hiilee. of III rv.'. ll, nta of lliiaili pailment, ih, auhlWier would hef In aniiount'e tlurlit Ihrtiomltig ar, niri liton Irmn U. follualn. ndiieut A merlran itttW. ; i W. T. lik tiitrd,. lirantille Tcrklnt, ' U'. It... I" I, ! I ...!.. ii o, ji.it, r v. v. u aiirv, Wni. llartl, Victor ehli-, i , Aug.Ulll, J.imrs H. Ilea id. II. K. I lgni, I'uid IH vmi, , lliHitL-e II. Si.illli -. Win. H. vVII.-nx. i James 1 1, Nniillie, I'lHiik Ut'iud, .1. llnttS. , . , Thin- Jirtuirs .e being reprodue. d without reganl lo ,r'na hy the vetv beft engraters ; in ll'r rounti y, ami will brr III sevetrnt rritl eal iiinipa. Imhi with tbn ln-,t lorrlun work. It Ih-Hi ilia deirrtiilnatlnii ca ih. pulil.her thai Till. A l.l'l N E .hull ho a (Ui-rrwlul vin.llt a t km nt Aioerh n turfe In rentirt (Inn with any eisliit p.il4lleallon in the world. i.tTKit akv ininKvr. IWImre rt iitui li llentloii i. paid la llluMr. I hin ninl get Hp of tin) wu. k, Iiki nun h depeml enrd oil iiH)aian.f. may vert nntarally be ' j l.'atPil. To aiilh lpale Il iiilstlvtlig. U Is I only nreesary lo stale, thai. th. Illorial man , ni mutt of the ALDINK ha been iutruet to I Mr. K it il a K ii lli,xnr Sroi.iHi., who hasre j reived assarani af awMstanee from a hott nf I Ilia nio iipular wrllr ami poets of the nn I II v. - " TIIK V0M.MK I OR IN 72 w III I'm. lain tieirlv HOO pngti. ami about '.'.'al Una et.rSTinit. Coiuinetii mg w.tli th number lor Jsetiai v, everv third niimher will eon lain a he mill ul llnled picture on phile paper, ln.wil ' ed sa lr.mlileee. I l lie i:lri-tinaa number for S72, will be a ) splendid t uin at In Itself, eoiitslnlnr Mnv i. ' ! gi at lugs, i four lu lint 1 end, although retailed . ul ! will lie sent Without. evtn elnrge to nil 1 yrntlv rnWi'llictN j A Miromo In every SuWrllicr j as a i-r.v iK'pular feature laat rear, ami will - . he n pr.'iii i with the pnn at infy m", r tf.hms ron 1H74. I flnr f .. I t'ttr, vllh Oil 1 'Ii finw, $ (to Fin . . " . 20 (Hi ' Any n ison aeiidiug IH uswew iwi l will Ms. eelt in extra eopv grsli. making Heniiies for Ih nuwiwv. . Any person wl-Mng to work for a premlnm. ran havo our premium i-lreular mi nppUelWn. We glue many beautiful and delrabl arttrtew tillered by no oilier pier. Anv person wishing tn set,8 permanently. our Agent, will apply, nltlt rilrrem-e, itcks lug II ft out At. .4 AM KM Hl'TTON A CO., Pttb1ldi.T, ' Si Liberty Street, &cw Ywrk. , march In 14Mf ' "YILMINGTON AND SMlTllTnXE Steamboat Company. H. ifT. , l SI.H khehlt rs in llieltore Cnmi'Si.t re ltcr- .. .. - - ' , .1. hv iml id'tl (tint the Annual .Meeting will be , ltld In title., illy vu WEDNESDAY, April 3d,, j 1. 1. MEARES, Srcreliu,. inareh ;l v bt-,StiwdVlt. h T 111! WADEKHORO ARUlst, . i Pnhlisltcd ewry Thursday at YVadesboro, ; v Anson ronuty, at the present termi- , i inn of th) Eastern Division of 1 tlirt AVIlJitlnton, tliarlotte . ! tt Kuthertoid Uailroad. i ? j fBSCIIIPTION ? ' I )neeepy,oB.yer,ifl, inmrlahlr In ad- I satire. , . jj Advertising Kales very eaty. .."i--f Vf Liberal terms tn ( onlraet Adverliers. J The AUG I S i-lrcuUtea extensively In Anson, i . llirltmoml, I'nion, Moulgomerv, Stanlv, C'n- ' 1 ban us, arid Mecklenburg eonnllea, N. 0., and I .. lu Marlboro, Cheslerlleld, Darlington, Ker shaw aad I aineaeti r rmtutk-S, S. C, aud rear lire ' a large nnmhrriif Intelligent rrailer. T.tl.e '. mereltartts of -Wllmlnslon Ii presents nnequal b'd advantafs loradrerttelag in aeetiwa of -r-ronnlrj now brinj u-t opentd up bv the t tenitqtAf 1bb Divlsloit of th Wllmliilon. ' Jhrlntt A; R.itherl.rd Rallmad. Ih. trade of , whh h mnst naturally M-ek n outlet with there. f Letter addreMied to tho iiBdersigned.. either at Wllminetoaor Wadrfboro, will men With proinprallenthm. : . .. . . ,. , , JAMES ft WAR ROCK, l'rn.rtft.ir. Marak ,&&st -m i " 1:l-)wf i.-- pUKCI'lL.L.JlOlJI-ili.. , r. ' ii:S'i i,K H.' HAYI4, Proprietor . From this date th rate lor Transient llnitr.l. era are al, ;!, and J 5tl er day, .eeor-ling l bM-atJon and roams. ' ly Hoarder S per week. ! i , ., r Jau '.'I . it- 4f i - i.-4a4.ii.i-.i t y - i

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