f A A. I J i UN I I A I VOL. KTO. 150. WILMINGTON, 1ST. C, FRIDAY. MARCH 22, 1872. WHOLE NO. 6,108. -N RAILROAD. ESERAL SlFEBtSTtM'ESTS -- It., CmPMBLA Ahiet R. K. C. 'hjiioi 0, Ixt. SO, 1U J CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. After tbl date U following ached ula will be lu by tram oa this road : DAT EXPRESS TEA IX (Dally.) Lmx WBaUagtaa fUttloa Depot a. m. Arrive at rtdfMM , HJim. Amn at K-mrnTUl n p. ut. l-ar KIbmvUI.. 10.i. Arrir at riureaoe 12 (0 p. ni. Arrive at WUaUngVon t, p. n. JJierr Exrasss Tbais (dully) Scpat Exc'd Iav Wllmlngtoa MS p. bi. Aim) M Florence ............. Mib. Arrtv at Columbia... C .ni. Leave Columbia..,.,, .......... P- Arrir at Ftorenea. ... llt p. Arrive t WiUaiug-WB, ......... ...... tS.oea.iu. Day Exprea Train, only, will ra to Klng tll. Night Expree Train will ran direct to Columbia. . , J0H2 a WLNDKB.Oob. S"P t. c i t : ;;;,; n ;j I. y'lLMIXUTON & WFJDON ROAD COMPANY, Ot S1CB CHlKf EBeiVtXB AWB G'L8tr'T, WUmlngtoa, N. C, Doe. ann, ilb, IK l. ) ciums or scukduli. Ob aad after th II rnatant Pjenger Train Will leave VBiOB Staties at t.U A. M. BB4 IAS F. W., bb4 mrrlvt t A. M. wkI SJO .M. frtlf ht Tralu wilt pt trl-weekly BtT.15 A. M. nd rrt Bt 1.4 P. M. Expraai ErelyBt Trklut wUl 1t t IP. M. ad rrlT Bt II A. H. Ob ndT Hie 6 43 P.M. and -40 A. M. ratal uly will ba run. 40HN P. D1VISE, Ub1 SuperinteiideBt. dee 39 Tl-tr XTTrLMINOTON, CHARLOTTE AND RUTHIKf ORD RAILROAD CO. Wn.xUBTO, K. C, Dec. 22d, 1871. PaBMBgw Tralm leav Wllmtngtoa dally Kaadayi eicptod) at I A. M. Leav hft tt Kowl at I A. M. Arriv at Wilmington at 3:30 P. Mi Arrifa at Head of Boad at 4:30 P. M. ' 8. U FREMONT, , Uaa'l ttuperlntend't 4mB U-XX Papara OBjhaJlnchang furthla. " " ' "Viiippiso. " JJALTIMORK AND WILMINGTON 8TKAMSUIP LINK. VOXtwtlD Or TB VIBRT CLAM ITKAHIHIFt BEBECCACI.TDE...!....Capt CHll.DS. IXCI1AE, . . . ........ ;... . Capt PRICE. BOUTAB... ............... ...Capt EVAKS. Will hereafter aall from Baltlmora and WU ilngtoa EVERY FIVE DAYS. THE STEAMSHIP BOLIVAR j will tall from wharf, foot of Clientnut itreot, THURSDAY MORNINO, January 11th. For fralght ang.g.maut.M,..y to Jan W - . LORILLARD'S STEAMSHIP LINE FOtt i NEW YORK, SAlUXCi TUESDAYS AlfD FRIDAYS FROK MEW YORK, AMD WEDJIES. BAYS AMD BATUBDAYH FROM WIlfltlXUTOJf. INSURANCE ONLY ONE-FOURTH Pm CT. HHROUGH CONNECTIONS WITH ALL RAILROADS LEADING OUT OK , WILMINGTON. tr No pamengert taken. For freight apply to BARRY BROTHERS, Agent. way 30 : JAND PLASTER, THESE HUNDRED TONS F11KS1I GROUND LAND PLASTER, V THE BEST QUALITY, FOB HALF IX LOTS OF FIVE TOMS AMD OYER, AT f W 50 PER TOM, Dallrtred at Uia Depot 1b Wilmington. Apptyto r.VT. KERCHNER Wholesale Grocer and Com'n Merchan Wilmington, N. 0 . Lota of 1m than 8 torn 1 extra per ton will -ehargnd for lighterage, dao V 76 '?DATfD PIOOTT, I ' i V i WILVIMOTOM. M. C "Will affect aalea of tOBACCO, CORN AND OTHER PRODUCE on COMMISSION. f Consignment! aollolted, oa which I am ; prepared to adrance liberally. march 1 102-tf pAHXOIi STJTTS I 80 Patter Sntti, furnished In Rep, Hftlr, Cloth, Terry, Ac, A beautiful meortment Tor aale by D.'A. SMITH, North Front Strnet Hi'.". i - B AKER3 TAKE NOTICE! 2Q WELSH TUBS . r No. 1 Cooking Butter At 15 Cta per PvnMd, At GEORGE MYERS, 11 and 13 South I'Tont St. 100 KITS EXTRA NO. S MACKEREL At $1 80 per Kit. "EMPIRE FLOUR," ItUMMEqaalt English Condensed Milk . At taarehlT GEO. MYERS'. 11 & 1J Front St. 148-- QOTTON, SEED! DICKSON COTTON SEED, PEELER " rOBlALK, . ' f MURRAY & CO. march I -189-2 tU IMSl'BAMrE. LIVERPOOL AXI LOIOXaV LOBE I INSURANCE COMPANY. ASSETS - ... .. .. , - i- HELD IN TUE VNITEJj STATES DY AMEEIOAN DIEEOTOES NOW AMOUNT TO T1I0S. G1LEME, North aide Princes street, between Vater and Front streets, Wllulugtoa,' to wlivm all apiltcatloua far Agendet should be addrewed. fibl V 12- JN8IJUANC1C Fire! Marino t Life! JETNA (FIRE) INSURANCE COMPANY of HAUTFORU, - Aswta January '1st, Mi, 6,4'iO.Sn. Incorporated 119. UNDERWRITERS AGENCT of New York, (FIRE), Aseeta Jan. 1st, 187a, M.lns.MT. GREAT WESTERN ' MARINE INSUR ANCE CO. of New York, Annets January lt, I7'i. 6,t.W)9. , Insure by Steamer and Sail to Nnrthcrn ports at lowest rates, and bum eertlfcatr. payable In (told, on ahlonents of CottoB and Naval Store to Great llritain and Uio Con- Uw'oRI.D MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. of New York, Assets f.VK,000. ST. LOUIS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. of Missouri. Asseta 5,8MO.flO0. r All business pertaining to lusureuoe at tended to by : ' L.H.AT.CDellO!iET. North Wtter and Chestnut Streets, march 10 ' lt0-2iuch yiLMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA LIFE INSUEANCE COMPANY. . o OFFICERS : 1 JOHN W. ATKINSON President. JOHN DAWSON Vice-rreslilnt, 8. V. WALLACE., Secretary. Dr. E. A. ANDERSON.,.. ..Medical Director. UPElTAIi FEATURES. KT No restriction on travel or resfaence. tr New BAode of monthly payment of premi um tf jfo extra charge npon tlio IItci of female. 3rJollclea.lncoitUttlLle. may U ...... . . , . ' " l!l-1ycl JNHU11A.NCK HOOMH, MO. S NORTH PROMT STREET. The fellowlngeadlng Companies are repre- acutcd s QUEEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of Llvcriiool and London. AMUKS tlKK .uUHAni;a wra.ii Of Cincinnati. " CONTINENTAL FIUE INSURANCE COM PANY of New York. HOMli INSURANCE COMPANY; of Rich- inond. MERCHANTS AND SI ECKAKICS'of Rich mond, - y v , ... ' . 1 And ftia Olit and fayorltn Marine Company, th MKKCANT1LK MUTUAL of New York. Insurance at fair rates lu the abore flrst cIhm Companie. ' 1 i JOIIM WILDER ATKINSON, General A cent dec 60-tf ORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. . Rccnrity Ag-lnat Lorn by Fire t - This Company pay ltsUxset fairly, and Circu late Its earnings at home. It has Just paid It losses by the conflagration at Henderson, fully and promptly. It rate are a moderate as safety will Justify. AGENTS IN ALL PARTS or THE STATE. R. H. BATTLE, J a.... SEATOM GALES W. H. MURDOCH 4. W. ATKINSON.... oct ..President. ...Secretary. ...Assistant Aeo'y. Agent 1872. SPRING GOODS ! ! Receiving by every Steamer all lh LATEST STYLES Of SPRING DRESS GOODS, House Furnishing Goo-dry- ' : " Hdgings, Inserting.1?, Laces, Notions, , &c, &c-, &c, &c-, &c, - AT i M.": M. KATZ'S, ' 30 Market St. march It " lrkwtf BILL HEADS ' ' .' . AND CIRCULARS PROMPTLY PRINTED ' AT THIS OFFICE, THKNBAir-Bl- BXXL.it. GOODs yiDOWS' AND ORPHANS' Benefit Life Insurance Company or ismr york. WANTED. 1,000 Abie-Bodied Men, ltrtweca the ft of ) and tf. to enlist m th above t'ompaiiy. tlrtgto the grcit rattle ninit which prrvails In Uih1u, areanxiou to ""cur the serf lees of theM. rnea at onrw. Till Com 111 v itboulil be ietcrrrd to all ether, bvcauaa it onitfrs arv raltuird, am. hitiou and trustworthy student, and a "Re serve Pidii jM acetiaipanie reh t It mem bers; and a the queitfioM In ot ten akel, "Why I a Komiu' i'l.hcv belt.r thau any other tor at ot lii.nrmire','" We prupuwi toawiwvr U la a tew aonU: IT IS BETTER THAN A LIFE POI.ICY-becaiMO It is noteiilr thl hut n endontuieut lwlr be,aue it altoed !ii.urnnoe a rhesplv while Hi I U Btwatarv, ami diaits il Its terminatktn when the runt weulti be itisproiHirtUinate to lU value : Ixn-auae U Insurt tl iiiik'iicyt both lu chlUtliood and old age. AN ORDINARY ENDOYVMENT-l.ce It not ouly eii'tows to the same extent, but give a far greater amount of pruttH tkiuagiiuit death for (uostanttnlly the same cost. TEN PAYMENT LlKE-bccause It eaclty become as little buidciiMime, (tlve twice the amount of iiismaucc, and the lull endowment value. All persons, anxious to accuro an equal pro. teetlou iij:iiiit Ueath or e, can be enrolled In this I'otupaiy on applkatkin to the uu.ier. iniie.l. mini will tiike icreat pleasure In prearnt InU them to the Medical Examiner fur hi p ptovul. W. R. KENAN. fb9 114 (j cjAJriA.isr MUTUAL Ol' NICW vonic. OKilAKIZED 1V5I. assets oa,, POLICIES IN FORCE a3,o0,i LOSSES PAID IkWO.IKIO SicoiaI Features Annual Dividend, applied to reduce Premi um or Increase Insurance. All Policies NOif-roitrKiTABLB after two an nual payment, W. T HOOKER, President EVERETT CLAPP, Vice President LUCIUS McADAM, Secretary and Actuary. HENRY C. CLENCH, ' ' AwlHtant Hecrettiry. ISAAC HUT7.LF.R CO., General Agento of Virginia, North Carolina and D. C. A.eJ.IIILL, Jr., Agent, v. . WILMINGTON, N. C. OiAce over Wooster'a Drug Store, corner Front anil Market Streets. Dk. U. F. COBB; Medical Examiner, WlLMIKUTIlH. feb II H-l BBQBmBRBBBBBBBBBBBRBBBBRI 31. A. COURTED AY CHARLESTON, H. '., ' "AGENT OF STEAMSHIP LINES to - Philadelvliiu lev York, . ,.. - - . , Roston, Miys NAVAL STOKES Tor B commission. CAUOOEH to EUROPEAN PORTS, a also parcels lor NORTHERN and WESTERN CITIES, will be bought and snipped with ill, patch, having ampin inuixporUtum facilities by STEAM and SAU,. Order solicited. Post Office address Key Box 57T j telegraphic address. Union Wharves, Charleston, H. C. Refer, by permission, to Andrew Ninionds, Eh(., J'rosidcnt of Firht Niitionnl Bank or Charleston. , leb sst t3t-2m-codch PA VIFW G UANO COM PANTS COS1EQUND Acid Phosphate of Lime For OomrHietliig with Seed. This article is prepared expressly for com porting with Cotton Heed, In order to supply It with Soi.tTBi. PnosrHORio A mo, which is ne reHsary to render It most effective and econoDil. cal as a fertiliser. !B0 pounds Cotton Seed composted with 250 potrnda Acid Phosphate has teen found by ex perience to produce result rarely eiiiallml and aver surpassed by any other I'crtlliner. A compost iniulti in this manner .contains the elements of value that ran cuter Into any lertiliaer. It I the only manner hi which Cot ton Hnetl can be properly used. With this PliospttAta flie planter ran supply himself with a fertilizer of the highest grade at the smallest cost, which will enable him to use liberally, and thus realize the highest result from the time and labor employed lu making lis crop. i For printed directions for composting, and for price, terms, &c, apply to WM. II. MuKAHY ft CO., Agents, -Wilmington, N. U JOHN S. REESE & CO., tiencral Agent. Haltimore, Md. Jan 4 - r ' - . tXUtm&wttsh INACOM t BACOM It' 100,009 Pounds Shoulders and Sides, ,. For sale by juue A WILLARD BRO S. 226 U TTOTEL FOR RENT. , "Mle ROCK SPRING HOTEL Is of fered for Rent For particulars, apply to ill HAt , ' ' i :" ' . E. PESCHAr Wl tf rjriHE CURES MADE BY Farrar's Electric astonishes ever ym)i y i Try It. Money returned If It don't cure you. For sale at the Drug Stores. march 16 145 I illKST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON. Mauoh 15th, 1872. While the office of this Bank I being rc. paired, the business will be transacted in the adjoining room. Entrance on Princess street A. K. WALKER. Cashier. larch l! 147-tf RlCE! RlCE!! ' 130,000 POUNDS fresh beat RICE,:,! HILTON RICE MULLS. : ". . j For sale by v WILLARD BKO'S. - ' ' rtr "fleet S ALT! SALT!! 11,000 Sacks American and Liverpool ror sale ty . WILlJUU) DROH deoS Ott III WRAffl X'O. w Cbt Jlaili) Imtrnal. WIUIISUTOX. S. C.l HI I DAY, XAKCli Si. $1t. From the Ralvlgh Sentinel. CotaaervalUiii . KadicUui-i be lHlfrrrir. During Uie titue fnwu MatcIi, to Now mlwt, 18"H, tlie Stale was ttuder the Jkbsulutti rulo of lite) lU.lit'.ils and rauM-ai-Utu. During tlutt tiiii Umsst lUdicaJs, in Ut lnt'rwt tf carjx't-tiai.vrs'' aiul wti rubliers ml tlitcn1, nudfittxik Id rtirUlt tUeniaflvrw out U the toii! and tliir credit hr rivcreiiix tite public tcU fcB,000,l)(iO!t . TIh'N are thi statutes uiutprUkhig to make api'roprLitioiu to Unit biuouuU JiM mij4 tu fautiliar, to Uieir rnw, with what was doue with the bomlsof the State aflt-r they wore bjiusl in iHtrsuntkio of that Jegidation. Tby were worto thau stolun! The lUdii-als then h;ul ahsoiute sway! TlH'y did! Hie iAa know tlM'y did! Tl w ut III know they did!, Clvitizatiou exrrtates litem ft It ! And well ft may. From Noveuiher, IS"', until now, tlie Corvtervallvei boro partial rule through the Irfg1.s!;Utire only, llow nint h did they undertake to lncrcaH the public debt? Not a dollar! fmxyiuo.iioo! Thus the account stands as in increase of the pub lic debt ol the state. Let thu peoplo look at it. The Had irate did iooi b than steal mil lions on niilliiru, and this is undeiii.tlde. The Conservatives, to far fttttn plundering and defrauding t down-trodden ixxiplr, dhl, by wise and prudent Icnijlation, Uiut which ait d jwn Ute current expenses of our radical ami essentially extravagant system of Mala Government tens of Umu satuls of dollars per annum, as we will show from day to day from the records. These ltadicals have the unparalleled effrontery to go befoiw tliopeoplo aj;ai this year and ask the pola to continue them In power ! Was such shameless au dacity ever seen before f Wo think not. They actually put forward the same lead- itu( men who stomt by and sustained thir villainies ami crimes) against the (Male and (ciple. They tlont oven pudeud to a "lie departure." They juoiKjae foi- the future w ithout any apaant or pretended change. It is a uotot ious fact, that if I bey happen to find among them otto suspected , of being an honest man, they forthwith ea.it hi m under ho don't answer their pur poso. Mark what we say. A numttcr or men who have been recorded Uadirala, but who have been In fact moderate Republi cans, will be turned out of the Kadical par. ty and east adrift t Wo say emphatically that radicalism ami honesty and patrkt lain cannot subsist together ! if publi. houeslY and virtue go up, 'radicalism ami Kadicals go down 1 We appeal tu faeta patent to everybody to sustain us lit this unqualified declaratiou. The ltadicals, we repeat, undertook lu two years of their absolute rule to increase the public burden $2tl,(X)U,000 ! fcinee No vember, 1 W, the people have ruled through the Conservatives lu the Legislature jiending that time the public burden lias not been Increased one cent, but' the ordi nary expenses of the State decreased tens of thousands of dollars! So the public records snow. . , Washington DiepaUh to N. Y. World ftenator Mamaiier lad the Clnrlnnnti C'euvenUoai. ..,.; Itrosit Oppetedttou t Judg- Davis SteuMtor Trurabnll tbnrlee Fran, rl Adam Preferred. Senator Sumner, lu conversation with a gentleman yesterday, laid he did not favor the nominatiou of Judge David Davis for the Presidency. While he refused to name his candfdafe, he expressed the opinion that he should be a national man and not the representative of any parlku lar fact Ion or section. Sumner ami his fVkmda will do all they can to defeat the nomina tion of Davis at Cincinnati. It Is uudrrstord Tleytrefernato Francis Adams. There are Uiose Who as sert that Sumner himself la rather ambi tious of receiving the nomination; but at all events he Is open In, his opposition to Davis. ' lie Is said to be preparing a pow erful speech, which lie wlU deliver upon the first opportunity, reviewing the admin istration of Grant, and showing how It lias violated the constitution, and how it his tory te tilled with all sorts of corruption. General Garfield and Mr. Dawes, whoee names were mentioned , by , Senator Tipton to a Cincinnati reporter as among those opposed to tho nomination of Grant, arejponsldered alarmed lest their landing in tlie party may be coin promised. It bat been generally under stood here that neither ef these gentlemen was very enthusiastic for (iraut, and that they would prefer some other person should receive the nomination. The opposition within the ranks of the Republican party lias always counted tiKn Dawes and Gar field as men who, while Ibey would not openly opposo CJrai.it, hId! themselves ready to join aiiythiugthat promised suc cessful opjweitioit. fiplous statement, however, seems to have been premature, If not indiscreet, and both gentlemen have authorized a denial of It. They say they have no sympathy with the Cincinnati movement, and do not wish to he counted as among its supporters.. .AiU stated in New York that pdvarn ineiA officers have discovered an extensive scheme of smuggling' silks, laces, gloves, Ac, which hate been bodgl In Kvrope, sent to Halifax, and thence to St Stephens, New Brunswick,' and smuggled across at (Calais, reaching Boston, New York and Chicago in large quantities. It te alleged that a Mr. Upward, in llalU'at, wiAMon treal parties, have thus smuggled several hundred thousand of dollars worth the past year. ... r., i . . ,. , . Captain Jones, f Stohingtooi ia respon sible for tho following; On his passago from New York a few yews ago, he ob served, one Summer ; afternoon, heavy cloud arise from the land, and to bis great surprise, approach the rcssel." Suddenly it broke near hint and covered the decks' 1th millions of mosquitoes, whilo part of tlie flock went through the mainsail, leaving nothing but the bolt ropes hanging idly to the spars. Corroborative evidence to this astonishing tale was found inhe person of a "down-East skipper," wiio heard the storr, and who, on comparing dates with the narrator, declared that two days after ward be was boarded by the same flock of mosquitoes, and they an fore rttttross 6recnr. Dr. Baxley, of Baltimore, who has pre nared a carefullv-WTitten work on the l'as- slon Hay at Ober-Ammercsn, has gone to Barcelona to witness the rasston 1 lay in that city during holy week, AM KXFt DUIOX TO. NORTH CAR. OaJMA. A fralUa to lar the Lemery OntlawB r.atcrprt ef at Kv Ywrher. A rrpwrter f the New Yotk Titun jives an. aecunt or au intentew witnarty nsnisl Alilkitt. in that fit v. Into wluvu reiM"e ilown In one of the dark basement rtammif Chambers slree, he was myate- rkHtsly lutrodutDd, a day or two ao. Umittititf th manner of introduclioiias de- seritasi at length we rniUUh the account uf his Ku Klux ami war adventures In North Carelina. Much of It souielj like mete 'tiff: uYou lutve a story to tell' said the re purW lreittrtiaily. "Yea, sir," said the liost ; "do you know Barry Ia wj't ganjj'" "1 liave'nt Ui pleasure of their av qnaintaiiw," rjdied lle ri-portar, in a tone ef rwrrt't. - VeU, I h. They are the North Caro lina outlaws of which so much has been s.iidiu tlie newspaper aluml," remarked Abtxxt. Hlave'iil you read about tlteni!M' The reporter eonfesscHl that he had, but that tlie accounts had made but little lau pieaahin on his mind. "Well, 1 am down on them, and I want to get square ou the whole crew, and the Ku-kltn, too," said Mr. AbMt. , "What U the sltiry T" aaid tlie reporter, coming to business at once. "Well, It ain't much, though It will make an Item." "i'U write it down as you tell it," said 11m rejHter.n " lake a seat at the table," said Mr. Ab bot U The chair was moved up to the table, the guide was dispatched for a pitcher of ale, and the reporter took down the follow ing brief statement from t)K) lips of lite en tertainer. , Mr. George Abbot, the gentleman already descriled, is now iu correspoudence with some of the ut prominent iltixens of North Carolina, In reference to the out rages committed by thl notorious Barry Lowrey and his gang of outlaws, w ho have Ions lxen a terror to the ivspectabloell iacns of tlm Wat."-Tho-" Governor of North Carolina lias ofted a rewaid of M5,XI0 for tho body, dead or alive, of the leader of this band or horse-thieves, robliers and murderers. Lowrey defies the authorities, threatening to kill anybody who is sent to apprt'tic-nd him. Mr. Abbot was In North Carolln.i during the war, being present at the taking of Wilmington, lie was also there in lNlfi and 18(17, under the name of Jack Allen. He was welt known as a Northern man and a Unionist, and was re garded by the natives with everything but kindly feelings, lie was ordered to leave by tlie Kti-Klux at that time, but remained under pt oaeriptinn and In dally peril of his lire. Mr. Abbot traveled through Koblnson and Mampson counties, then Infested by Lowrey and the Kii-KIiit, In tho rharatier of a traveling dealer In hosiery and Yankee not Ions, though his travels were not con lined to these section of the Stale, nor Ids business limited to selling merchandise, lie visile I other counties ami used his money in various speculations. He h jl hootitia matches ou several occasions with Lowrey s outlaws, on eacboecaslou miracu lously escaping death or serlotia wounds. In 18ou he formed tlie acquaintance of a mulalo named Jack Jjlvhigston, to whom he had been recoinmentled by some friends of his In Sampson county, It was nqire souUul to him that Livingston was a friend to Union people, and w ould be of service. Livingsteu, however, betrayed Abbot to the Ku-Kiux, audit! was forced to take refuge hi the swamps for two days to escane tlie murderers w ho had been put upon Lu trail. He swore vengeance ou Livingstone, who, he allege,lias been secretly connected w ith the Ku-Klux. Abbott lays he has often talked with Barry Lowery, and at one time he loaned him $10. lit his intercourse wlLh the outlaw he was obliged to conceal his dislike to insure his personal sulcly. Abbott left North Carolina lu lb07, but re turned to the Slate In the summer of About midnight, on the day he reached WeWrjn? e war-acctnited brartttmlwr-of men, who ordered him to leave town by the bridge ever tlie Roanoke river, In fifteen minutes. Abbott sttectliie that he would be thrown from the bridge, asked to be allowed to wait until the next train, re ceiving a favorable answer through tlie Interference of Mr. James Gooch, a mer chant of the cit y, Abbott has smarted ever since under tho memory of lite ill-treatment In the State by the Ku-Klux and tlie Lowrey outlaws, and his summary eject ment fi-om-Weldon,in 1R(.IIo wishes to go back to revengo his wrongs on lite enemies, and stimulated by the large re nard offered for Lowrey's capture. His intimate knowledge ef tho haunt and hiding places of tie roblier baud, he be lieves, eminently Ills him to lead an expe dition against them. : " If the respectable white people of North Carolina want to bo rid of Lowrey, I'm the man can do it," be said at the conclu sion of bis story. Mr. Abbott was a member of the 07th regiment, volunteers, J the rebellion, was among the troops on Ialaud No. 10, took part in all the engagements of Commo dore. Footo's fleet in tlie Mississippi river, and Was on the Mound City when she blew up. He also took part In General liyaifs ill-starred, expedition to Cuba. From further Invest igation tho reporter ascertained that Abbott is now enlisting a small force of determined men, and propo ses to start in a few days for North Caro lina, when tho proposed hunt for Lowrey 'a gang will at once commence. ; Wild Exrltcmeat la Theatre. The Opera House in Newark, N. J., was the scene of w ild excitement Friday night, which partook of the character of a panic. An allegorical play called "Tlie, Great Re public, , to represent secession and re union scenes, was being performed, for the benefit of the Aged Women's Home, by a large number of little girls and boys. The girls were dressed lu light, fairy costumes, representing tho several Union and Con federate States. About the beginning of tho second part tho 'seceding States Icavotbe stage Tho girls representing Georgia and Florida w ere JosloCoates, fourteen yoars old, and Haiti Lyon, sixteen years old. IB sweeping otTthe stage the Coatcs girl stepped incautiously near the footlights, so that her dress caught fire. In an Instant be was enveloped in flames, and set fire to the Inflammable dresses of MlssLyou and two other girls, ami a panic Mixed upon the audience, numbering fifteen hun dred persons, but after a stampede the girls' ui esses were put out and order again restored. Tito Coates girl was terribly burned, and her recovery Is considered tcry doubtful. A St. Loulsian has lost faith u the doc tors, because shortly after being vaccinated he was bitten by a mad dog. RiaxEiXAXEoiav. de Yakoart Willi's Aire rtUement. A WODl ttl I X IK lft I THE UBIAT Soatto Mmtjlsr Aprsj deVALCOURT t WILTZ, RICHMOND, YA., AFFERS unparalleled Induce men's to the J btaanes new of the Routh lt lacmlikly low ratra. Id-Furt-rlua I'spera. SU The brrrM eirrelatkta of any kwewa list iibrroaiputade la ilii all vcdiy. OXE I'( H spac la !3H rapen, (It Dallies,) loor Ww, for $153, Olvlag to the advertiser NNSt Inwrtkm m W.lW. .l .M lalhtliaa, mhlng IS iMMertleiu lor I.W l"4rli Blale and ) raebl Vptt take Benarntel at the very lerwmt AlUxxiihour Agenry baa xlU4 Milvalnre January last, we li among our patron a number l the traiHet mcrrhaots uf Htrhmead bihI elsewhere, Inalmling I41W Broa., C. L. Rail way, Mna . vaiMtin, MiekaiiHai; mm cimt. lotie.iUe Wonlen Mill.. Viriiiila; ttowea & Mercer, Baltimore: ft! si M la Lorh Work, (hlo llaltiaier Bualneta ('ulirge, Aiatntrong, cater ei c., iikiiiiu.1, e, ami many otxns. Advrrtlaiaa; la Rellglana, Aartewl taral aad RclratlRc Pagtrra a ape(at y. Call on u or a ilte for rsttmate. Tata will oust vov sothimo, evea Uf you ilci kl it to silvern in ru kh us, (let au estlHiate made eut aad Judge for your elves. Ad. I it' hi , deVALCOURT WILTJt. Richmond. V. leb tt I A-lli l'Ol!IM MLW Coutcmplaltng a Bustneaa Life khould attend th UKVAM, MUATTON A HADLKU lluslncss College. For Circulars, and Hpevlmsu r Peamaa hip, enclo two stsmp. nd mlilrr, W. II. HAULER, President, Nim. I I N. Charles St., Baltlnxtre, Ml. march 10 IRMwcb 1 JERKIN'S A TllOUNE S PATENT IVon-Exploslvoc'ToAr: OILXjAMPS, And SAFETY r ll.l.INU CANS, Over Voo.mm In use. Not n ha ever ephMld. The only khsohitely safe n1 clean I sine made. 'J ho only Jobber t frlry rates re tlAKT HKITIIKMI, 2W West BaltlBicie bt., Hslllmore, M J. (Lateof Virginia) r Send for iliculsr and price list, march li lll-4w Studwell Brothers l? MUKHAY STREET, IVIiJW YORK, Manufacturers and Jobbers of BOOTS & SHOES, ,FOK Gouthcrn Trade, Have a complete stork In all Unci, Includ ing Uielr popular Gratiff Ulttle llaln., h'ji llow Shot, anil H'omen'i Pch. Huh, (7" Orders solicited and carefully Idled at lowest market rates. I. F, HOONE, Haleaiman. march 14 n em SPUING n -ix SILK HAT Just recolved ytsterday, by Expresa, tlis SPUINO SILK HAT and other Htyllsh Hut at the HAT STOIttJ, Below the Uotete. " march U " 1MU WALTEH CI.AI1K. J. M. Wt'I.t QLAUK ft MULLEN, Attorneys at Law, HALIFAX, N.C., Practice In all the Court of Halifax, Mar tin, Northampton and Edgecombe counties; In th Suprero Court of North Carolina, and In the Federal Courts, 1 , ,. , IV CollectKiusatad In all parts of North carouna. marcu w, is uz-iycu pOrrEE8, 8C0AKH, TEA!, - ! HAMS; HACON, DL'TTKK, LARD, AC, Ac, A full supply always on hand. . JAS. I.MKTT", m Market Street OJL.13 IIUIrX Another Invoice of that celebrated old brand ef WHISKEY (the bust In tho market) jar Steamer "Bolivar." JAMES f.METTS,' 67 Market Street, march I ' m QIIRIMTMAH 1'RFJHF.Xrtl OJf IIAJD. We have largely added te ur MILLINERT STOCK everything new. WenowhaVaon TiauU a spUndld aaaortment Of NECK TIES. Laco Collars, AND HANDKERCHIEFS, ' Kid G-loves. : HOSIERY AND NUMEROUS FANCT GOODS. In Jet and Gold Jewelry w have the best and latest stylo, and at Low Price, REAL HAIR, Curb), Switches, Chignon aid ill Styles. Tho cheapest out. 1 All Purchaser wlU do well to call and exass. Ins before purchasing elsewhere. 1 SOUTH WEST FRONT STREET, ' Three doors of Market, Kaha wel ler'e Old Stead, E. M. STTLOOK.. dee W D OWN WITH THE PRICES. Famine n want ot Groceries of the best and fall weight San be accnmrm1 tiled st the . FIRST CO-OPERATIVE STOliE, corner Front and Dock atreeta. Quick aalea an4 mall pro&UiSOurniotto. Fresh (Wis by ever Steamer. J, 11, McOAKITY, 8upt aug 10 ZIJ-WodJtFritt 1 m MI.HlUXAJtXUrs PROSPECTUS FOn.ltTTp. FIFTH YEA1L ... ,P 1 RlimUilitt mi CsAwptt America Art. THE ALDINE: An Illustrated Monthly Jwtroal claimed to I th baudtomest Taper In the Wotlil "Otv my lore to the artUt workmen ef THE A LIH N K wha are Mrivlng to msk their pre teaskon worthy of aJtuirsOon tot hauty, as il ha aleaj hevn tor asclalne." Henry Waid Reeebtr., . .? ., .- ,i THE ALDINE, while lasaed with alltli regularity, ha none of the temporary or timely, li.un st rUaraeUrt.Ue at enllaary Baraatleals. It la au elegant mlatvllaiiy ef pure, light and f racMui iiwrature, ami aeollailou of picture, be rarest lmiui of artaUe aklll, U Hack and while. Although each wieceedlng auaxber aHoni a fresh ateamir la tu rrteeda, the real value aad beauty or THE ALDlNeV will b moat appreciated after It baa heea bound 1 st th chsni el the year. W kite other paMtoaiien may elalm uiUr rhea neiwaaeoniparra with rival ef a unillar eUaa, THE AMINR laaaa. 1. 1 ue and orlgliial eoiu'ptlo-aUie a'l aap- liwnm.wi.wi, wtuuitti eowpeiHiOB In price et character. The MaBrame. ar la wot- umv Jim, wnipivwti rannoi aupucaia vfi quan- llt.Hii. mi.. ..J ... 1 . 1 haieor iimuber of volume luc to time It Oust, 1'ka tati nl Hitl Tlla xikiw na the pres I m (real that reprinting la eut ol theaumtluB. With the eseeptloa f a attl nuiuner siwciaiiy reaervea for blndlnf, theedl t t. .K ..f t tf I L.IHI..I...I......J ...11. I BKaro a well valuable book. v ; NEW FEATURES FOR1872. AKT DEP1RTMEXT. Thnthulnstiaiirte readily eeeotaed to their f nlei nil., whenver It hs haaa Inlro- duml, ha Convinced the blher ef THE Al.DI N K ut th Knindaea of tUcL' theory that uie amern-an pnlitlo would reeognU aisl heartily siil'eo't ny atneere enort la alevala the tone ami slamlard of Illustrated pulilira 1 kins. That o many weakly wh ked attretvex. 1st and tin Ive hi not evidence that Oiara U m 1 ninrkrt for aiiytlitng bitter Indeed thucew el THE ALDIMH from the (tail t .Ureal oro.,r . o( tb contrary. With bihiiiuIbUob sovmI.siiiI of each varied tte, a publisher eaa enoasehls irons, suti mi paper u rataer UHlamUv of Ills own than of the last of the rountrv. Asa uaraatoe or the eacelleac of UilsUopartaiHil, the publlshor would beg to a lion no ilurlug the Miming year, ieelmen from the ftillowlua eminent A inerieau arUtat . .... .., ... , , W. T. Richards, (iranvillo IVkUis, Win. Hart, F. O. C. Dailey, Win. lleartl, Victor Nehllg, George II. .SmlllU, Aug. Will, . Win. 11. Wilcox, Jante II. Uid. James D. Mmlllle, . It. E. 1 Iguet, . r rank Heard, Faul Dixon. J. Hows. ' These riot urea are being renrodneed wltnont regard to exeu by the vaiv best engraver In Ui country, tnd will bear the aeveiest er)tl eal comparison with tb beat iureig work. It being the determination of the publisher that THE ALDINE shall be a enrWMful Vindica tion of American taste In eoniiietltlon with any exisUtig publication tu the world. UTKllAttT DEF ARTIEST. Whereas much attention hi naid1 le Itlustra. lion and aes en of the work, to murh detaati encd on appearnra may very naturally be only neeeasary to state, that, th editorial anan agementof the At. DINK baa been Intrusted lo Mr. Miuitaaa Mbbbt Btobpakb. wha ha re ceived assurance of amlslanca from a host of the most popular writer and poet of th coun try. . . , . .., ., ; , THE VOLUME FOR l7f will contain nearly SO pages, and Bbeirf m engraving. Coniuienvlng w.th the number for Jsnnsry, every third number Will can lain a beautUul linled pIotureOH plat paper, lasts I -(Hi as a frontispiece. Th Olirlstni iiaaiher for 1WT2, Ht he a splemliil volume In Itself, rontalnliig hit ei gravlngs, (four In tint) and, Blthongh reiallru at tl will be sent without extra eiiarga ,111 yenny suoscrioer, . . . t r. .i i.S' A Cbromo to fiprjf KubscrHwr was a very popular feature last year, and will be repeated with Uie present volume. '' " " . ' " .rt . t-' TERMS FOR 1872. One Copy, 1 year, with OU CVtrwno, 5 l FireC'opeA, .m H . u, . ...i 3t (Ml ., . . v 1... ,. Any person sending 10 names and SIO will re. eelve an extra copy gratis, making 11 copies for tho money. 1.. 1 - Any person wiping to work for a premfura, can have eur premla m eircalay oa anpileatan. We give many beautUul and dnaU-able arUclet ofl'ered by no other paper, ' iU ' Any person elsblng to act, fttrmaaaalto, at pur Agent, will apply, with reference, enclos ing tl lor outfit. .1.1!-., JAMES STTTTOH A erj.rpub1lh.-r, Uberty Street, Mew Terr. march 20 .,, l-tr TtTIUtlNQTON AND SMrTHVTLlK ' ' . '(,.-', i n 1 ' '; '''lia.i t Steamboat Company.' - r 1 i" - Stockholders In the above Company are. here, bynutined that the Anaoal MaeUf will . held In this city on WEDNESDAY," April M, 1871 -j v 1. v. SIEAli:, Secretary. march t lJt-Sund'i Itch fIHE WADEMRORO' ARGytsV , fl rnblished every TliursJay at Tfadesborp, - Anson county, at the present terror- 1 , mis of the Eastern Division of nr., ,the WUinington, Charlotte ,;, ' & Rutlierford Itailroad. , ' ' . , 8CD3CKIFTIOX I -t ? ,.. One copy, one year, ! SO, Invariably,-(n ad vance. ,. v.,. Advertising Kates very easy, ..,,- , t . i( VT Liberal terms to Ventraot Advert rae re. 'J Tli ARGUS elrcnlateTextensIveW Iri Ahsnrn. RichmODii, Unkinji Montgnmnry,' ManH-, Ca barrus, and Mecklenburg counties, N. tj., and In Marlboro, ChentertlelU Jrl haw and Lancaetcr conn tie, S. C, and reachea alargeaamberof Intelligent reader, lathe xnerenaniew wuminctan N preeents miefni )ed advantage for advertising In a section of country now being just opened' p Vy tne ex tension of thl Division of tha Winntntrtoa, Charlotte ft Butherford Railroad, too tr.i of which must naturally tnek aa outlet wii h them. tjr Letter addressed te tlie ii.--rned either at Wilmington or Wah .-oro, ,.i meet wltUproniiitalttiitl.nn. , . .,, . . JAMES cttYArSOOKV '. 1 ' . - i U 1 i" 1 pi tinrietonM march 3 , 4 , , ., . t.j-jaw-tr, . - J. R. DAVIS, rroT.ri.1,- , . From this ditto the rates for i (- i t I'oiiift- er are , si, ml 2 W per day, acrotitlng la MMiauon anu room. Day Boarder ft per week. I Jaatt